#Global Research Letters
kaifsaifi009897 · 1 year
Use of Big Data and Advanced Analytics in Article Research Papers
The use of big data and advanced analytics is rapidly growing in various industries and research fields. In recent years, the volume of data being generated has increased significantly, leading to the need for more sophisticated methods of analysis. Article research papers are no exception, as big data and advanced analytics play an increasingly important role in providing insights and supporting evidence-based decisions.
Big data refers to large, complex datasets that cannot be processed using traditional data processing techniques. It requires the use of advanced technologies, such as cloud computing and machine learning, to store, manage, and analyze vast amounts of data. Advanced analytics, on the other hand, is a collection of techniques and tools used to uncover hidden patterns, relationships, and insights from big data. These techniques include data mining, predictive modeling, and data visualization.
The use of big data and advanced analytics in article research papers can provide valuable insights into various research topics. For example, in the field of medicine, big data and advanced analytics can be used to identify correlations between patient data and disease outcomes, leading to improved treatments and diagnoses. In the social sciences, big data and advanced analytics can be used to analyze vast amounts of data on human behavior, leading to a better understanding of complex social phenomena.
However, despite the many benefits of big data and advanced analytics, researchers face several challenges in accessing and processing large datasets. This is where GRL Journals comes in. Grljournals.in  provides a platform for researchers to access and analyze large datasets, with the help of powerful analytical tools and algorithms. Grljournals.in  offers a range of features, including data visualization, data analysis, and data storage, to make big data analysis accessible and convenient for researchers.
In conclusion, the use of big data and advanced analytics in article research papers is becoming increasingly important, as it provides valuable insights and supports evidence-based decisions. GRL Journals provides a platform for researchers to access and analyze large datasets, with the help of powerful analytical tools and algorithms, making big data analysis accessible and convenient for researchers. With the help of GRL Journals, researchers can unlock the full potential of big data and advanced analytics to enhance their research and drive innovation.
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burningfirevoid · 1 year
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so-many-ocs · 9 months
Researching as a Writer
Start Broad
begin with a list of more general topics and get specific as you go.
for example, research for a historical fantasy novel might follow a chain that looks like this:
life in the 1700s -> life in 1700s france -> 1700s french etiquette and lifestyle depending on class -> 1720s french fashion for middle and upper-middle class women.
starting with a general understanding of the topic you want to cover and narrowing down to specifics will make it easier to build on your knowledge as you go.
Think Critically
consider the source. if it doesn’t cite primary sources (for example, letters and photographs from a specific era and location), what sources does it cite? follow those sources if possible.
is the information reliable? is it provided by an educational institution or an expert on the subject?
who is the author? do they present any bias? what do they have to gain by promoting a specific mindset or conclusion? has any of their research been debunked?
in general, anecdotal evidence is not sufficient for academic writing. luckily for you, this is a fiction writing page, and anecdotal evidence is usually fine!
work with a combination of scholarly sources and personal experience. if you’re trying to depict a specific health condition, you might consult medical sources about the technical details of the condition, as well as seeking firsthand accounts from people who have that condition.
remember that people are not monolithic! there are often forums online where people are more than happy to discuss their experiences; cross-consult these for common elements.
keep track of your sources!! if you ever need to consult something later on, it will be way easier to open a list of resources than go digging through your search history.
additionally, if you come across lists of sources compiled by other people, save those!! you are probably not the first person to research the specific topic you’re looking into, and there are entire websites dedicated to gathering research!
wordsnstuffblog.com/research has compilations of sources for everything from writing injuries to global period pieces by century.
if you can, check out your school or public library’s websites! they will often compile scholarly resources to access for free.
look for open access or open source sites like project gutenberg that archive and digitize historical documents and other works. scienceopen and the directory of open access journals are more of these. search using keywords!
keep an eye out for websites made specifically for educational purposes (those with .edu at the end of their addresses).
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
The Gulf Stream is almost certainly weakening, a new study has confirmed. The flow of warm water through the Florida Straits has slowed by 4% over the past four decades, with grave implications for the world's climate.  The ocean current starts near Florida and threads a belt of warm water along the U.S. East Coast and Canada before crossing the Atlantic to Europe. The heat it transports is essential for maintaining temperate conditions and regulating sea levels.  But this stream is slowing down, researchers wrote in a study published Sept. 25 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.  "This is the strongest, most definitive evidence we have of the weakening of this climatically-relevant ocean current," lead-author Christopher Piecuch, a physical oceanographer at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, said in a statement.
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northgazaupdates · 5 months
An open letter from Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar, a professor and consultant in Environmental Engineering in Gaza. Before October 7th, he was a respected and in-demand expert on hydrologic engineering. He describes what his life is like now.
Nothing will Ever be the same Again
It will never be easy at all to return and continue living normally after this war has shattered everything in our hearts, our trust in the world the countries around us, the books, history, strategic plans, and more!!
How should I go back to work as an environmental engineering expert, dealing with climate change and sustainability goals? While all my international memberships couldn’t protect me from the shelling and killing!
How can I participate in conferences and research journals about resource and water supply management in conflict zones? None of it granted me at least the minimal requirements of water as recommended by the WHO.
And how can I continue designing sustainable buildings for clients in Eastern and Western countries and interact with people as if nothing has happened when the entire world has let us down?
A million ‘hows’ I pose, and I find no logical answers for them in this context!!
A million research papers, books, and volumes have been crafted by the West in major international conferences, summits, and meetings about the concepts of international law, human rights, food and water security, green economics, gender equality, environmental project empowerment, and entrepreneurship. In Gaza, we are a part of it, seeking alignment and keeping up with global progress.
Now, all of it has lost its value; all of it is reduced to zero, devoid of meaning altogether. How can it hold any value when I used to train in international projects on strategic planning, sustainable project management, and gender equality in many subjects and do research on water and food security, among other topics? I now only seek survival. Just survival!
It has become futile, with no purpose left. This is our new reality.
Source: Tamer Al-Najjar on Instagram
You can find Dr. Al-Najjar on Instagram and Twitter/X at “najjart_1”
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 7 months
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with a certain biscuit-themed day settling upon him, kaiser wants to use it as an excuse to win a kiss from you. will pocky day end with your very own happy ending, or does kaiser need to prove himself further?
gender neutral reader
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Kaiser found life in Japan fascinating. This was one of the many perks of being a globally recognized soccer star like him: he got to travel the world and take in the different cultures it had to offer all while doing the very thing that got him onto this stage in the first place.
And boy, was he enjoying the time in Blue Lock. On the rare occasion that he got to go outside of the facility and spend some free time doing whatever he pleased, Kaiser made sure he got the full quintessential tourist experience. He ate a great deal of Japanese cuisine, tried out some hobbyist things, even somehow wound up in a maid cafe with the Bastard Munchen team, and reminisced on the everyday lives of the locals.
But one thing he found himself especially entranced by was all the different things he could exploit in order to get closer to you. If there was one thing Kaiser was, it was persistent in making sure he got what he wanted, and if that meant using every little weapon in his arsenal, then he was sure to play all of his cards out onto the figurative table.
You could only imagine his delight when he learned that a very special day in November was quickly approaching and soon to be upon him.
“Darling!” An all-too-familiar sickly sweet voice rang out against your eardrums, and a sharp wave of thorny annoyance shot down your spine. You had half a mind to bolt for the nearest exit, but the next few words stopped you dead in your tracks. “Don’t run away from me! I have something fun for us!”
Fun? That definitely couldn’t mean anything good. 
You mentally steeled yourself for another very irritating interaction with the smitten striker, equal parts exasperated by his over-the-top courtship and flattered that someone like him would try so hard to endear himself to you. Was his interest in you one of genuine romantic intent? Or did he want you as a plaything to toy with and then cast aside when he was done?
You had discern carefully whether or not Kaiser was a frog in the well or a true fairytale prince.
“What is it now, Kaiser?” You grumble unimpressed. His eager footsteps halted right next to you, and the blond took a quick second to catch his breath before shoving a box into your face.
“Ta-daaa!!” He announced, shaking it in front of you. “I learned about something interesting the other day, and I just had to do it with you. Surely you wouldn’t mind! Noa was always so insistent that I learn about Japanese culture while in Blue Lock, and boy, am I glad that I did my research!”
You practically swatted his hand his hand away, and you squinted your eyes to take a better look at the small box in front of you. The bright colors, vibrantly decorated biscuits on the box, the large decorative letters spelling out the words ‘POCKY’ in white old-fashioned text…
The realization hit you like a truck.
“Let’s play the pocky game together, darling,” Kaiser cooed, and he batted his eyelashes at you charmingly. “Isn’t that what you guys do for Pocky Day? The nice clerk at the convenience store told me all about it, and for the full immersion effect, I just have to try it with you!”
You’re less than impressed. You can see right through Kaiser’s little game as if it were made of glass. He wants a kiss from you, and playing the pocky game is the perfect opportunity to do so. 
You straighten your lips, making sure to give the boy the most stone-faced expression you could muster up. “What makes you think that I’d want to play the game with you? Ask someone else in the program. It’s not like I’m the only person around.”
Kaiser made a downtrodden face. “It’s not the same! The point of the game is to play it with someone you want to kiss! Do you really think I’d want to get a kiss from someone like Yoichi? Eugh, just thinking about it makes me want to brush my teeth-”
You bit back the temptation to tell him that the thought of kissing him makes you want to vomit too. It would be easy to turn him down and leave him standing in the dust, but you know all too well how persistent Kaiser could be. Knowing him, he’d probably tail after you like a magnet 24/7, begging and begging you with the biggest puppy eyes he can conjure up for you to just give in and kiss him let him have the proper cultural immersion he deserves! 
Or worse, he complains to Noa, who then tells Ego, and you end up in trouble for not catering to every whim the players might have.
“...Fine. Just once though. And if you mess up and break the pocky, I’m not letting you try again,” you resolved. In all honesty, it could be a lot worse. Despite Kaiser’s shithole of a personality, it wasn’t like he was outwardly mean to you nor would worming your way to his massive paycheck hurt your prospects in any way.
Kaiser lit up as if it were his birthday, and he grabbed your wrist. “To my room then! Oh, I promise I won’t let you down!”
You barely had time to regain your bearings before Kaiser basically throws you on top of his bed. His eyes sparkled with so much life that you would have thought that he had won the World Cup instead of playing the pocky game. You pushed yourself to the edge of his bed, swinging your feet over the mattress and sitting down placidly as the blond ripped the box open and procured a single piece of pocky.
“Ah, I’m so nervous…,” Kaiser admitted as he sat himself down right next to you. “I always daydreamed about what it would be like to kiss you, and to think that the answer would be right here all along! You have no clue the effect you have on me.”
“Uh- In technicality, you haven’t earned the kiss yet-,” you corrected him. 
“Whatever. We both know how this is going to end.” The blond expertly placed the biscuit end of the pocky in his mouth, carefully balancing it in between his pretty lips. He glanced up at you expectantly, and you let out a deep breath before moving your head so that your teeth caught on the chocolate end of the pocky.
‘Here goes nothing,’ you resigned internally.
Making sure not to break the delicate stick, you inched your mouth forward. Your teeth broke cleanly into a bit more of the pocky, and the sugary-sweet taste of pocky coated the inside of your cheeks. You’d forgotten how good little treats like this were; in between your responsibilities and being chased around by Kaiser, it wasn’t like you had much down time for yourself.
The German, on the other hand, was fully engrossed in the task at hand. You had fully expected him to get impatient and break the pocky prematurely, but just like how you were inching bit-by-bit forward on the pocky, he was making good progress as well. His handsome face was scrunched up slightly in concentration, focusing everything he had on the game so that he wouldn’t squander his precious chance to kiss his crush.
You had to give credit where credit was due. Kaiser was, in fact, a hard worker and a skilled athlete. When he put his mind on something, he was going to get it. As much of a pain in the butt as it was for you, you did have to respect that tough tenacity. 
Your lips closed around the next little bit of the biscuit. It tasted really good, enough to almost distract you from your situation. Kaiser’s face was so close to yours, and for the first time, you couldn’t help but notice all of the finer details on his face. He was always so horrendously vain, taking great pride in his hand-drawn red eyeliner, his two-toned hair, even his signature blue rose tattoo. But apart from all of his vanity, he was straight up a handsome man.
The tension between the two of you was at an all-time high, with both of you concentrating fully on the task at hand. You swore that he was stealing your breath away with every bite he took, and your heart fluttered. He was too good—was he actually going to win a kiss from you? It wasn’t like you had any complaints about giving him one silly kiss, but when he was this close, enough to make your cheeks heat up and your breath shake, it felt like your own mind was betraying you.
Another crunch only furthered the flustered thoughts in your brain. He was just a bite or two away, and when he glanced his azure eyes towards you, your head nearly went blank. He was a piece of shit, sure, but he was still pretty, and the intrusive thoughts practically yelling at you to simply take another bite and give in were almost deafening.
Kaiser took another bite, and that closed the distance between the two of you. You only had enough time to gasp and flicker your eyes up to his face, and before you knew it, the feeling of his plush lips on yours and his hands cupping your face was all you could register.
He kissed you.
A surprised, strangled cry bubbled up from the back of your throat before it died out. His cool fingers held your face in place, and you couldn’t help but melt into the touch a little. How could it be that his touches were so sweet when he was so prickly? The sugary taste of chocolate and biscuits lingered on the tip of your tongue, and when Kaiser sighed happily against your lips, all you wanted was for him to keep kissing you. 
His thumbs brushed across the apples of your cheeks. Mouths moving together, your heart hammered inside your chest. You knew that this wasn’t the first time that Kaiser somehow managed to stubbornly wiggle his way into your heart, and if the soft way he was kissing you was telling anything, it was that this wouldn’t be the last time either. He was kissing you like lovers would, so could you fault yourself for swooning and falling for him a little?
He pulled away before you could lean anymore forward, leaving you dazed and staring breathlessly into his eyes. The corners of his lips curled upwards into a snooty smirk. “...Looks like I did manage to win a kiss from you, darling. What do you think?”
“You’re insufferable, Kaiser,” you manage to eke out, wanting to turn away to hide your embarrassed face. Damn him and his charismatic ways! You wished he would disintegrate into nothingness right then and there. That would definitely solve so many of your problems.
He laughed heartily at your mousy comment. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
Heat flooded your face, but you couldn’t bring yourself to answer him. It was way too easy for him to play games with your heart, and it didn’t help knowing that he was so sincere about winning you over too. You were determined to make him prove that he was worth your time, but with every little interaction like this, you had to admit that your determination was crumbling bit by bit.
You cursed both your internal weakness and him for being the smooth talker he was. He was simply waiting for the right moment to pounce, to make you his and put an end to this back-and-forth, to make you his beloved partner, someone for him to dote on endlessly and to be doted on in return. 
“Well, if you aren’t sure…,,” Kaiser grinned at you like a smug cat, his deft fingers diving into the box to bring out another piece of unbroken pocky, “...How about another round of the pocky game then?”
Surely, that was an offer you couldn’t bring yourself to refuse.
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eretzyisrael · 19 days
by Dion J. Pierre
The US House of Representatives has launched an investigation into 20 nonprofit organizations that are currently funding anti-Zionist student groups mounting pro-Hamas demonstrations on college campuses, an effort aimed at uncovering long suspected links to terrorist organizations and other hostile foreign entities.
As part of the inquiry, US Reps. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and James Comer (R-KY) wrote to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Tuesday, asking her to share any “suspicious activity reports” generated by the activities of Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, American Muslims for Palestine, Tides Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and other groups.
Foxx and Comer chair the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, respectively.
“The committees are investigating the sources of funding and financing for groups who are organizing, leading, and participating in pro-Hamas, antisemitic, anti-Israel, and anti-American protests with illegal encampments on American college campuses,” Foxx and Comer wrote in their letter to Yellen. “This investigation relates to both malign influence on college campuses and to the national security implications of such influence on faculty and student organizations.”
The inquiry comes amid widespread suspicion that an eruption of anti-Zionist protests on college campuses, in which students illegally occupied sections of section and refused to leave unless their schools agreed to condemn and boycott Israel, was fueled by immense financial and logistical support from outside groups. Foxx and Comer said in their letter that the investigation’s findings will inform recommendations for new federal laws requiring increased transparency and reporting of foreign contributions to American colleges and universities.
On Tuesday, Foxx told the Washington Free Beacon, which first reported the investigation, that the protests were a symptom of a larger threat to national security.
“It’s no coincidence that the day after the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack, antisemitic mobs began springing up at college campuses across the country,” Foxx said. “These protests have been coordinated and well organized, indicating that outside groups or influences may be at play. American education is under attack. It’s critical that Congress investigates how these groups — who are tearing apart our institutions — are being funded and advised before it’s too late.”
Foreign links to the anti-Zionist student movement have been the subject of numerous comprehensive studies.
Last week, the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) published a report showing a connection between the anti-Zionist group Shut It Down for Palestine (SID4P) — a group formed immediately after Hamas’ massacre on Oct. 7 — and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). NCRI explained that SID4P, which organized numerous traffic-obstructing demonstrations after Oct. 7, is an umbrella group for several other organizations which compose the “Singham Network,” a consortium of far-left groups funded by Neville Roy Singham and Jodie Evans. The report describes Singham and Evans as a “power couple within the global far-left movement” whose affiliation with the CCP has been copiously documented.
“The Singham Network exploits regulatory loopholes in the US nonprofit system to facilitate the flow of an enormous sum of US dollars to organizations and movements that actively stoke social unrest at the grassroots level,” the report said. “Alternative media outlets associated with the Singham Network have played a central role in online mobilization and cross-platform social amplification for SID4P.”
In 2022, the National Association of Scholars (NAS) revealed that one of the founders of Students for Justice in Palestine, Hatem Bazian, is also a co-founder of American Muslims for Palestine, an advocacy group which, NAS said, “retains ties to terrorist groups operating in the Palestinian Territories.”
NAS added that the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic Cultural Boycott of Israel — which has been influential is steering the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel in academia — is “structurally linked” to Palestinian terrorist organizations through the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine — a member of the Palestinian BDS National Committee which comprises Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Popular Front-General Command, Palestinian Liberation Front, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
“On the one hand, BDS is designed to secure political legitimacy vis-á-vis Israel, with boycotts and divestment offering Palestinian activists and terrorists new domains to assert their cause,” NAS senior fellow Ian Oxnevad wrote. “On the other hand, BDS, along with the formation of multiple NGOs and nonprofit organizations, offers the Palestinians new avenues by which to access funding in a post-9/11 international financial system designed to curtail funding for terrorism.”
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A wealth tax on the fortunes of the world’s richest people would raise trillions of dollars that could be spent on helping poorer countries shift their economies to a low-carbon footing, and on “loss and damage”, the rescue and rehabilitation of countries stricken by climate disaster. A 2% tax on extreme wealth would yield about $2.5tn a year, by recent estimates. The economists, including the prominent degrowth advocate Jason Hickel, have written a letter to world leaders before a global summit on finance this week. They are calling for a tax of 1.5% for 1.5C to help ensure the world limits global temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. The world’s wealthiest people are responsible for an outsize proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions, with the richest 1% responsible for double the carbon emissions of the world’s poorest half, according to Oxfam, but there are few constraints on them. Recent research suggests if the combined emissions of wealthy countries was counted against the destruction that the climate crisis is wreaking in poorer countries, the rich would owe the poor $6tn a year in “reparations” for the damage caused.
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blueiskewl · 8 months
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AI Helps Decipher First Text of Unreadable Ancient Herculaneum Scroll
With the help of artificial intelligence, a colorful ancient Greek word has emerged from a text damaged in the A.D. 79 eruption of Vesuvius, marking an important milestone in the centuries-long attempt to decipher an unparalleled ancient library assumed to be lost forever.
That word, πορφύραc, referring to purple dye or purple-colored clothes—a color closely associated with royalty and power—comes from one of the famed Herculaneum scrolls discovered by workers digging up the ancient town of Herculaneum near Pompeii in 1752. The roughly 1,800 unearthed papyrus scrolls—believed to contain literary and philosophical works from the first and second centuries B.C.—had been reduced to brittle, charred lumps by the heat and gasses of the eruption. And those carbonized scrolls that workers didn’t throw away more than 250 years ago have largely languished since then in storerooms, written off as unreadable curiosities.
Technological developments over the past two decades have helped researchers get closer to being able to “read” the fragile scrolls. But only the very recent acceleration of artificial intelligence and computing have finally made it possible to begin unlocking their secrets—all without opening them.
Researchers backed by Silicon Valley investors put decoding efforts into overdrive this spring by launching the Vesuvius Challenge.The global competition offers prize money for significant benchmarks in coaxing the long-lost Herculaneum texts from their carbonized husks by applying machine learning techniques to digital images of the scrolls.
The challenge awarded its first installment of the $1 million total prize pot today to two competitors—an American college student and an Egyptian graduate student in Germany—who separately revealed at least 10 letters from a single small area of an intact scroll, including the colorful and complete “πορφύραc.”
With this achievement, scientists say they are now one step closer to being able to read full passages and—someday—entire scrolls that had previously been considered unreadable.
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“We knew if we could read just one [scroll], then all the other ones would be available with the same method or some augmented method,” says Brent Seales, a computer scientist at the University of Kentucky who’s been trying to decode the Herculaneum scrolls for the last 20 years and leads the university’s Digital Restoration Initiative. “And this is a big moment because we are now proving not just to ourselves but to the entire global community that the scrolls are readable.”
Reading the Herculaneum scrolls, he says, will help connect us to the past in “astounding” ways.
“These people were humans just like us,” Seales adds. “These were intellectuals. Their thoughts were complex. It says something about what it means to be human to be able to read a thought that came directly from a single person or a group of people so long ago.”
An era ‘shrouded in mystery’
Since the mid-1700s, people have made various attempts at reading some of the less damaged scrolls from Herculaneum. One method involved cutting the scrolls in half and scraping away layers one at a time to see the text inside; another involved slowly unwinding the scrolls with a specially built machine. Though these 18th and 19th century efforts did allow conservators to copy down some of the words inside, they often damaged—or, worse, totally destroyed—many of the scrolls in the process.
Many of the previously opened scrolls revealed Greek philosophical texts, including some by philosophers Epicurus and Philodemus. But, by and large, the contents of the unopened scrolls are unknown—and that’s part of what makes the quest to open them so enticing. On top of that, the Herculaneum scrolls, discovered in a villa likely belonging to Julius Caesar’s father-in-law, represent the largest known surviving library from classical antiquity. Revealing their texts would be a boon to historians and to our collective understanding of the past.
“Some 95 percent of the material from the classical period is lost, so we just don’t have anything, and yet we know it was one of the most important philosophical periods of humanity,” says Seales. “It’s an era shrouded in mystery for which we’ve lost most of the material.”
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Between 500 and 600 carbonized scrolls from Herculaneum—kept in museum, university and national collections in England, France and Italy—remain unopened, though the exact figure is hard to estimate because many are fragmented. The scrolls are extremely brittle, which means physically unrolling them is not a viable option. “If you drop one, it would shatter like glass,” Seales explains.
Technological advancements since the early 2000s have helped researchers overcome this hurdle, including using CT scans to make 3D images of ancient scrolls. From there, the Digital Restoration Initiative team developed software that could “virtually unwrap” the 3D images to produce flattened segments. This method enabled them to read previously hidden text from the Ein Gedi scroll, a charred and fragmented scroll from the Middle East dated to the third or fourth century A.D.
When researchers tried to use this method to read the scrolls carbonized by Vesuvius, however, they ran into another roadblock. The ink used on the Ein Gedi scroll contained metal, which meant the letters were visible on the CT scan. The Herculaneum scrolls, by contrast, were written with carbon-based ink, which, to the human eye, makes the symbols indistinguishable from the carbonized papyrus on the CT scans.
Undeterred, researchers wondered if higher-resolution scans of the scrolls produced by a particle accelerator could provide an even more detailed view of the carbonized papyrus. Sure enough, at very high resolutions, the scans revealed visible areas where the ink slightly altered the shape and texture of the papyrus fibers. “The carbon-based ink sort of fills in the holes that are the grid of the papyrus—it coats them and makes them a little thicker,” says Seales.
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Seales and his Digital Restoration Initiative colleagues then developed and trained a machine learning model to detect these subtle differences in the carbonized papyrus surfaces. But to take the project any further, they needed human beings to help. That’s where the Vesuvius Challenge comes in. Hoping to harness the collective power of citizen scientists around the world, Seales teamed up with Silicon Valley investors and put his team’s data, code, and methods online for anyone to access. The challenge’s pitch? After 275 years, the puzzle of the Herculaneum scrolls has been reduced to a software problem—one that anyone, anywhere with access to a computer could, in theory, contribute to solving.
In March, the challenge team released thousands of 3D images of two rolled-up scrolls, as well as a machine-learning algorithm trained to detect the invisible letters and symbols written on the layers of carbonized papyrus. They also offered $1 million in prize money to incentivize participants to build upon the AI technology and, ultimately, speed up the deciphering.
Two competitors extracted the new snippet of text separately: Luke Farritor, a 21-year-old undergraduate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Youssef Nader, a 26-year-old doctoral student at Freie Universität Berlin. Because Farritor revealed the text first, he wins $40,000, while Nader wins $10,000. Papyrologists also authenticated their findings.
Still on the line is the $700,000 grand prize, which will go to the first person or team that can reveal at least four separate passages from the two scrolls. Each passage must contain at least 140 characters of continuous text, with no more than 15 percent of the characters missing or illegible, by the end of 2023.
Citizen scientists can find everything they need online, from the history of the scrolls themselves to downloadable data, algorithms, and tutorials. And while the contest is open to anyone, it’s technical work that’s so far mostly attracted computer scientists who are already well-versed in machine learning. Competitors are helping advance the project forward by virtually unwrapping additional sections of scrolls via software and methods developed by Seales; they’re also working to improve the machine learning model by providing it with additional training examples from the newly unwrapped digital segments of papyrus.
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‘The scrolls are readable’
The competitors—an estimated 1,500 to 2,000 of them in total, according to Seales—have done their part. In just six months, they’ve made huge strides toward solving this puzzle, including the three full lines of text that Farritor and Nader recently revealed. “We’ve seen 10 or 20 person years of work from these competitors,” says Seales.
So, what’s motivating the contestants to volunteer hours and hours of their time toward the project? The prize money is a big factor (both Nader and Farritor say they want to win the grand prize) but, on top of that, some competitors are simply intrigued by the scrolls themselves. “When things were a bit frustrating and things were not working, I felt like I was unable to give up because I was just too curious—I really need to know what’s going on here,” says Nader.
There’s also the allure of working on a project backed by Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and investors. Former GitHub CEO Nat Friedman launched the contest, along with venture capitalist Daniel Gross; other startup founders and investors also chipped in prize money. “There’s kind of this Silicon Valley prestige,” says Farritor, who spent the summer interning at SpaceX.
From here, the machine learning model should continue to improve even more and reveal additional letters until, ideally, researchers will be able to decipher all of the Herculaneum scrolls. These efforts could pave the way for future excavation work at Herculaneum, where some experts believe even more scrolls are still buried.
“Some people might think, ‘What are you going to all that trouble for?’ but I don’t believe that,” says Seales. “This is an amazing period in human history. We’re talking about more works from that period. Yeah, I want more, I want it all.”
By Sarah Kuta.
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drsonnet · 7 months
How to stop a genocide? We demand the following: 1-Email your MP/representatives. 2-No Fly Zone over Gaza #NFZ 3-Arms embargo on Israel (#MilitaryEmbargo ) (#DefundIsrael) Arms embargo on Israel #MilitaryEmbargo #DefundIsrael #StopArmingIsrael 4- Cease fire For Gaza 5- Cut diplomatic ties, Recall ambassadors. 6-Boycot Israel 7-OPEN THE BORDERS of Gaza 8- Medical organizations, Academic Bodies, Unions,....Should be emailed and asked to take action. a letter of objection to the official MPS, and governments. 9- it is time for sanctions against Israel. 10- Boycott Biased Scholars, paid Activists, Genocide research organizations and memorial centers saying it is a conflict, not a genocide. They are paid hypocrite spokesmen, not honest scholars. 11-Hunger strike. (Personal or public. I started it in Nov-Dec 2023). 12-Global Strike / Monday/ 11 then 18.12.2023 #StrikeForGaza #الإضراب_العالمي #GazaGenocide BOYCOTT ISRAEL. 1. No flights to/from Israel 2. No exports/imports w/Israel 3. No ship which calls an an Israeli port allowed to berth at an EU port 4. No visas to Israelis 5. No cultural/sports events w/Israel. EMAIL YOUR MP: The UK has a Responsibility to Protect Palestinians against atrocities in Gaza - Medical Aid for Palestinians (map.org.uk) End the Siege on Gaza Now! End the Occupation! Ceasefire now! Allow immediate entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip! Resume all electricity, water and other infrastructure that was shut off by Israel in violation of international humanitarian law. Stop funding Israel! No UK/US Aid to Israel. Weapons companies must stop producing weapons for Israel. Stop profiting from the genocide and occupation of Palestine! Cut Ties with Israel! End complicity with war crimes! #ceasefirenow HRW calls for an arms embargo on Israel and Palestinian armed groups. Providing weapons that knowingly and significantly would contribute to unlawful attacks can make those providing them complicit in war crimes. What does #CeasefireForGaza mean? = STOP THE WAR ON #GAZA Stop funding Israel! No UK/US Aid to Israel. Weapons companies must stop producing weapons for Israel. Stop profiting from the #genocide and killing civilians in #PalestineHolocaust !
#CeasefireForGaza #CeasefireForGaza #StopGenocidelnGaza #Genocide_in_Gaza #CeasefireForGaza #FreePalestine #GazaUnderAttack
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kaifsaifi009897 · 1 year
PUBLICATION ETHICS Following all the guidelines for ethical publishing keeps the scientific community growing forever. GRL Journals adhere to the notion of ethical practice. Therefore, we always try to stop the abuse of scientific research works.    Here are some of the guidelines written for the authors. DATA MANIPULATION, /FABRICATION/FALSIFICATION Data manipulation, fabrication, and falsification … Publication Ethics Read More »
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hey! I work as a freelance content writer/copywriter as well. I had to stop working because of academic pressure, but the pay in my country is peanuts, and I have always wanted to expand globally. I would really appreciate it if you could share some tips on how you started getting clients and how did you build your agency? Thanks!!
Hi love! Some high-level tips are below:
Intern/Apply to remote internships to get clips/experience
Create an Upwork account to get entry-level work/testimonials to get some client portfolio work and to help build your professional reputation
Always be on the lookout for leads, do your research, and craft a thoughtful/useful pitch for the client/publisher. Send work samples/share how you can help them. Follow up – remember rejection is part of the job, it's a numbers game
Start your own blog to show off your skills/build credibility in the writing world/your field
Save all of your quality-work to use in your portfolio. Always have a portfolio ready in PDF format and as a direct link that's mobile-friendly available when pitching clients
Utilize LinkedIn, your university connections, build your network, request informational interviews, and don't be shy to ask for letters of recommendation or referrals
When you do get a client whose honest and integral, show up and do your best work and submit it on time. If you can't for whatever reason, request an extension/notify them of the delay ahead of time
Perfect your craft, continuously read about your industry, and sharpen your skills. Show up with a business owner, not employee, mindset. This might be different when you're doing contract work for an agency where they might have their own contracts, set a budget, etc. But, when working with smaller, independent clients, ensure you have your rates, terms, general business practices, contracts (see a lawyer about this one), onboarding process, client questionnaire, payment method, etc., all set up for your client to acclimate to when you're ready to sign them. Remember, your clients are your customers, not your employers. It is a partnership, not an unequal power dynamic – you are the talent, not the direct report.
Hope this helps xx
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michelleleewise · 1 year
hi, what AI generator do you use and do you have any tips please because i never manage anything that isn’t a nightmare image? thank you very much.
Hiiiiii!!!! I use midjourney. And trust me.....my first ones were the stuff of nightmares hahaha
After doing a metric ton of research, YouTube videos, Google articles, talking to other members and a looooooot of trial and error I came to make these wonderful images.......
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(I don't know if I've shared this one here before but I am now lol)
Basically wording is EVERYTHING!!! you have to write exactly what you want, who you want, what you want them doing down to the letter. And after all that then if you want a "photograph" type pic like the one seen here you have to add the camera specs.....for instance I use "35mm lens, cinematic, global illumination, accent lighting, f/1.8, clear facial features and uplight" so basically your telling it you want picture quality because trust me if you put "realistic" or "photorealistic" it will not give you anything near want you want.
Oh!! And one more thing!! Don't put in "loki doing..." it won't register who Loki is.....you have to prompt it "tom hiddleston as Loki" or its gonna be confused and give you some other dudes face lol it's definitely trial and error....and it takes alot of time to get them how you want them.....this one took me upwards of about 3 days to tune the prompt and reroll....tune the prompt....reroll......so don't get discouraged, it takes time, and definitely look up tutorials on YouTube!! They are suuuuuper helpful!!!!
I hope I helped in some way!!! And I wish you all the luck!!!! 💚💚💚💚
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mindblowingscience · 4 months
Using impact craters as a dating tool, Planetary Science Institute Research Scientist Alexander Morgan has determined maximum timescales for the formation of Martian valley networks shaped by running water. "Mars today is a global desert, but its surface preserves extensive evidence of past flowing water, including what appear to be river valleys. The timescale over which these valleys formed has big implications for early Mars' habitability, as long eras with stable liquid water would be more conducive to life," said Morgan, sole author of "New maximum constraints on the era of Martian valley network formation" that appears in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Continue Reading.
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mylight-png · 7 months
How do I explain to a very close friend that what is happening hurts me, an American Jew? That seeing people deny Jews as having a homeland in the area that is Israel reinforces antisemitic stereotypes and that stating there is an imbalance of power where the Jews/Israel have more power is inherently antisemitic. One of the things that hurt me the most was her inability to say that Jews had a right to live in Israel; she couldn't say what a solution would be, even when I have explained the idea of a two state solution, even when I would have been fine with some kind of generalized "I believe in a world without borders and everyone is equal". She played the "antizionism is not antisemitism" card. She kept stating "all the research I have done shows me x" but wouldn't say where that research was done. I care about this person deeply and in all other regards in politics she seems completely able to grasp the nuances and complexities of situations. What are some resources and ideas of how to start a conversation?
First and foremost, stay very up to date on what's happening. It is so so so important to understand that, a lot of the time, these awful views come from ignorance. These people are only seeing one side, the side Hamas wants them to see. Being informed, both on what they're seeing and what makes those things untrue, is central to battling misinformation.
Ask your friend if they would define the hatred for any other minority. Would they tell a Black person what anti-Black racism looks like? Would they explain to a queer person what is or isn't homophobic? Would they say that it's important to see the ableist's perspective to a disabled person? It's important to recognize and point out those double standards.
Also, what happened and is happening in Israel affects all of us around the world physically, mentally, and emotionally. I don't know whether you have any blood relatives in Israel, but I know you have family there. About seven million. We are all still in shock and mourning over what happened, and that is completely valid. But also, there has been a drastic spike in antisemitism globally. I know that as a Jewish college student living on campus, I am not safe. It's not just that I don't feel safe, I'm not safe. None of us can be safe or feel safe while Hamas propaganda is so rampant in our society. The fact that what is happening in Israel affects you as an American Jew is not just your opinion or perception or point of view. It's a fact. Anyone who denies it is ignorant and/or antisemitic.
The inability to recognize the indigenous heritage of Jews in relation to Israel has been so so so harmful in this issue. I highly recommend Rootsmetals on Instagram for learning more about these things, she makes very comprehensive informative posts.
Antizionism is antisemitism, because Zionism is a foundational Jewish value, and to deny it is to deny Jewish heritage and history. In the Torah we are referred to as one of two things. "B'nei Yisrael" and "Am Yisrael", children and nation of Israel, respectively. Every year after pesach we say "next year in Jerusalem" and this isn't new. This is an ancient tradition recognizing our roots there. During the Amidah prayer we turn to face Israel, yet again highlighting our connection to the land. The letters written on our Hanukkah dreidels vary depending on whether they were made in Israel or not. Heck, Hanukkah itself is a holiday about us reclaiming our homeland from Greek imperialism.
Also explain that Hamas's foundational goal is the genocide of Jews. Their charter is available on the internet, if your friend doesn't believe you she can read it herself. This isn't a war of land. This is a war of survival, and it is a war Israel did not start.
I'll be honest with you. All of the facts and rationality in the world will not be enough to change some people's minds. If that is, G-d forbid, the case with your friend, then it'll be up to you how you deal with that. There is no pressure to cut her out of your life if that doesn't seem like the right option to you, but you also shouldn't feel like you have to stay friends with her for any reason if that makes you uncomfortable.
Frankly, there are two questions that pose the ultimate test. How does she feel about the October 7th massacre, and can she confidently say that Hamas is a violent terrorist organization.
Failure to condemn both or even one of those is despicable and inherently antisemitic due to the goals of Hamas.
I'm sorry if this wasn't much help, but it's all I have to offer.
Am Yisrael chai, stay strong.
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uwukillmenowowo · 21 days
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 [Tokyo Debunker X F!Reader]
[ 5 | Quiz] 『❓』
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Key's for the story: Insert - Narrative - And then she stared at her reflection in the mirror [Insert] - Author speaking - [Eyyy there- wazzup readers] "Insert" - Talking - "Hey there!" [But can also be air quotes] 'Insert' - Thinking - 'Dame he's cute...' "Insert" - Whispering - "I- I messed up..." [But can also be an emphasis on a word/phrase, or flashback] (Insert) - Inner mind..? - (Deadass doesn't know how to explain it here) *Insert* - Action - *Sighs with their head down*[INSERT] - Magic - [OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!] or [IGGNAIM!]
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 4 | Academy] 『🖤』
[Book 0] The Academy of Ghouls
[Chapter 5] Time for the Dorm Quiz!
{Your POV}
After both Haku and professor Nicolas left, it was just me and professor Hyde. "Do you remember the anomaly you encountered on the train?" I tilted my head. "Anomaly..?" The professor gave me a surprised look. "Wait, no one gave you the brief yet? How'd you get here?" I hummed and explained. "Um... A monster attacked me on the train, then a a red haired boy... I believe his name was Taiga? Yeah, he showed up."
The professor nodded. "Right." Then I continued to explain, "Then he attacked me too for some reason, but Haku saved me..." Professor Hyde became even more surprised. "No way, Taiga did what? Sory, gonna have to pretend I didn't hear that part... So then you rode the Galexy Express all the way to our hallowed halls of learning without a clue, huh?" I nodded.
"Well, if you've seen that much, this won't take long. All the weird stuff you just described? They're all what we call anomalies." I asked more about what anomalies were. "There are things in this world that defy the rules society has deemed common sense. The kinds of things people call the occult or paranormal phenomena or cryptids. We're a global organization that searches out anomalies so we can study and regulate them. Darkwick Academy is our cover, as well as our training facility. In other words, we're the Japan branch of a heroic organization that defends world peace from the shadows."
I just blinked twice and nodded slowly. "Okay..." At least half of what Professor Hyde said went over my head... But having seen the anomalies he was describing with my own eyes, it was difficult for me to refute it. 'It's hard to believe but I guess this means that anomalies are the same as phantoms...'
"And not only am I a professor at Darkwick, I'm also one of the world's leading anomalous researchers~ I'm sure you've figured this out already, but I'm brilliant, so just lay back and spill all your secrets." 'I'd... rather not' I thought and sweatdropped. "Come on now, no need to be nervous! Let's get down to business." Professor Hyde sat back and called out merrily.
"Hodge! Podge! It's counseling time!" That's when two floating hands came in, holding a typewriter. 'Surprisingly... that's not the most shocking thing I've seen.' "I'm going to ask you some questions. All you have to do is answer truthfully. Don't overthink it." I nodded and the floating hands started typing. 
"Your said you encountered an anomaly covered head to toe in flowering plants, correct?" I nodded, "Yes, I did." "Did you see it's eye?" "An.. eye..?" I thought back to when I met the flower monster. "Yeah... It had one big eye where its face should have been." "Did you make eye contact?" He asked to which I nodded again. "I see... That's a shame. Hodge, Podge, write "Confirmed""
The sound of the letters being inscribed into the paper echoed throughout the quiet room. I laughed nervously. "Hmm? Oh sorry, are they distracting you? They like to people watch. The right hand with the red ribbon is Hodge. The left hand with the black lace glove is Podge." I just nodded again. "Don't worry. We just want to understand what happened to you." The right hand with the ribbon waved and me and I waved back. Meanwhile, the left hand tapped its index finger on the table somewhat impatiently.
"All right, let's take a peek inside your noggin next, shall we? Hopefully it didn't mess around in there too much. Take a look at these questions and pick the answer that vibes with you most. Just go with your first instinct."
[This does not really affect the main story. But I'm getting you Frostheim because of Kaito and Luca. But I personally got Jabberwock.]
Some photos were shown: The Tokyo tower, gothic setting with candles among red roses, friends holding up champagne glasses, clear blue skies among free green grass, wisteria trees, an aurora over a lake, and an hourglass. 
For this I chose: The Tokyo Tower
The next was asking my greatest fear: People thinking I'm boring, People thinking I'm ignorant, People thinking I'm a failure, People thinking I'm a bad person, Being surrounded by constant conflict, Being abandoned and alone, and Being powerless.
For this I chose: I'm a failure
Next, Which animal best represents you: An eagle, A lion, A tiger, A wolf, A cat, A bunny, and a snake
For this I chose: A lion
Which birthday gift would you want the most: Custom-made birthstone jewelry, Money, Tickets to my favorite museum, Handmade scrapbook of memories with friends, A plane ticket to my happy place, Luxury car, or something practical from my wish list.
For this I chose: Custom-made birthstone jewelry
How do you want people to remember you: Powerful, Open-minded, Trustworthy, Brave, Unique, intelligent, or successful.
For this I chose: Powerful
If you could have any superpower, what would it be: Shapeshifting, Never have to sleep, Time travel, Extreme luck, Make people follow my orders, Elemental powers, or Gravity control.
For this I chose: Shapeshifting
On a Saturday night you can be found...: Writing or drawing, Learning a new skill, Fundraising for a cause I'm passionate about, Boardgame night, Walking along the beach with a friend, Hosting a party with an exciting theme, or unwinding at a hip bar.
For this I chose:  Learning a new skill
What is your greatest flaw: I'm a perfectionist, I'm obsessive, I'm manipulative, I'm a pessimist, I'm anxious, I'm self conscious, or I'm complacent.
For this I chose: I'm a perfectionist
What food makes you happy: Pizza, Steak, Wine and cheese, Cookies shaped as cats, Pancakes with cream and fruits, or dessert with tea.
For this I chose: Steak
"All done!" Professor Hyde said as he grabbed all the photos and notes. in one hand and peered at the typewriter on the table. He read the words rapidly appearing on the paper and whistled. "Interesting, so you value success, huh? You're self-confident and relentless in the pursuit of your goals. In my experience, you'd do well in Frostheim House." I blinked twice. "Frostheim..?"
"Oh, they're going to draw it for you now. Don't waste any time, these two............. Looks like they're done." Then, Hodge and Podge gave me a card. "That's a Frostheim Warding card. It's their gift to you!"
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I awed at the beautiful scene on the card. "It's beautiful!" The picture was far more impressive than I had anticipated, considering how quickly it had been drawn. Hodge extended its palm toward me, as though requesting a handshake. Wanting to show my gratitude, I  gripped the floating extended hand, and gently shook it.
We then got up and left. "Let's walk and talk. Wouldn't want to keep the chancellor waiting." I nodded as we walked out of the room. "I'm surprised that the cut on my leg is gone thanks to that medicine." I mentioned. "Hmm. Professor Nicolas knows his way around a mortar and pestle. Embarrassing in a fight though." I giggled. "Does he get in fights often?"
Professor Hyde shrugged. "You saw Taiga fighting that anomaly, didn't you?" I nodded. "It's pretty common for encounters with anomalies to result in a bit of a scuffle. The Warding Card Hodge and Podge made for you is handy in times like that." I hummed. "This card?" I asked and held up the blue card. "You got it. Each one has a different when you carry it with you. They give you certain advantages in combat. Not that you'll be fighting any anomalies, but FYI." 
"What's this picture?" I asked as my finger traced over the stairs. "It's a painting of the house I said you'd do well in. All students here have to belong to a house. When they go on missions, they usually form teams with other students from the same house. *Tch* Not that any of them actually do what they're told."
'Yup- This practically is Night Raven's College...' I thought and sighed. "By missions... Is that where they go looking for anomalies, like you said earlier?" "Investigate, capture, manage, research... the whole bag" Professor Hyde explained. "Students do all that? Impressive." I awed.
"Ahaha! Being here might change you definition of elite" I chuckled internally, comparing Taiga and Haku to Tsunotaro and Lilia. "And here we are, the very place from which our mighty lord chancellor rules over it all." I bit my lip as we entered. "Your humble servant has returned, chancellor."
Over Professor Hyde's shoulder, I caught a glimpse of a winding spiral staircase and an opulent chandelier. The chancellor's office exuded an air of dignity that turned outsiders away at the door. 'It's much more beautiful than Headmage Crowley's office! Bigger too!' I awed and looked around the place. "I brought the witness. Come over here." I nodded and stood beside Professor Hyde. "Um.. Hello..." I greeted.
"You're late!" My jaw dropped as I saw a boy with a cat eared hat. 'THAT'S THE CHANCELLOR?!'  "A-A-A kid?" I questioned in shock. We were almost the same height after all. The small boy with his hands on his hips and his cheeks puffed out stood glaring up at Professor Hyde. "I did a counseling session with her first. We won't get far without knowing the cause, will we?"
"But I'm the chancellor! You're supposed to consult me first!" I sweatdropped and almost gasped. 'He really is the chancellor?!' I took in a deep breath and continued to watch his and Professor Hyde converse.
"Right, right, my bad. Here's the results." "Not an inch of you thinks it's your bad, does it? Honestly, it's like you make my life difficult on purpose..." Muttering to himself, the boy took the papers from Professor Hyde and turned his back to us. "That's the chancellor of Darkwick Academy. Not what you expected, eh? He may look like he just graduated from diapers, but hes actually-" "I can hear you, Professor Hyde." "..... a very important person." I giggled at the professor's nervous remark.
"It's wonderful to meet you, [Y/n]! My name is Cornelius. Welcome to our humble Darkwick Academy!" I nodded and bowed a bit. "Nice to meet you. I must say, you're very young for a chancellor, aren't you?" The chancellor chuckled. "Aren't you sweet? I get that all the time!" I hummed and thought, 'I guess the staff at elite schools are just as unique as the students... At least he isn't like Headmage Crowley...'
"Meow! meow!" 'And this is a lot of cats...' "Hush, everyone! I have some important business with our guest." The chancellor smiled as he spoke to the cats. "Break time's over- back to your posts. Go on, off you trot!" "Meow! Meow!" Upon the chancellor's command, he cats dashed up the staircase and, one by one, leapt through the window. "All right, that's them dealt with. Please, take a seat." I nodded and sat down. "Thank you..."
"I'll head out too, then. The materials on the anomaly are over here, Chancellor." "All right, thank you!" The chancellor thanked professor Hyde. "He's a little long-winded, but hand in there. Bye-Bye!" Professor Hyde waved to me with his hands folded behind his head, then strode unhurriedly from the office. "Honestly, that man just does not know when to shut his mouth... Anyway, had a rough time of it, haven't you? Let's take a look at your counseling results... Wonderful! No psychological interference." 
"Sorry... What exactly is this meeting for?" I asked, tilting my head. The lack of explanation was making me increasingly anxious. "Ahem... Well.... this is awfully difficult to say..." All of a sudden the chancellor stared at me with a serious expression.
"You've been cursed, and in one year's time, you will die."
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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 6 | Cursed] 『😈』
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