#German langblr
moomin279 · 26 days
*gripping bathroom sink* every foreign accent is a sign of bravery, every foreign accent is a sign of bravery-
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german-enthusiast · 2 months
Scary scary German syntax... right?
The following sentence exhibits a typical mistake German-learners make: Heute ich gehe in ein Museum.
It's not conjugation ("ich gehe" is correct!), it's not declension ("ein Museum" is correct too!). The issue is "heute ich gehe". Correct would be: Heute gehe ich in ein Museum (or: Ich gehe heute in ein Museum.)
What's the rule here?
It's unfortunately not simply "there can only be one word before the verb"
German word order is so difficult be cause it is so variable. All following sentences are correct and synoymous (though emphasis shifts):
Der Opa schenkt seiner Enkelin zum Geburtstag ein Buch über Autos.
Seiner Enkelin schenkt der Opa zum Geburtstag ein Buch über Autos.
Ein Buch über Autos schenkt der Opa seiner Enkelin zum Geburtstag.
Zum Geburtstag schenkt der Opa seiner Enkelin ein Buch über Autos. All mean: The grandfather gifts his niece a book about cars for her birthday.
What do they all have in common, syntax-wise? There's only one phrase in front of the finite verb. What does this mean? A phrase is a completed (!) unit that can consist of one or more words (depending on the word class (-> noun, verb, …)) Typical word classes that can be a phrase with just one word are:
Proper nouns, plural nouns, personal pronouns, relative pronous (Lukas kocht. Busse fahren. Ich schreibe. Der Mann, der kocht, …)
Adverbs (Heute, Morgen, Bald, Dort, Darum, …) Most other word classes need additional words to form a full phrase:
adjectives need a noun and article: der blaue Ball, der freundliche Nachbar
nouns need a determiner (= article): der Mann, eine Frau, das Nachbarskind
prepositions need… stuff (often a noun phrase): auf der Mauer, in dem Glas, bei der Statue
A finite verb is the verb that has been changed (=conjugated) according to person, time, … All verbs that are NOT infinitive or participles are finite. ich sagte -> "sagte" is the finite verb ich bin gegangen -> "bin" is the finite verb The infinitive and the participle are called "infinite verbs" and are always pushed towards the end (but not always the very end!) of the sentence: Ich bin schon früher nach Hause gegangen als meine Freunde.
So: Before the verb (that is not the participle or infinitive) there can only be one phrase.
Since "heute" is an adverb (-> forms a full phrase on its own) and "ich" is a personal pronoun (-> forms a full phrase on its own), they can't both be in front of the verb "gehe" You have to push one of them behind the verb: Heute gehe ich in ein Museum Ich gehe heute in ein Museum.
Both of these are main clauses (Ger.: Hauptsätze), which in German exhibit "V-2 Stellung", meaning the finite verb is in the second position (after one phrase).
What happens if we push all phrases behind the finite verb?
Gehe ich heute in ein Museum? (Watch out: Gehe heute ich in ein Museum would be ungrammatical! The subject has to come in the second position)
It's a question now!
In German, question sentences (that do not start with a question word like "Was?", "Wo?", …) start with the finite verb (called "V-1 Stellung").
Questions, main clauses,… what's missing?
Dependent clauses!
The third type of sentence exhibits "V-letzt Stellung" or "V-End Stellung", meaning the finite verb is at the very end of the sentence. Ich bin gestern in ein Museum gegangen, … main clause -> V-2 Stellung … weil es dort eine interessante Ausstellung gab. dependent clause -> V-letzt Stellung If you want to practice this....
... determine if the following German sentences are correct. If not, what would be the right way to say it?
Der Zug war sehr voll.
Gestern ich war in der Schule.
Die Lehrerin mich nicht hat korrigiert.
Gehst du heute zur Arbeit?
Das Buch ich finde nicht sehr interessant.
To practice this further, translate the following sentences into German and focus on the order of words:
The boy gave the ball back to me.
I called my girlfriend because I missed her.
The girl saw her brother at the train station.
The horse, which was standing on the field, was white and black.
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How to build a language self-study plan
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So I’ve noticed, upon combing through pages and pages of youtube videos and google blogs, that rarely does anyone ever actually tell you what you should be studying. There’s a reason for this ! Everyone is different and at a different level, different motivation. It’s impossible to create a study plan that is perfect for everyone... which is why it can also be agonizing to make one for yourself. 
“How am I supposed to know what’s important to study, if I don’t speak the language?” 
Well that’s a good question! You need to gauge how far you’ve come so far and how far you’d like to get. It’s easiest when you are starting from zero because you can learn the alphabet, numbers, basic phrases, and basic grammar. Easy peasy. You can go cover to cover in a text book. 
Here’s a check-list to create the perfect study plan special to you. 
1. What do I know already? What do I need to work on?
- is it worth starting a textbook, if you feel like you already know half of it? It might be worth completing the given exercises and if you achieve an 80% or higher (or you could give that lesson to someone else) then you can move on from that specific point.
- create a list of the points that you still need to master
2. What do I need to include in a study session?
- naturally there needs to be a focus or a few different focuses of a study session, whether it’s a specific activity or a grammar point. I recommend creating a list of things you want to get done (a.) every day, (b) every week, and (c) every month. These goals must be quantifiable. For example, every week I read two news articles in German. As a reflection, I then write a summary of the event of the article as well as a personal opinion. That’s an easy box to check.
- you need a reflection. It’s important to really take time to reflect on how you feel about the time spent and the materials used. What could you do better next time? What went well? 
3. When is the best time to study? 
- are you more active/focused in the morning or in the night? The key is consistency. If you have a routine, you’re far more likely to adhere to it. I know that my own schedule is highly changeable and that can make it very difficult, but I’ve found if I wake up in the same period of time every morning, brush my teeth, make my bed, and then sit down to my work, I feel far more productive. 
- how much should I study at a time? The recommended period is 25 minutes from the Pomodoro Method with a five minute break. You can research time-management techniques but ultimately it comes down to you. 
4. How do I take notes ?
- IT”S ALL ABOUT YOU! What I do is take messy notes in classes or on my own and then I transcribe the finished page to my Notion page. It gives me a chance to make the notes neater and also to review a little bit. I will say though statistically, you will remember better if you write by hand. 
- I like to have a column on each page for words I didn’t know
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getbreaded · 3 months
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Getting back into studying German, and I forgot how much fun it is :)
The plan today is to watch 2 Video-Thema videos and do the exercises, and to find a nice youtuber to watch for immersion (if anyone has any recs, I'd appreciate some!).
Also want to study some Korean (listen to some podcasts and write 10 simple sentences) and code a bit.
Hope everyone has a lovely day!
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neristudy · 10 months
Learning German & Staying alive
☄  https://german.net/ - free online resource with some tests, text, and planty more. Great for reading and reading comprehention;
☄ https://germanwithlaura.com - great course that explains grammar a bit more manageable;
☄ https://www.clozemaster.com - somewhat of a duolingo-copy, gamification at ift greatest. From 100 to 50 000 common words in context, can be used for free;
☄ https://wunderdeutsch.com/uk/grammatik-null-u/ - grammar, but in ukrainian. Helpful;
☄ https://golernen.com/ - more grammar, with ukrainian language avaliable;
☄ https://piracywhiskeypoetry.tumblr.com/post/136460408137/language-resources-masterpost - masterpost with multiple language;
☄ https://mein-deutschbuch.de/grammatik.html - another damn grammar
☄ https://www.quia.com/web - tests, some fun stuff.
sheesh I would need to make it pretty, but for now will do
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zwiebelii · 4 months
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vibinwiththefrogs · 4 months
Does anyone have any fave German listening material for immersion?
I'm aware of EasyGerman on YouTube and various programs aimed at learners, but I'm looking more for TV shows, YouTube series, or streamers. Podcasts are fine too.
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caramelcuppaccino · 1 year
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january 25 and 26, • wednesday and thursday
days 2&3 of my language learning challenge:
-> which language/s do you want to learn while doing this challenge?
*sobs* *passes out* *screams* *cries* *through gritted teeth* german
i’m kidding ehehe i’m doing quite fine<3
-> are there any apps you use to learn languages?
duolingo. to be honest with you, the only reason why i asked this question is to respectfully steal the apps you use ;)
🎧 waiting for you by mono and onionn.
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like-this-post-if-you · 2 months
Like if you speak German
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koitodragon · 9 months
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this-is-beanstalk · 1 year
Currently learning a new language
It's hard
But I keep telling myself "I'm a toddler, scratch that, a baby, learning a new language, hearing it for the first time, trying to piece the words together"
It takes native speakers months, no years, to learn their native language.
I've been at it for a month
I'm not gonna get it in a month
It's gonna take me years
But if I'm willing to put the work in.........
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kutyozh · 6 months
remember that post about how goodbye has Christian roots? I just looked up the etymology of "tschüss" and well fuck
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and then of course Fr. adieu:
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in conclusion: Norddeutsche machen's richtig
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caseyisaloser · 5 months
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The original meme reminded me of Medic so here you go.
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mbtriestolearnstuff · 6 months
Some German verbs #1
Since I nicely typed some verbs I found in my notes, I thought that I could take a screenshot of the tables I made and share them here :)
IDK if I'll make a #2, 3 etc. Let's see how it goes! lmao
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First table: to do, to ask, to hear, to cook, to live/reside, to laugh, to put, to say, to believe/think.
Second table: to take, to repair, to practice, to go/travel, to eat, to meet, to see, to give, to open.
Third table: to go/drive, to speak, to read, to sing, to arrive, to learn, to play, to work, to be called.
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neristudy · 8 months
Android app for German Learning
Do note * - it is means that I use apps only with apk/premium unlocker, bc for one reason or another, free version of the app is not usable/not so great.
And yes, I have duolingo as well - but we all had it at some point, so heh.
great for picking up vocab;
better prononciation than in Duolingo;
though it is quite better for asian languages.
German videos;
German "shorts" like Youtubes/TikTok one;
Learngerman DW:
Basically cheating, bc we all love DW here, and if you don't - check it out, it is really great;
Easy German:
Learn german by reading newspaper articles!
Similar to an old duolingo with its tree, but quite lacking w/o premium.
Read, listen, add your own sites/apps/videos for it to create a captions in German!
Create flashcards.
Great app with a lot of short stories to test your reading skills;
little test at the end of each text to check if you understand what you have read;
Voice overs for every text!
Better than Anki for me, since it is a lot easier to set up;
Avaliable voice overs for both sides of a flashcard.
App for reading!
Have a split screen and read 2 text (in your native & in German) at the same time;
Create flashcards~
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german-enthusiast · 4 months
Affixe im Deutschen
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Feind -> Erzfeind interessiert -> desinteressiert malen -> abmalen aber -> abermals
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