#How Can You Avoid Divorce Best Useful Tips
americankimchi · 3 months
Do you have any tips for writing Obi Wan or any meta in mind with his characterizarion?
hmmm sure why not! i'll give a few tips on how i'd write obi-wan. mind you this is how i interpret the character, so ymmv.
i truly do not like it when fics have obi-wan voluntarily leaving the order. like it's so out-of-character for me in my head that the premise of the story + the writing would have to work triple-time to get me to stick around. now if he's been removed from it by an EXTERNAL SOURCE (not the order. i cannot stress this enough: the jedi kicking obi-wan out is so jarring to me i'll leave the fic in an instant) or somehow unable to return to the order for whatever reason, all is well.
not a prodigy, but a genius. obi-wan is an incredibly intelligent person with an absolutely staggering knowledge base in a wide variety of topics, but all that knowledge was earned through blood, sweat, tears, and time. he sat down with his game face on and put in the work. that's also why he makes an excellent teacher: he knows what most students will struggle with because he struggled too, and knows through experience how best to overcome them. i headcanon that it contributes to why he's such a good negotiator: he's really good at stripping down information to the essentials and communicating that information effectively and efficiently to others because of his intense study habits.
humble, but not ignorant of his skills. it's pretty impossible to fully divorce yourself from pride in your achievements, and i don't think it's healthy to not feel any pride at all, so i think obi-wan has a very clear understanding of his skillset and how best to use it. i don't think he'd be ignorant of how good he is at something, especially since the direct consequence of his aptitude led him to being a member of the jedi council. pretty hard to be blind to your strengths when you're being asked for your input on topics that directly draw from that knowledge.
averse to healthcare. listen i enjoy obi-wan whump just as much as the next obi-wan stan (the desire to put him in the cosmic salad spinner comes with the territory, i fear) but as a character who grew up in an environment that deeply cares for the well-being of all, and knowing that you cannot help others unless you yourself first have the ability to do so, i can't really see him ignoring injuries outside of combat scenarios. like on the battlefield he's got more pressing concerns than a pesky little shrapnel wound or five, but once the battle's over?? he might not be first in line to the medics but i can't see him avoiding them entirely. an army without a general is working at a sharp disadvantage and i don't think he'd risk his men by neglecting his physical health in that manner. note that i said 'physical'. make of that what you will :)
duty. obi-wan is the definition of a paladin. he takes an oath and by the force he's going to keep it. train the boy? absolutely, qui-gon. whether or not anakin chooses to respect that training is another matter, but he did definitively get knighted! refuse to kill anakin? listen he's handed vader his own ass to him twice post order 66 and each time he did it he did it nonlethally. that takes skill. that takes dedication. exile yourself to tatooine for 19 years and then decide fuck it, we ball, and die after Once Again Deciding Not To Kill Anakin Skywalker? step aside casper, there's a new friendly ghost in town. every time obi-wan commits to something the man COMMITS. you GOTTA respect that grind.
flirty but in the sense that he's going to match the energy someone brings to the table. like he's a negotiator. he knows how to read people and figure out the Vibes. if he thinks the other person will be 1) 100% receptive and 2) will respond with a delightful wit, why the hell not? obi-wan's highest stat is charisma and he's got expertise in persuasion. whether they're allies or not does not factor into this equation. he can have a little flirtation with morally dubious and potentially hostile characters. as a treat.
this has nothing to do with his character but i firmly believe that he and quinlan vos had at LEAST a fling when they were padawans. there is zero evidence to back this up aside from a few comics where they were being goofy teenagers together but i stand by this. it is an unshakeable aspect of obi-wan to me that has only gotten worse with the kenobi show.
no matter what, no matter how terrible or devastating or downright apocalyptic it gets, obi-wan kenobi will never fall to the dark side. never. it won't be easy, but that is a line he has never, and will never cross. i will not hear any "obi-wan touched the dark side during the theed generator fight" slander. if that was true tell me why the force theme was playing during his moment of triumph!!! Would John Williams Lie To Us Like That?? to our face?????
anyways i could go on forever about obi-wan because he is My Ultimate Blorbo but this post is getting super long so i'll leave it there. hope this helped even a little or at the very least was entertaining for you to read <3
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many-but-one · 3 months
i dunno if you guys answer asks but what’s the best way to start… remembering? our social worker suggested hypnotherapy but i don’t know if that works well. we’re aware of the possibility of ramcoa trauma happening and have a few memories but we don’t know how to go about piecing things together
We do answer asks! We just forget we have an askbox sometimes. This one caught my attention in particular due to the mention of hypnotherapy and a possibility of RAMCOA trauma.
Obligatory “I’m not a therapist I’m just a random system on tumblr and you should make your own informed decisions on your own mental health.”
So if you suspect RAMCOA trauma in your history I would advise to be extremely careful and/or cautious about pursuing hypnotherapy. We have never done hypnotherapy and never will because hypnosis is a very common mode that programmers will use to create a dissociated state in a child. Hypnosis therefore is extremely triggering to us and if your system has parts who are programmed to run when hypnosis begins, it could cause a risk to your system’s stability.
As for tips on how to remember, all I will say is that you should probably consider the factors that make you unable to remember at this time.
Common reasons why amnesia can be strong/worsen for systems (side note: these are all personal experiences or experiences I’ve heard from other systems):
stress in daily life often causes amnesia barriers to strengthen or worsen
a lot of trauma has already recently come out. Especially in the case of HC-DID or C-DID where higher ups can often control amnesia levels to an extent, your gatekeepers will often increase amnesia levels if trauma has already recently slipped out to avoid even more slipping out
you are still having to consistently interact with someone who was involved in or complicit in your trauma. If you are living with your dad who you think is kind of a dick but not that bad and suddenly get memories that he tortured you, living with that person will become nearly impossible for your wellbeing. Gatekeepers will often keep stuff locked down when you are still having to be in contact with past abusers
you are not in a stable position to begin to receive trauma memories. People with CPTSD, a CDD, etc often report that they function fine enough when they are living in an abusive environment, but once they leave that environment and can truly relax, that’s when memories and flashbacks start hitting them and they become nearly nonfunctional despite being in a significantly calmer and safer environment. That’s your body and mind finally leaving fight or flight mode and when you truly get to relax for the first time it’s going to hit you like a truck.
Take it from a host that dug too much too soon and learned things way too fast: slow the fuck down. /meant gently. Your memories will surface in time. There is no rush to figure everything out. Trust me, the more you start learning the more you will probably be like “damn actually I don’t wanna know any more this is getting pretty bad” and by then your system will be like “WELL THAT’S TOO DAMN BAD.”
I had to get pulled from the host team for nearly a year because of how bad digging for memories fucked me up. Granted, I ended up taking up inner caretaking and inner deprogramming and now that our system is very nearly completely deprogrammed, my inner world job is less necessary so I can return to full time host business. There were several other factors that also led to me being unable to host again for so long, such as programmed parts constantly attacking and harming host team members (couldn’t handle that I am Fragile) and also having a harder time speaking in an American accent and masking my English one due to a series of splits that happened after we got divorced from our ex wife. I can mask my accent better now and my distress tolerance is much higher now due to having worked with programmed parts internally for so long, which makes me able to return to main host stuff and not get absolutely mentally destroyed anytime I experience a flashback or programmed response or an attack from a programmed part anymore.
If you have RAMCOA trauma, no matter if it was stuff from a single parent or a high control group, none of it will be fun to learn. It will be some of the most devastating, heart-wrenching, soul-crushing things you will ever experience, seeing flashbacks of your kid self being harmed in ways no human should be harmed, let alone an innocent kid. And I’m not saying you’re trying to learn for the fun of it, I’m assuming you want to learn for two reasons at least:
1) you’re in denial and need proof
2) you want to help your system heal
What I did to help myself through these two things were this:
When I experienced denial, such as when a part told me something or showed me something, I would just default to believing them no matter if I thought something like that could ever happen. My kid self deserves to have someone believe them. We were never believed as a kid, nobody paid attention, we were ignored. I’m never doing that to myself ever again. If the memory turns out to be a pseudomemory, or you realize maybe this didn’t really happen the way you thought, you’ll figure that out when you get there and that doesn’t mean you were faking it.
As for wanting to help my system heal, I learned I actually didn’t need to know as much info as I thought I needed to know to help my system heal. The extent of what I know now is a few visuals, that’s it. I have seen maybe about a dozen visual memories (not even in their entirety, often just 1 or 2 seconds of something) and the rest is just “this is what happened” as told to me by my parts. It’s like reading a horrible story, I’m incredibly detached from it. But the things I have seen have helped me learn to take my parts seriously when they tell me what happened. I catalogue their triggers, I learn what to avoid, I learn how to positively trigger out other parts who can help, I work on inner communication, etc. I don’t need to know all the details yet, that will come later. For now, I can teach my parts who haven’t seen the light of day for 15 years how to ground in the present and show them healthy coping skills. I can give them the comfort and love they always deserved. I don’t need to know what happened to do that. I can know it’s bad because they got triggered out when I looked in the mirror and they saw my red lipstick and freaked. I can know it’s bad because they internally look like a doll with no limbs or a young girl with no eyes and only a mouth full of teeth. I don’t need to see what made them that way/remember what made them that way to help them.
I hope my answer helped anon! Good luck!
-Dori 🌹(she/he/they)
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marvelfilth · 9 months
i am great but exhausted , my grandma is coming from another country to visit us so i am cleaning the minimum details and then i will go to bed bcs i have stuff in the morning to attend so yeah
i have something to complain about and i hope to get some help
so uhhh there is always that aunt in every family that no one can stand and she is always the root of the problems.
once she heard about my grandma is coming she decided to visit too
but the problem is In my culture, the guest must be respected and appreciated, and the grandmother and mother must be treated kindly , but my parents are divorced so it’s not decency and respect to talk to a man who has no relation to you , and she want to be treated like we do to my grandma , so guess what she did?? she called my father and complained about us ,this b*tch omg i want to fight her so bad
anyway any tips for how i should avoid her and keep my day good?
sorry for it but i don’t know where else i can go
Idk what you can do honestly, especially if she's staying for more than a day
I feel like she's visiting with a purpose of making you suffer and she'll do that no matter what 😬
You've said that the guest must be respected in your culture and she's probably gonna use that. People like her act like jerks for attention and because they quite literally have nothing better to do, so I think the best thing you could go is ignore her attempts at riling you up.
As for avoiding her... idk... maybe come up with a reason to get out of the house for a while? Or maybe you can butter her up. I have an aunt like that, and whenever I just smile and nod along she loses all her bite.
That probably wasn't helpful at all, but it's the best I can do 🫡
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aucklandmovers · 14 days
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ellegaardwhitaker95 · 1 month
Getting The Most From Working With A Lawyer
One of the hardest times in someone's life can be filing for divorce. When it comes to the settlement, you want the fairest deal. The best way to do this is by finding a lawyer that knows the laws and will work for you! Read this article for more tips. Never hire the first lawyer you come across. There are so many out there that it can be tempting to select the first one you come in contact with. Take your time and consult with a few before you make your decision. You don't want to make the mistake of choosing the wrong one. When Notary Saskatoon are coming for you, pass on them. Usually this is a person that wants to scam you, especially if your case involves you paying a lot of cash. It is best to stay away from these lawyers and find a professional who does not need to reach out to potential clients. Imagine taking on a lawyer who is about to enter court for the first time. That's what will happen if you take a general lawyer into a case where a specializing lawyer is a better bet. Ask any lawyer you know for their recommendations, and you'll be pleased with the outcome. Do not be shy when it comes to questioning your lawyer. A reliable lawyer will have no problem giving you any information you need and will update you whenever you ask. If you do not feel your lawyer is sharing enough with you, you should get a new one. Ask your lawyer for an estimate when you decide they're the one for you. If they say no, walk away immediately. Even if they just give you a range and explain what makes a case more or less expensive, that is good enough. Make sure to get your fee agreement in writing! You can realize real savings of money and time if you make certain to assemble all necessary papers and information prior to the initial consultation. By doing most of the basic leg work, you are saving your lawyer a bit of time, which equals money to you. It is important that you do these things to cut costs. Use the Internet prior to choosing an attorney. Not only can you find attorney listings and backgrounds, but you can find a lot of legal help. Legal-focused forums exist that can give you background information about your matter and guide you to the right specialists. Simple legal matters, like making a will, can sometimes also be handled through legal websites. Keep in mind that lawyers can't work miracles. If your lawyer says there is no doubt he or she will win the case, do not trust them. Nothing is guaranteed in law; if a lawyer says he never loses, don't believe him. Your lawyer should not act like you could not understand what he is doing for you. A good lawyer will not only be willing, but will insist that you should know what is going on each step of the way. Lawyers that do not follow this rule are not of a high calliber and should be avoided. Do you research prior to filing a Workman's Compensation claim. The filing deadline and proofs you need to include vary by state. Worker's Comp is different from all other claims and thus should be approached so. This claim has different standards. After you ask all the questions you have for a potential attorney, make sure to also give him or her a chance to question you. If the person you are speaking to does not seem that interested in you or your case, that is a huge warning sign. Carefully consider whether or not you want to work with the person. If you feel your attorney doesn't care, understand that it is just as important for them to win as it is for you. Understand that your lawyer has dealt with numerous cases; therefore, they are aware of how to properly handle your case. They will do the best they can do. Whether you are filing for divorce or served papers, you need to have the best lawyer possible during this process. Negotiations are often a long process, so make sure your lawyer knows your rights thoroughly. Remember these tips when selecting a lawyer through this very difficult time in your life.
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hamricksnow84 · 1 month
Parenting Tips You Must Know About Now
Regardless of the age of your children, you are sure to want the best relationship possible. emotional intelligence will help you to develop that relationship and increase the bonds you have together. You can begin today to improve your bond and establish the lifetime relationship you want to have with your children. Hold your breast with your fingers underneath and holding your thumb on the top when breastfeeding. Use the hand you use the most to support the head and the other hand for holding your breast. Place the nipple near his nose and he will open wide to take it in. This will provide the best latch for success. We all know that engaging in an argument with a toddler is never the most productive use of our time. To avoid arguments, make sure you explain your reasons for your rules in ways that are easy for your toddler to understand, and decide ahead of time which rules are flexible and which are non-negotiable. Join a breastfeeding support and parenting group prior to giving birth to help you be comfortable in your breastfeeding. Women who join a group prior to giving birth are usually much more comfortable with breastfeeding than those who didn't. The ability to learn and ask questions prior to having a crying baby in front of you is a lifesaver. While going through a divorce with younger children, it is important to give them only the information that is necessary for them to understand. No excess information should be given to the young children or it could hurt their impression of the parent. Your kids should not feel any effect of their parents divorce, even though they always do. Learn to breastfeed your baby in public so that you will be able to breastfeed for your child's first year of life. Mothers who have not learned how to discretely nurse in public tend to start offering bottles and that is usually the beginning of the end of a breastfeeding relationship. When your child goes to the doctor's office, be sure to tell the nurse or doctor if your son or daughter is taking any kind of over-the-counter vitamin or mineral supplement. Even though delicious recipes for picky eaters do not require a prescription, they can interact with or decrease the absorption of prescription antibiotics or other medications. If your child must take a liquid medication, ask your pharmacist for dosing spoons, bulbs, or oral syringes instead of using kitchen spoons or measuring cups. Standard kitchen measurements can hold as much as three times the amount of a dosing implement, increasing the risk of overdose, stomach upset, or wasted medication. For young children, don't underestimate the power of naps. They need more sleep than an older kid. Children can usually stop napping around five or six years old. Young toddlers should be taking up to two naps a day, and children 1.5 and older should still be taking one nap per day. Children react better to positive reinforcement than negative reinforcement. Parents also often overlook when a child does something well but tend to get angry and hand out punishments when a child does something wrong. A much better environment would be where the parents praise and reward the child for doing something well. Children are much more eager to obtain rewards than they are to avoid punishment. Encourage your child to drink lots of water. Sugary sodas, juices with hidden sugar and even sugar-free drinks add either extra calories or unhealthy artificial sweeteners to his diet. Drinking water will keep a child well-hydrated and help to maintain a healthy digestive system. If they want something that tastes good, try mixing a little fruit juice with the water. Treat your child the way you'd want your parents to treat you. If you hated it when your child screamed at you, your child will, too. Talking in a calm, rational manner is more likely to get you heard than screaming. Show your children how you would like them to behave when they are angry. As you can see, parenting can be a wonderful experience if you invest the time and energy into developing the relationship you have with your children. delicious recipes for picky eaters can have these bonds established as the basis for a satisfying lifetime relationship that brings you both the connection you desire. Let parenting be an enjoyable experience.
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jaywritesrps · 2 months
Lol There's videos of them being like that with each other plus almost every sighting of them they're like that. So not so sure if it's coming from SBs team. Stuff like that wouldn't help Ashs image anyway...being with SB is a big reason why she gets harassed by the Krashlyn crazies. Just look how they acted when the video of Ash and SB were making out. Ali needs to stop bringing up the divorce stuff and move on. At this I doubt Ash even wants to talk about it publicly and just wants to move on with her life.
Man, if it comes from People or US Weekly, it comes from Sophia's or someone who has a PR team. Those publications don't work with anonymous tips or stuff said in SM, like TMZ, Deux Moi or Pagesix, only with stuff run by someone PR team prior which is why they are seem as trustworthy by the public. So I will tell you with 100% of certain as someone who works with news outlets since 2008 that this story either came from Sophia's team or it was written with their support.
Ali will stop with that eventually, but it is going to be brought whenever she has a new relationship, especially if it'swith a guy. Shipping real people overall worrisome, cause it's like being those aunts that are nuts for relationships and wants to set you up with several people she knows, and it's utterly annoying. I am myself avoiding share content with them (Sophia and Ashlyn) acting couply lately cause they confirmed they are a couple, good for them, awesome, but that's about it. I have zero intention to follow them as a couple after the stuff I found out between Ashlyn and someone I know and care, just hope the best for them, and if they break up, I am going to be here to say "I told you so".
Honestly, I think it would benefit Ashlyn to tell her side of the story. As for right now, we only have Ali's side going on and people believes on it cause it's the only one around. But if she doesn't want, there's nothing she can do except to take the hit whenever the subject is brought.
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5 Tips for Effective Estate Planning in Retirement
Retirement is a time to unwind, travel, and savor the results of your hard work. But with all the excitement of retirement, it's crucial to remember how important estate planning is. Retirement estate planning is about more than just allocating assets; it's about making sure your loved ones are taken care of and that your legacy is protected. Keeping that in mind, here are five suggestions for estate planning in retirement that work well.
Start Early: Everyone should consider estate planning, not just the wealthy or the old. The earlier you begin estate planning, the better, regardless of your age or financial situation. Starting early gives you more time to thoroughly evaluate your desires, recognize possible obstacles, and put plans in place to lessen them. When it comes to creating trusts, naming beneficiaries, or writing a will, being proactive in your planning can provide you peace of mind and guarantee that your intentions are followed.
Create a Comprehensive Will: The foundation of every estate plan is a will, which is a legal document that specifies how your possessions will be allocated after your death. Make careful to take into account all of your assets, including real estate, investments, retirement funds, and personal items, while creating your will. For every asset, clearly list the beneficiaries and include any instructions or requirements for distribution. Furthermore, choose an executor to handle the administration of your estate, and make sure that person is informed of their duties.
Consider Trusts: Because they provide asset protection, secrecy, and flexibility, trusts can be useful tools in estate planning. You may decide to create revocable, irrevocable, or special needs trusts, among other types of trusts, based on your objectives and situation. Trusts can save estate taxes, aid avoid probate, and support and care for loved ones indefinitely. Seek advice from a financial or legal professional to choose the best trust arrangements for your estate plan.
Review and Update Regularly: Estate planning is a continuous process that needs to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. It is not a one-time occurrence. As life circumstances change, your estate plan should also adapt. Your estate plan may need to be updated in response to births, deaths, marriages, divorces, changes in your financial situation, and changes in the law. Reviewing your estate plan should be a top priority, done at least once a year or whenever a major life event occurs. You can make sure that your estate plan appropriately reflects your desires and offers your loved ones the best possible protection by keeping it up to date.
Communicate Your Wishes: Effective estate planning involves more than just creating legal documents; it also requires clear communication with your loved ones. Take the time to discuss your estate plan with your family members, beneficiaries, and appointed executors or trustees. Make sure they understand your intentions, give them the justification for your choices, and respond to any worries or inquiries they might have. Future legal issues, disputes, and misunderstandings can be avoided with open and honest communication.
To sum up, retirement estate planning is an important part of financial planning that shouldn't be disregarded. You can make sure your legacy is protected, and your loved ones are cared for in accordance with your preferences by beginning early, writing a thorough will, taking trust into consideration, periodically reviewing and revising your plan, and sharing your wishes with them. Recall that leaving a lasting legacy for future generations and bringing peace of mind is just as important as allocating assets in an efficient estate plan.
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lyongriffin45 · 4 months
Parenting Tips You Must Know About Now
Regardless of the age of your children, you are sure to want the best relationship possible. This article will help you to develop that relationship and increase the bonds you have together. You can begin today to improve your bond and establish the lifetime relationship you want to have with your children. Hold your breast with your fingers underneath and holding your thumb on the top when breastfeeding. Use the hand you use the most to support the head and the other hand for holding your breast. Place the nipple near his nose and he will open wide to take it in. This will provide the best latch for success. We all know that engaging in an argument with a toddler is never the most productive use of our time. To avoid arguments, make sure you explain your reasons for your rules in ways that are easy for your toddler to understand, and decide ahead of time which rules are flexible and which are non-negotiable. Join a breastfeeding support and parenting group prior to giving birth to help you be comfortable in your breastfeeding. Women who join a group prior to giving birth are usually much more comfortable with breastfeeding than those who didn't. The ability to learn and ask questions prior to having a crying baby in front of you is a lifesaver. While going through a divorce with younger children, it is important to give them only the information that is necessary for them to understand. No excess information should be given to the young children or it could hurt their impression of the parent. Your kids should not feel any effect of their parents divorce, even though they always do. Learn to breastfeed your baby in public so that you will be able to breastfeed for your child's first year of life. daycare hamilton who have not learned how to discretely nurse in public tend to start offering bottles and that is usually the beginning of the end of a breastfeeding relationship. When your child goes to the doctor's office, be sure to tell the nurse or doctor if your son or daughter is taking any kind of over-the-counter vitamin or mineral supplement. Even though these products do not require a prescription, they can interact with or decrease the absorption of prescription antibiotics or other medications. If your child must take a liquid medication, ask your pharmacist for dosing spoons, bulbs, or oral syringes instead of using kitchen spoons or measuring cups. Standard kitchen measurements can hold as much as three times the amount of a dosing implement, increasing the risk of overdose, stomach upset, or wasted medication. For young children, don't underestimate the power of naps. They need more sleep than an older kid. Children can usually stop napping around five or six years old. Young toddlers should be taking up to two naps a day, and children 1.5 and older should still be taking one nap per day. Children react better to positive reinforcement than negative reinforcement. Parents also often overlook when a child does something well but tend to get angry and hand out punishments when a child does something wrong. A much better environment would be where the parents praise and reward the child for doing something well. Children are much more eager to obtain rewards than they are to avoid punishment. Encourage your child to drink lots of water. Sugary sodas, juices with hidden sugar and even sugar-free drinks add either extra calories or unhealthy artificial sweeteners to his diet. Drinking water will keep a child well-hydrated and help to maintain a healthy digestive system. If they want something that tastes good, try mixing a little fruit juice with the water. Treat your child the way you'd want your parents to treat you. If you hated it when your child screamed at you, your child will, too. Talking in a calm, rational manner is more likely to get you heard than screaming. Show your children how you would like them to behave when they are angry. As you can see, parenting can be a wonderful experience if you invest the time and energy into developing the relationship you have with your children. You can have these bonds established as the basis for a satisfying lifetime relationship that brings you both the connection you desire. Let parenting be an enjoyable experience.
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carvergrace72 · 4 months
Parenting Tips You Must Know About Now
Regardless of the age of your children, you are sure to want the best relationship possible. This article will help you to develop that relationship and increase the bonds you have together. You can begin today to improve your bond and establish the lifetime relationship you want to have with your children. Hold your breast with your fingers underneath and holding your thumb on the top when breastfeeding. Use the hand you use the most to support the head and the other hand for holding your breast. Place the nipple near his nose and he will open wide to take it in. This will provide the best latch for success. We all know that engaging in an argument with a toddler is never the most productive use of our time. To avoid arguments, make sure you explain your reasons for your rules in ways that are easy for your toddler to understand, and decide ahead of time which rules are flexible and which are non-negotiable. Join a breastfeeding support and parenting group prior to giving birth to help you be comfortable in your breastfeeding. Women who join a group prior to giving birth are usually much more comfortable with breastfeeding than those who didn't. The ability to learn and ask questions prior to having a crying baby in front of you is a lifesaver. While going through a divorce with younger children, it is important to give them only the information that is necessary for them to understand. No excess information should be given to the young children or it could hurt their impression of the parent. Your kids should not feel any effect of their parents divorce, even though they always do. Learn to breastfeed your baby in public so that you will be able to breastfeed for your child's first year of life. daycare mount maunganui who have not learned how to discretely nurse in public tend to start offering bottles and that is usually the beginning of the end of a breastfeeding relationship. When your child goes to the doctor's office, be sure to tell the nurse or doctor if your son or daughter is taking any kind of over-the-counter vitamin or mineral supplement. Even though these products do not require a prescription, they can interact with or decrease the absorption of prescription antibiotics or other medications. If your child must take a liquid medication, ask your pharmacist for dosing spoons, bulbs, or oral syringes instead of using kitchen spoons or measuring cups. Standard kitchen measurements can hold as much as three times the amount of a dosing implement, increasing the risk of overdose, stomach upset, or wasted medication. For young children, don't underestimate the power of naps. They need more sleep than an older kid. Children can usually stop napping around five or six years old. Young toddlers should be taking up to two naps a day, and children 1.5 and older should still be taking one nap per day. Children react better to positive reinforcement than negative reinforcement. Parents also often overlook when a child does something well but tend to get angry and hand out punishments when a child does something wrong. A much better environment would be where the parents praise and reward the child for doing something well. Children are much more eager to obtain rewards than they are to avoid punishment. Encourage your child to drink lots of water. Sugary sodas, juices with hidden sugar and even sugar-free drinks add either extra calories or unhealthy artificial sweeteners to his diet. Drinking water will keep a child well-hydrated and help to maintain a healthy digestive system. If they want something that tastes good, try mixing a little fruit juice with the water. Treat your child the way you'd want your parents to treat you. If you hated it when your child screamed at you, your child will, too. Talking in a calm, rational manner is more likely to get you heard than screaming. Show your children how you would like them to behave when they are angry. As you can see, parenting can be a wonderful experience if you invest the time and energy into developing the relationship you have with your children. You can have these bonds established as the basis for a satisfying lifetime relationship that brings you both the connection you desire. Let parenting be an enjoyable experience.
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careeralley · 4 months
Find Your Legal Niche: Matching Law Areas to Career Goals
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Law is for You It’s no straightforward matter deciding to become a lawyer, just as it’s no straightforward matter deciding to do anything, career-wise. It’s a big commitment! Especially with all the schooling that you need to go through. Then, once you can see the end in sight, you need to begin thinking about which area of law you want to practice in. With so much choice, how does anyone ever decide? Below, we’ve put together some useful tips that’ll make finding the right path for you a little bit easier to decide which area of law is for you. Law Career Choices - Corporate Law: Ideal for those interested in business and commerce, corporate law involves advising corporations on legal rights, responsibilities, and transactions. - Environmental Law: Perfect for those passionate about environmental issues, this field focuses on laws that protect the environment and regulate natural resources. - Intellectual Property Law: Suited for creative minds, this area deals with protecting rights to inventions, designs, and artistic works. - Criminal Law: For those seeking justice, criminal law revolves around prosecuting or defending individuals charged with criminal conduct. - Family Law: A good fit for those interested in personal matters, family law handles cases like divorce, custody, and adoption. - Human Rights Law: Ideal for advocates of social justice, this field focuses on protecting individual rights and freedoms. - Employment Law: Great for those interested in the dynamics of the workplace, focusing on employee rights, disputes, and workplace policies. - International Law: Suitable for those with a global perspective, it deals with laws and regulations that govern international relations. - Tax Law: Best for detail-oriented individuals, tax law involves the regulations, policies, and rules that govern tax processes. - Healthcare Law: For those interested in the medical sector, this area deals with healthcare policies, regulations, and ethics. Take Your Time First of all, it’s important that you take your time and avoid rushing into anything. It’s easy to feel panicked and to think that you need to just pick something so you can start working on your career, but recognize that this would not be a smart and rational course of action. And if you’re going to be a lawyer, then you need to specialize in smart and rational actions! It’s fine to take your time and wait for the answers to come to you. While you can always change your specialty further down the line, things will be a lot easier if you give yourself some space to get the right answer the first time around. Identify Your Passions If you can identify where your passions lie, then you’ll never steer too far off course in life. Of course, if it were easy to identify passions, then everyone would do it! It can be tricky. To begin, think about what aspects of life - not necessarily law - get you excited, and then go from there. You might be concerned with the environment, in which case an environmental agency would be the right solution. You might find that you’re passionate about the working world, in which case a law firm that specializes in labor and employment law, such as Ogletree, would be a perfect fit. The world of law is large in scope; whatever your interests are, there’ll be a law firm that’s right for you. "What’s your motive for going? In the interest of making sure the three-year and six-figure investment is the right one for you, here’s the truth behind some common motives and some important things to consider before taking the plunge" And Your Strengths Of course, passion won’t always walk you directly to the right area of law. You also need to keep in mind what your strengths and characteristics are. If you’re a whizz with numbers, then you might want to consider working with tax law. If you’re naturally outgoing and combative, then litigation would be a suitable match for your personality. If you can combine your passions and strengths, then you’ll find the area you belong in. Interested in law but unsure which specialty aligns with your career goals? Dive into our guide on finding your legal niche, from corporate to environmental law, and pave your path to a fulfilling legal career. #LawCareer #LegalSpecialties #FindYourNicheClick To Tweet Talk to Experienced Lawyers You’re not the first person to go through this struggle, and you won’t be the last, either. Every lawyer has also had to answer this question, so why not use them as a source of advice? Speak to lawyers working in all fields about the process they used to find their practice area, and whether they would change anything if they could do it all again. Whatever area you eventually decide upon, make sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons. Career As a Lawyer $12.99 $9.99 A career as a lawyer is an exciting one! But do you really know what it takes to become one? This book takes you inside the career and shows you the day and the life of a lawyer. Buy from Amazon Buy from Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 01/26/2024 10:21 am GMT Read the full article
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smartrelationshiptips · 6 months
First Christmas After Divorce: Best 7 Tips For You
This blog post will explore the steps to make your first Christmas after divorce a success and help you avoid feeling alone during this special time of year. The holidays can be an especially difficult time when you’re not with your spouse. At some point in their lives, everyone has had to deal with the painful and time-consuming process of a divorce. It can be especially challenging for children as they often feel as if their entire world is coming apart. Because of this, many adults find themselves separated from their ex-spouse during this time of year, making things very hard on those dealing with the separation.
What is the first thing to do after a divorce?
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First Christmas After Divorce
This is a blog post about the first Christmas after divorce. It’s been three years, and I am still feeling sad that my marriage ended, but this year it helped me with family and friends who didn’t know what was going on in my life. We all just had fun together, and not one of us mentioned the word “divorce” once!  Here are 7 ideas for how to make your first Christmas after divorce as painless as possible:
1. Family Matters
I am very close with both of my parents, so it was important to me for this first Christmas after divorce to be spent with them. Not only did I spend the holiday with both sets of grandparents, but we all went out to dinner on New Year’s Eve as well. I know that not everyone is lucky enough to have the kind of relationships I do with my family, but I am thankful that I can choose to be around the people who make me feel good about myself.
2. Escape If Needed
One Christmas after the divorce, my best friend and I escaped to her beach house in South Carolina for four days. She wasn’t ready to surrender the holiday to the sadness that follows a breakup, and I was happy to go along for the ride. We did everything we normally do together: yoga, shopping, cooking, and gossiping. It felt like a mini-vacation from my life.
3. Keep Busy
Unfortunately, there aren’t many fun things going on in Atlanta in the middle of December. But if you live somewhere where holiday markets, ice skating, and concerts are happening all month long, go! I went to a tree lighting ceremony at the CNN center last weekend And was reminded that there is plenty to do during the holidays other than dwelling on what’s missing from your life.
4. Don’t Give In To Guilt
I know it’s hard not to feel sad when your friends are all in relationships, but don’t let yourself feel guilty about being alone during this time. You didn’t do anything wrong, and the only person you owe an explanation to is YOU! I spent my holiday with people who love spending time with me. It was great.
5. Keep A Journal
I have found writing about my feelings to be very therapeutic. I had some great conversations with friends, but it just feels good to have an outlet for my emotions. If you don’t want to share your journal with anyone else, that’s OK too! Putting your thoughts on paper is a great way to get them out of your head and onto something you can hold.
6. Don’t Try To Measure Up
Making new traditions is hard enough, but trying to live up to the ones that were taken from you will cause even greater sadness. Keep doing the things that make YOU happy, and try not to worry about what other people think. Some people might not understand why you aren’t going home with your spouse, but that is their problem, not yours!
7. Create A New Tradition
I haven’t figured out what my new family holiday traditions will be yet, but I can tell you a few things I want to do: make a gingerbread house with the kids, have a white elephant gift exchange, and see The Nutcracker. Embrace new traditions that make you feel good about yourself, and don’t worry about what anyone else will think!
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How to Deal With Being Alone on the First Christmas after Divorce
The first thing you need to do is remember that this is not your fault.  There is nothing you have done or failed to do for your spouse to decide to leave, so it’s vital not to blame yourself. If you find yourself asking what you did wrong, remind yourself that it’s not your fault and do your best to put your thoughts aside. While it’s very common for many people going through a divorce to feel depressed and lonely, this is not something that needs to be ignored. Christmas time can make these feelings even more pronounced, and therefore it’s important to be kind to yourself.
Take the time you’d spend thinking about how your ex is spending Christmas without you and do things that make you happy instead. Many people enjoy collecting items for the family at a local shelter, which can help you feel as if you’re making a difference.
In addition, doing good deeds for someone other than what you would typically expect from yourself can be very rewarding and help you feel happier and more in control of your life. If you’re looking for a new career during the holidays, consider online business training programs that can help you earn a living and increase the opportunities for advancement. Another option is to put yourself on an expense account by taking time to focus on your hobbies and interests. When money is tight, it can help you focus on yourself and learn how to be more content with what you have.
Whichever way you choose to spend your first Christmas after divorce, it must bring you some measure of happiness. If not, remember that the holidays are not an obligation but a time for celebrating friendship, family, and love.
How do I get through my first Christmas after divorce?
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If you’re spending this time of year feeling sad and alone, then the best thing you can do for yourself is to make plans with friends or family. You may even be surprised by how other people feel about your situation once they learn what’s going on. Often, other people want to help but don’t know how and simply knowing that you’re not alone can help tremendously. When we think of Christmas, we often think about spending time with loved ones and reflecting on the good things in our lives, so allow yourself some time to do this while focusing on what you have rather than what is missing.
If you had children together, it’s very important to keep them involved in the holiday activities. Christmas is important to children, and they too will need time to heal emotionally, so you mustn’t shut them out of your life during this period. Take some time for yourself over the holidays while remembering why you’re spending it alone. It may be very difficult at first, but the more you give in to your emotions, the harder it will be to move on in the future. If you feel yourself slipping into depression or suicidal thoughts, seek out someone who can help before it’s too late.
It may be hard to imagine what the first Christmas after divorce will look like. You might even think it’s impossible to enjoy this time of year because you’re feeling so much pain and sadness right now. We hope you found this blog post helpful, and we wish you luck with your first Christmas after divorce. Whether you’re hosting the holiday festivities or not, please enjoy yourself and make sure to take care of yourself throughout the day. 
If there’s anything that we can do for you, don’t hesitate to reach out in the comments below. Happy Holidays from our family to yours.
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floridadivorceusa · 6 months
How to Have a Cheap Divorce?
Communication and Cooperation
Effective communication and cooperation are essential for a smooth and cheap uncontested divorce. When both parties openly discuss their needs, concerns, and goals, it sets the stage for finding solutions without escalating conflicts or incurring hefty legal fees.
Being cooperative throughout the divorce process means actively working together to make decisions. This approach speeds up the process, reduces paperwork, and minimizes costs typically associated with prolonged legal battles.
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Divorce
A Do-It-Yourself (DIY) divorce is a money-saving choice for couples looking to end their marriage without the high costs of hiring lawyers. In a DIY divorce, you handle the paperwork and filing yourself, often using online resources or forms provided by the court.
 This option works best when both parties agree on major issues like asset division and child custody. While it can save a significant amount on legal fees, it's crucial to thoroughly understand your jurisdiction's requirements and the specific documents needed. Get legal advice to review your paperwork before submitting it.
Limited Legal Assistance
You don't have to hire a lawyer for every step. With this approach, consult an attorney as needed, whether for advice on specific issues or to review documents you've prepared yourself.
It's a cost-effective way to make informed decisions without paying a lawyer throughout the divorce process. This option allows you to get legal guidance when necessary, ensuring you have expertise where it matters without incurring the full expense of comprehensive legal representation.
Organize Financial Documents
Organizing your financial documents is a key move to reduce divorce costs. When couples gather and arrange income statements, tax returns, and details about assets and debts, they're laying out a clear financial picture.
This upfront transparency speeds up negotiations, making reaching agreements on things like dividing property and deciding on spousal support easier without dragging the process through lengthy legal battles. Couples can avoid unnecessary complexities, and attorneys spend less time decoding financial intricacies, ultimately significantly dropping total legal fees.
Explore Alternatives for Dispute Resolution
Traditional litigation can be pricey and time-consuming. Instead, think about options like mediation or collaborative divorce. Mediation involves a neutral third party guiding discussions to find common ground.
Collaborative divorce means a team of professionals, including lawyers, working together to reach fair solutions without going to court. These approaches often lead to quicker and more cost-effective outcomes than the traditional route.
Bottom Line
While these tips are handy for cutting divorce costs, remember to put your long-term well-being first and ensure your divorce settlement is fair. It's a smart move, even if you're only consulting with a legal professional on a limited basis. They can give you crucial guidance and help you navigate the complexities of divorce law in your area.
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xenixxh · 7 months
How to Stay Safe Online Using Cybersecurity Best Practices
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting your data and computer systems from cyberattacks. With a little knowledge and a dash of effort, you can shield your sensitive information and digital devices from online thieves. This article discusses how to stay safe online by following cybersecurity best practices, including password requirements and avoiding public Wi-Fi networks. By following these tips, you can avoid costly cyberattacks that threaten your personal and business information.
Most people know to use uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols and numbers to create strong passwords for online accounts. Some companies also have strict password requirements for employees to follow in order to prevent hacks and data breaches. However, not everyone is familiar with other cybersecurity best practices that they can implement on their own to keep themselves safe online.
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For example, it is often a good idea to log out of an account when you are finished with it. When you stay logged in, hackers can use the browser history to access your private information. Additionally, it is a good idea to never share your passwords with anyone and to change them frequently. You should also be cautious about clicking on links from unknown sources and storing information on external devices that may contain malware or viruses.
While most people are techogle.co aware that they should not share their credit card information or bank account details online, there is a lot of other personal information that is just as risky to share. Sharing information such as your name, address or age can lead to identity theft. Also, discussing your relationship status or announcing that you are recently divorced could be used by criminals to gain access to your bank account.
Children and teens can be targeted for online bullying, threatening or harassing behavior, so it's important to teach them how to stay safe online by being choosy about who they talk to and interact with online. If someone makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened, they should tell an adult immediately. Additionally, children and teens should be able to identify the person who is harassing them online and report it.
It's also important to teach kids that all strangers are dangerous offline and that this same principle applies to the internet. They should always tell an adult if they have been approached by someone who is not a trusted friend or family member. Additionally, children should be able to describe how the individual made them feel and what was said.
It's crucial to educate technology website your employees about cybersecurity best practices so that they can protect your company's information. This can be done through ongoing training or as part of the onboarding process at new hires' start dates. By implementing these cybersecurity best practices, your organization can greatly reduce its vulnerability to cyberattacks in 2023 and beyond. To learn more about securing your business's information, contact American Technology Services. We can provide you with the tools and IT support you need to secure your network from unauthorized users.
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evelegal · 7 months
All About Law Firm
It's very important for lawyers to constantly update themselves because knowledge is what allows them to build their case with relevant figures and facts. Law firms have varied prices, depending on their sizes. For example, solo practitioners are not so expensive, while mid-sized and large firms entail higher costs because they have greater legal resources allowing them to solve your legal issues effortlessly. Make sure you hire a law firm that has the ability to explain things in a manner that you can understand. There is no point in hiring someone who speaks in a technical language or doesn't return your calls. You should find an experience company, which is capable of defending you in court, and which is treating you politely as well. lawyer melbourne
A law firm's expertise is based mostly on the fact that they hire the best graduates from top law schools. Since a lawyer's core worth is based on his intelligence, knowledge and experience, you will increase your chances of winning your case since they will be updated on all the latest nuances of the law and be able to keep up their end of the defense with facts and figures relevant to your case.
First and foremost, the employees of the law firm must have extensive knowledge in their field of activity - the more customers they have had in the past, the better! Part of the knowledge is given by "hands-on experience", this is why lawyers that have represented many people in the past are more preferred than beginners - even so, this is not a general rule. litigation lawyer melbourne
You will also need to check if the websites have posted their accreditation and certification and have very thorough information about their lawyers' specialties. There are law firms that allow you to download reports and white papers on very popular legal topics, ones that their previous clients have been through so you can get more insights on your particular case and how it could turn out. The more information you have, the more empowered you feel so go for sites that also offer tips and advice on going through difficult legal matters and how to deal after the smoke clears.
Moreover, the lawyers should talk to you in clear and plain English, rather than using that legal talk only professionals tend to understand. The lawyer must not forget to offer clear and concise advice and explanations whenever you need them. Also, keep in mind that just like it happens with medicine and other professionals, law has different branches: there is the tax law, civil law, criminal law, divorce law and so on. It is essential to choose the one that best meets your needs. probate lawyer melbourne
Certification is also highly important, as you must only work with skilled, certified and competent people who have received accreditation from professional bodies. The accreditation is a very good indicator that will help you see whether the law firm in question is actually the most qualified one for your situation.
Legal matters are something that strike the fear of God in most people's hearts, because of the complications involved, not to mention the astronomical legal fees one can incur. Legal matters, however, can happen anytime, anywhere and while people know that they must be prepared for anything, it doesn't erase the fact that it can be quite a daunting prospect and as such, something to be avoided as much as possible.
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Piggyback from Inner Beauty Tip: Radical Acceptance is Key!
Radical acceptance will grant you inner beauty. Why? Because you will be an easy going person, tolerating a lot (not as a doormat though), forgiving all and accepting everyone - this is the basic definition of radical acceptance.
Some examples of radical acceptance are:
We cannot be someone else
We cannot have someone else's life
We may get laid off or fired one day from our job
We might get divorced from our spouse or break up with our significant other
We might get sick or be dying with a fatal illness
We may get lost one day, attacked or burglarized (or home invasion)
Someone might steal our identity
We may get depressed at some point or end up with a major mental illness
We may be diagnosed with Cancer, HIV or AIDS
We will lose our hair, lose our teeth, and get ol4d and gray one day
We might not be liked, may get rejected
We may end up broke or homeless or carless
Our kids might die before we do or we might die
We may get arrested and go to prison or jail
Some of women may never get pregnant, may have a miscarriage or have something wrong with our baby
If we live in a fantasy world and think these things will never happen to us then we need to remember that anything is possible, there are consequences for everything and no one is above any of these things. This is radical acceptance instead of being in denial which will make you snap if you are mentally and emotionally prepared for crazy things happening to you.
So how can we embrace Radical Acceptance:
1. We have to let go of our hang-ups about different people such as:(these are generalizations I have heard often so if I offend anyone, please forgive me) 
- Old people are all slow and mean 
- Young people are all annoying and delinquent 
- White people are all supremacists or have a white privileege mentality 
- Black people are all loud and ghetto 
- Asians are all smart and rude 
- Mexicans are all dirty and cheap 
2. We have to let go of pre-conceived notions that are biased: 
- Love always hurts so I'm staying single 
- Men are all sex offenders so I'm staying away from them 
- Women are all desperate so I'm avoiding them 
- Mothers are all nurturers and fathers all task masters 
- Marriage doesn't work and is boring anyway 
- Money is everything and will buy me anything I want 
- Celebrities are all full of themselves 
- Pastors are all greedy so I'm not going to church 
3. We have to give people the benefit of the doubt - allow room for people to make some mistakes and disappoint you because they will 
4. Rejection is a given. Be open, ready and strong in case it happens to you. Somewhere, somebody is going to say no to you no matter how much money you have, how you look, or where you come from 
5. Irresponsibilty carries a boatload of problems and burdens so do your best to be a responsible and stable person. 
6. Reality bites but it's reality and it happens for all of us. Take off yhour rose colored blinders or glasses and face the truth. 
7. Loss is always possible, prepare for it and go throught the stages of grief with the intent to heal, let go and move on.  
8. Seasons change and so do we. We age, we change our likes and dislikes so roll with the changes of your life. If you avoid them or resist them you will go crazy. 
9. God loves us but also judges us and His wrath is real. Don't get caught up in God's wrath. Follow the laws of God and the Bible, the ten commandments and do the right thing as much as you possibly can. 
10.Criminal activity gets exposed at some point in life. Even the Bible says "What is hidden, must come to light." - Luke 7:18 
11.Relationships are hard - risk it all for love anyway, work at it and see where it takes you and your heart and your life. You might just get some beautiful kids out of it that look just like you. 
12.If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Get your planners, calendars, sticky notes, notebooks and notepads, laptops, cell phones, checklists, to do lists and vision boards out and plan up a storm. You will be happy you planned that. LOL! 
13.Arrogance leads to great falls. Be humble about everything as much as you can. Even Jesus, who is God is humble and no one can get any higher than that. 
14.Money isn't everything and greed leads to loneliness and loss. So, save, spend and give moderately and equally so you can reap the riches of your hard work and feel great about having a nest egg and giving to those less fortunate than you are. 
15.If you don't work you produce nothing. Let go of sloth (which is one of the 7 deadly sins. Don't be a lazy person. Get up and do something every day and that does not mean go walk to your computer or t.v. and sit there all day. 
16.Strength, healing, wellness, love and a deep connection with your highe source are all very importan and vital to a fulfilling life. So learn to take care of yourself, get to know your God, make doctor appointments and get check ups regularly, take care of your mental health, express love easily and be ready to receive it when it comes. 
17.You will make mistakes - learn from them and vow to do better. 
18.Aging is truth so embrace the stages of your life and development, grasp hold of wisdom tightly, remember your youth and stay young at heart, take care of your brain, your body, your heart and have some fun every day. 
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