#Genroku Legends
artofchira · 2 years
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My Anniversary Spread done for @vanillawarezine, celebrating Vanillaware's 20th Featuring gals from GrimGrimoire, Odin Sphere, Muramasa, and 13 Sentinels
Thank you for 20 years of beauty and inspiration
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vanillawarezine · 2 years
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Happy Thursday everyone, there's about 4 DAYS LEFT, which naturally means another teaser!
Today's preview is a hauntingly cute piece by @alpaca-carlesi featuring everyone's favorite ghost cat: Okoi from Muramasa!
The Vanilla Extract Zine will be available on September 12th!
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muninnhuginn · 6 months
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here we go. please ignore the quality, but these are a few of the media I highly rate that I've sorted into groups based on shared qualities with other media. the idea is along the lines of "if you like this show because of y theme, then you may also like z show which shares said theme".
a few bonus recs that I couldn't fit on this list (because I either didn't want to give stuff away or because they fit into multiple different groups at once):
Link Click (donghua) (time travel, first season much more about individual stories, second season more plot-based. Two seasons out at present.)
Spy x Family (animanga) (yes, I know everyone knows about this one already, but it's one of those shows that strikes such a good balance between the humour and the drama. and the way that the manga arcs start to increasingly weave in social commentary is so well done. Ongoing series.)
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (animanga) (full disclosure, I haven't yet completed this hence not wanting to put it down yet, but so far it's really impressed me. It's a complete series.)
Full list of media (and some more tidbits) below the cut:
Serial Experiments Lain (anime)
Really fascinating dive into the Internet, identity, and conspiracy theories. Despite being released over two decades ago, it's somehow more relevant nowadays. That said, there is an underlying thread of tension and it's hard to piece together what's happening at times. Very surreal and heavy on the unreality. So, it's probably not for everyone (and it'll be fairly obvious early either way), but if that sounds like your jam, then go for it. (EDIT: Also, I just realised that I entirely forgot that this series also belongs in the ND-coded protag circle because Lain's whole deal has a lot of overlap with schizophrenia/psychosis in general.)
Jibaku Shonen Hanako-kun (animanga)
The anime is an incomplete adaptation for this (though it does have Ogata Megumi) and the manga goes much further. It's a monthly release and the art is gorgeous. It's centred around a school where urban legends come to life as the supernatural. I've seen some people say it's fairly light-hearted a series before, but I can't really say I agree, especially when it comes to the later chapters. It can play into particular anime tropes at times though.
Princess Tutu (anime)
There is also a manga, but I've heard it's pretty different and I've not tried it so can't really comment. If you like ballet and European folktales then this is the show for you. It's... probably aimed at the lowest age range of all of my recs and it does show at times, but I'd point to it as an example of how just because a show is aimed at younger ages, that doesn't mean it has to look down on you. Anyway, it's neat seeing the protagonists interact with the concept of the story they themselves are a part of.
Revolutionary Girl Utena (anime)
The manga for this is meant to be pretty different so keeping this rec to the anime. Obligatory "look up trigger warnings" if you think you may stumble into something you can't handle, because this show sure covers a lot of fairly dark topics. Still, it's pretty surreal and at times ridiculous so it's not all dark all the time. The premise is around a girl who wants to be a prince, who participates in duels for the hand of the 'rose bride'.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (animanga)
Complete (og series)
The manga iirc is fairly similar, but the anime is really good in its presentation so would recommend anime over manga for sure. The soundtrack and the way it's directed both elevate the story massively. Anyway, twelve episode season, with a movie afterwards you can decide whether to proceed to or not. It's about what it takes to be a magical girl, and what is taken. I imagine most people nowadays know the big twists already but in case you don't, I'll just say that the foreshadowing in it is one of my favourite things. So much rewatch value.
The Locked Tomb (book series)
Ongoing. Three books out, with fourth expected to be final.
Speaking of foreshadowing, this series has so many levels of foreshadowing going on, I think it would take many rereads to catch it all. The first book in the series is a relatively standard murder mystery, but after that, the author immediately cashes in the good will earnt to become increasingly experimental. Each book therefore is pretty different genre-wise, despite being set in the same universe and progressing the same story. Anyway, I know this one isn't for everyone, but I'd say at the very least give Gideon a shot.
Orphan Black (Canadian drama)
This is a co-production between a US and CA company but Wikipedia classes it as Canadian so okay let's do that. Okay. Orphan Black is about discovering you may be a scientific experiment and the questions inherent in that. In this case, it's about clones. The main actor has such range and she plays half the cast and somehow makes it work. I will say it takes her a couple of episodes sometimes to get the accents right (I took psychic damage occasionally), but once she's got it down she keeps it. This one is another genre blender, with different clones progressing different subplots. One of them off doing an investigation whilst another is trying desperately to live in a soap, etc.
Severance (US drama)
Season one complete, season two ambiguously in the works.
More science experimentation. This show is based on a premise wherein people can partition off parts of their brains so that their work selves are entirely independent of their non-work selves. The two selves have no shared memories, but they are in theory the same person. It brings up a lot of questions about nature vs nuture, along with commentary on religious cults and workplace rights.
Oddtaxi (anime)
We follow a taxi driver through his daily life, picking up passengers, dropping them off, getting accidentally (or maybe--) involved with the local gang members. It's pretty chill, but as you go on you realise just how thoroughly everyone's lives are intertwined with each other. And there's a mystery or ten to be solved. If our driver guy can be bothered. This and Reset both fit into the incredibly small niche I like to call "character-based mystery show with social commentary set in a vehicle". Very catchy.
Reset (cdrama)
Time loop scenario where a pair of strangers are caught on a bus that keeps blowing up and have to try and figure out how to escape. I feel like the pace at which the audience figures out stuff is timed really well to whenabouts the characters figure out stuff, but there's a lot of foreshadowing I didn't realise until I rewatched a few episodes. Just, really solid mystery and character drama.
March comes in like a lion (animanga)
Ongoing (manga)
Full disclosure. I have only watched the anime of this and from some of what I've heard about the later parts of the manga it's likely to stay that way, but! The parts covered by the anime are something special. I grouped together this series with Skip and Loafer and Frieren because they're very... they're all about 'moving forwards, despite'. So, at the start of this series, the mc is pretty depressed, but as it goes on you get to see him slowly unfurl out of that. You get to see him make new connections, progress with shogi (aka, what the series is ostensibly about), and just generally let himself live again. It's a very wholesome anime without letting itself forget the darker aspects of life.
Skip and Loafer (animanga)
Ongoing (manga). Season one of anime complete.
This is a definite comfort show and has one of my favourite depictions of developing friendships (I want to say something here about the intersection of platonic and romantic but I'm not sure how to put it). This show/manga follows Mitsumi as she starts at a city school after growing up in a rural village. It has her meet new obstacles and new people and shows how they all influence each other. Overall, it's a fairly gentle story, but I think it pulls off heartwarming so well because it can also do heartwrenching.
Frieren (animanga)
I may regret putting an ongoing anime here before it's even finished airing (staying anime-only for now personally). So far though, this is a show about grief, and living life beyond that. It's a show that could so easily be a tragedy but chooses to venture beyond instead. It follows Frieren (an elf with a long lifespan) as she realises that she hasn't really allowed herself to know people properly and decides to fix that. It's a fairly standard fantasy setting so it's hard to describe what's so appealing about it, but it's very intentional with its parallels, with putting the words of long dead characters in the mouths of those who never knew them. Very cyclical. The first four episodes released in one go, so if you're thinking of giving it a shot, I'd watch those four before deciding whether to drop.
Stranger (kdrama)
Two seasons out. Can be taken as complete at end of either season though still open for more.
So, it's a drama about prosecutors/corruption, a lot of the standard kdrama jazz. It has one of my favourite pairs of besties though and I love how many threads are woven through all levels. It's a show that's heavily plotty (the number of times you're forced to recalculate as you get more pieces is ridiculous but in a good way), but despite that, doesn't neglect the characters.
Mob Psycho 100 (animanga)
An OP protagonist would rather focus on his non-psychic attributes. I tend to struggle with OP protagonists sometimes, but this show/manga deals with it well, because the point isn't actually *about* Mob's powers. It's more about how his powers are linked to his emotions. There are plenty of fights (and they're all incredibly well animated), but the tension isn't usually in "who will win", and I don't mean that in a bad way at all. Anyway, the show is for the most part a comedy (it does have some off-colour jokes at times unfortunately, though they're mostly relegated to specific episodes at least), but my favourite parts are always when you get to see the other side of things. This show also has Reigen, for whatever that's worth. (I hate the fact he's so well-written. Why couldn't he just be the meme and nothing else.)
Arcane (US animated)
Season one complete. Season two in the works.
You don't need League knowledge for this despite it being based off it. This (like a few of the others actually) is a three-act structure following Vi and Jinx as they grow up in the shadows of Piltover. Visually, it's a gorgeous series, and the mix of 3d and 2d works so well. Despite being only nine episodes long, it manages to fully develop scores of characters with their own interweaving subplots, all culminating with the finale. It's another one with social commentary, in this case, it's not particularly subtle, but it doesn't actually need to be. And it does the showing not just the telling so it works in tandem.
Blue Eye Samurai (US animated)
Season one complete.
And now we reach the revenge trio of shows. I will fully admit I started this series because I saw many a pretty gifset across my dash. And the aesthetics absolutely hold up. This is an Edo-era revenge quest by a samurai who has given up on happiness. It starts fairly tropey and by-the-book, but it pulls off the execution solidly and infuses a lot of symbolism into the main trio (especially Mizu, but Akemi gets plenty as Mizu's reflection). There is a decent amount of sex and graphic violence though and, given that the show deliberately conveys various characterisation points through them, they're not really skippable. Try not to wince at the pronunciation of Japanese words either. It's old-style English anime dub level a lot of the time when it comes to names/places, despite a lot of the setting itself being relatively well-researched from what I can tell. I guess it's just a disparity between the voice actors and the writers.
Nirvana in Fire (cdrama)
Complete. There is a season two but it's a next generation deal.
Terminally ill guy returns to the capital to get justice for a betrayal before his time is up. Despite how grim that sounds, the show itself has a much nicer balance between the light-hearted and the serious. It does chuck you right into the depths from the very start (I know a lot of people refer to charts for relationships for the first few episodes until they get the hang of it), but once you start to understand, you can really get the impact. How the previous generation has echoed onto the current generation. Also, the main character is Mei Changsu, one of my favourite schemers. He knows how to troll, even (or maybe especially?) as he's plotting someone's downfall.
The Glory (kdrama)
The mc in this show (Moon Dong-eun) was bullied at highschool, to the extent she was suicidal. The show is about her revenge on the bullies, as she sets the pieces for their own flaws to fell them. I will say for this, that the first episode is imo the darkest in tone. The later episodes do still touch on darker topics (sexual assault, suicide again), but for the most part, the first episode is the darkest to help you understand why she's willing to go to the lengths she is. And yet, despite that, a line of hope runs through the show. There's a line early on about the solidarity between victims vs the solidarity between abusers and it's a real thesis statement for the whole show.
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theclearblue · 4 months
Thanks for answering my ask..... If you don't mind me asking (again), what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before....
Ohh ok I'll try my best to answer this but I think I'll surely forget some lol but currently (no order):
1. Avatar the Last Airbender (TV)
2. One Piece (TV and manga)
3. Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 (Musical)
4. Jujutsu Kaisen (TV and Manga)
5. Hollow Knight (Video Game)
6. Legend of Zelda (Video Game series)
7. Yona of the Dawn (Manga)
8. Princess Mononoke (movie)
9. Medea (Greek tragedy)
10. The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit (Books and Movies....not the hobbit movies though lmao)
Honorable mentions: Percy Jackson series, Hunter x Hunter, The Name of the Wind, A Darker Shade of Magic series, Fruit's Basket, Chihayafuru, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, Wall-E, The Phantom of the Opera, Illiad/Odyssey, The Color Purple, The Poppy War series, A Raisin in the Sun, Hadestown, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Hunger Games series, Everything Everywhere All At Once
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Tag 9 people you want to get to know better no <3 but please feel free to steal this and tag me in it!
Thank you @avisalix for the tag!
Three ships: I saw them come sailing in on Christmas Day in the morning Hmmm, let's see, what have I been vibing with recently? 3zun (Jin Guangyao/Lan Xichen/Nie Mingjue) from MDZS continues to fascinate me. On some level I am always rotating Lupin/Jigen (Lupin III) in my mind. Melia/Fiora (Xenoblade Chronicles 1) also delights me and tbh I can't truly imagine a postgame where they aren't together.
First ever ship: Ichigo Momomiya/Kish from Tokyo Mew Mew (the latter's name is also rendered Kisshu or—most accurately—Quiche, depending on which translation you read, but unfortunately for me ye olde Tokyopop dies hard). I shipped them bc Ichigo's token love interest was boring as hell in the original manga and also I was #not like the other girls and loved contrarianism (diagnosis: ace and annoying). I wanted to see the catgirl hero and the horrible little gremlin antihero KISS, goddammit (Yes I DID love Catra/Adora in the She-Ra reboot thanks for asking), and I remember losing my tiny shipper mind at Kish's big death scene in the final volume. I just realized that I never finished s1 of TMMN, I should do that.
Last song: “Soarele și Luna” by Pasha Parfeni. Another highlight from this morning's commute: The Cambodian Space Project's cover of Pan Ron's “I'm Unsatisfied.” My housemates have also been playing The Album by the Jonas Brothers nonstop and it's very pleasant.
Last movie: Not counting my Dark Crystal rewatch, it was Day of Anger (1967) on @girlfriendsofthegalaxy's ever-impeccable recommendation.
Currently reading: I'm half-reading (abandoning) a truly wild number of books right now, so let's talk fic instead. I just finished “Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge” (Star Wars by way of, you guessed it, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge) by @yellowocaballero and it blew my socks clean off, so I'm now neck-deep in their queer Artemis Fowl redux “The Great Gender Heist” and having the time of my life. I'm also still working on several Lupin III fics by @dandunn! You know that photo of a girl being handed bites of, like, pancakes or something on about 12 different forks? That's me with good fic rn.
Currently watching: The Tatami Galaxy with @venhediss, to kick off a larger (casual) watch of Masaaki Yuasa's creative output.
Currently consuming playing: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, though that might still count as consumption considering how voraciously I am digging into it. I love this game so much and I've barely even touched the plot so far.
Currently craving: The end of the workday (so I can go play more TotK). Some kind of soup or stew. Maybe a hug. A(nother) rare CD that will cost me an arm and a leg in international shipping. An English-subbed blu-ray release of Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju.
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tsunflowers · 1 year
kumota haruko is such a legend for only writing bl and then also showa genroku rakugo shinjuu which is basically a bl
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newsintheshell · 2 years
ANIME RECAP: una montagna di nuovi trailer
Arrivati anche date e periodi di debutto assieme ai video!
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Tanto per citare il meme di Boris: così, de botto, senza senso. Sul serio, ragazzi, non ho più l’età per le raffiche improvvise di news e di trailer, in questo caso. Nel nuovo riassuntone, che ormai penso diventerà quasi periodico, vi porto ben nove nuovi video, tutti freschi di oggi, a parte l’ultimo che ho deciso di recuperare e proporre qua, per comodità. Buona visione!
L’originale serie animata, diretta da Hiroshi Ikehata (TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You, Kiratto Pri☆Chan) e prodotta presso BIBURY ANIMATION STUDIO (The Quintessential Quintuplets 2, Azur Lane, Grisaia: Phantom Trigger), arriverà nel corso del 2023.
Il concept alla base dell’anime nasce da un’idea di Jun Inagawa, illustratore, dj e designer, conosciuto in ambito underground anche per aver collaborato con marchi di abbigliamento e musicisti.
L’OAV, basato sul premiato manga firmato da Yama Wayama, uscirà in Giappone l’8 dicembre.
La storia segue la vita quotidiana del professor Hoshi, fatta di lezioni, scambi con le sue studentesse e uscite con i colleghi.
L’episodio è diretto da Shinichi Omata (Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju) e prodotto dallo studio LAPIN TRACK (I'm Kodama Kawashiri).
La serie animata, tratta dall’adventure fantasy comedy di Kazutomo Ichitomo, debutterà sule tv giapponesi a gennaio 2023.
L’adattamento è prodotto dallo studio C2C (Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-, Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu) ed è diretto da Toshiyuki Kubooka (Berserk - L'epoca d'oro, Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina).
La serie animata, basata sulla commedia sentimentale di Yuki Kanamaru, comincerà ad andare in onda a partire dal 9 ottobre.
Al terzo anno di scuole superiori ha il via il corso obbligatorio di “Pratica di Coppia”, durante il quale gli studenti devono dimostrare di avere le competenze necessarie per vivere in armonia con un potenziale partner, il tutto valutato con una costante videosorveglianza.
Jiro Yakuin sperava di fare coppia con Shiori Sakurazaka, ma viene abbinato con l’esuberante Akari Watanabe, che invece sperava di finire con Minami Tenjin.
Le loro speranze sono doppiamente infrante quando proprio Shiori e Minami sono assegnati insieme. Così, a malincuore, decidono di cooperare per raggiungere la top ten della graduatoria, il che darebbe loro il diritto di scambiarsi i partner, se entrambe le coppie sono d'accordo. Dopo il primo bacio fra Jiro e Akari, però, le cose si fanno un po’ più complicate…
L’adattamento, targato STUDIO MOTHER (Arifureta: From a Detour to the World’s Strongest - Stagione 2), è diretto da Junichi Yamamoto (Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen), dietro però la supervisione da parte di Takao Kato (To LOVE-Ru, Triage X).
La serie animata, basata sulla serie di videogiochi fantasy Mana (Seiken Densetsu in originale) di Square Enix, debutterà sulle tv giapponesi il 7 ottobre.
L’anime è diretto da Masato Jinbo (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz!, Restaurant to Another World) ed è in lavorazione presso studi GRAPHINICA (Record of Ragnarok, Hello World) e YOKOHAMA ANIMATION LAB (Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst, Lapis Re:LiGHTs), che hanno già realizzato il video di apertura per l’edizione rimasterizzata del primo storico capitolo della serie.
La serie animata, tratta dalla light novel fantasy slice of life di Yuka Tachibana, tornerà nel corso del 2023.
Sei, un’impiegata di 20 anni, viene trasportata improvvisamente in un mondo completamente nuovo. Il rituale che l'ha convocata aveva il fine di evocare una “Santa” che bandisse la magia nera, ma qualcosa è andato storto e sono comparse due persone invece di una. Tutti preferiscono la seconda ragazza a Sei, ma questo le sta bene. Lasciato il palazzo, decide di mettere in uso le proprie nuove capacità magiche aprendo un negozio di pozioni e cosmetici. Gli affari vanno a gonfie vele e questa nuova vita le piace, dopo tutto… presto però la sua presunta santità tornerà a perseguitarla.
Le nuove puntate saranno sempre dirette da Shota Ibata (Girlish Number, Domestic Girlfriend), presso DIOMEDEA (Ahiru no Sora, Chio’s School Road). 
La prima stagione di 12 episodi è già disponibile in streaming su Crunchyroll.
EDENS ZERO - Stagione 2
La serie animata, tratta dal nuovo manga di Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail), tornerà in tv con la seconda stagione da aprile 2023.
La prima stagione di 25 episodi è disponibile in streaming su Netflix, anche doppiata in italiano.  
Il giovane Shiki vive sul pianeta Granbell insieme ai robot che animano un vastissimo parco a tema. Un giorno arrivano due visitatori, i primi a mettere piede su Granbell da circa un secolo: Rebecca, una giovane creatrice di contenuti digitali, e il suo gatto blu Happy. I tre vanno subito d’accordo e diventano amici… Ancora non sanno che questo incontro cambierà i loro destini!
L’adattamento targato studio J.C. STAFF (DanMachi, Hi Score Girl, A Certain Scientific Railgun), è stato supervisionato da Shinji Ishihara (Fairy Tail, Log Horizon) e diretto da Yushi Suzuki.
Il regista, purtroppo, è deceduto poco prima della conclusione della trasmissione della serie e, al momento, non sappiamo chi verrà incaricato di sostituirlo nella realizzazione della seconda stagione.
La seconda stagione della serie animata, tratta dalla light novel fantasy slice of life di Roy, arriverà da gennaio 2023.
Ryoma Takebayashi è un impiegato di mezza età, non è mai stato molto fortunato e finisce per lasciare questo mondo in modo improvviso e deludente. Con grande sorpresa, però, tre grandi divinità decidono di graziarlo con il dono di una nuova vita, reincarnandolo in un mondo pieno di magia e creature fantastiche! Trovandosi di nuovo bambino, Ryoma sceglie di vivere la propria vita in tutta tranquillità nella foresta, dedicandosi alla caccia e alla magia, oltre che alla sua nuova grande passione: addomesticare e allevare gli slime!
La prima stagione di 12 episodi è stata diretta da Takeyuki Yanase (In Another World With My Smartphone, If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord), presso lo studio MAHO FILM (I’m standing on 1,000,000 lives, If it’s for My Daughter I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord).
La sceneggiatura della nuova stagione sarà curata da Yuka Yamada (Slow Loop, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), che andrà a sostituire Kazuyuki Fudeyasu (Black Clover, Recovery of an MMO Junkie).
La commedia ecchi fantasy, tratta dall’omonimo manga di Taichi Kawazoe, andrà in onda dal 5 ottobre. 
Kikuru Madan è un abile cacciatore di mostri, che però ha intenzione di ritirarsi per paura di sprecare la propria gioventù. Un giorno, un membro dello staff della sua gilda gli suggerisce di andare in missione con una nuova artista marziale di nome Hitamu Kyan. C’è un problema, tuttavia: la ragazza continua ad essere sconfitta e a trovarsi in situazioni assurde e compromettenti!
La serie animata è diretta da Takuya Asaoka (Redo of Healer) e prodotta presso lo studio TNK (Senran Kagura: Shinovi Master, Redo of Healer).
Autore: SilenziO)))
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moribundt-mores · 5 months
By no means an exhaustive list (we're getting there) of everything I enjoy. Sometimes it's genuine "write 10k words" levels of brainrot. Sometimes it's just nostalgia (or my particular brand of trash). Either way I'm here to wear my influences on my sleeve and perhaps find other likeminded degenerates. ( ´ ◇ ` )ノ♡ Everything is listed in alphabetical order. ✧ Are my current obsessions (so long as I remember to update lmao). Parentheses contain my particular favorites from a set.
❀ Ace of Diamond ❀ Akame ga Kill ❀ Arakawa Under the Bridge ❀ Banana Fish ❀ Code Geass ❀ Fukigen na Mononokean ❀ Free! ❀ Gankutsuou ❀ Garzey’s Well ❀ Ghost Stories ❀ Gregory Horror Show ❀ Hetalia ❀ King of Bandits Jing ❀ Kono Danshi series ❀ Kyo Kara Maou! ❀ Legend of the Galactic Heroes ✧ Mawaru Penguindrum ❀ Natsume Yuujinchou ✧ Neon Genesis Evangelion ❀ Princess Nine ❀ Princess Tutu ❀ Samurai Flamenco ❀ Sarazanmai ❀ Shin Sekai Yori ❀ Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu ❀ Speed Racer (Mach Go Go Go!) ❀ Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann ❀ Tsuritama ❀ Uchouten Kazoku ❀ Zetsuen no Tempest
✿ Archer ✿ Courage the Cowardly Dog ✿ Dead End Paranormal Park ✿ Gravity Falls ✿ Hazbin Hotel ✿ Helluva Boss ✿ Infinity Train (Season 2, 3) ✿ Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir ✿ Moral Orel ✿ Southpark ✿ Superjail ✿ The Little Prince (2010) ✿ The Boondocks ✿ Ugly Americans ✿ Venture Bros
❁ Andor ❁ Arrested Development ❁ Black Mirror ❁ Fleishman is in Trouble ❁ Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor ❁ In the Flesh ❁ It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ❁ Mindhunter ❁ Our Flag Means Death ❁ Penny Dreadful ❁ Psych ❁ Russian Doll ❁ Severance ❁ The Boys ❁ The Sandman ❁ The Handmaid’s Tale ❁ The Prisoner ❁ The Umbrella Academy ❁ Trial and Error ❁ Twin Peaks ❁ What We Do in the Shadows ❁ Young Royals ❁ 13 Reasons Why
❁ Alien Stage ❁ My Student Spirit ❁ Petscop ❁ SCP
❥ Acid Town by Kyuugou ❥ Aku no Hana by Shuuzou Oshimi ❥ Angel Diary by Lee Yoon-hee and Kara ❥ +Anima by Natsumi Mukai ❥ Are You Alice? by Ikumi Katagiri and Ai Ninomiya ❥ Arte by Kei Ohkubo ❥ CLAMP (Tokyo Babylon, X/1999, and Tsubasa) ❥ Elfen Lied by Lynn Okamoto ❥ Fukigen na Mononokean by Kiri Wazawa ❥ Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa ❥ Full Moon by Arina Tanemura ❥ Ganbare! Nakamura-kun!! by Syundei ❥ Golden Days by Shigeru Takao ❥ Hai to Diamond by Mika Sadahiro ❥ Houseki no Kuni by Haruko Ichikawa ❥ Junji Ito ❥ Kaori Yuki (Angel Sanctuary and Fairy Cube) ❥ Kinoko Inu by Kimama Aoboshi ❥ Let Dai by Won Soo-yeon ❥ Lychee Hikari Club by Usamaru Furuya ❥ Moritat by Li Seon Ui and Seo Gyeong ❥ Natsume Yuujinchou by Yuki Midorikawa ❥ Oooku by Fumi Yoshinaga ❥ Osamu Tezuka (Buddha, Metropolis, Kimba the White Lion) ❥ Oyasumi Punpun by Inio Asano ❥ Pick of the Litter by Yuriko Suda ❥ Sakura Gari by Yuu Watase ❥ Seven Days by Venio Tachibana ❥ The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai ❥ Your and My Secret by Ai Morinaga ❥ .Hack//The Legend of Twilight by Rei Izumi and Tatsuya Hamazaki
✧ Cinderella Boy by Punko ✧ Cursed Princess Club by Lambcat ➳ DC (Batman / Batfam) ➳  Everything is Fine by Mike Birchall ➳ High Class Homos by Momozerii ➳ Interview with a Murderer by KJK ➳ Jackson’s Diary by Paola Batalla ➳ Marvel (Spiderman, Deadpool, X-Men) ➳ The Sandman by Neil Gaiman & many, many more
*I don’t really read superhero comics anymore but if I do pick up an issue it’s gonna be Spidey or Batfam
Film (TBU whenever I go thru my Letterboxd)
❥ Akira ❥ Arashi no Yoru ni ❥ Studio Ghibli (Earthsea, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and Castle in the Sky)
✜ Boyfriend to Death series by ElectricPuke, Gatobob, Darqx, & more ✜ Beyond Eden by Studio Pieplus ✜ Ciconia no naka koro ni by 07th Expansion ✜ Echo by Echo Project ✜ ENIGMA: by Uzumeya ✜ Hashihime of the Old Book Town by ADELTA ✜ The Letter by Yangyang Mobile ✧ Umineko no naka koro ni by 07th Expansion ✜ Your Turn to Die by Nankidai ✜ 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim by Vanillaware
✜ End Roll by Segawa ✜ Etrayu by Lucy Fox ✜ Freebird Games (To the Moon) ✧ Hello Charlotte by etherane ✜ OMORI by Omocat
✜ Argonavis AASide (εpsilonΦ and Fujin RIZING!) ✜ Ensemble Stars (RYUSEITAI and Valkyrie) ✧ Fate Grand Order ✜ Fire Emblem Heroes ✧ Genshin Impact ✜ Granblue Fantasy ✜ I-Chu ✜ SinoAlice ✜ Touken Ranbu ✜ Twisted Wonderland ✜ Valkyrie Connect
✜ Ace Attorney by Capcom (Apollo Justice) ✜ Atelier by Gust (Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al Revis) ✜ Fire Emblem by Intelligent Systems (Awakening, Sacred Stones, Thracia 776, Three Houses) ✜ Persona by Atlus ✜ Pokemon by Game Freak (Pokemon Black/White) ✜ Sonic the Hedgehog by Sega ✜ Zero Escape by Chunsoft
✧ Baldur's Gate III by Larian Studios ✜ Cultist Simulator by Weather Factory ✜ Dragon Age Origins by Bioware ✜ Ecco the Dolphin by Appaloosa Interactive ✜ Edna and Harvey by Daedalic Entertainment ✜ Heroes Rise by Choice of Games ✜ Hamtaro HamHams Unite by Pax Softnica ✜ Hamtaro HamHam Heartbreak by Pax Softnica ✜ Hollow Knight by Team Cherry ✜ Lunar: Dragon Song by Japan Art Media ✜ Nier: Automata by PlatinumGames ✜ Night in the Woods by Infinite Fall ✜ Sally Face by Portable Moose ✜ South Park the Fractured but Whole by Ubisoft ✜ South Park the Stick of Truth by Ubisoft ✜ Stanley Parable by Galactic Cafe ✜ The Beginner’s Guide by Everything Unlimited, Ltd. ✜ The Last of Us by Naughty Dog ✜ Warrioland 4 by Nintendo ✜ Whispered World by Daedalic Entertainment
❥ Angels in America by Tony Kushner ❥ Leopoldstadt by Tom Stoppard ❥ Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard ❥ Shakespeare (Hamlet) ❥ Six Degrees of Separation by John Guare ❥ Sleep No More by Punchdrunk ❥ The Normal Heart by Larry Kramer
✧ Bare: A Pop Opera by Damon Intrabartolo & Jon Hartmere ❥ Evillious Chronicles by mothy ❥ Frankenstein: A New Musical by Mark Baron & Jeffrey Jackson ❥ Kagero Project by Jin ❥ Les Misérables by Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil, Jean-Marc Natel, & Herbert Kretzmer ❥ Marchen by Sound Horizon ❥ Moira by Sound Horizon ❥ Pippin by Stephen Schwartz, Roger O. Hirson, & Bob Fosse ❥ Queen of the Night by Dirt Poor Robins ❥ Roman by Sound Horizon ❥ Stephen Sondheim (Sweeney Todd and Company) ❥ Tommy by The Who
❦ A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess ❦ A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee ❦ A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket ❦ Arthurian Legends ❦ Camp Half-Blood Chronicles by Rick Riordan ❦ Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist) ❦ Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima ❦ Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky ❦ Earthsea Cycle by Ursula LeGuin ❦ Frankenstein by Mary Shelley ❦ Franz Kafka ❦ His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman ❦ James Ellroy (The Big Nowhere) ❦ James Joyce (Dubliners) ❦ John Fowles (The Magus) ❦ Jorge Luis Borges ❦ Kokoro by Natsume Souseki ❦ La Comedia by Dante Aligieri ❦ Lloyd Alexander ❦ Lord of the Flies by William Golding ❦ Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids by Kenzaburo Oe ❦ Oscar Wilde (The Picture of Dorian Gray) ❦ Piranesi by Susanna Clarke ❦ Ryuunosuke Akutagawa (Hellscreen, Cogweels) ❦ Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle ❦ Simon Snow Trilogy by Rainbow Rowell ❦ The Binding by Bridget Collins ❦ The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald ❦ The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien ❦ The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen ❦ The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ❦ The Neverending Story by Michael Ende ❦ The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller ❦ The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner ❦ Two Brothers by Eugene Schwarz ❦ Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
❦ .Hack// series by Tatsuya Hamazaki ❦ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver by Hikaru Sakurai & Nakahara ❦ Full Metal Panic by Shoji Gatoh & Shikidouji ❦ Legend of the Galactic Heroes by Yoshiki Tanaka, Naoyuki Kato, & Yukihisa Kamoshita ❦ Kyo Kara Maou! by Tomo Takabayashi & Temari Matsumoto ❦ Spice and Wolf by Isuna Hasekura & Juu Ayakura
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legiongamerrd · 2 years
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#Gamefemerides Hace 9 años, llegó a América Muramasa Rebirth para @playstation Vita, con historias adicionales al original para el Wii de @nintendo , y visuales mejorados. Desarrollado por Vanillaware y publicado por @aksysgames en América. Muramasa se lleva a cabo en la época del periodo de Edo, en la isla principal de Japón, Honshu. Debido a la sed de poder del Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, se han iniciado conflictos por las espadas Demonio, espadas samurai que obligan a quienes las usan a matar a otros, antes de causar tragedia y locura a sí mismos. La historia sucede alrededor de dos protagonistas relacionados al conflicto - Momohime, una mujer que posee el espíritu de un ronin vengativo, Jinkuro Izuna; y Kisuke, un ninja amnésico huyendo de un crimen olvidado, que está tado a la tragedia que destruyó a la familia de Momohime. Esta versión de PS VITA incluye acceso a cuatro historias basados en el folklore japonés, lanzados bajo el título "Genroku Legends" (元禄怪奇譚 Genroku Kaikitan). #LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #AksysGames #Marvelous #MuramasaTheDemonBlade #MuramasaRebirth #PlayStation #PSVita #PSTV #Nintendo #Wii #JRPG #RPG #Beatemup #Plataformas https://www.instagram.com/p/CfOo7SdLib-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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“Scattering Petals”  - A Rajyaki fanart from Muramasa:Genroku Legends
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teapotart · 4 years
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Part two of twitter requests! 
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artofchira · 2 years
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Fanart from 2013-14 of Oboro Muramasa, and the DLC expansion Genroku Legends from the PSVita Muramasa Rebirth remaster
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vanillawarezine · 2 years
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Spotlight: Oboro Muramasa (& Genroku Legends DLC)
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Oboro Muramasa, or Muramasa: The Demon Blade is a fast-paced, side-scrolling beat-em-up centered in feudal Japan. In the base Wii game, players would pick one of the two protagonists: Momohime, a princess haunted by the soul of a great swordsman as she travels from east to west; and Kisuke, an amnesiac assassin following his previous employer from west to east. The Rebirth rerelease & retranslation on the PSVita also introduced the Genroku Legends DLC, providing 4 new characters with radically different playstyles to traverse the beautiful countrysides with.
While Odin Sphere was more of a critical darling, Muramasa was Vanillware’s first real brush with mainstream success as it released on one of Nintendo’s most popular consoles. In a lot of ways it mechanically delivered on Odin Sphere’s initial vision as well, observable in how, when working on the HD remake, the combat is much more fast-paced and combo-centered, which was Muramasa’s main draw. Unique to Muramasa however is that each character, including DLC, has different endings depending on certain requirements completed in game that help fill out the world and characters more. While this is slightly true for Odin Sphere as well, there’s a dubious canon-ness to Muramasa’s endings that feel more like a ‘pick your favorite telling’ rather than one being truer than another.
Our interest check is live for 2 more weeks! If you're interested in applying to our zine or preordering it, don't forget to let us know!
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mllebabushkat · 7 years
Haikyuu, Your Lie in April, Free!, Death Parade, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, One Punch Man
Movies! (just fun analysis in general but esp. Disney/Dreamworks ftw)
Music!!! (anything e.g. Rock, Classical, Soundtracks)
Maths/Science/History/English etc. (your average school subjects)
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theclearblue · 4 months
When reading a book or watching a series, have you :
a. Finish a book or a series, even when you dislike the mc until the end but love the story (What's the title?)
b. Finish a book or a series, even when you dislike the story but love the mc (what's the title?)
c Finish a book or a series, even when you dislike the mc and story but love the worldbuilding (what's the title?)
d. Finish a book or a series, even when you dislike the mc, story, worldbuilding but still finish it for whatever reason (what's the title?)
The thing about me is I will drop a series very easily, if it can't hold my attention I'll be usually just drop it and move on lol. A and C are automatically out because I'm a big character reader/watcher, so if I find the main character boring or annoying, it's not for me. Not that the main character needs to be my favorite, they often aren't, but this is the character that the reader spends the most time with and it's through their POV usually, I should find them likeable or interesting enough to continue to care about plot/worldbuilding/everything else. There are exceptions to this in the form of I grew up reading the same YA slop that everyone my age read, so looking back I completed a lot of series that weren't very good and had main characters I found annoying. Harry Potter, Divergent, Maximum Ride, Pendragon series, Cinder, none of these hold up unfortunately (main exceptions to this being PJO, Hunger Games, and the Uglies series <3).
For the second question, the only one that comes to mind is Legend of Korra. LOVE Korra, I think she's a really interesting avatar and her character journey is really great to follow, but the series does get hampered by convoluted romance plot lines that I didn't care about, production issues that greatly rushed the pacing in season 4, and I didn't really care about the plot by the end because it was so all over the place. I don't think Korra herself is an issue in the series though, she gets way too much shit.
The last scenario where I finish it without liking anything is usually when I've invested a lot of time and love into a series and then it just falls on it's face at the end. Voltron comes to mind instantly where I just hated everything about Season 7 and 8, but I'm on Seasons 7 and 8 so I might as well finish the damn thing. Same exact scenario with Game of Thrones (the tv show). Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is a 10/10 series until the "twist" with the open ending, it was soooo unnecessary and like. It wasn't crashing and burning like Voltron and GOT, it just abruptly slaps you in the face with it before leaving lmao. So maybe it doesn't fit because I DO love everything else about it, but this ending would color how I view the series on a reread, and that sucks. Other series like this would be Blue Flag, Death Note, Attack on Titan (kind of, the series is mostly fine I just got really grossed out with the antisemitism in season 4), The Promised Neverland season 2, Darling in the Franxx (idk why i started let alone completed this), Eragon series, Allegiant (looking back I hate the entire Divergent series, but this is the first time I remember finishing a series and hating the ending). There are probably more than this as well lol.
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friendlily-n · 3 years
【VOCALOID】Ohedo Julia Night ft. Hatsune Miku and Fukase【English Cover】
It is as it says. Gonna be quick about this so that I can finally get to reblogging stuff and posting art, but in general I’m pretty proud of these lyrics. I think I preserved a good chunk of the original flavor in the chorus and they flow nicely, but who knows I haven’t gotten much feedback. Read more for translyrics.
Original song Ohedo Julia Night by Mitchie M - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3yyY... 
Translyrics by Friendlily
Yo, Hatsune!
One, two—One, two, three, go!
Hey, watch out! Break it down, now
See the best of the bubble world
Shop out the night—no buts, guys
A limited-sale-party-time!
Only place with the kon-chiki beat
Ohedo 1690
Hurry up, hit the dance floor and we’ll go!
The time is Genroku
And this growing bubble’s yet to pop
A constant stream of cash
Freedom to keep spending it nonstop
Getting high and hyped
As the markets rise
Shiba no Ura is having us raving
Gonna party hard
Long after it’s dark
Ah, sorry, it gets inside our heads!
Ohedo Julia Night Show
Most legendary site as they go!
They’ll know when they see queen of the night
The instinctive flare
The smallest is there
At the sunlight’s glare
Scattered everywhere!
Ohedo Julia Night Show
T-99 (ninety nine) is not gonna slow!
Like in your dreams, you’re free to dance away
Come on
Away you’ll go
Away from those pains
All of the ladies hold
VIP status in their hands
Walk to the podium
Ready to claim those of your demands
Luxury silk cloth
Gorgeous clothes, top-notch
Like a shining diamond, I’m a disco queen
Maybe it’s extreme
But to the police
Please? The style gets inside our heads!
Ohedo Julia Night Show
The entire era is aglow!
Everyone knows when they see beauty
Like a shining star
Just the faintest mark
Hiding in the dark
And it’s just the start!
Ohedo Julia Night Show
TR-909 keeps up the drum roll
Not 808!
Keep on waving those flowing, feathered fans
Oh yeah!
Away it blows
At the goddess’ hand
Here we go!
Come at witching hours for a show
Featuring Matsuo Bashou
Follow the road going deeper
Disregard the ninja rumour
Instead, behold the legend of haiku
Five, seven, five—I wanna hear you!
Bodycon women
Lounging across summer lawns
But only in dreams
Ohedo Julia Night Show
Most legendary site as they go!
They’ll know when they see queen of the night
The instinctive flare
At the sunlight’s glare
Join us guys!
Ohedo Julia Night Show
T-99 (ninety nine) is not gonna slow!
Like in your dreams, you’re free to dance away
Away you’ll go
Away from those pains
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