#I also have to say I just love Teresa's pink shirt
calliopecalling · 3 years
QOTS Rewatch - 1x02 - Cuarenta Minutos
Well folks, my recap thoughts on this episode are looong. So I won’t say too much else except that I fucking love this episode. Easily in the top 5. I mean, what’s not to love about what became my OTP of all OTPs crashing full-force into each other for the first time (and literally, among other things, getting into a car crash together, lol).
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I’ve written extensively about the dynamic this episode sets up between James and Teresa in a previous meta, so I won’t go back over all that again here, but go read that if you haven’t. Then you can come back for my other Random Thoughts as I rewatched this episode for the umpteenth time:
Teresa wakes up in the warehouse, disoriented and dirty. The first thing that happens to her? Tonto clocks her with the butt of his gun when she asks to speak to Camila. And according to Aveline, he’s the nicest one there?! What does that make James, does that mean he’s supposed to be meaner than that??!
I never really understood what the purpose of the “pros” was (i.e., the sex workers). It seems incongruous at least with what we eventually learn about James’s scruples. Not that Camila would’ve had issues with the sex trade necessarily, but it seems a little odd to me that James would’ve gotten in-step with a woman who was involved in kidnapping women to sell them for sex. Or am I missing something? Is this an actual thing and the show is just trying to present this world somewhat accurately at this point?
God I remember watching this episode for the first time and feeling increasingly like something sinister was about to happen with Aveline. So intense. Also... not exactly realistic that she’d just fall over dead in a split second from a coke overdose of that magnitude.
Little could I have fathomed that Tonto and Charger (who digs through Aveline’s guts before she’s probably even fully dead) would eventually become Teresa’s soldiers and that I’d feel fondly towards them.
Not unlike Pote I guess?
Teresa’s first escape attempt! Hon what did you think you would accomplish by running UP the stairs? This part kind of tears me up. She was so desperate and scared. But tough as a nail. And ends up in a crumpled heap on the cement 🤯
Still has that black nail polish. Not even chipped!
Six and a half minutes in… and HELLO JAMES!! That loose strand of hair, that black leather jacket over a black shirt, that necklace. Skinny and scruffy-faced. I’m also partial to skinny-faced James and round-faced Teresa of this season. Anyway, I knew HE was trouble as soon as we saw him, just like he knew Teresa was trouble.
Because the first thing he does is dig even deeper into Aveline’s guts to rescue the last packet of coke. Literally getting blood all over his hands.
Reminds me of the scene later (episode 1x08?) after the shootout with the Miami dealers and Teresa is washing the blood off her own hands at the same sink, and he says, “I know what you’re going through.”
And while James is washing that blood off his hands, he looks up and catches his first glimpse of Teresa, waiting restlessly for her punishment for trying to run. I’d never noticed that this was actually the first time he laid eyes on her until Annie pointed it out to me. But look at those intense eyes. It’s like some kind of sign from the universe, that as he’s trying not to feel troubled about digging through a dead woman’s guts, he notices this almost feral, untameable bundle of raw energy in front of him. And in true Jeresa fashion, she doesn’t notice him looking at her.
Brenda to Tony: “your father went six days without eating the first time he escaped from jail” hahaha how have I missed this line before? I wonder how many times Chino escaped from jail total 😂
Ok, no matter how many times I watch this episode I don’t understand the purpose of the scenes showing Camila at her goddaughter’s quinceanera. It feels like a waste of space? Does anything important happen here? We learn about Isabela and that she’s 14. That Camila used to be a dancer herself. That her business is growing. That she supposedly values family (or at least gives lip service to it). But I’m not sure we needed this scene to tell us these things?
Then we get James’s first acknowledgment of Teresa, via text to Camila that she tried to run.
“He’s the old chemist now” lol Camila gets some great one-liners.
I also just fucking love Camila and Teresa’s dynamic in this episode. Camila is a master manipulator. The scene where she calls Epifanio on speakerphone. She doesn’t even need to say anything to Teresa. Her leverage now is crystal clear, all just via the perfect performance of this phone call with Epifanio. You see Camila watching Teresa’s face and listening to Epifanio’s forced nonchalance and coming to understand that there’s way more to the story than either of them is revealing.
Teresa’s whole demeanor in this scene and the ensuing struggle with Camila’s men is so great, so well-acted. Really the whole episode. Again with that almost feral quality.
Notice that James is standing there during that whole struggle. He walks in right as she starts screaming “no no no” as she’s getting pinned down on the table. We don’t really get to see his face but it looks like he’s facing away, like he can’t watch the struggle.
Then his face as she says “I’ll deliver the drugs.” He turns towards her for the first time and looks down slightly. Looks slightly uncomfortable. I’m dying to know what’s running through his head as he watches this struggle (and of course she’s headed for the “pros” which, again, I’d love to know what’s going through his head as he processes that). I need like, a James interior monologue of this episode in fic form.
Then of course the famous last words, “I don’t care about her, I care about getting the drugs to Han.” LOL. We’ll see about that James. We’ll just see about that. He wasn’t even being totally honest, even at this point, what, less than an hour after seeing her for the first time? It was already a fib, I think to try to protect Teresa from harm, even if he wasn’t entirely aware he was fibbing. We know it’s a fib because in the car, he tells Teresa unequivocally that he’s “not having that again” (with respect to another girl dying).
And Camila makes it very clear it’s his responsibility to make it happen and if Teresa dies, it’s on him.
That passport photo, lol. Sporting the same shirt and same cut on her face as she appears at the airport security in. Must’ve been a pretty tuned-out TSA agent.
James’s face watching her deep-throat, I mean swallow, the coke packets. LOL. I mean there IS something sexual about it, right? Especially when she just stares across the table at him as she’s shoving one down her throat. You can’t convince me the parallel doesn’t cross James’s mind. I almost feel like he interprets it as a challenge? Like a challenge to not look away?
I appreciate how Teresa basically adopts silence as her number one survival strategy. Like don’t say anything unless absolutely necessary. Don’t reveal anything. Just look blank. Exhibit 17,374: when Camila asks her if the patron saint Malverde trinket gives her faith or comfort. Teresa: ::silent blank stare::
Then her first words to James: “you’re religious? That’s a laugh.”
The sunglasses coming offffffff. And the whole physical struggle. I DIE every time I watch that part. And I definitely died like four times in a row watching it for the first time.
“Well then I’m gonna die too, because I’m not gonna throw that shit up” AND HIS FACE. HIS EYES. He can’t control the “who the fuck is she and what the fuck is she doing” expression of baffled awe and concern that passes over his face at that point. Look, James is not going to win in the “who holds their cards closer to their chest” contest against Teresa, and it’s because his eyes are always a dead giveaway. They don’t mask a thing. That’s why he’s always gotta wear sunglasses 🕶
And the sunglasses go back on before he says “you’re gonna die.” Gotta make sure he’s got his mask on before he says that. As much to hide any possible emotions from himself as from her.
“She’s always so last minute” to the TSA agent. Comedic gold—acting within acting. And one of the few times in the ENTIRE SERIES we see James smile?? Meanwhile Teresa just looks like a traumatized porcupine.
I love the wrist grab trying to run into the bathroom. She grabs him first and then he pulls her to the right door.
God the tension in the storage closet scene. It’s so good. Her weak “I can’t” does me in. His look of panic as he grabs for the soap. And incredulity once she gets the last one up. It’s now been made abundantly clear to him that, if they weren’t before, now they’re definitely in it together.
I think this scene is the first time he says her name? “C’mon Teresa” [ta-ray-zuh]
No time for dallying though, still gotta get the drugs to Han
THE ESCALATOR SHOT. Enough said. I’ll rb a gifset of that and say more lol.
Then the cab ride back. I reblogged a gifset of this here. Buuut I’ll rb another one too because there’s so much to say about it.
Camila meeting Teo. “Speaking of life, I like life.” Poor Teo. And his line to her, when she says she’s good at handling her husband: “it’s always the best swimmers who drown.” The two of them are good at speaking in metaphors. But this conversation is also some terrific foreshadowing! Both for Teo’s storyline and Camila’s (though hers took a few seasons to get there).
Teo SHOULD stay away from Camila. But he won’t because Camila always uses her sex appeal to get what she wants out of her men. Except James—she never goes there with him. Of course, James would never fall for it, or respect her for doing it to him. He respects her because of her strength and intelligence, not because of her sex appeal. It’s an interesting parallel to his burgeoning respect for Teresa for those same qualities.
Camila: “I’m just supposed to keep looking for this girl that means nothing to you, whom you need alive, preferably, and who needs to be made an example of?” Epifanio: “Thank you, I knew you’d see it my way.” Hahahaha. Season 1 was the best for Camila and Epifanio repartee. It started to drag a little in season 2 in my opinion.
James visits Camila in the warehouse. “You know this Mendoza girl. Keep an eye on her. I think she might be more useful than I thought.” And James does that nose wrinkle and twitch he always does when he’s feeling uneasy. And when she tells him to talk to her and get her to trust him, he starts smoking his second cigarette of the scene (nervous habit? lol) and doesn’t make eye contact with Camila. He does a thing with his tongue against his teeth as if he’s lost in thought and trying to mentally brace himself for something. Again, I need a James interior monologue of this episode!! But you can tell that he’s already compelled by Teresa at this point. Her nerves of steel, her composure, her wildness. And I feel like he already knows at this point that she’s going to change things. If not in a personal way, at least the dynamics of his workplace.
And the episode ends with a queenpin vision. “It looks like you’re all settled in. Sweet dreams.” Sweet dreams indeed. The actual love of your life has entered, stage right.
Running tally of how James pronounces Teresa:
1x02, 25:50, “ta-ray-zuh” (with a hard American “r”)
Queenpin Visions:
Beginning: “I said, welcome to America. I never said it was going to be easy.”
End: “It looks like you’re all settled in. Sweet dreams.”
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toxicbubblegum212 · 3 years
Maze runner ~When the boys compete for you~
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Minho: " Hey feel free to touch my biceps, their really strong. " *Minho flexes Biceps*
- Minho would act cool but still be very flirtatious.
- It doesn't matter where you are or who you are with.
- Some Gladers say he's all over you or he's being a try hard.
- Don't be surprised if Minho take his shirt off whilst in your presents.
- He wont force you into anything but he will defiantly try to tempt you too.
- Minho would also stand quite close to you. His chin would either rest on your head or your shoulder.
- At the Camp fire Minho might try to some how convince you to come sit on his lap cause its "warm".
- Minho would do cute little things like pat your head, play with the ends of your hair or cut your check.
- Minho would also tease you a hell of a lot. He knows it get's him the attention he wants.
- Minho might also try and bribe you into something with kisses, cuddles and his hotness.
He would cuddle up to you like this😍🥰
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- You and Minho always have good fun together no matter what.
- He will always be there to pick you up if you fall, he just wants you to be happy and he hopes it's with him.
- Minho would gradually gain the confidence to touch and play with you hands.
- When Minho holds your hands in his. He can feel how small and soft they are.
- He always thought of you as his baby flower.
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Newt: "You just keep smiling beautiful cause thats all I need."
- Newt would never force anything on you unless you sexually tempt him of course.
- You and newt would do this cute thing where you would blow kisses to each other.
- Its cute seeing Newts reaction he's got cute pink rosy checks.
- Newt would also make an effort to make sure that your never uncomfortable.
- He will tell other gladers to back off. And ask you if your ok.
- Your safety is his number 1 priority.
- Newt would pick flowers for you.
- He would either stuck it behind your ear, make it into a flower crown or present them to you with a kiss to seal the deal.
These are the sunflowers in the glade that remind Newt of you ❤️
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- Newt would always kiss your head/for head and sniff your hair.
- He hugs up to you nice and close on those cold nights.
- Newt would also brush and braid your hair, commenting whilst telling you all the things he loves about you.
- Newt lifts up his hoodie and lets you curl up underneath. On his bare chest. It makes he feel wanted and you feel safe.
- When it comes to other guys Newt usually gets flustered, he tries not to but he can't help it.
- It just comes with the job of being in second command.
- Newt would support you regardless of who you choose.
- Newt wants you to be happy even if its not with him.
- He knows that there are some things in life you just can't have.
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Thomas: "You know I can give you the world"
- Thomas plays hard.
- Thomas as we all know is a very determined person and if wants something he will not give up easily.
- Thomas isn't afraid of competition.
- Thomas would give you anything and everything you could ever want.
- Perks of being basically the chosen one.
- Thomas would tell you about all the beautiful place he remembers and offer to take you to all them.
- Thomas would tell you about the long horse rides on the beach, where the sand and the sky a line perfectly. And the vibrant sunset that would highlight all your eyes and give you a heavenly glow.
This is the beach you would ride along together 🥰😍
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- The mountains where the snow shines like diamonds, the soft snowflakes and the snowmen you could make.
The snow you would visit in spring ☃️❄️
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- He would tell you about the northern lights that would dance in the sky. Saying "That just like you and me..up there."
The beauty of the moment you would share ❤️💚❤️
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- He imagine's sitting in a field looking up at the sky and asking you about your dreams.
- Thomas would give you piggy back rides or pick you up in his arms and carry you home.
- Thomas would risk it all for you, cause your worth it.
- He not afraid because he has faith in you, he believes in you.
- Thomas wants to create these memories with you, he never head the chance to do the same with Newt, Chuck or Teresa.
- Thomas can see his future in your eyes.
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Gally: "I just want you to be safe and the only place thats safe is in my arms."
- Gally wouldn't trust anyone being alone with you for a second.
- Gally would always put a protective arm around your shoulder.
- He would also put you into his chest when ever you upset.
- Gally will stay for as long as it take till your tears dry and you smiling once more.
- You very thankful for Gally, the boys leave you alone and you've never had any problems.
- Gally would always have you sleep next to him. Wether you like it or not.
- He would never force anything on you but he's got eyes on you 24/7. Day and night he's watching.
- He would have a got at anyone and anything that threatens you.
- You would always wear his shirts, his hoodies and anything else you can get your hands on.
- Gally expect to have at least 1 cuddle a day, if not he becomes very feisty.
- Something you always loved about him.
- Gally would carry you on his shoulders.
- He loves when you give him jump hugs right into his arms.
The hugs you share ❤️
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- He would always dance with you at the bomb fire, watching your hair fly as you spin around and around.
- Time always slowed down when he was with you.
- For the first time Gally could actually be himself.
-He love you because you gave him freedom he never knew he had.
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givemearock · 2 years
Tmr Girls Studying With You
Requested by @mockingjaykatnisshungergames
A/N: sorry this was super late I had a bunch of hw then I got sick but I woke you like! I tried to make it longer to make up for it :D
she would probably only study the subjects she likes
like if your struggling with science she’ll pull out a whole study plan and you’ll ace your next text
‘Brenda, did you take this from the teachers office?’ ‘No these are my notes’ ‘...you write down everything the teacher says?’ ‘You don’t?’
She’s dedicated
but for the things she couldn’t be bothered studying for she has way of sneaking the answers in that she’s more than happy to share with you
‘Alright so be sure to wear a long sleeved shirt so-.’ ‘Brenda are you sure you don’t wanna just help me with math?’ ‘🤨but this is easier?’
if you ever convince her to help you study something else she’d probably end up just as confused as you
50/50 chance but you’ll probably leave having learned something
a whole mom
she brings star stickers so whenever you get something right she can put a star next to the problem you did
‘Harriet you know I have to turn this in right?’ ‘Mhm, and they’ll know how much of a star you are’
it was supposed to be a study date where you help each other but she’d just end up helping you with your problems, claiming her stuff could wait
even if you said you didn’t need it she’d insist on helping
‘ I’m really fine, let’s do some of your work’ ‘But you’re struggling’ ‘I’ll be fine let’s focus on you-‘ ‘But you though’
the only way you’d get to help her is to finish all your work
she probably wouldn’t need much help but would definitely pretend like she did to not make you feel bad
‘Didn’t you ace Econ last year?’ ‘Yes, but I forgot everything over the summer’
Note: she in fact did not forget everything
Great study partner
she definitely picked up some tips from Newt and decorated her notes like he does, just probably not as organized
like she has cute paperclips and stickers but they just go wherever she thinks they’d look nice rather than to help her memorize things
‘Sonya, why did you highlight last month's assignment just now?’ ‘Because this page had a bunch of blue stickers on it so I added a pink one’
loves explaining things but will probably get confused somewhere along the way
‘So that’s how you solve for x!’ ‘Sonya we’re solving for y’ ‘??’ ‘There’s no x in the equation’ ‘...must’ve missed that’
In the end you’ll end up on the right track
will share her stickers and highlighters so you can make notes in your books and such
also will leave notes in the margins of the notes she shares with you
like you’ll be reading about a historical event with a little ‘skim this part it’s boring!’ on the side
overall will help you get better
very set on helping you get good grades
like neither of you are leaving until she’s confident you’re confident
also very aggressively supportive
‘Teresa it’s fine we can do something else’ ‘No! I want you to succeed’ ‘it’s really ok I just can’t get it-‘ ‘NO you will get it’
takes being your study partner very serious and will bring the notes for whatever class your struggling dating back to the beginning of the semester
is genuinely proud when you get things right
however if you ever succeed but the teacher gives you a bad grade for no reason she will confront them on your behalf
you will get good grades because of her if it’s the last thing she does
This was actually really fun and I’m gonna try to revive this acc by posting at least once a week
Have a nice day and night !! 🌸
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bqstqnbruin · 3 years
Always be my plus one - part 3
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Ok, look, it's 4 am, there are going to be typos, and we're just going to have to deal with it. I also tried to find a gif that was Tyson and Cale but I couldn't find one in the gif insert thing on here so I just went with this one (it feels weird to change it up but like, oops)
I make no promises that you aren't going to be mad at me for this part so have fun !
This is shorter than the last part, coming in at around 5k words.
The only warnings I have here are implied sex.
Translations for the Italian in here: "tu sei uno stronzo" - you're an ass(hole)
stronzino - little asshole
Also want to thank @justjosty @zinka8 @hockeylvr59 @hockeywocs anons and I'm sure I'm forgetting people for helping me write this part but ily all I'm just dumb and tired
Read the previous part here!
Series masterlist
Valentine’s Day
The Feast Day of St. Valentine is traditionally celebrated in the Western Catholic Church on February 14, to honor the patron saint of love. Though not traditionally celebrated as a Catholic holiday, millions of people celebrate the day of love with those who mean the most to them. While pessimists of the day say it’s a ‘holiday made up by greeting card companies,’ approximately 190 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent in the United States alone, not including cards given by school children to their classmates. Couples enjoy the holiday with a romantic night out, presents, flowers, chocolates, etc., while those who don’t have someone or don’t care do whatever they want without the pressure of living up to a holiday that doesn’t mean very much in the grand scheme of things.
February 12, 2022
“Where are you going tonight?” Matthew’s voice came through his younger sister’s phone. He had called early in the week to see if Anne could babysit Harper so he and Stephanie could do something for Valentine’s Day without having to shell out an extravagant amount of money on a sitter.
“I’m, uh,” Anne hesitates, “going out with Tyson. Sorry.” She hears Matthew let out a sigh on the other end. “Hey, stronzo, why don’t you ask Lucy? Her and Jason never do anything on Valentine’s Day.”
Matthew starts talking about how the last time he asked Lucy last minute to watch his daughter, despite their girls being best friends, she ended up going on a fifteen-minute rant. While Anne gets her heels on, staring at herself in the mirror and admiring the floor-length, red dress she had on the slit going up the side for no one but herself, Matthew continues to tell her about how his twin goes on and on about needing a schedule at all times, how she can’t just drop everything in a moment’s notice because he wants to do something with his wife.
“Hey, Matthew,” she cuts him off, trying to shrug her coat on, “Why didn’t you ask Lucy or Sebby after I said no earlier this week?”
“Because I didn’t think you actually had plans.”
“Again, tu sei uno stronzo.”
“I am not an ass!” he detests.
“Fine, you’re a stronzino, happy?” Anne hears him stammer again, not letting him get a word in, “I have to go, I’ll talk to you later, ok? Ask Ma, Dad’s off in Florida right now so she would probably love to have Harper for the night.”
He lets out another sigh, Stephanie’s voice coming through in the background despite Anne’s inability to understand what she was saying. “Fine. Have fun with Tyson. I don’t need another niece or nephew around Halloween, though, ok?”
“Don’t be gross,” she says, hanging up and finally heading out the door.
Her cousin Adriana was getting married to her soon-to-be wife, Izzy. Her family had no idea that she was the only one who still talked to them, her mother having a fight with her brother after their parents died when Anne and her siblings were younger and vowing to never talk to him again. So far, the stubbornness that seems to run through her mom’s blood going strong since it had been over a decade since she had last seen her brother. Anne was invited to Uncle Frankie’s daughter’s wedding, but no one else in her family.
Adriana and Izzy had this Valentine’s Day-themed wedding, everyone asked to wear red or pink in theme with the holiday, Anne not doubting that there would be paper hearts and cut-out cupids as the decor. The wedding gift she bought them, one of the first things she found on their registry that Anne could afford, was shipped to the apartment they already shared two weeks ago, Anne just needing to remember the card.
She was fully prepared to just sit in the corner with a bunch of people she didn’t know and watch as her cousin got married to the love of her life. Anne wasn’t sure that that side of her family would recognize her after how many years, guaranteeing her to spend her time on the sideline.
Anne slips into the back of the church, seeing no one she knew or recognized to even go up to and sit with them. Everyone was dressed in red, pink, and black. A bit too much for her own taste, but at least she looked good in red and would have worn the color anyway. ‘Note to self, no themed weddings,’ Anne thinks, not particularly fond of the lack of color or real choice that everyone had in figuring out what to wear.
A blonde boy in a red suit walks by her, too far past her to get a good look at him. There was something about him that caught her attention. Anne knew that walk, but she had no idea where she knew it from. It didn’t stop her from admiring him from afar, though, the short blonde hair and the obviously fit physique under the suit captivated her for whatever reason, leaving her practically unable to pay attention to the ceremony in front of her. Not that she cared, at this point she was just there to enjoy the free food she knew would be good at the reception later.
Anne sat at the table against the wall, her cousin not bothering to make a seating chart and just leaving it up to the guests to sit where they pleased. That meant she didn’t have to talk to anyone she didn’t want to, being virtually left alone at a wedding where she knew no one.
“Anne?” a familiar voice snaps her out of the trance she fell into watching Ana’s sister and brother-in-law, Catie and Danny dancing with their two daughters, remembering seeing their pictures on Facebook when they were born, not realizing how much they had grown.
She turns to the man in the red suit who had her attention throughout the ceremony. “Cale?” she smiles at him, not sure how the two had missed they would be at the same wedding this weekend. Since New Year's Eve, the two of them had been texting, calling, FaceTiming, they had hung out, spent the night with each other, Cale insisting he buy her dinner at least once a week. The only reason they weren’t dating each other was because neither of them had said they were. They both said they were busy this weekend, but who would have thought they would end up at the same place. “What are you doing here?”
“Izzy’s brother and I grew up playing hockey together. I grew up with her. What are you doing?” he asks her, taking the seat next to her.
“Ana’s my cousin. Her dad is my mom’s older brother.”
Cale smiles at her, Anne’s heart racing at the sight of it. “So I get to meet your family?”
Anne shakes her head. “I’m the only one here,” she tells him, explaining the family drama that went on between Frankie and Teresa.
Cale looks down at his lap, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his suit jacket. The red bowtie, red pants, red jacket even against the black shirt were so much Anne couldn’t tell if his cheeks were red because of the reflection of his clothes or for another reason. “Tyson’s met your family, hasn’t he?”
She nods, taking his hand in hers. “I told you, Tyson and I are just friends. I needed someone to come with me to a family thing, so he came with me.” Cale nods, not entirely sure that something wasn’t up with her and Tyson. Something was off, there was something he was sure Anne was leaving out, but he wasn’t sure. “Hey, I’ve seen Tyson, what, three times since New Year's? All of them when I was with you. I like you, Cale.”
Cale leans over for a kiss, his hand grazing Anne’s thigh, sending a shiver down her spine. “How about we dance like we did on New Year's?” he asks, standing from the seat, shrugging off the red jacket before he extended his hand out to her.
She rolls her eyes, getting up with him anyway. “I told you then, too, that I don’t like dancing.”
“And yet,” he says, pulling her close, his hand finding the small of her back while he presses his forehead against hers, gazing into her eyes, “you danced with me all night then, and you got up to dance with me tonight.”
Anne laughs, knowing he was right, burying her face in his shoulder, swearing she heard some camera’s clicking, probably the wedding photographer hanging around somewhere and taking pictures of the guests dancing.
“I know I have to say this about the brides when they come in,” Cale whispers in her ear, “but you are the most beautiful girl here.”
Anne could feel herself blushing, her mind flashing back to New Year’s Eve when Tyson told her she looked beautiful. He seemed so genuine saying it, Anne thinking back and not sure if he meant it or was actually pretending. But with Cale, she knew. Cale meant it. “You’re not so bad yourself,” she tells him, ghosting his lips before kissing him.
Being with Cale felt fine. Not perfect, but fine. It was right, but not correct, and Anne couldn’t figure out why.
Everyone starts clearing off the dance floor, the bridal party getting ready to come in. Cale takes Anne’s hand and leads her back to the table where he left his jacket, some other people finding their home base at the same table. Cale knew one of the men at the table, probably from their little hockey group that involved Izzy’s brother. The bridesmaids and bridesmen, as the DJ put it, started coming in, Cale leaning back with his arm slung around the back of Anne’s chair. She leaned back into him, his fingertips dancing up and down her arm as they watched everyone come in.
They watched Ana and Izzy dance their first one as wives, Anne’s stomach starting to make noise as they waited for the food to come.
Cale leans over, nervous about what he was about to whisper in her ear. “Are you hungry for food or maybe something more?”
Anne felt her entire body go numb at his words. They had been seeing each other for a month and a half already, so was what he was insinuating really that strange of an idea? “That depends.”
“On?” he asks, nibbling on her ear before kissing the skin right behind it, losing any sense of care over who at their table was potentially watching.
“On how long you think we need to wait before we can slip out without it being rude?”
Cale inhaled sharply, wishing he could say right now. “At least until they cut the cake. Unless,” he says, his hand moving up her thigh, slowly in case she decided she wanted it to stop, “Unless you wanted to try to find somewhere to sneak away to now.”
“Not for our first time,” she tells him, reaching up to cup his cheek. “And not with my family around,” she laughs.
“I’m fine with that,” he tells her, kissing her. “Your place or mine, though?”
“Well, I drove myself here.”
“And I got a ride.”
Anne smiles, crossing her legs in hopes that whatever she felt would be stifled by that simple action. “So it looks like it’s going to be mine.”
They spent the rest of the night waiting for the moment the cake was cut so they could leave as planned, Cale’s hand never leaving her leg unless he really needed both hands to do something.
Anne could feel her heart racing as she watched Ana and Izzy smash their cake in each other’s face, Anne looking over to Cale and smiling. “You wanna go?” she asks, her keys already out of her bag and in her hand.
Cale drags her out without saying a word, Anne leading him to her car. He walks over to the driver’s side, his arms wrapped around her waist with her back pressed against her car. “You’re sure about this?” he asks her, his eyes flicking between hers and her lips.
“Yeah,” she says, kissing him before he opens the door for her. She couldn’t wait to get home, sure she broke a few traffic laws as she sped back to her apartment with Cale sitting next to her in the passenger seat, his leg shaking the entire time.
They got to the elevator, Cale leaning against her against the wall with his lips pressed against hers, Anne’s hands already working to unbutton his shirt. Cale’s kisses trailed down her jaw to her collarbone, his grip tightening on her waist.
Anne pulled away to lead him down the hallway, practically running, partially due to anticipation for what they were about to do, and because Anne could feel a breeze on her back, indicating that Cale had already unzipped her dress. That, coupled with the fact that Cale’s shirt was already open, his jacket in his free hand, Anne had no desire for any of her neighbors to be given the chance to see her and however Cale was to her already getting naked before closing the door.
As soon as she unlocked her door, Cale had her turned back around, kicking the door closed as he carried her to her bedroom, Anne able to feel everything about him against her body. Cale laid her down on her bed, his lips never leaving hers as he positioned himself over her, sliding her dress off while she did the same with his shirt. Anne’s breath hitched at the sight of him, his body perfect while he stared her down, the first time she saw the typically innocent boy she had been seeing with a mischievous grin covering his face, his eyes darkening at the thought of doing what they had both been wanting to do all night.
“You’re sure about this?” he asks one more time.
Anne nods, taking his face in her hands. “Yes, Cale. I’m sure.”
February 13, 2022
Anne woke up the next morning, the events of the night before rushing back despite finding the space he had occupied in her bed empty. Her dress was on the floor, Cale’s red bowtie somehow having ended up on her night stand. Maybe he left it there as an excuse to see her again, making a mental note to put it in the living room so she would remember it the next time she saw him.
He had slipped out at some point that morning, Anne playing the voicemail that he left her while she slipped on a t-shirt to cover herself. “Hey, Anne. Sorry, I couldn’t stay, but morning skate was calling. I,” she hears him sigh, knowing he had a stupid grin on his face for whatever it was he was about to say, “I can’t wait to have another night like last night with you.”
It was her turn to have the stupid smile on her face as Cale continues, “Um, anyway, I’ve got something going on with JT and some of the other guys tomorrow for Valentine’s Day, a, uh, charity thing? I think? So would you be free this weekend for a proper date for the holiday? You know, not as crowded, not as much pressure, ideally the same outcome, if you’ll allow it? Oh, hey Tyson,” she hears him say, figuring that he was calling her on the way into the rink despite her being unable to hear Tyson. “Yeah, I’m planning Valentine’s Day with Anne. No, not tomorrow night, this weekend. Uh, Anne, I’ve gotta go, but let me know about, say, Friday night? Alright, talk to you later. Bye.”
Valentine’s Day date with Cale? Part two, more like, but still. Anne liked the sound of that.
“So, uh,” Tyson starts, already dreading what he was about to hear from his teammate given what he had heard him say into his phone. “You and Anne?”
“Yeah,” Cale breathes out, chuckling at the thought of what happened last night. “We, um,” Cale couldn’t even get a full sentence out, acting like a child who just got the toy he had been begging his parents for on Christmas morning. He couldn’t remember the last time he was that happy. “We spent the night together last night. I left from her place this morning.”
More of their teammates were filtering into the locker room, looking at Cale’s face turn bright red while Tyson stood there with him looking like he just about wanted to die. “Ok, but did you spend the night, or spend the night?” Ryan asks.
Cale started to stammer out nonsense, not really wanting to divulge the private details of his and Anne’s night despite the guys teasing him and congratulating him for what he wasn’t saying.
“Guys, keep it civil. Anne wouldn’t want us talking about any of this,” Tyson pipes in, Cale letting out a sigh of relief as the guys disperse to get ready for morning skate.
“Thanks,” Cale tells him, going off on his own to get his gear on.
JT appears by Tyson’s side, a stupid smirk on his face. “Would Anne not want us talking about anything, or would you not want us talking about anything?”
“Well, Anne definitely wouldn’t.”
“Oh, come on, we both know Cale would never.”
“Doesn’t mean I want him to have the chance.”
“You’re treading in deep water, dude,” JT sighs.
Tyson looks at him, hating that he knew what he meant. He had barely seen Anne, despite her brother’s texts from the night before asking if Anne really couldn’t watch Harper because of the two of them going out, Tyson going along with the lie just in case. “I don’t know what you want from me.”
“It seems like you don’t know what you want from Anne, either,” JT shrugs. “But Cale does, and he got it.”
February 14, 2022
12 hour shifts were the only shifts Anne knew. And they were the shifts that Anne detested the most. She was fine the first ten hours, but the last two always seemed to suck more than anything, leaving her exhausted for the rest of the day, into the night, depending on when she got home in the first place.
All she wanted to do was order dinner from the Thai place down the street, having it delivered despite her really not needing to since it was within walking distance, plop herself on her couch and watch whatever reality TV Lucy had texted her that she thought Anne would like. Anne knew she would turn it off after a single episode and switch to Food Network, but at least she could tell her sister she tried.
Anne walks to her apartment, dragging her feet to her door when she sees someone sitting on the ground, his head down looking at his phone. “Tyson?”
He gets up, grabbing the two bags he had with him as the smell of food filled her nose. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my fake girlfriend,” he says, raising the bags while Anne opens the door to let him in.
“I’m confused,” she tells him as he sets everything down.
“Well, Matthew called me on Saturday asking if the two of us were sure we couldn’t watch his daughter, and I figured he might as well have some sort of photographic evidence as proof of us spending Valentine’s Day together,” Tyson explains. “So, I figured I’d go all out: flowers, dinner, and a present. You know, really convince them that we’re together.”
Anne stares at him for a second, not sure why her heart was racing at the thought of him going out of his way to keep up this facade with her family. “I don’t think I like that you and Matthew are so ‘buddy-buddy.’ Or that fact that he didn’t believe me the first two times I told him I was busy on Saturday night. And I thought that you guys had a charity thing tonight?”
“Oh, you didn’t know?” Tyson asks, handing her the container of food as she joined him on the couch, the Thai food she was planning on ordering right in front of her. “We have a groupchat. Yeah, it’s me, Sebby, Lucy, and Matthew.”
Anne scoffs, rolling her eyes at his failed attempt at a joke. “And let me guess: you gossip about me the entire time.”
“Actually,” he says, his mouth full of food, “you never come up. They think of me as the fourth sibling. The name Anne means nothing.”
Anne laughs, Tyson admiring the way her eyes closed as her smile grew. God, he wished he had gotten to her before Cale did. Why did he have to leave her alone at all on New Year’s Eve? If he were by her side the entire night like he had wanted to be, then he wouldn’t have to pretend to be her boyfriend, he could actually be getting somewhere with her.
“Hm,” Anne hums, swallowing her mouthful of food. “You said flowers and a present. When do I get those?”
“You can get them now on the condition that I can take a video to send to your siblings,” he offers, pulling out his phone and pushing the bag with the flowers and gift behind him. Anne rolls her eyes, smiling and nodding while he starts the video. He hands her the card first. “Read it.”
Anne pulls it out of the envelope, glitter getting everywhere and making her cringe, knowing that it would be impossible to get off her scrubs later on. It was covered with roses and hearts, bringing her right back to the wedding that weekend. “No one has ever made me feel like this. To the woman I love: Happy Valentine’s Day,” Anne reads, feeling a lump forming in her throat. The card was so corny, a little too corny for her taste, but coming from Tyson, she didn’t know why she loved it. She shakes her head, laughing at Tyson. “I love you, too,” she lies.
Tyson swallows hard at her words, wishing she meant them, pulling out the flowers from the bag and handing them to her. She looks down at the flowers, trying to figure out what they are before looking up at him. “Queen Anne’s Lace?”
“Queen Anne’s Lace for my Queen, Anne,” he tells her, cringing at his own words.
Anne giggles, placing them in her lap. “And my favorite flowers, anyway. Thank you, Tyson.”
“Wait, I have one more thing,” he says, hoping that the camera wasn’t shaking too much while he reached for the gift he bought her.
He hands it to her, a small red box wrapped with a gold bow. She unties it carefully, opening the box and gasping at the sight of it. A golden necklace with a white enamel heart as the charm, a golden pattern outlining the heart. “Tyson, it’s,” she starts, unable to find the words, “it’s beautiful.”
He stops the recording, figuring he had enough to hit send to his ‘girlfriend's' siblings. “Let me put it on you,” he says, Anne turning around and moving her hair out of the way. “I thought you would like it.”
Anne studies his face, the smile plastered on it despite her knowing that he didn’t mean it. “You didn’t have to do this.”
He shrugs, grabbing his food off the table and staring at it now in his lap. “It was fun. I’ve never had a girlfriend who I could buy presents like this for. I mean, I still don’t, but I have you.”
“Oh, come on. You, Tyson Jost, have never had a girlfriend? Look at you,” she says, praying that she was careful with the words she chose. “You’re gorgeous, you’re sweet, you’re funny, you get along with everyone you meet.”
Tyson hated hearing Anne go on about him, knowing that she was just saying it as a friend instead of something more. He scoffs, trying to save face from whatever pain or other emotion he was feeling. “Come on,” he says, not believing her anyway.
“I’m serious!” she insists, reaching up and starting to fidget with her new necklace. “Any girl would be lucky to have you as her boyfriend. I’m lucky to even have you as a fake boyfriend.”
Tyson nods, turning his body to face the TV instead of Anne. “So what are we watching?” he asks, changing the subject and putting his feet up on the table, Anne doing the same.
“Whatever’s on Food Network?” she suggests, holding the remote in the air pointed at the TV.
The two of them settle in, Tyson not paying attention to the show she had turned on. “Hey, what’s that?” Tyson asks, racing over to the red fabric that was on Anne’s coffee table.
“Oh,” Anne blushes, taking it from Tyson. “This is Cale’s. He, um, let it the other night,” she explains, Tyson watching her turn his teammates bowtie over in her hands.
“So you and Cale are doing pretty well?” he asks. Anne looks at him, not sure if she really wanted to tell him about it. “Come on, we’re friends. You can talk to me about anything.”
“I mean,” she says, putting down the bowtie on the table, not taking her eyes off of it. “We’re together? I think?” Tyson already hated that he even offered to listen to her talk about her and his teammate. “I like him. A lot. And I know he likes me, but,” Anne lets out a sigh, not sure where to even take her sentence.
“But, what?” Tyson asks.
“I don’t know,” she shakes her head, looking confused. “Everything is great, but it’s, I,” she stammers. “Something is off, and I can’t figure out what.”
Tyson stares at her for a second, trying to figure out what to say. “It’s probably just that it’s new,” he shrugs. “Everything seems weird when you’re still figuring it out. You and Cale will be ok,” he tells her, hating hearing those words come out of his mouth.
February 19, 2022
Anne stared at herself in the mirror, the black turtleneck she borrowed from her sister coupled with a beige skirt and black tights on her as she got ready for her date with Cale. He was bound to show up any minute, promising each other they weren’t going to do gifts due to a general lack of time on both ends. She didn’t believe that he wasn’t going to get her a gift, however, sneaking out to the bakery down the street and buying some pastries that the two of them would like, giving them an excuse to both show up back at her apartment. And if he didn’t give her a gift, then she got the pastries all to herself.
If not, she could share them with Tyson, who had been showing up at her place or asking her to go to his place any free chance they both had.
She heard Cale knocking at her door, Anne rushing as fast as she could in her heels to answer. Cale was standing there, a black crewneck similar to her own turtleneck, paired with dark jeans, black boots, and a grey coat. Cale kisses her hello, one hand behind his back with the other resting on her hip. “Every time I see you I don’t think you could get more beautiful, and yet, you do.”
“You’re cheesy,” she jokes as he kisses her forehead, Cale laughing against her skin. “But you,” Anne says, resting her hands on his chest, “get more handsome every time I see you, too. And, you’re hiding a present behind your back, aren’t you, even though we said no presents.”
Cale laughs, closing the door behind him. “Maybe I saw this and had to get it for you,” he admits, kissing her again and holding up the bag near her head.
“Should I open it now or should I do it later when we come back here?” she flirts, holding the bag in her hand.
“Oh, we’re coming back here?” he teases her, trailing kisses down her neck.
“I might have gotten some dessert for us so we had an excuse to relive last Saturday. Plus, you left your bowtie here,” she gestures to it, still sitting on her table, “And I was thinking maybe you wear that tonight instead of keeping it off?”
Cale raises his eyebrow at her, a silly smile on his face. “And what else would I be wearing?”
Anne shrugs, pretending to act innocent. “I was thinking only the bowtie,” she tells him, feeling his grip around her tighten at the thought.
Cale kisses her again, unable to keep his hands off the girl in front of him. If he could, he would forget dinner altogether and just go straight to dessert, but he knew Anne wasn’t that kind of girl, and he wasn’t about to force her into anything she didn’t want. “Hey, I like that necklace you’re wearing,” he says, twirling the charm around in his fingers. “The heart is perfect for Valentine’s Day.”
She reaches up and takes his hand in hers. “Thanks. My sister got it for me a few years ago for my birthday,” she lies. She couldn’t tell him that Tyson had gotten it for her for Valentine’s Day.
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
The Singer (Marcus Pike x f!reader)
Chapter Three
Warnings: Mention of food/alcohol, language, pure fluffy fluffiness (I'm such a softie I'm sorry 😭)
W/C: 4.2k
A/N: Notes at the bottom! And I'm running out of gifs to use of scruffy faced Marcus. I'm gonna have to shave him soon 👀 I hope you enjoy our soft boi in this chapter! 🥰
Just as a reference if you need help understanding the different formats:
«Phone conversation on their end»
Text messages
Song mentioned:
Chapter Two | Chapter Four
The Singer Masterlist
Tumblr media
Gif by me! Yes it's Teresa but it still fits & I only care that it's his hand lol
«Oh my god, I'm melting!» Celina yells in her phone enthusiastically. You giggle as you wait for her eagerness to calm down.
You had barely taken your shoes and jacket off after getting inside your apartment when you immediately dialed up Celina's number to tell her about the night. You feel like you're having an out of body experience. Sure, your heart is still guarded and unfortunately, you'll most likely have your doubts throughout the relationship, but you truly feel like this could go somewhere. You want to give yourself that chance and allow Marcus to help heal your heart, maybe doing the same for him in return.
"So he's picking me up on Saturday and I'm freaking out a little," you say and chew on the skin around your nail beds.
«Why? Don't be! Just treat it like how you did tonight!» She encourages.
"But it's a legitimate date this time, I have to do my hair and makeup perfectly and find the perfect outfit and-"
«Girl, have you seen your closet? You have nothing but perfect outfits!» She teases and you chuckle, lowering your fingers from your mouth.
«You don't need to try to be perfect hun, just be yourself! Be the girl he has already seen in front of him.» You smile at her heartfelt words. «I bet he's already in love with you!»
"Okay, you're not helping!" You laugh, placing your hand on your forehead. "I'll talk to you later, I'm going to try and get some sleep. I'll probably be calling you on Saturday so I can freak out some more."
You say your goodbyes and hang up, sinking yourself into your couch and smiling widely. Your head is buzzing from a sugar rush, but you can't tell if it's because of the pancakes or because of Marcus. You walk to the kitchen to make some sleepytime tea, hoping it'll relax your nerves enough for you to get some shut eye.
* * * *
You take a shower and climb into your comfy pajamas and the tea works its magic as you relax on your plush bed, surrounding yourself with pillows and your soft blanket enveloping you in warmth. Your eyes get heavy and you feel yourself on the brink of sleep when you hear your phone vibrate on the nightstand. You try to ignore it, but it vibrates again and you figure it's Celina probably sending you a funny video. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you reach over to grab your phone, the brightness from the screen stinging your eyes from the time they had adjusted to the darkness. You blink a few times until you can see the screen clearly.
555-9057: Hi Dulce :)
555-9057: Made it home. I had a great time :)
You bite your lip and smile at the messages on your lock screen, heat flashing through your head seeing him call you the nickname you gave yourself in his phone. And just like that, you're wide awake again. You unlock your phone and before you can type a reply, he sends another message.
555-9057: It's Marcus btw
Marcus groans to himself as he sends that last message. What the hell was that? Of course she knows it's you. Dumbass. He watches the screen and holds his breath when he sees the text bubbles pop up and he waits nervously for your reply.
Dulce💋: I'm glad you specified! Right after you dropped me off another guy took me out for dulce de leche pancakes and I also penned myself as Dulce in his phone 🤭
He chuckles out loud in the quiet atmosphere of his apartment, the sound bouncing against the walls and reverberating around the living room. Damn, she's good.
555-9057: Okay okay you got me, don't have to be so mean :P
So he's a classic emoji kind of guy, you smile as you make a note and file it in the little 'Marcus Pike' folder in your brain. You hit his phone number and tap the plus symbol to make a new contact in your phone. For some reason, you find yourself struggling as you try to figure out what to put his contact name as.
Agent Cutie
Nope, delete.
Agent Pike
What are you, his secretary? Delete delete.
Should I put an emoji? Which one? Can't be a heart. You are seriously overthinking this.
Marcus Pike
Yeah, okay. I guess.
Me: Why did it take so long to get home? Do you live far?
Marcus Pike: It was about 30 min from your place :) not too bad
Thirty minutes?! Great, now I feel bad.
Dulce💋: Wth if I had known I wouldn't have let you drop me off! 🙄
Me: Don't worry about it! I was more than happy to ;)
Shit shit shit I didn't mean the wink! Why are they right next to each other?! Do I say something? Oh god, way to go, you ruined it.
Dulce💋: Then I'll give you gas money!
Marcus takes a breath of relief when he sees that you sidestepped his accidental wink emoji. After he catches his breath, his phone chimes again.
Dulce💋: And I won't take no for an answer 😉
Okay, there's no way she sent that by accident. Is she flirting with me? Do I flirt back? Why are my hands so sweaty?
Dulce💋: It's time for bed, those pancakes made me sleepy 😴 good night Marcus ☺️ See you Saturday!
Marcus smiles to himself and he anticipates seeing you on Saturday. He sends you another text and walks to his restroom to take a quick shower before climbing in bed.
Marcus Pike: Can't wait :) good night!
There's no way you can sleep now, but you said good night for his sake; he had a long day at work, plus he took you out and then had a long drive home. You know he must be tired. Your heart races as you scroll through your short text conversation, rereading the messages and giggling softly.
Did he mean to wink? It was probably an accident, considering he types out emojis instead of using the newer, more convenient ones. You just couldn't help but send one back, though; hiding behind the screen helped you to flirt openly with him. You roll onto your side to face the TV on your dresser, turning on a true crime documentary and letting it eventually lull you to sleep.
* * * *
Saturday comes around quickly, much to your delight, but as you wander around your room looking at the many outfits you laid out on your bed, your dresser, even on your couch, the nerves set in fast. You pray to whoever’s listening that you don’t seize up when Marcus picks you up. Which is in fifteen minutes. You already have your hair and makeup done, all you need is to pick an outfit. Simple in theory. Just pick one! You chew your lip nervously out of habit before stopping as soon as you realize you probably just messed up the red lipstick you had applied earlier.
You rush to the bathroom mirror and sure enough, there's a bare spot on your bottom lip and the lipstick has transferred to your front teeth. You groan in frustration and grab a makeup wipe to carefully remove the ruined lipstick and you brush your teeth again until it's all gone. You reapply the same shade of red, pleasantly surprised with yourself that it came out better than the first time. You take a deep breath and try to calm down, telling yourself that the first outfit you land your eyes on will be the one you wear. You count down from three in your head and enter your bedroom.
Okay, maybe not that one. You decide to close your eyes and try again. When you open your eyes, they land on a different outfit. Not that one either. You sigh harshly through your nose. Why is this so hard? You walk over to your nearly empty closet for the umpteenth time and your eyes catch on to a dress hidden in the corner that you had surprisingly missed before. This one.
It's a spaghetti strapped, black, bodycon dress with a lace overlay, flowers printed on the fabric throughout. It hugs your body in all the right places, reaching down to your knees, and you take a look in the floor length mirror next to your dresser as you put on your black, open-toed heels, smiling brightly as you feel confidence shooting through your veins.
Adrenaline gets mixed in as soon as you hear a knock on your door. Five on the dot. You grab your black cardigan and purse off the couch and open the door, your breath taken away by the handsome man in front of you. He's carrying a box of chocolates and it fumbles in his hands, nearly falling once his wide eyes see you. He looks at you from head to toe, making your heart race as you feel heat rushing over your body in line with his gaze and you shift your weight from side to side anxiously.
"Wow," he says breathlessly, unable to say anything afterwards.
"Wow yourself," you smile, looking over his own outfit: a navy blue suit and a black, button up shirt underneath, paired with black dress shoes. He slicked his hair back and cleaned up his beard slightly. He really is a gorgeous man.
"Uh," he stutters and glances to the box in his unknowingly tight grasp. "These are for you," he smiles shyly as he hands you the chocolates.
"Thank you," you say, giggling at the indents his fingers made on the sides of the box and you turn around to leave them on your entryway table.
You turn back to face him and see his eyes look up quickly and you wonder if you just caught him staring at your bottom. Your suspicion is confirmed when his cheeks flush pink. You laugh softly and he holds his arm out to you.
"Ready?" He asks and you can hear the nervousness in his voice.
You nod and link your arm in his, letting him help you down the stairs. You're starting to love the way his arm hugs yours as you walk and the warmth of his body mixing with yours. Your footsteps even sync up together in a slow cadence. He walks you to his car, letting you hold your weight with his arm as you slowly lower in the seat, your movement restricted by your tight dress and high heels.
You thank him once you're seated, buckling your seatbelt, and he walks to his side, sitting down and starting the car. You notice the radio is on this time, playing at a low volume, and you think to yourself that he probably only forgot to turn it on last time.
The aura is tense in the car, both of your nervous energies dancing in the air together to the music. You try to think of something to say, resorting to looking through your mental file of basic conversation starters. The weather? No, too basic. Say something about the music. No-
"You look really beautiful," Marcus finally breaks the silence. Your head snaps up to look in his direction and you share a smile, thanking him and returning the compliment.
He takes his eyes off the road for a couple of seconds to look at you with a soft smile and turns his attention back to driving straight. He would keep his eyes on you if he could, but he'd rather not get into a car accident and ruin the night. So he just waits patiently until the next moment he can steal a glance. He takes a peek at you while you're stuck at a red light and he sees you picking at your cuticles nervously. He rubs his clammy palm on his pant leg, hoping to dry up any sweat present as much as possible. Before he can think twice about it, he reaches his hand over to grab yours.
Your heart jumps in your throat from the action and you look down in shock at his large hand covering yours completely. The blood rushes to your cheeks; his hand is rough from work, but soft and gentle enough that it's not uncomfortable. And warm. So warm. You stop picking your cuticles immediately, now memorizing the fine wrinkles in his hand and the ridges on his knuckles.
"Are you okay?" He asks, not moving his hand from your lap as he starts driving again.
"Yeah," your voice makes an embarrassing harmony, splitting in two different octaves from disuse. You swallow some saliva to lubricate your vocal cords and try speaking again.
"I'm just a little nervous," you admit.
His hand is still resting on top of yours; you're not sure if you should open your hand up to face your palms together and hold his hand as well. Alas, you take too long to make a decision and he pulls his hand away to grasp the steering wheel, bracing for a left turn.
"Please don't be nervous," he smiles with his pearly white teeth and it only makes you more nervous. How is he this handsome?
"It's just me," he adds as he pulls up to the restaurant, putting the car in park and removing the key from the ignition.
"'Just you'?" You quote him inquisitively. He nods and you shake your head with a small chuckle.
"What?" He chuckles with you.
"It's not 'just you' though, is it?" You reply softly.
You wonder if he's uncertain of himself and his ability to make women — i.e. you — weak in the knees. He seems oblivious to it and it makes him all the more charming to you. You see his eyebrows furrow and before he can ask what you mean, you turn to open the car door.
"Wait," he tells you, rushing out of his seat and over to you to help you out.
You wanted to manage it yourself, but you know you must look ridiculous with how bad you're struggling to get out of the car. He chuckles at the sight once he's on your side and he holds his arm out. You hold onto his forearm tightly and pull yourself upward as he lifts you as well until you're firmly planted on your feet.
"Maybe this dress wasn't a good idea after all," you giggle.
"I think it was," he flirts and you look away as you smile shyly.
You walk together up the steps to the front of the restaurant and Marcus apologizes for not warning you about the stairs. You tell him not to worry and though you can feel the ache in the arches and heels of your feet, you don't complain. He holds the door open for you and you walk in, your eyes instantly catching on the glimmering, crystal chandelier hanging in the waiting area. The lights are dimmed in an amber glow and there are pillars with intricate carvings and vines wrapped around the stone throughout the entirety of the establishment.
You gasp to yourself; this place must be expensive. How did you go from pancakes at grandma's house to a fancy, Italian restaurant like this? Your ears catch the sounds of a violin, but it's too close to just be playing from a speaker. Sure enough, you look further into the restaurant and see a man in a suit playing a violin. A live violinist?! Marcus joins your side again and notices the look of astonishment on your face.
"What's wrong?" He asks and you jerk your head to look at him, not even realizing he was standing next to you.
"Marcus, this looks like it's going to be really expensive."
You whisper in his ear so you don't offend any of the staff members and the height from your heels allows you to reach his head a little better now. The hot breath from your mouth tickles his ear and a bolt of arousal shoots down his spine. He laughs it off and leans his mouth to your ear in return.
"I like to make a fuss," he says, the deep tone of his voice giving you goosebumps. "Don't worry about it," he says in his normal tone as he stands up straight again.
The maître d' greets you two as you walk up to the host stand and Marcus gives the man his name for the reservation. The maître d' informs Marcus the table is not quite ready yet, adding that you're welcome to wait at the bar. Marcus looks at you to get your opinion; you say yes and Marcus lightly places his hand on the middle of your back, guiding you as you walk over to the bar top together. You take a seat in the soft barstool; it's easier to sit on since it's basically at standing height. Marcus removes his hand from your back to take a seat, his fingers gliding against the delicate lace of your dress across your spine and you shudder. Thankfully, it goes unnoticed.
The back of the bar is riddled with an assortment of different liquors, both American and Italian, and they're resting on lit up shelves. You look at the drink menu and your mouth opens in horror at the prices listed. This is definitely too much money. The bartender comes your way and Marcus orders a campari and grapefruit juice, immersing himself fully in the Italian culture. You say you'll stick with water and excuse it as you not feeling like drinking tonight. Marcus doesn't question it further.
The two of you comment on the decor of the restaurant, mainly the paintings hanging on the walls, and you mention that you love the lilies resting in the painted, ceramic vases and Marcus takes note of that fact. A waitress walks up to you and Marcus to let you know your table is ready and he finishes the last of his drink and stands, offering you his hand this time instead of his arm. You smile as you take it, your heart thumping in your chest as you let him guide you while you both follow the waitress.
The restaurant is bustling; heavy sounds of conversation and cutlery clinking on plates as you walk through what seems the entirety of the restaurant until the waitress leads you to a small, private patio. A round table is seated there, covered by a red tablecloth and adorned with a single, tall candlestick, burning a light glow. There's a cylindrical basket full of bread sticks and two water glasses, condensation running along the sides and onto the cloth. Marcus pulls your chair out for you, helping you to sit and scooting you in and sits down across from you. You hang your cardigan and purse on the back of your chair and take the menu the waitress is holding out to you.
You both thank her and she leaves, stating she'll be back soon to take your order. You marvel at the privacy Marcus planned for you two and you take a sip of your ice cold water, reveling in the relief washing through your dry throat. You flip open your menu; the options are minimal and are all expensive. You immediately scan for the cheapest dish: a $30 plate of chicken cacciatore. You feel guilty; you never want Marcus to break his bank trying to take you on a date. You glance at him and wonder why he would do all of this just for you. Did he really think you were that special?
You find yourself missing that little pancake diner and the time you shared there. There, you only felt the budding emotions consistent with a high school crush, but in this moment now, it's real life and mature adult feelings and you feel it much stronger in this environment. Marcus senses your mood change and leans forward to ask if you're okay, but he's interrupted by the waitress. You order the 'cheap' chicken cacciatore and he orders the tajarin al tartufo. Whatever that is.
"Why did you order the cheapest dish?" Marcus asks once the waitress leaves.
"Because I wanted to," you give him a sly smile to convince him otherwise, but he sees right through you, giving you a look of disbelief. You sigh.
"Because Marcus, it's too much money," you say sadly. "I mean, how much was it to get this private patio set up?"
"That's not important to me," he shakes his head. "This is our first proper date and I wanted to make it special."
Damn it. Why is he so thoughtful? And so damn cute?
"It's not that I don't appreciate it, I'm blown away by this, but I'm just... I'm not used to it," you pull your lips into your mouth slightly, mindful of your lipstick.
"Is that why you didn't order a drink?" He asks. You give him a lopsided frown and shrug your shoulders, your expression answering him instead of your words. He sighs and tilts his head to the side.
"I don't want you to worry about how much everything costs when you're with me; let me spoil you. You deserve it."
Let me spoil you. You deserve it. His words float around in your head, your eyes filling with fondness at the thought. You didn't think you deserved to be spoiled; your ex made sure of that much. It's exhilarating to say the least; this man you barely know ready to do anything for you at any time. But you like it, and you think in time, you could learn to love it. Learn to love him. You blink wildly and you inconspicuously shake your head at that last thought.
It was definitely way too soon to be thinking like that and it scared you that it entered your mind at all. It must be the ambiance of the restaurant. You think about how you should protect yourself in case this takes a wrong turn and you debate on placing that in the priority spot in your mind. Marcus can see you fighting your own thoughts and he tries to lighten the mood.
"I also might be trying to impress you for real now," he smiles.
You chuckle and shake your head. Marcus thinks to himself how beautiful you look under the moonlight that's shining through the glass awning above your heads, face lit up by the glowing candle. He can't stop his mouth from saying what he wants to say, not in this romantic atmosphere.
"I think you're a wonderful, beautiful woman and... I really like you," he adds, reaching across the table for your hand and you let him hold it, tangling your fingers with his.
You're positive he can feel your pulse through your fingers or hear your heart pounding, the blood whooshing in your ears muffling any other sounds from coming in. As much as you want to protect yourself, the look in his eyes only draws you in and you can't hide the truth from him or yourself, your confession spoken out loud for the first time for you both.
"I like you, too, Marcus." He smiles happily at you.
There must be something in the water here.
"Do you think it would be okay to keep this up?" He asks, meaning the dates, and you can't stop your head from nodding yes and you give him a sweet smile.
Marcus lets go of your hand, letting his rest in front of him and you take a deep breath, trying to shake your nerves from the exchange that just took place between you. You grab a bread stick and attempt to take a small bite; you and Marcus laugh together as your small bite accidentally turns into a big one, the stick breaking in the wrong place and leaving a large chunk of bread hanging from your mouth. Of course, leave it to something awkward happening to you to break the tension. But anything to see his face come together in joyous laughter.
* * * *
"Thank you again Marcus, that was actually very delicious," you say while Marcus begins the drive back to your apartment. "I see why it was so expensive." He hums in agreement; his smile hasn't left his face since the restaurant.
You listen closely to the new song that comes on the radio, trying to make out the tune until it gets louder and you realize it's "At Last" by Etta James.
"I love this song," you say under your breath. Marcus hears you and turns up the volume slightly, earning a bright smile from you. You look back out the window and sing the lyrics softly.
At last, my love has come along,
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song.
Marcus's heart races as he listens to the lyrics being sung by you and they hit a little too close to his heart. You don't realize at first the meaning behind them, only enjoying singing along.
At last, the skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover,
The night I looked at you.
You now realize the words are identical to how you feel. You wonder if you're falling too fast for Marcus. This was only your second date and there is still so much to learn about each other. You have a whole past to open up about, which will be a defining moment for your relationship. But as you look over at Marcus and you feel the tender organ in your chest beating fast, you think to yourself that it can't get much better than this. What's the harm in trying?
Chapter Two | Chapter Four
The Singer Masterlist
A/N: Okay just wanted to explain what Marcus ordered if you're interested! *DESCRIPTION OF FOOD/ALCOHOL COMING UP* I'm not an expert so correct me if I'm wrong! According to Google:
Campari is an Italian bitters made of fruit & herbs & you usually mix it with juice or club soda (hardcore Italians drink it straight up) & it's a pre-meal drink
Tajarin al tartufo is an egg pasta, made with more egg whites than traditional egg pastas, & topped with white truffle. Idk it sounded fancy & expensive 😂
Also, here's their outfit inspos! Just a couple of things I described differently like his shirt being black & her dress having lace instead of mesh.
Ofc Marcus in this suit 🥵 I copied the description lol
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@hnt-escape @winter-fox-queen @giselatropicana
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If You Love Someone, Let Them Go: Part 6
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Summary: Since starting with SVU, Sonny hadn’t kept much terribly close to the chest. The squad knew about his family, growing up on Staten Island, the classes at Fordam. What was hidden was why he didn’t date. Sonny Carisi was also separated from his childhood sweetheart, a separation neither ever took to divorce. They had the same haunts. They’d grown up neighbors. Their paths crossed every few months, and divorce talks would turn into reminiscing would turn into a night spent together, sometimes sex sometimes just talking until the early morning. It always ended with one of them waking up alone however. How will that change when the squad finds out?
Pairings: Sonny Carisi x Original Character
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
April 2015
“You ready?” Sonny called as he came into her apartment. They’d agreed to skip the pretense and drive together, and Sonny had booked a hotel room within walking distance after confirming she’d be okay with it. His bag was in the trunk, and he grinned when she came out bundled up, the same Fordham sweatshirt she’d stolen under her coat and the little wheeled bag beside her. 
“Ready,” she grinned, stretching up to kiss him, and he felt like he could do anything. He took her bag despite her protest.
“I got us a room for the next two nights. We ain’t gotta stay both, but I thought it might be nice to go to dinner? I got both nights off, too.”
“That sounds real nice. I packed some real people clothes anyway.”
“Perfect. Now let’s get going. Bella said you guys got a make up artist coming.”
“Yeah. She got one and a hairdresser.”
“She’s definitely the one who wouldn’t wanna get herself ready.”
“Yeah. We gotta get there in time. What’re the groomsmen doing?”
“Playing video games and taking turns shaving and showering.”
“Not fair.”
“You look hot. You don’t need hair and make up.”
“You always think I’m hot.”
“That’s because you always are.”
“So are you. I got real lucky on the husband front.”
“You really think so?” She could sense the current under what he said. It wasn’t just Am I hot? but was also Are you lucky?
“Incredibly lucky. I got you.” He slammed the trunk shut, cheeks pink when he settled in the driver’s seat. It was familiar to drive with their fingers laced, and he smiled to see her wedding set in place. Bella had gone by the bakery to surprise her one day, and his sister was very pleased to let him know both rings were on her left ring finger. He’d told the squad the same day he told Olivia, and his ring had been on his hand every day since, the cross the only thing on the chain again.
“Think they’d notice if I do my own make up and hang out with you?”
“She really does have y’all going like two hours longer than Gina did.”
“Yeah. Gina was very ‘Let’s get down to business, get photos, and get married.’ Bella’s way more into the matching robes and face masks vibe. But she’ll be happy.”
“I’ll check in a lot, okay? I don’t like the video games Tommy does.”
“You just like Sims. It’s endearing.”
“It’s kinda fun.”
“You spent six hours building a house once.”
“I had t’make sure it was perfect. They were having twins, Tor.”
“I love you, you absolute nerd.”
“Your nerd.” 
“Damn straight.” Sonny dropped her off at the venue, checking them in at the hotel and dropping off their bags. He stopped by the bridal suite when he got to the venue, thankful the weather moved the ceremony inside now that he was out of the cold. 
“Dominick! No boys allowed,” Bella said, wagging her finger at him, hair in rollers. 
“I know, I know. I’m just bringing Tor the key and her charger, okay?”
“You got her key?” Gina asked, leaning back to look at him and lifting her brow. “That sounds like you’re sharing a room.”
“We are,” Victoria said plainly, taking both items gladly. All the girls had changed into robes, but she’d opted to stay in his oversized sweatshirt until the inevitable photos. A primal part of him liked knowing that.
“That sounds like a reconciliation,” the younger Carisi sang, and Victoria rolled her eyes. “And you two snuck out of the party early like you used to.”
“I’m real glad you approve of our progress, but if you put too much pressure on us, we might break again.” Victoria knew he didn’t mean it and just wanted them to drop it, which she was grateful for. They weren’t quite there, but she trusted he’d probably open up by the end of their weekend together. Even if he didn’t, she’d decided she wanted to start planning to see him more after the wedding. Several late nights with Margy and a bottle of wine had told her that much. If you prove you’ll be there and patient, he’ll probably feel less like he’s scaring you off, she’d told Victoria after another night analyzing their last four encounters.
“Fine. But just know I’m telling ma. Maybe she’ll stop being mean to Tor.”
“Ignore Bella. She’s been glaring, but I think Sonny talked sense into her at Thanksgiving. She’s mad at both of them now.”
“As she should be,” he shrugged, kissing Victoria. “See ya for pictures.”
“See ya,” she grinned, ignoring his sisters’ squeals. This marathon made her kind of tired. Her hair and makeup were done soon enough, and she was grateful the dress was a dusty, dark enough pink in person to look good on her. She liked pink on Sonny, especially since the sides of his brunette hair had started going gray, against the blue of his eyes. The bridesmaids, the two Carisi sisters, Victoria, and a couple of Bella’s friends, all posed together in the matching silky robes before slipping their dresses on. 
“And you thought that pink wouldn’t look good,” Sonny said softly against her ear before kissing her cheek. 
“You like it?” Her hands rested on his shoulders as she smiled up at him, and he felt giddy. It was official. This was how they acted before, no almost needed. 
“I do. Beautiful color on you. And damn, my wife got a figure.”
“You’re the best hypeman,” she hummed as she straightened his tie. “I ever told you how handsome you look in a suit? Or how pretty pink makes your eyes?”
“I can stand to hear it again.” There was the cocky smile he got sometimes. “I’m starting to look old, doll.”
“Nah. Getting hotter.”
“Even with the gray?” He’d been self conscious about it before, when the evenly dispersed gray in his dark hair could be mistaken for a dirty blonde. His temples gave him away now, but she loved it.
“Even hotter with the gray.”
“Stop being gross,” Teresa whined. “It’s like when you were getting ready for homecoming again.” She was rewarded with her brother and sister-in-law’s middle fingers, and Victoria was pleased with Gianna’s disapproval and the picture the photographer snapped. They took pictures, and Sonny was glad when they settled in the back of the venue. He could see the back of Olivia, Barba, Amaro, and Rollins’ heads, and the change in his dynamic with Victoria had him looking forward to showing her off at the reception. 
“Shoes off at the reception. I intercept ma?”
“How’d you know?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m supporting ninety percent of your weight, Tor.”
“Love you.”
“Do I need to hold ya until we walk?” 
“Not enough time to make a difference. But you’re a saint for offering.”
When Olivia saw Sonny with Victoria on his arm, it made sense why he’d been calmer the last two weeks. He’d been texting her more, though he thought he was sneaky enough no one noticed how he smiled at his phone throughout the day. She seemed to smooth his edges, and she and Amanda shared a look over the way the pair watched each other across the front of the venue. The ceremony was a quick enough affair, and Bella had decided to let her bridal party sit wherever they wanted. That led to Victoria stepping out of her shoes, pleased to be spared a big entrance. Heels in hand, she followed Sonny to the table his squad was at before dropping into her seat and giving a wave.
“Means a lot to Bella and Tommy you all came,” Sonny said, taking her shoes and tucking the wall by his chair. “This is my wife, Victoria. Tor, meet Rafael Barba, Olivia Benson, Nick Amaro, and Amanda Rollins.”
“Nice to meet all of ya. I’ve heard a lot.”
“Wish we could say the same,” Rollins said, and Victoria immediately recognized what Sonny had meant. No venom. Just protective of her occasional partner. And Benson was definitely the mother hen, shooting the blonde a look as Amaro and Barba concealed smiles.
“Get it all out now,” she joked, rolling her eyes. “Married into this family nine years ago.”
“Been putting up with Carisi that long? I’ll petition the pope for sainthood.” The three piece suit. The snark. Barba was just what she expected. 
“Think she deserves it,” Sonny chuckled, arm flung easily over the back of her chair. “I can be a pain in the ass.”
Conversation started to flow easily, and he was glad Victoria was tough enough to bite back at Rollins and Barba when they referenced anything touchy. Tommy’s family filled out the rest of the table, and he was glad to see the trial had brought them around to agree that what happened to Tommy was wrong. Teresa and Tommy’s brother gave the speeches, and he liked seeing the squad join in as Bella threw the bouquet and Tommy threw the garter. 
“Bella caught my bouquet, remember?” Victoria smiled up at him.
“Yeah. And Freddy Esposito got the garter.”
“Both of ‘em got married this year.”
“Was delayed for us. Our friends from back then are just now getting married.” 
“We’ve been married nine years and aren't even thirty. I think we were ahead of the curve.”
“But now my baby sister is married and pregnant.”
“Dom, you do know she and I are the same age?” Sonny blinked, squinting at her. 
“You’re fucking with me, right?”
“We’re both twenty-seven.”
“No way Bella’s twenty-seven.”
“I like how you can fully separate me and Bella graduating together.”
“I forget,” he shrugged. “You always picked me anyway.”
“Then married you. Duh. Long game.”
“I hear people making noise.”
“They’re cutting the cake. Amaro has the garter half in his shirt pocket, and a three year old caught the bouquet. The same age you think Bella was when she caught mine.”
“Shut up,” he laughed, pulling her to stand at the edge of the dance floor to watch the first dance. His arms slid around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder.
“He wouldn’t have to stoop so low if you’d wear your damn shoes, stellina.”
“Ma, leave her be.” Gianna rolled her eyes, but Sonny squeezed Victoria as the music started. “She’s coming back around. Called ya stellina instead of Victoria.”
It was kind of fun to watch the four members of his work family loosen up around the room. Amaro and Rollins were across the dance floor and not fooling anyone. Barba wasn’t sure what to make of any of the Carisis or Sullivans, but since they’d easily figured out that Olivia was not involved with him, the singles from both families had circled the man who was suddenly the most eligible bachelor. The best part was how hard Olivia ignored his visual pleas to be saved as she talked to one of Tommy’s uncles. It was nice not pretending work and personal life were separate; the squad had taken him in like he hadn’t anticipated, and now his family was taking the chance to accept his squad. 
When the first dance was over, Sonny pulled her onto the dance floor, holding her flush against him in a way he hadn’t been brave enough to before. They’d talked every day the last two weeks, and he’d realized they really had hit the turning point. The songs weren’t slow, so his chest was against her back as his hand splayed over her stomach as they swayed. Both their voices were off key as they sang along to each song with the rest of the guests on the floor. Nick and Amanda were wrapped up in each other, and Olivia and Rafael seemed perfectly entertained, so he didn’t feel bad slipping out after a couple hours. 
“I know you two. Go ahead and dip. You stayed for all the important parts,” Bella had grinned, bumping Victoria’s hip with her own. “I’m the only sober one here, so this is gonna wrap up earlier than anyone realizes. Baby and I gotta sleep.”
“You sure?” 
“Positive, Tor.” That was all it took for Sonny to lace their fingers, duck out of the venue, and start the couple of blocks to their hotel. At first, she wore the heels and walked,  but he quickly realized it was the shoes, not the wine, making her unsteady.
“That’s it,” he said, squatting in his suit. “Hop on.”
“My bag’s heavy.”
“I can handle it, babe.”
“You sure?”
“You don’t hop on, we’re going spider monkey front carry, and we both know that always ends in me tripping more.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and Sonny held her thighs, careful to keep the fabric under his palms to save her some modesty. When they were outside the room, she slipped the key from his breast pocket, helping him push the door open before he dropped her on the bed. 
“Thank you,” she sighed, toeing the pumps off and letting them fall. 
“Glad to be of service.” A little salute as he started to strip out of the suit and hang it. “Thanks for always ditching early for pajamas with me.”
“Glad to be of service.” She hung the dress and tucked the strapless bra away, and when Sonny turned from the closet, he saw her in the oversized sweatshirt again as she pulled the blankets back on the bed. He hadn’t bothered for two. They’d had that option every time but hadn’t used it when they were fighting. 
“Comfy?” He ran a hand through his hair, breaking up the gel before flopping beside her.
“It’s literally nine o’clock. Are we old, Tor?”
“Old? No. Codependent? Maybe.”
“We been living apart a year and a half. Maybe we’re just a clique.”
“Very true. We’re like if the plastics were millennials who had been married a decade.”
“We should write that script.”
“Forget law school. Teen movie parodies based around our marriage.”
“Perfect. I’ll drop all my classes tomorrow.”
“I missed you. It’s been nice talking all the time.”
“I missed you too,” he murmured, watching her with his cheek pressed to the pillow. 
“Regardless of if you’re ready to tell me, I wanna keep talking a lot.”
“I’m ready. I just was going to wait. Don’t wanna ruin our weekend.”
“I feel like you’re going to tell me and realize I don’t care as much as you thought. Unless you fucked somebody.”
“First, last, and only, Tor.” He rolled onto his back, taking a deep breath, and Victoria knew him well enough to know this really was going to be the moment. She sat up, legs tucked beneath her. Leaning towards him a little, she put her hand on his chest and rubbed what she hoped were soothing circles as he put his hands behind his head. When he was nervous, Sonny talked to the ceiling, just needing her to anchor him.
“Just trust me, okay?”
“I trust you, vita mia,” he murmured, and that particular Italian term of endearment let her know it was really happening. “You remember when my hours changed? End of 2011. Became a detective. Acted funny when you took me upstate. A year before I fucked up and forgot your birthday bakery combo dinner.”
“Of course.”
“I was working homicide.”
“It really fucked me up, Tor. What I seen, it was so bad. The women. There were so many women, and they’d be so pristine. One of them was in a fuckin’ dumpster even. But he took all the time to give her a bath and do her make up and get her dressed. And you know what that always told me?”
“What?” she whispered, taking the hand that went from behind his head to rest on top of hers.
“It was their husband or boyfriend. The person who they trusted. And their faces were so peaceful, Victoria. They knew what was coming. And I’d go talk to people. You know what they’d say? They weren’t surprised. They’d seen it. They’d heard it. Those men hurt their wives and girlfriends. Took advantage of the fact they trusted and loved them. I started seeing you when I saw them, Tor.”
“Sonny,” she whispered, hating the way his voice sounded. It was thick with emotion, and he’d closed his eyes. She was well aware that if he opened them, they’d be rimmed red and tears would be falling. “This is what you couldn’t tell me?”
“You’re so proud of me. I didn’t want to disappoint you. I couldn’t sleep and it hurt so badly. I’d wake up freaking because I thought it was you. I’d never hurt you, but my brain just- I don’t know. And then you’re so good. You deal with cakes and fondant and cannoli and things that make people happy. I was so scared that if I talked about it, it would blot out the light in you. I felt like the only light I had was you. I think I pulled away because of that and it snowballed. When it got so bad, the last six months? It got to the point I thought all that darkness and the stuff I was seeing and the stuff my brain was picturing would- fuck- leak into you through osmosis or something. When I wanted to tell you, my brain would just change the words I wanted to say.”
“Sonny, I didn’t know it was like that,” she murmured. 
“You couldn’t have known. I wouldn’t tell you.”
“I should have figured it out.”
“Don’t do that, doll. If you’re willing to trust me to tell you moving forward, I just want to move forward.”
“I shouldn’t have left, Dominick. You were hurting, and I just abandoned you.”
“I was depressed. I should have told you or talked to someone. Being depressed doesn’t make it okay to neglect you. I need to take care of myself.”
“And I should have stuck with you. Figured out the why.”
“You did though. I’ve known that I can come to you for the last two years. I just couldn’t get past myself. Doc’s been working through it with me. Says I gotta learn that dad bottling it up wasn’t good. It works better for him and ma because she couldn’t read him when they met. I never had to tell you so I didn’t know how. And then dad doesn’t believe in men sharing their feelings. It’s easy to ignore that for the good feelings. I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t tough enough.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you how I was feeling. I knew you saw dark stuff and I was scared to make it worse. I didn’t want to pressure you.”
“Are we okay?” His voice was almost pleading, barely a whisper as his eyes finally opened to look at her. She laid against him, cupping his cheek as his hand flew to rest on hers. They were both crying, and she hated it. She hated to know that it was such a stupid miscommunication. If she’d pressed on it, taken guesses, asked around, maybe she could’ve helped him not hurt. This new squad seemed good for him, and therapy was helping. She probably needed to address their relationship more in therapy, learn how to ask for what she needed. They had to an extent, helping her hold out as long as she had for him to open up.
“We’re okay, Sonny. I’m so proud of you.” She was nudging his nose with her own, not dropping his gaze. 
“Thank you for being so patient.”
“I’d have waited for ya forever. First, last, and only, Sonny.”
“Come home.”
“We gotta consolidate now,” she teased gently. “But I’ll come home.”
“It’s in Brooklyn now. You’ll like it. I didn’t even get rid of that stupid dog statue.”
“He’s a very important dog statue.” 
“I love you, you weirdo.”
“I love you too, nerd.” He missed laughing with her, even when they were both crying. The relief that flooded him was suddenly exhausting. Not telling her had been heavy on him for a long time, but he didn’t expect his body’s physical response to the openness. He felt like he did before he went on this pointless journey to hide the bad parts of his field from her. She knew what he did. She kissed him, slow and sweet and loving, and Sonny’s arms snaked around her. They’d kissed plenty since she left, but there was always a hesitance behind it. Unsureness around their status. Now, he was kissing his wife, not his estranged wife. Even if it took time, they were working towards her coming back home. They hadn’t had sex since their ill fated first run in post separation. It was slow and sentimental, and afterwards, he had a half second of panic she’d disappear. Instead of pulling away like his gut wanted, he curled around her frame, nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 
“I missed that,” he murmured. 
“Me too.” She rested her hand on his, and he could feel that she was smiling in how her cheeks moved. He felt greedy, wanting to feel every bit of her skin he was able to before he fell asleep. When he woke to find her still there, he was relieved, and even better, she’d twisted in the night, leg hooked over his hip and her chest pressed to his. They’d spent most of the night talking or tangled together, so they’d slept in until ten o’clock. He checked his phone to be sure everyone had made it through the night before. Once he reminded his mom he was spending the weekend and really wouldn’t be at Sunday dinner, he settled back in to watching her. After a while, she started to stir, pulling him closer. She’d been right, everything had changed once he told her. He didn’t feel like he had to keep any space between them.
“Morning, beautiful,” he whispered, and she stretched her arms over her head.
“Heya, handsome.” She pressed a kiss to his lips, and it took all his attention not to take her again. He’d made plans for the day, and he was determined to stick to them. Even if they hadn't reconciled, she was a sucker for the beach, even when it was cold, so he’d planned to take her to lunch, take her to get her nails done, and take her to walk the little shops he’d found. It would make her smile, and he’d missed the little trips they’d taken before. Other than going to the cabin, something she’d planned, it had been years between work and school and money. For their tenth anniversary, he was already planning, even though there was just over a year to plan. He wanted to take her back to New Orleans, just the pair of them together now and no disappointment on her part that her mom was there but ignoring her. 
“I planned a day for us.” His hands trailed her spine, and he realized something else had shifted since he told her the reality. While he thought it wasn’t possible, he felt even closer to her. The men in his family, though well intentioned, had always told him it would be viewed as weaker to share his emotional world with anyone. They thought it was a little girly for him to be as sappy with her as he tended to be, tearing up at weddings and when he talked about how proud of her he was. But the bad things? Those were weaknesses that would drive her away. The realization that the depression and inability to separate work from her didn’t scare her off made him realize that letting her see it wasn’t going to break them. Hell, it seemed to bring her closer.
“Yeah. Lunch on the beach. Little walk on the beach after. Manicure- I know you, Tor. Don’t try to say you got one for Bella’s weddin. You love them but won’t take yourself ever- and then we can walk around some of the little shops and stuff.”
“That sounds like a real romantic day, Dom.”
“What can I say? I learned my lesson about not being romantic.”
“I’m excited to come home.”
“Me too, Tor.”
Tag: @cycat4077 @fear-less-write-more
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This is my entry for Thominho Week 2020, Day 5 with the alternative prompt “Hands”
Characters: Thomas x Minho
1227 words
Tags: Canon compliant, part post-canon, FLUFF
“Wow, your hands are so cold” he had commented while covering the brunet’s hands with his own, warming them up. Thomas was too shock and busy trying not to blush to do or say anything. Besides, what could he have done? The tan skin on his just felt so good.
You can also read it on AO3 and ff.net
It had started one day, in the maze. They were eating their lunch and Minho had just handed him an apple. Their fingers had grazed and immediately, the Asian man had took Thomas's hands.
"Wow, your hands are so cold" he had commented while covering the brunet's hands with his own, warming them up. Thomas was too shock and busy trying not to blush to do or say anything. Besides, what could he have done? The tan skin on his just felt so good.
"Is it better?" Minho had asked, like it was the most normal thing in the world to just warm up their best friend's hands.
"Y-yeah… thanks…"
"Come on, we have to get going."
They had packed up their things and started running again with Thomas trying to hide his red cheeks.
The second time it happened, it was because of Thomas who was about to take a wrong turn. Minho had grabbed his hand, pulling him in the right direction. But instead of dropping his hand after being right on track, the older boy just kept holding it. They had run like this, hands in hands, until they had reached the Glade. It had been so natural; the two of them, running in sync, as if they have been doing this their whole lives.
They had received some weird stares by the others once they had arrived, but Thomas had been too busy trying to calm down his racing heart. He could still feel the Keeper's touch on him and he had found himself disappointed when they separated. He wanted more and he didn't understand why.
Minho started holding his hand more and more. Sometimes while running, other times when they were eating in the Glade – which earned them some looks from the Gladers, but nobody said a thing – and even once or twice when they slept next to each other.
Thomas, however, was still having butterflies every time they touched. It was really weird.
They were eating in the maze, once again, when the Keeper went and put his arms around the brunet's shoulders. He continued eating like this while Thomas was – again – blushing hard. He was starting to enjoy it way too much. Yeah, Minho was his closest friend, along with Teresa, but he never felt that way for the girl.
He wanted to be close to Minho. Physically close. And only to Minho.
He was so confused.
It became even more important. Minho's hands were becoming so important for Thomas. They were always there for him.
Pulling him to his feet during the storm in the Scorch, making sure he kept running, making sure he was safe. Saving him from the cranks. Pulling him to the Keeper's chest when he got back to the Scorch after WICKED treated the gun shot. Holding him down when WICKED was controlling him.
Minho's hands were always there. They were comforting, reassuring and most of all, they made him feel secure. In Minho's hands, in Minho's arms, Thomas knew he was safe.
But… could he tell the older boy how he felt?
In the Safe Haven, the habit kept going. When eating, when on a walk on the beach, sometime on a run the two runners loved doing together, and especially during the night… they were always holding hands. And honestly? Thomas loved it. He loved the contrast of the tan skin against his. He loved the warmth they provided him. He loved how they made him feel safe. He loved them.
Thomas heard other immunes commenting on it, saying things like "They make such a cute couple" or "They really love each other, don't they?"
Was it that? Were they in love?
While they were resting on the beach, like they often did after a long day, Thomas asked Minho.
"Are you serious right now?" Minho replied.
"Thomas, I literally told you back in Denver!" the Asian said, sounding a little annoyed. "Yes, I love you!"
"B-but… I thought…"
"You thought what? That I didn't mean it? You really are a dumb shank."
Thomas was speechless. So many emotions were going through his body that he couldn't process them all.
"But now the questions is…" Minho said, now sounding nervous. "Do you feel the same?"
Yeah? Was he in love with Minho?
He stared at him, trying to find the answer. The dark eyes were looking at him in hope, the beautiful bronze skin shined in the rays of the sunset and the pink lips looked so inviting. Had Minho always been this attractive?
The Keeper was the most important person in his live. He always has been. Of course, he cared about Frypan, Brenda, Jorge and even Gally now. And he cared about those he lost. But Minho? He was special.
His eyes trailed back to the Asian's mouth and a weird thought came to his mind.
He wanted to kiss Minho. Right now.
So he did.
Like their hands, their lips fitted perfectly together. Thomas grabbed the other boy's shirt as butterflies were threatening to burst out of him. Emotions he never felt when Teresa had kissed him were invading his body. It was overwhelming.
Minho took few seconds to recover from his surprise, but quickly responded to the kiss, cupping the boy's face in his hands to bring him even closer. At the warm touch on him, Thomas couldn't help but moaned. In any normal circumstances, he probably would have felt embarrassed, but right now, it didn't matter, it just felt too good.
Minho deepened the kiss and one of his hands went to run into the brown soft hair. Thomas immediately melted. Minho's hands were on him… Minho's hands were on him…
But it wasn't just his hands, Thomas realized. It was never really just about the hands. It was Minho as a whole. It was Minho who was always there, who made him feel secure, who helped him when he needed it, who made him feel… loved.
He was in love with his best friend. He was in love with Minho.
And right now, it was just the best feeling in the world. Nothing else mattered. It was only Minho. Just Minho. He couldn't think of anything else.
"I guess I have my answer" the Asian said after breaking the kiss. His breath was still uneven and he was looking at Thomas with so much tenderness. "Yeah" he replied shyly. "I love you too."
"I'm glad." Minho had the biggest smile ever on his face, showing of his dimples. Again, when did he become so attractive?
"So.. are we…"
"I guess.."
Thomas smiled. He had a boyfriend now. He never thought it would have happened one day. And on top of it? His boyfriend was Minho.
"Cuddle with me?" he asked. He could never get enough of Minho's touches.
"Yeah, anything for my touch-starved shuck-face" the Keeper responded with a smirk. They laid down in the sand, Thomas curled up to his friend… boyfriend he corrected himself.
They stayed like this for a while, in silence, just enjoying this… connection that they had. The brunet took one of the older boy's hand and his and intertwined their fingers together.
"You know… you have beautiful hands" he said, absently.
"You sure you're okay Tommy?" Minho laughed.
"Yeah, I'm alright."
In your arms, I'll always be alright.
Hope you liked this one!
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cartoonfantic8 · 4 years
Caleo Headcanons from @winryofresembool Uni AU!
Hey guys, so @winryofresembool made this story of a college AU, staring Caleo! Now I’m a real sucker for this ship as you can see, and it dosen’t get much love (it gets way to much hate). It’s honestly a really cute fic, I’m have a feeling there’s going to some angst later, but that’s my prediction. It’s written pretty well, and I personally like there writing style. There’s honestly not enough AU’s that are the other canon ships such as Frazel, Caleo, and Jiper, so it’s pretty refreshing to see an AU that isn’t Percbeth or Solangelo (which don’t get me wrong I love these two couples but there’s a lot of AU and fics about them and the other three are background relationships), so it’s refreshing. I’m American and not British so I use terms Americans normally use such as college or dorm, so I’m sorry if I say dorm or college. It’s a good fic so I’ll leave a link below, it’s on Ao3! This might not 100 % align with there headcanons or story on there page, this is how I imagine it. I recommend reading the fic before your read these!
Leo is a sucker for movies where a robot and human becomes friends. He watch them with his family and Jo will be like “why are you crying over a Disney movie?” And Leo will be like “because Baymax sacrificed himself for Hiro?!”
I feel like he sometimes like horror movies or thrillers. He likes murder mysteries, or movies with a mystery so he can solve them, which is fun for him. He also likes a few dystopian movies.
Don’t ask me how or why but he defiantly has or had a motorcycle and one of those leather jackets but in red.
He can make some really good taco, like that’s one thing Jason misses when he moved out because after a long day of school and work, Leo will make homemade tacos from a recipe he learned from Esperanza
I can imagine him wearing sweatpants mostly, or those baggy pants and like a sweater tucked in or sweater vest. Otherwise he’ll wear suspenders.
He lives off caffeine, when he works late on a big project, Starbucks is his home. At this point, he will go to a local Starbucks and they just know his order.
He listens to a lot of Hip Hop or upbeat music. Most of the time he’ll listen to what’s on the radio.
Dosen’t read much because of his dyslexia but he’ll read those old Marvel comics from the 90’s or something like that. He’s a sucker for Mavel and will watch all the movies, the day it comes out. Tony Stark is his favorite character, because he’s a genius and the most sarcastic piece of shit ever. When he was 7, he went as Ironman for Halloween. (Also I know the timelines won’t add up because Marvel didn’t come out till the late 2000, but screw it just pretend the movies came out in the early 2000’s)
He still flinches when an adult raises there voice or hand sometimes. When Leo first was fostered by Jo and Emmie, whenever they raised there voice or hand he’ll have a look of fear in his eyes, or even back away a few steps. Once they picked up on it, the three had a talk about it and they found about some of the more absuive homes such as Teresa. They also found out that Leo never told social services because out of fear of what those people would do to him. Jo and Emmie were in shock and instantly gave him a hug, Jo was literally planning murder plots which Emmie stopped. It’s gotten better over the last few year but sometimes he’ll still tense up. (Just your daily dose of angst because why not)
When Leo first was fostered by Jo and Emmie, sometimes he and Georgina would fall asleep on the couch after watching a long movie. Emmie dosen’t want to disturb them so she’ll carefully put a blanket without waking them up.
Calypso is a sucker for all things 80’s or 90’s because that’s what she grew up with. She watches all the classics 80’s stuff like “The Breakfest Club”. She also listens to a bunch of 80’s or 90’s bands and music.
She listen to classical music when she’s sewing or gardening. After she moved out, she got into more pop like Pink or Taylor Swift. She also started watching some iconic movies like “Mean Girls”
Calypso hates horror movies like deeply hates them.
She’s very polite and has grown up to be prim and proper, she’ll be fancy at dinner sometimes and Leo will be like “why the fuck are you using manners”
She’s learned how to play piano and has got pretty good at it over the years. She also really good at cooking, more specially Greek style food.
She’s in to period dramas and really into classical books. Otherwise Calypso is into Greek mythology or even Fanstasy books.
She recently got into “Peter Johnson and the Olympians”, after she moved out. She ships Peterbell, the ship between the two main characters Peter Johnson and Annabell Cheese.
She will go in rants anout Greek mythology, like serious rants about how the Greek Gods are mostly jerks and there a lot of innocent people who got hurt or punished from them for no good reason. Sometimes she’ll rant to Leo and he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
She wears long, flowly white dresses. She wear jeans and nice shirts that are sort of fancy, and white sandals. She dosen’t wear makeup because she’s naturally just pretty.
She’s really chill when you get to know her. Like she’s pretty flowly and patient most of the time. She loves garderning and her favorite plant is moon lace.
Her dream is to grow a proper garden that’s full of Moonlace.
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rosegoldannie · 4 years
Secrets I (Elriel quarantine fic)
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Here’s a lil Elriel fic, sorry it’s so short!
The sun shone brightly through the thin, gossamer curtain allowing buttery sunlight to shine through the curtains onto a tan, chiseled face. That warm ray of sunshine urged him to awaken and seize the day, to make the most of the springtime sunshine before it became gloomy clouds and morose raindrops.
He huffed out an annoyed sigh, shoving that silken pillow over his head to block out that light, and the birds that awoke and sang along with it, their cheery song both high-pitched and strangely soothing. He wanted absolutely nothing more than to go back to sleep and pretend that everything which had been happening for the last several days had been nothing more than some sort of a strange dream, from which he would soon awaken.
Somewhere distantly, he heard someone clattering and clunking around in the kitchen, pots and pans crashing loudly together with jarring clangs. Azriel sighed, as the beginnings of a migraine began pounding behind his eyes. Resigned, he began the long process of getting out of bed, taking a break between each step to reminisce about how much he would rather be asleep.
After a particularly loud crash, he half-stumbled, half-slid his way into the kitchen, both stunned and utterly unsurprised at the sight before him: Elain was mixing together several different suspicious substances in a large bowl, which was filled to the brim with foaming bubbles.
She glanced up, and instantly seemed to recognize the burning question in his dark eyes. “I promise I have a reasonable explanation for this.” She promised, those rosy lips curling into a warm, sweet smile even as her cheeks pinkened.
Azriel’s lips curled into a polite grimace, eyes wandering over the foaming substance, that was both somehow thick and runny. “Alright…” He muttered, keeping that bowl at an arm's length. “Do I want to know your explanation?”
A strange, wet slurp came from that bowl as a bubble rose slowly to the surface, then popped, and Elain let out a stiff giggle. “Heh...Would you believe me if I said I was making pancakes?”
“I think Gordon Ramesey might need a restraining order.”
She leaned over, slapping his forearm lightly. “It’s not that bad. Is it?”
His stomach gave a painful tug. “No offense El, that looks disgusting.”
Elain huffed a laugh. “None taken. Too bad we can’t just order pancakes from Rita’s.”
Azriel hummed his agreement, moving to help her clean up the mess, while mulling over the news wafting in from the TV in the living room. As he rounded the counter, he found that she was in one of her old gardening t-shirts, and a pair of sweatpants that looked frighteningly similar to a pair of his own sweatpants that mysteriously disappeared a few weeks prior.
They worked in quiet harmony together, both listening to the latest updates regarding the virus. “...Governor announced that the quarantine will last for a minimum of two weeks, though it is possible it could go on for as long as five. During this time, Governor Inslee has mandated that all non-essential shops and stores close their doors, and all non-essential workers be sent home. We also ask that those who have the resources to please work from home, or telecommute if possible to prevent the spread of COVID19. The governor will be giving daily updates on any new information that we receive.”
The doe-eyed girl let out a huff, watching as Azriel emptied her mixture into the garbage with a wet thwap. “I can’t believe this.”
He glanced up. “What? That we can’t order pancakes?”
“No, I mean the virus. This doesn’t feel real.”
Humming his agreement, he began washing the dishes. “Me neither. This feels like we’re stuck in some sort of a dystopian novel, or some bad dream that we’ll wake up from.” Making to open the fridge, to put away the milk and eggs, Azriel let out a groan, running a hand down his face.
Elain, seated on the counter, hopped down. “What’s wrong?”
He stepped aside, allowing her to see into the fridge. “We have to make a run to the store. We’re out of almost everything.” Indeed, the fridge was nearly empty save for a few beers, and a loaf of nearly-molding bread.
With both twenty-something adults muttering curses that would have paint peeling from the walls, they lumbered out of Azriel’s house, and down to his truck. Elain scurried back into the house, then re-emerged wearing a hoodie that was most certainly Azriel’s, and carrying two bandanas, One black, and one pale pink.
She slipped into the passenger seat, and buckled herself in. Azriel chuckled at his best friend as he pulled out of the driveway, and the car crackled down the gravel pathway towards the highway. He pretended not to notice as she connected her phone to the AUX, even when god-awful pop music began blaring through his speakers.
Letting out a squeal, she turned the volume down, and began shuffling through her albums. Again, he pretended not to notice when he glanced over, and saw her familiar disney playlist.
He finally caved when she began plating under the sea, and let out a loud and fake groan. “No way in hell am I going to listen to this.” He moaned, fighting the grin that tugged at his lips.
Elain grinned, a lock of wavy blonde hair slipping out of her ponytail. “Oh, really?” She teased, wriggling her phone in the air. “Seems like I have the AUX, not you.” She teased,
Azriel let out an offended sound, keeping his eyes on the mostly empty highway before them. “Come on!” He moaned, feigning being hurt. “Everyone knows that the driver gets the AUX. You’re not being fair.”
“Oh, the driver gets the AUX?”
“Yeah, he does.”
“Really?” His best friend teased.
“Says who?” Elain grinned, turning sideways in her seat to fame him.
“Says me.” He stated, that grin at last slipping through. “My car, my rules.”
Elain let out a joking huff, but switched the songs.
Instantly, he recognized the melody, and began singing along. Once they reached the chorus, he began to belt it out. “Into the UnknOOOOOOOooooOOOOooown!” 
Elain squealed, covering mer ears. “You’re awful!” She teased, sending him a silly glare.
He only smiled. “Come on, Acheron.” He teased, nudging her with his elbow as they pulled into the grocery store parking lot. “You love it.”  Elain shook her head wildly, then tied her bandana around her face and slipped from the car.
Turning his truck off, he slipped the keys into the pocket of his hoodie, put his bandana on, and followed Elain towards the store. Once he reached the entrance, he glanced around. A strange feeling settling in his gut when it dawned on him that he couldn’t see her.
Suddenly, something warm and heavy slammed into his back, small arms wrapping around his neck. Azriel let out a winded gasp as Elain burst into joyous laughter. “Got you!” she sing-songed, skipping a short ways ahead, and leading him into the store.
“Nah, you didn’t.” He teased, stopping to pick out a cart, and rolling it into the store. 
“What?” She gaped, shoving her way against his side to help him push that cart. He gave in, wrapping one arm around her, the other still pushing the cart and ignored the fluttering in his chest. “I so, totally, got you.”
“How?” She demanded, as they began to pick necessities off the shelves and tossing them into the cart.
Azriel sent her a wicked grin. “Because you’re short.” He teased, tossing in a few cans of soup. “I was only worried that you got run over by a caterpillar.”
She gave him a jokingly furious glare. “I’m short? Really?”
Leading them towards the produce aisle, he grinned. “Yep, I have to make sure I don’t accidentally step on you.”
Elain let out an offended gasp. “You’re one to talk, mister six foot six.”
“Hmm?” He teased, cupping a hand to his ear. “I can’t hear you down there.”
She harrumphed, and began loading in some more groceries. “I’m a perfectly normal height, sir.” She muttered, tossing in a packet of rosemary. “You, on the other hand, are freakishly tall.”
“Oh, please.” He muttered, placing a bag of apples into the cart. “I’ve seen garden gnomes taller than you.”
Elain froze, then turned towards him. For a split second, he turned cold, fearing that he had somehow hit a nerve and offended her. He waited several seconds for her to burst out laughing, but she didn’t, and Azriel’s stomach began roiling and knotting. “El, I-”
He was interrupted by her sticking her tongue out at him, and blowing a raspberry, and bursting into uncontrollable laughter, her eyes clenching shut as tears rolled down her pink cheeks.
Azriel turned the cart, and began moving towards the checkout lines. “You’re insufferable. You know that, right?” He muttered when she finally caught up to him.
“I know.” She chirped, beaming.
His stomach flipped painfully at the sight.
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svucarisiaddict · 5 years
Blue or pink??
"You're pretty cute," you said as you pulled your shirt over your baby bump. Sonny offered his hand and helped you sit upright on the exam table. The smile on his face was contagious and you couldn't help but return it.
"I love seeing you excited about something."
"I can't wait til this weekend is all," he replied. Sonny had basically planned the gender reveal party scheduled for Saturday afternoon by himself.
"Me either. So what do you think? Boy or girl?" you asked.
"Ah, you know I don't care, doll. As long as they're healthy is all I ask for." He brought your knuckles to his lips and kissed your hand.
The sonographer returned to the exam and handed Sonny the sealed envelope that had your baby's gender written on a slip of paper. "Thank you, ma'am," he nodded at the lady and slipped the envelope inside the pocket of his suit jacket.
Sonny placed his hand at the small of your back leading you from the room. He had your coat draped over one arm and helped you slide it on before walking out into the harsh New York winter.
Once he made sure you were safely in the car he closed your door then jogged to the driver side. "What sounds good for dinner?"
"Wait. You don't have to go back to work?" you asked in surprise.
"Nope. I'm all yours," Sonny answered as he cautiously pulled into traffic.
"And don't you forget it, Dominick."
He chuckled. "Doll, you got nothin' to worry about."
Saturday rolled around and your house was buzzing with activity. Sonny was up early to do last minute cleaning. Bella and Tommy arrived early to help set up tables, and decorate. Your families started trickling in slowly. First your parents and brother with his husband and two kids. Then Sonny's huge family. Before you knew it your backyard was filled with family and friends.
As you made your rounds saying hello to everyone you could feel Sonny’s eyes on you. He was protective by nature but even more so since you found out you were pregnant. You smiled at him then mouthed ‘I love you.’
“Oh gah guys,” Teresa said. “You act like two teenagers always giving each other googly eyes, and kissin’ and touchin’. Surprised you don’t have more little Dom’s runnin’ round,” she exclaimed.
“Give us a couple more years and we’ll have a yard full,” Sonny said elbowing his sister gently. He leaned over kissing your cheek where you were resting in one of the oversized patio chairs
Sonny had insisted on.
She playfully punched his shoulder. “So when are we gonna find out what kind of spawn you created?”
As if on cue, Bella walked in with the large balloon that was filled with either pink or blue confetti. “Right about now,” Sonny stated. He took your hand helping you to stand. Once the guests formed a semi-circle in the middle of the yard Sonny started his little speech. “First of all, Y/N and I want to thank everyone that was able to join is today. It makes my heart happy to see how many people already love our little one as much as we do. So, without further delay…” Sonny held the large silver balloon between you. “On the count of three. One. Two. Three.”
You closed your eyes just as the balloon popped. When you opened them a shower of blue confetti filled the air. “A little Dom!” you cheered.
Sonny picked you up and swung you around. He placed you on your feet then kissed you passionately much to the delight of your guests. When he broke free he rested his forehead to yours and cupped your face. “We’re havin’ a boy,” Sonny whispered. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You gripped his wrists looking into his blue eyes shining with tears. The best you could do was nod and grin like a fool. After a few seconds family and friends started congratulating and hugging, kissing you there were even a couple high fives.
“We have one more small announcement.” You waited until the guests quieted down before continuing. Sonny gazed down at you and smiled. “This isn’t just a gender reveal party. It’s also an engagement party. Sonny and I got engaged last weekend!” You pulled the ring from your dress pocket and slid it back on your finger.
There was a mix of gasps, giggles, cheers from the crowd and sniffling from your Mom and Sonny’s Ma. Your Dad was the only one who knew. Sonny being traditional of course asked your Dad before proposing.
“Okay, everyone. Let’s party!” Sonny announced.
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okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: Il corso di aggiornamento.
Prompt: Penelope and Grace met during the refresh course mentioned in episode 5x14 of The Mentalist.
Warning: Crossover with The Mentalist and NCIS.
Genre: comedy, humor, family, romantic, friendship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Grace Van Pelt, Wayne Rigsby, Matt Simmons, Kimball Cho, BAU team, Patrick Jane, Teresa Lisbon, Abby Sciuto, Kevin Lynch.
Pairing: Garvez, Rigspelt, (slightly Jisbon).
Note: oneshot 35 in Garvez collection. 
Legend: 💏😘🔦🎬.
Song mentioned: Il mestiere della vita, Tiziano Ferro.
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This is my first crossover. I think it’s interesting to compare Garvez and Rigspelt dinamic and devolopment.
It had been a very bad case. Not that there had ever been beautiful or bearable case, but something had made it worst and the blonde IT had remained in suspense until Emily had called to warn that everything was fine: the victim was safe and the criminal in handcuffs, all alive. No further bloodshed. But yet.
She sighs, shaking her head and whispering in a low voice alone, appearing in the bullpen just as her entire team exits the elevator. She says a general greeting and then kidnaps the other blonde woman. -JJ, I need help, it's an emergency!- from the way she blinks her eyes her friend understands that it's not too serious, so she nods and lets herself be dragged to the refreshment area, while their colleagues look at them disappearing.
-What happens, Garcia?- she leans on the cabinet. It is only ten o'clock and, leaving now, she has at least an hour to spend with Will.
-This!- she answers, showing a sheet of paper from the official appearance. The woman scrutinizes it carefully, sliding her eyes up and down those lines. Then she looks up until she meets Penelope's.
-Well, it seems like a good thing.- she can’t quite grasp what the problem is. -You have been chosen among thousands of candidates, you must be proud of this. Not that you need a piece of paper like that, to realize that you're the best technician available... but it's still a nice recognition.- of course there is something that she can’t understand.
-No! I mean, if you put it in that way it's a good thing, but... can you see me, JJ? Me, teaching someone else? No, I have the urticaria just think about it. No way.- she's really scared, she's not pretending. But yet…
-But if you act in play! How do you can declaim in front of an entire audience and let yourself put in crisis from an interview with some journalist or a class of people like you, eating out of your hand?- a moment of pause and some exchange of looks. -Yes, I know. Reid told me about it. I'm sorry I lost it, I'm sure you were great on both occasions.- she says it lightly, but thinks it seriously. The other decides to let it go.
-As I told our colleagues seven years ago, it's different. When I act, it's no longer me, so I don’t feel embarrassed. But... teach... and I will also have to keep a kind of final exam, to release the certificate of success of the course. How can I interrogate someone if I will be more anxious than them?- while talking Penelope prepares a cup of tea. Indeed, chamomile.
-I'm sure you'll make it. When they see who you are, they will all fall in love with you, like everyone in the universe. Nobody can resist your charm, baby girl.- she says with Morgan's tone, getting a giggle and a flushed face in return. -And you can always ask Spencer, he held a seminar and lived a week as a professor... certainly has some advice to give you.- here is the perfect solution. Will, I'm coming.
-You're right!- she thanks her with a hug. When she opens her eyes, she sees the wonder boy in the doorway .
-Anyone of you said my name?-
Close the door when you go out, because there is too much of you inside, then don’t turn around, wait again, you'll be surprised... how much dreams you have to catch up on... you can’t divide them in two...
-Damn it. I wanted to greet her, before she left. I had also bought some flowers...- the man doesn’t realize that he is not the only one in the room. A sigh is heard from the desk next to his.
-When will you admit it?- Wayne stops staring at the bunch in front of him and turns to his colleague, who hasn’t changed the slightest expression and continues quietly to write his own report on the case solved. He shakes his head. Having the ice man as your best friend sometimes (i.e. often), is exasperating.
-Admit what?- he plays innocent, though he knows it never worked. Yet, he doesn’t stop trying, from eternal positive what has always been. But neither does the other seem to want to give up.
-You're still in love with Grace.- though he was expecting it, he can’t help but be surprised. He opens his mouth to say something, then closes it, thinking about it, then opens it a second time, trying not to notice that hint of irony, almost invisible for those who don’t know him personally, on his friend's face.
-I'm not in love with Grace. I have a son with another woman, a lot of time has passed, we're just friends.- two truths out of four, it's a good average. For about half a minute, the Asian man simply stares at him, then decides that it is worth trying to voice out what he is thinking.
-Sure. Are you trying to convince yourself or me? In any case you are doing a bad job.- the most irritating and destabilizing thing at the same time, is given by his tone, practically flat, devoid of emotions and for this even more ironic and sharp.
-Thank you, Cho. You're a friend.- Wayne rolls his eyes, standing up and taking his things. He turns to the other man, still busy writing something on a piece of paper. Sometimes he has doubted that his friend was actually a robot; it would explain many things, like this.
-You’re welcome.- he answers him without taking his eyes off the desk.
 Los Angeles
She is agitated as she walks, dragging her suitcase along an avenue of the city of the angels. It is certainly not the first time that she participates in a seminar like that, but she had always found herself sitting quietly in the middle of a group of nerds like her, not on the other side, up, on that damn desk, perfectly visible to everyone. Why the hell had they proposed her? There really has no one more suitable?
She stops at the reception to get the card of her room, then she goes to the elevator. As soon as the doors open, she seems to be dreaming. On board there is a thin, tall woman, dressed in a white shirt and a red Scottish miniskirt, her hair gathered in two tails like Pippi Longstocking, next to a pink suitcase with a skull painted on it. -Abby?- she asks, uncertain whether to believe her eyes. The other woman also looks at her in the same way.
-Garcie!- as soon as she gets in and the doors close, two women and two pink suitcases to carry, the brunette drags her in a crushing hug. -I was hoping to see you. How are you? You have made progress with...- Penelope stops her instantly before she can say that name. At least for the time she will spend in this city she wants to pretend that he doesn’t exist and that she doesn’t have a crush (euphemism to say she is in love, with no hope of recovery) on one of her colleagues.
-And you with McGee? Are you two back together?- it takes little to silence her. Not even Abby seems willing to talk about her sentimental situation. They exchange a knowing smile, while the numbers scroll in the displays next to them.
If you want to come back ok, come back really, because if you come back I'll come back as I was... no, it's not life to take off our wings, entrusted to the care of the memories of who you love and you... let it be... the craft of life and you... let it go...
-Guys, we have a case. For this week Garcia will be no here, she is busy with the refresher course. Kevin Lynch will replace her. Kevin, you can start.- Emily sits down in her seat, while someone, to be exact, a man with Latin traits and dark hair, stares at the stranger as if he were an alien or a monster. A refresher course, Garcia? He struggles to concentrate on the case.
-Thank you, Prentiss. Yesterday evening, in Kingman, Arizona, they shot two different men at an hour's distance from each other. The same thing happened last week, at the same time, but in a nearby town, Yuma. Both are close to the Californian border. This is why the police asked for help from the FBI.- the bespectacled man explains with great detail and the correct images appear behind him. When the screen lights up with images of the autopsy, Lynch turns quietly to add some detail and the Latin can’t help but compare it to Garcia. She would never have done it. She usually had looked at those things only once, preparing the presentation of the case, and then she has simply told them in words, not concealing the disgust and contempt she had felt.
-Which are other common characteristics among the victims?- the oldest takes the floor, leafing through his dossier, strictly paper, as well as that of the youngest member of the team.
-They were all just got out of a bad divorce, finished in court. Jefferson had a son, Dewey two little girls and the others none.- instead of the computer technician the boss answers, just as she usually does.
-Thompson was a lawyer, Dewey a librarian, Welles a janitor and Jefferson was unemployed.- comments the only blonde that it's here, which has certainly noticed the loss gaze of his colleague, the way he looks at Lynch and his being taciturn. Perhaps this refresher course will not only reinforce Penelope's confidence in herself.
-What can you tell me about wives, Kevin?- again Prentiss asks. From the way she talks to him, it is clear that she has known him for some time.
-Welles wife died last month. The others all enjoy excellent health. Two housewives and a fashion consultant.- the man answers promptly, with his voice that the Latin agent finds, without knowing the reason, extremely annoying. Perhaps it is simply too different from that of Garcia to whom he is so used (and fond).
-Advise Kingman's police to call them, so we'll talk to them,after we'll land.- Emily sends her tablet to stand-by and pushes the chair away from the table.
-It will be done.- Kevin turns off the screen and starts to settle to be able to transfer into the bat-cave. The others imitate the chief.
-Perfect. Wheel’s up in twenty minutes. As soon as the sentence is pronounced, everyone gets up and heads to their desks, a bag ready that awaits everyone. The man with oriental features looks at his friend for a while and then shakes his head.
-Alvez, you're thoughtful. You have trouble with the mysterious girl?- he teases him. He even doubted the existence of this phantom lady. Not because Luke can’t have a girlfriend, in fact, he is quite objective to recognize that he is a handsome man, by female standards and not only... his wife even confirmed it. Fortunately, he is not a jealous type.
-Who? Uh, you mean Lisa.- for a moment he even forget that name. -No, that is... it didn’t really work, but I wasn’t thinking of her.- he is stuttering, scratching his head and he tries three times before successfully succeeding in closing the shoulder bag that always accompanies him in every mission.
-Oh, understood.- a pause before he reaches him. -Maybe are you thinking of a certain blonde with glasses?- he lowers his voice, because he loves him, but the other blushes instantly as soon as he feels the description of their computer technician whose absence today doesn’t it had certainly gone unnoticed.
-What?- despite his body has unmasked him, he still try to play innocent, he doesn’t even know why, to protect a residue of pride? -No!- the first phase is denial. But it doesn’t last long. -Ok, yes, I was thinking of Garcia.- then there is admission, but it is always a partial acceptance of the gravity of the situation. -Well, it's just...- he tries to get away the embarrassment. -... it is strange to think that when the screen will light up, we will not hear her voice and we will not see her and her colorful clothes...- maybe this last part he should have kept it for himself, if he really wanted to convince his friend and colleague that there wasn’t nothing weird in thinking of Penelope. -Don’t look at me in that way. It's all here.- he also raises his hands in surrender.
-Sure, Luke. If you can believe it...- Matt chuckles, shaking his head. The last sentence in a low voice.
-What do you mean?- they begin to walk to get to the jet.
- Nothing, friend, let's focus on the case.-
And I will flee from these looks because they don’t perceive, the pains that I have kept silent, and that bury me, you go and find smile again, I wait for you here anyway...
-I was lucky I worn the bulletproof vest.- the two men walk side by side outside a building with a familiar façade. A hospital. Many ambulances, with their flashing lights, run behind them.
-Yes, Grace wouldn’t have forgiven me if you  had died while she was absent.- that of the eastern lines pushes a button that automatically opens all the doors of the car, including the trunk, then turns to help the friend to get on board. In fact, he has a bandage on the arm that prevents it from moving comfortably. Just a precaution, the nurse told him.
-Why do we always have to talk about Grace?- he still try to protest, but as soon as he raises his tone of voice, all the ribs, hit by the force of the bullet's impact, start to pain. -Whatever, you're right.- as always, at the end he yields. -In fact, if I decided to put the bulletproof vest is just because of her. Remember that time we went knocking on all those doors, in that bad place, and a guy fired at her? I hadn’t worn it, but she, thank God, yes. She only cracked a few ribs, but she would have died if she hadn’t worn it. She has always been the most responsible among us. Here is the usual interminable monologue on his fixed object. Meanwhile, the Asian put himself in the driver's seat, slammed the door and inserted the key to start the engine.
-Yeah. Did you text her?- he puts it in gear, crushing the clutch, accelerating.
-What? And why should I?- he sees the friend's gaze through the rearview mirror. It speaks a lot more than all those phrases that he uses to try to deny the obvious, what everyone knows, except (perhaps) the other person concerned.
-Because you're in love with her and today you got shot because you weren’t concentrated enough.- it is not from him saying a whole long sentence. For the friend, who has known him for a long time, it is a sign that he is really worried about him. He swallows. -I don’t want to tell her that you're dead because you're a coward and you'd rather face bullets than tell her you still love her.- even worse. The situation is very serious.
-I am not a coward.- he denies, in doubt, always deny.
-You are. You aren’t able to tell her that you're still in love with her.- and damn it, why he doesn’t have a normal best friend, able to express his reproaches by changing his expression, why does his face have to be like the stone face of Buster Keaton?
-I don’t...- this time he doesn’t even let him end.
-You never stopped.- seraphic, impassive. And terribly on the side of reason.
-I have to go to Ben. Say hello to your imaginary girlfriend and tell her that she's really lucky, to be with someone who understands human feelings like you.-
 Los Angeles
She expected something great, but not so much. She feels like a child in a candy store. There are too many things that attract her attention and not enough time to deepen. The first day of the course ended and her response is definitely positive. Above all, the two hours of profiling have passed in a flash. The woman who is teaching it is definitely out of the ordinary, but she already knew her. She's a myth, among computer science lovers like her. Grace raises her head and here... she finds that woman in front of her, in the queue in the dining room.
The blonde looks around, for who knows why, and immediately notices her. -Hey, you're Grace Van Pelt, the Agent from Sacramento! CBI, right?- the red-haired woman stays for a moment shocked. How does the BAU oracle know her name and where does she work? Well, it's a stupid question, in fact, but the meaning wasn't how the hell could she find out, but why she knew it. She didn’t believe she was so famous or important.
-Yes, right.- she blushes, like a little girl waiting for her favorite singer to sign her an anonymous and photocopied dedication. -I'm flattered that Penelope Garcia knows who I am.- she tries to behave like a mature, adult person. Everything is facilitated by the attitude of Penelope, who behaves like a human being and not like the star of her posters. First of all, she smiles at her, and that smile would dazzle anyone.
-Don’t belittle you, girl.- she takes another step towards the buffet. -You are very good, and I don’t tell it to everyone, even though I may seem very sweet, and I am, but...- she brushes her arm in a friendly and comforting gesture. Then a confused expression appears on her face. -...what was I saying? Oh yes. You're very good, I saw it from how you responded to the first test... or maybe I'm becoming a profiler, by dint of being surrounded of them...- she bursts out laughing and even her laugh is contagious. Yes, Garcia is definitely her favorite teacher of this course.
-Thank you, really.- more and closer to the goal. -You don’t know how this makes me happy.- then she realizes that she used a tone too informal and unsuitable for an exchange of opinions between a teacher and a student. -Sorry, I don’t want to seem…- now the damage is done.
Fortunately, Penelope seems to think otherwise. -Hey, even if I’m bigger than you, I like to feel young inside.- she winks at her. -And I'm not comfortable with all those formalisms. In fact, I think I was the first case in which the person really anxious was behind and not in front of the chair.- she confides, showing insecurities that make her even more nice. -I don’t think I'm very good at teaching. It was my first time.- she shrugs and watches the person before her fill a plate of potatoes with rosemary.
-No no, you did great!- Grace feels the need to reassure her. -All the class adores you. And then, let's face it, you're a legend in our field. I know people who have decided to devote themselves to computer science to follow in your footsteps.- and it is not a lie to make her feel better, but the pure truth. Penelope understands it both by the way in which she has talked, and by the fact that while she speaks, she looks straight into her eyes. Hell, maybe I'm really frequenting profilers for too long.
-Oh, you flatter me too much. But why are not you with others? I saw on the group's chat that they had organized an evening in a club below the hotel.- of course she didn’t even think of going there; it's okay to be informal, and wanting to feel as she would twenty years old, but actually, among so many young people, even younger than Van Pelt... no. And then, she never liked being in the crowd.
-I didn’t go, I prefer to stay here.- apparently she is not the only one. Finally, it's Penelope's turn. Grace watches her take only vegetables and nothing meat or fish. So, she's really vegetarian and animalist, it wasn’t an urban legend. She wonders if the voice of how she was assumed by the FBI is true. But then she comes back to earth. -I need some time to think...- she reveals, then sees the blonde get away while giving her the place. -No, don’t go away, Penelope.- without realizing she calls her by name, and seems to be the best choice.
The blonde automatically turns into a protective mother. It changes her whole attitude: the position of the shoulders, the half-closed eyes, wrinkles of worry on her forehead. -What's going on?- and that tone. But then she hurries to correct herself. -Sorry, I'm a nosey, I can’t help it. You don’t have to talk about it with me, but I seem to recognize the symptoms of sadness...- Garcia is talkative and tends to get lost, saying more than she intended to reveal. One more thing that makes them similar. -Men?- Grace nods as they walk away, looking for a table to sit down.
-You know, you really became a profiler.- she lets herself go to a sad smile. -Yes, it's for a man... he's a colleague. I fell in love with him as soon as I met him, during my first year at the CBI, but since I was educated in a certain way, I put the job first and I suffered a lot.- she starts talking, the words flow freely on her tongue. It is clear that this, talking about the whole thing, was something that she had needed for a long time. And Penelope seems to be the right person, willing to listen without judging her and perhaps even able to help her. -Here...- she struggles to pronounce his name -Wayne, is so sweet, and clumsy, but he knows how to say things that make your legs tremble. He is also naive, unable to do harm. He courted me lightly and then more and more explicitly and I tried to reject him at the beginning, because we are colleagues and you know that you can’t...- she looks dreamy as she describes these moments and certainly the profiler by association notices it.
-Yes, stupid rule not to fraternize. We removed it, fortunately.- but this is not the reason why the blonde is perfectly able to understand the problems of the youngest, unfortunately. If it was just for that!
-I rejected him for a while, but in the end, I gave up. We were together secretly, and it was... very nice. From all points of view, but I... I was too young, and I don’t think I was ready for a real story. So I brok up with him.- here is the epilogue that no one wanted to hear.
-For all the gigabyte of the world, that’s a story. I seemed to be immersed in one of the novels that I reading while I wait for the team to call me and inform me that they had taken the unsub.- they have practically not touched food, so much are taken from the only argument able to make female solidarity bloom one thousandth of a second. Speaking (bad) about men.
-Yes, sometimes even to me it seems to live in a book or in a movie, but it is much less epic.- bitter truth. -And anyway... I'm not a profiler, and I wouldn’t want to meddle, but...- but already she's doing it, because she's no less curious than the other -also you seem to have those symptoms. Affairs of the heart? You too with a colleague?- target centered in full. Penelope looks down, seems to try to find a reason why she shouldn’t discuss it, but it's obvious that she really can’t wait. She had promised herself that he wouldn’t have existed in this sort of vacation in Los Angeles.
-Yes, I haven't talked to any of my best friends, not even with Morgan- Grace's face lights up hearing her say that name, in a different way, pure malice. -yes, I'm talking about the legendary Derek Morgan, I imagine that rumors about our alleged history have come up to Sacramento...- both the mouth and the eyes of the redhead laugh - here, I knew - she strives to return to the main topic. -Anyway, it's his fault, if I'm in this situation, but he's not the man who plays the main role in this novel.- but how does she talk? Why she can't talk as mere mortals? -No, the man in question is called...- she must sigh, swallow, sighs again to be able to do it. -Luke, and I struggle even to say his name aloud.- to give an idea of ​​how messed she is. -He took at Derek's place and I was determined to hate anyone who would have occupied that role... but...- she takes the phone out of the bag, goes into the gallery and finds that picture they had made together, when she had lost a bet from O'Keef. Losing had never been so beautiful. She shows it to her. -Tell me, how can you hate someone like him?- Grace peers at him carefully, far and wide, not just his face. How to blame her? It is not even the case to be jealous.
-Wow.- sincere reaction. -Yes, it's a bit difficult.- she laughs, then goes back to serious, grabs the wallet and pulls out a crumpled photo. -This is Wayne instead. It's her entire team, but they are the only ones that are really close. She points it out to her friend.
-Cute!- Penelope says. He seems as Sam. -He has it, the puppy' face.- yes, he looks like a good boy, of those who give flowers, of open doors, of those who dedicate poems and serenades. Of those that there are rare. Those like...
-Yeah, it's those damn big eyes.- Grace struggles to stop staring at him. -Anyway, talk, I'm so curios.- and it's true. Curiosity is one of her vices, very important and useful even in her work, but sometimes puts her in danger... but she has always able to keep it at bay. For once that she doesn't have to do it, she wants to take advantage of it. She puts herself in the listening position.
-Well, it's nothing like your story.- Penelope says. -In any case...- but she gives up soon. -He is not only so damn fascinating physically... unfortunately he is also kind, of those old-fashioned, likeable, witty... and since the first meetings he has adored tormenting me as much as I did. He asked me a lot of questions, personal, and I know he probably did it to everyone, it was just to get know... but... a part of me is not convinced. It wants to believe that it was different. It's pathetic.- yes, when she tries to describe their situation verbally, she realizes how stupid she looks, a little girl who lives with her head in the clouds. Which wanted to see education as other interests.
-No!- her friend protests, because by now she can be defined as such. -It's sweet, and it's simply...- she opening her eyes wide, with that serious expression, and manages to silence her.
-Please, don’t saying it.- as long as she can pretend to believe that it’s just a crush, then she can also live in a civilized way and maybe get out. But if by mistake she would even think about that word that begins with... -I was saying... for a while, like you, I managed to keep him away, a bit too much hard. I began to call him Newbie.- Grace can’t help but imagine the scene. Because that Luke didn’t look like Newbie, from any point of view. -Other problem insurmountable: I’m a vegetarian and animalist and he...- with a few clicks she reopens the photo gallery until she finds the image she seeks -he has this love on his side.- she also had other pic, indeed, the full phone, of Roxy's photo, as many as Sergio's, but, coincidentally, she went to choose right this one.
-But how nice it's!- she refers to the dog. But then the expression of the red girl changes. -Wait...- here, she has noticed. -...his arm is around your shoulders.- she says it accusingly, as if to say "you lied to me when you said nothing had happened between you two". Because that is a very significant contact, from Grace's point of view. Not all the arms around the shoulders between a man and a woman have that sense there, it depends on some details, like the position, like if someone smiles, even with the eyes, even if the rest of the body is in contact. And here are all those signals.
-Yes, I know.- Penelope throws herself into her defense. -Roxy, this is the name of the dog, loves to go for long walks and I don’t know how Luke managed to convince me every now and then to go with them.- this time it is hard to say his name. -I did it only for Roxy, let me be clear...- she puts her hands forward, as if she were swearing to tell the truth, nothing but the truth in court. -That day I had exaggerated and I was about to have a heart attack, so I allowed him to help me. And he took this picture and sent it to me the next day, in the middle of the night, while they were out on a case, along with the text... wait, I'll show you.- it doesn’t take long. She has kept all of his significant text messages. -Don’t dream of me tonight.- she reads, trying to imitate the deep tone of the man.
-Oh. Oh oh oh.- Grace only exclaims conspiratorially.
-Exactly, I couldn’t have said it better.- Penelope looks at her own plate and then at her friend's. It seems that neither of them was very hungry. -They are all slight provocations like these. We haven’t passed that threshold, you are at least lucky, you already know how it feels to stay with him, kiss him... I can’t even imagine, let's say I don’t even allow myself.- except than at night. When the sun went down and she was immersed in her own blankets, her head was doing what was to want, and here she fell into a thousand dreams that would never have become reality and left her the morning after bitter taste and a sense of loss of something that she would never had. -In the end, it's nothing like that, some look, some little jokes or text like this... an anti-stress kitten...- how can she not mention it? It had been one of the most epic moments between them, the one she really believed he was going to ask her out. Idiot.
-Anti-stress kitten?- Grace can’t understand.
-Yes, after having caught me crying because one of our colleague was unjustly in prison...- it is difficult to follow her. -... too long to explain...- she shrugs. -...he came back from the case with an anti-stress kitten, you know, one of those puppets that you squeeze and it sounds... and he added "for your future stressful days".- she imitates his voice again. -And he also said...- the moment of truth.
-What?- the friend hangs from her lips.
-If I’d ever do become the someone you want to go to when you are crying... I'm here.- she learned it by heart. She had repeated it in her head at least a billion times. She analyzed it, studied it, even put it on google to see if it appeared in the database of some film, TV series, book, scripture... it seemed too perfect, to be true. Too epic. But she never had the courage to tell her friends and colleagues at BAU, or Derek, for fear they would demolish her house of cards.
-Oh, damnit, Penelope, is the most beautiful and romantic declaration of love I've ever heard in my life!- exactly what she always hoped to hear, then, why doesn’t she want to allow herself to believe it? The blonde shakes her head.
-But it's not a declaration of love! He just acted like a kind colleague...- she is immediately interrupted by Grace.
-No. I don’t know him and I know you only of fame, but... from the little that you told me and looking at that picture... if his eyes shine at least half of there, when he looks at you, well, I'm absolutely sure he's overcooked.- she doesn’t know how she should say to be able to convince her. -He's happy, you see, I can’t explain it, but you understand, he is trying to look at you without being noticed, doesn’t staring directly in the lenses, the corners of his mouth are bent up...- all things that she had already noticed, and she said to herself that it was just in her head.
-It's okay, enough, for I'm giving up tonight.- she gets up. -Also because in a few hours we will have to wake up and I still have to prepare the last slides for tomorrow's lesson.- She seems not so happy.
Grace gets up in turn, looking at the watch that Wayne gave her... -Yes, you are right. It is very late. So good night, prof.- she watches her disappear on her pink heels.
-Night, Grace.-
 On a jet, headed to Quantico
The screen turns on suddenly, interrupting quiet conversations and waking up someone. -Kevin, we're coming back.- Emily already knows exactly what that means. In fact, shortly after, the jet carries out a maneuver that clarifies any doubt. There is another case. Mark will be so happy.
-Chief, a request has just been sent from a small town near Birmingham, Alabama. Child Abduction.- all react badly to the announcement. Who has children, big or small they are, but also those who aren’t even busy. Those are the worst cases, even if there is always the hope of bringing back the baby alive to the parents. But it diminishes every minute that passes.
-Great.- ironically comments the brunette woman. -Hey, guys, I'm sorry, but we won’t go back home yet.- they had already guessed, but in this way even the youngest of the team, who has just woken up, has a way of assimilating the news. Many shake their heads as they wait for Kevin to explain the details of the case.
-Damn it.- the Latin exclaims, according to him in a voice low enough not to be heard. He still turn the phone screen on and off, which remains the same, except for the number of minutes that increases. He looks like he's waiting for something, like when they were stationed in New York and he was smitten by Lisa. It seems like a century has passed.
-Hey, I'm the one who had written to his wife that I will not be home tonight. Roxy will forgive you.- he puts an arm on his shoulder, but the friend stays with his eyes down and a sad expression and his lips are bend down. -Luke? I was joking.- but it is not for him that he reacted like that, and he knows it well.
-I know, Matt.- he replies, after a moment's pause.
-Are you still thinking of Garcia?- is the obvious conclusion, even if the right question would be: was there a moment since we left for Los Angeles that you didn’t think about her? The answer would be equally obvious.
-Stop it!- hearing him say that name he seems to recover and beckons him to keep quiet. - No, ok. I wondered... why she needs to do a refresher course?- Matt almost laughs in his face.
-But you know that she is the one who teach at the course, she doesn’t have to attend it! - he explains, trying to keep a low tone. JJ is already looking at them.
-Ah, now it makes more sense.- Luke shakes his head. Nothing surprising. He runs a hand through his hair, looks out the window, seems to be seized by another thought and blushes.
-No shame, Alvez. Love fogs even the best brains. And I will not tell the others.-
If you want to come back ok, come back really, because if you come back I'll come back as I was... no, it's not life to take off our wings, entrusted to the care of the memories of who you love and you...
-Wayne, are not you hungry?- the woman with short hair, brunette, observes her colleague, known to eat even during stakeout (it should be said: especially during stakeout), with the same piece of pizza, now cold in his hand, and the same distant expression. Suddenly he perks up and looks at the dish, showing little interest. The situation is serious.
-I don’t know, boss, not much.- he confesses, slightly raising his shoulders.
-This is so weird, it is the first time you don't want to eat the pizza of the end of the case.- the brunette says, reflecting on the possible causes. It’s happened something to Ben? But in this case, he would talk to them. Rigsby is not one that keeps secrets.
-There's nothing weird, Lisbon. He misses Grace.- a blond man, his hair curly like those of the statue of Apollo, says, as an irrefutable truth, after having gently wiped his mouth with a tissue.
-Jane!- Teresa shouts, more than anything else annoyed for not having understood first. After all, though, she had been the last to realize that something had happened between Grace and Rigsby. That he had an interest in the newcomer, the beautiful redhead, was immediately clear to her "colleague", to the man who read in people's minds. In general, she had never been very skilled at understanding sentimental matters, despite her intelligence and intuition. This, according to Jane, made her cold and distant and was the fault of her Catholic upbringing.
-See, Jane also said.- Cho certainly doesn’t miss the opportunity. On his face, however, not even the shadow of a smile.
-Well, it's not true, this time you're wrong...- Wayne tries to protest, first look at the friend, then the blond, addressing him. He still mad at him for cheating him with the trick of the coin. How to always get head? Simple, using a trick, a coin with two heads, one per face.
-No, I'm not wrong. I never fail.- his usual self-assurance. Too bad he's right. In fact, after less than a minute, Wayne yields.
-Actually also pizza tastes different without her...-
Let it be... the craft of life and you... let it go... let it be the craft of peace... you let it go...
 Los Angeles
Two more days have passed, and Penelope has been very busy with the preparation of the topics to be addressed. She spent many hours in the company of the other "teachers", some very nice, others... better saying nothing. Last night she didn’t meet Grace, because she had dinner in the room, if what she ate can be considered a dinner. Tonight, as soon as she sets foot in the mess hall, she sees a red head sitting at a table alone and goes towards her. -How are you? Always full of thoughts?- the woman raises her head and nods, seems worried and sad.
-Yes, my boss wrote to tell me that everything is going well.- it is clear that it doesn’t end here. Penelope sits down, taking no tray.
-And is not it good news?- she asks, pressing her. Grace nods and then shakes her head.
-Yes, it's just that... today is the anniversary of...- she tries, for the third time, to compose a decent sentence. Even if there are no words able to express what she feels today. -I should have gotten married, today, a year ago.- bam, bomb fired without warning, hits the target in full. Penelope opens her mouth, naturally surprised, but doesn’t know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
-Damn it, had you two arrived until almost the wedding?- she can easily imagine her with a wedding dress, white, classic, very few frills, and even the man who she has never even seen before. What she can’t conceive is what could have gone wrong, because these two are destined to be together.
-No, not with Wayne.- Grace had never thought that someone could have believed that... -See, after leaving him, I met another, an FBI agent, for the case of Red John.- she tries to explain, but when she says that name, Garcia lights up.
-Oh, I know that case.- the light in her eyes only lasts a second, because it is certainly not a good story, one that is linked to that serial killer. His signature, then, a smiley face made with the blood of the victim, made he even more disturbing.
-Yeah. We got engaged and I loved him, I thought he loved me too, maybe that's the way it was, but... he was corrupt.- she feels the rage of feeling betrayed by a person in whom she had so much confidence. -He worked for Red John. He wanted to kill the former head of my boss and he almost succeeded... but before he killed me and Lisbon, who is my boss, I... I killed him.- a mess, she got messed up, not even when she did final examination at the academy was gone so bad. But Penelope still understood what she has tried to say. -He ripped off the necklace he gave me.- why did she add this unimportant detail? Perhaps because it's important for her.
-Oh.- the blonde doesn’t know what to say.
-Yeah.- Grace shrugs. Her friend is puzzled to find a way to divert her attention from that painful fact of her past, which she hasn’t yet clearly overcome. Already on the first evening, when they were confronted about their disastrous sentimental situation, it seemed that there was a race going on. Here, she found the solution!
-I can’t really compete.- she exclaims, trying to play down. -A man shot me during an appointment, and he almost killed me, but I had just met him and he believed that I was going to frame him...- she believed that she would make it seem ironic and detached, as if she couldn’t care more about less. Instead, she probably will never get over it.
-A man almost killed you during a date?!- on the other hand she seems to have achieved her purpose, because Grace is shocked by her revelation, fired like that, without any warning, and said as if she was describing her favorite taste of tea.
-Yes, he was called Jason Clark Battle and rests blissfully underground for ten years.- another random detail. Bitterness, a feeling that she had never even seen in the blonde. -But I didn’t kill him, my best friend did it.- she is keen to point this out.
-Well, better that way.- at least Penelope didn’t have the problem of living with that nightmare when the gun got stuck and she couldn’t hit him. -I would prefer not to win this competition.- Grace says, sighing.
-I know, my friend.- Penelope takes her hand. -Forget about it. Now go to your room and dream Wayne, which I think is definitely a better thought.- she winks, before standing up. Since she's in Los Angeles, she seems to have unconsciously begun a diet. It is the second evening that she doesn’t eat anything. -Tomorrow you will tell me why you two didn’t come back together after the treacherous fucker got out of the way.- the young woman seems to appreciate her choice of words and smiles at her.
-Good, Penelope.- she swallows. -Craig. It was called Craig, the treacherous fucker.-
Love, I oppose myself and to this pain I answer, I change again, I make war, I lay down lying on the ground, the distracted people don’t know that love has taken away time from you, your unmade heart knows that the only cure is time...
The friend stills to stare at him, so he finally gives up and asks him: -What's there?- but he already knows. They were able to find the child, alive, with his baggage of traumas, but psychologists, at times, can work miracles. Of course, it doesn’t concern the case.
-Nothing, you're weird.- Matt looks at the Latin playing with the straw inside the glass. It is not even a drink that he would ordinarily order. He is a beer type. It seems almost a tribute to a person who is not there, yet continues to be so present.
-Me?- he looks up to meet the eyes equally dark of the Asian. -It doesn’t seem to me.- sad tone, again the head down, pensive and melancholy. It seems almost an impressionist painting.
-Usually you always smile and participate in jokes, but tonight you're locked in your world and you do nothing but stare at that empty chair.- the voice gradually penetrates Luke's mind, forcing him to recover. He looks in the direction of the stool indicated by his friend, he imagines a pair of shapely legs on it, swinging at its own pace, feet with dizzying heels, which hypnotize him with their sway.
-Fuck.- he exclaims, caught by a sudden shiver. -It’s so evident?- hoping not to seem blasphemous, he prays all the saints that it is not so.
-A little.- Matt tells him, giggling when he sees a worried expression appear on the Latin face. -But the others are too busy with the poker match.- then he hurry to clarify. A sigh of relief.
-Good.- and then a long pause. Another circle in a glass containing a strange colored liquid, just touched.
-Are you missing her, Luke?- he expects him to deny, to try to change the subject or simply to ignore it. Instead it seems that man has reached the breaking point.
-Yes, fuck.- another dirty word. -Yup. I feel stupid, but I miss her, it's useless to pretend otherwise. Solving a case is not the same thing, without her and not even celebrating the success of one. Without her jokes it's all so... boring...- hard to blame him. As he talks his dark eyes flicker from one point to another, engaged in the vision of something that is not really there, as when watching a tennis match. -I’m so idiot.- he says. Matt understands that it's the right moment to push on the accelerator.
-No, I told you, it's the fault of love.- Luke's eyes widen when he hears that word, but he insists. -You're in love, Alvez, it's not a bad thing.- it depends on the point of view. It's easy to talk about it when you've been married for years with a wonderful woman and you've got four (four!) children. -When you think to tell her?- first surprise, dismay and then a nervous giggle.
-Uh? Actually... never.- and the bad thing is that he's not lying. -I didn’t even want to say it to myself.- Luke pushes the glass away from him, perhaps determined to give up.
-As you like, man, but remember that she will not wait for you forever.- it's the case that someone tells him. -Maybe she could also meet a male version of Lisa, right now. Have you thought about it?- of course, that he had thought about it, every holy day. A nerd not too ugly that would have courted her with poems full of alphanumeric terms and incomprehensible stripes. And after marriage, a common profile on Facebook.
-Simmons, I would have preferred if you also were a poker lover.-
-Do you really think that Rigsby is still in love with Van Pelt?- two days have passed, and yet, between one case and another, between a piece of paper and another, they are still there talking about it. In part it is pure, damn, curiosity. But above all, is that she can’t stand that smug smile. She can’t stand it because it doesn’t belong to her.
-Oh, Lisbon, you offend me.- the usual arrogant. He is sipping his cup of tea, with a chipped edge. -I don’t think so.- theater break. -I know.- she doesn’t even know if she would like more to silence him by throwing her arms around his neck, strangling him or... ending up doing something else. Better not wonder it.
-Bet you five bucks that he will never admit it.- a banknote appears on the table.
-Cho!- Teresa pretends scandalized.
-Sorry, boss.- impassive, not even the shadow of repentance.
-Don’t apologize.- as always, overrides it. -Anyway, I double down. Ten  dollars he will confess everything directly to her, before she sets foot here in Sacramento.- another ticket. Both men love betting, but one of them always wins, so she just can’t figure out why Cho continues to insist.
-Jane!- she glares at him reproachfully. He answers her with a smile that would send anyone to the hell. She struggles to look angry.
-It doesn’t work with me, I'm sorry.- he approaches her slightly. -How much do you want to bet?- he asks her shamelessly.
-I don’t... and that's okay. Fifteen on Jane. I'm sorry, Kimball. But Jane is always right.-there is no time to protest, because the only one who is missing, makes his entrance. In a moment the banknotes are gone, all in Patrick's sleeve, and everyone pretends to be intent on doing anything but not talking about him.
-Hey, what kind of bet is it?- but Wayne must have heard at least the last part. Lisbon decides to intervene, taking advantage of her position, for once.
- Nothing, Rigsby. Nothing that could interest you.-
 Los Angeles
-Well, I'm ready.- this time they aren’t in the cafeteria. After having dinner outside, they locked themselves in the blonde's room, to have every comfort and not have to speak softly, thus avoiding letting the universe know their personal facts. Penelope settles herself better on the bed. -Why did not you and Wayne get back together?- the million-dollar question. Grace sighs, crossing her legs. She seems to have again ten years. At that time when she was supposed to be in a slumber party, like any girl.
-Because I wasn’t the only one who went ahead. He, too, had knew another girl...- here is the most obvious answer. Penelope can’t help but take both her hands. A strong bond has been created between them, and she hopes that it will continue later, when each will be back in her respective world. This looks like a sort of parentheses from real life, a break. She has always made the mistake of giving all of herself even to strangers, of loving without precautions, and often, what she has earned, it was discover with pain how for the other person was only one moment, and nothing more. She hopes that with Grace it will be different.
-Damn it, don’t tell me.- she shakes her head. -Luke is the opposite of a player and I've never seen him interact with women who didn’t concern work...- the youngest doesn’t understand where she wants to go. -Until a week ago. Her name is Lisa, she's a doctor, she seems nice and she's beautiful.- game over. -I saw them together, because the man turned off his cell phone during dinner and so I had to track him down because there was a damned case...- the redhead leaves her hands to bring them to her own face.
-Oh, did you see them together?- Penelope nods. -Bad.- the race, however, is still very open. -But also mine, which is called Sara, is not bad, unfortunately. She's so pretty, she's just one of those nice people you can’t hate- like you, she'd like to add, but she fears that she might be offended by the comparison -is she much shorter than me- what need she had to say it? -but she is not bad, is a lawyer and that's how we met her...- for work. Instead, Luke had met Lisa because of Phil. That traitor!
-Give me your hand, sister.- she does it theatrically. -We are sisters in pain.- they laugh like two teenagers, then Grace returns serious.
-Anyway, it didn’t seem like an important thing at first. I also asked him if he loved her and he told me he wanted to go slow.- Penelope comments widening her eyes. -Even when we weren’t together, Wayne has always been my best friend. But then, Sara got pregnant...- bang. A sudden shot. She seems to enjoys shocking her in this way.
-WHAT?- Garcia can’t stop herself from shouting. Perhaps also who is to the attic have heard them.
-Yes.- Grace pulls out her mobile from the bag and looks for a picture that he has sent her. -Look. Ben is a love. He took his father's eyes.- she can’t avoid using that sweet tone, she doesn’t even think about it, it's spontaneous.
-Yes, he's beautiful.- which child is not so? Penelope hurries to show her baby gallery. -These are my godchildren.- first the sons of JJ, then Hank, and finally Jack. A moment of nostalgia.
-Oh, how sweet!- the youngest feels a twinge in the stomach. She drives that question away again. Will she ever be mother? Will she be able to experience that joy?
-Yup! Anyway... I wouldn’t like to tell you, Grace, but you also won this challenge.-
And try the unfinished, the extraordinary love, live in excess, beginning now... enjoy the triumph, create your miracle, seek true love, behind every obstacle...
It can happen to her, out of love, to do something that is completely out of the ordinary, of a person's usual behavior. How to take advantage of her role to win a bet. The brunette woman approaches the desk of one of her subordinates. She makes sure that there is no one in sight. -Rigsby.- she calls him, awakening him from his thoughts. Probably about a beautiful redhead. -Do you know what's going on today?- he raises his head, shakes it, confused.
-No, boss.- Lisbon smiles. He did nothing else to deny that he was thinking of her while he was constantly talking about her, and now he also forgot... Men!
-Today comes back Van Pelt.- Wayne lights up like a Christmas tree. -I would like you to go and get her at the airport.- the arm has completely healed. The nurse was right. And the ribs don’t hurt as bad. Only when he breathes too strong.
-But...- he tries to protest. Weakly. He just wants to convince his conscience that he has done everything to avoid this situation.
-Is there any problem?- she asks, in an authoritative tone.
-No. No problem.-
If you want to come back ok, come back really, because if you come back I'll come back as I was... no, it's not life to take off our wings, entrusted to the care of the memories of who you love and you... let it be... the craft of life and you...
-You're so excited, are not you?- Matt watches his friend change the arrangement of the very few objects, that usually are on his desk and that he decided to take with him, for the hundredth time in ten minutes. He raises the statuette of a dog that looks like Roxy and another puppet that it's really weird, he puts them in the middle of the bag, near the tablet, then reverses them, then snorts and returns to position them as before.
-What are you talking about?- Luke doesn’t even raise his head.
-Well, Garcia comes back tonight.- these words are transformed into a neon sign in the mind of Latin. -Tomorrow, at most on Monday, you'll see her.- he feels the emotion rise in his throat and tries to keep calm. -Have you thought about what I told you?- he takes a series of deep breaths and then nods.
-Yes.- but the hope of Simmons is destined to have a short life. -And I don’t feel I can do it, I'm sorry.- a disappointed expression on the Asian's face. -I'm a coward, I know, a little without balls. But I just can’t imagine...- the pointless defense is interrupted by the exclamation of Prentiss, who enters the hotel room they shared and that they were about to clear, having solved this case too.
-Guys, there is a problem with Penelope's plane...- the dog-shaped figurine escapes from Luke's hands and ends up on the ground. It's hard to cover what you think, when you're caught off guard.
-What?- he doesn’t even try to mask his concern. He stands up, assuming an attack pose, without even realizing it. -Is she okay?- he's always the first to ask about her, to inquire about how it's going to LA, mostly through JJ, but he's not at all aware of it. Matt sighs.
-Yes, Luke, the plane has had a breakdown in one of the two engines, so she will have to wait until tomorrow, before the next plane.- the leader hastens to reassure him, she has also noticed all these details. She exchanges a strange look with the Asian, but the other doesn’t realize it.
-Since we are so close, would not it be better if some of us went to get her?- Matt throws it there, pretending that it was an idea that came to mind only now and not a plan developed right at moment when Garcia had sent a single text: I'm late. -It was certainly a busy and stressful week and this certainly will agitate her even more.- he argues, with tone of lawyer. Very persuasive. -I can’t think of her all alone, in the middle of the night, in one of those cubes that they dare to call rooms, until tomorrow morning..- he's a damned clever wretch. The door opens again and the other members of the BAU also enter, apparently to be updated on the situation.
-Matt is right. Unfortunately I have to finish compiling a mountain of papers...- Tara is the first to get out of it. Luke watches them get themself out one by one, but the thought that there is nothing spontaneous in this, comes to his brain at the end. He is too busy on imagining exactly what Simmons has described.
-I would gladly go there, but I have to go back home as soon as possible. Michael had some problems, colicky again and I need to see how he is...- being mothers it is very easy to escape with a convincing excuse.
-Don’t look at me- the older one says, spreading his arms as if to apologize -I would do anything for the kitten, but I'm taking pills that don’t allow me to drive...- Spencer doesn’t even need to speak. The last time he got behind the wheel was to cross the border into Mexico, drugged against his will.
Matt turns to the only one left. -It would be fate, Alvez.- he grins. The others come out and Luke closes the bag in one fell swoop, putting it on his shoulder.
-Mhm, if you want to call it destiny, for me you helped.- for the first time since Garcia is not there, he captures a little flicker and vitality in the friend. Will the thought of seeing her again soon? -I would even say that you have tampered with the plane, if we hadn’t spent every hour together looking for that unknown subject...- the Asian laughs with taste.
-You overestimate me, Luke.- he stops him before he can leave. -Hey, this is the route of Garcia plane. Kevin will call you if there are any changes.- he hands him some printed sheets. The other takes them, he walks, arrives at the door and turns again.
-Matt?- he calls him.
-Yes?- they look at each other for a moment and then Luke smiles.
-Thank you.-
Let it go... let it be the craft of peace... let it go...
 Palm Springs International Airport
He sighs, snorts, looks around. Anything. There is no trace of her. He sees another man behaving in exactly the same way. Their eyes meet and the stranger approaches. -Are you waiting for someone?- he is certainly not used to such scenes, but basically, as seen in the TV series, people have a great desire to talk, even with people who they don’t know. Everywhere: in the queue, at the dentist, especially if there is anything to complain about.
-Yes.- Luke just says, continuing to scrutinize the exit from the boarding, waiting for her to appear.
-Me too. My colleague.- the man approaches another step. -He had to land today, but due to a fault in the engines the plane couldn’t take off.- he explains, confidentially. It's obvious how he just needed to tell someone. He is anxious, and he can’t sit still for a second. Luke, by his side, clenches his fists inside the pockets of his trousers.
-Even mine, it's a colleague, I mean.- he clarifies, even if there is no need to, why he should have thought that he was referring to his girlfriend? -I believe she is on board the same plane.- the other man nods. -They should arrive soon, according to the calculations of this deal.- he points the tablet screen, complete with an airport map, on which a red dot moves in their direction.
-Oh, but what a weird thing. Is it legal?- professional deformation. He can’t stop being a policeman.
-Honestly I don’t know, I don’t understand anything about computer science.- he confesses quietly. -But don’t worry. I'm an FBI agent. Luke Alvez.- he shows him the badge with the recognizable logo. The other is surprised.
-Nice to meet you, Luke, even if I had some trouble with the Feds. -some traces of jealousy. -One in particular... no offense.- Luke lets himself go to a relaxed laugh. He is as agitated as the unknown, because they probably have a problem in common. Women and work together. Here are the results.
-No problem. Before, I was a ranger.- he is not used to talking about himself with people he doesn’t know, but it is something that happened to him before any examination. Total loss of every brake, logorrheic as Reid. But without his acumen.
-Oh, damn it. However, I’m Rigsby, Wayne Rigsby. CBI.- he shows him in turn the identification tag. This is a recently introduced agency and it is the first time that Luke sees one.
-Nice card!- he comments. No trace of her yet. -So, Wayne- he hesitates, but then decides to say it -is she just a colleague for you? Forgive me if I ask you in so direct way, but you're too agitated and I'm a profiler...- apparently they both aren’t able to leave work at home.
-Don’t worry, I'm used to having someone who always reads my behavior.- in his mind a blond man winks at him. -You're right, it's not just a colleague.- at first, he seems a little reluctant. -Her name is Grace, it's the love of my life and I'm here because I have to be able to tell her this.- then he talks fast, following a little Garcia style. Is it possible that every damned thing makes him think of her?
-Oh, hell, buddy. Good luck.- he gives him a friendly pat on the shoulder.
-Thank you. And yours?- from interrogator to interrogated. He must accept it.
-Garcia, Penelope.- the surname is a way to make her less real and less as a woman. -A friend has practically forced me to come here to take her home, hoping that with all those hours of car that we will have to spend together, I'll collapse from exhaustion, but I don’t know if it goes like that.- or rather, he will certainly collapse, but from weariness and from the tension, it will be difficult to find the strength to speak to her. -I love her, on this he's right, but I'm not used to talking about these things, I'm out of the loop for a while...- a big truth that is the first time he even admits to himself and a little lie. Lisa will forgive him.
-Wait, Penelope Garcia?- "Wayne lights up. -Grace told me about her. She is one of her myths. She was so excited at the idea of meeting her in person.- who would not be? She is so fantastic, and who knows how many other men will have thought it, seeing her explain those complex things of which he doesn’t understand anything. They will have even ask her to go out?
-If I'm not too indiscreet, why Grace went there?- Luke's profiler's mind begins to put the pieces together.
-A computer refresher course.- but of course, it was obvious.
-Well, now I understand everything. Penelope was there for the same reason, but as a teacher.-
The youngest, the one with the red hair, suddenly stops, clashing with the blonde with the pink suitcase. -Oh no, Wayne!- she stops, for fear he may have heard it. But the man is still far away, and he seems to be intent on a conversation with another man, with brown hair, who she seems to have already seen somewhere.
-Where is him?- Penelope tries to follow the direction of the friend's gaze and remains stone. -Hell, but that's Luke!- now they're both hidden behind their suitcases, but the BAU technician's is too flashy.
-Do you mean that Luke? But he's talking to Wayne.- a newspaper with eye holes and a beautiful raincoat only lack, to make the scene even more ridiculous, more than it already is.
-Do they know each other?- asks the older one.
-I don’t know, let's find out.- Grace grabs her hand and drags her in the direction of the two men, who are still unaware of their presence.
-Really, I...- the blonde does everything to slow her down, trembling. As long as they were just talking, there was no problem. But now, she has to face her own nightmare. Of course, if all the bad dreams were so fascinating...
Grace turns to her, while Wayne has noticed them and now, they both are walking in their direction. She has little time. -Yes, Penelope. You faced a horde of young people hanging from your lips, if he's here, it's definitely to see you, because he'll have to tell you something. I'm tired of just talking about it, we have to act!- she says.
-It easier for you, you know he is still in love with you!- she protests, but it is useless. She shuts up just in time, a second before the puppy-faced man reaches them. Penelope stays behind with their suitcases, and crosses the look of Luke, who like her is a step back, thus giving the lovebirds a little bit of privacy.
-Grace.- anyone, even Reid would notice that these two love each other. He can’t really contain the joy he feels when he finally finds her a few inches away.
-Hey, Wayne.- she tries to sound detached. -Why you're here?- she crosses her arms. The man falters.
-Lisbon sent me, but... I would have come anyway.- gradually the hardness disappears both from the face and from the whole body of Grace. -There's one thing I should tell you... I will not sound very romantic, but I'll tell you how it is.- her pupils dilate. -I'm still in love with you and this week without you was hell. I know, I was just a boy the first time I told you I loved you, but now I'm matured, it's true, I have a son with another woman, but this also helped me. I have become a better man, thanks to you, I don’t deny anything of our past, even bad times, we have always been there for each other and now I feel ready and worthy to love you as you deserve.- a scene that seems torn from a film of those for which Penelope would consume boxes and boxes of tissues.
-Oh, Wayne, I missed you too. I love you.- they hug each other, first, and then their lips blend and really, there's no one else.
Even Luke has witnessed the scene, and is proud of his partner in misfortune, but unfortunately they will not share the final. He sighs and reaches the blonde, whose has heart eyes, those she had when she saw Roxy for the first time or when he gave her the anti-stress kitten.
-Oh, but how cute they are.- there is a clear polemic note in this very short sentence, it's not just in his head. Penelope sighs again and stops watching the other couple exchange yet another passionate kiss. Luke hears the voice of Simmons who incites him in his head to make a move.
-Would you like that too?- he's terrified and inside he keeps shaking, but he finally manages to talk. She still ignores him for a few seconds, then deigns to look back at him. She looks up at the sky and shakes her head.
-No, I really think that I could be offended.- ironic, but for a while he doesn’t notice. However, she doesn’t give him time to replicate anything else. -What are you doing here, anyway?- she crosses her arms, leans slightly to one side, waiting for an answer. But she also pretends disinterested in it.
-Prentiss sent me to pick you up, since we were close and she didn’t want you to stay here until tomorrow, to spend the whole night alone...- a good part of the truth, except that Simmons had more fault. But she doesn’t need to know it. Meanwhile, giggles are heard in the background. The other two are still in paradise.
-Oh.- Penelope remains for a moment confused and the man enjoys the small victory. -But she didn’t send me any texting. Weird...- for security she also check in her phone and Luke notices that as a background she has... a unicorn. A sweet smile escapes him, then he realizes that she is watching him.
-I asked her not to do it.- another partial truth. They agreed that there was no need to warn her. JJ had also added how much Garcia loved the surprises and had winked at him. -I saw that your flight had been canceled and that you would be forced to stay here, then I suggested to send me here, to take you.- how easily he took the merit of something that at first he had rejected.
-But... why... wait, how did you know what was my flight?- from the confusion she passes to suspicion. -I didn’t tell anyone... you hacked my computer?- she almost screams while squinting, scanning every slight change in the expression of man, but doesn’t catch anything.
-No, not me... Kevin.- this time she doesn’t hold back.
-KEVIN?- she screams. -Since when do you know him?- she doesn’t give him time to reply. -I don’t know whether to hit him or you, but since you're already here...- she would never do it, but, in doubt, Luke decides to take advantage of the opportunity and puts his hands on the woman's arms, which doesn’t move away, but she looks at him even more strangely.
-Penelope...- he just says. On her face appears a grimace that looks so much like his.
-Now you call me by name?- she sounds ironic almost in a bad way.
-Please give me a chance.- it came out badly. A plea of a poor derelict, but it is already so much that he has no bright eyes. Penelope's pupils dilate and he should know what it means, but he can’t concentrate on anything other than those red lips.
-What? A chance to do what?- it is impossible that she really didn’t understand it, that she is seriously so naive. Grace and Wayne have stopped flirting in public and have become from show to spectators. They are holding their breath as the man leans over to Penelope, the hands flow up along the arms until they stop one on the neck and the other on a cheek, the fronts touch and his lips are about to meet the female ones.
-This.- he whispers a second before, but she moves away and breaks the whole atmosphere. Her fears are much bigger than Grace's.
-And Lisa?- she asks him, as if she were the one that would be betrayed if he tried to kiss her while being romantically busy with another woman.
-It never worked, it couldn’t work.- something broke inside him, and he can’t hold himself more. Matt would be so proud! -She wasn’t you.- bam, hit in full, stretched out. Surprise, dismay, then a smile, heart eyes and finally malice. She passes the tongue on her lips.
-Ok, good play, Luke.- she puts her hand on the muscles of his arm. -But, hey, where's my declaration? It's my right!- the man laughs, but then realizes that she is talking seriously. He sighs and throws himself without thinking.
-I am not good with these things. And I don’t want to look like a repetetive, but I missed you so much this week. It was strange not to hear your voice and not to see you appear on the screen, not being teased by O'Keef... I thought of you continuously, so much that Simmons noticed and tormented me, I don’t know how he managed to send me here. Not that I didn’t want to come, in short, it would be ridiculous to deny it, after all the things I told you... only I was afraid, I was terrified to tell you what I feel and read a refusal on your sweet face. Because in the end I just have to see a smile on that pretty face, to feel good, of course if I were the architect or could participate...- he didn’t even realize that he spoke so long. He only stops when he feels her fingernails scratching gently close to his ear.
-Luke.- she certainly doesn’t stop and he begins to have some problems.
-What?- he swallows, wondering if by any chance he said something wrong or exaggerated, or...
-I never realized that you spoke so much. Anyway, you did well for a newbie.- her approval was all he wanted. Almost. -But now kiss me.- she rises up on the tips, to facilitate the task, without stopping to do that little scratch on him.
-At your command, Miss.- he has just time to imitate a military salute, before their lips are melted and the rest of the world completely fade away. In fact, they don’t hear the enthusiastic applause of two people in particular.
Grace looks up to meet the one of her man's. -You look at me like that, you know?- she says, leaning better on his shoulder.
-In what way?- Wayne asks, always naive. Doesn’t she love him for this too?
-The way he looks at her. As if she was a miracle incarnate.-
Close the door when you go out, because there is too much of you inside
@thinitta @martinab26 @mercedes-maldonado @shyladystudentfan @cosmicmelaninflower
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themarchblessing · 6 years
Laughing at Teresa cursing out her husband I glanced to my right to pick up another one of Izaiah’s t-shirts. I’ve been keeping myself busy but at a slow pace so I don’t trigger any sudden nausea. So far today has been relatively smooth. The new adjustments of Corey living here make me very giddy and childish. Childish in a good way. It’s so strange that I wake up and he’s right next to me. I get the same feelings when I get into bed, drift off to sleep and then I feel him climb into bed later on. It’s a peaceful feeling I’m learning to love rather quickly.
Izaiah is extremely happy to have Corey around all the time. I mean Corey’s been around constantly ever since we moved back here. But it’s different now that we know we’re a family. The energy in the house is warm, lifelike and comfortable. Much more than it ever was with just me and my little boy. We needed Corey’s presence to warm our home.
Feeling something soft touch my cheek I slowly turned to look over my shoulder. Corey was standing there with an envelope in his right hand and a single pink rose in his left. He brushed the flower over my ear and down the side of my neck.
“I thought you were gonna busy all day. What are you up to?” I asked.
He smiled and handed me the envelope.
“What is this?” I pushed eagerly.
“Open it and see.” His smile faded just a little bit it never completely went away. I did as he said reading over the card. Even though today is his birthday and way beyond Mother’s Day I feel very special and quite surprised that he would acknowledge the holiday just for me. And at random!
“Aww bebe..” I whined softly meeting his eyes.
“Happy Mother’s Day baby.” He grinned.
“Thank you.” I mumbled. Putting Izaiah’s clothes back in the basket I turned on my side palming my belly. I scanned the card over seeing some extra writing I hadn’t noticed the first go round. I looked up at Corey again. “Where are you taking me? You do know that it’s your birthday right?” I quizzed.
Corey leant down to my level kissing my forehead gently. My nose second. And my lips last. “Don’t worry about where we’re going or that it’s my birthday. Just go get dressed and pack a bag.” He said.
“Pack a bag? What kind of bag? An overnight bag..a suitcase..what? Can you just tell me where you’re taking me?” I plead taking the rose he was handing me. I inhaled the smell of it, moaning at how good it smells. The scent of nature and flowers in particular always puts me at ease.
“Stop asking me questions woman. I’m tryna do something nice for you. Now go.” He challenged.
Rolling my eyes I shook my head and got up from the couch. I started to round up the laundry until Corey stopped me.
“Stop working and go upstairs. I’ll put this away while you pack.” He chucked. “Go on now.” He shooed me away getting started on what I was finishing.
I jogged up the stairs feeling very excited for whatever Corey has planned. Last week he took me and Zay upstate to this beautiful lake house. The cabin was so quaint and nicely renovated no one would ever guess it was made of straight logs just a few years back. It was our first family trip and oh my goodness it was so overwhelmingly emotional for me. I still get frazzled inside when I hear my baby call Corey ‘dad’.
Stopping in front of the large mirror in the hall I ran my hands over my belly on all sides. I turned to see different angles loving the way my body has been changing from this pregnancy. I can’t wait to find out what we’re having. My gut is saying that it’s a girl but another part of me is saying it’s another boy. I really don’t care what gender this little bub is. I’m just really excited to meet him or her. I can say that this pregnancy is filling me out in more places than I can count. My waist is still the same size but my pants size has gotten up by one number, my bra size has gone by one cup as well. My pre-pregnancy shape is somewhat athletic and somewhat curvy. But with this extra weight I’m a little bit on the thicker side these days. I don’t mind because I know it’s beneficial for my baby.
“Thank you for giving mommy more body little baby.” Shaking my head at how lame I am I carried on to pack a duffel bag filled with comfortable outfits. I have no clue where Corey is whisking me off to but I know for sure I want be dressed for comfort and not for cuteness. As I was rounding up clothes, shoes, panties, bras and all the bare essentials I heard Corey attempting to sneak up on me.
“Well I’ll be damned. If you ain’t the sexiest pregnant woman I’ve ever seen then I must be blind.”
“You’re crazy.” I said. I continued to pack while he made sexual advances at me stirring up a lot of laughter inside of me. An hour flew by and the next I see it we were on the expressway. The weather today is just right. It’s not too hot or humid, the sun is shining perfectly, and the breeze is wonderful.
We rode in the car for maybe a little over an hour and then Corey made a right turn. I paid close attention to my surroundings checking out everything. I saw the welcome sign to this resort that I’ve been longing to go since before I moved to Cali.
“Oh my gosh! Corey..how did you know?” I squealed. My face was practically glued to the glass as I smiled at the flowers, the greenery and the magical environment we’re now in.
“I was gonna surprise you in a different way but I decided to just let your mind wander as enough of a surprise.” The car came to a stop. Corey got out first speaking to the valet attendant then he came around to get me. I stood on the sidewalk where it was shaded as he took our bags from the trunk. The check in process was speedy. We rode on a golf cart around a portion of the resort to where we would be staying.
Corey being the over top guy that he is got us in one of the largest villas they had on the property. I warn him all the time not to splurge so much but my advice goes over his head. I try not to sound like a nag too much because I know how hard Corey has worked to become this successful. I also know that he’s probably going to spoil me until the day I die so I’ll have to adjust to this level of treatment. His kindness will never go unappreciated or unnoticed, that I will make sure of.
Using the key I pushed our door back holding it open for Corey to walk in behind me.
“Oh my gosh, Corey it’s so beautiful.” I complimented. Walking in further I gave myself a quick tour of the place feeling my jaw drop every two minutes. This room is so gorgeous I swear it looks like something out of a magazine. The massive claw tub, the gorgeous tile flooring, the king sized bed, and the flower vases spread out throughout the room. The whole setup is perfect. I can’t forget about the rose petals sprinkled all over the bed in my favorite colors.
“Wow, this place is huge.” He said from the bathroom.
I met him in the doorway of the bedroom, wrapped my arms around his torso. Laying my head on his chest I took deep, rhythmic breaths. The chills ran through me then they faded. My nausea hit me fast and settled slow as I caught my breath.
“Thank you for this. Thank you so much.” I lifted my face to lightly kiss his cheek. I backed off of him to stretch out on the bed with my ankles crossed, massaging my belly.
“Stay right there.” he said. Corey disappeared and reenters the room with a stack of wrapped boxes in tow. Sitting up with a grin on my face I allowed him to spread everything out in front of me.
“There’s more?” I smirked.
“Lori, you know there’s always more for you baby. Go ahead and open them.” He encouraged. I anxiously opened the boxes and felt like I lost the ability to breathe. Can you say Christmas in the summer? Bags I’ve always dreamt of having are now staring me in the face. I feel like I’m dreaming. Gucci this, Fendi that, and Celine there. My goodness the man spent some serious cash on me. Little old me.
Checking out the mini Celine bag that I’ve had my eye on for three years I kissed my teeth. Covering my eyes for a moment I wept quietly. How in the hell did I get so fortunate to have this man treat me this way? Is it because he's trying to make up for all of the bullshit that Ace put me through? What is it?
His soft hands on my back brought more tears to my eyes.
“Don’t cry Lori. I just wanted to make your first Mother’s Day with me perfect. You deserve this, everything I’ve ever given to you and everything I’ll give to you later. Hey, look at me.” He kissed the crown of my head repeatedly, lovingly finally turning my face upward. “From the bottom of my heart, swearing on our children’s lives that I love and enjoy taking care of you and giving you anything you could ever want and need. Putting a smile on this beautiful face of yours is what gets me through my days. Never again will you have to worry about doing without Sabrina. That’s a promise. That’s my vow to you. And it’s all because I love you.”
Not having a sweeter choice of words to top his I lifted my hands to undo his belt buckle. I never took my eyes off of him while my hands laid the groundwork. Corey freed my hair of this braid. He has his way of showing me how much he cares and appreciates me, and I have mine. Sex isn’t the only way but it’s one of my favorites and it’s easy.
This little getaway is going to be very romantic.
“Thank you so much man. Ok, have a goodnight.” Shaking the guy’s hand I double backed to my ride to see if Sabrina’s ready. Today has been a busy day for us. After Bri opened up her first set of gifts she got sleepy so we hung out in the room for a little while. She had fallen asleep and I just watched the entire time. Bri might think I’m creepy for doing so but I disagree. She looks so at peace when she’s resting. So beautiful I can’t believe my own eyes sometimes. The only thing I wanted for my birthday was to make Bri happy. That’s it.
Once Lori was well rested we had a couples massage and of course I let Bri get whatever she wanted done. After that she rode a horse for the first time. The fear of seeing her fall is what prompted me to ride with her just in case. She was having a blast getting her first experience with a horse over with. She kept chanting “another first to check off my bucket list”.
Thanking the driver I walked into our building pulling my key out. I’ve got a few more surprises up my sleeve that I can’t wait to reveal. Closing the door behind me I searched for Sabrina finding her in the bathroom. Like I expected. She was in the mirror, rubbing her legs down. When she stood up to full height I felt my eyes widen.
“Daaamn girl!” I exclaimed. Bri jumped, clutched the counter and spun around halfway to throw her hairbrush at me. Her hair being all the way blown out with not a single curl in sight covered up half of her face. I got a good laugh at watching her use both hands to throw all of her hair behind her.
“Corey! Stop doing that!” She whined.
Chuckling at how shaken up she was I checked out the rest of her dress. “I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to scare you but damn you look fine as hell. That’s a new dress?” I asked.
“No. Well kind of yeah. What do you think? I look okay? My belly doesn’t make me look weird in this does it?” Sabrina rambled, spinning in a slow circle to give me a full view.
Shaking my head I approached her taking in the scent of her perfume. “Hell no. In fact this belly of yours just amplifies how sexy you look. Why have you never worn this before?”
“Well because I never knew where to wear it to. It wasn’t this tight when I bought it but this extra weight is the reason why the dress appears to fit oh so well. I’m almost done, give me two minutes and then we can go.” I stood on the sidelines watching Bri rush around to finish getting herself ready.
“Did you get your gift from Zay this morning? Before Ravyn picked him up?”
“Yes, I did. He surprised me just before she showed up. I cried because I was so in shock that he remembered which perfume bottle to get.” She blushed.
Pointing to the black bottle with a flower top I asked, “that it right there?”
Sabrina nodded. She put all her makeup and hair stuff away and walked over to me. Gathering her hair she lifted her head signaling for me to test the scent on her.
“I see why you love this nigga Marc so much. That actually smells alright. Is this a new scent or something?”
“No it’s the second one he came out with I believe. You ready?” She quizzed. Following her out of the bathroom I hit the lights while she went to get her bag.
“I’m ready, just been waiting on you princess.” My teasing earned me a scold and her squeezing my ear. She reminded me of the shit my grandma used to do when I started pissing her off.
Instead of us getting a ride to dinner I’m going to present my biggest gift to her. What I’m giving to Sabrina is a really big deal. I’ve never spent this much money on any woman before. Not even my own mom. I just hope she likes the surprise. Holding her hand as we left the room and building I instructed her to look inside the hidden pocket of her new purse. When she whipped out the key I escorted her out front.
“What is this for?” She questioned me. Pointing forward we continued to walk until we stopped a few feet short of what is her new car. A 2018 ALFA ROMEO GIULIA QUADRIFOGLIO RWD. I told Sabrina I would buy her this car when we were in high school. I’ll never forget how the conversation started. Neither of us were dating anybody so it didn’t feel weird that I made such a promise. Now here we are years later and she’s about to find out that I kept true to my word. As I always do. She thought I was fucking around which I guess paid off after all these years.
“Corey, what is this?” She asks again.
“Let me show you.” For dramatic effect I removed the cover from the car, throwing it in a nearby trash can. I met her eyes feeling the luckiest man walking. I take immense pride being able to put a smile on Sabrina’s face. I’ll tell her every hour of everyday that I will always give her the world. I will tell her everyday that she can have whatever she wants. And I will tell her everyday that she means the absolute world and then some to me.
“Ok, so this is a joke right? This your new car for the next four years? And after that you’ll get a new one.” She laughed.
“Nah..” I disagreed. “It’s your car B. You remember what I said?”
Sabrina stared off into space for a second. “You still remember that? From high school, Corey? What we were in like...the 11th grade?” She walked up to the car, around it and around it again.
“Mhm. I told you one day and today is that day. It’s already halfway paid off. Give me until Christmas and you’ll have the title in your hand.” I promised. “Come on, we gotta go or we’re gonna lose this reservation.”
As we headed off to dinner Sabrina continued to babble on about shocked she is and how grateful she is. Of course she asked why and how, the usual third degree. I gave her the run down on every detail, configuration, and customization of her new whip. She understood for the most part and that’s all that matters. A couple of the features I threw in because I wanted to. But the rest was all for her.
We arrived just in time to get our table which is somewhat outside and somewhat inside. “We can sit inside if the air is gonna bother you.” I offered her another option so she didn’t feel compelled to stick to the area I chose.
“I’ll be okay. Thank you.” I helped her sit down and as we got comfortable, got our drinks and food ordered I slid a box to her side of the table.
“Corey...again with the gifts. You’ve given me so much already today.” She mumbled.
“Like I told you there’s always more with me B. Always more. Go on, open it.” I encourage her. Watching in bliss as she took out a brand new necklace with a custom pendant. I found two name pendants for Izaiah’s name and mine, had them customized with diamonds inside of both.
“Aww I love this babe it’s so pretty. It’s the perfect size too.” She smiled, taking it out of its box and clasping it shut. “Thank you, it’s beautiful and I love it.”
“You’re welcome. I saw you looking at different chains and bracelets trying to decide which one you wanted to get his name on. At first I wasn’t going to get my name on it at all but I thought what the hell. I went with the necklace so you can wear it everyday, close to your heart.” Shrugging as it’s not a huge deal I provided Lori with my undivided attention. I’ve missed out many years on spoiling Bri for Mother’s Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc but no more. She’s going to receive the best until our final days. And I’m thrilled to be the one to do it all.
I really miss Izaiah and I wish I had brought him along but I need to focus on Bri this weekend. My goals for this getaway are to show her how special she is to me and how perfect she is all around.
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renegadesrpg · 3 years
Blood Moon Rises: Coming to terms. Solo- Cole.
SL with @HerLipsDon’tLie
*Angrily, I sat back on my haunches and howled at the moon. My wolf was in total agreement with my emotions and was arguing heatedly in my brain.
‘You cannot risk our mate! She is ours to protect!’
“She’s also the key to this. Dad’s right. I didn’t want him to be, but he is.”
The planning session had gone smoothly initially. We’d ID’ed our insertion point and our scouts had gotten the Plains packs security routines down. Our tech people had hacked into their system and could shut down their security, power… pretty much everything in the entire compound on my command. The Plains pack was neither as rich, nor as tech savvy as we were. Their security was minimal, and while their compound was fenced, there were no barriers other than that on all four sides. And the fence wasn’t even electrified. They had guard towers located on the corners of the fence and a central communications station. Even with the guard towers, that much exposed fence required guards to walk the perimeter all the way around, and after the raid on our compound, their security team was running short. They couldn’t man all their towers or put more than one team on the ground. Their Beta had tried to compensate by having one team walk the perimeter and placing security cameras at regular intervals, but it took the team 47 minutes to complete one rotation in human form and my e-people could hijack their cameras, recording a tape for each and putting it on a loop to give us time to cut through the fences. From there we’d take down the towers and the main guard station at the gate. After that, we’d shut down power and take the Alpha and his family.
While my boys – I guess I should say team, because my top e-man at the moment was a female that had come in from Blood Moon Communications in Charleston after the raid with the rest of the normally off-site pack members – while my tech team had been in the system they’d also hacked the packs’ emails and financials. There was indisputable evidence that the Alpha had planned the raid on our compound with the clear intent of abducting Scarlett and killing as many of Blood Moon as they could in the process as well as emails implicating two other packs. The old bastard hadn’t intended to keep my mate. He had been in the process of selling Scarlett to the highest bidder. I’d felt that alone should be enough evidence to present to the other Alphas and justify what I intended to do next, but dad had other ideas.
My dad had been the Blood Moon Alpha a long time before stepping down. The wisdom and experience older pack members, former alphas in particular, bring to the table was one of the reasons I wanted to stop the practice of killing off our older members in all the packs, but Goddess dammit, I’d remembered how afraid Scarlett had been when we’d talked about this raid. How the memories had shaken her, and I’d argued against his proposal. My father was no longer Alpha, and I knew he’d accept my final decision but he’d made too much sense. In the end, I had to come to terms with my need to protect her and agree with him. If I wanted to establish that executing the Plains Alpha and his son was just, as well as root out any of his fighters who would work against me and by extension lay the foundations for some major changes in Wolfen culture, Scarlett was the only way.
We’d worked until late into the night. When we’d finally finished it’d been after 2 a.m. and I’d been so pissed off that I’d texted Scarlett to get some sleep, that I needed a run to clear my head and I’d be home by dawn.
I’d run to the top of the mountain. Deciduous trees had turned to pine and then to rock as I’d reached the peak. The snows were gone now, but a cold wind still ruffled through my thick black fur, as though it’s trying to cool my temper as well as my body. Out over the horizon pink starts to light the sky and I remember my promise to be home by dawn. Even though I’m not as calm as I’d like to be yet, I start back, knowing if I don’t make it by the time the sun’s up I’ll be worrying my mate needlessly. Stretching my long wolf body out, I take the mountain slope at a gallop, heedless of slick rock and slippery pine needles. The compound is hidden in a valley halfway down and it doesn’t take me long to reach it. The sun is just starting to peek above the horizon as I run through the gates and shift back to human form in front of the security offices. Unabashedly naked, I walk through the doors to Ethan’s office to retrieve my clothes and phone only to find him looking at it and mouthing “oh, shit…” and then he sees me. Smirking, he shoves the phone at me.*
“I didn’t really look when I realized what it was, but man, even without her gift, it’s no wonder the other Alpha’s want Scarlett for their Luna.”
*Growling, I snatch the phone from his hand and look. My loving Luna has sent me a photo that immediately has my body responding rock hard even as my claws come out in an automatic reflexive need to destroy the male who’d seen my female nearly naked. With an effort I shift them back and snarl,*
You’re lucky I need you on this op or else your mate would be looking for a new male about now.
*Totally unperturbed, he responds to me,* “Alpha, you know my life is yours to take. But it would be wiser to let me give it up on the mission.”
*Grumbling, I grunt as I slide my jeans over a straining erection,*
You won’t be giving it up there either. I need you to help me rebuild that pack when I’m done breaking it down. I can’t be both here and there so it’s got to be either you or Dad and I won’t risk one of the old Alpha’s loyalists sneaking by security and assassinating him. You, on the other hand, I can live without.
*Yeah, it sounds harsh if you don’t understand we’ve been best friends since we were pups and Ethan’s always had my back. He just snorts,*
“I still don’t like you being without a Beta indefinitely. With Scarlett the loyalists aren’t likely to survive. “ Knowing I won’t change my mind, he shrugs and adds, “You better get to your mate. I don’t think our Luna likes waking up alone in that big bed of yours.”
*I narrow my eyes at him and act as though I’m going to cuff the back of his head but instead pull his forehead to mine, our heads bowed*
You are my Beta, but more, my most trusted friend. We fight together and if this battle goes wrong, we die together. But look at my mate again and I’ll tell Teresa and let HER take care of you.
*He blanches noticeably as I release him. His female has a reputation for not taking roving eyes lightly. Nodding, he mutters,* “That’s just playing dirty, bro.”
*Barking a laugh, I sling my shirt over my shoulder and head home. A light burns dimly from our upstairs bedroom window and my breath catches as I see her silhouetted against the shade. Why this female is my fated mate, I will never know, but I will never stop giving thanks to the Goddess for making that so.
Quietly, I open the front door and ease myself in. As with most nights since the raid there are a number of pack members and pups who’ve chosen to sleep in the Great Hall, feeling more secure here than in their own homes. Once the Plains Alpha has been put down it should put their fears to rest but until then any and all are welcome here. My home also functions as the pack house, the pack mess just adjacent to it. We meet here monthly when the weather prevents us from doing so outside and anytime in between that it’s needed. I’m lucky to have a mate that isn’t irritated by that.
*A pup opens sleepy eyes and pops up her head.* “Alpha….”
Shhhh, *I move to her, deftly making my way around her sleeping mother, and pat her head as she snuggles back into her bedding. I whisper as I tuck her back in* Go back to sleep. Don’t wake your mom and I’ll make sure Magda has waffles for breakfast in the mess.
*She gives me a sleepy smile and nods as she closes her eyes and rolls to her side. With a last look to be sure she stays down, I turn and make my way up the curved stairs to the second floor. Mom and dad moved out to the A-Frame when it became obvious they were going to need to stay for a while, but Noah’s room is next to ours. Pausing, I ease the door open and peek inside. He’s snoring softly, wrapped around a stuffed wolf Scarlett had given him. Shutting the door, I cross the hall to our door and open it. My beautiful mate, fresh from a shower and wrapped in a towel, is sitting on the edge of the bed engrossed by something on her tablet.*
Baby, I’m home. We need to talk.
#ComingToTerms #BloodMoonRises #Renegades #RRPG #AU #BDB #Reapers #Angels #Vampires #Wolfen #Ghosts
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