#Hob x death
tiabritana · 11 months
For @softest-punk who’s hobhusband verse I read for the thousandth time today and got inspired. Here’s Hob meeting one of his in-laws
It was one of the rare times that Death was able to get away from her busy schedule for more than a few moments, and Hob was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
They were currently the only two in the flat and were spending time together at the kitchen table drinking some local ale that Moira gifted him over the holidays when a thought popped into Hobs mind. He never really gave it much thought before-assuming that as with most things in the beginning- his gift was from Dream, and that was that. With the arrangement now, and knowing that prior assessment to be false, Hob turned to Death and pondered how to ask his question.
“Yes?” Death asked, seeing his stare.
“I was just wondering how I stayed the same age after all these years.” He started setting his mug down and playing with his fingers. “I just never really thought about it before, but your gift prevents me from dying, so how do I still look young.”
Death was silent for a bit, playing with her own mug, swirling the liquid around as she pondered his question.
“I never really thought of it much,” she finally admitted. “When I first made the wager with Dream, I just wanted him to see the beauty of humans. You all are-especially you-,” she paused and gave him a warm look, reaching between them to gently grab his hand from where he was still fiddling with them, “so full of life. I just wanted him to understand.” She stopped and shrugged, and Hob understood what she didn’t say. By now they all knew that Dream was in a bad place for a long time and was just starting to see that there was more to life than just his function.
“Anyway, if I had to guess I assume that Father had something to do with your preserved form.” She took back her hand to instead cup her mug and bring it to her mouth to take a long gulp.
Hob stared at the column of her neck admiring as he thought about what she said. He never gave much thought to the Endless parents as none of his spouses liked to talk about them. The closest being Delirium’s nonsensical musings about there being a black hole inside her sometimes, and the twins sharing a look.
“Why would he grant my body stasis- for lack of a better word?” He asked. His musings were starting to give him a headache the more he tried to wrap his head around the subject.
Death shrugged again, putting her now empty mug down. Hob pushed his half drunk glass towards her. He didn’t think drinking anymore would help with his burgeoning headache.
Just as she was finishing his mug, Death turnt her head and gazed off into distance with her ear cocked, listening to something Hob couldn’t hear.
“I got to go,” she said as she stood up. Hob got up and leaned towards her to press a chaste kiss to her cheek.
“I’ll see you later love.” And watched as her great wings took her off to her next appointment.
“She’s right you know.” Hob quickly whipped around at the sound of an unfamiliar voice in his now not so empty flat. Standing behind him was a young man with bright red hair-looking just like Destruction. Hob wet his lips, suddenly wishing he didn’t give Death his drink as the man changed forms into a wizen old man. He instinctively knew who was standing before him even though this was his first time meeting the being; and wondered if this had anything to do with the flat being on the border of the the Endless siblings realms.
The being-Time-circled around Hob, making him feel like a sculpture on display. He swallowed down his sudden feeling of inadequacy and smiled what he hoped was a welcoming grin. “Hel-,” he was cut off before he could finish the greeting.
“I suppose congratulations are in order.” His tone not giving anything away as he continued his perusal. Hob fought the urge to wipe his sudden sweat coated palms on his trousers, and instead met his father-in-laws eyes as he finally circled back to the front.
“I don’t like company, even from my own children, but I do keep an eye on them from time to time.” At the last part his lips twitch up, reminding Hob of Destiny when he managed to make him smile. His form shifted again, turning him into a small red headed child, though the intense look in his eyes didn’t change.
“I watched that day Death and Dream made that wager, and knew how important you’d be.” He stopped and stepped closer to Hob, his form shifting again to a baby, small tufts of red hair and a cherub face. Hob looked down and wondered how this didn’t even make it into his top ten list of weird things to happen to him in the last decade alone. “Imagine my surprise when the least likely timeline overwrote what the Fates had in store for Dream and changed Destiny’s Book.”
Hob swallowed, “uh-,” and once again was cut off from whatever he was about to say.
“Thank you.” The words were softly spoken as Time shifted again, his form now a middle again man with white streaking into his red hair and beard. He finally tore his eyes from Hob, who let out an inaudible sigh as the pressure he didn’t know was slowly suffocating the room disappeared.
When he looked back up, a shadow flashed over the man’s face making him look every eon he was. Hob blinked and the being was gone. As silence slowly descended he heard the knob on the door turning and Destruction emerged from the rain, red hair dripping and boots creating puddles in the entry way. He had shop bags in his great arms as he slowly looked a Hob’s gobsmacked face after shutting the door.
“You okay love?” He asked. He walked around Hob to deposit the bags onto the counter, but stopped and turned to face him again when he received no response. Setting the last bag down Destruction walked over to Hob and took his hands into his own larger ones.
That finally seemed to shock Hob out of his catatonic state. “I think your father approves of me.”
Destruction just stared at him as Hob let go of his hands and wandered the few paces to the kitchen counter to peak into the bags the redhead had left there. “What’s for dinner?” He asked unaware of the stunned expression his blasé response brought.
Needless to say, dinner was late after Destruction called his siblings and they all ended up talking over one another, save Destiny who sat on the couch with a small smile on his face as he read from his Book-Hob sitting beside him as he let his soothing presence help his now migraine- and handed him an aspirin and a glass of water.
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jaybirbie · 5 months
The first time she remembers seeing him, is when she is guiding the soul of Dr. Jazzmine Fenton. The world renowned author and psychologist.
Jazz had lived a long life, it only been a few days after her 87th birthday. She had passed gently in her sleep.
Death of the Endless was used to the people she guided having some questions or confusion.
Jazz was a rare one. She was quiet. Just giving Death an understanding nod and her arm.
At the end of their journey, before Jazz entered the Sunless lands. She stopped.
Turning to lock eyes with Death, the woman spoke.
There was weight behind her words, this wasn't a request.
Before Death could answer, Jazz had turned and entered the sunless lands.
It was the heavy weight of the womans words that had Death returning to where she had collected the soul of Jazzmine Fenton.
There she met him.
Sitting next to the cooling body, holding her hand as tears silently ran down his cheeks.
He couldn't be more than 14. His sickly pale skin and fluffy black hair reminded her fondly of her brother.
To her surprise, the boy turned to look at her. Could see her.
The heavy sharp look behind his eyes reminded her of Dream as well.
"She's gone". He spoke quietly.
It wasn't a question, she nodded anyway.
He looked back at the body, gently placing the hand he held back on the bed. Standing up, he kissed her forehead and stepped away.
"Can you take me too?" Barely a whisper.
Her confusion continued. She shook her head. " it's not your time." She replied gently, laying a hand on his shoulder only to startle back as she felt his soul. He was dead.
The surprise must have shown on her face as the boy let out a defeated sigh. As more tears filled his eyes.
"Then when, it's been decades."
Gathering herself, she put both her hands back on his shoulders, looking down at the dead child. She didn't understand herself. The boy was one of hers, yet she hadn't given him her gift, and she couldn't guide him. There was no path for him to be guided down.
Softly she rubbed the boys shoulders and gently smiled before replying.
" I don't know," she paused, "but we'll figure it out".
She took the boys hand as she led him away from the room.
Time to cash in on the favour Dream owed her. She had a feeling her brother and his immortal lover will have a positive affect on the sad young boy, while she figures out why the boy is stuck.
Part 1??
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itsmeaxumii · 2 years
a nice gift for death
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(inspired from a fanfic on AO3 - "Inspire In Me, the Desire In Me" by ElloPoppet)
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familiar-anonymous · 2 years
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Death gave her blessings centuries ago.
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currentlyonstandbi · 2 years
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beaulesbian · 2 years
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I think the extraordinary thing that Death shows [Dream] is the complexity of humanity. She asks him to bear witness to people in the last moment of their lives and that something happens when you look closely at something. You begin to understand it. And I think that understanding are the first steps towards love. And I think when [Dream] has that pivotal transition, he thinks to himself “If I can feel this about these people after such a short space of time, how do I feel about a man who I’ve spent 600 years with?” And so he returns to him.
— Tom Sturridge about Dream’s relationship with Death, humanity and Hob Gadling [video]
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lichanicksstuff · 30 days
Death just loves little silly immortal romantic comedies and I'm here for it.
She gave a random guy immortality just so her brother can have a date once every hundred years. Now she lets two teen ghost run all over London and a small city in America so they can experience the beauty of falling in love.
Death and Destiny probably eat popcorn and drink the cheapest cola while watching both of these chick flicks in Destiny's domain.
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dragontheace · 2 years
Dream: *moping around*
Death: you should go see your boyfriend, that always cheers you up
Dream: what? Hob and I aren’t dating
Death: but you knew who I meant
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dorian-debrah · 1 year
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Death knew what she was doing
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banancrumbs · 1 year
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hmmm dreamling 1389 um querido….. 🫶
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tiabritana · 11 months
Another Hobsbandverse inspired story. Please check out @softest-punk works.
Hob turned the knob to his flat and stepped inside. He threw his keys into the bowl by the door- a pottery attempt by Destruction that Hob thinks was supposed to resemble a seashell- threw his coat onto the chair next to the rack- he’d have to hang it up properly later- took his bag and set it on top of his coat and finally took the bouquet of flowers from between his teeth and set them on top of his bag.
He slipped off his shoes, grabbed the bouquet and set off for the kitchen to grab a vase.
“Those are absolutely stunning darling, whoever did you get them from.” A voice purred from the direction of the sitting room. Hob paused in his search to see a pair of golden eyes watching him from the couch.
“My lovely spouse surprised me with them at work today.” He beamed deciding to play along.
“And who might this spouse of yours be, hmm?” Desire slowly rose from their perch on the couch to slink their way to Hob- who had finally located a vase and was filling it with water.
“They have stunning golden eyes, a tantalizing red smile, and can stalk their prey while wearing 6 inch heels.” He turned his head and glanced down at said heels Desire was wearing as they continued to come closer to him, then turned back around to continue filling the vase.
When they were finally chest to back, Desire wrapped their arms around Hobs neck, turning his head again and pulling him closer so that they could claim his lips in a welcome kiss. Hob moaned as Desire’s tongue swiped the seam of his lips but pulled back before the kiss could be deepened.
“The water’s about to overflow.” They whispered in his ear causing a shiver to run down Hob’s spine; before their words registered and he turned back around with a yelp to quickly shut the faucet off.
“Fucking hell” He muttered under his breath as he took the now full vase and set it on the kitchen table. Desire watched, softly chuckling at their husband as he fiddled with the flower arrangement.
“I’m happy my surprise was so well received.” They said as they headed back toward the couch. Hob finished his arranging and followed Desire stepping over one of the ghost cats who was laying in the middle of the room.
“Thank you lovely,” he pecked Desire on the forehead as they sat back down to watch the reality show they had paused, and headed towards the bathroom.
As he approached the door, Hob noticed the paint was a different color than it had been that morning, but shrugged it off as one of the siblings expressing their artistic abilities. When he opened the door however, he had to pause and blink to make sure he was really seeing what was in front of him.
“Uh- Desire? Was Delirium the last one here?” He asked, turning to look back at the blonde. Desire didn’t turn their gaze from the tv before letting out a noncommittal hum.
“I believe she and Despair were the last ones here, but were gone by the time I arrived.” And went back to their show. Hob returned to the scene that was still awaiting him in the bathroom.
Submerged in a purplish-pink viscous like substance the filled the whole room, a zebra-patterned octopus waved a tentacle in greeting. Hob returned the gesture and slowly closed the door, deciding that he could wait to take a shower, and instead walked back over to the couch and cuddled close to Desire. They wrapped an arm around him and let him cuddle into their side, their gaze never leaving the television.
“His name is Simon.” A sudden voice said from his other side. Hob craned his neck from where it was currently under Desire’s armpit to see Delirium now sitting upside down on the couch. Her hair was neon orange curls today that flowed to the floor with feathers sticking out from all sides like some sort of puffed up owl. Some of the slime from the bathroom still lingered on the jacket she was wearing. Hob hoped it would come out of the fabric.
“Don’t you think Simon would be happier not swimming in pink slime love?” Delirium pouted, but from the angle she was dangling it looked like a grin.
“I suppose he can, what’s the word when gravity doesn’t like you and you fly fly fly up to the sky-“ here she spread her arm out wide, “and drift with the clouds?”
“Float?” Hob answered, and she nodded her head and flipped off the couch and smiled in his direction before taking off towards the bathroom.
“Dreamy will probably let Simon float in the streams of the sea of dreams and shore of nightmares.” She danced, wiggling her hips and spinning as she reached the bathroom door. Hob smiled turning back around to rest his head on Desire’s chest, and closed his eyes and just breathed in the chaos that was their flat- and loving every second of it.
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fowjiyo · 8 months
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emomensimp · 2 years
When your emo boss ghosts everyone
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familiar-anonymous · 2 years
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You are gay, Morpheus.
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orangechickenpillow · 2 years
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#gay people say the actual words "I love you" challenge
Gifs belong to: @theboundlessxvoid @lordoftherazzles @greenbergsays
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Shout out to Death of the Endless for being such an excellent wingman to her insufferably emo little brother. 
“Hey let’s go to the tavern and hang out with some people! Oh ho, there’s one handsome mortal over there who maybe has enough joie de vivre he make at least a *dent* in your brooding drama king persona! Why don’t you go introduce yourself? I promise not to lay a finger on him until he’s ready!”
*seven hundred years later and Dream is more insufferable and emo than ever*
“Hey, why don’t you check in on that cute friend of yours? ;) He’d love to see you. ;)”
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