sallertiafabrica · 1 year
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still kinda tired, but look at them kith kith fall in love
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wordsofrowan · 5 months
The Shadow Court
Chapter 16 - I Dub Thee Shadow Knights
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Marinette paced her room, she didn't know what to think, what to feel anymore, the revelation that Chat Noir had been Adrien all along left her feeling conflicted. Hurt and betrayal lingered in the forefront of her heart, but she could also feel her resentment for Adrien bubbling up and consuming her. It made sense now that she thought about it. Why Chat had come into her room that day after her fight with Adrien, why Chat was so angry all her pictures of Adrien were taken down? But did that mean Adrien knew she was Ladybug? No no, he couldn't otherwise he wouldn't have told her and Ladybug that he was falling in love with someone new or about what happened today. 
But there was one thing she knew for sure, she couldn't trust Adrien anymore, she couldn't trust the one person who was supposed to be helping her in the battle for Good and Evil. Her heart ached as she thought about all the times she confided in him, the nights she wept and cried to him. All for him to turn around and become an abuser to her. She felt a fresh bout of tears start making their way down her cheeks.
"Tikki..." She said, her voice barely above a whisper, "What should I do? I can't... I can't go on like this." Marinette said as she pulled her knees to her chest and started sobbing. 
"Oh Marinette, I'm so sorry." Tikki said as she used her hand to pet Marinette's hand, "I wish I could tell you this is the first time this has happened between a Ladybug and a Black Cat but it isn't and I'm going to give you the same advice I gave my bug back then, normally I'm against revealing identities, but you need people you can trust and rely on, you can't do this alone. You need your own team, that you as Guardian and as Ladybug can train and trust." 
Marinette's eyes widened as she considered Tikki's suggestion. She couldn't bring back Rena, or Carapace, not only had they been exposed but she couldn't trust them either so that wouldn't work. But could she really bring Chloe, Jay, Felix, Luka, or Kagami into this fight? She didn't know if she could bear seeing them hurt. Chloe had a miraculous before, she knew of the powers that came with it... But she was the Miracle Queen akuma. But Chloe has also come a long way. 
Chloe was now her loyal and closest friend, who could turn any situation in her favor. Felix was her steadfast companion who was sneaky and underhanded and had a knack for keeping calm in the face of chaos so he would also be a good choice. She could give Kagami the dragon miraculous back, she was very skilled and determined, but they had only just become closer friends and didn't want to do anything to ruin the balance between them. She could give Luka the snake miraculous, but messing with time was a slippery slope and she didn't want to put all that responsibility of maintaining the timeline on his shoulders alone. And then there was Jay, but he had only been in Paris for the past few months, but he was the one who made her believe in herself and the one who made it so she had this current group of friends that she could trust and rely on. 
Eventually, she could give them all a miraculous. A small smile popped on her face as she thought of that. Her knights both in and out of the suits. She would have multiple people she could trust, people she knew would never hurt and betray her. Not like those other people. 
"Marinette, healing takes time. it's okay to feel hurt and uncertain. But remember, you have the power to choose your own path. And when you have people on your side who you can trust and rely on it makes healing even easier." Tikki said, and it made Marinette feel better. 
Marinette smiled and nodded her head as she formulated a plan. She quickly pulled out her phone, if she couldn't rely on Chat and his Cataclysm then she would need another way to stop the villain and Pollen's Venom was perfect for that, and having Trixx's illusions would help in battles as well. She wrote out a quick message 'Fefe Chlo can we meet at the top of Le Grand Paris in an hour?' 
Once she received confirmatory answers from both of them she smiled. She took a deep breath and called out her transformation. She felt the familiar rush of power coursing through her veins. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she felt the familiar embrace of her superhero alter ego. But as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, her eyes widened in awe. The reflection staring back at her was nothing short of extraordinary. Ladybug took a step back to fully drink in her appearance. She couldn't help but gasp at the drastic change her Superhero self had undergone. 
No longer was her suit the red and black polka-dot spandex it had once been, instead it had a darker edge to it. she was adorned in a black leather jacket with an array of silver studs that hung loosely to her frame, her wings poking out of holes cut in the back of the jacket. Beneath the jacket was a dark blood-red tank top that hugged her form. She also was now wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with silver chains around her waistline. completing the ensemble was a pair of thigh-high black combat boots with silver laces and black fingerless gloves with silver claw-like tips added to them. 
Her hair was no longer styled in her once-signature pigtails instead now it was pulled into an elegant ponytail with two sets of ribbons, one red, and one silver, coming from her black eye mask and woven into her hair. As Ladybug took in her new appearance she smiled as she felt a wave of confidence course through her. She felt powerful, she felt strong. Ladybug stepped away from the mirror and went into the cool night air. She quickly made her way to the rooftop of Le Grand Paris. Neither Chloe nor Felix were there yet but she was fine with that it gave her time to think over what she would say to them. 
It wasn't much longer before Ladybug heard chattering coming up the stairwell and instantly recognized Chloe and Felix's voice. She let a smile lay on her face. She loved them, she really did. 
"Ladybug... what are you doing here?" Chloe said, a sense of apprehension coating her tone as she hesitantly walked to the center of the rooftop. 
"Because I'm the one who called you here," Ladybug said. 
"Wait but that would mean that your..." Felix said as he put his head down, now actively avoiding eye contact with the Superheroine. 
"I know it's a lot to take in but something has happened and I need people I can trust and rely on to fight by my side. So Will you join me?" Ladybug said as she dropped her transformation and stepped closer to Chloe and Felix. She felt her heart constrict as she watched as Felix took a step back from her. 
"Hold on, wait. Are you telling me that all this time... you've been Ladybug?" Chloe's voice wavered with a mix of awe and disbelief. She took a moment to absorb the gravity of the truth, her mind racing with memories and revelations. She couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for her childhood friend, intertwined with a deep sense of regret for the way she had treated her.
Marinette met Chloe's gaze with a mixture of vulnerability and forgiveness. She understood the complex emotions swirling within her longtime friend. The weight of the past could not be easily erased, but the opportunity for redemption and reconciliation lay before them.
"Yes, Chloe. It was always me," Marinette affirmed, her voice steady and filled with sincerity. "I understand if my actions have caused you pain, and I want you to know that I forgive you. We've all made mistakes, but what matters now is how we move forward."
Chloe's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she took a tentative step forward. Overwhelmed with a mix of emotions, she wrapped her arms around Marinette in a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry, Mars," she choked out, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "I gave you so much grief, so much undeserved criticism. I was blind to the truth, and I'm deeply ashamed."
“It’s all forgive Chlo,” Marinette said smiling at the blonde girl, "Felix," Marinette's voice was gentle, filled with genuine concern. She noticed his reluctance to meet her gaze, sensing the deep-seated guilt that weighed heavily on his shoulders. She took a step closer to him, her hand reaching out to cup his face, gently guiding his eyes to meet hers.
"How can you stand to look at me, Marinette?" Felix's voice trembled, his self-condemnation evident in his every word. The shame he carried threatened to consume him, casting a dark shadow over their budding connection. He felt unworthy of her forgiveness, believing that he had come dangerously close to betraying her trust.
Marinette's touch was tender, her thumb caressing his cheek as she searched his eyes for any sign of hope. She stood on tiptoe, closing the distance between them, and pressed her lips against his in a gentle, reassuring kiss. It was a kiss filled with forgiveness and understanding, a silent reminder that their shared past did not define their future.
"Felix, I've already forgiven you," Marinette whispered against his lips, her voice filled with unwavering certainty. "Yes, you made a mistake, but so have I. We all make mistakes, but what matters now is how we grow from them."
A flicker of disbelief crossed Felix's eyes, his expression a cocktail of gratitude, regret, and lingering self-doubt. "But you shouldn't have forgiven me," he protested, his voice tinged with remorse. "I almost took advantage of you, Marinette."
Marinette's fingertips gently brushed against his cheek, her touch a soothing balm for his wounded soul. "But you didn't, Felix," she affirmed, her voice unwavering. "In that moment, you stopped yourself, and I stopped you. We both recognized the line, and we chose not to cross it. Things were different then, Fe. And now, it's forgiven."
Felix's lips lingered against Marinette's, a tender connection that spoke volumes of the emotions swirling between them. As he pulled away, his eyes searched hers, curiosity burning in his gaze.
"What changed that made you want to reveal yourself to us?" Felix's voice held a mix of intrigue and genuine curiosity. 
“I can’t trust Chat Noir anymore.” Marinette took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding, her eyes reflecting a profound shift in her perception of Chat Noir. "I discovered his true identity," she confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. "And it's not someone I would place my trust in anymore. It shattered the foundation of our partnership, leaving me with no choice but to seek out a team of individuals I can wholeheartedly rely on. As the guardian, I have a responsibility to protect Paris and maintain balance. While I don't want to remove Chat Noir's miraculous since he hasn't done anything explicitly wrong, I need to surround myself with individuals I can trust without reservation, a team with no secrets."
Chloe’s eyes narrowed slightly as she absorbed the implications of Marinette's words. "Are you planning to reveal your secret to Jay, Luka, and Gami as well?" She inquired, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.
Marinette paused, considering Chloe’s question before responding. "Yes, eventually," she admitted. "Once I've determined which Miraculous would be the best fit for each of them. I want to ensure that they are ready and willing to take on the responsibilities that come with wielding the Miraculous."
A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Felix's lips as he leaned in closer, his voice laced with playful banter. "Is that your way of saying that you have a Miraculous for each of us?" he teased, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.
Marinette chuckled, her fondness for Felix evident in her expression. "You're always so clever, Fefe," she replied, her voice infused with warmth. "Yes, I have carefully selected Miraculouses for each of you."
"So, if you're not getting rid of Chat Noir, what do you want us to do?" Felix asked, his voice laced with a mix of intrigue and determination. He wanted to understand his purpose, to grasp the significance of his role in this evolving dynamic.
Marinette's gaze met Felix's, her eyes filled with unwavering determination. She took a step closer, her voice steady and resolute. "You will be my Knights, Felix," she declared, her words carrying the weight of her intentions. 
A flicker of excitement danced in Felix's eyes as he absorbed Marinette's proclamation. The notion of being a Knight, a champion of justice, resonated deeply within him. He had longed for a sense of purpose, a chance to make a difference, and now, that opportunity had presented itself.
Chloe, ever the pragmatic voice, spoke up, her tone laced with curiosity. "What will be our responsibilities as Knights, Marinette?" she inquired, her eyes searching for guidance. She craved a clear understanding of her role, eager to contribute in a meaningful way.
Marinette's gaze shifted to Chloe, her expression filled with conviction. "As my Knights, you will stand beside me in the battles against evil," she explained, her voice unwavering. "You will protect the innocent, uphold justice, and use your skills and abilities to defend the city we hold dear. Together, we will face the challenges that come our way, united in our unwavering commitment to safeguard Paris."
Marinette called out her transformation once again and pulled out two Miraculous. Marinette got up and walked to where she housed the Miracle Box. She pulled out the Fox and Bee Miraculous Jewels and watched as Pollen and Trixx flew out. 
“Felix, this is the Miraculous of the Fox,” She said, gathering all the confidence she could muster at this moment. “Should you choose to accept this miraculous you will become the first Knight. However, know that by accepting, you must vow your unwavering loyalty to me and me alone. Is that understood?"
Felix's gaze met Marinette’s, his expression resolute. "Marinette, I, Felix Graham De Vanily, do hereby swear upon my honor and faith," he declared, his voice filled with unwavering conviction, "to be your loyal and devoted vassal."
He took a step forward and knelt in front of her, his voice unwavering as he continued his pledge. "I pledge to provide you with my unwavering service, to act out your will and interests, and to uphold your authority in all matters," he vowed, his words echoing with a profound sense of duty. "I shall be your sword, at your disposal, ready to face any challenge that may come our way. I promise to never falter in my duty for as long as I draw breath."
As Felix's words hung in the air, Marinette’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of gratitude and trust. She extended her hand towards him, a symbol of the bond they were about to forge. "By accepting this miraculous and pledging your loyalty, you have become an integral part of my team," she affirmed, her voice filled with appreciation. "Together, we shall face the trials ahead, united in our mission to protect this city and restore balance."
Felix clasped Marinette’s hand firmly, a sense of purpose radiating from his every fiber. "I am honored to stand by your side, Marinette," he affirmed, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "With my unwavering loyalty and dedicated service, I vow to support you in all endeavors and to protect the people of this city with every ounce of my being."
“Then Felix, here is Trixx, the Fox Kwamii of Illusions and Mischief. To activate the miraculous simply say Trixx, let's pounce, your power word will be Mirage, think you got it?” The small orange kwamii looked Felix up and down.
“You're so much more mischievous than that last girl,” Trixx said, turning to look at Marinette, “I approve.” 
"Thank you, Marinette," Felix declared, his voice filled with determination, as he gracefully entered into a slight bow. "Trixx, let's pounce!"
With a surge of energy, Felix's transformation began, enveloping him in a dazzling display of light. When the radiance faded, he emerged as a vision of sleek elegance and power. His attire, a testament to his newfound heroism, consisted of a form-fitting black suit accentuated by silver chains and striking blue accents. The fabric clung to his body, enhancing his agility and grace.
A leather jacket adorned with intricate studs encased his upper body, a symbol of his rebellious spirit and unwavering resolve. His hands were sheathed in gloves that featured sharp spikes, adding an air of danger to his already formidable presence. Knee-high boots, crafted with utmost precision, completed his ensemble, reinforcing his image as a force to be reckoned with.
A blue fox skull mask, meticulously designed, now concealed Felix's identity. It exuded an aura of enigmatic mystery, its intricate details capturing the essence of the fox kwami, Trixx. Behind the mask, Felix's eyes took on a fox-like quality, their pupils transforming into slender slits, mirroring the cunning and agility of his kwami.
His hair, once neatly styled, now flowed freely, adding an untamed edge to his appearance. Each strand seemed to be as free and wild as the wind itself, symbolizing his connection to the kwami within him. “What should I call you?” 
He seemed to think for a second. “Silver,” He said with a sly smile on his lips, “You can call me Silver.” 
“Now Chloe, allow me to reintroduce you to Pollen, the Kwami of subjugation,” Marinette said as she held out the bee miraculous. 
Chloe took the bee miraculous from Marinette’s outstretched hand, her fingers trembling with anticipation. Carefully, she placed it in the crook of her ponytail, a radiant smile spreading across her face as Pollen, her kwami, materialized before her. "Pollen, Buzz On!" Chloe called out with newfound confidence, her voice carrying a hint of excitement.
Marinette and Silver watched in awe as the transformation unfolded before their eyes. Chloe no longer resembled the once-queen bee; she had become a completely different person, a hero ready to embrace her destiny. Her once familiar attire was replaced with a striking yellow bodysuit adorned with black V-shaped stripes that ran along her legs and arms. Silver accents traced the edges, adding a touch of elegance to the ensemble.
A black cropped leather jacket adorned Chloe's shoulders, the epitome of cool and edgy. Its design featured yellow stitching, silver studs, and chains draped over her shoulder, creating a dynamic and fierce aesthetic. Upon closer inspection, a meticulously crafted honeycomb pattern adorned the back of the jacket, symbolizing her connection to the bee miraculous.
Chloe's hands were adorned with yellow fingerless gloves, their knuckles embellished with stinger-like silver tips, exuding a sense of power and determination. Completing her transformation were ankle-high black combat boots, their yellow laces contrasting against the dark leather. With each stride, Chloe radiated confidence and strength.
But it was her mask that truly captivated all who laid eyes on her. An intricate black mask, delicately adorned with golden filigree, graced her face. Its design accentuated her features, giving her an air of mystery and allure. Behind that mask, Chloe Bourgeois stood ready to protect the city she once held sway over, a symbol of redemption and heroic potential.
"So, Chloe, what shall we call you?" Marinette inquired, a playful glint in her eyes.
Chloe pondered for a moment, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Call me Honeybelle," she declared with newfound confidence, embracing her new identity as the bee hero.
Marinette chuckled, nodding approvingly. "Honeybelle it is, a name as sweet and fierce as you," she complimented. 
Honeybelle's mischievous grin transformed into a solemn expression as she kneeled before Marinette, a fiery determination burning in her eyes. "I, Chloe Bourgeois, declare this as my solemn oath," she began, her voice filled with unwavering conviction, "to be your faithful and devoted vassal."
With a deep breath, Honeybelle continued her words resonating with a sense of unwavering loyalty. "I am dedicated to providing you with loyal service, carrying out your wishes, and guarding your sovereignty," she vowed, her voice filled with a profound sense of duty. "I shall be your shield, your sworn protector, at your service."
Her gloved hand pressed against her heart, Honeybelle pledged her unwavering commitment. "I shall carry out my responsibilities with unwavering determination until my last breath," she declared, the weight of her words hanging in the air. The room fell into a hushed silence as the gravity of her oath settled upon them.
Marinette eyes shimmered with gratitude and trust as she extended her hand toward Honeybelle. "Rise, Chloe Bourgeois, for your unwavering dedication and loyalty are recognized," she said, her voice filled with both pride and appreciation. "With your pledge, you have become an invaluable member of our team, and I trust that you will fulfill your duties with the utmost honor."
Honeybelle rose to her feet, her heart swelling with a newfound sense of purpose. She looked into Marinette’s eyes, a glimmer of determination shining within her own. "I will not disappoint you, Marinette," she vowed, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. 
"My knights," Marinette spoke, her voice filled with unwavering conviction. The words held a profound significance, cementing their commitment to one another and to the cause they now shared. In that moment, they became more than allies; they became a family, bound by loyalty and a shared purpose.
Chloe and Felix, their eyes fixed on Marinette, felt a surge of devotion and respect well up within them. They understood the magnitude of the responsibility placed upon their shoulders, and they were ready to stand by Marinette's side, fight for justice, and protect the city they loved.
"My Queen," they murmured in unison, their voices filled with reverence. The title held a deep meaning, signifying their unwavering loyalty to Marinette as their leader. It was a symbol of trust, respect, and the unbreakable bond they had forged.
In that moment, a powerful connection formed, transcending words and gestures. The touch of Marinette's hand on their cheeks was a physical manifestation of their trust and affection. It was a reminder of the journey they were about to embark upon, and the challenges they would face together.
XoXo Rowan
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jiveyuncle · 2 years
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I’ve been dying to draw Feluka, so have a scene drawn up from @kwamisalami ‘s fic “Introduction to Color Theory - a Guide by F. Graham de Vanily” (Complementary Part 2)! I also used their reference for fox!felix’s suit design for Reynard. I’m in love with this fic. Please help me give the author a little extra love and encouragement!
Give Part 3 of their fic a heart here: https://kwamisalami.tumblr.com/post/675168054249914368/complementary-part-1
Give their fox!felix design a heart here: https://kwamisalami.tumblr.com/post/675923491533586432/if-tumblr-screws-up-the-quality-i-am-going
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male-garden-eden · 7 months
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bigfatbreak · 2 years
Birds of a Feather previous / next
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
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“Thanks for everything!”
Ko-fi | Patreon
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felixwhetsel · 5 months
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so i started reading RWRB
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jevilowo · 2 years
The complete list of everything to happen in and around the 8th of September 2022:
Reigen became ultimate twink and dilf and milf and babygirl and hottest anime girl and
Sans vs Reigen for ultimate tumblr sexyman on twitter (Sans won by 420 votes)
Toby Fox wrote a fanfic about Sans vs Reigen (it's on twitter, it comes up if you google it)
Lea Michele can't read conspiracy
Also she debuts in Funny Girl
Splatoon 3 dropped
Enstars cover of Tell Your World dropped
2 year anniversary of Eric Trump calling Mob Psycho 100 leftist propaganda
Star Trek day
The Queen of England died
Trisha Paytas went into labour, but it was a false alarm
Kiwi Farms shut down
Don't Worry Darling drama
Dan and Phil made a video saying people gave them cocaine and celebrities wanted to have threesomes with them
Thurston Waffles died (rip)
Finding out they censored destiel many times
Bastille performed in Argentina
Mercury Retrograde (not sure what that is, but it's today apparently)
Out of touch Thursday and Felix Huaves (again, not sure what that means but someone reblogged with those tags so)
Bernie Sanders, P!NK, Ruby Bridges, Gaten Matarazzo and Martin Freeman's birthdays
Danny Phantom graphic novel cover reveal (first dp content since 2008)
24th anniversary of the Pokemon anime broadcasting in the US
Warnuts first birthday/anniversary
Critical role massacred one of their player characters in the episode last night
Anniversary of sega dreamcast debut
Song for the new sonic game got released
New Pinocchio movie. And many other films and shows dropped on Disney Plus, due to it being disney plus day.
Comment if I missed anything
Update, I've edited this post like a million times, lmao. I'm honoured to be the keeper of events.
Update 2, here's all the polls Reigen has won so far, from a post by @blackberry-s0da
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leebitkitty · 1 year
happy birthday to our smiley fox!! in honor of our angel, heres some twt links 🫡🫡
tw: twt links
giving jeongin a handjob
jeongin pleasing himself and groaning
jeongin fucking your tits
overstimulating jeongin but you know he loves it
riding jeongin as a birthday present
you and jeongin making love to eachother 💗
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sallertiafabrica · 11 months
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they were hit by the plushie paint brush
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seorikkun · 6 months
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i'd watch football if THESE were the players 😤💯 [hyung line | maknae line]
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Like Minds (2006) walked so Jennifer's Body (2009) could run so Saltburn (2023) could become an olympic marathon runner
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drdanners-art-lab · 1 month
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I'm a genius
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hedonismprinc · 7 months
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josefksays · 25 days
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just-a-pole-sir · 10 months
Felix Fox has the best ass of any porn star out now
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