rancidsugar · 6 months
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elaena · 1 year
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I dream of a tree sometimes. A weirwood, like the one in the godswood. It calls to me.
HAPPY SECRET SANSA @auranevelaryon !!! Here's the cave gang just for you <:o)
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🎁🎁🎁 Static and Snow
A/N: Merry December and Happy Holidays, everyone! I posted briefly about this earlier today, but I have been sneakily working on some drabbles as gifts for the holidays, and since it’s officially December now, I am going to start putting them under the tree. These are my way of giving back to some of the lovely content creators here whose work brings me joy. I tried to personalize them a little bit for each person they’re dedicated to, but they’re just as much my gift to anyone who has ever shared their work or who has ever read mine. Thank you for being lovely <3 
Gift Tag: @insomniamamma - Who had this to say when I asked “Ezra or Nico” -  “Ok, SATAN! Seriously, this may be the hardest ask I've ever gotten.” - In the end, though, the answer was Ezra, and I chose the prompts fuzzy socks, books & silence to go along with him. J, your Prickle AU is one of my very favorites. Thank you for sharing it - along with all of your other incredible writing. Wishing you a very happy holiday season - I hope you enjoy your sneakret santa gift!! 
WC: 1,238 
Warnings: none. it’s a fluff. 
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Ezra sits in the oversized armchair in the corner with his book propped in his lap, lips parted and brow creased in concentration as he reads some novel about Ephratian pirates and a Karoclan warrior. He only started it that morning, plucking it from one of the bungalow’s teeming shelves, but he’s already more than half-way through it. Occasionally the phantom fingers of his right hand twitch when it’s time to turn the page. Despite nearly two years passing since he parted ways with the limb, he still has urges to use it. 
I wonder if that sensation will ever fade away completely or if I’ll be forced to fight it off forever.
He does his best to ignore it for now, reaching - still a little clumsily - with his left hand to slip a finger beneath the sheet of paper so he can flip it and continue to read. But before he can submerge himself in the story once more, the crunchy sound of static cuts through the music playing softly in the background - old holiday tunes he hasn’t heard in decades suddenly tinged with crackling white noise. 
Must be the weather, he muses. The snow had finished falling a few hours ago, but the temperature continued to plunge, freezing signal towers and satellite dishes, muting the world with cold. Ezra shrugs more deeply into the thick brown sweater he wears. He prefers to be warm. Prefers Lao and the Ephrate and even Central to anywhere where he has to layer up against the chill. He’s spent too much time in bulky suits, worrying about what could happen if the fabric were to tear to be comfortable this bundled up. 
If he had his druthers, he’d much rather be bathing his bare skin in the rays of whichever star was on the rise in Kamrea.
The song on the radio cuts in and out so much that he can’t even tell which one it is anymore. With a sigh, he tucks his bookmark - a tattered ticket stub from his first Cirian Prime shuttle flight, the one where he met you - against the spine to hold his place, and sets the book down to deal with the frost ridden radio. “Think it’s time to-” 
His words melt on his tongue as he looks up though, the sight across from him making him forget about the cold entirely. Oh, Kevva. I’ll never understand how or why a man like me stumbled upon luck like this but I am not fool enough to question it. 
You and Cee had both fallen asleep on the couch, the girl’s head tilted close to your shoulder but not quite resting on it, a heavy orange blanket tossed over the two of you, and your books discarded in your laps. There is one tufted ottoman that both of you share, the two of you wearing matching pairs of fuzzy Cardovian wool socks to cover your feet, yours crossed at the ankles and Cee’s flopped outward. She has her hood pulled around her ears so that only a few strands of her blonde hair are visible around her cheeks, still reddish pink from the time spent outside earlier, when she’d been in pure awe of the icy wonderland around her. 
You gave this to her, Comet. Ezra’s eyes shift over to your face and his chest swells as he thinks back to the night when you first brought the trip up. 
“What about Itho?” You’d asked the question one night while you and Ezra finished dinner in your small apartment. 
He’d narrowed his eyes as he chewed, consciously telling himself to pick up his napkin with his left hand instead of his absent dominant one. His eyebrow quirked up as he finally succeeded in wiping his mouth without issue. “Itho?” You nodded as he swallowed and tried to figure out where you were headed. “I don’t know, Comet, what about Itho?” 
“Well,” You bit your bottom lip and set your fork down on the edge of your plate. “What if we… the three of us… what if we spend Cee’s winter break on Itho? I have some banked shuttle credits we can use for the trip, and Dezi already said she’d trade routes with me so I can have the whole week off. Her brother knows someone we could rent a bungalow from and...” You shrugged. “What do you think?”  
He dropped his napkin back to the table and reached across it for your hand, your fingers sliding easily between his. Speaking your name, he gave you a squeeze. “Are you sure you want to-”
“Ezra.” You cut him off with a laugh and a shake of your head, lifting his hand up to your lips and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “Yes, I’m sure. She’s gonna be sixteen soon and she said that she’s never seen snow, and-” 
He got up from his seat then, walking around the small table to pull you to your feet and against his body, a startled sound escaping you as he wound his arm around your torso. “I think Itho sounds perfect.” Dropping his lips to the top of your head, he smiled into your hair. “Birdie is going to be thrilled when you tell her.”   
He rises slowly from his seat so he doesn’t wake either of you, and turns to switch the radio off. The silence of the settled storm rushes in to fill the room, but he doesn’t seek to fill it immediately like he once might have. Getting used to the quiet is like getting used to the loss of his arm - on the Green, silence is deadly. If nothing comes in through the comms but static, it means that he’s on his own. But as he looks across the small room and sees the two people he cares about most in the universe, as he listens to the silence that acts like an extra blanket over everything, he sees that that isn't the case. 
He’s known it for some time now, but this trip - ice and all - seems to solidify it in ways he can’t quite explain. I love you, Comet. And Cee does, too. 
Cee’s book finally slips from her slack grasp and hits the carpeted floor with a muffled thunk that she sleeps through. The slight disturbance is enough to make you stir, though, your eyes fluttering open as you inhale through your nose. You smile down at the girl beside you before looking over at him, cheeks rising higher as your sleepy smile spreads. Clearing your throat, you carefully untuck yourself from the blanket and shuffle the few steps to where Ezra is still standing, your socks picking up a charge from rubbing against the carpet. You rise on your toes to bump your nose against his, a little zap of electricity where your skin touches his. “Bed?” 
It’s just one word but it reaches down into his chest and swirls around his heart. It’s just one word and it’s one you utter to him almost on a nightly basis back home. But it’s one he knows he’ll never tire of hearing, one that gives him a sensation he knows with certainty will never fade. 
He looks into your eyes as you bring one hand up to card through his hair, combing the increasingly shaggy locks back and away from his face, and he nods before kissing your palm. “Bed.”
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from my taglist, please feel free to let me know by sending a message or by filling out the form on my masterlist :) 
tags:  @something-tofightfor​ @alraedesigns​ @pheedraws​ @shoopidly​ @fific7​ @valkblue​ @cannedsoupsucks​ @tobealostwanderer​ @paracosmenthusiast​ @gracie7209​ @dihra-vesa​ @marauderskeeper​ @disgruntledspacedad​ @novemberrain221​ @littlemisspascal​ @mishasminion360​ @stevie75​ @nyctophiliiiiaaa​ @practicalghost​ @tanzthompson​ @harriedandharassed​ @woodlandmouth​ @swtaura​ @thescarletfang​ @trickstersp8​ @princessxkenobi​ @imtryingmybeskar​ @wildmoonflower​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @theredwritingwitch @silverstarsandsuns​
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zombiebluejay · 6 months
Full offense but some musicians have zero things fun about them because listen George Ezra literally just changed his latest album on Spotify to include Christmas songs and then Photoshopped a hat on himself. That's fucking hilarious!!!
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Why don't more people do this why is everyone afraid of fun?!?!!!
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brannewjoint · 2 years
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*Happy Holidays from our family to yours*
*It has been a busy, busy few weeks for the Valdez family since the wedding but I will spare you all the gritty details. With snowflake day just around the corner it finally gives Millie and Ezra the chance to slow down and cherish their time together and most importantly prepare for the arrival of a new nooboo🤍
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tismrot · 20 days
Was inspired by @maaikeatthefullmoon who posted a fic rec list, and I wanted to do something similar.
Because I like to learn while I read. Sometimes I’ll read a fic and had no idea that Things Could Be Like That, and I’m just floored, thinking about it for days, googling and crying. As I haven’t the best memory, I might have forgotten some, and I might add more later. Everything is rated E or M because I only read the slick and sloppy.
1: For Loving One (AU) - World War II has never really interested me, and I didn’t know much about what it was like to be queer back then. I just assumed almost everyone was out to get you (and I wasn’t wrong), but I just didn’t have any reference material. Now I do, as it’s clear the author knows a lot about this topic. This is a beautiful story, well researched, with just enough happy and just enough angst. I’ve learned a lot, entirely without meaning to.
2: Epistolary - one of my favorite tropes, which is Crowley finding and reading Aziraphale’s diary and stumbling upon very private thoughts and YearningTM throughout history. There are plagues, there are Aztec ritual sacrifices, there’s a long-haired, sleeping Crowley in a cave and Aziraphale losing his mind yearning over (literally over) said sleeping Crowley.
3: exodus2 (canon compliant AU - yes, it’s possible) - Ezra and Crowley, programming students in their early 20s, meet at university in a totalitarian European state, and both have an interest in banned media and causing some trouble. You’ll learn some Hebrew, some Yiddish and Scandinavian - and how to start an insurrection against the State. And, there are (banned) book recommendations!
4: A Godawful Small Affair - What if Vince Taylor wasn’t Bowie’s inspiration for Ziggy Stardust? A fic that placed me firmly in a music scene I’ve never immersed myself in, in a decade I somehow skipped over. Yes, I know, I’m weird - but I’ve learned a lot! It’s sweet and it really feels probable.
5: Rough Enough for Love (AU) - As an AFAB person, I’ve learned so much about… uh, the subjective intricacies of AMAB anatomy. Also, it’s nice to skip the yearning sometimes and just read them having their cake and eating it too.
6: The False and the Fair (AU) - I knew nothing about West Virginia, nor about coal mining. It has all the feels and if this was about anyone other than the ineffables I wouldn’t have read it and I would have missed out. I’ve learned so much about a society and a setting so far from everything I thought I was interested in. Don’t miss out!
7: A Gift of Words - Okay, it’s not slick and sloppy - but VERY sweet, and I learned a lot about Gutenberg and the printing press. Crowley changes the world for his angel, by giving him (arguably) his most favorite thing.
Let me know if YOU wrote a fic in which you teach the reader about something you have special knowledge of! I’d like to read, learn and link to it.
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As a treat: a picture of a peacock because I’m on holiday in Portugal.
And yes, one of my fics is in there. Not ashamed. Hah!
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nameless-ken · 2 months
Silent Confessions, Loud Masks - Billy Hargrove x Reader Series
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(Please reblog!!!)
Happy reading! Comment below to be added to taglist.
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: attempted SA (sexual assault, Please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable!!), cursing, angst (what's new lol) but also some fluff
Introduction | Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six
(song for this chapter <3)
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As you huddle in the warmth of your cozy home, the chill of Thanksgiving break seeping through the windows, you absentmindedly wrap yourself tighter in your favorite blanket. The silence around you is palpable, the absence of familial chatter of Robin and the broodiness of Billy, a stark reminder of your solitude. Amidst it, a gentle knock on the door stirs you from your warmth.
Surprised, you rise from your spot on the couch, padding softly to the door. Your curiosity piqued, you swing it open to reveal a delivery person, holding a box adorned with a ribbon and a note. Confusion clouds your features momentarily until you notice the handwriting on the note—Robin's unmistakable scrawl.
The realization that you forgot your own birthday feels like a heavy weight pressing down on your chest, a fact that had momentarily slipped your mind in the whirlwind of the events that happened recently. A grin spreads across your face as you thank the delivery person, shutting your door and settling back onto the couch. You carefully untie the ribbon and open the box to reveal a dozen delectable cupcakes, each one a miniature work of art.
As you read Robin's note, you can’t help but miss her more. She may be miles away visiting family, but her thoughtful gesture bridges the distance, promising a girl's night upon her return. With newfound anticipation, you grab one of the cupcakes, placing the rest on the coffee table, the sweetness lifting your spirits. 
As you sit there, surrounded by the aroma of freshly baked cupcakes, memories of birthdays past flood your mind like a cherished photo album. You recall the joyful chaos of childhood parties, the house brimming with laughter and the sound of wrapping paper being torn apart in excitement. Each year, your mom made sure your birthday was a day to remember, despite the holiday overlap every seven years. Her creativity knew no bounds, and she had a knack for making you feel like the most special little girl in the world.
A pang of longing tugs at your heartstrings as you wish, not for the first time, that she were here with you now. Perhaps your sister would surprise you with a visit, or your dad would remember and transform the house into a haven of celebration once more. You yearn for the warmth that used to permeate every corner of your home, for the simple joy of being surrounded by loved ones.
You long to reach out to Billy, to hear his comforting voice and feel the warmth of his presence, even if it's just over the phone. You know he's at home, probably looking after Max, just as he always does. But a barrier, of your own making, stands between you.
You've locked him out, shutting him off from your world, from the whirlwind of conflicting emotions that churn within you. Despite his efforts to reach out, his notes and attempts at communication remain unanswered, like prayers whispered into the void. Each morning that last three weeks, you found his messages waiting for you, tucked away in your locker, pleading for a response that you couldn’t bring yourself to give.
Even his calls to your home go unanswered, the phone ringing in the empty silence of your home as you sit in paralyzed stillness, unable to break free from the walls you've built around yourself. The thought of being vulnerable with him again, of exposing the raw truth of your feelings, fills you with a potent mixture of fear and longing.
As you stand in the kitchen, the rhythmic clatter of pots and pans providing a semblance of normalcy, the sound of the front door opening interrupts your thoughts. Your dad's arrival is accompanied by the heavy footsteps of his friend, John, a familiar presence that fills you with a sense of unease.
John's visits are a regular occurrence, and while you've grown accustomed to his company over time, there's always been an underlying discomfort that lingers there. His leering gaze and inappropriate comments never fail to send shivers down your spine, and you've learned to keep your distance whenever he's around.
With a resigned sigh, you continue preparing dinner, keeping your focus trained on the task at hand as your dad and John settle into the living room. The muffled sounds of their conversation drift through the walls, punctuated by bursts of laughter and the clinking of beer bottles.
You retreat to the safety of your room, barricading yourself behind closed doors to drown out the noise of their revelry and trying to remember the times when your dad didn’t forget your birthday.
The next morning arrives with a deceptive calmness, the remnants of yesterday’s solemn fading into the background as you tentatively step into the kitchen to make breakfast. The stale scent of alcohol lingers in the air. You assume both your dad and John have left, their presence no longer weighing heavily on the atmosphere.
As you begin to prepare breakfast, your fingers moving through the motions of routine, your heart skips a beat when John's voice cuts through the silence. Startled, you turn to find him lingering in the corner of the kitchen, his presence like a dark shadow cast over the room.
“Your dad went to pick up coffee. It’s out.” He points to the empty coffee pot in your hand. 
“Thanks.” You say politely, even though your instincts are screaming at you to keep your guard up.
Your muscles tense as John inches closer, his predatory gaze roving over you in a way that makes your skin crawl. 
“I’ve never seen a woman wake up looking so beautiful.” A knot forms in the pit of your stomach as he begins to shower you with compliments, his words dripping with insincerity. 
“I have a boyfriend.” The false mention of a boyfriend falls from your lips like a feeble shield, but it's futile against his relentless advance.
Ignoring your attempt to establish boundaries, John leans in closer, invading your personal space. His breath, stale with the scent of cigarettes and alcohol, sends a shiver down your spine.
“Does he make you feel as desired as I could?” His voice is low, dripping with a mixture of arrogance and lust. He pins you against the counter. Panic rises within you as his hands close in, his touch sending waves of revulsion coursing through your body. 
“Stop, please.” You recoil from his foul breath, his vulgar words twisting like knives in your ears.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” he coaxes, his grip tightening slightly.
“I said no,” you say, your tone firm and resolute. There’s a flicker of something dark in John’s eyes, a flash of anger that sends a chill down your spine. 
Your attempts to push him away are futile as he overpowers you, his grip like iron as he twists your arms and bends you over the counter. The weight of his body presses against you, suffocating you with its presence. Fear and desperation grip you in equal measure as you struggle against his advances, you shout but he covers your mouth with one hand. 
“Screaming won’t help you, sweetie. I actually like that.” 
Summoning every ounce of strength you possess, you lash out with a ferocity born of desperation, delivering a swift and decisive blow that catches him off guard. His grip falters, giving you the opening you need to break free.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you flee from the suffocating confines of the kitchen, your feet pounding against the floor as you race towards the door. Tears blur your vision as you stumble into the unforgiving embrace of the outside world, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
You slow your pace as you put distance between yourself and the nightmare that still haunts you, the weight of what just transpired settling heavily upon your shoulders. Collapsing to the ground, your body racked with sobs, you allow yourself a moment of vulnerability, the tears flowing freely as you confront the harrowing reality of what just occurred.
But even in the depths of despair, a glimmer of determination flickers within you. With trembling hands and a heart heavy with sorrow, you rise to your feet, drawing upon a reservoir of strength you didn't know you possessed. There's only one person you can turn to now, one beacon of hope in the darkness that threatens to consume you whole. And so, with tear-stained cheeks and a resolve born of desperation, you set off towards the one place where you know you'll find solace, the one person you miss more than anything in this world.
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You notice Billy's dad's car parked in the driveway, signaling his presence in the house. With a mixture of relief and desperation, you carefully approach his bedroom window, your heart pounding in your chest. Peering inside, you catch sight of Billy, reclining on his bed with a magazine in hand, seemingly lost in thought.
A soft tap on the glass draws his attention, his gaze snapping to the window before settling on you. Without hesitation, he rises from his bed, a look of concern etched across his features as he lifts the glass pane, inviting you inside.
"Y/N, what's happened?" His voice is laced with worry as he takes in your disheveled appearance, his eyes searching yours for answers.
"Can I come in?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper, your throat tight with emotion. Billy extends his hand, offering you support as you clamber over the window sill, his touch grounding you in the moment.
You stand before him, trembling with a mixture of fear and relief, unwilling to let go of him as if he's your lifeline in a sea of uncertainty. His gentle hands cup your face, his touch warm against your skin as he guides you closer.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he murmurs, his breath stirring the strands of hair that cling to your tear-stained cheeks. "Come here, you're freezing." With a tender gesture, he leads you to his bed, his comforting presence a source of solace in the midst of turmoil.
As he helps you into one of his sweaters, the fabric enveloping you in a cocoon of warmth, you instinctively lean into him, seeking refuge in his embrace. His steady heartbeat echoes in your ears as you bury your head against his chest, finding comfort in the rhythmic cadence of his breathing.
"Want to talk about it?" he asks, his voice barely a whisper against your ear. With a shaky breath, you gather the courage to voice the horrors that still haunt you, the words tumbling from your lips in a torrent of pain and fear.
"One of my dad's friends stayed over last night," you begin, your voice trembling with emotion. "H-He was still there this morning. My dad was g-gone and he tried...he tried to..." Your voice falters as tears stream down your face once more, the memory too painful to bear.
"I'll kill him," Billy's voice is a low growl, his body stiffening beneath you as anger courses through his veins. You meet his gaze, seeing the fierce determination in his eyes, the silent promise of protection that he offers without hesitation.
You hold onto Billy tighter, his warmth and protective embrace providing you comfort. 
"Billy, please," your voice trembles with fear and vulnerability. "I don't want you to do anything. I just needed to be here, with you."
He takes a deep breath, his grip on you softening slightly as he tries to reign in his emotions. "I'm sorry," he murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I just... I hate seeing you hurt like this."
“Is it okay if I stay? Will your dad get mad?” You slip your small, cold hand into his large, warm one, warmth spread through your fingers at his touch.
Billy's eyes soften as he looks at you, his heart breaking at the thought of you enduring such pain. He squeezes your hand gently, offering you a reassuring smile despite the turmoil raging inside him.
"Of course, you can stay," he says tenderly. “I’ll deal with my dad if he finds out.” 
Relief washes over you like a gentle wave as you settle against him, enveloped in the warmth of his embrace. His words offer solace, a reassurance that you're not alone in this tumultuous moment.
"Thank you, B," you whisper, glancing up at him. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Billy tucks a strand of loose hair behind your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek.
"Thank you for coming to me," he murmurs, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions.
"I've missed you," you confess, the weight of unspoken words finally finding a voice. "I'm sorry for ignoring you. It was-"
"Don't apologize," Billy interrupts, his expression softening with understanding. "I understand why you did. I'm sorry for being such an asshole and ruining what we have between us. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me anymore. I just want to make this right, with you."
"Billy, I've only ever felt such hurt once in my life, and that was when my mom died," you admit, vulnerability coloring your words. "I've never loved anyone else more besides my mom until you came along."
Billy's eyes widen at your confession, his own emotions swirling beneath the surface.
“I’m sorry if that’s weird for you but I’ve been feeling this for a while now and I just can’t hold it in anymore. You make me feel safe and-”
Before you can finish your sentence, Billy's lips capture yours in a passionate kiss, igniting a firestorm of emotions within you. You find yourself instinctively moving closer on his lap, your hands tangling in his hair and his hands taking place on your hips. When you finally pull away, breathless and flushed, Billy's gaze holds a mixture of adoration and desire.
"Don't hide your face, little mouse," he whispers, his thumb tracing your cheek gently. 
"You make me flustered." You laugh softly, the tension melting away as Billy kisses you through those words and mumble against your lips.
"You fluster me more, sweetheart." He trails kisses against your neck. “You take up a part of my heart that no one else will ever fill.” 
You shiver at the sensation of his lips on your skin, feeling every word he speaks reverberate through your body. It's as if each touch is etching his declaration into your very soul.
"I never knew love could feel like this," you murmur, your fingers tracing patterns along the back of his neck as you nestle closer to him, wanting to memorize every contour of his body.
Billy's arms tighten around you, pulling you impossibly closer until there's no space left between you. "Me neither," he admits, his voice husky with emotion. "But I'm glad we found it together."
In that moment, you realize that despite the pain and hardships you've faced, love has a way of healing even the deepest wounds. And as you melt into each other's embrace, you know that this love will carry you through.
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When morning comes, you wake to the soft light filtering through the curtains, casting a golden glow across the room. Stretching lazily, you turn to find Billy still asleep beside you, his features relaxed in the gentle embrace of sleep.
With a tender smile, you brush a strand of hair away from his face, savoring the quiet intimacy of the moment. The events of the previous night still linger in your mind, you shake the nauseous feeling rising in your throat as you cuddle closer to Billy. 
"Morning," Billy's hoarse voice breaks the silence of the morning, and you lift your head from his chest, a smile lighting up your face as you meet his gaze.
"Morning," you mumble softly, the warmth of his sleepy eyes soothing your soul. 
“That was probably one of the best sleeps I’ve had in a long time.” A yawn escapes Billy as he stretches, his muscles flexing beneath the sheets. 
“For me too. I’d love to stay here with you all day but I don’t think your dad would approve.” You joke, sitting up slightly, staring down at him. 
“You’re so pretty.” He speaks before he even realizes what he said. You can’t help the smile that takes over your lips. 
“I could say the same about you.” You whisper, pressing a kiss against his lips, melting into his warmth again. 
Billy deepens the kiss, pulling you closer underneath his blanket. Your heartbeat fills the silence of his bedroom as you continue making out until you hear a door close down the hall. 
“I should get going.” You pull away, breathless. 
"Let me make an appearance for my dad to see, and I'll meet you out front," Billy offers, rising from the bed and holding his hand out to you. You take it, standing tall as he pulls you into a warm embrace, showering you with more kisses. 
He helps you out his window and you quietly make your way around to the front of the house, the morning air crisp and refreshing. Billy's sleek sports car sits waiting, and you slide into the passenger seat, shutting the door with a soft click.
As Billy rushes out of the front door, keys jingling in his hand. He smiles as he notices you in the car, sliding into the driver's seat and starting the engine. With a smooth maneuver, he backs out of the driveway, the familiar rumble of the engine a comforting sound.
"Can we stop at my place? I really need to change my clothes," you can't help but feel a surge of nerves at the thought of going back to your own place. But with Billy by your side, the fear eases, replaced by a sense of reassurance.
“Sure but if that asshole is there, I can’t promise what I’ll do.” Billy lights a cigarette, rolling down his window so the smoke doesn’t get trapped in since he knows you hate when he smokes. 
Billy pulls into your drive and you swallow the lump in your throat but it settles since the driveway is clear of any other cars. Billy grabs your hand as you make your way to the front door, keeping you close to him. 
As you unlock and open the door, silence is all you hear from inside.
“Noone’s here.” You inform Billy, hurriedly going to your bedroom to change. 
“What’s up with the full box of cupcakes?” Billy questions as you walk back out to the living room. 
“Oh, those were from Robin,” you pause, remembering your birthday. “She sent them to me for my birthday since she’s out of town.” 
“It’s your birthday?” Billy looks at you concerned. 
“Two days ago.” 
“Shit, I’m sorry I didn’t know.” He walks over, capturing you in a hug, kissing the top of your head. 
“Not your fault. I don’t think I ever told you, so no need to apologize.” You step back and grab his hand, pulling him out the front door again. 
“Now, please, let’s get some food. I’m starving!” Billy revs his Camaro and speeds off fast.
As you arrive at the restaurant where you work and are greeted warmly by Mary.
"Hello there, darling! Belated birthday wishes to you!" Mary exclaims, enveloping you in a hug as she leads you and Billy towards a cozy booth.
"Thank you, Mary," you reply with a genuine smile, taking a seat while Billy settles in beside you.
"And who might this handsome fellow be?" Mary raises an eyebrow with an amused expression. 
"This is Billy, my..." you start to say.
"Boyfriend, ma'am," Billy interjects, extending his hand to shake Mary's.
"Well, isn't that lovely," Mary chuckles softly. "Just know, Billy, if you ever hurt her, I'll have to come after you." She adds the threat in a playful tone.
"No worries, ma'am. I'll make sure she's safe," Billy assures with a glance at you, eliciting a smile and a flutter in your stomach as his hand gently squeezes your thigh.
"Excellent! Now, what can I get you two? It's on the house," Mary offers.
You place your orders and settle against the booth. You rest your head against Billy’s shoulder as he grabs the ashtray on the table, lighting another cigarette. You can tell by the way he’s fidgeting and biting at his lip, that something is bothering him. 
"Is everything alright?" you whisper.
He looks down at you, his eyes searching. "Can you tell me the guy's name?" he asks quietly.
You sigh, relenting. "John Bellmore. He works at the steel factory where my dad used to work."
Billy nods, taking a drag from his cigarette. "I understand what you're feeling, but promise me you won't do anything reckless," you plead.
Billy takes a moment to exhale a puff of smoke before meeting your gaze with a determined look. "I can’t promise that but I will promise to keep you safe," he says solemnly, reaching for your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
You nod but are still worried about what might happen if Billy confronts John. The tension in the air feels palpable as you both sit in silence, lost in your own thoughts.
Mary returns with your orders, breaking the heavy atmosphere with her cheerful demeanor. "Here you go, dears. Enjoy your meal," she says, placing the plates on the table with a smile.
"Thank you, Mary," you say, mustering a smile despite the unease lingering in your mind.
As Mary walks away, you turn back to Billy, noticing the intensity in his eyes as he stares off into the distance. "Promise me you won't do anything rash," you repeat, hoping to ease the tension between you.
"I won't let anyone hurt you." Billy reassures you again, his voice softening as he reaches over, hand resting on your cheek, leaning in for a kiss. “I will do everything in my power to not let anyone hurt you in any way ever again. Please just take that as my promise.”
You nod, grateful for his protectiveness but also worried about the consequences it might bring. Deep down, you know that confronting John could escalate the situation, but you also can't shake the fear of it happening again.
You finish dinner, thanking Mary again, before heading out of the restaurant. 
“How about I make it up to you for not knowing it was your birthday and take you to get some ice cream?” Billy opens the passenger door for you, helping you in. 
"Now that's the way to win me over. You're catching on, Hargrove," you playfully tease as he settles into the driver's seat.
Billy chuckles as he starts the car, glancing over at you with a playful smirk. "There’s more to come," he winks, before pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the nearest ice cream shop.
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Hawkins High bustles with the excited chatter of students sharing tales of their holiday break. You enter, feeling a knot of nerves in your stomach, uncertain how Billy will act around you after referring to himself as your boyfriend.
“Y/N!” Suddenly, Robin crashes into you with a hug, nearly sending you tumbling.
“Robin! I've missed you,” you exclaim, returning the embrace, a smile instantly lighting up your face.
“I can’t believe my parents made me miss your birthday this year. I feel terrible,” Robin says as you both walk together towards her locker.
“It's okay, really. And thanks again for the cupcakes. They were amazing!” you reply gratefully.
“We're still on for our girls' night tonight, right? I hope you didn’t forget,” Robin reminds you.
“Actually, I have something to tell you,” you begin, but before you can finish, Billy appears, casually draping his arm around your waist and leaning his chin on your shoulder. “Hey there, little mouse,” he says in a teasing tone.
"OMG! There’s no way!" Robin gasps, her eyes widening in disbelief.
You exchange a sheepish glance with Robin, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your cheeks. Billy's sudden display of affection catches you off guard, and you struggle to find the right words to explain the situation.
"Uh, yeah, um..." You stammer, unsure how to address Robin's obvious surprise.
Billy chuckles softly, giving you a reassuring squeeze before addressing Robin with a smirk. "Surprise, surprise," he says, his tone laced with amusement.
"I thought we despised him?" Robin crosses her arms, recalling the fallout from the incident involving him and Heather.
"Listen," Billy straightens up, his hand still gently resting on your waist as he addresses Robin directly. "I know I messed up big time with our friend, but I swear I'll never hurt her again."
Robin's gaze shifts between the two of you, seeking reassurance in your eyes. You offer a small smile and a nod, silently confirming Billy's words. Robin sighs, a sense of resignation washing over her.
"Fine, but just know that if you ever break that promise, I won't hesitate to kick your ass," she warns, her tone firm but laced with a hint of underlying concern.
The bell for first period rings and you say goodbye to Robin as she walks in the opposite direction. You can’t help but glance around at all the eyes on you as Billy hasn’t removed his hands from you, sliding his hand in the back pocket of your jeans. 
“Don’t mind them, little mouse.” He moves plants a kiss to your head, smirking as the various students whisper and gasp.
“What’s up Hargrove?” Tommy and Carol intercept your path before you make it to class. “Slumming it now?” 
You shoot a withering glare at Tommy and Carol, but Billy steps forward, his posture exuding confidence.
"Watch your mouth, Tommy," Billy warns, his voice low and threatening. "Or you'll regret it."
Tommy scoffs, but Carol pulls at his arm, urging him to back down. "Come on, Tommy, let's not start anything."
“I’m so tired of that shithead.” Billy lets out a frustrated sigh as he guides you towards your first class.
“Why do you put up with them anyway?” 
“They were just there. Never really thought about who I hang with until you came along.” Billy reflects, pausing by the classroom door.
“Now you’re stuck with me.” You smile jokingly. 
With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Billy leans in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours. The hallway fades into the background as his touch ignites a warmth within you. Without hesitation, you close the distance, meeting his lips in a tender kiss.
For a moment, everything else melts away—the whispers, the stares, the drama of Hawkins High. It's just you and Billy, lost in the sweet embrace of each other's lips.
“I don’t want anything else.” Billy says as you pull away, a soft smile dances on his lips, his gaze fixed on you with a newfound fondness. “I’ll see you later, little mouse.” 
You detach, unwillingly heading into the classroom with every pair of eyes practically burning holes into you but all you can do is smile the whole way to your seat. 
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Taglist:@msbillyhargrove @uselessbutinteresting @milestellergfs @ghostcastaway @missingbillyhargrove @lotionlamp @billys-pretty-babe @isimpfortoomanypeople @rosey96 @girlwifteef @miheartsedthings @empathyroad @notzoey @iletmytittiestitty-russ @the-ch0sen-on3 @coral021 @fossface @vicurious28
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wannab-urs · 9 months
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Outtakes - Non-smut Vol 1
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist | Vol 2
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Hi friends! Sometimes we want fics that are SFW or we just want to make ourselves sad or we need a little pick me up. I'm here with a list of fics that have no (explicit) smut as of posting! They may have smutty thoughts or mild allusions to smut, but those are marked in the warnings!
I know, me, posting non-smut fics.... but they deserve love too! Note that while many of these are rated T, they are posted on blogs that are 18+ so MDNI <3
Summaries and tags are, in most cases, provided by the author - please be sure to read them as some of these fics may have content you do not wish to read.
Updated 5/24/2024
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Whiskey, Dark and Deep - Jack - @prolix-yuy
Summary: In the short time you’ve known Jack Daniels, he’s disappointed you three times. Warnings: M, violence, blood, injuries, gunfights, so so so much yearning, full on cowboy tropes.
A bearable weight - Javi G - prolix-yuy
Summary: New Years Eve is the holiday of new beginnings, and you take a leap to see if Javi might be one of them. Story Warnings: T, plenty of sweetness, more ridiculousness because I can’t help myself, some lightly spicy kisses.
One Hundred and Fifty Seven - Din - @theidiotwhowritesthings
Summary: Din fakes his death for some reason. They leave reader behind thinking he’s dead. Months go by and he returns but reader is like super not okay. Say she’s been super into spice because then she can see Din when she’s high. Anyway, happy ending but loooots of angst please! Also, can it be a bit between him returning and reader being okay with him being back?” Warnings: angst with happy end, drug use, drug addiction, mentions of death, brief canon violence, self loathing, anxiety, self doubt, boba adopts reader b/c i couldn’t resist
In an instant - Joel - @mishasminion360
Summary: Happy Birthday, Joel Miller... Warnings: Um…..😳🙄 (ed. note: I hate to spoil the story, but since this list is intented to help people avoid triggers, I must; Major Character Death (reader), angst, loss of pregnancy)
It would be - Din - @fuckyeahdindjarin
Summary (aka prompt I gave myself): ‘It would be easier if you just married him.’ Warnings: angst, jealousy, fighting, pining, yearning, no use of Y/N
Just Keep Breathing - Javi P - @swiftispunk
Summary: javi finds it harder and harder to keep up with the more physical aspects of his job. reader offers him some love and words of comfort. warnings etc: BODY REPRESENTATION <3 (reader is described as having thicker thighs, a belly, and crow’s feet), smoking + smoking related health issues, hurt/comfort, back massages, fluff, angst, bein in ur 30s/40s, established relationship. probably bad spanish (please correct me). NO USE OF Y/N.
Every Pilot Needs a Wingman - Frankie - @kikis-writing-world
Summary: You have been pining quietly over your neighbor for months. He hasn’t noticed, but apparently his friend has… Warnings: Smutty thoughts - grey sweatpants should be their own warning. Fleeting mentions of masturbation and sex toys. Swearing. Santi gives the reader tips on how to impress/pick up Frankie, I don’t know if that might come off as shady or triggering to people so I want to mention that.
A girl walks into a bookshop - Ezra - @oonajaeadira
Summary: Set a couple of years after the events of the film. Ezra owns a bookshop. You walk in. Warnings: The coziest, softest romance. They do work up to intimacy, but it is sequestered in it’s own chapter–the “Interlude”–which can be skipped without losing any of the story. 
Breathe Through It - Joel - @tommysversion
Summary: you have a panic attack. Joel helps. Warnings: Descriptions of mental health conditions (namely PTSD, but can be read as any anxiety based disorder with panic attacks) / graphic description of a panic attack / some adult language/ references to past trauma (nothing explicitly described but inferred).
A kiss before dying and in death we combine - Joel - oonajaeadira
Summary: When Joel becomes infected, you make the decision not to leave him alone. Warnings: Blood and wounds. Bodily character death. Loss. Love that hurts. Sex of course, but blurred to the edges. Playing fast and loose with the cordyceps and how fast it grows.
102 - Frankie - @tieronecrush
summary: every week, you and frankie meet up at the same spot at the same time to catch-up and share a coffee. you’ve been his best friend for years. through thick and thin, always there. thing is, frankie’s been in love with you for nearly as long as he’s known you and hasn’t worked up the courage to tell you. warnings: no use of Y/N, post-film timeline, au where frankie doesn’t have a kid, use of pet names (solecita, mi mejor), high school level spanish (mostly swear words), unrequited love, self deprecation, alcohol use/drunkenness, smoking
Safe in my arms - Ezra - mishasminion360
Summary: Ezra harbors a secret hatred for his absent arm, but his feelings come to a head when his newly acquired handicap fails to do the one task he vowed never to fail in: keep you safe from harm. Warnings: Language; light angst; feelings of insecurity; body dysmorphia; brief allusions to smut; hurt/comfort; fluff.
Leave Off Your Wandering - Joel - oonajaeadira
Summary: An area native, long-term resident and shepherd in Jackson, you prefer quiet and isolation and the company of sheep. It seems this new resident Joel Miller and his young ward might share your interests. Warnings: M (possible canon violence and language. most likely non-explicit sex further down the line.) (ed. note; no smut as of chapter 2)
Peace - Joel - swiftispunk
summary: jackson era, post-tlou. you and joel discuss what it means to die. warnings: angst and fluff, discussions of death and dying, discussions of sex but nothing too explicit, age difference implied but not specified (joel is older than you but the number of years is not relevant), established relationship. NO USE OF Y/N.
This is me trying - Joel/Ellie platonic!! - swiftispunk
summary: jackson. a flashback on a film reel sparks a memory. joel tells ellie how it feels. warnings: angst, discussions of child loss, discussions of grief and death, ig fluff
Epiphany - Joel - @jksprincess10
Summary: Your new neighbor is a war veteran with a lot of scars. (1k words) Warnings: AU where Joel is in the military, age gap, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, allusions to smut, suicidal thoughts, sad ending. Beware!! 
Significant - Din - softlyspector
Summary: Din has been calling you riduur for months. You finally find out what it means, and get a little more than you bargained for. Warnings: pining, absolute FOOLS in love, bit of grumpy x sunshine, lil angsty, possibly incorrect lore, fluff, lots of Mando'a (translations for the Mando'a at the end
A pile of cards - Javi P - @undercoverpena
summary: it’s become a tradition. he presents you with a birthday card so you can collect his words, while he collects the expressions you share as you read them. warnings: javi through the seasons, narcos season two/three spoilers. cute, fluff. happy ending.
Fire - Din - jksprincess10
Summary: None Warnings: fluff fluff fluff, mutual pining, idiots in love, this is pretty short, mando still has the crest, canon divergent.
Honeyed - Joel - softlyspector
Summary: You hate being touched, but you might be willing to put aside your discomfort for a tattoo from Joel. Warnings: slow build, no outbreak tattoo!au, reader has issues with touch and is mostly touch adverse, tattoos and getting tattooed (the reader only has one tattoo that is described in any detail), description of a past abusive relationship and a bad experience getting tattooed, insecurity, anxiety, loneliness, implied undefined past trauma with men, Joel gets to have both his daughters in this, you can decide if this is game joel or show joel
The Art of Healing - Marcus Pike - @northernbluess
Summary: Marcus Pike was feeling lost—unfulfilled and unmoored. After a failed marriage, heartbreak courtesy of his ex-fiancée and relocating to D.C., Marcus knew that he needed more than the FBI. Seven years later, Marcus has traded in Special Agent for Doctor and is now a clinical psychologist specialising in art therapy. He combines his two loves of art and psychology, spurred on by his experience in art crimes, FBI psych courses and his own time in therapy. Josephine is referred to Dr Pike, having just been discharged from treatment for an eating disorder. While Dr Pike is fresh to his new career, he is knowledgeable, warm, kind and attentive. Over time, as she bares her soul to him, he falls for her and the bond between them ties both their heads in knots. As her therapist he knows it’s wrong but he begins to feel incapable of separating his feelings from his work. Before long neither can truly live without the other — if only she knew that. Warnings: (warnings will be specified in each individual chapter, however, please read these carefully) Art Therapist!Marcus Pike, eating disorder, therapy, mentions of disordered eating patterns, hurt/comfort, slow burn, lots of pining and tension, angst, age gap, strained familial relationships, so much softness and feelings, eventual smut (ed. note: no smut as of chapter 5 and worth the read up to that point)
The Man That I Love - Joel - @lumoverheaven
Summary: None (ed. note: Joel is an idiot who doesn't know what he has until he almost loses it). Warnings: None (ed. note: angst)
Not Strong Enough - Joel - @beskarandblasters
Summary: Fem!Reader and Joel are in an established relationship, having met shortly after the events in Kansas City. They’re living in Jackson, Wyoming together, post Salt Lake City with Ellie. Things are going well until an incident happens during patrol and Joel questions whether or not he’s good enough. Written in third person. Warnings: angst, feeling inadequate, canon types of violence, swearing, bar fight, Joel is an asshole :/
Do You Love Me - Dieter - me
Summary: here is a fluffy (by my standards) little drabble in the A Ghost of You universe. Can be read standalone Warnings: There's just some kissing and no mentions of anything bad because I'd never do anything bad to D, would I?
Thunder Buddies - Joel - me
Summary: Joel comforting reader who is scared of thunderstorms Warnings: descriptions of a panic attack, Joel being adorable, cuddling, cuteness, a distinct lack of angst or smut - which is really weird coming from me.
Wash Day - Marcus P - @secretelephanttattoo
Summary: Some completely self-indulgent romantic fluff about Marcus Pike washing your hair. Warnings: none
Personal Best - Marcus P - secretelephanttattoo
Summary: This picture of Pedro holding a dog inspired me to write a fluffy meet-cute for Marcus Pike & Reader. I'm feeling 90s romantic comedy vibes, I don't know if I'll write anything more on this but we'll see if people like it. Warnings: none
Context and Perspective - Marcus M - @elvenmother
Summary: The newest member of the Heroics has gone missing and as one of the better-known Villains on the scene, you are blamed. Then your sidekick goes missing. You must go after the Heroic’s leader to try to get them back and clear your name. Warnings: Swearing, mentions of injuries, mentions of blood
A Very Furby Christmas - Joel - @proxima-writes
Summary: it’s christmas eve 1998 and joel miller thinks everything is perfect. well, until his brother admits he didn’t get sarah the one present she wanted - the furby. now, joel has to go out on christmas eve to find the year’s hottest toy that’s been sold out for months. turns out, you’re on the same mission. and you’ve both found the last furby in town. Warnings: pre-outbreak, no use of y/n, holiday/christmas fic, the last toy trope, no smut, age gap - not explicitly specified but joel is 31 and reader is mid-20s, the great miller gingerbread construction competition, operation get sarah miller a furby, some kissing.
The Haunting of Dieter Bravo - Dieter - @idolatrybarbie Summary: "ghosts aren't real, except when they are." Warnings: referenced substance abuse, mentions of alcohol, dieter is sober, one song-based joke (please get it plsplspls), reader is gender neutral, a good ol' haunting tale.
The Locksmith - The Thief - oonajaeadira
Summary: A Thief you’ve known for years and have conflicting feelings for brings you a gift. The gift is a not only a puzzle in itself, but part of a larger mystery, one only you can crack. Warnings: reader is an adult, reader is AFAB, no physical descriptions of reader
A Piece of Cake - Frankie - idolatrybarbie
Summary: It's been a long time since you've seen Frankie Morales. Warnings: Angst, discussion of addiction, mentions of cocaine, alcohol consumption, bowling
The Parents That Are Left - Joel - @frenchiereading
Summary: There weren't many patrol partners Joel Miller tolerated: his brother and Iris. On a cold January day, Joel pays her mother a visit and finds out you can bond over anything. Unfortunately. Warnings: canon-typical violence and language, heavy angst, talks/mentions/descriptions of death and dead bodies, heavy discussions/thoughts of feelings/grief/guilt, suicidal thoughts, alcohol consumption, Jackson-era Joel, no reader, no y/n, OFC, not a single ounce of romance
For the Love of Horror - Dieter - @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist
Summary: Dieter and you watch a scary movie. Warnings: No use of y/n, horror movies, euphemisms, fluff, suggestive language
Stages of Grief - Joel - @bonezone44
Summary: After a tense interaction with a family member who raised you when you were little, you spiral. Joel talks you through it. Warnings: Gender neutral reader, familial trauma, angst, grief, neglect, trauma, childhood emotional/physical abuse
The Riding Lesson - Jack - @bluestar22x
Summary: When you are hired at a ranch as a trail guide, the owner asks the foreman to teach you how to ride Western style. Warnings: Suggestive thoughts, sexual tension, equestrian terms
Frankie and Din - Frankie/Din - @avastrasposts
Summary: a one-shot with our favourite pilot, sweet Frankie and our favourite space boy, broody Din based on the line; "Go on then, space boy, fly this.” Warnings: none
Light Only Shows You Where the Shadow Are - Max Phillips - oonajaeadira
Summary: The only thing that can get rid of a minor jerk is a major jerk. Warnings: Non-consensual attention (not Max), stalker behavior (when there’s trouble, Max always seems to be watching from nearby), vampire violence.
It's always been you - Dieter - @alwaysmicado
Summary: After a year of dating Dieter Bravo, you are forced to face reality. All good things must come to an end, right? Warnings: angst, age gap (unspecified), swearing, brief mention of p in v sex, brief mention of disordered eating and suicide, mention of black eye, toxic relationship, drug use, reader's coping mechanisms are unhealthy
John Wayne - Joel - @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
Summary: twenty years after the world ended, you find yourself face to face with Tommy Miller. The brother of the man who was your boyfriend at the time of the outbreak. Warnings: talk of attempted suicide, child loss, grief, angst
illicit affairs - Joel @chaotic-mystery
Summary: it’s my take on what illicit affairs means. Every time I listened to it I imagined Joel, specifically dbf Joel. I hope the swifties go *easy* on me and pls don’t say anything if you didn’t like it. Warnings: angst. And more angst. Swearing, forbidden relationship, arguing, fwb, alluded age gap but not specified. Use of nicknames (kid, baby……don’t look at me ok I didn’t do IT), reader is not physically described, no use of y/n.
Stay Close to Me - Jack - @alwaysbethewest
Summary: You're a rookie agent sent to work undercover with Jack as a married couple!Fake/undercover marriage! Statesman casefic! Warnings: A little romance, kissing, coarse language, very mild peril and hurt/comfort, and a splash of alcohol. Reader is a junior agent and has some muscle but otherwise no physical/age descriptions. As with any good Kingsman fic, my first step was to disregard half of canon, so this is either pre-movie or an AU.
To Know the Light - Din - @burntheedges
Summary: to go in the dark with a light is to know the light. Warnings: fluff, a teensy bit of angst, introspection, winter, food mention, reader has no description, gn!reader
O, Christmas Tree - Dieter - @covetyou
Summary: As PA to Dieter Bravo, you were used to the strange, unusual and downright weird. What you weren't used to was taking in a shipment of - what? And how many? Warnings: sex toys (so many butt plugs), Dieter being a menace to his PA, no smut, pure silliness.
In Fiction - Dieter - @sin-djarin
Summary: Dieter comes to bed. Warnings: Established relationship, mentions of self doubt, no physical description of reader, no dialogue, no use of y/n.
The Serpent Under It - Dave York - @brandyllyn
Summary: Dave is very good at his job Warnings: Canon typical violence. kinda dark yo, soulmate AU
I'll Leave a Light On For You - Max Phillips - oonajaeadira
Summary: Max has reservations when it comes to love, and for very good reasons. Warnings: Angst. Character death. Allusions to the atrocities of war and its lasting effects. Max is a vampire. Traumatic soul memory. Me assuming I know anything about French culture of the 1930s.
Cocoon - Joel - secretelephanttattoo
Summary: A short ode to Joel's coat. / a bath with Joel Warnings: Angst and intimacy. 1 reference to blood and allusion to canon typical violence (nothing is described)
Home - Frankie - @dancingtotuyo
Summary: Frankie always comes home to you. Warnings: fluff, angst, girl dad!frankie, recovering!Frankie, references to drug use, references to violence, trauma, healing.
Negotiations - Max Phillips - prolix-yuy
Summary: Max Phillips never found marketing to be all that helpful. Hell, running an ad on Facebook was easy enough. But then you walked in the door and he knew he had to have you, in all the ways he could. Warnings: T, descriptions of male and female bodies, some fantasizing and suggestive themes.
sweets for my sweet; sweets from my sweet - Ezra - @tinytinymenace
Summary: you are a cook at an exploration camp and one of the miners asks you about Earth and brings you a treat Warnings: Brief mentions of planet death (RIP Earth) and strained family dynamics but on balance this is soft.
Caught Kissing Santa - Dave York - @wildemaven
Summary: Alice saw you kissing Santa Claus Warnings: reader is married to Dave and stepmom to his kids, mentions of food and drinks, non-religious Christmas celebrations and Santa beliefs, alluding to sexy time but no smut, kissing, mentions reader is wearing pajama pants, fluff, soft Dave, one use of ‘good girl’.
Unwind - Dieter - @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
Summary: Dieter helps you unwind when you get your period after an already long day. Warnings: established relationship, reader menstruates, drug use (marijuana), reference to past drug use, reference to bad horror movies, Dieter being our favorite trash panda, sweet, fluff, domesticity
One Night - Marcus P - secretelephantattoo
Summary: You get one night with Marcus Pike. Warnings: Implied/referenced smut but nothing is explicitly described. Smoking and alcohol. Angst because they only have one night together. Marcus is a flirty menace. House party nostalgia. Heavy petting in a stairwell
Lovesick - Joel - prolix-yuy
Summary: You've been greedy for Joel for too long. Warnings: descriptions of wound care and blood, allusions to dubcon due to drinking and drug use, no actual smut
Happy Reading!
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youweremovingyourfeet · 5 months
5 things that make me happy!!
Tumblr tag game: List 5 things that make you happy and tag 10 people to do the same.
Tagged by the wonderful @introvertia hope your holiday season is happy and peaceful ❤️🥰
1❤️ My cats, Edmund and Sir Charles
2🧡 My sister
3💚 Working on a new sewing project (currently a grey wool coat)
4💙 Watching a new piece of media I can get obsessed with (still waiting on s2 of IWTV)
5💜 My partner, who stands by me through everything
Tagging a bunch more ppl below to list 5 things that make them happy! 🥰🥰🥰 No pressure though!!
@sirsparklepants @ub-sessed @trashcangimmick @missroserose @pointeful @ramenyul @usstrashbarge @swarmofbeesssss @ezra-starkiller @mischiefmetalandmagic
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pedrorascal · 5 months
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Space Sisters 2023 Secret Santa – Masterlist
We would like to thank every server member who participated in this event! 🎄
You can find all the gifts published by the participants under the cut!
Happy Holidays from the admins and mods of the Space Sisters server! 💚
(about Space Sisters || join us!)
* - Mature/Explicit work
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Gifset (The Last of Us) - from @trashcora to @thetriumphantpanda
Gifset (Marcus Pike) - from @perotovar to @agentmarcuspike
Fanvideo (Din Djarin) - from @survivingandenduring to @trashcora
Graphic & Poem (Ezra, Joel Miller, Frankie Morales) - from @gasolinerainbowpuddles to @doctorliamsr
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Frankie Morales
no need for mistletoe - from @undercoverpena to @nothoughtsjustmeds
Jack Daniels
* Cowboys & Closeups - from @agentjackdaniels to @epicrainbowsheep
Oberyn Martell
* Reaching for the sweetest, sweetest peaches - from @psychedelic-ink to @iamasaddie
Din Djarin
No Words Needed - from @againstacecilia to @sweetercalypso
Dieter Bravo
No Way Out - from @doctorliamsr to @psychedelic-ink
* Red Herring - from @nothoughtsjustmeds to @missredherring
* Best in Show - from @covetyou to @agentjackdaniels
Marcus Pike
* The Longest Night - from @agentmarcuspike to @perotovar
the gift that keeps giving - from @thetriumphantpanda to @undercoverpena
* baby, when the lights go out - from @iamasaddie to @survivingandenduring
Joel Miller
Friendly Conversation - from @doctorliamsr to @psychedelic-ink
* Old Holiday, New Traditions - from @pascalispretty to @bluebeary-jay
the most wonderful time - from @always-andromeda to @janaispunk
Around the Tree - from @sweetercalypso to @againstacecilia
* Darlin’ just you wait till then - from @epicrainbowsheep to @gasolinerainbowpuddles
it’s the season - from @janaispunk to @pascalispretty
Wrong Until You Make It Right - from @missredherring to @covetyou
Hold me close and hold me fast - from @bluebeary-jay to @always-andromeda
dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💚
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sp00kymulderr · 6 months
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Pairing: Ezra x reader
Warnings: Angst, injury detail, blood mention, vague ending (happy or not is up to you).
Word Count: 2k
A/N: For my Pedrostories Secret Santa giftee @djarinmuse - happy holidays! I hope you don't mind that this is completely un-festive and I took some liberties with prompts, but I'm excited that I got to write my favourite space man in an introspective, angsty situation so thank you! I hope you like the fic! To follow for fic updates only go to @sp00kyupdates​ or see taglist details on my masterlist. Header by me. Credit to banner maker.
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It is impossible to ignore the abundance of fear in his chest.
The way his heart is beating almost out of it, the abject horror of the reminder that you had been here just moments ago when he sees the empty campsite with a past presence still lingering warm and your scent still in the air. That perfume you’d found on another nameless planet on another forgotten job. His heart suddenly ripping in halves in a way he had never known it could do, because that scent is fading, and you aren’t here.
Your tatty sleeping bag of a bed is empty, no sign of life in the small perimeter you together call a home while you do yet another standard of grunt work for yet another corporation who would never even know your names. 
Ezra had known the place wasn’t safe. Reports from the surface that he’d warily read had told him as much but you’d both agreed the credits were too good to pass up. That you’d keep each other safe.
You’d keep each other safe.
Kevva, what had he done? Why had he felt the need to leave you alone for those few moments that suddenly felt far, far too long.
It wasn’t the first time this had happened, prospecting being a famously a dangerous profession but especially now when the sites were drying up, planets dug to their end, the precious aurelac gems becoming rarer and rarer. The last time…Ezra hesitates to think of how he’d seen his partner killed for nothing more than a few meagre stones and Ezra had done nothing to help. 
Nothing but ran and protected the things that were his. He was inherently not a good man.
He should run now. Take the remaining spoils of the dig and find his way to safety like always.
He should run.
But for you. For this partnership…
The thought of turning away makes his chest tighten – for a man who felt himself slipping from humanity for so much of his life he was now becoming alive with it. In him now he could barely fathom the thought of you being gone - you who has chosen to partner up with him for whatever unknown reason. You who had given him a reality beyond just drifting from place to place, space to space, despite his own nature.
No one had seen anything more in him ever since he was a boy. That was the reality of growing up a rock-hopper, adrift through all his life, but then you came and offered him this partnership and showed him that perhaps there was something else in him.
That perhaps he was a better man than he’d ever thought.
With a determined breath, Ezra pulls himself from the shock of your empty campsite and makes a decision, pushing against his own nature. He will be the man you see him as. No running. Ready to do whatever it takes to make you safe, to make sure that the same fate that had befallen his last partner would never come to you. He had to make sure.
Searching around the area with a trained eye with tracking skills picked up through the cycles of dangerous living, Ezra’s mind wanders to the stories you had shared with him of the places you had been and the people you had met. You were a survivor but more than that. You lived. Your resilience was always the thing that those stories reminded him of the most; your ability to adapt. Of course, you can handle yourself. But every part of him shakes with the need to make sure of your safety, keep you alive…he can’t let you be anything else.
Ezra feels overcome with need to be a better man. The partner you deserve. You had always been more of a partner than he ever deserved.
Grabbing the pistol that had been haphazardly strewn, likely in your struggle though he tries not to think of that, he steels himself to follow the minimal signs of the direction you may have taken. Bravery was in truth never his strong suit. He was never taught to live bravely; his life has always always been about self-preservation and so little else. Growing without family, without a name, he hadn’t thought to care for anyone else – not the way you did. Not the way you softened edges and crawled into small places in people to make them more.
He starts walking slowly, every step sending surges of that cold fear through his veins; the fear of the unknown, the fear of what he might find. He doesn’t want to find what he fears, but he has to. He can’t turn back now. He can’t. As Ezra walks his eyes keep darting back and forth, searching for any sign of life and any sign of you. He keeps his pistol ready, just in case.
You're vaguely aware that you've been left to bleed for some gems so small the credits would barely cover a month of ship maintenance let alone a comfortable life. It makes you laugh a little, the absurdity of it. The men had left you badly hurt; no mercy of peace afforded to you but thankfully also no threat of worse than death was made to you.
They must have been watching. They must have been waiting for Ezra to leave, determining that he was the threat. The danger.
People often make that judgment of him.
You sigh a shaky, weak thing that bubbles in pain at the thought of the man, your partner, thrumming in your head. He'd be looking for you. Of course he would. His heart was in the right place always, even when he believed his mind not to be. You'd been prospecting together for enough cycles to know that of him, and more too.
It occurs you might die here, but kevva were you lucky to know more of the starlit man who'd made his home in your life over this time. That would be your biggest regret, never having known him more - never having seen his soul in truly the way it deserved to be seen. Silly as it was you'd fantasised time and again about seeing him safe and warm and happy in ways that you knew Ezra has never been. He deserves a life more than the one he has had to live.
Your only wish now if he doesn't find you, is that he gets that.
Truthfully Ezra had been something unusual for you, a gem in his own way, so much more thrilling than those amber aurelac pieces you'd both made a muddy career of picking. A rarer and more precious thing, all the more because he did not seem to see that in himself. A man with starlight and shine, with wit and verbosity and an unending supply of humanity despite the things he'd seen.
You'd like to see him again, at least once more. The darkening sky and the blood on your suit makes you think that likelihood is minimal. He'd be better off not finding you, perhaps.
Your breath heaves once, twice, a small wheeze as you experiment with moving. A sharp pain interjects your attempt, causing you to gasp out and hold on to the wound on your side. Something in you may be broken.
This wasn't the way to go.
The first sign of you after what feels like trudging miles watching the damp forest ground, is the scrap of distinctive material from your suit. It's a concern but also a relief, to see something of you here where all else this place feels so suddenly completely uninhabited.
You must have made some kind of fight here, Ezra notes. There's footprints in the mud and a couple droplets of ruby red he can't acknowledge yet. 
Not yours, not yours.
Ezra knows both sides of this. He's been the one to take unsuspecting explorers and prospectors and drain them for everything they're worth. He's done this to others - left their partners and families to live in pain and regret and he's never thought a lot about who he might have maimed and murdered in the name of survival.
It makes him sick now. Sick at himself and at the world he's always known. You do not deserve this. Maybe they did not deserve what he did either. Maybe he is monstrous in even worse ways than he already knew. Maybe he shouldn't find you, so that he doesn't have to face the reality of what he is through what someone else may have done to you.
He walks silent as possible, careful slip of boots on the ground so as not to disturb anyone or thing that could be close. He makes his way through a thicket of shrubs and rounds a large tree.
And there he stops.. And holds in the breath he was about to let out.
There you are. Crumpled and shivering.
Alive, alive, alive.
And yet...you could barely be, the way you were breathing. What was he seeing? What were you clutching at that made you groan and your eyes flutter in pain? He couldn't see it fully until stepping closer.
Broken. Damaged. Drained. Not the you he knew. Not the you he hoped to see. This you is some other.
Ezra murmurs your name. A part of him thinks that this is the time he runs. You won't make it and you shouldn't have to see him when your breath leaves you.
Part of him, a part of him that used to feel natural as the rain but now he hates. He thinks about going after those who did this to you but he cannot decide if that is to exact revenge or to take back to the stolen aurelac and leave for the pod.
"Ezra" you say, voice quieter than he has ever heard it, and the weak tone pulls him from his treacherous thoughts and back to reality. You are alive.
You are alive, and that means he must stay the person you see him as at least until you are no longer with him anymore.
"Ez..." you repeat again, and the pitiful sound springs him back in to action like a shot. The field kit in his pack isn't made for this kind of work, he quickly realises, but he can at least try to patch you up before things get worse for you out here.
"Kevva...you..." He's lost for words, for once in his life.
"Stay awake" is all he mutters as he crouches beside you and pulls out the liquid bandage and antiseptic shot.
"Easier said than done" you murmur back, opening eyes up to him.
Ezra sees it in your eyes. Stardust…your eyes were always like the sparkle of stardust and even dull like now it takes his breath away.
“I…I…” Ezra shakes his head. “If only I’d got here sooner. Should’ve never…”
You hiss as he presses the bandaging to your side, too dizzy from the feeling to tell if the bleeding has dissipated at all yet.
“Knew you’d come” You say in that soft, caring way you always have for him. For some reason he may never know now.
“I didn’t- “ Ezra chokes out. Didn’t know if I’d come. Thought about leaving you. The words ache heavy on his tongue, unable to utter them.
“You’re here” Is all you utter before laying your head back, that sickly swirl of dizziness getting worse suddenly.
He is here. You’re right. He’s here and in your light every instinct he’s ever had to preserve his own livelihood over anything else fades away just like always. A person who makes him a better man was never someone Ezra imagined knowing. A warm soul to help reignite his own that had gone cold long ago. It’s you. 
It’s you and him. 
It’s a string of fate that has tied you two together for longer than you’ve even known each other.
“Yes, stardust” Ezra finally mutters, and leans down to rest his forehead against yours. 
He’s got you. For as long as he can.
“I’m here”
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Announcing the First Annual Sabezra Life Day Celebration!
This is a Sabine/Ezra fandom event in December 2023 to celebrate the Sabezra ship.
The goal is to create happy, fluffy, family-friendly fun (no smut) that celebrates Sabezra. You can write angst as long as it has a happy ending.
The things you make should be from the Rebels/Ghost Crew Era, the in-between era (Sabine on Lothal, Ezra on Peridea), or in the era that takes place during or after the Ahsoka series, a.k.a. Rebels Reunited. Sabezra must be the main ship. Since Kanera is canon, you may feature them as well. Any ships opposed to Sabezra or Kanera are not allowed in this event.
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Although we are celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Day, in the fictional world of that galaxy far, far away there is no Christmas holiday. They have a holiday called Life Day.
What you can create and when to post:
December 4: Sabezra Filks, created by altering the lyrics to popular carols and wintertime songs.
December 5: Sabezra Songfics, based on or inspired by popular carols and wintertime songs (or the filk version of them).
December 6: Sabezra-themed holiday mood boards, banners, icons, and other digital creations.
December 7: Sabezra holiday-themed fan art.
December 8: Sabezra holiday-themed edits or fan videos.
December 8: Sabezra Life Day greeting cards to share on Tumblr. (Tag your friends!)
December 9: FREE DAY to post more fan fic, fan art, or anything else you want.
Tag everything you create with #sabezralifeday2023 and @sabezra-life-day-celebration.
Reblog this post and tell us what you intend to create to celebrate Life Day!
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absurdthirst · 1 year
Boyfriend for Hire {Ezra x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 21.1k
Warnings: Modern AU, escort work, technically prostitution, oral sex (female and male receiving), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, masturbation, angst, miscommunication
Comments: When you are instructed to bring your boyfriend to the company New Year's party, you have a problem. He doesn't actually exist. Hiring Ezra, an escort who provides companionship for those who can afford it, turns into something far different than what you imagined.
A/N: Happy late New Year!!!!
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
Thank you @thewaythisis for finding the pic I wanted.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season with your families.” You stare down at your checklist for the end of year board meeting and halfway turn out, knowing you will be working through the holiday to get ahead on some projects that will be happening in the year to come. “That brings me to our New Year’s Eve party.” The CEO captures your attention and you look up as he smiles happily. “This year, I’ve decided to host a party for all of our execs and junior execs. I want all of you to be there.” He turns towards you. “We can finally meet this mysterious beau you keep talking about but we never see you bring to work functions.”
Panicking slightly but trying to remain calm, you shake your head. “Uh, we have plans for the New Year.” You protest, making him frown. 
“Unless you are out of town, which you’ve already said you will be here, I expect all of my employees there.” He decrees. Shit….now you have to pull a non-existent boyfriend out of thin air. 
Ezra looks away from his laptop when his phone begins to ring, his work phone. He takes off his glasses and sets them down before he pushes the green button to answer the call. “Hello?” He answers after clearing his throat. 
“Um, hello. Is this Ezra?” A woman asks and Ezra smiles at how nervous she sounds. 
“This is he.” He responds, tapping his fingers on his desk. 
“I, um, I got your number from a friend. I have a New Year party to attend and I need a man to go with me…to pretend to be my boyfriend.” 
Ezra bites his lip to smother his chuckle at that, “that’s my speciality, little bird. Shall we meet for a drink and see if I’m a good fit?” He suggests. 
“Ye-yes. That sounds good.” Ezra lets you pick the time and place and after telling you he will be there, he hangs up with a smirk. He has a job for New Year’s Eve. Perfect.
You fidget as you wait, choosing a high top table away from the rest of the bar, your drink in front of you medicinal to keep you from jumping out of your skin. You know what you are. What you are perceived as. A workaholic. A bitch boss who demanded too much of your team and only cared about your career. 
It was true, you were career focused and you didn’t think it was a bad thing. However, when everyone started asking about your personal life, because apparently separation of work and home life doesn’t exist anymore, you had lied. Made up what sounded like the perfect man, at least not anyone you had ever dated. Now you need to produce this wonderful person and you have no clue how to go about it without hiring someone. You’ve not been on a date in years and you don’t really want to. Men are always insecure when they realize you hold more power or make more money, or whatever seems to emasculate them. “Shit.” You hiss, lifting your drink to your lips with a slight tremble to your hand.
Ezra spots the red dress you said you’d be wearing and makes his way over to the table, adjusting his jacket as he confidently strides over to you. “You must be my date for the evening.” He offers you the most charming smile he can muster as he takes your hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. “Ezra, at your service.” He declares and takes a seat opposite you, admiring you for a moment. You’re beautiful, not the usual elderly woman he is escorting to boring social events. You’re gorgeous in fact and he smiles, knowing this won’t be a difficult date for him unless you are an absolute bitch.
You introduce yourself and then lean back as the waiter comes over to take Ezra’s drink order, giving you a moment to observe him. He’s elegant, far more than what you expected. None of the greasy appeal you had assumed you would have to deal with. His date casual outfit looked like it would belong at any high class country club, although the blonde streak in his otherwise russet hair is shocking in its charm. “Ma’am? Another?” You break away from looking at Ezra and stare down at your ice. 
“Please.” You murmur and wait for Ezra to speak as the man walks away to fulfill the drink orders.
“So…New Year’s Eve? A work shindig. Tell me little bird, what kind of man are you searching for to accompany you to the party? I am well versed in being whatever gentleman you require. You give me the details and I will play whatever part you desire.”
Twisting in your chair, you pull out your notebook, having written down everything you’ve told your colleagues about this fictitious boyfriend. Sighing as you open it and turn it around to hand to him. “This is what I’ve told them about my…lover.” Boyfriend seems so very juvenile to say and you swallow harshly, waiting for him to scoff at the unrealistic spin you’ve woven.
Ezra takes the notebooks, reading your bullet points and he bites his lip at the imaginative meeting between you and your “lover” until he reads what your beau enjoys, how he treats you. “Chérie, you might’ve discovered the most perfect man on the planet.” He jokes softly and you sigh, reaching for the notebook. 
“I know I embellished but I- I wanted you - him - to sound good.” 
Ezra pulls the book away from your reach, “I didn’t say it was impossible to create. I am a talented actor, I can assure you that this man will be attending your party with you. I can be this man but…I’m not cheap.”
It’s on the tip of your tongue to say that price doesn’t matter, but what kind of executive would you be if you gave away your negotiating power? “What would be your cost? Expenses? What would I be paying for?” You ask, tucking the notebook back into your large bag and looking over to see the waiter bringing the drinks back to your table.
Ezra smiles and thanks the waiter for the drinks, pausing the conversation, then he looks back at you while he lifts his drink. “Cheers, Chérie.” He smiles and clinks his glass against yours. “I’m not cheap. I am very discreet. I am good at what I do. I guarantee by the end of the night everyone will be convinced that I am in fact your lover. Three thousand. For the night.” He tells you his price, knowing it’s high but he’s good at what he does.
He is pricey, especially when you consider what the going rate for escorts is. You aren’t blind, you’ve seen the expense reports for some of your male counterparts, claiming it as ‘entertainment’. However, you aren’t looking for sex, you want a sophisticated man to be able to charm those around you and give a convincing performance. You take a sip of your drink, contemplating the idea. “Agreed, I will pay you half upfront and half at the end of the night. However, if you are not convincing, I will keep the other half.” 
Ezra smirks, liking your moxie, and he shifts to lean closer to you, “oh don’t you fret, little bird. You’re gonna be thrilled by the end of the night.” He lifts his glass towards you and takes a sip of his drink. Leaning back in his seat, he’s excited to spend the New Year with you. 
As part of the package, Ezra picks you up in the town car he hired for the evening. A friend of a friend has a company and he has a deal with them. A few hundred bucks isn’t much when he’s making thousands. He knocks on the door of your ridiculously posh apartment and waits for you to answer, adjusting his bow tie to ensure he looks suitable for your beau.
Putting in your earrings, you quickly walk to the door and open it. “I-“ stopping mid-sentence, you take in the polished suit and the way that his hair is even more carefully styled. “You look fantastic.” You murmur. “Let me get my purse and wrap.”
Ezra nods, hanging by your front door. He doesn’t want to intrude and he waits patiently for you to come into the hallway after you lock your front door. “You look exquisite, chérie. I will surely be the envy of every man in the room.” He reaches for your hand and brings it to his lips to kiss the back of it. “Shall we go? The car is waiting.” He extends his arm after letting go of your hand, excited to remember all the tidbits he’s been memorizing since your meeting a few days ago.
Nervous as you take his arm, you allow Ezra to walk you towards the elevators. “Have you memorized the key points?” You ask softly, the clicking of your shoes on the marble floors the only thing you can hear beyond your quiet conversation. “When we met, first date?”
“We met in that coffee shop over on Desmond Street. Brewsters. We bumped into each other during the morning rush and that was it. I took you to dinner at Le Mar and brought you roses. We kissed that night but nothing else. We’ve been dating for ten months. It’s been bliss. I took you to the fair and bought you that pretty bracelet you’re wearing for your birthday. I know your middle name. I know where you were born. I know the town you grew up in. Trust me, baby, I am a professional.” He pushes the button to call the car, turning to look at you. He reaches up to caress your face.
Suitably impressed, you wonder why your cheeks heat up when he touches your cheek. “You have a scar.” You just realize it, seeing the thin, silvery scar on the apple of his left cheek. “Where did you get it? In case anyone asks, of course.” You don’t mention that you think that it’s charming, giving him an almost roguish appearance that makes you think of old fashioned duals for honor with his syrupy accent.
Ezra chuckles softly, “serving this country. I was lucky that’s all I got. I nearly lost my arm. Was shot a few times but made it through. You should probably mention that I was an army man. Might win some of those bigwigs you associate with over. They always appreciate a man in uniform I’ve found.” He snorts, remembering the amount of times he’s seen lust in their eyes imagining him in a uniform while their wives stood beside them for appearances. You press the button for the ground floor and Ezra stands beside you after you drop his arm.
“Oh.” You murmur to him. “Sorry.” You don’t know what to say to that. Instead, the silence settles between you as your elevator car takes you down and you step out into the ground floor. You take a deep breath, wishing you could just stay on your couch in your leggings and work on reports while watching the New Year’s Eve program on TV and drink the wine you had bought and the nibble on the little charcuterie board you had ordered with your groceries on a whim.
Ezra shakes his head, stopping you walking for a moment. “Hush. You don’t have to be sorry. You didn’t send me to my death. Those bastards did. Let’s make this an amazing night for you.” He cups your cheek and leans in to softly peck your lips. “Come on chérie, let’s go impress your coworkers.” He winks and takes your hand to guide you to the town car.
“Thank you.” Ezra helps you into the car and slides in beside you as the driver closes the door. You are impressed that he went to the lengths that he has with ordering a car. You had half expected to have to order an Uber. “Where did you grow up?” You ask curiously. “Is your accent authentic or…dramatic?” 
Ezra smirks, “I’m not that good an actor. I’m from Louisiana. Born and raised until I joined the army and left for good. Moved here about five years ago after my - my incident. You like the accent? Or no?” He asks, watching you as the car pulls away from the curb towards the hotel your company picked out for the event.
“I like it.” You assure him, reaching over and patting his thigh before remembering yourself and pulling your hand back. 
“Don’t.” Ezra grabs your hand and pulls it back. “We would be comfortable touching each other, chérie.” He reminds you. “You have paid a lot of money to be with your ‘lover’ tonight.” 
You bite your lip, shyly looking away and clearing your throat. “You must think I am ridiculous, needing to hire you to pretend to be my lover.” You murmur. “I - I concentrate on work, not men.”
“That’s smart. Men fuck everything up. Men complicate things. You’re a smart girl, focusing on you and your work. The right man…he will come along eventually. I understand the pressure, the way people question you constantly. As a woman, you’re expected to settle down and marry, be with a man and have the American dream but not everyone is made for that. Some don’t want the man, some don’t want the kids, some don’t want the house. It’s 2022 for God’s sake, women should be able to do whatever they damn well want.” He says with conviction, “I’m - I mainly attend functions with older women whose husbands have passed.”
That catches your curiosity, wondering if he is some sort of a con man. Swindling sweet old ladies out of their money with sweet nothings and attention. “How did you decide to become an..an escort?” You lower your voice, not wanting to say it too loudly even though the window of the town car was up.
Ezra sighs, "um, it's a long story but the short version? I got out and back here I had physical therapy and therapy...lots of it. By the time I was healed, I couldn't find a job so I moved to the big city. When I got here, I got in touch with some friends who put me in touch with an older woman who wanted company - no sex just company - and from there, she referred me and so on. It pays well and no one cares about my résumé."
“Fascinating.” You truly mean that. It’s not like you are unaware of people paying for company, hell, you are doing it now. But his story on how he came to get into this is interesting. The things he must see and here while he’s providing entertainment are sure to be noteworthy. “Have you ever had disagreements with your clients?”
“Sometimes. Not everyone is a fit but as long as the terms are laid out, we don’t tend to have a lot of issues or complications. Communication is key so if you don’t like something, you need to tell me, chérie.” He orders softly, offering you an accompanying smile.
“I don’t understand why they wanted to do this on New Year’s Eve.” You huff even though you do know why. It’s an opportunity to get drunk and party, writing it off as a corporate expense. “I don’t like being out on nights like these.” You admit quietly, looking out the window at the crowded streets.
Ezra snorts, “I have always had a hatred for the new year. Another year wasted.” He sighs just as the car pulls up and he shifts to get out, holding his hand out for you to exit the car. He smiles at you, shifting into character as he prepares to face your coworkers and bosses.
Stepping out of the car, you’re nervous. All of this could be a disaster, what where you thinking? This was insane, you should have just told them you broke up with your mystery boyfriend but it’s too late now. Ezra’s hand is a lifeline and you cling to it, never really liking social functions. For work was fine, but you hate small talk and know that they will be judging you - and the man you brought.
Ezra squeezes your hand, noticing how stiff you have gone. “Relax, chérie. I’ll take care of you.” He promises, knowing it’s his job to take care of you but also, part of him wants to make sure this night goes well. You seem like a good woman despite your workaholic tendencies and he wants to ensure you impress your bosses. Walking into the ballroom, Ezra is impressed at the display and immediately a man approaches you, saying your name.
“Charles.” You smile warmly, reaching out to the CEO of the company as he stops in front of you. “You said to be here and here I am.” You chuckle and shake his hand, motioning to Ezra beside you. “And I have brought my significant other, as requested.” You introduce the two to one another quickly. 
Ezra extends his hand after letting go of you, shaking your boss’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you sir. My chérie has told me good things about you.” He offers a charming smile and Charles chuckles, “all good I hope?” He asks and Ezra nods, taking your hand in his again. “Of course. My lady works hard for your company. Workin’ all hours of the day and away from me.” He pouts playfully and leans in to kiss your cheek.
You hum, tilting your head as if it is a kiss you receive everyday rather than this being the first time. “Well, you know I love my job.” You smile and look back at Charles. “The party looks like a success, everyone is having fun.” Code for quickly getting smashed but it’s not sloppy yet.
Ezra lets go of your hand and wraps his arm around you, pulling you close. “Yes. Yes. You should go have fun. Ezra…it was a pleasure to meet you.” Charles smiles and Ezra nods back, “come on chérie, let’s go get a glass of champagne.” Ezra guides you to the bar, gesturing for the bartender. “I think that went well.” He murmurs, leaning close to you so it looks like he’s murmuring sweet nothings in your ear.
“Yes it did.” You look around the room, already ready to leave. Allowing Ezra to order for you, you are happily surprised when he orders a good vintage of champagne. If he is hanging around older, wealthy women, he would most likely have developed good taste and you appreciate it.
Ezra thanks the bartender and hands you the flute, lifting his own up. “To 2023.” He smiles, clinking his glass with yours. “I think it would be appropriate for me to kiss you…if you will allow it.” He adds, not wanting to overstep however, he can feel eyes on him and he wants to make a good impression.
You bite your lip for a brief second before you nod. You’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t wondered if he was a good kisser. The little crease in his bottom lip very distracting and you’ve glanced at several times. “I think a moderate kiss would be appropriate right now.” You murmur, knowing you don’t want to cause a scene.
There’s a part of Ezra that wants to kiss you, the way your lips part and the small furrow in your brow has him ready to kiss you silly. He doesn’t kiss during his usual bookings, most of the women are older and don’t require that of him. He gently grips your chin with his free hand, leaning in and his eyes meet yours for a brief moment until he closes them to press a soft kiss to your lips.
It steals your breath. Making your eyes glitter and your hand reaches up to grip his shoulder. Nearly overwhelmed just from the petal soft feel of his lips against yours. It’s not demanding, but you yield anyway, the softest moan echoing in your throat.
Your moan makes Ezra deepen the kiss a little. Sliding his tongue into your mouth for a brief moment until he pulls back and kisses the corner of your mouth. “Well, isn’t this adorable?” Cynthia, one of your department managers comes over to see you. “This must be the beau you’ve mentioned before. Though we never caught his name.” She clicks her tongue and Ezra extends his hand after lowering it from your chin. 
“Ezra, pleasure to meet you.” He offers her a charming smile while keeping his posture aligned towards you.
You and Cynthia never really see eye to eye. She has some kind of grudge against you since you were promoted over her although she didn’t have the skill set for your job. “Cynthia.” You nod politely and smile. “Where is your husband? I’m sure Ezra would like to meet him.” Her husband is boorish, but you have to pretend to enjoy his company to play nicely. 
“Oh he has a work meeting. He’s been so busy.” She waves it off and Ezra frowns, “work meeting? It’s New Year’s Eve.” He takes a sip of his champagne and pulls you close with his free arm. “It’s a shame he left his beautiful wife to see in the New Year alone.” He tuts, “I would surely perish if I wasn’t able to kiss my beautiful girl at midnight.”
You fluster, slapping at his chest lightly as you feel the heat creep up your cheeks. “You always say the most outrageous things.” You tease, like he is always showering you with praise. Your perfect man would, even though he is a figment of your imagination brought to life by paying Ezra three thousand dollars.
Ezra grabs your hand, bringing it to his lips to press a soft kiss on your skin. “I merely speak the truth, mon chérie.” He coos, nudging his nose against your hairline. 
Cynthia narrows her eyes slightly, “I can’t believe we are finally meeting Ezra. I thought she had made you up. You seemed too good to be true.” 
She raises her eyebrows when Ezra shakes his head, “she’s focused on her work and we like to keep our private life just that. Private.”
You don’t like the tone of Cynthia’s voice, but you bite your lip and lean into Ezra’s side. “He is my little escape from work when I need it. So I keep him away from our office.” You don’t like the accusation in her comments, especially because they are true. 
Cynthia hums, “very well. We had better mingle. I know everyone is just dying to meet your Ezra. Come on, let’s go mingle.” She reaches for Ezra’s hand and he pulls away from her. 
“I’ll let my partner lead tonight. We will need another drink before we continue our exploration around the room. Pleasure to meet you Cynthia.” He says a little sharply and she huffs before striding off. “I can see why you decided to indulge in a fantasy boyfriend.” He murmurs in your ear then kisses your neck when he catches the eyes of your coworkers now speaking to Cynthia.
“She is very competitive.” You snort, closing your eyes slightly in pleasure. “I’ve never seemed to understand why, but she wants to prove that I wasn’t the right fit for the position. She wanted it. Or wants it.” You indulge yourself and lean in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you for being here. I know you technically have to be, but thank you.”
Ezra wraps his arm around you and gestures for the bartender to order you another round. “I might have to be here but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” He tells you truthfully, “you are a beautiful, smart woman and you deserve a perfect New Year’s Eve. You deserve your coworkers to know you are dearly loved and adored. You should be. You’re a good woman.” He murmurs, caressing your waist.
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt such a strong attraction to someone. Your stomach clenches and you feel your pussy bottom out. “You are engaging and attractive, so I will take your words as the highest compliment.” You promise him, picking up your champagne glass when the bartender brings it and taking a small sip. You don’t like to get too drunk, but the bubbly is delicious.
Ezra grins, glad to hear that, and he looks over his shoulder as the band starts to play. He reaches for your glass, setting it down on the bar and he grabs your hand. “Let’s dance, chérie. I want to show you off to your coworkers.” He guides you onto the dance floor, pulling you close into his arms.
This is completely different than any other time you have been out with your coworkers. Often mandatory drinks where you have one and leave, or work dinners where the focus is work. This is an actual party. Letting yourself be pulled into his arms and smiling as the two of you start to move in time to the music.
Ezra has always prided himself on his dancing. His mother had taught him and after he came home injured, he promised himself that he’d learn to dance again. He promised his mom a dance before she died. Now, he’s swinging you around to the music, a smile on his face.
You know people are staring at you, but you don’t care. Too busy enjoying the moment and you let out a happy laugh when Ezra pushes you away to spin you around and pull you back close to him. “Wow.” You beam at him. “You are amazing.”
Ezra is pleased that you’re happy with him. “Not as amazing as you, mon chérie. Every man in this room wants to be me right now with how absolutely exquisite you look.” His hands slide lower, dangerously close to the curve of your ass. “Are you enjoying yourself?” He asks, leaning in to kiss your neck.
“I am.” You confess breathlessly, feeling like this is some kind of hazy dream. It would be a fantasy, and you are enjoying every minute of it. His hand flexes right above the swell of your ass and you wish he would just squeeze it, but you won’t beg for that. “Ezra…”
He knows what you want from him and he usually would never indulge in the physical affection his clients desire but you are different. His stomach twists with how beautiful you are - inside and out - and he obliges your wordless request, cupping your cheek to press his lips to yours.
The two of you dance in your own little world, your heart pounding as his tongue flicks against your lips and you let him in without a second's hesitation. Feeling like it is the most natural thing in the world, you have come to stop on the dance floor and you don’t even realize it.
People watch you and Ezra, some with mirth, some with surprise, quite a few with jealousy. Ezra keeps you close and only pulls back when the song ends, applause thundering in the ballroom and Ezra pecks your lips before he turns to clap his own hands. “The best dance I’ve had in a while.” He winks and takes your hand to guide you to a nearby table. “Are you hungry, chérie? You want some food?” He gestures to the buffet of hors d’oeuvres.
“We should, since we are drinking…” You hum, enjoying the warmth of his hand far more than you probably should. You know his rules, sex is off the table but right now that is all you can think about. Blaming it on the champagne, you look over to him. “Should we share a plate? Try a little of everything?”
Ezra nods, leaning down to kiss your forehead then he makes his way over to the buffet to grab a plate of food for you to share. He sits back down beside you, handing you some napkins. “Here you go, chérie. I can get more.” He tells you, winking at you as the band continues to play.
Picking up a spinach and cheese tart, you hold it out to Ezra to try. Surprising yourself because you are not trying to talk about work or slip away since you have been seen by the CEO. You are actually enjoying yourself. “Have a bite, sweetheart.” You coo playfully.
He eagerly leans forward, taking the bite and he can’t help but let his tongue touch your fingers before he chews. You are too delectable. Sexy and independent. Two qualities he greatly admires in a woman. He leans in to kiss your jaw after he finishes swallowing, “delicious.” He murmurs, pulling back to look at you.
Your lip is between your teeth and you wish that he would never stop. Food play has never been an ideal fantasy for you but now you want him to eat everything off your body.
“So this is your mystery boy toy?” Jackson, another department head, strides over. His posture is cocky as he looms over you and Ezra. “You gonna introduce me? I’m her work husband. She’s never mentioned you.” He wrinkles his nose at Ezra. Jackson has always wanted you, flirted with you, and now he’s not happy that you brought your mystery boyfriend to the party.
“Yes I have, you just haven’t listened.” You roll your eyes and look back at Ezra. “Ezra, this is Jackson. Jackson, Ezra.” You manage to make it appear that you are smiling but your teeth are clenched together in annoyance. “He is a colleague and not my work husband.”
“I shouldn’t be jealous, I know I’m a lucky bastard to have this exquisite creature as my lover. It’s, uh, interesting to make your acquaintance, Jackson. She’s never mentioned you. My name is Ezra. Lucky to belong to this exquisite woman you have the pleasure of spending your work days with.” Ezra reaches for your hand, kissing the back of it.
Jackson narrows his eyes, unhappy that the so-called boyfriend exists. He had been sure it was a figment of your imagination, no man was that perfect. Embarrassed that you would call him out about your work relationship, he presses on. “Don’t worry, Ethan, was it?” He purposefully says Ezra’s name wrong. “I take good care of her while she’s here. If I didn’t bring her lunch, she wouldn’t eat!”
Ezra frowns at that, looking over at you. “Is that true, amor? You don’t eat lunch? We shall have to rectify that. I shall be making you a lunch from now on.” He promises, not even looking back at Jackson. “And the name she moans in bed is Ezra, just so you know.”
Your cheeks flame hot but not because he’s embarrassed you, but because you are imagining doing just that - moaning his name in bed while he pounds into you. You have no idea what his dick size is but you can just tell he would be an attentive and exhausting lover. It makes you squirm slightly, needing friction and your suddenly dry mouth needs some more champagne.
Ezra watches you take a sip of champagne, your neck extended, and he bites his lip, deciding to take the chance. He leans in to kiss along your neck and you softly moan. His cock twitches in his pants and Jackson stands there for a moment until Ezra pulls away from you to look at him. “Are we keeping you from mingling?” He inquires and Jackson shakes his head, huffing before he stomps off. With a chuckle, Ezra kisses along your neck and down to your clavicle, “I must say, you smell simply divine, chérie.”
You whimper, shivering slightly at the feather light kisses along your skin. “I- wanted to- to seem like- like someone you would be with.” You admit breathlessly, aware of your reputation as dull. The sexy perfume was an indulgence beyond the clean scent you would wear into the office. Something that made you think of sex rather than work meetings.
Ezra hums, pulling back to look at you with a frown. “Why wouldn’t I be with someone like you?” He asks softly, hating the insecurities he finds swarming your eyes and he cups your cheek. “You’re a beautiful, smart, successful woman. You’re far too good for someone like me.”
You know that he is a companion, that you are paying him, but you also know that he has to be very intelligent in order to move in the circles that he does seamlessly. “I’m not.” You protest quietly, reminding yourself you had to pay him to pretend to be your lover. “I doubt you would be interested in someone like me. I am a workaholic.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being dedicated to your work but you need to take time for yourself. For your pleasures. Indulgences. You only live once, mon chérie. Don’t waste your life working.” He tells you just as the band announces the countdown to midnight. “Come on, let’s see in the new year in style.” He stands up and extends his hand to you.
When the clock strikes midnight, Ezra pulls you close and presses his lips to yours. Cupping your cheek with one hand and his arm around your waist, he slides his tongue into your mouth with a groan and kisses you at midnight. Putting his heart behind it as he wants you to feel special.
It’s just for the night, you know this. Still, you cling to him, letting the streamers and balloons with the confetti fall around you. Noise makers being blown and others exchanging kisses. Although all you think about is Ezra. Making you whimper when he finally pulls away after half a minute of kissing into the New Year.
He grins when he pulls back, “happy new year, chérie.” He kisses your nose and pulls you close again, marveling at the display of balloons and confetti as the band begins to play “Auld Lang Syne.” He doesn’t ever break his rule of not sleeping with his client but you, pressed against him, feel marvelous and he leans down to kiss you again. This kiss is dirtier, sloppier, as he tries to wordlessly portray what he wants.
It shifts - this feeling between you. The spark ignites and you would be lying if you said you did not want him. Your own arms around him tighten and you press yourself against him shamelessly. If it wasn’t so rude, you would drag him out of here. Only when he pulls away to gulp down air do you dare voice it. “Should we leave?” You ask breathlessly. “Go back to mine?”
Ezra hesitates for a second, knowing he shouldn’t be doing this but he desperately wants you. He wants to make you moan his name, he wants to pull you apart piece by piece. “Let’s go.” He rasps, “do you have to say goodbye to anyone?” He asks, sliding his hand down to squeeze your ass.
You know none of them will miss you, you shake your head and whimper when he squeezes again. “Let- where is your driver?” You demand, ready to say fuck it and drag him to a bathroom. You don’t care right now.
Ezra nods, taking your hand after reluctantly letting you go, and he guides you to the exit. Practically dragging you through the hotel to the car he has waiting for you. He opens your door and helps you in before he gets in after you and slams the door. “Chérie, you are -” He surges forward to press his lips to yours, a rare display of speechlessness from Ezra.
This time the kiss is even more desperate, consuming. You moan louder now that you are in the safety of a vehicle and away from the prying eyes of your coworkers. Not worrying about what they will say about you. Instead you let your hands wander over Ezra’s suit, sliding under his jacket to the warmth underneath.
Ezra groans your name against your lips as your hands slide up his chest but when you touch his shoulder, he pulls back. “Sorry!” You rush out, wondering what you’ve done wrong and Ezra shifts away from you. 
“It’s okay, chérie. Just - gimme a moment.” He rasps, shifting a inch away from you as he tries to catch his breath and compose himself. He turns his head to look at you, an easy smile now on his face and he leans in to kiss along your neck.
You want to push away, something not being right about the way he reacted but you can’t make yourself. You will ask later. Ezra kisses at your pulse, his tongue pressing against it and making you groan. “Ezra….” You whisper breathlessly, your fingers sinking into his hair and your movement guides him to kiss down your chest into your cleavage.
He licks along your cleavage, dipping his tongue below the material of your dress and the car comes to a stop, the driver clearing his throat. He pecks your lips and shifts to get out of the car, adjusting himself before he offers you a hand. After paying the driver, he shuts the door and wraps his arm around your waist. “Come on, chérie. It’s a new year. Let’s celebrate it in style.” He kisses your cheek while you grab your keys for your building.
There are several other couples making their way back to their units, spirits high. You and Ezra cling to one another in the elevator and giggle with other drunken couples. Only pulling away from each other when the car stops on your floor and you pull him out into the hallway. “Happy New Year!” You call back to the other two couples still on the elevator as the doors close.
Ezra is eager as you struggle to unlock your door, his hands caressing your waist and his lips kissing along the nape of your neck. You pant and struggle to open the door so he takes the keys, swiftly opening the door to your apartment and he pushes it open, letting you lead.
Normally you don’t throw things around, keeping everything in its place so you can know where it’s at, but right now all you want is him. Tossing your keys, clutch and wrap to the floor, you swing around and press your lips to Ezra’s the moment he steps inside your apartment as you back him up against the door and close it.
He loves how eager you are and he feels the same way. His hands trying to touch every inch of you he can reach. He groans into your mouth when you start to push his shirt off of his shoulders and he’s grateful he remembered to wear a t-shirt underneath. His hands squeeze your ass and he tentatively reaches for the zipper of your dress, not wanting to overstep so he waits for your reaction before he continues, pulling the zipper down.
Biting your lip, you nod. Eternally grateful that you have worn something sexy underneath the dress. You didn’t wear it for Ezra, you wear things that make you feel good. Especially when it clashes with proper business attire during the week. This is merely a coincidence that you have lace and sheer material under your dress. Letting him peel your dress down to reveal your body to him, you wait for his reaction.
Ezra swallows harshly when he sees what you are wearing. “Oh chérie. You are - you are the most exquisite creature I’ve ever had the honor of laying eyes on.” He coos, almost scared to touch you in case you disappear. He finally summons the courage and pulls you into his arms, his lips pressing against yours while his hands explore the newly exposed skin.
His hands feel like hot silk on your skin, caressing you and seemingly bringing you to life. This time your tongue flicks against the seam of his lips to beg entrance. Making you huff happily when he groans and opens to let you in. Your own hands move down to his belt buckle, ripping at it hastily.
Ezra groans, flicking open the lace bra and he pulls back so he can tug the straps down your arms, flinging the lingerie aside and he ducks down to take a nipple into his mouth, groaning against your warm flesh as he works the sensitive bud between his teeth.
“Ezraaaa!” You cry out, eyes widening before they close. You manage to get his belt open and then the suit pants. Shoving your hand down to wrap around a thick cock over his underwear, you moan sinfully when he twitches in your hand. “I- fuck, oh my god.” You whimper, imagining him inside you.
He hisses around your breast when you squeeze him and he swears he could cum then and there. “Fuck.” He curses as he switches to your other breast, his hands hooking in your panties and he pushes them down to your ankles. He pulls back and away from your grip, his breath hitching at how utterly devastating you are and he kneels, kissing your stomach as he lifts your leg onto his shoulder.
Your eyes widen when you realize what he is about to do. Unable to comment before he is nuzzling into your thigh, inhaling your scent right before his tongue swipes across your cunt with enough skill to make you cry out.
He is tentative, not in a hurry, but as soon as your tangy arousal hits his tongue, he’s ravenous. He growls, diving in to slide his tongue through your folds, flicking your clit and his hands grab your ass to pull you close.
Your knee threatens to buckle, but you stay upright. Looking down at the sharp curve of his nose as it presses into your mound. “Of fuck, shit Ezra-it’s-its been so long since someone’s done this.” You admit breathlessly.
He pulls back for just a moment so he can look at you. “A travesty, mon chérie. You should have this gorgeous pussy sucked and licked often.” He tuts and dives back in, doing just that and revealing in your cries.
The sounds you make are filthy, and loud. You know people passing by can hear and you don’t care. All you can think about is the way the tension in your belly is pulling tight and you’re going to cum. “Ezra, Ezra, Ezra!” You cry out, body trembling when you fall apart.
He keeps you upright, pushed against him, and he works you through it with lazy strokes of his tongue. He loves how he’s already pulled you apart and he kisses your clit for a moment until he offers you a lazy smirk, looking up into your hazy eyes.
“Oh my god.” Your entire body seems to melt under the pleasure of your orgasm. Panting as you look down at him and wonder how the fuck he’s going to top that. “I- wow.” You manage, a goofy grin on your face. “I don’t know if you can top that.”
Ezra smiles, “I can have a damn good attempt at it, chérie.” He stands, licking his lips and he kicks off his dress shoes and reaches for his pants, pushing them down along with his boxers. He shrugs off the dress shirt and you reach for the hem of his long sleeved t-shirt. “I, uh, that stays. I don’t want to take it off.”
Your brow furrows in confusion as you look up at him, but his eyes have almost a pleading expression so you nod. “Okay, no problem.” You wonder if he has some scar that bothers him, it would make sense. Instead of making it a big deal, you turn and walk towards your bedroom, looking over your shoulder. “Come Ezra.” You order playfully.
Ezra exhales softly in relief and lets you guide him into your bedroom. It’s sophisticated and warm and he only gets a second to admire it before you are pushing him onto the mattress. “You’re eager, baby doll.” He chuckles, caressing your waist when you straddle his thigh and his hands slide up to squeeze your tits.
For a moment, your own insecurities rear their ugly head and you wonder if you seem desperate. Not that Ezra lets you think of that, or anything for long with his hands on you. Instead of pulling back, you lean forward and bite his bottom lip. “I am eager.” You confess. “I want to feel you inside me.”
“Condom?” He rasps against your lip, his hands sliding down even more to squeeze your ass and rock you on his thigh. His cock is throbbing. It’s been a while since he’s had sex and even longer since he got to touch someone so utterly beautiful. His usual clients are older women who try to get him in their beds but he won’t sleep with them, no matter how much money they offer. He wants sex to be natural, something he desires, not just based on money. He loves the way you moan his name. “Condom, baby doll.” He repeats, needing to be inside of you.
“I- shit…” Your clit is grinding against his skin and it feels amazing. “I- I think they - I have some in the drawer.” You aren’t sure, it’s been so long and it’s on the tip of your tongue to tell him that you don’t need it, but you are strangers. No matter how natural and easy this seems, it wouldn’t be smart to sleep with him unprotected.
Ezra manages to reach into your nightstand, searching around for the condoms while his eyes watch you grind on his thigh, feeling how slick you are. “Jesus fucking Christ.” He growls, growing impatient but he manages to find a condom, ripping into it and handing it to you. “Put it on me, chérie and use my cock for your pleasure. I want to feel you cum, see you fall apart.” He orders, squeezing your hips when you take the condom from him.
Your hands shake as you roll the condom down his impressive length. Nearly leaning forward so you could take him into your mouth, but you stop yourself. Knowing that the two of you are too worked up for teasing. Once on, you are quickly moving over him, straddling his waist and lining him up to sink down on his cock far faster than what is probably necessary but you love the stretch of him.
“Fu-” Ezra’s words die on his tongue as you envelop him in your hot, tight cunt. His jaw clenches as you sink down onto him and he caresses your hips while his eyes threaten to close. “My - my God, chérie. You are - so delectable.”
Your own moan claws out of your throat while you circle your hips and press him deeper. “So good, Ezra.” You whine. “You feel so good.”
Ezra looks up at you, reaching up to grab your neck and drag you down towards his mouth so he can kiss you. He slides his tongue into your mouth and groans when you start to move, rocking on his cock. “Feel so good, chérie. So tight.” He murmurs, caressing your side until he can squeeze your ass.
It’s unusual, bracing your hands on his chest and feeling his shirt rather than skin, but you don’t let it stop you. “Been a-a long time.” You pant, starting to bounce on his cock a little faster and feeling a little rush of arousal to make it even slicker.
“Me too.” He confesses, watching you and he caresses your arms up to your shoulders as you bounce on his cock. He’s desperate to see you cum again but he can be patient. He grabs your ass, spreading your cheeks before he brings his hands down to smack them.
You squeal, rocking forward and clenching around him. “Fuck!” The sting of his hand feels amazing and you are immediately rocking back onto his cock even harder. “Again, more- fuck, please.” You beg, biting your lip as he twitches inside you and presses against something wonderful.
He repeats the action, loving your squeal of pleasure, and he loves your begging. Wanting to hear more, he grabs your hips and manages to flip you over onto your back without slipping out of you. He doesn’t waste a beat, pushing into you with a deep groan, he starts to fuck you.
Pulling your knees back, you gasp out his name. Loving how deep he surges into you with the harsh and steady slap of his hips. Rougher, just like you imagined. It’s thrilling to have a man who is polished outside the bedroom who knows how to fuck. Instead of touching his shoulders since he had tensed up, you grip his sides and moan.
He grabs your thigh, pushing it back against your stomach and he sinks even deeper, drawing moans from you both. “Fuck, chérie. You - you feel divine.” He moans and leans in to kiss along your neck. “Are you going to cum for me?” He murmurs against your flesh and he licks up to your jaw, biting as he steadily thrusts into you, adjusting the angle every other thrust until - “oh shit!” You squeal and he smirks against your skin. “There it is. That’s the stuff. Cum for me baby doll.”
It’s not hard to give into his demands. The hard pace coupled with the intensity of his focus on the angle that had made you squeal nearly makes your back arch up off the bed. “Ezra- gon- gonna c-cuuuuuuum!” You cry out, your entire body stiffening when your cunt clamps down around him and soaks his cock in your juices.
Seeing and feeling you cum around him has him groaning out your name, loud and wrecked as he thrusts into you. It’s true what he said, it’s been a while and he’s not sure if he’s going to last. “Fuck baby. I- I’m gonna - shit. Shitttt.” He hisses, barely managing to thrust a few more times before he cums, spilling harmlessly into the condom.
Panting, you nearly forget yourself and grab his shoulders but you manage to catch yourself. Lunging up, you press your forehead against his and kiss his lips for a long moment while he rides out his high. Collapsing back into the bed with a satisfied sigh.
Ezra grunts, closing his eyes as he revels in his high until he has to pull out. Gripping the condom, he pulls out of you and ties it off, tossing it onto the nightstand and he grabs you to pull you against his chest. “That was…absolutely indescribable.”
You relax against him, making sure you don’t touch his shoulder and smile. “Yes it was. Best way to ring in a new year.” You laugh and are shocked at how good you feel. You didn’t want to go work, or boot up your laptop. You wanted to stay right here. With Ezra. “It was wonderful.”
Ezra kisses your head, "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He is sad to leave you tonight. The first time he's truly enjoyed the company of one of his clients and he knows his next client will pale in comparison to you. He sighs, shifting away from you. He knows you'll want him to go and he feels dirty to think about the remainder of the money but his rent is due today. He needs it.
There’s a shift and you are sad to feel it. Now that you are both satisfied, it’s time to remind yourself that this was a business transaction. The sex hopefully wasn’t a part of it, but you owe him the money you promised. “Let me-“ you slide out of the bed and reach for your robe. “I’ll get the rest of what I owe you.” You turn and rush out of the room, wondering if he had slept with you because he wanted to, or to make sure he was paid the full amount. Picking up your clutch off the floor, you open it to pull out the small envelope with fifteen hundred dollars in one hundred dollar bills in it. Sensing that he would prefer payment in cash rather than risk a check.
Ezra is behind you, grabbing his pants and shoes to redress while you gather the rest of the money. He feels dirty. He has never had sex with a client before and right now, he feels like he’s being paid for fucking you even though he wanted you, not for the money, but because he likes you. He is tying his shoes when you hold out the cash for him, standing there in your rope with your hair a mess and mascara smudged. You look like a fucking angel that he has dragged down into his hell. “Thank you chérie. I- I had a wonderful time. I hope you are satisfied?” He asks once he stands up, shoving the cash into his pants pocket.
“More than I ever expected to be.” You admit with a smile. It’s slightly awkward and you wish you knew what to say, but you aren’t smooth with things like this. “Thank you Ezra, for tonight. I know that we went beyond some of your boundaries, but I- I really had a great time with you.” You want to lean in and kiss him, but you don’t want to push.
Ezra smiles, reaching out to cup your cheek. “Me too. I had a great time. Best new year I’ve had in a while.” He admits and unable to resist, he leans in to kiss you softly one last time. “Thank you chérie. Happy New Year.” He grabs his jacket and tie from the floor and walks towards your front door, looking back at you one last time before he leaves.
It’s been two weeks since you’ve seen Ezra. You tap his card that you have on your desk, contemplating your next move. It’s been a distraction you don’t need but you can’t get him out of your mind. Popping up while you are working and especially when you are in bed alone, your hand or vibrator between your thighs. Sighing to yourself, you pick up your phone and select his contact information and hit call.
Ezra frowns when he sees your name come up on his phone. He keeps all his clients in his cell phone and his stomach twists as he picks up the phone and hits answer. “Chérie, my dear, how are you?” He answers, leaning back against his seat with a soft smile.
“Ezra.” Your stomach flips and flutters at the sound of his voice. You wonder if he’s thought about you at all. You hope he has. “I was wondering if you had a free evening this week?” You murmur softly, feeling unsure of yourself now. “For a- a dinner.”
He opens his agenda, searching the week. He has a couple of events with his older clients but he has a free night on Thursday. “I am free on Thursday night. I, uh, won’t charge as much for a dinner.” He says, unsure if he needs to keep this professional despite the way his heart is thumping in his chest.
Of course he wants payment. Your heart clenches, the hope that he had felt something during your time together dying. You’re a practical woman and try to see it as having a need met. Men did it all the time, why shouldn’t you. “Thursday will be fine.” Your voice is stronger this time. “Let me know your rate and where to meet you.”
“One thousand. I’ll text you the restaurant. I know a great bistro. Private and delicious. See you soon, chérie.” He murmurs before he hangs up. Hating how he is taking your money when he enjoys your company so much but he has to keep up appearances. He needs to be professional and practical.
One thousand dollars. It’s a lot, but you want to see Ezra again. You know you shouldn’t do this, but you never felt as good as you did when you were with him and you crave that feeling again. Opening your calendar, you make sure to block out that night as unavailable. You will be busy having dinner with Ezra.
Ezra adjusts his tie as he waits for you to arrive. You told him you’d meet him at the bistro and he stands when you walk in, looking absolutely gorgeous in a black silk shirt and jeans. “Chérie, you look absolutely delectable. I doubt I will need dessert from this bistro if I get to have you.” He murmurs, kissing your lips softly before he pulls the chair out for you.
You fluster at the compliment, unable to stop yourself from melting into his arms. The kiss was too brief and you sat as he pushed your chair in. “That would be up to you.” You promise, staring at his gorgeous form as he sits down before you put your napkin in your lap. The bistro is intimate and you wonder which one of his clients brings him here. “How have you been?”
Ezra shrugs, “not too busy. I’ve mainly been working on my manuscript. I’ve been working on a play. A re-enactment of my time during the war and how my life went to it. My therapist got me started on it, said that writing things down is healthy and it snowballed from there. You? I’m sure you’ve been busy with the new quarter.” He offers you a soft smile and reaches for your hand to squeeze it.
“It’s been busy.” You nod but you want to focus on his comment. “A manuscript? Ezra that’s- I’m sure it’s amazing.” Your skin tingles where his hand is touching you and you swear that your heart skipped a beat. “Have you been writing for long? I feel like you would be amazing at it.”
Ezra bites his lip and shrugs, “I, uh, I’ve been writing it on and off for months. Pausing when I can’t figure out the next step and resuming when it comes to me.” He caresses the back of your hand with his thumb, “I haven’t - I don’t have any backers and no one has read it yet so it could be utterly shit.”
“I doubt that.” You assure him. “You are far too eloquently spoken and a story weaver for that to be true.” You want to offer to help him but you aren’t sure if he would take offense. “You could always test a chapter, see how it’s received?”
Ezra sighs, “I don’t have the contacts. Actually, there’s this client whose husband is a publisher but she can hardly ask on my behalf.” He shakes his head, knowing the husband turns a blind eye to her evenings with Ezra going to events he doesn’t want to go to. “Perhaps…you would read it? See if you like it?”
“Of course.” You immediately nod, eager to read his writing and offer any suggestions you can. “You can send me whatever you would like me to read and I’ll give you my honest opinion.” It does sting to learn that he accompanies married women but it is none of your business.
The smile he offers you is sincere and wide and he squeezes your hand before he brings it to his lips to kiss the back of the. The waiter comes over and Ezra orders a bottle of red wine, “and two of the special.” Ezra orders, turning to look at you. “You gotta try this cheese soufflé. You’re not allergic are you?” He asks, silently cursing himself for getting ahead. He doesn’t know if you are lactose intolerant or vegan or have other requirements.
“Oh that sounds delicious.” You moan, your stomach agreeing with you by giving a particularly loud rumble of hunger. Wincing, you are thankful the waiter has already walked away and didn’t hear it. “Sorry, I haven’t eaten since…” you actually don’t remember when you’ve eaten last, you had gotten roped into a work meeting at lunch and hadn’t been able to get something.
Ezra frowns, “you haven’t eaten today?” He asks and you shake your head. He tuts, “that simply will not do. You must eat, I insist on it. You must prioritize yourself, chérie.” His tone is low but intense as his dark eyes focus on you.
“I forget at times.” You admit. “Or I drink enough coffee that I’m not hungry.” Your life is caffeine, perhaps too much of it.  You smile softly. “I do need someone to bring me lunch, I guess.” You joke, reminding him of his promise in front of Jackson.
Shaking his head, Ezra tuts, “I’ll come to your office and take you for lunch. Show that smarmy prick that you are treated right and I’ll make sure you get some lunch.” He remembers that he will have to charge but part of him doesn’t want to do that. He wants to spend time with you, find out more about you.
“No, you don’t have to do that.” You promise, knowing that it’s not his responsibility to take care of you. This is all pretend. “I will start having meals delivered to the office regularly and just have them say it’s from you. So no one suspects.” Why you didn’t think of it before, you don’t know. “I know you are a busy man.”
Ezra chuckles softly as the waiter comes over to open the bottle of wine. “I’m not that busy. Not too busy for you.” He says without truly thinking about it. He lets go of your hand and tastes the wine, nodding and thanking the waiter after he pours two glasses. “To us.” He toasts, a soft smile on his face as he looks at you.
“To us.” You murmur softly, wondering what he means by that as you take a sip of the wine. It’s delicious and you smile as you take another sip. “You seemed surprised to hear from me when I called.” You set your glass down and decide to be straightforward. “Did you not expect to?”
“I figured I’d had my use. Planted the seed about your boyfriend and you’d make the excuse that I work a lot, I’m away on business until you eventually reveal that I was too clingy and wanted too much from you - wanted you to cut back on work - so you broke up with me. You are sad but composed and me? I’m a wreck. You tell them I’m calling you over and over again to beg you to get back together but your job is more important. Impresses your bosses, confirms that you’re wanted and maybe, you’ll meet someone at work who can fulfill all your needs. This ain’t my first rodeo, chérie. I know how it goes.” He tells you. 
You snort, impressed with his genius and shake your head. “No office romances for me.” You tell him firmly. “I’ve seen too many of them go up in flames where  someone has to leave. No, I would prefer to have a lover outside of my profession. Even a competitor with another company  is not for me.”
Ezra hums and nods, understanding more about you. You are a strong, independent, smart woman and he loves it. “I can understand that.” He nods and leans back as the soufflés are placed on the table.
You send the waiter a smile of thanks and groan at the incredible smell. “Ezra, it smells delicious.” You are nearly drooling as you pick up your fork. “Thank you for having dinner with me. I- this is better than eating alone in my apartment while I work.”
“Chérie, It’s always a pleasure to spend time with you. Never, ever think that I don’t want to spend time with you. You’re - you’re so beautiful and smart. I just can’t believe you don’t have a man to spoil you.” He doesn’t say that because you’re paying him but it’s the truth. Deep down though, he’d be here regardless of the money.
“No one would want to put up with my work schedule.” You scoff, remembering how it was frowned on that you worked the way you did. “Men put in hours and they are praised for focusing on their careers, being a real go-getter. Women do it and it's unbecoming.” You roll your eyes and bring a piece of the soufflé to your lips. “Oh my god.” You groan happily at the taste, closing your eyes at how perfect it is. “This is delicious.” 
“Unfortunately some people still think women should be in the home.” Ezra rolls his eyes, “Neanderthals…every single one of them. I don’t subscribe to that archaic mentality. Women like you…they are capable, strong, independent. You pick a man based on how you feel about him, not based on what he can provide and that scares men. To have a woman not dependent on them? You have to be a strong character to enjoy a woman like you.” He winks and takes a bite of his own soufflé, a groan escaping his lips.
“Are you a strong character?” You ask flirtatiously, enjoying his outlook. “Why am I asking? Of course you are. You deal with women of all ages, some of them more independent than I am.” You hum, reaching for your wine again. “I am sure you have stories to tell. After your first book, you should write those stories down. Names changed for privacy, of course.”
With a chuckle, Ezra sets his fork down and nods, “oh there’s been some tales. Some women…they had lovers who they wished to make jealous. Some had occasions that I simply wasn’t prepared for…like a funeral as they didn’t tell me the event, just that it was a family function. Some wanted more from me than I was prepared to give.” He frowns at that one, remembering the way the woman groped him and offered far more money than they agreed. He doesn’t have sex with his clients…well didn’t…until you came along.
“Oh…..” you wonder if he counts you among those women now. You had assumed that he had wanted to sleep with you, but you had never heard anything from him and the only way you could spend time with him is if you paid him. “I’m sorry that you had bad experiences. You aren’t a piece of meat to be bought and treated how they want.” You offer, feeling slightly ashamed of the way you had practically begged him to fuck you.
“It’s nothing compared to what female escorts go through. Women don’t get nasty, they don’t threaten me or force me. I am lucky. I - I only have sex when I want sex and you…you’re the only client I’ve ever had sex with.” He reveals softly, his eyes flicking around the restaurant before they settle back on you.
“Ezra….” You reach out and touch his hand gently. “That night- I didn’t expect to sleep with you because I paid for your time.” You promise him quietly, not wanting anyone to overhear. “I wanted to be with you and it was amazing. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about someone everyday and replay something like I have with that night,”
Ezra inhales with a soft chuckle, squeezing your hand. “Baby doll, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the moment I left your apartment building. You are funny, intelligent, and devastatingly gorgeous. I- I want to spend more time with you.” He says and brings your hand to his mouth to press a kiss on the back of it.
Biting your lip, your stomach flips pleasantly. “I- I want to spend more time with you too.” You confess, smiling at him. “I broke down and called you because I couldn’t stay away.”
“I’m glad you called. I- I want to spend more time with you. It’s just - my rate-” He knows he should tell you he will be with you for free, he wants that, but he also will be sacrificing time he could be earning money from his other clients. 
“I can pay.” You rush out, knowing you’ll spend whatever it takes to feel like this again and again. 
Ezra bites his lip, knowing he shouldn’t do this but he wants you, “I can do a reduced rate so - so it’s not as expensive.”
“What would you think?” You ask him, feeling a negotiation coming on and you like that. It wouldn’t be fair to just demand his time for free and yet you know you don’t want to pay expensive rates every time you want to see him. Especially if it’s how you want to be spending time with him. “I think that it might be fair to say we might sleep together again, and I don’t want you to feel that I expect it - but there is chemistry between us…”
Ezra grins, nodding in agreement, “I feel it too. Rest assured, I feel this - this spark of chemistry between you and I, baby doll. What about…$500 a date? Nothing extra if we should happen to fall in bed.” He suggests, feeling dirty to take your money but he needs to survive.
You purse your lips and tilt your head towards him. “I was thinking $300 a date and I will pay for any dinners or activities.” You counter with a small smirk on your face.
He raises his eyebrows, cock twitching in his pants at the look in your eyes and he nods slowly. “$300? That’s a deal.” He reaches for your hand once more to shake it and he kisses the back of your hand. “I look forward to many more nights in your company, mon chérie.”
You make a little noise of pleasure, sure that your time together will result in you falling into bed together often. “I must confess something.” You slide your hand out of his delicately and pick up your wine again. “I want for you to come home with me tonight and let me pleasure you the same way you pleasured me last time.”
He can't stop the smirk on his face as you offer to pleasure him. "It is I who should be offering to pleasure you. You were...exquisite. I want to bury my face between your thighs and remain there until my dying day." He confesses, licking his lips as he remembers how you moaned his name.
You try not to take that to heart, knowing he is flattering you. Perhaps not like a paying client, that would be vulgar. More like a new romance. “Then I suggest you finish your dinner.” You tease, taking a sip of your wine and then picking up your fork. “I want to have you for dessert.”
Ezra dramatically picks up his fork, shoveling the food into his mouth and he downs the rest of the wine then he calls the waiter over. "Can you cork the wine and get us the check? My lady wants dessert at home." He winks at you and leans back in his seat.
You giggle quietly at how eager he is, knowing you’ve already soaked your own panties underneath your dress. Finishing your own dinner before you reach for your purse. “No, I will pay for tonight.” Ezra insists, making you pause, but you give in when he shoots you a serious look.
"I want to pay." He tells you, knowing he will feel guilty if you suck his cock tonight and he couldn't pay for dinner. He may be an escort but he's a gentleman first and foremost. He hands the waiter his card and signs the check when the waiter comes back over. "Are you ready to leave, chérie?"
“Absolutely.” You take his proffered arm when the two of you stand. It feels like you are a real couple, walking out after a fantastic meal to go home together. “Did you drive, or…?” You had taken an Uber, wanting to be able to drink if you wanted with no issue.”
"I took an Uber. I can't - I don't have a car." He admits and he bites his lip as he pulls out his phone to summon an Uber to take you both to your apartment. He wraps his arm around your waist while you wait for the car, leaning in to kiss your neck as you stand on the sidewalk.
Closing your eyes, you lean into him. “Ezra…” you murmur, feeling that pool of arousal in your core already. “Do you-“ You break off, hesitant to push but then you decide to ask. “Would you like to stay the night? Rather than going home? Or is that too much?”
Ezra bites his lip and looks at you, “I, um, I would like that. It’s not too much.” He assures you and leans in to kiss your neck, “I would surely be remiss to deny myself an opportunity to remain in your bed after our carnal pursuits.”
The Uber pulls up and you excitedly jump in, eager to get back to your apartment with Ezra. “I- god I wish we were already back there.” You whisper in his ear. “I have been thinking about you all week but my fingers haven’t been enough.”
“I’ve been thinking about you too.” He promises, his hand on your knee sliding a little higher as the Uber drives towards your apartment building. “Been jerking off thinking about that exquisite pussy.” He whispers in your ear before he nips it with his teeth.
Shuddering, you let out a tiny moan, shifting your knees apart so he can move his hand a little higher. “Should have called me.” You pant. “I would have told you to come over. Jerk off on me.”
Ezra smirks, taking the hint, and he slides his hand higher until he is pressing against your clit through your jeans. Your responding whimper has him aching in his pants and he wishes he could finger you in this Uber but he’ll receive a bad rating. “You’re a naughty girl, baby doll. Would you have licked up my seed if I’d asked you?”
Blowing out a harsh breath, all you can do is nod, making a small sound of need. You could imagine it, on your knees in front of him while he is jerking his cock and telling you to open your mouth before covering your skin in his seed.
The Uber driver hears whispers and looks back to see Ezra has his hand between your legs. With a snort, he speeds up a little, certain that you want to be out of his car as much as he wants you out before you start to get frisky. 
Ezra chuckles at your squeak, his fingers rubbing you through the denim until the car pulls up outside of your building. “Thank you kindly.” Ezra says, withdrawing his hand and reaching into his wallet to hand a tip to the driver for your PDA. Once you’re on the sidewalk, Ezra wraps his arm around your waist to guide you towards the entrance, now desperate to feel you naked and beneath him.
This time the elevator ride is more tense, both of you not letting go of one another but there are others in the car. Making you nearly sigh in relief when the doors open to your floor. You smirk when the elevator closes again and rush towards your apartment, eager to have him inside you again.
Ezra reluctantly lets go of you so you can unlock your front door but he grabs your hips, kissing the back of your neck. “Hurry up, chérie. I want you to strip down and wrap those pretty lips around my cock.” His hands slide down to squeeze your ass and your hands shake until you finally get the door open.
Again, you are dumping everything and turning around to reach for him. Desperate to feel him. You feel him unbuttoning your shirt and push back so you can quickly strip down to your bare skin. Eager to get on your knees for him and watch him fall apart right against the door of your apartment.
Ezra groans at the skin you bare and his hands are immediately reaching for your bra. Last time was hesitant and new, now he’s hungry for you. His hands reach for your tits after you let him pull your bra down your arms and he pinches your nipple, wanting to be a little rougher.
“Fuck.” Your head rolls back and your chest pushes itself into his hands, loving how he’s being more aggressive. Still wearing your panties, you start to sink down to your knees but Ezra catches your arm, shaking his head. “No, chérie, I want your pussy to leak onto your floors.” He growls, making your cunt clench and you hastily follow his orders to remove your underwear before you kneel down in front of him,
He watches you as you kneel down and reach for his belt, expertly unbuckling it and he groans when you pull his throbbing cock out of his pants. “Fuck chérie.” He hisses which turns into a low moan when you take him into your mouth. “Shit.” He curses, eyes fluttering but he refuses to close them as he looks down at you.
You can feel him react. His cock throbbing in your mouth and you love it. Taking him deeper until he hits the back of your throat. It’s going to be hard to take all of him, so you wrap your fingers around the base to start pumping while you get used to his girth.
“Fuck. Oh Jesus Christ. Chérie, your mouth- it’s heaven on earth.” He compliments breathlessly, trying to keep his hips still so he doesn’t choke you but fuck, it’s hard to not want more. You whimper and he caresses your cheek.
Humming around him, you already have spit sliding down your jaw and your eyes are watering but you don’t care. All you want is to see the wrecked look on his face. You hollow your cheek and press deeper, swallowing when you feel you are going to gag.
“Fuck baby.” He leans over slightly so he can squeeze your tit and he closes his eyes when you take him deeper. “Oh shit. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me- you want - face? Mouth?” He pants out, not wanting to cum down your throat unless you want it. It’s been too long since someone sucked his cock.
You pull off for him for a split second. “Down my throat.” You gasp, taking him back into your mouth and looking up at him through your watery eyes. Letting go of the base of his cock, you grab his hips and pull him towards you, encouraging him to let go and use you.
Ezra hisses, rocking his hips and he groans when you swallow around him. A few thrusts of his hips, he is cumming down your throat in hot spurts, your name pulled from his lips.
You try to swallow it all, but it’s not something that you can manage. His cum spilling out from the edge of your lips to slide down your jaw while you gulp the rest of it down and let him ride out his pleasure, watching him as your cunt throbs.
Ezra pants, struggling to keep his eyes open as you let him drop from your mouth and he hisses, caresses your cheek before he scoops up his cum from your chin and pushes his fingers into you. “Jesus Christ, chérie. You - you are - fuck. Are you dripping?” He asks, shifting to kneel down and he cups your cunt, wanting to see if you are wet enough.
Whining, you grind against his fingers, wanting to feel him. You are soaked and ready to cum even though you know he is not going to be able to fuck you right now. “Fuck, Ez…” your eyes close and you lean forward to rest your forehead on his shoulder.
He rubs your clit, wanting you to cum while he recovers. You lean against him and he slides his fingers back to push two inside of you, groaning at how fucking wet you are. He presses his thumb against your clit, “want you to cum for me.”
You don’t care that you are still on the floor, his fingers inside you feel amazing. Thicker than your own and able to curl against that spot that makes your entire body light up in pleasure. “Fuck!” You gasp out, grabbing his arm to steady yours as your hips jerk towards him.
Ezra hisses when your walls flutter around his fingers, showing how close you are to cumming. “Yes baby doll.” He feels you gripping his arm and he tries to not flinch but he leans in to kiss your cheek. “Cum for me?” He asks, not telling you but asking you to cum for him.
His gruff request works, asking you to come apart for him does the trick. The clever fingers curl and press up against your g-spot again and you wail his name. Cunt spasming around his fingers while you soak them, thighs shaking in pleasure.
“Yes. That’s it chérie. Such a good girl for me.” He murmurs, working you through it and he groans when you lean forward to press your lips to his. “Are you going to let me fuck you?” He asks, cock hardening once again.
“Yes.” You whine breathlessly, lashes fluttering and you finally realize that you are holding onto his arm. Letting go without trying to draw attention to the fact that you feel him wince. “Here or in the bed again?”
“Bed.” He rasps, wanting to fuck you from behind. He groans as he helps you stand and he pushes his pants down, pulling off his shirt and he remains in his under shirt. “I want to fuck you from behind.”
You have no problem with that, leading him into your bedroom and you look over your shoulder as you kneel down on the bed. Smirking, you shake your hips at him invitingly. “Come fuck me.”
Ezra can’t help but reach out and smack your ass, loving the way the skin jiggles and he chuckles at the squeal that escapes your lips. “Condom?” He asks, his cock now aching with need and he grips his length, pumping himself a few times.
“Same drawer.” You bite your lip, wanting to ask if he would get screened so he didn’t have to wear a condom, but you don’t want to pressure him into something like that. You watch him open the drawer and pull out another foil packet, cunt clenching when you see his cock bobbing as he moves.
He rips it open and rolls it into his length, groaning as he pumps himself before he kneels behind you, gripping his cock to position himself at your entrance. “Fuckkkk chérie.” He hisses as he pushes into you. He leans over you, kissing along your neck as he pushes deep and gives you a moment to adjust around him.
He feels so deep in this position. Making your head fall to hand down and hips to push back against him as you moan. “Fuck Ezra, you- you’re so deep.” You whimper, walls fluttering around him as you enjoy the way he fills you. “God, I- be rough.” You beg, wanting to feel him for days after this.
Ezra follows your order, grabbing your hips and he sets a harsh pace, pushing into you with soft grunts escaping his lips. He wants to be rough, he wants to push into you hard and make you feel him for days. “Fuck baby. You feel so good.”
Gasps and whines are all you can manage through his harsh pace. Gripping the sheets in your fists while he pulls your hips back as he slams into you. His hips slap your ass and it feels like his cock is spearing up into your throat. You love and show him by clenching down around him every time he hits that perfect spot inside you. “Ez-Ez-Ezraaaaa!” 
Your moans spur him on and he leans over you, cupping your tits and massaging them as he rocks into you. “Fuck baby doll. You feel - you feel like heaven.” He murmurs, kissing along your neck and nipping, careful to not leave a mark.
Every thrust of his hips pushes you closer to cumming. That heat and tension curls in the pit of your stomach and makes you arch your back when he pinches your nipple harshly. Gasping out his name and closing your eyes. “Fuck baby, so close.” You pant, collapsing down to your elbows and laying your cheek against the bed. “Harder.” 
Ezra slides his hand down to rub your clit, wanting you to cum around his cock. He hisses your name, rocking into you. “Cum for me, mon chérie, please.” He begs wanting you to cum for him, to clench around him.
Within another dozen thrusts, you are doing just that. Almost a delayed cry of pleasure as you suck in a breath of air, you squeal out when you exhale. Your entire body responds to the overwhelming punch of his cock against your g-spot and you swear you feel him jerk to a halt, unable to move for a split second while you lock down around him. 
When you cum, he stills, unable to move and he kisses along your spine as you shake beneath him. He withdraws after a moment, shifting to kneel on the floor and he leans forward to lap at your clit, sensitive from your orgasm, and he pushes you into another one, wanting you to cum again. His hand squeezes his condom covered cock while his tongue pushes into you.
“Fuck, fuck!” You moan, unable to believe that he hadn’t just continued to fuck you. Making you pant and squirm under the broad strokes of his tongue. He’s relentless, not allowing you to settle down before he’s demanding your body give him more. Your stomach clenches and heaves when he curls his tongue deep and that sharp nose presses against your other hole and nearly breeches it, making you cry out again as another orgasm rushes over you. 
He works you through another orgasm, loving how responsive you are. He hisses your name and shifts to kneel behind you, pushing back into your fluttering cunt. “Oh Jesus Christ.” He groans and starts to fuck you, hard and fast as he seeks his own pleasure. “Fuck chérie, You are heaven sent.” He is close but he wants you to cum one more time so he starts to rub your clit, his cock pushing deep.
“Ezraaaaaa.” You whine shifting forward to lay down on the bed, Ezra following you where you are flat on your stomach. Turning your head, you watch him out of the corner over your eye. His fingers are trapped under you, rubbing your clit and you moan again.
He straddles your thighs, one hand grabbing your ass while the other continues rubbing your clit. He desperately needs you to cum, his cock aching as he pushes deeper than before, punching into your guts as he pants your name. “Cum, one last time. Cum for me baby doll.” He pleads, so close to his own orgasm and he needs you to cum one last time.
You scream his name, clenching down around his cock and soaking him in your juices. Panting out while he furiously rocks into you and seeks his own high. “Pl-please c-cum!” You beg, desperate to feel him cum, even if he’s wearing a condom.
He can’t hold back even if he tries, he pushes into you, gritting his teeth, and he thrusts a dozen more times before he’s burying his cock deep. Spilling into the condom, he groans, unable to say your name as lights flash behind his eyes, the pleasure consumes him and he slumps on top of you without pressing his weight into you. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He pants, kissing your neck.
“Godddddddd.” You groan, laughing quietly as you pant. “That was so, so good.” You murmur, wishing you can kiss him. It’s strange to feel his shirt on your sweaty skin, but you understand that he has some kind of hang up about being shirtless. “Wish you had filled me up.” You slur, almost unaware that you had said it.
His cock twitches inside of you and he swallows harshly, “yeah? You want that? I’m clean. Always - always get tested monthly just in case. Shit, baby girl. You want me to fill you full of my cum next time? Make you drip?” He rasps, biting down on your shoulder.
Whining softly, you nod against the sheets. “Fuck, please Ezra.” You try not to think about why he gets tested monthly. It’s not your business and it’s not your place to feel possessive of him. Your cunt clenches around his softening cock and he hisses against your skin. “I want that.”
“Me too.” He murmurs, kissing your neck again and he grips the base of the condom before he pulls out of you. He sighs and shuffles off of the bed, tying off the condom and disposing of it before he lays down on the bed next to you again. “So good.” He murmurs, turning onto his side and cupping your cheek, leaning in to kiss you softly.
Turning, you lean into the kiss and enjoy it. Your eyes closing and humming against his lips until he pulls away. “Let me go get us some water.” You murmur, moving to shift off the bed. “Worked up a thirst and I know you must have too.” You want him to be comfortable. Especially since he’s staying.
Ezra watches you go with a soft smile on his face. You’re an incredible woman and he’s lucky to be in your company. He feels dirty for having you pay him but he has to pay his bills. When you come back into the room, he has his underwear on and he is sitting on the edge of the bed. “Thanks, chérie.” He says before he gulps down half the bottle. “I, um, I need - I want to show you…all of me.” He says, gesturing to his shirt.
You can feel the anxiety rolling off of him in thick waves, making him seem a little green around the gills. You set your own bottle of water down and move over to where he is sitting. “Only if you want to.” You promise, touching the back of his hand that’s resting on his thigh. “Just because we are spending time together and in bed together doesn’t mean you have to do anything you don’t want.”
“I want to. I- it’s just - you might be disgusted by my monstrous appearance. I- I was injured, as you know, and upon my return from war, I had surgeries and therapy and - I - my ex hated how I looked. Said I repulsed her and if you should happen to feel that way, I understand. I just - I feel like I want to show you all of me.” He swallows harshly and reaches for the hem of his shirt, slowly pulling it over his head while his heart pounds in his chest.
You don’t say a word. Your eyes map the scars that crisscross over his torso and shoulders. He apparently almost lost his right arm, the deep scar tissue around it nearly cutting the meat of it in two. “Ezra…” standing, you slowly move towards him. You want to reach out and you do so ever so gently, not wanting him to flinch away. “I see a man who survived horrors and I’m glad you did.” You promise, touching his bare skin and caressing one of the marks on his body.
“You- chérie - You’re not repulsed? You - you don’t think I’m a monster?” He asks softly, his entire body sparking as you caress skin that hasn’t been touched in years. “You didn’t pay for a monster. You deserve more.”
“You are not a monster.” You want to scream at the bitch who planted that idea in his head. “You are a man who has seen war, and been marked by it. But that does not change who you are here.” Your hand drifts up to his heart and you press your palm there to feel his heart pounding. “I want what I see right now.” You promise him, leaning down and kissing his shoulder, one of the scars on his skin and look up at him. “You deserve more than to believe you are a monster.”
Ezra sighs, cupping your cheeks and he leans forward to press a kiss to your lips, unable to believe how fortunate he is to have you in his arms, with him. “Chérie…you are magnificent.” He murmurs against your lips and his heart pounds in his chest. He knows the lines are blurring for him between client and lover but he can’t seem to stop himself.
You sigh into the kiss, closing your eyes and you let your hands slowly caress his skin. Tracing the scars gently and reverently, wanting him to feel appreciated. When the kiss ends, you smile at him. “You can leave your shirt off around me. I don’t mind.”
Ezra swears he nearly cries when you kiss his shoulder and he knows in that moment, he falls for you. He swallows harshly and caresses your waist, “thank you chérie. Are you- are you thirsty? Let me get you some water.” He wants to look after you, he wants to care for you.
You smile at him, wondering if he has forgotten that you brought him water. “I’m good.” You promise. “If you need to do anything, the bathroom is through the door right there.” You offer.
Ezra was so caught up in his emotions, he forgot you brought in water and he nods, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “You wanna watch a movie? It’s still kind of early.” He caresses your spine, just breathing you in.
There’s something incredibly domestic in the idea of watching a movie with him. Nodding, you smirk and send him a small wink. “As long as we don’t wear clothes.” You compromise teasingly, knowing that if he wants to get dressed, you won’t stop him. You don’t want him to be uncomfortable. “Here or in the living room?”
“Here. I want to keep you in my arms.” Now that Ezra has had skin to skin, he wants as much as possible. He was terrified you’d reject him, think of him as a monster but you haven’t rejected him so he wants to spend as much time as possible with you. He wants to feel you pressed against him.
“Perfect.” You kiss him again and stand up so you can pull the covers back and pile the pillows in the middle so you can cuddle together. You slide into bed and pat the spot next to you. “We can turn on something and just relax.”
He lays down, pulling you against him after you grab the remote. You’re both naked but he’s never been more comfortable. He kisses your neck while you scroll through Netflix. “What do you want to watch?” You ask and his hand caresses your waist before his fingers slide lower until he’s cupping your cunt. 
“Whatever you want to watch.” He murmurs, sliding his finger between your folds to slowly rub your clit.
“Ha.” You pant, the slow press of his finger against your bundle of nerves is incredibly distracting and you can already tell that neither one of you is going to pay attention to the TV. You quickly select a movie, not even aware of what it is and throw the remote down so you can give him the same amount of attention, your hands caressing his chest gently and your lips pressing against every scar you can reach.
His heart pounds in his chest as you caress skin he’s kept hidden since he left Louisiana and he adds a second finger, rubbing your clit with soft movements, in no rush to make you cum. He wants you to savor this, just enjoy the pleasure without any urgency. “Good movie choice.” He jokes, voice raspy as his cock starts to harden as the little whimpers and moans that escape your lips.
You moan, lips against his skin and your eyes flicker up to meet his. He’s someone you are paying for his time, but this feels like more. It feels real and for the first time in forever, you wish you were in a relationship. You wish you were with Ezra, that this was just a normal night. Continuing to kiss every mar and imperfection on his body, your other hand slips beneath the sheets and wraps around his half hard cock, holding him firmly.
Ezra hisses when you grip him, his fingers rubbing your clit a little harder and he shifts his hand, pushing two fingers into you, pressing his thumb to your clit. “You are perfection, mon chérie.” He murmurs, kissing along your neck before he presses his lips to yours, loving how breathless you are as you slowly work his cock.
It is the height of decadence. Lazily stroking a gorgeous man’s cock while his fingers pump into you just as slowly. Giving and taking pleasure as the movie plays and neither of you pay attention to it. “It is so easy with you.” You admit, almost afraid that you might say something stupid and break the spell over this moment.
Humming in agreement, Ezra works his fingers deeper into you, pressing his thumb against your clit a little harder as he wants you to cum again for him. “It’s because you’re so - so fucking perfect.” Ezra admits with a groan when you twist your wrist just right to make him moan your name.
You aren’t perfect. You know you aren’t. It’s not like every man you’ve tried to have a relationship with hasn’t pointed that out. You work too much, you don’t have time for them, you don’t mother them. Instead of focusing on that, you twist your wrist again when he curls his fingers deep. “Always easy with you.” You moan.
He loves hearing you say it even though you both know you’re paying for him to be here. He hisses your name and thrusts into your hand, pumping his fingers a little faster while the movie continues to play. “Are you going to cum for me, chérie?” He asks, leaning in to kiss your neck, biting down gently on your earlobe.
You groan out his name and your eyes flutter shut. “Eventually.” You tease, a small smirk on your lips. Squeezing his cock, you’re rewarded with him twitching in your hand and you pump him a little faster. “Only when you cum with me.”
He groans, loving the way your fingers feel wrapped around his cock and he hisses when you swipe your thumb over the edge. “Shit. You’re gonna - I need you to cum with me.” He pleads, continuing to pump his fingers despite his balls pulling tight to his body, warning him of his incoming orgasm.
“I’m going to, baby.” You pant, feeling your cunt start to flutter around his fingers deep inside you. “I’m gonna cum for you. Gonna cum all over your fingers.” You whine, turning your head and pressing your lips to his. Your moan pouring into his mouth while stars bust behind your eyes.
He groans when you clamp down on his fingers and you grip his cock just right in your hand, squeezing him so that he grunts into your mouth. His tongue slides against yours while his cock pulses in your hand, spurting his cum onto his stomach and chest, dripping onto your hand.
It’s beautiful, both of you coming apart together. Groaning into each other and riding out your pleasure panted out with every breath. “Ezra.” You whimper, kissing his lips again and again until his cock softens.
He withdraws his fingers, pushing them into his mouth with a groan to taste you and he cups your cheek with his wet hand, sliding his tongue back into your mouth. He has never felt this sexually charged. He’s almost ready to go again, certain that he would be if he was younger. “Fuck, my baby doll, you’re - you intoxicate me.”
You chuckle breathlessly, knowing that you feel the same but it has to be usual for him. Maybe he’s a little vulnerable because he’s exposed himself, but any number of women would give anything to have his attention and his touch. “Hopefully that doesn’t change anytime soon.” You murmur, shooting him a grin before you duck your head down and lick up some of the cum splattered on his skin.
“Jesus Christ.” Ezra hisses, caressing your cheek, and he surges forward to press his lips to yours, tasting his own cum on your lips and he smiles against your lips when you pull back. “Shall we restart that movie?” He jokes and you giggle, nodding as you snuggle into his side. 
The next morning, Ezra watches you get ready for work with a grin on his lips, loving this routine you go through. It’s unbelievably sexy to watch you get ready and he sits there in his pants, watching you as you put on your underwear. He knows he could easily watch you do this every morning and that scares him a little, how easy it is.
It’s been a long time since you’ve gotten dressed in front of anyone, but you don’t mind Ezra watching you. There’s something in his gaze that makes you feel warm and you like it. Humming to yourself as you rub lotion into your skin, you think about the outfits you haven’t worn in awhile and walk into your closet to pull out the business attire.
When you come out of your closet, Ezra groans at how beautiful you look in the blazer and skirt. He shifts, standing up and he walks over to you, kneeling down on the floor. His hands run along your legs and he pushes your skirt up. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” He murmurs, looking up at you and he hooks his fingers in the panties he watched you put on, pulling them down. “I want breakfast.” He teases, lifting your leg onto his shoulder before he slides his tongue through your folds.
“Ezraaaa.” You whine, thankful you don’t have your shoes on as your fingers tangle into his hair. You had expected him to leave first thing, or to not be interested in anything intimate, but his tongue proves you wrong. “Fuck- I- I’m going to be late.”
“Be late. For once in your fucking life.” He winks and dives back in, flicking his tongue against your clit until he sucks it into your mouth, groaning when you buck against his mouth. He grabs your ass, encouraging you to rock against his face. Once he’s made you cum, he will leave even though he’s going to hate it.”
“Oh fuck!” You cry out, his tongue flicking over your clit with expert precision. You vaguely think about calling in sick and staying like this with Ezra all day but he has places to be as well. “Fuck, fuck, you’re going to fuck me, right?” You gasp out. “Oh fuck, fill me up and let me ruin my panties all day?”
He groans into your pussy, wishing he could spend all day buried in your cunt but you have to work and he needs to spend time away from you before he gets even deeper. He slides his tongue into your cunt, his nose pressed against your clit and he fucking loves the way you rock against his face.
Your body loves the attention, primed for another orgasm by his skilled tongue or cock through most of the night. You hadn’t slept much but you feel invigorated. “Fuck Ez,” you whine, tugging on his hair until he groans into your cunt again and it sends you over the edge. Crying out wordlessly, you flood his tongue with your juices.
He laps it up, working you through it with his tongue while he savors everything you give him, his cock now aching and he caresses your legs as he pulls back to look up at you. “Chérie, you want - you want me to fuck you?” He rasps, chin glistening with your cum.
Despite the fact that you need to leave for work, you are nodding. Turning around and pulling your skirt up more as you bend over the bed. “Fuck me. God, I want to feel you all day, baby.” You beg, closing your eyes so you don’t ask him to be here when you get home.
Ezra doesn’t think about the condom, too focused on pulling his trousers down to pull his hard cock out, positioning himself at your entrance and pushing inside of you with a deep groan. His hands grip your hips and he doesn’t allow you a moment to adjust before he starts to fuck you hard and fast.
Rocking up into the balls of your toes, you cry out when he punches deep. Loving how it feels like his cock is kissing your womb and hitting perfectly inside you. Mewling every time his hips slap against your ass, all you can do is take it and you Fucking love it. “Ez- oh-oh fuck!” You squeal when he pushes deep and hits your g-spot.
To feel you without protection has Ezra thinking he’s been allowed into heaven. He hisses and continues his hard pace, eyes fluttering closed with how wet and tight you are around him, so fucking hot. “Oh shit, baby doll, you feel - it’s so good. So goddamn fucking good.” He smacks your ass, loving the squeal that echoes in your bedroom.
Every thrust of his cock pushes you closer, legs starting to shake and you feel like you are about to combust. Pushing your hips back and where he roughly drills into you again, you shatter. Toes curling and back arching, you practically scream his name. Creaming all over his cock and you realize he’s not wearing a condom and it makes it even sweeter.
“Can I - fuck. Can I cum inside of you, chérie?” He asks, panting as he leans over you. His eyes fluttering closed as he bites down on your neck, trying to control himself as you squeeze his cock, soaking him and his entire body shakes as he tries to control himself and not cum inside of you without you saying yes.
“Yes! Fuck yes, Ezra cum inside me. Please cum inside me.” It’s borderline pathetic how desperate you sound but you reach back to grab his hip. “Fuck baby, fill me up.”
He can’t deny you anything, thrusting deep as he cums, painting your walls as the deep groan of your name bounces off of your bedroom walls. “Oh my fuck-” He chokes, cock pulsing as he slumps over you, filling you up with his hot seed.
The whine you let out is low, pleased, as he fills you up. Loving the slow rolls of his hips while he pumps every last drop into your cunt. Knowing you will be leaking him for hours while at work. “Fuck-I, no more condoms.” You pant. “Just like this, every time.”
Ezra kisses along your neck, unable to believe you trust him enough to cum inside of you. He’s never had that with a client but the line is blurring. You are no longer a client, you’re more than that and it terrified him. “Fuck yes. So good.” He murmurs and pulls out of you with a hiss. He grabs your panties, helping you step into them and pulls them up to keep his cum inside of you, stopping it from dripping on the floor. “You need to get to work, baby doll.” He smacks your ass before he pulls your skirt down.
Turning around, you press your lips to his again. It’s crazy how deeply you feel for him but you know that his time is money. As it is, you feel like you’ve taken advantage. “Let me know when you’re free again.” You murmur, straightening up so you can fix your appearance for work. “I would like to see you again soon.” Like tonight, but you don’t say that. You don’t want to be clingy.
“Me too.” Ezra murmurs, knowing he needs the $300 rate you agreed but he wants to say fuck the money and continue kissing you. However, he has obligations and when you step back to grab your purse, he feels dirty, he feels like he’s taking advantage of you. “Maybe tomorrow night. I have…I have an appointment tonight.” An older lady, a widow, who wants him to attend a function with him. He knows he will just be there to impress her friends but the money is too much to pass up. Maybe he can work on his writing this afternoon.
Taking out the bills, you fold them over and for a moment - fear that he is fucking you to make sure you come back floods your system. Making you falter for a moment before you press the bills into his hand and kiss his cheek. “I- I should leave.” You murmur, not sure of how to ask him to get dressed and leave with you. You aren’t together and you shouldn’t leave him in your apartment by himself.
Ezra nods, pulling up his trousers and tucking his shirt in before he shoves the money in his pant pocket. “I’ll see you soon, mon chérie.” He murmurs, kissing your cheek and he grabs his jacket while you lead him to the door. He knows you need to leave and he follows you out of your door. The elevator ride is silent and he watches you as you stare at the numbers on the screen. He wants to say something but what can he say? You want him for company and sex, he needs to push his silly feelings aside.
The doors open and you look up from your phone, stepping out into the lobby. “Thank you for last night.” You offer, wanting to kiss him but you aren’t sure about what you can do now that you’ve paid him for his time. Your phone beeps and you sigh, looking down at it. “I’m sorry, I am so late. Ask the doorman to get you a car if you need one.” You flash him a smile and turn around to hurry toward the doors that lead to where your car is waiting. 
Ezra watches you go with a sigh, knowing you just want him when you aren’t working. He needs to control his emotions and be professional. That’s what you are doing and he must follow suit. 
You snuggle into his chest, the morning light shining through the window and Ezra caresses your spine as you sleep against him. He didn’t get a lot of sleep, too busy thinking about work. Too busy thinking about you. You’ve been paying him to stay at your place for the past month, going out for dinners, you even took him to a work event. Three hundred dollars for every night he spends with you and you’ve spent a lot of money. He hates it and today, he’s going to end it. He can’t keep taking your money. You stir against him and he kisses your hair, “morning, chérie.”
A soft, sleepy smile starts on your face as you turn your head. Mornings with Ezra are amazing and you have slept better and been more relaxed than you ever remember being. It’s sad that you have to pay for a man that you’ve fallen in love with, but you understand it. Time is money and you knew that the first time you slept with him. “Morning.” You hum, scooting up to press your lips to his. “Hmmm, what time is it?” 
“It’s ten. You slept in. Someone must’ve kept you up all night long.” Ezra teases, pressing his lips to yours once more until he remembers that he has to end this. He sighs, shifting off of the bed. “My damn arm has gone dead. Let me - I need to piss.” He says, pulling away from you as he shuffles into the bathroom. He doesn’t know how he’s going to end this, it’s going to destroy him but it’s for the best. When he comes out, you are sitting up in bed, still sleepy and yet so gorgeous. “I’ll make you some coffee.” He says as he grabs his pants, pulling them on so he can have this conversation with you.
You rub your eyes, a little confused at why Ezra is rushing out of the bed. Although it’s late, you have been spending hours in bed on the weekends before you finally get up and venture out to get brunch. There’s something odd about it and it makes your stomach flutter nervously as you slide out of bed and grab your robe to tie around you before you make your way to the kitchen. “Do you want to go out and get coffee? Some breakfast?” You ask, coming over to kiss his bare back as he stands in front of your coffee maker. His back tenses and you slowly pull away, thinking he is having some pain this morning. Sometimes his scars ache. 
Ezra doesn’t respond as he works on fixing you a cup of coffee. “No. I, uh, I can’t go out for brunch today. I have…other obligations.” He lies and you frown, stepping back from him. 
“Oh. I, uh, okay.” You swallow harshly and he bites his lip as he watches you walk over to your purse on the counter. “I can pay you now. Let you leave and we can - we can see each other tomorrow.” You aren’t happy but what can you do? You can’t force him to stay. 
“No.” Ezra says, his voice almost wavering but he manages to remain strong. “I don’t - I don’t want your money and I can’t - I can’t see you again.”
“Oh.” Your heart breaks with his words and immediately you are trying to fight back tears. It’s stupid that you had gotten in so deep with this man when it was only supposed to be one evening, one stupid New Year’s party. “I see.” You manage to keep your voice steady and you turn to pull out the crisp, three one hundred dollar bills and you lay them on the counter for him. “Take the money, you spent last night with me.” You insist before you set the bag down. “I- I need to - excuse me.” You rush back towards your bedroom, needing to lock yourself in the bathroom for a moment so you don’t do something stupid like begging him to stay.
Frowning as you rush off, Ezra looks back towards the door you just slammed. He shakes his head, suddenly pissed that you are just dismissing him without even talking about it. He knows he’s the one ending this arrangement but that’s because of his feelings for you. You just seem to not give a fuck. That makes him furious. He stomps over to your door, banging on it. “You can’t just lock yourself away. I- is that it? We’re done?” He asks you through the door, leaning against it as he sighs, his heart breaking.
Inside the bathroom, you cover your mouth with your hand, tears pouring down your face. “What do you want, Ezra?” You sob. “Is this- I don’t understand.” Your heart feels like it’s about to explode and all you want is to be left alone so you can wallow in your misery. “Is it a shakedown for more money?” You didn’t think it was all fake, but maybe he had just been using you. Maybe this was to try to get you to offer him more.
He hates hearing you cry and he’s so mad that you think this is because he wants more money. “More money? Are you fucking joking with me, baby doll? I don’t give a shit about the money. I- I can’t keep taking your money when I- it’s not just work anymore. It never was. Not since the moment I met you. It’s never been an arrangement for me. Chérie, it’s always been for pleasure, because you’re incredible. I - I can’t keep taking your money when I’m in love with you. It’s not right and it’s best that I walk away now. I know you just wanted company and I’m the moron who caught feelings and it’s not fair to push that onto you.”
His confession just makes you sob harder, confused and hurt by all of this. Especially the suddenness of him not wanting to be with you anymore. “Don’t lie, Ezra!” You shout, curling your arms around yourself to try to provide some small comfort. “I know- I know that you were just doing your job. I know that the only way I would get to be with you was if I paid you. Why-” You voice breaks and you gasp out a sob of heart wrenching pain. “Why do you think I kept paying you? It’s the only way I could spend time with you! Stop making fun of me.”
Ezra frowns, “what - what the fuck are you talking about? Please. Please can you come out of there so I can talk to you properly? I’m not making fun of you, my love. I - I want to be with you. I just - you kept paying me and I - I’m a scoundrel and shouldn’t have taken your money. I’ll give every cent back to you. Just - just please, let me see you one last time before I go. I can’t - I know you don’t love me. I’ll go.”
You don’t want to, you don’t want to confront him. You’ve never been good in relationships, never wanted to fight or deal with the heartbreak associated with it. You would rather just leave, let him go but he’s in your house right now. Stumbling to the door, you know you look horrible with tears running down your cheeks and your nose running but you can’t care right now. You open the door and you can’t even look at him, staring down at your feet. “Please stop.” You beg him softly. “I know- I know I’m stupid but stop pretending.” You hiccup and try to wipe away your tears. “You don’t want to be with me, I know that. So just- go if you want.” 
Ezra’s heart breaks at your confession and he can’t stop himself from reaching out to cup your cheeks. “My love, oh mon chérie. You are - please - seeing you cry has me damn near ready to beat myself up.” He tenderly wipes your tears with his thumbs, forcing you to look at him. “I don’t want your money. I want you. I love you. I’m - I’m a fool to let this arrangement have carried on for this long but I need you to know that I am madly in love with you and if you don’t feel the same, I will walk out that door. I will return your money. I cannot take it. I did not need to be paid for a single moment of this time together.”
Your chin trembles and wobbles while new tears spill over your lashes. Wanting so badly to believe him but why would he say he couldn’t see you anymore? “I- then why can’t you see me?” You ask. “I- I always want you here. I love you, Ezra. It’s why I’ve wanted you here. Everyday, I - I’ve wanted you. I paid you because I- I thought it was the only way I could have you.” 
He’s dumbstruck when you tell him you love him, taking a few moments to respond to you. “Why would you love me? I- I’m a monster. I- I don’t have a proper career. I spend my nights as a date for elderly women and I am not good enough for you.” He admits with a whisper, wiping away the new tears. “You deserve better than me.”
“I hate whoever told you that you’re a monster.” You hiss, shaking your head still cupped in his hands. Your own hands find his sides and you pull him closer. “You're not. You are a man who gives older ladies companionship and friendly banter, letting them feel young and wanted again.” You know he’s not sleeping with anyone else, you’ve actually met a few of his clients when you’ve been out to dinners. They are all sweet, lonely women who can pay for his company. “You are a writer, and a good one. Your book will be a bestseller, I know it.” The conversation has shifted focus and you find yourself defending him to him. “Why do I deserve better than the man I love?” 
Ezra swallows harshly, tears stinging in his eyes, and he leans in to press his forehead against yours. “Can you forgive me, mon chérie? For talking about leaving? I didn’t want to leave. I- I love you. I love you and I don’t want to go. I want you. If you can accept me as I am, I want you.” He murmurs, kissing your nose.
“There is nothing to accept, Ezra.” You close your eyes and try to catch your breath. “I love you, just as you are. I- you are perfect to me.” He never got upset at you when you worked at home, always let you finish up while he lounged beside you on his own computer or watched TV. Never tried to get you to change. Why would you want to change him?
He smiles, exhaling shakily then he presses his lips to yours, sweet but passionate as he breathes you in. He pulls back after a moment, “I love you, chérie. I love you more than life itself. I thank whatever deity is above that you called me for that New Year party. You’ve - you make me feel whole and accepted and loved. I could spend a lifetime repaying you for that.”
“I love you.” Now that you’ve said it, it’s almost second nature to repeat it. Addicted to the way it sounds when you tell him. “I- God, you don’t know how much you mean to me.” You promise, hugging him close and hiccuping again.
Ezra keeps his arm wrapped around your waist, smiling as you enter the ballroom for your company’s annual New Year party. Last year, you hired Ezra to come with you and now, he stands proud beside you. His book is now published and on the bestseller list like you predicted and he’s given up his escorting, now deciding to spend his nights with you and only you. “Have I told you you look gorgeous tonight, chérie?” He asks when you are standing at the bar, waiting on your champagne.
“Only when you tried to convince me to stay home and allow you to peel off my dress early.” You tease, leaning in and stealing a kiss. He’s officially moved in and every morning you wake up in his arms feels like a miracle. The second bedroom has been turned into his office, allowing him space to write and create. Often when you come home from work, you will sit on the sofa there and go through your emails while he finishes his self imposed writing limit. “But it pales in comparison to how handsome you are.”
Ezra bites his lip, staring at you and unable to believe how lucky he is to have you. You accept all of him, scars and blemishes, all of him. "Marry me." He blurts out, his dark eyes fixed on yours while you lean against the bar.
Rocking back, your eyes widen in surprise. “Ezra- what?” You forget how to breathe for a second and all you can hear is a slight buzzing in your ears. “I- you’re joking, right?” Ezra shakes his head, knowing it wasn’t the most articulate proposal in history, but he’s not joking. “You-you want me to marry you?” You whisper, unable to believe that this is actually happening. 
He clears his throat, reaching for your hands, and he turns you towards him. “Mon chérie, I- I adore you. I wake up and am beyond grateful that you are in my arms. I never thought I’d find someone like you. I never imagined being with a woman like you after coming back from the war. I love you, I want you to be mine. I want you to be my wife. Marry me.” He requests and lets go of your hands to reach into his pocket. “I planned to do this later but I- I can’t wait.” He opens the small velvet box, displaying the simple yet impressive diamond he had purchased for you.
Gasping softly, your hand covers your mouth as you stare at the perfection that Ezra has picked out for you. Making tears spring to your eyes as you imagine marrying this man. Something that you never thought was in the cards for you. “Yes!” You cry after a moment, laughing and flustered. “Yes, I will marry you.” Lunging forward, you throw your arms around him and kiss him fervently. “I love you.”
He wraps his arms around you, the ring box in his hand and he grins against your lips until he is pecking them over and over. “I love you.” He murmurs your name and takes the ring out of the box, sliding it onto your finger. Others have noticed the scene and are applauding, including your bosses who orders a bottle of champagne for you and Ezra. 
“Congratulations. Who would’ve thought you’d be getting engaged tonight?” Your boss winks at Ezra who chuckles, having emailed your boss to ask for the band to play your favorite song - the song that was playing during your first dance a year ago. 
The song begins to play and Ezra takes your hand, guiding you to the dance floor. “I want to show off my beautiful fiancée.” He smiles, pulling you into his arms and he begins to sway with you to the music while your entire company watches, the ring on your finger glistening. You have tears in your eyes when you rest your head on Ezra and he kisses your hair. You had hired him a year ago to pretend to be your boyfriend and tonight, you’ll be leaving with him as your fiancé.
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pedroshotwifey · 6 months
Wifey's Christmas Countdown 2023 - A Collection
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Happy holidays, friendos! These will be posted once a day at 9:30 am est every day dec. 1 - 24th and will contain a mixture of smut, fluff, angst, and mentions of Christmas. I hope you enjoy! 💚❤️💚
I also want to put it out there that I am using this challenge to experiment with some of the tropes/kinks that I haven't worked with just yet. Not all of the fics will be for experimental purposes, but a select few will contain "unpopular" kinks/tropes/whatever (dead dove, mommy kink, ect.), so please just keep in mind that people have the right to like what they like and there is no shame in that. If you don't like it, don't read it. That said, I would love some positive feedback so I know what to write more of! Thank you lovelies!! <3
🍷- Smut
✨ - Fluff
🖤 - Angst
🎄 - Christmas or mentions of Christmas
Day 1 - mistletoe - Javi P. (1k) ✨🎄mentions🍷
Day 2 - Din Djarin - Shower sex (960) 🍷 ✨
Day 3 - Christmas shopping - Jack Daniels/Whiskey (1.5k)🍷✨🎄
Day 4 - Joel Miller - Love confession (1.7k) ✨🎄
Day 5 - fake relationship - Marcus Pike (1.5k) 🍷✨🎄
Day 6 - Javier Peña - Forced orgasm (908) 🍷🖤
Day 7 - christmas lights - Jack Daniels/Whiskey (1.6k) 🖤✨🎄
Day 8 - Maxwell Lord - Mommy kink (2.1k) 🍷✨
Day 9 - holiday baking - Dieter Bravo (1.4k) 🍷✨🎄
Day 10 - Marcus Moreno - Sex pollen (1.1k) 🍷
Day 11 - too much eggnog - Frankie Morales (975) ✨ some🎄&🖤
Day 12 - Javi Gutierrez - High sex (1.4k) ✨🍷
Day 13 - snuggles - Joel miller (549) ✨
Day 14 - Oberyn Martell - Lingerie (1.4k) ✨🍷
Day 15 - presents - Frankie Morales (1.5k) ✨🎄🍷
Day 16 - Dieter Bravo - In public (1.1k)🍷
Day 17 - mulled wine - Joel Miller (1.7k) ✨🍷🎄
Day 18 - Frankie Morales - Restraints (1k) 🍷🎄
Day 19 - naughty or nice - Joel Miller (1.3k)🎄🍷✨
Day 20 - Dave York - Noncon (2.2k) 🍷🖤 DDDNE
Day 21 - christmas movie - Marcus Pike (863) ✨🎄
Day 22 - Ezra Prospect - Tentacles (1.2k) 🍷
Day 23 - foodcoma - Jack Daniels (673) 🍷✨
Day 24 - DBF - Joel Miller (884) ✨🎄🍷
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
The Brave, the Bold, The Dirty - Fanfics that I adore
Volume 4
All fanfics on this list are for readers age 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they're there so you know what's in them. Read at your own risk.
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A Slice of Life Day by @linzels-blog (Din Djarin x GN reader)
Bakers are killing it with Pedro boys this holiday season. Our reader shows the clan of two how to bake some goodies for Life Day. Cue all the feels.
Loser by @kiwisbell (Frankie "Catfish' Morales and Fem reader)
The reader is friends with Frankie and helps him celebrate his birthday. Teaching Frankie is it's own reward as he's a hands-on and enthusiastic student. Catfish needs all the help he can get.
Exposed by @maggiemayhemnj (Ezra x GN reader)
Out of a haze, feelings that neither of them thought were reciprocated were made clear, as were events from before things became murky. It reads like an epic poem.
Face to Face by @bluebeary-jay (Din Djarin x Fem Mandalorian reader)
The reader and Din are riduurs, as such the helmets can come off. But are they ready? All the fluffy fluff.
Frankie & Din by @avastrasposts (Din Djarin x Frankie Morales)
Who would have ever pictured these two meeting? It's genuinely sweet and funny. They should have their own sitcom with Grogu "Two Pilots and a Foundling."
Don’t Drink the Punch by @wildemaven (Dave York x Fem reader)
Soft Dave York needs his own warning. He does make boring work parties 100 times better. Complements to the tie.
Watercolor by @iamskyereads (Pero Tovar x Fem reader)
The reader hopes to one day capture the Knight she pictures fore herself in her sketches. Taking over for the bath girl was an enlightneing experience.
Sex on Fire by @katiexpunk (Firefighter Joel x Fem reader)
The reader had moved to New York into her aunt's apartment. Her aunt was neighbor's with Joel, now she is. Let the burn start.
You Belong With Me by @lowlights (Dieter Bravo x plus size Fem reader)
Let no one ever tell you that Dieter Bravo wouldn't give all the toys you want. Any type of toys you asked for, and will ensure you try out every single one.
At the Garden Inn by @batdarkladyvampir (Dieter Bravo x curvy Fem reader)
The reader is a manager of a B&B in Arizona. Not a place one would expect to see Dieter Bravo. She didn't expect that Bravo would take more than a liking to her either.
Sky Drabbles by @frenchiereading (Frankie Morales x Fem reader)
The sky keeps changing and so do the reader's and Frankie's feelings for each other. They roll on like the clouds, growing into something more maybe? Might find out beyond the horizon.
Linger On by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Joel Miller x fem reader)
To the reader, Joel is like a bad penny, he keeps popping up. Maybe she wants him to, maybe she's mad that she wants him to. All the angst. Rambler's a master at it.
Resting Eyes by @frenchiereading (Joel Miller x fem reader)
Frenchie is having a blog milestone celebration 🎉 A cozy celebration. I sent her an ask with a Pedro boy and a prompt (reader and Joel reading aloud to each other) and this sweet domestic fic is what she created with that little of information. I love her ❤️ I am biased, but this applies to the entire list (maybe Frenchie a smidge more 😘)
Yours by @wheresarizona (Dave York x fem reader)
Hot smut + possessive Dave with a generous slathering of Soft Dave. Read this and enjoy, you'll thank your eyes later.
White Christmas by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Dieter Bravo x fem reader)
Not everyone has happy holidays with their family because it's more stress than it is worth. So get away from it all and diddle your Dieter fast, slow, rough, with a dash of red or however you enjoy your diddles. Diddle deep and scream. 😝 Stay hydrated 💦
Give to me by @sp00kymulderr (Dieter Bravo x fem reader)
Dieter Bravo has feelings, a lot of them about our reader. He's running through them in the aftermath of the night before. He's all in, consumed and doesn't want to talk about it. Just wants more time. So sweet.
Please check out the fics on the list and support them by liking and reblogging. Authors enjoy interactions about their work. 🤓
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0celesteisthebest0 · 6 months
Floating in Space
Summary: Trapped in an enclosed ship with a stranger you've barely met, what could possibly go wrong?
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Word count: 5,099
Pairing: Ezra x female reader (no y/n)
Authors notes: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO @julesonrecord !!!! from your Pedrostories Secret Santa :) I do hope you enjoy this dear friend and I hope your holiday season is calm and peaceful! I had so many ideas going into this and I really am happy with how this turned out so I hope you feel the same way. Thank you for @pedrostories for putting this event together and making this so fun and joyous for everyone involved.
Warnings: Porn with Plot?, face riding, cum eating, P in V, enemies to lovers? (they’re mean to each other and then they aren't), man handling, one bed trope, lots of sci-fi terms, and explicit language
Vibrancy shimmered through the gem as you angled them in the light. The delicacy of this small piece of pressurized rock always throws you off. How can something so small and insignificant change the course of your life.
Aurelac, a small jewel, so powerful in the Bakhroma system. This power doesn't only extend to one system or even governmental regime, it extends through bargaining between prospectors.
You didn't use that ability too often, afraid that you'd end up stiffed at the end of the exchange. Mostly when you traveled off world your confined yourself to your own little space. Maneuvering yourself out of risky situations was easy when you avoided any sign of prospectors on outer rim planets and you would often choose the emptier planet. Places like the green moon were of no interest to you. Too much variables that you could not predict.
It often lead you to areas just out of that satellites reach, somewhere where the sling back would take days to respond to movements. It wasn't as lush and full of dust as the green but it didn't mean it wasn't any less dangerous.
Especially with moments like these where you didn't have any thick trees covering you or a partner to cover your back. Tension rolled over your shoulders after successfully extracting your final aurelac stone. But you could still feel something over your shoulder, a sensation that made the middle of your shoulders pinched. With moments like these you had to suppress the feelings of flight that your body was pushing on you, to scurry away from any encounter.
So you slowly breathed in and deposited your treasure into a small safe. Shoving the safe into your pack, you looked at your surroundings slowly, checking whether their was someone or something really looking over you.
The barren land stood still as you lifted yourself from the soft soil. Not even the dust of the moons blew for you, it seemed that everything from the voice channels to the sounds of nature was quiet today.
There was always an association with quietness, an inner peace was achieved through silence. But living in a world of deep space, silence was often a suffocating force, pushing a harbinger of disaster and decay.
Only being able to feel your uneasy breathing didn't soothe your nerves. Pacing back to the security of your ship is the only way for this silence to go away, a place where you didn't have to constantly look over your shoulder to be sure someone wasn't there to hurt you.
The large strides did nothing to quell your beating heart, the gusts of hot breath fogged your suit, blurring your vision until all you saw was faded foliage leaking and blending into the colors of the auburn sky.
Crackling of the radio channels connected to the suit overlapped against the harsh steps of your suits boots. Uneasy connection kept fading in and out and you stopped trekking the hill that your ship was landed on, wanting to hear what might've been following you on this far away moon.
Hoping it wasn't a proposition for the gems you just extracted, you turned to knob of your helmet against your better judgement.
The slight turn made an enchanting baritone voice fill the confines of your helmet.
"The gleam of your eyes besiege me my dear, for I have traveled to see beauties and all I see is you. The sky above you has the pleasure to preen and plume under your ethereal glow, oh how Kevva has forsaken me for not guiding me to your loving gaze sooner. "
You stood frozen to your spot, heart racing from much more than a flight or fight response. This has to be a trick against you, a ploy to keep you off your path back to the pug, to the worries of your life that beckon your attention. Yet here you were getting lured by the siren's call of enchantment and passion.
Maybe the loneliness has finally driven you mad, there was no way that your mind wasn't playing tricks on you. Turning every direction to see whether you were experiencing some delirium from the constant trips you were making to pay of debts and loans you've taken from people on the pug.
In the distance you think you could see a figure going towards you. Backing away, you decided it was best to run from the immediate danger of an unknown entity trying to seduce you into the unknown.
"Run!" The same voice from before echoing a much more grim sentiment. Just one single word sent immediate shivers down your spine and that made your jog turn into a full sprint to the safety of your ship.
Sharp and quickening exhales of shaky breathe was stinging your lungs, the harsh land was crumbling under your boots made the ground uneasy. The following steps made you sink into the floor, your leg getting caught in the underbrush of the dead trees.
Stuck, unable to move, unable to breath without the sting of your lungs hurting your chest. The upcoming danger of what's been following you now has caught you in it'd trap. Your loneliness has officially trapped you.
You did your best to try to pull away from the thick roots but all it did was pull at your ankle.
"Fuck!", You were gasping for air at this point and it didn't matter to you that your voice could be heard from the voice channels.
"While I do appreciate your posthaste following of instructions, I did not mean for your to run and trip." The crackling sounded much closer than it originally did and a heavy weight started to pull at your leg, cutting at the roots of the underbrush. Whoever this predator of the moon was, they were pulling at your arm to try and get you up from your dismay. Your body on instinct turned to dead weight. There was a grunt from your efforts to not get picked up and finally there was a huff heard in your ear.
"Movement is indeed appreciated but it seems to me that you have already accepted a fate that has not been written yet. So I urge you to get up before you truly lack the ability to do so. " His words didn't sound as harsh as his tone came across, so you acted accordingly to his final warning.
"I'd appreciate it if you kept your hands off me," he was helping you, yes, but it meant nothing in the larger schemes of things. Especially since he was the voice from before, this could all be a trap if you aren't careful.
His hands lifted in surrender and slowly inched away from you, despite that he seemed to be constantly looking over his shoulder for something.
"I do believe introductions should come after we move away from this clearing. There is something out there and despite my demeanor I do not take kindly to strangers." The mysterious man started to move up the hill not waiting for you to move with him. With no other choice, you caught up with him, your breath still trying to recuperate itself. "Now where is your ship."
You stopped and turned to him, the worries of before vanishing with that very statement.
"My ship? I'm not letting you on my ship. " You eyed at the stranger, waiting for any movement.
"If it's a death wish you crave, so be it. I have no desire to escape death twice," annoyance tinting his static filled voice. "Make it easier for yourself and give me your starter."
Ever-growing exhaustion stung the muscles of your legs, but you did as you do best and ran.
You could get to the ship before this stranger took your only home away from you.
Pushing yourself to the top of the hill, your battered up ship shined bright in the Bakroma sun. Salvation was only a couple of steps away, you could feel the soft material of your small cot on your skin.
The only skin contact your feeling right now is a harsh shove to the ground by the unwelcomed stranger. His body encompassed yours fully, you could hear him heaving in frustration.
"Now I do appreciate a good chase but I am quite sick of this game." His arms pinned your wrist, his helmet bumping into yours awkwardly. Big brown eyes leered at you, shining brighter than any aurelac gem you've ever seen. You couldn't quite look away from his steely gaze, even if he looked like he wanted you dead.
"This is a sick game you're playing, at sweet talk one minute, larceny the next," it was a ploy you knew it. But you still at least wanted some confirmation that he was doing all this for your treasuries.
His tension lessened at your words and immediately he let go of your wrists.
"Are you seriously, you're just going to let me-" he shushed you and looked towards the distance, way beyond your ship. Vines curling and expanding against the dying environment, with every gust of wind, the vines moved into shapeless lifeforms. The planet breathing into something chaotic and unsightly.
Beings that moved and breathed the planets life twitched and curled the thorny vines in your direction. Slithering to grab and pull you into the very planet, the thought of that made the planet quake underneath you.
No words were exchanged between you two strangers but it was either immediate death or uncomfortable survival. Picking the ladder, you grabbed onto the strangers arms and started tumbling towards your ship.
The vines seemed to grow around you two, almost encapsulating you in it's greenery. Shoving and pushing each other into the little ships door, the vines snapped and tried to pull your bodies closer to it's earth, luckily escaping with a resounding slam of the door.
Sprinting into action was all you could do as you went to the control board of your ships and charted your way back to the pug. The ship hummed to life as you punched your destination and guided the wheel upwards.
Unlike most freeing pushes of air the ship leaks out, the creaking of restraint pushed you into a further frantic state. Increasing the rate of the ignition did nothing to move you anywhere close to the atmosphere, you were at a stand still, no where to go and no ability to move.
Despite the ongoing frustration building in your throat, the stranger once again pushed you from your chair.
"This is a T9-27 I presume, the caliber can out do the resistance of the the creature with just a crank from the- " you knew where he was going with this and immediately tried to stop the ship from imploding within itself. But as your hands were reaching towards his, metallic crushing was making the ship lean against the ground, the past height that reached is now just sinking into the ground.
In a last ditch effort, your pulled on the crank, making the dying engine roar. Emergency signals turned the ships interior a bright and blinking red and white, telling you to stop this plan before it even started. All your craved now was salvation so the words that tumbled out of your mouth were purely from a need to survive.
"Increase the altitude! " you yelled as you scurried off to the other side of the ship, trying to increase the coolants to the engine by twisting and turning knobs in hopes that you wouldn't crash. Thankfully the stranger pushed your ship to its limits and got the sputtering engine to lift itself higher into the stars.
Clunking of the vines still were heard but as you got farther and farther into the cosmos the remnants of the earth seemed to burn up behind you.
Slumping on the floor of your ship, your adrenaline was mixing with your pure exhaustion of the situation. You couldn't really give yourself a moment of peace either since now you are harboring an unwanted stranger in the confines of your ship. Eyeing the man warily, you looked at how he grew comfortable in the seat of your ship. This broad shoulders stretching and leaning to handle the modules controls. Crackling of the ships audio, made you focus on your knew potential predicament.
"Slingbacks operation system is at a halt, no request will be carried out till a full cycle. Thank you for your services and do continue using the slingback." The automated voice rung out through your ship, repeating itself in a constant loop. Getting annoyed with its third repeat, you went up to the main console system and put the channel on mute.
"Well friend, it seems to me we have time to get to know each other. A prospector with a ship is a mighty rich thing to find here in the fringeling. Why aren't you in greener parts, somewhere where aurelac isn't just under the surface? " The questions were a tad to uncomfortable for your taste. Ignoring them seemed like the best option at the moment, so you turned away from him to the little nook you called your room. You needed to get rid of your suit and put something more comfortable on.
Despite your deliberate ignoring of his questions, he still moved towards where you went to letting the ship run on autopilot. Rummaging through your cabinets, you tried to find your crew neck sweater to replace the sweaty clothes underneath the suit.
"I go by Ezra, do you have a name or are you not the talking type? Arguing seems like more of your strong suit if anything but that is simply just an observation on my part. Do you live on this vessel, that is a mighty interesting cot you have their, it has enough room for a guest if you would be so kind." You huffed a little at his insistence to insert himself to the fragile ecosystem that is your ship.
"I have slurry packs that you can have and the bathroom is at your disposal. Everything else is off limits," you stated quite sternly and proceeded to haphazardly take off your suit.
"What hospitality you give so graciously, I must humbly ask if you can spare a blanket for the cold floor, if you so please." His sarcasm was chockful in his statement and you felt like immediate groan slip from your lips.
"I am not going to share my bed with a stranger who is potentially trying to take my treasures from me." You didn't turn towards him as you said your peace, you simply just grabbed an extra blanket and gave it to him. "Now excuse me, I have to change. "
Ezra's movements were slow, but his words didn't seem to match his pace.
"This loneliness must kill you. Spending all these cycles alone without a companion. It makes sense to your harsh attitude towards someone who was trying to help." That alone set you off.
"Please, you act as if you know every little thing about me. How can I have a companion if their is no trust between prospectors. Of course I'm not going to have faith in you, all the encounters I've had with people on the fringe range from trying to kill me or trying to steal from me." This time you turned around, you had to face him headfirst to show him you meant business. "Especially with that stunt you were trying to pull before the planet started attacking us, I have every right not to trust you!"
Ezra's lips twisted, he finally had nothing to retort back at you, his brows seemed to furrow at your implication that he tried to trick you in some way. Huffing at his lack of response you grabbed your clothes and wondered to the bathroom to see if you could change in peace without a constant presence surrounding you.
A quick slip in and out of clothing, you tucked the sweat filled clothes in the tiny hamper you left in the room. Unease filled your stomach as you turned to the door out of the restroom. Wishing you had a moment alone again was all you hoped for but the stars above you were often cruel forces. So you pushed yourself out, trying to not make eye contact with Ezra. His chatter returned once you made it into his field of vision though and he seamed to want to continue your previous argument.
"I pulled no stunt on you to get to your ship or your treasures. I needed refuge from the thing that was calling out there. If anything I was lured into your trap, you were calling my name for help and stupidly I followed. " You scrunched your face in confusion what does he mean that you pulled him into a trap?
"I never called for help. You were the one practically flirting with me through the channel, getting me distracted!" You poked at his chest, noticing that he took off his suit and remained in a simple black tank top and trousers. A single tan arm caught your attention, there were scars from his prospecting adventures but his most prominent scar seemed to be replaced with a metallic arm.
"You seem distracted right now," he grinned at you, enjoying the long looks at his body. "Care to share what my imposter said to get you off your course?"
"It was nothing. Quite frankly it was unimportant if you weren't the one saying it. " If Ezra wasn't the one saying it than who was?
"Well it is mighty important to me if it got the two of us stuck in this situation, so why not divulge me in my curiosity and tell me what I didn't say?" He moved closer to you, slightly crowding your space, you were close enough to notice his crescent moon scar.
Trying to brush aside any feelings from before, you wanted to figure out the potential mystery of what attacked you both on the lonely moon. Ezra seemed more entranced by the idea of teasing you for whatever reason, but it is becoming distracting to say the least.
"Please, I think it's strange that the planet was able to interfere with the radio so easily maybe it could-" Your thoughts were caught off with the flickering off lights going one again but instead of the red from the overheating the counsels lights were flickering. "Fuck no!"
Removing yourself from Ezra's presence you ran to the main counsel to see what was going on and if your hasty decision to survive was the reason for your ships slow decline of disuse. The blinking monitor sent a message signaling that the temperature of the ship was going to shut down from the lack of coolant.
Sighing into your hands you have officially wished this day would be over, everything that could go wrong has happened. Footsteps of Ezra moved slowly close to you, his warm hand clasped over your shoulder and tried to soothe your fried nerves.
"If the only issue is temperature changes, we'll be able to survive with shared warmth." His statement lingered in the air and for what you've had to deal with today, the idea of being surrounded by another person's warm body sounds peaceful.
"I do only have one cot so if you have any objections with close proximity- "
"I have no qualms sweet star, now I only hope that you aren't mortified with having to share a space with a stranger." He eyed you, trying to see whether or not your previous feelings still carried weight because of revelations you have made or necessary circumstances that have occurred.
"As long as you aren't trying to take my aurelac or my ship again, then I won't bite." You promised him, a little uneasy about what possibly this could mean to you in the long run.
Ezra didn't seem phased by your acceptance, he just smiled a little wider and pulled your body closer to his. Warmth engulfing you like it never has before, Ezra maneuvering you to your small dwelling. Effortlessly he pulled your body so that it is snug against his, chest against chest, your eyes meeting his blown pupils that twinkled similar to the precious stone that you've extracted not long ago.
"I must say, whatever my imposter said to you couldn't have been so scandalous that you proceeded to fight with me any second you could get. So what was it that lead you to a rage with me, a complete stranger who came to your aid, " his hands roamed your back, exploring the new found touch that was previously limited to pushing you away.
"I didn't realize you were so touchy," his movements stilted a bit, now hesitant by any move.
"I can stop-"
"No-please don't. I just didn't expect it." His exploratory movements continued and the wall of distrust seemed to flicker. You know nothing about him, if he is true to his word or just blowing hot air and you could lie and tell yourself that this is all for your survival. The lowering temperatures can cause you both to freeze to death but it wouldn't be immediate. Yet you were here cuddled against a man whose warm body and broad arms seem to engulf any movement you made.
"You do not answer questions well do you?" He hummed, hands seemingly fixated on the small of your back.
"I don't answer questions that don't interest me," you stated plainly, letting your own hands wander against his chest, feeling the beat of his heart against your fingertips.
"Interesting philosophy, yet painfully fixated only on your perspective." You scoffed, his long lashes batted at you innocently as if he wasn't telling you that you were stuck on how you view things. " All I wonder is what the planet could've said to you to make our paths meet is all then I will shut my mouth and let you float away into sweet dreams."
Sleeping in such a warm and comfortable state seemed like a dream in itself, being embraced while drifting away was becoming more and more possible by the minute and Ezra wasn't too keen is stopping you. Yet the looming question still seems to circle his mind, maybe as a gift to him you'll just tell him what got you sidetracked and distracted.
"You-well the planet, it used your voice to call me pretty in a rather poetic way. Nothing scandalous just that," his eyes swooped down at your features, lingering on your lips until he met your eyes again.
"It was right, you are quite an ethereal beauty, there is no shame in admitting you were distracted by that." His calloused hand moved from your back to your face, tilting your chin up so he could see you in the muted light of your room. "Your beauty distracts, and I simply must devour it whole."
His kiss was searing, warmth that you felt from your fingertips to your center. Engulfing matter, devouring what it wanted from you and how you yearned for it to eat you up. Strangled gasps and groans shared between the two of you increased with the pressures and weight of each kiss. Incessant hands pull your body on top of his, slightly grinding against his groaning length.
Your whining elicits ad guttural groan from him and he began to babble on about something, hips pushing against yours.
"Ez-ra" your choked out moan stopped his blistering kisses, but it didn't stop his motor mouth from spewing everything that his mind supplied him.
"A treasure beyond the stars, I need to taste you, I need you rutting against my mouth until your begging and whining for me to stop. Fuck I need to know how you taste against my lips, something so sweet- " he trailed off, slowly losing himself with the feeling of you against him. Both you and him are too painfully touch starved to function.
The hand that isn't fixed on your hips, moves upwards to your stomach than to your breasts. His metallic hand cooling the bubbling heat that he created, kneading and pulling at your sensitive nipples. The shock of temperatures made you shiver and heave for more.
"Take off your clothes and ride my face sweet thing. I don't want to be able to talk because your beautiful cunt is stopping me from speaking." His hands reached for your shirt, taking it off swiftly same with your bra. Desperation growing between you, as you tried to pull his shirt off of him to feel more of his skin against yours. " Sweetness I need you naked first, you could have me however you like in a moment. "
Whining at the thought of taking him however you'd like, you complied with his request and started to strip yourself of any remaining clothes. Wetness leaked onto your inner thighs as you displayed yourself to him. His eyes grew darker and he instantly pulled your thighs to his face. His statement from before becoming a reality now as you hover over his face not wanting to crush him.
Ezra instantly did not care if you suffocated him or not and pulled your hips directly to his face and quickly started to lick up the wetness that started to gather around your opening. Your moans of surprise only seemed to spur him on and his tongue started the lap with more vigor. Eating you out nice and slowly was not his plan, he wanted to devour your whole being and you craved it. Craved it so much you started to grind against his face, needing mores simulation on your clit.
Whimpering a little from a need of more simulation you moved your hand away from the support of the cot and started to rub circles against your sloppy wet clit. Gasping at the added stimulation, the coiling feeling of pleasures expanding was ready to burst and Ezra seemed to notice with your unsteady thrusts. His hand reached for yours and held it to your hip. Then he started sucking on your clit with force, his only goal to make you come hard on his face.
Shakiness of your thighs and legs were signaling how close you were, how much you needed this and with a particularly harsh suck on your clit, your legs and thighs spasmed with release. Bright burst of lights flooded your senses, shimmering and lengthened by Ezra's insistent need to drink you fully.
Teetering on the edge of over stimulation Ezra flipped your slumped body firmly on the cot. Your tired back hit the familiarity of your cot and you instinctively reach out for him. You needed his warm skin against yours, anchoring you to the present where he touched you and made you feel worshiped.
Ezra stripped himself of his clothes and let your arms loop against his neck, his has fitting against your neck where he safely murmured his wants and needs to you. His plump lips sucking on the tender flesh of your neck making your hoarse voice cry out for him, needing him in any form he'd give himself to you. You just needed him.
"Need you inside-please," you moaned, hoping he'd fuck you so hard that you wouldn't have to think of the nauseating horror of the world outside your little bubble.
"Fuck-sweetheart, I'm a lot bigger than your used to. I gotta prep you so it doesn't hurt." You whined at that, you want him to be frantic just like before, not at all careful. Looking at what he meant by that you eyes his weeping tip, precum smearing down his cock. Drool escaped your lips at he beauty of him and you needed him inside you even more now.
"Please- you can go slow and fuck the tip in only," your fingers reached to your entrance, spreading them wide so he can see how bad you need it. Ezra couldn't help but whimper at the sight of you and finally tapped his shaft against your slightly overstimulated clit making you moan in the process. He slowly gathered the wetness, not quite going inside your entrance but tapping the tip on it.
Pumping his cock, you couldn't help but clench at the noise he made. He smiled at how shameless you've become in such short hours and he started to slowly insert the tip of his dick inside of you. He was following the instructions to a T and only fucking his fat tip in you, making you get used to the width before getting any more length in you.
You couldn't help but start to get antsy, you wanted everything now, you started to become greedy and your inhibitions continued to dissipate. You begged for more, tearing up because you weren't full of him yet.
"I thought you just wanted the tip sweetheart," Ezra teased, his previous frantic exterior has been reeled in just so he could tease your for being so needy. "You gotta ask nicely, be a good girl and tell me what you want. "
At this point your mind was swimming and begging for more pleasure, it wanted to drown in everything Ezra has to offer.
"Please I want-fuckk…I want you to fuck me, make me feel full." You tried to pull him closer but he stopped you in your tracks. Instead he slowly pushed himself inch by inch until he pulled himself out and start the process again. At this point you were drooling and the feeling of him going so deep only to feel empty again was killing you.
Ezra's teasing finally stopped once he pushed himself fully inside of you and started moving at that harsh pace. Wet noises and high moans fill the rooms as Ezra's pace continues to fold you in two. Slapping of skin and sweaty bodies overtake your senses and with the onslaught of his brutal pace your body tumbles into another orgasm before you can even register what the sensations you were feeling. Darkness covers your visions and after you clench around him he soon follows, coming inside you leaving you warm, the threat of cooling temperatures doesn't even feel possible anymore since you and Ezra have joined together as one.
Slowly and softly you felt like you faded into the vastness of the cosmos. You might be floating in the deep vacuum of space but you are tethered to a force that echoes and craves you.
It seems like you were stuck with Ezra and frankly you were more than okay with that.
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