#Guys what's takas fandom name?!
nerd-cat-rambles · 1 month
Me reading the same 5 Ishimondo comics off of Pinterest because these two are literal brainrot and I have no other hyperfixation as big as them, and they both died like 14 years ago when they could've had a house together and Taka would've been a farmer and Mondo would've been a carpenter and they would've had a dog and Chihiro would come over often and go on walks with them and they would achieve their dreams and............. *rambles*
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I want this to throw at a wall. (loveably of course) ⬆️
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ecogirl2759 · 6 months
Here's something interesting (maybe)-
So, a couple years ago, I got bored and was feeling sorry for Taka, as usual, when I decided I wanted to research something that was probably pointless.
Below the break here is an analysis of Trial 3 of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. I looked at some characters and wrote down things that I thought were noteworthy. Everything (other than the percentiles) has been untouched from my initial research (formatted for Tumblr).
Let me know if you guys have anything else that you think is interesting!
~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~
Trial 3
(Only gaining some info from nonstop debates)
Victim’s names weren’t mentioned until after 8 mins in
Victim’s often only called “it” or “corpse”
Only talks about Taka when it’s convenient
Hiro’s self-aware that he’s dumb
In talks about both victims, Hifumi seems to be brought up most
Most times Hifumi’s objectified is when he & Taka are lumped together
Hifumi referred to more, but as “he/him” (doesn’t fit criteria)
Taka often only referred to in cases of figuring out Hifumi
Lmao Tick Tock and Huffy
Most times Taka isn’t objectified is when they’re talking about his note
Celeste slandering dead Hifumi
After certain point, Taka’s barely brought up until closing
Taka mostly only referred to as “body” or “corpse”
Hifumi was accomplice, but Taka was/is important
# times name called: 63 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111|111
# times referred to as object: 56 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111|11
# times referred to total - 119 Ratio - 63:56 % objectified - 47.06%
# times name called: 104 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111|11111111111
# times referred to as object: 30 1111111111111111111111111111|11
# times referred to - 134 Ratio - 104:30 % objectified - 22.39%
| - Closing argument
After the trial:
Hifumi was completely manipulated
Celeste slandered Taka’s good name
“He forced me to steal her… He abused me [and] took pictures, saying he’d show everyone if I did not comply… He is going to use her to escape… He is going to kill you [just] so he can have her all to himself.”
God I hate Celeste
“Did you do it for the money?” “…That is not all there is to it.”
Celeste’s dream/goal was to live in a castle which she’d need money for
“Are you asking me to feel guilty? That’s a pointless endeavor.”
~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~
Whaddya think?
I knew at the time that people really didn't like how little Taka was brought up / mentioned during the trial, and I wanted to see if there was any merit to that.
I also feel like that last part where Celeste accuses Taka of... well yk what it is. That part is largely forgotten about or actively disregarded by Celeste stans and the Dangan fandom as a whole.
Props to Hifumi for sticking up for her, but uh... murder? Really?
Hifumi, really, just wanted to help. He thought he was doing something good, and I applaud that. Just... yk... murder?
Hope y'all get something meaningful out of this because I grabbed it and now I have NOTHING to do with it :(
Let's all suffer together :D
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picnokinesis · 2 months
(A mild panic on the topic of: This is not a question, oh god, this is NOT a question. This is a recommendation of a fandom at BEST.)
So I was reading a fic one day and my brain went very quickly in succession:
a) /Oh/, this is the good stuff
b) No wonder you think so, remember spydoc telepathy edition (And you, Taka, are like an ambassador of that land in my mind)
c) Actually many fics from this fandom are like this
d) Do we think…?
So I had two facts:
1. This is a thing someone I have a great respect for would probably enjoy.
2. There was no indication Taka has seen or engaged in the fandom of Pacific Rim. Despite its notoriety in this neck of the woods due to the concept of drifting in particular.
And what I am doing with those facts is telling you this. I think you are great and I think you would like the fics of Pacific Rim. So if you feel like checking it out, it’s very low effort on entrance. Only one movie to see. Or two. Depends who you ask.
Here are two excerpts to judge for yourself. (Is this a spoiler? I know people for whom this would be a spoiler. For me it’s a tester.)
1) What’s a Little B&E Between Friends? By VoiceOfNurse (Part 20, Chapter 1)
No need to reach for the void, when he was so complete, nestled up against the part of Them that was Hermann. 
Newt was aware, in as much as Hermann was aware. It was difficult to separate himself out, when Hermann’s mind was locked around him like a steel trap made of numbers and chalk dust and spite. They were one organism in two parts- four lungs, drawing breath, two hearts beating in time. There was cold, and there was pain, but it was far away. 
There is no room for (masters-monsters-precursors) here. They are (insects-vermin-insignificant) when faced with (memory-language-connection). We are (brilliant-unstoppable-rockstars). We are (music-logic-science). We are (Newt-and-Hermann) and they are nothing. 
2) What’s a Little B&E Between Friends? By VoiceOfNurse (Part 20, Chapter 2)
They were Drifting. Tendo couldn’t quite work out the whys and hows of it, especially now that he was being bitten to within an inch of his fucking life, but he was certain. He’d hurt Hermann by moving too fast, probably jostled the guy’s leg, actually, which was folded weirdly under him with Newt on top, but the closest set of teeth bit him. Newt wasn’t even conscious in the traditional sense of the word, but Hermann was. Hermann was, and apparently Newt’s teeth were available to rectify the situation. Newt’s urges, too, because Tendo didn’t really picture Hermann as a biter. 
HELLO MY FRIEND oh my days I'm SO sorry but I'm laughing so much because this probably happened because tumblr search function is useless but 'no indication' sksksksk, oh my sweet summer child: here's the pacific rim tag on my blog LMAO - or, even better, the entire pacrim au I came up with for s12 of doctor who one time. Also. Also. Buddy. This is so funny, I love you so much. Are you aware that I'm obsessed with the works of one of the biggest Pacific Rim fanfic writers ever? I did, to be fair, literally take their name off my blog description yesterday to replace it with Bloodywood instead, and I'm more on the Stargate Universe side of things these days - but cleanwhiteroom is one of my favourite authors, and I read Designations Congruent with Things before I touched any of their Stargate material. If, my dear anon, you've not heard of cwr, then I really highly recommend their stuff, but I'll add a link below and see if I can dig up the other fic that I really loved from back in the day. Thank you for the fic rec though!! Those excerpts look excellent haha, I shall check that fic out when I get chance because you're absolutely right I love that kind of thing.
(also, absolutely DELIGHTED that you read this sort of stuff and thought of me - that is SUCH an honour oh my days! Like...rancid spydoc telepathy ambassador....what a title, I'm dead chuffed at this haha bless you!)
I think this is just so funny to me because - you couldn't possibly know this, of course, but like you know where I got this from? This love for writing weird, messed up mental connections between people?
Pacific Rim fanfiction HAHAHAHAHA
(and, later SGU - but I mean, mostly just cleanwhiteroom tbh. I was 16yo and I imprinted okay. But there were also other fics too, and they had an influence. Guh, Newt/Hermann post-drift fics are PEAK man)
Okay but actually let me tell you the story of how I got into pacrim because I think it's hilarious. So most people get into fandoms by like, yknow. Watching the film, reading the book, seeing the show, etc. I mean, how else would you do it? I'll tell you how. I was pottering about on deviantArt, back in the the grand old year of - oh, it must have been 2014. 2015? Something like that. Anyway, I stumbled across some Newt and Hermann fanart, and I didn't know the fandom but I was intrigued and REALLY liked the artstyle (I think the artist was feriowind?) - anyway I went on their profile and was MORE intrigued when I found they'd done some gorgeous cover art for THIS FIC, which got me so curious that I decided to read it. Without having watched the film. What I did was: read the plot summary on wikipedia, watched a couple of newt and hermann fanvids/clips (LIKE THIS ONE) so I could see them/hear their voices right, and then just blitz on through the fic with google images open in another tab so I could google thing like 'the shatterdome' and 'the LOCCENT pacific rim' and stuff like that for visual reference SKKSSK. Damn this is a throwback, I'm having a great time. ANYWAY. Read the fic. Loved it. Read the sequel. LOVED IT. Started looking for more fanart and stuff like that - and found a bunch of people kept on mentioning this fic called Designations Congruent with Things. Searched it up, found it on ao3, read the first 6 chapters and it almost melted my brain LMAO so I stopped. Then I couldn't stop thinking about it and I came back to it and oh my days. Oh my days. It fully rewrote my brain and DAMN I was obsessed. By this point I was vibrating in place at the mere thought of actually SEEING THE FILM, YKNOW. The film I'd read hundreds of thousands of words of fanfic about. Anyway, my friend who got secret santa for me that year literally had the easiest job on the planet HAHAHAHA so I watched it on Christmas Day and it was so so funny because like. You probably are aware of how much damn lore this film has. Like I knew the names of most of the jaegers that aren't even mentioned in the movie, I knew about Caitlin Lightcap and Sergio D'onofrio, but I had NO IDEA what was extended canon and what was fanon and what was actually. Y'know. In the film. So when I watched it I was like BUT WHERE'S LIGHTCAP for most of it HAHAHAH, but yeah it was great. SO GREAT. Guh I love the concept of the drift SO SO MUCH it's absolutely fascinating and just. AHH!! So so good.
Anyway. Absolutely losing it, bless. Sorry this is all over the place, I'm very tired but my goodness. Yes. Talk to me about drift bonds any day of the week, I'm here for it. If you want cleanwhiteroom fics, you can find them here. I linked the other one above, but there were a couple of others I read too...like I read a LOT of fics, and this was before I had an ao3 account rip so I don't have it in my fic reading history. There was one called Occam's Razor that I read a lot of, but I don't think I finished it. OH but I also liked this one (that i thought I found but it turned out to be the wrong one, am looking again now lol), from after Pacific Rim 2!! Which, as a film, I mostly consider to just be like. A fanfic with an exceptionally high budget ksksksks so yknow. I don't hate it because I don't consider it canon as much as I consider anything outside the original film canon. ANYWAY LOVE YOU
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takaispog · 1 year
Intro :]
Wanted to make one because my beloved partner did so hi!! I'm Taka, but I also go by Blake or Peter. [preference order; Taka, Peter, Blake]
I use he/they/it pronouns, I DO care what you use for me, I hate she/her pronouns with a passion I will never EVER use them for myself. [preference order; he, it, they]
I am an artist, but don't expect much from me cause I am awful when it comes down to actually drawing. Most of my drawings either take a few hours or a whole week, I literally cannot sit down at my computer and focus for more than 10 minutes, it's hard living in such a world.. [adhd + autism]
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Oh, also I'm a writer and I spend a lot of my time writing more than I do drawing. I've made several AUs [mostly DSAF] that I would love to share with you all!! I'm the creator of Broken Promises on Twitter [@dsafbrknpromise] and although it's been a while since I've actually done anything with it, maybe this'll give me the motivation to continue it / make content related to it.
Not in a lot of fandoms because I can't have more than one interest at a time due to not being able to get into stuff easily. Mostly cause DSAF is such a huge hyperfixation as of currently and I can't watch anything without going "haha dsaf" whenever somebody says the name Jack or Peter.
The fandoms I am in are as follows; [ Most liked to Least liked ]
Dayshift at Freddy's [DSAF]
How To Train Your Dragon [HTTYD]
Slime Rancher
Five Nights at Freddy's [FNAF]
Also a HUUUUGE Group Chat fan [ Isaacwhy, Softwilly, etc.. ] so if anybody out there a huge fan too, hmu.
Will mostly be a DSAF account, will probably post about Peter Kennedy a lot due to him being my husband and us having three children and a house on a hill!
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I make jokes about wanting to kms and sexual jokes towards fictional adult characters, I'm also really REALLY into DSAF so if spam about the game / fanfiction / art pisses you off gtfo. I do not give a damn. [if you also hate the game get off my page idc about ur opinions]
I make die jokes towards close friends [unless told not to] and type in all caps sometimes, if that makes you uncomfortable in any way you are free to leave!! :] I don't want anybody on my page to feel uncomfortable or anything, I do genuinely care about the people of this fandom, you guys are funny / cool / incredibly talented and I cannot wait to meet new people and make friends.
I sometimes come off a little strong / rude and that's because I cannot read my own tone!! So sorry if I sound sarcastic sometimes or if I sound mean about something, I don't mean to be!! I will make it known if I meant to come off as rude though.
I am an OSDD-1b system. If you don't know what that is, you could do research about it!! If you don't want to idc I tend to keep my system off my shit.
Basic DNI shit, if you're a weirdo gtfo. Proshippers, pedophiles, the whole bunch of you, I DO NOT LIKE YOU. If you step foot into my account I will get angry or something idk.
DSAF hater / disliker, if you don't know what the game is I will gladly teach you!! I loooove DSAF, it's my comfort game, I write / draw for it every day. I will point my long, wrinkly finger towards the door if you say anything negative about it.
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That's about it!! Thank you for reading <3
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the-doctor-3000 · 2 years
Dandelions. . . .
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Warning: maybe a few threats and insults towards the reader, implied death, a bit ooc, long, some time skips
Fandom: ACOTAR
A/n: Hello beautiful folks! I just want you guys to know that in the past five days I started reading ACOTAR and I am absolutely in love! Anyway, please do forgive me for some errors I might make due to the fact I haven't finished the 1st book yet. I am well aware, though, that the majority of the books' readers have a dislike toward Tamlin. I believe that I'll discover the reason soon.... (Welp, good thing I didn't end up having a crush on him.😁😂)
2nd A/n: I've been working on this for almost a week and I'll probably do a part 2 of this.
Ship: Lucien x F!Reader, Tamlin x F!Reader (one sided; Tamlin's)
Inspired by: Dandelions by Gabbie Hanna
Type: A slight Castlevania AU!A Court of Thorns and Roses, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Summary: When you, a human, travel all around the mortal realm, you finally decide to visit Prythian in order to seek knowledge to become a tutor.
She had been travelling from her early teens, seeking knowledge and adventure. Her family wasn't around anymore, so you didn't have to worry about them missing her.
At first, it was hard - living on her own but soon you grew used to her new life and she kinda preferred it and enjoyed the freedom it provided her. In her journeys, she heard people speaking ill about the fae.
It wasn't a big surprise for her - the people from your old home would also speak badly about them. Though she always found them fascinating. Her parents did too.
This was also one of the reasons she begun travelling. The people didn't like the fact that she and her family had this perspective about the fae. So, she ran but her family stayed behind. Denying to leave because of the people's foolishness and close mindedness. Of course, continuing to stay there without changing their opinions on the fae led them to death.
The nineteen year old made her way through the woods - or commonly known as the Wall - which was separating the two realms from one another. She knew the dangers she'd face, so she had a weapon with her. She used it against the creatures who wished her harm there.
It wasn't easy but she weren't going to give up so soon. The first court she reached was the Spring Court. She made your way to a beautiful huge manor. She looked up through the window and saw no sign of life.
But she had heard rumours that amongst the fae, the High Lord of the Court of Spring was the most merciful. And she most certainly didn't want to die the moment she set foot on the land. Then, without any hesitation, you know on the door with her knife's hilt.
The doors opened by themselves and you walked in, looking around in fascination and alarm.
"My name is y/n," she begun to say "I am from a village of the Mortal Realm and I want to become a tutor."
There was a long silence but you could feel that someone was lurking in the shadows. Watching your every movement.
"You bang on my door because you want to learn? From a fae?" the voice was the one of a male, he was taunting her "What will your people think?"
"Don't mistake me for one of these so called 'Children of the Blessed'." she replied boldly as she looked around to find the source of the voice "Everybody out there already does that. I do not worship you or your kind but I do hold respect for you. I believe in knowledge, but... I need to know more. I've exhausted my other options, and all the stories say the High Lord who lives here has a library with all the knowledge."
"I'm one of the High Fae, and I do not get many visitors." he said, his breath was hitting her neck - he was right behind her. "What have you to trade for you to taka look in my study, y/n from the Mortal Realm?"
Her eyes were now gleaming in fear but she took a deep breath, stepped away from him calmly and turned to face him. He was in the form of a beast. He was a horse-sized creature with a bear-like body that moved with a feline fluidity, a distinctively lupine head, and massive elk-like antlers. The most distinctive of his features though were his jade eyes.
She dared to look into his emerald eyes as she spoke bravely, "Perhaps I could help you relearn some manners. I've crossed the threshold of your home, and you haven't offered me a drink or serve me something to eat or even to take my coat."
"What if I took a feast on you?" he said "Or have you loaded yourself with ash wood or iron?"
She took out a necklace with a lapis in the middle, the rest was made out of iron, "It belonged to my mother. I'm sorry, I didn't realise that it was rude of me to bring it along. I-it was all I had left from my parents." he hummed and walked a bit away from her "I'm really not interested in superstition, or being some woman who tricks others. I want to help people. I want to learn. Will you help me?"
He stopped and looked down at her, "You are definitely different to most humans I have met in recent times."
"Maybe I can teach you to like them, or at least tolerate them."
"I... I don't have a problem with humans."
She nodded sarcastically, "I noticed."
"How far is your realm from the Spring Court?"
"Only a 'wall' separates them." she cocked her head to the side like an animal "You don't travel much outside Prythian, do you?"
"I can travel."
"But... you don't, do you? Maybe you should. The world is changing. Travel, like people do. You might like it."
"I've known you for two minutes, and you offer for me to walk your realm like a ignorant human while I give you the knowledge of immortals."
"They won't be ignorant anymore if you teach them. They won't live such scared lives if they have solutions to their problems or know the truth."
"Why should I do that?"
"To make the world better. Start with me, and I'll start with you."
He chuckled and as he made his way to her once again, his appearance changed. In the place where a beast stood was now a strikingly handsome young man, his skin was tanned and a warrior’s build. He was also wearing an exquisite golden mask embedded with emeralds shaped like whorls of leaves that covered his nose, cheeks, and brows. He had long golden blond hair and deep green eyes flecked with gold. 
"I think I might like you." he told her with a small bow, she smiled kindly as he begun giving her a tour around the manor
The next day, y/n was on her way to find the library when she heard voices coming from a room.
Despite herself, she stopped to listen when an unknown voice of a male spoke the word 'human'. Curious of what they might be saying about her, she put her ear against the door.
"Tam, you can't be serious. You let a human girl live here? And, on top of that, you let her roam into your study?"
"She's alright, Lucien. I know she is."
"Please don't tell me that you like her already?"
"What if she tries to murder you in your sleep? She did have iron with her, didn't she?"
"Yes, but she admitted it. She gave it to me despite that it was her mother's."
He sighed in exasperation, "What if she is lying? She could have ash wood with her but hid it."
Feeling rather offended by this accusation, y/n gathered up the courage and entered, "You know, if you have a problem with me then it'd be best to say it right into my face instead of saying it behind my back. It's not very nice."
The man who spoke of her in such way was tall with red hair and golden-brown skin, but still light enough. His face was brutally scarred from his brow to his jaw. His right eye was whole and russet-colored; but his left eye was ripped out by someone and had been replaced with an artificial mechanical eye made of gold that allowed him to see all the same.
He too had a mask, but in contrast to Tamlin's, this one was different. . .
He turned to her with a scowl, "You're the one to talk." he smirked then in a taunting way "Didn't you know that eavesdropping is also rude?"
"I never said that, at first I was passing by until I heard you mentioning me. It wasn't hard not to listen to your. . . conversation, neither of you seemed to try to lower your voices and I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not."
He looked at her for a moment, "What's your name, human?"
"I'm y/n Nightingale." she crossed her arms over her chest "And you are?"
A smirk appeared on his lips, "Lucien Vanserra." he did a mock bow - which was right as day that he was mocking it - causing y/n to scoff and Tamlin to sigh in defeat "Pleasure to meet you, y/n the human."
The way he spat the word with such spite only angered her more. She clutched her hands into fists but calmed down as she took a deep breath.
She turned to Tamlin, "I believe I was wrong. In contrast to your friend here, you are the most well mannered person I've ever met." she then glared at Lucien "You are the one who needs to relearn some manners."
A week passed by, and Lucien and y/n would always argue whenever they crossed paths. Tamlin, on the other hand, found himself fascinated by the young human. He'd always give her flowers or any kind of gifts.
He couldn't bare, though, hearing the two bickering like cats and dogs every time they walked in the same place. So, he came up with the idea of Lucien inviting her to dinner. . .
"Absolutely not!" Lucien said
"Lucien," Tamlin said rather firmly "That can't go on forever."
"Yes because she will die from old age. Just like all other humans."
His heart sunk at his friend's words.
"Please, at least try. This isn't like you - being rude."
He scoffed, "Alright."
When they went to the study room, they spotted her with her nose stuck on a book. Next to her was a parchment and it seemed like she was keeping notes. Lucien cleared his throat. Y/n stopped what she was doing and once she saw that it was him - her face dropped.
"Oh. . . It's you. . ."
He tried to feign a smile, "Yes, me. I came here to ask you to join us to dinner."
She smirked, "Only if you ask politely."
His eye twitched a little as he tried his best to keep the smile, "Will you *please* join us for dinner?"
She smiled, "Well, since you said 'please'. . . Of course!"
A month passed, currently y/n was taking a break from her study and was sitting on the grass of the magnificent garden. A particular plant that captured her attention was. . .
"Dandelions?" a familiar voice questioned, she looked over her shoulder and saw Lucien. "Why dandelions? They have nothing special."
She chuckled genuinely, "I beg to differ. The leaves and roots of the plant can be medicinally used as a tonic for removing toxins from bloodstream, as they serve as a mild diuretic to improve the digestive system functioning."
He slowly sat beside her, "That's why you like this. . . plant so much? Are you a healer?"
"It's not my speciality, I'm still learning, but the reason for loving this kind of plant is the fact that when you blow it, its petals leave and it looks like they're floating away." she chuckled "When I was a little kid, I thought they were little fairies in ballerina costumes. Ever since then, I always wanted a house surrounded by dandelions. . . So I could see them ever morning I wake up."
"I was right." she looked at him with confused and innocent eyes "You are the weirdest woman I have ever met." she scoffed and stood up to leave but Lucien grabbed her wrist - stopping her "Weirdest and most. . . fascinating." her face flashed red and sat back down "Could you tell me more about dandelions and other plants?"
He looked truly intrigued. Y/n smiled and nodded her head.
Two years later, Lucien and y/n had grown very close. Much to Tamlin's unhappiness. He knew that as much as he - Lucien also bore feelings for the human girl.
Though he could see that she returned Lucien's feelings. He did not speak of how he felt to neither her or Lucien.
One day, the red headed fae came to him and told he would like to surprise her with a house in the woods which will be surrounded by dandelions. Tamlin's breath hitched but did as his friend requested.
When it was ready, Lucien took her there. The house was close away to the mansion in case something happened but not way too close. Inside the place everything was prepared, there was even a huge bookcase with lines of books.
And outside in the garden, the house was surrounded by a sea of dandelions. Both white and yellow. Seeing the grin on her face, Lucien finally found the opportunity to confess.
He expected her to scream, to kick him out and refuse the house but instead - he felt a pair of soft s/c lips touching his. Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach as her face heated up. For a second, she was worried that she crossed a line until he kissed her back and deepened the kiss.
Ten years passed by, Tamlin was still silently in love with her but wouldn't utter a word especially now that Lucien and y/n were married
Y/n tucked in the bed her three year old daughter and five year old son. Her daughter had her eyes but Lucien hair and personality. Her son had her hair and personality but Lucien's eyes.
On her finger was a golden ring with letters engraved on it. She extinguished the candles of the bedroom and went to the living room. There, she began reading a book as she waited for her husband's arrival.
A hour later, she heard a heavy knock on the door. She placed the book on the table and answered it.
It wasn't her husband's face that she encountered. It wasn't a fae but a group of human men - a mob. They all had pitchforks and torches.
"Are you y/n Vanserra?" a man with an intimidating look on his face questioned
"I am. What of it?"
He turned to the others, "Arrest this Fae Whore."
"I don't understand, what's wrong—?"
"Silence!" d/n and s/n heard the noise and peeked out from their window. The men grasped her tightly so she couldn't escape. "For sleeping with a fae and befriending one too, you shall be punished."
"They are not like the legends!" she said, sounding almost like she was pleading "Both of them are kind and sweet! My husband and my friend wouldn't do something to hurt you but if you kill me they'll be worse than your legends!"
"Your threats are fruitless, whore." he turned to the men who were holding her "Take her."
They all began leaving the forest to return to the Mortal Realm - dragging y/n with them.
"Please don't! You're making a terrible mistake! You have to listen!"
But her warnings only fell on deaf ears for they didn't even spare a look at her.
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gold-pavilion · 2 years
I read your analysis on Inukoko and Takemikey and I think they are very good! You make a lot of valid points that I haven't seen and you have a good understanding of Japanese culture to take it into account. That said, what are your thoughts on other characters that the fandom attributes to being LGBT? (example. Hakkai, Ran Haitani and Hina as trans) Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm from Brazil and I used a translator for the question. =)
WAHH THANKSSSS I try to be fair with things and keep a good separation between my canon-only perspective with language + cultural data I happen to know, and my personal interpretations and self-indulgence!! I'M VERY HAPPY WITH YOUR COMMENT HONESTLY AAAAAA
And well, WELL.
You guys know how it is with me, nothing's canon until it's bulletproof, no-ambiguity canon. But it's also true that Tokyo Revengers, in general, is pretty queer. 
For one, when it comes to Hakkai…
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(Fun fact about the last img: many translations online are missing that dialogue, having it cleaned out and possibly forgotten to typeset it in later? Anyway, it translates to "[Mitsuya, about Mikey] Feels kinda lonely when he's up ahead by himself." / "[Hakkai] But you've got me, Taka-chan?")
This sure reads like a crush, anyways. It's mostly out there as comic relief, but the admiration this guy's constantly showing for Mitsuya's coolness and specifically his physical attractiveness and everything, welp, that just about places him in the LGBT somethingsomething bag to me. Maybe it won't get anywhere - it probably won't, cause again, comic relief element - but it's there, his silly little crush on Mitsuya or whatever we should call it. 
I'm cool with that! I enjoy and appreciate that Wakui comfortably includes interactions like this in his work. Y'know, along with everything else. With Koko, with Inui, with everything.
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Like Chifuyu's feelings for Baji. That's another instance where I'm like "HMM. WELL HOW ABOUT THIS." 'cause, on one hand, the shounen genre sure loves its trope of "my dude, our bond is so deep I will die for you and live for you and I'm not naming what this means except that I'll call you my most important person in this life forever", but on the other hand, their flashback chapter is titled 'man crush' and… 12 years, Chifuyu? The rest of your life, Chifuyu? For his memory alone? Okay okay okay.
Personally, I find other characters to be very much up in the air. Too up in the air to call them canonly queer or canon-adjacently queer, though I do support most of those interpretations.
Ran? I love love LOVE a tall, evil, strong and effeminate bastard. Maybe he just happens to be straight and metrosexual and limp-wristed (I say this lovingly, admiringly), but that sure would be less entertaining than what I've decided in my head. Hanma? Even if you asked me, I wouldn't be able to say what he is, exactly, but if "queer" isn't part of it I'd eat my entire fist. Draken? My bisexual icon and also my beautiful wife. Don't get me started on all the other dudes with crushes on Mikey, we'll be here all night. 
But all that is just my view, lmao.
I will say, though, the interpretation of Hina being trans is one thing I respect - as always - but I don't partake in. I don't think an "if I were a boy, I'd do _" moment is anything but conversation, specially in the context of a culture where being a girl or a boy does condition and limit your experiences a fuckton. I'm not saying she can't be trans, of course. I'm saying that her talking about how she'd kick more butt than Michi if she were a boy (because she doesn't see herself doing that as a girl) doesn't necessarily mean that. Can be, everything is fair game in fandom, just not necessarily.
Anyway, really fun question to answer, thank you!!
And PS: don't worry about your english with me ever!! It's not my first language either, I speak spanish, we're all doing our best DHFDH.
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noneuclideanwhimsy · 1 year
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This is him! His name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru, and he's from Danganronpa. The basic premise of Danganronpa is that a bunch of High School students who are incredibly talented are locked in their school and are manipulated into killing each other to escape. After a murder happens, the remaining students must find the murderer. If the murderer is found, they are executed. If the murderer is not found, everyone but the murderer dies. It's a very interesting series but it is quite...not good at times. Anyways! Kiyotaka (or Taka as everyone calls him) is the Ultimate Moral Compass/Moral Committee Leader depending on the translation. He's very passionate and very expressive! His sprites are very nice, they capture how over the top he is perfectly. He is very serious about school and classwork and is very distressed to find out they won't be having classes during the killing game as he doesn't want to fall behind the other students on the outside. He wears his school uniform constantly. He owns ten of them. He also does kendo and works on all aspects of himself, and prides himself on his outward perfection. This is all because his grandfather was involved in a political scandal that left the Ishimaru name in ruins and his family in horrible debt. Taka has dedicated his whole life to fixing his grandfather's mistakes and being the best Prime Minister of Japan there ever was. He ends up befriending ("befriending". They were definitely in love and it was stated they would have lived together if they both got out) the ultimate Biker Gang Leader Mondo Oowada after they had an endurance contest in the sauna to see who was more manly. They never say who won, which is funny because before it they HATED each other and both wanted to prove they were better then the other. But hey at least Taka has made his first friend ever! He's never had any other friends since other students just don't like him due to him being so strict about rules and just being awkward in conversations. Anyways Mondo dies after he kills Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer. Taka has to watch his best and only friend die in front of him and it ruins him. For a few days, he can't eat, talk, or anything. It affects the whole group as Taka was sort of the leader, making sure everyone was keeping their spirits up in such a horrible situation and making sure everyone was accounted for. Eventually, the group finds an A.I. program made by Chihiro named Alter Ego. Alter Ego proves to be very helpful for the group to crack the mystery as to why they are trapped in the school, but Makoto Naegi the Ultimate Lucky Student (and the protagonist) decides it's a good idea to bring Taka to Alter Ego. It ran a simulation of Mondo which gave Taka life again, making him Kiyondo Ishida (a portmanteau of their names)
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There's a lot of debate over what Kiyondo is exactly, I chose to think they are an alter due to my EXTENSIVE headcanons about them (I am very attached to Kiyondo). Anyways! They are a somehow much more aggressive version of Taka, spouting threats and pseudo swears at everyone, especially Hifumi Yamada the Ultimate Fanfic Writer who is fighting with them over possession over Alter Ego. They don't last for very long, as they are killed the next day by Hifumi under Celestia Ludenburg the Ultimate Gambler's instructions. Sorry for the long ramble I have thought about these guys for literal years.
Wow! You know a lot about him! Like I said, I don’t plan on ever touching DR due to what certain parts of the fandom are like and the fear of seeing characters I’m invested in die, but this guy seems pretty interesting!
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extremeexhaustion · 3 years
Crack Dangan Ronpa Headcanon
This idea just kinda popped into my head and won't leave me alone. No one is really sure what type of person Ishimaru's mom was. It's never stated and most seem to agree that Kiyotaka gets his emotional & loud personality from his mother. It's also mostly agreed that both Kiyotaka and Takaaki are into those with more, ah, "rough" personalities. This lead me to my current headcanon: Ishimaru's mom was a Latina* gangster. I know that Kiyotaka doesn't really have any physical characteristics that would match up, but I'd put that down to him practically being a clone of his father in terms of looks. I am also thriving off of the potential angst and comedy this could mean. The specifics are below. If anyone wants to chat with me about this, feel free to dm me or ask me a question for clarification/suggestions
*I went with Mexican American after juggling around some ideas
**I also based some of my headcanons on @hatteymcstache's work because his work inspired me to get into the Ishimondo fandom
Early Life:
-Takamama's name is Carmen Torres
-5'2"/157.48 cm and 140 lbs/63.50 kg
-Curly brown hair that's midwaist length, tan skin, and brown eyes
-Has flower-based tattoos on her shoulders
-She graduated Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Latin Dancer
-Carmen has five siblings with three sisters and two brothers with her being the oldest
-Whole family is involved in the Japanese branch of their gang (name undecided at this time)
-She met Takaaki during a scuffle between him and her siblings
-Carmen shoved a gun in his mouth and threatened to blow his "f*cking brains out" if he didn't leave her siblings alone before beating the sh*t out of him
-Takaaki thought it was the hottest thing ever
-Cue this poor guy trying to court one of the sexiest and scariest women he's ever met
-Took a long time for Carmen to warm up to him
-Used to hang out with Hiroko and the Oowada's adoptive mother
-Carmen used to do everyone's hair
-She was the mom of the group in the same way her son is
Takamama and her baby
-Carmen adored Kiyotaka from the very start
-She spoke and sang to him in Spanish
-Before the scandal happened, Carmen would take Kiyotaka to the states to see his extended family
-After the scandal happened, it became too risky for Carmen to stay as the branch she was looking after wanted to pull out of Japan
-She made sure to keep in contact with her baby boy as much as possible
-Regularly sent small gifts and what money she could spare
-Was only able to visit once every few years due to her financial situation
-Ends up moving back to Japan once the gang grows larger again
-Becomes a Latin dance teacher at Hope's Peak
-Lives w/ the two siblings who stayed in Japan when the move happened
-Insists on Taka coming over every Sunday for dinner
-Calls him 'mi corazón'
The Angst
-Carmen has very strong regrets about leaving Kiyotaka and Takaaki behind
-Takaaki feels partially responsible for his wife having to leave
-Their relationship is a little strained after everything that happened
-Kiyotaka is just happy to have his mother back
-Carmen and the Oowada brothers (Daiya's alive but his lower back & legs are messed up) have an interesting relationship where she encourages them to pursue things outside of gang stuff and they spill their guts to her about their insecurities
-Taka's cousins are very sus of Mondo which leads to some squabbling
-The family only accepts Mondo after they see how worried he is when Taka gets sick and how hard he tries to take care of him
The Comedy & Cute Kiyotaka
-Taka is fluent in Spanish and ends up screaming at someone in it out of pure frustration only to get blank looks in response
-I love the idea that his hair curls when it's wet or if he doesn't put gel in it
-When some of his cousins come to Hope's Peak, class 78 realize where Kiyotaka got his loud voice from cause they talk just as loudly
-Ishimondo moment where he helps teach a Latin dance, he's dressed up in dress pants & a dress shirt with his hair curly, and he picks Mondo for a partner
-Poor Mondo almost passes out from bi panic
-Same thing happens when Taka says something romantic in Spanish
-This poor boy can't escape gang-related trouble
-He has to rescue either Mondo or his cousins or both after they start teaming up
-Abuela Torres does not approve and Mondo gets to know la chancla personally multiple times
-Taka cries bc it means abuela sees him as a part of the family
-Mondo isn't sure whether he should be happy about it or not
-Abuela Torres absolutely feeds all of class 78
-She sends Taka back to school with multiple boxes of food and insists that he should invite his friends
-The only time his whole class goes to his aunts' house is for his quinceanero
-It's a blast and some of the kids with shitter parents ask for their own parties which they hold later on
-Taka becomes so much more touch hungry after all the physical affection he gets from his mother's family
-Mondo lowkey loves it
-The others are just happy that he seems happier and indulge his requests for private affection (PDA is still unwholesome)
-No one is sure who started it, but someone got Taka to start calling Mondo mi cariño
-Mondo has no clue what it means, Taka splutters and his cousins just laugh whenever he asks
-Taka has a gay uncle who tries to give him advice which ends up being very awkward cause he'll give it in front of Mondo but in Spanish so he doesn't catch on
-All of his family teases Taka for falling for Mondo, they all agree that the biker's a handsome young man
-So, so much blushy Taka happens
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ko-fanatic · 3 years
Are You Going To Destroy It? (Part one)
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Danganronpa
Pairings: IshiMondo
Summary: Ishimaru is supposed to be perfect. He gets perfect grades, enforces the rules as hall monitor, and then goes home to care for his ailing grandfather while his father works long hours to support the three of them. But the simple fact is he's not perfect, and everything is unravelling his mental state more and more. Being forced to care for the man who ruined his life isn't helping.
TW: Suicidal thoughts, extreme bullying, self-harm, homicidal thoughts, family issues, mental health issues
Author’s note: Heavily inspired by Zankyou no Terror. Taka's storyline can be seen as an AU, but Daiya and Mondo aren't terrorists. Also, as a disclaimer: If you are aware someone is suicidal, DO NOT leave them alone. Mondo is just a kid, and doesn't know better, but now you do. If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out.
For all Kiyotaka loved school, it could be hell. 
He was drawn to learning, to pleasing his teachers, following the rules… But the same could not be said for those times of day where he was offered no protection. Before school, breaktime, lunchtime, and after school. Those were torture.
“C’mon, Taka,” One of the boys by his side grinned wolfishly, arm slung around his shoulders in some faux-friendly action, when in reality it was simply to keep him from leaving. 
Had he expected any different when he was accosted and all but dragged to the pool behind the school building? Honestly, no. However, despite the probability that he could fight the boys off and run home, he… was tired. Too tired to push out of their grips and run yet again. 
Too tired to go home. 
Hence, here he stood, shoved to stand on one of the diving blocks - still in his full uniform - his classmates looming over him like vultures.
“Why don’t you go for a little dip?” The boy laughed as Kiyotaka resolutely stared out at the glistening water, so crisp and clear in the afternoon sun, “And then, well, not come up again.”
Ah, telling him to kill himself, yet again. They’d done this dance before (or was that another classmate? Their faces blur). He’d be lying, to say he hadn’t thought of it. Despite the utter terror that last instance had incited, razor blades thrown at him with jeering taunts to go cut up his arms some more, this is another level of intimidation. 
So painfully close to casual. 
“It’s what a filthy Ishimaru like you deserves.”
He was right about that, he supposed. Some time ago, he would’ve held his head up high and asserted that, yes, he is an Ishimaru, but he was going to fix his family’s reputation. He would drag his name out of the mud, and make it all better. 
Now, he just wants the exhaustion to end. 
“It’ll be just like falling asleep.”
The sentence rang over and over in his head, so similar to ones he’d thought on countless occasions; clutching bottles upon bottles of his grandfather’s pills, staring at the open blades of a pair of scissors, at the length of rope in the rotting garden shed that could easily be tied into a noose. 
And God, did he just want to sleep.
His body leant forward, without explicit permission but he had no will to stop himself, eyes closing as he awaited the burning sensation that comes with breathing chlorinated water -
The yell was loud, startling all of them at the poolside, and accompanied with a large splash. Kiyotaka and his classmates got soaked with the tidal wave of water that had been dispersed, and Kiyotaka’s breath caught in his throat when he saw the cause of the disturbance. 
A handsome boy was in the pool, grinning ear to ear after his impressive dive from the roof above. His bleach blonde hair hung down in sopping ringlets, dishevelled out of whatever style it’d had before. His pretty, almost lilac eyes were heavily ringed in smudged, dripping eyeliner, but he didn’t seem to have a care in the world. 
“‘S too warm to stay poolside, guys!” The boy smirked, swimming up to them as Kiyotaka could only watch in confusion. Assumedly, his classmates were also dumbfounded, considering the utter silence that seemed to envelop them all like a thick fog.
That was when the boy grabbed him by the leg, pulling him into the water but never letting his head dip below. He wasn’t dragging him under to drown, wrapped in a cool embrace like his mind and peers had whispered to him over and over again. No, this seemed… friendly. Like the adolescents in the media, who play and rough-house, yet never want any harm to come to each other. 
He was still in the boy’s arms, head static and floating above his shoulders, reality a haze. He swore he could hear his classmates say something, though he doesn’t know what, and when he looked back they were gone. 
“Hey,” The boy smiled, much more subtle and subdued than the grin he’d previously flashed. Kiyotaka was lifted a little higher, placed gently on the side of the pool, his head lowered and rivulets of water running down from his short hair. 
“Are you okay?” The boy asked, “The things some assholes do… But you’re safe right now, yeah?”
He didn’t speak. He never spoke. 
“Sorry I pulled ya into the water,” The other spoke once more, leaning on one toned arm as the other scratched at the back of his mop of hair, “Thought I should put some distance between ya ‘nd those guys, and that was the first thing I thought of. Didn’t really wanna cause a fight with you in the middle, looking so out of it -”
“I’m -” Kiyotaka began, voice hoarse and so soft, quiet, and he paused to clear his throat, “I’m fine… Used to it, I suppose…”
“Well, then that’s not really fine, right?” The other posed, like it was the simplest thing in the world, “Name’s Mondo. What’s yours?”
He looked down at his uniform, thumbing the seam of his blazer sleeve, a million thoughts running across his mind but without any substance to actually grab hold of one. As noncoporial as a spirit.
“I… Kiyotaka Ishimaru…” He hesitantly put forward, his name feeling like molasses in his mouth, gluing to his teeth and oozing between his lips, “Thank you for helping me, Mondo-kun.”
It feels right, to thank him. Or, not right, but proper. A thing one should do. He cares a whole lot for propriety, has to, and the instinct kicks in fast. Mondo simply looks amused. 
“Ya don’t need to bother with honorifics, it’s cool,” He waves off, and a small pang in Kiyotaka’s chest murmurs ‘ah, to be so casual’. 
He’ll never be able to do something like that, because he’ll never have a friend to be casual with. He’s not being morose when he thinks that, either; at this point in his life, despite being just a few months shy of his fifteenth birthday, he knows that as empirical fact. He’s unlikeable, plain and simple, exemplified by his classmates attempting to gode him into suicide. 
That must mean he’s a special kind of hateful. 
Mondo looks up, then, at the roof. A man with dark hair stands at the railing, arm casually slung over the side, watching the pair of them from his vantage point. Something in Kiyotaka’s chest shrinks, but Mondo is quick to assure him. 
“My brother,” Is his simple explanation, “Are you… gonna be alright to get home? By yourself, I mean?”
The thought of going home makes him flinch. The soulless eyes, staring at the wall as he gives his near-catatonic grandfather his bath, feeds him his dinner spoonful by spoonful, gives him his meds and forces him to swallow. So helpless, dependent, pathetic…
An evil part of him screams to just hold him under the water, wrap his hands around the old man’s throat, give him too many pills at once. Because, for God’s sake, this man ruined his life before it began, and it’d be so easy to take him out. Like an old dog that has outlived its use, out behind the garden shed -
He cuts off those thoughts there. He’s truly a vile person. 
“It’s fine,” He lies, because it isn’t. He doesn’t know who he’ll snap and kill first, himself or his grandfather, and he still wants nothing more than to lay down in the water and breathe until his lungs give in.
“If you’re certain,” Mondo hesitates, looking like he wants to say more, but instead he just pulled himself out of the pool, “I should probably get back to my brother. Still, though, if those idiots come after you again… I ain’t usually one to agree with being a narc, but some things are just way too much.”
He nods, though his heart isn’t in it. 
“See ya around, Taka!” Mondo grins, giving a mock salute as he walks off. 
Nothing’s stopping him from shuffling off the tile, going down into the depths of the water and laying at the very bottom until the staff come by tomorrow morning. But he doesn’t. He’s not sure why he doesn’t, but he stands and walks out the pool gate, dripping water onto the concrete of the pavement and drawing odd stares as he treks home. 
Taka, he thinks, I like that. 
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
Hey hey!! I hope you're doing well, Mods Kiyondo and Taka!! (Don't feel any rush to answer, and drink some water while you write!!! Self care is very important!!)
[Even though I may not be good at it]
Anywho, may I request some Hajime with a trans ftm partner who started a band with Ibuki after she left her old one?
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MUSICIAN S/O • hajime x trans ftm reader
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hi mod makoto! im doing pretty okay, and do not worry, i did drink water. i hope you all do so too! anyways, of course you can. i really liked this concept, so it only took me around 20-30 minutes to do. i hope this didn't effect the quality and that its still good enough!
tws/cws: ibuki threataning hajime violently, stalkers, doxxing, invasion of privacy, transphobia, misgendering & dead naming.
|| -> mod taka <3
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out of all of the wonderful men he expected to fall in love with, he was pleasantly surprised that it was you of all people. but! he isn't complaining at all. it was just very unexpected, is all.
how you two met was actually through ibuki. she claims to be both of yours' wing woman, and constantly asks questions about the relationship.
she also often threatens hajime to never hurt you or else she'll chase him with all of her guitars, then break every single one of them over his head. you're pretty sure she's joking, but only pretty sure. mioda is a very protective person over people she loves, so wish him luck if she actually does mean it.
he's not the biggest fan of music, but you quickly change that for him. it doesn't matter what genre it is, he'll listen to every single one of your songs in repeat, and ask others to stream them like he does.
if you ask him for any music ideas though, he'll freeze on the spot. he really loves your music and wants to help you out any way he can, but he doesn't have the best ideas, or taste.
if you ever do that thing that some musicians do for their lovers, which is make a song about them, then he might actually cry out of how happy and flustered he is. please don't do this to him because he can and will ugly sob.
actually really likes most of your fans/stans! hajime often interacts with the nice ones of twitter, and agrees with them on a lot of positive things they think about you.
if any fan takes it a little too far though, like going out of their way to find out things that are very personal and should be kept confidential, he'll call the manager of your guys' band to handle them.
there are also those really invasive people that purposefully deadname/misgender you, or try to find your deadname. as a result, he'll report their account, as well as block them on your personal social media so you don't have to deal with such disgusting people. you don't deserve to see that, you are a boy no matter what any one else says.
is just super duper supportive of you! protects you from genuine hate and shows you the nice criticism that people give, also interacts with your fanbase alot, which they picked up on.
the whole fandom ships you two and makes a lot of ironic memes about hajime being a simp, which he technically is. he would gladly be labeled a simp, since he loves you so much!
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nina-a-pines · 3 years
Takaishi Takari
So, a couple of days ago I mentioned I had found an old Digimon work and well... here it is. This story is really old, and it wasn’t even written in English at first, I’m translating this right now, but I honestly want to add a piece to the digimon fandom so bear with me, please. And if you guys end up enjoying it and having a good time, that’s a win ^-^
The sunset was beautiful that afternoon in Odaiba. Although it was summer, a nice breeze blew, refreshing everyone, and that included the kindergarten students, who had just left the classroom at the sound of the bell.
Among the many children who went out at that time, two of them stood out: A little blond boy with blue eyes wearing a whistle around his neck, and a little girl with medium brown hair and the same blue eyes. Both looked eight years old.
“Ahh, I'm so hungry... What you think Mommy’s cooking today?” asked the boy.
“I want omelet!” Pagumon exclaimed in the blonde's arms.
“You two are hopeless,” murmured the tanemon on the girl’s head.
And speaking of the little brunette, this one just watched and giggled. Tanemon was right, Hikaru would never change, but she liked her brother just like that. Only sometimes did he go overboard.
“Hey, race ya to the gate!” Like when announcing sudden races for example.
“That doesn't count, Hikaru!” she exclaimed, still smiling, and running after her brother.
However, in her desire to reach the blonde, she ended up bumping into another child. That entire area of ​​the patio quieted down instantly when they saw the two of them lying on their butts, in front of each other.
“I'm sorry,” the brunette was quick to apologise, looking at the boy, whose main feature was his surprisingly light brown hair. She recognized him as Yoru, one of her classmates.
But despite the apology, Yoru looked at her with an angry face. He got up quickly and patted the dirt off his uniform before staring down at the girl. And with a mocking tone, he said:
“It had to be the Taka girl.”
A chorus of "Ohh...!" and a few giggles could be heard in the crowd that had formed around them. With the nickname, the brunette frowned, and as the usually sweet tanemon growled at Yoru, she finally got up and stared back.
“I already told you I don't like to be called that!”
“But it's the truth, everything in your name has Taka! Takaishi Takari!“ Yoru also raised his voice, emphasizing the syllables that made it possible to joke with the girl. “And it looks like your name was just because of that. What even is Takari, after all? Not even in other languages ​​have I heard that word!”
“As if you knew all the languages ​​in the world, Yoru!” Finally someone stepped in to defend Takari.
Hikaru returned when he noticed the crowd, getting between his sister and his classmate. Her gaze was skittish; he might be only two minutes older than Takari, but he was still the oldest. And even if the difference was two years, they always took care of each other.
“I know more than you,” replied Yoru, but he decided to take advantage of the blonde's arrival to continue his tease against Takari. “But since she's your sister, you should know that. Where does her name come from?”
Hikaru gulped, continuing to glare at the brown-haired one. Nor did he know how his parents decided on that name.
“You don't know, right?” Yoru mocked, looking at the girl over the blonde's shoulder. “I was right, your name was meant to be a joke, TAKAishi TAKAri! Taka girl!”
“Argh- Enough, Yoru!!” Hikaru finally yelled, controlling himself not to jump on and punch his classmate. “Let's go, Takari. You don't need to listen to this idiot.” He took his sister's hand, who had remained quiet until then, and left, pulling her without hurting her.
When they finally left the school and reached the end of the block, they stopped waiting for the signal. And it was only then that Tanemon spoke up.
“Nee, Takari, Hikaru is right, don't listen to Yoru,” he tried to cheer up his partner, seeing that her head was down to the point of covering her eyes with her bangs.
“Yeah, your name is... cool,” Pagumon agreed. Praises weren't his strong suit, but other than the girl being his partner's sister, she was one of the few humans he actually liked. Maybe because he liked Hikaru and the blonde cared a lot about his sister.
But not even with the support of the two digimons did Takari’s mood get better, she kept her head down.
“Forget about it, Takari,” Hikaru spoke once more, pulling her by the hand still joined when the light turned green for the pedestrians.
And they didn't exchange another word the rest of the way.
However, that didn't stop Takari from rambling the rest of the way. The girl's neurons were racing, thinking about Yoru's words. The nickname, Taka Girl, was no surprise; everyone has called her that at one time to annoy her (even Hikaru during one of their fights).
What was really bothering her was what her classmate pointed out, about where her name would have come from.
She was also curious now. She had never heard of another person named Takari, nor of anything with that name. Was it really a word from another language? And if so, what did it mean? It should be something really special, because it wasn't worth having a name that seems like a joke for nothing.
The sound of the doorbell pulls her back to reality. Takari is surprised to see that they were already at their family’s apartment doorstep. She didn't even notice they had entered the building... how far were her thoughts?
The door was opened by a woman with brown hair identical to Takari's, only a little longer. The reddish-brown eyes rested on the children and a smile spread across the older woman's face.
“Okaeri, Hikaru, Takari,” She looked at the digimons. “Tanemon, Pagumon.”
“Tadaima.” Hikaru hears her sister answer, to his surprise. She was so distracted that he had had to drag her all this time by the hand.
Releasing her was the first thing he did when he realized that the girl no longer needed it.
Hikari made room for the children to come in and as they went to the bedroom she returned to the kitchen, giving the usual warning, “Take a good shower quickly, dinner’s almost ready.”
“Hai, okaa-san!” The two responded together, in an incredibly perfect sync. Hikari smiled at that.
“They're definitely twins,” Tailmon put her partner’s thoughts  into words.
“Yes... they are,” Hikari just nodded, turning part of her attention to the on the oven.
I say ‘part’ because the rest focused on her children. Whenever May came, she was like this, nostalgic, thinking that they would soon be another year old when the fifth day came.
This has been going on for nine years... They were no longer those little babies she brought into the world, and they would only grow up more and more! Now they were turning nine, but before long they would have eleven, and then fourteen! Just that idea made a shiver run up her body, after all it was with fourteen that she and Takeru began to have something more than friendship.
Speaking of her husband, he wouldn't linger much longer at the publishing house, where he set things up for the announcement of his new book.
Like her, who became a teacher, Takeru also fulfilled his dream of being a writer and write down all their adventures at the Digital World. Both achieved everything they wanted and more. And the proof of that was the ring on her finger and the two children who, at that moment, were having fun making a mess in the bath.
“Hikari, the rice’s burning!” Taimon warned, seeing some beans becoming of a toasting brown.
The brunette hurried to turn off the fire, checking if her little slip hadn't compromised the meal, and sighed with relief when she found that it hadn't.
“What were you thinking about to be so distracted?” asked the digimon.
“Hm... Just a few good things,” was Hikari’s only answer, before concentrating once and for all on the pan.
Less than an hour later, the entire Takaishi family was gathered at the table.
“And then, I managed to catch the ball and shoot it into the basket!” Hikaru narrated excitedly about his day.
“It looks like we have a real basketball player here,” Hikari smiled at her son.
Both she and Takeru love this. Dinnertime was when they could pay most attention to their children and the twins made the most out of that time. Although... Takari was strangely quiet tonight, just poking food off her plate. She seemed lost in thought.
“Takari?” Takeru noticed the girl's behavior. He was used to his little girl being the life of the room, so that silence was concerning. “Is something bothering you?”
The brunette seemed to be awakened from a daze with that question from her father. She looked up only to see that both her parents and her brother were staring at her, waiting for an answer.
"Actually…" Takari started, a little hesitant if she should tell or not.
She looked at Hikaru, as if asking for his advice on what to do, and just with a look too, the blonde replied ‘If you want to tell, go ahead’. It might not be the best advice in the world, but it was enough for the girl to make up her mind. She wanted answers, so why not ask?
“Otou-san, okaa-san… Where does my name come from?”
That question took both adults by surprise.
“Why this now?” asked Takeru.
“It's just... I need to know,” she pressed the hem of her green T-shirt, trying to muster the courage to speak. “I need to know where my name came from, what it means. Because maybe then, it won't bother so much how weird it is.”
Okay, now even Hikaru was surprised by his sister's words. He didn't imagine she would put them like that. Hikari quickly turned to Takeru, worried, and she saw in the blue eyes, which still remained on Takari, a hint of pain and guilt.
“Weird...?” repeated the older blond.
“Well yeah,” Takari went on. She had already started, so now she would go through with it. – After all, what is Takari? Is it any other language?”
“Well, not exactly. – Hikari replied, wondering if what had formed her daughter's name could be considered a language or not.
“So what is it??”
“Takari, why is that now?” The girl's mother responded with another question. “Your name’s a bit different, but it’s not weird.”
"Maybe," Takari frowned, getting angry. “But when combined with my last name, it really is!”
A heavy and uncomfortable silence settled over the place after that exclamation from Takari. Hikari stared at her daughter, shocked at those words; Hikaru was also surprised; And Takeru still had that guilt in his eyes, only now with greater intensity.
The bad mood started weighing on the little girl’s shoulders as she became aware she had created it. She was still immersed in anger, however, and so she continued to speak:
“Takaishi Takari. Takaishi Takari! Everything has Taka! And the fact that my first name doesn't exist only makes the joke even worse! Was this supposed to be a joke?!” And with a snort, she concluded her angry speech.
But she didn't stop there to find out her family's reaction. She jumped down from her chair and ran to the room she shared with Hikaru, just giving Tanemon time to come in before slamming the door shut. And she slipped dowm on it as soon as she did, letting out a long breath.
“Nee... Takari...” the digimon tried to call for his partner after a few seconds. “Don't you think you exaggerated a little?”
Exaggerated? Takari pondered about this. Yes, she had exaggerated with that last speech, but the anger that raged in her was too much. So you mean to tell her that her name, in addition to being used in bad jokes, had no meaning to it? Was it plain and simply... Takari?
She didn't pay attention to how much time had passed after she'd collapsed onto her bed and buried her face in the pillow. Takari thought it had been hours while she brooded over the latest events, but looking up at her watch, she saw that she had barely spent ten minutes thinking it over. That explained why Hikaru hadn't invaded the room yet.
But even after a short time, Takari was already gathering the courage to leave the room and face her family again. She knew she owed them an apology, especially to her dad, as she had spoken ill of the last name he had given her. She should also make up to her mother for leaving food untouched on her plate. Yeah... the list of excuses to ask was long.
Knock Knock Knock
The sound of knocking on the door caught Takari's attention. Her throat went dry. She already knew it wasn't Hikaru, as he never knocked, let alone to enter his own room. So it could only be one of her parents.
“C-come in,” Takari authorized, sitting upright on the bed and thus leaving her lap free for Tanemon to accommodate on it.
Who entered the room was none other than Hikari. She looked calm, and brought along a plate of food (the same one Takari had left behind) and a smile. But that didn't calm the girl down, she knew her mother had the gift of teaching her right and wrong without having to raise her voice.
“Hi,” Hikari greeted, walking calmly towards her daughter. “I thought you would be hungry so I brought your food,” she explained, leaving the plate with cutlery over the dresser.
“Thanks...” Takari replied in a whisper, unable to stop staring at the floor. Having her mother treat her well after what she did was worse than getting scolded for it.
“Can I have a seat?”
Still not looking up, Takari nodded and felt the bed move when Hikari sat beside her. A few seconds passed until the eldest decided to speak,
“Takari, do the boys still call you by that nickname?”
Once again, the hem of the green shirt was gripped tightly. Of course, Hikari knew about her terrible “nickname” given by her peers, since the first year of the garden, when it was created.
At the time (two or three years ago), Takari, instead of getting mad, would start crying when they called her Taka girl. And Hikaru, always willing to defend his sister, picked up a fight6 with whoever had done that. Such an attitude could not be expected to be resolved elsewhere than in the principal’s office, with the parents present. The result: both their parents and the parents of most of their class knew about that nickname.
“Yes, they do,” takari decided to be honest. “But it doesn't bother me anymore.” ... Or almost.
“Are you sure?” But Hikari almost always knew when her children were lying. ”Takari, I already explained that there's nothing wrong with having Taka in the first and last names. Is it annoying that they keep calling you that? Yes, and it is wrong as well, but the problem is not you.”
That speech did nothing, Takari barely raised her face to look back at her. Hikari sighed, deciding then to do what she had decided was about time to do, and the reason she had went to talk to her daughter in the first place.
“Do you want to hear a story?”
Finally Takari looked at her mother, with confused aeyes. A story? Now? What was the ex Yagami up to?
“About what?”
Hikari just smiled. A sweet, nostalgic and full of love smile.
“It's about two people, a girl and a boy, who you know very well, by the way.”
Flashback on: I told you guys this story was old
Was there a better way to celebrate the peacetime of the Digital World than with a picnic? In the opinion of the second generation of Chosen Children, there wasn’t. Which was why on that cool spring morning, they were on top of a hill, with a towel spread out and several snacks just waiting to be devoured. A little way away, near the river, their digimons played all together.
“You can attack, everyone! I brought only the best from the market!” Miyako spoke with evident excitement, sitting next to Ken.
“I also brought some snacks that my mother made,” Iori spoke up.
“Hey, Hikari-chan, do you want to try the noodles I made myself?” Daisuke had a bowl in his hands.
“You made that? You are really working on becoming a cook, Daisuke-kun,” Yagami commented smiling, as she accepted the bowl.
“Yes, yes! I'm still going to become a famous ramen cook,” the teenager puffed out his chest proudly, before adding with a suggestive look at her, “And my skills in the kitchen will help a lot when I cook dinner for my wife and children.
Hikari suddenly started coughing, choking a little on the noodles at those words.
“R-right?” She tried to smile at her friend, but the gesture was evidently nervous. “Your family will be very lucky.”
“We'll be very lucky! “Daisuke exclaimed, already daydreaming about four or five children, mixes of him and his beloved Yagami.
As Motomiya wandered off, Hikari glanced sideways at Takeru, who was relatively close to them to hear their conversation. As usual through the past weeks when that happened, the blond had an amusing look. However, with each time, Hikari could see a hint of annoyance growing in Takeru’s eyes. She suspected it shouldn't be easy for him to see that and keep silent.
And you know what? Hikari couldn’t bring herself to hide the fact anymore either.
A smile grew on her face with an idea.
Being sure to get the attention of all of her friends, she went to Takeru's side, and sat down with him, who just looked at her inconfusion. And in front of everyone, she took the blonde's hand and approached their faces, placing a light kiss... on his cheek.
But that alone was enough to trigger a series of reactions. Takeru himself turned red, looking wide eyed at the brunette. Daisuke started having a fit, screaming, pulling his hair and even thinking about going after the blond, but he couldn't manage with Hikari so close to him. Ken was slightly embarrassed to witness the scene, and only that. Iori at first looked surprised, but then he got a face like he was expecting that. And Miyako... Well, she was still in shock.
“Hikari-san, Takeru-kun...” she started, gradually recovering. “That right now… W-what does that mean…?”
“Minna, we have news to share,” decreed Takeru, finally calmer by the latest attitudes of his "best friend". Smiling and holding Hikari's hand a little tighter, he left the big revelation to her.
“Takeru-kun and I have been dating for three weeks.”
Two screams echoed throughout the place (if not across the Digimundo!) with that declaration. One was the "NO!!" from Daisuke, and the other one was a “KYAH!!!” from Miyako. While Motomiya slapped himself trying to see if this wasn't just a nightmare, the purple-haired girl practically danced in place.
“WOO-HOO!! My Father in heaven, my ship became canon!! TAKARI TO THE WIN!” 
The girl continued her fit of hysteria, with everyone (except Daisuke) watching with drops on their foreheads.
“Takari?” Hikari repeated, finding that word to be strange. “What is that, Miyako-san?”
“Why, it's the name of your ship!” she replied as if that were obvious. “The perfect mix of Takeru and Hikari: Takari!”
Despite having found the fact of being “shipped” a little weird, Hikari ended up laughing at her friend's ideas, soon forgetting what she had said.
But Takeru didn't let it get lost so easily.
“Hmm...” he muttered, with a distant look, before smiling. “Takari, huh?”
Flashback off:
- Your father never forgot what Miyako-san said that day,” Hikari continued, still smiling and having her daughter's full attention. “And when you were born, with my hair, but looking at everything with his eyes, there was no doubt. The perfect blend of Takeru and Hikari,” she looked at the girl, her eyes full of tenderness. “It's you, Takari.
Silence reigned again, but not uncomfortable as at the dinner table. Takari just needed time to process everything she had heard. And by the flicker of her blue irises, one could tell she was experiencing strong emotions.
So that was the meaning of her name? Was that why he was so different, unique? Takari smiled, letting out a light laugh. She couldn't believe she complained about something so special!
But wait, if it had been her father who remembered about that word, then-
“Mom!” she called, getting serious all of a sudden. - Was Daddy who chose my name?
“Yes, it was,” Hikari replied simply, already knowing where her daughter's reasoning had brought her.
“I have to talk to him!” Takari declared, and jumped off the bed. But before she left the room, she smiled at Hikari. “Thank you.”
Finding her father was not a difficult task, she soon saw him in the living room, more precisely on the couch, watching a basketball game with Hikaru.
“DAD!” she exclaimed, drawing the two blonds’ attention.
Without waiting another second, she ran to them and threw herself into Takeru's arms. 
“I'm sorry!” she circling as much as she could from her father's torso with her little arms. “I'm really sorry, I didn't know! I didn't mean to say that!”
“...Takari, what's wrong?” Takeru wasn’t understanding a thing, but even so he responded to his daughter's hug.
The little brunette lifted her head to look at her father. And Takeru was amazed to see that, despite smiling, she had tears in the corners of the blue orbs. Giving a sniff to chase away the crying, the little girl declared:
“I just want you to know that I no longer care about what others say,” she opened her smile even more.”I’m proud to be Takaishi Takari!”
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hellbubu · 3 years
Kakasasu Crossover jjk x naruto gojo helps sasuke, sasuke preferring gojo as his sensei, jealous kakashi or something
Hi, dear!
I wasn't sure if you wanted a small fic, a drawing, or to just discuss the topic. But inspiration hit and I wrote a small fic. I hope you like it!
Rating: T+
Fandoms: Jujutsu Kaisen (manga), Naruto
Relationships: KakaSasu, Gojo & Sasuke (not romantic)
Additional Tags: Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Jealous Hatake Kakashi(kinda), Protective Gojo Satoru
Word Count: 1501
Also on AO3
There had been rumors here and there. Rumors of Sasuke making a team. A red-haired girl, an Uzumaki most likely, a young man with straight white hair, and a tall muscular young man. Some people say that the white-haired man is a Hoozuki. There are similar rumors about the orange-haired man, the only member alive of a now extinct clan they say.
There is one last member of Sasuke’s revenge-seeking team. No one knows who he is or where he came from. Some say that he’s Kakashi’s long-lost sibling. He knows because he heard them whisper while an undercover mission. He wasn’t amused, to say the least. There are even fewer people who believe that he is a divine being who is indebted to Sasuke.
At the end of the day, there’s only one thing everyone knows for sure. It’s that the team was assembled to kill Itachi Uchiha.
Needless to say, everyone is surprised when Sasuke casually walked into Konoha with a white-haired man. The man is wearing a dark, long-sleeved over-shirt with a high neck and a blindfold. He had one of his arms around Sasuke’s shoulders as he amiably chattered on and on about a thing or another.
Sasuke slowed a couple of meters before where he and the rest of the jounins were gathered. He whispered something to his companion as he detangled his arm from his shoulders before he leaped towards the rooftops. Anko was about to go after him. Before she could even move, the white-haired man intercepted her. He grabbed her ankle and flung her at Yamato.
“Yo!” The man greeted with a grin on his face. His stance was relaxed, as though they weren’t a threat to him. Two jounins went at him. He easily sidestepped their attacks and landed a couple of hits while his hands were in his pockets.
Anko jumped into the fight, kunai in hand. Not long after Yamato joined her and the rest. More and more shinobi joined the fight and he kept on dodging their attacks. And as he countered Yamato’s wood style, he gave his back to Kakashi. He quickly formed the hand signs for chidori. He ran at him and just as his hand was about to connect with his back it stopped.
“Oh, I haven’t introduced myself nor my ability, now have I?” The blindfolded man said as he noticed Kakashi, who then leaped away from the man.” The name’s Gojo Satoru. I’m Sasuke’s current teacher and the adult making sure team Taka doesn’t end up dead.” The man then looked around.
“I’ll need a volunteer to show you guys my ability.” He held out one of his hands.” We won’t be doing anything crazy, just holding hands.”
Before anyone could move, Gai stepped forward and grabbed his hand. Or at least tried to.
“This is Infinity.” Gojo said as he grabbed Gai’s hand.” It slows down anything the closer it gets to me. I can manipulate it on a microscopic level. What can and cannot touch me, I mean.”
He brought Gai closer and punched him again and again. Any jounin that got close got knocked out or had a leg or arm broken. The man was a beast. He was unstoppable.
Kakashi uncovers his left eye. He must time this well. He activated his magekyou knowing that it was the only way they might be able to stop Gojo. But the man was gone.
“That sharingan… You must be Kakashi, Sasuke’s former teacher.” The man had his back pressed to his and his head resting against his shoulder.” If this is Konoha’s best I can see why Sasuke left. Why he left as if he could learn more somewhere else.”
Kakashi turned around, ready to attack, but he wasn’t there. “You’re all weak.”
Kakashi turned towards the voice. Gojo Satoru was floating right above him. He had a smug look on his face as he looked down on them as if they were nothing compared to him. They weren’t.” Why did you suddenly get so angry, Kakashi-san? I can see your cursed energy flaring. Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
Kakashi had no idea what he was talking about. Did he mean chakra? He had excellent chakra control, he was confident it wasn’t “flaring.” You might want to cover your sharingan, I can see your chakra levels lowering. From what I’ve heard chakra exhaustion isn’t all that fun.”
Kakashi grit his teeth, he was right. He covered his eye with his Hitai-ate as Gojo lowered himself to the ground.” Don’t tell me you’re still jealous. I can assure you Sasuke and I aren’t a thing. We haven’t done anything.
Though I can see why you’d think otherwise. He’s pretty, isn’t he? With his smooth, pale skin and his black hair with a hint of blue. And his dark eyes that shine as bright as the stars when he’s happy. As pretty as he is, there’s someone already occupying my heart.”
Gojo looked Kakashi in the eye. Or at least Kakashi thinks so, he can’t tell when he’s looking at with his eyes covered.” But you don’t just want him because he’s beautiful, do you? You love him because of who he is.”
He got closer to Kakashi and put his arm around his shoulders, bringing him closer.” I’ll tell you something I believe –my personal philosophy if you will– love is the most twisted curse there is.”
Before he could expand on the topic, Sasuke showed up. He had blood smeared on his cheek and, if Kakashi was not mistaken, his mangekyou was activated. When had he gained it? He was also carrying a small bag.
"The mission has been completed. The rest are on their way back to the base." Oh, Kakashi thought, of course, they weren't alone. Gojo was probably the distraction while the other members of their team got in.
"I see," Gojo said as he took off his blindfold. His eyes were a pale blue that rivaled the sky. But what was eerie about them, is that they seem to look into his soul, into his very being."Go ahead, I'll catch up. There's a bakery a couple of streets away that has these really cute cupcakes."
Sasuke rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless. As Sasuke took off on the rooftops, Gojo pushed him away, making him lose his balance. He quickly found his purchase and went after his –former– student.
He quickly caught up to him once they had passed Konoha’s gates. Sasuke was keeping himself up and running through force of will and adrenaline. Kakashi managed to tackle him.
Sasuke fell on his back. Kakashi took the opportunity to pin him in place by stapling his knee in place with his own left knee. He grabbed the younger’s hands pinning them above his head.
“Let go of me.” Sasuke kept on struggling. Luckily, his chakra levels were too low for him to use the chidori.
“Do you really think I’ll let you leave so easily?” Kakashi growled. Something in his tone made him stop struggling. Despite the blood-stained clothes and the blood smeared on his face, he looked so innocent laying under him. A pink blush adorned his cheeks and his pupils were dilated.
“Did you have fun running around doing as you pleased? I told you to let go of your revenge. Now, look at you. Was it worth it?” Sasuke refused to even look at him. Instead, the younger was trying to slow down his breathing while thinking of a way to get away and back to the others.
“Look at me when I speak to you.” Kakashi grabbed his chin and forced him to look at him. Sasuke let out a sound from low on his throat. Something about it made Kakashi want to hear them again.
A cough dispelled the tension building up. Kakashi looked up to see Gojo –with his blindfold on, once again. He was eating a cupcake with pastel green frosting.” Am I interrupting something? Do you guys need lube? Condoms?”
Sasuke blushed even more as he went right back to struggling.” Gojo, shut up and help me!”
“Sasuke it’s fine. You don’t need to be embarrassed.” The blindfolded man had a teasing smiled on his face.” I did tell you you should enjoy your youth didn’t I?”
The man then turned to Kakashi,” He gets hurt, you’ll be joining the elders. Anyways, I’ll be back for him in a couple of hours. Have fun!”
Before he left he uncovered one of his eyes and gave Sasuke a thumbs up.
“You should have said yes to the lube,” Kakashi said as he unzipped Sasuke’s dark, high-collared shirt.” But what are shinobi if not resourceful?”
“Wha-” Sasuke was cut off by Kakashi pressing his lips to his. Whatever escape plans could have occupied his mind were forgotten as Kakashi licked his way into his mouth. Now that his goal has been accomplished, he could spare more than a couple of hours.
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authordgaster · 3 years
So I’ve always been more of an UnderTale centric blog, but I’m also in the Danganronpa fandom.
(Yes yes, Danganronpa, UnderTale, Kayne West, Fingers, MOVING ON!)
So I was looking at V3’s cast, and I thought to myself “hey! Shuichi is kinda like a Makoto/Kirigiri fusion.” And more than once I’ve seen AUs where Shuichi is there kid.
Then I thought of something. “Oh my god... are ALL the V3 members fusions?!”
And if you do the math, it adds up. 32 students from the first two games, 16 in V3.
So I went to work trying to determine if this theory bore any real fruit and started pairing characters (in a non romantic sense, this isn’t some big shipping post). When it came to determining these fusions, I focused on a few different traits for each character. For some it was their talent, others it was their personality traits, and sometimes it was both.
Some fusions admittedly make more sense than others, but I’m going to send each fusion and my reasoning for them.
Starting with Shuichi, who is a fusion of Makoto and Kyoko. (Side note, I’ll be sticking to everyone’s first names.) So the parts he got from Kyoko are pretty obvious, they’re both detectives and emo. From Makoto though, he gets the role of protagonist as well as a good amount of Makoto’s “good boy energy” or G.B.E. for short.
Next we’ve got Kaede, a Sayaka and Aoi fusion. Kaede and Sayaka have a few things in common. Their personalities are both cheerful, they’ve both got musical talents, they both wanted everyone to be friends, and they both jumped the gun and got themselves killed. Yeah... as for Aoi... uh... yeah this was one of those “I don’t really know where to put you so I’ll put you here” scenarios. I mean, Aoi ALSO kind of jumped the gun and almost got everyone killed, which is why I chose to put her in the Kaede fusion pair.
After our protagonists, who better than the rival? Kokichi’s fusion is easily one of if not the least surprising. He’s a fusion of Nagito and Byakuya. Like Nagito, he’s completely insane, obsesses over something (in his case lies) and he sacrifices himself in chapter 5, though for a relatively more selfless cause then Nagito. Keyword being relatively.
On the other end of the spectrum is Kaito, a fusion between Nekomaru and Yasuhiro. Hiro’s inspiration is pretty obvious once you think about it. There’s the jacket and it’s abnormal way of being worn, the airheadedness, and they both have space relations. (Didn’t aliens steal Hiro’s burger or something?) As for Nekomaru, well, it’s obvious right? He was a constant pillar of support for his friends and did exercises with Shuichi and Makinto help them both physically and mentally.
Speaking of Maki, she’s a Mukuro and Hiyoko fusion. Yeah, that’s a weird one right? Well here me out. The Mukuro part is obvious enough, she’s a solider and Maki is an assassin, each having a murder related talent, plus they both fell for lovable dorks. Hiyoko is another situation like Aoi unfortunately. The only common ground I could find was that Maki is kinda short and pretty mean at times. (Her talent could’ve been the Ultimate Tsundere tbh)
On the topic of short girls, Himiko is a Chihiro and Ibuki fusion. Yeah... definitely a weird one there. Chihiro has two main things that lead me to one conclusion. One is they’re both pretty meek except for when it comes to their talent. The other thing was that Chihiro was a tech wiz. Eh... get it, wiz? Right, moving on...
K1-B0 is a Hajime/Chiaki fusion. Like Chiaki, Kiibo is an artificial being, and then there’s the connections to Hajime. Both were evil versions of the Ultimate Hope, albeit unintentionally, and while Kiibo also has loads of G.B.E. he can also tap into his inner Hajime and be sassy as heck. Plus there was their problems revolving around their talents. Hajime wanting to prove he had a talent and K1-B0 wanting to prove his talent was useful, despite his numerous physical setbacks like being weaker and having worse eyesight than the average human.
Next is Tsumugi. Ah Tsumugi, at first I wanted to fuse Junko with Hifumi to make her, combining the Mastermind aspect of Junko with the weebiness of Hifumi. Then I realized that there was a more obvious fit. Twogami and his imposter talent practically mirror’s Tsumugi’s Cosplay talent. End result: Tsumugi is a Junko/Twogami fusion!
Rantaro is...uh... a Kiyotaka/Leon fusion...? Yeah I honestly didn’t know who to put with this guy and these two were just kinda there. I mean, Leon is a “ladies man” and I think Rantaro gave that vibe off? As for Taka, I would just look at him, and then Rantaro, and day to myself “yeah, that fits” for no real reason. Like, there were no grounds for my argument and even so! *sigh* moving on...
Ryoma is Fuyuhiko and Akane. This one kinda makes sense. Ryoma and Fuyuhiko are both smol men with baby faces that can be scary when they want to, and Ryoma and Akane both had it rough prior to school. Yeah I’m not too good with this one either.
Back to more realistic fusions, Kirumi is a Celestia/Peko fusion. Celeste’s goth aesthetic plus Peko’s unwavering sense of duty merge and that’s basically Kirumi in a nutshell.
Angie is Sonia and Hifumi. Angie and Hifumi are both artists, simple as that, and just as Sonia was the ruler of her country, Angie was basically the one running hers, not to mention they were both really weird.
I don’t like Tenko so I’ll make this fast. Mondo and Mahiru. I heard Mondo is supposed to represent toxic masculinity (but he’s portrayed in a way that makes his character GOOD!) and then there’s Mahiru with her constantly getting on guys’ case telling them that they should be doing all these things for no reason other than their gender. Put the two together and you get Tenko and her screaming about “Degenerate males” every five minutes. For someone who hates guys so much, she sure seems to talk about them a lot...
Korekiyo was one that was so obvious I kicked myself for not figuring it out sooner. Mikan and Touko. Touko’s split personality is the same as Kiyo being “possessed” by his sister, and his relationship with his sister mirrors Mikan’s relationship with Junko. Yeah, some dark basis for fusion reasoning, but it works.
Miu. Teruteru’s perverted personality meets Kazuichi’s technological prowess. Nuff said.
And last, but far from least is Gonta. He stronk and noble like Sakura, both sacrificing themselves doing what they believed was right, and he’s good with animals like Gundam.
WOW this took forever to write. Please comment or reblog with your opinions on this theory. How reliable is it? Should I switch some fusions around? Why? I take constructive criticism in stride.
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originofjaehyun · 4 years
Interlude: No More Drama & Prelude: After Story – Omake
Omake’s primary meaning is general and widespread. It is used as an anime and manga fandom term to mean extra or bonus.
Because I wasn’t able to update the next chapter this week (stares directly at my other deadlines) – so I thought of updating you guys with something that is rather different instead! :D
Whenever I write, sometimes I would reach roadblocks, and ideas just wouldn’t come out. Usually by then, I would start to imagine things that most of the time are totally unrelated to the main story (haha).
Anyway! Long story short, these are the character profiles that I imagined when I designed them on my head (lol?)
Friendly reminder that this is a complete fiction!
P.S.: I imagined them during their Neo Zone era, so I wouldn’t talk that much about them physically? Also, you can search on Twitter on their actual perfumes, but I think these brands would suit them very well too (there are some that I took from that reference as well lol).
Read Interlude & Prelude
Scent: Maison Margiela – Jazz Club, Jo Malone – Myrrh and Tonka
Cigarette brand: Marlboro Red
Carpool karaoke pick: (At first) Lauv – I Like Me Better, Cigarette After Sex, and such, but later he would play Spotify’s This Is Adele playlist
Cocktail pick: Ballatine’s Scotch Whiskey
Food delivery choices: Anything within reach (does not have any preference)
Kinks: This tickles him by a lot, but he likes it when you teased him by playing with his happy trail
Scent: Diptyque – Tam Dao, Armani – Code Colonia
Cigarette brand: He used to smoke Camel, but changed to IQOS
Carpool karaoke pick: Depeche Mode, Post Malone, RADWIMPS, sometimes Arashi
Cocktail pick: Cassis Orange, beer
Food delivery choices: Fried chicken (let’s not make him obviously Japanese by making him ordering Ramen every time lol)
Kinks: He loves the sound of skin slapping each other, so expect a lot of spanking
Scent: BYREDO – Mojave Ghost (for daily), LE LABO – Santal 33 (for the evening), Tom Ford – Fucking Fabulous (for the special occasions)
Cigarette brand: Dunhill Blonde Blend
Carpool karaoke pick: Daft Punk (for sure), Disclosure, and such
Cocktail pick: Negroni
Food delivery choices: Fast food, preferably burgers
Kinks: He’s sensitive behind his ears, and would go wild whenever you whisper directly to his ears
Scent: Le Labo – Another 13, Chanel – Bleu De Chanel
Cigarette brand: None
Carpool karaoke pick: Park Hyo Shin, Daniel Caesar, Celine Dion
Cocktail pick: Gin & Tonic
Food delivery choices: Jajjangmyeon
Kinks: He likes it when you explore his neck, and whenever you kiss his adam’s apple
Scent: Dior – Eau Savage
Cigarette brand: None
Carpool karaoke pick: 2Pac, Kendrick Lamar
Cocktail pick: He prefers dark beer, but would take soju anytime with his hyungs
Food delivery choices: Anything carbs
Kinks: He bites a lot
Scent: Penhaligon – Endymion
Cigarette brand: Raison
Carpool karaoke pick: Jhené Aiko, Kehlani, Justin Bieber
Cocktail pick: Jagerbomb, but he would be the one who suggested Tequila shots
Food delivery choices: Bubble tea
Kinks: He likes the feeling of your nail piercing onto his skin (lol did I just make him slightly masochist)
Scent: Jean Paul Gaultier – Le Male
Cigarette brand: Lucky Strike Menthol
Carpool karaoke pick: Michael Jackson, Queen, Jason Mraz
Cocktail pick: Soju
Food delivery choices: Fast food, but he would join anyone who’s ordering any food
Kinks: He prefers the room to be bright so he can see you
Scent: Roses – Chloe
Cigarette brand: None
Carpool karaoke pick: Frank Ocean, Dean, NCT (a-ha)
Cocktail pick: He would take a sip of anything tbh
Food delivery choices: Anything but he would often craves for kimbab
Kinks: Jungwoo you’re not allowed to have a kink
Scent: Tom Ford – Noir Extreme
Cigarette brand: Camel Filter
Carpool karaoke pick: He owns a playlist called; “Wedding Day Songs”
Cocktail pick: Old Fashioned
Food delivery choices: Ramen (the legit ramen and not the instant ones)
Kinks: He breathes you in, a lot
Scent: Aqcua Di Parma – Blu Mediterraneo Mandorlo Di Sicilia
Cigarette brand: Mevius One
Carpool karaoke pick: The 1975, Vampire Weekend
Cocktail pick: Ume Highball
Food delivery choices: Jokbal
Kinks: Surprisingly he’s into role play (he loves it when you call him by his code name)
Random Trivia
All Interlude chapters’ quotes are from Jaehyun’s parts on Neo Zone album
Same goes for Prelude, except for Make Your Day (since Yuta wasn’t a part of that song, I replaced it with Jaehyun’s)
You might or might not notice, but I also put Jaehyun’s part(s) on the actual chapter (either on the conversations or the narrations)
Yuta’s yakuza friend, Taka (mentioned briefly), is taken from MIYAVI’s real name (Takamasa Ishihara) – I borrowed his name because Yuta listened to MIYAVI alot (he also followed him on Instagram!)
The music that they listen to on the car ride during Pandora’s Box was Cigarette After Sex’s Apocalypse (because Jaehyun listens to Cigarettes After Sex before going to bed)
The music during the first car ride with Yuta was No Replacing You by Pink Sweat$ (it’s a part of Jaehyun’s playlist – which he revealed on one of his vlive)
The movie that Jaehyun and [Y/N] watched during the rainy day on White Night, The Notebook, is based on Jaehyun’s recommendation on NCT Night Night
I also mentioned this on Pandora’s Box, but the repeated quote between [Y/N] and Jaehyun, “What is the first twenty-four hours if we’re looking back at the past seventy years?” is highly inspired from Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud (And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70) –because Jaehyun is a fan of Ed.
Also, [Y/N] and Jaehyun met when they’re on their mid 20s. The average human lifespan is 79 years —hopefully our [Y/N] and Jaehyun would have a wonderful long life together. That phrase itself means that both of them are willing to spend the rest of their lives together. Though, I don’t know how that becomes their own love language, it just happened as I write the story haha
[Y/N]’s body gel inspiration is actually a body cleanser by Aesop, A Rose By Any Other Name
Jaehyun’s engagement ring pick was Étincelle de Cartier Ring by Cartier
Jaehyun and [Y/N]’s favorite Ghibli movie pick is Howl’s Moving Castle – Jaehyun mentioned on NCT Night Night that he watched Howl’s Moving Castle a lot when he was at school
After the wedding, dark crimson rose was spotted on Nakamoto’s residence. This symbolizes grief and sadness.
On Make Your Day, the flower language meaning for Buttercup is “Your charm dazzles me”. This is why Yuta knows ___ is attracted to her. If you didn’t notice, Yuta already know that she’s the florist during their first encounter at Nonstop. That is because Yuta remembers their first encounter, too
The tune that ___ listen to at the end of Make Your Day is Always With Me (Spirited Away theme song). I personally feel the scene (on my head) fits the song perfectly! If you want to give it a listen, I recommend the piano version
At the end, ___ gave Yuta anthurium, which means hospitality and happiness. Note how I never really specify their relationship status, since I want the readers to have their own interpretation on the continuation of their relationship
Yuta’s haircut was actually not planned, but it fits the transition since he did cut his hair haha
The hardest chapters to write was Pandora’s Box and Not Alone – purely because they’re mostly transition chapters
Out of all chapters, my personal favorite from Interlude would be White Night and Nonstop for Prelude.
In fact, Nonstop would be my favorite chapter. I think I was so immersed with Jaehyun and [Y/N]’s wedding so I kept including TONS of details hahaha (I hope you don’t mind lol)
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chameleonwritess · 5 years
His Only Exception
Pairing: Kiyotaka Ishimaru/Mondo Oowada
Fandom: Danganronpa
Words: 4108
In a world before Despair invaded their everyday lives, Kiyotaka Ishimaru was very strict about who was and wasn’t allowed out in the corridor.
In a world where Kiyotaka Ishimaru’s memories have been wiped clean and he believes he’s a new attendee of Hopes Peak Academy, he’s still a strong believer that students should not be out in the corridors when they’re not supposed to be.
Even though he may not share his own memories, one constant remains in both worlds. Mondo Oowada is his only exception
Read on AO3
In a world before Despair invaded their everyday lives, Kiyotaka Ishimaru was very strict about who was and wasn’t allowed out in the corridor. He supposed the reason he insisted on the rule so intently was more to do with his Ultimate Talent as the Super High School Level Moral Compass rather than to do with his duties of Hall Monitor, but either way, he expected to be obeyed.
He did not expect to catch three loiterers on the same day, all from his class.
“Kuwata-kun,” Kiyotaka’s loud voice cut through the hallway as he addressed his classmate who, from the looks of it, was walking in the opposite direction from where he was supposed to be heading and laughing at something on his phone.
However, the Baseball star looked rather unconcerned about being caught and instead gave a cheery wave, pocketing his phone.
“Hey, Ishimaru, what’s up, dude?” he asked, heading towards him. Kiyotaka scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion. Had he been wrong? He was almost certain his free period was not due to be over for another quarter of an hour and he was even more certain that Leon had psychology class this period.
And yet, Leon did not at all seem to be acting like he usually did when Kiyotaka caught him disobeying the rules.
“You-“ Kiyotaka started almost hesitantly, “you do realise that there are still fifteen minutes left of your psychology class, yes?”
“Oh, that,” Leon shrugged, throwing a casual arm around Kiyotaka’s shoulder that he attempted to shrug off as politely as possible, “yeah, I needed a loo break real bad but there’s not much lesson left so I’m just sauntering back now. What are you doing outside of class?”
Kiyotaka frowned at Leon’s response before realising Leon had asked a question that it would be rude not to respond to.
“This is one of my free periods, therefore I feel no guilt in stewarding the Halls before returning to my locker at the end of the day,” Kiyotaka responded, “However, Kuwata-kun, even though your lesson may be nearing its end, I am certain there are still valuable topics being taught and you should-“
“Dude,” Leon interrupted, much to Kiyotaka’s irritation, “I didn’t know you had frees. I thought you’d, like, take an extra class or something.”
The look of amusement on Leon’s face did not sit well with Kiyotaka.
“Of course not. Taking time each day to study for upcoming tests and ensure everyone is obeying the rules is a vital part of being a student,” Kiyotaka huffed.
“I thought Oowada would have been enough of a bad influence on you by now,” Leon laughed, “I guess if he can’t change you, no one can.”
“I- well- you see-“ Kiyotaka spluttered, a certain someone’s name catching him off guard for a very understandable reason, “he hasn’t not changed my view on the world. For instance, whilst I would usually feel compelled to give you a detention and send you straight back to class, Kuwata-kun, I now know the importance of creating social connections and being viewed in higher esteem among my peers. That is why we are still talking, of course.”
Leon raised an eyebrow and nodded his head in agreement.
“Yeah, you did sort of mellow after the two of you started banging,” he considered to which Kiyotaka turned bright red.
“Do not speak of such matters within school, Kuwata-kun! My ‘mellowing’ as you call it has nothing to do with whatever extracurricular activities M- Oowada-kun and myself may wish to participate in,” he spluttered indignantly. Leon didn’t even try to conceal his snorts of laughter.
“Man, you crack me up, Ishi. ‘Extracurricular activities’,” Leon chuckled. Kiyotaka blushed even redder. He really did not want to discuss his relationship with Mondo in the middle of a corridor with Leon Kuwata who was renowned for not keeping secrets and had been the one to unintentionally reveal his relationship status to the rest of the class in the first place.
“I’m going to continue my search of the corridor now. Goodbye, Kuwata-kun,” Kiyotaka said assertively. When Kiyotaka glanced back at him, though, he noticed he had fervently gone back to messaging on his phone. Kiyotaka would have reprimanded him again had he not been so eager to end their interaction for the day.
It was ten minutes until the bell when Kiyotaka caught his second culprit. To his great surprise, it was Chihiro, one of the few guys in their class that consistently seemed to obey the school rules that had been set out.
“Fujisaki-kun, what are you doing out of your classroom?” Kiyotaka asked upon approaching him. The programmer turned around suddenly and quickly put his phone behind his back. Kiyotaka had still noticed it, though and absentmindedly wondered why everyone was so obsessed with their phone today. It may have been the first day back to school but surely they could catch up with everyone in person rather than through texts.
“Ah, Ishimaru-kun,” he said shyly, “sorry, I was just fetching my computer from my locker before the end of the day. I don’t like to be within the crowd when we all leave.”
Kiyotaka could appreciate that. Chihiro was a naturally reserved person and being so short, it was likely he would get knocked around easily whilst trying to collect his belongings.
“I see, that is a rather good idea, Fujisaki-kun. I do hope you asked your teacher for permission to leave, though,” Kiyotaka felt as if he had to mention.
“Oh, of course,” Chihiro agreed, nodding his head before offering Kiyotaka a big smile, “how was your summer holiday, Ishimaru-kun? Did you have a nice birthday?”
“Oh,” Kiyotaka paused. Chihiro was the first person to have mentioned his birthday so far. It wasn’t as if he was particularly expecting any mentions, though. With his birthday always falling in the summer holidays, it meant he never really managed to even allude to the event around anyone.
“I, uh, had a rather pleasant birthday spent with my family, thank you. I spent most of my holiday studying, though, so I feel very excited for the future academic year,” Kiyotaka finally replied, “how about you, Fujisaki-kun?”
“It was nice,” Chihiro replied with a nod, “I got to work on my AI program quite a lot.”
“I hope you had a lovely time working on it! I would love to see it one day when it is finished,” Kiyotaka pointed out, hoping Chihiro would understand that he was asking for an invitation.
“I’d be happy to show you but,” he paused for a second of thought, “I’m still not ready to show it to anyone yet. It’s not… ready.”
“I understand. I look forward to seeing it when it is finished” Kiyotaka nodded, “I should let you get back to class now, Fujisaki-kun. I would hate for you to be late because of me!”
Chihiro shuffled awkwardly on his feet for a few seconds before nodding and bidding Kiyotaka goodbye. Kiyotaka kept his eyes trained on the smaller boy for a few seconds after their departure and was surprised to once again see Chihiro turn his head back into the phone he had not-so-discretely been hiding.
Kiyotaka was just pondering whether it would be beneficial to their studies if he proposed a ban on cellphones during school time when he was almost scared to death by his final culprit of the day.
“Hey, Taka,” a deep voice muttered next to his hear, causing Kiyotaka to let out an embarrassingly loud squeak.
“Mondo, you scared me,” he breathed out in relief as a warm arm wrapped around his waist, “what are you even do-“
Kiyotaka didn’t get to finish his sentence as he turned around to look at his boyfriend and caught sight of the scene behind him. Across the side wall of their class’s locker room, a long ‘Happy Birthday’ banner was hung and on a small table in the centre of the room, there sat a single, clearly homemade cupcake with a candle slightly precariously balanced and stuck through the top.
“Mondo, did you- did you do this for-“ Kiyotaka started to say, trying his best not to burst into tears already.
“Yeah, it’s for you. We always miss your birthday ‘cause of when the holiday falls but I wanted to do something for ya. Y’know, now that we’re a thing,” Mondo shrugged as if this wasn’t the kindest thing anyone had ever done for Kiyotaka.
“You didn’t have to,” he said, unable to stop the tears that began trickling down the sides of his face, “I didn’t even expect you to remember.”
“Why the fu-rick wouldn’t I remember my own boyfriend’s birthday ya idiot?” Mondo asked, remembering Kiyotaka’s rule about swearing and ruffling his previously neatly styled hair with a grin on his face.
“I just- I didn’t think i was worth it. You must have put so much effort in and I-“ Kiyotaka tried to say but he was interrupted.
“Taka,” Mondo said, resting his forehead against Kiyotaka’s own, “I didn’t put one second of effort into this that you didn’t deserve and I’d do a whole lot more for ya if I could. Honestly, I probably would have done more if Kuwata and Fujisaki weren’t sh- bad at their jobs.”
“Wait,” Kiyotaka realised, brushing away the tears that had settled on his cheeks, “did you send Kuwata-kun and Fujisaki-kun out into the corridor during lesson time?”
“I-uh- they wanted to help so I texted ‘em and asked ‘em to slow you down. I found out from Naegi that you were in your free last,” Mondo admitted, a look of guilt crossing his face. Kiyotaka could just feel a lecture welling up inside him but he decided to give it a rest due to how thoughtful Mondo had been.
“You really shouldn’t have done that,” Kiyotaka pointed out, “but thank you. It’s really- it’s really nice. I feel quite lucky to have you, Mondo.”
“Ah, c’mon, don’t go getting all sappy on me now. Ya need to blow out your candle before I manage to set fire to the whole school,” Mondo chuckled, bringing his hand to grasp Kiyotaka’s own and tugging him to sit on the bench in front of the table.
“Don’t forget to make a wish,” Mondo told him as he brought the cupcake closer. Kiyotaka smiled at him. He knew what his wish would be.
As he blew out the candle, Kiyotaka thought very carefully, I wish to always have Mondo here to make me this happy.
Mondo complained about it frequently, but he was right- Kiyotaka really was a sap.
“Happy Birthday, babe,” Mondo whispered, kissing his cheek. Kiyotaka blushed at the action.
“I told you not to call me that in school!” he hissed, “especially not when we’re in the corridor where you shouldn’t even be. There are still five minutes left of the school day to be learning.”
“Aw, c’mon, I just wanted to set all this up for ya,” Mondo complained, “besides, technically the locker room isn’t in the corridor so you can’t tell me off,” he added with a wink.
Kiyotaka began spluttering in response. He hated it when Mondo was actually right. Besides, the birthday set up had been rather sweet and Kiyotaka supposed he could make an exception, just this once, because it was Mondo.
“I suppose,” Kiyotaka conceded with a sigh, immediately sending a bright grin across Mondo’s face.
“Thanks, Taka,” Mondo said quietly, bringing his face closer to Kiyotaka’s own in the same way he always did before he kissed him. It took all of Kiyotaka’s willpower to pull away.
“Mondo, we are in public and PDA is banned in school-“
“It’s fine, there’s no one around yet. No one will see, ‘kay?” Mondo promised. Kiyotaka knew somewhere in the back of his mind that the bell was to go very shortly and anyone else from his free period could walk in at any second but when Mondo’s lips touched his own, he couldn’t help but push all those thoughts far out of his head and sigh against his boyfriend’s mouth instead.
He hadn’t kissed Mondo since before Summer, even though they’d reunited briefly that morning and Kiyotaka hadn’t realised how much he’d missed the sensation.
Mondo’s lips were slightly rough and chapped compared to Kiyotaka’s own smooth ones, but that was something he loved about Mondo. The entire way in which he was a little rough around the edges was so different in comparison to everything else in Kiyotaka’s life, so pristine and neat, that Kiyotaka couldn’t help but love the way they surprisingly fit together perfectly.
Mondo wrapped a warm, sturdy arm around Kiyotaka’s waist and drew him closer, leaning his own back against the locker to pull Kiyotaka down onto him. He felt Mondo’s mouth open and felt the familiar glide of Mondo’s tongue along his own lips.
Kiyotaka opened his mouth as if by reflex and deepened the kiss, sliding his own hands up Mondo’s sturdy sides and almost forgetting where they were for a second before-
“Hey, Ishimaru-kun, is that you-wAH I’M SO SORRY!”
Mondo and Kiyotaka jumped back from each other as though electrocuted to find Makoto stood with his particularly red face buried in his hands and Kyoko by his side, smiling teasingly.
“Naegi-kun, Kirigiri-kun, I apologise for acting so disgracefully when I myself should be setting an example. I got a little- uh- carried away,” Kiyotaka apologised immediately, his cheeks burning from embarrassment whilst Mondo let out a snort of laughter behind him. Curse Mondo for being so… enticing.
“No, no, it’s okay I was just going to ask if you’d understood the final part of the biology reading for tomorrow but I can text you about it tonight, it’s fine,” Makoto spluttered, his face still an impressive shade of crimson.
Kiyotaka was about to respond that he would be happy to discuss it now when a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind and a chin rested on his shoulder.
“What are you looking so pleased about?” Kiyotaka hissed under his breath, “I was just caught breaking the rules thanks to you.”
Kiyotaka could feel Mondo’s shrug through his body.
“Nothin’. I didn’t force you to break ‘em,” he pointed out with a smirk. Kiyotaka furrowed his eyebrows as he opened his locker and began to pack his bag away.
“You were heavily persuasive,” he muttered in complaint. Mondo chuckled and buried his nose in the side of Kiyotaka’s neck. Kiyotaka was fairly certain his heart had skipped an entire beat at the action.
“Told you to make your presence known first,” Kiyotaka overheard the quiet whispering of Kyoko to Makoto from next to them.
“Yes, I realise that now, Kyoko,” Makoto whined under his breath. Kyoko let out a small laugh and glanced over to Kiyotaka and Mondo, making eye contact with Kiyotaka and giving him a small smile.
Before Kiyotaka could question what the meaning was behind such an unusual action, Kyoko had planted a kiss on Makoto’s cheek and laced her hand with his.
“Kirigiri-kun, you-“ Kiyotaka began to reprimand before realising how incredibly hypocritical it would be of him, “I- never mind.”
Kyoko raised a thin eyebrow at him and tugged Makoto’s hand.
“Come on Makoto. I don’t suspect those two want us hanging around here for too long,” she commented quietly as the two walked off.
“Were you about to yell at Kirigiri for kissing Naegi’s cheek?” Mondo realised.
“I- well- yes. PDA should not be permitted within a school, after all,” Kiyotaka reasoned.
“Oh, so it’s one rule for one, another for another, huh?” Mondo smirked.
“No! I wasn’t trying to break the rules,” Kiyotaka complained, turning around to face the still grinning Mondo, “it’s just, well-“
“Yeah?” Mondo prompted as Kiyotaka turned even redder, joining their hands together.
“You were sort of my only exception.”
“You are a sap,” Mondo complained.
“I’m not,” Kiyotaka insisted, shouldering his school bag as Mondo stuck his now free hands into his pockets and nudged Kiyotaka’s shoulder.
“Want to come back to mine for a bit so you can open your present?” Mondo invited, “and, y’know, finish what we started.”
Kiyotaka hit his arm gently.
“Don’t phrase it like that!” he complained, “but yes, I suppose I’d very much like that.”
Mondo grinned and slipped his hand back into Kiyotaka’s to pull him along the corridor and out of the door when the school bell finally rang and Kiyotaka sighed to himself. He really did wonder how he’d allowed himself to get so caught up in Mondo that he’d break his own rules, yet here he was.
Still, the old saying was that there was an exception to every rule. So help him Mondo Oowada was the exception to every single one of his.
In a world where Kiyotaka Ishimaru doesn’t even know that chunks of his memory are missing and despair is the crux of their everyday life, he is still strict about who is and isn’t allowed out in the corridor. Unfortunately, there are no particularly good rules set by their supposed headmaster that he can even enforce, but to his relief, Celeste has insisted that they apply their own rule for during nighttime.
Therefore, every night when the ten o’clock announcement sounds, Kiyotaka sees it as his duty to check everyone’s doors to ensure they are locked and that their inhabitants are safe inside. He considers his commitment even more important after the terrible incident that occurred only a few nights ago. After all, if anyone else were to swap rooms, he would notice immediately, now.
However, with the memory of Leon’s execution and Sayaka’s murder still fresh in their minds, Kiyotaka doubts anyone would even attempt it.
That’s why Kiyotaka is especially shocked to discover two offenders on the same night.
For the past couple of nights, Byakuya has been the last to return to his room from the Library. Kiyotaka had assumed originally that it would have been the same this night, so when his nightly,
“Sleep well, Togami-kun,” was routinely met with silence and a chilling glare, Kiyotaka sees it as a sign that his room checks should begin.
As per usual, Kiyotaka starts his checks at Kyoko’s room so that his circuit can bring him back to his own room last. He checks the lock on Kyoko and Makoto’s rooms, glad to see they are both safe and secure, and skips over Sayaka’s room tactfully, checking Toko’s door instead.
It is when he reaches Chihiro’s room that he finds her doorknob turning fully instead of stopping as it usually would when locked at night.
“Fujisaki-kun?” Kiyotaka calls out in concern, “are you in there?”
His question is met with further silence, which Kiyotaka sees as enough reason to gently edge the door open and check for signs of life inside. The room seems deserted at first glance and Kiyotaka sincerely hopes that means nothing disastrous has happened and that Chihiro simply decided to take a nighttime walk.
The memory of the previous crime still fresh in his mind, Kiyotaka hesitantly peeks into the bathroom and is overwhelmed with relief when that, too, is deserted. He edges slowly out of the room and decides the only thing he can do about the situation is to continue his check and hope desperately that everything is okay with Chihiro.
He checks the rooms of Aoi, Sakura, skips Leon’s, checks Yasuhiro, Hifumi and Celeste’s before once again skipping a room that belonged to Junko and nearing the end of his search by missing Byakuya’s room (he already saw the other enter for the night).
Finally, he arrives at the final door and reaches out to turn the handle of his kyoudai’s room.
That’s when a voice interrupts his search.
“K-kyoudai is that you?” it says and Kiyotaka jumps in surprise, accidentally pushing the unlocked door wide open. His initial panic is filled with relief when he realises that it was Mondo who called out to him.
“It is me. What are you doing out of your room at this hour? The nighttime announcement played quite a while ago, now,” Kiyotaka questions, mainly concerned that his Kyoudai is getting worried and restless in this school. He knows possibly better than anyone how much Mondo misses being around his gang. They’re like family to him.
“I just, uh, went to get a drink. I was thirsty. Promise I’m back for the night now, ‘kay? No need to worry about me,” Mondo chuckles. Kiyotaka still doesn’t feel relieved from all his worries but he forces himself to smile for Mondo’s sake more than anything.
“I am glad to hear that and even more glad to know that you are safe, kyoudai,” Kiyotaka chooses to say, instead, “I shall see you bright and early in the morning, in that case. I hope you sleep well.”
“Surprised you’re not giving me a lecture for being out of my room,” Mondo smiles with a nod of his head. Kiyotaka blushes a bit and laughs sheepishly. He had been hoping Mondo would not mention his lack of reprimands. It isn’t that Kiyotaka doesn’t think it was wrong, it’s just that he really doesn’t want to yell at Mondo. Especially when he’s been so kind and considerate towards him these last few days.
“Well, let’s just say I made an exception for you,” Kiyotaka decides to say, “because we’re kyoudais, of course,” he adds, just in case his sentence is taken in, well, more the way that he actually means it. Kiyotaka’s never been one for hiding secrets but he’s not sure he even could put into words the peculiar way he feels about Mondo.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then, yeah?” Mondo agrees, a smile coating his features. Kiyotaka nods in agreement and before he knows it, his face is pressed against Mondo’s hard chest and his kyoudai’s arms are wrapped around his torso.
Kiyotaka doesn’t even have time to respond to the sudden hug before Mondo pulls away and dashes back into his room. He stands there for a few seconds, his face bright red from the sudden physical contact and how warm and toned Mondo’s body had felt against his own before finally returning to his own room and falling asleep almost instantly.
Kiyotaka didn’t even realise that he’d forgotten to check up on where Chihiro was until they find her corpse in the girls’ changing room the following morning.
If Mondo Oowada were to die the following day, Kiyotaka Ishimaru would find himself too distraught to obey even his own rules. He would spend so long crying that his eyes would be red, dry and almost as painful as the stabbing pain he would feel in his chest.
Kiyotaka would never be able to hate anyone as much as he would find himself hating Monokuma and whoever it was that trapped them in the school in the first place, forcing the hands of innocent teenagers to slaughter their own classmates and laughing at the horrifying outcome.
If his kyoudai died before he could ever tell him about the feelings he had bottled up inside him for the other boy, Kiyotaka would find his own feet silently carrying him to the sauna even after the nighttime announcement had called loud and clear.
He would sit in the sauna, where everything between them had started, and cry even more. Cry about how unfair it was, how it didn’t matter if Mondo had killed Chihiro or not, how Mondo should have put up more of a fight and tried to escape that place, even if that meant Kiyotaka had to lay down his own life.
He would cry about how little he would hesitate to volunteer to do such a thing for the other boy, how if Mondo had just talked to him about his secret, he never would have panicked and had his own physical strength backfire again him.
Kiyotaka would cry and he wouldn’t care about any rules and he wouldn’t care about his own life or even escaping anymore because why would he if his reason to live had died?
If Mondo Oowada were to die the following day, Kiyotaka would realise that if the old saying that there is an exception to every rule really was true, now that his exception was dead, there was only one thing he could do to maintain the order.
Kiyotaka would break every rule in his own book and become the exception. No one else could ever fill Mondo’s place.
After all, he was his only exception.
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thelittlehansy · 5 years
My Ranking of disney Princes ( Part 1)
*this post is not about disney princess love interest but count actual prince by birth and marriage so no hercule  tarzan , quasimodo , phoebus  but also human so no simba and no prince taka ( sorry i mean scar XD) i just include Mulan and pocahontas love interest  who are not prince because  they are famous “disney princess”.
let’s begin  : 
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one of the biggest disney prince of my childhood , i liked him a lot when i was little but now that i m older there is something about that guy that i dont like that much. even dislike ? like he is confident but in a wrong way ? so , i m gonna say something atrocious in term of disney fandom but i m team john rolfe haha i prefered him he is nice with pocahontas , yes a little snob , but he is nice so justice for john rolfe and everyone should just stop hating that poor dude 😂
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unfortunately i can put prince florian higher because of his screen time ! we saw barely anything about him but i do think he has some potential !
- him being a childhood friend of snow white is really something that i find really possible and could developed their romance. after all when they meet the movie never tell us “ this two are strangers” and snow white reaction could have other reasons.
- i also think this is possible to give him some depth with the “ i want to be a hero” like the only thing he did is to kiss snow white and woke her up i can see him wanted to be something more and it is funny because in once upon a time  season 5 ( ?) david , snow white prince talk to robin hood about wanted to be something more.
so yeah i put him here because of his screen time but he has some potential !
10- ALADDIN and  -9  KRISTOFF 
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this two are two nice sweet guy who loved very much their princess. aladdin is a prince by heart , a prince by marriage and also a prince by birth ? i mean he is the son of the king of thieve we could totally make a kingdom like thief-land 😂 lol kristoff is  an amazing character  also he show us how selfless he is when he sacrifice his happiness for anna. Aladdin is also a selfless guy when he give the beard to the kids. they were also both soooo cute when they were little just look at them : 
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but....there are at this place because even if i like them there is something in their behavior to their princess that i dislike : for aladdin this is obvious , he lied ! he is also one of the main princes of my childhood and i watch his tv series a lot and i remember him lied to jasmine each episode and it was so frustrating ! as for kristoff while this is common sense to not marry a man you just met he give me the impression to have a “ i know better than you” behavior toward anna ? he appeared to me also a bit judgmental or maybe this is his portrayal in once upon a time that make me think that 🤔
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shang abdo... sorry i mean captain Shang made the 8th position for me ! i like how awkward and shy he is in term of romantic relationship yeah you fight good mulan ! he is maybe a bit too serious and traditional for my taste ? so yeah shang is captain of the army not celebrating a birthday 😅but even in his everyday life i got the feeling he is very serious but i still really like him ! i m disappoint he is not gonna be in the live action...our bi icon would definitely miss in the movie 😪
oh and i will makes a man out of you is one the beest disney song eveeeer 💖
8- Prince Adam 
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the biggest prince of my childhood but also  one of the most complex disney prince who has to dealt with a lot of issues , his complexity is definitely what i love the most about him. there is something tragic about him  , the end were he is just depressed and let gaston finished it always make so sad ☹ 
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one of the main reason i also find him tragic is because of that stupid enchantress XD ! seriously which 11 years old should be punish to not let a creepy old lady in his house ?  i bet that enchantress was one maleficent best friend !🤣 So , i really like Prince adam and even though adam is fan-name i think it really suit him ! it also mean “ man” so its perfect for him ! 
but i kind of have the same feeling with him that i have with rapunzel ! i both loved them  rapunzel is one of my favorite princess but at the end of the movie they lost for me what makes them unique rapunzel her long blond hair , and adam his beast form so while they do deserve their happy ending with freedom they feel maybe a little less unique at the end of their movie and i bit more generic  for me.   
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