#german learning
german-enthusiast · 6 months
In my L1-acquisition class two weeks ago, our professor talked about how only 9% of the speech a baby hears is single words. Everything else is phrases and sentences, onslaughts of words and meaning!
Thus, a baby not only has to learn words and their meanings but also learn to segment lots of sounds INTO words. Doyouwantalittlemoresoupyesyoudoyoucutie. Damn.
When she talked about HOW babies learn to segment words our professor said, and I love it, "babies are little statisticians" because when listening to all the sounds, they start understanding what sound is likely to come after another vs which is not.
After discussing lots of experiments done with babies, our professor added something that I already knew somewhere in my brain but didn't know I know: All this knowledge is helpful when learning an L2 as well:
Listen to natives speaking their language. Original speed. Whatever speaker. Whatever topic.
It is NOT about understanding meaning. It is about learning the rhythm of the language, getting a feeling for its sound, the combination of sounds, the melody and the pronunciation.
Just how babies have to learn to identify single words within waves of sounds, so do adults learning a language. It will help immensely with later (more intentional) listening because you're already used to the sound, can already get into the groove of the languge.
Be as brave as a baby.
You don't even have to pay special attention. Just bathe in the sound of your target language. You'll soak it up without even noticing.
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neristudy · 10 months
Learning German & Staying alive
☄  https://german.net/ - free online resource with some tests, text, and planty more. Great for reading and reading comprehention;
☄ https://germanwithlaura.com - great course that explains grammar a bit more manageable;
☄ https://www.clozemaster.com - somewhat of a duolingo-copy, gamification at ift greatest. From 100 to 50 000 common words in context, can be used for free;
☄ https://wunderdeutsch.com/uk/grammatik-null-u/ - grammar, but in ukrainian. Helpful;
☄ https://golernen.com/ - more grammar, with ukrainian language avaliable;
☄ https://piracywhiskeypoetry.tumblr.com/post/136460408137/language-resources-masterpost - masterpost with multiple language;
☄ https://mein-deutschbuch.de/grammatik.html - another damn grammar
☄ https://www.quia.com/web - tests, some fun stuff.
sheesh I would need to make it pretty, but for now will do
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europeanlanguages · 2 years
Hi Language Enthusiasts,
Do you want to learn German but don't know where to start? Then I've got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.
Here is what the resource list contains;
Handmade resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning pronunciation.
Websites to practice reading.
Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Language.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of grammar!
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vempress · 5 days
watching german videos on topics i am interested in makes it so much more interesting and easier to focus, compared to watching street interviews on peoples breakfast choices.
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humnooshop · 3 months
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I've got some stickers (and other products) relating to language-learning that you can get from my Redbubble
Languages available include: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Russian and Turkish
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dearestofallpoets · 4 months
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I forgot that Duolingo is a little weird sometimes
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imtryingtolearngerman · 7 months
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Can someone explain to me the grammar behind "von zu Hause aus"?
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slepzone · 6 months
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i love this crow
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strickvampir · 6 months
Days of the week (Part I)
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Days of the week/Wochentage/Jours de la semaine/Tagoj de la semajno
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ninalovesbirds · 6 months
I love language, I learned some German today. It was fun
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buniipo · 1 year
German Tongue Twisters
or Zungenbrecher I found today and tried saying. Thought i’d share if you’re interested!
Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische; Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze
In Ulm und um Ulm und um Ulm herum
Kleine Kinder können keinen Kaffee kochen. Keinen Kaffee können kleine Kinder kochen.
Wer wer weiß was weiß, weiß wer weiß wie viel
Zehn zahme Ziegen zogen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo
Zwischen zwei Zwetschgenzweigen zwitschern zwei zwitschernde Schwalben
Katzen schmatzen, putzen sich mit ihren Tatzen, hassen alles was sie verpatzen
Chinesisches Schüsselchen, chinesisches Schüsselchen, chinesisches Schüsselchen
Weißt du das, dass das "das" das meistgebrauchte Wort im Satz ist?
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german-enthusiast · 1 month
I think, broken down to its essence, learning a language can have three stages/goals, which can but needn't all be reached:
- Goal 1: have enough vocab and grammar to say stuff and have your message be understood
- Goal 2: have the grammar and vocab to say grammatically correct sentences
- Goal 3: be able to do creative/academic writing (meaning: have the skill+vocab to vary writing style according to the text type)
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neristudy · 8 months
Android app for German Learning
Do note * - it is means that I use apps only with apk/premium unlocker, bc for one reason or another, free version of the app is not usable/not so great.
And yes, I have duolingo as well - but we all had it at some point, so heh.
great for picking up vocab;
better prononciation than in Duolingo;
though it is quite better for asian languages.
German videos;
German "shorts" like Youtubes/TikTok one;
Learngerman DW:
Basically cheating, bc we all love DW here, and if you don't - check it out, it is really great;
Easy German:
Learn german by reading newspaper articles!
Similar to an old duolingo with its tree, but quite lacking w/o premium.
Read, listen, add your own sites/apps/videos for it to create a captions in German!
Create flashcards.
Great app with a lot of short stories to test your reading skills;
little test at the end of each text to check if you understand what you have read;
Voice overs for every text!
Better than Anki for me, since it is a lot easier to set up;
Avaliable voice overs for both sides of a flashcard.
App for reading!
Have a split screen and read 2 text (in your native & in German) at the same time;
Create flashcards~
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taispinimoragam · 11 months
Just found out that postpartum depression in German is called Baby-Blues 💀💀💀
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iread-studies · 6 months
26.10.2023 || Spent the whole afternoon looking into this scholarship for a German Language Summer School in Germany. The courses start from A1 but to get the scholarship you need to have a B1 certificate.
Why would I pay for a language course if I already had a certification???
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estheraholic · 2 years
ok so guys I've been studying german in the last 10+ years and I still didn't know shit UNTIL yesterday. (people who study german while their mind operates on english 24/7 will know the struggle)
yesterday while I was studying german (because I'm taking an exam soon) I found this subliminal by taurus vibes and DAAMN DID IT WORK
so before my accent was horrible. it sounded like when american people try to speak literally any language outside of theirs (even tho I'm not american) and I could literally not put full and slightly difficult sentences together even after 12 years of studying it, because I forgot all the vocab and grammar I learned
BUT AFTER I LISTENED IT BITCH today I almost sound like a native speaker and I am able to make difficult sentences really fast and use the vocab I know actively in my speech. and I know this sub is working damn fucking well because it actually physically HURST like it feels UNCOMFORTABLE to use my old accent.
I am beyond stunned
I think I'm just gonna use this sub for a week and then become fluent
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