seventh-fantasy · 7 months
li xiangyi, yin, and femininity
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we all know that li xiangyi is a character of fractured identities. and li lianhua is an unreliable narrator to his own story. these make him not the most straightforward character to study. but I've believed in treating li lianhua as a part of li xiangyi, rather than separates. and there must be a common thread that ties all of him together. thus, I offer what I have found to be the most useful lens to use to view him as a cohesive whole, regardless as li xiangyi, li lianhua, or any other identity he may reinvent into: his 阴 yin qualities. (yin of yinyang)
this framework suggested by the drama's text itself has helped clarify to me his strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and struggles. by identifying this constant, too, makes it so much easier talking about what has changed in him.
[to the, hopefully growing, boli lhl hivemind @markiafc @ananeiah]
there are some notes on the concept of yinyang and chinese conceptualisation of gender I have to preface with.
[disclaimer: of course, I'm not even trying to cover a tip of what experts have extensively studied and debated in a depth it deserves. all I'm doing is try to parse the broad, fundamental ideas that are needed to explain my blorbos through my own spotty brain filter. so there bound to be nuances I've overlooked or some degree of my own interpretation. pretentious but needs to be done.]
阴 yin and 阳 yang are concepts characterised by passiveness, darkness, gentleness, femininity etc, and proactivity, light, toughness, masculinity etc respectively. a very key and handy concept to have in mind is their relationship to each other - which I'll not attempt at explaining better than literal scholars have:
Yin and yang exist only in relation to one another internally as the way warmth-coldness only exist relative to one another. Furthermore, when using yin-yang as an organizational schema, achieving balancing harmony is always the goal, not domination nor subordination of one to the other. [x]
while yin and yang can be symbols of femininity and masculinity, it doesn't mean all female are yin and all male are yang. it's certainly not a strict 1-to-1 equation. the concept of gender in chinese context is more social than biological. this suggests room for fluidity, and shaping of identities, often through social rituals as one journeys through life. it also means that there can be femininity in the masculine, and vice versa - in fact, that's only healthy because you need a good balance of the two worlds. no one part is better than the other. if you think of the two components as relative to each other, they are always interacting and affecting each other, rather than being strict and inert binaries. simply put, it needs to be kept in mind that there are greater nuances in applying yin and yang to the definitions of gender, and to avoid at all cost a simplification of this framework into a binary.
sure, the show has implied that lxy's powers and energy are yin-coded. but femininity is only one of the multiple attributes of yin. so how are we extending lxy's yin to femininity specifically? it's in the text that substantiates and qualifies lxy as feminine. dead women being used as proxies to his character. being literally dressed as a woman in order to put himself into their shoes and feel what they've felt. adopting a name that happens to be very, very feminine - 莲花 lianhua (lit. lotus flower) (it must be caveated that chinese names are NOT gendered. but there are just some names that are more feminine than others.) him coming to lead a life revolving around traditionally feminine, domestic things as li lianhua. him having interactions with the women around him like he's in his own element - no pressure and tension at all, unlike with all the other men.
as such, I'm more willing to use yin and femininity interchangeably in discussing lxy (while it's not necessarily applicable to every point that will be mentioned albeit there being some degree of implied association). and it's for the sake of elucidating what I feel is an intention or very plausible reading of the canon text in parsing feminine experiences in lxy's character. and thus, his queerness.
one last note is that taoism is going be mentioned quite a bit as well because of how much it as a philosophy honours the yin quality. its key tenets include valuing passiveness and inaction as a form of action, and submitting to the nature of things. and we will see how those come up in lxy's life too. (though I'm not gonna attempt to deep dive into it here beyond broad strokes of it.)
a huge part of li xiangyi's yin actually manifests in him being a passive person. this applies not just to li lianhua, but also li xiangyi. I know. ok wait hear me out. the idea of yinyang is after all components that can change and are relational to each other: thus, there were points in li xiangyi's life when he was less passive than other points, but they ultimately don't match up to the degree of aggression displayed by other men around him. so relative to their display of proactivity and aggression, he can be considered as passive. the best example is that of shan gudao proposing to launch an offensive on jinyuan alliance, while lxy - as much as he was arrogant about it - was standing his ground on not taking action in favour of peace.
it has already showed up in his childhood as well. he wasn't a particularly competitive child: 从来都没有谁要和你争 nobody has ever thought of competing with you over anything, he told sgd as he recalled of their times growing up. it was in fact sgd who was desperate to control and override lxy's presence. baby lxy did not hesitate at all over giving up on winning in favour of protecting his only rare few close relationships left in the world (given how hard-earned relationships are when they're non-familial !!!!). as much as I resent the one-dimensional writing of sgd, he has served as a very strong marker to highlight on lxy's yin.
I've harped on it several times before but this is the time I finally get to explain it proper: my own theory is that li xiangyi became an unparalleled swordsmaster because of his yin/feminine quality, not in spite of it. an interesting point that had been out in the open unclaimed until it was brought up in our friend group is that, li xiangyi does not actually fit anybody's conventional image of a 武林盟主 wulin mengzhu (ie. ruler of wulin). it would most likely have been some burly, muscular, ultra-masculine dude. even if they don't look like the demonic monk, it should be someone more like di feisheng. but. it's li xiangyi, the boyish, delicate-looking kid, who came to the top. (no wonder people - mostly men - love or love to bully hate him like weak men hate powerful women??)
"why didn't they cast someone who looks more like a wulin mengzhu (read: traditionally manly)?" no, no that's precisely the point. nobody said wulin mengzhu have to look manly. and also who is to define the manliness required to be in a place of authority? (or in my other meta, we would ask, who is to define anybody gets to have the authority over anyone else at all?)
by taoist ideal, gentleness is the most refined form of strength. li xiangyi has been haunting and distracting me in my chinese calligraphy practices lately because I'm thinking about how this must be the closest to what it felt like lxy becoming the best swordsman in jianghu. (so pretentiously brainrotten of me, I know, BUT IT'S REAL and I'm suffering.) mastering a chinese art is essentially about mastering a delicate balance between force and gentleness; being able to draw force from softness 柔中带刚 and an ability to maintain this balance. a beginner will instinctively hold a brush for the first time with brute, unrefined force. some fairly reputable contemporary calligraphers, according to my teacher, can be seen as being either too soft or too forceful - but are still able to pass off as good enough. it's then, the master of masters who will have the sophistication of a firm yet flexible control of the brush with the appropriate use of gentleness/laxness that produces a harmony of strokes. this idea extends to any other sort of chinese craft or practice including traditional chinese medicine, and I believe, swordsmanship too. I'm taking a fucking leap of faith here to say this because I practise NO sort of (chinese) martial arts, I must caveat. (someone who does may want to say something...) but theoretically that should be how it works.
it is not for no rhyme or reason, or *handwaves* that lxy emerged to the top AND is almost undefeatable. among a competitive, forceful (ie. yang) wulin, li xiangyi stood out with a power and energy defined by yin (ie. gentleness and stability) that led him to create his signature 扬州慢 yangzhouman. it is characterised by 慢 slowness (my calligraphy teacher says to us all the time to take it slow), and also described by dfs as 中正绵长 - which I would best describe by painting a picture of a steady and stable stream. these precisely speak of the essence of a mastery of gentleness as strength to me.
conversely, dfs's way in mastering power is very largely premised on taking action because he literally had no other choice in the environment he grew up in. both of them develop in opposite ways. it was the case of gentleness for lxy clearly because he grew up in a safe, nurturing environment that had allowed him to be slow and steady at his own pace, drawing on his natural gifts.
now top of the wulin world at 17, li xiangyi founds sigu sect. li xiangyi, the boy before becoming menzhu and li xiangyi the leader of sigu sect are not the same.
how then did a (relatively) passive boy like lxy end up founding sigu sect. this lxy is the one who was fostered into competition - though not in an abusive, twisted way. in fact he was raised in a rather taoist way by his shifu: to be honest with yourself and respect your opponent. so he honoured whatever powers he had been bestowed with by nature. he gives into it. even so, at another level, I just have a sense that shifu and shiniang's competitive marital spat had an insidious effect on the boys...though the detrimental effect was more on sgd than lxy. baby lxy feels like a sweet-natured kid who was just in his own zone, you know - some (aka sgd) would say, too much of him even, to have not realised what was wrong at all with his shixiong for years.
that's not all of course. I've always gotten the vibes that his attitude behind forming sigu sect felt more like, this is what all the good men of jianghu do and I will have to do it now especially that I'm the best. it didn't feel particularly personal to me, but rather what would have been expected of him by the social climate of wulin jianghu (eg. lxy saying to 光耀师门 bring honour to his teacher). it's definitely not an expectation from his shifu, who explicitly told him that he was never expected to become a noble figure of any sort, but just to be alive and contented. as concluded by the man himself as li lianhua: "有些人入了江湖是为了立心,而有的人入江湖为的是立命。我却不知道自己真正想要的是什么。some people enter jianghu for the cultivation of the mind, others for a cultivation of a meaningful life. but I never knew what I truly wanted." he was ultimately, unwittingly a passive player in his own story of becoming the great sigu sect leader.
(at this point, as a side note, I do wonder if there were any other similar sects or alliances that function the same as sigu sect that came before it. because I'm damn well sure there must be something, as likely as there must have been generations of wulin legends who came before lxy. but of course, this is not what the story is concerned with at all and I'm ok with that.)
it's crucial to point out that, even despite this being the phase of his yang in the display of taking action and enacting firmness, lxy had still done sigu sect with the sole purpose and manner of upkeeping peace and order (in the way of the pro-universal love, anti-aggression mohist 侠 xia leader of the people). he's still very characterised by yin in my books, especially when vis-à-vis to sgd.
a li xiangyi full of himself and made himself too useful to the people was only bound for a great asteroidal fall, in the concept of 物极必反 - or in taoist lexicon 反者道之动 (ie. anything that has reached its limit will only start developing in the opposite direction). if you think you're above all, you can only go down.
this manifests during the next time he took action - and it was one so forceful that it overpowered even his opponent, dfs who ended up being the passive, receiving party in this case - was in initiating the battle at donghai 10 years ago... and gee oh boy. it didn't end well - for both of them, but even more so for lxy. (dfs was like 'tis but a scratch (shrugs)' as compared to him being ripped off his tendons by jiao liqiao like nezha did to the dragon prince. truth is he had to go into a 10-year healing retreat served by his entourage. :p) ok, I digress.
xiao zijin was quick to attribute sigu sect's fall to lxy's arrogance - in turn setting the stage for lxy's 10 years of self-hatred and the framing of lxy as a villain? irresponsible figure? by jianghu. (god forbid girls do anything! ok for legal reasons, this a joke.) lxy lost his mind in ways I believe he never had in his life there and then upon seeing his shixiong dead. so, you could say he led the jianghu world to ruins out of love (using this term loosely). but it feels inaccurate to say it's due to arrogance. he did not do that out of self-importance or ego, especially when the revenge for sgd was a collective decision made by sigu sect as we know from the flashback. so when llh pinned all fault on himself for being arrogant in the past, it is with caution to take his words because that's the unreliable narrator in him speaking.
anyway, it's precisely li xiangyi that is capable of bouncing back from such a fatal crisis, equipped with his yin and a mastery that gave him the power of flexibility.
it's extremely vital to re-establish that literally the only thing that was keeping li xiangyi alive, physically, as li lianhua is yangzhouman. (monk wuliao literally said that to lxy even though he did facilitate in saving him.) it's the yangzhouman that was drawn from lxy's mastery of yin. without yangzhouman, li xiangyi would not even have the chance to become li lianhua and undergo any needed process of transformation. without li xiangyi, there would have been no yangzhouman. no li xiangyi, no li lianhua, get it?
the point is not to deny the change li xiangyi wants to make and has made. but to acknowledge that change isn't about complete erasure and destruction. something from you survives. something in you had kept you alive to have you come so far, regardless of all the bad bits that you want to denounce of. you've always been worth it.
bringing back the thing about his new name: the distinction must be made that he did not pick it because it was feminine but it just so happened a feminine name had resonated with him. (read: he didn't necessarily identify as a woman but identified with femininity. at least within the parameters of canon text.)
he also made an interesting choice to retain his surname for someone who was desperate to sever ties from his past. hmm. or maybe he wasn't that desperate? when li lianhua says li xiangyi is dead, I believe it meant that li xiangyi the sigumen menzhu is dead rather than li xiangyi as an entirety. li lianhua is a returning to the path lxy could have gone if he did not establish sigu sect, the path that shifu wanted him to take. when he walked to the doors of sigu sect in the aftermath, nothing was actually stopping him from going back (people were still around and alive, instead of all dead people, you know)... except for himself. taking that action would have been too much for him. so he went with the flow of life giving him a chance at rebirth and walked away. there, inaction as a form of action.
zhan yunfei and qiao wanmian have said to li lianhua, oh that doesn't sound like li xiangyi at all. but has it been considered that, maybe it was sigu sect's lxy who wasn't the real lxy? sigu sect lxy was one big performance of the values of masculinity and heteronormativity that llh had came to an awareness of, and eventually struggle with again and resist against in the final year of his life. there had only been some glimpses of his true nature allowed (validated by fang duobing talking about lxy at his altar).
imho, most flashbacks of lxy during that period felt impersonal and more like a template of a hero expected to marry his girl at 18. going through all the motions and steps of a normative life even before he was old enough to grasp and explore his own identity and what it meant in the world. no wonder he denounced so much of what he had done as lxy including liking girls. walking away then also meant a walk away from those duties and expectations. li lianhua is li xiangyi liberated from masculine duties and heteronormative performance.
in doing that, he had the opportunity for the first time in his life to explore what he truly wanted, at least within the parameters of what he could afford to do at that point. he could go on to build a domestic, feminine life within the space of jianghu (as I've established here). it's a kind of feminine lifestyle that doesn't quite exist in mainstream society - being a woman there meant to stay put in a domestic space without much room to move socially. nor did it exist in wulin jianghu because even the women there like shi-guniang and jlq were expected to be masculine, aggressive, competitive. so building a mobile home in the space of jianghu is his way of defining the life he wants and can have. li lianhua is the extension of femininity in li xiangyi - and one that can be free.
it's also worth talking about in my opinion what is one of the most important and a favourite dihua moment: when dfs said to lxy that his greatest weakness was to like being a hero. and a swordsman should be without weaknesses. I'm forever wrapped up in how many layers this can be read in. was he mad at lxy for liking to be a hero or having weaknesses, or both? if the former, it was dfs criticising, based on lxy's public reputation, lxy's oversized illusions about being a hero - a figure of masculinity with an unrealistic sense to uphold noble goals eg. saving the world etc. that is actually perfectly logical coming from dfs, the straightforward, no-nonsense, morally neutral guy with no illusions about heroism (in this case, he feels more like a yin). but at the same time, we should understand that lxy's motivations behind the donghai battle are more personal than noble. if any, it was actually the opposite of noble - it was like he was acting out of the role of a caretaker of his family, and at a cost of the peace and order of jianghu he was set on guarding(!!) dfs also knew that lxy was there just for his shixiong. and so, dfs, who happens to be the epitome of yang, can be read as a symbol of masculinity disapproving of lxy for being sentimental and emotional; for having the "feminine" desires to simply want to defend his family (not saying those are exclusively feminine traits but they have been conventionally associated as feminine). I think both layers of reading are correct and should work together to contribute to the complexity of their characters. (we can see how it contributes to lxy and dfs being the perfect yinyang halves to each other, which I will come back to briefly touch on later.)
for 10 years he lived a life of seclusion and staying-in-his-own-lane a taoist would be proud of. he knew he was dying and has always been ok with dying, as he claimed. but did he want to die? to think of it, it was the opposite. because in those 10 years when he could have 100% just taken action to take his own life, he didn't. in fact, he lived on and took care of himself in the way shifu wanted him to. he had simply preferred letting nature run its course. if bicha didn't take him, he wasn't gonna do anything. but if he died one day very soon, he would be ok with it too. sure, he was maybe banking on a lead to sgd's whereabouts to appear during his last years alive but that clearly wasn't the only thing on his mind for NINE years because he didn't actively go out seeking for that either. this is basically him telling dfs that he would just lie in the sun and wait for the sweet release of death, if dfs were to force him to fight. not even the mortal threat from dfs was enough to move him into action of fighting back or killing himself.
time and again, lxy as llh was dragged into fdb's cases but not only that, he also maintained an impersonal distance with them. it's starkly different from the usual (wuxia) hero archetypes (for eg. fdb) who would be more impassioned and personally invested in the plight of the victims- or unlike most seemingly aloof protagonists who would somehow grow emotionally invested over time. one of the many things I love about llh is that he never tries a second time to persuade people out of their decisions he finds unwise (eg. him just wanting to move on in response to the girls in 女宅 insisting on staying behind with their slave master at first.) he will not interfere in other people's choices made in their own lives. it's not his business. he didn't even want to be there, to be honest.
however as the story progresses, more and more people - especially men, his past, and the leads to the truth came back to demand and taunt him into doing something. they vary from well-meaning people without any harm intended such as fdb intruding upon his private space completely uninvited and qwm wanting him back; to dfs merely seeking him as a mean to an end initially (eg. I only need him to live long enough to have one last fight); and finally, on the other end of the spectrum, outright aggressive and hostile people like sgd and xzj who wanted him to die. under all this pressure, he tried his best to deflect, but he does waver especially when it comes to matters concerning the people he cares about aka his obsession wish of 10 years of looking for sgd's remains that had lied low until fdb entered his life, and then later on taking revenge for his shifu.
looking for sgd became his final bid at taking action. he was operating on a slim chance of getting some emotional closure from finding out his shixiong is dead for real, yes. what a good plan. but objectively unnecessary. or surprise! uhhh...finding out his beloved shixiong is actually alive and would strangle him for one corn chip? AND OH NO IT GOT WORSE- uncovering a devastating truth about his shifu's death that he could have totally gone on with life fine without knowing if he had continued not caring.
but it is sometimes just impossible not to care - it is only human to care. and he is human, not an icon in the image of a hero. so he took a chance, once more, and it killed him in unprecedented ways. it's donghai all over again. things in life don't go as planned. you fuck around and it fucks you back. finding out the truth behind his shifu's death and his family background from the past did nothing for him as li lianhua living in the present.
it's no wonder that this lxy decisively relinquishes the desire to take action in the end. he goes back to letting nature run its course. and this time, stands firmly to it despite everyone begging him otherwise. wangchuan flower could only give him a recovery (or survival?) rate of 30%. there's a 70% chance of failure and even in the 30% he was not sure what he was to become. in comparison, dfs took a 10% chance game of survival in a heartbeat, and it pushed him to new heights. that's how they differ: he thrives by taking risks and action while lxy the other way round. so, something like that has happened before and he wants none of it again.
he leaves lotus tower, only taking his horse and a sack - relinquishing almost every other material belonging he had - and sets off on a journey. before xzj interrupted...where to was he going?? I wonder. we don't know for sure, I think? and are we allowed to know? that makes the scene he had with xzj an understated inflection point in the very last part of his journey. yes, he was already on his way to...maybe die? but not necessarily. you don't have to travel distances with your belongings for that, right? or speak to dfs personally about not wanting to fight? (borrowing one of @ananeiah's takes.) regardless, he was definitely leaving behind jianghu - not only wulin jianghu (he already did that 10 years ago), but also the jianghu space he had carved out in the last 10 years.
what sparked the decision to jump off the cliff in him was dfs's words from the night of their wedding 10th donghai anniversary: 横扫天下容易,断相夷太剑不易 conquering the world is easy, breaking xiangyi sword is not. in the original context, dfs was talking about defeating lxy being harder than conquering the world. but when it came to this scene, it was to lxy about forsaking the very last worldly possessions he had after already giving up on lotus tower and hulijing (including releasing his horse), especially his only connection left to swordsman lxy.
perhaps it had dawned on him that, wanting things at all was bad for him. in the last 10 years, he lived a life of seclusion, wanting very little. but he had still wanted things. there were still things he couldn't let go of that had led him to this state. despite having lived on an identity inspired by a buddhist teaching for 10 years, maybe it was only at this point that he was finally the closest to reaching an understanding of it. (I wish I was knowledgeable enough right now to dive into the possible buddhist reading here but alas. I'll leave it to our resident expert @markiafc)
it doesn't quite matter in the end where he was going after all. what mattered was that he literally went where the water took him and we're not supposed to know where it ends. I'm not seeing this in a bad and pessimistic way though. I think the relief in all this is that he had tried his best to within his abilities. also it's a form of enlightenment in relinquishing a desire, an obsession, a need to take any more action in order to live well. thus his ending felt to me relatively tender, empowering, and kind - albeit bittersweet and heartaching - than other possible kinds of ending, in a story where it was very possible for him to have died under the knives of his opponents or bicha at any moment, outside of his control.
if you've come so far in this post, congratulations! but also a reveal is that... you're not immune to the dihua propaganda threaded throughout this post. :P
as mentioned, other men like sgd and xzj in lxy's life were incredibly hostile to him. their yang nature overwhelmingly powers his yin. but dfs is different. dfs is the yang counterpart that fits perfectly to his yin.
dfs's yang is one that contains yin, that mirrors lxy's balance of yang in yin. it was suggested in text they are yinyang-coded meant to complement each other, given that whenever wangchuan flower's yin vs yang properties were discussed, the two men were always spoken about in the same breath. more importantly, as with the above few analyses of dfs's words playing a big role in shaping of lxy's choices with multiple meanings - as well as their day-to-day interactions - we can see that they constantly play off each other.
dfs's yang energy has been used to help lxy prolong his life (though not saving him entirely), while lxy has used his yin energy to save dfs and subsequently helped him attain his breakthrough. dfs has also helped lxy in his breakthrough of yin but not in the same way as dfs's cultivation of his combative powers, and rather, it's for lxy an understanding of his own path to take in life - a cultivation of the mind (both times 10 years before and after). given how significant dfs is in the shaping of lxy's realisation of the yin path - alike his shifu has, it's no wonder that they were the only two people lxy had imagined in his last sword dance of a farewell to jianghu.
with each of them coming together to form the perfect yin-yang model, they're a harmony of yin and yang representing the cosmos. what I also love is that they didn't start out as a perfect fit, but only towards the end of the story was the harmonisation completed, which makes sense for two components that are always in a flux influencing each other. the fact that they were number 1 and 2 of wulin, and being the only ones capable of understanding each other in a level nobody else could... it all reinforces the cosmic sense of their relationship. they're the halves to a whole, fitting in a specific way nobody else can.
(I mean. technically this is going into the space of extrapolation based on a tangential interpretation of canon text, so do take it with a pinch of salt. but of course this pinch of salt can do wonders for a shipper's feast... :P and this certainly could have been a meta of its own expanding on dfs's side of the analysis, but this is it for now in this context.)
to think of it, li xiangyi has actually died more than that one time that turned him into li lianhua. first was a death of him as a nanyin royalty - I resent having to bring up nanyin like it should hold any weight to the narrative as far as I'm concerned, but the point being that he had a completely different (familial-based) life before that still stands. then he had a rebirth as li xiangyi, disciple and swordsman to his shifu and shiniang, and later died again when li xiangyi the sigu sect leader took over. lxy the sigu sect leader died at sea in the battle 10 years ago and came back as li lianhua. (just like nezha, died after battling at east sea and rebirthed from the lotus) li lianhua then dies by the end of the drama.
there can be a myriad of interpretations as to what exactly happened to him, including the possibility that he's still alive. regardless, we can agree that li lianhua as an identity has ran its course, and he had to evolve again. but into what form?
in the line of thought of yin and femininity, and how his transformation has been in an increasing degree of presentation of femininity - even way back when I was watching the show, I had the idea of him living socially as a woman post-li lianhua. I don't know what he would be realistically doing or what could be practical for him in such an identity. but conceptually it was sensible and compelling to me before diving deeper into the details. (I have more elaboration to do on this that I won't be talking about here publicly but it is in the same strain of idea as this other comparative meta I wrote.)
I think the next possible identity lxy can assume - alive in the material realm or not - is one that will be beyond a material being. a nameless entity. once you've gone through the phases of life - from not knowing to knowing, and perfecting knowledge, then to the surpassing of knowledge - you surpass all worldly existence, and become one with the cosmos.
I end this off with an excerpt from Tao Te Ching's Chapter 41 (I'm not pretending to have read the whole book ok but I couldn't resist including this):
明道若昧,进道若退,夷道若纇 [...] 道隐无名 The bright path seems dim; Going forward seems like retreat; The easy way seems hard [...] The Tao is hidden and without name. (x)
the character translated into "easy" is the same 夷 yi of li xiangyi's name. somehow this seems to encapsulate the journey of his life: one that seems blessed and smooth-sailing but ending up to be rocky and turbulent. but at the end of the day, after all that he had been through, he will become hidden and without name.
#莲花楼#mysterious lotus casebook#lhl#lhlmeta#my posts#a big win for the inaction fandom. lxy would have been patron saint#this inevitably turned into a 'lhl is a taoist and buddhist story if not a very chinese story' meta hbhjbjhbhjjb#the last thing i do before going to sleep is write this meta. the first thing i do after waking up is write this meta.#i feel so insane writing this. it kept growing like a monster. do you think this is a joke it's like my part-time job now#but it's one of the few times in my life i have confidence in my insanity. so.#crazier thing is. this meta is approaching 6k words yet i still think there must be things i haven't covered.#the last section is so nuts idk how i even wrote it guys i think i was possessed#it's also like the most pretentious way to put that he's dead in this world ok hjbjhbhjbhjbjbh#to be clear iirc the drama didn't say LXY'S POWER/ENERGY IS YIN in the same way it literally said dfs's energy is yang#but it's definitely implied by the explanation of the flower's healing properties for both of them. on top of yangzhouman#also fuck. another reason he didn't choose to save himself was so dfs could have the yang flower which he believed was what dfs wanted#thank u frens mark and ana for indulging my brain in the first time i brought the lxy as woman thing up. for it to have come this far#ofc disclaimer is that a lot of this is my own reading. it doesnt have to be agreed by everyone#i would be very happy though if any part of it resonated with anybody#also a good part of the analysis is based on my memory of the show. though i did revisit parts selectively to verify. sooooo. yeah.
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diomedrian · 13 days
3 good things -
(1) people who have known you for a while being kind, people who have known you for a day being kind
(2) interviewers who are patient and help you with an answer in front of the Director™️
(3) people who care about you, are gentle with you despite the day long cribbing
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eating-the-inedible · 9 months
ROUND ONE: Those blankets that look like tortillas vs. Computers
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Those blankets that look like tortillas:
Are you kidding me, tortilla blanket makers??? You're tempting fate. They even look toasted. I'm going to eat it. I'm going to wrap myself up and eat it like I'm a butterfly coming out of a cocoon.
everytime im done with work or people or its lagging or im loving something its making me to fight the urge. or just. life. i wanna eat the thing closest to me and make it vanish and maybe it'll make me full after all the starvation i do for work.
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bluebellhairpin · 6 months
okay mooties, who would send in their forms of interest if I were to do an ask game where I made you into a goddess of something?
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coffin-flop · 6 months
the coworkers from my old job nominated me for a national award? months ago? and they all wrote just the absolute nicest shit in the world abt me?????? i literally do not care abt this award, but like reading the shit they wrote???? holy fuck man :')
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gators-aid · 5 months
decode (pt. 2) - toji f. x reader
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previously titled: leave us
part one. | part three.
you and toji fushiguro have been in an on-again-off-again relationship all throughout high school. over the summer break after graduation, you find out you're pregnant. too bad toji has already skipped town after your last breakup.
tags: fem!reader, gun violence, harassment, physical violence, mention of domestic abuse (not between toji & reader), teen pregnancy (reader and toji are both 18-19 range), mentions of abortion, mentioned that toji sold drugs, americanized setting, non sorcerer universe, 00's setting, reader is megumi's mom, toji initially denies megumi is his, i aged up gojo, geto, and shoko so you can have some frens, exes to lovers (eventually), their relationship is toxic rn, not beta read we die like toji :(
wc: 2.7k
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4 years later..
You pull Megumi’s hat over his ears to protect them from the cold and squeeze his body closer in your arms. “My mom can’t watch him today, she’s got a doctor's appointment. Shoko and Geto are working right now, too! I promise he won’t cause any trouble. He can sit in a booth while I’m working. Pleeeease, Nanami! You know he’s a good kid!” You beg your boss. He looks down at you and your son, contemplating which rules this would violate. 
It’s Gojo who comes to your defense.
“Come on Nanamiiii, I can help her keep an eye on him! You won’t have any problems, my Megumi is the sweetest little thing, aren’t you baby? Aren’t you?” He leans over to squeeze Megumi’s cheek until Megumi turns his head into your chest to escape Gojo’s teasing. 
Gojo had taken up working at the diner with you after he dropped out of college on account of, “My family has enough money for me to never have to work again. Why would I waste it in college when I can spend my youth working a minimum wage job for fun?”
You and Shoko had punched him in the face for that one. 
“Any disruptions to the customers and you’ll have to figure something else out, Y/N. This is a one time thing. Gojo, don’t let the kid be a distraction to you. You need to stop forgetting you have tables all the time.” You smile and give Gojo a victory high five. “Are you excited to spend the day with mama, Megumi?”
Megumi had turned four a couple of weeks ago. You two now lived in your own modest apartment. It was close to your mother’s house and your job. Usually your mother would keep Megumi for you during work hours, and when that wasn’t available Gojo, Geto, or Shoko would help you out. With all four contenders busy, there was no choice but for you to bring Megumi with you to work. Babysitters and daycare were out of the question on your salary of shitty tips. You could barely afford the apartment. The only way you could get furniture into it was on a loan from Gojo (which he refused to let you pay back). 
You, Nanami and Gojo walk into the back of the building through the kitchen to punch in. “Our little Megumi’s gonna be joining us today!” Gojo announces to the kitchen staff, mainly comprised of high school students and Hakari. You hear various coos as you walk Megumi through the kitchen. “Can you say ‘hi,’ baby?” You whisper to Megumi through his knitted hat. 
He pulls his face from the interior of your sweater and meekly waves to the staff, who all burst into bright smiles. There had been a few times your mother had brought Gumi to the diner to see you during hours, meaning the staff had not only heard of, but had seen Megumi around quite a bit. 
Megumi, unlike his father, was incredibly shy and quiet even for his young age. He was one of the best babies you could ever ask for. He cried of course, even had a nasty case of colic when he was little, but on average he cried far less than a normal kid. For a while you were concerned, bringing him to every doctor your insurance would allow to get second opinion after second opinion. Their conclusion? It’s just his personality. 
"It seems like he cried all his tears out during his first couple of weeks!" One doctor had joked. Yeah, so had you.
Every time you looked at Megumi, you saw Toji. Their resemblance was undeniable. Sometimes it felt as if he hadn’t inherited a single genetic trait from you. Some days, it made you more sad than others. You hadn’t seen any baby pictures of Toji, didn’t think his family even owned any, but if you had to guess, Megumi had to be the spitting image. You’d see old classmates you hadn’t talked to in years only for them to comment on how much they resembled each other. Not knowing about you and Toji's dramatic breakup.
You and Gojo punch in and take off your coats to hang them up on the rack. Yuki, one of your newer coworkers, bursts through the door with a few empty water glasses. “Agh, thank god you two are here!” She exclaims, setting them down by the sink. “I’ve got this table of guys that are driving me batshit. The kitchen guys don’t get it. I need a freakin’ break.” 
You giggle at her and take off Megumi’s hat from where you’re holding him on your hip. “I can take the next one!” You hang up Megumi’s hat next to your coat. “Just let me get him situated.” Yuki gasps and runs over to you. “Hi Megumi! I’ve heard so much about you! It’s nice to meet you, I’m Yuki! Oh my god, Y/N he’s so freakin’ cute!” She exclaims. 
Gojo and Yuki get to talking shit about her table while you walk out onto the floor to choose a booth for Megumi to sit. You choose the one furthest from the door and closest to the kitchen and set him down on a side where you’ll be able to see him clearly for the majority of your shift. “Okay Gumi, I’m gonna be working but I’m gonna come over and check on you a lot too, okay?” You set your bag next to him and pull out a few toys and a coloring book. “I’ll get the kitchen guys to sneak you some food, okay?” He nods and grabs a blue crayon from his half empty box. “Okay, mama.” He replies in the sweetest voice you've ever heard.
You give him a kiss on his forehead and move a piece of his hair behind his ear before moving to the other side of the booth and adjusting your waist apron. “Y/N, you got table three.” Yuki announced. You looked behind you to see Gojo and Yuki approaching Megumi’s table. “Megumiiiii! What are you coloring?” Gojo slid into the seat next to Megumi and his toys. 
“How many?” You asked Yuki. “Just two.” She responded, “The one guy’s hot, maybe you could get laid tonight.” You scoffed. “First of all, don’t say shit like that on the floor when we have customers who may hear you.” You give her a pointed look, “secondly, you’re too young to be talking about intercourse. You’re like twelve.” You smile at her and turn around to go greet your table. 
“I’m literally 18!” Yuki exclaims as you walk away.
“Exactly the point!” Gojo responds for you.
You pull out your server book as you approach your table and click your pen. “Hi, I’m Y/N, welcome to-” when you look up, you freeze. 
First, you see Jinichi, Toji’s brother. When your eyes move over to the other side of the booth, you see him in the flesh for the first time in five years. 
He’s looking down at the table, so you can’t see his face, but from his build alone you can see he’s almost doubled in muscle mass since you last saw him. His hair is longer, bangs falling over his eyes, and he sports a black muscle tee to show off how much he has bulked up over the years. He's intentionally avoiding your gaze.
All the feelings you’ve felt over these five years, anger, rage, resentment, loss, pain, sadness. They all come rushing back at once. Five years of wondering what he was up to while you stayed up with Megumi as a newborn when he had colic and wouldn’t stop crying for almost a month straight. As you operated on auto pilot and almost cried when you saw him smile again. As you cared for him through his first flu, which you had eventually caught too. Rushing him to the hospital for a slight rise in temperature as your mother convinced you over the phone that everything would be okay and you sobbed hysterically. When Megumi took his first steps, when he said his first word. You always thought of Toji. 
How would he have reacted? You may not have trusted him, but you don’t think he’d be a particularly bad father if he were to put in the effort. Every time Megumi smiles, every time he frowns, it looks like Toji has walked right back into your life. When you two talked about kids, it was never very serious. You always talked about the idyllic. How many you’d have, what their names would be, if you’d move out to the countryside so they’d have space to play. You never discussed how you wanted to raise them, how you two would afford it, if Toji would stop dealing.
“Well, well, fucking well!” Jinichi starts. “This is just fucking hilarious!” You can see Toji tense up where his elbows rest on the table. Jinichi leaned back in his seat looking back and forth between you and Toji. “High school fucking sweethearts! Look at this shit, Toji, that's your girl right there! Hey Y/N-” Before Jinichi can finish his sentence, Toji bangs his hands on the table, making the condiment bottles rattle loudly, and bringing the entire restaurant's attention towards the three of you. Toji mumbles something under his breath that you can’t pick up. You’re still physically frozen in place.
Jinichi had always been an asshole. Toji didn’t like you to go over to his house for multiple reasons relating to his family, but one of the major ones was because of his brother. Jinichi always had a smart mouth. Liked to put dumb ideas in Toji’s head, one of which was the one that eventually got him shot and bleeding out on your bedsheets.
“Ahh, come on little brother. You’re so intense nowadays. We’re here for a good ol-”
“We’re here for fucking business, Jinichi. Shut the fuck up. We don’t want nothin’.” Toji says, finally addressing you without even looking your way. You feel someone grab onto your shoulder and quickly turn to see Gojo. He gently pulls you away from the table. 
“I- I didn’t-” you begin, before Gojo can even get you five feet from the table, Jinichi is back at it. “Hey, what the hell, don’t take my waitress! I ain’t ordered nothin’ yet! Hey Y/N, you look good by the way! Usually girls get ugly after they have babies!” 
It’s so sudden and quick that if you weren’t five steps away, you wouldn’t have seen it at all. Toji leans over the table, somehow calmly and aggressively at the same time, to grab his brother by the collar of his shirt. “That’s enough. Don’t make me fucking tell you again.” He says, his tone quiet and deadly. 
All you can think about is Megumi, where the fuck is Megumi? He’s your priority right now. Your head whips toward Megumi’s table, where you see Yuki with her hand on Megumi’s shoulder as he watches you intensely. 
“Fuck. Gumi.” You whisper to yourself. 
You pull away from Gojo’s grasp to race toward your son. “Mama..” he whispers as you reach him and pull him tightly into a hug. “It’s okay honey. Don’t worry about it.” You firmly grasp the back of his neck to ground yourself. This is exactly why you had said all those things you said to Toji all those years ago. You didn’t want your child growing up in an unstable environment. You didn’t want Toji’s issues to be a cause of stress for yourself or for Megumi. It'd be slightly different if these were two random guys in the diner. Sure, you'd shield Megumi if it got intense, but the fact that one was his father made the hair on the back of your neck stand up at the slightest movement.
“You look sad mama. Did the big men hurt you?” You laugh at his innocence. “No, baby. They didn’t hurt me.” They did hurt you. In a deep emotional way that you didn’t feel like explaining to a four year old right now. “Let's go honey, little kids shouldn’t see this.” 
“I’m a little kid, right?” He asks. “Yes, you are.”
“What the hell is going on?” You hear a booming voice come from the kitchen door and see Nanami walking towards Toji’s table. “Nothings going on!” Jinichi yells. “You know how the little brothers are, always got a goddamned inferiority complex goin’ on or somethin’!” Toji still has a grasp on his shirt as Jinichi is yelling at Nanami. 
“I’m going to have to ask you two to leave.” Nanami says calmly. “I ain’t fucking leaving. I came here for some fuckin’ service from my brother’s old-” Suddenly, Jinichi’s head is being slammed onto the table, and a collective gasp is aroused from the restauraunt. 
“Come, Gumi.” You pick him up in your arms. “Yuki, can you pack his stuff up for me please?” You ask as you contemplate your next move. “Of course, of course.” You can’t head to the front or kitchen door without Gumi potentially seeing more violence. You would have to rush past in the hopes that nothing else happens while you’re moving by. The kitchen door is closer from here, less potential for Megumi to see anything. 
“Ok, Gumi. Can you close your eyes for me real quick, baby?” You ask, rubbing his back. “Ok, mama.” You move Megumi so that his face is pressed to your chest and book it toward the kitchen door. You hear more commotion as you pass by, but will yourself not to turn around and check. Gojo and Yuki follow you in from behind with your bag. When you’re in the kitchen, you’re quick to set Megumi on the ground to grab his hat and secure it on his head. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, I never would’ve given you that table if I knew.” She apologizes as she hands you your bag. You laugh. “It’s not your fault Yuki. By the way, remember what I said about no intercourse? You wanna implement that policy because of fuckers like him-” “Mama!” Megumi chastises. “Sorry, bad word.” Yuki lets out a relieved sigh.
“I didn’t even see them walk in, Y/N-” Gojo starts. “Oh my gosh guys, it's not a big deal! Seriously, I’m just worried about Gumi seeing anything.” Even as you say this, your hands shake as you attempt to zip up Megumi’s coat. Gojo gives you a knowing look and grabs your own coat off the rack for you. 
“I just, um, need a little break. I can’t afford to lose out on the money tonight.” You say, grabbing your coat from him and sliding it on. “I’ll cover you-” Gojo starts, but you interrupt. “I’m not taking money from your family, Gojo!” You pick up Megumi and hold him on your hip. “I’m not saying that. I’ll split the tips from tonight with you. My apology for not seeing them before.” 
“No, Gojo.”
Nanami walks in the kitchen door. “Take the day off,” he says to you before walking back to his office. “No, Nanami I’m ok I’ll just take him to my mom’s really quick-” 
“You’re too shaken up to do anything else today. I’ll schedule you more next week to make up for it.” Nanami supplies. “Thank you.” You say, silently relieved. Was your distress seriously that obvious? You would have to tone it down in front of Gumi.
“Wooow Nanami you’re such a good manager-” 
“Can it Gojo, you’re gonna have to pick up the slack tonight.”
You’re already making your way out the back of the building when Gojo responds with a whine.
“Hey what the hells going on out there?” Hakari asks as you walk by. “Some bullshit.” You respond. “Mama!”
You weren’t even in the building for thirty minutes today, but it feels thirty degrees cooler when you walk out. The trek to the bus stop is gonna suck. 
It's a ten minute walk from the diner to the bus stop. You cling onto Megumi for warmth, making sure he's buried not only in his own coat, but in yours. When you get to the bus stop, you realize it’s gonna be another fifteen minutes before the bus comes. Megumi isn’t one to complain, but you can feel him shivering under you. “Just a little longer baby.” You soothe him, rapidly rubbing his back and arms in an attempt to warm him. 
It must be some sick joke for an old pickup truck to pull right in front of the bus stop and roll its window down. 
“Do you need a ride?” Toji asks.
You've gotta be fucking kidding.
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part two is up! thanks so much for all the love on the first on! 70 notes is crazy!
pls send requests or questions to me! and also let me know if i missed anything in the tags!
thank you guys !!!
(i'll make a masterlist maybe when pt 3 goes up but im too lazy rnnnnnn)
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whoopsyeahokay · 2 months
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October Sun
summary: Xavier had been acting cagey for weeks, a fact you hadn't had the heart to address since Maddie's disappearance. but with his dubious return to school and how he loitered in the periphery of Nicole and Simon's orbit, you thought it was about time to get answers. too bad one pale, cow-eyed jock had other plans.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence.
i had some serious technical issues with these parts, so my fingers are crossed that everything worked!
bon reading, frens
You felt foolish, dressed like a Parisian cat burglar, but you hadn't exactly spent your night strategizing how to avoid Wally Clark come morning. Instead, you'd pored over several small, ratty books that outlined possible explanations for human-ghost attraction.
Not the kind of attraction that makes your heart beat love songs, but the kind that draws elements together. The scientific kind that had nothing to do with what the shape of Wally's mouth might feel like against various pulse points.
Thankfully, the universe seemed to be on your side. You'd managed to slip from one class to the next unnoticed, only seeing the shy boy with the glasses and the spacey girl who roosted atop the library return bins. No towering athlete with big hands and bedroom eyes.
Jesus, girl, get a grip, you chided yourself in a voice that eerily resembled Mathilda's.
Mathilda, who you'd managed to waylay that morning by dragging her into the girls' bathroom and holding her hostage until Xavier had texted you the OK. Mathilda who'd spent the time before and after History barking insults at people who'd thought it'd been a good idea to share their opinions of Xavier aloud.
What she lacked in height, she sure as hell made up for in loyalty and intimidation. Qualities you admired and wished you could emulate. If Mathilda had chaotic, ancestral ghost powers, she wouldn't let herself be pushed around by the idea of a ghost getting the better of her.
No. She'd probably browbeat the ghost into submission and get on with her day. No swarms or storms or ectoplasmic squalls; no mother eventually stepping in to fix her daughter's mistake, cursing I told you over and over again because, yeah, she had. Sadly, Mathilda didn't share your abilities and couldn't chase Wally away on your behalf.
Frustrated, you shoved the hood of your uncle's sweater over your head and yanked the drawstrings, encasing yourself in a void of soft fabric.
It sucked. You didn't want Wally chased away. You just wanted him never to figure out that you could see, hear, or wholly and completely interact with him...Which would result in him eventually giving up or losing interest and never seeking you out again, as he'd done in your sophomore year. And you wanted that even less.
When had 'don't tell anyone' become so complicated?
Naturally, you didn't want to get your mother involved. Were wholeheartedly determined to weather the storm alone. Had been doing a decent enough job of it until yesterday, despite some minor missteps here and there. But if Wally remained steadfast in his promise ("I'm not going anywhere until you admit it"), she'd find out—she always found out—and you'd never see him again. Poof. Gone. Disintegrated into the ether; his beautiful, summer-sun soul vanished from the earth as if he'd never existed.
You couldn't let that happen.
"How's the undercover operation?" Xavier's voice penetrated the dead air from somewhere above you.
You groaned in response, loosened your hood and pushed it off to stare up at him, likely making a pitiful picture with staticky hair and a pout.
He prompted you with a twitch of an eyebrow, you rolled your eyes; he grinned, you untucked your knees from your chest and opened yourself up to invite Xavier to sit with you on the library floor.
"Who are you hiding from, again?" He asked, making himself comfortable across from you between the shelves of autobiographies—the section furthest from the door.
You teased him with a delicate smile, "No questions, remember?"
"Normally, I'd respect the hell out of that, but I feel like I should be concerned." He regarded you carefully, eyes flitting between yours as if he could summon your secrets through them. "I don't have to kick the shit out of anyone, do I?"
"I love you, Zav, and, don't get me wrong, I appreciate the thought," You really did, "but, trust me, it's not that deep."
"Okay...and how many lunches do you plan to have in the back of the library?"
"As many as I need to." You replied vaguely. He bit his lip to stop a smile and nodded. "I'm good, Xavier, I swear. I just need some space right now." You weren't going to fabricate a lie for him. Anyone else, yeah, water off a duck's back, but Xavier? It toed a line you weren't comfortable crossing.
While not entirely placated by your statement, Xavier respected it, getting back to his feet and shouldering his backpack. As he was about to round the bookshelf and leave you to your business, he paused.
"You'd tell me, right?" He peered at you over his shoulder, "If things were bad...you'd tell me?"
Without hesitation, "Yes," you assured and meant it in your bones.
His expression relaxed, "Thanks."
Xavier didn't leave the library altogether, simply walked away to give you the space you'd said you needed.
For awhile, you occupied yourself with homework—notebook in your lap and Frankenstein open beside you—taking advantage of your free period to catch up on what you'd put aside last night. It would've been a good use of your time, except...your uncooperative brain kept ambling back to Wally. To his puppysoft brown eyes; his cocky, boyish grin. Then to how he'd glided his fingers up your spine and had made your blood surge.
Shit. God. No. Stop that!
Growling inwardly, you shifted to your knees, notebook sliding to the floor, and grabbed your backpack. Dragged it toward you so you could pack up and find another place to sequester yourself. A change of scenery might help prevent your brain from tap dancing into very bad no good territory.
The pen you'd been using had rolled away when you'd repositioned yourself, now sat at the end of the aisle. Standing, you went to retrieve it when you heard someone who sounded a lot like Nicole mutter an apology. Peeking around the bookshelf, you caught sight of her as she hurried out of the library, phone in hand and boldness in her stride.
What's that about?
Before you could apprehend it, you saw movement in the corner of your eye. Xavier reshelved the book he'd been flipping through and made a hasty exit, clearly intending to follow Nicole.
Well. Now you had to know. You swooped over to your backpack, double-checked that you hadn't forgetten anything, and strolled as fast as you dared after them.
Completely unaware that, beyond the school walls, the specter you'd cosplayed Sid Vicious to avoid was gleefully running amok.
note: next part is all Wally being about as subtle as a neon sign 💀 he's too cute, i need to give the babe hugs and snugs and dry smacky kisses all over his lil' face 💕 but that's a PART SEVEN problem 😏
if you'd like to be kept up-to-date, please join the tag list!
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onmyyan · 1 year
God a neglected reader is such a tasty concept, just imagine them taking notice of a newly established vigilante in the city and trying to figure out who this person is. Are they a threat? Who’s behind the mask? Which side are they really on??? But because the reader (who im gonna assume is sharp enough to discover their identities) has grown w these batfamily members their whole life knows them inside the suit and out they can never catch up to reader. They remember the one time Jason had that one broken rib for months so they aim for that as their get away, they know Tim hits leg day on tuesdays so they outrun the guy that very night. They know Bruce and a few others are going to be busy at some gala on the weekend giving them time to work on the other side of town where they won’t be pestered by their former family.
But all it takes is one little slip up, one skin cell, one blood sample, and then the bat family realizes what’s become of their darling reader who probably left the family as soon as they could- disappearing of the radar or pretending to have a normal enough day job of fending off their former family members
With their little discovery, now poor reader is defending attacks from both angles. They feel like the super villain of the week with the way the others seem so insistent on dropping in on their vigilante work. They look around alleyways, not seeing anyone but sensing that they’re being watched.
Their life in the day, becomes a little less plagued by the others- but only because they know to give reader plenty of time to rest of course! They know how hard reader works and they need what rest they can.
Gotham is a big and dangerous city, one that can’t be protected alone. Soon, reader will wear themselves out or lower their guard just a little too much
The entire bat family will be there when they do
You really cooked w this one fren ☝🏼 like reader using her inside knowledge of these mfs against them is Soo fun I can only imagine how frustrated the batfamily gets everytime reader slips through their fingers, and the way they'd act a damn fool once they find out her identity!! now I gotta write this it's just too good omfg thank you for feeding me babes
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Another Great Day of Saving the Sharks!
AO3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5- A fishes first words
How does one train Mer-creatures to talk? You wonder as you open the clinic door, You’d spoken to Kai as you headed in, and he let you know the tank would be ready for the boys in a few days. the team had done a lot of cleaning, it was once a shark tank but that was a year or so ago, and it’s been empty since. The tank was currently cycling, usually cycling a tank could take weeks but with the right tools, one of the old filters from another tank, live plants and the right additives your team could have it done in a single week, it’s amazing what a bunch of experts can do. Anyway, you’d asked Kai for some tips on teaching fish to talk and he’d been oh-so helpful by telling you to figure it out on your own. 
You finally walk through the door and are greeted by Ray jumping out of the tank.
Or well almost it definatly gave you a heart attack. 
“Hi to you too.” you send him a wave. 
He copies waving back. 
“Now if only it was that easy to get you to talk.”
You suit up, leaving your things at the desk, you’ve spent more time at this desk than you have at your own recently. You then cut up some fish filling a bucket. Might as well use their meal as motivation right? 
Ray follows your moves like a soccer goalie anticipating the ball to be kicked their way at any moment. 
He meets you at the edge of the tank as you walk up the steps. You place the bucket of chum down and sit at the edge of the water.
You haven’t seen Neo yet, he shouldn't have headed to bed yet, you’d even lengthened the dawn cycle so you could spend some time with both of them. 
“Where’s Neo?” you ask Ray.
Neo’s little head bobs out of the water. 
“Hey, Neo!” You were getting worried he was hiding from you.
 A wet hand touches your knee. “Hi to you two Ray,” you pat his head. 
“Now who wants some food?" They both perk up at that. You toss them a cube of fish and even Neo eats it up, swimming just a little closer. 
Now how to get them to speak? 
Did you even have a plan? Sure you did it was to get fish chunks and then get… them to… talk… a great plan, there are so many details. You sigh. Well if you were being honest you were hoping to get more of an answer from Kai, was he testing you or did he actually not know? You’ll probably never know. You’re kind of wishing you’d worked in a daycare or school at some point in your life, maybe then you’d know about teaching or something. 
What is even the first thing you teach them? Food? 
You hold a piece of fish just out of their reach. “Food, can you say Food?” 
Ray tries to reach the fish but you pull it away. He reaches closer, jumping trying to get it.
Now you feel like a bully… you cave and give him the fish. 
Neo tries to take the fish at the same time. Ray got it first but Neo snatched it from his hand. Ray grabs it back and shoves it in his mouth. Neo then pushes him, Ray pushes back. 
You grab your goggles about to jump in when you stop in your tracks.
“F-f-f-f freaking S-sea m-m mons’er!” Neo pushes Ray away. 
“WOAH WOAH WOAH!” you interrupt “No fighting! That's Bad.” You hand both a handful of fish. “We’re all friends.”
Ray looks at you… “f…f-r-ens?”
“Yeah, friends.” You smile. “Us.” you point to yourself Ray and then Neo. “Friends.” 
He points to you, himself and Neo, “f-re-ns. frens!” 
“Yeah well done.” you toss him a treat.
Neo swallows a mouth full of fish as he looks at Ray, still offended.
 “Maybe trying this before food was a bad idea.”
“B-ba…” he puffs his cheeks. “Ba-d” 
You laugh a little. “Well done Neo.” you chuck him some fish. 
Ray tilts his head. “N-n… neee-oh?”
“Good job Ray.” He gets some fish too. 
“Ay?” Neo points to Ray. 
“That’s close.” another reward. 
How did this even happen? They’re speaking!
“Ay, bab.” Neo scowls. 
You facepalm. Should you reward that? “No no.”
“No! Ay, frens!” Ray retorts. 
“Yes, Ray is a friend. Neo is a friend.” you throw them the rest of the food. 
You can’t believe they actually spoke, not just one word but a few, they even strung together a sentence each, it’s incredible. You can only assume Neo might have learnt a little from the fishermen or other sailors that he had encountered while in the wild. 
 What to teach them next? OH, you need to compile a report for your boss Henry! You’ll have to CC it to Kai as well, of course, the clinic footage should have picked up when they met and their speech today, you’ll send those and a few of your findings. 
You head down to the office and start at the computer, you can hear Ray and Neo babbling like toddlers in the background, not many coherent words are being said but you’re happy they’re learning how to use their voices. It soon dies down as Neo heads to bed in the little cave as the lights brighten. After that, you can hear Ray swimming around the pool.
You can’t wait until the boys get their own tank, they’ll have way more room. It’s only a few more days.
After the report which took you way too long to compile you headed to grab some lunch, you were late for the usual lunch break so you didn’t see many people and not many people have been frequenting the clinic but one or two popped in for a few supplies. As you get back an email chimes through your computer, it’s the weekly order, you’ll finally get to order the boys some better food, something they might hunt in the wild. Neo would probably enjoy some squid, Ray would prefer some catfish and they both might like some crab… A small crate of blue manna, a bag of European Squid and some gaff top catfish should do the trick. actually, maybe live blue swimming crabs might be a good idea, Neo like most lunas seems more of a hunter. You should check if the clinic needs anything restocked. Isabelle has already submitted the order for the other mers, awesome, that means you don’t have to. Maybe some toys like ones meant for dolphins or seals might help entertain them… you scroll through the aquarium store and request a few. 
Then it was just a case of cleaning up. It was about time to do a deeper clean around here. You start by re-organising some of the supply cupboards and cleaning all the surfaces. You wipe down the tank glass. 
“Clean up,” you sigh. 
“C-clee… clean up!” Ray exclaims. “Clean up, clean up.”  he chimes almost in a tune. 
You can’t help but laugh. 
He chirps a bubbly laugh back at you. “Clean up! Clean up.” 
“I am I am.” you giggle. 
You would boop his nose if you could reach. 
You finish cleaning and feed the boys as dawn mode activates. You just remembered the aquarium they’ll be moving into will have a glass ceiling. They’re going to love that. 
It was then time to clock out. You’ll have to have a plan for tomorrow, maybe a quick trip to the library would be a good idea. There’s only one in the area you know will be open this time of day. It was a student library close to the university you studied at.
It was a decent detour but you couldn’t help heading there before heading home, surely there would be something to help right? It’s not like they’ll have a book on how to teach fish to talk but maybe there’s something about helping children? 
Even after your school days, you’d been to this library to read studies and study up on fish and mers but you’d never ventured much further than that, or maybe once or twice for some sci-fi or fantasy but definitely never into this section. 
You look around at the children's books and parent-help books. You pick up a few kid's storybooks, a book titled, ‘How to get your kids chatting’, and a pack of ‘things and words’ flash cards.
You walk up to the desk with a shy smile. 
“Did you find every book you were looking for?” the librarian asked. 
“Yeah, I think so.” 
She starts scanning your books. “I didn’t know you had a little one?” 
You freeze. If you told her you were teaching fish to talk she’d surely know you were crazy. 
“Me no.” 
She looks at you puzzled.
“I’m um… actually helping look after some kids… for a friend” You rub the back of your neck. 
“That’s nice of you.” she glances at you over her glasses as she finishes scanning your books. 
“Oh you know, since you’re so mad about fish, I have something for you. Someone just turned this one in.” She grabs a book from the pile of books to her left. The title, ‘My First Ocean Encyclopedia.’ ”It’s a little damaged, someone's little brother discovered markers. Only two pages have scribbles over them but we’ll have to throw it away and buy another, you can have it, maybe those kids will like it when they’re older." She pushes the book over the counter. 
“Are you sure?” 
She nods.
“Thank you,” you take it and the other things with a polite smile. The boys might like learning the human words for different fish, It might be more familiar than cars and shoes and all the other human things that the stories and flashcards might have on them. You’ll have to sort through them. 
You do just that before heading to bed, you’ll be in at dawn to feed the boys and see if your endeavours at the library were worth it.
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banzaitaka · 8 months
I had this in my drafts for a long time. Started writing it when I was on my period and needed comfort.
Shall I make something more outta this?? Gimme your thoughts
Reader is:
-ftm trans (he/him)
-hyena beastman
-octavinelle student
Azul, Jade and Floyd are gonna be your frens in this, eventually. Platonic, fluff, comfort.
(Y/N) dreaded his monthly week of red and dysphoria the moment he got the news he was going to NRC, even more than he already did. At first it actually started off as the usual mix of fear and excitement. Excitement because he actually got to go to a boys school, and fear mostly because of his social anxiety. After a bit of looking through the internet though, he couldn't really find information on transgender students attending that specific college.
Didn't mean there weren't any at all, but surely it wasn't enough to actually normalize certain things...Like buying pads, which is where the dread kicked in. It was hard enough for him to enter a store all by himself, but then going up to the counter of the school store and asking for period products? In a boys school?
And like the teen has feared, he was quivering, curled up in a ball in the corner of his dorm room. It must've been either luck or fate that gave him his own room. Although the roommates he could've had might've been that one group he needed as mental support during this horrible time. That group could've called him masculine terms, refilled his hot-water bottle for him, got him those damn pads he was slowly running out off...
That group would've been a blessing, truly. Knowing it could've also went the oppisite way, though, made (Y/N) not sad about sharing his room with his plushies, and his plushies only. It was easier for him to sleep alone in a smaller room anyways.
The bitter aftertaste of being given a separate room because he was trans, without questioning if it was necessary, was ignored as best as possible. It was somewhat disappointing, but there were perks in it too. And leaving it as an act meant well was feeling better at the time being.
Only when the actual pads were replaced with a bunch of toilet paper, (Y/N) counted the money in his wallet. NRC was clearly not transphobic, but the possible humiliation was steadily crawling around in the back of his mind. Honestly, the last thing he wanted was people finding out about him being transgender. Not because he was ashamed of it, he was actually very open about it back in the Shaftlands, his confidence about anything regarding himself was just not existing at that time. Any unwelcomed comment could shape his view on himself to the worst.
If only he had friends in this school full of strangers.
He had gotten know his dormmates, sure, but spoken he only had to three of them. Properly, I mean. They came straight from under the sea, switched out their tails and tentacles with human legs. Of course, they had to get used to walking first. Learn how to walk, to be more specific, seeing as none of them came to the surface before enrolling.
The help they received from the school only provided improvement, but that still didn‘t prevent all tripping or knees giving in.
(Y/N) actually made it his mission to try and catch them as often as he could. And once the headmage saw him executing that task, the hyena became their unofficial guide. No job interview or anything. It wasn‘t all that difficult nor time consuming since there were actually professionals working with the mermen, though. So that was a good thing. The pressure was bearable.
Their names were quickly saved in his brain, there was no way he would allow a mix up. Azul, silver hair, glasses. Jade, sharp eyes, highlight on the left side. Floyd, dog eyes, highlight on the right side. That was his personal Quizlet.
It wasn't difficult to get along with those three. Being quick to sort people into different personality categories really helped. Jade seemed to be alright with most approaches, being watched was the only dislike point (Y/N) noted in bold font. Azul seemed to be against accepting mere favors from others. (Y/N) proposed getting a written compliment for everything he helped him with. Which really seemed to help him for the most part.
And Floyd, now Floyd was the toughest one. Though (Y/N) was able to relate to his mood swings and lack of motivation, that didn't really help him deal with it. He had no idea how to make walking any more fun, didn't know how to bring in a new element to reawake the merman's excitement for his new limbs. So he just lets him be whenever he didn't feel like it. Floyd seemed very interested in running and jumping around, letting him just lay or sit around wasn‘t going to have a bad impact.
And that's pretty much all the involvement they had with each other. Besides the occasional greeting, information exchange and chase around the school ground.
So not even they were on the list of people to ask for aid...
There was nothing and no one else to turn to, he knew that, stuffing his wallet in his bag and reapplying his perfume. Being seen buying period products is one thing, but having a fellow beastman smell it? He never felt so lucky being a beastman, or else he might've been under even more stress, wondering if they knew.
Take a deep breath, (Y/N), you got this.
The dress shoes of the dorm uniform weren‘t comfortable on his feet. If it wasn‘t for the satisfying click clack of their heels (and the dress code), he would‘ve thrown them straight into the trash. Why did they have to wear uniforms at any time besides sleeping? Dorm uniforms were cool, but come on. Isn‘t this the time for relaxing? At least the usual uniform was pretty bendable. Though not all teachers clearly didn‘t appreciate all types of styles, it was allowed to bring your own taste into it.
He remembered seeing a fellow freshman wear a hoodie under his jacket, seemed a little too warm, but certainly looked nice. Oh, or a junior who ditched the jacket completely and paired it with sandals.
(Y/N) was still figuring out how he was going to style his uniform himself. A balance between comfortable and certified by as many teachers as possible seemed like a good bet, if it wasn‘t so difficult to achieve.
One year later, this already looked much different.
(Y/N) curled into himself, breath shaky and quite as another cramp overcame him. His fangs dug deep into his bottom lip, providing no release to the pain, however. A soft knock on the door made the male slowly open his eyes, eyebrows still furrowed in a frustrated groan. His eyes were only met with the wall at his bed, darkened due to the little light illuminating the room.
"Ye.", he squeaked out, hoping it was loud enough to be heard from the other side of the door.
The light from outside the dorm room spilled into the room, shining and revealing a tall shadow. The hyena didn't have to turn around to know it was Jade. He could smell the moray's cologne and the hot chocolate.
"You seem to still be in a lot of pain. Are you sure you don't want something to provide heat?", he stepped into the room, catious not to step on or kick any of the plushies that fell onto the ground due to (Y/N)'s thrashing. He placed the mug on the nightstand, before leaning over the male a bit to search for his face.
(Y/N) shook his head, "You guys did so much for me already. I can handle it from here."
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snowfolly · 15 days
✨Prepare for an unsolicited info dump✨
I was tagged by @vixstarria , thanks so much for the tag friend!
• Do you make your bed?: well, I kind of just roll up the quilt/sheets so that it covers the bed but it always looks like shit lol.
• Favorite number: 7
• What’s your job?: I have.. a few of them. I do contract graphic design work for a local publishing company, I’m an artist and design my own T shirts/stickers and also do commissions - I love my jobs :> (well aside from the publishing company that one sucks)
• If you could go back to school would you?: Hell no, I hated school 😂 no… I just had undiagnosed adhd and struggled to keep my shit together. I made decent grades bc I always seemed to find a way to finagle things and make it work (mostly), but yeah the only thing I liked about it was meeting my best fren in college.
• Can you parallel park?: Ain’t no way. I’m a good driver for the most part but I can’t parallel park or back up into spaces for love nor money.
• Do you think aliens are real?: I’m positive that in the vast expanse of space there are many other intelligent beings but I don’t think they’re coming to earth. I’ve seen UFO’s multiple times in my life (with other ppl they can back me up lol) but tbh I just think it’s secret human technology that we plebs could not possibly fathom.
• Can you drive a manual car?: NAH
• What’s your guilty pleasure?: Good god I should feel guilty about all my pleasures but I reckon it’d be chugging Coke Zero and (7 times out of 10) staying up waaay too late for any responsible adult to be staying up.
• Tattoos?: I have 3, snowflakes on my right ankle (bc I’m a special snowflake but no actually I just really love snow lol), a pair of small wings (that I drew/had tattooed on me when I was 19) on my left shoulder and a garbage heap that was supposed to be the start of a back piece with a spine/roots that was tattooed far too deep (it’s scarred all to hell), crooked and ruined me of ever wanting another tattoo again lol. Seriously… it’s awful. (But I do want to get some small fandom tattoos one day)
• Favorite color?: I’m an edgelord so my favorite color is black (I know it’s a shade not a color)… color wise I guess probably purplish colors
• Favorite types of music?: Neoclassic/classical Instumental is what makes my soul sing, but alternative folksy music and varying degrees of ‘rock’. Post mortem themes are a plus (edgelord)
• Do you like puzzles?: sometimes, when my brain cooperates!
• Any phobias?: oh god… yeah. Worms/centipedes/ maggots, claustrophobia, games with underwater elements (thanks Ecco the dolphin for that irrational lifelong fear), mouse/rat traps (it’s the snapping), things cutting my hands/feet, ripping off a nail, lots of bugs in one space, calling people on the phone
• Favorite childhood sport: LOL
• Do you talk to yourself?: I have adhd and work from home, so yes, nonstop. I also talk to myself when I’m shopping (I judge everything very hard ok, the items and prices — they need commentary)
• What movies do you adore?: I don’t watch a lot of movies (adhd) and I’m not super fond of any of them aside from the LOTR movies and like… slingblade (for the quotes)
• Coffee or tea?: I love coffee but it doesn’t love me (and low acid/caffeine coffee just doesn’t hit the same) but I also drink liquid death tea nonstop so I guess Tea wins lol.
• First thing you wanted to be when growing up?: A paleontologist lol… then just an artist.. damn I dreamed so big, so bold
No pressure tagging @ollysoxisfree @littol-rascal @shanaraharlyah @jellymellydraws and anyone who wants to do the thing!
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kissvamps · 11 months
Vampire!scotty hcs
oooou fren you so real for requesting this, the way i had to start writing this immediately like scotty got me BADDDD
vampire!scotty headcanons
vampire!scotty headcanons, i love my pookie bear and am a gay liar that didn't finish writing part 5 of pomegranate seeds
- vampire!scotty was turned by a twisted chance of fate, she was on her way back from a really late shift and accepted these biscuits from her very kind neighbor
- lucky for us those cookies were homemade!! her witch neighbor truly was trying to be nice but they’re terrible with their baking spells. you’d be surprise how similar they are to vampiric spells.
- vampire!scotty ate a bunch of the vampire biscuits because she has a sweet tooth and wakes up the next morning hissing at the sunlight and unbelievably thirsty
- for blood!! she drains the first person she sees and thank goodness it wasn’t someone she loved and cares about
- it was freddie
- she feels guilty for a little while but then she remembers he sometimes pissed off dean and feels much better about it
- vampire!scotty runs into you at the grocery store a few weeks later when she’s trying to buy pain meds for the terrible migraine she has (bloodthirst is a bitch fr)
- sees you and her migraine goes away wit the quickness, she’s obsessed!! it’s love!!
- vampire!scotty has no clue how to break the news to you, especially since she hasn’t even really had a proper conversation with you
- call her anything other than a pet name and she’s literally throwing up crying
- “did you hear me, scotty?” “did…did i do something wrong?”
- ooooou if you thought she was clingy before it’s ten times worse now that she’s a vampire
-vampire!scotty must be touching you in some way, shape, or form at all times
- loves laying on your stomach and kissing your shoulders (she’s so gay i love her)
- love love love loves watching you sleep, it’s more a scotty thing than it is a vampire thing, she loves how at ease and peaceful you look, even if you be honk mimimi sleeping
- her skin is freezing cold omg cuddling her is wild cuz one, her ass is NOT falling asleep, and two, your entire front is freezing while you tryna go to sleep (cuz she’s the little spoon)
- not like you gaf, you gon hold your baby irregardless
- “i’m so sorry i’m so cold, baby.” “nonesense, baby, i used to sleep wit the fan on.”
- her ass really does NOT sleep lmao, she typically only slept like 6 hours but vampirism has made it damn near impossible for her to sleep more than three hours in a row without feeling sluggish
- can get a good four hours of sleep when hold her tho (kms i love her so bad)
- vampire!scotty ended up getting that fourth job in an attempt to tire herself out but it just made her hungrier
- sometimes she’ll look at you and this heat blooms in her chest that makes her want to drain you like a caprisun! lesbianism and vampirism are a wonderful combination!
- literally anytime she feels any kind of adoration for you her stomach growls, it’s so funny
- “how do you think this outfit looks, baby?” and her stomach just starts making whale calls, it's crazy
- imagine her surprise when she tells you she’s a vampire and you just blink at her
- “i’ve wanted to tell you for so long but i was scared you’d see me differently.” “vivvy baby, i’ve seen you eat raw steak and you never sleep, i had a feeling.”
most def gonna do a part two cuz i love scotty so bad and her as a vampire has being eating at my brain matter
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ageless-aislynn · 2 months
I've been just taking it really easy these past few days since I haven't felt very good, so I've been playing around with getting achievements for Dead Rising. The first day I played, I had Frank try on a bunch of different outfits, then I ended up leaving him in the last one he'd put on because I started working on something else. Now, I think it would kinda look weird to me if I changed it. So here's my Frank while I'm saving having a quick nap:
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C'mon, Frank is WORKING that little black dress with the tasteful white shirt underneath, isn't he? The work boots make a good metaphorical statement for looking good but still able to do business. The business of... kicking zombies right in the face, yeah! 🧟🥾
And yes, he's laying his head on a mannequin leg. We were escorting a survivor, Greg, dang it, who had one little sliver of health left so I had to give him my health item so he could make it back alive and therefore I KEPT GETTING KILLED. I gave Greg a machine gun to defend himself with but he was bad about shooting me RIGHT in the back and killing me. Greg. 🤬 However, it worked out well when we opened the elevator that was packed full of zombies and I shoved Greg in front of me and he actually mowed them all down. Good job, Greg! *patpat* Anyway, we were heading back to the safe area and me and Frank were raining down THE LAW with a dumbbell that unfortunately broke. I was standing on some mannequin pieces and that's the first thing I could pick up. Hey, me and Frank work with what we have in order to save lives, man!
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No, really, it was no problem. Happy to help. 😜
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I was hoping to get a front and back shot in the mirror at the gym but it didn't work out that well. 🤷‍♀️
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Frank and Jessie. I could ship it. *nodnods as if there was ever any doubt*
Heh, I just noticed the stick figures on the board behind them. 😂
Frank: "Look, Jessie, I have detailed out a plan where you and I will escape and live happily ever after!"
Jessie: "That's not the sort of game this is, Frank."
Frank: "Work with me, Jessie. I just dragged Machine Gun Greg all the way back to the safe room and died a whole bunch of times; I need some hope, okay???"
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And on that graphic design is my passion note, I probably should get some sleep right about now, hm? 🤔😉😂
Anybody out there reading this who has played Dead Rising? Sound off if you have! 😎👍
Love you, frens, hope you're doing well! 🤗💖
PS - I can't blame Frank if his heart is torn, btw.
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I'm pretty sure right now Frank is mentally adding a third stick figure to that board... 😜💖
Jessie: (yelling from the Security Room) "It's still not that sort of game, Frank!"
Frank: 🤷‍♂️
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yulgurr · 3 months
blue lions!theo
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in BE Theo was fighting on front lines (mostly doing spying jobs, but still on front lines) during the 5 years. in BL he didn't! After the invasion of Garreg Mach he left with Mercie (they are frens :] ) and was helping her in one of the churches of Faerghus before the class reunion
no scar - he didn't fist fight Metodey out of personal hatred
no tattoo - petra did a temporary tattoo on his cheek in BE. there's no petra in BL
staying in the church with mercie and her mother healed him mentally a little bit (the horrors still follow him, ptsd doesn't leave him) but his mental state is wayyy better than in BE
he's good with kids! he loves kids and he wants kids at some point of his life. in post-war BE he helps to search for kids that gone missing and brings them back to their homes. i think he'd do the same in post-war BL.
academy theo has this weird thing with felix and he doesn't like him that much so he'd do about anything to not interact with him. (examples: yelling "NOOOO FELIX IM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU STOP ASKING ME OUUT" or "choke me harder" when they're fighting/sparring/forced to interact during class to embarrass felix into not talking to him. theo's reputation can't go lower, he doesn't care).
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valhargreeves · 3 months
Thank you for the tag 🥰 @bobbole @dream-of-the-bitchless
Are you named after anyone?
Yes, after a singer.
When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday, when I read a fanfic. I cried quite easily when nobody is looking.
It's healthy and natural.
Do you have kids?
Hopefully never
What sports do you play/have you played? 
I used to practice karate in my younger days but the sensei is too harsh for my opinion so I stopped 😹 I enjoyed swimming a lot however, it's not like I'm good at it.
Do you use sarcasm? I don't see the use of it
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their feet. No eye contact!
What's your eye color?
Dark brown. Someone insisted it's black :p they don't exist do they? So it's probably dark brown.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies. Happy ending (in movies) bored me really fast, I need the thrills.
Any talents?
Just a lil bit doing this and that. Mostly in artistic aspects. I like cooking takoyaki, too. Finding missing object, which is an Asian mother traits. And I'm not even a mother.
Where were you born? 🇮🇩
What are your hobbies?
Drawing, crafting, singing, spitting out random facts and forced my family to listen.
Do you have any pets? Not anymore
How tall are you?
I think this picture will explain enough.
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Favorite subject in school?
None. Not even art back then I suppose. I only learned to enjoy things outside school.
Dream job?
A professional singer. When I become one, my mutuals are invited to my concert lol. 
Tagging @melrocks21 @lemoneyshipz @baroness-brod no pressure tho frens! 🥰
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true-devotion · 4 months
you musta worked really hard on the retheme, and the rentry is looking good too! Great job Aran! 🤍
I'm SO tired of making graphics... I requested for some Amy graphics to a cool editing blog cuz I didn't know if moots would be busy- but I do still not know if they're doing 'em... If not- I'll see if moots can help- BUT I ALWAYS FEEL BAD FOR ASKING FOR STUUF TO FRENS- IDK WHY AM I SO AWKWARD--
AND THANK YOU AGAIN YAY!!! I LOVED doing the Bibi graphics... PINK IS SOSOSO CUTE!!! It gives me so much cool vibes!!!
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