#Fair Trade Tourism
kynaswhereabouts · 2 years
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anghraine · 1 day
Ok, I've been thinking about this question a lot and there's not enough evidence in P&P to fully support any answer, but I wanted to hear yours: What is the Gardiners' economic status/How rich are the Gardiners?
Obviously, Mr. Gardiner is a tradesman, but I'm desperately curious to know the extent of his wealth. Does he have a similar income to Mr. Bennet but is just more frugal? Would he have been able to take in his niece(s)/sister when Mr. Bennet died? Does he have Bingley-level tradesman wealth without the massive lump sum Bingley inherited from his father? Darcy assumes that Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner are gentry - but like, Bennet gentry or Woodhouse gentry or Lucas gentry. JANE SKIMPED ON THE GARDINER INFORMATION AND NOW WE'LL NEVER KNOW. So what are your headcanons surrounding the Gardiners' wealth?
Really, the most important Gardiner headcanon that the Gardiner children are immediately charmed by Darcy and think he's like ~the coolest~
thanks queen <3
Six months later: hi!
My opinion is that the Gardiners are very well-off in terms of the usual incomes of the gentry. It's difficult to pin down an exact income range because I'm not a historian or economist, but the literary evidence is pretty suggestive IMO.
For one, Mr Bennet has no trouble believing that Mr Gardiner could have shelled out ten thousand pounds for Lydia; the problem is the struggle of repaying him, as Mr Bennet would feel morally obligated to do. The impression I get is that this would be a lot of money for Mr Gardiner to come up with, but everyone accepts that he could quickly do it, where Mr Bennet could not. And Mrs Gardiner does insist that Mr Gardiner would have paid the money if Darcy had let him, which again suggests that it was reasonably doable for him.
When Elizabeth and Jane first pass the news to Mrs Bennet and try to express the debt of gratitude they all owe Mr Gardiner, Mrs Bennet's response is a bitter remark about how if her brother had not married and had children of his own, "I and my children must have had all his money, you know; and it is the first time we have ever had anything from him except a few presents."
Aside from what this reveals about her character (especially given the remarkable understatement of "a few presents" given everything they've done for Jane and Elizabeth), I think "all his money" suggests an awareness that there would have been quite a bit to inherit if Mr Gardiner hadn't had the temerity to, uh, have children.
The summer tourism journey also doesn't seem to represent a severe expense for the Gardiners, though it would be outside the realm of possibility for some. They're not super frugal, but they're also not going to pull a Sir William Lucas and abandon the source of their income, or take an estate or something to distance themselves from trade, and end up unable to provide security for their children or any significant luxuries for their loved ones and themselves. So the Gardiners do make practical decisions like living near Mr Gardiner's warehouses and continuing his business in town.
Darcy (in Elizabeth's opinion) mistakes the Gardiners for "people of fashion" rather than gentry per se. This is interesting because Darcy originally considered the entire Meryton neighborhood, including the local gentry, as people noticeably not of fashion. This concept of people of fashion is typically more about fashionable high society than trade vs gentry IMO.
For instance, Mr Hurst is described as "a man of more fashion than fortune"—i.e. someone with high society credentials from his family, but not a lot of money, though he has enough to maintain a house in Grosvenor Street. (I think the implication is that the Hursts considered their status and Louisa Bingley's 20,000 l. from trade a fair exchange.) So likely, Darcy is not confusing the Gardiners for minor rural gentry, but even higher-status people if Elizabeth is analyzing his reaction correctly, based on their appearance, apparel, demeanor, etc.
This is definitely a time when wealthy people in trade could pass for people of fashion, but I think it would ordinarily take some doing, and though the Gardiners are stylish and relatively young, they aren't trying hard in the way that the Bingleys are. Yet Darcy, who went on a whole tangent about trade cooties during his proposal, can't even identify the Gardiners as people in trade upon meeting them—that's important.
(It's also significant, of course, that he's surprised to discover their exact connection aka that they're Mrs Bennet's relatives, which is honestly pretty fair. In any case, he evaluates Mr and Mrs Gardiner on their own considerable merits by this point.)
So again, I get the sense that the Gardiners are quite well-off people who spend their money on nice enough things that they can be mistaken for a completely different class than their own, but are not specifically aiming for that or super extravagant, either. Their habits seem rather similar to Darcy's, actually—I don't think they're anywhere near as wealthy, but they're wealthy enough that they can approach major expenditures fairly casually, as he does. But unlike Darcy, it will always be contingent on Mr Gardiner's business success and they have to plan around his work and the possibility of sudden changes in terms of his work.
I personally think that Mr Gardiner would undoubtedly have been able to take care of his sister and nieces in the worst case scenario. Six women used to a high standard of living (we know Mrs Bennet is extravagant; it's only Mr Bennet's frugality that keeps the Bennets out of debt as it is) would probably be a strain, but I don't think beyond the income level indicated, even accounting for the needs of his immediate family.
When Mrs Bennet is dramatizing herself during the Lydia disaster, she tells Mr Gardiner, "if you are not kind to us, brother, I do not know what we shall do," and he assures her of his affection for both her and her entire family. This could be seen as a sort of empty redirection that avoids promising anything, especially given that her catastrophizing fantasy scenarios are extremely unlikely, but I think that's a misread of his character.
I see his reply as a tactful assurance that, in the (improbable) event of Mr Bennet dying in a duel, his affection for her and her daughters would indeed ensure his protection of her and her daughters. There's no doubt from anyone that he's capable of doing this, though it would certainly mean a change in their style of living that Mrs Bennet would vocally resent.
So while this isn't super-specific, I hope it helped!
Normally I don't need to do this, but I would like to add a sort of credit/disclaimer: I didn't initially notice all these signs and my understanding of the Gardiners' standard of living and general circumstances was, I believe, strongly influenced by JulieW of the Life and Times board at Republic of Pemberley back in the earlyish 2000s (maybe about 2006?).
The L&T board is sadly gone (or was the last few times I checked), though ROP clings to life, but she knew a lot more about Georgian history and culture than I ever will, and these references to the Gardiners' prosperity seemed really glaring once she pointed them out.
(Her analysis of Pemberley's age, architecture, and general class significance was also really influential and I'm still really sad that I have to rely on the perfidy of memory about it.)
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If I may add my two cents about the Coral Sea thing
I think the cities that are closer to the surface and in brighter areas, like the city with the museum Yuu and co went to, are much safer and less deadly since they are tourist heavy spots and well, you don't want to scare off tourism income. They aren't perfectly safe of course, but safer. And I think those areas are also heavily influenced by human/beastman culture and preferences (*cough* also beauty standards *cough*)
And the cities that are deeper down, with little to no tourists from up above, are much less serene and a lot more dangerous. The culture of "kill or be killed" is much more prevalent, but there is still a societal structure.
[Referencing this post!]
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Yeah, I think that’s a fair view that considers both perspectives while also still adhering to the general “rules” of the TWST world (ie there is a degree of real-world logic in how cultures develop).
This take would also make sense when put alongside in-game lore dropped about coastal areas and relations improving ever since the mermaid princess and human prince’s union. According yo Floyd’s Beach Wear vignettes, merpeople sometimes emerge from the sea and do trade with stores and businesses set up near them. A lot of these areas developed kind of a “touristy” culture themselves and sell food, land accessories, and souvenirs for merpeople to take home with them. (The twins’ parents even partake in this!) Land creatures like humans gain profit from this tourism and merpeople get to know more about another world. That means that not only does land culture have its ways of spreading and influencing the merpeople, but the merpeople also have ways of influencing how land culture changes too. This reciprocal, “goes both ways” relationship is indicative of how cultures irl influence one another through their interactions. It’s very interesting to think about!!
The proximity to land probably also plays a role in how the different areas of the Coral Sea are shaped. The photic zones are closer and hove more “direct” access to new ideas. Meanwhile, the benthic zones are farther away, so it’s more difficult for land influence to trickle down there since it’s a challenge to meet with and learn directly from those same land creatures. Maybe a human drops a trinket all the way to the bottom of the sea and a merperson picks it up + wonders about it, but that’s basically the full extent of the exchange. A merperson would have to be curious and actively go out of their way to learn and be a “part of that world”, as it were, such as via the land boot camp program or going up to explore the shoreline themselves.
But of course, even if the dangers in the immediate area increase (thus forcing adaptation to this harsher environment), that doesn’t make the merpeople in one area “less civilized” than those in another area, humans, beastmen, or fae. Merpeople are still people, and they have their humanity and their own social structures and civilizations, regardless of photic, benthic, or what have you.
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theroyalsandi · 5 months
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Spanish Royal Family - King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia upon their arrival at the 44th edition of the International Tourism Trade Fair, Fitur 2024, at IFEMA Madrid, in Madrid, Spain. (Photo By Antonio Gutierrez/Europa Press via Getty Images) | January 24, 2024
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olet-lucernam · 2 months
A Hollow Promise [25] chapter vi, part ii
{_[on AO3]_}
main tags : loki x original character, post-avengers 2012, canon divergence - post-thor: the dark world, canon-typical violence, mentions of torture
summary: In the aftermath of the Battle of New York, the Avengers need a few days to build a transport device for the Tesseract. With the Helicarrier damaged and surveillance offline, SHIELD sends an asset to guard Loki in the interim: a young woman who sees the truth in all things, and cannot lie.
Even long presumed dead, her memories lost to her, Loki would know her anywhere.
And this changes things.
Some things last beyond infinity. And the universe is in love with chaos.
(Loki was never looking for redemption. It came as an unexpected side-effect.)
chapter summary : astrid gathers her allies, and draws the attention of her enemies. loki pays a heavy price for a victory.
recommended listening : rebel soul, katharine appleton, maja norming
tag list: @femmealec, @mischief2sarawr
Astrid had told the truth, as always. Ophelia was not her only appointment.
Neither was she the first, however.
Hours earlier, wrapped in a fine, black woollen pea coat and comfortable trainers, Astrid had been walking through the fog and frigid, sea-soaked air of the Cornish coastal town of Looe.
The historical fishing village was sheltered within a deep valley, prefaced inland by thick, verdant forests and winding country roads. Ivory villas and weathered stone cottages were built into the slopes of the cliffs, bordered by a riot of meadow-flora and hardy coastal shrubs, the settlement split in half by the river that decanted into the small marina, and the open, pewter waters of the North Atlantic.
The place held a kind of quaint, antique seaside charm that was ubiquitous to Britain, in Astrid’s experience- a nostalgia that was just slightly foreign to her, evoking the same feeling as the second-hand copies of those interbellum novels by Enid Blyton and Agatha Christie that she used to read on rainy days at home.
She could feel Loki watching through her eyes, dozing gently, shamelessly indolent as he clung to sleep.
Exhaling a smile, Astrid consciously drank in as much as she could. She drew the mouldering, salt-stained tang of seaweed and ocean shallows deep into her lungs, face raised to the damp air, clear-eyed and refreshed.
It was one of the many reasons to be relieved to be out of SHIELD’s custody: wherever she went, and whatever she saw, Loki could experience it through their link. And she was one of the rare, fortunate few who could go anywhere, at any time, with little enough effort.
A flush of affection bloomed in her, like a kiss at the nape of her neck, Loki reading her intentions like braille.
Astrid giggled, the ache of want in her chest ebbing slightly, and glanced out across the harbour.
It was the off-season; the tourism trade withered into hibernation with the last days of August, and first weeks of September. Even so, the picturesque village obviously received a fair number of visitors in the summer months. Across the town, there was an abundance of cafés, bakeries, fishmongers, local crafts shops, ice cream parlours, wetsuit and board rental stores. A sprawling car park had been cut at the base of the hill, and a number of small commercial pleasure boats were moored against the harbour walls, anchored between algae-stained tangerine buoys, advertising sea safaris and recreational fishing trips on printed boards affixed to the weather-rusted harbour railing. A few places were shuttered, but other businesses remained open even into November, catering to the permanent residents of the town.
As she chased the slope upwards, approaching from the narrow, eastern flank of the harbour, towards the ageing arcade and stone bridge across the river, a thought occurred to her.
“Loki. Do you like seafood?”
She felt Loki stir. Astrid could almost imagine his head lifting from his cupped hand- or rolling across a pillow to look at her, black curls spilling, eyebrows steepled in mild askance.
I tend to eat more game, I suppose, he answered cautiously. Hunts are too popular on Asgard for it to be otherwise. But I do like shellfish. Although it is seen as peasant food on Asgard. Cheap fare, common as mud, to be eaten at the harbour by tradesfolk.
“It used to be the same here, for centuries,” Astrid replied, the corner of her mouth twisting up sardonically. “Oysters were still delicious when they were only good for the poor.”
Loki laughed softly. It is ridiculous, is it not? The arbitrary standards of high taste.
He hesitated for a long moment.
I do like oysters, he admitted, almost nervous.
A lilt kicked into Astrid’s step, her mood lifting.
“Oysters, then.” Widening her stride into a loping gait, forming rolling bounce on the balls of her feet, she lifted her face to the headwinds, letting it blow her hair back. “Maybe mussels or scallops, if I can’t find any? Oh- and cream tea.”
Cream tea?
“It’s, ah- like a dessert version of afternoon tea, I suppose? It’s sometimes called Cornish tea.” Astrid crossed the bridge at a brisk clip, shoulder bag tapping at her hip. “You’ll love it. Black tea, served with split scones, clotted cream, and jam. Strawberry is traditional, but I prefer raspberry.”
At the mention of something sweet, she felt Loki’s interest instantly perk.
Astrid’s victory dimmed as Loki swiftly crushed down on his eagerness, cooling into reflexive indifference.
Then you should have raspberry, my heart, he replied mildly, like fingers skimming her cheekbone.
Astrid strummed her fingers against the cross-strap of her bag, tension furling.
She wondered if she could just scream I want to give you this, let me give you this, I want to give you everything, be selfish with me, just ask me and it’s yours, yours, yours, just say the word, put me to the test, let me prove it across the connection, or if that would be too blunt.
She opted for a subtler option. For now. “Seeing as we’re breaking tradition, we could change the tea out as well.”
“I thought you might prefer rosehip. Or something floral.”
It’s your tongue, darling.
Astrid nipped her lower lip.
“I like sharing my tongue with you.”
She felt his train of thought stutter, before heating.
You’re playing a dangerous game, Astra, Loki warned, dark and edging into primal, shifting into a voice behind her left ear that seemed spoken through gritted teeth.
Astrid startled, almost tripping, as she felt the sensation of the pads of his fingers swiping at her inner thigh.
Her brain short-circuited for a moment.
Hm. Are you curious, darling?
She bit her lip, restraining the impulse to goad him further.
Following Loki revealing how he could twist his magic into her through their link, Astrid had begun asking about the possibilities. The conversation had been mostly practical- but the thought had occurred to her, even if she had quickly become distracted when it struck her exactly how ingenious the method was, how brilliant Loki was, how blithely oblivious he seemed to that fact.
But now- despite herself, folding her lip between her teeth in an effort to pin her unravelling thoughts in place- Astrid lingered over exactly how far and how intensely he could project sensation into her, how much sensory feedback he received back through their link, and whether-
No. Nope. Nope, nope, no. Work first, North. We’ll explore that another time.
Despite the curl of delighted, thoroughly distracted mischief from Loki, he let the matter drop.
Astrid exhaled quietly, grateful.
Today, she was visiting an old friend. It would be unwise to arrive disarmed of her wits.
Astrid swung off the bridge and into West Looe, swerving in a hairpin turn back down the hill, sinking into the warren of the town. There were only a few figures out in the midmorning light, walking dogs or tending to their boats, the quiet seeming to echo against the rush of the sea. The narrow streets were barely broad enough to accommodate a single car, the cobbles uneven and worn smooth underfoot, none of the structures more than two or three stories tall; most of them were at least a century or two old, patchworked with modern features, dating to the days of smugglers and portside inns and the great age of sail, their timbers ancient and their walls full of ghosts and memories.
She came to a halt outside a particular storefront.
The entire street was built into the incline of the hill, its rowhouses sitting a foot or so below the edge of the pavement, squatting low. The windows of the ground floor were almost level with Astrid’s crown, the sills above within reach if she cared to make the short jump, walls a washed white between dark Tudor beams.
Astrid tipped her head up a millimetre, the aperture of her senses opening to sweep the interior, as she read the sign affixed above the door.
Witches’ Brew, it read, white font upon a rich violet backing. On the left side of the sign was the outline of a cat, paws upon the rim of a bubbling cauldron to peer at the contents.
Bookshop, was added underneath, in smaller, blunter font. Tarot. Occult. Café.
You know, Loki commented, there is an infusion made from íviðia blossoms called witches’ brew.
Astrid tipped her head. “Really?” She asked softly.
Mother sent some blossoms to my cell recently- if you care to share my tongue later?
She winced into a grin, knowing that he wasn’t going to let that go any time soon. “Mm, in exchange for cream tea?” She teased.
Astrid felt a pair of arms slip and loop around her midriff, a mouth skimming her crown.
She felt the gentle billow of his sigh, the phantom of his chest against her back.
You drive quite a bargain.
With a faint smile, Astrid stepped down to the shop’s door, and turned the handle.
A classic shopkeeper’s bell chimed overhead, jostled into motion, before the door clicked shut behind her.
She was met with the fragrance of incense- a thicker, heavier curtain of agarwood, compared to the delicately floral smoke that lingered in the training halls where she grew up, and which her father preferred- blended with the earthiness of burned white sage, and coffee grounds.
The shop was quiet. Her steps were muffled by a dark patterned carpet, the space airy and inviting, despite the low ceilings and semi-subterranean position. At the right, the space folded into a geometric puzzle of tall bookshelves, walls paved with spines, the stacks labelled by genre with signs in blackboard and chalk, a few tables laid out with bricks of bestsellers and new arrivals. To her left was the register- unoccupied, with a bell to ring for service- and several tables and shelves, displaying various occult-themed wares. There were box-trays of tumbled, semi-precious gemstones, kitsch plastic goblets with dragons curled around their stems, dowsing crystals and decorative glass figurines, starter guides to palmistry and divining the stars.
Her eyes skipped past all of them, and up.
A large sign was placed at the bottom of a flight of narrow stairs. It advertised the café on the second floor, and tea leaf readings.
Astrid didn’t move to ring the bell on the counter, but the one at the door must have been enough.
“I’ll be right with you, dear!”
A woman’s voice called down from the upper floor. It was American-accented, almost neutral, but underscored with something in the region of Massachusetts.
Astrid smiled, folding her arms and turning away.
“That’s alright!” She replied, voice raised to carry as clear as struck crystal, twisting at the waist to speak over her shoulder. “Take your time! I’m here to see a friend.”
Movement upstairs stilled.
A beat passed, before Astrid felt the familiar crackle of magical wards being activated.
Loki reacted, his mana surging into her nerves with a precision that knocked the breath from her chest, pressing up to the surface of her skin, preparing to force his own counter-wards into her flesh.
Catching her breath, fingers fluttering at the foreign magic in her blood, Astrid sent him a gentle nudge of reassurance.
“Did you not hear the word friend, Agatha?” She yelled up, tone dry and hip cocking. “Your wards didn’t react when I walked in. Now would you please quit it?”
Before Loki tries to rip apart your spellwork and fracture your magical core in the backlash, she added internally.
Don’t tempt me, darling, Loki warned, poised like an adder to strike. Who is she?
The wards lingered, bristling like spines- before settling back.
A moment later, Astrid heard footsteps, and the creak of the ageing banister under new weight.
As I said. She’s a friend… of a sort.
Of a sort?
The subject of discussion halted, a few steps above ground floor.
Astrid remained with her back turned for several seconds, shoulder blades open and unguarded.
After deeming that her message had sufficient time to sink in- if it was going to at all- Astrid turned.
It had been about a century and a quarter, chronologically, since they had last seen each other- during the last of her father’s missions that Astrid had accompanied him on, before she had gone looking for answers.
The inciting incident that drove her to look for answers, in fact.
True to form, however, Agatha Harkness had adapted, and today was the very image of a modern, new-age witch.
Stocky, square-jawed, and casually confident, she possessed the mien and bone structure that would command the description of a handsome woman. Dressed in plimsoles, thick black leggings, and a cable-knit sweater the exact velvety depth of wolfsbane, she looked deceptively, cosily middle-class, her dark chestnut hair styled in a cloud of tight waves to her shoulders, framing her fair, round face and dark cobalt eyes.
“Well.” She draped an elbow across the rail, sleeves rolled back, sizing Astrid up with a wide, crooked smile and a gaze as hard as flint. “Look what the cat dragged in.”
Astrid was simultaneously reminded of a salacious, bored housewife with a mind like a steel trap, and a large crocodile sunbathing by the water’s edge.
“It’s good to see you, Agatha,” Astrid said sincerely, light as air. “You look well. I’m glad.”
She tried to sacrifice my soul to Mephistopheles once, Astrid admitted to Loki, deciding that it would be better to get it out of the way now.
She did what? Loki snarled, alarmed.
Long story. Daddy stepped in. She came to regret it.
She could feel Loki glaring into her. Because you made her regret it, or because she decided to regret it? Because that’s quite a distinction, darling.
Astrid almost laughed. His mind was always so quick.
Alright, fine. A little of both.
Jaw and mouth pursed tightly, Agatha’s eyes flitted sharply across and behind Astrid’s form, darting as dragonflies.
Astrid softened her stance, loosening her limbs and opening her posture.
“It’s just us,” she said reassuringly.
Conveniently, Astrid did not mention that us included the sorcerer-prince whose mind was currently linked to her nervous system.
His tone was grim, steeled, but quietly restrained.
Astrid sensed the unspoken undercurrent underneath- that he wanted her out of that shop, now.
Astrid reached for him, slotting herself into his edges, feeling him shift to accommodate her.
Please trust me, Loki. I have this.
She felt him hesitate, her calm focus an emollient.
Besides, she added. You might find that you like her.
I highly doubt that, dove, Loki replied haughtily, even as he relented.
She kept silent. Something told her that Loki would refuse to see the similarities, even if she informed him of exactly how her long story with Agatha had ended.
Agatha’s expression had stiffened slightly, eyes narrowing to a squint.
“Just so that we’re clear,” she drawled, gesturing vaguely across her with a jabbing index finger, “you’re not here to check in on me, or- drag me away to some kind of tribunal, are you?”
Astrid tipped her head consideringly. “Have you done anything to warrant it?”
Once again, Astrid opted not mention that she already had a fair idea of the answer. She had made it her responsibility to know; confidence in her decision didn’t negate the gamble, and Astrid wouldn’t ignore her culpability if things went sour.
As far as she could tell, however, Agatha had been smart. She had spent the years since they had last seen each other travelling and researching and collecting, restraining herself to a few petty grudges, mild curses, and mostly harmless, mostly necessary fraud. All in all, nothing that Astrid had found worth getting into a snit over.
Besides. That thing with the carnivorous rabbit had been pretty funny.
Astrid could feel Loki trying to pretend that he wasn’t intrigued.
Agatha snorted. “Not in my book, but we both know that doesn’t mean much. Even my best behaviour means being a little badsometimes.”
“Mm. Well, so long as they deserved it, I’m happy to remain ignorant.”
Brows raised, corners of her mouth tugging into a shrug, Agatha looked pleasantly surprised.
“Huh. Well, in that case- it’s good to see you too, Little Miss Dante,” she said wryly, dragging out the old nickname as though she were dusting off a spellbook, descending the last few steps. “Now that we’ve got the formalities out of the way, how have you been for the past- oh, hundred and thirty years or so?”
“Not quite so long on my side, Madame Virgil,” Astrid admitted, satin-smooth as sugar ribbons, “but I’ve- been busy.”
The Divine Comedy? Loki noticed.
Mm, good catch.
He paused, quietly assessing- before relaxing slightly in realisation.
Aha. I see.
Astrid held down her smile, but sent its warmth in his direction.
“And what about your dish of a father?” Agatha asked.
“Not interested, Agatha.”
And still hung up on whoever gave him that watch.
“Huh. Pity.” Agatha paused, appraising Astrid with long, slow sweeps. One forearm folded against her lower ribs, the opposite hand raised, fingertips rubbing together. “Any luck, then, dear, with that little- soul-searching identity quest of yours?”
Lifting one shoulder, Astrid let herself smile abstrusely.
“Some. Thank you for asking.”
“Well, you know. I like to know who and what I’ve made a deal with,” she said, head lowered into an unblinking stare, as though wondering how Astrid’s liver might taste, “as a rule.”
“It’s a good rule.” She said mildly.
Agatha looked at her for a long moment, one corner of her mouth and eye tensing- then straightened, clapping her palms together and spinning on her heel.
“Well, since you came all this way- fancy some tea? I could read your leaves for you! I must say, I’ve gotten pretty good- or, well, as good as you can get, with fortune-telling. It’s always a bit of a crapshoot, you know. Less mess than the animal guts, though.”
Astrid adjusted the strap of her bag against her shoulder as Agatha began to head up towards the café, not even waiting for her reply.
“Why not? We do have a lot to catch up on.” She began to follow her up the stairs, drawing a shallow breath as she went in for the kill. “And I think I have a way to get Karmar-Taj off your back so that you can come out of hiding, so I’m sure you’ll want to-”
Agatha turned back to her sharply. “What?”
Her eyes were slightly wild, incredulous, and treacherously hopeful.
Reflecting briefly, Astrid supposed that she should feel a little bad.
That was, if not for the memory of choking sulphur, of her face and throat scorching with brimstone-heat, and the sound of dimensions ripping apart like adipose from muscle tissue and Agatha laughing broad and wild- just before Mephistopheles betrayed her, just before Astrid regained the strength to yank the witch away from the consequences of her own actions.
Just because she had forgiven did not mean she was inclined to be nice.
Besides. Agatha would respect her less if she was.
Loki watched her work, ruthlessly, using honesty as a weapon and the truth like she she owned it, cautious and amused and a little proud.
Astrid arched her brows, both at him and the witch standing before her.
“You didn’t think I’d come without a gift, did you?”
Some time later, a platter of a dozen shucked oysters in front of her, seated with a sea view and décor of scrubbed wood and clean white walls, Astrid made the first entry on her shopping list.
Tea leaves.
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freifraufischer · 11 months
More in my exploration of "is ChatGPT" the powerful tool for brainstorming fictional world building some people keep telling me it is. When asking it to help create fictional countries ended repeatedly reproducing tourism pamplets I decided to ask it to create a war.
This is it's version of a war between Austria and Australia. Please note the ... rather hand wave at the actual locations of both of these countries and how that impacts this war...
Certainly! Let's imagine a fictional scenario in which Austria and Australia engage in a conflict. Please keep in mind that this is a completely fictional scenario and does not reflect any real-world events.
In this hypothetical situation, tensions between Austria and Australia have escalated due to a series of misunderstandings and geopolitical disagreements. The war between the two nations is not driven by deep-rooted animosity but rather by a complex web of political and economic factors.
The conflict begins with a dispute over trade regulations and tariffs on specific goods. Austria, seeking to protect its domestic industries, imposes high tariffs on certain Australian exports, which Australia perceives as unfair and detrimental to its economy. Diplomatic negotiations fail to resolve the issue, leading to a breakdown in relations and an escalating war of words.
As the situation intensifies, diplomatic channels give way to military mobilizations. Both countries begin fortifying their borders and deploying troops to key strategic positions. The international community, alarmed by the mounting tensions, calls for a peaceful resolution and urges both sides to engage in dialogue. However, the war drums continue to beat as nationalist sentiments and public pressure fuel the conflict.
The war itself unfolds in different theaters. Austria, located in the heart of Europe, has the advantage of being closer to its allies and established military infrastructure. Its forces launch an offensive campaign, aiming to push into Australian territory. The Austrian military, known for its strategic planning and disciplined soldiers, launches coordinated attacks on key Australian positions.
Australia, on the other hand, faces the logistical challenge of fighting a war thousands of miles away from its home base. The Australian forces focus on defense and guerilla tactics, taking advantage of their knowledge of the terrain and deploying special forces to disrupt Austrian supply lines and communication networks. Australia's military, renowned for its resourcefulness and adaptability, puts up a fierce resistance.
The war takes a toll on both nations, with significant loss of life and destruction of infrastructure. The conflict also draws in international powers, with neighboring countries and global superpowers taking sides or attempting to broker peace. Diplomatic efforts continue behind the scenes, with mediators working to find a resolution that will end the hostilities.
After a prolonged and costly war, both Austria and Australia realize the devastating consequences and the futility of continuing the conflict. International pressure, coupled with war-weariness among their populations, prompts the two nations to return to the negotiating table. A ceasefire is eventually declared, leading to a series of peace talks.
The peace negotiations focus on resolving the underlying issues that sparked the conflict, including trade disputes and economic imbalances. Both Austria and Australia agree to reassess their trade policies and work towards a fair and mutually beneficial arrangement. Additionally, efforts are made to rebuild trust and establish diplomatic channels to prevent future misunderstandings from escalating into armed conflict.
Ultimately, the war between Austria and Australia serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of diplomacy, compromise, and understanding in resolving disputes between nations. The conflict serves as a catalyst for renewed efforts towards international cooperation and the pursuit of peaceful resolutions in the face of adversity.
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emletish-fish · 1 year
One thing I LOVED about Good Boy was the Scottish folklore and mythology and how you wove all that into the Miyagi-verse, and I wondered if you had a list of sources you used, and if so could you please link them because it was so fascinating and I'd love to read more about it myself!!
I am so sorry for the delay in answering this thoughtful question.
I don't get much time with my laptop now that I have created another small human, but lil guy is sleeping at the moment so I have a sec.
Another reason for the delay is that I have been googling, trying to find a good source to recommend for you because unfortunately the real answer to your question might not be much help. Sadly, I can find a lot of single stories, but these are normally for tourism purposes and are centred around locations that can be visited. As a result, you need to know the story you are looking for and the location it is set when google searching. I had no luck finding any kind of centralised database for you.
Most Scottish landmarks will have a legend attached to them, so there is A Lot.
I have scottish ancestry and most of the stories that worked their way into Good Boy are re-mashed versions of fairytales told to me by my great aunt when I was a kid. We are one of the thousands of offshoots from the scottish disapora. So I know her versions quite well.
(but she took a lot of liberties with her versions, as all good storytellers should.)
So in compensation, here is a scottish fairytale that nearly made it into Good Boy. I tried to hard to finagle it in, but it wouldn't quite fit. however, it is one of my favourites.
Here is the link to a backpacker site's version if you want to read an official one.
And here is how it was told to me:
The Tale of Sligachan Bridge -
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Once upon a time, Sgathaich was the most famous warrior in all of Scotland. Her fame grew and spread across the world. This made Cú Chulainn jealous, and he believed that HE was meant to be the best warrior ever.
And, indeed, he was considered the best warrior in all of Ireland.
He sailed to Skye to challenge Sgathaich to a fight to the death. Sgathaich found his impudence and arrogance supremely irritating and agreed.
The fighting was fearsome and brutal. The two warriors clashed again and again and the sound of their battle echoed across the Cuillins.
Sgathaich's daughter, a renowed beauty who spent her days fending of suitors with a stick, became sick of the fighting and wanted it to end, so she ran down to the river - which was known to be a fairy place.
She sobbed and cried and begged the fairies to help her stop the fighting.
"I can give you what you wish for - the ability to stop any squabble." A fairy stepped out of the waters. "But it will cost you."
"What is the price?" Asked the daughter, because there is always a price with fairies.
"Your beauty. Dip your face in the water and it will wash away everything that makes you so lovely to look upon, and in return I will give you the gift of being able to bring peace anywhere.
Sgathaich's daughter considered this a fair trade and agreed.
She dipped her face in the water and then leapt to her feet.
She knew exactly what to do!
She ran back to the castle and started throwing herbs and spices and all sorts of lovely things into a pan. (My aunt always said bacon, but vegetarians and vegans please imagine whatever deliciousness you wish). The Daughter opened all the windows and a breeze wafted the smell into the mountains where two famous warriors were still doing battle.
Sgathaich and Cú Chulainn both realised how hungry they were and agreed to a truce while the had breakfast. They followed the scent back to Sgathaich's castle.
Cú Chulainn was so enraptured with the delicious smell that he sat right down and started gobbling up the bowl that Sgathaich's daughter put before him.
Because of the highland tradition of guests rights, now that Cú Chulainn had eaten in Sgathaich's home, he could do no harm to her whilst he was on her land.
The two warriors supped and talked, and realised their squabble was silly. They agreed to respect each other's skills as warriors, lay down their arms and would fight no more.
So peace returned to Skye because of a very very very good breakfast.
And the daughter?
She was no longer beautiful, but she was the best cook in all of Skye and knew the secret to calming any squabble - a hearty breakfast and good conversation.
She found that she was fending off even more suitors that before after the gentleman tried her shortbread.
Her incredibly beauty is still floating along the waters under the Sligachan Bridge, (For truthfully, the fairy had no need of it. She just needed a price to be paid). They say that if you dip your face in the waters, you may emerge a little better looking that you were before.
So now, if you go to skye and go past the sligurachan bridge, you will see people dunking their face in the water.
The End
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It is Rammstein so we'll believe it when it actually happens, but it would be cool, wouldn't it..
googly translated
Rammstein plans New Year's Eve concert on the Theresienwiese
Aug 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m
The band wants to give a concert in front of 145,000 spectators in Munich at the turn of the year. The official Yes of the city is still pending, politicians should decide in August.
By Heiner Effern
There could be a New Year's Eve party in Munich this year like never before: The Rammstein band wants to give a concert on the Theresienwiese for 145,000 spectators on the last evening of the year. The city has recently received an inquiry from the musicians, who have also been playing internationally in the top league of the industry for decades. According to information from the SZ, another location in Germany is said to be in the running: the Zollverein in Essen, a former colliery site in the Ruhr area.
"Munich would be the first choice," said economics officer Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU), who is also responsible for tourism in the city. A concert with a crowd puller like Rammstein would be "a wonderful opportunity" for the people of Munich and also for many visitors from outside who he would expect to attend such an event, he said. He doesn't think it's a major problem that the Winter Tollwood was being held on the Theresienwiese in the weeks before. The space potential there is shown every year at the Oktoberfest. The area is large enough to allow both events to take place. "There would even be a lot of interaction possible," said Baumgärtner. Both events could potentially benefit from each other.
Rammstein concerts are characterized by the fact that very hard music can be heard very loudly in the arena and beyond. In addition, there is usually no lack of pyro effects and the attention of the worldwide fan base. Rammstein fits New Year's Eve, on this evening there are not many people on the road and the mood is loud and exuberant, said Baumgärtner. And Rammstein, in turn, likes New Year's Eve as a concert date, in 2018, for example, they played in Mexico. At that time they performed on the beach, this time the big show should be in the heart of Munich. It can probably be ruled out that snow, ice or rain would keep the fans from attending the concert. Even the often high ticket prices usually do not slow down the visitors.
Baumgärtner hopes that the targeted high number of viewers will keep the prices reasonably within limits. In the Olympic Stadium with a capacity of around 70,000 visitors that is hardly possible, he said. In addition, the renovation would already start there. That's why Baumgärtner thinks the Theresienwiese is a good choice, although he knows that people look very closely there when concerts aren't staged in the city's big arenas. Modern technology would be used on the Theresienwiese, like the upcoming major concerts in the trade fair in Riem, which should keep the volume to the outside within limits, he explained.
In his tourism strategy, the business consultant focuses on positioning Munich as a top international event and concert location. This is one of the reasons why Robbie Williams, Helene Fischer and Andreas Gabalier will appear in Riem in the coming days . A Rammstein concert in the city center would also cause an international sensation, he is convinced of that. Rammstein has a worldwide fan base like no other German band.
The Rammstein concert is to be broadcast live
A live broadcast of the performance would also be planned, possibly via a prominent streaming service. Baumgärtner speaks of an "enormous advertising value" for Munich, and some things would also get stuck economically. The lucrative advance ticket sale could go through Munich ticket, the MVG should receive a combined ticket for arrival.
The task at City Hall is to form an opinion as quickly as possible. "Last exit August," said Baumgärtner. It was initially unclear whether and when the Rammstein plans would be put on the agenda. During the summer break there are three emergency sessions in which urgent issues are dealt with. The local politicians in the adjacent district committees are often critical of an additional use of the Theresienwiese. The city council would make such a decision anyway.
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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World Elephant Day
These magnificent creatures are among the largest animals on earth, with incredible memories and emotional intelligence that astound researchers and animal lovers alike.
They’re intelligent. They’re family-oriented. They have great memories. They are capable of feeling a wide range of deep emotions, from intense grief to joy bordering on elation, as well as empathy and stunning self-awareness. They create complex, supportive societies much like our own.
Taking into consideration all of that and much, much more, what’s not to love about elephants? Still, countless elephants are brutally killed every year for their ivory by greedy poachers who then leave their carcasses to rot in the sun. As Graydon Carter, Editor of Vanity Fair put it:
We admire elephants in part because they demonstrate what we consider the finest human traits, but the way we treat them puts on display the very worst of human behavior.
World Elephant Day is the perfect time to find out more about these amazing animals and what we can do to preserve and protect them so they do not go the way of the mammoth.
History of World Elephant Day
World Elephant Day was created in 2011 by two Canadian filmmaker Patricia Sims and Thailand’s Elephant Reintroduction Foundation and first celebrated on August 12, 2012. The initiative was greatly supported by film star and Star Trek legend William Shatner who narrated the documentary Return to the Forest, a fascinating 30-minute film about the reintroduction of captive Asian elephants to the wild.
The motivation for the first World Elephant Day was to draw attention to the plight of these majestic creatures to populations and cultures all over the world. Due to their pleasant and intelligent nature, the world’s largest land animals are loved worldwide. But, unfortunately, these magnificent creatures face multiple threats to their survival.
One major issue is the ivory trade. Currently, the demand for ivory is the biggest in China, with the price of ivory often exceeding the price of gold, something that makes elephants bigger targets than ever. The economics here work firmly against the humble elephant. Extreme levels of poverty in Africa mean that people can often make a month’s wages or more from the ivory of a single animal, selling it on the international market.
Furthermore, the parts of the world that demand ivory, such as China, are becoming increasingly wealthy, meaning that they can pay more for tusks. These dual factors are combining to make elephant poaching one of the most lucrative activities on the plant.
Habitation loss is also a danger to the world’s elephant population as it deprives elephants of the hundreds of pounds of food they need every day, making it more difficult for them to breed and making it easier for poachers to track them down. Unfortunately, researchers believe that loss of habitat is the primary driver for the loss of elephants in the wild. A century ago, they numbered more than 12 million in the wild. Today, that figure may be as low as 400,000, with as many as 20,000 per year killed by poachers.
Data suggest that the geographic range of elephants fell by around 30 percent between 2002 and 2011, with a similar loss of savannah for them to roam. The introduction of large parks throughout Africa has allowed habitat destruction to stabilize, but illegal poaching remains a dire threat. Circuses and tourism are also serious problems for the animals’ well-being.
World Elephant Day is an opportunity for everyone to get together to find ways to reduce conflict between humans and elephants. The solution probably lies in a combination of strategies. These could include land development that minimizes habitat destruction, electric fences to keep elephants away from farms, and changes in local attitudes.
Luckily, an increasing number of both celebrities and politicians have become interested in the cause, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Ashley Judd, and President Barack Obama.
World Elephant Day Timeline
50 million BC Elephants roam Africa
The elephant species is believed to have originated in Africa and then eventually spread across land bridges to Asia and Europe.
2012 World Elephant Day is founded
Canadian Patricia Sims and the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation of Thailand, which is a royal initiative in Thailand. The day continues to be led by Patricia Sims.
19th-20th Centuries Elephant populations are reduced
The number of elephants decreases, even with international efforts to protect them.
1976 African Elephants are placed on the Endangered Species list
The growing popularity of ivory leads to a severe decrease in populations and elephants are considered endangered as poachers continue to kill them for their tusks.
2015 World Elephant Society is started
Founded as a charitable organization, World Elephant Society was created to help support the World Elephant Day campaign.
How to Celebrate World Elephant Day
The best way to celebrate this day is to take the opportunity to educate yourself about these magnificent mammals and share your knowledge with others. As ever, simply spreading the word about the dangers these magnificent mammals face via social media can actually make a real change.
Thanks to your sharing a few of World Elephant Day’s Facebook posts, that old high school acquaintance of yours who is traveling to Thailand on her honeymoon this year may just decide to skip the elephant ride when she realizes that “training” elephants often involves tying and beating them daily for months on end.
Watching the aforementioned documentary will only take half an hour of your time but is sure to be a real eye-opener, not to mention the absolutely stunning landscapes shown in it. If you want to get a bit more involved, you could choose to make a donation to a foundation dedicated to protecting elephants from poachers or relocating them to locations better suited to their needs.
The organizers of World Elephant Day also provide plenty of ideas they encourage for helping these incredible creatures in the wild.
The first thing you can do is sign the World Elephant Day pledge. This document allows you to join with countless other people around the world to put pressure on governments to change their policies.
Organizers also want people to promote ethical elephant hashtags on their social media accounts, raising awareness of the abuse of animals worldwide, including in the tourism industry.
Clearly, buying any products containing ivory is a big no-no and should be avoided wherever possible. When buying pianos, antiques, or other products, always check to ensure that the manufacturer has not used elephant tusks in the production process.
You can also support organizations working hard to protect natural elephant habitats. Many of these areas are under threat right now because of population pressures in sub-Saharan African countries as well as India, where cities are sprawling and booming.
Finally, you can invest in projects that seek to provide sustainable and lucrative livelihoods to people who live alongside elephants. These programs improve economic circumstances so that locals don’t feel that they need to poach to make ends meet.
Whichever way suits you best, make sure that you spend this day in a way that helps elephants the world over so we, in turn, can continue to marvel at them and their uniquely fascinating way of life. By playing your part, you can make a big difference.
World Elephant Day FAQs
When is World Elephant Day?
World Elephant Day takes place on August 12 of each year. Other celebration days for elephants include Save the Elephant Day on April 16 and National Elephant Appreciation Day on September 22.
How is World Elephant Day celebrated?
One of the best ways to celebrate World Elephant Day is to help elephants by raising awareness, learning more about elephants, or signing the World Elephant Day Pledge.
Are elephants endangered?
The elephant species is classified as endangered, with only 40,000-50,000 left in the wild.
Why is World Elephant Day celebrated?
World Elephant Day is observed to bring attention to the plight of Asian and African elephants, conserving and protecting them from the numerous threats they face.
How much does an elephant weigh?
As the largest land animals on earth, a large male elephant can weigh up to 15,000 pounds.
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giomagnetism · 1 year
carnivals and fairs are the type of thing that inklings love and no one can go a mile without running into one in the city. broadly speaking inkopolis is a very walkable & green city—they learnt enough from the humans to know not to industrialize to such a point, even though they're still very much running on capitalism. there are lots of parks and lots of pop-up festivals, usually not even put on for a particular reason except that inklings love to futz around and waste their time. there are usually seasonal carnivals which go up each splatfest and coordinate with the theme, not always and frequently not endorsed by folks who have nothing to do with turf war nor sponsors, but there are also boardwalks and other attractions which basically put them on perpetually. inkopolis' main money-maker is the export of energy, but they have a sizable tourist industry—territorial as inklings might be, they like the chance to show off and the exposure to new, potentially fresh, culture, and the nature of tourism is temporary, so it's a tolerable trade-off.
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Through the Years → Queen Letizia of Spain (2,227/∞)
18 January 2023 | King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia upon their arrival at the 43rd edition of the International Tourism Trade Fair, Fitur 2023, at Feria Madrid Ifema, in Madrid, Spain. Fitur is the premier annual event for global tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in Ibero-America. The 43rd edition of this fair is presented with participation figures close to the record reached three years ago, just before the pandemic. It is estimated that there will be a 15% growth in all its parameters with respect to the previous year, which rises to 30% in the case of the international area. (Photo By Eduardo Parra/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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hakesbros · 1 year
New Homes For Sale In Albuquerque, Nm
The Albuquerque Public Schools school district caters to over ninety,000 students’ instructional needs and is praised for its diversity. To see all the homes you’ve saved, visit the My Favorites section of your account. Zillow Group is dedicated to ensuring digital accessibility for individuals with disabilities. We are repeatedly working to improve the accessibility of our net expertise for everybody, and we welcome suggestions and accommodation requests. If you want to report a difficulty or search an lodging, please tell us.
To really appreciate your new hometown’s place in historical past, discover an apartment close to Albuquerque’s historic Old Town district, the place many homes are on the National Register of Historic Places. There’s stay weekend entertainment throughout the summer in Old Town Plaza, and a few of the city’s best buying too. Albuquerque was established in 1706 as a Spanish colonial outpost, with a village constructed up around a central plaza .
The self-proclaimed “outdoor enthusiast’s paradise,” Albuquerque boasts 300-plus days of sunshine every year. Albuquerque can be highly-regarded as a cultural center of the Southwest thanks to museums like the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and New Mexico Museum of Natural History. Active homebuilders within the area embrace Pulte Homes, Twilight Homes, RayLee Homes, Abrazo Homes, and Tiara Homes contributing their expertise and prime quality customer support to the house new home builders in albuquerque process. Situated on the middle of the New Mexico Technology Corridor, Albuquerque boasts a concentration of high-tech private firms and authorities establishments alongside the Rio Grande. Many know-how fields operate here and account for almost half of the state's economic activity. Other financial drivers embody authorities, agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, and analysis & improvement.
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felipeandletizia · 2 years
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: October 7th
2004: Visit to the Hispanic Society of America museum in Harlem, New York & Gala dinner at the Metropolitan Club in New York to celebrate the centennial of the Hispanic Society in the city (1, 2)
2008: Dinner offered to the King and Queen of Malaysia
2009: Inauguration of the new Cervantes Institute in Chicago, Illinois, USA
2010: Inaugurated “El Alma de Cordoba”
2011: Sponsorship by Princess Letizia of the “Telefónica” boat, which will participate in the “Volvo Ocean Race”
2013: Visited the official Spanish pavillion at the 32nd ANUGA trade fair for the world of food & beverages at Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany (1, 2)
2014: Opening of the Vocational Training course at “Valle Del Cidacos” Institute in Calahorra (1, 2)
2015: Speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France
2016: Audiences at la Zarzuela
2019: Event to mark the start of the manufacturing of the new Opel Corsa 100% electric in Spain
2020: Opened the Professional Training Course 2020/2021 in A Coruña & Opened the Academic Course of the Royal Academies; Delivered the 1st la Barcelona New Economy Week-Bnew Awards & Visited the 3D Printing Business Incubator and the Dfactory
2021: Delivered the first Gold Medal of the Real Academia Canaria de Bellas Artes de San Miguel Arcángel; Meeting of the Extraordinary Canary Islands Tourism Council; Videoconference with technical and scientific representatives of the Canary Islands Volcanic Emergency Plan & Closure of the first meeting of Ministers of Justice of the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries (COMJIB and CMJPLOP)
F&L Through the Years: 845/??
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iwcwatches · 2 years
Success Story - Daniel
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«Being involved in the realization of projects with such large scale, high complexity and global impact made me realize the importance of teamwork, commitment and perseverance in achieving the best possible result - I believe that all of those values are deeply rooted within the DNA of IWC.»
My name is Daniel and I was born and raised in Lucerne. Growing up in a city where tourism, hospitality and watchmaking are omnipresent brought a strong awareness of these three industries, which developed into a deeper fascination over the years. For this reason, I decided to pursue a higher degree in International Hospitality Management at the Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne (EHL).
Due to my interest in the watch industry and IWC specifically as a brand, I applied for an internship in trade marketing and joined the company in October 2015. My duties included assisting with the organization of the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie de Genève (SIHH - now Watches & Wonders) 2016, which allowed me to combine my interest and experience in hospitality with the world of watchmaking. After the successful launch of the Pilot's Collection 2016, I was given the opportunity to take on the role of Project Manager Fairs and Exhibitions, which involved managing the development and organization of the SIHH booth (now called Watches&Wonders) and coordinating IWC's global exhibition program. During almost 3 years I pursued this position and was able to contribute to the campaign launches of Da Vinci 2017, 150 Years 2018, and Silver Spitfire 2019.
After the launch of the Silver Spitfire campaign and the Pilot's Collection 2019, it was time to take on a new challenge. I moved from Trade Marketing to Corporate Communications, initially starting as Team Lead Guest Relations and later becoming the Global Events Team Lead over the course of the year. During my time in Corporate Communications, I was involved in coordinating and continuously developing manufacture tours and organized physical, digital and hybrid events, including the movie production and launch event of the Top Gun SFTI, which was one of my personal highlights. These projects brought me a lot closer to IWC’s clients, the industry’s press and various IWC stakeholder, which contribute to IWC’s brand awareness. Thus, I became aware of the importance of quality and authenticity in brand communication, while gaining my first experience in a leadership position. As a result of my achieved knowledge in building client experiences, I was able to change once again in August 2021 and take on my current role as Senior Project Manager for Flagship Boutique Experience.
With our team, we are working towards the ambitious goal of creating unique retail experiences that exceed customer expectations and define new industry standards. As a recent result, we successfully opened our new flagship boutique in Dubai Mall on 25th of March 2022, a project I am personally very proud of. Over the past six years, I have repeatedly realized and appreciated how IWC continuously drives the development and empowerment of its young generation with much responsibility, trust and vision.
Daniel Borer | Senior Project Manager Flagship BTQ Experience
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phany1205 · 2 years
Climate change
Climate change and the problems it brings have been commented and discussed for a long time, so it is necessary to begin to change our habits. Having more responsible consumption habits would be very beneficial for the environment since it is an alternative that is based on acquiring sustainable products that provide values such as equal opportunities, poverty reduction, decent work, solidarity and the care and conservation of the environment.
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Benefits of responsible consumption
Some examples of benefits of responsible consumption are:
The acquisition of healthy and safe products.
Clean energy consumption.
Purchase of fair trade products.
Socially responsible investment.
Purchase of products from people with difficulty accessing the labor market.
Responsible tourism.
Promote respect and care for the environment.
To learn more you can search at: https://cauce.eu/beneficios-de-un-consumo-responsable/
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How to reduce pollution?
In addition to responsible consumption, there are more options that we can use to help reduce pollution, such as:
Stop consuming fast fashion.
Use the public transport.
Buy local products.
Consume organic products.
Reduce the consumption of plastics.
Reduce the use of water and electricity.
Use renewable energies, such as solar, wind or tidal.
For more information: https://www.educo.org/blog/ideas-y-consejos-para-evitar-la-contaminacion
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Urgent Indian Visa | Is eVisa Available for India Now
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Traveling to India is a dream for many, offering a rich tapestry of culture, history, and vibrant experiences. Whether it's exploring the majestic Taj Mahal, experiencing the bustling markets of Delhi, or relaxing on the beaches of Goa, India has something for everyone. One common question for potential travelers is, "Is eVisa available for India now?" Let's delve into this topic and explore the various aspects of visiting India with an eVisa.
What is an eVisa?
An eVisa, or electronic visa, is a digital form of a visa that allows travelers to enter a country for a specified duration and purpose, such as tourism, business, or medical treatment. The process for obtaining an eVisa is typically straightforward, requiring applicants to fill out an online form and submit necessary documents and a fee. The approval and issuance of the eVisa are then communicated electronically, eliminating the need for a physical visa stamp in the passport.
Is eVisa Available for India Now?
Yes, eVisa is currently available for India. The Indian government has made it easier for foreign nationals to visit India by offering an eVisa system, which simplifies the application process and speeds up entry procedures. This system has been particularly beneficial for those requiring an urgent Indian visa, as the application and approval process can be completed relatively quickly.
Types of eVisa for India
India offers several types of eVisas, catering to different purposes of travel:
Tourist eVisa: Ideal for travelers visiting India for sightseeing, recreational activities, or visiting friends and family. The tourist eVisa is generally valid for 60 days from the date of arrival in India and allows for double entry.
Business eVisa: Suitable for individuals visiting India for business purposes such as attending meetings, conferences, or trade fairs. This eVisa is also valid for 60 days and allows for multiple entries.
Medical eVisa: For those seeking medical treatment in India. The medical eVisa is valid for 60 days from the date of arrival and permits triple entry to accommodate follow-up treatments.
Conference eVisa: Issued for attending conferences, seminars, or workshops organized by government bodies or recognized international organizations. The validity and entry conditions are similar to the tourist and business eVisas.
How to Apply for an Indian eVisa
Applying for an Indian eVisa is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you:
Visit the Official eVisa Website: Go to the official Indian eVisa website and select the appropriate eVisa category (tourist, business, medical, or conference).
Fill Out the Application Form: Complete the online application form with accurate personal and travel details. Ensure all information matches your passport.
Upload Required Documents: Upload scanned copies of your passport's biographical page and a recent passport-sized photograph. Depending on the eVisa type, additional documents may be required (e.g., a business card for a business eVisa).
Pay the Visa Fee: The application fee can be paid online using a credit or debit card. The fee varies depending on the type of eVisa and nationality of the applicant.
Receive eVisa via Email: After submitting the application and payment, the eVisa will be processed. Once approved, you will receive the eVisa via email. Print a copy to carry with you when traveling to India.
Entry and Stay in India
With your eVisa, you can enter India through 28 designated airports and 5 seaports. Ensure you carry a printed copy of your eVisa approval and your passport. Upon arrival, you will undergo a brief immigration process, after which you can enjoy your stay in India.
Why Visit India?
India offers a unique blend of ancient heritage and modern marvels. Here are a few highlights of what you can experience:
Historical Monuments: From the iconic Taj Mahal in Agra to the historic forts and palaces of Rajasthan, India is a treasure trove of architectural wonders.
Cultural Diversity: India is known for its cultural diversity, with different regions offering distinct traditions, festivals, and cuisines.
Natural Beauty: Explore the serene backwaters of Kerala, the majestic Himalayas, or the lush greenery of the Western Ghats.
Spiritual Experiences: Visit the holy cities of Varanasi, Rishikesh, and Amritsar to experience the spiritual essence of India.
In conclusion, obtaining a eVisa for India is a straightforward process that opens the door to a myriad of experiences in this incredible country. Whether you're seeking an urgent Indian visa for a quick business trip or planning a leisurely tour, the eVisa system makes it convenient to embark on your journey. With your eVisa in hand, you can look forward to exploring the rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and vibrant life that India has to offer. So, start your application today and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!
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