#Extreme Cleaning
eela · 1 year
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your home for the next year
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
In the canon context, there is something extremely funny about Phantom running around with so much ghost gear from Fentonworks.
I assume the Fentons make enough of a spectacle with their ghost hatred that everyone knows they're out here hunting Phantom for bloodsport. Like there's no uneasy truce or tense partnership going on like the Fentons have not partnered with Phantom in any way. There's not even any chance of a secret partnership because the likes of Jack Fenton would not be able to keep a secret like that.
Which really just leaves the conclusion that Phantom stole all that gear. All of it. Repeatedly. And he's still doing it. He's got some brand new FentonTech-of-the-week every week and he Absolutely is not supposed to have that. Like some raccoon in the trashcan the Fentons can't keep out despite all their broom-swinging and lid locks.
The ghost-net wristwatch that Jack Fenton is parading around with at 10am is on Phantom's wrist by 11am. Jack and Maddie have so many pieces of matching gear but if One piece is missing from One of them you can almost certainly bet it's clipped to Phantom's beltloop somewhere. Sometimes Fenton gear on Jack or Maddie will vanish and then reappear and the best idea anyone has is sometimes Phantom steals too many things and just gives the least fun pieces back.
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tmntkiseki · 3 months
This entire scene makes me laugh harder than it should.
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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i am once again thinking about this scene from season 2
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thankstothe · 1 month
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densewentz · 10 months
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ive decided the best thing for Crowley post-s2divorce is to become a goofy girl!Dad to an unhinged gremlin child. In this case this one that I've named Hanna.
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oobbbear · 3 months
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Hey so while I was planning that Orange Knife story I realized that the lore makes no sense and plot holes are everywhere
Instead of fixing it and burn my brain, I want y’all to take out your suspension of disbelief and level it to the max and just enjoy the shits and giggles Okay good
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aldermos · 5 months
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pen-only chicken scratch (yum)
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felt incomplete without a quick sonadow doodle
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slimey-wallz · 2 months
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Inspo from my dog Mellow who came back looking like a brand new species
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And yes, it was an absolute pain to clean him 🥲
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junipers-ghost · 8 months
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Them again
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protectivepredmom · 2 months
Asking out of curiosity, I know there’s most people who are prey (and nothing wrong with that) but are there times where you feel like you need to be a pred cause you feel safe and that no one can take you over? (For me it might be a trauma thing)
Saying I’m pred is kinda like shield, protecting myself so I don’t go through bad experiences again, I was forced to be prey in the past and I didn’t like the way they treated me
Yeah there’s prey trusting pred but I feel like I can trust no one due to bad experiences ;-;
Anyone else feel the same?
(Just wanted to let this out)
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 2 months
Heart: You don’t need to complain about my murder attempt when you’re reviewing a FUCKING CANDLE.
Mind [making no attempt to hide his giggling]: No, I think he does actually.
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bixels · 4 months
Gunsmith cats being on your favourites makes sense.. Your art style feels like it. Do you take inspiration from it?
That's funny. I haven't taken particular stylistic inspiration from it. I like the action, I like the cars, I like the short story format. It definitely captures what I love about 90s OVAs, where budget and energy is spent primarily on simple but flashy/stylish scenes with fantastic depth and character animation.
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juniemunie · 5 months
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Don't you have anything better to do?
Just let them go.
(Yes its based off that pic from Veil)
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thespineoftherighteous · 10 months
i know everyone and their grandmother has said "he's such an asshole!! (affectionate!!)" and while that's obviously fully true.. it seems to overshadow one of the most seemingly counterintuitive things about Neil which is that he naturally can be very polite. obviously they're not mutually exclusive qualities but i feel like it's hardly ever talked about. like from the beginning he apologizes a lot and occasionally has manners and shit, and especially once he gets close to the foxes he genuinely feels bad and guilty about lying to them and hurting them. I feel like people try so hard to make sure he's not seen as soft that the general idea has become that he's this verbally aggressive jackass who's only ever nice to like. andrew. but I don't think he is
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
To explain The Goblin Problem and not go on a tag rant on someone else's reblog, I will explain it in the nutshell.
The Goblin Problem is when a story establishes a group of creatures to serve as recurrent antagonists (not necessarily all one species; in a lot of rpg games this can broadly apply to "monsters") THAT:
Are never negotiable, or the negotiable parties among them are Token Heroic Orcs- that is to say, they are seen as objectors or 'good' versions who have absolutely no connections to, and hold no objections toward you attacking, the rest of their brethren, who they have forsaken as the price to be paid for being good.
Have obvious unique technology; they may attack you with weapons found nowhere else in the game, demonstrate the ability to speak, have their own obvious language, tame a creature that nobody else tames so that it's thus impossible that they are stealing already-tamed specimens from someone else
Are characterized primarily or exclusively as raiders who attack others, with the justification this means they are inferior creatures parasitically dependent on Good, Civilized Settings, e.g. they cannot possibly be sustainably hunting, gathering, or practicing either nomadic or settled agriculture.
Are often defined as having no choice to be evil or are created by a greater evil to serve as thralls, and yet, will not under any circumstances be regarded as indoctrinated victims, or if that is mentioned, there will nonetheless be an overarching lack of narrative concern as to where or how the survivors should live after the greater evil is taken care of, or if effort should be made to challenge the indoctrination and give them the ability to choose their lives.
What this ultimately creates is that they are unambiguously people, who obviously check all the marks of sapience, who are quite possibly wearing clothes, but the goblin or orc exists as a stopgap. You want your fantasy hero to get into a swordfight but you don't want him to kill another human being. So you invent something that wields a sword but is in some way "not a person", which is senseless. Unless you want the nature of this swordfight to be that a chimpanzee picked up a knife, at which point they are not going to use reliable sword techniques.
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