#I always loved how chapter 27 ends with them both so bloody and 28 starts with them in the bath.
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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The math just adds up!
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melinaajamie · 3 years
35 Questions for Fanfic Writers
Thanks @bachint for tagging me! I’ll try to provide you with the best answers I can come up with ^^
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!) Probably three stars, maybe four? Yeah, four. I know it seems arrogant but aside from the occasional “OMG EVERYTHING I WRITE IS CRAP!” that ever writer experiences from time to time, I usually like what I’m writing and especially how I write ^^
2. Why do you write fanfiction? Bc I love exploring the universes and characters I love further. Ehy accept the canon as it is? ;D
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? Puuh, that’s a hard one? Maybe that I like to kill a bunch of characters? :D Naah, it’s probably the length of what I write. Once I get started I can’t seem to stop.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you? Since I study literature and read a bunch of books for it, absolutely. It can be any book from any author I read. But Arthur Conan Doyle inspires me a lot, Simon Beckett and Paulo Coelho.
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of? My Professor Layton fanfic “The Cogs of Time” ^^
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily? The start. I hear a lot of people say this is the hardest and in some ways I agree with them. But I usually just start writing and go with the flow. Or I immediately have the beginning of a story/chapter in my mind once I start thinking about it.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most? Writing believable dialogue between parents and their kids. I’m fine as long as the kids are little (let’s say up to 8, maybe 10), but then I’m stumped.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write? Like in general or specific characters? I can write any characters as long as they are not parents. Then I have a bit of a problem.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write? Ah. Okay. Tying in with (7) here, parents (:
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for? To write for? Hm... probably adventure, crime fiction/detective fiction and Young Adult? I don’t know, I like a quite realistic approach that can and will take a dark turn.
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most? About the world. About what’s wrong. About relationships that took a wrong turn, about things that are almost right, about figure skating (big fan!), about growing up, about changing.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about. Currently, I’m absolutely excited about my Layton Brothers; Mystery Room fanfic “A Game of Murder”! I’m SO close to the ending and I can’t wait to solve the murder and finally reveal the killer! Everyone will hate me XD
13. First fandom you ever wrote for? Disney’s “Frozen”
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for? That changes according to my current obsession. At the moment, my favourite fandoms are Professor Layton and Pokemon.
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for? Weird in what way? I don’t believe in that concept, sorry :)
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)? Does murdering characters I and the audience love count? Then it’s that XD
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for. Probably more of a genre but romance. If romance is the main plot/trope I’m off. If it is a sub plot that’s interesting AND supports the story in some way, I will take a look.
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written? Probably also “Cogs of Time”. So much death in the end that no one expected, so much heartbreak. I admit, I indeed was a bit of an asshole with that last chapter XD
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between? I like giving the canon a little twist and AUs ^^
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff? Gen. If it’s shippy, then it’s usually just something short. Like I said, I’m not one for romance.
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!) That also depends on my current obsession. At the moment, that would be LayClaire and Lemmy (both romantic, both Professor Layton) and Lucifendi (platonic and romantic, Layton Brothers; Mystery Room). And any Pokemon couple for friendship ^^
22. Do you listen to anything while you write? MUSIC! Always!!
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? independent ideas. But I often find myself including a line I’ve read as a prompt somewhere or making it the theme of a chapter.
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works? Multi-chapter works.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic?Tell us about them! I have dreamt about my fics being movies or TV series, but spin-offs? If I want a spin-off I write it :D
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try? So far, nope. As Margaret Atwood once said, “The paper basket is your friend. It was invented for you by God.”
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received? Someone saying I made their day with my writing :) I love to make people happy!”
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing? It does hurt but I know people want to help so I try to be open to it and look back into the part that was given critic.
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out? I always do that when I have to write interaction between parents and older children. I always feel like it’s very stiff but my friends say it’s okay. Well.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst? MERCILESS ANGST ALL THE WAY.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them! Yep! I once created a Professor Layton OC whom was the dead (well, we never really got to know if she was indeed dead, she has just vanished) daughter of a character. She was instead just kidnapped by the criminal organisation her father was fighting and trained to be one of their soldiers. I never write the fanfic but it never left my mind. Might do that one day :)
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less. “Let’s play my favourite game. A game of murder.”
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process? That I put as much effort in as I can to make it as good as possible fir you guys!! And that I usually do a lot of research and put the most effort into the tiniest things to make it realistic and add another layer to make it a shade darker ;D
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of. I’m really proud of this but it’s not a fanfic. I hope that’s okay. I can’t really think of one thing that I’m proud of bc there are many. It’ from the book I’m currently writing.
He let go of him so suddenly that the cold hit him like a brick. Mikhail gasped for air, needed a few seconds until he could open his eyes again. The view was heaven-sent. Vasja was standing above him, the gaze of his icy blue eyes troubled yet so piercing and captivating that Mikhail found himself sitting up without another thought as if someone had turned him into a puppet. At times, he felt as if Vasja was the great puppet master who made Mikhail’s entire world dance as he liked. And he loved dancing for Vasja. The gaze of his icy blue eyes contrasted with his ruby red hair which surrounded his face like a bloody halo; it made his snow white skin glow even more. He remembered the feeling of Vasja’s hair between his fingers, as soft as velvet, as clouds, as a mild breeze o fair on one oft he first days of spring. He reached out for Vasja but he was quick to grab the boy’s hands and place them low on his stomach. A shudder ran down Mikhail’s spine when he felt Vasja’s finger travel across his arms until they cupped his face. He lifted it so Mikhail had to look at him. „You know the rules, right, Micky?“
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want! Like, it’s so amazing?? You get millions of words for FREE and the authors don’t get ANYTHING but STILL we have this amazing community who keeps writing and reading and commenting... It’s just AWESOME!! I’m so glad I discovered fanfiction bc the community is so awesome and I always wanted to give some canons a good twist or just think of new things with characters I love!!
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helenarasmussen87 · 4 years
Writing Asks
This the post where I know no one is going to ask me anyway.
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Something that is like a “Oh hey, what happens if we do THIS!” and go from there. Usually ends up having loads of emotions, comfort, angst, introspection, loads of kitchen sink dialogues, not too much action. Families, happy endings.
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Fluffy stuff and humourous stuff. I am a little too serious for either one and my humour is drier than the desert and very odd. So no.
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Teacher and Student relationships. Necrophilia, abuse of all sorts, underage. Just not my thing. I’ve gotten unable to stomach a lot of grimdark and super dark stuff as I get older so I won’t write it. But go ahead if that’s your thing.
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Two, since I can’t have more than two on the burner. Learned THAT early on and they’re Terror AU’s One is a fixit, but with health complications and angst. The other is a Modern Day AU which has two professors falling in love after one gets injured and the other worked as an EMT and helps to take care of him and they fall in love.
5. Share one of your strengths.
I can offer insights on what flows and what doesn’t. I can also happily shred my own drafts if they don’t work. 
6. Share one of your weaknesses.
Action. I work at it, but it’s not my favourite. Or war writing. 
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“Danny had to turn his head away to hide his smile, because he knew that it was a legitimate concern for Jose. Most of the time, he had jumped into bed with his partners first and then did the mating dance. 
Although extremely smart in other aspects, dating and social interactions were always a bit skewed, because he was always second-guessing himself and nervous as hell.
“That’s actually how things work out in these situations. At least it did for me and my ex and for me and Claude.” Danny explained calmly, making Jose nod and take another pull of his slurpee.
“So what do I do? Like is there a time when I bring up the possibility of us sleeping together?” Jose asked, the words slightly mumbled as he chewed on the straw.
“You don’t bring it up. You’ll just know when the time is right for it to happen. Sex isn’t what a relationship should be built on. Yes, it’s nice and it’s part of it, but it’s not the end all to be all. Trust me on this. It will happen if it’s meant to happen.” Danny explained, hoping that he had put it all in the plainest and simplest terms he could for his friend.
I am proud of this because it was majorly borrowing from life and I can see the difference from earlier writing. 
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“Sergio laughed shortly. “I’ve already done enough of that, and look at where it’s gotten you. Yeah, legally I hold claim over you. I could make the club buy out your contract and sit at home all day, having litter after litter.”
Iker’s blood froze at that and he turned to look at Sergio to see if he really meant it, but Sergio’s face gave nothing away.
“Or I could sign your rights to the club and let them sell you wherever or to whomever. Take you out of Spain, or sell you to Getafe or Malaga. All of these things I could do. The club actually did bring it up at that meeting you didn’t show up for.”
Iker blinked, his hands going numb as Sergio’s wickedly honed words hit home.
“I’m not telling you this to hurt you. Or make you feel indebted. I’m telling this to you because you’re this close to losing your spot and that’s the last thing I want for you. But there’s only so much I can do for you.”
He sighed and looked at Iker dead in the eyes.
“I miss him too, Iker. I miss Antonio every fucking day. And I miss you.”
Iker swallowed hard as Sergio abruptly turned and left, slamming the front door and freeing him from the command so suddenly that Iker fell onto the couch and curled up in it.
He had no energy to do anything else. Not when he was all too aware he’d fucked up and fucked up big and needed to fix it.
Borrowed from life again and it was more of a dialogue that needed to be had when you finally realize how much you fucked up and how much you need to stop coasting and make it right. 
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
ALL OF THEM! Kidding. I want to say the one I’m working on right now. I was lucky enough I got a ton of help fleshing it out. I can see the end of the 1st chapter and I am having a hell of a time writing Goodsir’s chunk. He’s turned out more emo and romantic than I was expecting. 
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
The QuiObi prompts for the prompt week. Took me like two hours to knock them off and post. 
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
Its a passion and a hobby. It helped me through a lot of rough patches and keeps me sane. 
12. Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Mostly music or a change in life. I tend to write when everything is in flux with me.
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Just write. Worry about editing later. Once you have something on the paper, fixing it up becomes easier. 
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Edit as you write. You don’t get anything done.
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Oooh. I think it’s a toss up between my Qui-Gon/Jango fic in a pastoral setting where they have put their pasts behind and are farmers on Concord Dawn. Or the Werewolf fic I wrote during my RPF phase.
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Bloody hard. I would have to say Fitzier (Commander Fitzjames/Captain Crozier)
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Depends. Sometimes I go straight from beginning to end and sometimes I end up writing the middle and not figuring it out until later.
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Outlines. I have notebooks I jot down point form notes about the characters and the plot.
18. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
Mine is a librarian or an alchemist trying to figure out answers and how things fit in.
19. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
A good playlist. Alone, in my room.
20. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
I revise it along the way when I sit down to write. Then before I post, I give it a once over to make sure it flows and makes sense. 
21. Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
All my old fics are honestly gone so I’m skipping this one. 
22. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Honestly? The Duo and Heero one I wrote about them being in an abusive relationship where they split up, then got back together again. I was again writing from life, and I have seen couples who did overcome it, but looking back, I think I should have written it that they separated and went their own ways. 
Keep in mind I was very young when I wrote this, and I was in an abusive relationship myself and didn’t realise it at the time. He hit me once, apologised and never did it again. But he did end up manipulating me, gaslighting me, and emotionally abusing me until I finally had enough and left. 
23. Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
Yes. Loads of them due to me not wanting to finish them. Or the hosting sites going under. 
24. What do you look for in a beta?
Someone who is honest, someone who knows the way I write, and has suggestions to fix those said things. But someone who is themselves is the best. Because they know what they want. Same here. 
25. Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
I do, simply due to lack of steady betas. Flow and story telling, but I also look for syntax and formatting as well as grammar. I will miss typos, so I run spell-check too. I mostly use a mental rubric. Teacher training.
26. How do you feel about collaborations?
I haven’t had a successful one due to the second person always deciding that they can’t follow through or up and disappearing. So I don’t do them.
27. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Oh my God! I read so much and so many different people that I can’t pinpoint three. I usually end up reading a fic or two, so I can’t say why I read the author.
28. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I haven’t done that. I do admit to having inspired by fics. I wouldn’t ever presume to do that. It just feels like a snub.
29. Do you accept prompts?
Not really. I can’t tailor write stuff consistently. 
30. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
Oh always! I end up liking the characters that somehow never make it until the end. And in the Terror, unless you want to write angst all the time, you HAVE to ignore canon. And I mean BOTH the book and the show, since the book is nasty. The show is amazing, but oh my god is it depressing.
31. How do you feel about smut?
Yes damned please!
32. How do you feel about crack?
Depends on how well it’s done. Sometimes it is needed. Sometimes it’s like “Why?”
33. What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
A bit tricky. I don’t mind non-con, but it has to be handled well. Dub-con, especially in A/B/O happens within context and it is usually dealt with. So I can tolerate that more than the first. Outright abuse, no.
34. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Yes. Not often thought. But yes. I usually try and keep as many alive as I can though.
35. Which is your favorite site to post fic?
AO3, its a wild place and I love it for that reason.
36. Talk about your current wips.
It’s an AU where two professors that live in the same building and work in different faculties get thrown together and start to get to know each other. Due to circumstance, one gets injured and the other kind of volunteers to help take care of him, where they fall in love. The others in the vicinity do also. There’s Canadian shenanigans and baking. 
37. Talk about a review that made your day.
That they really liked how I wrote Frank Randall and would like to see more with his son, an OC I created for the story.
38. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I either delete, or give a generic reply and leave it. I’ve got stuff to do.
40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
Nope. It just doesn’t work for me.
*somewhere I fucked up on the number but here you are*
Whoever wants to do this.
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whiskynottea · 6 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Previously, Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Chapter 38
@theministerskat, once more, thank you love, for beta-ing this story! ❤️
Chapter 39. The Exams
Cell structure and genetics, homeostasis and synaptic neurotransmission. My first exam, just a week after Jamie’s birthday. A week after that perfect evening; the last time I removed school completely from my thoughts, free of the impending challenge of the exams that would shape my life.
Murtagh had disappeared after we cut the cake – supposedly to leave us alone, although we knew exactly where he was going – and the four of us had decided to make popcorn and watch old Disney movies, to keep the child in Jamie alive.
As if he wasn’t a child already, blowing out his candles with such wonder and fervor, as if a whole new world had opened in front of him.
Ian had declared that one of the movies we had to watch was Finding Nemo, since it had become our party’s unofficial theme. Jenny and I picked Hercules, already giggling over the lines of Hades and the Muses’ songs. Perched on the two couches of the living room – Jamie had stated we were to have the largest one because it was his birthday – we’d sang, laughed, and recited almost all the dialogue of each movie. When Murtagh had come back – whistling a happy tune that made the smiles on our faces broader – I’d given Jamie the longest goodnight kiss in the history of the world and went to sleep in Jenny’s room. After approximately two hours of talking and giggling, Jenny and I had eventually fallen asleep, smiling, celebrating our victory over Jamie’s grief, with his full, belly laughs still echoing in our ears.
When I left their apartment the next morning, I tried to memorize the feel of Jamie’s arms around my body, the softness of his lips, warm and inviting on mine.
We saw each other much less over the following month, and even though we had both agreed that this was the best strategy to follow, it still seemed like the stupidest idea we’d ever had. But we had a goal and we had to achieve it.
Not that many miles south of Edinburgh, lay our future.
Every time I was ready to give in and call Jamie to meet me for a walk, I refocused my mind on that single word, imagining us both strolling around in that fairytale city, hands linked, feet feeling the uneven cobblestones under our shoes. My life was already divided into the pre- and post-Oxford era, and that was enough motivation to make my eyes and my thoughts return to the notes laid out on my desk.
I just had to excel in my exams.
I had been planning, studying, and preparing for more than a year, and it felt surreal that the time of the exams had finally come. I was trying to remain calm, to remind myself that I was ready, that I had done the best I could. It was the truth, after all. Since the beginning of the year I had gone over the content of my subjects more times than I could count. I had even organized my time during the exams; what questions I’d approach first, what I’d leave for the end.
But I knew that my textbooks wouldn’t be enough this time. There was always something more to learn, some new information I could fit in with the knowledge I already acquired. Something that would make a difference, that would demonstrate how hard I had worked, how serious I was about my choice.
When I’d read everything I thought would be relevant, I started watching YouTube videos and reading scientific papers. It was then that Lamb started teasing me, saying if I’d continue like I was I could just skip going to medical school altogether.
Lamb, who kept saying it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I failed my exams, that life always offers new possibilities, some of which I probably never fathomed beforehand.
I couldn’t even listen to him talking about failure, about a future different from what I’d dreamed of. I wouldn’t let that happen.
But… What if I had missed something important? What if I hadn’t paid attention to a significant detail?
“Will ye stop before ye go completely crazy, Sassenach?” Jamie asked me when I voiced my thoughts. “Ye ken everything! Ye’ll do great tomorrow!”
I sighed dramatically and he pressed me tight against his body with a strong arm around my shoulders. I pulled his face down towards me for a kiss, to drink in some of his optimism, to feel the auburn locks cold between my fingers and his lips warm on mine. He had come straight from the swimming pool and had almost dragged me out of my house to prevent me from going through the previous years’ exams one last time.
“Just for a wee walk, Sassenach,” he’d said. “To decompress before the big day.”
It was impossible to say no to Jamie, so I’d tried to silence the little voices in my head, crying that I should stay at home and study, instead of walking around Edinburgh the night before the exams.
“Ye wee nerd,” Jamie said, when I told him I felt bad for going out. I huffed and I nudged him on the ribs, pulling away from him.
“I’m not a nerd!” I protested, in a voice that was more high-pitched than I’d have liked.
He kept silent but raised an eyebrow, while I could plainly see the corner of his mouth curling up in a suggestive smile.
“I’m not!” I repeated, and then crossed my hands across the front of my chest, pouting. Seeing that he still hadn’t said a word, I relented. “Okay, maybe just a bit.”
That made him chuckle. “Come here, my nerd,” he said, curling his index finger repeatedly in a come hither way, broadly grinning.
“Your nerd…” I murmured, thinking, but didn’t move towards him. “So that makes you my jock?”
“I’m not a jock!” he said in a nasal voice, and I could hardly contain my giggle. Following his lead though, I just shrugged and looked at him. “We’re not playing in a rom-com,” he continued, defiant. “First of all, you weren’t secretly in love with me from the beginning.”
I wanted to cackle, but I did my best for a serious voice instead. “No, I wasn’t.” It was a lost battle, trying to keep a straight face, and I knew it, but continued nonetheless. “I could never fall in love with you, the swoon-worthy swimmer... All muscle and no brain… No, not a chance.”
Jamie narrowed his eyes at me and pursed his lips, as if deciding what was the best way to take revenge. “Like that, is it, Sassenach?”
“Mmm, you were sae repulsive, ye ken.” I tried my best to mimic his accent and burst out laughing.
“Ye’re dead, Sassenach,” he said and came towards me with long strides. I ran. He ran, too, and I hadn’t even reached the next block when he caught up with me, capturing me in his arms.
I was dead. I was sure my heart would stop beating at any moment, overwhelmed by a euphoric feeling that made happiness seem trivial.
“You do know I wanted you from the very beginning,” I whispered to him, my breath brushing against his lips. “Jock.”
“And I, you,” he said, his voice utterly sweet, and swallowed my sigh with his kiss. “Nerd.”
The next day I sprang out of bed listening to my alarm clock, with blurry images of cell membranes still fogging my thoughts. I had dreamed of the exams, again.
I took a deep breath and checked my phone, finding a text from Jamie.
Scot: Show them how it’s done, Sassenach.
Scot: ILY ❤️❤️
He had set his alarm clock just to text me.
Sassenach: ILY TOO! 😘
I couldn’t imagine a better way to start my day.
An hour and a half later, I was at school, sitting at my desk, waiting for the paper. The moments before we were handed the exams were the worst. I had quickly found that looking around while waiting was the worst thing to do, so I focused on my desk instead, feeling the smooth surface beneath my fingertips. I fidgeted with one of my two pens, swirling it around and running my nail over the carved letters, to hear the reassuring scratching sound of their resistance. Not having much more to do, I took deep breaths, waiting.
The room was quiet, but there was a tension hanging low over our heads, filled with dreams and opportunities, stress and hope. It felt so heavy and real, that I was afraid I would accidentally breathe it in and it would close my throat, linger in my trachea, to end up in my lungs and keep the oxygen out. The atmosphere was thick with apprehension, and we could almost capture it between our fingers. The same fingers that minutes later, gripped the pens and started writing.
The moment the paper was in front of me everything around me disappeared. It was me versus myself – my favorite competition. My brain was on the verge of being burned with overthinking, my hand hurt from holding the pen too tight, but I continued to write the answers. I knew them all.
I almost danced in the middle of the street when I met Jamie later, success making me deliriously happy. Jamie had one more week before his English exam, which was his favorite subject, and the only one he wouldn’t need in his application for a business management bachelor’s degree. He wasn’t anxious at all, the bloody Scot, and I couldn’t understand how he did it.
Not anxious about the exams, that is. Because every day I watched him become more and more worried about the Scottish National Championship. It seemed absurd to me that he would care that much about swimming, right in the middle of the exams. Especially after all our work, to make his grades in math descent again. “You do realize that you have to finish the exams first, right? That we have more than two months until you’ll swim at the Nationals?”
“Aye, Sassenach. I do.” His voice was rigid, and it made me feel like a mother scolding her child. “Ye dinna trust me now?” he asked, and I kept silent, guilty, because the thought that he overestimated his preparation for the exams had crossed my mind more than once. Jamie exhaled loudly and took my face in his hands. “Claire,” he said, “I do study and I will get the grades I need. I’m no’ a fool.”
His eyes were so serious and sincere that I couldn’t but nod in agreement. Jamie kissed my forehead and pulled me in for a tight hug. “Tis just…” he started, but trailed off.
“What?” I mumbled, and nuzzled against his neck, breathing him.
“I think it’s more difficult to win the National Championship than it is to write an A+ in math and business management. My personal best needs so much improvement.”
I wasn’t sure I agreed with the statement, but I decided to trust him. “I know you’ll make it,” I said, and kissed the hollow between his clavicles, that little part of him I had declared mine, months ago.
It’s sometimes difficult to realize, incomprehensible almost, how things you’ve been waiting for so long come to pass, like fast breaths taken after a long run. And the air I breathed in, leaving the testing hall for the last time, had the taste of accomplishment.
Math was our last exam. When I saw Jamie waiting for me with his red curls falling over his forehead totally disheveled from all the times he ran his hands through them, my heart stopped. But then I saw the huge smile on his face, and it told me everything I needed to know.
We had more than a month before the results would be announced, but we had done well. We had made it.
Oxford was waiting for us.
I walked towards him, grinning, and I felt like flowing above the shiny floor, my feet inches away from the surface.The moment I came to stand in front of him, Jamie hugged me tight, lifted me up in the air, and asked me if I would be his date at the prom.
“We’re going to the prom?” I asked, uncertain.This was the last thing I expected to hear at that moment.
“Aye! Of course we are! So, will ye be my date, Sassenach?”
“Oh, I don’t know…” I replied, teasing him. “This is really on short notice, and I might have plans for that night.”
Jamie shook his head, lowered me to the ground and bent his head to kiss me. “Cancel yer plans, mo ghraidh. Ye’ll be all mine that night.”
Chapter 40
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hopeduckling13 · 5 years
Find My Way Back To You: Chapter 33
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Summary:  Hope Swan-Jones is the product of the product of true love and her true love, so her having very powerful magic was always in the cards. Luckily she lives in a town where everyone is very familiar with magic, so nothing can go wrong, can it?
Or so everyone thought, but then one day as a newborn Hope accidently travels back in time with her mother Emma.
How will the past population of Storybrooke react to their Savior having another kid and being married? And more importantly will the Savior and her baby daughter find a way back home to all of their loved ones?
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Catch Up:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14857127/chapters/34395467
FF.NET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12964592/1/Find-My-Way-Back-To-You
Tumblr: [Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17] [Chapter 18] [Chapter 19] [Chapter 20] [Chapter 21] [Chapter 22] [Chapter 23] [Chapter 24] [Chapter 25] [Chapter 26] [Chapter 27] [Chapter 28] [Chapter 29] [Chapter 30] [Chapter 31] [Chapter 32]
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Taglist: @capswantrue @captainoffantasy @momontheice @youlxlshit
~~~ EMMA’S POV ~~~
When Hook joined me at Granny’s earlier, I never would’ve thought he’d order my favorite food for himself. Usually, he just pulls a face at my meals and mentions a million times how unhealthy it all is.
I’m sure that’s still going to happen.
Ruby really needs to hurry up with his order, I’m sure it’ll be interesting and funny once it arrives. I’m really looking forward to it.
Or maybe the three-hundred years old pirate, sitting across from me will actually enjoy modern food. Who knows? He is full of surprises sometimes after all. I never imagined that we’d be friends either. Back when my future self told me, that we will be, I was really shocked and didn’t want to believe her. But she is right. We do get along well - once we sort of got to know each other anyway.
He isn’t that bad, really, if you can see past the constant innuendoes and flirtations. It’s not like he’s being serious after all. It’s just how he acts with everyone, and once I realized that I was okay with it.
Knowing that he’s not in love with me at all helped me accept him as a friend. We’re not awkward around each other any longer ever since I figured out that piece of information.
Ruby suddenly arrives back at our table and sets down Hook’s food and hot cocoa in front of him, effectively drowning out all of my thoughts. The fun’s about to start!
Apparently, I’m not the only one who’s curious here, seeing as Ruby doesn’t leave once she set down the food. She stays right next to our table, looking at Hook with a smirk. He smiles at her for a moment. “Thank you, lass.”
I don’t know what’s happening, but suddenly my blood runs cold and I can’t help but think back to that time Hook was in the hospital. He flirted with Ruby back there, too. The only difference is, that this time she doesn’t roll her eyes. Is there something going on here?
A moment passes until Ruby smirks once more and walks away. “Enjoy the food, captain.”
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to me. They both are the biggest flirts this town has to offer. Of course, they would eventually end up flirting with each other. It only makes sense.
The only thing that does not make any sense is, that I feel a clench in my heart. Why does this seem to bother me? I don’t care what they do in their spare time. I should be glad right? Hook being interested in Ruby means he really doesn’t have feelings for me. That’s a good thing.
I should be happy about it, but somehow I’m not.
~~~ HOOK’S POV ~~~
The wolf girl brings my food out - if you can actually call this junk, food. Why did I decide to order it again? Ah, right. Because it’s Swan’s favorite. This woman will be the bloody death of me.
I raise my head up from the plate to glance at Emma, when I notice Ruby is still standing there, looking at me in amusement.
“Thank you, lass.” I tell her, hoping she’ll take the clue and leave. I can’t risk her saying anything to Swan about me ordering this meal just because I want to bond with her.
Luckily, the wolf girl takes the hint and smirks at me one last time before she eventually walks back to the counter.
I  move my gaze back to Swan and am surprised to see her all stiff and pale. What the bloody hell is going on? Is she sick? Is she okay?
“Everything alright, Swan?” I try hard to keep the worry out of my voice, but I’m not sure it really works that well. Let’s just hope Swan doesn’t catch on to it. It would surely send her running once again. I can’t let that happen. We’re just getting along. I can’t lose her again, especially not, if I want to help my sweet baby daughter get home. She’s counting on me and I won’t let her down. Not ever.
Something in her shifts as sudden as a lightning strike. Emma relaxes again. She gives me a soft smile and a nod. I can tell that the smile is fake. She is an open book after all. At least to me. But I don’t comment on it, no matter how much I wish I could. I won’t push my luck. That’s not a good idea when it to my Swan.
She is easily freaked, but who could really blame her? She had to go through so much, and she was all alone for the first 28 years of her life. And still, unlike me, she never gave in to darkness. She stayed true to herself.
She’s the strongest person, that I know.
“So, how’s the food.” She motions her head towards my untouched plate. I give her a smile and pick up an onion ring. I put it into my mouth and as I chew, I must admit that it doesn’t taste half as bad as I thought. I then take a bite from the grilled cheese.
Swan was right. This does taste pretty good. How could I have ever doubted her?
“It’s good.” I say to her with a bright smile on my face. I can’t believe we have this in common, too. I always just assumed that we bond easily because of our similar pasts, but looks like we have more things in common than I thought.
“Just ‘good’?” Emma raises an eyebrow - or tries to do so. But both of her eyebrows just raise up in the process. Was she trying to do my infamous eyebrow-raise?
“Very good, Swan. I love it.” Not as much as I love you, but that was to be expected. Nothing could ever compare to my love for Emma Swan, to be completely honest.
She smiles brightly at that and we continue to eat our meal in silence.
Once both our plates and cups are empty, Swan gives me another small smile. “I gotta get back to work. Cora won’t turn up on her own, I fear.”
“Then, I won’t keep you any longer from it.” I say.
Emma seems to be lost in her thoughts for a moment before she continues speaking. “Actually, why don’t you join me on patrol? Driving around town isn’t the most exciting thing to do. Some company would be nice and you know Cora, so you might be able to help. Only if you want to, of course.”
“I’m in.”
I can’t believe Swan just invited me to spend more time with her. Am I already making progress?
I get up and put down some doubloons to cover our meal. Swan surprisingly doesn’t complain about me paying for both of our meals.
Then, we both walk towards the door and leave the diner. In the doorway, we run into her mother.
“Emma! I was just picking up some food for your father and I. Do you want anything?” She looks at her daughter with a smile.
“Oh, no it’s fine. Hook and I already ate. We’re going on patrol now.” Swan answers. That also seems to be the moment her mother first realizes I’m here. She looks over to me and her eyes narrow.
“Since when do you go on patrol with Hook?” I can tell she tries to remain calm, but her cold voice betrays her. It seems the lady Snow doesn’t approve of me spending time with Emma. It’s probably the whole pirate thing, but maybe if I help them find Cora, they’ll realize that I’m not just a pirate, but also someone who is willing to become a better man for Emma. Someone who is worthy of her love.
“He knows Cora, so he could be helpful.” Emma says, also rather coldly. “If you excuse us now. We gotta get back to work.”
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sarah-bae-maas · 6 years
A Court of Hearts and Darkness Chapter Thirty Five - The Finale
It’s been over a century since the epic and bloody war against Hybern, but a new, unprecedented horror lies in wait to threaten everything the Inner Circle holds dear.
At a mere 17, it seems that the only one who can save them is the Heir to the Night Court, Feyre and Rhysand’s daughter Eleana, but as a creature so vile promises to kill everyone she loves, she must combat the urge to succumb to the darkness herself. The key to success lies hidden within her mate, the bastard born Kaden, who is as oblivious to the bond as her Court is oblivious to the war on the horizon.
With the help of her cousin and warrior Felix, the son of the famed Nesta and Cassian, they will try to save everything they hold dear, hopefully before the darkness takes them all.
(This fic was written pre-acowar, so please bear in mind there are some small differences but it can still hopefully be enjoyed!)
Link on Ao3 Masterlist
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-The Final Chapter- 
-Chapter 35-
Kaden was attending a funeral.
He decided to come alone. No one but Azriel knew he was here, and he preferred it to be that way. He was wearing his finest suit, the one he had worn to his cousin Talysa’s wedding. He shed no tears, not like the many mourners around him. Not even as their bodies were lowered onto the pyres, not even as the ceremonious fire consumed their bodies and returned them to the earth from which they came.
It had been a week since the war had ended. In that time, both Felix and Eleana had their birthdays. Felix had once told him of the book he had made for Eleana stashed under his bed, and it gave Kaden an immeasurable joy to watch him give it to her in person.
In that time, High Lord Rhysand had given Kaden something he had never had before - power. The queen was dead, but there were still creatures roaming the land and skies, and Kaden, with his own team of warriors and his acute tracking magic, would hunt and kill them all. It just so happened that Kaden could not think of anyone better for the task than the Elite and handed the job right off to Felix. His brother had laughed, chastising Kaden for his stupidity. Felix couldn’t see, how did Kaden expect him to track those bloody creatures? So the Elite, albeit temporarily, were his.
And in that time, Kaden had gained a parent.
Felix came and found him the day after his battle with the queen. He came bounding into the house with Nesta guiding him, the woman looking windswept and terrified. She kept muttering never again, and Kaden didn’t even want to know how Felix had managed to fly them here without sight. Kaden was in Eleana’s room, they were having a well-deserved cuddle in bed, when Felix burst in, nearly pushed over the dresser, and demanded he winnow them to the Day Court that very instant.
Kaden threw a pillow at his head so hard that it knocked him back a step, but did as he asked, telling Eleana he would be home soon.
He didn’t know why they were going to the Day Court, only that Felix wanted them back at the High Lord’s palace. Kaden, figuring this had something to do with Felix’s research, obliged.
High Lord Helion looked unsurprised at their appearance, and took one look at Felix and said, “You know where to go.”
“Ah, actually I don’t. As you can see, I can’t see.” He grinned from ear to ear after that, and the look on Helion’s face when he’d realised what he’d said was priceless.
A servant showed them the way up to a high turret. It was in Helion’s personal wing but far from anyone else. They knocked on the door, and when Kaden entered he saw himself.
He saw his eyes, his hair, his skin, his height.
When he looked at this woman, he knew who she was. There was no doubt in his mind.
“H-how?” he gasped.
She looked at him like he was a book she was trying to translate.
“You must be her. D-Denora Ana. A woman called Elain once told me your name.”
She smiled but said nothing. She approached the two Illyrian males, stopping when she was eye level with Kaden’s impressive height. Kaden had never met someone taller than he, but she had half an inch on him.
“I knew this boy would bring my baby back to me.” She’d ran her hand through Kaden’s hair. “My only baby boy, I missed you.”
Kaden put his hands on her shoulders, too shocked to do anything else. “I – I missed you too.”
Den reminded him a lot of Morrigan – if Morrigan had been thousands of years older and a famed historian. Den said Kaden was free to call her whatever he wanted, and when he tentatively called her mother, she squealed with glee and declared it his first word. She had walked him around the Day Court, buying him food and peppering him with questions. She also shared some of her own adventures, including how she knew Helion.
“Oh yes! My little little star star. He is my brother’s son. Or, my brother’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son. Lots of sons, and then there is Helion! If he isn’t careful, you could inherit his magic.”
“The blood that runs in his veins is the same that runs in yours. You are the nephew of my brother, who was High Lord of Day Court. He is long gone now, but he wasn’t like me, he had many children who had many children of their own. You are my only baby.”
When he returned, Felix was sulking in Den’s chambers. When they entered, Felix sighed dramatically. “I was hoping Helion would have pity sex with me. But nope, still a no-go.”
“Mind your language you scoundrel. You’re in the presence of my mother.”
Kaden had gone back every day since to see her. Usually, they just walked. She’d had such a long, rich life, intertwined closely with the Day and Winter Courts. One day, Morrigan came with her, and when Kaden introduced her as the woman who had been caring for her like a mother in Den’s absence, Den cooed and thanked Morrigan profusely, saying she knew they were friends after all. It was strange, having the two women together. Den made Morrigan look like a child. Even High Lord Rhysand was young in comparison to her. There was no one else in Prythian who matched her age with the exception of Amren. But Kaden wasn’t about to bring the subject of her up.
The day Kaden found out he gained a parent was the day he found out he lost one.
His lips were turning blue from the cold as he watched his father’s corpse honoured by those around him. His eyes were dry while he listened to the prayer songs of the Illyrians as four of his brothers joined his father. Azriel had told him when he’d first returned from the Day Court.
And now he was here.
Kaden touched his magic, the familiar grey veil shadowing the world as he looked to the Other Side.
His father, Leeam, Jakob, Alec and Damion were nowhere to be seen. Either their spirits had moved on, or they were still wandering the bloody plains where they had died.
Mikael, now the Lord of their camp, stood with his wife and children, his face grave. Mikael missed them. They were truly a loving family – but never to Kaden. No, Kaden was nothing but an inconvenient stain they could never remove.
Mikael met his gaze from across the pyres, the only thing separating them snow and flame.
Kaden turned away. The funeral wasn’t over, but Kaden was done.
Eleana stared at the assorted tapestries draping across the walls. They were all red with bright, yellow flowers adorning them. They covered what would have been a wall of windows and were stark against the white carpet. The chair she was sitting on was the same yellow as Felix’s house, and it gave her a weird sense of comfort, even if the seat itself was lumpy.
“Lady Eleana, there is no shame in being here. Healing for the mind is just as important as healing for the body,” the older female healer said, sitting in her own chair across the room with a pen and notepad in her hand.
“I don’t feel shame,” Eleana said. “I’m just not sure what to say.”
“Where would you like to start?”
“I’ve talked about what happened before, but only with my mate. He’s the most understanding person I know, and he’s been so supportive through all this.”
The healer smiled. “How did you meet him?”
Kaden wasn’t what Eleana expected to be speaking about while here, but she was glad to talk of a softer topic. “I have a habit of letting my magic guide me when I’m tired. Sometimes, I close my eyes and just walk, and I always end up where I need to be. The Illyrians at my camp had seen it for years, but Kaden was new. He saw me and asked if I was alright. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen.” Eleana laughed slightly. “If we hadn’t been interrupted by my cousin I know we would have done devilish things together that night. I knew that day. It was like being hit with a battering ram.”
“And he knew also?”
“No, actually. He’s known for only a few weeks.”
“How did that make you feel?”
Eleana went into the long story of her and Kaden’s relationship – the incredible highs, and the times where it felt like it would never happen at all. She spoke of the first time they’d danced together, the matching crowns the suriel had given them, the day she was taken by the Colloden and how he had saved her. It was a tale to rival the ones she read in her trashy erotica novels, but she loved it anyway and wouldn’t change a thing. Her story ended with her feelings on sex, and how even though she was as attracted to him as ever, her body just wanted to be by itself for a little while.
“That’s completely normal, Lady Eleana,” the healer said. “From the brief details you have provided me on the events of this month, you have gone through a serious trauma.” The healer went on to explain some more, even going as so far as to give her a book on assault recovery, and then asked about Felix. “Why don’t we take this piece by piece? Ease into it, if you will.”
So, Eleana talked of her cousin next, and by the time she was done telling that story her appointment was over. She would be back at least once a week though, more if things got to be too much for her
She left the room and walked down a hallway. In the foyer, both her parents were waiting. She greeted them with a tired smile, she was always tired these days, and her father put his arm around her shoulder as they walked. Her mother handed her chocolate, which Eleana thankfully took.
“How are you?” Her mother asked.
“I’m doing okay.”
Kaden felt like he was Felix’s official escort. Wherever he went, Felix was never far behind. A month after the war, Kaden was still visiting his mother every day. It was usually at night, his days filled with tactics planning with the Elite and assorted High Lords who were assembling their own teams. Kaden got up early, ate with Eleana, went to work, went to the Day Court, then returned to his love. It was still surreal to him, that she was there when he got back, and he wished he could take her to the Day Court.
But that was unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Eleana had not even attempted to leave the Night Court yet when banishment orders started coming in. The Winter Court was the first, written officially. Some were just simple letters, Like Glaslane’s, that said not to come for the time being. Receiving that one had hurt Eleana the most. And angered Felix the most. The Illyrian demanded that Kaden take him there. He did, and then witnessed the screaming match of the century.
Even Lucien had succumbed to the pressure. At first, he wasn’t going to, even if the other High Lord’s made a pact that they would, but Eleana told him to just do it. It’s not like she went there often anyway, and this way at least he could feel better.
High Lord Rhysand was increasingly furious with every order sent. He went to every Court, but they all said the same thing. Their people are scared, and until they’re not, Eleana can’t come.
Kaden felt like he should raise the topic with Helion, but the two barely knew each other, even if it had been revealed that they were technically related.
When Kaden and Felix came to the palace, they were surprised to see Helion and Den waiting for them. Both had heavy fur coats on, and a smile was plastered on Den’s face.
“My cloud!” She greeted them both with kisses to the cheeks. “Helion, this is my son and his mate, Felix.”
“No, mother, Eleana is my mate. Felix is her cousin.”
She looked at them dubiously. “Are you sure?”
Felix was snickering silently beside him, and Kaden elbowed him. Hard.“Very sure. Shall we walk?”
“Yes, and as we walk I would like you to tell me where your mate is. Why does she never come?”
Kaden avoided looking at Helion, but Felix, gutsy as ever, grabbed his elbow as they started to walk.
“Please, Kaden, do explain why Eleana never comes with us,” he drawled.
Helion was clearly uncomfortable with the line of questioning and forewent answering. Instead, he said, “We have started altering the official family trees. Soon, Kaden will be added to them all. We also made an official decree of his heritage and declared his citizenship as you asked, Denora.”
Kaden stumbled slightly. “You announced what about me?”
“Denora asked that we tell the other Courts who you were. It was quite confusing for them, they only knew you as the male from the Night Court that saved the mortal realm. I’m not sure they even know of your relationship to Lady Eleana.”
Kaden looked away and just kept walking forward. The roads were slick with melted snow. His mother walked through it like an expert. It was hard for him to remember that although they looked nearly the same age, she had thousands of years on him. She often referred to him as an infant, and he guessed in a way he was.
It was still very, very strange though. He loved the woman before him, could cry every time he thought of the sacrifices she made to have him, and yet…
Did it make him evil that he felt Lady Morrigan was more his mother?
Maybe he was just crazy. He barely knew either one of them. And Den clearly loved him very much. He should be more grateful.
“I’m happy you’re here,” he felt the need to tell her.
“I’m happy you’re here too,” she replied.
As they walked, Kaden noted something he had the past few times but never thought to bring up. He pointed to Helion’s palace in the distance. It looked to have holes in it, so you could see straight through to the other side and watch the grey clouds. They were giant mirrors, but once inside they acted as windows.
He turned to his mother and asked what the glass was.
“Oh, it’s very special,” she told him. “Outrageously expensive, but there is nothing more beautiful. I have seen homes built entirely of the stuff, and it’s like looking at a piece of the sky on land.”
Her words sparked a vision.
A house. Near the ocean, a few storeys tall and sprawling. A large garden with multiple courtyards. A greenhouse. A treehouse. Green grass everyone until you hit the golden sand of the beach. A house made of a glass that you can’t see in. A house, that if lived in, would let you feel like you’re outside all the time.
Never trapped, the way Eleana sometimes felt.
Kaden was going to build his mate a home.
“So, I was thinking.” Kaden skirted up behind Eleana at the grocers, kissing her neck and wrapping his arms around her middle.
“Hm, what were you thinking?” The smile she gave him made his knees shake.
“Me. You. Dinner on the Sidra. No Felix, no parents, just us and an unreasonable amount of food.”
She picked up a bag of apples and added it to her basket. Today, when they had woken up in Kaden’s bed, they decided they were going to pretend that they were normal. Not an heir or a bastard, no wars, just a couple who needed to do normal, fae things.  
“That sounds nice. Are we celebrating anything?”
They walked as one unit, making Eleana laugh and passersbys look at them with weird expressions.
“It’s been a month. Since the war ended. And nearly a week since you’ve had a nightmare.”
It was truly something to celebrate. The High Lord had informed him that they had been some of the worst he had seen. There were constant wards on the house to protect its infrastructure, and usually either Rhysand or Feyre stayed awake during the night, even if Kaden was also with her. Kaden was under no illusion that he didn’t need the help. After seeing them in real time, Kaden finally understood why Eleana wasn’t allowed to sleep without her parents or aunts and uncles around. He was slowly learning how to help her, but he also needed her parents guidance.
The healer she had been speaking to this past month seemed to be helping though. Eleana wasn’t as… empty. Hesitant. She now let him kiss her, put his arms around her, and she was making delightfully steady progress.
She went twice a week, and Kaden used that time to speak to estate agents and architects. No one knew, not even Felix, but he would bring his friend along when it came time to tour land. Felix’s sight may not be healed quite yet, and it really made Kaden work hard in describing things, but they were getting there. Either way, Felix would be good support, and he knew Eleana better than anybody.
Eleana looked thoughtful, and not about the peaches that she was holding at eye level.
“Should we hire a babysitter for Felix? Whatever will he do without us.”
Kaden’s laugh was obnoxiously loud, and he had to smother himself in Eleana’s shoulder to quieten down.
“Maybe he’ll go to the Day Court without me. He’s awfully enamoured by Helion, barely leaves my side if it means I’ll soon be in the Day Court.”
Eleana twisted in his arms to face him. “Maybe he’s attracted to Denora. Have you considered that?”
Kaden’s face went slack. “Surely he would never.”
Eleana shrugged.
Kaden winnowed away, only to return a minute later after having his head smacked by Felix for suggesting such a ludicrous thing.
Eleana only laughed at the look on his face.
Kaden wasn’t kidding about the unreasonable amount of food.
They’d had five courses so far with another three on the way, and Eleana was so full she was thought her stomach might actually burst. It had gotten to the stage where it was making unhealthy noises, but she had no intentions of stopping now.
Kaden was telling her another story he’d learnt from Den, this one about the incredibly complicated family history he shared with the Winter and Day Court.
“All I’m saying is that Helion needs to hurry about and have children because apparently there’s a very real chance that if he dies, I’ll get his magic. And that’s a no from me.” He lifted a bowl of soup to his mouth and drank heavily.
“You don’t want to be High Lord?”
He shook his head. “I have zero qualifications for a position in anything. Hell, I’ve lived every moment until the last two months in a tent. I’m not cut out for being a High Lord, and nobody wants me to be one.”
He said it jokingly, but Eleana took his words very seriously.
“I want you to be High Lord,” she deadpanned.
Kaden sputtered slightly. “Pardon?”
“This isn’t something I like thinking about, but when the time comes and I’m High Lady? I would want you to be my High Lord.”
Kaden nearly said there was a chance that she wouldn’t become High Lady, but he tasted the lies on his tongue before he even said it. Even if Rhysand and Feyre had more children, there was no chance a sibling would inherit the title. Eleana was a textbook example on the signs of becoming a High Lord. Granted, a woman had never inherited the magic, but Eleana was different. She always had been, and she would definitely be the first inherently High Lady.
Kaden had never considered the possibility that she wanted more for him.
“I – there is nothing about me that would make me a good High Lord. My bloodline-”
“Is irrelevant. My mother was human. Besides, were you not just telling me about your new, fancy family? The son of a Lord in the Night Court and the cousin to the current High Lord of the Day Court.”
“Well… you got me there.”
She grinned at him.
They ate for a few more hours, the conversation flowing better than it had in weeks. It was simple, easy, and there were no pressing issues they had to deal with nor cataclysmic event to take up their time. It was like the two months between the beginning of their official relationship starting and when they were, mortifyingly, caught by Feyre.
It was also their first date in a while, and as Eleana looked at him, she felt her stomach flutter. She never stopped loving him, not for a single moment. If anything, it had grown while she was away.
The thing was, Eleana felt like she had a hundred years on him. She had a century of loving and missing him, and not being able to do a damn thing about it. She knew that no one really understood what she meant when she said it felt like so much longer than a fortnight, but Mother,the feelings she had for this male in front of her…
She’d had a hundred years of loving someone she was convinced she would never see again.
And it was so much sometimes that she couldn’t bare it.
She woke up next to him and often didn’t know if it was real or not. It wasn’t until he spoke to her that she knew that she was hereagain.
His hair shimmered from the white fae lights scattered around the restaurant. His cheeks were pink from the cold air slinking in from the window next to them, and his lips plump from the food they had been consuming for the last two hours.
She stood up on the tips of her toes, bracing her hands on the mahogany table as she leant over. She kissed his pink lips once, and upon seeing the delighted surprise in his eyes, kissed him again. Deeper, smoother, more than she had since the Bloodrite. Inappropriately, given they were in a public space.
He didn’t seem to care though, not as his hands gently cupped her cheeks, his thumbs smoothing over her cheekbones.
Her heart raced at the action, at the taste of wine on his tongue and the feeling of his nose bumping hers. She could feel his kiss in every inch of her skin – and she knew she was alive.
When they parted, her face was hot and chest heaving. She sat back down, dizzy. She lifted the glass of wine to her face to hide her wide smile.
They ate for another hour. The time was filled with laughter and happiness, and both left brighter than when they had come in. It was snowing like there was no tomorrow, and they huddled together as they went to Eleana’s favourite book store. Neither was ready to go home yet, and there were a few titles Eleana wanted to check out.
It was much warmer in the store, and the attendant took their coats and hung them, leaving Kaden and Eleana to browse. Eleana showed him her favourite books, and Kaden even picked up a few sequels to ones she had already read. He also found a large book full of compositions for the piano, ones he had neither heard nor seen, so he added that to the pile he wished to purchase.
While browsing more sheet music, Eleana put her hand in his back pocket.
“Would it be wilding inappropriate to make out right now?” she asked.
Kaden rested his stack of books on a shelf, taking care that none of them would fall, before turning to her.
He kissed her.
Kaden felt like a very dutiful husband. Here he was, cooking and cleaning the house he never had a chance to move into while Felix sat on the couch with some juice and scones.
“I’m feeling delicate today,” Felix said.
“No you don’t, you just want me to leave so you can get up to your old, scandalous ways. Well sorry Sunshine, you asked me to move in and now I’m here.”
Felix snorted.
Kaden lifted Felix’s feet so he could wipe the table they were propped on. “This house has more dust than a library.”
“We haven’t been here in two months, what did you expect?” He slurped his drink.
“I don’t know. I expected it to be self-cleaning or something.”
“Are there houses that can do that?”
“Fucked if I know, I’ve never really had one. Move your ass, I need to fluff the pillows.”
“Yes, your majesty, whatever you please.”
Felix stood and scooted away until he felt the bench. He leaned on it, yawning loudly.
He still had black patches covering both his eyes, but the healing was going well. His injuries were far more extensive than originally thought though, hence the long, agonising healing sessions. Unbeknownst to them, not only had the light from Kaden’s magic seared his vision, but so had the magic itself. If it had just been the light, Felix would have been better by now. Because it was more? Felix would likely need lenses the rest of his life. Kaden had already found some rather dapper ones he thought his friend might like, and even went as far as to have a woman High Lord Lucien knew rig them so they were even better than the best of glass. He’d had to use his mother’s name for that favour – apparently, most Courts valued her knowledge greatly. Being her son not only got him better glasses for Felix, but it had also given him an invitation to dine at the other Courts.
All of them. Officially. As if he were a noble.
Kaden declined on the basis that he only travelled with his mate. They said she was welcome, until he told them who she was. They shut up pretty quickly after that.
“Why can’t we just meet this guy at Velaris?” Felix perked his brow. “Unless this is a sex thing. Are you surprising me with an orgy? I have strict rules, but it’s been so long-”
“You are insufferable and I don’t know why we’re friends.” Kaden made the pillows look especially dainty for this meeting, wanting to make a good impression.
The person coming over was a fae who sold land on others’ behalf. He was coming to start proposing estates to Kaden.
“Because if Eleana saw me with a stranger, she would ask questions I’m not prepared to answer.”
“She wouldn’t be mad that you have plans with someone other than her.”
“I don’t want to lie to her. Omission doesn’t seem as bad as that.”
“I can’t fault your logic on that,” Felix said as there was a hard knock on the door.
Kaden grabbed Felix and sat him down before opening to greet the agent.
He was a portly man, nearly two feet shorter than Kaden. His hair was mousey and skin pale. His eyes were beady, and he was wearing a suit.
Kaden was wearing his leathers, as was Felix.
“Hello, Lord Kaden. I assume I am at the right house. You were not exaggerating its… colourful features.”
“Yes, yes, please come in. And please, just Kaden is fine.”
“Does Eleana call you Lord Kaden in bed? I would.”
“Holy hell Felix shut up,” Kaden hissed.
The agent looked up his nose at him, and Kaden smiled apologetically. “Please, take a seat. Can I offer you any refreshments?”
“A water would be appreciated, sir,” he drawled. “May I set up on the table?”
“Yes, please, that would be great, thank you.”
“Can I know yet what these plans are?” Felix asked, his knee bouncing impatiently.
“Any client information is confidential unless otherwise stated,” the agent answered.
“You can tell him anything,” Kaden said.
The male started to lay maps out on the table. There were areas marked with blue circles, and he placed small, painted cards next to each highlighted location. The cards had little paintings on them – samples of what the properties looked like. The agent started explaining the process of buying and asked many questions to help narrow down Kaden’s search.
He asked how far he wanted to be from the city, the acreage, whether he wanted a pre-existing home and so on, and with every question Felix looked more confused.
“Kaden, what are you up to?”
“I’m going to build Eleana a home, and you’re going to help me.”
“What?” He had a bare hint of a smile.
“I’m going to build us a home, then I’m going to surprise her with it.”
“Awh, Kaden, congratulations.” Felix stood and opened his arms. Kaden gave him a tight hug, patting him on the back.
Felix leaned over the table and took in the map. “Wow, that one looks really beautiful.”
“Which one is that?” Kaden said, looking down to see what he saw.
“That black one there. Looks mint to me.”
“The day you run out of blind jokes is the day I’ll be truly happy again.”
“Not the day I get my sight back? Tsk, how rude.”
Kaden groaned, and apologized to the agent again.
Off the bat he was able to cull half the properties. Nothing inland, it had to be on the coast, and there couldn’t be any existing structures. You had to be able to see Velaris, even if it was from a distance, and there had to be enough room for a very large house as well as multiple, expansive gardens.
By the end, there was a list of about six properties. All met Kaden’s specifications and were in his budget – thanks to High Lord Rhysand’s very generous pay checks – and the few drawings of them seemed nice enough. He thanked the agent profusely before setting dates to tour them all. He made sure Felix was available and made them on days where he would usually be visiting his mother so Eleana wasn’t suspicious to his whereabouts.
It was slowly but surely coming together.
Eleana was alone when she woke up. She propped herself up on her elbow, Kaden’s piano and dresser blurry as her eyes adjusted to the waking world. The spot beside her was cold and she couldn’t hear noises from his bathroom. She starfished on the bed. She groaned, not wanting to get up yet, but forced herself to roll out of his very, very comfortable bed.
Wiping at her eyes, she went to look for him downstairs. Mor and Azriel were usually out by this time, so she didn’t have to worry about awkwardly running into either of them.  The one thing she adored about their house was the carpet. It was lush and fluffy, making her feet feel like they were walking on a cloud and safe from the cold that covered her arms in goosebumps. When she went into the hall, she smelt freshly baked she-didn’t-even-know-what. She burst into the dining room expecting to see her mate, to be met with the welcoming calls of her family.
Every single one of them.
She stared at them wide eyed while thanking the Mother that she’d had the good sense to put pants on.
“Hello.” Kaden exited from the kitchen. He had ovenmits on and an apron the was adorably too small. He held a large plate of staked pancakes and popped them on the table before greeting her with a kiss to the forehead.
“Hello. What’s going on?” It’s not that Eleana wasn’t happy to spend her morning with her family, she was just awfully suspicious every time they came around unannounced. It usually didn’t end in good news.
“Today’s a good day,” Kaden told her. He put a hand on her back, guiding her to a free seat next to Felix.
She peered out the window. There was a raging blizzard outside, making it seem like it was still dark even if the sun had risen. Felix was still blind, she still couldn’t be properly intimate with Kaden, her mother and father were still walking on eggshells around her – supportive, loving eggshells, but eggshells all the same – and she was still not talking to Azriel.
It was like every other day, and she couldn’t think of why it would be exceptional.
He beamed at her. “Today is the one-year anniversary of one of the best days of my life.”
She cocked her head. Her family had conveniently started a loud conversation and weren’t looking their way.
“Today, my dark rose, is the day I met you.”
Her confused frown slowly grew to a smile. “Really?”
“Really. I made a note of it last year. I had a feeling it would be important.”
She placed her finger tips to her lips in disbelief. “A whole year?”
“A whole year. And personally, I feel like it’s an occasion all of Prythian should be celebrating, but just our family will do. For now.”
Eleana was in awe as they sat down and started helping themselves to the mountain of food Kaden had made with Felix’s guidance.
A whole damn year since he’d found her.
That meant a year since she’d their near-first kiss, the first time they danced together, when Felix nearly died, when she had, and lost her wings in the process. When Kaden had sent her all those letters that kept her sane during one of the most harrowing times of her life. A year ago today she met the love of her life, her mate, her everything. It was indeed a good day.
Until she had a thought.
“But wait,” she said loud enough for the whole table to glance her way. She had even gotten Thea’s attention.
She turned her body towards Kaden’s. “You were twenty a year ago. And by all accounts you are still twenty. Holy Mother Kaden we didn’t celebrate your birthday.”
Mor dropped her cutlery and gasped. Felix swore under his breath. Everyone was so mortified when they realised that when Quathryn copied her brother’s foul words no one chastised her.
Kaden just laughed.
“We have to do something to make it up to him.” Eleana was furiously washing the dishes. After much shock, Kaden had explained that his birthday was a non-event to him, hence why he never mentioned turning twenty-one.
But Eleana felt dastardly. Especially when he had been so kind to her on her birthday. He had given her a note book – this beautiful, embossed leather – and every day before she woke up he would write her a note. The letters he had once written for her were already stuck into it, and he told her for every day that he lived her would write for her. Sometimes it was anecdotes, music he would later play for her, reminders of his love, and she had gotten him nothing.
“I feel like an arse,” Felix said, taking the dripping plate from her and drying it.
“You’re not the one sleeping with him.”
“Neither are you.”
She smacked him over the head. “Mind your own business.”
Soon, soon she would feel better. Surely.
And then they would have that night.
The ‘we survived the impossible and now will have the best sex of our lives’ night.
A male cleared their voice from behind them, and Eleana and Felix both blushed when they saw Azriel leaning against the bench with his arms crossed.
He pointed to the cloth Felix was holding. “Mind if I take over?”
Azriel approached Felix, clapping him on the shoulder. Felix nodded, handing over the towel and leaving without a word. They may be on fine terms again, but Eleana wasn’t.
They worked in silence, Eleana much looser on her definition of clean now that she was in a rush. It’s not that she didn’t love her uncle still, she was just still confused and hurt. And awkward.
“I’m sorry, Laya,” he finally said.
She didn’t reply.
“You were right, I do owe you an explanation. It’s one I’ve given Kaden a thousand times to earn the forgiveness he gives too easily, and that should have been something I extended to you. Especially after you trusted me with so much.”
So he talked. He tried to make her understand his actions. It wasn’t easy for her to comprehend, but what she did know was that he had always looked after her, been a trusted confidant, and him leaving Kaden when he was a child did not mean that one day he would leave the rest of them.
Even if she could not understand him, she could sympathise with his point of view.
They talked long after the dishes were done. They were never interrupted, even though they could hear the chatter of everyone as they remained in the house to wait out the snow.
And by the end, she said, “Okay.”
His eyes glistened, and his hands reached for hers. “I missed you, Laya. I’m so glad you’re home.”
The room wasn’t pitch black this time. Usually, they met with the healer in the darkest room so she could control the light, limiting the pressure on Felix’s eyes as she tried to heal them. If the smell was anything to go by, the room was once a storage room.
But today, they were in your average room. White walls. Rectangular windows. Brown timber floors.
Kaden had never been so happy to be average.
The healer eased the patches from Felix’s eyes, her expert hands completely steady.
Felix blinked and squinted at the light, and Eleana had to hold his hands so they didn’t reflexively cover his face.
The healer made him open them wider, and little tendrils of magic left her fingers and probed at the injury. She hummed as she worked. Usually, the room would be filled with Felix’s screams, but they had been told in their last session that there was no more she could do. From here on in, it would be about check-ups and maintenance as they waited to see if Felix’s eyes would heal more on their own.
“You’re doing well,” she said.
“What progress has been made?” Amren asked.
The older female didn’t usually come to the appointments. But over the passing months, Kaden had noticed her popping up wherever he was. She would be at Azriel’s for dinner, would come hunting with him and the Elite to ‘observe,’ she even once crashed a date with Eleana. His mate didn’t mind – she had no idea what Amren thought of him, but Kaden was getting increasingly frustrated. He had nothing to hide – except he did. At least once a week he told everyone he was going to the Day Court when in reality he was galivanting the Night Court looking for the perfect property. She was looking to catch him lying, and this was his only one. He knew that she would use it to his detriment.  
The healer looked grim at Amren’s question. “There is no change.”
Kaden shook his head. Eleana reached out her hand, and he came to her side and Felix’s back. She rested her head on his shoulder, and he used one hand to grip Felix’s sleeve and the other to wrap around her waist.
“Is this it then?” Felix wasn’t as forlorn as the rest of them by the news, in fact, he was smirking.
“We’ll try one more time. If there’s nothing to note again I’ll call it.”
Felix squinted at her, then turned his head to look at Kaden and Eleana. “This is good news!” he rejoiced. “I can still see, I’ll just need some help. This is a much better outcome than we all originally thought there would be.”
His words rang true, but Kaden still felt guilt surge through him. He had near blinded his brother, and he was too damn nice to admit it.
“I’m sorry.” Kaden’s voice was so thick with emotion that the words were barely more than a whisper.
“I don’t know what for, but I forgive you. Whatever wrong you think you’ve ever done to me, I forgive you.”
The healer reapplied his eye patches and left them. Eleana thanked her profusely for her work before helping Felix to his feet. Kaden put his arm around Felix, walking with him and Eleana out of the office and in the direction of the Rainbow.
The cold air had started to shift in spring, and puddles littered walkways. Children were about, splashing each other and squealing with delight. Eleana used the water to make little animals, and the children howled with laughter as the water-animals raced after them as they ran around. They saw her, and one little girl – so trusting were the fae in this safe city – pulled on Eleana’s skirts and asked for more more more.
Eleana obliged, and they stopped on their way to dinner to give the children a little magic show.
Eleana made a star chart with the water. Kaden, having worked on his magic everyday while hunting the creatures, had started to master the more unusual aspects of his magic. With the golden light that he could now manipulate for anyone to see, he lit Eleana’s stars, making them glow in the evening light, to the awe of not just the children but also many fae nearby.
Felix quite enjoyed himself, even if he couldn’t see the spectacle.
After an hour or so, and much to the dismay of the children, they continued on. They intended to get a few drinks to celebrate the slow return of Felix’s vision, but Eleana detoured to the bookstore with Felix. Kaden continued on, saying he would find a place for them all and summon her when he did.
Amren was on him like a shadow.
He didn’t say a word to her, just did as he said he would. She would speak her mind eventually.
“Who is that fae,” she demanded while Kaden was browsing menus.
“You’ll have to be more specific than that,” he said merrily, so that he might unnerve her just a bit.
“That short man that looks like an undertaker.”
The agent he was using to look at land. He wondered when Amren had seen them together and didn’t want to think of how she must have followed him either to camp or to his appointments. If her confusion was anything to go by, she must have seen them together in Illyria.
“I know many short males.”
She sunk her fingers into the back of his neck like claws, a few fae turning in worry at the sound of his pained grunt. Amren dragged him away, some fae standing but looking at a loss as they recognized Amren.
He refrained from growling as she shoved him into a wall in an alley. As she released her grip on him and stood in a fighting position in front of him, he touched the back of his neck. Blood coated his fingers and he swore. He would heal quickly, but he could feel it seeping into his collar and down his back.
“What the fu-”
“You need to leave.”
“Excuse me?”
“Have you not damaged her enough? I don’t know what vendetta you have against this family but I will kill you if you hurt her again. But Eleana is too risky with Rhys and Feyre here. So, who’s next? Will you murder Felix again? Mor? Maybe your confidence has been shaken and you’ll go after defenceless Thea.”
Kaden spat at her feet, the most ungentlemanly thing he had ever done. “I have done no wrong.”
“Even you admitted that you blinded Felix. And Mother knows you’ve made little to no progress on the creatures. You haven’t even given Rhys your estimate report on how many you think are left. Deflecting?”
He snarled at her but didn’t move. “I’m not even going to bother replying to you. You think I did something wrong? Go tell High Lord Rhysand and High Lady Feyre. And fuck it, you have strong ties with the Summer Court go tell High Lord Tarquin too. I know who I am, and so do they. I find it insulting that you think Eleana would be gullible enough to fall for the schemes of a lowly male.”
Amren bared her teeth at him but stepped back. He’d heard the stories about her, but she hadn’t been swinging fists the way she used to for decades.
He hated speaking to her with such disrespect, but her words just made him boil in anger. It made him wonder at what point he’d become so soft – he’d heard much worse from his late brothers.
Somehow, his integrity was the one thing this peculiar fae-Illyrian family never questioned about him, and the thought that that may have been compromised was infuriating.
“She fell for the schemes of a lowly queen.”
He saw red at her words, and if it hadn’t been for the look of regret on her face as she spat the words at him he may have made a grave mistake. Because he was a good man, but he was a good man freshly mated and people had died for doing less.
“How. dare. you. You will never say such hateful things again. I don’t care how much you spite me, but she.” Kaden cut off his own words, putting a fist to his mouth.
He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his stomach clenched at her words. It was the kind of sick you felt when you were so enraged by someone’s idiocy that you could spit fire at them.  
“If you’re so concerned about me, report me. Officially. Have an objective third party investigate me under General Cassian’s orders.”
He stalked off, shoving past her. The same concerned fae were lingering, and he gave them a reassuring smile.
Appetite and mood ruined, he flapped into the air, heading in the direction of Illyria, sending a quick message to Felix not to expect to see him for another day or two.
He was going hunting.
Kaden and Eleana had been floating between her childhood home and Azriel and Mor’s. They always slept together, her back usually pushed to his warm chest with his arms around her. She said she liked the feeling of knowing he was everywhere, and by morning she had usually spun to press her face into the crook of his neck.
Kaden let her decide where to sleep. Wherever she was and wherever she felt most comfortable was where he would be. Even if it meant stumbling home covered in black blood and near collapsing in the shower from exhaustion.
Tonight, he slept like the dead. No dreams, no feeling, he couldn’t even remember his head hitting the pillow.
The only thing he knew was that he had been struck awake – physically struck.
He awoke gasping, his arm aching and his throat constricted. It felt tight, and he looked down in a panic to see that Eleana’s darkness was wrapped around his whole body. He couldn’t breathe, all he could do was reach out his pained arm and shake her.
She was limp. In a deeper sleep than she had been for months, Kaden didn’t know what to do. This wasn’t the first night Eleana had had a nightmare, but it was the first time she had done so when neither Rhysand nor Feyre were there to help. Her father had usually burst into the room before it escalated this far.
Kaden’s face was turning beet red, and his veins started to protrude from his forehead. He tried to yell, but his voice was nothing but sparse expels of air.
His magic burst from him, lighting the room and dissipating her darkness. He gulped in air, amazed at what he had just done. Never in his life had his light been able to keep her darkness at bay. By all accounts, no one had.
He didn’t spend longer than a few minutes on the thought, not when Eleana was next to him squirming. Her mouth was open as if she would speak, but when he straddled her to try and wake her up, she let out an excruciating scream.
It was so loud he had to cover his ears. He didn’t see it coming when her darkness whipped out, sending him flying backwards. He was lucky there were wards on her room, otherwise he would have gone crashing through her window.
He swore loudly, rushing back to her side. He tried to think of what Rhysand and Feyre did, but they had it down to a fine art. They had been doing this for years.
She was sobbing, and her arms flailed as she tried to stop an invisible attacker. Claws apparated on her hands, and her fangs grew an inch.
Wake up wake up wake up
He tried to yell through the bond that was still trying to repair itself. They had made little progress on it, neither worried because they could still feel the inklings of it. It was getting there, he could feel it at least, know she was alive and healthy, but that was about it.
She slashed at him unconsciously. He moved back quickly but was still nicked enough that he had to go to the bathroom and quickly wrap the cut. It wouldn’t need stitches, luckily, but both the High Lady and Lord had ended up with injuries that did.
His blood pooled in the sink as he tried to wrap the cut with one hand while increasingly frazzled.
He managed to do it. He turned back, but his eyes got caught on a bucket next to the door. Usually, they kept it for after in case Eleana needed to vomit, but tonight he would use it for something far more impractical.
He filled it with water – cold – and went back to her room. She had ripped the mattress to shreds and she had started to change forms. She must have been having one hell of a dream, hopefully this woke her up from it.
He poured the water over her face and torso and she woke up with a welch.
She spat out cold water over the side of the bed and kicked as she came to.
“What the fuck.”
“I’m sorry, it was the only way.”
He sat down next to her on the ruined mattress and brought her to his chest. She pushed away slightly, but only so that she had a good read on his face.
“You’re here,” she breathed.
“Yes, of course.”
“I could have – I could have sworn you were in Illyria, that your brothers in that damned Room-”
“Shh, it’s okay. I’m here. I’m here.”
A single tear slipped down her face. She shook her head slightly, as if she were trying to shake the dreams from her head.
“The Room. I haven’t dreamt of the Room since I met you. At least this was just a dream. You’re here, and that was just a dream. You’re okay. You’re alive.” She paused. “You’re bleeding.” Her fingers touched the bandage on his arm. She undid them, inspecting the damage she caused. Apologetic, she laid her hand over the wound until it was healed.
“I’m okay. Tell me about this Room. You’ve dreamt of it before?”
She levelled her gaze with his. “I don’t know if dreamt is the right word. I thought it was dreams, for the longest time we all did. If we had known the truth we would have done something.”
She was twiddling her thumbs.
Kaden slid one arm under her knees and the other around her shoulders, picking her up. He took them to one of the guest rooms and sat her on the bed. He stripped her of her wet clothes and left only to get her a new pair. She slipped them on, and since it was only his shirt that was damp, he removed it and climbed into bed.
“What do you mean?” he asked her.
She smiled sadly. “It’s funny. If you mentioned the Room to anyone else they would know in a heartbeat.”
Kaden paused. “You don’t have to tell me.”
She crawled under the covers and lied facing him. “The Room is your room. There were signs, for years, that we were to be mated. I just didn’t know that until Talysa’s wedding.”
Kaden was confused but listened to her every word.
As always, their bed was a safe space. Whether it was one that belonged to them or one they borrowed, it was a haven.
And with that in mind, Kaden listened to Eleana as she told another story. This one wasn’t like her others, this one was about a little girl in a Room that saw and experienced inhumane crimes and injustices. Throughout the story, the girl grew. Her whole life was plagued with this Room. Her family tried desperately to protect her from it, but there was nothing they could do.
When she was seventeen, the dreams finally stopped. It was like she could rest easy for the first time. They had been far and few between by that age, but she was always scared that when she went to sleep the night terrors would return.
This girl attended a wedding with the man she was in love with, and he showed her his childhood room beforehand. Stepping in there was like leaving the waking world and entering her mind, and that is when she knew the truth.
Like her father had with her mother before her, she saw the life of her mate. Where her parents only had glimpses, she was so strongly tied to him that the bond – or maybe it was fate, or a magic unexplainable – showed her his life over a decade before they were to meet.
Kaden listened solemnly.
He felt…
While she had been seeing him, he knew he had been seeing her. But while hers forced her to healers upon healers that couldn’t help, he saw Velaris. He didn’t really make the connection until now, the dancing and music more vivid than the landscape itself.
When she had finished, he pulled her in closely. He kissed her cheeks, her head, her nose, her lips.
And he thanked her. For the music. And because it was those dreams that made him want to dance. And if it had not been for that, and music, he would have given up a very long time ago.
“I love you. I love you I love you I love you,” he said over and over again.
Kaden brought his sword down in a wide arc, cutting through the bellies of the three creatures attacking him. He made a mental note of their bodies. He was trying to make a cheat sheet to them, an encyclopedia on everything the queen cooked up with her magic, and the list was growing every time he went hunting. Turns out, he had barely seen anything over the past year – luckily, if one could even say that – he had already seen some of the worst, and that had somewhat prepared him.
The hunting had was going well, even if Amren insisted with hisses in his ear when no one else could hear that it wasn’t. It was also better now that winter was over, although spring did mean more foliage which meant more cover for cowering creatures.
He watched their pale pink bodies fall. Satisfied, he moved onto the next.
They had been here for about an hour, a large cluster gathering in the Summer Court’s rainforests. The Elite had been joined by a squadron made by Tarquin himself and they had yet to lose any lives.
Kaden kicked a creature, and rammed his sword through its throat, twisting, the head soon fell as the metallic scent of blood fixed with the damp, grassy smell of the forest around them. Sweat was sliding down his back, the air unbearably humid. The grass tickled his ankles and damn was he working his lungs hard.
“Clear!” a voice boomed.
“Clear!” followed another.
The soldiers fighting the creatures shouted as their areas were cleared and then checked. When Kaden had heard the voices of all the team leaders in the Elite, he shouted the word himself.
He gestured to two members. They collectively came over and collected the body and head of the last creature he killed, placing it in a wooden box they carried. They were taking home specimens to be studied by fae that specialized in this area, so that hopefully, in the event that something similar occurred again, they would be better prepared.
“Lord Kaden, I think you should come see this.”
The soldier was one he had only just met. Belonging to Tarquin, he was tall and dark skinned. His shoulders were broad and covered in tattoos, not dissimilar to the ones Kaden had as an Illyrian. He had fought in the Spring Court at the end of the war.
Kaden was glad he didn’t bring Felix; his best friend would have pounced on a male like this.
“Just a moment, I have to clear the area.”
“I’ll do it, Lord Kaden,” a young solider volunteered. If it had been Kaden’s choice, he wouldn’t have had someone so young, only fifteen, on his service, but he was here fighting alongside his brother and father. And that – well, that was something Kaden could sympathise with.
“Be careful. Check them all and remove their hearts. Remember to look above and below. Ask for help of you need it,” Kaden said sternly. “Your name, soldier?”
Kaden nodded and walked to the side of the first soldier. His hand was pushing aside the shrubbery to reveal dozens of broken eggs.
“Well, that explains the question of whether or not they can breed.” Next to the eggs were lizard looking things, slimy and cawing unnaturally. They were scattered in the under bush, and clearly still dependant on their mother.
“How shall we proceed?” asked the same handsome solider that summoned him.
“Take the offspring and add them to the box. Inform your High Lord about the findings and tell him to expect a full report from me by tomorrow. I’ll send the same report to the other Courts. This isn’t the best-case scenario, but it’s one we can handle.”
Kaden heaved a sigh. It felt like his lungs were wet. He was glad to be going home after this. They may have been here for an hour, but they’d been going since dawn. Before this was a town that had creatures living in the sewer and entering homes through the plumbing, but at least here there was no fae residences or towns in sight.
Kaden subtly tried to smell his under-arm. He wrinkled his nose; his scent was rank.
He was about to give the orders for everyone to go home, but a curdling scream stopped him.
He bolted in its direction and was horrified to find a creature wrapped around the leg of the young Vetly. Blood spurted everywhere, including over Kaden’s face as he quickly approached.
He was in strife. He had to get on his knees and palm two knives, and hack off the creature carefully so he didn’t cut the poor child.
When he finally got it off with the help of another Elite member, he flinched back and had to hold in his vomit.
The creature had taken his foot clean off. The bone was a just a shard sticking through bloody flesh and the smell was revolting in the heat of the Summer Court.
Kaden wrapped the wound tightly and winnowed him, leaving instructions for his family to meet him at the palace.
As they stepped onto the floor of the Summer palace, Vetly howling in pain, Kaden sent a prayer to the Cauldron that the boy would overcome this.
“Kaden, I’m glad you’re here. I wanted to talk about what happened today.”
Kaden was making his and Eleana’s bed before she came home when the voice of High Lord Rhysand interrupted him. He tossed the pillow he was holding onto the spare bed they were still using and faced Rhysand.
“High Lord. I’ve included all the details in the report I sent to you about the offspring we found but excluded the amputation from what I sent to the other High Lords. I hope I did the right thing.”
“You did, definitely. It was good, very thorough.”
Kaden smiled awkwardly, shuffling his feet. He had barely spent time with the High Lord without Eleana at his side. Kaden still struggled in his presence. He had always been the highest authority to Kaden, long before he’d ever met the male’s daughter.
And although Kaden might now hold the title of Lord, that didn’t mean he connected with it.
“I want to make sure you’re okay.”
That was not the question Kaden was expecting.
“Pardon sir?”
“It’s come to my attention that you are the only one of our children that isn’t seeing a healer after the war. Cassian and Nesta even have someone that speaks to Quathryn just to make sure. Azriel isn’t one to broach the subject, but all the resources we have here are available to you. You needn’t worry about the cost or any stigma, Velaris is free of both.”
The High Lord spoke in the same tone that he’d heard grandfathers use on children and he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. He shuffled on his feet.
“Thank you, High Lord.”
“You really must stop calling me that. Just Rhys is fine. I do like you, you know. A lot. I think you’re very good for my daughter and nephew. And brother and cousin. Mor and Az adore you.” Rhysand stepped forward and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Which is why I want to make sure you’re all good. I know you’re better equipped at dealing with trauma than Felix and my young Butterfly, but you don’t have to bottle things in to maintain that image.”
Kaden looked at him wide-eyed. “Okay, yes sir.”
Rhysand laughed. “Come with me, I want you to tell me everything that happened today. I have whiskey if you need it, but also a delightful mint blend of tea. Your choice.”
Rhysand put his arm around Kaden’s shoulder and walked them to the door.
It was in no way passive aggressive, and Kaden could tell that the High Lord did just genuinely care. Which was strange. He had become so accustomed to being looked down upon that it was a shock when he wasn’t.
Kaden lost his family long before the war.
But maybe it had brought him a new one.
“Are you ready?” asked the healer.
“Soready, you have no idea.”
For the last time, she peeled away Felix’s eye patches. He blinked and squinted and as his gaze met Eleana’s they both smirked.
“Look at how nice they look! You can’t even tell they were damaged,” Eleana told him.
He stood from his chair and hugged the healer. He patted her head, a trait he had inherited straight from his father, and moved to hug Eleana next.
She was utterly ecstatic that this was over. Felix’s sight, while not fantastic, was still good enough. As of now, she knew he could distinguish the pastel colours that made up the room. He knew where the furniture was but could not make out any detail nor exactly what it was – no matter how close or far he was to the subject. With the lenses her mate had hidden in his pocket, Felix’s sight would be better than hers.
“Only took five months,” Felix joked. “We’ll have to celebrate. I have another appointment to look at lenses and see if there is a glass that might improve my vision, but after that I’m free.” He turned his head toward Kaden. “And you finished nice and early today.”
“I wanted to be here,” Kaden said, pulling on Felix sleeve.
Felix pulled away from Eleana and went to hug his friend when he was stopped by a hand on his chest.
“I have something for you.”
Felix leant forward and said something in Kaden’s ear too low for her to hear. Whatever it was, it must have been vulgar. Kaden went bright red. A lovely red, one Eleana adored.
But she really didn’t want to know what Felix said to make him react in such a way.
“That is most definitely notwhat I have for you.”
“Guaranteed it would be more fun.”
“I’m not so sure about that.”
Kaden reached into his pocket and pulled out a rectangular, leather case. Felix cocked an eyebrow as he saw it and took it swiftly from Kaden’s hands. Felix opened it, the hinges tight from lack of use, and stopped to process what he saw.
“Thank you. I love blurry rectangles.”
Kaden smiled and lifted the glasses from their case. He carefully slid them onto Felix face, and Eleana near cried of joy when Felix blanched back with his eyes wide.
“Holy shit. Like, holy fucking shit,” Felix blurted.
“I know, right? You can adjust the settings as well so that in different environments or time of day it suits the situation better.”
The frames were a simple black, the rims circular. They made Felix’s strong jaw more prominent and suited the colour of his hair. Kaden chose well.
“You look rather dapper if I do say so myself,” Kaden told him.
Felix strode to the mirror, everyone in the room looking on in amusement. He styled his hair so that rather than it falling over his forehead it was flicked back. He adjusted the glasses and stood up straighter.
“You’re damn right I look dapper.”
Kaden was doing his familiar evening walk through the palace to see his mother. He had been slack lately, only coming once a fortnight, maybe week, and it had been ten days since he had seen her. He didn’t warn that he was coming, hoping to surprise his mother.
He was sweating profusely as he walked, summer hitting the Day Court hard. At least he’d recently cut his hair. He had let it grow so long he could tuck it behind his ears, but now he could feel the sunshine on his neck.
He walked up the many flights of stairs. It was like a sauna, with every eight steps offering relief as he climbed past a window. He knocked on her door. She didn’t say anything, so he presumed he was safe to enter.
He walked in and smiled when he saw her.
“Afternoon,” he said cheerily.
Her lips turned down at the sight of him.
“Excuse me?”
He was accustomed to her confusion- her slip-ups, her forgetfulness. She was still in recovery from the decades she spent in Hewn City. She wasn’t even sound enough to tell them why she was there in the first place.
He walked to the windows and pointed at the sun sitting low on the horizon.
“Who are you to walk into my room?” she asked him.
Since meeting her, she had started to gain weight. Her hips and torso had filled out again, and no longer did her clavicles slice through her skin or her eyes look sunken. The rings she wore no longer flung from her fingers when she waved and her belt was getting less necessary with every passing week.
Her regained health made her appear taller and fiercer, Helion often commented that her looks started to blend more with Kaden’s.
Kaden could see the fire in her eyes as she looked at him. A drop of unease settled in his stomach at the look.
“I’m sorry, I should have waited for you to call me in,” Kaden placated. He had never heard her use that tone with him, and quite honestly, it was unsettling.
She waved him off. “I have no need of you now. Come back with the dinner slaves.”
“I’m having dinner with Eleana tonight.” He took a step toward her, which prompted her to retreat slightly. He put a hand over his chest, unsure of what was happening. “Do – did you want to come? Helion said it wasn’t a fantastic idea but-”
“Who are you to speak to me in such a tone? Address your betters in the proper manner,” she snapped.
Kaden was taken aback. Never had she spoken with anything but love in her voice and the way she was looking at him was the way someone would look at a stranger.
She scoffed at him. “Does it look like I have a child? Now shoo before I have High Lord Exeter take care of you.”
“Helion is High Lord.” Kaden was shaking.
His mother scoffed. “Exeter!” she shrieked. She bared her teeth and ferally growled. Her eyes were wild and she looked like she might charge him. “Exeter! Exeter! Exeter Exeter Exeter.” She grabbed her chair and threw it at him. Kaden, so shocked by her actions, let it hit him.
He felt the wood splinter and slice his face, the bones in his wrist cracked audibly, and he just stood there while she threw her side table. It had a glass countertop, and it was only due to his reflexes that he deflected it.
Ghostly pale, he walked backwards until he hit the door. He scrambled to open it, and his legs moved but his mind didn’t but somehow he was out and slamming it just as something smashed into the place he had just been.
He could hear her screaming. He couldn’t feel the heat as he slowly walked down the stairs. He wasn’t sure when Helion started calling his name and when he had made it to the palace’s marble steps.
A strong hand clasped his shoulder and forced him to stop. Helion was in front of him, the High Lord alarmed.
Kaden couldn’t make out his words. He could feel every beat of his heart though. His chest was tight, but it didn’t hurt, not the way his stomach did. He felt every prick of the scorching wind like a pin to his skin. With every breath, he felt like he was sinking.
How long had he been here?
He heard Helion say his name again before he heard nothing but ringing.
Kaden was lying on a couch. There was a hand running through his hair – nails were scratching his scalp soothingly, and it made him want to fall asleep.
“Are you awake, my love?”
Kaden didn’t know when he’d been transported to the Night Court or even where he was, but the sound of Eleana’s voice had him blinking his eyes open.
“Take your time, breathe, I’ll be here when you’re ready,” she whispered. She kissed his forehead and then rested her head on his chest.
“What happened?” His voice was groggy.
“You had a panic attack.”
“I did?”
“Azriel told me that you’ve had one before. He’s outside keeping guard.”
Kaden sat up. He put his head in his hands. He felt fuzzy – like a giant had picked him up and shaken him.
“Your mother… Helion told me that the reason he didn’t warn you about her behaviour is because he wasn’t expecting you. Apparently she’s been having off days, and on those days she can’t quite remember where she is or what time it is.”
“She was calling for a man named Exeter,” Kaden told his mate, trying to piece together what she was saying.
He thought his mother was getting better. In the half-year since he’d met her, she had never had one of these episodes. But for Helion to explain her condition to Eleana meant it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. He wracked his brain, wondering how he missed this.
“Helion’s record show that High Lord Exeter ruled about 3,000 years ago.”
He nodded, unsure of what to do with the information. At least he had a better gauge on her age – he had underestimated.
Eleana offered him water. He said yes, and she poured him a glass from a pitcher on a table an arm’s length away. She lifted it to his mouth, and after he had drunk thoroughly, she put the glass aside and replaced it with her lips.
She tasted salty, like she’d been crying, but Kaden was too focused on the wonderful feeling of her mouth to ask. She moved from her own chair to the little space on his. He braced his arm around her, bringing her as close to him as he could. Her scent was intoxicating – distracting.
They were both breathless when she pulled back.
“You scared me,” she said. “Helion, too.”
“Did he bring me straight to Velaris?”
She shook her head.
Kaden finally looked at the room, trying to garner where they were.
He could see billowing trees outside and could feel the heat through the open windows. Windows was actually an incorrect term, they were outside in a foyer. The roof and floor were the same gold-veined marble, and they were surrounded by the strong scent of eucalyptus as they wind swept through the room.
“Are we still in the Day Court.”
He looked at her.
She was outside the Night Court.
He expected her to be flushed with joy, bright with wanderlust, but she was terse, her jaw hard and her face red.
“When you fainted and he summoned Azriel, I told him he could either let me into the Court to be with you or I would storm into the Court to be with you. Either way, I had to be at your side when you woke up.”
“That was a risky move.”
No danger could keep me from your side. I love you too damn much.
Kaden lurched forward, capturing her mouth with his again at hearing her words through the bond. Crystal clear, the tether had repaired itself enough that once again they were bridged together.
I can hear you I can hear you
You make me worry, she interrupted. When I saw the maids taking away her broken furniture, it coiled something inside of me. No wonder you reacted the way you did. I know she’s not like your father or brothers, but surely it triggered something-
Oh who gives a shit what it triggered, you’re in the Day Court.
Promise me you’ll see a healer when we return.
I promise. Are we allowed to leave? I have so much to show you. I need to introduce you to Den! Kaden paused, stopping himself. But not today.
No. She shook her head. Not today.
So far Kaden had been to eleven different places with the agent. Not a single one felt like home, or even a place he could make a home, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t disheartened.
They were on their way to the twelfth, and this was the first time Felix could actually see the place rather than just reply on Kaden’s subpar descriptions. He was quite perky about it, a pep in his step and far more chatty than usual.
They rode horses to reach the property, and Kaden liked the view as they did. This was more outside the city, the ride likely irksome for some fae, but Kaden knew he would be flying and it would take half the time. He and Eleana could also both winnow, a trait surely their children would inherit.
There was little woodland around, much thicker forests in the distance though, and the path had them zig-zagging next to white cliffs.
After a half hour of hard riding, the agent raised his hand to stop them. They climbed off their horses and Kaden looked back in the direction they came, stunned by the beautiful view of the city. They had gained altitude, so Velaris sat beneath but at a distance that made it look like they were gazing into a valley. He could see the defined areas of the city, the Rainbow standing out for the lights that were lit at all hours of the day. The sun was high, but Kaden knew when it set the view would intensify ten-fold.
The property was outlined by a rudimentary fence. It was quite large. It definitely had the space Kaden was looking for.
The agent led them to the edge of the cliff. It was maybe a twenty-metre drop, but steps had been carved into the side and at the bottom low tide meant there was their own personal beach.
“The water here near quite reaches the cliffs. The beach is at its largest now and will be an arc a third of the size at its smallest. Only in a storm does it touch, which is why it is never recommended to have permanent structures built down there. The land is fertile, and the further you go is when you start encountering the farming villages.”
Kaden looked at the calm water beneath and tried to picture his life here.
It had a lot of potential, that’s for certain, and it checked every criterion.
Felix started asking the agent questions Kaden never thought to. Felix was playing up the glasses look, he had suit pants, a white button up shirt rolled to his forearms and was wearing a matching vest. He looked like a tutor you would see at a palace who was teaching children by day and seducing nobles by night.
Kaden was happy he was here. Exuberant, even.
“Can we go down?” he asked.
The agent nodded but said he would be saying, and Felix said he would as well. Kaden shrugged and headed down the stairs.
They were well worn from use and had no rails. If Kaden was to buy this place, he would definitely replace them. Maybe with an enclosed spiral staircase that twisted right down so it wasn’t so steep.
He noticed a lot of spaces nestled into the cliffs where birds and such must live. He liked that it was teeming with life.
He made it to the sand. It was cleaner than that in the city proper and was the lightest yellow he had ever seen. He took of his shoes and rolled up his pants. He padded into the water, letting it lap up to his ankles. He threw out a small tinge of magic to check if there were hidden rocks under the water, but nope, all clear.
It was quiet. Peaceful.
There wasn’t much to see, so he headed back up. As he put his foot on the first stair, a glinting from next to it caught his eye.
There was a little nook next to the stairs. He leant down to see what it was. Something was shining in the sun, and he had to brush some sand aside to see what it was.
It was two rings. One band thicker than the other, they both had onyx stone in a ring that supported swirls of red, blue and purple opals in a vine pattern. He slipped the larger one onto his left ring finger and smiled.
They matched the crowns that he and Eleana had received so very long ago.
“Thank you,” he said to the forest faeries that must have left them for him and Eleana.
He put them both into his breast pocket and walked up the stairs, the smile never leaving his face.  
Felix’s expression was similar to his. He put his thumbs up in question and Felix nodded. He liked this one. A lot. It was the only one to have his approval so far.
Kaden knew what he would do the moment he found those rings.
“I’ll take it.”
It was a week later. Kaden had two things to do today. The first was see the architect in the Day Court that had been working on the blueprints for the house Kaden was to build and give him a final price estimate pending changes. The moment that was done, he was going straight to the Night Court to sign for his and Eleana’s land.
His mother, who was faring well today, was coming with him and Felix. He’d had a hard day hunting – they nearly had another amputation after a creature’s claws had sliced so deeply into a woman’s leg they weren’t sure if they could have saved it. His mother’s presence was a comforting one. It was as though nothing had ever happened, even if her episodes had repeated.  
Kaden was scared about it happening again, but now that he knew about its possibility he could be better prepared.
Felix had his arms linked with Denora and the two were yapping away. When they arrived at the architect’s office, they decided to stay outside so they could keep talking while Kaden went in.
The door chimed as he entered, and the receptionist behind the desk welcomed him and sent him straight into the office. He thanked the man for holding the door open for him, and then greeted the female who designed his and Eleana’s home.
“Please, sit Lord Kaden.”
She was very gracious around him. Word of his relation to Denora and High Lord Helion spread quickly, and it wasn’t long before sentries and even people on the street were bowing to him. It had given him a level of respect he’d never had and wasn’t sure he’d earned.
She laid out the plans before him.
The house was a verifiable mansion, but they were only intending on building a small section of it to start with. Then Eleana could make whatever changes she wanted, and Kaden wouldn’t have to front such a cost straight away.
They talked it over making minimal tweaks.
She handed him the paperwork with the estimates and said she could start hiring labourers the moment he had the deed to the land and gained permission for her to work in the Night Court.
He opened up the envelope, assuring her visas wouldn’t be an issue when his face fell.
The estimate was far, far more than he was expecting, even with the mirror-glass.
He told her as such.
“With the war, mining has become a far more expensive endeavour. No one is willing to go underground, and the stone down there is necessary for this glass. Many people died, and there are few who can replace them.”
Just like that, his dream was over. Sure, he could get the land and let it sit there, but what was the point? It was to be their home, and he would never, could never, afford this.
He tried to hide his disappointment. He swallowed hard, hoping the silver lining his eyes might disappear with it.
Kaden hated that he was so mad and bitterly disappointed. There was a time when he was never let down because he never let himself have expectations. At some point he had become entitled – weak – and not let himself consider that he couldn’t do this.
But of course he couldn’t do this. He heard people call him Lord and he let himself think that he was one.
He thanked her for her time and effort and said he would come back to her in a few days after thinking about it. He had zero intention of taking up her offer to build this beautiful home. He simply could not. He did not have the money.
He left the office and Felix immediately knew something was wrong. Den frowned at him, having never seen him anything other than cheery.
“Are we good to go sign the deed?” he asked, voice low and slow.
“I’ve actually decided not to.”
Kaden kissed his mother on the cheek abruptly and told her goodbye, storming off into the crowd of Sun Courtiers enjoying the cooler evening.
He heard his mother yell him name – not Kaden, Dimitri – and when he didn’t respond she sent Felix after him.
He walked until he could feel his calves staining. He might have kept going, but Felix sprang in front of him and forced him to stop.
“What the hell happened?”
“I can’t afford the house. Not even close.”
“So? Buy just the land. Eleana certainly could afford it.”
“What a grand surprise that would be. Hello, Eleana! This is our home. Here’s the bill.”
Kaden tried to walk around him but was stopped again. Luckily, he had walked into a secluded alley where the shops were closed for the evening. There were few fae to eavesdrop, and Felix apparently felt no qualms about ripping into him.
“Stop it,” he snarled.
“I can’t control my damn emotions-”
“This isn’t the end of the world. We’ve been there, done that, and it’s old news. I can lend you the money,” Felix offered.
“I already owe you so much, I can’t let you do that.”
“It would be my pleasure, honestly.”
“But I would feel like I owe you a debt. It wouldn’t be what I had done for her, it would be what you had done for us. And I know it’s archaic and stupid to feel jealous that you can offer her that and I can’t but I just can’t help it.”
“You know, I am waiting for that jealous ball to drop.”
“I’m waiting for you to become a raging mate.”
“I would never.”
“It has nothing to do with you, it has to do with the magic behind the bond or whatever. It happens to everyone.” Felix peered at him, his finger tapping his glasses to push them back up the bridge of his nose. “What were you like after she cooked for you?”
“This is so far off topic, but she never cooked for me.”
Felix braced himself on the wall looking exasperated. “So you’re telling me that all this time you two have been wandering around without doing the mating rituals or any formal…?”
“There are rituals?”
Felix sighed. “I can’t blame you for your lack of knowledge, you grew up in a hole.”
“All I want to do right now is go home to Eleana. Maybe she can explain these supposed rituals to me.”
So, that was exactly what he did.
He found Eleana in her father’s study, doing paperwork for her mother so her parents could have a night to themselves. She noticed something was awry when she looked at him, and he told her he’d had a hard day of hunting. Her face fell ever so slightly, and she got up to embrace him.
They didn’t need their own land or home to be together. Just this, her in his arms, was more than enough for Kaden.
The leaves of the Night Court were starting to turn an array of brown and orange, the slightest bit of wind making them fall from their perches and cover the paths in the city. Eleana looked out at the scene of her Velaris turning with the season. She loved the first month of Autumn. There were many things to celebrate, including baby Theodosia’s first birthday. Eleana idly wondered what she would get the babe; Kaden would let her pitch in for the inevitably wonderful idea he had, surely.
This month also marked their one-year anniversary. Not just from the day they had met, but the day that he proclaimed his love for her. It was one of the best days of her life and she would never forget the feeling of his words as they brushed her skin. She had waited for him, and by the Cauldron it was worth it.
The century without him had been a nightmare. And although the days since had been tumultuous, her health as rapid changing as the weather, he was a steady constant that kept her grounded. The time without him made him only dearer to her.
She was so distracted by her thoughts that Felix was able to land what would have been a deathblow if they hadn’t been only training.
“Eleana,” he snapped. “You haven’t trained for months. You’ll need to focus better than that.”
They were at the House of Wind. Her muscles were already sore form the gruelling exercises he had given her, but it was a welcome pain. She hadn’t felt like this in a long time – like herself. Soon, the muscle that once corded her arms and made her thighs thick would return, but until then she would have to work for it. Hard.
She was still puffed when she replied. “We’ve been at it for hours.”
“And you’ve been thinking about Kaden the whole time. You’re a sorry pair aren’t you, so dependant, it makes me literally never want a mate.”
“We aren’t dependent, I just worry when he hunts.”
Felix softened near imperceptibly. “He knows what he’s doing. Do you know how many High Lords have sent Rhys messages commending Kaden? Or should I say Lord Kaden. It’s doing spiffy things for your reputation too.”
“Is that so?” Eleana took Felix’s enthusiasm to speak as a sign they were done for the day.
“All these nobles frothing for your man is doing wonders.”
As if his name summoned him, Eleana spotted Kaden in the distance flying their way. She breathed a sigh of relief. He went hunting five days a week and because of the Courts ban on her she couldn’t go with him – even though she was in invaluable tool.
Kaden landed with a soft thud and sprinted to her side. He slammed into her, wrapping his arms around her and swinging her around as they hugged. It was an unexpected but very, very welcome on her part.
He stopped them long enough to kiss her, deep and unhinged, his excitement coming through.
“Hello. What has you so cheery?”
He put her down but kept her close. He pulled a letter out of his back pocket and handed it to her. She opened it, her eyes reading the words but not really taking them in until she’d been over it a third, fourth time.
“This is an invitation for me?”
“But this is in the Day Court.”
“Where, despite my barging, I am not allowed to go.”
He kissed her again, his lips smooth. “You are now.”
Eleana cheered.
It wasn’t that she felt she didn’t deserve her punishment. She knew there had to be consequences for her actions, she didn’t even travel that much, but not going to the other Courts meant she was missing so much of Kaden’s life. She hadn’t even met his mother. The High Lords who she had once had a great deal of rapport with were now only learning of her condition through her mate.
It was also hard to know that people close to her heart had such a distrust for her – not that she could blame them.
She was elated to finally be able to visit another Court, and from the looks of it, Kaden was too.
“We start here, and soon all the Courts will welcome you again,” his words confirmed as much.
“Let’s get ready then.”
The party was to celebrate the start of Autumn. It was at dusk, and Eleana came in a formfitting gold dress. It had thin straps and glided down her body like a second skin until it hit the floor and pooled in a train. She let her dark hair hang loose in waves and covered herself in gold jewels with red rubies.
She knew she made the right decision in clothing when she saw Kaden’s face when he first saw her.
His eyes glazed with lust, his throat bobbing as he swallowed.
It had been a long time since he’d looked at her like that, and she was surprised that the sickening coil in her stomach didn’t rear its ugly head at the look.
They had kissed, plenty a time, but never taken even the smallest step further. She wasn’t there yet, and he understood her completely.
Looking at him in his fine suit made her wonder when she would be ready.
She winnowed them to the Day Court where they were given a personal welcome from Helion. It was a little awkward, especially with so many eyes on her as she appeared, but they made it through.
The gathering was in one of the royal halls, only a twenty-minute walk from the palace. Its columns were coated in gold, the perfect match to Eleana’s dress, but the interior was all white save the vertical gardens that covered every wall. There was a water feature that split the floor in two. Kaden, who had a tight grip on her hand, walked to the left and started introducing her to the people he had become acquainted with. Soldiers, Lords, Ladies, a line started to form to speak to Kaden.
He brushed them mostly off though and walked in a bee-line to the most important person Kaden would introduce her to tonight.
Denora looked radiant in a white, velvet dress. It had cap sleeves adorned with silver bands that stretched down her arms in a vine fashion. Eleana noted that it was a similar look to Kaden’s Illyrian tattoos, and wondered if that decision was purposeful. Her hair was up in a high bun and she wore a tiara fit for an immortal princess. She was thicker – a healthy stomach, wide hips, large thighs – and taller than even Kaden.
“Mother!” Kaden called.
She turned to look at him, and it was startling to see Kaden’s midnight eyes on someone else.
“Dimitri! And you.” Her eyes widened at the sight of Eleana. She stalked to them, her walk confident and unbridled as she cut through fae to reach them. She stopped a few steps away, towering over Eleana as if she was a giant speaking to a human child.
“Hello Lady Denora, it’s lovely to meet you.” Eleana offered her hand, but Denora ignored it.
“Girl gone blue without a trace, the golden boy is Cauldron blessed, to save the good and smite the rest.” Her voice was melodic, and Eleana wasn’t sure how to respond.
Luckily, Kaden did. “Is that a nursey rhyme? I swear I’ve heard it before.”
She looked at him pointedly – like she saw far more than just the two of them standing in front of her. “Yes.”
Kaden cleared his throat. “Mother, this is Eleana, Heir to the Night Court and my mate.”
Denora stepped so she was a breath away from Eleana. Her eyes were wide as she leant in so close that their noses bumped.
“Welcome to the family, you will do great things for this world,” she whispered before abruptly pulling back. “You two must dance!” She clapped high and sped away, leaving them in her wake.
“Are we meant to follow her?” Eleana was gobsmacked.
“I think so.”
They walked after her and found her on the dance floor. She was in the middle of a few pairs of people dancing, swaying to the music alone and to her own tune.
Her body moved like a calm sea. It was fluid and flexible – effortless but powerful. It was clear where Kaden got such innate talent from.
Eleana thought she might step this one out, not wanting to embarrass any one with her dismal attempts at dancing, but Kaden would have none of it.
I would rather be still forever than dance with anyone but you.
She blushed at the words he sent down the bond and lead the way onto the dance floor.
It was just like the first time.
She was not excellent, but he guided her in such a loving way that it did not matter. It was just as exhilarating, and breathtaking as the first time he held her close at that wedding and spun her for hours on end. Except this time there were no hidden feelings, no impending doom, just a man and a woman who loved each other very much and wanted to dance together.
The way he touched her hips as they danced set fire in her veins. When his fingers brushed her collar bones to sweep the hair from her face, he may as well have painted a cross on her to show that this is mine.
Any nerves she had from his touch were nothing but virginal butterflies. It had been so long since she’d been with him that she could remember that it was amazing, but not exactly how it felt to have him inside her, touching her, making her scream unholy things and praying to Gods that she didn’t believe in. She knew that in those moments hewas her God, and she was his, and that their coupling was the magic of myth.
The music, a fine orchestra, slowed down.
Kaden and Eleana swayed to the music. She didn’t step on his feet, and he rested his head on her shoulder.
People were watching.
It wasn’t until that moment that she realised her skin had started to radiate. Her darkness was also slipping from her hands that were around his neck and tangled in his hair.
And Kaden, her perfect equal, was spilling a golden light to match.
Either he didn’t notice or he didn’t care, because they just kept dancing.
Eleana dress was sticking to her with sweat. They had danced for so long, keeping their magic at bay and ignoring the stares, that she’d become quite hot and bothered. She stepped outside for a moment to try and regain her thoughts and cool down.
There was no one here but her and the giant pool that glimmered in the moonlight. She sat down at its edge and yanked off her shoes, dipping her feet in the cool water. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes, letting the air sooth her.
It wasn’t long before Kaden joined her.
“My mother likes you.”
“Does she?”
He nodded. He was standing, but only so he could roll up his pants and join her. “I just ran into her. She sang your praises.”
“I’m glad. Hopefully I can get to know her better if Helion gives me full access to the Day Court.”
He sat down so close to her that their shoulders were touching. She leaned into him. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Have you enjoyed your night?”
His fingers were tracing patterns on her skin. He was doing it so idly she wondered if he didn’t realise he was doing it at all, but the movement sent shivers down her spine.
“Are you cold?” he asked.
She shook her head, not trusting her voice to remain steady if she spoke aloud.
He ran his hand up and down her side, thinking he might warm her. He certainly did, and her breathing became shaky.
She leaned into him more and turned her head. She kissed his jaw, then his neck, where her lips stayed and explored.
“What are you doing?” he asked, voice gruff.
“I don’t know,” she whispered against his skin.  
He faced her, his warm breath coating her face. His arm left her waist and settled high on her thigh, squeezing slightly. “What do you want to do?”
She didn’t answer.
What did she want? Not sex, no, but something. Not even to climax, just a sense of intimacy that can only be granted by your partner. Up until now, kissing had granted her that pleasure, but seeing him tonight and dancing with him like there was nothing else in the room made her ache for more.
“Do you want me to touch you?”
She felt how aroused the seven words made her in her core.
The hand on her thigh moved slightly, and that small action alone made her gasp.
“I will. Right here, but I need you to say you want this.”
Her answer was immediate.  
“I want this.”
He kissed the skin just below her ear. His hand returned to her waist. He pulled her so that she was now sitting between his legs with her chest pressed to his back. His hands, those wickedhands of his, kneaded her shoulders. She was about to tell him that, yes, that felt good, but it wasn’t what she meant. Before she had the chance, his hands moved to grip her thighs, his fingers slowly etching her dress up until he had full access to her.
He bit her exposed shoulder lightly, not hard enough to leave a mark but so much that it made her lurch. His fingers grazed her inner thigh, up and down, until she was squirming on his lap.
One hand pressed against her lower abdomen to steady her, the other one slowly making its way to where she wanted it.
His lips were at her neck, kissing her in just the right spots to make her breathless. She was about to say something, but Cauldron she forgot what it was the moment his fingers slipped beneath her underwear and brushed against her sensitive centre.
She let out a deep moan. She laced her fingers with the hand on her stomach, needing to brace herself against something.
She spread her thighs more so that they crossed over his legs, and it prompted him to stoke harder, faster, in wonderful circles that with every round hit her in exactly the right spot to leave her quaking.
She was heaving in his arms and couldn’t help grinding down on him. She became even more aroused when she felt how hard he was for her, when she realised that the sound of her hissing his name and the feel of her body pressed against him was alone enough to make him want her.
She had to bite her lip to stop from screaming as she felt herself tightened and then come, his fingers working her all the way through her orgasm.
She slumped against him, and he pushed her dress back down before wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on hers.
Nine months after her eighteenth birthday Eleana was sitting at a café in Velaris when a courier handed her a letter. It was addressed with only her name. She expected it to be from Kaden. Since she had come back to Velaris, she hadn’t felt like herself. And just like the last time she was lost with who she was, Kaden sent her letters to remind her. It was ridiculous really, they saw each other every night, but usually around two hours before he was to return to her she would get a letter. Sometimes it was just an I love youand more doodled hearts than she could count. Sometimes it was what he had done with his days. Often there were dot point summaries of the stories his mother had told him, he wrote them down so he wouldn’t forget any of the details, knowing Eleana would love to hear them all. Usually, these letters were written in the book he gave her for her birthday, the leather-bound object appearing where ever she was. A change of pace wasn’t unwelcomed though.
She closed the book she was reading and ripped it open.
It was a letter from the Day Court alright, but certainly not from Kaden.
“Holy shit Gods.”
If she hadn’t been banned from the other courts, she would have stormed into the Day Court and demanded answers. The first thing she would ask is is this a fucking joke?
She flew to her father’s office, barging in a throwing it at him.
“Is this real?” she asked.
“It says happy birthday, who’s it from?”
“The other page, look at the other page.”
He flipped over to the next page and raised his brow at what he saw. “This seems entirely real to me.”
She gawked at him, snatching it back and reading it over again herself.
Her father stood. He came and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her to the sitting chairs in the corner of the room. He mentioned something about food and tea and left her to read the pages over and over again. When he came back, she had it so close to her face that the paper was grazing her nose.
“If you’re that worried I would just confront the person who sent it. They clearly had a lot of intention. That,” he pointed at the paper, “is no quick process.”
Eleana moaned and put her head to her knees. “Do you have chocolate? I need it.”
Rhys laughed and knocked her head gently. “Eat your lunch, Butterfly. I’m sure you’ll get your answers soon enough.”
Kaden was late coming home, which meant that the whole family had to watch her pace back and forth waiting for him. Rain was thrashing against the windows, a wild storm raging outside.
She had shown them all the letter, all of which had validated its authenticity, which only made Eleana more confused.
And Kaden, her mate, had the audacity to be home late at a time like this.
When he finally strolled through the door with Felix and Quathryn, who wanted to see the pretty lights in the Day Court, Eleana tackled him. She ignored his wet clothing and barely felt his arms as they caught her.
“What is this?” she near screamed.
He swayed with her to catch his balance. “What is what?”
“This!” She waved the letter at him.
He snatched it from her hands and read it over, his eyes going wide and his mouth parting. “Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.”
“Did you know about this?”
“No! I mean, I mentioned some stuff about you-”
“What did you mention?!”
Everyone was looking at them, curiosity all over their faces. This is why weekly family dinners were not a good idea, they were too often in each other’s pockets. Eleana grumbled, grabbing Kaden’s hand and pulling him upstairs.
She slammed the study door behind her, whirling to face him.
“What did you say that made your mother do this?”
Kaden looked sheepish, running his hand nervously through his hair. “I mentioned that my savings are low, and that I was looking for property in the Night Court that I could buy.”
“Why do you want to buy land?”
His lips were a thin line. He mumbled something she couldn’t properly hear, so she demanded the answer again.
“I wanted to build you a house,” he said after a long pause. “There are these beautiful houses in the Day Court that I know you’ll love. But when I asked about the price for materials… there’s a special glass that I would want for you, but it’s far out of my budget. I could work for two hundred years and not be able to afford it.”
Eleana blinked. “You… you wanted to build me a house?”
He swallowed hard and nodded. “There’s this type of glass in the Day Court that you can look out of but not in. On the outside, it’s a mirror. I talked to an architect, even had some rough plans drawn up, but the cost stopped me.”
She tried to say something, but he kept talking, nervously rambling.
“My logic was that if in our house you could always see the sky and the gardens I would grow for you then you would never feel trapped. I was going to make all the bedrooms the same, the only opaque walls would be inside so that we could have privacy, and our children could have privacy. We would have had a lot of guest rooms of course, Felix would need somewhere to stay every time he got on the piss. I would have built it on the beach. Or a cliff that overlooked the water but wasn’t too far away from it. Because then we wouldn’t have to go far to teach our sons and daughters to swim.”
“Woah, Kaden, stop. Our house? Children? How long have you been thinking about this?”
His cheeks blushed bright red. “I’m overwhelming you, aren’t I? I’m sorry, I just mentioned to my mother, which is why she probably sent you the deed to her coastal house for your birthday. I mean, she’s quite late, but she’s often forgetful,” he tried to joke.  
“Kaden, this is a coastal apartment on Miyram and Drakon’s island. The passing of ownership has been signed off by them. She would have had to do this-”
“Months ago, I know. I told her the day I met her that you were the love of my life. I didn’t mention that house until later. She must have given this to you not because my,” he waved his hand around, “house dream.”
Eleana was stumped. She had just received more information than she’d ever bargained for. She thought her next words carefully before saying them.
“Kaden… this is – a lot. Houses and children – that’s not something I’m even ready to think about. Not something I think I want now.”
He looked away from her, nodding. “Of course. That makes complete sense. We’ve been together barely a year. I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t apologize. It’s flattering-”
“Yeah, really flattering.” He stared out the window behind her, a pink blush spreading over his cheeks. “Look, I’ll talk to Den about it, but she seems pretty stuck in her ways. We – youdon’t have to go there. I think maybe she felt bad about you not being able to travel Prythian or something. I’ll um, I’ll sort it out.”
He was rambling, and she couldn’t get a word in before he was opening the door and walking away.
“Wait, Kaden, stop.”
He was near running down the stairs, a few calls other than her own summoning him. He ignored them all. He rushed out the front door, rain whipping into the house from the storm raging outside. Eleana didn’t close the door as she rushed after him, grabbing his elbow just as he spread his wings to fly away.
“Where are you going?” she yelled through the onslaught of rain. Her hair was whipping around her face, the wet strands sticking to her.
Kaden wiped his eyes, his hair already slick down his face. “I’m going to fix this.”
“Fix what?”
He was breathing so hard she could see the rise and fall of his chest, and she reached out a hand to touch him – to steady him.
He was gasping for air. “Everything I’m doing is wrong.”
She shook her head vehemently. “No, no you’re perfect-”
“What was I thinking? I can’t – this life – I don’t think I’m cut out for this. I can’t help you no matter how damn hard I try. And your family.” His voice cracked. “They trusted me, and I’ve screwed everything up. Felix will never regain full sight, I haven’t even made a dent in dwindling the creatures. I call a woman mother who can’t remember me half the time when Morrigan is right there supporting me. The disrespect I’ve given her. I can’t even properly judge what you want and I’m meant to be your mate. Amren was right – Amren isright.”
“Please come inside and talk to me. Or we can go somewhere, anywhere that you want to go.”
He covered his face with his hands, and then swept his hair from his eyes.
“I have to leave,” his voice was grave.
“Wherever you go I’ll be there right with you, okay? So name a place, anywhere, and we’ll go there right now.”
Hs throat bobbed. He searched her face, and she wasn’t sure if he was crying or if it was just the rain. “Can we just stay here?”
She pulled him into her arms, the rain beating down so hard she could feel every drop. He was warm though, he had always been her fire in the ice. “Yes, we can stay here.”
It was a while before they came in. No one asked questions, not even when their sopping wet selves dragged their bodies through the house and to her bedroom. They peeled their clothes off, Eleana lighting the fireplace in her room to ease their shivering.
Once dry and dressed in fresh night clothes, Eleana and Kaden crawled into bed. Her bed had become a safe place of confession for them both, and with that knowledge clear in his mind, Kaden spoke.
“For the last few months, Amren has thought the worst of me. Maybe it wouldn’t have affected me as much if my failures didn’t have as much impact on our lives as they do. I want to be the best for you, and I’m worried that I never can be.”
“What has Amren said?”
“She thinks that I had something to do with what happened with the Queen. That I orchestrated what happened.”
Eleana shot up, outraged at what she was hearing. “How long has this been going on?”
“She told me the first time we met.”
Eleana climbed on top of Kaden, her legs straddling his waist and hands cupping his cheeks. “It was literally prophesised by an all knowing suriel that you were to be not just my, but Prythian’s saviour. I know you. Felix knows you. Mor and Azriel and Cassian and Nesta are all obsessed with you and my parents could not be happier that I found you. To say you are anything less than the man that you are, the selfless, wonderful man, is an insult to all our intelligences and I will not stand for it. In the morning I will talk to her. This has got to stop.”
Eleana opened her mouth, but a knock at the door interrupted her. She sighed as she climbed from his lap. Behind her door were her mother and Morrigan. Her mother held two plates of food, and Mor had two mugs held by the handle in each hand.
“Hey there,” Feyre said gently. “We didn’t want you two going hungry.”
“Thank you,” Eleana said, letting them in.
The two women, both mothers in their own right, strode into the room. Mor put the drinks on the bedside table, and whispered quietly to Kaden, asking if he was okay. The question was accompanied with a hand to his forehead; she was checking his temperature. One might think that meeting Den would drive Mor’s motherly instincts away, but Eleana was glad to see that it only intensified her need to care for him as if he was her own. It made Eleana smile.
“We thought we would join you, if that’s okay,” Feyre said.
“The more the merrier, we’re family after all.”
Eleana would never say she was a bully, but she may have used some of those tactics to force her cousin into showing her the plot of land her mate had very nearly bought.
They waited until he went hunting before Felix flew them to the site. It was quick by air, but Eleana could appreciate that anyone without wings or the ability to winnow would have a harder time getting there.
The land was exactly how he described it to be. Large, his spacious mansion would have fit and then some, on a cliff but with a forest in the distance. It was untouched by buildings and had the best view of Velaris she had seen outside of the sky.
She walked along the grassy plain and breathed in the fresh air – her body feeling light from the scent of salt and greenery that came with the wind.
“There’s stairs over there that go down, but I’m not taking you. I shouldn’t have to begin with. I do hope you know he’ll murder me if he finds out I did this.”
“Guess I’ll just have to sell my soul again to bring you back.”
Felix squeaked at the joke and put a hand over his heart.
“Too soon?” She raised a brow.
“Yes, I mean no. I mean do whatever makes you feel better about what happened. Pre and post possession.”
She laughed at the look on his face and turned toward the stairs. She didn’t really like joking about it, but she noticed how often Felix joked about his own experiences and how it genuinely seemed to help. She thought maybe if she tried the same thing it would work for her.
So far, not much success, but she also wasn’t as funny as her cousin.
She walked down the steps. They would definitely have to be replaced if they lived here. Maybe a spiral staircase would suit?
She walked onto the sand. It was chilly next to the water; she wrapped her arms around herself and continued to explore. There wasn’t a lot to see. It was nice, tranquil and private. One’s own little slice of the sea.
She told Felix she just wanted to see it, but she knew she was here for different reasons.
“I think I lied to you,” she told Kaden.
He looked up from the report he was writing. It was nearly dusk and he had been doing this since he’d returned from hunting. They were the only one occupying the House of Wind and the place was eerily quiet.
“What about?” He didn’t seem fazed by her words, but he did put his pen down and focus on her.
“I’ve been considering your words – your thoughts about our future.”
Eleana had been reconsidering their conversation since she’d ripped into Amren. She had cornered her aunt a week ago, demanding to know why she had been terrorising her mate. Amren had some convoluted excuse that had very little validity and reeked of misinformation and miseducation. Eleana never liked to pull rank, especially with her family, but she made a formal order that Amren was to never broach the subject again. Eleana heard her concerns loud and clear, and this was her officially dismissing them. She also went on to explain how Kaden could not have done the things she accused him of, even went as far as to detail the Room so Amren could fucking understand where she was coming from.
Amren had been civil since.
“What have you been considering?”
“I would rather show you than tell you.”
He smirked. “How ominous.”
Kaden very quickly changed tone when he realised where they were going. He thought Eleana might have meant doing something flirty, maybe they would repeat what happened in the Day Court, but the last thing he wanted was to go to the land he forfeited.
She took them to the tree line so they could overlook the whole thing. She winnowed them right there, if they had flown he would have refused just to save himself the embarrassment.
“Hear me out,” she said. She pointed to the cliff’s edge. “We would have to build a fence. High. And put extra wards on it so that it can’t be flown over by young children. I don’t want anyone falling down there by accident. Funnily enough, I’m more worried Felix will do that when drunk than one of our children.” She started walking, beckoning along.
He followed, confused as hell, so he just stayed silent and listened.
“I thought this side could be the main garden. We’d have one out the front too, and there would be a little cobblestone path that led to out front door with flower arches around it so it’s like a little tunnel. I think that would look cute!”
He put his hand up to stop her from talking more.
She looked distractingly radiant. She was backlit by Velaris, the city sparking alive as the sun set. She outshone it though, with her navy hair blowing in the breeze and her violet eyes so bright.
She was talking about something she had already thoroughly shut down, so why were they here? Kaden didn’t understand.
“You don’t want this, you said as much.”
She clutched her hands to her chest. “I know. I guess the idea wasn’t in my head until you put it there.”
“I’m not sure what you’re saying.”
“I’m saying that I bought this land. I’m saying that I went to the Day Court and paid to have our home built from glass. I’m saying that I want to grow ancient with you here. I want to sit on a deck chair a century from now and have you dote on me hand and foot while I grow our baby inside me and that it might take time for me to be ready for children but hell I will be ready one day. I want everything with you, Kaden. The whole domestic shebang.”
She stepped in front of him. “I want to start living. And I want to do that with you.”
She stood on her toes and kissed him. She wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him closer, and Kaden’s knees shook at her touch.
She moved her lips to his jaw, one hand coming across his neck and to the top button of his shirt. “And just because I know how much you wanted to do this for me, I only paid for the glass, so I hope you’re ready to build the rest of the house because sleeping on only that will be awfully cold in the coming months, don’t you think?” she said, her voice high and bubbly from what could only be described as pure joy.
“You are someone I couldn’t even have dreamt of.”
She pressed her cheek to his, her hands slowly undoing every button on his shirt until she could scrape her nails down his chest.
“I’m ready. I want all of you.”
“I have always been yours.”
“No, Kaden.” She punctuated her words by grazing her hand over his length. “I’m ready. I want all of you.”
He caught her hand in his, bringing it to rest over his heart. “Eleana, you don’t have to do this. If I was rushing you in any way-”
“You have been perfect – utterly perfect. It’s something I wanted to do since the Day Court, that was when I knew I could handle it.”
He bit his lip to hide his smile, even if she was grinning at him. “There’s no bed,” he said.
His heart stopped as she pressed an open-mouth kiss to his chest. She dragged her lips down the skin she had just exposed until she was kneeling before him. His breath hitched as her hands undid his belt. He stood to full attention, watching her with wide eyes and feeling his arousal build.
When she slipped her hand inside his pants to let his length free, he shuddered.
“When have we ever needed a bed?”
And then her mouth was on him and he was unable to form words.
She was slow, as if taking her time to relearn exactly what made him tick. Her plump lips would swallow him until he hit her throat, her hand stroking the part of him her mouth couldn’t. No part of him went untouched, and his moan was so loud as he tangled his hands in her hair that he was surprised the ground didn’t tremble beneath him.
He groaned her name when he was on the verge of finishing. She pulled back, taking her mouth and hands with her.
She stood up and leaned into him so close that the friction of him touching her was nearly enough to make him climax.
His hands were still tangled in her hair, and he brought her lips to his and kissed her deeply. As he did so, their tongues dancing as he tilted her back to fully capture her, one hand came down and then up again until the next thing he was doing was lifting her shirt over her head. She was bare under her shirt, and her nipples were perked in the cool breeze. He dragged his mouth away and sucked one into his mouth, kneading the other breast with his hand.
Her pants come off, and then his, and then somehow she got him on his back with her straddling him.
“I love it when you say my name like that,” she moaned as she kissed down his body.
After licking his rose tattoo on his inner thigh, her ass curving up as if teasing him to where he had once sunk his teeth in, she made her way back up his body, aligning her hips with his as she did so.
She was over him, gripping him so she could guide him inside her when he stopped her with strong hands gripping her hips.
“Wait. We should go slow, take our time. Savour this.”
Her lips turned up. She ran one hand down his chest before running it up the centre of herself, making her fingers wet with her want. She levelled her head with his, those sinful fingers tracing his lips until he bit them, sucking them into his mouth and licking the juices from them.
“I’m tired of going slow. Aren’t you?”
“Yes,” he growled.
She smirked and aligned their hips again. She didn’t wait before lowering herself onto him. They both gasped at the contact, and Kaden nearly came just from the look that crossed her face as she took him to the hilt. It was the face of ecstasy – her head tilting back, her back arched and her breasts pushed out, her mouth parted and eyes fluttering.
It had him straining when he was already so close.
When she moved her hips forward and back in a rocking motion, he was undone.
He unravelled underneath her, her body the only thing keeping him tied to this earth as wave after wave of unmeasurable pleasure blasted him. With every movement a new piece of him was gone. With every sound from her mouth he was brought back. He could barely see through the haze that she created for him.
The only clear thing was her glowing body and the darkness that started to mix with his light, the two opposing forces joining together and wrapping around them seamlessly.
He couldn’t quite remember how to form words, or where they were or his name or anything else except this:
He loved her.
So, that’s all he said. Over and over and over again.
The day Eleana moved out of her home, her father cried. She found it comical, considering they hadn’t lived together for the vast majority of the last eight years.
While their house had only just begun to be built, Eleana and Kaden decided they wanted their own space. Kaden loved living with Azriel and Mor, and Eleana too with her parents, but they wanted to take a step forward before having their very own house.
So they did something that Kaden had always intended to do but never had the chance to.
They moved in with Felix.
It was the first time Eleana had returned to camp since the war had ended, and stories of her involvement had spread like shadowfire. She expected to be sneered at, blamed for the deaths of the soldiers who had been lost, but somehow that was not what happened.
The person she suspected for that was her meddlesome cousin.
They knew of her possession. They knew Kaden had been the one to break her free of her entrapment. They knew she misted a town full of creatures and knitted back together the earth as if it were child’s play.
And that is what they focused on.
They had been with Felix for a month now and it was going swimmingly. Felix made every meal, Kaden did all the dishes, and Eleana kept the house clean.
Eleana started training again. She got her ass thoroughly kicked and her flying courses weren’t as flawless as they once were, but with every day she improved. She welcomed the ache in her muscles, the baths of ice and having her wings out all day.
Her and Kaden were sitting on their bed, Kaden kneading the knots from her back. Spread out in front of her were the plans to their house.
“I think it’s a good idea to have our room separate from the others. If we have a drawing room we can double it as a nursery while the children are still young, and it’s not like we’ll have to use it that way any time soon,” Kaden suggested.
“I agree. A play room would also be a good way to contain their mess. And if Felix goes here, it will be easy for him to baby sit. I like this flooring too. I think carpet will be better than floorboards in the bed rooms. I know it wears away a lot quicker, but it will also be freezing in winter.”
“Do you remember those hardwood floors the other day? I was thinking we could copy that.”
The conversation continued on until Kaden was done with the massage and they were both completely sure on their design. This house would truly be something to behold when it was finished, and Eleana couldn’t wait to have it all with her mate.
She looked at him. They were both still in their leathers, his hair tousled while hers was in a tight bun.
It was true that she wouldn’t have thought of this on her own. It wasn’t until she discovered Kaden wanted those things that she considered them herself. Although wary to begin with, now she’d fallen down a deep rabbit hole where she wanted everything at once.
Which was why there was one thing she desperately wanted to do but didn’t know how.
“Walk with me?”
He smiled. “Where are we going?”
She didn’t respond, just took his hand and led him from the room. They put their shoes and jackets on and left, their fingers loosely twined. She was debating whether to just do it tonight or wait. But damn if they hadn’t waited long enough already. All they did was wait.
They strolled along, Kaden happy to concede with her silence.
She stopped them eventually, in the middle of a path. It was night, so few were around but many windows were lit from the fireplaces warming the families.
Kaden didn’t ask where they were, but he did look around and note her odd choice.
“Is this where we first met?”
She nodded. “I was wondering if you remembered the place.”
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Of course I do.”
Eleana argued with herself. She wanted to just do it, but the nerves she was feeling were overwhelming. It made her jittery, so much so that he fully faced her and took of his hands in his. He ran his thumbs over her knuckles.
“You all good?”
“I love you,” she gasped.
He smiled. “I love you.”
“We’ve never quite done things in order, have we?” She was going to do it. Now. Here. At the spot they met.
“No, I guess not.”
“I knew you were my mate the first time I saw you here,” her voice shook with every syllable. “But I fell in love with you long before it mattered. And you – you loveme. And you would, mateship or no. I like that that our bond came after. Every minute of falling in love with you I would want to repeat if I didn’t already fall more in love with you every day.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but she snapped a finger up to place over his lips.
“Let me finish this while I still have the courage,” she laughed nervously. “We did things out of order. And that was good.” Eleana was never good at eloquent speeches, but he was hung on every word. “I want to do everything with you. I never thought I would have a mate, but I do. I never thought I would build a home with someone, but I am. I never thought I could love someone like this, but I do.”
She cut herself off, not knowing how to voice her thoughts. She could just send them through the bond, but she wanted to say it aloud. She wanted them to be real, tangible words that she could shout from the sky.
“I want to do everything with you,” she said again, but slower, more carefully. “I know you’re my mate, but I always wished that one day I would have a marriage as beautiful as the ones I saw growing up. I always wanted a husband who was as strong as me, as smart as me, who was either as passionate about what I loved or passionate about my adoration.”
Kaden’s face crinkled in a smile. She could see tears start to line his eyes as he clued on to what she was trying to ask. He grabbed the hand covering his mouth and kissed her palm before resting it to his face.
“Yes. Yes. Yes.”
“I haven’t asked you anything yet.”
She covered her face with her hand as she smiled with pure joy, her own tears matching his.
“Will you marry me?”
He smashed his lips to hers, their tongues and teeth clashing as they tried to exude all their excitement and love in that moment in a kiss. He swept her off her feet, his hands going under her knees as he picked her up like she was already his bride. He held her close to his chest, his lips never leaving hers.
He broke from her, panting. “My front pocket,” he said breathlessly.
“Huh?” She kissed him again, her hands tangled in his hair as she tried to get as close to him as possible.
“My pocket,” he said to her lips.
He put her down and fished into his pocket. Upon grabbing something miniscule, he sunk to his knees.
“I’ve had these since the first time I went to our home. I’ve been planning to ask you to marry me since.” He pulled out two matching rings and Eleana couldn’t help the sob that broke her chest.
It had been a long time since she had shed these kind of unadulterated, happy tears. Her heart had never felt so full. It was like her whole body was starting to defrost after being in ice for a century. He was the flame that made her fae again, aliveagain, and she loved him.
She fell to her knees. With shaking hands, she took the larger band from him and slipped it onto his left hand. She then took hers and inspected it, a fresh wave of emotion hitting her as she did.
“They match our crowns,” her throat was so tight it was nothing but a whisper. She then put it onto his finger, where it would remain for the rest of their immortal lives.
The day Kaden and Eleana had their mating and marriage ceremony the city of Velaris was painted in blue and gold. Banners for the couple flew throughout the city, mixing with the orange and yellows of the fallen leaves of Autumn. There was singing in the streets, so elated and loud that you could hear it all the way from the holy temple sitting just outside the city’s borders. A temple that was once wasted in a war against kings and now sat proud outside the Court of Dreams. Throngs of fae flocked to see the Lady and Lord wed, a true union of the Day and Night Courts. A Lady bred from darkness and born to reign. A Lord conceived on the night of Sprits who could see the ones this world had lost.
Regal fell short when describing the pair. Eleana with a dress of gold and navy and Kaden with a matching suit, they wore crowns unseen of and crafted so well that no fae hands could replicate such a beauty. Eleana smirked at her mate as if she had a secret, as if to say I knew there would be an occasion to make you wear that crown.
As the priestess tied their hands together with the delicate, red, symbolic ribbon while they recited their vows, there was nothing but pride and love in the room. As they spoke, their words echoed for all to hear. It made her stoic parents cry, it made his newfound father and two mothers glow, and it made their best friend place his hand on his chest to contain the utter euphoria he felt that the two he loved most were finally happy.
They recounted to all how they fell into each other, hard enough to shatter stars and to break through the night.
When they first met, and she knew he was going to be important. Their first dance, where she fell and he caught her. Their first stolen kiss on the sacred day of Starfall. The first I love you at a wedding that was not theirs. When they admitted their mutual love for each other at a lake. When he came to Velaris and found not just a city where his heart belonged but a family he belonged to. When she gave him her soul. When he claimed it for himself and gave it back to her.  
In two years, they had lived a hundred year’s worth of life. They had fought for their love and happiness and against unattainable odds they had won.
And as the Lord and Lady looked at each other, the world stopped.
They were happy. They were in love. They were together. They were at peace.
This is the final chapter of ACOHAD, posted on the 29th of September, 2018. The first ever chapter was posted on the 29th September, 2016. This fanfiction spans roughly the same amount of time.
Happy anniversary ACOHAD, I'll miss you.
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blouisparadise · 6 years
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Although pretty much all of our fic recs are for Louis/Harry fics, we recently received a request for a non-Larry bottom Louis fic rec list. In order to make that anon and whoever else may be interested in this happy, this list features fics with Louis/Liam, Louis/Zayn, Louis/Nick, Louis/Niall, Louis/Luke, and Louis/Greg. And after this, it’s back to our usual Louis/Harry fics.
There is a second part to this rec list that has been posted here. Check it out!
1) And Then Relief | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 2050 words
The first time Louis kneels for Liam is almost an accident.
2) Longer Night | Luke/Louis | Explicit | 2067 words
What happened after the 'Long day' photo was taken? Probably this.
3) Rough Trade | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 3328 words
It was Liam, wearing those boots and filthy fucking jeans slung tight around his hips and loose everywhere else, like they were meant for him. To say nothing of the sleeveless situation and black fingerless-gloves and his, frankly, unfair arms.
4) And I’m Walking In | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 3344 words
“What do you want?” Liam asks, moving them back to the bed, pressing Louis down and looking at him. He quirks his eyebrow, runs a hand down Louis’ chest. “We’ve got all night, you know.”
Louis swallows. “I thought—thought you said something about fucking me?” His voice cracks on the last word. He’d be embarrassed but Liam’s just pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side, and fuck, that’s always the sexiest thing Louis has ever seen. “Getting your mouth on me?” he finishes, a whisper in Liam’s ear.
5) If You Ask Me To | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 3698 words
Zayn and Louis are friends who fuck. It's nice.
6) Baby Go On Twist The Knife | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 4390 words
Zayn left the band without a word to Louis about it. After three years of being in a relationship Louis had expected more, so when Zayn had tried to get into contact with him afterwards Louis had felt very justified in ignoring every single one of his texts and phone calls. But it's been months now and Louis knows he needs to start getting closure on what happened between them, and when he goes to Zayn's house to collect all the things he'd left behind he ends up accidentally falling back into bed with him and realising that maybe he isn't ready to let go.
7) Clearly Intended For You | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 4455 words
“Look, you’re in university! It’s like the time for you to, y’know, experiment and try anal once or nine times,” Louis says in what he thinks is a comforting, calming voice.
8) When It Gets Loud, I Turn It Up | Greg/Louis | Explicit | 5405 words
Louis and Greg have a dinner party. People think he's the cute little boyfriend... but truly he's slightly slutty (but only for Greg). When all the guests go home, Greg carries him upstairs. :)
9) Taste Too Good | Greg/Nick/Louis | Explicit | 5609 words
Note: This is locked and can be read by AO3 users only.
When they pull back for air, Louis is panting.  “God,” he breathes, lips pink and wet and parted, pupils already blown.  “Is that that, then, or do you want to fuck on Grimmy’s bed?”
10) And When I Hit That Dip Get Your Camera | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 5719 words
He's pretty well known in the industry at this point and he likes to say with a certain amount of nail shining and hair flicking that he’s kind of a gay household porn star name now. (Louis is a gay porn star, Liam's strapped for cash and agrees to make a gayforpay video - basically PWP.)
11) Flawless | Greg/Louis | Explicit | 5732 words
Greg has a thing for Louis and his flawless body.
12) One Shift At A Time | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 6372 words
Liam's first few months on the job in the paediatric ward as a junior doctor would be easier if the head nurse didn't hate him. They would probably be even better if he could do anything about the hopeless crush on said nurse.
13) Wild Is A Fire | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 6653 words
Nick has a kink. Louis uses it to his advantage.
14) Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better Than You | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 7991 words | Sequel
Basically, Louis and Nick have grumpy sex and ignore their feelings.
15) I'm Just A Reader, You're Every Chapter | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 8274 words
Zayn and Louis are uni roommates, Zayn may have a crush, and Louis can't handle it.
16) Nothing You Can Fake | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 8742 words
Nick is not sure what Louis Tomlinson is doing at the Breakfast Show’s one year anniversary celebration.
17) And I have Promises To Keep, Miles To Go Before I Sleep | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 9042 words
“Also… grateful if you don’t cum and tell.” Louis keeps going with his fingers, now dancing dangerously close to Nick’s crotch and Nick is hard, he is really fucking hard and it’s not nice of Louis to tease him this much, especially not in a bloody bathroom belonging to Harry Styles of all people. “Because I don’t usually do this you know, and I don’t need a reputation of getting to the place I am today by spending time on my knees.”
18) Something Personal | Nick/Louis | Mature | 10570 words
Nick is a young, renown neurosurgeon. Harry is his worker-minion. Liam is Harry's new boyfriend. Louis is Harry's best friend and an absolutely wretched little monster, and Nick is stupidly, stupidly in love with him.
19) He Walks Like A God | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 10754 words | Sequel
Fame hit faster than one of Liam’s fists and Louis didn’t want to duck the punch.
With Liam’s rising fame after every fight Louis doesn’t want to be left behind for all the glitz and glamour by the best friend he secretly loves with all his heart.
Hopefully one of those knocks to the head will make Liam realise that the person who was made for him has been standing in front of him since they were 10 years old.
20) You and Me, Baby | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 11455 words
Three or four days, stuck in a cabin alone with Louis Tomlinson. Honestly, Nick doesn't know what he did to deserve this bad karma, but he hopes it was worth it.
21) Not A Bloody Thing | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 14875 words | Sequel
This thing that Nick has with his intern's friend really isn't a big deal.
22) Get Another Coal On The Fake Fire | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 16452 words
Note: This is locked and can be read by AO3 users only.
In Louis’ defense, this had seemed like a smashing idea with high potential for success six weeks ago when he’d first thought of it. // “I get that you’re jealous and all,” Zayn adds, “because—we all get it, yeah? Harry’s got like a million mates now outside of the band and he’s never around when we’re home—but it has never occurred to me that this problem might be solved by one of us sucking Grimmy’s dick.”
23) I’m Not Looking For A Lover | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 20006 words
Zayn has recently come into possession of a fortune he wants little to do with and time he doesn't know how to waste. And then there's Louis, someone who can solve both of these problems even though he has his own load of baggage. They meet in New York.
24) Nothing Is More Fantastic. Nothing Is More Tragic | Nick/Louis | Mature | 20162 words
After the Breakfast Show and after One Direction, Nick and Louis find themselves in the same place at the same time.
The place is Paris.
25) Heart Out On My Sleeve | Niall/Louis Explicit | 29277 words
After Zayn drops out of Hogwarts just before their last year in Slytherin, Louis is left adrift. In a high-level Charms class tasked with finishing the rebuilding of the castle, he strikes up an unlikely friendship with Niall Horan of Hufflepuff, and learns more than he expected along the way. (A Harry Potter AU set eight years after the Battle of Hogwarts.)
26) Truly, Madly, Crazy, Deeply | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 29744 words
In which Liam and Louis wake up married after Zayn's bachelor party in Las Vegas.
27) Set the Pace | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 34052 words
It's not always easy, but sometimes it's harder than it has to be. University meets Radio 1 AU.
28) Under Me, So Quite New | Liam/Louis | Explicit | 34135 words
Liam knows what Louis needs, even when Louis doesn’t.
29) We Were Good (Almost Perfect) | Zayn/Louis | Explicit | 40863 words
Zayn doesn't want to leave on a bad note. A hurt Louis still tries to cut him off completely, but then a baby factors in and changes everything for the better.
30) Not Your Fault But Mine | Nick/Louis | Explicit | 127258 words
It's the beginning of Louis' second year at uni, and he's sharing a house with his four best friends in the world. This is going to be the best fucking year ever, Louis can just tell. The best fucking year ever.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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seriouslyhooked · 7 years
Between the Raindrops (The CS Mixtape) Part 160/?
Series of CS oneshots inspired by music. Collection on FF Here.
A/N: Fluffy (and tiny) post 6-B drabble where Emma and Killian spent a day sailing on the Jolly Roger and are coming into port just as a storm has rolled into town. Killian’s a bit worried it will spoil their day but Emma sees things differently. Most definitely includes a kiss in the rain and my typical CS cuteness because I’m me. Inspired by the song ‘Between the Raindrops’ by Lifehouse.
Of all the problems and all the messes that Emma and Killian had faced together, there were easily more than a dozen scenarios that Emma never wanted to relive. In their relationship so far, there had been enough suffering and enough setbacks. There had been death and loss and separations, memory loss and realm hopping and almost too many curses to count, but recently, after everything had settled from the final battle, the kinds of problems before them were of a totally different nature.
Case in point Emma and Killian were currently staring down the barrel of a pretty substantial storm, easily the worst they’d faced in weeks, but it wasn’t some devious big bad or scheming villain that posed a problem. No, quite literally it was an actual thunderstorm, one that had decided to roll into Storybrooke at the tail end of Killian and Emma’s day off where they’d been sailing on the Jolly in the harbor. One minute the sky had been clear and the only clouds had been white, fluffy and unimposing, and the next the rain started pouring and the rumblings of the storm front blasted around them as cracks of lightning lit up the evening sky.
“Bloody hell it’s practically a hurricane!” Killian called out from across the decks of the Jolly and Emma rolled her eyes thinking he was exaggerating. Then another bolt of lightening kissed the turbulent blue-gray waves they’d left further out and Emma jumped, admitting it was a pretty nasty swell after a picture perfect day. Thankfully they were back now by the docks just trying to set things up so the Jolly would be safe to leave, but it had been touch and go for a spell, and a few more minutes out spent enjoying the open seas would have created quite a problem for the two of them.
“It’s just a little rain!” Emma called back with a purposefully teasing lilt in her voice as Killian brought down the sails, showing off the hard lines of his muscled arms to Emma as he did and drawing her attention. Damn her husband was hot, that was just a fact of her life, but there was something about him soaking wet and taking command of the harder problems they were facing that sparked a need in Emma that probably shouldn’t be so apparent in the middle of a rainstorm.
“A little rain?!” he scoffed as he continued moving about the ship, momentarily oblivious to her ongoing interest in how he appeared right now. “Come now, love, you know this is hardly a light misting.”
“It’s nothing we can’t handle,” Emma countered, her words a little tighter than they had been, and when he heard the subtle change Killian looked back to her, taking her all in before responding. In his expression Emma could see his own ever present level of admiration too, but it was outshone by genuine concern for her that touched Emma as Killian’s caring always did.
“Maybe not, but I’ll be damned if you catch a cold out here after the day we’ve had. A man doesn’t romance his wife like this just for it all to be washed away.”
Emma laughed outright at that, thinking that on some level Killian had to be kidding. After all they’d just spent the day together in the sun, exploring the coastline around them and luxuriating in their afternoon away from the rest of the world with a mix of sweetness and sex appeal befitting any good honeymoon. There’d been a picnic, some rum, and more than one interlude not fit for public or family consumption and all of it had been brilliant. But right now her husband looked dead serious in his concerns, and in between the tasks that were more than second nature to him that he was undertaking to secure the ship, Killian kept looking her way as if worried Emma would wilt under the pressures of the storm.
If anything, however, Emma felt rejuvenated by this. The day had been almost overly warm even in all its glory and they were in the midst of a long hot summer that was stretching on and on, so a storm like this was welcome if a bit overwhelming in its unexpected intensity. Yet from the look on Killian’s face one would think that Emma was in actual, tangible danger, and Emma didn’t want him to linger in those worries. Killian was right, they had just spent a wonderfully romantic day together and they shouldn’t be fretting over a relatively harmless storm; they should be chasing those good feelings some more and ending the day on the high note from which it started.
With that thought in mind Emma found herself moving, cutting across the worn wooden decks of the Jolly until she was right before Killian with all of his attention locked right on her. In his deep blue eyes that shone so much brighter than the sea around them now she saw nothing but love and a little curiosity, but that questioning melted away when she pulled him down by the shirt he was wearing and in for a kiss right there in the rain. Maybe it was a little cheesy, and yes, perhaps it was reminiscent of a few too many romantic movies to be totally her style, but Emma gave all of herself to that kiss and she found that she loved it, connotations be damned, as soon as Killian met her beat for beat giving just as good as he got.
It was hard to say exactly how long the kiss lasted, and despite the cool trickles of rain that continued to fall and slide across their skin and seep into their clothes, Emma was on fire, consumed with the love that she had inside her heart for her husband that had never faded and that never would. It was actually kind of perfect, standing out there in the midst of a storm as natural chaos unfurled all around, because standing in the arms of the man she loved Emma felt untouchable without a care or a fear or a worry anywhere in sight.
“No storm is going to wash us away, Killian. We’re stronger than that. We’re stronger than anything, as long as we’re together,” Emma finally whispered when they’d pulled apart from the kiss, their foreheads touching and their bodies wrapped together. Emma could feel the push of Killian’s hook against the small of her back and his hand at her waist, but then it came up to cup her cheek as his eyes met hers, shining bright with hope and honesty and all the trust in the world.
“Aye, love. You’re more than right about that. And if you want to stay out here all night then by the Gods we will,” he promised, grinning at her and pulling a genuine smile to her lips in the process.
“But you had other ideas?” Emma prodded, knowing that he did even without having to ask and pulling a chuckle from Killian as his thumb traced the corner of her mouth ever so lightly and his eyes dropped back down to her lips.
“I was just thinking that the only thing better than having this moment out here would be getting you home and warm and out of these wet clothes…”
There was nothing more that Killian needed to say to convince Emma, and her only response was to ask if he had anything left to do to protect the Jolly from the storm. And when he told her that he didn’t Emma thanked her lucky stars before flicking her wrist and poofing them both back home so they could make good on all those wonderful thoughts of his and spend the rest of this perfect day in a way befitting two people so truly and wonderfully in love.
Look around There's no one but you and me Right here and now The way it was meant to be There's a smile on my face Knowing that together everything that's in our way We're better than alright Walking between the raindrops Riding the aftershock beside you Off into the sunset Living like there's nothing left to lose Chasing after gold mines Crossing the fine lines we knew Hold on and take a breath I'll be here every step Walking between the raindrops with you Take me now The world's such a crazy place When the walls come down You'll know I'm here to stay There's nothing I would change Knowing that together everything that's in our way We're better than alright Walking between the raindrops Riding the aftershock beside you Off into the sunset Living like there's nothing left to lose Chasing after gold mines Crossing the fine lines we knew Hold on and take a breath I'll be here every step Walking between the raindrops with you There's a smile on my face Knowing that together everything that's in our way We're better than alright Walking between the raindrops Riding the aftershock beside you Off into the sunset Living like there's nothing left to lose Chasing after gold mines Crossing the fine lines we knew Hold on and take a breath I'll be here every step Walking between the raindrops with you Between the raindrops with you Between the raindrops with you Between the raindrops with you
Post-Note: So it’s just the shortest little fluff piece today because I have been busy and actually working on other chapters entirely, but I was going through the list of songs I compiled myself months ago and this one jumped out immediately. Basically if you haven’t heard the song I would definitely recommend it, and if you are a reader waiting for your prompt to be answered then no worries. We’ll be backed to our regularly scheduled programming soon enough. In the meantime though I hope you all have a lovely rest of your day and thank you so much for reading!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,Part 10,Part 11, Part 12,Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24,Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31,Part 32, Part 33, Part 34, Part 35, Part 36, Part 37, Part 38,Part 39,Part 40, Part 41, Part 42, Part 43, Part 44, Part 45,Part 46,Part 47, Part 48, Part 49, Part 50, Part 51, Part 52, Part 53,Part 54,Part 55, Part 56, Part 57, Part 58, Part 59, Part 60,Part 61,Part 62, Part 63, Part 64, Part 65, Part 66, Part 67, Part 68,Part 69,Part 70, Part 71, Part 72, Part 73, Part 74, Part 75,Part 76,Part 77, Part 78, Part 79, Part 80, Part 81, Part 82, Part 83,Part 84,Part 85, Part 86, Part 87, Part 88, Part 89, Part 90,Part 91,Part 92, Part 93, Part 94, Part 95, Part 96, Part 97, Part 98,Part 99,Part 100, Part 101, Part 102, Part 103, Part 104, Part 105,Part 106, Part 107,Part 108, Part 109, Part 110,Part 111, Part 112,Part 113, Part 114, Part 115,Part 116, Part 117, Part 118,Part 119,Part 120, Part 121, Part 122, Part 123,Part 124, Part 125,Part 126, Part 127, Part 128,Part 129,Part 130, Part 131,Part 132,Part 133, Part 134, Part 135, Part 136, Part 137, Part 138,Part 139,Part 140, Part 141, Part 142, Part 143, Part 144, Part 145,Part 146, Part 147, Part 148,Part 149, Part 150, Part 151,Part 152, Part 153, Part 154, Part 155, Part 156, Part 157, Part 158, Part 159
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The best and worst films of 2018
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If after watching 112 films teaches you anything, it's that Hollywood will continue to pump out the franchise blockbusters - and audiences will still hand over their cash to see them, no matter how below average or unoriginal they may be.
Cinematically, 2018 was a year that marked the final screen appearances for both Robert Redford (’The Old Man and the Gun’) and Daniel Day-Lewis (’Phantom Thread’), heralded Bradley Cooper’s impressive directorial debut (’A Star Is Born), served up an innovative high-tech thriller (’Searching’) and bestowed the most gob-smacking showdown involving MCU’s greatest heroes and villains (’Avengers: Infinity War’).
It was also a very good year for Netflix loyalists who saw the company release a succession of well received films including ’Annihilation,’ ‘Roma,’ and ‘The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.’
Despite Dirty Harry’s memorable comment that “opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one,” the films that have made this year’s ‘best list’ have been selected on the basis of the lasting impression they have left on this viewer after the lights have come up and the curtain’s been drawn.
So, what succeeded and what failed?
Ladies and gentlemen, may we please offer for your consideration…
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40. STRONGER     
38. FAHRENHEIT 11/9  
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20. I, TONYA
18. RBG 
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The Australian ‘western’ is a genre all its own, and ‘Sweet Country’ was the finest example of its type. Both Warwick Thornton's direction and Dylan Rivers’ cinematography was outstanding, as were all of the lead acting performances. Shot in both Central and South Australia, ‘Sweet Country’ transcended the genre’s tropes to tell us a quintessentially Australian story, albeit a bloody, brutal and tragic one. 
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As with his previous film ‘The Big Short,’ writer/director Adam McKay set aside the clean, colourful look of his comedies (’Anchorman,’ ‘Step Brothers’) in favour of a washed-out, edgy look, with the frequent use of hand-held cameras. The entire ensemble - including Steve Carell, Sam Rockwell and Amy Adams - were all impressive but it was Christian Bale’s skilful and highly effective portrayal of former VP Dick Cheney that deservedly received the kudos from critics everywhere. 
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Indie filmmakers Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, wrote, directed and starred in this terrific slow burner about two brothers who decide to revisit their childhood UFO death cult for some closure. Initially, the film’s daunting atmosphere gave the impression that this horror/sci-fi would follow the usual story ‘beats’ that accompany the genre. But after some mind-bending twists, ‘The Endless’ soon switched from being about a crazed cult into something else!
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It’s no secret that Sony’s last few attempts with the character of Spider-Man have been underwhelming to say the least. However, this rousingly entertaining superhero adventure was easily 2018′s most unexpected surprise. The film’s impressive animation was beautiful, fluid and unique, whilst the storyline was both compelling and genuinely funny. What can we say - we finally got the ‘Spider-Man’ movie everybody wanted. It’s OK Sony, we now forgive you for ‘The Emoji Movie.’
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Sadly robbed of the Best Picture gong at last year’s Academy Awards, this third movie from award-winning playwright Martin McDonagh (‘In Bruges,’ ‘Seven Psychopaths’) was a dramedy that started with cleverness and wit before opening up into something truthfully human. McDonagh’s screenplay was so good that every single cast member, no matter how little their screen time, gave a great performance.
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In this true-crime movie, four bright and well-off college students in Kentucky plot to steal some rare books from their university's Special Collections Library in a misguided quest for personal glory. Written and directed by Bart Layton, ‘American Animals’ cleverly woven script was narrated by the heist's actual participants, bringing a fascinating layer to the proceedings as well as a connection between the characters and audience.
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It may have been the most intense, complex and stirring MCU film yet, but it was as lean as epics get, with none of its nearly two-and-a-half-hour running time feeling wasted. While the many characters and intersecting plots may have confused casual viewers (it’s assumed audiences are now familiar with all that's come before), for fans, it was one mind-blowing moment after another.
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Who would have thought that a 20+ year franchise would have been able to deliver one of the most exciting and visceral action films in recent memory? ‘Fallout’ saw the stepping up of both the action and the stakes, with the personal screws tightened on Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and the horrible consequences for failure. Love him or hate him, Cruise's performance was lean and focused, whilst Christopher MacQuarrie’s direction was effective and thrilling, always hitting every action beat - dead centre.
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Director Lynne Ramsay’s bleak yet effective thriller about a broken and tormented ex-military vigilante (Joaquin Phoenix), who makes a living rescuing kidnapped girls and making the perpetrators violently pay with a hammer, was a dark and twisting journey into one man’s soul. Ramsay's filmmaking powers and script, combined with Phoenix's committed, unadorned performance and Johnny Greenwood's absolutely superb soundtrack, easily delivered one of this year’s most standout movies.
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Although it polarised audiences everywhere, ‘Hereditary’ was a refreshing example of a studio (A24) subverting expectations and the perfect showcase of what horror is capable of when taken seriously.
Even as the film ventured into territory familiar to its genre, writer/director Ari Aster skillfully orchestrated the tension into something that felt like a nightmare straight from hell. What begins as a drama about a family tearing apart with grief, slowly descends into madness and the supernatural. 
Rather than rely on a ‘conveyor belt’ of jump scares strung together with a derivative story which exists purely as a vehicle to deliver those jump scares, ‘Hereditary’ put family drama at the forefront and milked every ounce of dread from the hideous realities of familial cohabitation for what they’re worth. 
Whilst the film’s cinematography, production design and score were all some of the best the horror genre has seen, it was the performances that finally sold ‘Hereditary,’ notably Toni Collette’s tormented turn as a manic mother who is mourning the loss of a parent. 
‘Hereditary’ didn’t just redefine horror - it successfully put its own wicked stamp on the tropes of the genre, and provided audiences everywhere with a truly unsettling experience.
Hail Paimon!
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18. MILE 22
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11. BOAR
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Sadly, this fifth chapter in the ‘Conjuring’ universe was nowhere near as scary, inspired or coherent as its predecessors. The quick onslaught of jump scares, punctuated by sudden noises on the soundtrack, quickly dashed the hopes of viewers who saw the entire exercise as a colossal waste of time (not to mention that the titular character was almost ‘missing’ in her own movie). 
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This was a prime example as to how you kill a franchise. ‘The Predator’ was so bad, it made both ‘AVP’ movies look like modern day masterpieces. Whilst the acting and storyline were awful, the film suffered from plot holes, the lack of any kind of script, the constant desperate dramatic music featured relentlessly throughout and the forced jokes. Why director Shane Black thought injecting a comedy script into this franchise was a good idea is anyone's guess. 
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Brian Henson, son of the legendary Jim Henson and the director of ‘The Muppet Christmas Carol’ and ‘Muppet Treasure Island,’ somehow thought this juvenile attempt at humour was a good idea. Instead, it did the most offensive thing that a comedy could ever do - it failed to make you laugh. 
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This forgettable and redundant comedy, from its tired title to its forced acting and humour, tried desperately to be everything at once and ended up being nothing at all. Given the talent involved, one would have expected some semblance of subtly and finesse to let these strong performers elevate the material as they've been known to in the past. However, when the material was as blunt as a sledgehammer, there wasn’t much anyone could have done. 
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Despite its polished production values and stellar cast, ‘Gringo’ amounted to an absolute bust. Director Nash Egerton’s unsavoury and amoral comedy of errors qualified as something contrived, convoluted and ultimately incoherent. Crammed with a myriad of ‘madcap’ situations that weren’t even remotely funny or original, this crappy caper failed to keep up with its talented cast who struggled in their portrayal of such unpleasant stereotypes.
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CGI vomit. 
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4. THE 15:17 TO PARIS
Anybody desperately wanting to watch this train wreck should fast forward the first hour and six minutes. Clint Eastwood’s effort to pay tribute to the three brave men who foiled the 2015 Thalys train attack was a cinematic misfire of epic proportions. The bold step of having the real-life heroes play themselves was a bad call (awkward delivery, mumbled lines), whilst the film also had an underlying Christian/pro-gun/pro-military vibe about it.  
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From the over-the-top bow and arrow fights to the bizarre mix of costumes, ‘Robin Hood’ was comparable to Guy Ritchie’s disastrous reimagining of ‘King Arthur,’ only worse. Far worse. This umpteenth version of the legendary heroic outlaw was severely lacking in the entertainment and thrills department, and continued the Hollywood tradition of blockbuster remakes absolutely falling on their arses.
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The ‘Jackass’ films were great, but this dismal wannabe ‘Caddyshack’ or ‘Porky’s’ left audiences longing for the relative artistry and sophistication of the crazy lads’ glory days. ‘Action Point’ was a predictable, exceptionally cheap and humourless affair, a watershed moment in terms of anyone ever bank rolling a feature film for these guys again. RIP gentlemen, it was a fun ride.
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It’s all elementary as to which film was by far the very worst of 2018.
Everything about ‘Holmes and Watson’ was lazy, incompetent and decidedly unfunny. This shockingly misguided assault of repetitive bad slapstick and terrible writing squandered the remarkable talents of John C. Reilly, Rebecca Hall, Steve Coogan, Kelly Macdonald, Ralph Fiennes and Hugh Lawrie, and saw Will Ferrell give what was easily the worst performance of his entire career.
This was no ‘Step Brothers’ - this was pure, unadulterated garbage. 
0 notes
Note: This is a Harry Potter tag I made up (with questions from many different tags), since I’m not satisfied with the ones I saw online.
1. Favourite book?
Without any hesitation, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Let me list some reasons why:
+ Things are dark, but Hogwarts is still there, unlike Deathly Hallows.
+ Lots of Slytherin stuff - Snape, Draco, Slughorn...
+ Contains my favourite chapter - Spinner’s End (so the Unbreakable Vow and all).
+ Dumbledore dies and mind you, I didn’t like this dude.
+ Lavender Brown comes into the picture and makes Granger pissed off ♥ 
+ All the Voldemort’s memories, especially THE ONE WITH THE GAUNTS THEY SHAMELESSLY OMITTED IN THE FILM.
+ Contains gazillions of my favourite quotes. 
So, yeah.
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2. Favourite film?
That’s harder than the book, but I dare say Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Even though it lacks a lot (as usual), I’m happy they included all the most awesome things, like the Quidditch World Cup and the Yule Ball. Even though Moody-aka-Crouch Jr isn’t explained at all in the end, it’s still awesome. The return of Voldemort is just stunning.  
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3. Favourite female character?
I’m torn between Narcissa and Bellatrix. Everyone talks about Evans, but I loved Narcissa’s motherly love. Firstly, she’s so desparate to protect Draco she goes to ask Snape for help, knowing Voldemort forbidden her to tell anyone, and she is ready to duel Bellatrix, even if it’s her own sister. And she risked her life once again, LYING RIGHT UNDER VOLDEMORT’S NON-EXISTENT NOSE to protect her son, and thanks to that Evans’ sacrifice made sense. That’s also under proof how much Voldemort understimated the power of love. 
Bellatrix, on the other hand, is (first of all) a great dueller. I’d like to be one, too in the wizarding world (Weasley killed her only because Bellatrix didn’t treat her seriously). Secondly, she is just cool, in all her darkness and madness. I think there is much more to her than most people see. She’s a symbol of obsession, symbol of what addiction can lead us to - death, in the very end.
So...Since they’re sisters, can I have both?
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4. Favourite male character?
Draco Malfoy, and let me explain myself.
I’m not another fangirl who just likes bad boys, there is much more to Draco’s character than that.
We meet Draco as a selfish boy who is spoiled by his parents and most people see him just like that throughout the series. But Draco is a symbol of something a lot of teenagers struggle with nowadays - he tries to prove himself to his father, his cruel father, who is dissapointed that his only son didn’t manage to befriend someone as famous as Harry Potter. And Draco’s mission of killing Dumbledore represents teenagers who think they’re oh-so-adult, while they aren’t, which he realises when the final moment comes. 
As a bonus, he’s a Slytherin, he’s blonde (I love blonde guys) and he doesn’t like Gryffindors (the enemy of my enemy is my friend), all in one. And he’s got the most of my favourite quotes.
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5. Favourite character in overall?
Draco, see my reasoning above xd
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6. Favourite animal (e.g. Hedwig, Buckbeak, Crookshanks)?
It’s hard, but I think I’ll choose Crookshanks. It chased Pettigrew, anyway, and there’s a theory it might have been Regulus Black.
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7. Favourite magical creature (e.g. Thestral, Hippogriff, Dementor, house-elf)?
The Bowtruckle WITHOUT DOUBTS! I want one!
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8. Favourite subject?
Defence Agains the Dark Arts. The only subject that has anything to do with the Dark Arts.
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9. Favourite teacher in overall?
Severus Snape, of course! He called Granger an insufferable know-it-all who she was, and why did only Snape have the guts to say it? And he spoke about his subject like about a lover. And turn to page 394.
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10. Favourite DADA teacher?
As much as I love Snape, I choose Lockhart. You wouldn’t need to do ANYTHING during those lessons, you’d just need to tell him you’re his fan and duh, passed.
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11. Favourite villain?
I like all villains except for Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle because they were stupid, Wormtail, because he was disgusting and Umbridge, because it’s Umbridge.
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12. Favourite quote?
There are gazillions, but let’s stay by these two:
“You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffidor team? It's people they feel sorry for. See, there's Potter, who's got no parents, then there's the Weasleys, who've got no money - you should be on the team, Longbottom, you've got no brains.” ~ Draco, Philosopher’s Stone
“They’d be waiting for the Chosen Captain - The Boy Who Scored - whatever they call you these days.” ~ Draco, Half-Blood Prince
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13. Favourite scene?
Either the Unbreakable Vow or the long conversation of Draco and Dumbledore. 
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14. Favourite scene/event/thing/character that wasn’t included in the films?
15. Your house?
Slytherin, as everyone has probably deducted by now. All the way. Took the Pottermore test four times after different peroids of time to be sure, always put in Slytherin. Also, I don’t get all my fellow Slytherins who try to defend us because of that ‘all Slytherins are bad’ stereotype. I love this opinion, they should fear us.
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16. Your Patronus?
A wolf, Pottermore gave me a fox though.
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17. Your wand?
Blackthorn, 10 inches, unicorn’s hair, stiff.
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18. Favourite spell?
Expecto Patronum, because it’s individual for everyone, and creates something beautiful.
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19. Death Eaters or Dumbledore’s Army?
Death Eaters, even if I can’t conjure a Patronus anymore! I’m becoming one for carnival *,*
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20. Favourite horcrux?
The Slytherin locket. I’d wear it.
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21. Favourite Hallow?
The Elder Wand, of course. I wouldn’t need an Invisibility Cloak with such a wand, it could make me invisible, and I don’t need to bring back anyone from the dead, they wouldn’t belong in our world anyways. I need power and powerful magic.
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22. Favourite snack/dish/drink?
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. They mean every flavour, and that’s awesome.
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23. Favourite potion?
Amortentia. It’s one of the most dangerous potions, and it’s individual, like the Patronus Charm. I wonder how it would smell for me. Besides, you could do a lot of mess with this potion. That’d be perfect. Be careful what you drink.
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24. Favourite canon couple?
Drapple! Jk, Tonks and Lupin. The best match in the series ever. At least they died together...
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25. Favourite non-canon couple?
Granger and Krum, I shipped that so hard and then Weasley came into the picture.
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26. Durmstrang or Beauxbatons?
Durmstrang of course, Grindelwald learnt there! I’m not into being a fairy princess, as Moody-Crouch said.
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27. Hogwarts or Ilvermorny?
Hogwarts, duh! No explanation needed!
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28. Least favourite character? 
Hermione Granger, without a second’s doubt. She irritaed me so much, especially in Prisoner of Azkaban, when she took that broomstick. Like NO. NO. NO. NO. It’s a huge no-no for me.
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29. Least favourite book? 
Even though I unconditionally love them all, I must say Prisoner of Azkaban. It gets like no Voldemort and everything is just WAH WAH SIRIUS BLACK IS GOING TO KILL YAH.
-I still love it tho-
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30. Least favourite film? 
Half-Blood Prince, because this is my friggin favourite book, and it lacked almost all of my favourite scenes, quotes and everything.
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31. Least favourite teacher? 
Is that even a question?
The toad, and everybody knows why.
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32. What would your job in the wizarding world be? 
I’d totally be an Obliviator. I mean, it’s such a cool job, because it’s not steady, and people won’t mess with you, because they know what a wave of your wand can do to your memories.
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33. List the houses starting with the one you are most sure to get into, finishing with the one you are least likely to be in. 
Slytherin > Ravenclaw = (?) Hufflepuff > Gryffindor
Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are very close tho. I’d totally be a Hufflepuff if I weren’t this mean and cunning and if there weren’t a house like Slytherin...
My friends tho, not close friends, just like you know, random mates, think I should be a Ravenclaw because ‘I’m so smart’, but they don’t know my Slytherin side.
And I’m almost a total opposite of a Gryffindor, so yeah.
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34. Would you play Quidditch? If yes, which position? 
I’d totally play if I were good on a broom. If I weren’t, I wouldn’t try oh so hard to get on the team (doesn’t mean I wouldn’t play somewhere else).
I’d play Chaser, because I’m hopeless at keeping, too slow to be a Seeker and too lazy to ride holding a bat.
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35. Favourite extra-book? (e.g. Quidditch Through The Ages) 
Absolutely Tales of Beedle The Bart. As much as we all love the tale about the three brothers, I love the one about the fountain. A must-read.
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36. Favourite place? (could be anything: Hogsmeade, Grimmauld Place, Forbidden Forest, Diagon Alley etc.) 
Knockturn Alley? I’d totally like to visit Borgin and Burkes and all other shops with Dark Arts stuff. Imagine a Potion shop in there. Chills.
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37. Would you join the Triwizard Tournament? 
Yup. Why if Hogwarts got a Slytherin champion? That’d be awesome af.
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38. One character you would bring back from the dead? 
Lupin or Tonks, because thanks to bloody Potter another kid became an orphan. Good job, Potter. 
Or Snape *feels a lot*
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39. Your blood status? 
Pure-blood! I’m a Slytherin, after all! 
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40. Who would you want to go to the Yule Ball with? 
1. Someone from Slytherin. 2. Not Crabbe or Goyle. 
This means Draco, Blaise and Nott would be all alright, but I can’t hide I’d like the first option the most.
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41. What would you see in the Mirror of Erised? 
Myself and the person I hopelessly love, but they’re unavailable. (Kim Sunggyu why you so far away)
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42. What would be your Boggart? 
I’m not sure. I’m not scared of small spaces, any insects, any animals in overall, darkness, ghosts...I’m scared of things that happen unexpectedly, though, so I’m not sure...Or someone close to me dead.
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43. What would you feel if you smelled Amortentia? 
Well...I’m addicted to rain’s smell (London after rain is just AAAAAAAH), and to the smell you can feel in the mountains in an open field. Aah, I just imagined it...
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44. Favourite gift from the series? (e.g. Firebolt, the Weasley jumper, the Triwizard Tournament winnings) 
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45. Favourite Marauder? 
Wormtail was disgusting, Potter was a prat, Sirius and Lupin were quite cool. I’ll choose Sirius for his YOLO thingy. And his cool Animagus and loyalty to friends.
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46. Team Jily or team Snily? 
Neither. Evans didn’t deserve Snape, but on the other hand going away with Potter hurt him SO MUCH that I don’t ship that either.
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47. Any moments that made you cry?
1. Potter finding his mother’s letter in Grimmauld Place. My mother is the most important person in my life and I can relate
2. Narcissa begging Snape to help Draco
4. Snape’s death
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48. Favourite Harry Potter-related game? 
Harry Potter: Book of Potions! I enjoyed every bit of it.
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49. Is there a film you preferred to the book?
Only Muggles answer yes to this question.
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50. Favourite song from the OST?
Sirius’ Death from the Order of the Phoenix. The fight variation is life.
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51. Which character do you think you’d instantly become friends with?
Well, Draco isn’t a person you walk up to and say HEY, MY NAME IS ___, WANNA BE FRIENDS?, nor am I, so I dare say Blaise.
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52. Favourite Weasley?
I didn’t like their lot, since all of them liked Potter, but Charlie was cool enough. I mean, he worked with dragons!
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53. How did you start your journey with HP?
My best friends (a diehard Ravenclaw and a Gryffindor, funnily enough).
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54. Were you happy with the ending?
Yup, even though I’m not a big fan of Hinny.
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55.  How much does Harry Potter mean to you?
World. Everything around me turns around Harry Potter. From my clothes to free time to everything.
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 3 years
1-35 on fanfic asks
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
2 stars maybe? Im not great and i forget a lot of things. but no one can stop me from writing and i enjoy it. the more i do it the more i may like my own writing one day
2. Why do you write fanfiction? Fanfiction is everything to me. It was a matter of time until i started writing it seriously for myself.
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Literally nothing. I tend to go off with ships and specific things i want represented... but thats it. anyone can write.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Always! so many! the best thing about fanfiction is how it builds upon itself and spreads!
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Im very proud of Secret Baby/ River run. Its large and a mess and i hate it. But im proud ive done it. A completed one im proud of is "Compress said its his turn on the murder screen" i think i did well with that one and kept the tone I wanted.
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
Arguments between characters and having them express themselves other ways.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It's the making up and posting works i struggle with. Along with editing which is another monster.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
I do love the murder boys! Dabi, Itachi, Deidara, Naruto (should have killed everyone), Reno. If theyve got issues i love them!
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
happy characters. I just don't know what to do with them. Like a domestic setting with no action? nope not for me!
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
Hurt/comfort has always been my jam!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
im not entirely sure? I havent been really writing/posting that long.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Expectations! its a collaboration i'm working on with a friend and a DabiHawks fanfiction again! It's a fic where they fall in bed together before they even like each other. A lot of assumptions are made and not a lot of talking gets done until quite a bit of Damage has been done. Hawks finds out that Dabi's been doing some things he wasnt comfy with just because he didnt know how to tell Hawks and because he was attached to him. It's messy and won't get less so.
interesting to write to say the least because im such a Zero tolerance person.
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Naruto lol
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
part of my heart will always belong to naruto. can't leave it. But im enjoying writing for bnha immensely!
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
Food Fantasy! a video game i did a short one shot on last october!
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Soulmate au's! Omegaverse! I love tropes! Oh! Hanahaki!
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I wouldn't say ive done anything too wild?
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
get canon away from me! i love au's! any and all!
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
currently its DabiHawks! i love my enemies to lovers! (everyone deserves compassion lave and basic decency)
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Sometimes! some fics have specific playlists!
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
All of the above! i dont know how to put wips back lol!
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
I like one shots better but the amount of effort for multichapter fics is something else tbh!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Yes a few times brought on by comments! What if Hawks ran in to Dabi early on or if Dabi had stayed and talked to Hawks the last night they spent together. None of it ever really goes well? Dabi has no support besides his Significant Other in both of these and i dont like that.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Nope! Ive been getting the hang of NSFW and i feel like that's one of my biggest areas to improve on!
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
any! seriously i love comments! telling me to write more or that i forgot something was done 6 chapters ago or a string of emoji's!
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
Much better than I used to!
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Every time i post lol. Im pretty comfortable with a variety of things! there's been times in this roleplay i participate in that i was very uncomfortable with how my character was acting but that was the entire point and it turned out well considering the outrage he kept causing!
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Best of both! ive also taken a shine to writing things that out of story context are fluff but in context are horrendous angst!
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Nope! I don't really do Oc's!
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
Secret Baby/ River Run- Dabi gets pregnant and runs away. Hawks is the father.
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I've had such a kind fantastic audience but i wish they would pay some more attention sometimes to why i have characters do things the way they do. Hawks leaves Dabi alone? theres a reason for that and the awnser is not to stalk him. even for Dabi's saftey.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Dabi dosen't meet Rumi like expected. He expected to just get taken out by her in a fight one day, if they met at all. Not him cleaning his torn staples in Hawks bathroom after he's been shoved in there, Rumi having interrupted a blowjob and Hawks had roughly shoved him in his bathroom. He couldn't hear much of the conversation going on outside. But what he could made his face burn with embarrassment as he tried to put himself together. The fact that she was also a Hero and Hawks best friend made him nervous. What a great first impression, sucking her best friends dick with a bloody face. -" NOT DATING-" Hawks voice broke through for a moment and then quieted. -"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF HE'S A VILLAIN KEIGO, HE WAS JUST GIVING YOU A BLOWJOB THERE IS NO ." There was a loud thump as Rumi was yelling and Dabi let himself flinch here in private. She quieted down soon after she had started yelling. Dabi sat down against the sinks cupboard and rested his head on his knees. Waiting for it to stop and Hawks to kick him out. He wouldn't actually get to meet Rumi as Keigo's, well as Keigo's anything. It was just sex between them on Hawks end anyways. There's stomping towards the door and Dabi scrambles up as he resists the urge to lock the door. To lock himself inside like a child thinking it will save him from Enjis rath. Hawks is.... he's not kind to Dabi, but he's not Enji either. The door opens and Rumi's gaze finds him as he's getting up. He ducks his head and gives a little half hearted wave, not sure what she's doing. Why she's looking at him with a gaze much softer than expected. "Hey. Sorry I walked in on you guys. I'm Rumi. Hawks best friend he's been hiding away from you." "I uh. Um. Dabi? I go by Dabi. I think it's more like I'm just his dirty little secret." He gives a small dry chuckle and a smirk, a tad on the mean side like he did with Keigo. It came out a little to real and he winced. He sounded like a whiny asshole, he thought as he kept his gaze on his bare toes digging into the tile. "Dabi, I doubt Keigo thinks of you like that." Rumi reaches her hand out and Dabi tenses in anticipation of her grabbing him. To harm him maybe? To throw him in cuffs? Out of Keigo's apartment but he has no doubt that he will be there soon enough after Rumi leaves. "Its fine. I'm just a villain he can sleep with ya know?" Rumi gets a determined look in her eye as she draws her hand back, having noticed him tense up. "I'm going to give you my number Dabi. Villains don't any resources and I don't like how Hawks treated you when I walked in. If anything happens, I want you to have a way out. I don't think you've told your friends who your sleeping with. Or you would have teleported out of here." Dabi hands his phone over still in shock to Rumi and she gently takes it. She's still super confident in person but, there's no violence or anger from her. Its... suprising.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Dabi and Hawks can both have issues and have to put in some serious effort to not only see those issues, but work together with them. this has been a PSA.
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Additional Warnings: Actual smut (strip tease, heavy foreplay, fingering, hand job, body worship, pre-cum), allusion to kidnapping
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 4,315
Tag List: @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali​, @shrimpmsg​​,
AN: So...this is the beginning of the end. To everyone who has faithfully followed this series from the start, I thank you. I appreciate you. It’s about to be a very bumpy ride. I’m going to go ahead and apologize in advance. I’m sorry for the hurt and pain that is coming. Please stay with me  until the end.
Chapter 48: Home
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“We won’t talk but we’ll be comfortable. If only I have you, it’ll be my home.“
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Hwaseong – Gyeonggi Province South Korea
Eden smiled as she felt Jungkook wrap his heavier coat around her shoulders. Children raced past them, squealing in delight as they chased each other. One child barreled into her back, causing her to stumble forward a little. Jungkook cuffed the little boy on his head and Eden tugged at Jungkook’s ear to get him to stop. The little boy sniffled, apologizing, and Eden gave him a few bills so he could buy some snacks with his friends. Jungkook smirked, watching the little boy blush as he looked at her, bowed, and then scrambled off to be with his friends.
“You’re too easy on them,” he teased.
She rolled her eyes. “They’re just kids. Let them be kids.” Eden paused as they reached the corner of the street. “They should have that luxury, don’t you think?”
When she looked up at Jungkook, something flickered across his gaze. His brows furrowed and she immediately regretted saying what she had. Her intention hadn’t been to make him feel guilty, but he still did. Old memories were dredged up, something that they talked about in length once when they were up late watching Korean gangster movies while sharing a bottle of whiskey. They both never really got to be kids; the world forced them to grow up and deal with the adult world before they physically became adults.
It wasn’t a life either of them chose for themselves, but it wasn’t a life they regretted either. It made them who they were now. It was the life that led them to each other.
“I’m sorry, Jungkook-ah,” she said softly, “I shouldn’t have said that…”
He shook his head roughly from side to side, taking her arm and looping it through his. “No, you’re right. They should be able to run and play and rough around like they want while they can.”
She smiled, relieved to know that he felt the same way she did.
They continued down the path, passing various street stalls that sold food, clothes, and other trinkets. It was Spring and Summer would soon be approaching. Flowers were blooming and green returned to the once barren trees that lined the streets. The air was starting to warm up, but there was still that little bit of chill in the air that swept through and touched the marrow of bones.
Most women would have found coming to a back end province like Hwaseong deplorable – especially for a honeymoon getaway. But Eden insisted that this was the place she wanted to spend time with her husband – the place where he sealed away all his childhood memories; where his dreams first began.
The place where he called home.
Hwaseong was rural in most aspects, but there were industrial districts. She preferred the softer sides of his hometown, the places where all the rolling hills and lush forests flourished. It was peaceful, quiet, and a place where she could gather her thoughts. Jungkook pointed out the places that meant the most to him and she made mental notes of them; filing them away to be explored in depth later.
One by one, he went by all the places that his brothers called home. Some of their family members came out to greet them and Jungkook simply introduced Eden as his girlfriend. She didn’t mind, seeing as how they were both wearing their wedding bands as necklaces. But just for now. Eden agreed that it was better if they kept their marriage a secret, especially since tensions between the Jade Fangs and the former Golden Jackals had the potential to escalate. It was the safer and smarter way to go about things. Jimin was the only one who knew and they would keep it that way until everything finally settled down.
As each day passed, she was able to see the lake where he first met the others – the ones he called his brothers. They were all children back then, playing around the Han River in their underwear and throwing rocks at the lake while fishing. He took her to the orphanage that cared for him until he was old enough to get a job and go to school. As painful as it must have been, Jungkook even showed her the home he used to live in with his parents before they threw him away. A different family lived there now.
Everything was a precious memory, good and bad, and Eden tucked them away without judgment.
They returned to the hotel, deciding to order takeout and have it brought to their room. Lavish as their lodgings were, it seemed a bit silly, seeing as how Hwaseong became a bit of a tourist trap in recent years. It gave the community a chance to build something expansive and eye-catching, grabbing at the ankles of wealthy tourists to come and spend their money on pricey hotel suites and cheap souvenirs boasting ancient history in the inner square’s markets.
But it was the little things that counted.
After they finished eating, Eden began washing dishes in the sink of the suite’s kitchen. As she placed a few on the drying rack, she felt Jungkook approach her from behind. He slid his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder as she continued to work. She smiled when he pressed a kiss to the side of her neck and she wiggled a little, his fringe tickling her cheek.
“Let’s go back to Seoul tomorrow,” he said suddenly, lacing his fingers together across her stomach.
She rinsed off a plate, intent on focusing on the task at hand. “Why? I thought we were staying here for a few more days?” Eden pouted, casting a sidelong glance at him. “Are we cutting the honeymoon short?”
She understood if it needed to be done. Sometimes work couldn’t be avoided. But that didn’t mean she had to like it.
Jungkook laughed, pressing his mouth to her temple. “No, we’re not.” He reached up to brush some of her hair behind her ear. “I actually have another surprise for you.”
“You and your surprises,” Eden muttered, unable to hide the tiny smirk that appeared.
“Trust me,” he whispered, “you’ll love it.”
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Seoul – Itaewon; Yongsan District South Korea
“Uh, Jungkook?”
“What is this?”
“What is what?”
Eden turned to look at Jungkook, seeing the look of pride all but explode over his face. He was practically beaming and he took a moment to meet her gaze. Eden blinked up at him, then craned her neck to look back at the large house surrounded by a thicket of private trees. There was a small stairwell that led up to the front door, a small awning perched from the siding of the slate walls. A large front deck wrapped around the house, a two-story home that boasted modern features with a hint of traditional landscaping.
She pointed to the house – her finger aimed at the large window on the second floor.
“This,” she said again, “what is this?”
“A house,” he said, amusement laced through his words, “our house.”
Whipping her head to look at him. She could see no trace of a lie or even a tease. “Excuse me, what?”
Laughing, Jungkook grabbed her by the hand and tugged her along – pulling her up the short set of steps while rustling around for a set of keys. Slipping it into the door, he twisted the key and ushered her inside. Eden was only barely able to get her shoes off as he helped her into a pair of house slippers.
“I’ll get an electronic lock installed later. I just couldn’t wait to show this to you.”
She had no words. Even if she had, Eden was positive they would have tumbled to the floor in a meaningless collection of jargon she wouldn’t have been able to understand. Everything was brand new. The floor was made of polished hardwood, the furniture sleek and modern. Only the throw pillows were unfashionable as they sported various characters from anime that Eden liked – a large Princess Mononoke throw blanket draped across the back of the large couch in the living room.
Eden took a few steps forward, her eyes darting in every direction to take everything in. The kitchen was large, sporting a marble island with stools around it. Large windows allowed for natural light to flood the rooms, showing off the view of the front and side gardens. A huge flat screen television decorated the wall near an ornate entertainment center – a fireplace nestled in the corner with freshly cut logs near the hearth to be used during the colder months.
Turning to look at Jungkook, she didn’t have time to speak before he was already scooping her into his arms and carrying her up the stairs.
“We can explore the rest of the house tonight,” he said, leaning in to press his lips along the shell of her ear, “but there’s one place I want us to go.”
Eden felt her cheeks getting warmer. She knew the look in his eyes and understood what his intentions were. So it didn’t come as a surprise to her when he pushed open a door with his shoulder to reveal a large master bedroom. Without wasting a moment more, Jungkook set her down so her feet hit the floor, his lips moving to capture hers in a heated kiss. She moaned unconsciously into his mouth, her hands moving to rest on his shoulders as he hurriedly popped the buttons of her jeans loose.
His large hands moved to all but tear the hoodie from her, pulling it up and over her head so that it landed on the floor without a second glance. She tried to say something – anything – but the words were lost as he kissed her; his tongue slipping in between her lips to brush along her canines. Eden took a step back, her calf hitting the edge of the bed and she nearly stumbled backwards. Jungkook caught her by the waist, his hands warm against her skin. His fingers pressed into her waist, curling into the waistband of her jeans and she felt her breath hitch when he knocked his hips against hers. She could feel his erection through his pants, and she squeezed her thighs together a little bit tighter – attempting to get friction where she needed it most.
Jungkook’s kiss grew a bit more feverish, a hand moving from her waist to trail up her exposed back. Eden felt her skin pepper out in goosebumps – chasing the path that his hand made along her skin. Pausing to rest at the nape of her neck, Eden can’t help the sigh that managed to escape – lost in the cavern of his mouth. She tilted her head slightly, trying to get at his mouth at a better angle. But he chose that moment to break the kiss, trailing his mouth along the column of her neck. She felt his body almost vibrate as she reached out to pull at his shirt, yanking it free from his pants.
She felt his hand moving from the back of her neck, his fingers slowly clambering up to thread through her hair. His other hand was still at her hip and she could feel him tracing small circles around her skin before dipping below the waistband of her panties. Eden gasped softly as the sound of her zipper sliding down seemed to ricochet off the walls.
Jungkook broke the kiss again, moving a step back so he could slowly sink to the floor to his knees while taking her pants with him. He urged her to step out of them completely when they were bunched around her ankles and she complied, her legs trembling when he pressed his lips along her inner thigh. A hand slid down to the crown of his head, carding through his hair. Delicate hands moved to caress along her skin, finally smoothing over the curves of her thighs and then gripping onto her panties. He dragged them down, his lips giving chase to the material as he let it fall to her ankles.
Without having to be told, Eden stepped out of them as well.
Clad in just her bra, she felt overly exposed in a way that felt a little embarrassing. It was still broad daylight and Jungkook was being shamelessly intimate. The curtains weren’t drawn over the windows and while she knew the home was nestled in their own private sanctuary, Eden felt like someone was watching her; like they were being watched. It was a weird kink that she never believed she could properly give a voice to, but Jungkook indulged her whenever he could.
Licking a trail up her body, he paused just long enough to press his lips atop the swell of her breasts. He reached behind her, unhooking her bra and she let it fall to the ground. It, too, would be forgotten until it was deemed fit to be remembered.
Eden pouted as he smiled down at her, his eyes full of dark arousal. She could tell he was holding himself back a measure and she lightly smacked him on the chest with the back of her hand. His eyes crinkled in the corners, his gaze softening as he looked back at her.
“I’m the only one naked,” she murmured, “no fair.”
Reaching out to grasp one of her hands, he moved so that it now rested along the center of his chest. She could feel the heavy thrum of his heartbeat beneath her palm and he quirked a brow at her. She wasn’t sure what he was trying to ask her.
“Then make it fair,” he replied, his voice low and raspy.
Eden couldn’t keep the look of surprise and amusement from dancing over her face. She bit her lower lip, her hands moving to undo each button before shoving the material back and off his shoulders. He shrugged out of the shirt, shaking his hands so he was free of the material. Eden immediately went to his belt, pulling the leather through the loops of his jeans and then dropping it to the floor.
She could admit she wasn’t nearly as patient as her husband and he laughed, watching her popping the button of his jeans loose while frantically pulling at the zipper. His hands moved to still over hers and he lifted her easily off the floor. Eden wriggled when she felt him kissing her stomach, laughing as he tossed her onto the bed.
She cooed softly as he slid out of his jeans and boxers in one swift motion. His shaft twitched in response to him drinking her in. She could see his pupils dilating as he climbed over her like a predator about to devour his prey. His hands slid between her thighs to press along her folds, feeling the slickness that escaped from how heavy her own arousal was. Moaning at his touch, Eden tried to move away from him, but he wouldn’t give her any quarter. Instead, he lowered his head to capture an exposed nipple between his lips.
Pleasure exploded over her skin and she nearly bucked from his finger pressing against the sensitive nub between her legs. He rubbed agonizingly slow circles around it before dipping into her slit to caress at her inner walls. In the haze of her lust, she could see the milky white fluid beading at the slit of his tip. She wanted to taste it but her selfish desire was knocked clean from her mind when he slid another finger into her.
Her hips lifted, pushing his digits further inside of her. Jungkook moved his face to lavish affection to the other nipple. He pumped his fingers in and out of her, his thumb continuing to rub circles over her clit. Electric shocks exploded behind her eyes and he lifted his face to catch her mouth in an open-mouthed kiss. Sucking on her tongue, Eden closed her eyes and moaned – unsure how much longer she was going to be able to handle this assault against her entire person.
As if he’d read her mind, Jungkook removed his fingers from her folds. Eden whined, shocked at her internal outrage to being deprived of her own pleasure. She watched Jungkook using her juices to coat his erection, his hand slowly stroking over himself. He gripped the base of the shaft and she felt herself getting wetter just watching him. After a moment of this, he straddled her hips – positioning himself as he pressed the tip of his erection against her clit. Again, she hissed in pleasure, feeling her walls growing more and more slick as he teased her folds.
“My god,” Jungkook whispered, “you’re beautiful.”
“You’re my wife.” He smiled down at her. “How did I get so lucky?”
Eden felt tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She laughed softly, not caring that they leaked out and into her ears. Jungkook leaned down to press a kiss to her mouth, his lips moving along the curve of her jaw until he caressed the lobe of her ear.
“I love you,” he said softly, pressing the head of his erection into her entrance. She sucked in air between her teeth as he inched forward a little bit more. “I love you so much, Eden.”
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him closer. “I love you too, Jungkook.”
As if those were the words he’d been waiting for, he pushed himself forward completely – filling her insides. Her walls clamped down around him instinctively, holding him in place. As he pushed and pulled against her, the friction created was almost jarring. The pace was slow at first, but it didn’t take Jungkook long to speed things up. Eden rocked her hips against his, rising to meet his as he came down along her. There were wet, sloppy sounds of skin slapping against skin and it didn’t take long for their sweat-soaked skin to glide over each other with each hurried pulse of their movements.
And then he hit that spot; the spot that drove her half-mad. The spot that almost always left her fucked out of her head. Eden dug her nails into his skin, leaving half-moon marks along his muscles. She dragged her fingers down, red angry trails chasing after her fingernails before she clamped onto his forearms. He was practically jack-hammering into her, reaching his own favored spot, until she was seeing stars from the orgasm that began to overtake her. Her voice started off low until it soon escalated to a scream; one that she was almost positive rattled the windows. Jungkook wasn’t far behind her, her name bellowing from his lungs.
Heat filled her core, spreading over her entire body. She felt Jungkook shift his body slightly, collapsing beside her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, still buried inside of her, and pulled her close so that she was nestled perfectly against his form. He whispered words of love into her ear and Eden was barely conscious enough to hear them. But not before she was able to tell him that she loved him back.
They’d made a mess over their brand-new bed; their new bedding.
Neither of them cared.
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Five Months Later
“I’m proud of you, y’know that?”
Eden smiled while rolling her eyes at the phone situated on the nightstand. Raelyn smirked back at her on the screen. They’d been Face Timing each other since Jungkook left for work in the morning. He had a few errands to run and she was leaving the shop in Minki’s hands. Eden folded a few more items on the bed, organizing them, and then placed the clothes into the small suitcase.
“I’m serious. This is pretty gutsy of you and I’m glad you’re doin’ it.”
After she threw the small plastic bag of toiletries on top of the clothes, she moved to sit on the bed. She picked up the phone and flopped back onto the bed.
“I know,” she said with a sigh, “I’m just a little nervous, I guess.”
“Don’t be. I mean, do be, but don’t let that shake you up.” She watched Raelyn’s brows furrow. “They know you’re comin’, right? You’re not just showing up unannounced?”
Again, Eden rolled her eyes. “Yes, they know I’m coming.”
Raelyn held a hand up. “Look, I’m just makin’ sure, alright?” She paused and Eden lofted a brow. “I’m a little surprised they agreed to this.”
She scoffed, clambering off the bed. “Like they have a choice. From what I was able to find out, I’m the only child my mother ever had before she died. I’m sure they’re just as curious about me as I am about them.”
She still didn’t know why she was doing this. Part of her wanted to call the whole thing off. It wasn’t like things were going to change by doing this. Seeing her mother’s family, the people who treated her like the black sheep of their bloodline, only angered Eden. But she also knew that she couldn’t abandon them. Not until she really got to see them for who they truly were. After that, she would make her decision on whether to continue having them circulating around her life.
“Well, when you get there, you show them exactly who the hell you are and that you ain’t playin’ any games.”
Eden couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “I think you should be more worried about that little troublemaker growing inside of you, don’t you?”
“Girl, don’t get me started,” Raelyn said, the bitter tone evident in her voice, “between Anastasia’s mood swings and Taehyung being my damn shadow, I don’t have time to get into anything stupid.”
She closed the suitcase and secured the locks, picking it up and unlatching the extended handle. Eden made her way out of the bedroom and headed downstairs, the suitcase rolling behind her as she continued to hold the phone up in front of her.
“Good,” she said once she made it to the ground floor, “because I don’t need to be working my nerves while I’m on this trip. They’re frayed as it is.”
This time Raelyn scoffed. “You’ll be fine. Is Jungkook takin’ you to the train station?”
“No. He’s busy with work and I told him not to worry about it.”
“Three days, right?”
She nodded. “Yeah. Though depending on how the trip goes, I may come back early.”
“I heard Daegu is beautiful this time of year. Make sure you take a lot of pictures.”
“I will, I will,” Eden reassured. She opened the front door and closed it behind her, the electronic lock beeping to let her know it was secured. “I’ll call you when I get there.”
“Alright. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Hanging up the call, she pulled up her messages. She shot Jungkook a quick text to let him know she was heading to the train station. Eden knew he was busy at the recording studio and didn’t want to interrupt him while he worked.
Jungkook: Be safe. Call me as soon as you’ve arrived. I love you.
Smiling, she sent him a heart emoji. She was never a big fan of texting and he knew that about her. He never nagged her about it. Eden was a woman who believed that actions spoke louder than words. She’d always been this way. She was thankful that Jungkook understood and accepted this – always willing to meet her halfway.
He sent her two heart emojis back.
Making her way toward the front gate, Eden pushed it open and pulled her suitcase behind her. She turned to close the gate, tugging at the bars to make sure the latch caught properly. Checking her watch, she saw she had plenty of time to get to the train station.
Maybe I should call him anyway, she thought, moving to head down the long walkway leading from the house.
Eden managed to take a few steps forward before someone stepped in front of her. The heels of her sneakers scuffed along the ground as she stopped, lifting her head to see who was blocking her path. He looked a little familiar, but she wasn’t quite sure from where. Blinking a few times, she watched the other man’s small smile growing little by little.
She didn’t have time for this. Maybe she was mistaken.
“Excuse me,” she said through clenched teeth, moving so she could side-step him. He shifted to resume blocking her path. Eden shot him a glare. “Move.”
“You’re still as feisty as ever, I see,” he said. She said nothing, narrowing her eyes. “I know it’s been awhile, but I’m a little hurt you don’t remember me.”
“Should I?”
The man lifted his hand in the air, miming holding a shot glass. He made a motion to show he was tipping the glass back into his mouth. Eden scrutinized him a moment longer and he merely continued to smile.
And then it hit her.
“You,” she growled, her eyes narrowing to slits. “Yoo Kihyun.”
He snapped his fingers. “Bingo.”
Eden reached into her pocket. “What do you want?”
He shrugged. “Isn’t it obvious?” When his eyes met hers, they were dark and cold. It caused Eden to hesitate for just a moment. “It’s you.”
That moment of hesitation was her undoing. She failed to notice the look of triumph painted over his face. She’d missed the sound of movement behind her. And before she could register that she was being ambushed, Eden felt a sharp prick to the back of her neck. 
It didn’t take long. If given the chance, she would have only been able to count to five.
Five seconds before the world went dark.
14 notes · View notes
thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,480
Tag List: @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali​, @shrimpmsg​​,
Chapter 45: 21st Century Girl
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“Whatever other people say, whatever this world tells you, you’re the best to me just the way you are.”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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“Isn’t it early where you are?”
“No, it’s only nine.”
“You look tired though.”
“A lot’s been going on with my new job.”
“I’ll admit, I was a little worried when you said you were quitting your other job. Is that even allowed with the visa you currently have?”
“It’s fine. I applied for another visa through my new company.”
Anastasia sighed, attempting a smile for Jacob. The Skype call had only been going on for about twenty minutes, but it felt like they were talking for hours. She tried to check in about once a week, but with all the hustle and bustle with the company and the ever-blossoming relationship she was in with Seokjin, it was hard to maintain contact in the way she would have liked. Add on the extreme time zone difference and that was how things wound up.
“Is it harder than working for your old job?”
“No,” she said while shaking her head, “it’s about the same workload. I have more responsibilities because I technically got promoted when they hired me.”
Jacob nodded, brushing some of his hair out of his eyes. It was getting a little longer than she was used to. He would have cut it by now, but he seemed set on trying out a new image.
She watched him take a drink of water. “Are you happy, Ana?”
Blinking, she wasn’t quite sure what to make of his question. Had she given any indication that she wasn’t happy? She hoped not. She didn’t want him worrying unnecessarily.
Again, she smiled. “Yeah Jake, I’m happy.”
Anastasia watched her brother’s eyes furrow from the computer screen. She knew it wasn’t because he didn’t believe her. He just worried a lot and tended to fuss over her unnecessarily. It was the role Jacob chose to play since he was the second-born. They were only two years apart, but they were thick as thieves and she appreciated how close they were despite her being the oldest of her three siblings. Their baby brother, Phillip, was still just starting college while Elena just graduated from her university. Their parents were still harping on about practicality when it came to their futures, something that both Anastasia and Jacob despised. They should have all been allowed to choose the paths they wanted to live, regardless of the outcomes.
“Well,” he finally said, shrugging one shoulder, “as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.”
Relief washed over her and she sank back in her chair a little more, cradling the mug of green tea in her hands. Her hand slid from the handle to press a palm to her stomach, a warmer smile touching her features. She must have looked a little silly because the sound Jacob clearing his throat loudly startled her from her thoughts. When she peered back at the screen, his face was a little closer, as if he was leaning forward to look directly into her eyes.
“So, are you finally dating someone now?”
She coughed loudly, sitting up and quickly setting her mug down on the desk by her keyboard. “W-What?” Anastasia attempted to wrangle the words that were escaping her. “What’s with the interrogation anyway?”
Again, Jacob shrugged. “I know you dated that one guy, but that’s it.” He leaned back in his chair, lounging lazily. “Just figured you were seeing someone new.”
She felt her cheeks grow warm, her hands fidgeting until Anastasia started twirling a few locks between her fingers. It was a nervous tick that she hadn’t been able to break and there was no sign of it stopping anytime soon. She’d be an old woman pulling at her thinning gray strands until they put her in the ground.
Jacob laughed, realizing he’d caught her in his cleverly laid trap. If he was within arms-reach, she would have shaken him like a rag doll. “Your face gives away everything. It’s why you suck at poker.”
“Shut-up,” she muttered.
Another window suddenly popped up, notifying her that she had another call. She stared at the screen as Seokjin’s name and picture appeared in the window. Her eyes lowered to the corner of the monitor, spying the time, and she wondered why he was calling. He’d given her the rest of the week off so she could adjust to all the hormonal imbalances that came with her pregnancy. Talking with her brother was part of the whole routine check-up bit, but she really wanted to talk to him about her being with child.
“Hold on, Jake. I have another call.”
She put her brother on hold, answering Seokjin’s call. When his face popped up on the screen, Anastasia could only stare at how uncomfortably close his face was to the camera. Neither of them said anything. She was too startled to speak and he apparently was trying to read something about her. He did this often when he was trying to catch her in some kind of lie or if she was secretly up to something.
“Seokjin,” she finally said, blinking, “what are you doing?” Anastasia looked over his shoulder to see if he was in his office. “Shouldn’t you be, oh I dunno, working or something?”
“Why are you on the computer?” he asked suddenly. “I gave you the rest of the week off to rest. Not so you could stare at a monitor.”
Anastasia sighed. “I’m talking to my brother. Why?”
“You can’t talk on the phone?”
“Phone calls are expensive. Skype is free.”
He gave her a dissatisfied look. “Are you serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious! Why are you calling me on Skype if you’re worried about me being in front of a monitor?”
“Because you won’t answer your phone!”
“My phone’s dead and I’m charging it!” Anastasia puffed out one of her cheeks. “Geez, you’re impossible.”
He frowned, brushing some of his hair out of his eyes before leaning back in his chair. “…are you hungry?”
“Am I hung—what?” She looked back at the clock to make sure of the time. “It’s still early!”
“You should at least eat breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Anastasia rolled her eyes. “Shouldn’t you be working? Go back to work!”
Without waiting for his response, she hung up the call and went back to the window her brother was on. Jacob was busying himself with scribbling some notes on a notepad.
“Sorry about that.”
He looked up at the screen, setting his pen down. “Who was that?”
“A potential headache.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Just a headache.”
Jacob smirked. “Yeah? Sounds like a boyfriend to me.”
“Jacob Martin!”
He laughed loudly, holding a hand up as he patted the air. “Okay, okay. I get it. Dropping it now.”
Anastasia smiled as she sighed, realizing how much she missed her brother being around. He mentioned coming to visit from time to time, but between working and trying to find his place in the world, she knew that it was almost impossible. Air fare wasn’t cheap and while she could afford to fly him out if he wanted, there was the internal worry about him judging her ties with former gangsters. Their home life wasn’t peaches and cream, but it was far from unsavory. What family was perfect?
Even so, she still wondered what her brother would think of her if she told him she was having a child out of wedlock.
Once the heavy topic of her work environment was no longer the focus, the two of them were able to engage in lighter conversation. Again, Jacob mentioned coming to visit her in South Korea, mostly because he wanted to see the country she’d called home for the last three and a half years. The place was full of beauty and splendor. There were many things about the land that helped heal her from the horrible fall she’d had over her broken dreams. While she may not have been a chef and restaurant owner like she wanted, her current occupation brought her to this place.
The path she walked led her to Seokjin, the man she loved.
Half an hour passed and she realized that it was getting late. She worried that she was keeping Jacob up longer than normal.
“You should probably get some rest,” she said, noting the tired look in Jacob’s eyes, “you have the overnight shift this week, don’t you?”
Jacob stifled a yawn. “Yeah, but it’s fine. I need to make sure that Phillip did his homework.”
“Let Elena worry about that.”
He nodded, waving a hand back and forth to her. Anastasia wished to ruffle his hair like she often did when they were teenagers. A painful wave of nostalgia overtook her and she did her best not to cry, cursing herself for all the pregnancy hormones throwing her out of whack. Jacob didn’t seem to notice as he finished off his bottle of water.
“Mm, alright. I guess I’ll try to get some sleep. G’night, ‘Stasia.”
Anastasia rubbed at her eyes to keep the tears from falling. “Goodnight, Jake.”
The blip noise sounded after the call ended and Anastasia was left with only silence. She curled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs as she buried her face into her knees. A weak sob was all she could muster, mourning the lack of family around her to tell her that everything was going to be okay. That her worries would be for nothing and that she would be happy. That she deserved to be happy, despite all of her failures.
For a moment, all she could do was sob quietly to herself. There were so many missed opportunities to empty her soul to her brother. He would have understood and encouraged her. Jacob would have told her that she was strong, that she was one of the strongest people he knew, and that this little bump in the road was just one pothole on the way to glory. Their parents would have told her she was shameful for carrying another man’s child when she hadn’t even so much as been introduced to his family. That it was a disgrace to have a child as an unmarried woman. People did it all the time, but not her family. Not the D’Angelo’s.
Anastasia didn’t know how long she was curled up in her chair. She was pretty sure that she’d drifted off at some point. Her limbs ached from scrunching herself up into a ball and they protested as she tried to straighten herself out. A hand rubbed at her stomach while the other wiped the moisture from her cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Baby,” she whispered, rubbing circles over her belly, “I didn’t mean to cramp you up like that.”
She stretched her legs out, then her arms, before standing. Grabbing the mug, she made her way downstairs. She’d barely made it into the kitchen before the front door burst open and in walked Seokjin, looking flustered and haggard. The mug slipped from her hands and fell into the sink with a loud clatter as she spun around the moment he stalked into the kitchen.
“W-What are you doing?!” Anastasia managed to stammer out, taking a step back as Seokjin quickly closed the distance between them. “You’re supposed to be at work!”
“You hung up on me!”
“That’s because you were acting crazy!”
Anastasia peered around him, hoping that Jimin had the wherewithal to at least follow so she could drag Seokjin back to the office. She frowned, ducking under his arm and bolting from into the living room. He was practically on her heels.
This was insane!
Stopping short, she whirled on her heels and Seokjin had to raise himself up onto the balls of his feet to keep from crashing into her. She stuck her hand out.
“Phone. Now.”
He blinked down at her. “What? No!”
“Gimme the phone, Seokjin!”
His eyes narrowed, issuing his silent refusal. Anastasia didn’t care as she took a step forward, her hands lunging out to reach into the inner pocket of his suit jacket. He wasn’t fast enough to move out of the way and her fingers quickly found the item. When he tried to snatch it back from her, she twirled so that her back was facing him.
Her thumb slid over the dots to form the pattern needed to unlock his phone and she immediately dialed Jimin. As the phone rang, Seokjin tried to take the phone back but Anastasia was already half running, half jumping up the stairs toward the loft. Jimin answered before the second ring could finish.
“Hyung! Where did you go?!”
“Jimin-ah, you tell your boss to take his ass back to work!”
“A-Ana Noona? What are you—?”
“Do you hear me?” Her feet landed on the top step and she turned around to stick her foot out, her heel planting itself against Seokjin’s chest to keep him from moving any closer to her. “He has fivemeetings today and one of them is in twenty minutes. How could you let him leave the office in the first place?!”
“I’m sorry, Noona. I tried! But Seokjin Hyung hit me. He hit me in the chest and I was horrified!”
She shot him a glare. “He did what now?”
“He’s never hit me. I didn’t know what to do! I was caught off guard! I’m sorry. I’ll come over right now.”
Anastasia hung up the phone and tossed it back to Seokjin. She then pointed downstairs. “Out.”
He pouted. “Anastasia, come on…”
“Go back to work!” Her eyes narrowed. “If I end up having to take you backto the office, I’m going to work and I’m gonna make every second of your life a living hell while I’m there. Do you understand me?”
Seokjin gave her the once over, as if trying to surmise if she really would do it. He knew better. At least she hoped he knew better. She was as stubborn as a mule and if he thought, for even one second, that she was playing around, then he’d rue the day he ever hired her. She wasn’t going to back down from this and an angry pregnant woman was not a variable that Kim Seokjin would be in a hurry to deal with.
After a moment, he sighed and leaned against the wall. “…alright, you win.” He held his hands up, turning to head downstairs. “I’ll go.”
She stayed upstairs, waiting to hear him put on his shoes and open the door. When she didn’t hear it close, however, Anastasia smiled and shook her head. “I’ll see you tonight,” she called down to him, “have a good day.”
“…love you.”
Her cheeks flushed slightly and she walked down a few steps so she could see his pitiful face.
She laughed.
“I love you too.”
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