#Ethical persuasion
wisdomandroyalty · 8 months
Mastering the Art of Magnetic Influence
Unlock the Power of Magnetic Influence: Build rapport, manifest success, and empower others with strategic techniques. Harness personal magnetism and navigate delays for positive outcomes. #SuccessManifestation #WizBlog #HealthandWellness
Building Rapport, Success, and Empowerment When using magnetism in any interaction, it’s crucial to prioritize creating a positive and agreeable experience for the other person. Remember that your ultimate objective should always be establishing a favorable impression and rapport with them. Only after you have successfully formed this connection should you gently guide them towards aligning…
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philosophybits · 8 months
One will seem to promote virtue better by using encouragement and persuasion of speech than law and necessity. For it is likely that he who is held back from wrongdoing by law will err in secret, but that he who is urged to what he should by persuasion will do nothing wrong either in secret or openly.
Democritus, Fragments, B181
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chamerionwrites · 6 months
To herd things back to more practical ground - there is a certain stripe of western ""leftist"" that really likes to accuse committed anti-imperialists of moral posturing. (Or, in the more mask-off honest version, simply admits to not giving a shit about foreign policy when there are so many problems closer to home.) Obviously the first and by far the greatest problem with this position is that it is morally bankrupt. But the other reason guys like the union president quoted here ("I don’t make a lot of judgments on anything other than, what can you do to keep the people I represent in work?") make me feel completely unhinged is that this outlook is also so shortsighted and self-defeating.
You cannot disconnect foreign and domestic policy this way. It's absurd to believe that you can. It's absurd because the wealth and security of the west is poisoned by the violence committed to acquire it; because a just, free, compassionate society that runs on imperial plunder is - and this should be obvious!!!!!! - a contradiction in terms. The world in which you solve an empire's problems at home and then move on to dismantling empire abroad does not exist, will never exist, cannot possibly ever exist.
You cannot have a society that sustains itself through violence and does not relentlessly leak violence into the groundwater.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Don't Let the Packaging Get to You😭...
this is my follow-up on "2023 Is the Year to Become A Mindful Consumer"
We learn to buy things based on their packaging - the labels, the colors, graphics, etc. It gets both the logically minded and artistically minded alike. Looking beyond the packaging is not a matter of "not judging a book by its cover." It's important to outsmart the package's many ways of crying out "buy me!" Next thing you know, you've come home with a facial serum that breaks you out, a superfood powder that's 85% powdered rice grains, a drink you saw hyped up on TikTok, and a laundry detergent that claimed was "environmentally friendly" but the contents are just like the conventional brands. You might not even realize how many disappointing purchases you make like this. But if they fooled you, they've surely fooled others -- which fuels the company's marketing team to become more convincing & appealing.
First thing to address is your mentality when you enter a store or online shop. Realize that the point of the set-up is to get you to leave with as many products as possible, spending the most money possible, and leave with the thought of as many products as possible in your mind. If you struggle with sticking to just what you need, understand what is it about the store (its layout, employees, samples, etc) which cause you to be so easily convinced.
Next, understand what kind of customer you are. Place yourself in the shoes of a product marketer. What would you put on a package to sell it to yourself? How would you design that package? Who would you sponsor to convince you even further to buy that package? Look at the common denominators between the products you buy. Do you like going for the tried-and-true/popular brand, glam or sleek aesthetics, environmentally-friendly or ethical claims, more affordable option, latest trends, "doctor recommended" claims, or whatever else?
Also, understand what it means to make a purchase. Sure, everyone has heard that we vote with our dollars. But we don't always take full responsibility or power of our positions. Let's say that you like a product's contents except it's watered down with some waste product (like mineral oil), or you know that the company is deluding consumers with its claims & people are getting sick from it, or you learn that a shop aligns its aesthetics to look a lot like a small & mindful boutique but really it's just a normal sweatshop-run production. What can you do? The easiest thing you can do is not buy from that company (buy from a small business with great practices or make it yourself). You can leave reviews which share the truth. You can contact companies to see if they will consider different ingredients, materials, etc. You should talk about the company with others. You can even discreetly move products in a store so that their less noticeable to shoppers (as to decrease their sales. This isn't something petty, but to prevent funding dangerous or unethical items).
Finally, it's always good to have the habit of questioning, "Do I really need to buy this?" This is how mindless consumption really becomes mindful. It's better to find ways to make the product on your own. Normally, we look at the selection of products offered to us and consider, "What among this appeals to me?" Really, most of what we buy has either convinced us that we need it or it is the closest fit to a product which will serve our life. Creating an item which suits you exactly is better by far because it tends to eliminate more of the unnecessary evils and "unknowns" which come with our industrialized products.
Soon, you'll get in the habit of getting only what you need, being more resourceful & creative, seeing through the marketing tactics, learning about what goes into production processes, and finding fun in supporting true artistry & ingenious handmade creations. You'll begin to feel freer and less easily swayed. This is an important piece in taking control over what kind of lifestyle you live and the impact it has.
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antiquery · 1 year
rhetorical friendship ended with "on demand without apology" now "safe legal and rare" is my best friend
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bl-inkstone · 1 year
im fighting my demons rn (trying to focus on my assignments instead of writing the sagau post)
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yujofficial · 3 months
Deep diving into persuasion theories to influence user choices
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We will be deep-diving into persuasion theories to influence user choices — Persuasion Landscape, Ethical and Dark Patterns
Persuasion, the art of influencing decisions, is a powerful tool that shapes our interactions and choices. In user experience (UX), persuasion plays a crucial role in guiding users toward desired actions, whether making a purchase, signing up for a service, or engaging with content. However, the line between ethical and unethical persuasion is often blurred, giving rise to dark patterns.
Ethical Persuasion: Guiding Users: Ethical persuasion is about employing techniques that are transparent, respectful, and aligned with the user’s best interests.
Dark Patterns: Deceptive Persuasive Practices: Dark patterns, on the other hand, employ deceptive and manipulative tactics to exploit human psychology and push users into making decisions that may not align with their best interests.
Ethical Considerations: Balancing : Ethical principles should always guide the use of persuasion in UX Design. Designers and marketers must consider the long-term impact of their persuasive tactics on users’ trust, satisfaction, and overall experience.
Persuasion is a powerful tool that can be used for good or bad. By understanding the ethical implications of persuasive design and employing techniques that are transparent, respectful, and user-centric, we can create products and services that guide users toward informed decisions while upholding their trust and satisfaction.
At our UX design studio, we prioritize ethical practices by meticulously adhering to transparent and user-centric design principles. Our approach is rooted in building trust and ensuring user satisfaction, steering clear of deceptive dark patterns. By aligning our persuasive techniques with the best interests of the users, we strive to create impactful and positive user experiences that stand the test of time.
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fastlane-freedom · 6 months
Becoming a Master Influencer: Know the Art & Science of Persuasion
In a world dominated by social media, marketing, and constant communication, the ability to influence others has become a coveted skill. Whether you’re a business professional, an entrepreneur, or an individual navigating the complexities of everyday life, mastering the art of influence can open doors, foster meaningful connections, and propel you toward success. In this blog, we will explore the…
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omegaphilosophia · 7 months
Mastering Logical Fallacies: Identifying and Applying Sound Argumentation Principles
In the realm of persuasive discourse and critical thinking, the recognition of logical fallacies is pivotal. However, to truly master the art of argumentation, it's equally important to understand their opposites — the principles of sound reasoning. Below, we explore common logical fallacies and their contrasting valid argumentation principles, providing a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking to bolster their argumentative skills.
Logical Fallacies and Their Opposites:
Ad Hominem Fallacy (Attacking the person) vs. Addressing the Argument: Ad Hominem involves attacking a person's character rather than their argument. In contrast, addressing the argument and evidence, not personal traits, is a valid approach.
Straw Man Fallacy (Misrepresenting the opponent's argument) vs. Engaging with the Opponent's Actual Argument: Straw Man misrepresents an opponent's argument. Engaging with the opponent's actual argument and addressing its merits is the opposite.
False Dilemma Fallacy (Presenting Limited Options) vs. Acknowledging a Wider Range of Possibilities: False Dilemma oversimplifies complex issues by offering only two options. The opposite approach acknowledges a broader range of possibilities.
Appeal to Ignorance Fallacy (Arguing from Lack of Evidence) vs. Requiring Positive Evidence: This fallacy asserts that a claim is true because it hasn't been proven false. In contrast, the valid approach is to recognize that a lack of evidence doesn't prove anything; claims require positive evidence.
Circular Reasoning Fallacy (Assuming What You're Trying to Prove) vs. Providing Non-Circular, Logically Valid Arguments: Circular reasoning includes the conclusion in the premises. Constructing non-circular, logically valid arguments is the opposite.
Hasty Generalization Fallacy (Drawing Conclusions from Insufficient Evidence) vs. Drawing Conclusions from a Well-Reasoned and Representative Sample: Hasty Generalization results from drawing broad conclusions from inadequate or unrepresentative samples. Its opposite involves conclusions drawn from well-reasoned and representative samples.
Appeal to Popularity Fallacy (Arguing that Something Is True Because It's Popular) vs. Evaluating Claims Based on Evidence and Reasoning: This fallacy assumes that popularity implies truth or correctness. In contrast, the opposite approach evaluates claims based on evidence and reasoning rather than their popularity.
Appeal to Tradition Fallacy (Arguing that Something Is True Because It's Traditional) vs. Considering the Merits Regardless of Age: This fallacy assumes that tradition implies superiority. The opposite involves considering the merits of ideas or practices regardless of their age.
Appeal to Nature Fallacy (Arguing That Something Is Better Because It's Natural) vs. Assessing the Specific Qualities: This fallacy asserts that natural things are superior. The opposite approach involves assessing the merits of something based on its specific qualities, not just its origin.
Fallacy Fallacy (Assuming a Claim Is False Because of Fallacious Reasoning) vs. Assessing Claim Validity Independently: This fallacy dismisses a valid claim because it was argued poorly. The opposite is recognizing that a poorly argued claim can still be true, so the claim's validity should be assessed independently.
Anecdotal Fallacy (Relying on personal anecdotes as evidence) vs. Supporting Claims with Empirical Data: Anecdotal evidence is often unreliable. The opposite approach involves supporting claims with empirical data and rigorous research.
Burden of Proof Fallacy (Shifting the burden of proof to the wrong party) vs. Recognizing the Proper Burden of Proof: The Burden of Proof Fallacy attempts to shift the responsibility for proving a claim to the wrong party. The opposing principle involves recognizing and adhering to the correct burden of proof.
Appeal to Consequences Fallacy (Arguing for or against a claim based on its perceived consequences) vs. Evaluating the Claim on Its Merits: In the Appeal to Consequences fallacy, a claim is judged as true or false based on the positive or negative outcomes it might bring. The opposing principle involves assessing the claim independently of its potential consequences.
Division Fallacy (Assuming that what is true for the whole is true for its parts) vs. Examining the Characteristics of the Specific Parts: The Division Fallacy incorrectly concludes that what is true for a whole must also be true for its individual parts. The opposite principle involves evaluating the characteristics of specific parts on their own merits.
Appeal to Fear Fallacy (Using fear to persuade) vs. Making Rational and Fearless Decisions: Fear-driven arguments often manipulate emotions. The opposing principle encourages rational and fearless decision-making.
Cherry-Picking Fallacy (Selectively presenting evidence to support an argument) vs. Providing a Comprehensive and Balanced View: Cherry-picking involves focusing only on evidence that supports a particular position. The opposite approach requires presenting a comprehensive and balanced view, considering all relevant evidence.
Appeal to Complexity Fallacy (Assuming that complexity implies validity) vs. Preferring Simplicity When Warranted: Just as not everything simple is true, complexity doesn't inherently imply validity. The opposing principle involves preferring simplicity when complexity is unwarranted.
Understanding logical fallacies and their opposites is fundamental in constructing robust and convincing arguments. By focusing on logical reasoning, addressing arguments instead of personal traits, and embracing well-reasoned, evidence-based discourse, you can significantly enhance your argumentative skills and contribute to more effective and reasoned discussions.
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jjbizconsult · 10 months
How to Become an Influencer
How to Become an Influencer. Book Review: “Mastering Social Influence: Winning Friends and Becoming an Influencer” by Jeyaraj In “Mastering Social Influence: Winning Friends and Becoming an Influencer,” readers are invited to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and empowerment guided by the author, Jeyaraj. From the very outset, this comprehensive book promises to unlock the secrets…
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k-rising · 4 months
𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
What's the 9th house?: This house is ruled by Sagittarius and represents ethics and morals, spirituality, cultures, travel, studies, luck and philosophy.
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𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Scholars and visionaries. These people attach great importance to personal growth and have a great ambition for knowledge. They give others their knowledge to enhance their growth. They like to investigate topics that seem interesting to them. They seek to have a broad vision beyond common sense. If the Sun is badly aspected, they can become arrogant people who demonstrate intellectual superiority.
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Curious and volatile. These people tend to end up living far from where they were born. They are susceptible to the opinions of others. Intellectual stimulation in this position is very important for them. They dream a lot about the future, but they don't focus on the present. They need to absorb knowledge to expand their worldview. They also need to build their own values so that they can feel more secure and emotionally stable.
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Restless and curious. Studying and reading will always be part of their life. They are interested in the culture of other countries. They may be interested in topics such as human rights and religion. If Mercury is well aspected, they tend to learn new languages easily.
𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Adventurous, open-minded, sociable and optimistic. These people love to travel and learn new things. They attract people from different countries and cultures and learn a lot from others. They are attracted to people who give them new experiences. Some may easily fall in love with more than one person.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Honest, straightforward, lovers of life and open-minded. These people prefer to experience certain things for themselves rather than believe the opinions of others. They tend to rebel against traditions and religious beliefs. Some may move abroad to teach.
𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Restless, optimistic and intuitive. These people are focused on their destiny and seek to understand life in a deeper way. They tend to be quite incomprehensible to others. They have to learn to respect other points of view.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Practical. They tend to be closed-minded and it is difficult for them to change their minds. They do not tend to believe much in the mystical, but instead seek to give a scientific explanation to things. It is possible that they were forced to follow a religion from a very young age and that always generated rejection. They may also have had a lot of school problems or even been denied going to school in some way.
𝐔𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Unique and eccentric. These people see life from different points of view. They tend to rebel against traditional beliefs and the opinions of others. They do not usually follow a religion that many people follow. They often experience unusual and unexpected things on their trips.
𝐍𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people believe that anything is possible. They are attracted to mystical experiences and are open to all kinds of thoughts. Religion or some other belief is important for them. It is very likely that they will experience some type of spiritual journey. They have to be very careful, since they can become blinded to certain beliefs.
𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Persuasive and intelligent. Knowledge is power for them. They need to find some meaning in their lives and are always searching for the truth. They may experience dramatic crises in their lives. They are firm when it comes to giving their opinions and they always back up their arguments. They also like to change other people's minds. Traveling may cause them some type of trauma.
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‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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daybrightsims · 3 months
Alright, they've lived in my brain too long; Time to air out my thoughts about the polyamory in BG3
To give a little context: I am currently ethically non-monogamous with my primary partner of almost 7 years. I am not a monolith of thought when it comes to polyamory/ENM/open relationships. These are my own personal thoughts and feelings. I've also completed the game with Astarion and Halsin romanced. Spoilers ahead, read at your own risk.
TL;DR - I don't share the current opinion of whether or not Astarion is okay with Tav pursuing Halsin and the discourse around his agency and choices in the relationship are bumming me out and frustrating me.
I am getting increasingly frustrated about the conversation about Astarion being polyamorous/okay with Tav being with Halsin in the game, primarily because I think a lot of the "think pieces" are coming from 1) monogamous people who have only ever been monogamous, 2) monogamous people who have been burned/cheated on/forced into polyamory by a partner (I feel for ya'll, that wasn't okay), 3) people who are very VERY protective of Astarion, and 4) people who are blatantly uncomfortable with polyamory. My goal is not to invalidate anyone's experiences, but to share an alternate perspective.
I do think that Astarion is not only okay, but happy with Tav dating Halsin. I glean this from how he responds to being poly with ANY OTHER companion. If you ask him to share with literally anyone else, he will say no and give his reason.
Gale: He doesn’t want to be in a love triangle (which with Gale, it would be).
Lae’zel: He’s uncomfortable and Lae’zel would kill him (also true).
Wyll: He knows Wyll is old fashioned and monogamous.
Karlach: He knows Karlach’s feelings for you are strong and he doesn’t want to stand in the way of that (he even says he’d be cool with an arrangement but knows Karlach will need all of your affection based on what she’s been through).
Shadowheart: He would be cool IF Shadowheart had more experience and ya’ll were together longer. But he knows Shadowheart is fragile in her current state.
Minthara: He REALLY doesn’t like this idea and will dump you immediately.
I did also see that ***SPOILER*** they updated or are updating some of the spawn Astarion language to have issues with your affair with Mizora should you pursue it, and it requires a persuasion/deception role to keep you two together.
Up to this point in your relationship with Astarion, he has become more comfortable voicing his opinions and concerns with you. He is learning to value his autonomy and his non-physical relationships. He will tell you when he doesn’t want to do something. In fact, he’ll break up with you over pushing his boundaries. He is fine with you pursuing the Drow twins and fine with you sleeping with Haarlep, even comforts you when Haarlep uses your form. So when he says he is okay with you pursuing Halsin, he means it. Yes, he voices his insecurity with you that you may be pursuing Halsin because you and he haven’t had sex in a while. But he acknowledges that Halsin has experience in this arrangement and doesn’t pose a threat to your relationship. Plus, if you kiss Halsin in front of him, he’ll say “don’t mind me, I’m just enjoying the show.”
To me, the idea that this is the ONE thing that Astarion doesn't have agency over in an arc of showing he can speak up for himself is you sleeping with Halsin is an idea that takes more agency from Astarion. He is a grown man. A 240 YEAR OLD man. That trauma he's endured does not mean he needs to be babied or coddled because he can't make his own choices. I think that's an unfair assumption to put on him that Halsin and Tav being together is the ONLY thing he can't enforce his boundaries on.
If he didn't want you to be with Halsin, he would say no like every other monogamous character in the game.
If you want a good example of someone saying yes just because they want to keep you, look at Karlach. You can tell she is HEARTBROKEN when you ask her, but she says “I don’t want to lose you”. That is not an enthusiastic participant in a polyamorous relationship. Astarion says “yeah, go for it! Just give me some reassurance”. Polyamory is not immune to insecurity. I've asked for reassurance in my own relationships and so has my primary partner. That’s not unenthusiastic. That’s realistic as shit. If you ask him about the relationship after you finish his questline, he doesn’t need reassurance because you’re having sex again. That’s also super realistic.
Am I sensitive to this as someone who practices ENM? Almost certainly. It's hard to see a lifestyle I live be villainized and claimed to be "forced" onto characters. I was actually really excited that I could pursue both Astarion and Halsin, and that Halsin places so much importance on consent and not misleading your partner. And it sucks SOO much to see one of my favorite characters be reduced to "oh, he's only doing it because he's afraid to lose Tav." It makes me almost feel bad for liking the interactions between them and enjoying to option. Do I think people mean to make me or other poly people feel bad? No.
But it does.
Headcanons are headcanons. I get it. People are absolutely allowed to interpret the poly aspect of BG3 how they want to. People are allowed to feel uncomfy with how it's portrayed and not pursue it. But it still bums a queer ENM Astarion and Halsin lover out.
Now excuse me whilst I live out my Astarion x Halsin x Tav polycule fantasies in the form of fanfiction.
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televinita · 2 years
84 minutes in:
(round 2)
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kittenintheden · 4 months
BG3 Fics & Drabbles Masterlist
thought I should probably start a masterlist. it's mostly being horny on main for Astarion lbr.
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Where were you, when I was new? - 18+, Pre-Canon, Virgin Astarion, Law Student Astarion
No Thoughts, Just Vibes - 18+, Post-Canon, Spawn!Starion, sex toys, holiday fluff
Closer to God - 18+, breeding kink, sex pollen-ish (everyone aware/consenting, just big horny), heat/mating, rough sex, but also tender sex
Professionals - 18+, roleplay, sex work, biting, blood drinking, oral sex, PIV sex
You Can Read Me Anything Part 1 | Part 2 - 18+, innocent Tav, illiterate Tav, secondhand smut via fake bodice ripper, first time oral, retell of the forest clearing scene, Astarion playing himself
Ethics Review - 18+, magistrate roleplay, post-canon, light BDSM, spanking, orgasm denial, dirty talk, light edgeplay, oral sex, PIV sex
How could I say no? - 18+, dirty talk, established relationship, AFAB F!Tav (3rd person), sexy kisses, teasing, orgasm delay, analingus
Poker Face Real Version | April Fool's Version - 18+, gender neutral Tav, quickie, semi-public sex, sex in a closet (sort of), wall sex, blowjob, penetration
Right Side of My Neck - 18+, female OC, oral sex, PIV sex, mirror sex, stoned sex, Ori and Astarion get high and Astarion gets the weed hornies
how to train your brat - 18+, future NYS sneak peek, Ori bratting, Astarion brat-taming, light BDSM elements, soft dom Astarion, dirty talk, light spanking, blowjob, PIV sex, the dorks being complete menaces
Drabbles (under 1k)
Sip the Tea - 18+, temperature play, blowjob
Devil Inside - 18+, Haarlep being an asshole, Astarion making it better
music to my ears - 18+, eargasm, ASMR, touchless orgasm, creaming pants
Mirror Image - 18+, oral sex, 69 position
Let Go - 18+, fluffy, gentle sex, disgustingly in love about it
Before Morning's Light - 18+, fluff, comfort after nightmare of the needy nighttime quickie persuasion
Here for Wyllstravaganza? Find all the Wyll Ravengard goodness here!
People send me Ask Box prompts sometimes - you can find all those here!
Long Fic
Not Your Sweetheart (AO3) - 18CHA bard Orianna vs 10CHA dumbass rogue vampire, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, absurd amount of zingers & hijinks
NYS Spotify Playlist - The playlist that accompanies Not Your Sweetheart, updated every chapter <3
Masterpost of Ori Art - The non-spoilery art I have of Ori (and Astarion, occasionally), with all artists linked
Header art of Ori by Freya
Icon art by @hamrikaa
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seraphic-saturn · 7 months
Leo in Houses : What makes you proud?
1st House (Self-Image): Radiant Confidence
Leo in the 1st house illuminates your self-image with an irresistible charisma and a resolute sense of pride. You possess a magnetic aura that commands attention and admiration, effortlessly drawing others to your captivating presence. Your unique identity radiates with an unyielding confidence that captivates those around you, leaving an indelible mark of distinction and self-assurance. You take great pride in your natural leadership qualities and your innate ability to shine in any situation, fostering an environment where your individuality becomes an inspiration for others to follow.
2nd House (Material Wealth): Regal Abundance
With Leo gracing your 2nd house, you derive pride from your luxurious lifestyle and financial security. You take great joy in the opulence you've meticulously cultivated, displaying your prosperity to the world with a regal flair. Your indulgent tastes and penchant for the finer things in life reflect your inherent desire for comfort and extravagance, and you feel a deep sense of satisfaction in surrounding yourself with tangible symbols of your success. Your unwavering confidence in your ability to create and maintain wealth projects an image of abundance and prosperity that is not only tangible but also serves as a source of inspiration for those around you.
3rd House (Communication): Expressive Brilliance
With Leo gracing your 3rd house, you possess a unique and vibrant communication style that fills you with a sense of pride. Your eloquence and expressive nature captivate those around you, making you a compelling storyteller and an engaging conversationalist. You take immense delight in articulating your ideas with flair, infusing your words with passion and confidence, leaving a lasting impression on your listeners. Your intellectual prowess and persuasive charm allow you to effortlessly convey complex concepts in a way that is both enlightening and entertaining, establishing you as a magnetic force of expressive brilliance that effortlessly commands attention and respect.
4th House (Home and Family): Majestic Roots
Leo gracing your 4th house signifies your profound pride in your nurturing role within your family and the sense of warmth you instill in your home. You derive immense joy from creating a secure and loving environment, one that serves as the cornerstone of familial unity and love. Your regal demeanor and natural leadership qualities make you the pillar of strength, fostering closeness and admiration among your loved ones. Your dedication to providing a stable and affectionate space allows your family to thrive, with you at the helm, radiating a majestic aura of protection, love, and unwavering support that forms the very roots of your familial harmony and pride.
5th House (Creativity): Theatrical Inspiration
With Leo illuminating your 5th house, your creative passion ignites like a radiant stage spotlight. You find an immense sense of pride in your artistic talents, reveling in the opportunity to express yourself in grand and dramatic ways. Your creative pursuits take center stage, captivating your audience with a unique flair that demands attention and admiration. Your vibrant and expressive nature infuses your artistic endeavors with a theatrical inspiration that sets you apart, drawing the spotlight toward your dynamic and compelling expressions of creativity. You bask in the glow of your own artistic ingenuity, finding validation and fulfillment in the profound impact your creativity has on those who have the privilege of witnessing your imaginative brilliance.
6th House (Work Ethic): Mighty Efficiency
With Leo gracing your 6th house, you take immense pride in your strong work ethic and unwavering dedication to your responsibilities. Your reliability and competence shine brightly, earning you well-deserved recognition and admiration. You approach your tasks with a sense of majesty, infusing every duty with a regal touch that sets you apart as a paragon of efficiency and capability. You find deep satisfaction in the praise you receive for your diligence, reveling in the acknowledgment of your unyielding commitment to excellence. Your mighty presence in the realm of work and responsibility serves as a powerful inspiration for those around you, fostering an atmosphere of productivity and professionalism that reflects your stellar work ethic and steadfast determination.
7th House (Partnerships): Royal Allegiance
Leo gracing your 7th house infuses your partnerships with a sense of regal pride and unwavering commitment. You find immense joy in providing steadfast loyalty and unwavering support to your partner, valuing the sense of commitment and dedication that underpins your relationship. Your affectionate nature and generous spirit create an environment of mutual adoration and respect, fostering a connection that is built on a foundation of admiration and devotion. You expect your noble and affectionate gestures to be met with admiration and validation, seeking acknowledgment for your unwavering allegiance and the regal presence you bring to the sacred bond of partnership.
8th House (Challenges): Courageous Resilience
With Leo gracing your 8th house, you find pride in your unwavering ability to face and overcome life's challenges with a dignified and courageous spirit. Your unwavering emotional fortitude serves as a source of strength, enabling you to confront even the most daunting of adversities with grace and resilience. You take profound satisfaction in the admiration earned from your ability to navigate difficult situations, inspiring those around you with your unwavering resolve and regal composure. Your courageous approach to life's trials and tribulations serves as a powerful testament to your inner strength and fortitude, setting you apart as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who witness your dignified journey through the darkest of storms.
9th House (Philosophy): Noble Wisdom
With Leo gracing your 9th house, you derive immense pride from your vast knowledge and profound philosophical insights. Your intellectual pursuits and expansive understanding of the world fill you with a sense of noble wisdom that is both enlightening and inspiring. You take great pleasure in sharing your wealth of knowledge with others, reveling in the profound impact your teachings have on those seeking guidance and enlightenment. Your regal approach to imparting wisdom and motivation serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, uplifting those around you with your profound insights and your unwavering commitment to the pursuit of truth and enlightenment.
10th House (Career): Glorious Achievement
With Leo gracing your 10th house, you channel your ambitious drive for professional success and recognition with a regal grace. You take immense pride in your leadership qualities and your unwavering dedication to achieving greatness in your chosen field. Your unyielding pursuit of excellence and your authoritative presence demand acknowledgment and admiration from your peers and superiors. You approach your career with a resolute determination to leave a lasting impact, establishing yourself as a beacon of inspiration and influence. Your professional achievements stand as a testament to your regal stature, symbolizing the heights of success and recognition that are the hallmark of your illustrious career journey.
11th House (Friendships): Influential Magnetism
With Leo gracing your 11th house, you bask in the influential role you hold within your social circle. You take immense pride in your ability to lead and inspire others toward shared goals and aspirations, radiating a magnetic charisma that captivates and motivates those around you. Your unwavering confidence and regal presence make you a natural guiding force, and you derive deep satisfaction from the admiration earned through your charismatic guidance. You revel in the harmonious camaraderie and shared vision that flourishes within your friendships, symbolizing the profound impact and lasting legacy you create through your influential magnetism within your social network.
12th House (Spirituality): Majestic Resilience
With Leo gracing your 12th house, you find pride in your inner strength and profound resilience, which serve as your guiding light through personal struggles. You derive joy from conquering life's challenges with grace and courage, drawing upon your majestic resilience to overcome even the most daunting of obstacles. You seek validation and fulfillment in your profound emotional endurance and spiritual nobility, viewing each hardship as an opportunity for personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Your regal approach to navigating the depths of your subconscious mind and spiritual journey serves as a testament to your unwavering strength and the noble grace with which you face the trials and tribulations that come your way.
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silvervinewine · 2 months
Hii! I saw ur reqs are open!! :D if its ok can I request dottore (+segments) relationship hcs?
introductions were short and brief, a simple hello before you got to work alongside him, or the multiple hims. (very confusing to digest at the very start)
an assistant, supposedly an easy job for just about anyone. but it isnt just anyone youre working for, its a harbinger and his multiple freaky clones, come on !
being dragged off to help fairly younger versions of him with their experiments of dubious ethical values, being careful as to do your best.
one wrong move and youll end up in the cleaners, great job prospect for you !! surprisingly enough though, they accept you in their circle.
compared to the older versions of him, the younger segments are less guarded... and more carefree. you joke around with em, you bring them gifts and they happily accept em.
you talk to em and slowly but surely they start revealin parts of their history. fast movin experiments, considerable murders and lotsa studying within the academiya was what they told you about.
you accepted them for them with a little hesistance, but still do. and to their delight (?), not very clear they come to seek for you. yearn is silent within all dotttore variants, but mutual respect becomes one sided puppy love.
dumb crushes and the ruse they put up, being in love.. they did not realize you were also a scholar, one with a little more sense of social awareness. soon enough you cracked open their supposedly top secret plot.
their eagerness and surprising acceptance leads you to work with some of the older clones. a challenging next step for you.
blunt and close guarded, thats whats you came to know the few late adult clones as.
engaging in conversation which would lead to laughter and giggles with the young adult variants quickly fell on deaf ears.
you became used to ignoring and being ignored, and you came to miss the younger guys, repeatedly seeking them out.
using your lunch break to talk to the younger bunch, some of them really liked you some of then merely respected you and that was normal within their little society.
talking and lunching, before being found out by the superiors. it was your lunch break, you were mortal and you needed to eat but the segments didnt.
fighting back and through persuasive means you managed to lure a few older clones, little by little.
sweet dinners lit by the firelight and you were able to seduce a couple of older clones into talking, they told you about their plights and you listened.
touchstarved and unloved were the segments, and you could change that. you could. brushing hands and sitting a little closer before ultimately hugging them.
definetly the begginning of the end, and in little to no time did you have an older segment in your lap resting while you ran your fingers across their hair.
then there were two, then three segments, then four, and eight and more. all competing for affection, all yearnin for something they hadnt experienced.
one day IL DOTTORE stepped in though, the real deal, the doctor.
heard of all the talk from within the grapevine, a distraction and there could be no distractions for the segments.
they were an extension of him, carefully crafted to do their individual jobs. careful workers, guarded and alone. a part of his conciousness, and he knew he was indeed guarded and he had no need for any romantic nuisances around.
stepping into a room to find upwards of 4 segments all curled around you as you read a story. this was not bound to happen, not bound to when they needed to work.
he shooes them away, brushing them off before demanding you at once worked directly with him. whisking you away to a far away laboratory.
the doctor himself was cold, cold and harsh with everyone around him. yet with careful consideration, you managed to find the man within him.
soft bribes with the best pastries and careful hugs and caresses and he was under your spell, geez did he come to love you.
you promised him you would stay by his side, keep him company and suddenly a good part of his years looked better than before.
a gruff man, he knew himself to be cold and calculated but you threw him haywire somehow. he didnt know what could be.
until he did, he came to realize you loved him and from there on he didnt let go.
one step at a time, and slowly but surely you entered a state of relationship. a state of pure lovesick bliss.
whether it was romantic dinner dates or soft picnics, he loved it.
he came to tell you bits n pieces of his past and you held him all throughout, holding his face and kissing it gently much to his dismay (pleasure actually, but he wouldnt ever admit that).
as long as you were beside him, he was down.
you loved him and he loved you, and that was a given. even though he was cold and a bit egocentric, he still loved you n only you.
(A/N not proof read or spelling checked or grammae checked, sorey if this isnt what you qanted kinda went off the deep end geez )
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