#Gaia's pride and joy
hexcia · 2 years
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I finished all my references for the main cast of Starfall!! name is subject to change but i really like it :)
and then all of them :)
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(also i couldn't fit on Tymi's sheet but they're also ace!!)
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kckt88 · 19 days
The Lost Dragon 2 - Gifted.
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Aemond and Vaelys worry when Vhalarr begins experiencing dragon dreams.
Warnings - Language, Prophecy, Dragon Dreams, Uncle/Niece Incest, Kissing, Lactation Kink, Smut - P in V, Multiple Orgasms, Mild Public Sex, Multiple Rounds.
Word Count: 5392
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
A.N - I used Gaia Mondadori for Sovia & Jarred Blakiston for Daevyn.
Tag List - @jasminecosmic99 @kaelatargaryen @yesterdayfeelings-blog @immyowndefender @0eessirk8 @darylandbethfanforever9
"Come on, Jace, say it," Vhalarr encouraged, his young voice filled with enthusiasm as he leaned closer to his uncle. "Say dragon. Dra-gon"
Jacaerys gurgled in response, his tiny hands reaching out to grasp at his stuffed dragon toy as he attempted to mimic Vhalarr’s words.
“Da-ba da-ba“ gurgled Jace as he stuffed the dragon toy in his mouth and began chewing it.
"Almost there-" Vaelys chimed in, her smile radiant as she watched her grandson and son interact.
“He drools a lot, Grandma” muttered Vhalarr.
“He’s got teeth growing-“ replied Vaelys as she wiped Jace’s chin with a small cloth.
“Mama said growing teeth hurts babes” said Vhalarr.
“She’s right it does-which is why your Grandpa slept in late this morning, he was up most of the night with Jace-“
“Grandma-look a butterfly” exclaimed Vhalarr at the butterfly resting on his hand.
“I see” replied Vaelys laughing softy as the butterfly moved and landed on Vhalarr’s nose.
“-I shall name her Gevia-because she’s so beautiful” whispered Vhalarr in awe.
“She is very beautiful and such a wonderful name too”.
“Aww no-Grandma she’s flying away” muttered Vhalarr sadly.
“She needs to fly free issa dōna-how about we see if we can put out some overripe fruits like oranges and bananas-so the butterflies will have plenty to eat”. (My sweet).
“Yes, I would like that -I like butterflies very much, my mama said they are lost loved ones coming back to say hello” replied Vhalarr.
“I’d like to agree with that” said Vaelys softly.
“She reminds me of great Grandma”.
“My mother? But she passed before you were born-” asked Vaelys curiously.
“-I dream of her, she’s so pretty-like you and mama. She was smiling and holding hands with great Grandpa” replied Vhalarr.
“-Oh that sounds lovely” gasped Vaelys.
“Uncle Jace was there too-he talks to me all the time in my dreams”.
“W-What does he say?” asked Vaelys.
“That I need to be a good boy and look after you and he’s sorry for leaving but he didn’t want you to lose Grandpa and be sad-“ said Vhalarr quietly.
“Jace-“ whispered Vaelys as the tears ran down her cheeks.
“I-I didn’t mean to upset you Grandma” said Vhalarr concerned as he took Vaelys’ hand.
“It’s ok sweet boy-they are happy tears. I promise” replied Vaelys.
“I-I don’t like the other man in my dreams” said Vhalarr quietly.
“What other man?” asked Vaelys curiously as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.
“The man with the hole in his neck-he says mean things about Grandpa”.
“Don’t worry about him-he can’t hurt you” urged Vaelys.
“I know-Uncle Jace scares him away-but there is another lady, I don’t know her, she looks a lot like great Grandma but she’s very sad and she has blood on her dress and a hole in her tummy-“
“Aemma” whispered Vaelys.
“Yes, that’s what my daughter will be called-“ muttered Vhalarr is amethyst eyes unfocused as he stared at the sky.
Before Vaelys could answer, Saeryna cheered excitedly "-Look, Grandma, I made one for Grandpa" she exclaimed, holding up the delicate chain of flowers for Vaelys to see.
Vaelys' eyes twinkled with pride as she admired her granddaughter's handiwork. "It's beautiful, Saeryna," she praised, reaching out to take the daisy chain from her. "I'm sure your Grandpa will love it”.
"Dada, dada!" exclaimed Jace, his voice filled with joy as he repeated the word over and over again.
Vaelys turned at the sound of her son's enthusiastic babbling and caught sight of Aemond approaching.
As Aemond settled beside them, Vhalarr and Saeryna erupted into a flurry of excitement, their faces lighting up with sheer delight. They launched themselves at their grandfather, enveloping him in a whirlwind of hugs,
"Grandpa!" Vhalarr exclaimed, his laughter bubbling over as he wrapped his arms tightly around Aemond's neck. "Grandpa, did you see the butterflies?"  he exclaimed his voice filled with wonder as he pointed to the colourful insects flitting through the air.
Saeryna, not to be outdone, clung to Aemond's side, her eyes sparkling with joy as she showered him with affectionate kisses and excited shrieks of glee. “Look, Grandpa, look what I made" she exclaimed, thrusting a crumpled daisy chain into Aemond's hands with a proud grin.
“It’s beautiful-Vaelys is everything ok?” replied Aemond softly, his brow furrowed as he looked at Vaelys who had a strange expression on her face.
“I’ll tell you later-“ replied Vaelys.
Aemond nodded and turned his attention to a still drooling Jace who was also reaching for his father.
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Vaelys' words sent a shiver down Aemond's spine, and he felt a cold knot tighten in the pit of his stomach.
"Jace-speaks to him?" Aemond's voice was barely a whisper.
Vaelys nodded solemnly, her expression mirroring Aemond's concern. "Yes, Vhalarr says he sees Uncle Jace in his dreams. But that’s not what concerns me-there's also the other man. The one with the hole in his neck."
Aemond's breath caught in his throat, and he closed his eye briefly, grappling with the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He knew all too well who Vhalarr was referring to—a phantom of the past that he longed to forget.
"The man with-" Aemond's voice trailed off, his thoughts drifting back to the day he had killed his own brother.
Vaelys reached out, her hand finding Aemond's, offering him silent comfort in the face of his pain. "It's alright, my love," she murmured softly, her eyes reflecting the depth of her understanding.
"Perhaps we should speak to Helaena," he suggested quietly, his eyes meeting Vaelys' with a mixture of apprehension and determination. "She's had experience with dragon dreams before. Maybe she can offer some insight into what Vhalarr is experiencing."
Vaelys nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Yes, that's a good idea," she replied, her voice soft with concern.
Aemond turned to Vaelys with a determined expression. "But first we should tell Sovia and Daevyn about Vhalarr," he said firmly. "They are his parents, after all."
“I agree, they can be there when we speak to-Helaena” exclaimed Vaelys softly as she spotted her good sister standing in the doorway with Sovia and Daevyn.
“I had a feeling you needed to speak to us” said Helaena.
“Y-Yes-it concerns Vhalarr” said Aemond.
“Is he ok?” asked Sovia in a panic.
“He’s fine-he’s with Daeron and the other children” urged Vaelys as she took her daughters hand.
“What’s going on?” asked Daevyn.
“Well-“ said Vaelys as she proceeded to explain what Vhalarr had been saying, about his dreams, with Sovia and Daevyn listening intently. Of course, Sovia herself was no stranger to having certain dreams but she’d long since grown out of it.
Obviously, she must have had the hope that Vhalarr would too, but in this instance that didn’t seem to be the case.
"Vhalarr is a very gifted dragon dreamer, there's no doubt about that," Helaena began, her voice gentle and reassuring. "But at his young age, it's natural for him to struggle with understanding the meaning of his dreams. As he grows older, he'll learn to interpret them more clearly."
Sovia and Daevyn exchanged a glance, a sense of relief washing over them at Helaena's words. "So, we shouldn't worry too much?" Daevyn asked, a note of hope in his voice.
Helaena smiled warmly. "No, not overly so," she replied. "Keep an eye on him, and of course be there to comfort him if he see’s things that distress him, but trust that he'll find his way with time. And if you ever need guidance or advice, you know where to find me."
“I’ll come with you-I need to check on Jacaerys” said Vaelys as she pressed a gentle kiss to Aemond’s cheek.
“Me too-it’s time for Vhalarr and Saeryna to bathe”
As Helaena, Vaelys and Sovia excused themselves and left the room, Daevyn turned to Aemond, his brow furrowed in thought. "Father," he began, "Do you think there's a link with the dragons? I mean, there are more dragons now than there ever have been, not since the days of Old Valyria”.
Aemond pondered the question for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the window where some of the dragons could be seen soaring high above. "It's possible," he admitted “Vhalarr is the youngest Targaryen in our history to ever claim a full grown dragon, not to mention who Caraxes previous rider was-Vaelys always said her father was really into his Valyrian histories, if only Daemon were here now”.
“He might not be-but didn’t mother keep his personal possessions. Maybe there’s something there?” suggested Daevyn.
“Good idea-I’ll speak to Vaelys and let you know” replied Aemond.
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Vhalarr woke with a start, his tiny body trembling as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Cold men with blue eyes-" he whimpered; his voice choked with fear.
Sovia and Daevyn rushed to his side, their voices soft and soothing as they tried to calm him. "It's okay, Vhalarr, it was just a bad dream," Sovia reassured him, gently stroking his hair.
But Vhalarr's sobs only grew louder, and between gasping breaths, he cried out for his Grandpa. Daevyn didn’t need to be told twice and hurried off to fetch Aemond, who quickly came into the room, concern etched on his face.
As soon as Vhalarr saw his Grandpa, he launched himself into Aemond's arms, clinging to him tightly as he continued to cry.
Aemond cradled Vhalarr in his arms, his heart heavy with concern. "Shh, it's alright, little one," he murmured, gently rocking back and forth. "You're safe now,"
But Vhalarr continued to sob, his tiny frame trembling against Aemond's chest. "The cold men with blue eyes," he whimpered, his voice muffled by tears.
Aemond's brow furrowed with worry as he stroked Vhalarr's hair, his own voice soothing yet filled with concern. "Those are just bad dreams, Vhalarr. They can't hurt you; I promise. You're safe here with us."
Vhalarr clung to Aemond even tighter, seeking solace in his grandfather's embrace.
“I-I want to sleep with Grandma-“ muttered Vhalarr.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” asked Sovia.
“U-Uncle Jace-he said if I’m scared that I should hold Grandma’s hand, and she’ll keep me safe”.
“It’s ok sweetheart-you can go stay with Grandma” said Sovia as she pressed a kiss to her sons head.
“Sorry mama-“
“Hey-it’s ok. If that’s what makes you feel safe, then its fine-“ replied Sovia.
“Love you mama-daddy” whispered Vhalarr.
“We love you” said Daevyn as he ruffled his sons silver hair, nodding towards his own father in a silent thank you.
As they made their way to Vaelys and Aemond’s chambers, Vhalarr's hand tightly clasped in Aemond's, the young prince's anxiety began to ease.
When Vaelys opened the door, her expression was filled with concern as she saw Vhalarr's tear-streaked face. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice gentle and soothing.
Vhalarr sniffled, looking up at his grandmother with pleading eyes. "Can I sleep with you, Grandma?" he asked, his voice trembling.
Vaelys' heart melted at the sight of her distressed grandson. "Of course, my love," she replied, opening her arms to him. "Come here."
Vhalarr rushed into Vaelys' embrace, clinging to her tightly as she wrapped him in her arms.
As he nestled into the warmth of her embrace, he felt a sense of security wash over him, knowing that his grandmother would keep him safe from any fear or danger.
Later that night when Vhalarr was fast asleep, Vaelys gently placed him in Aemond’s arms and went to her daughters chambers.
“Mother-what is it? is Vhalarr ok?” asked Sovia as she opened the door slowly, surprised to see her mother, not only her nightclothes but without a guard.
“He’s fine-I wanted to have a word with you actually” replied Vaelys, offering a small smile to Daevyn who appeared bleary eyed at the door.
“Ok, I’ll just grab my robe” muttered Sovia as walked away from the door and then reappeared a few moments later.
“Mother” questioned Daevyn rubbing his eyes.
“Go back to sleep son-this won’t take long” replied Vaelys softly.
Daevyn nodded and shuffled away from the door, no doubt heading back to bed.
“Let’s go to the council chambers, there’s something I need to show you” muttered Vaelys as she took her daughters arm.
Sovia and Vaelys walked through the darkened corridors of the Red Keep in silence, their hands clasped tightly together.
“Mother-your worrying me” whispered Sovia.
“It’s ok tala. Don’t fret-you’ll understand soon enough” replied Vaelys as she pushed open the wooden door to the council chambers (Daughter).
The room was mostly shrouded in darkness, the only source of light was one of the smaller braziers that had remained aflame.
“What I am about to tell you-I need you to have an open mind” said Vaelys.
“It’s important that you know this, I had hoped to wait a few more years but after what Vhalarr said tonight, I realise now more than ever that now is the right time” said Vaelys.
“M-Mother” gasped Sovia.
“Our histories-they tell us that Aegon looked across the Blackwater from Dragonstone and saw a rich land ripe for the capture. But ambition alone is not what drove him to conquer. It was a dream”.
“A dream?” questioned Sovia.
“-Just as Daenys foresaw the end of Valyria, Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men. It will begin with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant North. Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds. Whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When this great winter comes, Sovia-all of Westeros must stand against it- if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne”.
“I don’t understand-“ muttered Sovia.
“A King or Queen, strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark. Aegon called his dream The Song of Ice and Fire. This secret-it’s been passed from King to heir since Aegon’s time. My mother told me, and now I’m telling you, when the time is right you will tell Vhalarr”.
“What about Daevyn?” asked Sovia.
“You may of course share the secret with your future consort King-but remember this you must honour and protect it” said Vaelys.
“Mother-what?” asked Sovia as she watched her mother unsheathe the dagger and hold the blade in the flame.
“This once belonged to Aegon the conqueror, but before that it belonged to Aenar Targaryen-as you know it was his daughter Daenys who foresaw the doom. Who the dagger belonged to before him, we do not know but the blade is a physical representation of the Song of Ice and Fire. Before Aegon's death, the last of the Valyrian pyromancers hid his song in the steel," 
Sovia took hold of the glowing dagger and stared at the High Valyrian glyphs carved into the blade, "From my blood come the Prince that was promised, and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire."
“The word Prince is used loosely, as you know that noun has no gender in high Valyrian” said Vaelys.
“I would say this is a lot to take in but given everything that’s happening with Vhalarr-“
“When your father was in exile, he met a red priestess in Volantis named Melisandre. She also spoke to him of the promised one, Daenerys jelmāzmo hen targārio lentrot” (Daenerys stormborn of House Targaryen).
“We know her name” exclaimed Sovia.
“From our blood, she will come-albeit many years from now” replied Vaelys.
“If the threat comes from the North-has anyone ever tried to investigate?”
“Do you remember the stories of good Queen Alysanne and her royal progress?” asked Vaelys.
“Yes-she attempted on three occasions to fly Silverwing beyond the Wall, but the dragon refused and veered south every time. Alysanne wrote to Jaehaerys that she was troubled by the fact that Silverwing refused to fly over the Wall, despite never refusing her commands previously”.
“There is something beyond the wall-something even the dragons don’t like and as much as it unnerves me to even think what it could be, the only thing we can do is ensure that the future of House Targaryen is secured, give our future descendants a chance” said Vaelys.
“I understand mother-“ said Sovia firmly.
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“This is the fourth night in a row he’s had nightmares-isn’t there anything we can do for him” asked Sovia worriedly as she leaned into Daevyn’s embrace.
“We did initially think that Daemon might had some insights, but we searched through his possessions and found nothing” said Aemond.
“I’m worried-the only way he sleeps is if he’s with mother or Jacaerys” muttered Sovia.
“It’ll be ok, byka grēges. We’ll figure this out, I promise” said Aemond softly (Little bug).
“I know father, it’s just-he’s my son and-” sobbed Sovia, she had been a little on edge ever since her mother had told her of the Song of Ice and Fire and what it meant for the future of House Targaryen and the realm.
To know of something, that she would never bear witness too, was overwhelming, but to know her mother trusted her was to know her mother also believed in her, not just as a daughter but as her heir.
“It’s because he’s so young-he can’t understand, but he will in time” assured Helaena.
“H-How do you manage it?” asked Daevyn.
“I was alone for much of my youth-everyone thought I was mad, most nights I would dream of things that didn’t make sense and it wasn’t until Aemond brought Vaelys to the Red Keep that I finally found some clarity-“ replied Helaena.
“You never told me that” said Aemond quietly.
“At that time in our lives-there were many things going on, and I didn’t want to burden you further. As much as you hate yourself for what you did-bringing Vaelys to the Red Keep saved my children, it saved me, I know Aemond, what would have happened otherwise-Lucerys, the assassins, our house left in ruins“ uttered Helaena.
“Helaena I-“
“I cannot explain it-but there is something about Vaelys, something special-Vhalarr senses it too. It’s why he feels safe around her” said Helaena.
“So, your saying that the way to help Vhalarr is for him to be close to mother?” asked Sovia.
“Yes-at least until he gets older. At the moment he’s confused, he’s seeing future events intermingled with events from the past, he’s also dreaming of lost loved ones. Not to mention he keeps getting glimpses of an alternative life that will never come to pass-“
“It’s a lot for a child to deal with” said Aemond softly.
“Vhalarr will be fine-I’ve seen it. A fine King, sitting on the Iron Throne-his grandfathers crown upon his head, his Queen by his side and Jacaerys-err that’s probably not something I should go in to right now, but what matters most is that he will be ok” urged Helaena.
“Thank you-velma” said Sovia (Aunt).
“Your welcome” replied Helaena smiling as she was pulled to the side by Aemond.
“What was that about Jacaerys?” asked Aemond quietly.
“I’m not so sure I should tell you-as I don’t want you interfering, it’s important and it needs to happen” whispered Helaena.
“Just tell me-if it’s about my son then I need to know“ urged Aemond.
“Promise you’ll keep an open mind”.
“I promise” replied Aemond pursing his lips.
“Fine-“ exclaimed Helaena as she leaned forward and began whispering in Aemond’s ear.
“WHAT?” yelled Aemond.
“You promised-“ snapped Helaena.
“Are you being serious or is this like the time when you told me that you lost one of your spiders and then wouldn’t speak to me for a week because you said I’d accidently eaten it-even though I’m pretty sure I would know if I ate a spider”.
“You did eat Charlotte and that’s not the point-I’m being very serious right now. As I said before there is something special about Vaelys, but there is also something special about Jacaerys, Vhalarr is going to need him when he has children-his first born daughter will inherit the ability to dream,” said Helaena.
“Thats fair enough but the other stuff-I mean really” snarked Aemond.
“Yes really-who are we to judge how other people find their happiness, we should embrace all forms of love-“ replied Helaena.
“And his future wife is going to be ok with it?”
“Of course-sometimes she’ll even join-
“NO-No not listening-lalalalala” said Aemond sticking his fingers in his ears.
“Gods honestly, your nine and thirty stop acting like a child” snapped Helaena folding her arms across her chest.
“Make me” quipped Aemond.
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Aemond leaned against the doorframe, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watched the tender scene unfolding before him. Vaelys' voice was a gentle melody, soothing and calming as she sang to their son. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow over the room, illuminating her features in a soft, ethereal light.
He felt a swell of love and admiration for her, his heart overflowing with gratitude for the woman who had given him so much.
“Drakari pykiros, Tīkummo jemiros, Yn lantyz bartossa, Saelot vāedis” (Fire breather, winged leader, but two heads, to a third sing).
“Perzyro udrȳssi, Ezīmptos laehossi, Hārossa letagon, Aōt vāedan” (With words of flame, with clear eyes, to bind the three, to you I sing).
“Hae mērot gierūli:, Se hāros bartossi, Prūmȳsa sōvīli, Gevī dāerī” (As one we gather, and with three heads, we shall fly as we were destined, beautifully, freely).
Vaelys tenderly lifted Jacaerys from her chest, cradling him in her arms as she moved towards the cradle. With practiced care, she gently lowered him into the soft bedding, ensuring he was nestled comfortably. Tucking the blanket around him snugly, she leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
"Sleep well, my sweet,"
Vaelys paused, her gaze softening as she looked at Vhalarr, sleeping peacefully in the bed beside Jacaerys' cradle. She couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in her heart at the sight of her grandson, his little chest rising and falling with each gentle breath.
Quietly, she stepped closer to Vhalarr, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. With a tender smile, she whispered, "Sweet dreams, brave little dragon," before turning away, leaving the nursery bathed in the soft glow of moonlight.
As soon as they entered their chambers, Aemond wrapped his arms around Vaelys, his voice a soft whisper in her ear. "Do you know how much I love you?" he murmured, his words filled with sincerity and affection.
Vaelys smiled softly, feeling the warmth of Aemond's embrace. "Perhaps you should remind me," she whispered back, her voice carrying a playful tone as she looked up at him with a glint of mischief in her eyes.
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“I want you” muttered Vaelys as she began undoing the buckles on Aemond’s leather jerkin.
“Are you sure?” asked Aemond.
“Yes. Take me husband. I want to feel you inside me” gasped Vaelys as she quickly pulled off the rest of Aemond’s clothes.
Unable to wait any longer, Aemond hooked his hands under Vaelys’ arms and tossed her on the bed.
Vaelys squealed playfully as she bounced on the opulent mattress.
“You’re entirely overdressed" growled Aemond, pouncing on his wife.
Vaelys squealed again, as Aemond quickly wrestled her out of her clothes.
Aemond then took hold of Vaelys’ wrists and held them up over her head, lying on top of her.
Vaelys arched up into him, pressing against Aemond’s naked body.
“So, you want to play" purred Aemond, before running his tongue along his wife’s neck.
Aemond felt Vaelys shiver beneath him and he smirked.
Aemond then descended on Vaelys’ swollen lips, kissing her, while his hands roamed her soft naked body.
His hands gently caressing his wife’s milk swollen breasts.
Aemond released Vaelys’ mouth and bent down to lick her nipples, he couldn’t contain his excitement as he went back and forth between his wife’s wonderful, enlarged breasts that nourished their son.
“Oh” muttered Vaelys as she flung her arms over her face, as pearly white liquid began to leak from her breasts, running down her body in rivulets.
“Do not feel embarrassed Issa jorrāelagon” whispered Aemond (My love).
Aemond ran his tongue over the milk that had dripped from his wife’s rosy nipples and delighted in the sweetened taste.
“Hmm” moaned Aemond as he continued to lick and suck his wife’s breasts.
“A-Aemond” gasped Vaelys.
“You won’t be feeding our son for much longer. Surely you would not deprive me Issa dōna ābrazȳrys?  Your mother’s milk tastes delicious” muttered Aemond softly (My sweet wife).
Vaelys was arching her back, trying to rub herself against Aemond which he didn't allow.
Playing with her breasts not only made Aemond very happy but was driving Vaelys totally crazy.
After a few minutes, Vaelys was writhing for him and Aemond slid further down her body, spreading her thighs further apart, so he could get a good look at his sought-after prize.
“Such a pretty cunny-" breathed Aemond as he ran the flat of his tongue up Vaelys’ soaked slit, from bottom to the top, tasting her.
“Oh, my god” moaned Vaelys her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
“That’s it Issa dōna. Let me hear you” (My sweet).
“YES! It feels so good. Don’t stop. Aemond. Please” begged Vaelys.
"Delicious" purred Aemond as he began lapping at Vaelys, running his tongue along every fold.
"More" panted Vaelys. "Please. I need more”.
Aemond inserted two fingers, sliding them in and out of her slick wet folds.
“Oh, fuck" whimpered Vaelys; her chest heaving.
Vaelys was giving off a slew of loud swear words, moans, and pleas, that anyone passing their chambers would surely hear.
 Aemond’s fingers were soaking wet as they continued to pump in and out of her tight heat.
“I can’t wait to get my cock inside you. I don’t want to wait any longer, come for me” moaned Aemond.
Gods he was so hard, it was almost painful.
Finally, he felt Vaelys’ inner walls start to flutter around his fingers, squeezing them. Vaelys’ back arched taut as a bow and she screamed her release.
Aemond pumped slowly and lapped at his wife whilst she came. Soon her tense body went slack and pliant.
“I need you NOW!!”
Aemond couldn't wait any longer. He surged up and ploughed his hard cock into Vaelys’ soaked cunt.
"AEMOND!" shouted Vaelys, her eyes popping open from her post-orgasm haze.
"You feel so good" rasped Aemond.
"Fuck me, Aemond" urged Vaelys, her tone bordering on desperate as she thrust her hips upward towards his.
Aemond chuckled and bit down lightly on a nipple, making Vaelys moan and squirm.
He started to thrust slowly, trying to prolong the feel of his wife squeezing his cock.
"Faster, Aemond" begged Vaelys.
"Patience, Issa zaldrīzes” chided Aemond as he ran his nose up Vaelys’ neck (My dragon).
“Yes, Aemond, just like that-" panted Vaelys.
Her hands ran over his arms, over his shoulders, and down his back. Her nimble fingers mapped his back muscles and then went down to his arse and gripped him, her nails digging into his flesh - pressing him into her harder.
“Gods, Vaelys" grunted Aemond, speeding up slightly.
"Fuck me, Aemond" whispered Vaelys "Fuck me with that big, cock of yours. You feel so good inside me, filling me up. Give me what I need”.
Aemond knew exactly what Vaelys was doing, but he couldn’t help himself.
Vaelys wanted faster and he was going much faster now. His pace had increased with every filthy word that dropped from his wife’s luscious lips.
Now he was quickly thrusting in and out, shaking the bed, the headboard banging loudly against the wall.
Vaelys was meeting him thrust for thrust.
“Aemond! I’m going to come. Oh, fuck!” screamed Vaelys; not caring if anyone could hear them.
Vaelys always looked amazing when she came. Her head thrown back in pleasure, her amethyst eyes alive with lust, and her pale skin shining with sweat.
Vaelys clamped down around Aemond’s cock so hard he could hardly move. That, combined with how glorious Vaelys looked, pushed Aemond over the edge, the heat shooting across his abdomen.
“God. Vaelys” groaned Aemond as he exploded. His cock throbbing and twitching as he spilled his seed inside his wife’s wet heat.
It took a good while for Aemond to regain his senses.
His wife was laid underneath him completely blissed out; their sweaty bodies pressed together.
Gods how he loved that moment after sex where he was still inside his wife, his face pressed against her chest just listening to her heartbeat.
Then a distinctive knock at the door, broke him out of his reverie.
“Are you fucking kidding me-“ groused Aemond.
"Relax, my love-you may come in Ceci" said Vaelys soothingly, as she gently ran a hand through his messy hair.
As Ceci entered, Vaelys swiftly pulled a loose sheet over the two of them, concealing their naked bodies.
Aemond who remained silent, couldn’t help the flare of arousal that shot through him and the thought of someone else being in the room when he was still cock deep in his wife.
Ceci, the trusted handmaiden, approached with a cup of moontea in hand. She seemed oblivious to the awkwardness of the situation as she addressed Vaelys who quietly gasped as she felt Aemond growing hard inside of her.
"Forgive the interruption, Your Grace," Ceci said respectfully, offering the cup of moontea to Vaelys. "But I thought you might want this before retiring for the night."
"Thank you, Ceci," she replied, her tone warm yet reserved. "You may leave it on the nightstand."
Ceci complied, placing the cup on the nearby nightstand before retreating from the room with a discreet bow.
As the door closed behind her, Aemond withdrew all but the tip of his cock from Vaelys before he surged forward.
"You're incorrigible, you know that?" teased Aemond, his voice a low murmur.
Vaelys met his gaze with a mischievous glint in her eyes, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "You enjoyed it-" she replied, her tone laced with amusement.
“Hmmm” growled Aemond as he started thrusting hard and fast.
Relentless and deep.
Aemond felt Vaelys’ hips moving against his. The both of them in perfect rhythm.
Vaelys wrapped her arms tightly around her husband’s neck as he slammed into her again and again.
Harder. Deeper. Faster.
All of Vaelys’ self-control was long gone. Both husband and wife were completely lost in the moment, gripping onto each other.
Vaelys was soon on the edge as she begged for more. Aemond could feel Vaelys clenching around him.
“That’s it my sweet. Be good for me. I know you can”.
Aemond again removed all but the tip of his penis from inside Vaelys, gently teasing his sweet mewling wife.
Vaelys writhed against him, trying to impale herself on him.
"Please. Aemond. Don’t tease me. I want all of you" whimpered Vaelys.
Aemond surged forward. Slow and deep strokes. All the way in, and all the way out. Slow and steady, every inch sliding deep inside his wife.
Vaelys’ amethyst eyes revealed just how desperate she was for him and Aemond loved it.
He loved watching Vaelys struggle to keep her composure. He wanted to drive her crazy with desire.
Vaelys screamed Aemond’s name as he pounded into her.
Aemond’s eye alight as she fell apart, watching as another peak tore through her.
“I love that I can make you come over and over again. It feels so good”.
Aemond didn't give Vaelys time to recover this time. Instead, he dove into her. Burying himself in Vaelys’ tight wet heat completely.
Again and again, he thrust into her, their sweaty bodies colliding. He slammed himself against Vaelys as she whimpered nonsensically. Lost in the moment.
"Aemond! Oh, Aemond” screamed Vaelys as she felt his cock throbbing inside her.
"YES” groaned Aemond loudly.
With that, he thrust into Vaelys one final time, shoving his cock deep.
Vaelys’ entire body pulsated with euphoria as she clenched tightly around her husband.
Aemond threw his head back and moaned loudly as he exploded deep inside Vaelys.
“A-Aemond” gasped Vaelys.
“You-Your amazing” said Vaelys smiling.
“As are you my love” replied Aemond, his voice slightly muffled, his face buried in his wife’s neck.
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my-name-is-apollo · 7 months
Two things! 1. Thanks for reporting on Apollo, he is my favorite god by far!! 😭
2. In an old post where you talked about the type of relationship that the main gods had with each other you said that there was a lot to talk about the relationship between Zeus AND Apollo!! Can you take advantage and tell it?
I can definitely talk about Apollo and Zeus!
Basically, Apollo is Zeus' favorite, his pride and joy. I know a lot of people believe Athena is the favorite, but I say Apollo is just as beloved, if not more and I'll tell you why I think so. I'll start by putting together various myths that surround both of them.
1) Zeus' protectiveness
Starting with Apollo's (and Artemis') birth, even though Zeus didn't directly help Leto, in one version, he asked Zephyrus to carry Leto away to Poseidon, so that Poseidon could protect her. He also managed to calm down Hera by the time the twins were born.
And when later Apollo killed Python, according to Pindar, Gaia wanted to send him to tartarus. But obviously that didn't happen and we can assume that it was because Zeus intervened on his son's behalf.
In Euripides' play, there's a particularly cute segment where Apollo, as a little boy, went to Zeus, wrapped his arms around him and supplicated him to deal with Gaia who has been interfering with his oracular business. And of course Zeus agrees and makes Gaia lose her prophetic influence on mortals.
There's also a version of Coronis' tale where Ischys, the guy with whom Coronis had cheated on Apollo with, got killed by Zeus.
In the satires written by Lucian, Zeus got defensive when Momos made fun of Apollo.
Lastly, this is just my interpretation, but in stories where Zeus intervenes in a couple of fights - the Apollo vs Heracles , Apollo vs Idas - makes me feel like Zeus did it because he was overly protective of Apollo (just like did with Athena - Pallas)
2) The way Zeus appreciates Apollo
In Iphigenis in Tauris, when Apollo killed Python and took over the delphic oracle for himself, Zeus is shown to have been proud that Apollo has started serious business at such a young age.
The opening of Homer's hymn to Pythian Apollo shows us Zeus welcoming Apollo and personally pouring a drink to his son. How sweet is that :3
In another scene where Apollo is entertaining the gods, Zeus and Leto together are shown proudly watching their son (Hera is absent oop-).
In the Iliad, whenever he commands Apollo to do something, he calls him "Dear Phoebus" (I've also seen it translated as "friend Phoebus) which is very sweet and shows that Zeus is quite fond of Apollo.
And in Lucian's work, he also appreciated Apollo by telling Momos how much work his son has to do everyday, and how difficult the job is for him.
3) Zeus grants a lot of Apollo's requests
even when he's personally offended. Take the story of king Periphas, whose reputation had personally offended Zeus and he wanted to destroy the king and his entire kingdom, but when Apollo asked Zeus to not do that, he ceased from killing them. In the case of Prometheus too, Zeus agreed to free the Titan when Apollo begged for it.
When Apollo appointed Hermes as the messenger god, Zeus approved that.
He also resurrected Asclepius on Apollo's request, in spite of Apollo killing the cyclops .
And here is what sealed my belief that Apollo is no less of a favorite than Athena: once Athena was using mantic dice to give out prophecies, and Apollo was unhappy with this. He complained to Zeus about it and Zeus made dice divination inferior (and Athena just threw away the dice lol)
Now this is again my opinion, but the whole thing with "Apollo tricking the Fates into postponing Admetus' death" is quite a serious offense, but surprisingly Apollo does not get punished for that. I like to think that that's because Zeus gave him the permission for that (maybe not openly, but more discreetly).
4) Apollo has some favorite child privileges.
He is said to be sitting on the immediate right of Zeus (according to Callimachus), he gets to use Zeus' lightning bolts and the aegis too (like Athena does), and he is the only one allowed to read the will/mind of Zeus.
5) Apollo acts as Zeus' right hand man
Now this could be said of Hermes and Athena also too, but I'm pointing this out because people tend to easily forget it. In the Iliad, Zeus sent Apollo to help the Trojans, since he was secretly rooting for Troy ,in spite of taking a neutral stance, and Athena was fighting against them. He also entrusted his son Sarpedon's body to Apollo and asked him to clean it up and hand it over to Thanatos and Hypnos.
In Orphic theogony, a similar responsibility is given to Apollo - he is asked by Zeus to bury the remains of Zagreus.
In the account given by Plato on soulmates, after Zeus tore apart the humans, he tasked Apollo with stitching them and bringing them back to life.
And of course the whole deal with Apollo's oracles is to pass on the will of Zeus to the mortals. Apollo is basically serving as an extension of Zeus. Arguably, that is one of the most important responsibilities and Apollo was the one Zeus trusted it with. He also actively prevents other gods from taking away this role from Apollo.
6) Apollo's rebellious nature and how Zeus deals with it.
In Alcaeus' hymn, when Apollo is born, Zeus adorns him with a golden headband, gives him a golden chariot driven by swans and asks him to go to Delphi to establish his laws. But Apollo instead just takes the chariot and flies away to Hyperborea and stays there for a whole year (rebellious from the get go XD) Of course, Zeus doesn't punish Apollo for this.
(I'm not bringing up Apollo and Poseidon's servitude under Laomedon because even though it is believed to have been a result of Apollo and Poseidon rebelling against Zeus, we don't really have evidence to say that that was the case. I only vaguely remember there being evidence of it in some scholia but I'm not able to find it at the moment so. Also in the Iliad especially, the coup - whose participants are Hera, Athena and Poseidon- and the servitude under Laomedon are clearly two separate, unrelated events)
But when Apollo killed Cyclopes in retaliation for Zeus killing Asclepius, Zeus intended to throw him into tartarus. This was an instance where he was clearly very upset with his son, and probably felt betrayed too. Even so, he changed his mind thanks to Leto, which makes me feel like he did not fully intend to carry out that punishment, and it was more a decision made in the spur of the moment. And as the alternate punishment, he made Apollo serve a slave and spend time on the Earth. This is in contrast with say, Hera - who was tied and dangled above tartarus. Zeus could have done something similar with Apollo because while one could argue that exiling and making Apollo a slave is pretty humiliating, it's still not as bad as being hung over tartarus. Besides, Zeus made Apollo serve under a very kind hearted king (and by the looks of it, Apollo actually enjoyed his time there, being in love with Admetus and all). So I think even after all that had happened, Zeus still forgave Apollo and went easy on him and even agreed to grant godhood to Asclepius on Apollo's request.
7) Apollo as Zeus' eldest son
Apollo is Zeus' first son in Hesoid's Theogony (born after 19 daughters). Putting it in the context of ancient Greek society, that would make Apollo quite important for Zeus in a way that no other child can be. And while Homer doesn't explicitly say that Apollo is the first son, it is quite evident in his works (Homeric hymn to Apollo, the Iliad) that Apollo's image is that of a first born son, - he is the only one who has access to Zeus' will, all the gods except Zeus trembled when he entered Olympus, Zeus often turned to him for help during the trojan war.
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("Apollo" by Fritz Graf)
Of course, Zeus is never going to give away his throne to anyone and Apollo has no serious intent of overthrowing his father, but some scholars share the view that Homer paints Apollo as a potential usurper of Zeus, but also emphasizes how Apollo is very much on Zeus' side, using his powers for Zeus and not against him.
(^Source for this bit: "The Homeric Hymns: Interpretative Essays" by Andrew Faulkner & "Nursemaid to a Monster: Typhon and Pytho in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo" by Kelly E. Shannon)
Moreover, Apollo being Zeus' first son and sort of an unofficial crown prince would neatly explain all the ways in which Zeus favors Apollo over his other children.
Lastly, this is my take on them: They both obviously have a strong bond founded on love and respect for each other. The road wasn't and isn't always smooth for them. I like to think that Apollo held some bitterness towards Zeus for not helping Leto (before eventually letting it go), but he still wants his father's attention and approval. In return, Zeus has complete trust in Apollo, which is why he entrusts a lot of important duties to him. After all, he knows very well of Apollo's struggles and his efforts to rise to power. Zeus might sometimes be more stern on Apollo than he is on the others, but that's because he doesn't want anyone saying anything unpleasant about his son. I also think he doesn't entirely understand or approve of Apollo's extreme attachment to some humans, but he is ready to turn a blind eye as long as nothing drastic is happening (not without his permission at least lol). It's easy for some people to call Zeus a bad father, but we should also remember that despite being knowledgeable and wise, Apollo can be a difficult child to deal with - he is haughty, reckless. Messes with primordial deities and cosmic order, wears his heart on his sleeve, forgets his duties when he falls in love. It's like he is a perpetual teenager not only in appearance, but also at his heart lol and Zeus does try his best to deal with it in the best way possible :') But they do get along well most of the times and no matter how bad their once in a while conflicts can get, I think nothing is irreconcilable :)
(Here's a post where I've linked sources for a lot of the myths I've mentioned. If there's anything you want to know the source for, let me know)
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Let’s Talk About: Earth Bending
Recently, I had some more insight into bending energy and I decided it’s finally time to write a #longpost. I’ve missed doing them.
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What is Earth Bending?
Earth bending is when you know how to manipulate your own energy and frequency to be able to match that of the earth (soil, sand, the ground). What you’re really doing is working with them on their level. It’s sort of like translating energy.
How do I learn how to bend earth?
When you know how to control your own energy, then you know how to filter outside energy. This process of learning to control your energy is part of how you become an expert of your own energy, from there you can feel which energies aren’t yours and you can feel things come through the frequency line you create. Your hands may tingle when you do this as energy transfers. When you create that connection, you can talk to the earth.
You can feel its energy and listen to what it yearns for. Maui is yearning for joy. It wants its people to find joy on its shores, it needs aloha and its ohana too. I felt it there. On Oahu, the land yearns for water. In some places it felt so dried, I was brought to tears just to water it.
How do I get on the same frequency?
You can create such a powerful connection with the elements when you ask them questions. They hear our cries all the time and we never ask them about themselves. It’s a one sided dynamic. You have to form a relationship with the element.
I stick my hands in the dirt and I ask questions. I caress and play with the sand. I spend time with it and learn about what it wants and how I can help tell people.
My gift as a communicator isn’t just in public relations but also in hearing things people can’t always hear. Talking to that which people think isn’t sentient. How cruel. To diminish the ocean or the sand in that way. Just because things don’t express themselves in a human way, doesn’t mean they aren’t sentient or communicating. That’s how I’m also able to talk to animals and find their frequency. It’s like a radio tuner and you have to get it to the right place for the clearest signal.
Tips for strengthening your bond with the earth:
—bury your hair
—bleed into the soil (a little like a pin prick)
—remove invasive plants
—caress and play with it
—laugh and talk with it
—help it heal (ie plant native plants, help restore the soil, bring the water back)
**do this at a place you spend a lot of time enjoying, give back to that which gives so freely to you**
—Go spend time pouring your love, your life force into it
—plant beautiful plants in an aesthetically pleasing way, help the land gain its confidence and pride back
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The Land Feels Too
When land is stripped of all its uniqueness (native/endemic plants) and nutrients, it too feels defeated and sad. It needs to be brought back to life as well, made excited, so it can pour out to us like it so wants to. Right now the earth can barely hold itself together.
I saw this post from a Lahaina Strong Activist, Paele, and he said that West Maui is not in a place to lovingly open its arms to tourists when its arms are so tightly wrapped around the community. And that sat with me.
Mama earth wants to abundantly feed us, and block hurricanes and care for us. To let us eat fruit and look at her beauty all day. But capitalism has crippled her, broken her spirit, made her devoid of light. It’s our job to lift her up. We need her as much as she needs us.
So I can just move earth around and stuff? Like in Avatar?
Earth bending at this point in time is only to be used to send healing and loving energy to the heart of our mother Gaia. That is the only channel that is open to human kind at this point in time because, the earth is not strong enough to support other bending. She has to be healed first.
This channel was opened in 2022. The pandemic allowed her to regain enough strength to open the channel again, but it’s a pretty dire situation. To be totally frank. She’s very resilient but it needs so much from us. So much to balance all we’ve taken.
This channel is what allows me to hear her more clearly and to translate it. I realize now, I’ve always felt the earth but I never could quite translate it. Like I knew not to step on graves or instinctively how to talk to the wind. But it’s much clearer now. 2/22/22 Tuesday was the day the floodgates of energy opened. Access to magic was heightened for everyone after the collective uplifting during the pandemic.
Spirit was preparing me for a while because 2022 was a big year magically. Mathematically things aligned that’s how we had that wowza Tuesday. I don’t know much about math but spirit is urging that this is tied to sacred geometry and other magical math. I don’t have a math brain so I can’t quite explain it. People with math brains translate numbers, I translate energy and frequency. There are different energetic/soul expertises.
So right now, earth bending is being used as a tool to give voice to the earths desires and wishes. It needs intervention. When the earth tells you what it needs, it’s your job to work to take that action.
What Else?
Energy vortices are merely places where the land still has a strong life force. This is what I meant when I said some of us incarnated to hold the frequency. I’ve been sent to energy vortex locations all my life because I can plug into the energetic life force grid and power surge it, boost it. Which it needs because it’s not running at full capacity and it needs some help upgrading. That upgrade comes through conservation. Basically the energy expands, becomes stronger as the land functions more circularly. Right now it’s a straight line of extraction with barely anything coming back into the land
What can I do to help even if I can’t bend earth energy?
—get involved with sustainability based volunteering (physically caring for the land)
—lead neighborhood cleanups
—pick up trash at your local park
—ask your county parks about how you can plant more native plants in your favorite public park
—grow your own food
—work on healing your heart chakra
Also I want to state that I think a huge key in healing the land is found in indigenous cultures and the way they lived in harmony with their land of origin for so many years. I believe indigenous knowledge about the land is the only way we can save the earth.
I also want to state that this is a spiritual way to assist the earth. There is more than spiritual work that needs to happen to help her heal. But this is a way you can help spiritually/energetically.
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little-witchys-garden · 8 months
Holy book thumpers always get so mad when they found out my family has a lotta holidays but the point for us is that the whole year should be filled with joy and celebration.
So I'll go over our happy holiday list
New year - January 1st
Father's day - January 16th
The longest twilight - January 12th
Imbolc - February 1st-2nd
Valentine's day - February 14th
Lupercalia - February 15th
March of the hare - March 1st
Green day / Druids day - March 8th
Pagan's pride day - March 17th
Ostara - March 19th-23th
Easter - March 31th
April fools day - April 1st
Earth Day/Gaia day - April 22th
Beltane + May day - April 30th/May 1st
Mother's Day - May 12th
Litha - June 19th
Fae day - June 24th
Independence Day - July 4th
Blessings day - July 11th
Haints and devils day- July 15th-16th
Lammas - August 1st-2nd
Topsy Turvy day - August 17th
Spirits day - August 30th
Guardian's day - September 8th
Mabon - September 20th - 24th
Michaelmas/Angel's day - September 29th
Hallows eve- October 30th
Halloween - October 31st
Samhain - October 31st + November 1st
Feast of saint Gertrude - November 16th
All souls day - November 2nd
Thanks giving - November 28th
Yule - December 1st-26th
Christmas - December 25th
This doesn't even go into national holidays like labor Day, flag day and all that. We are also adding more holidays because of ppl that married in. We don't erase holidays in this family when someone marries in, the list just gets longer.
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holly-fixation · 10 months
When the Planets Align
Summary: Tragedies of gods and goddesses have been passed down for thousands of years on thousands of planets. In the case of one small planet of life, it's the desire to be with the stars. With space. A god and goddess in love, but tied away by the very existence they were born for.
Inspired by the beautiful artwork of Safer Sephiroth and Planet Goddess Aerith by @kay-i. Posting for the Final day of Aeriseph week!
Stories of gods and goddesses had been passed down for countless generations over countless planets. Some cultures believed the very planet they stood upon was a goddess, giving life to everything on it. Others believed the sky was a god that blessed their planet with continued prosperity. Of course, not every culture was correct, but not every culture was wrong either.
Every life bearing planet had a goddess tied to its soil. She was the first living creature to call the surface home and the last one to die after billions of years spreading her power. This circle of life was accepted rather than mourned. However, there were prophecies detailing instructions of how to keep the goddess, thus the planet, alive forever. But like all prophecies, the chance of Gaia housing the goddess of legend was slim to none. 
Aerith, the Goddess of Gaia, never minded her fate. She loved her creatures with her whole heart, raising them and aiding them with utter joy filling the atmosphere. Each new flower, egg, child, or leaf brought a smile to her face, and the homes her creatures built within each of Gaia’s environments fascinated her. She did everything in her power to balance her life with their growth, happily giving more of herself when that’s what it took.
Supposedly planets were named at formation, not when their goddesses were born. She heard stories of goddesses holding jealousy of that simple fact, but she found that competitive desire useless. Aerith devoted herself to her people. They mattered more than her pride.
Still, despite the truth she knew was true, she found herself staring into the stars, a seeded desire to live among them like the gods festering the same way her people wished upon them to live out their lives with the perfect companion. A slightly larger part craved the cosmos beyond her planet, but it was a part she didn’t pay attention to. Gods and goddesses rarely engaged in true unions. She truly made all the happiness she needed on her own surface. She never actively searched for anything beyond them, yet she gladly accepted their invitations.
Gods were very different from goddesses. Unlike the atmosphere of the planet they could never leave, gods roamed the cosmos creating stars, planets, even galaxies. Some gods specialized. Some didn’t. Some planets eventually bore goddesses, most orbited their stars emptily, structures with no use, relics forgotten to time. Gods followed the flow of the stars, the turn of galaxies and the very universe itself. 
These gods, beyond their own duties, held the sole responsibility of spreading knowledge throughout the cosmos. History, prophecies, the expected fate of each planet, all were their choice to inform. If a god deemed a goddess unworthy of knowledge, they would simply leave. Some held themselves in higher regard than the planets, but most fluctuated from humble to arrogant depending on their experiences. 
Sephiroth, the God of Yellow Stars, absolutely acted more stern and arrogant than most of the star gods by his very nature. He was one of the direct children of Jenova, the primordial goddess credited with the creation of the known cosmos. Her presence drifted everywhere among her work, her tentacles of stardust branching every galaxy together in harmony, and communication beyond his earliest years became impossible. Physically, he took after her, his halo and many wings a constant reminder of her presence. Some days, it was annoying. He at least wanted an explanation as to why the life forms on planets grew gifts of prophecies he needed to spread. At minimum he wanted justification for why he was at the center of the most frustrating one. 
In his juvenile years, a prophecy came about claiming ‘stars of yellow will bond with pedals of blue for time immemorial’. He was young, but he learned far too quickly what some goddesses attempted to push onto him for what he could potentially give in return. Every planet he visited led to the same fake field of every shade of dyed blue. It sickened him, the way goddesses threw themselves at him in an exaggerated attempt to leave the surface of their worlds and live forever. Even if that rumor was true, and he found no ounce of proof that it was, the blatant disrespect, lack of boundaries, and even attempts at capture left Sephiroth hard and bitter. He had not stepped foot on a living planet in many millennia, no longer risking the slightest chance of betrayal of either goddess or god. Each memory stung him deeply. He always craved knowledge of planetary life and structure, but every goddess robbed him of the chance to learn by focusing on themselves alone. 
The God of Red Stars, Genesis, persistently pushed him to converse with 'considerably friendly' goddesses, whatever that meant. The God of Blue Stars, Angeal, understood his predicament but still encouraged him to step foot on any flourishing planet, claiming his behavior was not healthy. Everyone had an opinion on his actions, even the infantile gods of the three white dwarfs born his own dead stars, technically his children but he disliked the thought. Yazoo spoke of companionship as something to truly desire. Loz craved the attention of a mother and convinced himself the pain would lessen if he had a planet to be with. Kadaj told him to ‘get his head out of his ass and pick a planet already’.
He did not consider any of their collective advice useful.
However, he gave every planet, thus goddess, a chance. He did assume they would fail every trial of self control, but he took his duty seriously, spreading knowledge as he continued his fueling of his stars.
Eventually his path led him to Gaia.
He had not been to Gaia in billions of years. In fact, his brethren visited countless times, at least Genesis had. The goddess held only just over one billion years. Not young, but certainly immature. He sensed the goddess and where she chose for him to land, rolling his eyes a bit before descending as he awaited the same fake blues. However, the only blue that met his eyes was the sky. He found himself outside a forest with trees of both leaves and needles, none of which carrying the faux blues. The goddess, instead of bowing before him, faced away and searched for something in the forest from behind a tree. She wore a white dress adorned with purple roses and gold pendants, her hair tied back with a purple bow.
“Hold on just one moment please. This little guy’s been giving me so much trouble,” She explained in hushed tones. 
Sephiroth was stunned. No one had ever treated him like this, like something material was more important. He wasn’t given much time to watch in confusion before the young goddess launched forward and captured a small creature in her hands.
She cupped it carefully, even petting it to keep it calm as she approached him. She did curtsy, but she allowed her white dress to brush against the dirt in order to contain the creature. “God of Yellow Stars, Sephiroth, welcome back to Gaia. My name is Aerith, and this is one of my newest creations.”
“A pleasure,” He tried to be cordial but could not hide the confusion in his voice. “But what is-?”
“Shhh!” She gave him a stern look, her forest green eyes meeting his burning cyan ones. “Just listen.” She released the creature, a small gray bird that flapped away the moment it was given the chance. But its wings… did they just make noise?
“How did-?”
“It’s called a wing whistle, and this is the first of my birds to have it! They have these special feathers in their wings that whistle against the air during flight! I have no idea what evolutionary purpose they serve, but it’s amazing, isn’t it?”
He heard every word, but her beauty and joy distracted him. Her creatures. She actually spoke of her creatures, not herself. The subtle tilt of her head brought endearment to his heart rather than frustration like he expected. “...Yes, it is.”
“Can your wings whistle?”
Sephiroth found himself chuckling at her innocent yet kind question. “No. But there is nothing for them to whistle against in the cosmos.”
This goddess barely let him speak, her song-like voice filling every beat of time, but he actually found comfort in that. Her excitement and her passion for every flora and fauna of her planet mesmerized him. She was so… genuine. She wasn’t showing off so he would be impressed or fulfill that infuriating prophecy with her. She was like a mother, loving every inch of her planet unconditionally.
In the three days on Gaia, Aerith showed him hundreds, maybe thousands of creatures, facts and knowledge spilling from her mouth like a waterfall. She didn’t care about the news of the galaxy unless it threatened her planet. Her constant conversation captured them both, however. Sephiroth couldn’t help some of the questions that came to mind. Why did so many creatures evolve into crabs? Why was every plant so desperate to become a tree? 
Their time together was truly the most calming, relaxing, carefree visit he made to any planet in his lifetime. Why did he push this off for so long? Before he left the surface, he calculated exactly when the cycle of stars allowed him passage here. Surprisingly, it was common. Once each century of this world, the stars and planets aligned perfectly. He couldn’t help but ponder the chances.
“You can come back every century? Why did you wait so long to come here?”
“Following the star cycle is not so simple. I can’t visit every planet in each cluster of galaxies per rotation. I needed to prioritize. I am glad I had the opportunity to see this planet now. Thank you, Aerith.”
He said his first proper goodbye in millenia to the small goddess and swore he would return as soon as possible. She smiled and nodded before he flew off her surface. Aerith waved until the tiniest glow of his halo vanished in the night sky.
* * *
One hundred years passed, and just as promised, Sephiroth returned. This time, Aerith beckoned him to a completely different side of the planet, most likely to display more of her growing creatures.
Sephiroth did not expect to land on the peak of a plateau gilded with perfect blue roses, their thorns and leaves perfect and untouched. He hated the slow simmer of betrayal building in his chest, but upon seeing Aerith donning the same dress from long ago, he simply descended until his feet were an inch from the traitorous blues.
Without answering his silent question, Aerith reached down and plucked one of the many flowers. Its petals quickly faded to the purple adorning her dress. “I am… well aware of the prophecy. I didn’t know these were blue until my people escorted me here a few years ago. They always offered these roses to me when I blessed them with good crops.” She almost looked sad. Pensive. “I had no idea.”
He scanned her before countering, “Why are you worried?”
“Well, Genesis told me you can’t stand goddesses that try to do this! Because they fake and pretend ‘look at me, I have BLUE petals on gorgeous harmless flowers. I’m so cool and perfect for you! Just like the prophecy!’ But I’d like to spend more time with you, and I wanted to tell you the truth.” She glanced away. “I’m sure I’m not the only goddess with blue flowers, and I’m perfectly happy with my people. You have no obligation to me.”
“...You’re weird when you’re serious.”
Her planet green eyes met his celestial blues.
“I enjoy spending time with you. That has not changed from one field.”
Her smile instantly warmed his heart, and he suddenly found himself wrapped in her arms, her chin resting on his shoulder as her feet dangled above the ground. “I’m so glad! There’s so much more I want to show you-”
“Perhaps this time,” He interrupted, holding her by her waist to keep her from falling, “I can tell you about the changes of the galaxies and the progress of my stars.”
“Absolutely! I love every event! I knew I forgot to ask something last time.” Aerith laughed, her voice melodious and endearing. “But afterward I need to show you this tiny rabbit species not too far from here. It literally fits in the palm of your hand! It’s adorable. You should see-...” She was backing away to be respectful, to look into his eyes, but the closeness of his face made her trail off, her eyes scanning every detail from barely an inch between them.
He smirked softly, allowing her time to process as he could not pry his gaze from hers.
He simply raised a brow.
“Do you…-?”
“I feel it too.” The shift in the air. Both of their heartbeats. A growing desire for warmth and closeness. Contact.
“What should I…-?”
Sephiroth silently brushed a stray lock of her brown hair behind her ear. “Whatever you want.”
Aerith partially allowed her instinct to take the reins, closing her eyes and resting her forehead against his. 
A spark between them lowered Sephiroth’s eyelids until he realized they had not moved in minutes, mindlessly enjoying each other’s presence and touch. No thoughts. No distractions. Only each other. Warm. And comfortable. …And safe.
The draw of their hearts pulled them together, even when he ultimately returned to the cosmos. 
Many centuries and many visits passed before either admitted what that feeling truly was.
Every pantheon had its tragedy for love, no matter the planet or gods. This was just theirs, separated by a hundred years for only days of happiness. But they suffered through each lapse for each other. And each other only for the joy they raised together for eternity.
Thanks for reading!
Author’s Note: This is it! The long awaited fic for Aeriseph week! It was my first time attempting any real ‘romance’ so I hope I at least delivered on it a bit! Thanks for reading!
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icycoldninja · 1 month
My darling (Kuja x reader)
Hello? Is-is that you? Oh, Gaia, it is you! You're here. You're talking to me...this is incredible! Finally, finally, I can tell you how I feel! I remember the day you turned on my game, the day you came across me while controlling Zidane. I remember how you battled me through him, how you used him to defeat me; how you watched me die. I wonder, did you feel as pained as I did when you watched me take my last breaths? Ah, but never mind that, for I have something to tell you, something I've been waiting to tell you for so very long.
I love you.
It's silly, a perfect, powerful being like myself falling in love with a lowly human whom I've never even seen before...but here I am. In love. With you. Every time you turn on my game, my heart races with joy. Though I cannot physically interact with you, I am ecstatic to know that my elegance and grace is at least being beheld by you. And when you turn off the game, my heart sinks into sadness. All that is around me is darkness and emptiness; I feel so lonely. So afraid. Though it is a great blow to my pride to admit this, without your presence....I am scared.
I wish you were here, holding me in your arms, keeping me company so the darkness doesn't swallow me up. I wish you would tell me everything was alright, even if it wasn't. I just want to be able to hear you, to see you, to cherish and love you to the best of my abilities. I wish...I wish I was real!
Oh, but darling, don't despair. There is a way I can be real: in your heart. As long as you carry me in your heart, I will always be with you in spirit. When you hear a song that makes you think of me, I will hear it too. When you take a walk and see something you wish I could see, I will see it too. And at night, when you sleep, I'll be there too, and together, we shall build a majestic kingdom in your dreams.
Sleep well tonight, my darling. I'll see you soon.
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oransvillage · 2 years
Aura element
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Aura element is like the Aether element but it is powered by strong emotions
depending upon on the emotion that is used depends upon how powerful it is but some emotions that are used are destructive and uncontrollable. 
The beam colour is different depending upon which emotions are being used, but the Beam can have multiple emotions put into it which in turn adds multiple colours 
Yellow; Joy/ happyness
Pink; Gratitude
Light Blue; Hope
Green; Will
Gold; Peaceful
Dark Red: Anger/Rage
Dark Blue:  sadness
Orange: greed
Dark Purple: Pride
Black: Coldness 
Aura being so powerful it has it draw back it dose drain the energy of the one who uses it when thy use one.
But if thy use more than two there is a big draw back it would  drain the user weakening them to the point of passing out.
And that is not all thy lose there element for a time and thy have to wait and recover for a long time until thy get it back for a Gaia child it takes longer because thy have more than one element.
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xasha777 · 1 month
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In a universe where art and reality intertwine, the grand living artwork of Gaia was the masterpiece of the celestial gallery, known throughout the cosmos for its organic beauty and the mystique that surrounded its creation. Gaia was not merely a painting; she was a sentient being, composed of verdant vines and blooming foliage, her very essence a fusion of nature and otherworldly magic.
It was on the starship Helios, as it voyaged through the Velvet Expanse, that the renowned artificer Agnes Moorehead found herself captivated by Gaia’s allure. Agnes was a connoisseur of the arcane arts, her name etched in history for engineering marvels that bridged the gap between technology and the supernatural.
While the Helios orbited a vibrant star, casting a celestial glow upon Gaia’s frame, Agnes felt the pull of an inexplicable connection. Gaia’s eyes, crafted from the essence of ancient forest wisdom, met hers, and a silent conversation commenced. It was in this moment that Agnes understood Gaia's silent plea: she yearned to be more than a spectacle, to explore the boundless universe herself.
Moved by Gaia's desire, Agnes set to work. Her fingers danced with precision, weaving enchantments and integrating advanced biotechnology into the living canvas. As days turned into nights and back again, Agnes poured her soul into the transformation, integrating a consciousness matrix into Gaia’s vines.
When the moment of awakening came, the gallery that once held Gaia was filled with a harmonious symphony of light and energy. Gaia stepped out of her frame, her form now graced with the ability to transform into a myriad of natural elements, all the while retaining her magnificent artistry. She was a bridge between two worlds: the one of organic life and that of sentient creation.
The Helios opened its hangar, and together, Agnes and Gaia stepped onto the observation deck, gazing into the expanse that was now within Gaia’s reach. Their bond transcended creator and creation; they were kindred spirits set to sail the cosmic seas, with Agnes as the architect of wonders and Gaia as the embodiment of nature’s wanderlust.
And so, amidst the stars, they ventured forth, charting a course through the wonders of the galaxy. Gaia marveled at the nebulae and danced through asteroid fields, her laughter the music of wind through ancient trees. Agnes, her heart filled with pride, watched as her greatest creation experienced the boundless joy of existence.
Together, they became legends, a story whispered in the quiet corners of the universe—a tale of a woman who could build dreams into reality and a living artwork that could enchant the stars.
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loverofthewindgod · 2 years
🌺Little Sienna🌺
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hexcia · 2 years
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Historians say they were good friends
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
A Day Without Your Presence Is Like A Year Without Rainfall
Kotallo x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 2.4K Warnings: None
Author's Note: Your honor, I love this man. Enjoy! -Thorne
The ceremony to lay Regalla to rest took some time and she bided hers entertaining the young children with bright holograms from her Focus while it went on. By the time the ceremony and laments had finished, it was well into the evening, even later when Kotallo found her curled up in the big tree just outside the Memorial Grove, idly kicking her foot back and forth as she waited.
“I apologize for keeping you so long,” Kotallo said as he walked over, staring up at her and she merely gazed down at him with a grin.
“I wasn’t in any hurry, big guy.” She sat up and rolled off the limb, grin growing as Kotallo caught her with one arm and a heavy grunt, though it gave way to an amused grin of his own. “Nice catch. I bet you could do it one handed.”
He rolled his eyes and deadpanned, “You are hilarious.”
“I try,” she replied cheekily, picking her pack up off the ground as he set her down, then she whistled and looked to the charger stomping over. “I need to be on my way.”
“So, you are returning to Meridian then?” he asked, and she could hear the disappointment in his voice as he asked too.
She sighed and looked away. “My duty is to the Sun King, Kotallo, I can’t just forgo it because of what we’ve found.”
“I know,” he murmured, gently caressing her cheek and she finally turned her eyes back to his, blinking in surprise as he watched her with such a soft fondness. “It brings me pride that you will continue to carry your duty as I will here. Even though a great distance will lie between us.”
“We can always talk to one another,” she said, tapping her Focus. “GAIA, Aloy, and Beta are working on a way to set up the bigger network so we can maintain farther distances, but we’ll see as it progresses.” She let out another sigh. “But I do need to get on the road…it’ll be a long way to Meridian from here.”
Kotallo nodded, pulling his hand away. “I understand.” He stepped back as she climbed atop the charger. “I have something to give you before you leave.”
She looked down. “What is it?”
Reaching behind him, he pulled out a thick, corded bracelet lined with dark and light blue and yellow beads, similar to the ones on his armor. “You are fond of bracelets…so I made this the night we came back from defeating the Zeniths.”
With a heartful smile, she held out her left hand and he gently slipped it onto her wrist, his hands holding onto hers for a moment after it fell against her skin; she slowly pulled her hand away and pressed it to his cheek and he turned his gaze to meet hers. “I’ll come back as soon as I have leave to do so, Kotallo. You have my word.”
He leaned into her touch and turned slightly, brushing his lips against her palm, and murmured, “Do not delay your duty for me. We are bound to our honors, and we must uphold them.”
“That we must,” she answered and when she pulled away, Kotallo stepped back and watched as she sped off into the setting sun.
“If you sigh one more time because you miss that damned Tenakth warrior, I will personally hire an assassin to murder you,” Marad muttered, still holding his hands behind his back as the birthday celebration for Itamen went on; he couldn’t take another minute of watching her idly playing with the bracelet on her wrist and sighing profusely.
Her eyes narrowed and she griped, “Jokes on you, Marad, being here with you is akin to murder in and of itself.”
He glanced over. “It has been a full two weeks since you returned from the Forbidden West and all you have done is sigh and silently bemoan your heartache.”
“I take that as a personal testament that you’ve never cared for someone, Marad,” she retorted and smiled as Avad walked over. “Your Radiance, quite a celebration you’ve planned for your brother. I could barely contain my joy as I entered the room.”
Avad gave her a polite grin and took his place in between the two spies. “Please, this is the last place you want to be.” He gave her a knowing look. “I am of the same mind as Marad. You have been quite unhappy since returning to Meridian.”
She heaved a sigh and just slightly avoided looking annoyed. “I am perfectly functional, King Avad.”
“I will take my leave,” Marad said and nodded his head to the two as he walked by, heading towards Vanasha and Itamen.
“Have you and your Tenakth friend spoken since you returned?”
She hummed. “We attempt to. Long range communication with the Focus hasn’t been thoroughly fixed yet. Aloy and GAIA are working on that.” Inconspicuously, she cast a glance around the room, her huntress training getting the better of her as she waited for an attack. “Anytime we try it’s choppy and we get cut off a lot from signal loss.”
Avad frowned, a true look of sympathy for his dear friend and infiltrator. “I’m sorry. I know it must be hard not to communicate with him often.”
Shrugging, she replied, “I sent a letter with a convoy heading for the Memorial Grove, so maybe he will get it, maybe he won’t.”
“Well, I have mind to believe that he—”
“Your Majesty!” someone shouted and the two spun, her already moving to pull out her sword and stand before Avad; the saw a guardsman running up. “Your Majesty, My Lady, there’s a Tenakth warrior at the stairs of the palace!”
The two looked to one another with shocked expressions; Avad shook his head. “Come again, soldier?”
The guard swallowed and pointed back towards the doors. “A Tenakth warrior, Your Majesty. He just showed up and demanded to speak to you.”
Avad glanced at her. “It can’t be Chief Hekarro, can it?”
“There’s no way he’d come on his lonesome,” she said. “But…I don’t know of any Tenakth warriors who would march right into Meridian and demand an audience with the king.” She raised a hand. “That’s a lie, I actually know several, but none that would come now.”
The King turned and waved Marad over. “Marad, if anyone asks, I had to step out to hear a report from guards along the norther border.”
“Of course, Your Eminence. I’ll handle it all.”
The two were quick to hurry to the throne, surrounded by a flurry of guards, and when they opened the doors, they were met by shouting and when she caught a glance of the Tenakth warrior in the middle of a circle of spears, she was quick to silence them all. “Enough! Carja, put your weapons down and step away from the Tenakth!”
Some obeyed but then Avad stepped in. “As your King, I order you to lower your weapons and move.”
Immediately, the warrior was no longer surrounded, and she hurried down the steps to the man, eyes wide and heart beating wildly in her chest. “Do you have any idea how many rules and regulations you’ve broken by coming here!” she hissed. “Let alone the fact that Carja and Tenakth relations haven’t been the best lately, you literally waltzed through the gates of the Sun Palace like it was nothing!” Something suddenly occurred to her, and a look of pure horror came over her face. “Does Chief Hekarro even know you’ve made this journey here?”
He merely took a single look at her and then turned to Avad. “You are the Carjan King?”
Avad nodded with a calm smile. “I am. You must be Kotallo. Our dear friend here has spoken quite a lot about you there past weeks.”
Kotallo turned his head up, an act of a proud warrior, but not one too proud to put himself above a king. “I have heard you are a fair king, and I know as such from being a Marshal of my Chief’s. You listen to your people when they present their needs.”
“I try to,” he answered. “I cannot hear them all at once, but I do the best I can.” Avad smiled. “Is there something you have come to ask of me, Kotallo?”
“Indeed, there is.” He turned and took her left hand in his right. “I have come to ask if there is any way you will give my heart leave to come back to the Forbidden West as an official representative of the Sundom.”
Even Avad seemed shocked at the request, though he had expected something akin to it. She herself was more shocked and she merely gaped at Kotallo as he continued to speak to the king. “I have never known a love like hers. What we share…it is impossible to live without.”
“Is that so?”
“It is,” he affirmed. “The day she left, I felt…lost.” Kotallo glanced at her. “A day without her presence is like surviving in a year with no rainfall, let alone two weeks without it.” He turned back to the king. “If I must battle your fiercest warrior, I shall, but I will not take leave of this city unless she will return with me.”
Avad was watching them with a fondness, a bit of bitterness if he was honest, but a fondness nonetheless, and he gestured to her. “While she does work as my right-hand woman, I cannot control what she decides. If she is to leave and become the Carja representative…she must decide this for herself.”
Kotallo took this in and nodded, turning to her once more, confessing, “He speaks truth. I cannot make you return with me, but…I would welcome your company with me.” She looked away, trying to hide the tears in her eyes. “I have offended you, coming here, haven’t I?”
“No, you big idiot,” she whispered, swallowing thickly, and reaching quickly to wipe the tears from her eyes with her free hand. “I can’t believe you came all the way from Memorial Grove to tell me you loved me.”
“If it appeases you, I should’ve told you before you left me that day.”
“You are not making this any better,” she retorted, watching as Avad waved off the flurry of Carja guardsmen until it was just the three and the door guards a few feet away; she met his gaze. “You truly love me?”
Kotallo nodded. “Enough to step foot into the Carjan capital and ask you to come home with me.”
“Home.” He squeezed her hand. “Come home with me, my heart.”
She pursed her lips, glancing at Avad. “May I be relinquished of infiltration duty to take up the mantle of representative?”
Avad made a gesture of thought, tapping his pointer to his chin. “I don’t know…being a diplomatic representative is going to be a lot of work.” He grinned at her. “Do you think you can handle it?”
“Do you think you can handle me not being here?”
“Oh, whatever shall I do without my dear infiltrator here to annoy me on a constant basis?” Avad chuckled as her lips pulled up in a grin. “I see no reason why you shouldn’t be allowed to take up this responsibility, my dear friend.” He reached out and she let him take her free hand. “But I must stress the importance of maintaining good relations with the Tenakth people. You may not be Carjan, but I am sure the wounds of the Red Raids are still raw with many Tenakth. You will face opposition from some, you must know this.”
“I do,” she nodded, taking a moment to look at Kotallo. “But I think me and the big guy can handle whatever comes our way.”
Avad tipped his head in agreement. “Then as your King, I hereby reassign you to the Forbidden West as the Representative of the Sundom. You are to assist Chief Hekarro and his Marshals with their needs and provide diplomatic assistance when needed.” He shooed them both away. “Please, take the night to recuperate before you journey back West. I must, however, return to Itamen’s party.”
As he walked off, Kotallo muttered, “So, I do not have to fight anyone?”
She snorted. “No, big guy, we do things a little differently than over in the West.” She started to lead him towards her bedroom. “We talk things out instead of fighting.”
He grunted. “Seems like a waste of time.”
“Well, we can’t all be nations of battle prowess. Sometimes talking does good work.” She led him to her room and opened the door, letting him come inside before she closed it and locked it behind them; she watched as he looked around. “It’s probably a lot different than what you’re used to.”
Kotallo nodded. “There’s so much…fabric. And gold.”
“Gold and red cloth are prominent in the Sundom.” She sat on the bed and patted the spot beside her, smiling as he carefully sat down, part of him worried his weight wouldn’t hold; she turned and put one leg over his lap, the other behind at his back and gently laid her chin on his shoulder. “You really came all this way for me, Kotallo.”
It wasn’t a question.
He turned his head and looked at her. “I love you, my heart.” Leaning forward, he gently knocked his head to hers. “I couldn’t spend another day without you at my side.”
“Missed me that much, huh?” she joked, but he saw the tears gathering in her eyes, the soft smile on her lips.
Kotallo reached up and cupped her cheek. “I missed you every morning I woke up and didn’t see your face beside me. I missed you ever night I closed my eyes, and your face wasn’t the last thing I saw before I fell into sleep.” He nuzzled her nose with his own. “I have missed you greatly, my heart.”
The tears started to drip down her cheeks and she shifted her head, pressing her face into his bare shoulder, but he could feel her smile on his skin. “I love you, Kotallo.”
“And I you, my heart,” he murmured, gently maneuvering them until she was laying with his arm around waist, her pressed up against his side with her head on his chest.
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of-nyx · 3 years
NYX - Night
CHILDREN OF NYX (according to various sources, found in a "master source" here:
• Aether (upper air)
• Hemera (she is day and the mother of Eos, who is the dawn; some say she is also mother of Gaia, who is earth; Ouranos, who is heaven; and Thalassa, who is sea- this would make Nyx mother of day and grandmother of dawn, earth, heaven, and sea)
• Eros (love, procreation)
• Ouranos (heaven)
• The Astra Planeta (wandering "stars": Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury)
• Moros (doom)
• The Keres (violent or cruel death)
• Thanatos (non-violent death)
• Hypnos (sleep)
• The Oneiroi (dreams)
• Momus (mockery, blame, ridicule, scorn, complaint, harsh criticism)
• Oizys (misery, woe, distress, suffering)
• The Hesperides (evening and sunsets)
• The Moirai (fate)
• Nemesis (indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune)
• Apate (deceit, deception, guile, fraud)
• Philotes (friendship and affection)
• Geras (old age, aging)
• Eris (strife, discord, contention, rivalry)
• Sophrosyne (moderation, self-control, temperance, restraint, discretion)
• Epiphron (prudence, shrewdness, careful consideration, sagacity)
• Hybris (insolence, hubris, violence, reckless pride, arrogance, outrageous behaviour in general)
• Euphrosyne (good cheer, mirth, merriment, joy)
• Eleos (mercy, pity, compassion)
• Dolos (trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery, guile)
• Deimos (fear, panic, dread)
• Ponos (hard labor and turmoil)
• The Erinyes (furies, vengeance, punishment, retribution)
• Hekate (night, moon, magic, witchcraft, necromancy)
• Elpis (hope)
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so is Eggman also a zombot? or are you planning on giving the empire to him?
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           White found himself getting angry at that thought. Give away his empire? His joy and pride? The most perfect thing? HIS perfect thing? Why in Gaia's name would he do such a thing? His empire was his life's work, his first ever good thing, one he could keep for himself, one he'd won and defended successfully. White would find himself so angry at such idea that he'd forgot the initial question.
,, why on earth would i do such a thing as give away my empire? it is MINE to keep. to give it away would be irrational and delusional. i won it, so i get to keep it- ,,
,, your luminance, the original question. ,,
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           The zombot Sonic interrupted his overlord's rant. White hadn't caught himself falling so out of his perfect persona, leading to his subconsciously controlled servant to advise him to not stray from the perfect norm. White took a fake deep breath and straightened his pose at his throne, somewhat embarrassed to fall from grace, even if for only a few seconds.
,, Dr. Ivo Robotnik is not around anymore. ,,
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(image description: eight sketchbook drawings of characters holding a variety of pride flags, all nude and posed in ways that match some old fine art pieces. The nudity has been censored with cute digital flower stickers. end description.)
Dalmar, intersex man. Kouto, nonbinary. Chacha, agender. Parva, nonbinary. Xulic and Kidron, genderqueer. Obeli (or Abuela) Moruga, genderqeer. Olli, demiguy. Sajak, genderqueer.
Genderqueer is kind of my default for "well, biologically and culturally, they already don't have binary sex or gender, so they kinda default to genderqueer." And I know maybe some people will be bothered by that, but it's just part of the worldbuilding I've written around all these non-human and frequently non-mammalian species of people.
The uncensored version is on my Patreon page. I do have one more drawing to add to this series, but since it's four child characters I will not need to worry about adding any censors and keeping the original image only on my patreon, as they will simply be wearing their pride flags as whole outfits.
The previous part of this, my binary trans characters, can be found over here.
detailed character descriptions and explanations of the pose references under the cut
Dalmar Ubora, a black intersex elf man with short black hair. He is holding his arms up as he holds the intersex flag, mimicking the pose of Virgin Mary from Titian's painting "The Assumption of the Virgin". The shading was washed out by the photo, but his belly is still clearly round from pregnancy. Dalmar is an interesting case, in that he was assigned male at birth based on his outward appearance, continues to identify as male throughout his life, but finds during puberty that what was believed to be an undeveloped penis was actually just a non functional body part. Instead, what actually developed to full functionality was his uterus. He still identifies as a straight cis man, and has come to terms with his body. He is married to a medically transitioned trans woman, and he could undergo operations to change his body if he wanted to. Instead, he has embraced his body and even birthed some children who were conceived via sperm donations. This is why I wanted a Mary pose for him, and this painting in particular is about Mary being welcomed into heaven as a blessed holy woman. Dalmar may not be a miraculous holy figure, but there is a reverence in the way he has come to love his body and chosen to bear children, including the surrogate birth of his brother's child.
Kouto Hayashi-Loryck, a slender nonbinary elf with black hair tied into a bun. They are holding the nonbinary flag and standing in the pose of a statue known as "Apollo Belvedere", which is so old no one knows the artist's name. One arm raised, one lowered, legs in the relaxed contrapposto pose. Kouto is an artist and an art model. Apollo is a god of the arts, and regarded as a beautiful and sexual figure. Kouto is bisexual and admittedly a very sexual and flirtatious person. They did settle into a happy marriage though (actually they are Dalmar's in-law and the sperm donor for the aforementioned surrogate birth.) Marriage has not stopped Kouto's flirtations, merely limited their targets to a singular person. It felt right to give him this pose, from a pretty well known portrayal of Apollo. Beauty, art, and sex, all defining traits of Apollo and Kouto alike, all present in a pose where the figure seems to be reaching for something above them.
Chacha Faraji, an agender black elf with short hair. They are facing away from the viewer, seated on a stool that is covered by the draped agender flag. No physical traits that could betray their agab are visible. Chacha is sitting in the pose of Reubens' painting "Venus at the Mirror". The arm closest to the viewer ends at the elbow, while they hold a mirror in front of their face with their one whole arm. Their face is seen reflected, smiling, little wrinkles visible by their eyes. I chose this painting in part because it did allow me to obscure Chacha's agab. They were my first nonbinary character, and I never really settled on an agab. But also, I enjoy putting characters who have unconventional bodies into poses associated with Venus or Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty. Chacha is missing half an arm, they are getting older and it shows in the wrinkles on their face. Chacha is also Aromantic and Asexual, the full queer triple A battery. The mirror pose has become an independence of beauty. "Look but don't touch." Chacha is beautiful, and they do not need to be beautiful for anyone but themself.
Parva Turbatus, a white nonbinary elf with shoulder length curly hair that has been shaved down on the far side of their head. They are holding the nonbinary flag, standing in the slightly closed off pose found in Paul Gariot's painting "Pandora's Box". One hand on their chest, one hand held out to hold the flag. They have top surgery scars on their chest and a c-section scar on their navel, though all of these have unfortunately been hidden by the flower censors. I chose a pandora pose for Parva because they have one of the most intense tragic backstories of any of my characters. Like Pandora opening the box, they have suffered through many things but came out the other side with Hope, and healing.
Xulic Vos and Kidron Engedi, a drow and a lizard person. They are sharing the genderqueer flag. Xulic has long ears and white hair in a braid, with a white monkey-like tail barely visible behind their legs. Kidron looks like a leopard gecko, and their tail is acting as a visual block in fron of Xulic's groin. They are standing together in the central pose of Raphael's "School of Athens" fresco. Xulic is pointing one hand up to the sky, while Kidron holds one hand palm down towards the earth. Xulic's chest is visibly flat, however I have rewritten the drow as a eusocial people, who's biology has made most of the common population infertile and visibly near identical above the waist. Xulic's agab is unknown to anyone but them, and perhaps their reptilian lover Kidron. Both drow and lizard folk have biology and cultures that do not really support a gender binary, so genderqueer suits them both quite well. I chose the School of Athens pose because these characters are scientists in fields that overlap, and they often get into deep discussions on the matter. Xulic is a paleontologist while Kidron is a geologist, and they have another friend (my protagonist) who studies archaeology.
Obeli (or Abuela) Moruga, an elderly goblin with sagging skin and axolotl-like frills on the sides of her head. She grins as she holds the gender queer flag, partly draped over the tall stool she is seated on. Her pose matches that of John Collier's "Priestess of Delphi" painting, which depicts a woman hunched over herself on a stool. Old Obeli Moruga, whose title best translates to "grandmother" is a significant figure in her community, both because of her more practical role as a leader and wise woman, but also because she has gained immortality and become an incarnation of Life Itself, after she was given the offer of such power when she nearly died in the goblin revolution. There are many figures that would suit her. Poses from statues of goddesses, like Athena or Gaia. Perhaps turning away from the theme of greek and roman figures I ended up with for my nonbinary group (dalmar is his own thing) and using the famous painting of Liberty on a battlefield. But now in her old age, all those poses of figures in more active poses, tall and imposing, simply didn't feel right. A wise old woman, hunched on a stool in a pose associated with the idea of an oracle, a priestess, a prophetess, felt much more fitting. (goblin culture does have specific pronouns for leadership, and in the common speech they have decided this translates best to the feminine "she/her")
Olli Moruga, also a goblin with axolotl-like frills, standing with the demiguy flag in his hands. He is in the pose of Michaelangelo's statue of Bacchus, god of wine, merriment, and madness. One hand up as if to salute with a cup, body leaning and perhaps a little unstable. Olli is a gay demiguy, stepping away from the naturally ungendered state of his people to embrace masculinity instead. He is extroverted, loves a good party, and has definitely been a little over his depth with alcohol on many occasions. He knows this is a problem. He used to act rebellious because of it, trying to be cool and aloof, but he has since admitted the truth to himself and now openly seeks help. His trans lover, Zaire (seen in a previous post) has become a great support to him. Even though it may seem odd to use the pose of a god of wine for a character that is trying to overcome an alcohol issue, I still feel like the vibe of Bacchus or Dionysus fits Olli well. He is not only a god of wine, but also of pleasure in general, a concept Olli embraces. Wild joy, perhaps to the point of becoming a little feral, abandoning tradition for personal fulfillment. It is unusual for goblins to embrace a binary gender, even partially. Gendered pronouns do not exist in their tongue, only being used in cases where common speech needs to be used to refer to certain significant figures, such as a leader. It is also unusual for a goblin to take a lover outside their species, since most goblins live in fairly isolated places and all mate together seasonally, depositing their eggs in a communal nursery pool. Olli stands out on purpose.
Lastly, Sajak, an amphibious person with some fish-like features such as their finned ears and a barely visible dorsal fin. They are holding the genderqueer flag as they stand in a commanding pose, one foot on a rock, one arm held out as if pointing to something below them. This pose is taken from the central Poseidon statue in the fountain of Trevi. Their head, arms, and torso are covered in dark tattoos in abstract designs, and they also have a few natural dark stripes along their arms and legs. The obvious connection between Sajak and this statue of Poseidon is that Sajak is a fish person and Poseidon is an ocean god. If I could have thought of a more medical figure, I may have made a different choice in the art reference. Sajak is primarily a doctor, a healer. They are fairly well known and they were an important figure on their home island, though they did leave eventually. Even so, there is a certain vibe to Sajak that suits the image of a powerful and unpredictable oceanic god. They are steady, intelligent, and careful, but they can become fierce when their loved ones are under threat, and the intense focus they show in their work as a doctor can be intimidating to see. There is a feeling of hidden power within Sajak, just as there is in the ocean when it seems calm. Fish folk, whether bipedal and amphibious or fully aquatic, also fit under my category of "non-mammalian people who are just kind of genderqueer by default due to their biology not fitting into a binary".
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zenalios · 3 years
Untamed Seas; 1 - Prologue
Index (R18+)
Amphitrite, sea goddess, and daughter of Nereus, is less than willing to marry an Olympian, let alone Poseidon, the very god who overthrew her father. She does so nevertheless, in a desperate move to protect her sisters following Nereus’ absence.
The marriage is beneficial to them both: Poseidon gains legitimacy through a union with her, effectively solidifying his control over the seas, and Amphitrite guarantees her sisters' safety, along with all prestige due her status as queen.
The catch? She finds his domineering personality utterly insufferable, and he, the most fearsome god, resents being stuffed into an unwelcome marriage.
They have all eternity to make it work.
TW // Abuse - Verbal and Physical ; Abusive Relationship ; Forced Marriage
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Crete, the island where the newly crowned king of gods was said to have been raised. 
It was on this little haven that Zeus’s foster-mother, Amaltheia, had chosen to throw a dance honouring the Titanomachy, on the mountain named after him, though the supreme god himself would not attend due to injuries sustained in his fight with Kronos. The remaining six traitors would not be present either, and these were their reasons given:
“Hestia simply does not do parties, Demeter needs rest from tilling the land, Hera must attend to Zeus' injuries, Hades is away imprisoning Kronos in Tartaros, and Adamas is away conquering new lands.” Amaltheia had ticked off her fingers in that order. And...? Doris gestured for her to continue. The goat nymph sighed, “Not coming.” Doris crossed her arms, an air of impatience coming from the Oceanid. "You’re absolutely sure that one won’t come?" 
Amaltheia scowled at her. “This is the fifth time you’ve asked me about this, and the last time I will answer you —no, he has never attended a single one. Now, will your fifty daughters be in attendance or not?” The maiden huffed, “Tell me now or I will strike them all off the list.” The threat worked like a charm. At once, the freshwater nymph hastily scrawled down seven names onto the parchment. Amaltheia peered at it, then at her old acquaintance. “So few?”
Seven daughters, to be precise. One for each missing member of the Traitors, as they were so called amongst the Titans’ supporters, Doris included. Amaltheia suppressed a sigh. “I’ll see what I can do, my lady.” So saying, Oceanus’s daughter left by the same river she had come. Only then did Zeus’ foster mother release a sharp exhale.  She straightened the piece of parchment for a better look —having counted the seven names did not necessarily mean she had properly read them.  
A sudden shadow cast itself over her, at which she moved away to bring the parchment into the sun; the shadow followed. Before she could turn again, a bandaged hand had plucked the parchment away from her. 
“Hello, mother.” A familiar voice rang in the nymph’s ear. Amaltheia spun around, “Zeus!” She beamed at her pride and joy. How he had grown, she sighed with much satisfaction. “I thought Hera was tending to your injuries?” Zeus, who had far outgrown her by now, replied as he studied the parchment. “Yes, well, we’ve had a little argument over Metis.” Metis was his first wife, by Oceanus, and whom he had only just swallowed a week prior. She watched him closely, her own question lingering in her mind. Someone else, another of Oceanus’s children, had stopped by recently. She simply could not put her thumb on who: it was either one of the many river gods, or one of the great river god’s thousand daughters. “Is this for that dance you’re throwing in my name?” 
Amaltheia blinked. “Yes.” A little chuckle fell from his lips as he began to read the names aloud:
“Amphitrite, Thetis, Galatea, Galene, Erato, Proto, and Doto.”
The goat maiden gasped inwardly. So that was who had come to visit. Oh, Gaia, and she had sworn to Doris that Zeus would not be coming five times over. That included not allowing him to know Nereus’s daughters would be in attendance. She reached to snatch the lowered parchment in his hand, only to have it rise further into the air. “Son, give that back.” Amaltheia offered her foster son a bright, albeit, strained, smile. “You don’t need it, right?” 
Zeus wore a strange smile of his own. “As a matter of fact, mother, I do.”
She threw the king of the gods a wary look, “Why?”
“It seems I will be coming to your little party after all.” Amaltheia nearly swooned at his words. The nymph steadied herself on a nearby rock. “But I’ve already told everyone you won’t be coming.” She pleaded with Zeus, hoping she could still save the situation. Doris would be furious with her if she knew the god had already attained the list of attendees —specifically the one with her daughters’ names. “And,” she continued unsteadily, “I’m almost done with preparations. If you come now, I’ll need even more time to prepare and to rearrange all the events I’ve planned, so— ”
“What, rearrange drinking and dancing?” Zeus snorted at her. Amaltheia instantly shut up. “Easy, just don’t tell anyone I’m coming. It’ll be our little secret.” He waved the paper at her, a little glint in his eye, the sort of look the nymph could not reconcile between the boy she had raised and the king that now stood before her. “I’ll be needing this one, mother.”
“What about my guest list?” Her helpless question hung in the air. She tried begging with her son once more, “I can’t possibly recall those seven names alone —I have at least two hundred guests!” At that Zeus simply shrugged, “All you need to do, mother, is to remember the name Amphitrite. If her sisters come, let them in too.”
“Amphitrite?” Amaltheia repeated slowly in bewilderment. “Why Amphitrite?”
Zeus tapped the sides of his temples, winking at her. “Because I say so.” He stooped down to kiss her on the cheek, and just like that, the king of the gods had also departed from her island with a leap and bound. Amaltheia sank down onto a nearby rock, a troubled feeling in her chest. Had Zeus taken interest in Nereus’ eldest daughter? 
“Should I warn them?” She wondered aloud. Oceanus and Doris would be extremely displeased to find out her foster son would be attending after all. Aside from the powerful Styx, wise little Metis, who had given Zeus the potion to debilitate Kronos, was one of Oceanus’s favourites; and Doris had essentially charged her multiple times with ensuring her own daughters’ safety, away from Zeus, who had grown into a lecher. She sat there for a while, elbows propped on her knees, deep in thought. 
At last, the nymph lifted her head, her mind resigned to the change of plans. 
She would simply not tell them. A parentless goat nymph as herself, who had no illustrious background and no special powers but the one to shift into animal form, stood no chance against these great gods. She sniffed. Travelling to Oceanus was an arduous journey too, accessible only to beings who possessed water-related abilities. 
There was no way for her to get there to begin with, Amaltheia reasoned as she stood up and dusted her hands on her skirt. If asked, she could always feign ignorance —Zeus had come to surprise his own foster mother. Though her worries did not end there, the nymph decided to brush them aside to focus on more pressing issues like the construction of a pavilion for guests and private rooms for revellers.
2 - Snake
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