kittycomrade · 2 years
I want to learn how to properly draft patterns AND have the space to do so... I did for my sleeves and hood by tracing other clothes but if i ever made anything more technical it'd suck bc i live in uneaven cut pieces and the clothes being loosey goosey to make up for the fact i wont measure
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My saviour
Word count: 4.0K
Warnings: dark themes: abusive relationship, pregnancy. Hurt/comfort
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
You had no idea how you managed to run away. Literally you had no idea. All you knew was that you had finally managed to run away from your abusive boyfriend, after he kept you locked in his apartment for days beating you up continuously and taking advantage of you whenever he wanted, almost as if you were an object, his little lab rat to play with.
With you being an rising actress, this thing in your relationship had to stay hidden. You didn’t have huge roles, you weren’t famous all you had were one liners in movies that didn’t have that much of a success, even if they were movies with actors from A24. Pretty damn good actors, at that. But well, the make up artists always did a good job covering up the bruises.
The thing is, now you were homeless, and you had no one, you didn’t have anyone that could help you in this fucked up situation. You didn’t have that much experience to become known at least in your city, and to get some help. Currently it was a bit after 1 am and you were walking around the street of a creepy Los Angeles, you were limping for how much he beat you up, your lip was busted and you had a black eye and a nosebleed. You just wanted to find some place to sleep, and you’d figure out what to do in the morning.
However you never found it because you were stopped, when a car pulled over next to you. You heard someone getting out of it but you kept walking on the street. “Hey, do you need help?” You heard a sweet voice speak behind you. You had your hood over your head trying to cover your face and bruises… the dark of the night helped way more. You tried to ignore the girl as you kept ignoring her, until she moved in front of you. “Hey… are you okay?” Just then did you see who she was. Jenna fucking Ortega, the girl playing Wednesday in that new famous series. However at the moment you had no interest in the matter. You briefly looked at her, soon averting her eyes but god did she look at you.
“I know you. You’re from A24 right?” What in the world, how did Jenna Ortega know who you were? “Uh… yeah” you said, your voice shaking from how weak and in pain you were. “You were with that guy who played the lead in the movie you were in” she said and you didn’t have the time to nod, because she spoke again. “Did he do this to you?” You nodded again and looked down. “Come with me” she said and took you by the wrist, making you flinch because you were in pain and dragging you to her car. “Where are we going?” You asked her, your voice low and soft. “I’m taking you to my place, my mom’s a nurse. I hate this stuff, I hate domestic abuse and if there’s some way I can help someone, I will, gladly”. You smiled softly at her words, now you saw why everyone liked her. She was sweet, she fights for the right causes and god isn’t she beautiful.
It wasn’t long until the two of you arrived at her place, the big-looking house had lights on and off, and her mother was already waiting for us at the front porch, a sign that Jenna had already texted her mother about your arrival. It took you some time to walk there, and when you were at the front door, Jenna’s mother came to you. “Oh dear,” she said, raising her hand to caress your cheek. You flinched at first, which caused Natalie to move her hand away but then you leaned in for the touch, a gesture that made the woman smile sadly. “Come inside, let me help patch you up” she said and brought you inside the house, everyone was pretty asleep, the only ones awake in the house were Jenna and her mother. “Sit down, I’m gonna take my med kit. Jen can you make her something warm?” The young girl immediately sprinted towards the kitchen, and you were left alone in the living room for a brief moment before Natalie came back with whatever she needed.
The woman kneeled down in front of you and started taking a cloth as she dampened it in water and disinfectant, gently moving your head with her hand. “He messed you up real good huh?” You nodded and she placed the cloth on your busted lip, it did sting a while but then it turned into pleasure. Jenna walked over and placed a cup of tea on the table next to where you were sitting “thank you” you said quietly. “Do you know who did this to her?” Natalie said and Jenna nodded, you could see she was pretty upset, I mean, who wouldn’t be? “Yeah I know who he is. I swear I’m gonna make sure he looses his job” “you didn’t reply in the matter, not wanting to bring up some unwanted memory and you just zoned out, letting them talk until they were finished.
“(Y/N)” Jenna called, but you were too busy trying to think of something else, not wanting to focus on your now ex and what he did to you. “(Y/N)” she called once again, moving her hand in front of your face, but you weren’t budging. “(Y/N)!” She called again, this time raising her voice and putting a hand on your shoulder, snapping you out of your trance state. “Huh?” You said and looked at Jenna. The girl looked at her mother with a look that you considered “worried”.
“You’re bleeding” she said again, and you looked at yourself, your pants were soaked in blood and it wasn’t stopping. You didn’t know how to react, you weren’t scared, you weren’t worried, you were just confused but before you could realize it you were in the family car being taken to the hospital. It didn’t take long for you to be admitted, with Natalie being a nurse in that same hospital, now you sort of had privileges. You weren’t in pain, you were actually pretty calm but just to be sure, a nurse decided it would be a good idea to give you an ultrasound.
“You almost lost your baby, honey. It’s good that now you’re safe” the nurse said, and you furrowed your brows. “I’m sorry, what?” You asked, confused as hell. Baby? “Baby?” You said it out loud too, not believing what you had just heard. You weren’t pregnant. No, it couldn’t be… but when was the last time you had your period? You didn’t notice. “(Y/N), you didn’t know you were pregnant?” The nurse asked you, and you shook you head in shock not believing what you were hearing. “H-how… how far along am I?” The nurse looked at you with a sad smile, checking once again. “Judging on the size of the fetus I’d say that you’re entering the second trimester”
“T-that means that I ca- I can’t abort anymore. Right?” You were panicking. “I’m afraid that can’t be possible darling” Yep, you were definitely panicking. You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t deal with a baby. Not yet, not now. But on the other hand. You didn’t have any choice, did you? “Can we- can we leave? Please?” You looked both at Jenna and her mother, their eyes softening as they helped you off the bed and out of the hospital.
But when you got into the car, it hit you. “I can’t stay with you” you said, making the two women look at you. “I appreciate your help but with a baby-“ you shook your head. “It’s too much… I can’t ask you that” you said and you looked at Jenna the girl was looking at you with sad eyes, the look in them telling you a thousand things, yet you couldn’t even understand any of them. “Listen to me, dear” Natalie said, waiting for you to look at her and when you did, looking at her through the rearview mirror she began talking. “You have nowhere, no one to be with. We’re here to help, I’m a nurse, we have space in the house… trust me you won’t be a bother, okay? We want you and your baby to be okay and you certainly can’t go back to him. We’ll make sure he gets what he deserves”
You had to admit you didn’t expect all that support from Jenna and her family, you didn’t know them after all. But being with them, you learned a lot. You learned that your Ex was also Jenna’s ex and that he covered up a lot of bad things he did such as drug addiction and articles about him, just because he wanted to keep his reputation up high. So once you recovered fully, you and Jenna started working together on getting him arrested, you had a lot of evidence and so did she, so it was gonna be really easy.
Of course this brought the two of you to get incredibly closer, to the point where you’d watch movies together in the same room and fall asleep in the same bed, though with you always trying to keep some distance. You hated physical contact, and while Jenna loved it she always made sure to respect you and your spaces, knowing that you were scared of it, now it nearly burned you. You just couldn’t handle it and you were lucky that Jenna respected it.
The change in that came one day, when you had to go for the ultrasound to find out the gender. With Jenna’s help you learned to see the good sides of this pregnancy, you didn’t think of him anymore, you had started living out your life normally, you started booking roles, and Jenna’s manager was a huge help in that. Back to the ultrasound, you were now waiting for your turn, leg bouncing up and down and a hand on your baby bump. You had started feeling kicks recently, and this is one of those moments. “Is the baby kicking?” Jenna asked, seeing as you were gently caressing the bump. She had been coming with you to every doctor’s appointment and you were grateful to her for that. “Yeah… it feels weird” to said and looked at her. “Can I… can I feel it?” She asked.
Her question made you hesitate, you hated physical contact. Not because you didn’t like it, more because you were scared of it but she’s helped you so much, surely you could trust her… right? “Y-yeah” you said kind of nervously, you removed your hand and waited for her to place her own on your bump. Her touch was ever so delicate, her hand was so warm and soft and gentle, you had never felt this calm when someone was touching you. The baby kicked twice, right where her hand was and you saw a huge smile appear on her face and you had to be honest, it calmed you. Your eyes met for a couple seconds, god the feeling of safety she gave you. You were about to speak when the doctor came out.
“Miss (L/N)?” She called, and both you and Jenna recomposed before getting up and into the room, you laid on the bed and lifted your shirt. The cold gel was kind of soothing as you you looked at the monitor. “There it is” the doctor said smiling, turning the monitor for you to see. You could see the head and you could make out the arms and the little legs. “Would you like to hear the heartbeat while I figure out if you’re having a boy or a girl?” She asked and you looked at Jenna, before looking back at the monitor and nodding quickly “yes, yes please” the doctor nodded and turned on the audio, a fast heartbeat could be heard and you couldn’t help but smile “oh…” you teared up, looking at the monitor at the little baby moving its hands, while you had subconsciously took a hold of Jenna’s hand.
“Looks like you’re having a little girl!”
From that day on, you only grew closer with Jenna. You allowed her into your personal space and she treated you like a feather. Even when you cuddled, she always made sure you were comfortable with her, but how could you not be? She treated you like a princess. Her family treated you like their own, her mother always made sure you were taking your vitamins, giving you tips on how to do stuff the more your bump grew. Her sisters talked with you as if you were family, you enjoyed that, you loved that.
On this particular morning you had woken up with her by your side. The last thing you remembered from last night was watching a movie together, apparently you both fell asleep and didn’t notice. A few months ago you would have freaked out if someone was in your bed but now, not anymore. You looked at Jenna, scanned her face. God was she even more beautiful in the morning. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, mouth slightly ajar and the beautiful freckles sprawled on her nose and cheeks. You didn’t think you could have a crush on women but, here you were. You didn’t even notice when you moved a strand of hair off her face and behind her ear, letting your hand linger more than necessary on her cheek.
And that’s when she woke up. She stared at you with a small smile, blushing. And that’s when you realized. “Shit- I’m sorry” you said and immediately pulled your hand away, blushing and looking away as well. “No, don’t be sorry… I was enjoying it” she said softly as to not startle you “really?” You asked her, almost in a whisper as you looked at her in the eyes, she nodded softly and for a brief second you could swear you saw her looking at your lips. You nodded as well and placed your band back on her cheek. “You’re so pretty…” you whispered as you caressed her cheek. You blushed immediately after saying this and she blushed as well, the two of you giggling for a while, before going back to look at each other.
“Can I… kiss you?” She asked. No one was ever gentle enough to ask you to kiss you. No, people just assumed it was okay to do so without your consent. “Yeah…” you whispered and sheepishly nodded, you watched a smile appear on Jenna’s face before she leaned in to place the softest kiss on your lips, her lips were as soft as silk and god wasn’t she addicting. You felt as if your heart was going to explode in your chest, you were so happy right now. She was so careful, so gentle, and you felt so at peace around her. Unfortunately it was a short lived kiss, and she soon pulled back, however staying a few inches away from your face. She smiled softly and you did so too.
“I really like you, (Y/N)” she whispered, if you were smiling bright earlier, now your smile reached your ears and you pulled her down for one more kiss. She moved so she was slightly leaning over you and you could lay comfortably, while her hand gently found its place on your stomach, precisely on your baby bump. You sighed contently at the contact and placed your free hand on top of hers.
From that moment on, the two of you were a couple, and when you officially told her family, they already knew. They could sense the tension between the two of you and knew that sooner or later, you were going to end up together. You were never in a relationship this healthy and god was it good to live it. She talked about your daughter like her own, and it wasn’t rare that she’d talk to your bump, especially during your latest stages of pregnancy.
This was one of those days.
You were laying comfortably on your bed, and you had some back ache so Jenna made sure you had enough pillows around you, so you weren’t in any pain. She was laying next to you, a hand on your bump like always, tracing shapes on it and watching the baby’s reaction, which would be small kicks, but you were grunting because of your back ache so she decided to distract you a bit and she moved so she was facing your bump, hand still tracing shapes.
“Hello little one” she said in a cute voice, drawing your attention as you looked at her. “You know, your mama’s in a lot of pain and she really really wants to meet you… and so do I” she said and watched you giggle “I’m going to spoil you so much babygirl. I will buy you cute dresses, take you on sets and show you off to my friends… maybe we can take you to red carpets too! Your mama’s going to be with me anyway, right mama?” She asked you and you nodded happily, still smiling like an idiot and she placed kisses on your bump, where the baby was kicking, before coming up to kiss you very softly, like she always did.
“I love you” she said, for the first time since the two of you were officially a couple. You looked at her with heart eyes and a small smile before replying. “Really?” You asked her, only to watch her smile brighter. “Yes, I love you (Y/N)” she said and leaned down for another kiss, which you happily reciprocated “I love you too” you whispered.
It wasn’t too long after that you went into labor. You had agreed on doing a home birth, so that Jenna would nor be seen in public and followed by paparazzi, and well at least you had some peace. You hated hospitals anyways, so when they asked you this you happily agreed. Natalie was a nurse, and her best friend at the hospital was an OB so it was perfect for the occasion. You had medical attentions and all of that, so you and your babygirl were safe.
You had been having contractions the whole night and you couldn’t sleep. You had found a comfortable position on the bed, laying on your left side while Jenna was spooning you, hand on your bump while she sang to you trying to get you to feel better. Her mother was there, keeping track of your contractions and how close they were with one another. You weren’t much dilated yet, so with Jenna’s help you walked a bit around the house, some times stopping when you got the contractions. It took about 8 hours for you to get fully dilated and by then you were tired and in so much pain. The OB had arrived and was getting everything ready for you and the baby’s arrival, all while Jenna’s mother was filling the bathtub with warm water.
“Jen- I don’t think I can do this” you grunted in pain, all while taking your clothes off to get into the bath tub. “Yes, you can. love, look at me” she said and turned your face to look at her. “You got this. Okay? Your babygirl’s almost here, and then everything will be better” you nodded and almost immediately after that, you started pushing. God was it painful. You were squeezing Jenna’s hand so hard, you were sure it was gonna be bruised. After the second push, the head still wasn’t out and you were so tired. “Jen, it hurts” you said and a few tears escaped your eyes. “I know love, I know.” Jenna wanted to find another way to comfort you more, so she did something, that she actually saw on Grey’s anatomy.
Being fully dressed, she slid behind you inside the bath tub and wrapped her arms around you, being careful not to touch your stomach and kissed your forehead. “I’m here, my love. You’re okay.” This gave you a lot of confidence, and just in two more pushes, your little girl was out, and Jenna was right her cries made it worth everything.
Soon enough the little girl was placed in your arms and everything melted away. The pain, the exhaustion, it all went away the moment you met her eyes “hi babygirl” you nearly sobbed, Jenna looking at her from behind your shoulder “you did it my love… she’s gorgeous” she whispered and kissed your forehead once more. “How do you want to call her?” The OB asked, having to put it on the birth certificate. “Marie” you said without hesitation. “Marie (L/N)” Jenna looked at you both with love and surprise. “Babe, Marie is my middle name” she said and you nodded “I know… you saved my life, Jen. All this… is thanks to you” she smiled brightly and kissed you softly “god I love you so much”
Ever since your little girl was born, your life has been way much better. Marie was a sweet little angel, and Jenna took care of her almost as if she was her own daughter. You told her she didn’t have to give you this much help, but she wanted to. She wanted to take care of both you and your daughter, and you let her, of course. Almost every morning you’d find the two of them cuddling in your bed, Jenna would change her diapers, feed her, and do anything a mom does. Her family loved your daughter, and Jenna’s mother treated Marie like another niece. You and her were part of the family now.
Just like that, the first year of Marie’s life went by. In that period of time you had managed to shoot a couple movies, having gotten the roles thanks to Jenna’s help. No one except for your cast mates knew about you having a baby, but once you had gotten a bit more famous, you decided to hit to that with this instagram story.
“My two favorite babies <3”
Everyone tho knew about your relationship with Jenna. You didn’t make it public, but it was pretty obvious so the two of you didn’t mind posting pictures together. But the fact that you “might” have a baby (say might, because no one was sure yet) made this even more famous.
Sooner than you knew, Jenna was invited to the MET Gala, and she had invited you along. “Can we also bring Marie? Pretty pleaseeee” she basically begged, but how could you say no to that pretty face? Of course you had to agree.
The moment you stepped into the museum, everyone started cheering for the two, well, three of you. Your little girl was used to the loud noises so she was laughing and smiling at the cameras, you were sure that you would get a lot of pics form this gala. Yours and Marie’s dresses matched Jenna’s so every picture was going to look like a family picture and to be honest, none of you minded that.
Your little girl was now 1 and a half, she was walking and running around with you always making sure she didn’t get hurt and being hot on her trail. Then the cutest thing happened. Jenna was taking some photos alone, and you were standing not too far as you were being taken pictures with your daughter. Just as you placed her down once the photographers were satisfied, Marie saw Jenna and ran over, Making grabby hands at the young actress.
You mouthed an “I’m sorry” once Jenna looked at you, but she picked your daughter up and invited you over for some more pictures.
Yep, you were definitely going to enjoy this family pictures.
Part two…?
Comment with what you’d want to read!
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erisolkat · 5 months
um. unsolicited makeup advice under the cut btw.
- blush placement is fucking vital you want it to be higher up around your eyes and your temple area and to blend it closer to your nose from there. put a bit on the nose as well it looks cute. and blend it out as much as possible or it looks bad.
- if you want a natural look go for all neutral colors like brown and black and beige and muted red. if you want a fun look pick up some cheap concealer a couple shades too light and use that for eyeshadow primer. i promise it makes it so much easier to do eyeshadow just put a swipe on your upper lid and blend it out then use fun colors
- dont underestimate the power of dollar store makeup some of my best makeup is dollar store makeup. expensive does not equal good often its shit quality and youre only paying for the brand name!
- try out makeup tutorials from diff parts of the world! some of my favorite makeup tips came from like douyin and shit
- for a more edgy look use black eyeliner around the eye (go light on the upper lid go heavy on the lower) then use a liquid black eyeliner to draw exaggerated lashes under it. for a softer more natural look use brown eyeshadow for liner around the eye (go light on both except at the outer corner go really heavy there) then use the eyeshadow to draw little lashes under it.
- look at your irises. figure out the shade then find a color wheel and look for the opposite. get that shade in shadow and apply a bit in the corners of your eyes to make them pop
- put highlighter in the corners of your eyes and blend it up into your shadow it makes it look nice
- you really dont want your contour to be too dark it will make you look like you have a beard. literally just get a nude palette from the dollar store and use a shade a couple shades darker than your skin. if you have dark skin get a darker shade of concealer
- if you have dark skin purples and oranges (depending on whether you have cool or warm undertones, just kinda fuck around w both see what looks good) are your friend. if a light skin person says a makeup color is weird and fucked up and looks bad its probably made for you not them.
- look for makeup influencers with a similar shade of skin to you when buying products they know whats chalky and ashy and what looks good. but be generally wary of light pink blushes they usually either dont show up or are pure glitter and not that useful as blush or look chalky as shit
- if you have hooded eyes and eyeliner is fucking you up dont close your eyes when you do it. or do a puppy eye rather than a cat eye (rounded liner that comes to a little point at the corner) puppy eyes look good even if your eyes arent hooded actually mess around see what you like
- find makeup looks you like online and fuck around try to recreate them youll often reverse engineer good techniques from doing this
- sometimes teenagers from 2010 in their bedrooms using one of those old elf 100 color palettes have good advice actually. but sometimes its horrible and you absolutely should not listen to it
- if you put eyeliner in your waterline (pull down your lower lid and out it in the wet edge of the lid, pull up the upper lid and do the same) make sure to wash it out thoroughly or else itll build up and fuck your eyes up trust me
- you can do whatever you want forever
reblog w your own tips if you want
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
clouds between their knees
‘Robin, anything on your end?’ Batman asked over the comm. There’d been rumors of a gang meeting tonight with multiple possible locations. Bats took the most likely one while Robin, Batgirl and Spoiler were checking out the others. Cass and Steph’s leads were busts so Kon was prepared to take a peek before grappling to B’s location. And if his grapple was a little loose and he was going a little too fast, well who could tell otherwise?
“Not yet,” Kon grunted quietly as he shimmied quickly in through the broken window and down into the warehouse. “It’s dark in here so I’m not expecting much but I’ll check just to be sure.” It would be quicker to fly or just bust down the whole wall but Batman taught him better than that over the last three years. Besides, it wasn’t just his legacy he was messing with. Unlike when he was Superboy, he was part of something bigger and had people in his corner.
“Ok, I’m in,” he gracefully landed on the dusty floor and crept forward. He flipped up the lenses of his domino to do a quick Xray sweep and Bingo! Conner grinned when he took in the scene happening below him. “Jackpot B, I got the high beams up and there’s a hidden basement. I see Black Mask and, oh man, Red Hood is out in the open. We finally got him.”
‘Do not engage without me, I’m coming on your location now. 15 minutes,’ Batman said before signing off. Kon wanted to roll his eyes, his dad was so overprotective sometimes.
‘You better bring him in. As much as I love helping Oracle, I am So tired of house arrest,’ Tim grumbled over the line.
‘He’s made vocal threats against Robin, it was necessary,’ Batman grunted. Even if he wasn’t bulletproof, he wouldn’t let Tim go out with some maniac with Robin vendetta on the loose. Tim always groaned that Kon took Robin whenever there were dangerous missions as if he was secretly hoping to get maimed and killed. Sometimes it was a full time job keeping his big brother from self destructing. 
“I won’t engage B but it’s sealed up good so I can’t see or hear much. I’m gonna get into the vents and get more intel for when you arrive,” Kon said as he quickly cased the empty warehouse before finding a space just big enough for him to wedge into. He really hoped he didn’t inherit Clark’s big shoulders because this would be impossible if he were any bigger. It was already getting harder for him and Tim to share the Robin name and pretend they were the same person.
He lightened his weight a bit as he made his way through until he had a good view of the proceedings. Looks like they were arguing over the ‘green stuff’, ugh lame, couldn’t they just say money but something caught his attention.
“Hood looked up at me,” Kon whispered thoughtfully. As soon as Kon had come into the vent, Hood’s helmet had twitched ever so slightly in his direction. Kon didn’t like to brag but he was pretty good at what he did, it would be next to impossible for some hood to clock him that far away. “Could be a coincidence or he might had infrared or motion detectors in his helmet. If he’s been this hard to track down then we should treat him with caution, we don’t what kind of gear and intel he has.”
‘Oh nice to see we were able to train that muscle in your skull,’ Tim quipped as he snacked on something over the line.
“You’re just mad you can’t lift a cruise liner over your head, Boy Wimpy,” Kon bantered back even as he started slowly backing up.
‘Robin get out of there, now,’ Batman hushed as Red Hood leisurely stood up from the table and stretched suddenly, interrupting Black Mask mid sentence. Kon froze, worried about making any noise.
“This has been fun, Maskie but I’m afraid we’ll need to negotiate the terms of your unconditional surrender to me later,” Hood said lazily. His posture was casual but he was tense underneath. “We’ve got some visitors I’ve been meaning to talk to. So why don’t you put an egg in your shoe and fuck off,” he said before pulling a machine gun from underneath the table and began firing up at the vents.
‘Conner!’ He heard Tim and Bruce yell over the comms but Kon was too busy trying to get out as fast as he could. But the space was tight and currently being slammed full of bullets. Dozens of them bounced against his armor and skin and he thanked whoever would listen that he was out here instead of one of the others. He had almost retreated into the safer part of the vents when the whole thing collapsed on him.
He yelped and fell gracelessly onto the floor of the basement. Kon groaned for effect and pretended to curl up and nurse some injuries. He was really reaching inside his belt for smoke capsules and batarangs. Probably should leave some of the fake blood before he split, just to add to the illusion.
“Aw, the little birdie fell out of its nest,” Hood cooed, hefting the machine over one shoulder. “I thought I told you to scram, Sionis. If you’re not out of here in the next 30 seconds I’m putting holes in you, this one and I need to have a conversation.”
Kon heard the harried footsteps of Mask heading for the hills as Hood stomped forward, kicking away bits of the vent as he approached.
“I was hoping one of you brats would show tonight, especially you. I’ve almost got everything put in place so I’m finally ready to have some fun,” he said with a laugh in his voice as he slammed his boot into Kon’s gut. The boot was heavy, steel tipped and would probably have broken ribs but he didn’t really feel anything. Couldn’t say the same for Hood.
“Goddamn!” The crime lord shouted, jumping away and grabbing at his foot. “The hell is in your armor kid? How can you lug that heavy thing around?” Well Kon couldn’t always avoid getting shot so they had to make armor that was thicker, wouldn’t take damage so he could just pretend the bad guys missed. Plus he barely felt the extra weight even though it was heavier than B’s suit. “Guess I should be glad ole Brucie is taking better care of birds this time around.”
Thomas Conner Wayne tensed on the ground, his plans of escaping lost for a second. How could Hood possibly know that name? What was Kon gonna do about it?
“I’m gonna give you a present, Replacement,” Hood spat out. “A lot better than I got. I’m gonna beat the hell out of you, within an inch of your miserable, little life and then I’m gonna set the timer to blow this warehouse. I’ll give you a chance, won’t tie you up or stop you,” he leaned down close to Kon’s face, “I just wanna see if Bats really upgraded, if you’re better than the last one.” He straightened out.
“And don’t think Daddy Bat Wings is gonna come save your sorry ass, I know he was down by the docks. I made him think the meeting would be there so my crew is gonna divert him juuuust long enough for me to do what I need to. So,” there was a scraping sound, something dragging across the floor. “Shall we begin?”
Kon dove out of the way of what looked like a crowbar and crouched to his feet. He was still pretending to be injured but he needed to get out of here. Of course Hood couldn’t actually hurt him but it wouldn’t do for him to know that. They danced and dodged for a minute or two, but Hood was Good with a capital G. Kon was throwing all his skills and tools into trying to take the gangster down but it really was hard to avoid the vicious onslaught. The man got in a few hits every once in a while and Kon tried to react but he knew it wasn’t good enough and the man was suspicious.
“The hell is Bruce feeding you? Why won’t you stay down you little punk?” Hood yelled, whipping Kon hard across the face with the crowbar. He stumbled back against the table where a small box had been sitting. It knocked onto the floor and exposed something inside. Something green. Immediately, Kon’s knees buckled.
“Shit,” he groaned quietly to himself as he tried to inch away from the deadly rock but it was sapping all his energy. He’d only been exposed to Kryptonite once, at the Fortress because Bruce had insisted he knew what it felt like. But he was such a dad he only made Conner suffer a minute before he closed the box and took him home to Alfred for cookies. He didn’t think that’s how this story would end. He gagged as his stomach rolled and his lungs seized and if he could just move a little further away... Hood just stood there watching in stunned disbelief.
“Are you shitting me?” He asked quietly, stalking forward with surprising softness. Hood moved so much like a Bat, it was unnerving. “I brought that to prove to Mask that I really had stolen his shipment but it led me to an even bigger score.” He scooted the box closer to Kon who finally collapsed from the strain. “Now how did he get his hands on you, I wonder?”
“I’m sorry,” Kon whispered but he wasn’t talking to Hood, he was talking into the comm still plugged into his ear. “I’m sorry, I love you guys.”
“Get away from my brother!” Like some kind of angel, Kon’s blurry vision saw someone drop down from the hole in the vents and slam into Hood. He grabbed the box containing the Kryptonite and slammed it shut. Kon felt like he could breathe again. “Robin, get up. B’s delayed but I got a car outside.” It was Tim, hastily dressed in his Robin uniform and looking more mad than Kon had ever seen him.
“There’s two of you?” Hood cackled, swinging his crowbar. “Oh that’s rich, are you twins? Tell me, did he steal you from the Flashes or the Atom perhaps? you’re certainly small enough. Bad enough he replaced me once but twice over? That’s just cruel, Dad.”
“Robin, I said, get up!” Tim yelled, swinging his staff which Hood dodged. They didn’t work together often since they were playing the same role but Tim’s fighting prowess always left him in awe. And furious like he was now, he was doing a number to Hood. With the box shut, more of Kon’s strength returned until he was able to stagger to his feet. Tim was holding his own but, as Kon had discovered, the Red Hood was beast. He couldn’t do much as Tim was tossed around and slammed into the wall. His skin bruised, he bled as Hood got a knife against his throat with one hand while he unclipped his helmet with the other.
Conner had never given much thought to Jason Todd. No one really talked about him, only Tim when they snuck into each other’s rooms for sleepovers. From the way Tim described him with starry eyes, Jason had been bold but kind, sensitive and intelligent. The man before them was nothing like that, his pale face flushed with anger and his green eyes positively glowing with hate.
“Look at this,” He said gesturing to his knife covered in Tim’s blood. “You’re just as human as I am but we don’t matter, do we? We’re just pawns in his game, pawns he’ll sacrifice if he thinks it’ll give an advantage to his precious mission. That lug over there? He’s not just a pawn, he’s a knight. When B’s chewed up and spit out the rest of us, at least he’ll have his Kryptonian lapdog to keep the legacy going. I suggest you ditch the tights before you end up in the grave next to mine.”
“That’s not gonna happen,” Kon hissed, bodyslamming into Hood to get him away from Tim. He ripped the knife out of his hands and threw him roughly onto the table in the middle of the room. He laid there, not moving and Kon didn’t care right now if he was dead or not. He needed to get Tim help. Tim grabbed onto the box, holding it shut while Kon grabbed his brother and flew them out of the basement and into the smoggy Gotham sky.
“Hey, you awake?” Tim groaned and turned to look at Kon. It wasn’t unusual to have his brother at his bedside in the medical portion of the Cave. It was weird to see him on the cot next to him with the sunlamp on him. His face was still pale with a sickly green tinge to it but he seemed okay.
“Ugh why does my mouth taste like plastic?” Tim gripped, wiping clumsily at his face.
“Alf had to sedate you, your throat needed stitches and you were pretty banged up everywhere else,” Kon frowned and turned to look up at the ceiling. “You shouldn’t have gotten hurt at all.”
“No one knew Hood would be there or that there was Kryptonite in Gotham. There was literally nothing you could have done,” Jason’s crazed face sprang to mind. “No one saw that one coming.”
“I’m not gonna go easy next time,” Kon growled. “He hurt you, he wanted to do some messed up torture thing and that could’ve been you and I don’t care that he used to be a Bat. As far as I’m concerned, he ain’t anymore.” 
“It’s not as easy as that,” Clark said, coming out of nowhere looking tired himself. He was still dressed in pajamas, Bruce must’ve called him in a panic. “How’re you boys holding up?”
“Been better,” Tim said at the same time as Kon. Tim snickered at Clark’s eyeroll. He should know better by now that they were a packaged deal. “How’s Bruce taking the revelation?”
“He sat here through your treatments but as soon as he heard you both were okay he buried himself in his work. I,” Clark paused. “I think he’ll need you again to get him through this, Tim. You saw how he was when Jason died. This won’t be pretty. Conner, we’d heard a large shipment of Kryptonite had been stolen but we didn’t think it had come through Gotham. We’ll be keeping tabs trying to track it down and out of enemy hands.”
“Appreciate that,” Kon groaned, “that sucked ass.”
“It might help to get out of the city for a bit,” Clark suggested cautiously and got Tim’s hackles up. “Bruce has the best sunlamps money can buy but it’s nothing like the real thing. Ma would love to take you for a week or two, to get your strength up. Or you could stay with Lois and I in Metropolis.”
“Thanks but my family is here and they need me,” Kon said shortly, rolling over to face away from Clark. Tim glared hard at the Super until he had the sense to back off.
“Right, of course, I’ll let you two rest and if you need me I’ll um...” He shuffled off, presumably to try and get B out of his own head. Tim huffed away his aggression.
Years ago, Clark hadn’t wanted the responsibility of taking Conner full time but now suddenly he was around all the time. He’d heard from B that Clark wasn’t happy with the current arrangement. He was upset that Kon was adopted while Tim was still living with his dad, that Kon took up Robin alongside Tim, upset that he hasn’t been Superboy in years and doesn’t use his powers while in costume. He’d had his chance to make a family, a legacy with Conner but now he was Tim’s brother and he’d open that Kryptonite box on the man if he tried to take Kon away.
“I’m fine, Tim,” Conner said sharply. “Look, I’m not going anywhere especially not when all this is going down. I may be a Super in blood but I’m a Bat in every way that counts.” He turned and scooted over so they were face to face and whispered quietly so Clark couldn’t hear. “So how’re we gonna stop Jay before it tears Bruce apart?”
“I have some ideas,” Tim grinned. It ached that it had come to this, his idol rising from the grave to become a criminal. But Conner had become his brother over the days, months and years of training and school and stupid shenanigans. No one, not even Robin could come between them because they were Robin. Stronger together than they were alone. That’s what it meant to be a Bat. 
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Do you know any fics where Jason reacts to Stephanie's "death"? Even if he didn't know her yet, I feel like the death of another Robin would have hit him pretty hard
When I tell you I Fucking Agree With You So Goddamn Much. Honestly I want to write something about it myself but it's somewhere far, far down the list because I'm already working on too many goddamn things (all you need to know about gwen stacy has been in the works since last summer WHEN WILL I FINISH IT). anyway despite the fact that this is in fact a phenomenal concept that absolutely should be more explored in fic, it mostly gets mentioned in jokey "dead robin club" one-liners, rather than actually getting explored. HOWEVER, there is one fic, that honestly should have made it onto my general Jason fic rec list (although lbr that one was long enough as it is), that does in fact deal with this pretty heavily.
Behold, Red Robin Hood; tragically incomplete, worth reading three times despite that (not talking from experience or anything), and so, so, so good. AU that diverges when Jason attacks Tim at Titans' Tower. Instead of just brutalizing him, he carefully plans and executes a kidnapping. Steph comes in later on but she has a really important role in the story and this particular subject absolutely gets some great screentime.
I'm actually pretty positive overall on any jaysteph dynamic, including shipping - I don't know why there's a huge backlash against the ship, they're only two years apart (probably idk y'all know how the batfam ages are) and they have a lot of shared experiences. Still, if you're looking for a good platonic fic for the two of them, I really liked this time, the loser wins. I love fics were people bond with Jason over food. It just does it for me.
have fun and let me know if you want any more recs <3
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vampireshmampire · 2 years
A Change in Perspective (3/13)
"These are potions of perspective. Each one will give you a dream that will show you your life in a new light. This one shows you how the world would look if you had never been born. This one shows you what would happen if you died. But I am going to give you this one. This one shows you what you need to be happy. Not--and this is important--not what you want."
Nandor goes to the witches for help with him vampire depression, and gets a potion that will help him figure out what he needs to be happy. It's not all smooth sailing--he may not like what the potion has to say, and everyone may not love the changes he's about to make, and no one can ever, ever find out that he went to the semen-stealing witches for help. But hey. It's better than super slumber.
"We have been waiting for almost an hour!" Nadja snapped. Nandor glanced around. He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting when he took the potion a second time, but he was surprised by just how different the dream was from last time. 
He and Nadja were alone in the antechamber outside the hall of judgement. They were in their council robes--but the robes were slightly different: dark gray with red trim instead of pure white.
"What the fuck does he think he's playing at?"
"Probably he is just not ready yet," Nandor said.
"If he wasn't ready for us, he shouldn't have summoned us! This is another one of his little power games," Nadja spat out, her hands tightening into fists. "Reminding us who is boss!"
Nandor shushed her.
"Keep your voice down!"
"Don't you shush me! Just because he actually listens to you--!"
"He would probably listen to you if you ever suggested a solution other than murder."
"Ugh." Nadja said. She quieted, but Nandor knew that unless this world was radically different from the real one, she wasn't done yet. Sure enough, it was less than a minute before she continued ranting. "It is humiliating! We were the council and now--! You know he only keeps us around as trophies.”
"He does not. It could be worse," Nandor said, trying to be positive. "We still get to be involved."
"If you try to find the silver lining one more time, I am going to strangle you with it," Nadja snapped.
The Guide materialized before them.
"It is time," she said, widening her eyes ominously.
The doors swung open. In the center of the room was the throne, as it always was. But someone was already in the chair, clad in the white robe of the council leader. The hood was up, leaving the face obscured by shadow.
"Took you long enough," Nadja snapped. The hood turned towards her, slowly. "We were waiting for an hour."
"Apologies for the delay," the Guide said, smoothly. "The last meeting took much longer than expected."
"Just because you are head of the council does not mean you get to jerk us around and waste our time!" Nadja said, not even looking at the Guide.
"No one made you stay. If you're not satisfied being my advisor, you can leave."
What the shit, Nandor thought, as Guillermo lowered his hood. His dark hair was slicked back, and his eyes were ringed dramatically with black liner. Nandor had never seen him looking so stern and authoritative. Though he liked it less than the teasing smiles from the last dream, he had to admit that Guillermo did not look out of place on the throne.  
"Of course I'm not satisfied!” Nadja said. “What is satisfying about you stealing my position?"
"I won it in fair combat," Guillermo said, his patient tone not managing to hide his exasperation. "All in line with the laws of the council. Do you seriously want to have this argument again?"
"You didn't even bother to fight Nandor!"
"He didn't not bother to fight me!" Nandor said, defensively. "I yielded!" 
I did? Nandor thought.
“I do not engage in fights I know I cannot win.”
I don’t? Nandor thought. Even if that were true, it was Guillermo. Surely he, Nandor the Relentless, could take Guillermo, who was small and soft and quiet and…
And had single-handedly defeated an entire theater of the most powerful vampires in the area.
Hmm. Perhaps pragmatism had been a good call for Dream Nandor. Real Nandor decided not to be offended by this dream decision.
"Ha! Yielded." Nadja's voice was acidic. "You mean you rolled over like a dog and surrendered to your own familiar--!"
Guillermo blurred, and in a second he was on the other side of the room, nose to nose with Nadja. Though the heels gave her a few inches on him, he seemed no less intimidating than if he'd towered over her. This close, when Guillermo spoke, Nandor could see his fangs.
"Former familiar," Guillermo said, his tone dangerously cold. Nadja sneered, although Nandor recognized the nervousness now threading beneath the expression.
"I am not afraid of you," she said.
"I don't want you to be afraid of me," Guillermo said. "I want you to show methe respect I am owed as your leader. And if you can't do that, go home."
The moment stretched, the tension thrumming between them. Even in a dream, Nandor could feel it between his teeth. It took a lot of effort not to back away, and he tried to stand very still.
Finally, Nadja stepped back.
"Of course, oh glorious leader," she said, not an ounce of sincerity to be found.
Guillermo, at least, was willing to take it, and resumed his seat on the throne as Nadja and Nandor took their spots beside him.
"Let us begin," Guillermo said.
People came and people went. They laid out their problems, and Guillermo would ask Nandor and Nadja what they thought. Nandor tried very hard to give serious, well-thought out answers. Nadja suggested murder every time. Having Guillermo listen to and consider his suggestions, even if he didn’t follow Nandor’s suggestions, felt...really good. Like Nandor’s opinion mattered even if he wasn’t the most important person in the room.
Like Nandor mattered.
Time passed strangely in dreams, so it felt like hours and yet minutes when Guillermo tugged up the sleeve of his robe and checked his watch.
"Okay, we're done for today," he said. Without a word, Nadja marched towards the door. "Nadja. Nadja!" He sounded almost plaintive as he called after her, but the only answer was the slam of the chamber door. Guillermo sighed and rubbed at his eyes--and then cursed under his breath at the smudged eyeliner on his fingers.
Guillermo stood, but instead of following Nadja to the exit, he went through a small door in the back of the room. There was no discussion, but Nandor followed him down a small hallway to a side room. It was a large office decorated with a mix of old and new--ancient wooden desk, ergonomic desk chair, bookshelves stacked with ancient tomes, a shiny new computer monitor perched on the desk.
Nandor wasn't sure if he'd ever been in this room in the real world, or if it even existed, and tried to remember to check when he woke up.
Guillermo threw himself down into the office chair, which wheeled away from the desk slightly.
"Do you think she'll ever get over it?" he asked.
"Give her a few hundred years," Dream Nandor said. Real Nandor was skeptical. Guillermo seemed to share that skepticism.
"I thought making you two my advisors would make it easier, but sometimes I think it actually made it worse."
"I like it," Nandor said.
Guillermo snorted.
"Really," he said, disbelieving. "You enjoy standing by the throne you once sat in, serving the person who once shined your shoes and cleaned dog shit off your cape."
"I do," Nandor insisted. "I like to have a say and be heard, but I also like not having to do the actual leading. It wasn't as much fun as I remembered. And I still get to boss people around, so." He grinned. "All good." 
It's not supposed to be fun, Nandor thought again. You didn't do it because it was fun, you did it because...because...because you were supposed to.It was important to have power; what the power was and what you did with it was irrelevant. You just...you were just supposed to have it. That was how it worked.
"And you really don't have a problem working for your familiar?"
Nandor sat down in one of the chairs on the other side of the desk.
"I do not work for my familiar. I work for my friend, the vampire Guillermo de la Cruz."
Guillermo reached up and rubbed the pad of his thumb against a fang.
"You don't regret--"
"No," Dream Nandor said with a roll of his eyes, giving Real Nandor the bizarre sensation of recognizing his own tone of voice—the irritation of being forced to repeat himself many times to many people. "No, I do not regret turning you; no, I do not see it as sowing the seeds of my own destruction; no, I do not wish I had not done it. Stop asking me as if I will change my answer! I am going to start throwing things at you."
"Okay! Okay!" Guillermo laughed, holding up his hands in surrender. "...sowing the seeds of your own destruction?" 
Nandor rolled his eyes again.
"Do not even ask," he said. Dream Nandor hesitated, and Nandor pushed for it, wanting to know what it was he had to say.
"I did not yield to you because I thought I would lose the fight," Nandor said at last, vindicating his unseen passenger’s confusion. "I yielded because I knew that you would be a better leader. And I was right. You are very good at this, and Nadja knows it. That is part of why she is so angry. She wanted you to mess it up so she could justify taking it back."
"You never told me that before," Guillermo said, sitting up. Nandor shrugged, awkwardly.
"Hard to say without sounding like I am sucking up to the new boss."
Guillermo chuckled.
"I just find it hard to imagine that you don't care. It was so important to you."
"Yeah but then I had to actually do it, and it was like. Eh."
Guillermo looked away. He smiled, but it seemed a little forced. 
"I'm glad you're okay with it. Nadja hating me has been pretty rough but, uh. I don't think I would...I think it would be even harder if you hated me too."
I could never hate you.
"I could never hate you."
Despite the white robes and the slicked-back hair and the heavy makeup, the shy smile Guillermo gave him was so Guillermo that neither Nandor knew what to do with it.
"Come," Nandor said, standing. "Let us go find someone to eat, and then we can do that thing where we sit on a roof and make fun of the people we see."
Guillermo grinned and stood.
"I totally would have won though. If we had fought."
"Sure," Nandor said, noncommittal.
"Seriously? I could totally take you."
"I didn't say you couldn't."
"You didn't say I could."
"I would think the outcome would be obvious."
"Okay, now you're just being a dick about it--"
Nandor opened his eyes.
Two things about the dream had surprised him. One, how good Guillermo had looked in eyeliner. Maybe he could try and make a few very very subtle suggestions? Two, it was a world so totally different from the previous dream. What could it mean? Surely not that he needed his familiar to usurp his position in order to be happy.
Speaking of.
"Good evening, Master."
Nandor looked at Guillermo, in his collared shirt and sweater and slacks. He looked down at himself, in his embroidered tunic and riding boots and trousers he'd owned for at least a hundred years. He still wasn't sure what the dream was trying to tell him, but maybe he didn’t need to wait until he was to start making changes.
"Get your coat, Guillermo. We are going out."
"Out where?"
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Cash Kidd — BeBe Kidd 3 (5674 \ Empire)
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The third outing in the BeBe Kidd series is wholly in vein with the first two but has an unexpected twist.
The first BeBe Kidd tape was a bumpy ride: Cash Kidd had only started writing music and was doing things semi-professionally. BeBe Kidd 2, released in 2018, arguably the best in the series, was more polished, funny as hell and had a bitter ending, reminding us that the Detroit MC is not only a king of comedy rap but also a master of sardonic tales on loss and misery.
BeBe Kidd 3 is almost longer than the first two combined and with 26 tracks under the hood actually contains two very different tapes. The first one is a Cash Kidd’s stab at a major label-like album; he half-sings and tries to be too erious. Tracks like “Kleptomaniac,” “Hold On,” and “Missed Out” show the professional side of Cash Kidd. He can write for any audience and go a little softer and cleaner than he used to. These cuts are speckled with hilarious one-liners as well, yet they are nothing like his usual work. The same is also true for all songs with guest stars (except for BlueBucksClan). They might expand the audience for the Detroit MC but add little of value. “Way 2 Cool” with the late Drakeo the Ruler doesn’t even feel like a Cash Kidd song and is downright awful.
But on the other half of the tracks, the mischievous Cash Kidd is still with us: “I was that one BeBe kid, probably stole your bike \ The police said, "Freeze," my neck done been froze all night” (“Kidd Next Door”). It’s like we’re still in 2016 and Cash Kidd hasn’t released half a dozen of tapes, got rich and moved to Vegas. On “Out the Way” he reminds us that he’s come a long way from poverty but still can crack a joke: “Pockets look like they stuffed with encyclopedias \ He on Facebook hating on me, I'm not gonna see it” or “Rich as hell, tryna buy somebody food stamps \ Boy you broke as fuck, somewhere arguing with a hood rat.” He proves that he’s still the best in comedy rap (“He went to court, spilled more beans than a chili place”). What’s changed is that during his climb-up he got a lot of hate and he still holds grudges: “Heard yo' lil diss, they ain't gon play it \ Please stop rapping, you ain't gon make it” (“Please Stop Rapping”). Yet he never forgets to remind us that he’s made it: “Trust me, they gon' stay sleep on you, 'til you run up a check \ Sauce Gardner, I was on the corner, now we on them jets.”
If we still lived in the analogue era, this two-in-one tape problem would be solved pretty easily. On one side we’d have a Cash Kidd the major label artist, on the other a Cash Kidd the dirty comedian. Unfortunately, on BeBe Kidd 3 in its current version these two sides are intermixed. The mischievous talented jokester gets buried under a lot of filler with a ‘serious’ vibe. The listener has to skip many tracks to get to the good parts. Cash Kidd played a joke on us.
Ray Garraty  
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5amfever · 1 year
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A little over 20 years ago a friend and I were making a sprawling epic of an SOV horror film called RIVERHAUS RANSOM. On a night totally unrelated to the process I was driving down the interstate and smashed my 1988 Chevrolet Celebrity into a deer, sending it flying over the hood and onto the side of the road. I was fine, the deer was not. The Celebrity was somewhere in the middle, matted with a bit of hair, spattered with blood and left with a severed coolant line and some other miscellaneous issues that would make it sound like the yawning apocalypse every time its engine was running for the brief remainder of its life.
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There are a few select scenes in RIVERHAUS RANSOM (pictured above) during which you can hear it bellowing out of hell down the street, its garbled engine noises taking over the VHS camera's meager audio capabilities and adding a new kind of ambience into the mix. When I really think about it, this is why I appreciate homemade movies in the first place. Not because they all need to have a beater screaming for dear life (and ending deer life), but because they capture a moment in time that even small indie films can't manage. A time when a group of like-minded—or not—folks got a wild hare up their ass to make something, even if that something can barely muster material worthy of a z-grade rating.
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From one Kentucky filmmaker—hey, I can call myself whatever the hell I want—to another, it was my solemn duty to pop in Jack Shrum's BLOOD HUNTER at the wild-eyed witch's hour. Released in 1996, just a few years prior to the filming of RIVERHAUS RANSOM, BLOOD HUNTER tells the tale of Victor, a vampire who relocated to rural Kentucky due to the similarities he finds its environment has in relation to the vague Russian location from which he hails. It's here that he posts up in a cave and lives a relatively quiet life as a nighttime auto mechanic, at least when he's not killing some of the more unsavory denizens of Brownsville. 
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Shrum wasn't originally supposed to play the blood-sucking lead, but that didn't stop him from delivering plenty of deliciously dry one-liners you can see coming from a mile away. They're all welcome, and it's clear everyone involved in the film was very welcome in town, too, as they brought a slice of Hollywood to add to the local flavor in a place that apparently didn't even have any stoplights at the time. Who could fault their enthusiasm? There are plenty of locations that give residents a chance to laugh it up in the background, or even step into the occasional role. Shrum loves tasking his actors with spewing out full scenes of dialogue exchanges without any cuts, which makes it extra delightful when an actor stumbles over a word in one of their final lines. You can practically feel the "fuck it, we're not doing that scene again" energy floating through the air. There are almost no actors here anyway outside of Chuck Ellis, who plays Sheriff Ben Taylor from deep down within his soul. 
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When BLOOD HUNTER came out it made the local news in an incredible time capsule of a report that's included in VHShitfest's Blu-ray, which gives the film about as loving a home as humanly possible. BLOOD HUNTER was produced for around $18,000 depending on who you ask, most of which came from Shrum himself and little of which is visible on screen at any single moment. It may not be a masterpiece even by the standards of its contemporaries, but it was money well spent, clearly, and the only fallout was that poor fella who played the child molester. Apparently everyone thought this role reflected reality and his reputation quickly turned to dirt, forcing him to relocate. 
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The friend I shot RIVERHAUS RANSOM (again, above) with passed away a little over a year ago. Thanks to the power of movies, though, everyone can relive a very specific snapshot of his life. The one where he played a child, a woman, a mechanic and a murderous demon over the course of 30 minutes and some change. That's the good life. 
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you know what I think would just be. really funny. like it would be so good.
is if (bear in mind I know v little abt dc canon except that apparently even the canon is inconsistent as hell so like-) Jason Todd before he died on several occasions made quips that implied that he either wasn't gonna die and or wasn't gonna stay dead.
because as far as I know, nobody knows how he actually came back right? I think? Like the timeline I mostly see in fanfic I've read is
1) Joker kills Jason
2) Funeral, Jason is buried
3) Some time later, Jason /wakes up/ and fucking /crawls out of his own grave/ but he's not having a fun time
4) League of Assassins dumps him in a Lazarus Pit
so they know that the Pit healed him, but the impression I got is nobody has any fucking clue how or why he initially woke up right?
So I just really want there to be more content like the prompt I just reblogged (Bury me shallow, it will make it easier when I come back), or the post from a while back where Jason-as-Robin tells Riddler that when Jason dies he had better "check my grave yourself to make sure I'm really gone". And then I want there to be a fuck ton of fics where various characters, post-resurrection, are like. Wait. Wait. Wait hang on I just remembered something potentially critical. Do you remember when Jason said-?
Jason did you know you were going to come back
Jason did you ever really die
Jason can you even die? Are you immortal? Will you come back every single time? Like. Do you want to change your funeral arrangements because man, climbing out of your own grave sounds pretty fucking traumatic the first ti-
Jason where are you going
I can't decide whether it's funnier if Jason does actually know how he came back or not. Either way I think it would be excellent if a) Jason is very cryptic and infuriating about it, no answers (or no helpful answers, at least), lets them run in circles for his own amusement b) they don't tell him his suspicions and are just secretly trying to figure it out and or figure out whether he knows how he came back meanwhile he's like ?? why yall acting so weird
Alternative, equally funny option. Two things happen, either order works: "Hood is back but nobody knows its Jason" and "Somebody actually checks Jason's grave- it's empty holy shit"
And then final point on top of those two: Hood makes similar jokes re: better check my grave yourself, /if/ I die you're invited to my funeral, etc etc. Based on approximately nothing, characters wonder if this means that Hood can come back from the dead the same way Jason presumably did (they don't know where the fuck Jason is and are very concerned but there's only so many ways you can interpret an empty coffin broken from the inside okay) and so start hounding him for information. He has no idea how to react to this.
And/or they go "Okay. So we have no idea who Hood is apart from - probably born and lived in Gotham, came from nowhere x amount of time ago. What if. We can't find him. Because he was dead before that???" Cue ridiculous attempts at finding his secret ID that are all wildly off point
I just want death/immortality themed one liners, miscommunication, and Jason fucking with people as much as possible okay I just think it would be very good. Esp bc like. This could be crack or very angsty depending on how you spin it yk
(Also please note that throughout this post I was v careful not to clarify who the people/characters are....I think batfam/villains/random goons (Hoods men?) are all equally amazing possibilities
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ragequeen94 · 2 years
hey hey hey! can i request 3rd one from smutty one-liners part III with hidan? thank you!! 💞
HidanXReader!AFAB NSFW
this one definitely got away from me a little but I definitely enjoyed the journey!
Also. I headcanon sub/bottom/switch Hidan. It has been nearly a decade and no one is going to take it away from me. Put that brat on his knees and beat him. He likes it.
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You and Hidan had been teasing eachother for a long time. or maybe rather you were being a tease and he was just... well hot. it was like, everything he did just oozed sex appeal. the way he leaned on walls, the way he put his hands on the counter.... the way he rolled up the sleeves that one time the colder weather encouraged him to wear a long sleeve shirt. it made your very bones quiver with desire, and he just did it so naturally! you hated him!
so you tried to do the same to him, but it was impossible to tell if he noticed at all. you always leaned over things much more than you needed too, wore clothes that were too tight and too small, and maybe let your fingers linger on his skin a little too long. when that didn't work you pushed further. played dirtier.
yoga, in the tightest leggings you could find, you started walking around in a towel, and as a last resort... you started cooking and baking. you did it as much as you can. of course all of your efforts were also enjoyed by the other members of the Akatsuki, even the grunpiest of the bunch were happy to accept food in all its forms. none of then aware of your goal, not even Hidan, the dumbass. you leaned against the counter top, considering the likely hood of death if you just walked naked into the common room where the group of men laughed and feasted, and lay upon the table infront of your conquest. maybe then he would fucking notice you. this body language bullshit was taking you long, and you where horny now. same as you had been yesterday. and the day before that. for weeks now. you needed him.
you gripped the counter top tightly, angry at what you had made yourself do to try and get his attention, angry you couldn't just walk up to him and demand his cock, angry that you hadn't gotten results yet. he was a stupid man. yoga pants and rare steak should have rendered him rock hard and ready for you. you wracked your brain thinking of the next step. it was just the beginning yet... you could do more... maybe he was just... really really dumb.
God that only made him hotter.
you allowed yourself a moment to day dream, biting your lip and crossing your legs. you brought a cookie up to your lips, they were still gooey and hot, the chocolate and butter melting on your tongue.
"there you are. damn, what the fuck is taking you so long." it was him. Hidan was walking in the open doorway, doing that thing he did... that stupid fucking sexy thing he kept doing.
fuck him.
you wished.
"gotta let the cookies cool." you tried your best to appear like you were ignoring him, but you pushed out your ass out of habit.
"or your gonna eat then all yourself." Hidan grinned and wandered over, snatching one off the tray. He grinned at you, not the light of a single brain cell behind his eyes. you wanted to ride his face.
You had had enough. you glared at him and rage filled your every fiber as the gorgeous man leaned on the counter next to you. he was talking and eating a cookie, your vision focused on how you could see the food in his mouth as he talked. disgusting. your vision tunneled, your ears were ringing and it had been a while since you had taken a breath. you gasped, and gave in.
reaching out you grabbed Hidan by the hair and pulled him down, he made the most ridiculous yelp before your mouths were pushed together. he tasted like cookies. his hands were out at his sides, like he was afraid to touch anything, or in too much shock to move. you took what you wanted from the kiss, inching close to him as you pulled away for a breath.
he started talking. immediately. "fuck... okay. didn't see that coming but damn... okay baby..." he was grinning like an idiot, probably thinking this was his lucky day. you frowned, pulling his hair harder. your leg moved forward and lodged itself in between his thighs, wedging your knee high. high enough to crush his balls against his pelvic bone. instantly he looked sick and confused.
"you fucking idiot." you seethed. "you stupid fucking idiot."
"fucking rude... you kissed me..."
"fuck. I hate it when you talk." you were absolutely feral, you hand slipped down his body as you kissed up his neck, enjoying the goosebumps that appeared over his skin. "your so stupid. makes me so fucking wet..."
His look of confusion was quickly replaced by a fearful grimace when your fist closed around his genitals. cock and balls all in one hand, and all yours. you licked your lips as you looked over your prey. He gasped for breath as you squeezed, smiling as he melted in your hands, grounding himself on your hips with and iron grip. "How about we continue this somewhere more private..."
"why, Hidan. baby boy isn't shy is he. nervous?" you licked his ear. "You've been teasing me for so long, it's been torture. I've been trying get your attention for so long..." with your free hand you grasped his jaw as tight as you could. "stupid baby boy..." you laughed at him, feeling the way his cock grew and pulsed in your grasp.
he tried to respond but his jaw was immobilized in your hand. "no more talking." you growled, releasing his cock, and pulling you hand from his pants, the air feeling cold on your palm. both hands on his hair, it didn't take much strength to push him to his knees. he gazed up at you in awe and a little bit of fear, but the angle of his back showed only submission.
good. you grinned as you leaned back on the counter, dragging him into position. "if you want a real treat..." you pulled aside the crotch of your pajama shorts and spreading yourself open for him. Hidan crawled, literally crawled over too you. and in the middle of shared kitchen, Hidan slid his thick tounge between your dripping lips, suckling on your clit like a starved calf. you would grant his wish, and yours, and take this to a private bedroom, but first you'd like to see how long it too him to make you cum, you were so horny it wouldn't take long. and if someone was to walk in so be it, you were hardly shy and definitely not ashamed, in fact you hoped someone would. then they could see that Hidan, turns out prayed to more than one god. you pet his head affectately as you moaned, reaching for another fresh cookie, taking a bite as you enjoyed his devilish tounge licking your insides.
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prettynxsty · 3 years
Salinity I
Sub!Namjoon x Domme!Reader
Warnings: Pussy spanking, Futa/Girlcock, did I mention Joon has a pussy?, cunnilingus, mentions of nipple play, size kink (small top/ big bottom), mentions of spit and sweat.
Summary: This is a product of my horrible imagination as a 2 part impulse piece. Sometimes you just need a good romp in the comfort of your home.
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Namjoon only ever took breaks when his brain needed a cooldown. You’d both been so busy that you didn’t have any time to creep up and ravish him like some cunning predator.
His worries of him being too big for you to mount him subsided after your first few times together. Now you were committed to each other for 3 years.
He remembers exactly how your fingers dug into his bigger hips when you ground him along your bulge. He was the most drunk he could have ever been, rum fought his inhibitions and won.
You stepped to the rhythm, locking onto him as you stalked forward. You were beyond the ability to hear the music in the club anymore, the rest of your senses were in overdrive. You move behind him, wrapping your arms around his stomach.
He molds back against you, glancing over his shoulder to greet his new partner. Your thumb brushes over a sliver of his stomach as you guide his waist in a manner that was iniquitous to everything outside of you. Namjoon tilts his hips forward, pressing more of his ass against you.
His lids flutter shut, the rosy brown shading his outer corner was beginning to mix with the ash brown framing the corner of his eye. You felt as if you reached a new echelon of consciousness. Your clothes stuck to your bodies in a way that was disgusting, you’d only realize it when the lure of the party drained out of your stomachs.
You lean in and kiss his jaw, his sweat mingles with the pitiful remains of your unflavored lip balm. Your tongue pushes past your lips, dragging from the corner of his jaw to the bottom of his chin. Acridity, salinity, it rolls over the center of your tongue in a way that makes the pit of your stomach tingle.
He sighed hotly, you could almost see his breath become condensation. The air conditioner works triply as it would in any other establishment, but the amalgamation of bodies exchange energy and heat at a rate so rapid that it couldn’t keep up.
You don’t know how long you danced with him, you end back up in the booth that you rented with your friends. This was the fusion of the growing heat between you, it was now nuclear. You kissed him, pulling him forward until he was forced to drop himself onto your lap.
His anxieties began to manifest, planting a hand on the table to move. But you placed your hand on his, gazing up into his eyes. You always seemed to have a cerebral connection.
He’s okay.
His subconscious echoes. His unease is unable to direct his mind to mirror it, dissipating under your all consuming fire.
He sucks in a small breath, quickly shaking the thought from his head. He reaches for the remote at his side on the nightstand, busying himself with finding a channel that could be interesting while simultaneously serving as good background noise should his thoughts consume him.
You toed off your rubber sandals at the entryway, shuffling into your home. You held a few plastic bags from the store, it felt good to feel the spring sun and wind. There wasn’t a pill you could take to fulfill the need to go outside, so it felt good to get out when you were granted the chance.
You and Namjoon were both in agreement that clutter contributed to toppling stress and frustration. So you put everything away in the pantry and store the remaining bags under the sink in the ever growing collection of liners for the smaller waste bins around the home.
You dig around in your sweat shorts and fish out your keys and phone as you enter the room. “What are you watching?”
“Man,” you shook your head as you neatly placed your keys in the tray on the bureau. You set your phone beside it before you move across the room to climb onto the bed. “I just know there are better things to watch at this time.”
Daytime TV was strange unless you were a child. Everyone else was too busy to watch until the afternoon, older people were clearly the target audience of a lot of these channels. Other stations seemed to simply recycle runs of their longer standing and obscure shows through the midday until the afternoon.
“We pay for cable and don’t use it enough, babe. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” His lips curve into an amused smile towards the end, spreading his arms as a nonverbal request for your touch.
“It’s not a bad thing you’re vegging out, you’re always using that brain.” You carefully crawl over the dark gray comforter, throwing your leg over his hip and lay over his chest. You greet him completely, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him.
The same bug seems to have bitten you, because you birth the sudden thought that you could kill some time by doing something else entirely. Your loose shorts did nothing to hold your dick in place regardless of what undergarments you wore. Your dick rests against his lower belly. Something shameless crawls up your spine, imagining his shirt hiked up to his collarbone as you helped yourself to his pretty pink nipples.
He casts a short glance down at you, the tips of his ears beginning to burn. He was well aware that you knew your dick jumped for a beat.
You purse your lips together, debating whether you should truly engage in molesting your relaxing boyfriend. Your mind travels back to your agreement that the both of you made. He would have let you know he absolutely wasn’t in the mood when you entered the room.
Your lips lift with a stupid grin as you move your arms from his embrace, scooting backward until you reach his ankles. You lean forward, digging your fingers under the waistband of his tiny black shorts and begin to work them down.
“What are you doing?” He questions you, lifting his hips for you to take them down the rest of the way. He only ever wore those tiny shorts at home, they might as well have been a pair of panties
“Don’t worry about it, keep watching.” You nudge his legs further apart, laying between them and hook his knees over your shoulders.
He covers his face with a hand, seeing you below him shouldn’t have made his stomach flutter like he held hands with a first love.
“You don’t know how much I think about eating this fat fucking pussy all the time.” You kiss the apex of his plush mound. His outer lips are just as gorgeously tanned as the rest of his latte colored skin, plump and warm from being nestled between his softened thighs.
The heat of his cunt warms your cheeks as you lean in to greet his clit first. His big brown thighs squeeze your ears with a shuddering moan from above you. You suck on the fleshy hood surrounding it with a wet noise, smacking your lips as you release it. You repeat this action in an irregular pattern, which is torturous to him.
You purse your lips, spitting a few stringy globules over his pussy lips before diving in to feast on the rest of him. His velvety inner lips swell with blood as you flick your tongue over them and suck on them hungrily. He curses through gritted teeth when you drag your tongue in between his thick petals, sweeping his nectar away like a greedy dog.
The remote in his hand creaks in his tightening grip, he would never get tired of when you had your way with him. You didn’t squeeze your tongue inside of him, you liked to save your favorite part for the very end.
He hadn’t even felt you shift one of your hands from his thighs, his eyes were closed from the bliss washing over him in waves. Suddenly it felt like the breath was knocked out of his lungs, his stomach tightening and releasing.
You spank your hand over his mouth, your middle finger rebounding from his clit. He could only sigh hotly, trying to catch ahold of his breath before you did it again. The sting made his thighs tremble, he was starting to lose control.
You angled your hand, smacking your hand straight over his fat, swollen folds. He cried out, throwing his head back. You lean in to nurse the sting, grinding your tongue over his spongy little love button.
“Please,” he began to babble. He was closer and closer to falling apart.
“Oh god.” He pants, thrashing his head to the right as you dug the thick of your tongue against his clit again. The sting of the slaps began to spread his inner thighs, causing them to tremble even more.
“You’re going to break me, please!” Namjoon’s voice was high and tight, a sob. A world away from his rich baritone.
You gently pinch around the hood of his clit and frantically massage it back and forth as you lap away at his pussylips.
He loses his breath, seizing up as he came. You lap away his milky drips of cream, slowing the furious movement of your hand. Eventually when you feel that you’ve lapped away what he’d be able to give you, you run a soothing hand over his thigh as you pull away.
“Ready to keep going, Joonie?”
He takes in slow, deep breaths to calm his heart before responding with a nod.
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nonsensegnomes · 2 years
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they get on like a house on fire
or, the evil john & mary prequel we deserve
~half of the songs here released before mary died in 1983: ft. joan baez, jimi hendrix, beyoncé’s lemonade, kd lang, the twin peaks soundtrack, 4 zeppelin songs for mary 😇, 3 sonny & cher for john 🙄, and a version of hey jude that doesn’t even involve the beatles
Two cover images for this Supernatural playlist. The first is a close-up of young John’s face in 4.03, as looking over Mary’s shoulder as she hugs him just after restoring him from the dead. Overlaid is the title of the playlist: BUYING THE STAIRWAY. 
The second is a mid-shot from the same scene of Mary looking over her shoulder at Dean (not pictured), as she realises the repercussions of the deal she just made for John’s life. Both images are slightly distorted in a way that makes it look like they are on an old/pre-digital tv screen.
Liner Notes:
House Burning Down, Jimi Hendrix
Look at the sky turn a hell fire red Somebody's house is burnin' down down, down down Down, down, down
i think we gotta do the tragedy thing of starting with a flash-forward to the moment of disaster and/or some really fucking ominous foreshadowing, right? so anyway i think when mary gets back home after 4.03 her childhood home is burning down
Mississippi, The Secret Sisters
Taking off for Mississippi Wearing someone else's name Brought you in this world and I Can take you from it just the same
when john reveals he remembers going to hell when he died and mary admits she made a deal with the devil for his soul & they’re just looking at each other like:
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Stairway To Heaven, Led Zeppelin
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold And she's buying a stairway to heaven
thesis. statement.
Summertime, Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald
Your daddy's rich and your ma is good lookin' So hush, little baby, don't you cry
my parents used to sing this to me as a kid, so i have no problem appropriating it as an ominous opener for a spn playlist
Lady Weeping At The Crossroads, Carla Bruni
Run with terror all before you And regret behind
Little Man, Sonny & Cher
You're growin' old, my mother's cold Now it's time that you learned what it meant to be mature
idk, i just think it’d be funny if john didn’t actually like classic rock and all those tapes were a result of mary’s taste/a whole lot of posturing + his favourite artists that he was so distressed to learn broke up were. sonny & cher.
Bird On A Wire, k.d. lang
Like a knight from some old-fashioned book I have saved all my ribbons for thee
Give It Up, Angel Olsen
What is it you think I need Everything, it's not true Give it all up for you
the inherent violence of becoming a suburban housewife etc etc
I Walk The Line, Johnny Cash
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep my eyes wide open all the time. I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
The Power Of Love, Frankie Goes To Hollywood
I'll protect you from the hooded claw Keep the vampires from your door
Dreams are like angels They keep bad at bay, bad at bay
hopefully it’s clear most of these love songs are uh. ironic.
Americans, Janelle Monáe
I like my woman in the kitchen I teach my children superstitions
this is not putting respect on the name of dirty computer and the biting satire janelle achieved in this song is far too good for spn, but it works too well to NOT use
Happy Together, Slothrust
Me and you and you and me No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
theeeeee vibe
Mariners Apartment Complex, Lana Del Ray
People can change, but you don't have to leave her When everyone's talking, you can make a stand
in my head this is their first disastrous attempt to break up, when the angels first reel them back in together w/ forced amnesia and other tricks
Angel from Montgomery, John Prine
If dreams were lightning And thunder were desire This old house would've burned down A long time ago
about here is where anna enters, i think. per this post, she’s stranded in the 70s but still trying to thwart the apocalypse as a human, and when she first meets mary she tries to stab her in the heart with like a bread knife :)
Love Of My Life, Queen
Love of my life, you've hurt me
Where Did You Sleep Last Night, Nirvana
My girl, my girl, don't lie to me Tell me where did you sleep last night
Dancing Days, Led Zeppelin
Dancing days are here again, As the summer evenings grow.
i feel like they have to have SOME good times just so the ugly stuff hits harder, so they should dance to this in the kitchen while a baby dean watches on & develops Complexes :)
If You Could Read My Mind, Gordon Lightfoot
And I will never be set free As long as I am a ghost, you can't see
i Really want to know what mary got up to in those TWENTY TWO YEARS she spent haunting their house
Black Books - Live, Nils Lofgren
She wants to hurt other guys Put tears in other eyes
can’t possible beat the sopranos scene, but if we gesture towards it...
Somebody That I Used To Know, Gotye & Kimbra
When you said you felt so happy you could die
this is when they actually do have a shitty yet relatively mature break-up, and the angels just immediately eternal-sunshine them
Happy, Mitski
I was in the bathroom, I didn't hear him leave I locked the door behind him and I turned around to see All the cookie wrappers and the empty cups of tea Well I sighed and mumbled to myself again, I have to clean
can’t say why, but this one has major timeloop vibes. anyway, this is when the powers that be just replay their first meeting again & again until they get it perfect
Questions About Angels, Carrie Elkin
All them things were black and white to you You can’t question an angel
mary brings john into the loop about what’s happening to them
Snake Eyes, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes
What did I do last night and will I be ashamed
Everybody Knows, Leonard Cohen
Everybody knows that you love me baby Everybody knows that you really do
Everybody knows you've been discreet But there were so many people you just had to meet
this is when jary try to do a truman show fake relationship while plotting to escape & the angels see right through them
The House That Dripped Blood, The Mountain Goats
And the cellar door is an open throat
Running Up That Hill (Deal With God), Kate Bush
Let me steal this moment from you now. C'mon, angel, c'mon, c'mon, darling, Let's exchange the experience
O Death, Shakey Graves & Monica Martin
When God is gone and the Devil takes hold Who will have mercy on your soul?
when the orig soundtrack is good, it’s GOOD
Mary, Big Thief
Heavens, when you looked at me Your eyes were like machinery Your hands were making artifacts in the corner of my mind
Sandcastles, Beyoncé
Pictures snatched out the frame Bitch, I scratched out your name and your face What is it about you that I can't erase, baby?
Moderation, Florence + The Machine
You think you need it, you think you want love You wouldn't want it if you knew what it was
Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting), Elton John
Oh, don't give us none of your aggravation We had it with your discipline
HAS to play over a wacky sequence where mary is trying to go on a date with john & investigate a hunt on the same night out; some real disney channel vibes
Only The Good Die Young, Billy Joel
You didn't count on me When you were counting on your rosary
annamary question mark?
Oh Ana, Mother Mother
You are the angel that I couldn't kill
so guys, this one is about anna
Red Right Hand, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
You're one microscopic cog In his catastrophic plan
so i think at a certain point heaven recruits mary to do some of its more delicate dirty work
A Cowboy’s Work Is Never Done, Sonny & Cher
I used to jump my horse and ride I had a six-gun at my side I was so handsome, women cried And I got shot but I never died
mary is MY marlboro man <3
She’s A Self Made Man, Larkin Poe
Lord have mercy, I'm a self-made-man
Jockey Full Of Bourbon, Tom Waits
Hey little bird, fly away home Your house is on fire, your children are alone
sometimes you leave your young children in another state to go take a case where an oracle then tells you beware the ides (nov 22nd 1983)
Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet, Fall Out Boy
I don't just want to be a footnote in someone else's happiness Does your husband know the way That the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?
did i mention we’re doing annamary? >:)
The Only Thing That I Know, The Mountain Goats
And I know you're lying And you know you're lying too That is just about The only thing I know about you
When The Levee Breaks, Led Zeppelin
If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break When the levee breaks, I'll have no place to stay
Gunpowder & Lead, Maria Lambert
If he wants a fight, well, now he's got one And he ain't seen me crazy yet
i simply think mary should get the murder john, as a treat (see below)
The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes, Fall Out Boy
And when it all goes to hell (Take this to your grave) Will you be able to tell me "sorry" with a straight face? (And I'll take it to mine) And when it all goes to hell And when it all goes to hell And when it all goes to hell And when it all goes
Everything Put Together Falls Apart, Paul Simon
For all the good it'll do you You can die
Laugh, I Nearly Died, The Rolling Stones
Feeling so despised When you laugh, laugh, I almost died
okay so that scene in bloody mary did change me on a foundational level when i saw it as a child, so obviously we’re going to upstage it! this is after the rage & resentment brewing between john & mary comes to a head, and they have a really UGLY fight, and there’s a moment where you think he might be about to hit her... before he just storms off to go drink at the VFW. and so when he comes home she puts a bullet in his head. and then after calmly disposing of the body, she goes to drive off, and there he is in her rearview – miraculously whole. and not remembering any of it
Ain’t No Grave, Johnny Cash
Us And Them, Pink Floyd
Heroes, David Bowie
The Gambler, Kenny Rogers
The Way It Goes, Gillian Welch
One Way Or Another, Blondie
but w/ a really ominous tone like this one riverdale vid
Angeleyes, ABBA
Johnny, I Hardly Knew Yeh, Joan Baez
Kentucky Gambler, Dolly Parton
i’ve already had my say on this song
Moonlight Shadow, Mike Oldfield
‘70: They’re Killing Children Over There, The Magnetic Fields
so this amv changed my life...
I Want To Break Free, Queen
Tomorrow’s Money, My Chemical Romance
The Grocery, Manchester Orchestra
Nowhere to Run, BOGA
Ask the Angels, Patti Smith
Oh! You Pretty Things, David Bowie
Hey Jude, Wilson Pickett
Who Do You Love?, George Thorogood & The Destroyers
any destiel song can should must & will be appropriated for the annamary cause
What Is and What Should Never Be, Led Zeppelin
House Carpenter, Joan Baez
What hills, what hills are those, my love That rise so fair and high? Those are the hills of heaven, my love But not for you and I
i have SUCH a complicated & sick little amv plotted out in my head for footage that doesn’t exist set to this song, which we really can’t get into right now i suppose, but!! suffice to say things go poorly when heaven finds out about anna & mary’s last-ditch desperate escape attempt
All Along the Watchtower, Bob Dylan
destiel retrospectively homophobic canon yet AGAIN when we kill anna in a clear reference to cas’s death in the s12 finale
All the Angels, My Chemical Romance
Love Will Tear Us Apart, Joy Division
Jenny, Sleater-Kinney
No Children, The Mountain Goats
Everybody Knows, The Chicks
Sycamore Trees, Jimmy Scott
Stuck In The Middle With You, Stealers Wheel
American Girl, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
The Beat Goes On, Sonny & Cher
The Chain (Live at the Forum 1982), Fleetwood Mac
yes this performance specifically
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, Paul Simon
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Yachi HC's
Specifically her relationship with each member of Karasuno
Daichi: Yachi was, obviously, scared by him, and she kind of continues to be scared by him. However at is graduation, when the team is all saying by to the third years, he tells her how much of an amazing job she's gonna do as manager for the next two years and she cries. She calls him when she needs help with learning how to wrangle the team and using her "Daichi Voice".
Suga: They aren't super close or anything but Suga was always willing to help her whenever she got scared of some of the other teams whenever they were at Nationals her first year.
Asahi: He was terrifying to her until Nationals. He fell asleep leaning on a wall after playing through so many sets and he was holding his team jacket like a teddy bear and when she went to wake him up he was like a toddler and ever since its been impossible for him to intimidate her.
Noya: His energy makes him the scariest person in her life, however he is also the first person to protect her when other teams try to hit on her in her second year. He bites a kid who won't leave her alone when they go to a practice match at another school. Obviously he gets in trouble, and he still scares her, but she buys him a popsicle as a thank you.
Tanaka: I firmly believe that Kiyoko and Tanaka start dating like right after Nationals, so Tanaka kind of becomes like an older brother to her. He helps her with her homework (which actually just become her helping him with his because he doesn't pay attention in class and she's in college prep courses). When he graduates she cries and hugs him really tight. They stay in touch and he's one of the first people she comes out as a lesbian to.
Ennoshita: In her second year when he's captain the two of them hang out a lot on accident. They become really close and she helps him feel like he's able and allowed to be captain despite what happened his first year. In turn he helps her to feel more comfortable around men.
Kinoshita: He get's dragged into extra practice with Noya a lot in his third year along with Yachi being dragged into practice with Kageyama and Hinata, so they end up talking a lot when trying to leave the gym. They find out they have similar music tastes so they end up sharing a lot of playlists with each other.
Narita: (underage drinking in this one) They don't really talk or hang out much but they do end up both being called by a drunk Tanaka (not knowing the other got called) some point near the end of her second year before he graduates and they both decide to pick him up. They get to him at the same time and help him get homes. They don't really talk about it but sometimes they share a knowing look when Tanaka say's something about being able to handle his drinks well
Kageyama: I said this in a tweet and that's what made me think to make this, but I firmly believe that Yachi was just one of the boys in Kagayama's head until third year when, in a panic, she called him needing him to buy her pads. Her mom was at work, Kiyoko wasn't answering the phone, Tsukki and Yamaguchi were on a date, Tanaka was in another prefecture, and Hinata was worse in her head than Kageyama. He buys the pads for her but he ends up getting panty liners and has to go back to the store. He buys her like three boxes of pads, and when the clerk asked if his girlfriend was being cranky and, he looked at him confused, but his confused look looked like scowl to the clerk so her suggested getting her food. He shows up to Yachi's place with the three boxes of pads, a box of tampons, five chocolate bars, two bags of chips and three different ice creams. They have a movie night with all the food and end up inviting the rest of the third years. When they get there and ask why Kageyama bought all this stuff she brings out all the pads and tampons he bough. Tsukki and Yamaguchi laugh and Hinata freaks out because he thinks that he needs to buy Natsu all of that stuff.
Hinata: Hinata continues to be the happiest person in Yachi's life. They continue to grow as friends as the years go by, and when she meets Natsu she decides to become an older sister to the girl. Hinata and Yachi become inseparable, almost like they were Tsukki and Yamaguchi. At one point some of their classmates thought they were dating, which sent the both into such a fit of laughter that they never actually told the person no so the rest of the school continued to think they were dating until Hinata and Kageyama were caught kissing behind the gym of the school (yes, by Ukai). There's a scandal where everyone thinks he was cheating on Yachi and Yachi has to go to every third year class to ask people to stop hating Hinata because she "defiantly not into him and was never dating him in the first place"
Tsukki: Perfect study buddy. They aren't in the same class but they are both in college prep courses, so they do their homework and study for tests together in the morning because they both know they will end up having to help Hinata and Kageyama after school. There study sessions quickly derail though and become them gossiping over coffee before school starts. Yamaguchi joins them sometimes but he would rather keep as much sleep as possible. Yachi helps Tsukki plan asking Yamaguchi out, Tsukki helps Yachi draft texts to the manager of Fukorodoni. The don't hang out at school except for volleyball so nobody knew they were really close until Tsukki and Yamaguchi barged into her classroom (while she was helping Hinata and Kageyama study) to announce that he was being drafted by the Sendai frogs and she jumps up to hug him while squealing.
Yamaguchi: This duo is an absolute fucking menace. These two are the worse when it comes to gossip. Nothing happens on the team that these two don't learn about. When he becomes captain it gets worse because the first years confide in him, and while he would never tell super personal things to Yachi, it doesn't mean he won't tell her that the new first year setter Kageyama is training has a crush on Hinata so that they can both watch the poor boy be intimidated by Kageyama lifting Hinata out of the boys line of sight when Tsukki finally tells him about it.
Kiyoko: Her mentor even after she graduates. Kiyoko stays in touch with her and helps her through everything. She helps her with relationships, the club, her mother, figuring out that she wants to pursue art because she wants to not because her mom wants her too. They get coffee every weekend, and when Kiyoko moves too far for them to do that they call every weekend. Yachi was her Maid of Honor.
Takeda: Takeda thought Yachi was going to be the perfect thing to keep the second years calm her second year, but he is quickly proven wrong when, because she's gotten comfortable with them, she ends up yelling at Hinata on the bus to Tokyo training camp while paying a card game because she thought her was cheating and taking her cards (she dropped a card when they hit a bump and didn't realize it). He does appreciate her a lot though because she fills the void left by Kiyoko perfectly and finds first years to train under her almost immediately.
Ukai: He still scares her, even in adult hood. The fear is different then the fear from first year, now its less "this man smokes and has earrings and is going to kill me oh no" and more "I've seen this man throw a volleyball at a kid across multiple volleyball courts because he said something lewd about me" fear. Its a healthy fear. He kind of becomes a father figure for her but she never talks about it to anyone but Tanaka.
Bonus + Shimada: Because he's close with Yamaguchi, Yachi ends up meeting him and he sneaks all of their year snacks for volley ball camps and tournaments and for study cram sessions before exams.
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happy halloween, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Min Yoongi always thought you were like the plague. Always there, tainting everyone with lust. This night wasn’t special. It was just a stupid Halloween party. Or so he thought, until he ended up in bed with you.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, alcohol, smut (fem reader, f-receiving oral, vanilla sex); non-idol!AU (university AU); (mostly) Yoongi’s POV
Min Yoongi regretted coming to this Halloween party.
But that's how it was. When he was here, he hated it and when he wasn't, he regretted not going. He couldn't exactly say no to Kim Seokjin either. They were close friends, after all. So, here he was.
He stood in a corner, nursing his beer and wishing it was whiskey. Someone had smashed the bottle throughout the mess that was this university party. Yoongi couldn't understand how people could be so stupid. It wasn't like alcohol changed you as a person - it just revealed who you really were.
And people were stupid. 
He was dressed as a very half-hearted vampire. Black suit, black shirt, with red lip-liner drawn as blood down one side of his mouth. Yoongi's creativity was used on his music, not Halloween costumes. He rubbed his forehead and wondered where Seokjin was. Or Jung Hoseok. Or Kim Namjoon. Or Park Jimin. Or Kim Taehyung. Or Jeon Jungkook, who shouldn't be in some nonsense because that kid was too young. Shit. Yoongi should at least keep an eye on him. He downed his beer and turned around. 
A white, pointed beak nearly poked his eye out. 
Yoongi started, almost stumbling. What kind of mask was that again? He had seen it before, maybe in a movie. Bird-like, white, eyes shrouded by tinted circular lenses, and the mask covered the whole face. A black wide-brimmed hat was perched on top. The long black trench coat covered the body of whoever it was. 
Ah! It was a plague doctor mask. 
Yoongi frowned and waved awkwardly at whoever it was before trying to move to the side to walk past. The person moved to block his way. Yoongi’s brows furrowed. The mask tilted and he felt a sudden sense of unease. The person was wearing some kind of hood that covered the hair and skin underneath the mask. 
"Can I get past you, please?" he said impatiently. 
There was an unsettling pause. It was punctuated by loud music and the sound of someone vomiting. Gross. 
"I don't know, can you?"
Yoongi froze. Even if the voice was muffled, he knew that voice. The voice that taunted and teased him all throughout high school, the voice that belonged to pretty lips and a sharp tongue, the voice that got under his skin and invaded his thoughts every time he...
You smiled underneath the mask. Yoongi couldn't see, but he could guess. Even though the lenses of the mask were tinted, you could see him pretty well. He didn't look thrilled to see you. 
Yoongi sneered. "You're not the type to cover up on these occasions." He meant the party.
"Still more effort than your... attempt." You made sure to pause in between your words. 
Yoongi's annoyance was getting the better of him. "Yeah, well, I'm not trying to pick up some poor sack of meat that'll probably get discarded before the morning."
You tilted your head in amusement. "You act like you speak from personal experience."
Yoongi frowned. "I would never touch you."
He couldn't tell your expression at all behind the mask. It was frustrating to say the least. Not to mention just hearing your voice was already reminding his body of what you looked like. How many times had Yoongi seen you at high school parties, in someone else's lap, whispering sweet nothings as if you actually cared? Then you catch his eye every time and smirk. You never had sweet nothings to tell him. You never tried to sit in his lap. But you always, always caught him staring at you.
And that pissed him off.
"How many since school started, hm?" Yoongi snapped, not bothering to hide his disapproval. "Ten? Twenty? A record high?"
The bird mask gave him no satisfactory expression. 
"And you?" 
Yoongi felt an icy shiver slide down his back. You raised your black-gloved hands, spreading your fingers out. Then, you began to name names. One after the other, putting down a finger each time. Maybe no one else could hear over all the noise, but Yoongi could. Yoongi could because he knew those names. He stiffened and winced as you listed each girl.
“Stop.” He reached out and grabbed your hands, trying to shove them down. “Stop it.”
“I thought you would never touch me,” you remarked coldly.
He recoiled as if he was on fire. Your tone of voice was disapproving. For some reason, it really bothered him. How you knew all their names was beyond him. Yoongi suddenly felt ashamed, as if he had done something wrong. It wasn’t his number of one-night stands that bothered him. It was the fact that you seemed disappointed somehow, even though he couldn’t see your face.
“How... how did you know?” he muttered, not looking at you.
You stared at his defeated form. You reached up and lifted your hat. The mask was removed and you pushed the hood back before placing the hat back on your head.
“I like keeping tabs on you, Yoongi,” you said calmly, the side of your mouth curving upwards. “As long as you had fun, what’s the harm?”
Yoongi looked up to glare at you. He froze. You weren’t wearing much makeup. He hadn’t expected you to be so beautiful bare-faced, mostly because he didn’t want you to be. It made things… complicated. Your face had the usual smirk, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“But, to make it fair, I will tell you my number is two,” you said nonchalantly. “One, Kim Seokjin.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened. Your smile grew and it infuriated him now that he could see your face.
“He actually invited me to the party, if you’re curious why I’m here,” you added. You pretended to think for a moment before saying, “And number two… Well. I better not say. You look quite annoyed with me already, Yoongi.”
His brows furrowed. You weren’t coy when it came to your sexual exploits. In fact, never, in his entire time knowing you, have you ever withheld a name from him. He narrowed his eyes at you, taking a step towards you. You didn’t move. You weren’t intimidated. You just kept that smile on your face as you watched the realization slowly hit him. There was only one person Yoongi told you to never touch. He always told you the same thing – he’s too young to be tainted by the likes of you. Leave him alone.
Yoongi suddenly grabbed you by the collar, shaking your roughly.
“I swear, if you even laid a fucking fingertip on Jungkook,” Yoongi hissed under his breath, dragging your face close to his.
You raised an eyebrow. “Speaking of which, where is he?”
Yoongi snarled. “I’ll fucking kill you.”
The buttons of your trench coat were slowly slipping. Yoongi looked down, eyes widening as the top two buttons teased apart, revealing the tight, slinky black dress you wore underneath. So tight that it was obvious you weren’t wearing underwear. He could see the contours of your nipples a little too well. He slapped the front of the jacket together, covering you back up.
“The fuck?” he hissed, face burning.
You leaned forward, lips against his ear.
“Like I said… where’s Jungkook?” you purred.
“Don’t you dare.” Yoongi’s voice was dangerously low. “Absolutely not.”
You clicked your tongue. “Are you offering to be a stand in?”
Yoongi could not fathom how you were able to drag him up the stairs and into an empty bedroom that night. If he wasn’t in shock and partially drunk, he wouldn’t have let you do it. Yoongi hated you. He hated that you seemed okay with him hating you. He hated that you didn’t care that he disapproved of your actions. He hated that you always caught him looking, always caught him off guard, always caught him thinking about you. Not that you knew, but it felt that way. Why did you always show up in his head? Why did you always manage to get under his skin? Why… why was his heart beating so fast as you dumped your mask and hat on a spare chair and slipped your shoulders out of the coat? Why couldn’t he bring himself to walk away?
You turned around, looking at him curiously. The coat slid down your body. Every curve was hugged by the slinky fabric of the dress, from your breasts to your ass to your legs. A single eyebrow cocked.
“I thought you would be running by now, Yoongi.”
You said it matter-of-factly. You didn’t step towards him. It was him who took a step towards you, eyes roaming over your shape. Yoongi was not supposed to feel this way. He was not supposed to feel hot all over, itching to rip off his clothes to press his skin against yours.
“Why?” His voice was raspy with nervousness. “Why are you so fucking sexy?”
You smirked.
“Why do you always tease me?” Yoongi hissed, grabbing your upper arms.
You chuckled, reaching to the front zipper of your low-cut dress.
“Isn’t it obvious?” you drawled, dragging the zipper down slowly. His eyes went from your face to the zipper revealing centimeter by delicious centimeter of bare skin. “I’ve always wanted to fuck you, Yoongi.”
And then you reached up and pulled him down for a kiss.
Lips to lips, Yoongi gasped as your body pressed against his. You nipped at his lower lip, kissing him deeply. Unlike him, you didn’t taste like beer. You tasted like fruit candy and sin, your free hand sliding under his suit jacket and deftly unbuttoning his dress shirt. It wasn’t fair how soft your lips were or how you smirked against his lips as your cool fingertips touched his chest. It was fair that his heart was beating as loud as a bass drum.
“What’s the matter, Yoongi?” you whispered softly, tracing patterns on his bare chest. “Cat got your tongue?”
Yoongi sucked in a breath and grabbed your hand. “You… You’re just messing with my head.”
“Am I now?” You tilted your head at him, one of your arms wrapped around his waist. “You paint such an interesting picture of me in your head.”
Yoongi paused. Wasn’t that your nature? You slept with whoever you wanted, whenever you wanted. And so did he. He did it to numb his feelings. He did it to forget you. He did it because you did it so easily and without even considering that someone would care. That someone did care.
And here you were, half-naked in his arms, watching him with an amused expression on your face. As if you knew. As if you had been waiting for this epiphany. It was easier to hate you than to admit that you had an effect on him.
Yoongi leaned in and kissed you himself, pulling you to him. Kissing you hungrily as he stumbled to the bed to push you down on it. It didn’t take long to shrug out of his blazer. It took even less for you to slide out of your dress and toss it aside. Yoongi bent down and kissed down your neck, nipping at your skin. His tongue traced slow, playful circles around your nipple before you grabbed him by the back of his head and pushed him down. Yoongi chuckled as he sucked hard, making you squirm in delight. He left love bites on your skin. You moaned above him, imprinting his memories with you. Your smell invaded him, sweet and heavy. His hands were on your hips, fingers sinking into softness.
Fuck. Yoongi might have been a little drunk, but now he was intoxicated.
Yoongi kissed down your stomach, the scent of sex becoming stronger and stronger. He pushed your legs open impatiently. Your wet, glistening pussy greeted him, making him breathless. He really must be going crazy. With a slight adjustment, he leaned down and licked you softly, earning a satisfying cry of desire. He would have said something snarky, but at this point he didn’t trust himself anymore. He just leaned in and closed his eyes, moaning at your delicious, honey-like taste. Was eating pussy supposed to taste this good? It made Yoongi’s mind go blank and his cock twitch with need as he pressed the tip of his tongue against your clit, lapping at it softly. He could feel your fingers in his hair, feel your hips jut into his face begging for more. If there was any sexual talent he had, it was eating pussy. Within minutes, Yoongi had your legs turned to jelly, shaking with pleasure as he sucked and lapped at your sensitive clit. You threw your head back, nearly screaming as you came into his mouth and yet he continued, sucking and rubbing another orgasm out of you until your clit was throbbing with oversensitivity.
You pushed his head away lightly and Yoongi finally let go, your juices dripping from his chin. He was breathing hard, wiping it with the back of his hand and licking it off.
If this was a normal one-night stand, Yoongi might have left it like that. But it wasn’t enough for him. He needed more from you. Yoongi stood up and undid his pants. His erection strained against his underwear. He took his wallet out of the pocket and let the pants fall to the floor. He always kept a condom, just in case.
“Move up,” Yoongi gestured. His voice was a little hoarse, throat coated with your taste.
You did so, watching him closely. He caught you staring and waved the condom at you.
You smirked. “By all means. I wouldn’t let you near me without one.”
Yoongi sneered, shoving his underwear down and slipping the condom on. He climbed up onto the bed and positioned himself above you, biting his lower lip nervously. For some reason, he wanted it to be good. He wanted it to be abnormally good so that you wouldn’t forget. You raised an eyebrow.
“Second thoughts?”
Yoongi narrowed his eyes. “No.”
And he sank into you.
It took his breath away. Every inch of him was wrapped in wet, delicious pleasure. He pushed all the way in, marveling at the way you squeezed him. He knew it was you, because your stupid smirk was not disappearing as your muscles clenched around him.
“Holy shit,” he muttered, closing his eyes. He had girls beg for him before. Plead for his cock, take him well. But never, never had his dreams come true. Because his dreams were about you and even in his dreams you didn’t mold his cock this well. It just wasn’t something he could imagine.
You pushed your hips up and Yoongi got the hint, sliding back out before thrusting into you. You grinned, licking your lips.
“Come now, Yoongi. You must be frustrated with me. Let me feel it.”
A muscle twitched in his face. “God, you’re so annoying.”
He rolled his hips into you, hard, and you gasped, smirking. Fuck. You really were annoying. He did it again, and again, and again, until you were moaning his name, hands twisting into the sheets, that smirk always on your face reminding him you had the upper hand. It was maddening and yet Yoongi could do nothing about it because he was attempting not to cum from the constant squeezing of your pussy around him. He had to grit his teeth and pound you, your legs wrapped around his waist.
“Hey, Yoongi,” you drawled breathlessly.
“What?” he snapped, cocking an eyebrow.
“You’re so fucking sexy.”
His cheeks burned and his resolve slipped for a second.
His orgasm crashed down on him like a wave, a sharp groan punctuating it as his cock jerked inside you. He jutted his hips into you, crotch slick with your juices. Your smirk grew, tongue between your teeth.
“You… I’m going to fucking gag you next time,” Yoongi hissed, sweat dripping off his brow. He hadn’t even noticed he was sweating. Was he really going that hard?
“I’ll hold you to that,” you purred, pulling him down for another kiss.
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truglori · 3 years
Homebody (Ch.6)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Sidenote: I’ve been hooked on this song and feel like it fits the vibe for this chapter but it is optional to listen to...enjoy!
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language, smoking, freaky thangs..
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Erik glanced at the digital clock in his car. It was almost four in the morning. The job was done and with the help of Cane they were able to get out of there in one piece. Shaking his head he laughed to himself. He still couldn’t believe it when he saw Alexis with Shawn.
It wasn’t hard to believe but it did fuck him up a bit. In reality Erik didn’t know why he was surprised. After getting to know about Alexis he knew she was always chasing the next bag. Even if it meant coming up off of another nigga.
Out of the nine months they messed around she was always the one pressing him to take their relationship to the next step. She was the one that tried to tie their names together in the streets. It was always her putting forth the effort. Then it was shit like what he saw tonight that had cause Erik to have trust issues.
But was that something he could even judge her for? Of course not. He didn’t put a title on her and vice versa. All this did was make him come to the realization that she was never down for him. Only what he could do for her.
With all of these ideas going through his head the last thing Erik wanted to do was be alone. His mind was filling up with negative thoughts. Mainly about how the situation could’ve went bad if he would have acted on his feelings. Erik’s mood switched and he wanted to see the one person who he knew could change that.
Hoping she picked up,Erik sat nervously as the other end of the phone began to ring. If she didn’t answer he would have no other choice but to drown himself in a few blunts and a fifth of Hennessy.
She answered on the fourth ring.
“Hello.” Her soft voice came through the speaker. It sounded like she was wide awake.
He relaxed in his seat feeling a relief. “What you still doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep. What about you? Everything okay?”
Erik could hear the worry in her tone. He half smiled. That was something she always did, she cared about him.
“Yeah I’m good.” He paused. “Listen I know this might be a stretch but do you think you could sneak out pass your brother and come meet me. I know it sounds-“ Erik was rambling. Something he never did.
Amiyah cut him off with a light giggle. “Erik I could meet up with you. I’m not at my apartment I’m staying with a friend.”
Erik’s brows drew together with a slight look of confusion. It was four in the morning and she wasn’t home. That was the first Erik ever heard of knowing how his friend is about his sister. But he didn’t ponder over the thought.
“Okay well send me the address and I’ll pull up.” He put her on speaker waiting for her to reply as he pulled up the gps on his phone.
“65 Lafayette Ave.” Amiyah answered with a controlled smile. Not wanting to seem eager to see him.
It was a fifteen minute drive from where Erik was.
“Alright I’ll call you when I’m there.”
“Okay, see you Erik.”
“Aight mamas.”
Amiyah jumped off the couch and crept to her friends bathroom. Turning on the light she saw her appearance and immediately cringed. Her eyes were still red and puffy from her tears. Face covered in faint runny eye liner. Her hair was fuzzy and wild. She was in no condition to go see Erik the way she looked.
Grabbing a face cloth from her friends cabinet she ran it under warm water before sitting it on her face and letting it rest against her skin. Amiyah sighed at the sensation. Wiping her face she made sure she got every inch of coverage before she checked other areas of her body to make sure she smelled fresh.
She gave her hair a few pass overs with a brush to make it at least somewhat presentable. Glancing over herself in the mirror she felt satisfied and exited the bathroom. Going back to the couch she was crashing on she put on a white tank top and paired it with a pair of grey sweats. Throwing a jean jacket on she slipped on her UGG slippers and waited silently.
When her phone rung this early in the morning she thought it would be her brother calling to apologize but instead it was Erik. She knew for sure it was her mind playing tricks on her but when she answered and heard his voice butterflies filled her stomach. After the date Amiyah figured she had to wait until she seen him in person again to make contact with him but when he called asking her to hangout this later she couldn’t decline.
It wasn’t too long before her phone lit up with a text notification. Erik was letting her know that he was waiting for her outside. Getting up and checking her face one last time by the mirror Kelley had next to the front door she flipped her hair over her shoulder and snuck out the front door. When she got on the porch she seen his Infinity waiting in the middle of the street unbothered with any traffic coming through.
She watched as he got out but stayed by his vehicle. Doing a quick glance over at his face Amiyah noticed the stress in his eyes. It was as if they were filled with the emotion of hurt. No wonder he called asking to see her this late. He needed comfort. Walking up to him she went straight for a hug. The way he taught her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he did her waist.
Amiyah felt him breathe out an air of ease. His body slouching over on hers and she would let him as long as he wanted just to take away his troubles. She closed her eyes as they quietly embraced each other’s body. It was a comfortable silence. From the way they held on to each other it was obvious that they very much missed one another.
“Why you so good to me ma?” Erik whispered in her ear not letting her out of his hold yet.
Speaking truthfully in their current position of vulnerability she replied. “Because I care about you. I want you to be happy.”
Erik closed his eyes hearing the words escape from her mouth. She was making it hard for him to keep up with his ‘not trusting women’ demeanor. The way she was holding onto his body had him rethinking himself. Her nails grazing lightly on the back of his neck was driving him insane. She knew all the right things to say and do to him without even trying.
Amiyah had him open whenever they were together and she didn’t even know it. Erik finally released her body. Now staring down at her soft round face he couldn’t help himself. Dragging his hands over her love handles he pulled her towards him as bent down giving her two pecks on her lips softly. Her arms still wrapped around his neck. When Erik pulled away he seen that her eyes were still shut. Biting his bottom lip he went back in giving her a full kiss this time with a slight pull on her lower lip every now and then.
Feeling himself in the moment his hands traveled resting above her ass. Not wanting to disrespect her he asked in between indulging in her lips and taking breaks to get air for her permission.
“Can..I..touch..it?” His voice spoke lowly between pecks.
Amiyah nodded while she brought her left hand down to his cheek. She was getting better since their last kiss and her body was becoming more comfortable with his.
Seeing that she didn’t deny him access his hands continued their adventure further south. When his hands finally reached the bottom of her soft flesh he cuffed and squeezed each cheek firmly before caressing it to soothe the slight pain he may have caused.
Amiyah moaned in his mouth from the feeling. It was the first time she was ever been touched like that by a man down there. His hands felt rough but soft at the same time. The way he would grip each ass cheek and pulling on them she felt her second pair of lips separate from the action. But it was the way he rubbed it after he squeezed them that made her drip with anticipation.
Pulling away from each other they were able to get some air. By this time Erik was ready to devour her and make her body shake beneath his but he knew she wasn’t ready for that yet. She wouldn’t know how to act or what to do if he gave her what his body was craving to do to her. Feeling his dick on semi-hard he shifted himself. All of this just from kissing and touching on her. Erik wanted her bad.
“Let’s go get out of here?” His voice broke the sexual tension.
Timid and nervously looking back at her friends house she turned to face him.” To go where?”
Erik shrugged his shoulders.” I don’t know I’ll find something. Just ride with me.” He spoke before he could think finding himself doing something he thought he would never do.” Please.” He begged.
Biting her lip to hold back her smile she nodded as her hands fell from around his neck but not before getting a feel of his sturdy hard abs through his shirt. Erik felt the slick action and smirked.
“Aight let’s go.” He kissed her one last time and then patted her butt and walked her to the passenger side. He opened her door and watched as she got in safely.
Inside the car they rode around with nothing but Erik’s playlist playing lowly in the background. Amiyah’s hand rested in his right hand as his left hand gripped the steering wheel driving. Every other minute Erik would bring the back of her hand up his lips and kiss it while still paying attention to the road. No matter how many times he done it Amiyah would blush every single time. If she was lighter you would definitely see the redness in her face.
It was about twenty minutes later when Erik found a secluded area underneath the highway bridge . Around them was nothing but empty parked construction trucks and signs to let people know that work was getting done. Nearby that was a small basketball court where some of the city kids would play on. Then there was the lights from the bridge above that gave them somewhat of a illumination in the car.
Shutting the car off Erik leaned his seat back with his electric lever before resting against it. His fingers still intertwined with Amiyah’s. He watched as she did everything but look in his direction. Erik could read her body language and see that she was nervous. His thumb stroke the back of her hand to give her some reassurance.
“You okay?” He asked softly.
“Yeah. I’m good.” She gazed down in her lap before making eye contact.
Amiyah was nervous. How could she not be with her being in a closed off area with a man as fine as Erik sitting next to her holding her hand. He was touching her so tenderly. Her body reacted to each stroke of his fingers.
“Miyah if you not comfortable don’t ever hesitate to tell me. I care more about your security in your safety than me wanting to chill with you.” His unselfish nature was revealing itself with every word.
She smiled at his kindness. “I feel safe with you. It’s just some times you make me nervous.” She replied picking at the imaginary cotton lint on her sweats.
His lips curled into a smile. “Why I make you nervous?” He asked as his free hand swiped down his waves repeatedly.
Rolling her eyes Amiyah knew this question was coming next. He knew exactly how he made her nervous. The evidence clear in how her body react to him.
“I don’t know maybe it’s the way you look at me.”
There was something about being alone in this car with him that made Amiyah real honest.
His eyes danced up and down her body. Amiyah caught the gesture.
Smacking her lips. “See it’s you doing stuff like that.” She blurted out with a straight face.
He gripped her hand lightly when she made him laugh. To Erik most of the women he been with in the past was either too serious or boring but with Amiyah she was always able to get a smile out of him. From any tiny thing she did naturally it made him laugh or at least get him to smile.
“I mean I could think of something that might have you relaxed a little bit but I’m not sure you even mess with that type of shit.”
She looked at him confused.” What you mean?”
“You smoke?” He asked bluntly.
She laughed. “I’ve done it a few times when Durk wasn’t around but I’m no pro.”
Erik nodded his head head releasing her hand as he went to his middle compartment pulling out his stash. He needed a blunt after today and the one that he already had rolled up wasn’t going to do him enough justice. Taking out the one that was pre-rolled he handed it to her.
“Hold that.”
She grabbed it bringing it to her nose smell the rolled plant. Amiyah liked the way this weed smell. It wasn’t overpowering like the one Durk usually had. She observed the blunt giggling about how fat it was.
“Why is it so big?” She asked laughing.
“What the blunt or something else?” His lips smirked.
Amiyah figured she walked herself into that one. She rolled her eyes.
“No I’m just messing with you that’s just how I like mine. Can’t be fucking with no skimpy blunts now.” He smiled. Over in his seat he was rolling up two more.
After getting them rolled he grabbed his lighter from his cup holder and sparked it up. Taking a deep pull with his lips he allowed the smoke to invade his lungs for five slow seconds before exhaling. His body leaned back becoming relaxed.
Amiyah watched as he took another. He looked so good right now in his most laidback state. One hand behind his head and the other holding the blunt to his lips. She bit her lip as the smoke filled up the car. She was already feeling a contact high.
He handed over the lit blunt and watch her grasp it with the end of her nails. Erik smiled as he sat quietly watching her switch the blunt between both hands trying to get comfortable with it.
“Don’t burn my weed out.” He joked.
“Shut up Erik.” Amiyah giggled taking her first hit.
Coughing she realized she hit it too hard. Turning towards her window her balled up fist went up to her mouth as she coughed her lungs out before smacking on her chest. She handed the blunt back to Erik who was laughing.
“You good?”
She shook her head and cough one last time. Her eyes watering a bit from all of the straining.
“Damn I should’ve warned you first. My bad baby.” His hand went to her back and rubbed it.
Amiyah was already feeling high. If it wasn’t from the huge hit she took than it definitely had to be from the gas that filled the car. Her baby lungs not used to the intoxicating aroma easily gave in. She expected that to happen but she didn’t expect for her pussy to become wet. The last few times she smoked alone it just gave her a quick high and the munchies. This was different. She could feel her pussy drip and become sticky as she squirmed around in her seat trying to hide it.
The blunt found its way back to Erik’s lips. His eyes began to get lower with every hit that he took from it. He wasn’t his highest but he felt his body getting comfortable. His leg slightly rocking from side to side. He watched her body respond to the weed. She was already gone and he knew it. Erik seen her squirm in the seat and watch her thighs clenched together.
“This shit make you wanna fuck, don’t it?” No longer responsible for the words coming out of his mouth he let the burning ashes fall into the ashtray. He started up the second blunt.
Amiyah surprised from his statement but turned on at the same time giggled as her boldness level went up the more intoxicated she became.
“Something like that.” She stared in his low eyes with hers.
She was becoming brave. Her mouth was definitely trying to write a check she couldn’t cash. Even though she never had sex before Amiyah still knew what it felt like to be horny. Her body was craving for him touch her and hold her the way he did a while ago when they were outside. Amiyah wanted his big hands rubbing on her booty the way they did before.
Erik sucked in his bottom lip. His deep dimples showed from the action. She was testing him. Erik was definitely pressed from the way she was looking at him. He knew that there was no way he could fuck her in his car. But he wanted to badly. He wanted to have her dripping cum right on his leather seats. He wanted to watch her tremble and moan as he stretched her tight pussy out pinning her down by her thick thighs giving her what she thought she could handle. Erik longed to dig deep in the pussy as he hit the spots that’ll make her cry and gave her no choice but to come back to him every time she desired for them to be touched.
Taking a pull from the second blunt he returned the gaze. The smoke leaving his lips going into the direction of her face. He watched her bite her lip.
“You lookin like you wanna do something now.” He had to start applying some pressure to put her back in her place.
Shyly looking out the windshield Amiyah laughed. The weed was making her extra giggly for no reason. But she couldn’t deny that how she was feeling was from her own lust as well. She felt a warm hand grab her by the chin turning her head back in her previous direction. Erik was looking at her waiting for to respond.
“Maybe I do.” She replied with her eyes shifting down to the bulge in his black joggers she noticed a while ago. She was no longer playing it safe.
Erik’s hooded eyes followed hers. He smirked. The hand that was holding her chin swiftly went to her throat. He massaged the flesh delicately. He couldn’t help it, grabbing a woman’s neck became a kink of his not to long ago. The way that they would instantly get wet and go into submissive mode turned him on and Erik could easily tell that she was one of those that got turned on by it as well.
Amiyah felt her pussy throbbing. His hand around her like that made her panties moist. She loved it most when he gripped giving her a light squeeze. Her nipples hardening poking through her shirt as she moaned.
“Get in the backseat then.” He released her.
Her eyes gave a quick glance towards the back before looking at him.
“Now?” She breathed out heavily.
“You scared mama?” He teased her softly.
Sending him a ‘yeah right’ look she climbed to the back. Taking off her jean jacket she sat it in the front before she folded her arms resting her back against the chair.
Erik watched through the rear view mirror. He was actually surprised that she had the courage to go back there. Taking the last blunt and lighter he got out the car and opened the back door slipping inside. Putting the objects in his hand in the pouch behind the driver seat he took off his hoodie revealing a black wifebeater shirt.
Amiyah sitting on the opposite side calmed her nerves. She mentally thank God that she shaved down there two nights before. She did not want the first time she allowed a man to see her down there to be met with a bush. There was nothing wrong with having hair but she would have been insecure about it.
After getting settled Erik turned his body sideways. He reached behind him locking the door as he leaned against it.
Nervous but eager Amiyah shimmied her way to his side. His hands helping her out guiding her to sit down on his lap facing him. He gripped on her thigh throwing it over his legs so she can straddling him and had the other hanging off the seat. Not wanting to put all of her weight on him Amiyah put the pressure on her legs.
Erik sensed this. He opened her legs wider which caused her to sit on him fully. An inward growl went through his lips as he felt the weight from her ass sitting on his heavy member.
“Erik I’m too heavy.” She complained.
“You think I’m worried about that?” His voice dripping with lust as he attacked her neck.
Erik’s hands went to groping her body. He kissed and sucked until he discovered the spot that made her body shudder. It was under her jaw line. He stayed there sucking on the area leaving a mark not giving a damn about her brother being able to see it later.
Amiyah’s wide hips wiggle around on top of him as she threw her head back giving him better access. Hormones going out of control she couldn’t stop her hands from traveling to his print as she gripped it firmly.
Erik’s body jumped as he grabbed her hand taking it off his dick. He pulled his lips from her neck to observe her. The way she tried to put her hand back on him she looked anxious for some way to release the sexual adrenaline taking over her body. Erik chuckled as he held her wrists strongly.
“Damn baby you can’t be gripping my dick like you tryna snatch that shit off my body.” His voice now raspy from the smoke session.
Embarrassed, Amiyah bent her head down hiding it in his neck. Of course she would grip him too hard. She didn’t know what she was doing. Trying to not seem like the amateur she was ended up having her looking stupid. The moment was ruined.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled.
“Here I got an idea. Turn around.” He rubbed her back waiting on her to move.
Following his command she changed her body to go the other way. She was now sitting between his legs with her back against his chest. Thankfully his seats were big enough to hold the both of them comfortably in that position.
Amiyah felt his fingers tug at the hem of her sweats. Questionably glancing at him she wondered what he was about to do to her next.
“You trust me?” Erik asked with his face next to hers.
“Then lift up and take these off.” He tugged again.
Hesitant Amiyah allowed him to pull the clothing down with her help kicking them off her ankles. Now she was exposed. In nothing but her tank top and black cotton hipster panties she felt the air brush over her thighs. Feeling her high start to come down she requested to start a new rotation.
“Can we light the last one?”
“It’s in there.” Erik pointed to the pouch where he put the lighter and the blunt in.
Reaching inside she felt around before she retrieved it. As she lit the blunt she felt Erik kiss on her neck and rub on her thighs. His full lips making her moan and rest her body on his. Taking a hit from the weed with ease this time she was able to inhale it much smoother. Her lungs filled up as it brought her back to cloud nine.
“Here you go.” She passed it to him but he didn’t take it with his hands. Erik leaned forward and let her place it in his mouth. Holding it for him as he took a few pulls she studied the way he did it and then proceeded to copy him when it was her turn. The rotation went like that before it was finished.
Erik fondled her thick thighs. Starting on the outside and working his way to the inner where her warmth resided. She laid her hands on top of his to have some sort of control but Erik didn’t like that. He knew what he was doing and didn’t need any help.
“Move ya hand.” His voice barked.
Her hands left as quickly as they met his.
“Don’t touch anything unless I tell you to. You hear me?”
“Okay.” Shakiness in her voice as her breathing picked up.
“Okay what?” He gripped underneath her knees pulling her thighs apart roughly.
“Okay Erik.”
“Un uh. It’s daddy when it’s just me and you from now on.” His lips tickled her ears as he spoke giving her future reference.
“Kay, daddy.” She moaned.
Amiyah closed her eyes. Her body kept squirming around. She was waiting and anticipated on getting her body played with. When her legs opened she felt the cool air reach her damp underwear.
Looking down between her legs he bit his lip seeing her phat pussy showing through her panties. The lower lips spilling out on the sides as the damp wet stain sat from her natural essence. His hands gripped and rubbed the inner thigh area that was closest to her treasure as he asked for her permission once again.
“Can daddy play in this pussy?”
Her wet lips parted. Amiyah nodded her head that was leaning back in his shoulder. Yearning his touch and super horny out of her mind she’d allow him to do whatever he wanted to her.
“Yes daddy.” Her voice was as soft as angel.
Hearing her words of confirmation Erik’s hand introduced itself to her pussy for the first time. He cupped the area. Her covered mound was giving off a heat that let him know that she was ready. His fingers grazed up and down the thick slit which caused her body to jerk. He did this repeatedly to make her aroused.
“Phat ass pussy.” We’re the only words that escaped his lips as it left him mesmerized. She was the first female he been with that had one so full and healthy. It felt amazing on his hand even if he wasn’t touching it quite yet.
Pulling the black piece of cloth to the side Erik revealed her vulva that was covered in her natural juices. Taking his fingers he used her lubricant swiping up and down the slit feeling her body tense up.
“Relax mama.” He kissed behind her ear as he held her in place with his left arm.
Bringing his other arm around her he reached down spreading the thick lips as a clear string of liquid appeared when the flesh pulled apart. This was a different type of wetness he was experiencing at the moment. Taking the pad of his middle finger of his free hand he patted on the bud that was now hardened.
Amiyah’s hips jerk from the sensation. Her hand clutched his forearm to stop him, keeping the foreign feeling from over taking her body. Her legs moving around as she scooted into his chest.
“Don’t you play with this pussy when you alone?” He asked as his finger tips teased the areas around her clit.
“Yes.” Eyes still closed with her hands gripping his arms as she felt every stroke of his hand.
“Yes, what?” He corrected her.
Sucking in her bottom lip. “Yes, daddy.”
“Then let me have a turn.” One of his hands grasped her fupa affectionately pulling her body into his to make her relax.
Whe she laid back Erik was able to get a better view. He spread the lips open once more. Massaging her clit lightly in a circular motion with his pointy and middle fingers. He watch her thrust her hips on his hand to feel more. Keeping up with his movements he pressed down firmly stimulating the bud before he let a finger enter her tight wet opening. Giving a low groan he drew in his top lip when he felt her grip him him from the intrusion. The pussy was too tight.
“Damn you ain’t been letting nobody up in this huh?” He cooed in her ear pushing further with a single finger going deeper.
“Unh Uh.” Amiyah whimpered out snapping her thighs closed when she felt him slip inside her.
He took the hand that wasn’t trapped between her legs and opened them. Bringing it up to her chin he made her look him in the eye. “Ima go slow..ight.”
Amiyah nervously agreed. There was plenty of times where she masturbated but she never fingered herself only clitorial stimulation. So when she felt Erik push his finger inside her, her body reacted by closing her legs. It was strange feeling but it made her wetter.
Erik didn’t waste no time as he warmed her up by playing with her clit. He wanted to make sure she was as wet as possible before she experienced any penetration so he continued to rub her there. Bringing his fingers up to her breast he flicked her nipples with his thumb through her tank top to help her climax.
The combination had Amiyah’s chest heaving up and down. She was close and ready to cum. The pressure he applied on her clit felt so good. Her hand reached for the seat clawing the material as she let him make her body come undone. Her mouth opened as her pants and whimpers became audible.
“Daddyy...I’m cumin.” She whimpered softly backing away from the stimulation.
Erik followed not letting up on her. “Lemme see you cum then. Pretty ass.” He kissed her blocking out her moans.
Amiyah’s body shook as she felt his lips. She came right there. Essence dripping down on the seat in front of her. It was like a domino effect. He controlled her body. Her clit was now sensitive but Erik continued to knead the button. Whenever she played with herself she able to get one and that’s it. She never tried to do more than that but Erik was pushing her for another.
“I want another one and then I’m done.”
His eyes were still red and low from the weed. When she came on his fingers Erik was captivated from the sight. The way her lips parted. How she grasped onto the seats searching for something to hold on to. It made his body heat up with excitement knowing that he did that. Every little thing he observed had him becoming fascinated with her.
This time he wanted to make her cum a different way. His middle finger danced around her hole making sure it was coated from her wetness before he pushed inside her tight puss. Erik felt her clench on his finger as he gently massaged her walls. Every time he would pull out she would suck him back in. He watched her face contort no longer able to control herself.
“Mm this shit tight.” He groaned affirmations in her ear as his finger stroked her at a steady pace.
When the words left his mouth Amiyah glanced down to witness his assault on her pussy. Her body was aching for more. The in and out motion with just a single digit wasn’t enough. Her pussy wanted to be stretched.
“More.” She pleaded spreading her legs wider.
“You sure?” Erik asked wanting her to be certain.
“Yess.” Amiyah stuttered.
Drawing his fingers up to lips he opened his mouth tasting her sweet juices. Erik bit his lip feeling a strong urge to bend her over and eat her from behind. But right now it was about her. He had her body feeling good and he wanted to keep it that way.
After getting his fingers soaked he placed them back in front of her pussy. Taking his time he slowly thrusted both his middle and ring finger in stretching her creamy hole.She was so wet a sloshing sound came from her opening. Her jaw dropped as he filled her up. His thick fingers moving in and out. When he felt the spongy area at the top he swiped back and forth against it using the ‘ come here’ motion.
Her hips doing the same as before began to scoot back away from the sensation. Erik holding her by her waist kept her still.
“Stop runnin and put that pussy on me.” Lips sucking on her neck creating another passion mark as his deep voice muttered.
She was running. From the minute Amiyah felt him tapping on that spot that she didn’t know was there she wanted to escape his hold. His strong hand kept her spread eagle by her knee making her take the pleasure he was giving to her. Feeling her legs shake from his repeated tender abuse she grabbed his hand. Her belly began to tighten and cramp. Soon the vibrations she felt on her lower half traveled throughout her whole body. She was convulsing on his fingers.
“Fuckk.” The profanity spewed out her mouth for the first time as she squirted on the seat.
Erik continued attacking her g-spot before she aggressively pushed his hand away. Laughing he saw her shaking her head while her hands went to her thighs to try and stop them from trembling. Her breast moving up and down from her rough breathing as she finally spoke.
“No more.” Her voice quivered.
Erik’s low chuckled filled the vehicle . “You done mama?”
Quickly nodded her head she cover her pussy with her panties and moved to the other side of the car. She was sensitive and overstimulated. Her body couldn’t endure anymore.
“I can’t Erik. It’s too much.” Sitting on her knees she slapped her hand on her thighs that were still shaking.
“Ight fine I’m done. But come give me a kiss.” His lips smirk satisfied with how the night was ending.
Amiyah complied with his orders. Straddling him again this time not feeling insecure she leaned and gave him a kiss. His mouth dominating hers lips. Erik slapped her left ass cheek leaving a sting. She moaned into his mouth.
“Ouch daddy.” She whined softly as she sucked on his bottom lip lightly before releasing it.
Erik’s dick jumped. “I’ma give you something for that mouth if you keep using it like that.” His eyes studying her lips.
Blushing she laid on top of him. Her head in the crook of his neck. Amiyah closed her eyes when she felt his fingers making traces on her back. They both held each other enjoying the peaceful silence. Wiping the condensation off the window Amiyah peered out noticed that it was dawn. The sky began to turn blue as the sun slowly crept up. She sighed when she realized that she had to work later on that day. Thankfully Kelley agreed to switch shifts with her but she wanted to be with Erik all day.
“I don’t wanna go to work today.” She stressed blowing out air of frustration.
“So don’t. Call out.” Erik rubbing circles on the small of her back.
“I can’t. I switched with Kelley already so I don’t think she would want to do both of our shifts. This is so annoying.” Her nails outlining shapes on his neck.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” He bent down kissing her forehead.
She smiled lifting her head to kiss his lips.
The question she had been meaning to ask him since they first saw each other tonight came to her mind.
“Why’d you call me so late? Is everything okay.”
Erik completely forgot about the previous events that happened hours before. The moment she was in his arms nothing else mattered anymore.
“Yeah, I just found out about some shit and I wanted to take my mind off of it and you helped with that.” He sent her a half smile pinching her chin gently.
Amiyah gleamed knowing she could be his peace whenever he wanted to get away.
“Well I’m here for you always.” Her eyes giving a sparkle as she spoke.
Meditating for a moment before he replied Erik thought carefully. He wanted to make sure that he wasn’t doing this to make her some type of rebound but because genuinely cared about her. He didn’t want to take a second longer as the words blurted out of his lips.
“Amiyah I want you to be mines...”
Please excuse any mistakes.
SN: It’s been years since I wrote a smut scene and all of this was written in an hour and a half so please don’t judge lol.
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @curls-and-crosses @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose @ceeverse @smuttywriter @harleycativy @callmemckenzieee @theblulife @bvssmob @everything-is-awesomesauce @xoxomyaah @19jammmy @tchallas-ikumkani-wam @suburbanblackhoe @allhailqueennel @admirehermind @themeirajay @asaani @bellanay @skylahb @toni9
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acecorvid · 3 years
Hurts Me To Watch You Fading [Spideypool Fic]
Was going through the prompts that have been in my inbox for AGES when I got a sudden burst of inspiration to write my boys again. So even though it’s been *looks at watch* nearly two years fuck since I’ve written fanfic... here’s some hurt/comfort for y’all (or if you’d rather read on ao3)
Anon asks: Hi! I just read your fic with peter being super adorable in his deadpool hoodie and saw you're taking prompts. Seeing as you're asexual (like me!) I was wondering if you would write asexual peter having to explain to wade that he doesn't initiate sex because it's just not something he really thinks about much and not because of how wade looks
(Content warning for Wade being self-conscious about his body/scars)
Somehow Wade always found his way to Peter’s dorm room at the end of a long hard day of work. Which for Wade meant an early morning raid ending with several dead bodies, including his own a few times, but by the end Wade was in one piece and his suit was in less pieces and all the bad guys were dead. Next he needed to get all the blood out of his suit earning him another blank look of disappointment from his local definitely-not-a-front dry cleaners. They never questioned his circumstances and he didn’t much care what they got up to as long as people weren’t dying, leaving them with a silent, mutually beneficial relationship. 
Now he was in Parker’s dorm wearing comfy jeans and a hoodie that mostly covered his face if he lowered his head, something he did quite often. He didn’t entirely mind his appearance anymore, having gotten used to freaking himself out in mirrors the past few years. But it was other people’s reactions that made him feel like crap. The looks of disgust strangers gave him as he passed, the people who grabbed their kids and moved to the other side of the street, the ones who laughed at and mocked him hit a little too close to his time being experimented on. Sure he could easily use humor more efficiently than the assholes who mocked him to put them in their place but humor as a defense mechanism only went so far and the hurt still went deep. 
What was getting to him lately was his relationship with Peter. They had officially started dating several months ago, even if they had been flirting heavily on the random patrols as Spider-Man and Deadpool. But then Peter told him his secret identity and kissed him through his mask so tenderly and Wade didn’t think he could be more in love. Except they hadn’t gotten much further than tender kisses or cuddles. Not that Wade minded, it was comforting to be held the way Peter held him. He’d never had someone who he could truly let his guard down around, who was okay with him being soft and quiet. 
But every time they started to makeout, to get to the hot and heavy stuff, Peter would carefully untangle them, change the subject, shy away from any skin being shown, and they would watch cartoons or get food or anything other than being that kind of intimate with Wade. 
Not that he minded at first, Peter was a shy dude. He wasn’t like so many college guys who partied all the time and hooked up with whoever. He was a shy nerd and he was a superhero on the downlow, of course he wouldn’t have time for that but he also didn’t have any interest in it either. But Wade was starting to feel like Peter didn’t have any interest in him. 
Staring at himself in Peter’s mirror sans mask told him exactly why someone would have no interest in getting hot and heavy and naked with him. He’s had that many times. Flirting with a girl at the supermarket only for her to freakout once he peeled his mask up, hitting on a guy in a dark bar only for him to be disgusted once they moved into the light. It was a common occurrence for him. He thought Peter would be different. He was different. He didn’t shy away when Wade took his mask off and kissed him, but maybe he was good at faking it? Maybe he could deal with his face but the rest of his body was too much. His skin was rough and patchy, awful to look at and even less appealing to touch. 
He rubbed his hand over his face and head, shaking off his hood to get a good look at the mess he usually hid from most people. Everyone had their limits. Perhaps this was Parker’s. 
The key in the door alerted Wade to Peter’s return. Quickly he pulled his hood back up and retreated to the bed, ducking his head just as Peter walked in through the door. He looked somewhat surprised, but he relaxed immediately. 
“Hey,” Peter said softly. A smile tugged at his lips as he closed the door gently behind him. 
He seemed pleased to see Wade. Genuinely content with having him in his room. Nothing was matching up in Wade’s mind. 
“Hey Peter…” Wade started but trailed off before he could ask the question. He hated being in this position. He wished he could know the truth. For Peter to tell him he was disgusted by his wrecked body without prompting so he could crawl back to his old life and forget about this magical interlude. 
But Peter being Peter, he noticed something was off immediately. “What’s wrong? You almost never call me Peter, did something happen?”
He was closer now, trying to get a good look at Wade’s face but Wade angled his face away. That got him a sigh but Peter respected his boundaries and stepped away, leaning against the wall instead. 
“Do you want to talk to me about it?”
Wade shook his head, nodded, and then shook his head again. Screw Peter for being such a good guy, a respectful person, such a sweetheart. It was ruining what his brain was hooked on as the clear truth. Maybe Peter wasn’t disgusted with him but what else could it be?
“I’m not really pleasant to look at, huh?” Wade said instead, unable to confront Peter directly.
Peter pushed off the wall but stopped himself from coming closer. “Did someone say that to you?”
He sounded angry, on Wade’s behalf. Once again messing with Wade’s doubts. 
“All the time, but that’s not-” Wade chewed his lip, took a deep breath, and took the plunge. 
He took his mask off, revealing his unmasked face and head. Peter didn’t flinch, didn’t look away. He was frowning a bit but not at Wade’s appearance it seemed. It wasn’t as though this was the first time Peter saw his face but it wasn’t a common thing between them. Wade preferred to simply roll up his mask most of the time for their kisses, not wanting to feel too self-conscious. 
“Do you- are you-” Wade hated this feeling, wishing he could go back to witty one-liners and existential statements that bewildered those around him. Feelings did terrible things to his dialogue. “I know I look like ground up hamburger meat, Petey. I’m a big boy, you can tell me the truth if you think I’m too gross.”
Wade was aiming for humor, swerved into something a little more bitter, and he cursed himself for putting that hurt look on Peter’s face. 
“Wade I don’t think-” Peter started, he furrowed his brows and moved closer but slowly, as though Wade would run away if he was startled. Not a bad call. Wade was pretty close to bolting actually. But Peter crept close, slowly, and stopped a few paces away. Wade wanted him to come closer, stand right between his legs on the bed so Wade could pull him in close and hold him until he wasn’t upset. But he ruined that. 
“We don’t do anything more than kissing. You never want to- I get it,” Wade laughed, tugging on his hoodie. “It’s not pretty under here Pete, no one ever wants to look at it. It won’t kill me if you tell me you don’t want to see it or touch me.” He wasn’t lying. It would hurt like hell but nothing could kill him. Unpleasant side-effects of looking the way he did.
Peter surprised him by doing exactly what Wade wanted. He moved closer, slotting himself between Wade’s legs and putting his hands on Wade’s shoulders to get him to look up. 
“I’m such an idiot,” Peter mumbled, sounding mad at himself. Probably for not being able to hide his disgust, for making Wade realize exactly what was going on. Now he’d have to let Wade down. That’s simply the way the world worked for guys like him. 
“I should have told you a while ago but, I dunno, I was scared I guess?”
Here it comes, Wade closed his eyes to brace himself for the impact. 
“I don’t initiate anything more because I’m asexual. I don’t really, I dunno, have a lot of interest in sex? I mean maybe I could be if we talked about it but it’s never really on my mind. It’s got nothing to do with how you look, Wade. I like how you look just fine. I think you’re pretty cute, that’s part of why I’m dating you. Also your muscles are amazing, the general aesthetic of your body and you lifting me up? That’s about as close to sexual attraction as I’ve ever come.”
Wade felt his world tilt and it was entirely unexpected. “Wait you’re-” All of Wade’s otherworldly knowledge hadn’t prepared him for that possibility. That almost never happened. 
Peter leaned down, bringing both his hands to cup Wade’s cheeks. “You’re not disgusting, Wade. And anyone who says that will get their mouth webbed shut.”
Wade nuzzled into Peter’s hand, “That’s not the best use of superhero powers.”
“I’m defending the innocent, hush it’s the perfect use of my powers.”
“Innocent?” Wade arched his brow, staring up at his boyfriend who actually wanted him.
“Okay, well… maybe not innocent in the traditional sense but you look the way you do because you survived, you fought through hell and you got out, and that’s pretty damn attractive.”
Wade wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist, pulling him in closer. Peter laughed, leaning in to kiss him soundly on the lips. “So, opening to talking about it?”
“Should have known you’d have a one track mind,” Peter huffed into the kiss. “Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I never wanted to make you feel like I wasn’t interested in you.”
Peter straddled Wade’s lap so they could cuddle more properly. His arms were around Wade’s back, holding him close like he always did then they were together. Holding him like something precious, like Peter was as surprised as Wade was that he could have something this tender. 
“It’s okay. I did it to myself mostly. One track mind remember?”
“Are you um- are you okay with me being-?”
“Huh? Yeah of course I am. If you never want to have sex, also fine. I love you for more than how you look in spandex, Petey.” Wade pressed soft kisses along Peter’s shoulder to reassure him. He didn’t want to let this go, not when he thought it was going to be pulled out from under him just moments ago. 
“I love you, too.” Peter whispered into Wade’s ear, his hands gripping his hoodie tighter. 
It wasn’t exactly how Wade meant to tell him that, but with Peter whispering it back, not giving him a second to doubt himself, he was content with his slip up. 
"You do look incredible in spandex, though." Wade grinned against Peter's neck.
Peter leaned into the touch, his voice taking on a more mischievous quality. "Oh I know, Wade. I know."
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