#I also mean this for myself I’m going to try to be more diligent about tagging my posts
discoblocks · 2 years
One last post, and while this applies to this situation I think it’s also important generally to understand that simply not maintagging your crit or neg or discourse isn’t really enough. While this is a barrier that might help prevent ccs from seeing it for a bit, those posts get reblogged and shared across the fandom anyways, and it’d be stupid to think that it’s just never ever going to reach a cc because it’s not easily searchable. Also if you the original poster tag it with something, the filtering of that tag also applies to reblogs, so if you tag something with #discourse and someone reblogs it without the tag, the tumblr filter does still filter the reblog as #discourse, so it does matter whether or not you tag your posts (at least it does this for me in iOS on mobile, not sure abt other platforms).
Secondly, just because people are following you does not mean they must agree with every opinion you have, especially when it comes to lore. In addition, people might find very specific kinds of crit or neg or discourse triggering, but the rest of your posts are fine to them. If someone politely asks if you could tag a specific kind of post, unless that kind of post is the majority of what you post, it’s really rude to say that they should just get over it or unfollow, especially over a minor incident, and especially over an issue that you don’t talk about much. Yes, they can unfollow and try to find someone else who tags their stuff, but the problem that is happening is that no one is tagging their posts with these warnings. People are running into content they would normally like to avoid on blogs they otherwise trust and are forced to unfollow whole circles of the community that they actually want to be a part of, forcing them to further disengage from the entire community that refuses to tag over what is almost always a one-time disagreement that they don’t want to see conflict about. It seems extreme, but with less and less people tagging their crit and discourse and neg, it’s becoming impossible to avoid crit, discourse, and neg, across the board.
Just….listen. Obviously you are allowed to criticize things, and even find joy in it! But you have to understand that not everyone does, and especially not for the exact same things that you do. Tags are meant for filtering. On tumblr obviously they get used in a very unique way, but their original purpose of filtering is still deeply important. They take two seconds to add. They do nothing to hurt you or your post but they do everything to help others. Please please please, if someone politely asks you to tag something, it costs you absolutely nothing to tag it, and there is no reason not to aside from your own pride. When people ask, they are not trying to start an argument, they are not angry with you, they are politely trying to curate their experience here. It is not a huge ask to tag your neg, crit, and discourse. Please consider doing it more.
0 notes
tuliptic · 4 months
Crazy Form: My Ego's In This Show
First PAC of the year!! When in real I've been working on it since last year lmAO.
My main personality is peaking through this blog again cuz Ateez is back with another banger and as an Atiny, it’s my calling to do this. This reading is gonna be slightly different imo, tho I have no idea how to phrase myself on how different it is.
Most of us, if not all, have a certain side to us that can be considered crazy. The definition of crazy differs according to people and context, where some can be out of control, unbelievable, mad, or just enthusiastic. One person’s craziness is just another person’s normal, so just treat it as… How you want it to be. 
To me, this song yells about being yourself, not confining yourself to the social structure and expectations of the world. They might think we’re crazy but there’s nothing wrong with being yourself as long as you’re not harming anyone. Just close your eyes and not look if things are not to your liking, and steer away from me. Leave me alone, I don’t mind.
As usual, you can meditate before you pick a pile. However, for this reading, I’d say go for the one you first focused on, as craziness can be spontaneous. Found your pile? Let’s go see what our Crazy Form has for us!
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Pile 1 - Pile 2
Pile 3 - Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. Also, I do not consent to my work or images being used by third parties on this platform or other websites as well.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1
A card to represent you: Death
For some reason I see you as someone who prolly is into the punk genre? Something metal? You’re constantly transforming yourself, trying new things, finding your way throughout the world probably through means that are not well received by others. Weirdly the word osmosis came to mind? You tend to throw yourself into the exact situation to learn and understand why people react a certain way. It sounds cool, but to people around you, they think you’re out of your mind cuz it could mean that you may go to the extremes to get the experience you want. But to you, you prolly feel proud of it cuz you are constantly growing at an astounding speed.
1. What do people think is crazy about you? - Three of Wands rx
You tend to not credit yourself? It’s giving me the feeling that you tend to look at things from the sidelines, may it be your success or achievements. You don’t mind the credits, but to others they’ll get mad cuz you were not credited accordingly. They tend to not understand why you’d let your work get taken away or used (I think the same too). This appears to be a mystery to people around you, but you know what you want, so you’re chill with it. It’s giving me the feeling where you do things to gain experience and to build yourself, not to gain recognition. May be wrong here, but you know yourself best. OvO
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - Seven of Pentacles
You already chose to not take credits over your own work, and it will drive people crazy that whatever you’re doing is not the peak. You’re currently doing things at your own pace, to figure things out as you go. One day, when you decide to unlock a passion and work on it diligently, yet continuing to not take any credits for yourself, the people around you will flip. You know about this, but you’ve surrounded yourself with people who support your vision and share your values, they who believe that you’ll be able to create your own legacy sky. For some of you, you may also feel that it’s weird if you choose to take credit. Maybe it’s because there’s more than what is seen by the eyes in the material realm. For some reason I’m thinking of Saturn energy here, so some of you may be Saturn dominant.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - Justice rx
What I’m feeling from here is that you can use this to get out of situations, especially unfair situations. It can sound pretty mean but if things take a bad turn, you, being in no leadership role, can get out of it. This is also one of the reasons you dislike assuming the leadership position. To some, you may like assuming the leader position, but you’re not given the chance or you’re currently not there yet to take on the role. You’re also the type who likes to explore stuffs and hence, you have the skills and ability to venture into anything else new that you are interested in. The world is wide and there are a lot of things for you to try, and you probably go crazy with everything you wanna try, ignoring how small your plate can be.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - Queen of Pentacles
For some reason, the word “connection” came out pretty strong. Networking and connection was the first to pop up in my head. Y’know how people have been told to separate work life and personal life? That’s not what you’ll do, probably. You make friends and create connections through work, and they slowly become part of your personal life as well. I think this is a charm of yours where you are just capable of creating new bonds because of your comforting presence and of your communication skills. You don’t necessarily need to be very protective or nurturing; people just find you comfortable to talk to and the new friendship starts to grow from there. Eventually, they become part of your life even though you may not remain in the same workplace.
Overall energy: Justice, Six of Swords rx
I like how Justice came out twice for you, signifying that it’s a strong theme. Justice could mean being fair, but to me, it also talks about being critical in both mind and action. You possess a mind that’s sharp, where you can see and evaluate the various situations that you’re in, noticing details that many people don’t. It’s like… You’re being guided through all of these so you’re able to throw yourself into as many passion projects as you like. However, remember to keep things in moderation else you’ll feel the burn-out or you’ll get overwhelmed with everything going on. Take care.
Pile 2
A card to represent you: The Hanged Man rx
This card in reverse usually talks about delays, resistance, and even self sacrificing too much. Have you been doing so? Have you been creating a lot of inner tension within yourself, where you try to maintain the exterior peace of the environment and ignore the need of your own inner peace? Remember that external peace isn’t your peace, and that you need to take care of your own needs as well, as you’re in charge of whatever that’s in your life. There are a lot of other ways to maintain a balance out there, you just need to review your priorities and how you’d want to execute it.
1. What do people think is crazy about you? -  Three of Cups
Socialisation is the first word that came into my mind. There’s a high chance that you’re an extrovert, where you gain energy by being around people. Not exactly a party animal kinda feeling, but more of a… Vibe assimilation? It’s like, you throw yourself into a place with a good vibe and you kinda absorb the good vibe and make yourself feel better with it. Once you’re feeling better, you feel that you’re more prepared to face whatever problems you were facing. It’s also the other way round, where you give out good vibes and fun times to those around you who are having a hard time. But also, you need to be aware if this is their preferred love language or you may not be helping them the way they need it.
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - Page of Cups rx
Are you a romantic? Cuz this card here is giving me this vibe. It feels like… You’re a romantic in heart, where your heart is open to love as it manifests into the world. Take this as a reminder to not go wild. You can fall in love deep and quick, and can jump to new relationships easily. To you, you just view love as love, and you think it’s alright to get into or break off relationships cuz you’re loyal to love. However, a relationship doesn’t work only on love, but also responsibilities, loyalty, and a lot of other aspects. Ground yourself, find out what is it that you want by getting into relationships. From there, only you figure out how you can work things out without potentially harming other people in the relationship.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - Wheel of Fortune rx
I feel that with your Crazy Form, you are very capable of changing the courses of lives. Plural. It’s not only your life that you’re changing, where you learn through the relationships and experiences you’ve gone through; but also the lives of others who have been in relationships with you, where they may learn a thing or two, or even have problems with the idea of “love”.  You know that you’re the co-creator of your life and destiny, but also, you need to be aware of the impact you have, how you can also change the lives of others for the better. You now know you have the power, how you’re gonna use it is now up to you.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - The Devil, Page of Swords
You can be the Devil, where you can draw out the worst possible potential in someone; or you can also be the Messenger, where you share your knowledge and wisdom to those who are interested in them. There’s a lot you can achieve, but ultimately, it depends on which path you want to tread on. You, Pile 2, you know you’re fire, you know you can warm people or burn them. I don’t want to repeat things but yeah. You can make a name for yourself, may it be in a nice light or a not-nice light. Whatever you choose, make sure you think through the consequences of your actions, and if you’re alright or satisfied with the outcome. 
Overall energy: Temperance rx, Four of Wands
Overall speaking, there’s a lack of balance in this pile. It feels like the energy is scattered, and that now you’re taking your time to piece the puzzles (scattered energy, self-expectations, better understanding of yourself)  into a nice and harmonious picture (you). You are searching for a community where you are comfortable with, you can work together with. I don’t think this pile has much difficulties in self-acceptance, but if you do, do work on them as it could be your greatest challenge. Once you’re through that?  You’ll be surprised by how much power you have.
Pile 3
A card to represent you: The Hierophant
I… Am conflicted with how I should word myself. The Hierophant is usually related with traditional and conventional methods. There’s a hint of tradition here, but what I’m feeling is more of a… Fusion? It’s like you’re working with whatever and whichever part of the tradition you agree with, and mixing it with something else to have a new blend. This is you. You are good at combining the best of both worlds to bring forth something new that is comforting to you and the people around you. You may also have been told that you have a healing presence? Or you’re working on your inner healing right now, especially childhood trauma. 
1. What do people think is crazy about you? - Ten of Wands rx
The way you willingly and fearlessly take up responsibilities is what people (including myself) think is crazy about you. Most people will consider and ponder, weighing the pros and cons before deciding if they wanna take up the responsibility to take up something or anything. But for you, it’s like you have some sort of blind faith that you’ll be able to do things and hence, you take up the responsibility. You also have almost no fear in showing or exposing your vulnerability. You understand that being vulnerable doesn’t necessarily mean weak, and you honour that part of you, showing it and proving that being vulnerable doesn’t mean you can’t achieve things.
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - Four of Pentacles rx
You’re actually… restraining yourself a lot. Unknown to the people around you (or even yourself), you have always felt the need to exert control over particular things, or even other people, but especially yourself. The controlling side of yours is due to the insecurities that you’ve experienced, probably as a kid, where you need to have a certain control over situations so that you can be assured of your self value. You probably have gone through child trauma and do not hold trust in the world, nor in people around you, which led to you wanting to be in charge of things so you can exert dominance to make sure you’re not on the passive or losing end.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - The Magician rx, Five of Cups rx
You can use that controlling energy and redirect them to some other things, such as creativity expressions (creating new things to have fun) or even focusing on healing past traumas. All of these require a lot of energy and time, which is something really suitable for you to work on as you expand not only your views on things, but also to learn acceptance and to be kinder to yourself. Expansion is a huge theme where you need to find things out and figure them out as you journey in life. There’s a lot of time for you to figure things out, so it’s best to not rush and learn to take things at your own pace.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - Eight of Pentacles
Success is guaranteed if you put your energy in the right things. You’ll be able to become the pinnacle in whatever fields you have decided to step into. The tenacity you have, the diligence and hard work you’ve put into curating your portfolio and honing your skills will be well repaid in the forms of success, achievements, recognition and even power. However, there’s a need to maintain balance in all things, and to continue striving and improving. Know that you’ll need to constantly learn how to change your controlling energy to something that’s more… beneficial? Something that can help you (and/or the people you care for) in the long run. 
Extra cards: Five of Pentacles
An extra message for you right now is that you still will need to go through some things before you reach there. You’re still in the process of learning, and you’ll face your own trials soon enough. You need to be aware of your own mindset, your own actions; only then you’ll be able to make the necessary changes for you to be able to unlock your highest potential. Your guides are also actively sending you messages. Trust in your guts, your feelings, your guides; they’re your strongest compass and confidant.
Overall energy: Death, The Star
This pile focuses a lot on the importance of change, and how it’s capable of making your life better or worse. However, it also reassures that there’s a silver lining within every dark cloud. There may be a sense of defeat for some who chose this pile, but it is also a sign of telling, where you’re called to surrender the old and limiting beliefs before you can be reborn into limitless possibilities. The process of being reborn is not easy, and you will need help around you to go through those times. Not saying that you can’t handle everything alone, but getting help and assistance from people around you, especially those who are close to you can help you and make your life so much easier. So why go through the long-winded route?
Pile 4
A card to represent you: The Emperor
I’m getting a… Growl? People probably paint you as dominant or domineering at times (or most of the time). You may have a stronger masculine energy, even if you identify as some other genders. There’s this fire energy that feels like Scorpio as well, where people (including your subordinates and to some extent, friends) may feel afraid. Some of you are aware of this and are pleased with this, but some of you are unaware of this trait of yours. You can choose to either work on it and be a benevolent king, or you can be a tyrant. The choice is yours, you are who you want to become.
1. What do people think is crazy about you? - Temperance, Two of Pentacles
You’re able to remain your balance amidst the changes that are happening around you. There’s just this… Stability in you that assures the people around you. Pluto is in Capricorn and it’s about to enter Aquarius for good. We have seen how things changed around us, and how there were more… THings that have been constantly happening. Yet, even with the never-ending chaos, you still manage to keep your emotions and rationality at a healthy level. You know that you rely not only on yourself, but also your dreams and your spirit’s energy to reach your highest good. But still, you achieving this is just insane in many people’s eyes.
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - King of Swords rx
People are seeing the balanced side of you at the moment, but they probably have not thought of you being a person who focuses more on the mind than the emotional side. You probably have the habit of noticing the slightest things, and you’re very capable of putting the small pieces together to form the bigger picture. If anyone ever wrongs you, this side of yours will appear and will probably mess up their life cuz they messed yours. You do put in effort in keeping this side of yours aside as you’re very much intending on keeping things civil.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - The Chariot
If you ever wanted to take over the corporate business, you’re very capable of doing so. Take the wheel, steer to where you want to head to, and hit the gas. You will not be lost as long as you are sure of where you’re going. Also, because of this introspective side of yours, you can help a lot of those who are in need. I’m somehow seeing you piecing up information to gather evidence against domestic violence cases. You are willing to help, as long as they ask. The same goes to you, where you’ll also receive help from the universe when you ask for them. You just seem to be in sync with divine timing, which is something you can pay attention to.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - The High Priestess rx
I am very tempted to say that you’ll end up losing your feminine and intuitive side, but there’s more to it. Sure, there may be chances of you straying away from the quieter side of you, but it is also a chance for divine intervention where your guides are re-introducing you the importance of your feminine side, showing you how being in-tune with your emotions can bring you to places you’ve never thought of, to bring your the emotional fulfilment that you’ve never imagined. More importantly, it’s an opportunity for you to learn the importance of stability and sustainability, and make sure that whatever you do and learn is gonna be part of your life, part of your identity.
Overall energy: The Hanged Man rx, The Tower rx
There’s quite some blockage here that you’re facing, where you may feel challenged with everything that’s happening around you. Remember that you’re not in control of everything around you, that things happen for a reason, and that it’s okay to go along the flow from time to time. The Universe is trying to guide you to where you’re supposed to be, so stop being stubborn and learn to accept things for the time being. At least, until you’re strong enough to go against what you’ve decided to fight. You’re meant to do great things, to achieve so much more in life. But first, you need to learn to accept your flaws and the harsh reality, only then you can be sure of what you want to rebel against.
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foreversecrets · 13 days
Episode 2 - The Law of the Jungle
UPDATED! I've been through episode 2 five times now and this is what I found. I'm also going to go back and do episode 1, I just kinda speed through it.
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Jason: The New Palace isn’t open in the morning. And most of all, not before next month…
(I didn’t say anything. He’ll end up leaving eventually, right?) (-)
Hello. Are you the owner…? (/)
Hahaha! Yes, thank you. I know. (+)
Jason: …
Maybe we shouldn’t play his game…? (+ with Jason, - Roy and Devon) 
After your little ditty when I got here, I think I believe them, Jason… (+ Roy and Devon, / with Jason)
(I didn’t say anything. Clearly, I don’t have all the information…) (- with Jason, / Roy and Devon)
Jason: …
Don’t mind them, Sir. I apologize, they don’t know how to behave. (-)
Don’t listen to him, Sir. We know very well what we’re doing. (+ with Devon, / with Jason)
Jason, maybe you can calm down with the cutting remarks? (+)
Jason: I’ll apologize in advance for inflicting a defeat on you for your first mission, but it’s not personal. 
It is for me, now. We’re going to crush you. (+ with Roy and Devon, - with Jason)
Don’t speak too soon, and may the best win! (- with Roy and Devon, + with Jason)
As long as everyone follows the rules… (-)
Jason: You “won”, but it’s a semi-victory…
It seems to me that’s still better than having lost. (+)
It doesn’t matter, it’s still a win…
I see that someone’s a sore loser.
Jason: …
(And I did the same, resuming the evening with my new colleagues and friends)
(Perhaps it’s up to me to be smarter for all of us, and hold out a hand to him) (for Jason illustraion)
(I restrained myself from hurling a few colorful insults at his back)
Jason: …
(But I swallowed my pride to better focus on the evening.)
(You pay for everything sooner or later … his turn will come.)
(No way am I going to leave things there.) (for Jason illustration)
Amanda: Nope, I’m here. And you too now…
Would you rather I come back at another time? (+)
Which is good since I was looking for you! (/)
Just say it, if I’m boring you … (-)
Amanda: You can write that down: when you need to tell a client that their choices are vulgar, say “baroque.” 
(I diligently took notes) (/)
I think that the baroque can be charming. (-)
Okay, cool. I’ll remember that. (+)
Amanda: Where do you think I buy all of my dishes?
I confess that I hadn’t asked myself the question. (/)
That’s very frugal of you. (-)
Now that you say it, it makes sense …(+)
Amanda: Any questions?
No, I don’t have any questions. That seems very solid. (+)
Can I do something to help you? (/)
What do you think about Goldreamz? And Jason? (-)
Amanda: Yeah, it’s getting late. You can go home, if you’re tired.
Not without having another drink (/)
Are you kidding? I’m having so much fun (+)
Yes, I think I’m going to do that (-)
Thomas: Actually, that’s not entirely true: I’ve already hacked their system. Just as a precaution.
You have such little trust in your own talents? (+)
Even if that doesn’t interest Devon, we’d be wrong not to take a look…(-)
You…You mean that you can read all their emails, their intranet? (/)
Thomas: That was cool right?
It was okay, but I don’t think I’ll try it again any time soon.
Yeah, it was … Really cool, like you said.
Are you kidding?! It was completely wild! (+)
Roy: So, you’ve made it? Your drive into the deep end!
At the same time, he didn’t hire me to twiddle my thumbs! (+)
Yes, it’s very nice of him not to leave me on the sidelines. (/)
Yes… I would have preferred him to ask me directly if I had any ideas, but hey…(-)
Roy: And word of mouth often works well, and allows me to make new, original or little-known contacts. 
So really, your job is to be nice? That’s cool! (/)
Cool! I hope you’ll help me meet lots of people! (+)
It’s funny, I thought you’d have a much more aggressive approach.(-)
Roy: Don’t you think?
Totally! Now I can imagine a pirate ship coming in the distance. (+)
Yeah, I agree, like an imaginary creature from the depths. (-)
I don’t know, I never really thought about it. (/)
Devon: And what do you think? About what we do… about the mood?
I think I could get used to this! (+)
It’s great! It’s nice here. (/)
Seeing that you pay me… (-)
Devon: I understand. You’d prefer to make a name for yourself in your domain…
Exactly. (+)
Yes, or not even. I don’t need to make a name for myself, that’d be okay too.(/) 
Exactly: one day, people will say that you gave Luna a leg up.(-)
Brune: Nothing. Elenda is talking nonsense. 
Very well, if you’re being secretive. (+Elenda)
Come on, you don’t want to tell me? (+Elenda)
(I didn’t insist. It’s none of my business) (+Brune)
Archibald: Well, I’m having a break. This is a break area, after all…
If someone sees you here, I could get in trouble…
Yes, but … nevermind. Are you okay? (+)
A break area for employees.
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chaotic-super · 1 year
The Vampire Woman - Chapter 18
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Read The Vampire Woman on AO3 here!
Lena stands over Kara’s bedside just staring down at the woman that has yet to gain any semblance of consciousness since the ordeal in the hallway with Lillian. Her unbeating heart aches for Kara. She doesn’t deserve this.
It’s funny really. Lena has so much more history with Lillian and has benefitted from having her in her life much more than Kara and yet it is Kara she’s fighting for while neglecting to mourn Lillian, doubting that she ever really will because she has no deep feelings about the woman, only indifference.
“Any change?” Alex peers over at her from a chair across the room, her hair sticking up in random places and her eyes heavily lidded with fatigue.
Lena shakes her head, a sadness in the movement that she can’t control. “No, not yet.”
“How long has it been since you injected her with the anti-vampire serum?”
“It’s been a while, over an hour. Can you not call it that though, that’s just weird?” Lena doesn’t take her eyes off Kara, but she does cringe a little at the name Alex has given the serum she’s actively developing.
This is the third serum she’s made, each one a little more potent than the last and each one getting more and more effective.
Lena is fairly certain at this point that if she were able to, she’d have a bad back from how much time she’s spent leaning over a microscope to not only figure out the compounds within silver that harm vampires but also looking at Kara’s blood to determine which cells are vampiric and which ones are human.
It’s interesting to see the way the vampiric cells are destroying the human ones and showing how a person can turn into a vampire but on the other hand, it’s terrifying because, with each cell that is destroyed, that’s one step closer to Kara’s life-changing in a remarkably horrendous way.
“Would the anti-vampire serum kill you if you were injected with it?” Alex ignores her request, moving around until she’s beside the vampire and peeking over her shoulder at her little sister, still out cold.
Lena shrugs. “How would I know? I’m not exactly about to inject myself with it and find out, am I? Let’s just focus on Kara, she’s been unconscious for almost two days now and we need to see if this new version of the serum has worked, can you take some of her blood?”
Alex rolls her eyes at Lena. When they first met, she was afraid of her but tried her best to cover up her fear so as to not appear weak but seeing the way she has been so diligently working to try and save Kara, most of that fear has slipped away. That doesn’t mean a little bit of it doesn’t still linger in the back of her mind, but it does mean that she’s not cowering away from her or walking on eggs shells around her.
She’s not completely forgiven her for what she did to Kara when they first met either, she attacked her little sister and actually injured her, but she is seeing what kind of person she is and is at least attempting to see her for who she is rather than what she’s heard. It is hard though because no matter how much she has grown to like the aggressive way Lena is tackling the task of protecting Kara from the fate Lillian has bound her with, there’s always going to be some anger there.
Alex takes some blood from Kara, not much, just enough so they can test it, but it still makes her nervous to do so. It was a close call before, right after she was bitten because Lillian drank so much of her blood in her final moments. At least she got a good last meal, Alex supposes.
It was terrifying though, Kara almost died right there and then from the blood loss and it was only because Lena had a recent delivery of blood that she had enough on hand to give Kara a transfusion, several in fact.
It does leave Lena in a bit of a sticky situation though because now she’s got Jess trying to figure out how to get her more blood so she doesn’t starve and go full-rampaging vampire again. She wouldn’t be so worried if Kara wasn’t in the bed she designed to hold her and if Lillian hadn’t proven that the restraints aren’t strong enough to hold her for long.
“Here.” Alex hands Lena the sample of Kara’s blood she just took and watches out the corner of her eye as Lena takes it and heads for the microscope across the room. At this point, her hopes are swindling and if that means she has to savour each moment she has with Kara before she turns and she’s no longer herself anymore, then that’s what she’ll do.
On some level, Alex does understand that no matter what happens, whether they manage to save Kara from becoming a vampire or not, she’ll still be her in almost every way. It’s the almost that Alex is struggling with though.
She’ll lose her heat, making her infamous, calming cuddles cold and unfeeling. She’ll lose her appetite and will have to drink blood again. With Kara being such a foodie, the very thought of Kara losing that pillar of her personality that revolves around her enjoying the fruits life gives her just breaks Alex’s heart because she knows it will devastate her. Kara loves sunbathing and spending time at the beach, if she wants to go after turning, she’d have to go at night and as for sunbathing, forget about it.
The worst part is the part that Alex just can’t wrap her mind around though. Kara will be dead, but she won’t be gone, that means she’s going to live without being alive for God knows how long and lose every single person she knows, watching as person after person she loves dies before her very eyes with nothing she can do to stop it. She’ll never be able to grow old with someone or live a normal life, she’ll just be gone.
Alex strokes her fingers across Kara’s cheek and the feeling that greets her forces her breath out of her. She’s cold. “Lena?”
“What? I haven’t had the chance to look yet, give me a minute.”
“No, no, no, Lena, she’s cold.” Alex stumbles back, her eyes still pinned on Kara’s cold, unmoving form, her heart stuttering like crazy as she wills Kara to sit up and smile and laugh. That doesn’t happen though.
Lena freezes and looks back over at where Kara is lying on the bed. Her steps are slow and steady as she walks back over, ditching the samples beside the microscope. She pays no mind to Alex, letting her just slowly back away from Kara is probably the best choice anyway if she has passed.
She tilts her head, ears searching for a heartbeat as she gets closer and it’s when she’s at Kara’s bedside that she hears it. It’s faint but it’s still there but just for good measure, she reaches out and pressed her hand on Kara’s chest, just between her breasts and feels as Kara continues to take shallow breaths.
“She’s alive, but you’re right about her being cold. There are more blankets in the storage closet down the hall, would you mind grabbing them?” Lena turns to Alex, who has gone almost as pale as she is, which isn’t an easy feat.
Alex nods, shaky and terrified. There’s a small dose of relief flooding through her veins but she’s more than aware of the fact that Kara’s not in a good way. She goes off to do what she’s told and that leaves Lena at Kara’s bedside.
“I don’t know what to do if the serum doesn’t work, Kara. Do you want to be left to die, to be free of the burden of the life I live or would you want to turn so you can live your life, even if it will be long and painful?” Lena speaks softly to the unconscious human as though Kara actually has the means of responding. “Yeah, I know, they’re both sucky choices and I’m glad the decision was made for me, I don’t even know what I would have chosen to do.”
With a sigh and a frown, one that makes Lena appear like she’s aged a few years since she was once bitten, she goes back to the sample. There’s still hope yet and if there’s a way Lena can save Kara, she has to take it.
She moves a few drops of the blood onto a slide and slips it under the microscope.
Now, that is interesting.
There’s something definitely occurring within Kara’s cells because the first thing Lena notices is the distinct lack of movement in the vampiric cells. That’s really good because that means that they can’t keep on attacking her human cells. That being said though, while the vampiric cells aren’t moving, they are most certainly still alive and Kara’s body isn’t killing them off.
It’s a really good start though because it means that they aren’t at risk of Kara turning at the minute because her human cells aren’t being affected by the serum, in fact, they’re thriving.
Alex comes stumbling in with way too many blankets, making Lena jump as she drops them down onto the chair beside Kara’s bed, making the chair skid back and inch with a horrible scraping noise of the chair legs against the floor.
Lena glares at her out of instinct but softens her expression when she hears Alex’s soft, “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. The serum is working.”
“What? It is? She’s not going to turn?” A grin spreads across Alex’s face and she forgets about the blankets she brought in for a moment until Lena joins her beside the bed and starts grabbing one and unfolds it.
Lena shrugs, covering Kara up and tucking the blanket around her. “The vampiric cells in her system have stopped attacking the human ones. It hasn’t killed them but for now, she’s not turning. We should take samples periodically so we can make sure that doesn’t change and try our best to keep nursing Kara back to health otherwise. With a little bit of luck, she’ll wake up soon.”
Alex couldn’t be happier to hear that news as she takes Lena’s lead in wrapping Kara up in another blanket. She goes to reach for another one but is stopped by Lena resting her hand on her wrist and shaking her head softly.
“I think that’s enough blankets.”
Alex drops the blanket and smiles, a little bashful about the way she was about to wrap Kara up like a burrito to keep her warm.
“Now, we just have to be patient and keep an eye on her. There’s nothing else we can do.”
Jess wanders into the lab while lugging a decent-sized cooler with her. There’s sweat dripping down her forehead as she titters on her short heels from the strain of it.
Lena spots her and rushes to her side, a hint of her supernatural speed kicking in to get there faster so Jess doesn’t have to struggle.
That’s something she never would have done not too long ago, too afraid of freaking her out and being judged for it but the past couple of weeks have been crazy and it’s pretty safe to say that none of those insecurities matter a single bit anymore.
“Thanks, Lena,” Jess says, extraordinarily happy when the heavy load is taken from her. “There’s plenty in there, I managed to get a lot this time so there’s enough for you and for Kara too if she needs it.”
Lena beams at her, “You’re a superstar, Jess. I don’t think Kara will be needing anymore at the minute, she’s been stable for two days now and has been showing signs that she might wake up soon.”
“Really?” Jess asks and her mouth curves up into a smile when Lena nods, “And how is her temperature, better?”
“Completely stabilized now but she’s still got one extra blanket on. The vampiric cells and the human ones have actually begun to do something weird; they’re not fighting, they’re fusing. I don’t know what that means for her but she’s breathing, and her pulse has gotten stronger so I’m not complaining.”
Jess’ eyebrows scrunch together as she and Lena make for the fridge that is meticulously checked and temperature controlled to keep blood inside of. “What do you mean by fused?”
Lena begins unloading the blood from the cooler and into the fridge, arranging it by blood type and setting all of the ones that are viable with Kara’s blood type off to one side so they can find it if they get into a pinch, but she has all of her fingers and her toes crossed that they won’t need that.
“From what I can tell, and I can’t tell much, they are attaching to each other and not trying to destroy each other like they were before, which is a very good thing because the rate the vampiric cells were killing off the human ones was terrifying, but it’s been over a week now and it’s they haven’t started behaving the way they were before so it’s starting to look good.”
“But we won’t know the full effects of the fusion until she wakes up?”
“No, we won’t,” Lena confirms. “She’s getting some colour back into her cheeks though so I’d say she’s getting better. Actually, why don’t I take another sample and show you the fusion, it’s about time I check again anyhow?”
Jess takes her up on that offer. “Sounds good.”
Now they are just taking small samples, they don’t bother with a needle, they just prick the tip of Kara’s fingertip and squeeze out a drop of blood but when Lena picks up Kara’s hand, she’s surprised when Kara pulls it back quickly.
Both Lena and Jess’ eyes go wide, comically so, and shoot up to look at Kara’s face, which is scrunched up with fatigue and her eyes pinched shut tightly as she groans.
Kara groans a second time and tries to open her eyes but quickly clenches them shut again when the lights hit her. “Ugh.”
“Kara, it’s Lena and Jess is here too. Take your time.”
Kara mumbles something but neither Jess nor Lena can make out what she’s trying to say, the mumbling too incoherent.
“What’s that? Say it again, Kara.”
Kara only says one word, not bothering to try to repeat the whole sentence again and just reiterating the most important part. “Alex.”
Jess meets Lena’s eyes before mouthing at her, “Where is she?”
Lena doesn’t answer Jess but she does reply to Kara which effectively tells Jess where Alex is anyway. “She’ll be here soon, she’s just out getting coffee. We’re right here with you though.”
The hand that was snatched away so ruthlessly before starts batting around on the mattress in search of something and it takes Lena a painfully long moment to register what she’s trying to do and move her hand beside Kara’s, letting her find it and take a good grip of it.
Kara’s hold on her is weak and feeble due to the condition she’s been in for the past week. “Hey, we’ve got you, take your time.”
“W-what happened?” Kara says the words carefully, trying to be as clear as she can but her throat is painfully dry and she’s aching all over. On top of that, she’s absolutely sweating because of the heat. “S’too hot.”
Lena doesn’t release her hand, just uses her free one, the one that means she has to cross her arm across her body awkwardly, to pull the extra blanket off of Kara with a little help from Jess, who takes it once it’s off and starts folding it, grateful for having something to do because she feels kind of awkward about how she’s just sort of standing there.
“Is that better?” Lena asks, leaning down towards Kara more so she won’t have to strain her voice as much trying to talk.
“Water please.” Is Kara’s response, her mouth so dry it’s like the Sahara Desert in there and it’s remarkably uncomfortable.
Lena uses her speed for the second time in the day to race off, grab a bottle of water for Kara, along with a straw, and get back to where she was, a little sad she had to let go of her hand because the warmth of it was comforting.
She undoes the lid and pops the straw into it, apologizing to the turtles as she does since all she could find was a plastic one. She’ll make sure it gets recycled to make up for it later.
Kara tilts her head up as much as she can to take the straw into her mouth and take a big sip, spluttering a little but not giving up, determined to get a good, healthy drink of the water to alleviate the sandpapery feeling that has taken over her throat. It’s so bad that she gets through a good portion of the bottle, ignoring Lena and Jess as they warn her to slow her roll, that she becomes aware of the catheter sitting in her nether regions. Lovely...not. She supposes that Alex wouldn’t have let it happen if it wasn’t necessary.
Lena eventually pulls the bottle away after Kara swallows a mouthful which only leads to Kara trying to chase it, only moving an inch before huffing and leaning back into the pillow with an ungodly pout.
“Don’t pull that on me, Danvers. It’s for your own good since you need to take it slow. You’ve been out for over a week so right now, slow and steady is your friend.”
Kara’s mind is elsewhere and it’s very obvious too. “Alex?” She tries again and this time Jess slides her phone out of her pocket.
“I’m calling her right now, just sit tight.”
Kara’s head twitches in what Jess makes out to be a nod so she does what she said she’d do and calls Alex. The phone rings and rings until it goes to voicemail and the whole time, Kara is watching with a growing look of concern spreading across her face.
Jess pulls the phone away from her ear with a grimace, ending the call without leaving a message. “I guess I’ll try again in a few minutes since she’s out getting coffee, she might be at the counter paying or something like that.”
Kara doesn’t look convinced, not until the phone rings just seconds after the failed call ends.
“Hey, where are you?” Jess asks, pulling the phone away from her ear quickly after so she can stab at the speakerphone button.
Alex’s voice comes through loud and clear. “Hey, sorry I missed the call, I had my phone in my bag and couldn’t find it in the mess before it rang out. I’m on my way back now, I’ve got coffee and pastries.”
“Alex, make sure you come right back,” Jess says when Alex stops talking.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“Kara’s awake.”
There’s a brief silence and a bunch of rustling down the line in response.
“Alex, you still there?”
“Yeah, I’m coming. Tell her I’m coming, I’m literally running, I’ll be there in ten minutes, tops.”
Jess smiles, “You can tell her yourself, you’re on speaker.”
“Kara, I’m on my way, just hold on for me, I’ll be just a few minutes!” Alex shouts down the line, her breathing suddenly heavy and the rustling sound getting louder, clearly the sound of the paper bag, the food in it crumbling as she disregards keeping the food steady in order to get to Kara as quickly as she can.
The call ends at some point in the ruckus when it becomes obvious that Alex is more concerned with getting back to L-Corp than talking to them and they end up just waiting for her. Kara grabs at Lena’s hand again as they wait and Jess keeps a close eye on the pair, overjoyed that Kara has woken up again because she thinks the image of Kara and the aftermath of what happened in the hallway might just haunt her for the rest of her life.
Lena cleaned up the mess that was left behind, the mess being the remains of Lillian, Vasquez and Carlson. Jess wasn’t privy to the details of how she managed to handle that but from what she knows, she’s blaming it on a break-in and has paid off investigators to get it covered up, at least that’s her best guess.
They all breathe out a sigh of relief when Alex arrives, her rapid footsteps giving away her position as she marches her way towards where she knows Kara’s bed is.
As she approaches, Kara drops Lena’s hand in favour of reaching out for her sister. Alex shoves the bag with the food and the tray of coffees into Lena’s hands as she pushes past her and ignores Kara’s outstretched hand too so she can cradle Kara’s face in her hands, tilting her head from side to side to get a good look at her.
“God, Kara, you scared me so much.” She whispers, pressing a kiss to the middle of her forehead and pulling her up, a little carelessly, into a hug, her arms clinging to Kara like she’s afraid she’s going to disappear at any moment, a fear that is completely rational given everything that has happened.
“I didn’t mean to.”
“I know, just promise me to avoid getting bitten by anything ever again, ok? Even mosquitos, I’m serious.”
Kara freezes in her arms. “I was bitten?” Kara couldn’t fully remember how she got into this position, her mind fuzzy and crying out for her big sister to come and protect her, but now that she knows she’s been bitten, it all rushes back to her. Vasquez, Lillian, the fight, Lena scooping her up and rushing her downstairs and then a whole bunch of nothingness apart from a few pinpricks here and there that her mind refused to block out for her. “I was bitten.”
The second statement is much firmer and it’s clear to the others that Kara is putting the pieces together.
“You were,” Lena confirms, taking one of the coffees for herself and passing the food and the other drinks over to Jess, who moves them onto a nearby table, a little annoyed that they are suddenly playing Pass The Parcel with coffee at a time like this.
“Am I dead?”
The Question hits them hard, not because she’s dead or turned but because she was so close to dying that the very mention of it makes them feel like their hearts are bleeding, which is especially strange for Lena.
“No, you’re not dead,” Lena answers over Alex’s shoulder when Alex doesn’t immediately respond, a lump trapped in her throat too large to allow her to answer for herself.
“Oh, I don’t think I understand.” Kara’s eyes are drooping, and her voice is so hoarse that they are all starting to worry a little.
“Why don’t we get you something to drink, maybe some tea with honey to help your throat, and then after that you can sleep a little bit? It’ll be easier to explain everything to you once you’re bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.”
Kara looks like she wants to argue but Alex agrees on her behalf before she can, so she just has to accept it for what it is, she guesses. “Great idea, Jess, sorry to ask but would you mind finding somewhere to get the tea?”
“You’ve got it,” Jess answers and pushes her way closer to Kara, taking her hand for a brief moment to speak. “I’m so glad you’re awake, Kara. I was worried about you.”
“Oh please, you can call me Boomerang because I always come back with a vengeance.” Kara croaks out with a smile.
“I can’t, I’m too nervous,” Kara says backing away from the door until she meets the front of Alex’s body, effectively stopping her from retreating any further back.
Alex starts walking forward with Kara still pressed against her which makes her walk back towards the door. “We’ll be right here and if it hurts, we’ll pull you right back in, stop being a wuss, this is important.”
“But I don’t want it to hurt.” Kara whines, using her arms to brace herself against the doorframe that leads to the back entrance of L-Corp so she can’t be forced outside.
She feels a shove against her back and then Jess comes around the side of the two arguing women and takes Alex’s side like a traitor, attempting to pull Kara’s arms down and away so she can be forced out into the sun.
 “No! I don’t want to go! It might burn me!” Kara fights against them until Lena sighs and does something she’s fully aware she’ll regret later on.
Kara gasps when she feels strong arms circle her waist and trap her arms against her sides in the process. She’s then lifted cleanly off the floor and then mere seconds later, she’s out in the sun and nothing is happening, not to her anyway.
Lena hisses and dives back into the building as soon as Kara is outside, leaving the woman that is completely and utterly unaffected out there so she can get back to safety and lick her wounds.
“Ah, fuck.” Lena hisses, pushing past Jess and Alex to get further into the building and around the corner from them, needing a few moments of privacy to collect herself. It’s been a while since she’s let herself go into the sun and it’s easy to forget how much it hurts when it’s been a while since she’s felt that pain. She’s certainly had a good reminder now though and is perfectly happy to never do that again unless absolutely necessary.
A few controlled breaths and a shake of her head to get her back into the right mindset, she rounds the corner again, finding the two women there looking anxiously between the corner she went around and Kara who is standing outside in the sun with her eyes closed and her face tilted towards the warming rays.
Seeing that Lena has managed to compose herself and looks relatively unscathed from her brief encounter with Sol, all eyes leave to just look at the way Kara is smiling slightly, the kind of smile you can only see if you look closely, her lips only just quirking up and her face smoothed out in complete serenity.
“See, not so bad, huh?” Lena forces a smile onto her face to mask the underlying burning of her skin where the sun managed to catch her.
“No, sorry I made you bring me out here, I was afraid it would hurt.” Kara opens her eyes and turns towards her, heading back inside just a moment later.
Lena is relieved when the door closes, putting the thick metal between her and the thing that can cause her a hell of a lot of pain. “How are you feeling?”
“Good, I was pretty worried that I wouldn’t be able to go outside anymore, I wouldn’t be able to do my job if that was the case. There’s only so much to report on when you can only work after dark and I think that would get boring really fast.
“I can confirm that it can be annoying to only be able to go out at night so I can’t blame you for being worried, but we have to do these tests, Kara. With the cells in your body fusing and leaving you with a mix of vampire DNA and human DNA, we have to understand what effects that will have on you going forward, from there we can figure out the best ways to help you navigate whatever might arise from the results of the tests.”
“I know, I just wish that things weren’t changing so much.” Kara leads them back down to the lab and she does that on purpose, walking in front of them so they can’t see her face or the amount of hatred she has in her heart towards everything that is happening. It makes her feel guilty that she’s complaining and being ungrateful for the life she has now since she was so close to dying because of Lillian but at the same time she’s so pissed, more pissed than she’s been in a long time.
Alex and Jess break off from them once they are back downstairs. Since the attacks, Lena has arranged for them to be set up in an apartment building she owns, one with an incredible amount of security, silver-lined doors and vampire-proof. Since Alex got kidnapped before, she’s happy to make the move, besides the apartment Lena has given her to stay in is much nicer than the one she’s moving out of anyway, so she’s got no complaints.
The plan is for Kara to move there too but until they finish the tests, she can’t because they haven’t got to the point in their testing where they have to figure out what the silver will do to her and also to the serum that was injected into her since it was silver-based, it could have some kind of effect on the way the cells have fused and in the worst case scenario, even trigger the vampiric cells to go back to attacking the human ones.
“You have a lot on your mind, I can see the cogs turning,” Lena states, her tone as even as she can make it so as to not make Kara defensive.
“Yeah, well, a lot is going on and I think I’m going to go crazy if I have to stare at these same walls for much longer. Don’t get me wrong, the lab is great, but I need a change of scenery.” Kara swipes a hand over her face and rubs at her eyes.
Lena is quick to try and offer up solutions but none of them is what Kara wants. “You can go into my office if you want. Or there’s a break room too if you want somewhere with a coffee machine, actually, I can set you up in an empty office, a guy from finance left for greener pastures a couple of days ago and I know for a fact the office is still empty and there’s a couch in there you can nap on.”
“No, I want to go back to my apartment. I know you’re worried but I need to be in my own space for a while, and wear my own clothes.” Kara plucks at a shirt Alex brought her from her closet, a flannel Kara always tells Alex she needs to throw out because it’s so old and tattered, but Alex always refuses because it’s comfortable. Kara has to agree with that but it does need a trip to the garbage can.
Lena ducks her head. She didn’t want to tell Kara this until after the tests were done and she has her moving into a new place. “Kara, I sent people over to your place to see if it could be made secure but when they got there half of your stuff had been torn apart and I don’t think that’s something you need to deal with right now.”
“What?” Kara turns so quickly towards her that Lena makes a mental note to check her speed to see if she’s gotten faster since the bite. It wouldn’t be totally unexpected since they have already been able to determine that her hearing has improved a great deal and she is able to hear conversations several rooms away if she tries. It’s not as powerful as Lena’s but it goes far beyond that of a regular human. “So, I can’t go back to my place?”
“I can’t stop you, but I can advise against it and I really think that it’s best you don’t go back there, not until we’ve finished all of the tests. I have already set up for the rest to happen tomorrow so it’s just one more night here and then we can get you somewhere else where you don’t feel as suffocated.”
“Lena, I can’t do it, I can’t do one more night so if I have to go back to my place, even if it is destroyed, just so I can have some proper time alone somewhere that doesn’t reek of business deals and cockiness, that’d what I’ll have to do.”
Lena knows there’s nothing she can do to stop her short of forcing her to stay but Kara has only just forgiven her for what happened before everything with Lillian and she’s finally stopped looking at her like she’s about to go crazed monster at any time. She can’t jeopardize that, but on the other hand, is it worth being the villain if it keeps Kara safe? Yes.
“What if I can find somewhere else for you to stay? Somewhere not in this building, I mean.”
“That depends, will I have a proper bedroom rather than just a bed in the middle of a lab that I’ve seen someone be murdered in?” Kara can sense that she’s getting closer to getting her own way and being free of this damned place and she’s going to push it because she needs to, she can’t cope with this environment any longer.
Lena turns away to think and Kara watches the way her shoes clunk against the floor as she starts pacing. “There’s only one place I can think of with adequate security that is also designed to protect the person inside from any foes that aim to harm them. My own apartment. I don’t spend too much time there so it will be nice if someone uses it. I have a guest room with its own ensuite. You’re welcome to use it.”
The last thing Kara was expecting was for Lena to offer her own apartment to her to use just to make her comfortable, or perhaps she can see the desperation in her eyes. It doesn’t matter because no matter where she ends up, she needs to be out of here and a place to stay where she actually has some proper privacy to process everything that has happened sounds incredible.
“That would be great, thank you.”
“Of course, although, I think I have to apologize in advance, the guest room hasn’t been cleaned in a while so it’s probably dusty and the sheets probably need changing.”
“Well, I think I’ll just head back to my place first and see if I can salvage a few of my things and maybe see if I have some of my own sheets still usable, I need a bit of familiarity.”
Lena gets that, she really does. “In that case, go right ahead. Do you mind if it’s Frank taking you? I would usually have another driver available but she’s on vacation so it’s him or a cab and it would cost a fortune for a cab to wait for you to grab your stuff while the car is idling.”
Kara really doesn’t want to get into a car with a man that threatened her with a gun to make her donate blood to Lena before but at this point, she’s willing to do just about anything. “Anything to get me out of here for a while.”
“I’ll make sure to ask him to give you a hand carrying anything you want out of your place. Try and grab enough clothes and things to last a little while so you don’t have to go back and forth. You can stay with me until we can come up with a permanent solution for housing for you, it’s the easiest way.”
“Whatever you say, I just want to get to my place and then to your place so I can shower and nap.”
“I guess I better hurry up and call Frank then.”
“Yes, you’d better.” The words are meant to sound threatening but they just sound tired. Kara really needs that nap.
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the-himawari · 9 months
A3! Citron - Translation [SSR] Curtain Among Cherry Blossoms (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Tangerine: …
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Citron: You can do it, Tangerine~!
Izumi: You got this, Tangerine-kun!
Shop clerk: Each person only gets one shot! Try your best to clear them all! Now then, start!
Tangerine: —.
*hits, hits*
Shop clerk: Ooh. He cleared the first and second blocks!
Tangerine: …!
Izumi: Ah, the daruma's falling…!
Citron: …!
Shop clerk: He failed on the third block. What a shame! Well that’s how the cookie crumbles~. Here’s a postcard for participating.
Tangerine: …Tank you. *Sigh*… I didn’t do so well.
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Izumi: It’s more difficult when it’s bigger, huh? But you did amazing clearing 2 blocks. Right, Citron-kun?
Citron: …
Izumi: What’s wrong? You’ve been awfully quiet the whole time…
Citron: …I will get revenge for Tangerine!
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Tangerine: !?
Citron: Bring it on! The next challenger shall be I!
Izumi: It sounds like he’s asking for a duel…
Shop clerk: Oh, this guy’s fired up! Thank you for participating!
Citron: I will definitely clear them all…!
Shop clerk: Are you ready? …Okay, start!
Citron: —!
Tangerine: Nii-sama, I am very grapeful you got revenge for me! You were very cool!
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Izumi: It’s grateful. But that really was amazing. Even the staff members were raving about how it was just like a performance.
Citron: Hm, hm. There is nothing I can’t do! Also… I am glad I got to show my cool side not just to Tangerine, but to you as well, Director.
Option 1: “You were cool”
Izumi: Yeah, you were so cool!
Citron: Yahoo! It was worth trying hard if you say so! So, did you fall for me again~?
Tangerine: Nii-sama. What does “fall for again” mean?
Citron: It means to love something you love even more.
Tangerine: Oh! In that case, I fell for you again too, nii-sama!
Izumi: (Fufu, what an adorable conversation.)
Option 2: “That looked difficult”
Izumi: A giant daruma otoshi seems more difficult than usual, doesn’t it?
Citron: Even I did not know how it was going to turn out until I actually hit it. Sometimes, it's important to pretend to be confident in order to encourage yourself. Especially in this instance, because it was for my beloved younger brother Tangerine and my precious Director.
Izumi: (Citron-kun went into his royalty mode…! His aura in these moments is something else.)
Tangerine: I will demote myself so I can become as skilled as you, nii-sama!
Citron: You can do it, Tangerine!
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Izumi: You mean devote, not demote… I think?
Tangerine: That’s it!
Tsuzuru: …So in the end, Citron-san ended up taking charge at the daruma otoshi play demo?
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Izumi: Yeah. It looked like Tangerine-kun liked it a lot too.
Tsuzuru: Err, I get that. But…
Citron: Take that! And that!
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Tsuzuru: That doesn’t mean we had to go to the trouble of building such a huge daruma otoshi!?
Citron: What are you saying, Tsuzuru! They say practise makes perfect… We diligently made this from scratch for the traditional playing experience. And so, one more time… Hiyah! Take that!
Izumi: It was surprisingly easy to make the giant daruma otoshi.
Tsuzuru: I don’t think it’s that simple, but okay… I guess he’s really into it?
Kumon: Holy crap, a giant daruma otoshi! I wanna try it next!
Taichi: Dibs on next after that! Is that okay!?
Citron: Of course it is! Let us play taking turns~.
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Izumi: In any case, I’m glad everyone looks like they’re having fun.
Tsuzuru: Yeah, that’s true.
Citron: Alright, one more time~!
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Whump Intro
Hi, hello! 
Um, I’ve been avoiding this intro bc I am a shy awkward hermit that usually just lurks and likes stuff, but that doesn’t really work on Tumblr so here I am! Plus I wanted to use Whumptober to force myself into sharing my writing and figured it might be useful to introduce myself first.
You can call me starlit, or anna, or hey you, I don’t really care lol. She/her pronouns. I love reading fantasy & fantasy romance, writing, and playing RPG video games when I have the time (usually fantasy based-are we sensing a theme here? 😂)
Before we get to more about me nonsense-
Shout out to @i-can-even-burn-salad
For beta reading for me and then being brave enough to share her stories with me. And for sucking me into Tumbler lol. And for talking to me all the time and making me laugh. And for being such a great person. <3
I love her writing and stories so much. Please, please, check her writing out. It's worth it, I promise! Bring tissues though!!
Best internet friend ever trophy, where is it? I need to send it… oh, there it is. Here you go, Elli! 🏆🎉💜
I haven't had the opportunity to check out many other blogs yet, bc someone has such an extensive back catalog 👀 😂 but tagged below is the one I have read. I devoured Traces in one day because it was so good. Highly recommend!
Traces by @whumping-in-the-wings - Thanks for writing such a great story! Can't wait to see what happens next :)
(Obligatory disclaimer: heed the warnings. They are well-tagged.)
I've got my eye on several other blogs once I have a little more time. Hope ya'll like spam likes/reblogs/comments, bc I'm a bit enthusiastic 😂
Ok, back to me, I suppose. Under the cut 🤣
I tend to use emojis excessively, but don’t expect me to know the meaning of them beyond face-value expressions. I shamelessly claim elder millennial status as an excuse (which means I’m 18+, obviously).
I’m audhd (combo autistic/adhd), but I didn’t find that out until earlier this year, so I’m still very used to tiptoeing around people and holding myself back out of self-preservation. Working on that though, bc I’m tired of that shit. 
Erm, also… fuck is my favorite word. If you don’t like foul language, I might not be a great fit for you. 
I joined Tumblr about a month ago, so I am still learning and ask for your patience. (I will probably be learning for quite some time, tbh) If I’m doing something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.
Asks are welcome, although not sure what you would ask me lol. With asks, keep in mind that I’m literal as fuck and context is everything :D
As is fairly common from what I’ve seen in this community, I’ve daydreamed whump for as long as I can remember, and it’s nice to:
1. know what to call it 🥲
2. find someplace where I don’t feel weird about getting it out of my head and putting it on digital paper. Well, not quite as weird haha.
I’m super nervous to post on here, but that’s what I’m here for, so… deep breaths 😶
*Fantasy whump 
Magic w/ consequences
Emotional whump/angst 
Defiant whumpee
Breaking whumpee to the point of hopeless despair before building them back up again
Revenge against whumper 
Creepy/intimate whumper 
Named characters 
Recovery arcs, bonus points for romance <3
Eventual Happy endings after copious amounts of suffering
I write what I like, btw. I have written explicit romance previously, but I’m not sure if I will here.
I will try to be diligent with my warnings, but as those are new for me as well, I may miss some. Please let me know if I do and I will fix it! (within reason, don't ask me to tag something like sadness. that's a typical emotion. extremes like depression, yes. sadness, no.)
* Disclaimer: I will only ever write fantasy. I prefer to read fantasy as well, but I have made exceptions when I get the tropes I want :D 
I’m willing to try most anything once. 
In general though, I tend to avoid cannibalism, major character death, hard-core conditioning, whumper redemptions, bad caretakers 
I’m excited to join the community here and looking forward to participating in Whumptober! I have no idea how well I’ll keep up since I only decided to write for it 3 days before the event, but I’m willing to try 😅
Even if I can’t keep up during October's events, I do plan to finish the storyline and there will be a happy end :D  
Fuck, this got long. Sorry!!!
See you all around! 💜
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Ryen maybe you (or maybe the comments as well?) can give me some advice? You seem like such a hard working/ diligent person with all of the things that you do so I’d thought I would ask you :) How are you able to do as much as you do with work and hobbies etc. I struggle to follow a routine and that makes time management a literal disaster. I kind of drift day by day and this has made me very depressed and someone who hasn’t accomplished anything. I am 22 but have no idea what I will do with my future and no career sounds appealing. I feel like I am too dumb to get another job so I’ve been stuck at the same dead end one for almost 6 years. I only go to work 2-3 days a week and the other days are filled with distractions. And the days I am off I stay in my room and don’t talk to any friends or family cause I don’t really have that many and it seems exhausting to go out. So I’m not very productive and I’m not proud of myself much either. How are you able to accomplish so much and have a lot of energy to do as much as you do? You probably get burnt out but how do you manage to actually get up and do it. Also sorry if this is a lot!
Hey, love🫂 as diligent as I may seem, there are definitely times where I find myself on the couch wondering where the time went🤣 it’s not always go go go for me, either! My body just tells my brain to chill for a gd second and then it listens (kinda.)
When you’re drifting, it’s normal to feel out of place or like you aren’t doing anything. Like you’re kinda just there and not gonna achieve anything fulfilling.
But some of the general advice that I learned to break those moments are these:
Motivation can only take you so far; discipline is what you need when you have nothing left. Yeah you can feel motivated and ride that wave, but what are you gonna do when it’s gone and you still need to do things? Well. Sometimes you just gotta push through. Do that workout you didn’t wanna do. Watch that YouTube tutorial you meant to watch but put off for later. Study for 2 full, meaningful minutes if you don’t think you can. Before you know it, you’re gonna look back at all these things and be glad you at least tried a little bit.
Just because you aren’t accomplishing anything big doesn’t mean you aren’t achieving anything. Need to wash up? Take a shower—done. Achievement! Wanna send a message to someone asking for advice? Done. You did it! The smallest things can amount to the biggest impacts.
This is gonna sound corny as fck, but believe in yourself. You are what you have at the end of the day. I highly encourage less talk about what’s stacked against you and what you don’t have, and more talk about how you’re gonna overcome that and what you can do or get better at. Fake confidence until you really feel it.
Do I mess up? Yeah. Do I doubt myself? All the fcking time lmfao. But guess what: I get over those thoughts and still tell myself that I can do it in the end. Whenever I made my checklist of shit to do for my online shop? “Believe in yourself” is one of the checkboxes. And it’s not being checked off until I really feel it—but I’m gonna get there. I have to, because if I don’t believe in myself then how the fck am I gonna keep going when I hit walls?
You’re at a beautiful age. Lots of time to figure shit out. Tbh 22 is when I had these same damn thoughts, too, and I did waste a lot of it by giving in to them and just thinking I wouldn’t amount to much. But one day, I decided that I didn’t like what direction my life was going. (Discipline got me through a lot of it tbh, so I would say swallow some hard truths and do your best to try and keep trying until you find something you like and that you know you can get good at.)
You can do it. Cherish life as it comes🤍
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discordhelp · 11 months
hi !! i’m not the original anon but in the tags of your recent post you explained reddit & discord have v different rp cultures, would you mind explaining ? i’ve been considering switching over and wanted to know what i was getting into LMAO ! only if you have time ofc , thank u !!
so i am definitely not the ultimate authority on this by any means, because i haven’t rped in any non-tumblr-adjacent spaces myself in quite some time, but i can make a few comments based on my observations as an outsider and also some conversations with a friend of mine who does rp in those spaces! in short i think outside tumblr, groups tend to be a lot more… open? like there are a lot of little things that tumblr rpers tend to put a lot of emphasis and weight on that just aren’t a big deal to people on other sites, which absolutely comes with both pros and cons. the main thing that comes to mind as an example of this is with faceclaims, a lot of off-tumblr groups don’t really do banned fcs or might not be as strict with respecting fcs’ identities, so if that’s something that’s important to you, definitely keep it in mind going in. depending on the group, a lot of people tend to also be a bit more open with the subject matter they are and aren’t willing to write. overall i think tumblr-adjacent rps just tend to have a lot of unspoken rules and things that we’ve kind of all gotten used to by being in this space that just aren’t present in other rpcs. not sure if that made any sense, but i think the most important thing if you do decide to try branching out is to go into things with an open mind! you should of course do your due diligence vetting any group you’re considering joining to make sure it’ll be a good fit for you, and don’t be afraid to leave if it isn’t, but i think just going into the server being willing to learn through observation and maybe unlearn some of the stricter conventions that are basically ubiquitous in tumblr-ish rp spaces will be a big first step.
another thing i’ve noticed especially with groups that advertise on disboard is that they can get REALLY big! of course that depends on a whole lot of factors, but if you’re like me and get overwhelmed by big groups it’s another thing to look out for when you’re vetting a group!
again want to reiterate that i’m not speaking from firsthand experience so take this all with a grain of salt, and remember that no matter what site it’s on every group really will have its own unique culture and quirks. best of luck if you do decide to take that leap, and we’d love to hear how it goes <3
also just want to make a quick little note about what i mean by tumblr-adjacent rps: basically rps that advertise on tumblr regardless of what site the actual rping takes place on (so includes discord, twt, and jcink rps) and/or are made by people who originated from tumblr rp and still mostly run in those circles. since findrps was started on tumblr by tumblr rpers and still very much follows tumblr rp culture despite their growth, you’ll find almost all of the groups that advertise there will fall into this category, even if they might not necessarily have a tumblr main or anything.
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hellfirehaley · 2 years
Strange Love Chapter 3
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CW: drug use (marijuana), language, angst, memory of infidelity.
Word Count: 5.1K
AN: Shoutout to @mvnsoneddie86 for being an amazing human being who supported me throughout my entire writer's block last week.
A few things:
This chapter was originally twice as long but after discussing it with my showrunner (aka my husband); I made the executive decision to cut it in two and edit the second half a little more diligently. So let me know what you think and what you'd like to see. I'll try to have the next part out on time next week (I promise).
I'm not sure who has seen it but I do mini updates throughout the week on my progress under the tag 'Strange Love An Eddie Fic' so it'll be easier to find my ramblings as opposed to digging around for it. There's also a masterlist pinned to my blog if you ever get lost. If there was anything you wanted to tell me you liked or disliked, message me. My DMs are ALWAYS open.
September 21, 1985
School had been in session for a month and you were already stressed from homework and pressure from Mom to participate. You went to one game last night to support Ali and Robin to prove a point. Your mom, temporarily pacified, let you have the girls over today for a girls day/sleepover. You felt you had barely seen them due to band, debate and photo obligations. 
You got up around 10 and called both girls asking what they wanted to do today and you all decided on a spa day: deep conditioning or masking your hair, mud facial masks, cucumbers (for the eye bags) . Upon ending the call, you ran up to your room and got dressed in a pair of tights, your Runaways shirt, a red and black flannel that was a little too big for you, grabbed your keys and put on your Converse before running to the grocery store (grabbing cookies, cupcakes, chips, assorted candies and the latest Tiger Beat and Cosmopolitan issues. You also grabbed a new vial of nail polish, wanting to try the new blood red color from Revlon, a green for Robin and another bottle of dye for Ali’s color touchup. 
By the time you arrived back at your house, Ali’s Buick was parked out front of your house. You waved at them as you pulled in the driveway, putting it in park. They walked up to the car, pulling up their sleeves ready to help.
“Hey Y/N. Ready for some gossip and girls day?” Robin said chipperly. You giggled and nodded, closing the door behind you. They grabbed  the bags and followed you into the house as you unlocked the door.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. How have you been? Tell me everything!” Ali gushed, walking in and going straight to the kitchen, Norm on her heels. Robin followed behind as you closed the door behind you. You got out all of the bowels as Ali set out the candy and Robin fixed everyone a drink. You really loved having such an unspoken bond with the girls. Not having many friends made you appreciate the ones you did have. 
“So Vickie noticed my hair in the band yesterday and I almost choked on my own tongue. She said and I quote “Hey did you do something different to your hair? It looks shinier than normal.” THAN NORMAL? Does that mean that she noticed it before? That she was aware of what my hair normally looks like so she can tell when I do something different?” Robin said, handing each of you a glass of New Coke before pacing the kitchen while she went on.
“I mean do you wanna do something different to it? Wanna tease it or crimp it next time?” you offer trying to help as you took a sip of your own soda
“No, maybe next time I can get some highlights done before the weather drops. I’m sure we will figure out something ladies cause I wanna keep this streak up of Vickie noticing me.”  Robin gushed, thinking about her red-haired amore.
“Plus we need to update Ali’s color so that pink really pops for Steeeeeve.” you tease, poking Ali in the side as she swats you away.
“Oh my god stop. You already know he is never gonna see me like that. I’m doing this for myself.” Ali said powerfully as you and Robin applauded her, hyping her up.
“Now we need music.” Robin said, going to the record collection in the dining room. She immediately chose the Escape album from Journey, the sounds of Don’t Stop Believing blasting through your house. 
“Just a small town girl living in a lonely world; she took the midnight train going anywhere.” Robin sang as she started dancing towards you two
“Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit. Took a midnight train going anywhere” Ali sang, holding Robin’s hand dramatically.
“A singer in a smoky room, a smell of wine and cheap perfume. For a smile, they can share the night. It goes on…” you sang as the other two girls joined in singing the rest in harmony (loudly) while getting the mud mask materials mixed together and cutting up some cucumber slices. It was a cooler day so it was perfect for your masks. You applied Robin’s first since she was always antsy and couldn’t sit still, then Ali’s. Cucumbers in hand, you opened the screen door letting Norm come hang out with you, the sounds of Journey playing faintly on your patio. You set a timer to 15 minutes before you wash off the masks. 
“So I like Vickie, Ali likes Steve so that leaves you Y/N. Who do you like this year? Any potential suitors?” Robin asked as you were applying the goopy mess to your face.
“I don’t do crushes ladies, you know that.” you state spreading the thick mix around your nose. 
“Yeah yeah we know but we’re talking hypothetical” Ali urged, really curious. You told her everything and she knew your type but wanted to hear it from you.
“Well hypothetically it would be someone who challenges me. Someone who makes me feel like a better person without relying on them constantly. Someone who can make me laugh  but also talk to for hours about nothing. Someone who I don’t have to hide who I am from” you admit.
“That sounds amazing Y/N” Robin gushed, taking a drink of her soda.
“Yeah too bad he doesn’t exist in Hawkins so I guess I’ll settle for Patrick Swayze” you say laughing
“You never know, I mean look at how Joyce Byers was with Chief Hopper. They were in the same town for years and then BAM! I mean you saw them holding hands at the 4th of July bash before the Mind Flayer shit happened.” Ali said, recalling a few months ago when Hawkins was (once again) almost destroyed by an interdimensional creature trying to go after your friend. You could only think now of Joyce, who lost the love of her life twice. Once back in November of 1984 when she lost Bob and now losing Jim a few months ago. You don’t blame her at all for packing up the kids and getting the hell out of Hawkins.
“As your best friend, I must say that I approve of whatever is going on with Eddie Munson.” Ali stated, her hand up like a Scout’s Honor.
“Nothing is going on Ali. We’re friends who happen to both be really into music,” you say shrugging.
“That explains why you’ve been listening to a lot more metal than normal.” Ali noted, remembering you picking her up to school listening to Metallica.
“Or I just like metal as you should be aware of” you say laughing.
“Yeah. You like Motley Crue more but you’re going old school and discovering like the foundations” Ali said.
“Maybe but on the other hand ladies, I’ve got Eddie Munson listening to everything but metal and personally that’s a win for everyone,” you say, taking a drink of your soda in satisfaction.
“How the hell did this unorthodox friendship start? It feels like suddenly you guys are thick as thieves, he walks you to your locker after class; you say hi in the halls and lunch. He asks how your day is,” Robin rambles, her inner detective coming out.
“Honestly it was O’Donnell’s class. He was assigned to be my peer editor and he caught me singing ``Smokin In The Boys Room,” you say, remembering back to how his curls moved back and forth with his rhythm, those damned rings, his fingers tapping to the beat. The surprised smirk on his face, maybe a little pride behind it too. 
The sound of the alarm startled you from your thoughts of the metalhead as you three headed inside washing off the dried mud mixes off your faces in the tub, using the shower head. Once all three of you were fresh faced, you changed the record over and got started with mixing the color for Ali’s hair. You could hear Ali and Robin arguing about Ali’s feelings for Steve and it was to the point you were about to step in and start matchmaking the hell out of it.
“I give it til Prom and they’ll be together,” you yell, stirring the chemicals trying to get a nice shade of pink. 
“Fuck off L/N. We weren’t asking you,” Ali said, appearing before you in an old shirt, stained from previous color sessions.
“You know what Roberts, for that comment, I take it back. I give it til Winter Formal, hell make it Christmas. Final answer.” you state, putting on some rubber gloves as Ali sits down. 
“You’re horrible Y/N” Ali whined as Robin started to section out Ali’s hair.
“Duh that’s why I’m your best friend Ali” you laugh, satisfied with the pink bowl before you.
“Plus it’s cute how you don’t see how Steve is when you’re not around” Robin said, smirking like a madwoman
“WHAT” Ali yelped, trying to face Robin
“He’s a mess dude. Always wondering what you’re doing or what you’d think of a new release at work. He’s in DEEP. Like way worse than he was with Wheeler” Robin said, remembering him freaking out over his picks  for Movie Night last month. Ali couldn't fight the blush on her cheeks. 
“Yeah and  he’s always asking me what you prefer- I mean remember when we went to the Sunrise Diner last week and he sent your food back because it had condiments on it and he knows you HATE that” you said.
“Okay smartass. Then how do I break that barrier if you two single bitches have it ALL figured out,” Ali said, frustrated by her conflicting feelings.
“Well he likes your boobies so you could start by showing them off next time we hang out,” Robin said giggling as she put some pink on Ali’s roots.
“What?!” Ali said, surprised. 
“Oh yeah! Wear that striped off the shoulder sweater you have. Your boobs like AHMAYZING in that” you say, working on your own section of her hair.
“It’s like 2 sizes too small Y/N” Ali says.
“Exactly!” you say, twisting the strand up with your other finished strands “Robin back me up here as our resident Boob Expert” Before she had the chance, your doorbell rang. The girls looked at you confused since you weren’t expecting company.
“You invite anyone over?” Ali said, confused as the three of you looked at each other like confused chickens.
“Not that I can remember,’ you say as the doorbell goes off again. You take off your gloves, tossing them into the trash. Norm was barking his ass off by the time you got to the door, petting him gently, soothing the dog as you opened the door.
To say you were surprised to see Eddie Munson was an understatement. He was wearing a stressed out Iron Maiden shirt, ripped jeans and his Reeboks. His hair was wind blown and damn…he looked  good.
“Eddie…hi…” you say, surprised. What was he doing here? You didn’t remember making plans with him.
“Hey Y/N.” Eddie said, smiling as he took in your appearance. You looked so comfortable and at home.
“What are you uh…doing here? Not to be rude but I wasn’t expecting more company,” you say nervously. You then realize your outfit and blush.
“Well, according to my schedule, you ordered a delivery m’lady.” Eddie said smiling. You felt like a ton of bricks dropped on your head. You DID make plans with Eddie today and completely forgot. You’re never one to double book yourself.
“Oh god Eddie I'm so sorry I forgot. Ali and Robin came over for a girls day and I totally spaced it. Here come on in,” you say, opening the door to let him in. Eddie followed you but not far as Norm jumped up on him, tail wagging.
“Aw this must be Norm. Hey buddy,” Eddie said, getting down to Norm’s level, indulging the dog in pets and rubs. You look over at the girls who are watching the ENTIRE thing with Robin mouthing “Oh My God” slowly.
“Yep, that's Norm. He’s the best boy,” you coo at him while his tail thumps harder at the sound of your voice.
“Told you I’d meet him someday” he teased, scratching the dog’s belly, earning a round of quick foot kicking. It was amazing how Norm was so happy with Eddie; it took Norm months to warm up to men.
“Guess you were right Munson” you say, looking over at the girls for help on what to do as you went to get the money for Eddie.
“So what are your plans today Eddie?” Robin yelled, taking your cue. Eddie’s head snapped up at Robin’s voice, temporarily forgetting they weren’t alone.
“Uh…was just gonna drop off this delivery for Y/N then probably go back home,” Eddie admitted, shrugging. 
“You should join us!” Robin yelled from her spot above Ali.
“Yeah we’re having a beauty day and no offense, Munson, but those curls NEED a deep condition,” Ali gushed, already thinking about getting her hands on those curls and the look on Y/N’s face when she spends time with Eddie.
“Oh no no no, I couldn’t impose on your day ladies,” Eddie said, trying to protest but they were having none of it. Y/N had changed over the last few weeks and it was nice to see the old her back. If Eddie was the source of it, they weren’t about to let him leave.
“Oh no Munson, we insist,” Ali stated, her tone similar to the one you had used during the photo shoot. Eddie knew he was stuck. It was 2 against 1 but he didn’t wanna make it weird for you in your own home.
“I don’t wanna make it awkward for you girls. You don’t have to worry about me,” Eddie tried again.
“Oh please. Y/N would love to have you join us. Besides, Steve is coming after his shift so you won’t be the only guy for too long,” Robin added. Eddie pondered it; I mean he didn’t have any other plans for the day and he did like hanging out with Y/N.
“Sure I’m in. How can I be of assistance?” Eddie asks, standing up and walking towards the kitchen.
“Y/N and I were putting color in Ali’s hair so grab some gloves,” Robin tries
“Ohhhh no. Noooo way. I’ve got a better idea. Eddie can DJ for us but no super heavy metal Munson. Plus he can roll for us while we do your nails.” Ali stated matter of factly.
“Aye aye Captain,” Eddie saluted, sitting himself at the counter by the kitchen. You returned downstairs and found them all seated.
“So here’s the $20 for the sack,” you say, walking over to him.
“Oh it’s $15 cause the ladies over here offered me a sweet deal I couldn’t pass up,” Eddie said, winking at Robin and Ali. You were so confused like you had missed something.
“Oh? Well I’ve only got a 20 so call it a tip for the delivery fee and an apology for me neglecting our scheduled appointment,” you say, still missing something; like why Eddie wasn’t already almost out the door. Not that you were complaining but you were definitely out of the loop.
“Much appreciated L/N but unnecessary. I’ll get you back tomorrow,” Eddie said, opening his black pail just like he had 2 weeks prior. At this point, you weren’t gonna question it and grabbed a fresh pair of gloves.
“Thanks Eddie” you say anything as you get more dye on the brush once again going back to your task.
“No problem and again, ladies, thank you for the invitation and let me apologize for crashing your day,” Eddie said, grabbing two papers from his pack.
“Oh please Eddie, Steve usually ends up crashing anyways so don’t sweat it.” Robin said.
So THAT’S why. Those sneaky little minxes playing Cupid, you thought.
“So ladies. What’s the first album you’d like to hear? What are we feeling?” Eddie asked, grinding up some bud between his fingers.
“Ooh that mixtape Y/N made last month. Oh it was so good,” Ali said, already hype.
“Oh? And where might that be?” Eddie inquired, feeling out of his element here.
“In the cassette player by the record player in the dining room. Just make sure you turn off the record player before you turn on the cassette player,” you say, working on Ali’s hair, not able to move.
Eddie got up and went to the indicated spot. He did as instructed, turning off the record player before going to the cassette player. He opened it and checked the tape. Sure enough, it was a tape labeled “Girls Night Remix💙🦋🦋 “ decorated in hearts and blue butterflies. He rewound it until he heard the click and pressed play. The house immediately flooded with the flourish of a piano and vocals. You three immediately yelled in excitement, harmonizing before breaking into Dancing Queen. Eddie took his seat and watched as you girls danced and sang, completely free. He tried to focus on rolling those joints but his eyes were trained on Y/N, how she moved when a certain lyric hit, how concentrated she was on making sure Ali’s hair looked good. How you giggle at Robin’s joke. Sure he had moments with you but this was like seeing you at your fullest potential.
“What do you think Eddie?” Ali asked, breaking his concentration. He hadn’t been paying attention and he was caught.
“Uh sorry what? I uh got super into the song and zoned out,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. They all laughed at his response “What was the question?”
“Nothing, nothing, never mind.” Robin laughed. Clearly he had missed something; probably some inside joke they had between them. They finished up Ali’s hair into a grocery bag (which Eddie thought was the weirdest shit he had seen in a minute)
“So would you ladies like a break?” He says,offering up a joint he had ready to go.
“God yes,” Ali said, feeling the restlessness from sitting for over 30 minutes.
“We can go to my room but we have to–” you started to say
“Light the incense and candles. We know Y/N.” Robin said, rolling her eyes. They know you too well but you didn’t need Eddie knowing your micro mannerisms.
“Lead the way,” Eddie said, grabbing the joint and his lunch pail. You led them upstairs to your room, the second to the right. Your room was clean apart from a thing or two out of place like yesterday’s sleepwear. Robin and Ali got right to work opening the windows and lighting the candles, which gave Eddie time to look around your room. Immediately when you walk in, you’re greeted by a gigantic poster of luscious red lips with a man in lingerie sitting on them with the title Rocky Horror Picture Show in bloody print. By it were posters of Motley Crue, Kiss, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin and a few bands Eddie didn’t recognize. On the opposing wall was a poster of Stevie Nicks, holding her tambourine to her face, fabric falling in front of her face. There was a vanity mirror below the poster with a dark haired celebrity posing like he was mysterious. For some reason, Eddie felt a pang of  jealousy. But why? You were friends. So what? He had Heavy Metal magazines out when you were over and you said nothing (Thank God!). There was a pale delicate fabric draping over your dresser, your vanity and bookshelf, which fit Eddie’s “ethereal” theory about you.
“Shit; my lighter’s out. Hey Eddie, can I borrow yours?” Y/N asked, standing on the opposite side of the room. Eddie made his way over, fishing out his lighter as he crossed to her.
“Of course m’lady. Here you are,” Eddie said, without even thinking. It had become his little name for you but you didn’t mind honestly. You take it from him, fingers touching. It sent an electric current through you, like nothing you had felt before. It makes your heart beat faster, your breath hitch slightly. Your touch lingered a few seconds before you pulled away.
“Thanks Eds,” you say smiling before turning towards your dresser. He noted that you had a lot of different types of crystals there but they were more shiny; more clean and colorful. You lit the incense and waited a moment for the end to cherry before blowing it out.
Robin and Ali watched the entire interaction from their spots on your desk chair and bean bag chair, looking between the two of you and each other.
“M’lady?” Robin mouthed, shocked
“Eds?” Ali retorted.
“We have to do something,” Robin said as Ali gave her a thumbs up. Y/N sat on the bed as Eddie followed her. He lit the joint and took his turn.
“What should we watch tonight?” Robin asked after a minute, taking her hit before passing it to Ali.
“Hmmm good question. I definitely wanna watch Sixteen Candles again” Ali said, taking the joint and bringing it to her lips.
“Steve will probably wanna see some Tom Cruise movie so buckle up for that shocker,” Robin said to Eddie.
“We could go see Back to the Future and watch Robin and Steve try to explain the plot AGAIN,” you say laughing.
“What about you Eddie? What kind of movies are you into?” Robin asked as he inhaled.
“I’m more of a horror fan or like science fiction or fantasy,” Eddie admitted as he passed the joint to Y/N.
“Would we completely reject the idea of Rocky Horror tonight?” Y/N asked, blowing out her hit. 
“You saying you wanna Time Warp again Y/N” Ali asked laughing.
“Absolutely!” Y/N said, joining in.
“Have you seen it before Eddie?” Ali asked, curiously.
“Nope. I’ve only recently heard of it,” Eddie said, smiling as he looked at Y/N for a moment.
“Alright that settles it. Sixteen Candles, Rocky Horror, Steve’s choice and whatever our guest would like to watch,” Robin stated as they finished the joint.
“Why don’t you and Y/N go get the movies while I do Robin’s manicure?” Ali offered “I don’t want you to get bored out of your mind.”
“Yeah? Sure if that’s alright with Y/N” Eddie said, looking at you as you nodded.
“Excellent, so meet back up in like 45 minutes.” Robin said, getting up with Ali following suit.
“I just need to grab some cash then we can go,” Y/N said, going to her bookshelf. Eddie looked at the titles from afar and recognized some Tolkien, King, most of the “required” reads from the curriculum and some of those sappy romance novels. That immediately piqued Eddie’s interest. Part of him was dying to know what you looked like reading one; getting sheepish at a particularly steamy scene.
Eddie shook his head, not wanting to go there NOW. He stood up, putting his hands in his pockets. “Do we need anything else while we are out?” Eddie asked.
“Umm just tell Steve he’s getting dinner” Ali said
“Yes! Pizza!” Robin chirped.
“Any requests ladies? Cheese? Pepperoni?”
“Both!” the girls said in unison
“Alright I’ve got everything. Are you ready?” you ask, grabbing your denim shoulder bag, slinging it over your shoulder.
“Yep. I’ll drive since you let me so graciously crash your day,” Eddie said, extending his arm for you to lead which you did.
“45 minutes KIDS!” Robin yelled as you and Eddie exited the door.
The drive to Family Video was full of you and Eddie jamming out to his mixtape, even getting an exclusive haunting cover of Fever out of him. You felt so free with Eddie; like all the barriers you had built had shattered when he came around. You could be your full self around him without having to filter a part here and there because it didn’t fit his “scene”. Eddie accepted you for you.
He parked right next to Steve’s car burgundy BMW, the sounds of a Motley Crue chorus blasting as he shut the car off. You got out of the van and Eddie raced to the door, opening it for you.
“Why thank you kind sir,” you say walking in. Eddie followed suit, the bell ringing behind him. Steve was with another customer, trying to help her choose between two movies so you immediately made your way to the Comedy section, trying to get to the S portion.
“So how did you and Harrington become friends?” Eddie asked. He kept trying to picture it but it was too weird.
“It was a little before his breakup with Nance. He uh–gave me some really good advice at a party last year and helped me when I felt lower than dirt. Been friends ever since. When he and Nancy were donezo and he stopped caring about the King Steve reputation, he and Ali got close because of the kids we all look after,” you explain, grabbing Sixteen Candles, “He and I really became close, close friends because of Dustin. We’re both hyper parental over the shitheads and try our best to keep them in linee. It was actually Steve’s terrible Ewok impression,” you recall laughing.
“You mean AWESOME” a voice said to the side of you. There stood Steve Harrington, hands crossed over his chest in defense, his striped polo under his dark green vest crinkled slightly by this action.
“Absolutely not. 0 out of 10 stars Steve.” you joke.
“I thought you were having a girls day since I’m covering Robin’s shift today.” Steve said, looking between you and Eddie, wondering what he was missing. He was told by Ali last week that they would be doing this and even gave Steve the week off from picking up/dropping off the shitheads. So why was Y/N here with Eddie Munson?
“Robin and Ali are working on Robin’s manicure so they sent us to the store to grab movies. Speaking of which, we need Rocky Horror.” you say as Steve groaned.
“Again Y/N? You know how I feel about musicals” Steve said, going to the drama section.
“Shut it Harrington. You’re lucky we’re letting you choose a movie at all tonight,” you warned laughing.He returned successfully with the tape in hand, turning towards Eddie.
“So how did you get roped into this?” Steve quizzed, curious about Eddie’s presence still as the longer haired boy was browsing the horror films.
“Came to deliver a package to Miss Y/N but the ladies insisted I stay for movie night and help play music while they do their thing” Eddie recalled. Steve had no idea what Robin and Ali had up their sleeves but he did know that he wanted nothing to do with it but he did wanna know what you were doing with Eddie.
“Alright then,” Steve said, now wondering what they were up to.
“Also you’re buying pizza tonight,” Y/N said, browsing for a copy of Animal House.
“Wait what? Who?” Steve said, not in the mood to be roped into any shenanigans.
“Aliiiiiii. Consider it a part of your payback for babysitting duties,” you say grabbing the desired VHS tape. You knew Steve liked Ali but was too bruised to try anything and you were sick of it.
“Ugh fine. The usual?” Steve said, rubbing between his eyebrows to mask the blush at her name. But when he looked up, he noticed something else. You and Eddie walked up to the counter and you were eying the candies, putting your nail between your lips. Eddie watched you pick up one candy before going to another, taking time to really debate your choice of sweets. Eddie sat the tapes on the counter and waited, grabbing the $20 you gave him earlier and sliding it on the counter towards Steve.
“Movies and candy are on me Harrington.” Eddie said, smiling as you decided on M&Ms and Reese’s Pieces “Couldn’t decide?” he pondered at you.
“It’s so hard to choose between a classic chocolate or the best combo of peanut butter and chocolate.” you whine while putting the candy on the counter. Eddie laughed at your childish reaction, finding it adorable. 
Steve gave back his change and watched them, noting Y/N brushing her hair behind her ear shyly and Eddie watching over her like a hawk. Steve had always felt protective over Y/N. She really helped him come out of his breakup with Nancy and he did the same for her last year when she got her heart shattered by Rob: the douchebag who used to hang out with him during his King Steve days. Rob worshipped Steve so Steve thought nothing of it when Rob and Y/N started dating. They were together a year until Halloween 1984. There was a big party; Steve was at the end of his relationship with Nancy but Y/N and Ali were there too. You were both dressed up like slutty witches and were fine at first. After Nancy got wasted and fought with Steve that night, he went to find you and Ali to talk about everything but that wasn’t what he found. Instead, he found you crying by the bonfire alone. He sat next to you and learned everything, How you  found Rob balls deep in his chemistry partner Misty Norwood after swearing for months they were friends. Apparently he had been going on the entire time and you felt so blind, so stupid, foolish even. You punched him in the face then and there; Steve noted your bloodied knuckles. He took you and Ali back to his house and you guys had been friends ever since, Steve becoming the real big brother you need. 
“I’m off at 5 tonight so I’ll be over after I pick up the pizzas okay Y/N?” Steve asked, looking at Eddie still, watching his every move.
“Yeah of course Steve. You know you’re always welcome.” Y/N said, smiling as she gathered up her goodies, putting them in her bag.
“Alright. I’ll see you guys later then,” Steve said as Eddie grabbed the stack of tapes. Steve watched as Eddie raced to the door to open it for you, thanking him and going to the GMC G2500 Gaucho with Eddie opening your door yet again, waiting on you to get comfortable before going to his side, a little more pep in his step. Steve could already tell he would be seeing more of Eddie Munson with his dear friend.
So what do we think? I know it’s not as long as promised but I am working on chapter four right now so I’m curious: what movie did Eddie choose? How will that play out? Send me what movies you think😉
Taglist: @realeddiemunsonstandup @eddies-blunt @scooprtroopr @sharkbaitouhaha @bobbiewritesstuff @eveieforeve02 @awkwardlioness @apublicnotebook @madaboutmunson2 @grungegrrrl @riffcrusader @stardustworlds @sunflowerharrington
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nso-csi · 1 year
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[Full Trans] SHINee's Taemin Interview for GQ Magazine 12/2014 Issue. 01. Do you like winter? A: I love winter very much.
02. Why is that? A: It seems I have a lot of memories of winter. In my life, all or most of the things left in my memory are in winter. They are very warm memories. ...But I can't say here what (memories) they are.
03: Uh...Is the Taemin in front of the camera very different from the real Taemin? A: It's not really different. But it's difficult to say what (my) real image is. In front of the camera, I'm Taemin the performer. And it is really me. But in front of the camera there some things I have to say, and there are things I cannot say. Anyway, before facing the camera, I need to organize my thoughts and think of what I should say and how to say them.
04. Actually we chose up to 50 questions to ask. But we don't really want to do this the normal way. So from here on, please choose a question from 1 to 50. A: Then, number 17.
05. The 17th question is, during your stage performances in Danger, how do you do that killer stare at the camera? Is it just because of the eye make up? A: Haha. During the performances, the cameras are far away, so I need to exert more energy and make bigger moves. But during music programs, the cameras are closer, so I depend my movements based on their proximity to me. I think their distance are about the same as these ones during this interview? To think that I have such a side in me, even I find it strange. I really like this kind of feeling. It's kind of funny when I say it myself, but when I monitor myself (my recordings), it seems that I have a more profound feeling than before? I think I see myself becoming more mature.
06. What is inside Taemin? A: I think that the general masses expect me to have a bright feeling because of my usual cute concept. However, the staff around me searches for and gathers up my real usual self and what's inside me. With the continuous performances, piling up my heart wants to let all these know-how and energy explode. And then as a performaer, I have to diligently express myself. My stomach won't be able to take it, right? But since the performance for "Danger" is intense, all those tress just go away. I think I've managed to diffuse them off me.
07. It feels like you've strongly prepared for this (solo activity) until you've felt poison. (t/n: it means he worked really, super hard) A: From the time I started to dream about being a singer, in my head, the image I've drawn is of myself standing alone on stage. Being in SHINee is really happy and fun, but simultaneously, at the back of my mind, I've always had the desire to try doing something myself just once. So I practiced untiringly until I've felt that it's the time when I've satisfied the qualifications for the company to give me a chance.
08. With regards to Taemin, from where does the company's faith and confidence in you come? A: I talked a lot with our choreographers, Shim Jaewon-hyung and Greg Hwang-hyung, as well as with our directors. We talked about my worries and what direction I'm going to undertake from here on. The hyungs know all this time what I wish for. Even though I don't say it directly, I think there were subtle hints. They told me, "If you really want to work as a solo, the company is willing to give you a push." They also said, "If you can sing and dance like Michael Jackson, the company will be willing to do anything with you." It's like because they acted like a bridge (between the company and I), I was able to do this well.
09. This time, having this experience, were there some disappointing parts? A: "Danger" is pretty temperate and is a refined song, but the singing register is quite narrow and low. On my first live, the sound I made was shaky and I wondered if it was really alright as a title song. Now, when I think about it, that kind of quality isn't that bad after all.
010. Even though there are teams for planning and setting the framework, the one who expresses himself on stage is Taemin alone. Taemin is the one who makes the stage special. A: On the stage and during the performance, I want to present a more artistic approach. That is why immersing myself in the song is the most important. The question is how much should I immerse myself in the song and how much concentration people give me when they watch me. I'm not the type who can immerse himself while watching things like dramas. But during concerts and performances, I'm really able to immerse myself. There's a similar case, like when we (SHINee) are performing "Evil" on stage, and after we finish it I still need sometime to calm myself down. Somehow, I kind of become weird during those times.
011. Isn't it inborn talent? A: I don't think that I have singing and dancing talents since I was born. However, each person has a unique "color", right? I think that may parents really gave me such "color".
012. Where/When do you consummate your musical ability? Is it also in the toilet? A: Haha. No, no. SHINee's songs have really high registers, and in order to learn it all properly, I have to widen my singing range a bit. In the vocal practice room, while playing the piano, I follow the scale. One day, I was just able to reach the high notes. Just when I thought I was finally able to do it, the next day I couldn't do it again. It comes out, then it doesn't, then I do it over and over again until little by little, I widen my vocal range.
013. Honestly, when you're alone, have you ever thought, "This year it's me."? A: Yeas, about the solo...LOL. The activity period is not long but I understood that during that short time, I was able to leave a good impression, so it was nice.
014. Are you indifferent when you hear unpleasant words about you? A: Nope. I am very irrational. If I hear unpleasant things, I will continuously think about it from the day I heard it until I'm completely tired. Then I'll feel stressed out. Nevertheless, if that happens, I'll be able to correct myself and exert a lot of effort in changing myself.
015. It's really hard being 22 years old, right? A: Yeah. "If you start exploring/inquiring that much, afterwards, how much are you able to talk about it, let's find out one time." It feels a bit sentimental like that, LOL.
016. Even so, you've done a lot more things than what you imagined you'd do as a 22-year old when you were younger. A: Yes, that's true. When I was young, I only had an outlook about my strength in dancing and singing. I've never really imagined it before, seeing this present style and refinement. As time moves one, I want to present a more explosive energy.
017. Doesn't continuously proving yourself and what you can do make you tired? A: I think that it is really worth doing. The joy I feel (in doing it) keeps me alive.
018. What do you think of the word "hardworker". A: Ah, it's alright. At any rate, even if I tell other people about my troubles, it wouldn't alleviate my worries, right? I do not really make a big deal of purposefully wishing for something bigger. I don't want people to see me as hardworking, I want them to see another side of me. When they do and they tell me even a few words that overflowed from their hearts, I would appreciate those words.
019. What does Taemin do when he's not practising and has nothing at which to aim his efforts? A: If everyone wants to know about it, it's better to leave them guessing. Actually if I start talking about it, it will be very disappointing. I don't really do anything special, really.
020. Do you have anything you suddenly come to like recently? A: Billiards. I've learned it late but it's really interesting. I play it really lightly with my friends. It doesn't involve drinking and I can do a lot of exercise at the same time. I play it with immature enjoyment with same-age people.
021. What is something you like so much you even dream of it? A: Nothing, really. I'm not very greedy. Somehow I've changed. Whatever I have or what I buy, I'm not really that much concerned about them.
022. Not even appetite for food? A: Ah, I do have a little of that. Lately I've been liking seafood. Even though there was a time I love meat so much, I think that's changed. My father also liked seafood, so I think I took after him.
023. What is a word you use the most these days? A: "Anyway, it's already..." I say this a lot. I'm really a bit at a loss for words. Because of that, it's become some sort of a pet phrase I use when I'm organizing my words.
024. What is a phrase/word you hear the most? A: "Do things a little properly." A while ago, I lost the wallet Key-hyung bought for me but it reappeared. Ah, Minho-hyung says a lot, "Be a little better to me and the hyungs." Even though he cannot do it himself. LOL. I'm kidding.
025. If time can move quickly or if time can go backwards, at what age would you want to be? A: One year old.
026. Eh? A: If it's the start, it means I can do well. It's a one-time thing, so I think I would want to do things even better.
027. You wouldn't want to change this person, right? A: I love myself. I wouldn't want to change myself. But sometimes, within my friends, there is someone who would be happy about something. At times, that makes me a bit envious. LOL.
cr keihissi
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moonbinu · 2 years
Moonbin 1st Look Vol. 242
translation: joytranslations
It seems like you exercise really hard. The firm muscles that they say only people who train diligently every day have are impressive.
Moonbin: I try to exercise hard. But these days I had a lot of work so I wasn't able to exercise properly. It was hard to find time to focus completely on it. Instead, before going to sleep, I have been doing light push ups or home training. Even if I'm tired, I actually have to move my body even a little bit in order to gain energy and refresh my body and heart (mind).
You said that exercising has been your hobby for a long time?
Moonbin: Yes. There is joy to exercising while sweating. It's an activity that's very honest. Because I can see changes in my body as much as I move and as much as I try. I like how it's that clear and honest. That's also why I like dancing. The trust that I'll improve as much as I work hard, and as I build results on the basis of that trust, I gain easygoingness too. The confidence that I feel like I can do anything. Although I think I might be putting too great of a meaning to it. (laughs)
It's nice how we can feel your energy. We received good energy the whole time today too while filming. What surprised us a little was how you quickly absorbed the filming concept and expressed it. Now that I come to think of it, I think you pull off a variety of different concepts like refreshing, pure, sexy, dark and dreamy, whenever you do promotions.
Moonbin: Well, honestly when I evaluate myself, I'm not satisfied but I try to show new things each time. For each album I try to go with a good middle point that is neither too much for the feeling of the song nor not enough. Out of the vocals, dance, facials, or gestures, if even one is expressed to fit the concept, then I think the other parts will naturally seem to fit well too. In order to do that, I have to practice and practice and prepare it perfectly.
More than anything, I think your facials on stage are abundant.
Moonbin: Oh, you could say that's thanks to Fantagio's early education. (laughs) In the trainee education curriculum there's a seperate time to learn gestures and facials. It's practicing by copying the performance videos of sunbaes that do the so-called 'eating up the performance' (doing very well). Honestly, I was part of the poor students that always were scolded. My personality is introverted and I'm not used to expressing my emotions outwardly, so it was so hard. I was scolded a lot that I was like a barley bag that wasn't woven completely. The way I am now is the result of real, hard effort. (laughs)
For you, a 'stage master' of a wide spectrum, what is the concept you're most confident in?
Moonbin: I don't think I'm good at it, but if I were to choose the vibes I liked the most, I think it's our fifth mini album's 'Crazy Sexy Cool'. I like that kind of pop-like music. And the vibes of the performances had a refreshing baseline with a dreamy feeling and the addition of a slight sexiness. It was even more special because we were able to show Astro's growth and change.
But of course, when it's Astro, it's 'refreshing', right? You really showed your signature 'refreshingness' with promotions for your 3rd full album 'Drive to the Starry Road' promotions that ended recently.
Moonbin: For this album, after MJ hyung enlisted in the military, we thought it out more deeply and prepared even harder so that you wouldn't be able to feel his empty spot. We thought about it mainly with “what is the thing that Astro can show best”, and in the end, we agreed “let's do what we can do best”. The company also said that we should consistently push forward with our own color. But we have to show slightly new things with each album, so we have to find something unique within refreshingness too. This time, should I say it's like a 'laid back refreshingness'? We melted our growth and maturity into it. Something is filled tightly into the fast beat, but rather than having a calculative feeling, we amplified Astro's charm though a skilled and natural 'refreshingness'.
This album also included a song that you yourself wrote the lyrics for.
Moonbin: I participated in writing the lyrics for the title song 'Candy Sugar Pop'. I didn't have high expectations but I was so happy that it was chosen. I had listened to the song a lot because the song flowed right into my ears from when I heard the demo version. It was really good. I kept thinking about what story would be nice to be put into it, and then before filming, in the waiting room, I was chased by time and wrote it quickly. There are times when the content that is written this quickly is better. I wrote the story thinking as much as possible that the person who is listening to it is right in front of me. The part that says “you reflected in my eyes, me reflected in your eyes" also came out like that. The fans said they related to it a lot when they listened to it, so I was really thankful and happy. Writing lyrics is hard but in a way it's a really fun job. It's like giving a gift of a small story to the world.
I heard you normally enjoy writing. Do you consistently write things these days too?
Moonbin: Occasionally. When I want to scribble something. Rather than 'getting right in position' and sitting down and writing, I just let out things that come to mind in the moment. There are many times when it has no meaning. It like starts with “the weather is very nice today" and goes to "the kite floating in the sky, kite?" and then I write something with the kite as the topic.
What is something you wrote most recently about?
Moonbin: Just a moment. (he takes out his phone and looks for his notes) I wrote about a dream. There was a memorable conversation. I wrote "When something is tilted, there are many times when it's difficult to return it back. Why? Because usually you realized the moment right before it falls and touches the ground. What do you realize? That it was tilted" Oh, and now that I think about it, there are many times when I open my eyes in the morning and write about my dreams. There are times when I remember my dreams clearly and I quickly organize them before I forget.
Is there a word or expression you use often?
Moonbin: I write a lot about nature. But it's so diverse, so I'm not sure about what I write about often. Spider web, thermometer, imagination, leaves, luck... Just looking at the titles right now, there's no consistency! (laughs)
Are you going to write something after going back today? How are you going to record it?
Moonbin: That it was a day when I received a lot of cheering and support and filmed happily. To be honest, it made me a little shy too, but I think I did well thanks to the cheering.
While filming I noticed that your skin is very nice. Is there a special secret behind your healthy skin?
Moonbin: I think you'll be disappointed because it's not an interesting answer. There's really nothing special. To be honest, I haven't been putting much effort into skin care in the past. These days I've started applying the Jayjun Farming Fresh line every day. It was definitely different applying care though.
It was very charming how you were smiling freshly the entire time during filming. I also thought that you go especially well with the image of this summer.
Moonbin: Summer, it's a great season. A time when you sweat a lot. (laughs) I like summer. This is something I felt newly these days, but I think perhaps it's not spring, but rather summer that is the season of new beginnings. You feel a strong sense of liveliness when you look at how the sunlight during the day reflects on a tree. Everything around you is a clear green and should I say it's like something is growing and blooming? I like it because it feels vivid.
Is there anything you really want to do before the summer passes?
Moonbin: It would be nice to rest with leisure in the green nature. Or a fun trip would be nice too. I want to go on vacation with the members. I don't think we've ever gone on a trip other than filming for a variety show.
Photoshoots are a given, and even singing, dancing, rap, acting and variety shows. Is there an area that you, an all-rounder who can do everything, want to try more in the future?
Moonbin: The word 'all-rounder' is unmerited (too much) for me. To be honest, I am lacking in many ways. I want to do well with everything and do things well, but something I felt during promotions for the recent album is my thirst as a vocalist. I'm going to practice more focused on singing in the future. I think that is how I can do the music I love more and do better.
In an interview you said "I think every moment after debuting has been my youth". Do you still feel that way? What period do you think you are in right now?
Moonbin: These days I really feel that I've gotten really old. (laughs) Well, you know how I'm MCing on a music show. So I meet new people every week and the're all really young. People born in 2007, 2008 are debuting. Sigh, I'm still 25 too but... Well, I guess physical age isn't important. Every day that we live is our youth, right? (laughs) First, I think I'm in a very important period right now. A time that I can't get back again, the summer of 25 that's most ordinary and most precious.
In the future, when you think about your 25, what is a keyword that you think will be included?
Moonbin: First, I think I'll definitely remember today's filming. Hm, healthy passion? Youth that works hard? Things like this. In many ways, I am trying to more passionately improve more than right now. No, I have to. I think that's how I will be able to endure and also accept myself. To be honest, I try very hard to be perfect. So I always live while being pestered by the struggle of a perfectionist. So that I won't be embarrassed of myself, I will push forward against things and work harder than anyone, and I will overcome it. Just like a hot summer day.
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manicpixieirl · 11 months
june 20, 2023
So, one could say she’s been my best friend for a year
and also, she tops literally everyone else. We all have that one friend. Sarah is that one friend.
We’ve become even closer since she moved away, and she’s the first person who read these, back when I considered allowing them to collect dust on my google drive.
We are wildly similar and wildly opposite.
And this week we both had really weird encounters with ants.
She told me maybe she swallowed one in her sleep. I really didn’t want to engage in a conversation about how many bugs we realistically have already swallowed, so after she told me she might have swallowed a bug, I moved on and completely forgot about my best friend’s choking hazard.
Then I went to bed and found an ant on my pillow.
I’m the type of person that lets bugs outside instead of squishing them. A bug pacifist, if you will.
The last time I saw an ant inside, I was in the middle of a cross- country move. My dad was helping me move and somehow, our fresh off the lot Honda was infested with ants.
Ants everywhere. Ant mania. Antzapalooza.
That was the first time my dad saw me have a panic attack.
He wouldn’t see me have another until I got arrested 6 months later.
Despite the inconvenience, we cleared my car of the ants and eventually I completed my journey from the actual Mason - Dixon line to New England.
My dad and I had to kill a lot of ants, and I guess that’s why I take them outside now - because I feel bad for all the ants I had to kill in May of 2017.
When I saw that ant on my pillow, I was prepared for an infestation, but there was just one.
I let him outside and I took it as a sign.
Bestie and I each saw an ant.
(You’ll come to realize I’m a woo woo bitch who thinks everything is a sign, sometimes I genuinely wonder [and fear] whether or not that will go away with antipsychotics. I deeply enjoy being able to find meaning in anything- but it’s as double edged as you would think, because not everything has meaning- some things just exist as they are. Ants on pillows.)
Hey Siri, what’s the symbolism behind an ant?
Cooperation and teamwork
Individual strength and even more strength in numbers
When I was moving, it was the single-most pivotal moment of my twenties. I left a man who was throwing me into walls and calling it love. Sometimes running is okay. I ran towards myself. I demonstrated willpower and embraced my truth.
My best friend is about to move, and I hope she realizes that that ant probably wasn’t trying to choke her. I think it was trying to tell her, “Hey Sarah, running is okay. You are strong. You are powerful. Go find your truth. And I’m sorry you thought I was trying to choke you. I accidentally fell in your mouth, won't happen again.”
Honestly, I wouldn’t have looked up what it means to come across an ant unless she came across one first. Strength in numbers.
I’m in the second-most pivotal point in my twenties. It’s my fifth day on antipsychotics and I feel grounded. I feel in touch. I feel like I just saw an ant, let it outside, and moved on with my day.
Before, every day felt like I was trapped in a Honda - surrounded by a million ants.
She and I will be just fine.
I will keep letting bugs outside, my bug pacifism continues on.
Unless you’re a tick. Nope.
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pkmnomegaverse · 2 years
Can you explain what happened Ilima relationship with everyone? (especially the affair)
As is true of all things Alola, plotpoints related to Ilima are still very much a work in progress, especially the affair angle. I might cut that completely, I mostly just added it to my list to let myself ponder it. Easier to ponder when I have it written out. But one thing I am pretty set on is keeping the Ilima/Guzma kid, so even if I cut the affair, she’s likely going to stay.
As far as his relationships with everyone go though, the Ilima/Guzma thing isn’t particularly interesting. More just was thinking about things Guzma might have gotten up to during the SuMo timeline and casual hookups seemed fairly in line. I am forcing myself to NOT make a Lusamine/Guzma fankid (I mean, it could happen down the line, but it’s such a complicated relationship to juggle so I’m making myself keep it at that, a past complicated relationship) so that means I’m throwing other characters at Guzma to see what happens. Ilima is a character I’ve always headcanoned as being fairly open to casual hookups, so them hooking up around the timeframe of SuMo is just a thing that happened. Fling with the local badboy from Ilima’s end. That resulted in a baby.
At this point, stuff with their daughter, Kalei, is also still a work in progress, but my initial thought process is Guzma isn’t involved with her at all. But that’s more because Ilima doesn’t want him involved, never bringing it up to Guzma. They weren’t close and rarely saw the other before or after the hookup, so even if down there line Guzma wonders if Ilima’s kid might be his, it’s too far down the line to bring up (as Guzma does some soul searching post SuMo, so he’s not as involved with the other characters). And Kiawe’s in the picture at the point Guzma might start to wonder, acting as the diligent stepdad, so no real point trying to get involved. Ilima would just deny it anyway. Not like each hadn’t being seeing other people around that time as well, so there’s that too to add to the plausible deniability.
As for Ilima’s relationship with Kiawe, I tend to see if as starting as a casual thing on Ilima’s end while it’s very serious for Kiawe, which is a bit off putting for Ilima initially, but Kiawe eventually wins him over. Him being good with Kalei helps. Their oldest son is born pretty early on into their relationship, and after that, I’m debating whether I want them to stay strong and not have a complicated relationship, or if I want to run the affair angle. I’m pretty 50/50 at this point and unless I can find someone interesting to use for an affair, I am fairly likely to cut it in the end (there’s a reason Kokio, who would be the affair baby, is still listed as Kiawe’s kid on the family list).
So short answer is I haven’t fully decided what’s going on with Ilima yet. His relationship with Guzma is not a relationship at all, and while I lean towards him probably having a strong relationship with Kiawe, him having an affair with someone down the line temps me. Until I decide whether an affair actually happens or not, I haven’t thought too much about whether him and Kiawe would be able to recover from that.
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dvoxah · 2 years
This post contains my rules, a tad of info about myself and my D'Vorah's About page. This post should make it easier for those that do not go to the blog fully/friendly for mobile users
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Name’s Ash, I’m 24, I've been writing for over 10+ years, and I am mostly here to have fun!! I dropped writing for a while due to life and the like, but I'm tossing my hat back into the ring since I do adore my dear bug lady.. my lovely,,,
1. While this is a Mortal Kombat blog, do not attack my muse unless it is a prompt or we plot it out. After all, plotted out Kombat is far better than not, wouldn’t you agree?
2. Do NOT take control of my muse, not unless you are guiding her somewhere but that is about it. There are few things I will allow with such things, but to be near written off with how my character reacts to things until it’s my turn just doesn’t sit well.
3. This blog is multiship, meaning I will ship with multiple characters. However, it is going to take quite some time before crossing into such territory when it comes to D'Vorah. Chemistry is a MUST/we discuss things HEAVILY beforehand
4. On that note, I will NOT write smut with anyone below the age of 18, characters or mun. I could get in serious trouble. If you’re an adult and are uncomfortable with NSFW, then we do not have to write such things.
5. Speaking of NSFW, everything regarding something of the sort WILL be put under a read more {from Gore to sex}. While I won’t write much of such in terms of sexual things, considering the facts when it comes to D'Vorah, it’s still a note to be put.
6. Being semi-selective simply means I pick who I interact with is all. I am not mutual exclusive, so feel free to interact
7. I am OC and crossover friendly! I find it fun to throw D'Vorah into new situations, especially where she is uncertain of her surroundings. And interacting with OCs is always a treat but do be sure to have some information about your OC!
My D'Vorah is Canon Divergent/Based on the MKX comic - meaning her story AND how she acts is a bit different compared to the canon counterpart in the games mainly. Under is her background/history, at the bottom there is a TL;DR so you can skim and get an idea of how I play her story/how she acts. I do also play along the canon D'Vorah, but that is an 'ask first' type ordeal if anything
Arnyek is a massive island realm, lush in terms of forest, plants and diverse wildlife, surrounded by a cold sea and smaller islands around it. The Kytinn, a race of insect-like humanoid beings, live in the dead-center of the largest island, having underground tunnels that they carved and made their home, with some choosing to live within massive trees as well. Different types of them live together within the Hive, working together and being diligent in their duties picked for them. They lived such a life for centuries, content with their numbers and their way of life. Not caring for other realm problems, for they only cared for their own. There had been stories of some Kytinn journeying to another realm for a short time before returning, actual history of that, however, is but whispers among the insectoids. Myths that they shared that never were sought to be correct... but never thought to be untrue. D'Vorah, the current Kytinn Queen after the death of the previous, watches over all. She consults the Elder Kytinn when large choices are to be made for they have been around for longer than she or even some previous Queens. Some decisions she makes on her own terms if it benefits the whole Hive in her eyes. Caring not for the bitter looks she gains from the elder insect humanoid beings, for it was for the better of the Hive in the end.
It was a solitary life, they enjoyed it for that in itself. Until Shao Kahn invaded their home. D'Vorah was quick to try and preserve her people after he slaughtered the Elders who had been in a heated discussion over many things out of the Hive and on the shores of Arnyek, D'Vorah dared to not care to join in the arguments of how to defend themselves for it was far too late. Vowing her service to him which only led to Arnyek being near absorbed into Outworld. The Kytinn moved their Hive to the outskirts of Outworld to try and rebuild their life under this new rule, making them restless in a matter of the word. Still trying to adapt to this new life, as that was something they knew well to do. It still made many talk and chitter within the darkness of the new home...
With the idea whispered around the ranks that the Kytinn would attempt to fight back and infest the realm all over if allowed to grow too much, Shao Kahn took to burning the Hive they had created. Taking torches to different openings found to ensure the most effective eradication of their numbers. Smoke and flame devoured the Hive, many panicking and making it difficult on themselves when it came to escape.
D'Vorah could save only few Kytinn, many being lost in the process as she tried to guide them through the flames. She had to make Shao Kahn believe her to be the last of her kind, that she had been away from the Hive when he had burned it. Taking to their swarm forms to try and hide away where they were able was what the Kytinn chose to do in order to survive. To lay in wait, while D'Vorah tried to think of a way to return her people home, or at the very least find a safer place as to grow the numbers once more without others knowing as to not have such a horrific event happen again. She would protect the Hive at all costs, no matter what it would take.
For the safety of her own kind and herself, D'Vorah could only follow the commands given to her by Shao Kahn, who seemed more than pleased at her sorrow for the people that were lost due to the purge he had done. She despised him, as any would, but kept such feelings under wraps… she needed to keep up her role, to work her way up. A feign of pure loyalty, as if she had nothing else to concern herself about - not having anymore people to think about, at least Shao Kahn believed she didn't.
With Shao Kahn's rule coming to an end, and Mileena's began, D'Vorah could have cared less. She couldn't return to her own kind, and it especially became tougher when Mileena would choose to trouble her with her little games. D'Vorah's patience with her grew thin quite quickly, and when Kotal came to talk to her and the others, she was highly skeptical of him, but offered what she could.
D'Vorah didn't know what to expect when it came to this Osh-Tekk, and when he became Kahn, she became highly wary of him. Even when he appointed her as his advisory, her instincts were not to trust him. For who knew how he would truly rule now that he was Emperor. And yet, seeing how he treated her, and the people, it quickly broke down the walls that prevented the Kytinn from trusting him to her full extent. It was a surprise to even herself in the end.
And due to such, she would do anything for Kotal Kahn. Follow him to the ends of Outworld and toss herself into danger for him should she need to, and she has. As much as Kytinn despised humanoid creatures, D'Vorah couldn't help but put her trust and loyalty into the new Kahn, only wishing to serve him and see his reign prosper. It all went awry when another Kytinn - one D'Vorah thought to be trusting enough to allow close - joined Shinnok's side and betrayed D'Vorah and those she sent them to work alongside...
MK11 {{short... for now}}
With D'Vorah staying beside Kotal instead of betraying him, she comes from an alternate timeline when it comes to the past and future. It was by accident she arrived in such a timeline, and to see what was possible made her angered at her other self. How could she betray Kotal as if he was nothing? He had done plenty to aid her and her people, at least when it came to her experience. But, apparently, not in this timeline. This timeline was different. Very different.
With tensions high due to how her other timeline self had ruined any and all trust in a Kytinn, D'Vorah finds herself lost and only wishes to try to aid those around her if possible - not that any wish for her help in thought she would easily betray them as well due to how her other self has acted and showed. Who knew if she was lying or not?
She can only try to gain trust, to try and show she is not as much of a threat as her counterpart. But for now... she simply keeps to herself. Trying to figure everything out as she goes.
Shao Kahn invades Arnyek and easily takes it over. Kytinn try to make new home. Hive gets burned by Shao Kahn. D'Vorah saves few Kytinn, but plays it off like she is the last remaining one. Suffers the work put onto her. Shao Kahn is dealt with, ushering in Mileena. Mileena loves to pick on D'Vorah in particular. Kotal comes to her and the rest of the group to talk them into aiding him in taking the throne. D'Vorah becomes his advisory/first minister and slowly comes to put all her loyalty right into him and would follow him to the end. It is another Kytinn that D'Vorah thought to be loyal that betrays everyone and follows after Shinnok, to somewhat challenge which of the two would be better suited for leading the Kytinn and which side would prevail....
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buangkok · 2 months
Things are going south for my grades this semester. I’m late on my submissions and I couldn’t be fucked to do my online exam. I don’t know why I can’t feel like I care enough to try. Probably because the first half of this semester has been physically draining. You see, I’ve been sick since December. It’s a viral infection in my lungs that triggers my asthma. It’s been very tough. I also pushed myself to get a retail job. Bad decision. I needed to use that time to study and do my schoolwork. Now I’m stuck here looking like a complete asshole. An asshole who’s probably going to fail the first half of the semester. I wanted first-class honors for this term. I don’t think I’m going to get it. It’s a bit ambitious, yes. I think I have the intellectual capacity to achieve good grades. I don’t know if I have the discipline, though. 
Why can’t I do it? Why can’t I sit down and get my schoolwork done? Why don’t I have respect for the school? There’s no use in thinking so much about the reasons as to why things are the way they are. It just is. I’m just not used to schooling properly. It’s been years since I’ve been in this setting. I’m older, sure, but I’m not used to sitting down and writing essays. They told me that going back to school was going to be tough, but I didn’t think it would be this tough. Then again, if I can’t handle the pressures of school, I probably can’t handle the pressures of a full-time job. I mean come on, I want to be an arts manager when I leave school. I want to be a leader in the local arts industry. Do I even have what it takes? 
I’ve been wanting to go for career guidance from my school for a while now. I need help charting out a path for myself. I was able to get an internship for my summer break this year, though. I’m an ambitious person, it’s just that I don’t exactly know where to start or get things off the ground. I want to do so many things. I want to get projects off the ground. I want to be a general manager of a big theatre company one day. I want to be an arts administrator for a local government body. I want to eventually have an events company specializing in bringing the arts industry together through networking sessions. Those dreams are big, I feel. I don’t talk about my dreams publicly anymore, that’s because I have enemies who would try to thwart my efforts. This is a private blog, though - and I’m pretty sure my only reader is my boyfriend. 
I never seem to get things off the ground. There are always gaps in my plans. I also tend to over-plan and overthink. Maybe I’m scared to just get things done. I’m too much of a perfectionist. I need to get things off the ground, though. The projects that I want to do. 
For the second half of the semester, I intend to pull my socks up. I need to, if I want to eventually have good grades. No more having a job. I need to take care of my health. Eat right. Exercise. Get enough sleep. My physical health is paramount to my success. I also need to diligently do my readings and take quality notes in class. School isn't a bad thing, it's just that my attitude is bad. Whoever said that school was lame? It isn't. Learning can be quite fun. There's still hope, I can still get first class honours by the end of my degree.
I aspire to be the best version of myself, not someone else. I want to be the best version of myself, on my own terms. I got this!
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intheseawithmoses · 2 months
253. Imminently this diary will technically go public and some people might ask what the numbers mean. Because I have no energy to fabricate a lie, the honest truth is that it was a countdown to a very specific date originally intended to make me write every single day until then. That promptly fell through and now, at this current rhythm, the countdown will take me about 3 months beyond the original date. I have no issue admitting to this slacking off regarding my personal goal; in fact, I think I deserve a medal for being so vulnerable about my failures. Not all heroes wear capes, and this one wears her humanity proudly on her sleeve.   Speaking of humanity—this humbling concept—I’m reaching a state of exhaustion not known before. It’s like a new flavor you were never particularly interested in trying but the sample person at the supermarket was very insistent. It’s different from the depression exhaustion I'm used to; with this one, it’s hard to sleep. I never understood people talking about staying up all night thinking, tormented by thoughts. If anything, I thought they were showing off about staying up late solving problems while the rest of us mere mortals lazily slumbered. Now I see what they mean. It’s more like a deafening hum, a vibration of which you cannot locate the source. And no problems are ever solved. Whenever I do sleep, I've started having dreams that I am back home, which is soon. In my dreams somehow it is always summer, which I confidently interpret as dread because I hate summer. I don’t know what version of myself I will be then, let alone if I will like her. Sometimes it’s hard to catch up to myself. I’m also reaching the point where I feel dread when I am in the kitchen and see all the sauces I bought. The white wine vinegar left practically untouched. I did not compromise on my meals during this stay but now I’m in this situation. Perhaps I will organize a raffle event where my friends can spin a wheel for a chance to go home with some of my condiments. Black tie only, and whoever wins the soybean paste gets a complimentary shampoo and conditioner combo. In last night’s dream I am back in my own apartment and looking for the scale to weigh myself, to take stock of a month and a half of not compromising on condiments but terribly slacking in food intake. I know right, what an uh oh thing to dream about. In the dream, as I wait for the numbers to appear on the screen, I think of all the things I still wanted to do in Montreal, and then I woke up and I was here still. The pack of cigarettes I bought I intend to make last an entire month. E promptly calculated that it amounted to almost a cigarette a day, which sounded not great to him and worthy of praise to me. He said I could make it work because I have great discipline, which I do, but I am also uncompromising on the small pleasures, as we have established. Last night only, walking to a bar to have a beer alone and read my book, sticking out terribly from the loud and agitated environment, cost me 3 cigarettes total, almost back to back. I’m slipping into greediness and asking too much of my body, which until now diligently took my exigence in exchange for my lifestyle. To exist is to constantly negotiate with your own body. You can live off condiments but only if you’re not a smoker. You can write every day but only if you get enough sleep. You can have that fifth coffee but you cannot let the adrenaline drive you to sex with strangers.
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