reality-detective · 1 year
The owner and creator of NASA is Wernher Von Braun, who was spared from the military tribunals and brought to the U.S. the Hitler regime. 👇
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This is his gravestone... Psalms 19:1
Psalms 19:1 - "The heavens declare the almighty of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork."
NASA in Hebrew - Nāšā - which means to deceive, lead astray. 🤔
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Face it... We've all been duped... And you're not going to expand your knowledge by sitting on your ass watching the idiot box.
Almost EVERYTHING is a lie. 🤔
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us-cj · 5 months
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Werner Goldberg was a Jew and the "Nazi" German Wehrmacht soldier whose image was used in propaganda as “The Ideal German Soldier" in 1939
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lisablack000 · 5 months
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The origins of the protein myth
The myth that we should eat more protein dates back to the beginning of the last century. The majority view back then was that health – and especially fitness – depended on eating generous amounts of protein, particularly meat (Millward, 2004). It was even reckoned that animal protein was the solution to wiping out child malnutrition in developing countries (Autret, 1969; Stillings, 1973).
The myth reached epic heights in the 1960s.
A UN report was published which identified worldwide protein deficiency. It called for a ‘global strategy to avert the impending protein crisis’. International aid began to focus on projects to address the so-called protein gap.
The US government, for example, subsidised the production of dried milk powder to provide protein for the world’s poor - even though many a high percentage of people in these countries were lactose intolerant. (Campbell and Campbell, 2005).
But not everyone accepted that protein deficiency was the main or even a real problem. Eventually, what was called the protein gap disappeared when researchers concluded that almost all staple foods contain enough protein for our needs.
In 1975, John Waterlow, the scientist who led most of the efforts on protein malnutrition, admitted that a ‘protein gap’ did not exist and that young children in developing countries only needed sufficient energy intake (Semba, 2016).
In the general population, protein deficiency is a non existent problem. The only exceptions are people who extremely restrict their food intake, have an eating disorder, or elderly people who eat too little or have trouble with daily tasks, including feeding themselves.
The situation is different in places where people suffer from hunger, mainly in developing countries, and have a severe lack of energy and nutrients. Of course, they don’t have enough protein but they also don’t have enough of most other essential nutrients.
When a person has enough food to cover their energy needs, and their diet is at least a little varied, they will get enough protein.
#wheredoyougetyourprotein #proteinmyth #protein #nevertrusttheun #dontbelievethehype #cleanenergy
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raplinenthusiasts · 6 months
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BTS @ 62nd GRAMMY Awards
for @cordiallyfuturedwight
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deep-space-lines · 6 days
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Sometimes I think about the fact that first living being to orbit the Earth couldn't understand what was happening to her, couldn't understand the history she was making. Laika wasn't a volunteer. The technology to bring her back alive didn't exist. They sent her up anyway. She died, scared and alone, in a malfunctioning spacecraft hastily built to meet a political deadline.
When her heart rate tripled from the stress of acceleration, did she understand the magnitude of what she was experiencing? When she saw the stars outside her little window, did she believe the world had gone dark? In her final hours, did she feel wonder, or just fear?
"The more time passes, the more I’m sorry about it. We shouldn’t have done it. We did not learn enough from this mission to justify the death of the dog. When you understand that you can’t bring back Laika, that she perishes out there, and that no one can bring her back…that is a very heavy feeling." Oleg G. Gazenko
For me, there's some small consolation, at least, in knowing that although her death was unnecessary and cruel, Laika will never be forgotten. I love you, Laika. May you find peace among the stars.
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Prints are available here.
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the-casbah-way · 11 months
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been having brutus thoughts recently
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luna-lovegreat · 9 months
Oh my god oh my god oh my god
I’ll try and be comprehensible but this thought-
It is, as we know, Zora tradition for the princess to present armor, made by her own hands, to the person they wish to be their husband. Mipha, of course, did this for Link, though she did not get to go through with it… mipha…
Botw/Totk Zelda made the champion’s garments that all the botw champions wore, which were presented to them when they were named champions… this shows that the hyrule kingdom, as well, placed importance on the princess crafting garments for certain occasions and ranks.
I do not know if it was specifically a tradition in hylian royalty to propose with armor, but with the history of botw/Totk Link and Zelda, with the knowledge of mipha’s intentions, plus zelda having made his original tunic, I think that her presenting the champions leathers to link would be fully understood as a proposal, as her asking him to be her husband, to lead and be with her as more than a knight.
I think that the champions leathers were just as symbolic as past tradition implies… that they were how she was planning to propose to him.
“I just can't wait to see the look on his face when I surprise him with it!”
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f1-stuff · 5 months
shellmotorsport Get to know @.charles_leclerc and @.carlossainz55 a little better as they play Two Truths and a Lie!
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reality-detective · 10 months
Allow me to take you back into history a little bit, a small Rabbit 🐇 Hole 🕳️ into JFK's assassination. The untold part after the shooting. 👇
Remember... Dr. Charles Crenshaw mentioned there was absolute mayhem at the hospital.
The other thing he mentions in this You Tube clip: 👇
Jackie walked up to JFK’s body and kissed him on the Great toe. Then she walked around to his right side and put her ring on his little finger.
I’ve also read that she took his ring.
Was this just a normal reaction after someone dies? Or was this too some type of a ritual/symbolic gesture?
Could it have been a marker for her to identify which body was Tippet’s and which was JFK’s?
(Hence the mayhem or confusion as described by Crenshaw).
Jackie went to 3 colleges/ Universities (George Washington, Georgetown, Vassar)...colleges that were either associated with MK Ultra, Jesuits, or witches/covens.
I’m going to leave all options on the table.
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At 1:00 pm...30 minutes after JFK was shot, Kennedy’s Press Secretary...Malcom Kilduff not only announced to the world that Kennedy was dead, but he also (correctly) showed the direction of the bullet travelled in regards to Kennedy’s head wound.
Kilduff was acting press secretary for the trip because the main White House press secretary, Pierre Salinger, was traveling to Japan with six members of the Cabinet... for a joint meeting with the Japanese Cabinet.
☝️Pocket that paragraph. This may come up if I dive into everything further “X”, but also the strange phenomena of differing time lines/time travel/ the Mandela Effect. 👇
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Moving on with our timeline...
At approximately 1:10-1:15pm Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit was driving east on East 10th street. He pulled alongside a man...most believed to be Oswald.
Tippett was ordered to be on the lookout for Oswald.
The man walked over to Tippit’s car...they exchanged words.
Officer Tippit got out of the car, at which time the man (thought to be Oswald) pulled out a gun and fired 5 shots in succession.
2 bullets to the chest
1 bullet to the right temple
1 in the stomach
1 completely missed
JD Tippett was pronounced dead at the Methodist Hospital at 1:25. Note...he was pronounced dead at the Methodist Hospital.
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Remember... Lee Harvey Oswald had a Doppelgänger. Some say he possibly had 4 or 5 body doubles or look-allies.
Did it appear that JD Tippett was a second patsy? 👇
Police later arrested Oswald at the Texas Theater. They accused him of killing JD Tippett.
Jim Garrison did not believe Oswald killed Tippett. The timelines put out by the Warren Commission didn’t match for one thing.
Who did kill Tippett? At this point it won’t be our focus. But I’ve read that it could have also been Roscoe White or G Gordon Liddy.
G stands for George.
A lot of “George’s” were part of the plot. 👇
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Why was JD Tippett killed and seemingly a purposeful piece of this grand scheme? Could it have been because of his appearance? JD Tippet looked so much like the President that people often commented about it. Fellow policemen would often kid him about it, calling him “Mister President” and “JFK.” 👇
The bullets were removed from Tippett’s body. He was then moved from the Methodist Hospital to Parkland Hospital... Where JFK’s body was also.
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While the media circus was distracted on the Casket of JFK, they completely missed the ambulance that was transporting JD Tippet’s body to AF2... The plane that usually flies the Vice President. 👇
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JFK’s body was then transported to Loveland Airfield.
The story goes that the people aboard AF1 were told to go forward...so that they could witness the swearing in of LBJ.
Supposedly that was just a ruse so that Jackie would leave her husband’s body, and the cover-up plot could continue.
Once she was away from his coffin, JFK’s body was taken and placed aboard AF2...where JD Tippett’s corpse was also. 👇
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Who was waiting aboard AF2 to be with the corpses?
John Melvin Liggett.
Liggett was a CIA agent. He was also a funeral director, and one of the best reconstructive surgeons and embalmers in the business at the time.
Why this guy? 🤔
There is a lot to this story that NOBODY knows, it's a twisted dive. If I can I will add another update later. It seems like every time I dive into these History Lessons I discover they lied to us with just about everything. 🤔
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howlingday · 4 months
Panthera Tigris Tigris Nikos
Jaune: Hey, Pyrrha? Can I have a hug?
Pyrrha: Of course, Jaune! (Hugs)
Jaune: (Sinks into her)
Pyrrha: Would anyone else like-
Nora: (Dragging Ren) MEMEMEME~!
Fun Fact! Bengal tigers are big. Females have been documented to reach 400 pounds, males 500 pounds, and occasionally larger specimens reaching 700 pounds. Royal Bengal Tigers are reportedly even bigger, with one specimen shot by David Hasinger in 1967 was reported to be 857 pounds, measured at 11 feet long, and left paw prints "the size of dinner plates," and it's last meal was a live water buffalo weighed down by an eighty-pound weight. It is displayed in the Smithsonian Institutions's National Museum of Natural History, in the Hall of Mammals.
Pyrrha: Ready for our run, Jaune?
Jaune: You bet! Maybe this time I could-
Pyrrha: (Ear flicks) Oh, uh, why don't you keep warming up, Jaune? I need to grab something from the dorm.
Jaune: Oh, uh, sure thing, Pyrrha. I'll be right here.
Cardin: (Sitting on the roof) What the hell? Where's Nikos go- (Door swings open, Mauled)
Fun Fact! Bengal Tigers are fast. They can make short sprints of forty miles per hour, which is about the speed of a thoroughbred horse. An incident with a startled tigress mother with her cubs in Nepal in 1974 resulted in the death of a researcher who was hiding 15 feet in a tree. In 2007, on Christmas Day at the San Francisco Zoo, an Amur Tiger cleared a thirty-foot moat to maul three visitors who were harassing the tiger, killing one of them before being killed after four shots to the skull by responding police officer's .40-caliber-pistol rounds. It should be noted that the Amur was a captive tiger, raised from birth in the zoo. Imagine a wild tiger raised in the jungle.
Pyrrha: Are you okay, Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Yeah, I... Wait, what about the goliath?!
Pyrrha: It's okay, Jaune. I took care of it.
Jaune: But how, Pyrrha? (Holding) Your weapons-!
Pyrrha: (Takes, Smiles) I took care of it.
Jaune: (Looks behind her, Sees dead goliath)
Fun Fact! Bengal Tigers are strong. Their bite force can reach up to a thousand pounds, which is much stronger than a pitbull's and about a quarter of a great white shark. Their prey includes deer, buffalo, bison, bears, rhinos, and elephants. A single blow can break a bear's spine, and easily decapitate a human.
Jaune: Thanks again for letting us come visit, Mrs. Nikos.
Mama Nikos: Oh, Jaune, don't be so formal. We're practically family, so just call me Mama.
Jaune: Uh... No, I'll just stick with Mrs. Nikos, if you don't mind.
Mama Nikos: Oh, you are just so polite! I'm glad Pyrrha could have such a handsome team leader like you.
Pyrrha: (Blushing) M-Mom...
Nora: Can I have more meat buns, Mama?
Ren: Nora...
Nora: Oh, right! Khm! May I have more meat buns, Mama?
Mama Nikos: They're in the oven.
Jaune: So what do you do for a living, Mrs. Nikos?
Mama Nikos: I'm a personal fitness trainer. It's actually how I met Pyrrha's father. He said he could perform a perfect double twister kick, and I told him it was impossible unless he could twist and launch himself at a 167 degree rotation with a north-northwest gale blowing at 3.5 miles per hour behind him-
Mama Nikos: (Ding!) Oh! Meat buns are done!
Jaune: Huh...
Pyrrha: Don't worry. I didn't get it the first time, either.
Fun Fact! Bengal tigers are smart. Cubs are raised by their mothers for two and a half to three years. There are also notes of tigers imitating deer and bear calls. They will chase larger prey into water, tear at buffalo legs to bring them to the ground, and will flip porcupines from to their backs to avoid spines. There are also records of tigers killing 15-foot crocodiles, 20-foot pythons, 300-pound seals, and a 20-year-old elephant.
Jaune: Hm? Hey, Pyrrha? Who's this standing with your mom?
Pyrrha: Hm? Oh... That's... That's my mother. She... She's not around anymore.
Jaune: Do... Do you want to talk about it?
Pyrrha: I... I don't know where to begin. She was my hero, but she did something really bad, and she died when I was really young. And I...
Jaune: Hey. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
Pyrrha: (Leans on Jaune) I was probably six years old when it happened. She and I were on our way to watch a tournament together, but then this guy came from out of nowhere. He shot at us and broke her jaw. She carried me back home, and then... She left that night. I didn't learn about what happened to her until just after getting accepted into Beacon. She... She went on a rampage and then... Then she...
Jaune: (Holds her) Hey, hey. It's okay, Pyrrha. I'm... I'm sorry to hear that. I'm... I'm sure she was a great mom.
Pyrrha: (Sniffles) She was the best. And, on the bright side, because of her, there's a new standard for huntsman and huntresses to follow. And she's part of the reason why I became a huntress. So I could make sure everyone follows the standard. Follows the example she set. (Smiles) I think she would have liked you.
Jaune: (Looks at family photo) I think I would have like her, too.
Fun Fact! In the first ten years of the 20th century, until her death in 1907, the Champawat Tiger, also known as "the man-eater" killed and ate 436 humans in western Nepal. She evaded capture and continued to kill until she was shot by British hunter Jim Corbett, who speculated the tigress lost her teeth years ago from a gunshot, forcing her to change her prey to much easier humans. He then went on to be an advocate for wild tigers and spent the latter years of his life devoted to their conservation, even having a conservation park in Nepal dedicated to him.
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milflewis · 1 month
sorry but if it happens i NEED to see sebastian vettel’s face when he hears the news that adrian newey is going to be designing lewis hamilton’s car at ferrari it would be so delicious for me personally
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catastrxblues · 4 months
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i couldn’t find the artist but this is the pinterest post i used! please do tell me if you know so i can credit them
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watcherwatts · 1 year
might be crying a little bit
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