#Gustavo Fring x reader
alexiswritingstuff · 10 months
Just wanted to let you know that I've been binge reading all of your writings and I love them so much, keep up the good work! :)
I know you might have a lot of Gus requests, so it's okay if you put this one on the back burner for a bit. But I read the "Not So Scary After All" work and I was wondering if you could write a sort of sequel to it?
Maybe Jesse keeps trying to tell GN reader how obvious it is that he likes them. How he's seen him try not to smile when talking to reader, the softer tone of voice, things like that.
Reader obviously doesn't believe him and thinks that Gus is just being nice to his employees, especially the ones that are responsible for the cooks.
Anyways, after a few days of Jesse pestering the reader about it something happens to make them realize he might be right. I was thinking maybe they would make another mistake with the cook and Walter is there to see it. Maybe he gets mad, a little TOO mad, and Gus walks in 🤭 Or anything else works too! I just love the premise of a protective Gus that doesn't like to show how protective he actually is
First of all, thank you for the comment about my writings, I'm glad you have enjoyed them so far! Initially I didn't think about writing a part two, so I hope this does it justice, as well as that I hope it was what you were looking for!
Thank you for sending this in!
Not so scary after all. 2/2
Pairing: Gustavo x gender neutral reader.
Other appearances: Jesse Pinkman, Walter White.
Warnings: arguing, walter being a douche.
also be aware of spelling mistakes, or other errors. I do read these over but I can tend to miss stuff either way!
A/N: my brain has been fixated on other characters recently, so if these guys seem ooc then that may be why. It's hard to write scenes where gustavo is interested in another person because we barely get to see that in either show, so I also hope my portrayal of him just generally feels correct.
I hope you enjoy!
more Gustavo fics.
Taglist- @sukunamybeloved - @viviennemuerte - @miwagila - @marksassybanana
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previous part.
It never mattered how many times you had gone through the same routine. Surprisingly, considering your line of work, waking up in the morning was always the most jarring part. 
You could’ve had a great nights sleep, not woken up at any point, had no distractions or noisy neighbours. Yet the second you were in that car to get to the laundromat, it was like you had to force your eyes to stay open. 
Which was apparently the same for Jesse too as there was a series of mumbles and grumbles that would fill the car every few seconds. 
Each time you spared a glance to the passenger seat he would be leant further and further into window, his head bobbing whenever there was a difference in ground level or direction of the wheels. 
It had you amused, but also a little concerned, “Did you wake up too early, or too late?”
Seeking no comfort from the hardness of the glass, and after his temple ended up smacking right into it, Jesse got himself to sit upright in a speed that closely resembled one of those stairlifts. 
He groaned, having to make consistent attempts to keep his body from just slumping all together, “Both?” His hands raised to his head, the sides of his fingers beginning to rub at his eyes as if it would rid them of their tiredness.
In all honesty, outside of the cooking sessions and other shenanigans you found yourself in, you and Jesse never really... hung out. There would be times where you had lunch together, or had to show up to his house if there was something to drop off.
But that was mostly it.
And there wasn’t exactly a reason as to why. You had absolutely nothing against Pinkman, it was like the opposite. The more you spent time with him, the more you felt like some kind of guardian watching over some kid. Even if he also was an adult.
“You had breakfast, though, right?” Your gaze was trained on the lane ahead despite your ongoing conversation.
You had just turned onto a state road, meaning that, regardless of it being early in the morning, people were up and about. Trying to get to their jobs.
It always made it seem busier than it was.
At first, in response to your question, Jesse simply emitted another mumble of something. He was thinking, the intensity in which he rubbed at his eyes increasing for a moment, and then his hands dropped. “Oh,”
“Shit, I don’t... I don’t know.”
You supressed the urge to sigh. It had already happened a few times. Depending on what he did the night before, there would be some mornings where his mind was rattled enough that he would almost forget where he even was, so.
You came prepared. 
“Well, I guess luck is on your side today.” you commented, flexing your fingers against the grips of the steering wheel, “There should be a sandwich or something in the back.”
By now Jesse’s head was leaning into the headrest, definitely having the same problem of trying to keep his eyes open like you did. The heat outside probably wasn’t a helpful factor either. “Seriously?”
You didn’t want to take your attention off of the road. The cars in front were starting to slow, and you needed to keep note of the distance from the ones at the back. “Check.” you told him, adjusting the rear view mirror for better visibility.
Jesse sort of rolled his head to the side after a moment, his chin almost knocking into the bone of his shoulder as his gaze cast onto the few items that were in the back seats.
He lazily blinked for a good few seconds, his eyes trying to adjust to the redirection of a sunlight beam. And then he saw it. Right in the middle.
A brown bag.
“No way.”
The next move he made was so fast that the seatbelt strapped around him had immediately stalled against his body, attempting to keep him in place at the assumption of sudden danger.
But that wasn’t enough to stop him at all. 
He pushed against it once, then twice, and then one more time before simply manoeuvring himself around the belt so that the top half would basically be protecting the car seat instead of him. 
When Jesse leaned himself between your seat and his, it was so much harder to keep your attention on the road. He was reaching out, arm extended as far as it could go and waving almost madly, until eventually, he grabbed the bag.
Jesse practically had to shove himself backwards to sit upright again, but soon he was able to resume his previous position with a big sigh of relief. Your head could only shake. 
Now, there was this sound a rustling paper that filled the entire car as you moved onto the accompanying lane. Something that was definitely not supporting your concentration. “Damn.”
His voice was muffled, the noises coming out of his mouth barely even sounding like a word which in turn made you send him a look.
He had finally gotten to the sandwich. “You make this?”
“Nah, I had too many errands to run.” you informed with a slight sigh, finally beginning to let yourself relax in your seat, “Would’ve done it if I had the time, but I think that is better anyway.”
Jesse didn’t even have to speak for you to know his response. He had taken another bite, nodding his head just slightly in proper approval. If his eyes were closed it would look like he was in pure bliss.
After relentlessly chewing for a hot minute, he attempted to swallow it down, “I didn’t-- I didn’t take you as an early riser.” Yet his voice was still almost unintelligible.
“Well, believe it or not, other people are in fact active in the mornings.” you pointed out, slightly leaning to the side for further emphasis on who the comment was aimed at in a way that had Jesse rolling his eyes. 
You swear you saw a clump of crumbs fly from his mouth when he next spoke, “Yeah, yeah-- You sure your too many errands wasn’t just you making sure that you looked good for a certain Fring?”
Your head snapped in his direction in a way that had looking back to the road immediately after, and probably almost gave you whiplash. But you saw it either way.
That damn grin had taken over his lips.
“Please don’t do this right now.”
Jesse had to clear his throat to stop himself from almost choking, “Aw come on, man, it’s-- There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you did.” Your head shook like it had done before, “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
It was always so stupid to you how the indirect mention of someone made your body react the way it did. You were only trying to get to work, yet your heart was acting as if you had just gone for a run. 
“But I do.” The look you sent Jesse almost had him wanting to put his hands up if he wasn’t so focused on his sandwich, “What? I do-- Look, I may not have that much experience, or whatever, but there is totally something going on.”
“Definitely on his end at least.” He moved the sandwich around in his hands, trying to locate the best part to bite as he had finally swallowed the last one, “I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve seen him give you the look.”
Your eyebrows furrowed within seconds, “The... The what now?” You tried to turn in his direction for confirmation, but he seemed a bit too busy to notice your movement.
Due to a junction being up ahead, your foot had moved onto the foot break, watching the lights fully change the closer you drew.
“The look.” Jesse finally repeated, his mouth full all over again in a way that needed real concentration to understand the words coming out of it, “Yeah, he gives you the look, like, all the time.”
Soon, the car in front of you had fully stopped, and then so did yours as you put it into first gear, keeping your feet on the first two pedals.
The moment the car had stopped moving, you turned to Jesse within seconds, eyebrows furrowed more than they had ever been. “What is the look?”
Pinkman gave you a simple glance at first, thinking that you were just messing around as he kept munching away... But no matter how much time went by, you didn't move. Still watching him.
His chewing slowed when his head turned back in your direction. He just blinked for a moment. “You don’t know... You don’t know what the look is?”
Your chin lowered, your eyelids slightly doing the same, “Does it sound like I know what it is?”
“Okay, but... how?” Despite Jesse’s previous complete interest in his sandwich, it lowered with his hands to his lap. There was utter confusion written all over his face while he remained smacking away. “How do you not-- How old are you?”
Your attention went to the road ahead all over again, the back of your head sinking into the headrest as a huff left your lips, “Older than you.” you pointed out, trying to sound more authoritative, but that just seemed to spark an already lit flame. 
“Then how do you not see it, huh? I mean, even I can tell that it’s pretty obvious-- And not just because of the look either,” Jesse fully twisted in his seat so that he faced you, “He like... He wants to actually, like, talk to you, and shit-- I’ve seen him smile-- genuinely smile at you, okay?"
“Now, if he was doing it to me? I would... Man, I would be terrified-- But it’s you, it’s... different.” You were trying so hard not to shake your head again, but Jesse’s voice practically being right in your right ear was making it a lot more difficult. “It’s something else--”
“It’s not...” You regripped the steering wheel, “You do realise we’re talking Gustavo Fring, right?” Your head attempted to turn back to Jesse, though your eyes were trying to keep the attention on the road as one of the final vehicles seemed to cross through the junction. 
“Exactly!” Jesse practically threw his arms up, almost losing his grasp on the sandwich in the process, “You should be caring about this more than you do.”
Your head shook as your gaze fully went back to the road, your foot readying to release the clutch while your fingers tapped against the steering wheel in anticipation. 
You were trying to find something to zone in on, something to distract yourself from the kid sitting in your passenger seat as he was still eagerly trying to get you to see the things the way he did. But you weren’t giving it to him. 
“Fine then.” Jesse reached behind him, grabbing the top half of the seatbelt, pulling it until it was in front of him again, before he ducked himself beneath. 
“But I’m telling you, Y/n.” It was back, slinging diagonally across his torso by the time he was seated properly, and also by the time the lights had finally turned green.
“You’ll see.”
There was something about this day that was starting to feel a little familiar. 
You and Jesse had arrived ages ago. You had gone down the windy red stairs, did the whole thing of taking off unnecessary clothing so that you wouldn’t completely boil in the obnoxiously yellow protective suit you would put on next. 
And at first, once you were all geared up, the two of you stood in front of the machines. Your heads were raised, eyes cast up to the walkway above as you awaited the arrival of your usual partner at their usual time...
But the door never opened. 
There was no proper estimate for how long the two of you just stayed waiting as you had set your watch to the side, and the clock was on the other side of the room, however, there was one thing you knew for sure. Someone was late. 
Eventually, the two of you were trying to compensate, finding something useful to do while giving the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was just tough traffic or something going on that made them lose track of time.
Though, the ability to sympathise got smaller and smaller the more minutes began to turn into full on hours. 
You found yourself at your usual table with your hand supporting the weight of your head, attempting to occupy your mind by looking over the paperwork from passed cooks. A habit that you only recently developed. 
“Dude,” you heard somewhere to your side before there was an exasperated sigh, and a quick creaking of a chair, “What the hell is taking him so long?”
Earlier, Jesse had taken one of the other wheeled chairs from the table connected to yours and had rolled somewhere, enough so that you could only see him from the corner of your eye.
His body was slumped back, the seat beneath him creaking with every move that he made. And considering that he didn’t have anything to do, that was like every. Single. Second. 
He had tried out the difference created when he would shift his weight, tested what it would feel like to have his legs hanging over the left side of the chair and then the right, he had pushed his feet onto the floor to roll himself backwards and forwards against the smooth tiles.
And now, as apparently none of that had seemed to have settle his mind, Jesse had resorted to zipping and unzipping the protective suit he was so ready to take off by now. Over, and over... And over again. “Okay,”
“That’s it.”
The pencil held in your gasp was cast to the side of the notepad, you were barely looking at this point, before your hands moved to the edge of the table so that you could push against it enough that your chair started to roll.
You stood up, winding round the seat that was still on the move as you began to walk towards one of the pathways between the machines. Jesse fully planted his feet on the ground, “Yo, Y/n, where are you going?” 
Your fingers grasped onto the zip of your suit and you yanked it down as far as you could without having to bend for the rest, beginning to pulling your arms out one after the other moments after. 
You moved round that damn settling tank and soon ended up at the wall where you would keep or hang up your loose items. “I...” you began, your voice becoming strained as you bent down to free your feet of those big welly boots, “am going to find out what the hell is going on.”
The squeak of a chair echoed somewhere to the back of the room. “Well, don’t-- Don’t leave me in here by myself.” 
Finally, after one last tussle, your, once worn, protective suit was now sprawled on the ground beside the clothing rack. You moved to your usual shoes, putting either feet in their respective ware before tying the laces to make sure they wouldn’t fall off. 
Before Jesse could even appear by your side to complete the same process, you were on the move once again, directing towards those windy red stairs that always made you feel like you were going to fall up and/or down them. 
“Y/n, wait, dude, wait-- Just give me a minute.” You could hear the hurried rustling of plastic suit echoing through the steps you took on the metal staircase. 
Eventually, when your movements had allowed you to arrive at the cat walk, you found yourself complying to Jesse’s words... While the man himself was still trying, and failing, to get the suit off. 
It gave you a moment to catch a breath you hadn’t been able to take all day. You were stood high, looking down at the problems below, and not drowning neck deep in it like you usually did. 
A deep breath sucked into your nostrils as you let your eyes fall closed, the air of the lab starting to cool the warmth that had festered across your skin--
A sharp whistle squealed through from your left before it bounced around each wall one after the other. 
Your eyes had snapped open as soon as the sound appeared, but it wasn’t until your head had started to turn that your brain realised what it had come from. 
It was the door.
Your body twisted in the direction of the man who was almost stumbling across the cat walk, a series of huffs and puffs spluttering from his mouth that would have you worrying any other day. 
But as of now, all you did was cross your arms over your chest.
“Yo, Mr. White! What the hell took you so long, dude?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he began through a slight wheeze that ended with him doing this horrendous cough. And once he was about three steps in front of you, he stilled his apparently over exhausted body, using a hand to shift his weight onto the railing, “There was... car trouble, and stuff with the kids, you-- you know kids.”
“You would think, maybe, after the first one that it was going to get easier and then...”
In the midst of Mr. White stabilising himself, his head had turned to the right in at attempt to locate Jesse, which wasn’t hard to do considering the fact that he was still taking off that damn suit, to further emphasis his... guilt?
But instead, after he did a sort of double take, he began to slowly face you once again, “Why aren’t any of the machines on, why... Why aren’t you wearing your suit?”
“We were waiting for you. I was just about to try and find at least someone to tell us where you were.”
“Wait... Wait a minute,” Mr. White started, holding his hands up while he took a step closer. “You didn’t start?” His chin slightly lowered in a way that made his eyes peer at you over his glasses. 
“No?” you stated simply, your eyebrows furrowing at the sudden change to his demeanour, “After last time... We didn’t think you wanted us to do it by ourselves.”
“But that was-- That was last time, Y/n.” With every word that the man spoke, his hands rose higher and higher until they were inches away from touching his face, “Do you have any idea what time it is right now?”
The urge to scoff was stronger than ever, and you had to hold it back more than you ever had in your life, “I think I��should be asking you that question.”
The man before you began shaking his head in a way that was almost not visible. “I told you... I was having problems with my car.” For a moment his expression remained the way it was, a visible attempt at holding back what you were guessing was anger. 
But then it failed. 
“I have... a family to take care of...” His hands dropped to his sides. When he next spoke the corners of his mouth slightly downturned like there was utter distaste for the words coming out of his mouth, “They are not going to be put at expense because, again, you weren’t able to do a simple job.”
Regardless of how loud it usually was when someone walked up the windy stairs, right now, as Jesse began to do just that, it was barely audible to your ears. The sound fading more and more the longer you stared at the man before you. “Guys, can we just--”
“I am doing my job just fine, Mr. White.” you started up with this lack of emotion to your voice, trying to make it as clear as possible that you wanted to get this over and done with, “We just didn’t want to do another batch all by ourselves, simply, because you couldn’t be bothered to show up.” Though it seemed your mouth had other plans. 
There was something that almost satisfactory when you saw a side of his face twitch. But soon, it was one that ended with this sort of smile curling at his lips, his eyebrows raising more than you had ever seen in your time working with him. “Oh.”
“So, you want me to apologise for making a singular mistake? Is that it?” He took yet another step towards you, “You know what, how about we count how many times you have made-- No, caused, a mistake, hmm?”
You couldn’t count the amount of voices that were telling you to take a step back, to move away the closer he got to stand directly in front of you, “But that wasn’t only my fault-- There’s a big difference between actually trying and just not showing up.” 
Your feet remained planted on the ground beneath. Your arms were held tighter than ever across your torso as you tried to maintain the blankest expression possible.  
“Dude, both of you just... just chill out, please.” Jesse tried to insist as he walked up the last few steps, but no one paid any attention to his words, “We can-- We can work this out--”
“You allowed a contamination,” Mr. White began, narrowing his eyes as if in disbelief, “How did you-- Did they not teach you to read, or listen, to instructions in school?”
“My education has nothing to do with this.” you insisted without missing a beat. And regardless of your attempts to keep your composure, it was inevitable that something began slipping into your voice.
You had been up early.
You had been running back and forth to make sure that certain things were sorted for certain people, had to drive all the way to downtown to pick up Jesse and then all the way back up to get here. To work.  
And then, while at work, you weren’t even able do your damn job because your other partner, that was supposed to be there at a specific time by contract, just didn’t show up. 
Which then lead you and Jesse to have to stand and do absolute jack shit for hours on end. 
Walter just shook his head again, even raising his hands like he was about to shove you or something, though he might have wanted to simply point a finger, “Well, apparently it does, because if you still aren’t competent enough to follow something so basic, then--”
“What is going on here?”
Within the next second, the man in front of you had twisted round in a way that almost gave you whiplash just from watching. He stepped to the side, and moved backwards until he was practically next to you. “Oh, Gus, I, uh... We were just... Slow start.”
But, of course, he was still a little ahead. 
Your feet, however, hadn’t moved an inch. In fact the only move you made was to let your arms finally fall free to your sides as you stared onwards. 
It was Gustavo. He was stood in the doorframe, one hand pressing against the weighted metal so that he had enough time to take in his surroundings. And then he took the final step inside. 
It was only when the door closed behind him that you realised you hadn’t even heard it open in the first place. 
The lab was back to what it had been minutes ago. Silent. No sound at all filtering throughout the entire room. 
Gustavo stilled himself not far from the door he had walked through, but enough so that you could feel his presence as well as see it. His arms were unmoving by his sides, a trait that would’ve carried out through his entire body if he hadn’t started moving his head. 
Like Walter had done when he arrived, Gustavo looked at the room below. He studied it, looked from one section to the other while noting the quietness that was effecting even him. 
And then he turned back to the people across from him, the expression on his face unwavering, “Why is that? There’s nothing in the machines.”
“You know, ex-- exactly.” the man to your side suddenly spoke up, snapping your attention from the other guy you wanted to look at a little longer. “I had... countless problems with a lot of things this morning, and I wasn’t able to arrive on time.”
Walter sort of took a step forward, but instead of what you would naturally think of when someone carried out such a movement, he didn’t properly face Gustavo. 
He stood side on, his body turned towards the machines so he could look at you or his boss with a simple movement of his head. And as of now, you seemed to be his main target. “Apparently they couldn’t be bothered to start the batch themselves.”
“That’s not true.” You mirrored his stance, faced directly towards him, instead of the man who was just trying to seek answers, as your eyebrows furrowed as much as they could. 
Walter tilted his head, “You sure?” he asked, using the most condescending voice that would of set you off had you already lost the grasp on your, slowly dissipating, self control. 
“Yes, I don’t understand--” Your hand rose to your face, fingers pressing into the skin beneath before dragging down to your chin. And then they dropped. You took in a deep breath. “Look... I admit it, sure, we could have started the cook. But.”
“Me and Jesse both thought it was smarter to wait after the previous mistake,” you began, emphasising your point by gesturing to the dude who was now stood behind, and his eyes sort of widened at the sudden attention. 
This time it was you who took the step forward. “But yet again,” You made sure to hold yourself back from blinking as you stared right at the man who was trying so hard not to cut you off, your fists clenched at your sides. “You. Weren’t. Here.”
Your heart was thudding in your ears, a sound louder than any other thing in the room. The exhaustion was rampant through your body, continuously attacking system, and at this point testing your patience that had already become thin. 
The ability to control anything was about one minute away from collapsing. 
“Why were you late, Mr. White?”
When Gustavo’s voice caught your ears, you hadn’t even bothered to look his way despite the fact that Walter did. In fact, he took the chance to move away from you, which almost made him bump into the other railing. 
“Car troubles, and, uh... family stuff, too, you know... all that.” he informed, his voice and the look of his face switching into one that you could instantly tell was the fakest attempt of trying to get sympathy. 
“And you didn’t inform anyone of these... troubles?”
Your head turned in about a second, your gaze snapping to the man who hadn’t moved a singular inch since the last time you properly saw him. His attention was only on Walter, his eyes now slightly narrowed. 
“What...” Mr. White started, the shock clear within his voice and the expression on his face, “Are you... Are you trying to say that this is my fault?”
“I am not saying anything, Mr. White.” Gustavo’s turned in the mans direction with such slowness that had a look of regret taking over anything else that was threatening to appear on Walters face. And once he stilled, he had even slightly tilted it to the side, “I am simply asking questions to understand why a job hasn’t been completed.”
Walter let out this sort of scoff of a sound as he gestured with his hands like before, “Well, then your asking the wrong person, Gus.” 
He pointed towards you, this time not even bothering to look unless it was to make sure his finger was actually aimed in your direction, “They... They have been here for who knows how long, I... I-- I mean, the batch could’ve finished by now, if they just--”
“You are putting the blame... on them?” Gustavo’s voice was low, deep in pitch that it was almost gravelly and harsh to any ears that heard it. There was no direct tone, or emotion clear within it. But paired with the slow step forward, anyone could tell that it wasn’t good. 
“You are putting the blame on a person who was actively trying to solve a problem that you created... because you weren’t competent enough to make a phone call?”
You were use to his intimidation tactics. In all honesty, usually, it seemed even more affective when he wasn’t using them, like when he wore that smile that never really reached his eyes. 
But this...
This was different. 
When Gustavo wanted to intimidate someone, or remind them of their place in the bigger picture. He had relationships to maintain, an act to keep up so that nothing could expose him and/or his business, so he never risked insulting a person in case it would backfire, create unnecessary problems.
Gustavo Fring wasn’t a man who directly insulted someone unless he was going to gain something from it... Well, apparently, until now. 
For the next few seconds it seemed that Mr. White couldn’t find the exact reaction he had. His lips twitched almost every way that they could, his mouth would open and close again and again like he was mimicking a fish, all the while his head began to shake once again, “I don’t... I don’t know what to say-- I can’t... Gus, I just--”
“I have heard all I needed.” There were no movements that accompanied his words. No change to his voice a part from a mild show of a tested patience. Gustavo just stared at the man before him, unblinking, “You still have plenty time to cook.”
“You can’t be serious--”
“That’s what you came here to do... Is it not?” Gustavo pointed out simply, his head tilting to the side in a way that almost made him look like a puppy. But his face said all that it needed to. 
Walter sort of cowered, avoiding the mans gaze as he took a moment to think, “I... I-- Well... Yes, but--”
In about a second, though there was almost nothing displayed on Gustavo’s face, everything sort of... dropped? His eyelids lowered in a way that wasn’t enough to hide his eyes but it was still visible, his jaw unclenched, his lips almost looked like they were turning down the way. 
But again. Not once did he blink. 
“Then cook.”
For a solid ten seconds, there was just utter silence. Someone could have drop a pin on the other side of the room, and it would still echo like any other sound. No one moved. No one twitched. No one spoke.
Walter took in a deep breath, his shoulders deflating when it made its way back out. And then he turned, beginning to do just as Gustavo said this time without any argument.
But the moment you started to do to the same thing--
“Not you.”
You froze. Your body hadn’t even managed to twist yet, so after sending a look to Jesse who sent one right back, you simply rocked back on your feet, resuming the same position you were in before. 
His eyes were only on yours. The first time he had fully looked at you since he had entered the room. 
“We have... other matters to discuss.”
After you left the room, it was practically silent when you began to walk.
There was the usual sounds that occurred from the machines within the laundromat, and the workers who you were still not sure knew about the giant meth lab beneath there feet, but between you and Gustavo there was nothing. 
No exchange of words and barely even the sound of your own footsteps. 
He was a few steps ahead of you, which may have been one of the main reasons, as he lead you across the paths that had big machines towering over you on each side. 
There would be a few moments were you had to duck, or even completely manoeuvre, around certain objects that were hung, either needing to dry or they were connected to a moving system that would bring clothes from one section to another.  
You had no idea where you were going. The second the two of you had officially exited the lab, his lips had became sealed. He just started walking, and of course, you only had one response to that. 
Your gaze pretty much remained on Gustavo’s back no matter how far you went, only fleeting to make sure that you weren’t going to bump into anything, as you followed the man in front of you like a lost duckling... Though, you felt more like a child getting ready to be told off. 
Eventually, after stopping yourself from getting caught up in the thoughts swirling through your mind, you found yourself walking out of the big vertical door. The entrance of the laundromat. 
If your heart wasn’t pounding before it sure was now. And no matter how badly you wanted to just focus on the feeling of fresh air after being stuck in an underground room for what felt like, and probably was, about five hours... Gustavo stopped walking. 
He was stood at the edge of the paved platform, hands moving to clasp behind his back as he resumed that usual straight posture. 
Your steps grew slower the more close you got to standing by his side. You wanted to gage his mood, predict what was about to happen or what he was going to say, which was a bit difficult considering that you could only see the back of his head. 
You cleared your throat when you had arrived to the right of him. Your eyes were slightly narrowed, adjusting to the sudden presence of the sun, while you gently leaned back and forth on your feet. 
“Sir, I... I’m really sorry about this... Again,” you had begun, but almost immediately your speech planned in your head seemed to have fallen apart. 
You turned your head to the side, trying to properly convey your apology through your face more than your words. “I know it doesn’t help the business, but I really, really, don’t know why this keeps happening--”
You had already been looking at Gustavo throughout your words. And maybe it was because you were too caught up in your mind, or because originally the man before you had been gazing into the distance with the usual expression that barely gave you anything to work with. 
But now he was looking right back at you. 
“Yes?” you answered subconsciously in a way that had your mouth snapping shut immediately after realising that you didn’t need to actually do that. 
This time, Gustavo’s chin lowered, “I’m not going to scold you, Y/n.” His gaze was the most gentle you had ever seen it, along with sound of his voice. He may have said the words simply, and matter of factly, but his face told you otherwise. 
You sort of just stood there for a moment, blinking at him. “You... You’re...” And then your eyebrows furrowed all over again, your body turning so that you faced him directly, “You’re not?”
Gustavo kept looking at you, and finally, since thatsituation with Mr. White, you weren’t presented with an expression of judgement. It wasn’t a look that visibly told that they thought whatever they were seeing was utter stupidity. 
He took in a breath, letting his eyes fall back on the busy town ahead for a split second, before they were back on your own, “I want you to go home.” 
His voice was lighter, the expression on his face no longer holding the tension that had clung to his skin. 
Your lips parted, even if no sound initially came out. You stared back at him for a moment, your eyes a little wider than they were before, almost unblinking, “Did I mess up that badly?”
Gustavo’s eyebrows furrowed so quickly that you hadn’t caught onto it until he turned his body in your direction, “Forgive my phrasing.” he started, his hands remaining behind his back no matter the change of position, “This is not a punishment.” 
With his next words, Gustavo made sure that you were looking at him, right into his eyes, just in case his meaning was conveyed through his voice, “You are not in trouble for the wrongdoings of another man.”
... Were you missing something? Why would Gustavo take you out of the lab? 
I mean, sure, you made the deduction that not starting the batch might’ve not been such a great idea, and honestly at some point expected to get a good talking too because of it. Maybe it would be the final straw... 
But here you were. Theman himself, the big boss, stood right in front of you. Directly telling you that you’re not in trouble.
“Then... I’m going to have to say that I don’t understand, Sir.” The muscles beneath your brows were getting a good work out from consistently changing between being normal and then furrowed within, practically, every thirty seconds, “We still have a batch to do, a deadline to follow.”
Influenced yet again by a man stood before you, “And who is that for?” 
Your whole body felt like it wanted to deflate, fall limp and just collapse on the ground. This time it wasn’t in anger, or fear, or annoyance. It was because after everything, you could exhale the nerves that had clung to your insides. There was no use for them now. 
You lightly nodded your head, the fact of not being in trouble officially processing in a way that had your gaze lowering, “... You.”
Gustavo wanted to smile. He wanted to display his pride of finally cracking the code that was your mind, having created even a bit of equal understanding, but he could still see the ghost of the previous expression that held your face hostage. The genuine concern over possible harming his business.
And him. 
“I am not asking you to leave because I think that you are bad at your job, or that you don’t do anything for this business-- Because that would be entirely wrong.” he started up with this new voice that was difficult to ignore, “I am simply saying that you have the day off.”
“It is... normal in a workplace, is it not?”
By the time your eyes met Gustavo’s, your brows had furrowed once again, though now, it was for a very different reason, “I mean... Yes-- But not in this business, just...” 
There was a huff of air that passed through your lips. Theexhaustion from earlier was presenting itself back into your system, making the want to talk become a lot less than before, “Let me-- Let me go back in there, we can work, we can... we can get it done.”
Gustavo’s head began shaking before you had even finished your sentence, “I can’t do that.”
“And why not?” you questioned, leaning back slightly so that you could fully take in his demeaner, analyse any look that took over his face, “I thought you said that I didn’t do anything wrong?”
“You didn’t.” he insisted almost immediately, the expression he wore going blank the way it usually did. But now wasn’t the time. “Then...” You took in yet another breath to cut off your words, trying to suppress the urges to sigh, scoff, or the sudden want to raise your voice, “Why?”
To say this day felt long was truly an understatement. Things just kept happening one after the other and still you were left in the dark. No answer as to why things progressed into the situations they had. 
“Y/n, I am not... risking the loss of more time to arguing.” It was like you could visibly see the words he chose to say. The pure caution, decisions careful enough so that he wouldn’t set off the things he could see getting ready in your eyes, “I know that if you go back in there, Mr. White will not... let go. Not unless I place someone in there to stand and watch at all times.”
“All I am telling you is that you are free to go while I... sort things out.” Gustavo somehow made himself stand taller, trying to prove the confidence in which was already heard in his voice and to also prepare for the possibility of you finally reacting in the way that your body had wanted to for hours. 
But despite what he had envisioned playing out, or tried to predict, it was pretty much the opposite. In fact, the only proper reaction to his words was your shoulders deflating, ridding your muscles of its constant worry. 
And then you crossed your arms over your chest, sniffing as you did so, “And what about Jesse... Mr. White? What-- What about them?” you questioned, waiting for the words to settle before you looked back into those other pair of eyes, only to find that the look from earlier had repossessed his face, “It may not seem like it, but I assure you, Y/n.”
“Mr. Pinkman and Mr. White can handle it themselves.”
For the first time throughout the entire day, you felt the want to smile. “Okay then.” You nodded your head once, your grip tightening on your arms as you took a step backwards, “Thank you, uh... Mr. Fring. It seems you have saved me again.”
“Gus. Call me Gus, and please, there is no need to thank me.” Gustavo started up before you could even try to turn in the direction of your car, “It comes under being an employee.”
Your body stilled after about one more steps backwards, your eyes narrowing at the man before you, playfully, “Then how come I haven’t heard you getting protective when someone else makes a mistake?”
Gustavo mirrored the look on your face, “I wasn’t... I wasn’t being... protective?” In his case, however, he wasn’t doing it in a teasing sort of manner, he was just genuinely confused at the comment. “I simply understood the situation and acted accordingly.”
Your arms loosened in your hold until they lowered to your sides once again, “And yet you defended me.” If you were close enough to Gustavo you would probably have started circling him, “Even though I was in the wrong... both times.”
Gustavo unfurrowed his brows, “You weren’t in the wrong just because some man has an incorrect idea of authority… and a very poor concept of time.” His tone was the flattest you had ever heard it. There was no emotion behind it until the words of... slight insult. 
The urge to smile grew stronger that had you pressing your lips together to stop yourself from letting out a laugh. “Still,” Though, after a moment, you managed to compose yourself, “If you hadn’t arrived when you did...”
Gustavo huffed air through his nose, bowing his head a tad before he let it shake a few times. When he looked back up it was clear that he was trying to hold back whatever was wanting to take over his face, but you could see it in his eyes. 
“Go home.”
There was this feeling of giddiness begging to erupt in your chest. It spread a warmth to every part of your body until it was a collective feeling. It caught you of guard, causing the smile you were trying to hide begin to curl at your lips.
So, after a sharp breath and a nod as a thanks, you sort of ducked away, twisting yourself around so that you could make your way towards your car. 
However, the nearer that you got to the vehicle, it seemed there was a thought pushing itself further and further to the centre of your mind. It may have been more of a feeling, as you weren’t entirely sure that you wanted to go back to your house.
I mean, sure, being able to take a nice long shower, grab a bite to eat, and completely flop on your bed sounded... Well, pretty nice actually. 
But the next session for a batch was now going to be days away. 
Days from your work and a certain Fring. 
You had completely stilled about a step away from your car. There was a quiet breath that huffed through your nose, one that only you could hear, “You know what, actually.”and then you turned on your heel, the concrete practically scuffing under your shoe. “I’ve worked for you for quite some time now, and yet…”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been inside your restaurant.”
The man your eyes managed to focus on seemed to be closer than he was the last time you saw him. A fact that made your brain almost completely miss the words that came out of his mouth. “Well, it’s not an obligation.” 
There was something about the look on his face. Something about the way he pressed his lips together immediately after he finished speaking. He may have assured that the visit wasn’t needed, but... there might have still been a want. 
“What hours is it open?” you asked, the sound of your voice almost echoing through the parking area, even if the noises from the active laundromat were louder. 
Gustavo’s head slightly rose after a moment, one of his brows slightly twitching as he processed your question. And then he cleared his throat, “That would depend on the day.” he informed, readjusting the hands he still held behind his back. 
You hummed in response, letting your gaze fall into the distance as you thought.
Honestly, after the past few hours you could barely remember what part of the week you were in right now. So, instead, you thought back to what a usual week would look like. 
What was the day that was perfectly set between the times you would possibly be able to see Gustavo at work? Right in the middle?
“How about Thursday?” you suggested, now watching as Gustavo began to make his way across the concrete, slightly nodding his head, “Then... Seven to ten, I believe.” 
“All right,” you breathed out, the speed in which your heart beat increased the more the man approached. “One less lunch to plan for the week.” You practically gulped as you reached backwards, fingers patting against the cool metal of the vehicle for a moment until they located the handle. 
Gustavo stilled himself about three steps in front of you, the look on his face signalling that he was thinking about something as he wasn’t making direct eye contact, “Actually... I would suggest to come around dinner time.” 
Just as you were about to tug on the handle, your hand froze, along with pretty much every other part of your body. 
The man was now looking right at you, his voice sort of timid in a way that caught you even more off guard. And apparently himself too. “It’s... more quiet.” He cleared his throat, “Less people around.”
Your arm slowly moved back to your side, releasing the warm handle from any sort of grasp. 
There was a fight going on in your chest. A want to give into the urge of running away like you would’ve done in a situation close to this as a kid. But you weren’t a child anymore, far from it. 
It took a good moment for any sound to be able to roll off of your tongue. And as soon as something eventually had, it was like your lungs remembered how to properly function. “Will you be there?” 
You felt younger. The two of you may have been stood pretty much right in front of the other, yet neither of you could maintain eye contact longer than a few seconds before you collectively had to look away, no matter how confident either one of you tried to seem.
Gustavo cleared his throat, though it sounded like it had barely done anything. “I believe so.” he finally confirmed, and regardless of the fact that his voice was still quiet, there was this tone that took over his words. 
“Well, good...” That giddy feeling returned, even if it had probably never left. “I think I probably would still go if you weren’t there, but... it would be a lot less... fun.”
The man before you let the slightest smile curl at a side of his mouth, “Well, we wouldn’t want that now would we?” He sounded more breathy this time, a natural progression from his already quiet voice. But it wasn’t because of nerves, or a reaction of his lungs, which you had initially thought. It was intentional.  
“Not at all.” Your voice in question was more full than his, however, there was this slight whisper to it, as if Gustavo should be the only person allowed to hear it. 
“Then it’s settled,” he began, slightly lowering his head in away that had your back pressing into your car. His normal tone had seeped back through his words like he was back in boss mode. But not quite Gustavo Fring just yet. “How does... eight o’clock sound? Unless you eat earlier?”
Your head shook practically without a second of hesitance. The ability to move your lips was barely thereso you resorted to moving to the side, finally pulling on the handle of your car door until it swung out far enough that you could stand behind it. 
You could see Gustavo raise his eyebrows just the slightest as the door had created a sort of separation, and it had you biting back a grin. “It’s perfect.” you insisted, trying to sound as neutral as possible despite the, possibly, clear ways you felt at that moment. 
And then you lowered yourself into the car, having to slightly shifted backwards a little bit to properly get into the drivers seat before you swung your legs inside.  
Your hand grasped the inside of your door, your fingers making certain that they had a good grip, before your eyes landed on the figure through the glass of the window that hadn’t moved an inch.
And then you smiled. 
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icabrth · 1 year
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sleep deprived
pairings: gustavo fring x fem!reader
summary: your boss noticed you’re overworking yourself and decides to do something about it.
a/n: gus got that email rizz
warnings: really messy lol
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You couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t. Gus had you making ninety pounds worth of meth every week, and due to your partners’ sudden disappearance, you were stuck doing all the work by yourself. You sighed, thinking back to how you got into this position.
You were a just a broke college student, trying to pay off your loans when you you met Jesse. You knew each other back in high school, and now he was your dealer. The two of you became buddies and one day you walked in on him and Walt talking about somebody named Gustavo Fring, the owner of a fast food restaurant with an undercover drug business.
You needed money and you convinced them to let join in. Realizing that the “the more the merrier” shit you had pulled really was just that, shit. After they had taught you the recipe, you ended up doing everything, always.
Gus had put to lines under the deadlines, signifying that if you didn’t get this done in time — there’d be consequences. At the same time you had a lot of due college assignments, and skipping all your lectures. So you practically lived in the lab, sleeping and eating there, until you had no time for either of those things.
You were leaning against the counter with a hand on your jaw, steadying your face. Your eyes shut and light snores coming out of your mouth. As Gus inspected your face, he realized you’d never once look so peaceful as you did in that moment.
“I see you’re getting a lot of work done,” he commented, knowing it’d wake you. Gus needed to talk to you about this. He had cameras everywhere and had been paying very close attention to how much time you’d been spending at the lap. You had your laptop and school books there, a few snacks and amount less cups of coffee.
The sudden sound of his voice startled you as you woke up with a final snore. “Shit– I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t even notice I was, uh’falling asleep” your slurred, your words blurring together due to your grogginess. You looked up at him with lazy eyes.
Gus looked at you through his glasses, his expression as emotionless as usual. You thought you saw a glimpse of emotion in his eyes, though it was probably just your sleep deprivation making you see things. Gustavo Fring doesn’t care for anyone. Especially not some random meth cook who can’t even do her job right… right?
“You should get home and get some rest, ___. Your drowsiness is affecting your work performance.” Stated as a fact, though functioning more as an excuse.
“I can’t, sir! I’ve only made like, half of the meth I was supposed to and–“ you rambled on, but he interrupted you almost instantly. “Stop it, ___! You have done your part. Your partners’s neglect of their responsibilities is not your problem,” as he shushed you, his expression remained the same though his voice got notably more aggressive. “I’ll consider getting you new partners, you’ve mastered the arts of cooking now.” In that moment, you couldn’t be bothered by his comment on your friends; all you wanted to do was go back to sleep.
“Are you absolutely sure? I’ll get back to work as soon as I wake up, I promise!” You insisted, and he shook his head. “No, you’ll have the rest of the week off,” he said. “I value your effort but I cannot have your drowsiness affect my product.” Gus explained while putting a gentle yet firm hand on your shoulder. You eyed the hand and as did he, though he didn’t let go before he you reluctantly agreed.
“Alright, I guess,” you sighed. He smiled professionally as he took out his notebook, scribbling something something. “Fantastic! Write down your email and we can discuss your work ethic further.” He demanded suggested, handing you a note and a pen. You smiled as you messily wrote down your email address and gave it back to him.
When you went to sleep that night all you could think about was your interaction earlier, and how this might’ve been his stiff attempt at flirting with you. Although you figured this could’ve easily been your head playing tricks on you agin.
When you woke up the next morning you noticed a gmail notification. Written bellow a [email protected] it read:
Hello, I hope you slept a worthwhile and woke up energetic and better. I suggest we meet up at my restaurant to further discuss our game plan.
Sincerely, Gustavo Fring.
Did Gustavo Fring just ask out out on a date?
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me again! This time I’m requesting sfw gus fring x gender neutral reader? I’m imagining the reader works with walt and jesse and meets gus through them and he takes a liking to them. Again, can be headcanons or a story. Thanks!! ❤️
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"Really? He wants us to meet the guy here?"
You were in the passenger seat as Mr. White pulled into the parking lot of Los Pollos Hermanos, and you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. This did not seem like the kind of place to discuss such an important business deal. This was the kind of place you'd go to at 3AM when you're hungover and playing chicken with the toilet.
"Look, I didn't pick the location, alright?" Mr. White replied as he unbuckled his seatbelt, "For once, I'm as clueless as you are."
You rolled your eyes, he always had to find a way to insult you, didn't he?
The two of you walked in, ordered your food, and sat down at a booth. Jesse came in a couple minutes late, and he looked pretty rough. He was shaking, probably spun out. You scooted over in your seat to let him in, and gave him a "You good?" look. Walt just groaned. "You're late," He said bluntly.
Jesse scanned the room anxiously, "We're in the big time now. So where's the kingpin?"
Walt answered, "Your guess is as good as mine."
"Wait, what?" You asked, "do you even know who he is?"
"Were neither of you two listening when Saul went over this?" Walt put his face in his palms and took a deep breath, as if he was praying for the strength to not strangle the both of you. "No, I don't know who he is. So why don't you just shut up and-"
"What about that guy?" You pointed at a clean-cut man with glasses talking to another customer. He was in a button down shirt and tie, suspiciously out of place in an establishment like this.
Mr. White slapped your hand down. "Don't point, you dope! We don't want to draw attention to ourselves."
Jesse chimed in as he looked over his shoulder. "They could be right, though. He doesn't look like he belongs here. 'S kinda a Where's Waldo thing, y'know? Should we ask?"
"No. No, we should not ask." Walt growled, pulling both of your gazes back on him. "I just said we don't want to make a scene. Am I the only one around here who gives a-"
An unfamiliar voice cut him off, "Good afternoon! Is everything to your satisfaction?"
The three of you jumped in your seats, and turned to look at the new party in your conversation. It was that guy you had just pointed out. How the hell did he get over here without any of you noticing? Unless he had teleportation powers, you must've been making a bigger scene than you all thought.
Mr. White opened his mouth, but you were first to speak. "Good, thanks! Hey, uh, we're supposed to meet someone here right about now. Did anyone ask about us?"
The mysterious stranger looked at you curiously, and checked over his shoulder before answering, "No, but..." He leaned in closer to you, his smile suddenly warmer and his voice much softer, "I'm sure whoever you're meeting will be happy to see you."
You started to blush, forgetting where you were, who you were with, and what the context of the situation was. Any confidence you held a moment ago was as fried as the restaurant's famous spice curls. "Th...Thanks..." you stuttered.
The stranger nodded to you and said, "You are most welcome," before he reverted to his original stance and volume to address your partners as well. "Please let me know if you have any questions," were his parting words.
You couldn't take your eyes off him as he walked away. "That's the guy..."
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ivestas · 2 years
this might sound dumb but can I request something specific for gus?? maybe with this scenario? : everytime the reader says goodbye to gus they pat his shoulder before leave — but one day when they're saying goodbye to eachother the reader doesn't pat his shoulder and he notices; You can continue up to this point :)
hand in hand
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Summary: Gustavo notices something strange about your farewell. 
Word count: 0.3k
Warnings: None
Note: had to think a little to see what would be the most in-character reaction from gus for this LMAO---also not a dumb scenario at all, thanks for the request anon!
You had a habit of brushing your hand against his shoulder as a goodbye. Always so wordless, you express yourself through insignificant, stray actions like that. 
If Gustavo was a different person—a louder one—he perhaps would’ve not been able to understand why, but he wasn’t, and he did understand. He even appreciated the wordlessness of the action, the silence that twisted into warmth, how your hand lingered for just a moment for him to appreciate its warmth. 
All of it, he liked. 
But he never showed it—never cared to acknowledge it, just as you didn’t care for the glance he’d give you when you turn your back.
He knew you knew to some degree—but again, your wordless nature, it shines through you there too, doesn’t it? 
However, today was different. 
Unexpectedly, it bothered him. Like a burr weed that's stuck to perfectly ironed clothes. 
“Bye, boss.” You had said softly, something that could’ve been swept away by the wind outside; your voice was pleasant. You never really said ‘bye’ audibly—again, you’d rest your hand on his shoulder before leaving—and he still expected you to do that, but…
You… didn’t? 
You just nodded to him before turning, heading to the exit. 
Gustavo was quick to act—it was almost instinctual, learned. 
He rested a hand on your shoulder. 
You stopped walking. 
He lifted his hand and turned back to his desk.
But in the corner of his eyes, he saw you glance back, and a wide smile was what swept your lips—it was small, almost demure in nature, but it was enough to satisfy the craving he had for that quick touch of your palm.
When did he become so reliant on that goodbye? 
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devilishcupid · 1 year
8 O'CLOCK | Gustavo Fring
☆ premise: you and gus confront each other after you call the cops on his dealers.
☆ pairing: gustavo fring x gn!spouse!reader
☆ warnings: angst, angry gus & reader, possessive!gus mention (sorta? idk)
☆ a/n: been thinking about that plot point where jesse found out that gus' men used a kid to deal and i just couldn't resist a "what if" scenario with gus' spouse.
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Knowing your husband's line of work, you dreaded the day he might never come home. But tonight, this was the first time you wished he wasn't.
A part of you felt like an idiot. You knew Gus had eyes and ears on you 24/7. He had the latest security systems in place at home. He had Mike following you around when he wasn't doing cartel-related work. He made sure he knew your every move. So, of course, you knew he had your phone bugged.
But you weren't going to keep quiet. When you found out he was more than just a restaurant chain owner, you made him promise one thing—no children. He swore he had never and will never use children for his business. And you believed him.
You could've gone to the nearest phone booth. But you didn't. You called 911 on your phone. You wanted him to know—no, you needed him to know you did it.
On time, as always. You heard your husband's car pull up on the driveway just as you finished setting up the table for dinner. You approached the entryway, breath hitching as you wondered what he'll do. You knew not to mistake his calm demeanor for gentleness.
After what seemed like an eternity, the door finally opened. You expected Gus to come in and give you a look that could kill. You didn't expect him to smile and pull you in an embrace with one arm.
"How are you?" Gus asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"I—I'm fine," you stammered, confused by his demeanor.
"Good. I'll go freshen up, then I'll join you for dinner."
You watched in amazement as he headed for the bedroom. How was he acting as if nothing was wrong?
The night went on the way they usually did. The two of you ate the dinner you made while talking about the day you both had—minus the cartel business and the 911 call, of course. Afterwards, you washed the dishes while he cleaned up the table and put the leftovers in the fridge.
After cleaning the last of the utensils and leaving them on the rack to dry, you turned around to find Gus staring at you. Gone was the warmth he showed you tonight, replaced by a coldness that not even you had seen before.
"Why did you do it?"
When you didn't answer, he approached you until he had you pressed in between his body and the sink.
"I asked you a question—why did you do it?"
"You know why." You responded, swallowing the lump that formed in your throat.
His jaw clenched, and you could hear a hint of frustration in his voice as he said, "I didn't know they were using children."
Your lips formed a thin line. You didn't believe a word of it. For a man who was three steps ahead of everyone else, how could he not know?
"You keep tabs on your partner, but you don't keep tabs on your own men. You expect me to believe that?" You spat as you glared at him.
You started to walk away, not before Gus wrapped his hand around your forearm and pulled you back against the counter. You tried to pull your hand away from his grasp, but his fingers tightly gripped your wrist, nails digging into your skin.
"Do you truly believe I would deliberately use children in my operations?" He growled, anger dripping in every word. "You think that lowly of me?"
"That's the problem, Gustavo—I don't know!" You snapped, your voice so loud the neighbors would've heard you if it weren't for the soundproofing measures placed in your home. "I have no idea what happens in your line of work. I rely on your word because I trusted you. I thought you would never lie to me. But today, you did. Now I wonder what else you've been lying to me about."
He closed his eyes, his hand loosening its grip on your arm. After a few moments, Gus looked at you again. "You may not believe me, but it's the truth. I didn't know. But as soon as I found out, I dealt with the problem immediately. No more children, I made sure of it. This I promise you."
Finally letting go of your arm, he stepped back and started walking away from you. Before he could disappear into his office, you called out his name. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you.
"How did you deal with it?"
"Do you need to know?"
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bonkwosher · 1 year
Gus Fring Jealousy/Possessiveness Headcanons
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A/N: Aka Gus dealing with assholes that flirt with you. I'm so absolutely down bad for Gus it's insane. Also, x male reader bc Gus is gayyyyyy.
Contains: Implied age gap relationship, possessiveness, creepy man (Not Gus), jerk, LYLE CONTENT
Pairing(s): Gustavo "Gus" Fring x Reader
I would say let's take it on a "how long have you been dating" basis but Gus is possessive from day one, maybe even before that. He doesn't often have the opportunity to feel jealous, he's much older than you so you two don't really go to parties or clubs. He keeps you in his proximity as often as possible & that wards most off.
He had even gone out & bought you a necklace with his name on it, if he's feeling particularly moody & you aren't wearing it he'll point that out. If you forget to put it on when getting dressed up for a dinner he'll come up behind you & slowly put it on you, looking into your eyes through the mirror that stood in front of you.
Speaking of fancy dinners, that was the first time Gus got jealous. It was your second date & he had invited you to an elegant restaurant. You looked out of place even while wearing a suit. Gus walked briskly up to you & offered you his hand, leading you back to his table. You were a blushing mess.
Everything was fine until a drink appeared at your table, your favorite drink. You noted that & thanked the waiter before they said, "The gentleman over there ordered this for you." Gus looked up to see a man practically drooling over you from the bar. His smile dropped, only returning when you held eye contact with him.
"That's so nice of them, hey, free drink!" You chuckled. 'You're gullible' Gus thought to himself. Thinking the man wanted nothing more than to be nice. He felt his fists clenching, now under the table to hide his anger. Yeah, maybe Gus needs a little longer to process his feelings for you but that doesn't mean someone can waltz in, buy you a drink, & whisk you away before he knows what he wants. On the inside he loves you, he'll deny it because memories of Max will come up, but his heart knows. He tells himself the root of his possessiveness is that he wants to get to know you without other influences.
"What would you like off the menu?" he asked, quickly trying to change the subject. Gus sat in silence as he read through the menu, you pointing out all the things that sounded good. Finally, you found something. The only problem, it was terribly expensive. Your voice went high, "Oh- um, I don't think I'm hungry."
Gus placed his menu on the table, "What do you mean?" You closed the menu & sat back, arms crossed. "I insist that you get something to eat, Y/N. You do know this is my treat right?"
"Are you sure?' You feel almost bad that this man is offering to pay so much for you to eat. "Absolutely. Plus, if some sleazy bar-goer can buy you your favorite drink I have to top that somehow." You pointed out the item on the menu quietly. "Oh! Very good choice," Gus chimed before returning to his own menu.
You guys had a long period of peace right up until you were about to finish your food. The man from the bar had come up to your table, probably a bit buzzed. "Hey there, handsome. I'm about to go but I wanted to get your number." You froze, beginning to stammer out a response. Gus set his utensils down on his plate & wiped his hands on his napkin as you continued to babble. He stood up & faced the man, yeah he was shorter & probably less built, but his cold stare was deadly.
"You should get home before you embarrass yourself any further," Gus spoke, looking directly into the man's eyes. The man felt a shiver but persisted, ignoring Gus, "I have to admit, from the bar you looked amazing but now that I am up close... you are breathtaking." Gus places a firm grip on the man's forearm, forcing your admirer to turn to him. "What is your problem man?" Made Gus' grip tighten, the man let out an "Ow!"
"What do you think you are getting at here, can't you see that he & I are here together? On top of that, he is clearly uninterested! Buying a drink for someone & giving them a rapey look from across the room, get some class! Hitting on a taken man? Clearly, you lack the spine to even close on a relationship so you have to attempt to destroy other's love. I gave you your chance to leave. Take. It. Now."
The man ripped his arm from Gus & put his hands up in surrender before running off. Gus sighed & fixed his coat before sitting back down, "So, are you hungry for dessert?"
Bonus bc I'm amazing /j:
As much as it worried Gus, especially after Hector & Lalo frequented his restaurant, you would visit him sometimes at work. Of course, he didn't voice his concerns because he wanted to wait as long as possible to tell you about his real work, if ever. To attempt to make you stop visiting, he would ignore you as much as he could, using the excuse, "I'm sorry Y/N, I have a lot of work to do."
You would chat with Lyle, getting free food & sitting at the booth with the best view. On breaks, Lyle would sit with you & talk about random things or whatever you wanted to talk about. Surprisingly enough, Lyle didn't worry Gus. You would absentmindedly play with your necklace that had his name on it & Lyle must've gotten the hint at that point.
It wasn't until Lyle's friends showed up to check out his work & the quote "food that's to die for." Lyle's two friends sat with you him once they got their food, a man named Jake took the spot next to you. He said something stupid that made you laugh really hard. At that moment, without anyone noticing, a camera stopped while facing your booth. Gus was watching.
The four of you spoke & you kept laughing. Laughing so much your cheeks & core hurt. Normally, Gus would be swooning, mentally remarking that you were the light of his life. Though knowing it wasn't him that was making you happy struck a cord. It didn't help that the man was your age, your age gap being something that made Gus feel guilty.
As you were telling a story to the boys, a cup was placed in front of you. Your favorite drink. Gus took note of it from your second date, trying to take something good out of that encounter. You looked up to see him with his customer service smile & thanked him. You could tell he was about to ask if the food was good.
"Hey asshole, can't you tell we're talking here? Get me a coke while you're out here giving everyone drinks," Jake took Gus' interjection as a rude interruption, arguably going too far. "Jake, he was just being nice. Why are you so-"
"It doesn't matter, Y/N. This guy is some minimum-wage loser that interrupted my conversation with you. He gets paid to make chicken & serve decent members of society like me!" You couldn't help but smirk to stop yourself from outright laughing in his face. Lyle buried his head in his hands, regretting associating with someone like this (Not like Lyle knew, he's best boy).
You looked back up to Gus who now had his cold, soulless stare. You made eye contact with Jake, "That is my boyfriend, the owner of this whole franchise. Decent member of society my ass." The shock on his face from your statement doubled when Gus grabbed him & dragged him out of the restaurant, throwing him outside.
"Do not show your face in a Los Pollos Hermanos ever again," he spoke before wiping his hands together. He turned to you & grabbed your arm, pulling you into his office. You gave him a big hug, but the fact that he didn't hug back scared you a little. You quietly apologized, "I didn't know he was like that. From the looks of it, Lyle didn't know either."
Gus pulled away & brought his hand to your necklace, staring at it silently while brushing his thumb over the lettering. "Gus, I hope you don't think I was into the guy. I love you, only you."
He looked up at you wordlessly before looking back at the necklace. His mind was churning, fighting back every urge to manipulate you into never talking to another man ever again. He promised himself he'd never hurt you but watching you naively satiate every man's need for your attention drove him mad. His intentions weren't to freak you out with silence, rather to protect from the words he could say.
He knew how to stop himself & you from talking. You rambled on about how you were sorry, "Gus, I promise I didn't mean to-"
"Be quiet." Gus gripped the necklace tightly & pulled you forward into a kiss. You were shocked by how this turned around but can't say you were complaining, you thought just a second ago that Gus was going to break up with you.
It was far, far from that.
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vladtepesishot · 1 year
my personal headcanons for dating gus fring /gender neutral :)/
notes: lazy content bottom text
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• it's REALLY HARD to start dating this guy (like almost impossible)
• but if you did, everything from then on will be so much easier!!
• probably will hide some of his emotions and feelings, so you don't worry about him and think that anything is out of control
• he won't hide big things like his meth business or anything of that matter
• will keep you away from his meth business, though
• it'll take some time for him to really get comfortable with a new relationship, you'll have to be patient
• turns out he's actually just a normal guy who is capable of love and affection
• still a little murderous but it has it's own flavor ya know
• will be super protective of you, but in a subtle way
• he'll make anything possible for you to just live your normal life, without it being at stake because of his business
• he likes to be the little spoon (universal truth)
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leahs-workshop · 1 year
You as a whole
Unspecified x reader
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I've looked into many eyes. Darker and lighter, with more life than yours, yet yours are the most enticing. I kissed lips softer than yours, yet yours are the only ones I wish to kiss. I've listened to many voices, yet yours is the only one that can calm my racing thoughts. What do I do with these feelings? I want you to look at me with tenderness you give no one else. I want your rough fingers to run across my hand while I fall asleep in your embrace. Will you entertain thoughts like these for me?
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pikmingrubb · 1 year
Just thought of the best fucking Gustavo x Reader idea ever,
Okay, Gustavo kidnapping you and wanting you to like "turn your life around" and not be involved in crime because he wants to keep you "safe" by fucking keeping you locked in his house. Can't go to the bathroom without your pockets being searched, you might have a cell phone.
Him being super cautious about who he lets near his house, Mike knows about you, but there's not shit he can do for you. He plays along with Gus and checks in on you, but that's the extent. Gustavo is very protective and fucked up with you, he showers you in gifts and luxuries but you're basically his pet.
Don't even fucking think about trying to get out, he can and will kill anyone who tries to aid in your "rescue". You're his and you better know it, giving you little kisses and hugs when he comes home, asking how his "favorite boy" is.
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sundaytears · 2 years
hey could i get a gus fring x reader? y/n is female and goes by she/her. she’s kind of shy and quiet but also laidback and kind of chill. the plot of the story doesn’t matter to me it can be anything you want. :) tysm if you end up doing it!!
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[ reader uses she/her and is jesse’s partner. she’s also a stoner ]
— “You must be Pinkman’s partner.” Gus states calmly, watching as you sip on your soda.
You lean back against the booth, dragging your finger along the condensation of the chicken restaurant’s cup. “I guess. I just kinda help around when he’s in trouble. I don’t really get paid or anything. Plus, he’s got that bald guy..” You look up to him, “Not that I mind! Jesse’s my man, my bro, you know? I’d do anything for him.”
He straightens out his posture, which isn’t very necessary as he’s always sitting up straight. It’s funny, your contrast. You’re leaning over, hunched as you slurp loudly on your soda. You aren’t sober either, but it could be excused as you being tired.
Gus on the other hand, is wide awake, elbows off the table, giving you his full attention.
“So you’re committed?” He asks, curiosity sparking in his dark eyes. “What do you mean?” You question, pretty confused on what he’s implying.
“It’s good that you’re committed to your boyfriend.”
Your eyes widen and you sit up quickly, furrowing your brows. “Boyfriend? I don’t know if you got that impression, but me and Jesse are like siblings.”
“Oh, my apologies, ma’am.” He’s so formal, it’s almost sickening. “Don’t call me ma’am. I’m not fifty years old.” You grumble. “Why’d you call me here anyway, dude? I got things to do.”
“Well, I’ve heard how reliable you are, and I want to offer you a position at this company. Your official title would be ‘human resources’, but you’d really just help us move out our product faster.” He explains, and you try to take in as many words as possible. Maybe you shouldn’t have packed a bowl before coming here.
There’s a pregnant pause. It’s awkward, and your stare is blank. Gus doesn’t seem to be anxious at all, he’s completely composed and just looking back at you.
“Okay. Yeah, sure.” You shrug, “I don’t really have anything else better to do.”
“Perfect. I expect nothing but excellence.” He grins, but you don’t really smile. You just stare back.
“So, Mr. Fring-” You begin, but he interrupts you, “Please, call me Gus.”
“Okay.. Gus. So like, can I get a refill on this?” You ask, shaking around the empty soda cup, ice clanking around inside of it.
He lets out a quiet sigh, his expression drops as he wonders if you’ll just be another junkie. Yet, he has a feeling you’ll be more.
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alexiswritingstuff · 1 year
Not so scary after all.  1/2
Pairing: Gustavo Fring x gn! reader.
Other Appearances: Jesse Pinkman, Walter White. 
Request:  I was wondering if you could write a short story/oneshot where the reader (gender neutral) works in the lab with Jesse and Walter, and Gus has an obvious soft spot for them. Being lenient with them when they make a mistake, being more gentle with reader, etc.
I know it is very OOC of Gus but imagining him going all soft 😩🙏
Warnings: none, but be aware of possible spelling mistakes and such.
A/n: To the person that requested this, I hope it is what you wanted! I have a tendency to just wing fics sometimes, not realising that I might be going in the complete opposite direction of what someone wanted me to go in.
But I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Taglist-  @sukunamybeloved​  -  @viviennemuerte​
More Gustavo fics.​
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The lab, that engulfed anyone within, had gone quiet as the machines were finally able to cool from their heated activities. 
It had been hours. The process of creating the product that had people begging from every direction had been complete. Put in the cooling fridge to set in their usual trays. 
About a minute ago, you had pulled one of them out, ready to do your job of breaking the crystal into the usual sizes that they sold at... Though now, you and Jesse were stood side by side in front of the tray you had selected and put on a free surface. 
Two pairs of eyes stared down at it, trying to solve the sudden nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right. But it was one of those things where the longer you paid attention to it, the less your brain actually focused.
Jesse sniffed, breaking the silence from the intense thinking, “Is it just me, or, uh. Does that look wrong?” 
“Yeah,” you answered slowly, mind too consumed to use your full voice, “But I can’t tell what.”
It began again. The two of you looked over every inch of that tray once and then twice, and then one more time, before there was an equal sigh. Jesse had even rubbed his face in an attempt to soothe himself. “I don’t get it, man.”
Was it the colour?
The consistency? 
The feel?
Surely, with the time you had spent just looking at it, you should’ve been given at least a form of answer. 
So why wasn’t there one?
“Okay, look.” you huffed out, squeezing your eyes quickly in attempt to rid them of the tiredness that clung. “How about we go back, go through it step by step and see if there is something we missed, huh?”
Jesse defeatedly waved his arms with a groan. “Come on.” You ushered, and after giving him a pat on the shoulder, he complied. Picking up the clipboard with notes along the way.  
In all honesty, it took a good chunk of time to check certain stations off of the list.
The process was so consistent that whenever you made batches it was a done and dusted kind of situation. So, when you were stood there in front of the grand machines, wracking through your brain for specific information on how you did it. 
It wasn’t very easy.
Eventually, however, the two of you had landed at Station 5. The settling tank. Jesse cleared his throat as he raised the clipboard once again, trying to focus his tired eyes on the small words that appeared in front of him. “All right,”
“There’s not really much for this one, but, uh... I guess, as long as it was set at 75 there shouldn’t be a problem.” 
You were about to hum in response. Your feet had readied to continue onto the next pieces of machinery to just get this over and done with, and admit defeat as the answer still hadn’t been found. The last part of the process was only a few steps away...
But your body had frozen, the number Jesse had said ringing in your ears like an alarm.
Your eyes flicked to the temperature dial on the tank, even though by now it had gone back to zero, “What?” Jesse’s body turned in your direction, gaze still on the checklist, “The temperature.” he repeated simply. “It was set to 75, right?” 
Oh, shit.
When there was no response, Pinkman’s eyes finally left the writing to find yours. And then his head slowly raised, the realisation ready to kick in. “Right?” The look on his face urged a cringed smile to take over your lips.
“I thought you said 85.” you confessed through your gritted teeth and Jesse’s eyebrows furrowed immediately. He looked back down at the list, “Why the hell would I say 85 if it says 75 right here?”
“Dude-- I don’t know. I don’t exactly have control over your brain, do I?!” you practically hissed, arms crossing over your chest in shame while Jesse shook his head in disbelief. “Well, apparently you don’t either,  I mean...”
“85, man. You-- That would’ve turned it into some kind of-- of sludge. Right? So... What, every single tray is like that then?”
Words didn’t even have to be said to give him the answer. 
“Yo, come on man!” His shoulders slacked, a louder sigh than before beckoning through his lips as he walked off for a second, hands moving up to sit his hips. “They-- They’ll never let us do it without Mr. White again.”
Your eyes followed the man as he started to pace back and forth in front of you, “Jesse, every person in this building has made a mistake at least once in their life.” You paused, gulping, “... Though, I doubt not being able to cook will be the least of our worries.”
That didn’t seem to help Jesse’s nerves as he let out yet another groan, his increasingly warms hands now raising to reach at his face once again. “Look, we just... We’re just going to have to make another batch.” Your attempt at calming Jesse down ending with him shaking his head. 
Suddenly, he looked up. His eyes found yours, even while his feet continue to move, and he pointed a finger at you, “You’re telling Gus.”
“What-- Me?! Why me?!”
“Because... He doesn’t shout-- He doesn’t get mad at you.” Jesse insisted, lightly shrugging his shoulders in a way that had your eyebrows raising, “He doesn’t shout at you either.”
“Yeah, but--”
“Is there a problem?”
The sound had cut through the air in a matter of seconds that it felt like you had jumped out of your skin, though all you did was turn away from Jesse. The posture of two bodies straightening out at an impressively fast speed.
There he was. The man himself just stood on the catwalk, hands atop the cool railing as he looked down at his employees that might as well have been a pair of ants.
Uh oh.
Gustavo waited there for about a second and then he was off, making his way down the stairs despite the equal internal pleas that he would either stay there or go back through the doors. 
But now, the sound of his footsteps were bouncing off of every wall in room. 
You and Jesse had practically turned into ice by the time he got to ground level, and the two of you sent each other worriedly looks before turning back when Gus had stopped himself not that far away.
“Well?” he questioned, his entire body going eerily still, almost ridged, like it usually did. You cleared your throat, “Yeah, uh... There’s a complication with the batch.” 
Gustavo’s eyes had locked onto yours. His head was slightly tilted, his jaw clenched, which together was such a thing that it had sent a chill down your spine. “Go on.”
You gulped, your gaze moving from his to send a quick glance over to Jesse before you forced yourself into at least a sense of composure, though your body was still tense. “I-- It’s my fault... Sir.”
“I got the temperature for the settling tank wrong, and... we only just realised.” The more the words spilled from your lips, the dryer your throat had become. 
“Telling you that I didn’t mean to do it doesn’t exactly solve the problem, so I--”
“You’re saying that the whole batch is like this. Correct?” Mr. Fring clarified, raising a singular eyebrow, and you nodded slowly, “Yes.” Your hands felt like they were about to start shaking from the anticipation of awaiting his reaction. “Sir, I swear, I didn’t mean it, I don’t-- I don’t even know how I misheard a number.”
Gustavo’s head rose steadily. But then his eyes moved from yours over to the man stood to your side, “How fast can you make another one?” he questioned, instead of issuing a punishment like you had thought, and now you and your lab partner shared yet another look. 
“How long.” Mr. Fring repeated simply, though his voice was a little lower than before. More firm. “Uh... It depends.” Jesse stated. However, when Gustavo had raised a brow again, he continued. “Like... 6-8 hours. Tops.”
In that moment, a faint breath sucked into Mr. Frings lungs. He straightened up, nodding only once before his lips had parted. “Go.”
“What-- But what about that batch?” you questioned, gesturing towards the failed product still sat on the counter. But he didn’t turn. His eyes hadn’t even moved. Or blinked.
“I’ll handle it.” was all he said. And only now had he began to move, his walk even more ridged this time from what could mostly be assumed to be due to anger. 
A factor that your brain had apparently decided to ignore when a sudden panic had raised within you.
Your feet had began moving before you had processed the consequences. “Wait, Gus.” you called, trying your best to follow his movements before he got to the stairs.
And then within a matter of seconds, he was faced in your direction by the next time you had blinked. Something that almost had you stumbling over yourself when you attempted to stop your feet.
Gustavo wore a mild frown. It was one that had gradually set deeper into the lines of his face since he had entered the lab. Though when his gaze had focused on your own, it had disappeared like it wasn’t even there in the first place. 
You cleared your throat when your eyes actually processed the fact that they had already been met with his. 
“Mr. Fring.” You corrected yourself after a moment, missing the look of disagreement that twitched through Gustavo’s expression upon hearing the name coming out of your mouth. 
“Please don’t tell Walter.”
You could fully hear your heartbeat by now. The blood was purely pumping through your veins as if it was about to give you an adrenaline rush, especially when Gustavo’s eyebrows had subtly furrowed. “Why not?”
You turned to look back at Jesse, who could only just meet your eyes, before you faced the other man once again, a deep breath filling your lungs even if it didn’t help to soothe. “He already has a lot on his plate, and I...”
“I don’t want to make it worse just because of a stupid mistake-- My stupid mistake.”
The words settled in the tense air for a good few seconds. It was a waiting game. The prize of which being whatever reaction the man in front of you held, even if it wasn’t going to be a good one. 
The two of you stared at each other for a moment. Gustavo’s gaze hadn’t changed once throughout the conversation, and now the silence. It was strong; bold, unmoving, calm. All the while you had felt like some kind of cowering animal stood in front of a predator. 
 “Like I said, Y/n.” he spoke suddenly, indicating that the decision on how he was going to react had been chosen. It was a great relief when he had finally let himself bink. 
“I will take care of it.” 
And with that, his back was turned towards you, the footsteps that had once echoed through the lab doing so all over again as he made his way up the spiral stairs without another word.
The past few hours had sort of blurred together as you and Jesse had absorbed yourselves in the process of making the new batch.
A few of Gus’s employees, that you have seen passing by before, had been in and out while you remade the product. They took the trays out one by one, throwing out all of the useless contents, and then returning them to the cooling fridge.
By now the usual concoction was in the middle of being filtered through the last set of machines, a procedure that always seemed to take a long time to complete.
So, there you were, using up the spare time to sit at one of the tables as you looked down at the new checklist you had written out yourself. And now almost finished.
Finally, there was comfortable peace and quiet.
Or so you thought.
The door to the lab had slammed open so quickly, the sound fierce when the hinges had allowed it to move as far is it could go. Yet again, you had almost jumped out of your skin.  A “Jesus!” already being exclaimed from Jesse, though you couldn’t see him.
You stood up from your seat, watching a breathless Walter White practically stumble along the catwalk until he was leant heavily against the banister. “How-- Is everything okay? Is anything damaged? Nothing’s damaged, right?”
“What?” you questioned, narrowed eyes searching over him from afar. But then he just huffed, pulling himself along the walkway with the railing so that he could get to the set of spiral stairs.
“Mr. White?”
Right as you had moved round the machinery, your gaze landed on Jesse who was now being grabbed by Walter, getting shaken like there had been some big disaster.
“Yo, what the hell, man-- What are you doing?!” Jesse yelled, close to falling on his ass when he finally got out of the grip on him. Walter threw his arms out like the answer should’ve been obvious. “Gus.” he stated as if it would spark something.
But you and Jesse only furrowed your eyebrows, your arms crossing over your chest once again as you took the spot beside him.
“He told me about the-- the-- contamination. I told you that one person has to stay in the lab or things like this... They will happen!”
It clicked.
Gustavo had acted upon your wishes. He had fabricated a whole story to take place of a mistake that you had made.
He lied for you.
When Walter stressfully rubbed at his face, covering his eyes in a way that almost snapped his glasses with a groan like sound, you took the chance to look over to Jesse to see if he had gotten the memo himself. 
The expression on his face told you that he in fact did. 
“God... We’re gonna have to make a new batch. Now.” Mr. White pointed out, his initial concern slowly forming into what appeared to be annoyance.  
Jesse shook his head, “Hey, relax man we already started. It, uh...” He paused, turning to look at the machine thats rumble was slowly beginning to ease. “Actually, you know what? It should be done soon.”
But his words did nothing. Walter had started mumbling to himself about the setbacks, throwing around numbers, and words that you couldn’t define no matter how hard you tried. 
So when he started walking away, neither you or Jesse moved to interrupt him.
“I told you.”
Your attention shifted once again, and soon you found a certain Pinkman looking at you with a weirdly smug expression as he mirrored your stance. 
“Gus likes you.”
Every muscle in your body tensed so fast. Your head turned to the side, avoiding your partners gaze with a scoff, that sounded a little too fake, “Wha-- No he doesn’t.”
Jesse was purely grinning if he hadn’t been already, “Yeah, man, he totally does.” Each word felt like it’s own individual tease through his slowed voice, “All that lying for you and shit... I don’t know, Y/n. I would say that he’s definitely hooked--”
“Shut up, man.” you hissed, uncrossing your arms just so that you could lightly shove him in annoyance, but all he did was chuckle once he managed to stabilise himself.
And though he didn’t add anything else to his point, he wiggled his eyebrows at you, turning to go back to his work station before there was even a chance to scold him again.
So, instead you just rolled your eyes, a heavy sigh pushing its way through your lips once you had taken in the fact that you were now stood by yourself. Walter was... somewhere, and Jesse had gone back to whatever he was doing before.
It was finally quiet again.
Your shoulders mildly slacked, the exhaustion from hours of work officially seeping into your system in a way that made you want to put your head in your hands, though you still had your gloves on.
You were about to make your way back to your clipboard, resume the remained of your task... But before you could take even a full step, there was a sound that caught your ears. Your legs stalled. 
It was two taps. One right after the other against what sounded like metal.
You turned your head to the side, letting your eyes scan over the area Jesse had just moved to in an attempt to see if he had made the sound, or had even heard it himself. 
But it was neither.
Your eyebrows were furrowed by now as you tried to peer round the side of a tank, attempting to locate where it was exactly that Walter had wondered off to. Though it didn’t really seem like the sound had came from that direction anyway.
There it was again. Two taps, slightly louder this time even if they were still faint. 
You turned on your heel, your mind giving you one last option as to what the mysterious tapping could be.
And then you saw it.
Or should you say him.
Gustavo Fring. The man you had thought was furious with you. Who had then complied to your plead and lied for you, was stood near the door to the lab like he had just walked in. But his stance said otherwise.
His eyes were already on yours, despite the fact that you could barely see them through his glasses. His hand was laid atop the banister in a way that encouraged your attention to fall to it. Your lips parted even if no words were meant to follow.
The source of the tapping.
The two of you sort of stared at each other for a moment. Caught up in each others gazes like Gustavo had apparently wanted, except he didn’t think it would actually hold.
You tried to smile, a sign of respect, though you could practically feel how awkward it had come out. So instead, you nodded your head, an inaudible thank you falling from your lips.
The next movement from Gustavo was sudden. 
He had nodded too, his head not even half way back to where it usually sat, before he had turned on his heel, soundlessly pulling the lab door open so that he could officially take his leave.
It was something that you initially had no reaction to. 
I mean, his face had appeared in the stoic way it did most of the time. Not even a twitch could alter the movement of his eyebrows, change the look in his eyes, or adjust the way his jaw set.
But the more you thought about what he did before his movements, the more that there was this nagging feeling that you had missed something. Something that your mind was so close to catching onto.
So you let yourself think. You replayed the scene over and over again, focusing on a different aspect of it each time, like a different facial feature or part of his body. 
You thought over the way his feet moved, the way his arms went back to his side after he let go of the railing, the speed that his head had turned at... And then you got it. 
The image of his face right before he had turned towards the doorway, right before he had chosen to leave, was there. The thing you were missing was now clear as day in front of your eyes. 
The corner of his lips had started to curl. He had turned away in an attempt to conceal it.
He was trying not to smile back.
next part.
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icabrth · 11 months
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beautiful things don’t ask for attention
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pairings: walter junior x fem!reader
warnings: ableism? bullying?😣 swearing..
a/n: this was requested. It’s kinda short, but I hope it’s okay lol.
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The two of you met on your first year of high school. Though you were both freshmen you were on complete opposite side of the spectrum; you were popular and well-liked amongst the crowds, while he was a disabled, stuttering loser with crutches. No one would’ve ever expected you to get together, let alone associate with one another – but you weren’t superficial like you your friends.
You had never seen him outside of school, you would sometimes see him hanging out with his friends by the bleachers or walking around the yard. From time, you would catch some jocks picking on him, and you’d say something. Every time you did, he looked surprised. Like he hadn’t expected you to stand up for him, even on the third time that you did it.
One day, you and Junior were put together for an english assignment. He invited you over to his house to study, and you agreed. You got along great, and at the same time you became acquainted with his buzzard family. There was always something going on with them.
You were working on the project together in his room, discussing different topics you could go over. It was the weekend, so you had spent most of your day at his house. It was getting late now, but you didn’t notice. One thing you realized whilst working with him is that Junior was a lot more talkative with people he felt comfortable around.
“Right? But then he tuh-turns out to be a cop!” He exclaimed, recalling to you that time he and his friends tried to get strangers to buy them liquor.
“What! Are you fucking serious?” You laughed, collapsing in his bed beside his sitting form. “H-how do you recover from that!”. He peered down at you, inspecting your every feature. For the life of him, he couldn’t understand why you hung out with him. The simple act of being seen with him in public was social suicide, and you had so much to lose–
“Walter what the fuck are you doing! Jesus Christ!” His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his mother, screaming at his father. He was used to this. In fact, so used to it that he was about to go straight back to his thoughts, but this was fairly new to you. “Shit, you think we should check on them or something?” You asked, sitting up straight with an anxious expression. Even with your eyebrows furrowed you still looked so beautiful, flawless.
“No, no it’s okay– they do this all the time,” he attempted a chuckle. Part of him wanted to laugh, part of him wanted to cry. It came out as kind of a mixture. You put your hand on his thigh, but didn’t say anything. You figured this was humiliating enough as it was.
But that was a few ago – right now you had joined him and his family find him a new pair of jeans. Junior originally didn’t want you to come; he was embarrassed to be going with his family in the first place, but you insisted. He agreed but not before warning you about their overprotective nature.
“It’s alright, Junior. I get it. My parents are protective too!” You assured him, but he sighed. “No, uh.. they’re just a little much because of… y-you know-“ he tried to explain, motioning to his body. You looked at him as he avoided eye contact. “Oh..” you said, not knowing exactly what to say.
You had taken notice to his disability, but you didn’t stop there. You also noticed the way his smile was slightly crooked, his generosity towards you, his unmatched humor and so many other things. It upset you to think about how something so external could define his entire being, and there was nothing to do about it.
You were looking at different pairs in another section, when you suddenly heard commotion. “Yo, ding-ding-ding-dingus!” Some jocks from school laughed cruelly from across the store. His parents were about to say something, but Junior stopped them shamefully. You had never felt so infuriated with another person in your entire life. You stormed up to the main guy who immediately noticed your presence. “Oh, look! It’s the freak’s little girlfriend–!”
Your hand collided with his cheek, so hard that he stumbled over a bit. The stinging in your hand was bearable. Whilst he was still comprehending what had just happened, your foot went straight for his balls, finally knocking him to the ground.
The people around you let out gasps, some attempting to film the incident. You still weren’t entirely contempt with the damage, but before you could do any more the guy scrambled off the ground and made a fun for it. “Ayo, this chick is fucking crazy!” He yelled, voice cracking as he ran out of the store.
You turned around to meet the judging gazes of the rest of the store. To your surprise, skyler and walter looked overjoyed, proud. It was almost a little scary, they didn’t seem at all shaken up at your scene. “Sorry,” you mumbled. “But he deserved it.”
His parents left to look for some other clothing, and you walked up to Junior. You were sort of scared to see his face after what you’d done. Would he be mad, scared of you, disappointed? “Hey,” you said.
He didn’t reply at first, observing the material on the jeans. “Why did you do that?” He asked. It was quiet, genuine and you couldn’t understand why he would ask that. “What do you mean? They were being assholes.” You stated.
“Yeah, wuh-well.. they’re r-right, you know? I am a freak.” He said. “I cub-can’t even suh-say a full sen-sentence!” It looked like he was going to cry and you couldn’t bare the sight. You put both your hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eye with a serious expression. “Junior, l need you to listen to me very carefully right now. You are not a freak.” You said it so sternly, almost like a mother scolding her child.
“I’ve seen the way you shy away from attention, the way you try to hide yourself – it just makes people notice you more!” You sighed, unsure of how to word what you were about to say.
“Beautiful things don’t ask for attention, Junior.”
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kinda stoked to see you writing gus content i fuckin love that guy he makes my brain melt <3 id love to hear your thoughts on any nsfw hcs you have for him! personally, i see him as being less violent w/ his partner but enjoying obedience training and stuff - not saying petplay or s/m but definitely maybe. i joked ab it and called him an owner/brat tamer once but hmm...gay thoughts!!
- j. 🐇
gonna combine these 2 requests hope thats ok :3
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brat taming. anon your mind
hard top. absolutely no negotiation. he will not bottom for you. cope.
gus is concerned with whether or not he can trust you. and what better way to prove your honor by letting him take it from you doing what he says
i see him as the type to explain exactly what he's going to do before he does it. he's incredibly methodical like that.
if you're playing nice, he will too. his instructions will be gentle, but firm.
"Now, I need you to relax. Don't speak. Don't move. Don't touch me. I need to prepare you for what's to come."
break every single rule he gives you if you don't feel like walking the next day 🖤
you can tell when you get under his skin because he'll give you that look. his smile will drop and he'll be staring a hole into you.
he has zero tolerance for delinquency. he will put you in your place. you reach for him after he told you not to and he grabs your wrist and digs his nails into your skin to make you squeak
"I told you no."
loveslovesloves denying you orgasms. 🥺 he's mean when you push him. and he will NOT listen to begging
"No. And stop whining. You will not get a reward for being a brat."
if you cum anyway? oh you're FUCKED. now he's going to break you. he'll make you cum over and over until you're writhing and sobbing for him to stop.
"Look at you. You're pathetic. Is this what you wanted so badly that you couldn't follow my simple instructions? You were so impatient and needy that you couldn't be bothered to wait for my permission? I hope this is what you wanted, slut."
i can definitely see him having a collar for "obedience training" >:3c
he's not against using restraints, but he prefers not to at first. he likes to test your willpower, though he'll pull them out if he feels you need some extra persuasion.
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ivestas · 2 years
so you know the gus boxcutter scene right? can I request some hurt/comfort of what happens after that? like maybe we help clean the blood off gus's face??
bloodied promise
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Summary: Gustavo’s face was splattered with blood, so you clean it off. 
Word count: 0.4k
Warnings: Blood, spoilers for season 4 ep 1 of breaking bad
Note: i didnt do any hurt/comfort cuz i didnt know how to implement it in this scenario :( but thank you for requesting! also, i love the gus requests, keep them coming, but i also do other characters, guys!! check the pinned post for the characters i accept :D 
“Fuck, Gustavo, why’d you do that?” 
It was a rhetorical question really, you were no fool—Gustavo hates liabilities, which is ironic considering Walter White is a walking, talking liability—but still, the brutality of it all, the goddamn spectacle of it, you can’t help but wonder if it was something else. 
Silent warning? A show of anger? Something deeper? 
But Gustavo didn’t answer, opting to ignore you and take off the bloodied hazmat suit in that silence. 
You glance at the open door.
Walter and Jesse were gone, alongside Mike. 
You were alone with him. 
Good, finally. 
Grabbing the kleenex box that was on top of one of the shelves, you snagged several sheets of tissue and waited for him to toss away the suit. 
Still silent, he turned to you. 
He lifted his chin, angling it to the side, staring at you. 
“Wish you were a little more careful, or, I don’t know, de-weeding the source of the problem,” you carefully lifted the tissues, carefully dabbing away the bigger beads of blood that decorated his face. “But do what you want. But, if push comes to shove, and I know he’s to do something to you, I’ll—” 
“Don’t worry,” he cut in with words that held no emotion—almost listless in its nature. “I already have plans arranged. All I need you to do is to watch quietly from a distance.” 
Quietly. Distance. 
Those two words cannot be applied to you, and somehow, you knew he was aware of that—some part of you just fucking knew he recognized what he asked was an impossible request from you, but… you’re always cutting past the impossible, right?
Carelessly tossing the tissues to the ground—an action that made you immediately assure Gustavo that it will be cleaned up—you grabbed another set of tissues and were rougher, dragging it across the smaller lines of blood that lined his strangely warm skin. 
You were absorbed in the action, cleaning his face with inexplicable care, one that made you realize later was strangely… intimate? 
“Okay,” you breathed, taking a step back, now acutely aware of how close you were—closer than you’ve ever been. “I’m done. We’re done. Your face is clean, Gus.” He didn’t say anything. You looked up at him now. “Gus?” 
He was staring at you, and for a moment, you thought something was wrong—did you miss a spot? Is there blood behind his ear, somehow—? 
He grabbed a tissue and with a silent tenderness wiped at your cheek. 
There was blood on it?
“You were too close,” he said quietly. “You’re always too close.” 
“I’m sorry.” You didn’t mean it. 
And again, strangely, you felt like he knew. 
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sugarcakesss · 2 months
If I posted my works here would y’all read them
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cake-and-umbrellas · 4 months
nsfw under the cut
some good goddamn fic needs to be written about fucking gus in some sort of kitchen. like PLEASE
I might as well do it myself tomorrow
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