#Geraskier story
spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
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This was supposed to be part of a 'Ciri starts to realize that (while it's obvious that Jaskier is in love with Geralt) this is not as one-sided as she thought it was' comic (or like in short, when you find out your dad has two hands) but then I decided to colour that panel and made it separate 🙈 also a Ciri under the cut:
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She's going hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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mischievous-thunder · 7 months
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Prompt 35
Geralt has a staring problem. Especially for his bard. When Jaskier eats, Geralt stares. Stares. Stares. Memorizes how his lips look, wrapping around a fork. How they redden after a sip of wine. How he licks his fingers. How his eyes roll back in delight when he eats food from an inn after a few days of Geralt's cooking in a row. When Jaskier sleeps, Geralt stares. Stares. Stares. The way Jaskier's finger twitches occasionally. The way his eyes move around underneath his eyelids. The soft breaths from his parted lips. The way his stomach shows when he lifts his arms up. The way he snores and rolls around mindlessly. When Jaskier plays, Geralt stares. Stares. Stares. The way Jaskier's fingers dance across his beloved lute's strings. The extravagant and overly colorful clothing he wears. How he winks at Geralt in the audience. How he bounces around the stage in pure joy. The way he bares his throat on the final few notes. Jaskier assumes witchers just must not need to blink that much.
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traditional-certain · 23 days
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month-wish-health · 1 month
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other-hold-prepare · 1 month
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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Eskel is like "I WILL read this book about... A wolf and all his friends? Dancing and being. happy... 🥺"
#the witcher netflix#geraskier lovechild#eskel#soft eskel#geraskier#(no jeskel I am sorry but honestly I can see it at times)#omegaverse#listen retrospectively Eskel will slap his face (repeatedly) because it is at times pretty obvious (but only if you know!!)#did Milek accidentally call Eskel 'daddy' a few times? ofc he did. (how should Eskel know that he didn't just mixed it up in excitement.)#'oh he clearly meant his omega father' WELL#Roach should have been an indicator! but it's either that that name is in one of jaskiers songs (probable) and jaskier is like#'oh yeah he likes that one bard song about the horse - I swear he loves horses'#(that isn't even a lie and it's very Jaskier to compose an ode for Roach)#or he just goes 'We heard stories about a witcher crossing our town-'#and now wolf themed kids book. it's-#oh well#a lot of things are obvious when you look back to them#and I think Eskel could have made the connection! if Jaskier still had a lute. he would have gone at least once '... geralts omega bard??'#(who Geralt didn't really talk about but who they always could still smell traces of on him - bad thing that scents change after pregnancy)#but no lute?? connection not made.#that's the one jaskier thing Eskel knows of. always has a lute.#and retrospectively he can see that Milek and Geralt really look alike - it's at this age more obvious than later - because that is the age#that Eskel remembers. In which he still has a mental picture of what Geralt looked like? but it's been SO LONG#over a century#and Eskel was a traumatized child too. Things are. Very muddy.#the only ones who have a chance to recognize Milek are Visenna and Vesemir and that's it.
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Prompt 16
Jaskier gifts Geralt something at least once a month. A silly horse knick-knack that reminded him of Roach, some rock he found, a flower (that's the most frequent). New gloves, new boots, gear, a sword sharpener, really, at least once a year Geralt has something new that means the world to him. So he keeps them all in his room in Kaer Morhen. Which means that every winter his brothers start trying to squeeze out information about who gives him these presents. Year by year, Lambert and Eskel tackle him and demand to know who gives him PERSONALIZED HAIR-TIES, GERALT! PERSONALIZED HAIR-TIES! AND IS THAT A FUCKING THROW PILLOW WITH FLOWERS ON IT!?
One year, they finally, FINALLY, get out the information that it's the bard he travels with. But surely if he gives him this many gifts and has stayed this many years, he should be spending at least one winter in Kaer Morhen with them, right? Geralt gets all sheepish and snaps at them to leave it alone and to stop bringing up "Jask." Well! A brother's gotta do what a brother's gotta do. Thus commences Lambert and Eskel's race to see who can find Geralt's bard first, and invite him up for the winter so they can wingman their poor emotionally constipated brother
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honeybunwacker · 9 months
Headcannon that person A and person B are married with kids but their kid finds out that they aren’t actually married after they filled out some government paperwork and now their kid is using like early 2000s romcom hijinks in order to get them to admit to it and trying to get them back together
Edit: Someone please write this fanfic 🥺🥺 and please let me know if you do, so I can send it to my friend
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shad0w-ink · 2 years
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OKAY SO, IMPORTANT THING, I recently got my hands on Clip Studio Paint and I am still getting the hand of things.
okay, now for the ideas for this-
Both Geralt and Jaskier's designs are a mix of Netflix's The Witcher and the games and some other versions I've seen, PLUS Geralt's pointy ears wich were a spontaneous decision on my part
this came from an idea where Jaskier and Geralt save a young sorcerer/warlock/mage person who gives them the "gift" of shifting into animals(the wolf for geralt and the bird that I made Jaskier into is a Blue-Gray gnatcatcher)
THERE IS A CATCH, everytime they turn into their animal self, although they retain their personality and their knowledge of people they've met, they go off of animal instincts most of the time, although they aren't complete animals since they are technecally still human
Geralt is a very affectionate wolf and Jaskier is DELIGHTED
Bird!Jask keeps bringing Geralt knicknacks like flowers and pebbles and other stuff (in the drawing he is holding a buttercup)
Jaskier's ensamble is blue with a bunch of Buttercups as decoration
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
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[First Part] - [second]
Baby (who still has no name) is warming up to Geralt, who also starts to connect some dots. (Like, I think he suspects that he's Jaskiers son, adopted or otherwise, but he won't even humor the idea that he could be the dad.) That being said - the kid is an angry teenager sometimes. Jaskier tried all he could as a single parent and they have a very loving relationship, but I also think they do argue quite a bit, and there is some tension.
And the more he gets to learn how Geralt truly is the weirder is gets, cause. He's a good guy? And either Jaskier is petty and was too dramatic and kept him from meeting his dad for nothing, or Geralt isn't a good guy AT ALL and has hurt Jaskier really bad, and he doesn't think Geralt has it in him, but some people (and especially alphas) get really weird and archaic around omegas? And he had to witness again and again, with how little respect his unbonded, single father of a bastard child was treated - is Geralt like that too? But Jaskier still only ever talked somewhat kindly about him. And from all he saw... he trusts Geralt. He's a quiet, but witty and honorable man. But is it fair to doubt the parent that was there for him, that raised him, that sacrificed so much for him? The poor kid is so conflicted.
#please tell me your headcanons and prompts about this 'verse it's just vibes so far and like 10% plot#geraskier#geralt of rivia#the witcher#ciri#omegaverse#geraskier lovechild#jaskier#i don't know where this came from#but I imagined the kid as quite sickly (which is ironic) - Geralt does not really remember that he was sick as a child all the time too#also I do think Jaskier can play the lute but it's no fun for his fingers and he switched to other stuff over the years#I'm quite sure that Jaskier kept a low profile after the Rience incident because he was TERRIFIED by the thought what could have happened#also I really wanted to look at this with a kind of more realistic lense when it comes to parentage#and Jaskier did all the things right where it counts#He's loving he's emotional open he communicates - but would Jaskier always be a reliable parent? a structured one? an easily available one?#I don't think so#professor Jaskier can work for hours on end and forget to get you on time from your play date so you have to awkwardly wait and#he forgets to cook and to wash and it's always messy and once he writes he writes and gets annoyed when interrupted#but he also tells bedtime stories and stays at your bedside when you're ill and plays with you when you moved AGAIN and have no friends yet#he's easily pulled into arguments but also knows how to apologise#but he lies again and again#and he tells heroic and brave and honourable stories about your dad but still has a chest with your unsend letters and looks so so sad#when you put another one in his hands#and he never tells you to stop but doesn't send them and you know your Papa would be too kind to ask you to stop#ALSO#I think the kid is old enough to understand some of the inherent consent issues that are rampant in omegaverse#and while I imagined that 'verse here a bit tuned down#I think that the kid has seen and heard some shit! and what if Jaskier in only talking kindly of Geralt to soften the blow for him and-#kid is 100% ready to break Geralts nose if it turned out that he forced himself on his pa#(which he did not ofc but nobody communicates here)
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podcastenthusiast · 2 years
"Where'd you learn to do this?" Ciri asks, and Geralt's hands go still in her ashen hair.
He doesn't answer.
"Mousesack... he used to braid it for me," she goes on, sadness creeping into her voice. "When I asked where he learned, he said he would braid his little sister's hair when he was a boy, because his mum was too busy. Did your mother teach you?"
"No," he says after a while, resuming the task at hand. "Witchers don't have mothers."
"Oh. Do you mean like how I don't have a mum anymore, or--"
"I just don't. All right?"
There must be too much anger or bitterness in his voice; Ciri's response is a subdued, "All right."
She doesn't smell afraid, but he has hurt her all the same. She should feel safe with him. Kid's been through hell, and she's only curious. He distantly recalls being a curious child once, too.
Geralt forces himself to breathe deeply, to relax his tense muscles and carry on braiding her hair. His hands weren't made for gentle things. He has to focus.
"Who taught you then?"
Persistent girl, isn't she.
This strange reaction of his isn't about Ciri. Or even Visenna. It's about--
"A friend." There. Why had it been so hard to say the word? He doesn't know if he still has the right to call Jaskier that, now. "He used to braid mine, sometimes. Showed me how."
He thinks about Jaskier's delicate hands touching his hair as if it were finely-spun silk. The bard's fingers must have ached after playing for the inn's patrons all evening, but still he would wash the blood and grime from Geralt's hair without (much) complaint, combing all the tangles out with some kind of sweet-smelling oil before gently braiding it. Geralt, relaxed in a way he rarely ever got to be, was usually half-asleep by the time Jaskier finished his ministrations and coaxed the witcher to bed.
Had Geralt ever thanked him? Did Jaskier know how much those small gestures of care meant to him? How few people ever dared to touch a witcher with kindness, even fewer without the expectation of coin or something else in return? He doubts it.
"Is he dead?" Ciri asks, breaking his reverie. The bluntness of her question surprises him; it befits someone far older than her years. A child should not have had to witness so much death.
"No. He's... somewhere safe."
Although with the war... He hopes Jaskier truly is safe. Damn bard always has a knack for finding trouble. Geralt offers a silent prayer to all the gods he doesn't believe in. Please let him be safe.
"Must be nice," Ciri says, soft and tired.
Geralt finishes the last braid. He pats her shoulder, an awkward but sincere comfort.
"We should reach Kaer Morhen in a few days if the weather holds," he tells her. "Rest now."
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Prompt 14
Jaskier is sure Geralt ignores most of what he says. That is, until Geralt leaves his journal behind when he goes to hunt one day. Jaskier trips on it and goes to put it in his pack, light-heartedly muttering to Roach about how much of a slob that man is, before seeing his name plastered all over the page. He takes a deep breath and prepares himself to read a page filled with nothing but insults and a rant of how annoying Jaskier must be, only to find out the journal is filled with paragraph after paragraph of loving descriptions and insights into everything Jaskier speaks or sings about, including the occasional highly-detailed sketch of him, made with love. Jaskier reads page after page after page after page after page, and only stops when interrupted by Geralt's shocked intake of breath as he comes back to camp.
Pre-Prompt fic that ticks some of the boxes was found by @merthurmagic! It focuses on the drawing part, but it's very sweet! It involves getting together, and the kaer morhen boys! I'm not a personal fan of the way dialogue is written, with angle brackets instead of quotation marks, but it's still a good read!
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gothiethefairy · 8 months
there should be more blind!jaskier aus, mostly bc the idea of everyone giving geralt shit for abandoning a blind man on top of a dangerous mountain is kinda funny
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annmarcus63 · 7 months
An ugly, translucent shape opened at the gates of Kaer Morhen. A portal. Mercenaries and a mage, the firefucker.  The witchers defend their home and their cub, but they're too many. Ciri gets badly wounded and Rince is about to drag her through the portal, away from her home, away from her family. Geralt feels terror, they can't take her. The wizards fight with all their might, eliminating them one by one in a matter of second. A defeated Rince mocks them and before fleeing, he reaches into the portal to pull out a person who instantly falls to the ground. 
"This one sang beautifully, witcher. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have found Princess Cirilla. And her blood" the mage's face twisted into a crooked smile as he looked at his blood covered dagger. Blood holds power, especially Ciri’s. But before Rince can escape, Lambert appears out of nowhere, taking him by surprise to cut off his head instantly. 
On the ground there's a shaking figure. 
A pair of frightened eyes looks around. Jaskier. Geralt had not seen the bard for years, he tried not to think about him either. But Ciri is wounded, bleeding and whimpering for Geralt because it hurts too much. The witchers carry the princess inside without looking back, to the shaking man on the ground. Geralt and Eskel heals Ciri as much as they can. She's going to be alright.  
Later, he sees Vesemir, through Ciri's bedroom window, approaching a shrunken figure at the stables and after a few breaths said figure following the aged witcher inside the fortress. 
Jaskier is there the next morning, sitting in the dining hall, shoeless and wearing simple clothes that are too big for him. But he doesn't want to see him, he can't, Ciri almost died because Jaskier was the one who gave the information to Rince. With a shrinking heart, Geralt turns away to find something to occupy his mind while Ciri recovers. 
Guilt is eating Jaskier up, even the pain cannot compensate for his heavy conscience. He hides his hands in a pair of thick gloves that rub against his burned skin, but it is worse to have them exposed. He had never been to Kaer Morhen before, but he had never imagined it would be like this. He never imagined he would be an outsider, a traitor. 
He finds a pretty good room, it's small and only has a hole in the wall, so it's not so cold. The wolves are uneasy, uncomfortable with his presence and he totally understands it. Geralt has barely given him a glance. Eskel is kind, he smiles at him whenever they run into each other and even gives him a pair of boots and a cloak.
The day after his arrival he spends the day working on the stables, cleaning and feeding the horses, it's not an easy task due to his damaged hands but he can manage. In the afternoon, Jaskier goes inside and sits down in front of the fire in the hall to warm his freezing bones. Not too close, of course. 
Geralt and Lambert enter speaking in hushed voices, Jaskier makes himself as small as possible so as not to attract attention. He's the prey. They are talking about Ciri, she is apparently well and that is reassuring. And suddenly...
"Shh, It's not safe to talk here." It takes him a few seconds to register what Lamber said.  Jaskier looks up to find two pairs of yellow eyes, predator's eyes, looking down at him with weariness. Something breaks inside him, something essential, it could be his core, his heart at the very least. In a hurried move he stands and leaves the room to find another place to get warm. 
At night the pain is too much to bear. He can't sleep and he's so damn tired so he cries for a while until he decides he’s had enough. He leaves his room barefoot so as not to alert the witchers and a single oil lantern to light the dark corridors of the keep. He wanders around for a while until he finds the lab, surely there must be something here to help ease his pain? he sniffs every jar and bottle whose contents seem familiar when a voice calls "If you smell that one you'll die" Jaskier yelps, turning around. 
Vesemir is at the door 
"I...I...I wasn't doing anything wrong, and maybe that's not the smartest thing to say. I'm sorry, I’ll just...go" 
"...what do you need?" 
"Something for the pain" The witcher approaches a cabinet 
"What kind of pain?" 
Jaskier is biting his lips to decide whether to tell the truth or... "Bard" Vesemir scolds him. 
"...burns" Vesemir stops to turn to look at him, his heavy eyes landing on the gloves on his hands. The witcher resumes his search and in a couple of minutes spent in silence he hands Jaskier a vial full of white stuff.  
"Thank you" Jaskier smiles sincerely. 
"Put shoes on or you'll lose your feet too" 
He cries all the way back to his room. 
The salve helped a little, but he still couldn't sleep. He's so tired and he doesn't want to be here anymore. He wonders if the snow is thick enough to kill him if he leaves in the night. 
It's hard to peel potatoes and Eskel notices upon entering the kitchen. "Are you ok?" says signaling the odd way in which he's holding the knife. Jaskier smiles at Eskel with a nod, afraid that if he speaks he won't be able to stop. The witcher is handsome even with the scar that splits his face. He has a quiet air about him that makes the bard sure that if they had met in different situations they’d surely be good friends. 
"You should go to the springs, the one in the middle will help you heal. Just don't go to the one on the right or you'll be burned alive" Jaskier flinches "Thank you, Eskel. I'll be sure to save you an extra portion of broth." the witcher laughs and pats the bard's shoulder before leaving. Jaskier wants to ask about Ciri but knows he has no right. 
Geralt is watching over his cub when he hears a door opening outside followed by unsure steps. Jaskier. He still hasn't decided if having the bard here is a good idea, he doesn't trust him, not quite. Eskel says he is too hard on him, also says he's injured to some extent. Geralt makes sure that Ciri is completely asleep before he follows the bard. He's in the springs. It is too late at night for another witcher to be there too, so Geralt decides that this may be the perfect opportunity to finally talk to him. To question him about his betrayal, even if it pains Geralt to know the answer. But he stands frozen in the entrance, Jaskier's back is turned to him, naked.  Hand marks decorate the bard's back, ugly burns across his arms that have not fully healed. 
Something breaks in Geralt and he is overcome by an unbearable grief and anger towards himself, towards Rince. The witcher watches as Jaskier removes one of the gloves. How had he not noticed the gloves? To reveal a completely burned hand, missing pieces of flesh and blackened areas beyond repair. The bard is weeping quietly, even the touch of the air causes him immense pain. Geralt gulps, wishing he could rewind the time, lift Jaskier off the ground and ask him if he was all right. He wants to turn back time to never shout those cruel words at him on the mountain.  
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“The first Witcher was an elf” this and “This is really gonna piss Geralt off” that
The first Witcher was in love. With a bard.
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