#Especially with people with oc who has a soft and sweet personality
crowlipso · 10 months
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Some mfs be like please be friends with my ocs, and then their ocs are pretty much like this.
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The Infantilisation of Aziraphale and Why It’s Such An Awful Thing.
Hii there, I'm Teddy and um this is my yap because this is a very close to my heart subject as you probably will be able to tell upon reading. Sorry if theres any repeated points or errors, I did my best to edit it. Anyways, enjoy! <3
The infantilisation of Aziraphale undermines his whole personality as an age old being, one who is incredibly powerful, strong, and intelligent. Far from infantile, he's made rational decisions and at times let his emotions influence them, yes, but this is no way an excuse to chalk him down to childish. Infantilising Aziraphale also jeopardises his relationship with Crowley, someone just as old and intelligent as he is, yet he is rarely infantilised. Although Aziraphale’s decisions may be more ‘pure’ than Crowley's, influenced by his ideas of rules and obligation, pushed on him from his very creation, they don't display naivety or the foolishness depicted in many infantile decisions. (for the most part)
People often infantilise him to purposefully further the effeminate, ‘cutesy’ stereotype of gay men, specifically gay men that don't necessarily conform to society's very strict beauty constructs whether it be through age, appearance, nationality, disabilities all these things can affect it. 
A lot of gay men face either infantilisation or hypersexualisation and the way some of the good omens fandom treats Crowley and Aziraphale is exactly this stereotype.
They strip down the personalities of crowley and Aziraphale to something that may be only  a small fraction of their personality, like Aziraphale’s softness being turned into this shy, mouse of a person, relying on crowley for everything, helpless, pathetic, crowley’s sometimes suave, cool manner turning him into a ice-cold, smooth-talking often masochistic alpha male fucking sex god. Neither of them are these things. 
The fandom also tends to deliberately remove Crowley's femininity which historically has been a large part of his character, just look at his portrayals throughout the years. Like why? All for the sake of some Colleen Hoover style fuck boy?? Hell to the fucking no.
They often turn Crowley into a total slut as well, mindless and perpetually horny, neither of those things is he, especially not mindless. He’s proven himself to be clever, cunning and wily, as per his demonic heritage, but tends to do things a little…. Undemonically. 
Oh well.
Aziraphale’s femininity, his softness and joy, his purity isn't an excuse to reduce him down to singularly those things. He is a well rounded character, with so many layers of personality and history and all these things that if you take away these elements it's no longer Aziraphale. It might as well be someone’s random OC. (well technically he’s Neil Gayma- ahem i mean Gaiman’s oc but yk elementary, my dear Watson)
The points people tend to zone in on in their quest to baby their dear sweet Aziraphale who ‘must be protected at all costs’ are usually these:
His innocence, particularly about human culture (though admittedly he knows more about certain things than even crowley does)
His love of soft, sweet things
His emotional dependence on crowley
is reluctance to rebel against authority
His politeness
People forget Aziraphale is completely capable of defending and taking care of himself. He’s not your ‘uwu soft boy’ who needs to be looked after. No, he’s far from that. The whole ‘infantilisation thing’ is also just an excuse to dumb down and baby gender-nonconforming people which in itself is atrocious. As my very good co-writer Kris said, he’s “the angel of the fucking eastern gate for crying out loud.” He wields a flaming sword, can produce strong miracles and can resist temptation. Oh, did I mention he also helped avert a whole FUCKING APOCALYPSE??? AS IN. END OF THE WORLD. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE. OH NO, BOOHOO, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE TYPE APOCALYPSE?????????? HMM?
He's also proven himself to be perfectly capable of making his own decisions with his own mind, has proven himself to have a conscience, a strong sense of right and wrong that he formed partly alone, sometimes deviating from heavens set ‘code’ for beliefs and behaviour, has proven himself to be able to deal with the guilt and confusing emotions (to a certain degree) that come alongside with finding yourself deeply involved with someone that you know the very institution that created you despises. 
Aziraphale’s sense of fashion and general propriety  also furthers the ‘effeminate’ stereotype, making him seem overly vain and prudish, he can be these things, he can sometimes even be petulant, but this further proves his well rounded character as being shown to display a wide range of emotions.
Using direct quotes from the book here are some lines people may use to zone in on Aziraphale’s femininity, and then of course, you find another reason for his infantilisation. (Women are dumbed down and infantilised, OBVIOUSLY.)
Aziraphales effeminate qualities:
“Aziraphale spread his elegantly-manicured hands.”
“Tartan is stylish.” 
“Angels had certain moral standards to maintain and so, unlike Crowley, he preferred to buy his clothes rather than wish them into being from raw firmament. And the shirt had been quite expensive.”
“Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide.”
Aziraphale has also been shown to be able to be thoughtless, careless and at times even selfish. 
In season one, a dove used for magic dies in his coat pocket due to his thoughtlessness, though he ressurects it soon after its discovery. 
His appearance goes hand in hand with his character. It HIGHLIGHTS elements of his character. He’s gluttonous. A quality we shouldn’t really see in an angel, but regardless we do. Because of this quality, he's plump. And? This doesn't affect his personality or character and is in fact still essential to it. 
His vanity affects his appearance greatly. He’s said to have soft hands, ‘neatly manicured’. He typically doesn’t grow facial hair, opting for a clean shaven rather cherubic appearance. We know he greatly prides himself on his clothes, keeping them in pristine condition for hundreds of years, taking painstaking care with them. We see him greatly disappointed in season one when his jacket is shot by a paintball and he’s reluctant to wash or even magically remove it because he’ll ‘still know it’s there’, so in the end Crowley removes it for him, after which Aziraphale seems quite satisfied. He doesn’t mention about ‘knowing it’s still there’. Gay much.
We keep seeing qualities in Aziraphale that aren’t usually typical or desirable in an angel, adding more layers to his character and personality. If he didn’t have these things, he’d be like any other angel we see. 
These angels aren’t necessarily cruel, or callous, or mean. They have no concept of such things. They simply follow orders to the extent they do not question or care what the thing is they’re being ordered to do. They don’t have an internal moral battle over whether this is right or wrong. They don’t believe that their actions could possibly be wrong or misguided because they literally take God at his every word. Get an order, complete it. Simple as that. 
It’s because of the traits he’s developed by himself over time that make him so likeable. Do you honestly think he’d be popular at all without these things? Then how can he be stripped of these things so frequently people are starting to forget his original character completely? It’s such a shame.
In fact he really isn’t a very good angel at all. He’s far too human. But you see, that’s what makes him so powerful. He does have a conscience. It influences him. He has a sense of right and wrong. He rebels, because he thinks. He thinks and therefore he decides things are wrong. And he decides not to obey those things.
Off topic as I round my points up:
In reference to the appearance quirks of the angels, someone in a reddit post three years ago (user has been deleted) put it wonderfully:
“I believe that the gold make-up and highlights on Uriel and Michael’s face, Sandalphon’s diamond-studded grill with a crucifix, and Gabriel’s violet eyes were design choices to communicate their ethereal natures to the audience.
The way they did this with Aziraphale are his white outfits, gold angel themed jewellery, the cherubic curls, but most of all, his halo. The director put a lot of effort into always backlighting Aziraphale’s blond hair to give the appearance of a halo, as well as placing him in well lit areas. The result is that Aziraphale practically glows in every scene he’s in. Michael Sheen put a ton of light into Aziraphale’s smile as well, in a way probably no other actor could have done.
If we’re going to settle on something as an ethereal quirk for Aziraphale, it’s his radiance.”
Anyways, thank you so much for reading this giant yap, I’m very honoured. 
anyways gang this is the other half of this post written by my very good friend, Kris. ( @anth0ny-c0wl3yy )
Enjoy! <3
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clover-color · 1 month
Can you introduce your OC?
Omg I wait for question like 300 year����
Aham! Of course !
My first OC is name "YUU"
At first I was going to make him a arrogant and scheming character, like a male version of Cindy...But now he looked like just a sad puppy when Penny wasn't paying attention.
Of course I like Penny so I made him oc x canon, And he has a soft spot for Penny
Personality (Yuu): He is a very arrogant and carefree child. He doesn't care about other people's feelings, except for girls he is especially kind or people he is close to but he still acts sly.
(But with Penny he was just like a puppy waiting for its owner, he was so kind to Penny that all his friends were surprised.)
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My 2 and 3 OC is name "TINA" and "TINY"
At first I only made Tina but for some reason I suddenly wanted to make twins for her so Tiny came.
1 crybaby and 1 cocky (For others, it might be like that, but they love each other very much🥰)
Personality (Tina): She is initially a timid child, although her parents are not cruel people and her older brother is very nice, making her sensitive to the outside world.
Personality (Tiny): But for Tiny, this is because his parents are too spoiled and kind, making him a cocky kid. Even though he wears glasses and looks like Monty, he's a stupid kid. He's just a cocky kid, but he loves his sibling very much.
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My 4 OC is name "Christiana" or "Chris"
Chris or Christina are quite friendly people and can get along with everyone. They don't really care if the other person hates them or not, sometimes too kind. The wounds received were therefore caused by being attacked and They didn't have any problems or sue the teacher.
They're gender fluid characters but they're definitely female from birth, but I'm not sure if they'd be transgender or not.
Personality (Chris): That being said, they are very kind. They don't care about people who hurt them, but they would care more if others hurt their close friends. Like Tina, however, she is a bit of a child who can't keep up with others
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And my last OC's name is Adonis which means god
You know that even though I say he's a cute kid, you know that's not true. Actually, I've wanted to create a character like this for a long time and I'm quite satisfied.
You can easily guess what kind of person he is^^
Personality (Adonis): He is a kind, cheerful person who always talks to people with a smile and does not get angry when someone is rude to him, He clearly shows gentleness and gentleness towards women, which makes Cindy like him more than she ever liked Yuu.
Personality (Adonis): He hates everyone, He views everyone as just a worm, doesn't even care if the other person is a girl or a guy. If messes with someone he likes, he's ready to punch them in the face every time. Including Chris, they was once punched by him, but he asked them not to tell someone else with a cute face (And you know that Chris can be soft-hearted)
But everyone likes him because no one knows his true personality
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If you've read this far, you're a very sweet person🥺 Let me kiss you now.
If you have any questions, you can ask. I will be very happy to answer!
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dandylion240 · 21 days
OC Deep Dive
I was tagged by @anamoon63 - thank you so much!
For this one I'll do Eli Reagan
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
He has a form of Thalassophobia. He doesn't fear the water so much as he fears being on the beach. It was while he was on the beach for a family outing that his dad was kidnapped and he associates the beach/ocean with that.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People who think they know everything even when they don't
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A notebook and pen so that he can jot down ideas for songs, lyrics, music, etc. His phone. A picture of him and Awan together when they were kids.
What do they notice first in a person?
He notices their eyes. The way they look at someone shows whether or not they have good intentions or not.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Physical pain tolerance maybe a 6. Emotional pain maybe a 7. I know there are some who consider him a bit of a wimp so that might be a little hight but he does develop some backbone as he gets older.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
He's more apt to go into flight mode unless cornered then he'll fight but it's not his go to mode.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Yes he does. He's the oldest of five kids. He has three younger brothers and a younger sister.
What animal represents them best?
Meerkat because he's quiet, sensitive, empathetic, flexible, loyal and creative.
What is a smell that they dislike?
He dislikes the scent of coconut sunscreen.
Have they broken any bones?
His nose.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
A bit of a wimp.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
He's always been more of a morning person than a night owl.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
He hates apples; especially the sweet red ones. He says they're sweet it's like eating mush. He prefer the tart green apples. He loves sweet tarts.
Do they have any hobbies?
Playing music, piano, guitar and singing.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
He'd be shocked that anyone would go to so much trouble just for his birthday but he'd love it.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yes he loves jewlery of all kinds. When he's older he'll spend a fortune on jewlery.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
It's more on the messy side. He has so many thoughts and ideas in his head he has to write things down in a hurry.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Anxious and inspired
Do they have a favorite fabric?
He likes soft fabrics he can easily move in
What kind of accent do they have?
Whatever accent sims from Brindleton Bay have.
Tagging: @theosconfessions @mahvaladara @wannabecatwriter @stargazer-sims @miss-may-i @kimmiessimmies @holocene-sims
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spacebarbarianweird · 5 months
OC Questions. Alethaine Ancunin.
Based on this list of Tav questions
Alethaine Ancunin is the daughter of Astarion and OC Tav Tiriel. She is a High-Elf/Dhampir and Sorcerer/Necromancer with Lawful Neutral Allignment.
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As a dhampir she doesn't have many scars due to fast regeneration but her right palm looks burnt. It's a result of being chained in silver by "dhampir hunters". She ended up murdering them and reviving as ghols - but the skin never properly healed.
Upon returning home, Alethaine tried to hide the scars from her parents which ended with her mother forcing Alethaine to put off the gloves and show her what had happened.
Alethaine is rational and cold-minded. She doesn't have any superstitions and isn't into religion.
"Maybe if I find a god of dhampirs, I will become a devoted cleric! But, alas, it seems like we have neither souls not gods!"
Alethaine has never thought about it. As a dhampir, she is going to live for at least seven hundred years and it's plenty of time.
Sorcerer/Necromancer. She was born with innate abilities for necromancy which manifested in the age of eight when revived a dead kitten. Alethaine controls her abilities and knows a variety of dark spells.
"I will suck you dry and revive as a ghoul. And you will carry my books until I get tired of you!"
Alethaine doesn't believe dhampirs are capable of creating any form of organizaton let alone a state. On the other hand, she is distrustful of mortals, too, and usually prefer to assume the worst.
Alethaine isn't sure if dhampirs are capable of having children and if they can what this child will be. As a demisexual, Alethaine hasn't met a person who she would be comfortable to share bed with, let alone starting a family. But she is suprisingly good with kids, especially little dhampirs.
Alethaine was a suprise child, because neither Astarion nor Tyrael had any idea about dhampirs (and they were still pretty rare 20 years post-game). But, gods. she was (and is) loved! Astarion saw fatherhood as a chance to become a better version of himself, Tyrael just suddenly felt an urge to be a mother. Alethaine knows she is always welcome at her parents' house and none of them will ever judge her (even if she really fucks up).
Alethaine knows a lot about the world and it makes her anxious. She can cry because of injustices and if other dhampirs suffer. Alethaine often cries out of stress. Astarion taught her it's better to cry out sorrows than withhold emotions.
Alethaine has a soft spot for old-fashioned monarchies and sees them as a pretty rational way of ruling rather than oligarchies or republics.
She is bilingual from birth since Astarion preferred to speak Elven to her when they were alone. He also taught her Abyssal and Thieves Cant. With years, Alethaine learned Infernal and the language of Drows.
Romance novels. She usually has to read a lot of books on magic and other "serious stuff" and when she has a chance she reads the most tooth-rotting stuff she can think of.
Alethaine is a light sleeper - she immediately wakes up if something is off, having almost predatory instincts.
Alethaine fears loneliness - as a dhampir she feels off among the mortal and is afraid the older she gets the less people there will be who tolerate her.
She also fears to lose her freedom and mind autonomy. As a necromancer, she deals with unimaginable horrors and she knows how easy it is to lose yourself to some dark power.
Stupid thing or not, she believes there is her thiramin somewhere (she is an elf, after all) and she just needs to find him or her. Besides she relates to her father- Astarion got his "knight in shining armour", so why shouldn't Alethaine?
Sweets. Alethaine has a sweet tooth.
Alethaine sleeps as if she is in a coffin. On her back, hands at chest. At the same time, she is the person who hoardes all the pillows and blankets to sleep as comfortable as possible.
Alethaine often cries - she doesn't like to hide her emotions. When she is anxious, she starts walking on the ceiling. Sometimes, when everything is just too much, she goes to the nearest graveyard. It's possible to find her lying on some fresh grave with her arms open and eyes shut.
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
Remember King Devil from the casino? If it's okay, may I kindly hear some more about her? I love big strong butch women who would pick me up and she seems so sweet.
Maybe some general hcs and appearance? Or King and a reader who's like, silly unlimited? 100% goofball ESPECIALLY around her because they get really happy around her?
A bit off topic but MAN one of these days I gotta be brave and doodle something and it send in. You're like my go-to yan writer!! Even if anytime I send in an ask I get embarrassed to the moon and back. You seem like such a cool person and your ocs and writing makes my brain bounce around in my skull.
King is one of many entertainers at the casino and is the star of the ring as a stunt woman in various acts. Her favorite is as a fighter in the medieval themed shows as they're when she's really able to let loose since human guests frame her violence upon others as an act. I don't have much more for design currently than she wears a knight helmet she rarely removes and has scales - possibly a dragon?
• King is a very boastful and loud woman. She's proud of her strength as it is something she lacked in her mortal years and will use it just about anywhere to get her way. Wanna hang out with other people? Gotta arm wrestle her for the free time. Need a jar opened? Maybe a little kiss to her helmet will put her in your favor. This does mean she's not afraid to rock anyone's shit for getting too close for comfort. Choke slams folks as a warning and if things escalate from there they'll likely end up as another stain on the wall.
• King does have a soft side she only shows around you and the handful of friends she's made at the casino. She may be the king, but you're her right hand and she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy all the sappy shit you can get up to. She even calls you your higness when she's trying to be cute. Bolts to the crowd whenever she's finished with a show and expects you to be at the seat she saved so she can swoop you up in her arms and celebrate the victory together. Gives bear hugs that'd save most a trip to the chiropractor and parades you around the casino like you're the best thing since sliced bread.
She'll still fling you around like a ragdoll, but she always makes sure you have a helmet and maybe a some cushion before she even thinks about throwing you... which is surprising quite often.
• King is able to manipulate the tattoos she has into tangible objects. The horse she rides in tournaments is a stallion she has inked on her back.
• King would have a field day with a silly/goofball darling. She's not above kidnapping and imprisoning her love, but to have you willing be around her and excited to be so is equally as favored if not preferred. She might drag you into crazy stunts, but not before punking some poor lesser to do it first to verify the safety of whatever she's throwing you into. Cannot start her day or any show without seeing your smiling face her and will brag about you to someone she's holding in a headlock while and long after they want. Lovesick demon lady is very much head over heels with you and makes sure everyone knows it
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ddostoyevskyy · 1 year
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The Runaway Bride
Kamisato Ayato
Note: Can't believe I'm writing for another fandom again. Anyway, this man is my old main. I'm using my OC's surname (from my BSD fic) as Y/N's surname, just in reference of their origin. Typical arrange marriage trope.... with a twist. He fell first, and fell harder.
Warnings: idk how to label this - angst to comfort or comfort to angst? SEXUAL CONTENT — READ AT YOUR OWN RISK (unprotected sex, hate sex? idk, reader is a lil’ rough with Ayato, biting, overstimulation, edging, size kink, it started rough but it ended soft), afab!reader, enemies to lovers — to enemies (?), Ayato’s pining and an oblivious yet love-starved reader, graphic violence, child abuse, family issues, heavy implied incest (not from reader and Ayato), blood, descriptive murder, victim-blaming, manipulation, self-blaming, self-harming, I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANY OF THESE WARNINGS, THIS IS PURELY FICTIONAL, ANY SCENES ARE PURE IMAGINATION.
11.2K words
Part 1, Part 2 (?)
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"Smile now, my daughter," Father had whispered in your ears with a huge smile on his face, eyeing your whole appearance in the mirror as you shifted and fidget your hands together in discomfort. Wearing a white, long sleeve dress made with the finest silk and your hair tied up in a bun, creating a sharp look on your fluttering eyes. His hands are on your shoulders while he whispers sweet nothings on your ear as you stood in front of the mirror, gradually staring intently on the clear reflection. "They've known my daughter because of her warm smile. We don't want to disappoint the visitors if they ever saw you frowning like that, right?"
You tried your best to smile that doesn't even reached your eyes, though, your father had praised you for showing him his favorite smile of yours and praising you for being a good daughter, you winced when he's finally gone to prepare, almost dropping on your knees for the pressure as you huff, both in annoyance and discomfort.
Being a perfect daughter is difficult —especially, when you can't act fine and proper anymore. All of these stupid acts and conservative etiquettes has you trying to break free from its chains. Too many do's and dont's, the perks of being a noble daughter from an old-fashioned family is exhausting.
You don't even like the silk cloth, nor to smile in front of people. You don't like the way your chest is exposed in the dress your father made you wore, nor the heavy make up planted on your face — you look like a whole different person in the mirror, almost not recognizing yourself.
You shakily sighed before calling your assistant — a young man with a fancy hat. He's been with you since you were little and up until now, he stayed loyal to you — and not to your father.
"Yes, My Lady? Do you need anything?" His face is hidden under his hat politely, a gentleman, a young man you would proudly say that you raised from your woman perspectives and feminist. He's dressed in a nice suit with a long, white coat that you eyed as you clicked your fingers before walking towards him.
"You know the drill. Hand me your coat, gentleman." You replied as he obliged, buttoning open his coat as he handed it to you. You thanked him as you turn around to put the coat on yourself, seeing how it perfectly wrapped around your body, covering most the important part you wanted to cover. You stayed it draped over your shoulders, buttoning it close only to where your chest needs to be covered. The color of the coat fits perfectly with the color of your dress.
"That looks good on you, My Lady -" You glance up to him on the mirror and he realized his words, halting as he cleared his throat, "Everything looks good on you, My Lady. Perhaps, you didn't talk the compliment back, so, you are really the person who raised me as I am. Lady Y/N."
He emphasized your name as you finally met his eyes — dark purple and glimmering under the chandelier of the room. You eyed him before raising an eyebrow in agreement. He took of his hat before putting it on top of your head — a signature he always did whenever it was you - the other Y/N — will appear in this kind of situation. Despite of the similarities, he can totally see the differences between.
Between you and your twin.
Despite of your older twin being exactly just the same as you, he could tell the difference after knowing you for a lifetime. Your older twin has the same love of fashion with what you wore, she also held a wide and warm smile to everyone and she always have a mischievous personality you sometimes despised. She has a carefree personality and a warm embrace that you've always feel after the end of the day.
While you, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. You took liking of reading — a scholar in Sumeru Akademiya despite living a fancy life in Schenezaya. Despite of that, both of you have the same taste in music - she had taken a liking of playing the piano and you playing the violin and collaborate with one another. Both of you found the comfort to each other despite being the exact opposite.
"Lower your voice, Mister Fancy Hat." He grunted at the nickname, but he can't hide the small smile that forms on his lips. You glance at him again, taking the opportunity to appreciate his beauty on the mirror. He looks dashing on a suit — which you can only see if both of you are not in Sumeru. His usual clothes are traditional, he's the General of Sumeru after all — an electro vision. His white, long hair is tied up in a high ponytail, making his lavender eyes sharp as ever, his dark skin makes it the complete perfection.
"You can always call me Cyno, My Lady. Now, we are running out of time. Let's go to the camel, shall we?" He offered you his arm and you raised an eyebrow while accepting his offer — wrapping your hand on his arm as he guide you out of the room.
"Isn't it appropriate to let a Lady ride with such an absurd transportation?" You challenged as you stared at him.
"Then, do you want me to fly you in the wind, then?" He spouts back with the same challenging tone and you finally break with a smile — a genuine smile this time.
"How annoying." You mumble, squeezing his arm in a playful manner and you gradually feel a little relieved and content now as you stood by Cyno's side, constantly brushing your shoulder on him to let him know that you're comfortable enough now. This is one of your mannerism that he discovered later on. Perhaps, it is the way the General would make you feel comfortable — by engaging you in a sarcastic conversation and he made sure not to engage you in one of his jokes anymore after you sent him a knife that luckily didn't hit him intentionally after he made a lame joke when you're not in the mood.
Despite being born and raised in a different worlds, it's not hard to get along with him, despite being both an introvert and silent personalities. He's making sure to read the atmosphere around you and he'd known you and your twin better than your father did. He understood the struggles of changing places and adjusting to another scenarios again. Despite that, he respected both siblings and had taken care of both of you — it's like, he's the older brother you both couldn't have.
"My Lady, you know why we're departing to Inazuma, right? I hope, you are aware of what will happen." He muttered and you hummed, every steps you make on the stairs is getting heavier at the thought. After you and your older twin had arrived at a coming of age, your father had been constantly visiting some mansions and families with you tagging along and introducing you to the families' son. Now that your father had invited you again, your older twin decided to switch places so you could experience the outside for a while.
Whenever you are in the mansion, it was you who's present. And, whenever you are suppose to be outdoors, your older twin is the one in presence.
"Yes, I completely understood why we're arriving at Inazuma. But, Cyno," You called out his name as you squeeze his arm in process before you glance at him, "Do my sister, perhaps, know someone from the said city? I don't want to appear clueless now and Sister never told me anything after she came home from Inazuma." You finished as Cyno guided you through the caravan. You hopped inside with his help — his hands find your waist to hoist you up as you stepped on the edge before you sat down inside, few people had offered their greetings and safe for the travel as you genuinely smiled at them.
Cyno followed shortly as he closed the door of the caravan and spoke, "Yes. As the matter of fact, a certain noble family from Inazuma had tried to put ties between your family. They are well known and wealthy, but after a sudden death of the wife's head of the family after your father and the other Lady had visited their respected estate, they immediately cut ties and took blame of the Barouqe clan, as result."
You nodded and hummed. It has been a while after your sister had visited the city Inazuma and you've been curious about what really happened. As far as you know, the wife is already suffering from a disease.... that you've seen in the book and you have an actual idea of the cure. If only, you were the one who tag along with your father before, no other clan would put a burden on your family's name in Inazuma.
"I see." You shortly answered before the door on your caravan swung open and your head shifted into the direction, seeing none other than your older twin in flesh as your eyes slightly widened before hoisting her up as you look outside the caravan, on the process. Thankfully, there are no one around anymore and her face is covered with a silk cloth.
"Sister, you are coming with us?"
"Yes. Father already decided to come back and visit Inazuma again." She removed the covet on her head as she closes the door's caravan, the horse started to move as you sighed.
"You two are not planning to do something reckless, are you not?" She looks at you with those same eyes - a hint of glint and a mischievous smile - something you always see whenever she's plotting and teasing. As much as you adored her, you hated her at the same time as how she's so troublemaker. Despite having the exact appearance, she's mischievous and playful — it's like a whole new side of you whenever you look st her.
"Come on, younger sister! Just imagine this as the game we always play when we were little kids! Remember?" She reminded you, her gloved hands skimming to raise your dress up to expose your thighs and your body stiffened — realizing that you are not the only on inside the caravan — Cyno is here too. "But, this time, we are playing like this with the Head of the clan."
Her lips are dangerously close to your ear as she whispered, sending shivers down to your body and a goosebumps appear on your thighs — that your sister immediately notice and she giggled. You didn't like the idea she said, nor the way her hand has been caressing your skin and biting the lobe of your ear. The disgusting feeling had been bubbling up on your throat.
"I think, that's enough, Lady." Cyno's hand had grasp her to stop her from touching you and almost distinctively, you put a hand on his arm to signal him that's enough, knowing how Cyno's grip can be forceful at times. Your older twin pouted.
"You're no fun, Cyno!" She huffed, "Come on, little Y/N. This will serve as a revenge for ruining our name in Inazuma, no? We won't murder anyone, okay? We just need to be a little more scandalous — yes, scandalous in an elegant way!" She has her arms wrapped around you again as she put her chin on your shoulder, giving your neck a peck as you sighed.
"Who are we gonna p-play with?" You asked, voice cracking. You don't really like that term for it.
"My Lady." Cyno warned you, violet eyes dimmed as he stares at you intently. You gave him a force smile as he look away, jaw clenching as he scoffed and shake his head in disapproval.
"Finally! The Yashiro Commisioner, Head of the Kamisato clan — Kamisato Ayato."
Your mind had strucked a familiarity of the name as you've heard — the Kamisato clan. The infamous clan that runs the Inazuma for years and their high social status had been kept even after the wife of the Head of the clan deceased. You were curious about them as you've seen their name on a list where your family's name also included.
You felt a sudden strike of anxiousness when you arrived at the Inazuma. Despite, departing safely and no avail, you felt like there's a whole disaster that happened. Your hair that is tied up in a bun was now cascading on your back as you continue to run your fingers through your locks as you look around the unfamiliar city of lights. It was full of different street lights and the city seems to be much busy at night.
Agreeing to your older twin is certainly not a good idea.
You felt like backing out. But, when your father's arm had wrapped around your shoulder, you knew you can't go back in Schenezaya without getting any profit here anymore. "Your older sister had definetely told you what we're here for, yes? That time when me and your sister arrived here, it seems like the heir of the Kamisato Clan didn't like your sister's personality. That's why, I told her that maybe, you, my youngest daughter can capture his heart," Your father mumbled in a low tone, voice seeping with such a vile and venomous words.
"So, do your best and be a good girl, alright?" You just nodded quietly, "And, don't forget our little game we played when you were little, my daughter. You could put that in a good use." He gave you a peck on the top of your head as he cups your face and stroked the delicate skin of your cheeks. You wanted to slap his hand away, but it seems like your father's vision had been electrocuting you the moment he touched you and you can't do anything but to follow his instructions.
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"My Lady, are you sure about this? I have a bad feeling." Cyno mumbled besides you as you walk behind your father. The Kamisato clan seems to be notified by your departure and your father stated that there going to be a small banquet of celebration for the Barouqe's arrival. You never felt nervous like this, atleast. Not even the soothing sound of Cyno's voice will calm you.
"It's going to be f-fine, Cyno. You're here with me, right?" You assured him — or assured yourself? You aren't even sure enough as you step closer and closer to the Kamisato's estate. A traditional Inazuma's mansion with a small bridge above the clear lake is what caught your attention. The blossoming sakura trees had you knowing that the spring season is getting near.
You seems to be distracted by the view that you didn't notice the people that welcomed you.
"My daughter, come and greet them." Your father's voice had snapped you out of your thoughts as you averted your eyes away from the mesmerizing scenery. Your hand on Cyno's arm loosened before you turn your attention up front.
"I apologized from being distracted. Nice to meet you again, Mister Kamisato." You put on your best smile that surely appeared on your eyes now too — staring at the man in front of you. Your smile faltered a bit when you see how he looks at you; sprinkled with suspicion and admiration — well, the second one seems to be just an assumption — but his lavender eyes twinkled with such an emotion you couldn't decipher. Nevertheless, you appeared confident despite of how nervous you are.
"Lady Y/N, the only child of Barouqe, it's a pleasure to see you again after so many years," He took your hand and gently gave a peck on the back of your gloved hand. You were quite surprise at his sudden action and by the fact of how gentleman he is — far from what your older twin described him. But, you've noticed how his words came of sarcastically. "Despite of the feeling like we've just met for the first time, no?"
You retracted your hand as you smiled once again. The tension in the air created a heavy atmosphere as you answered. "Why, of course. It seems like we, again, met for the first time. People gradually change for years, Mister. So, I assumed, we shouldn't stay in the past anymore, right?" You answered with the same pettiness.
"Well, well, you are one to talk about the past that I presumed, you don't have any idea about." He retorted and you hid the way you gritted your teeth behind your lips. Your hand clenched behind your back.
This man might know something he shouldn't have any knowledge about!
"I do not know what you're implying." You stared intently in his purple eyes as he squinted them, glancing on your expression — the mess on your laid hair because of the wind, the seemingly change of your body appearance and the way your eyes sent daggers and eyelashes fluttering like angel wings. The Y/N Barouqe he'd known before is not as tough as you are now, nor as fierce and sharp tounged. You seems to appeared more..... attractive to him than you are already before.
Or is the young lady he met before was really you?
"Ah. It seems like you already did really changed, M'lady," He smiles with his eyes close, "Now, let's go inside before the food gets cold." His voice falters deaf in your ears when you finally confirmed it. Your head craned behind your back, silently speaking with Cyno using your eyes and pursed lips. He seems to get the right thing running in your mind as he only shook his head again in disapproval.
Closing your eyes, you felt your father's hand crept on your wrist and your turn your attention to him.
"I-I don't think I can play the game with him, Father." You stuttered as you tried to remove his grasp. But his grip only tightened when you started to resist.
"Come on, my dear daughter. It seems like, the Commissioner had taken a liking of you. We don't want to waste that, right?" Your father had whispered in a dangerous tone and you shakily sighed before you manage to let yourself free from his grasp.
When you finally arrived inside the mansion, your expression deadpanned, already uninterested as how this conversation will go. This is not the first time you've ever oppose to your father's orders, especially when your dignity and you, yourself will be ruined, at the end of the day.
"Welcome inside the Kamisato Estate, Mister and Lady Barouqe. I hope you will enjoy your remaining time here," The Yashiro Commissioner turn himself in your direction, a smile planted on his face as he stared down at you as you look up, challenging him with burning eyes.
There's really something in you that have changed..... was it your personality? No. Even the way you smile is different than before, even the way your eyes had this burning passion and hatred towards him is visible — you have no intentions on hiding your own feelings and emotions as you look at him with those eyes thag sparkling with an attitude. Even though, you're smiling at him, it doesn't even reached your eyes the way you smiled before at him.
Maybe, it wasn't really you that he had met before.
He just needed to confirm it with only you and him.
"Mister Barouqe, I hope you don't mind. I want to make some time alone with your only daughter, if that's alright?" He finished and he sees the way you visibly clenched your teeth as you blink nervously. He knew something was up, though, he wanted to push you through your limits until you break and submit yourself to him.
You are an interesting woman and he'll make sure to play with you too.
Your father seems to be enthusiastic at his request, putting both of his hands on your shoulder before pushing you slightly to the man in front of you. He offered a hand and you're lucky to decide to wear a gloves. You turn to look at Cyno, but it seems like he's quite mad at you as he keep his eyes on the floor. You sighed before removing his hat on your head and putting it back to his head. You already had your back turn to him when he decided to raise his head to look at you.
The Yashiro Commissioner guided you to a room as you entered, admiring where he brought you; a room full of books in shelves. The room has a high ceiling, the scent of paper and wood entered your sense of smell as you breath a sigh at the familiar sensation. One thing you love in someone's mansion is their library — or wherever there's books and pens.
His eyes trailed at your expression as he confirms it, yet again. The young Barouqe he met 10 years ago is not as enthusiastic as she is when he welcomed her before inside his office. You look mesmerized — mesmerizing as you walk around the toom, constantly touching the spine of the book and Ayato's eyes followed your movement when you stop just right on the medicine book section.
He stands there, amused. "It seems like you took liking of books now, M'lady."
You halted on your movements, already mentally screaming at yourself at being too excited with the sight of the books. You close the book on your hand before putting it back to its place as you turn your attention to the man that was now one step away from you.
"Ah, indeed. After the incident ten years ago, I decided to read some medical books to understand what really happened to your deceased mother." You put an insult to the wound, already liking the way the man in front of you twitched in irritation. But he gave you a smile.
"The report said that my late mother us poisoned, that confirmed at this very day. You, Lady Y/N, were you poisoned too? Or perhaps," He stepped closer and you step backwards, already hitting the wall as you hissed through your teeth, "You were electrocuted?"
"I don't know what are you talking about —"
Your voice caught in your throat when he tugged your hand behind your back, his other hand quickly pulling something behind his back as your eyes widened at the familiar sensation of a sharp shard that penetrates on your skin as he cut deep — to mark your palm.
"What —!"
"Tell me, confess now, M'lady. You are not the person I met ten years ago, yes?" He's quite surprise as how strong your resistance as you keep resisting on his arms. He managed to press you up against the wall again, his thigh between your legs as you groaned at the pressure of his hand on your wound.
"Let me go, you bastard!" You resist. "I'm going to kill you!"
"Ah, ah. Feisty, aren't you? The exact opposite of your.... older twin, right?"
There's no point of excuses now as you sighed in defeat, loosening your grip on his hand as the attitude you gave him a few seconds ago disappeared in an instant. He stared at your softening expression, but your eyes still show the hatred emotion planted on your pretty face.
"What's your motive? You're not stupid as you portray to even let the person who killed your mother inside your own territory again." You spat at him as he smiled — that annoyed you even more. He keep smiling at you, lips stretch in an outmost stunning smile you ever seen as though to annoy you or it was a genuine gesture that made something inside of you stir.
"I have something to propose to you, M'lady," His grip on your wound finally loosen up as he gently graze at the wound before he's pulling you to sit down on his chair, grabbing something from the drawer, a first aid kit he had on his office. "Let's use each other for an important purpose. I let you work your motive to me and you will let me do as I please to your family."
You eyed him sharply as he started to gently jab the wound with an ointment. You were used to having your wounds treated before that even the feeling of a knife penetrating on your skin doesn't make you cry anymore. He's gentle, opposed from what his grip on you earlier.
"You're stupid to even think I will let you touch my family."
"Aren't you the one getting touched by your own family?" His reply made you halt as you stared at him wide eyes. He seems to hit the right answer when you grip his arm with your other hand. He turn his attention to you as he studied your reactions. You seem flabbergasted, breath hitching and pupils dilated as though you've seen a ghost.
"You —! How —"
"You think your assistant will only shake his head or stay quiet with your situation?" He confessed, "We've known each other after my mother died as he asked for my help. Now that you are here in front of me, the woman I want to help, I'm going to save you from your own family."
"What the hell are you talking about saving me?" There it is, your eyes sharp as ever as you stared at him, standing on your own feet as you pull him down closer to your face that you could feel his breath fan on your face. He's stunned for a moment, seeing you up close like this. This felt nothing like the woman he met ten years ago and it made his heart race. "I've been suffering from my own family, all my life. It's too late to save me now. And, besides, if I were to marry you, I will do anything to slit your throat while you're sleeping."
He hummed, clearly he is not listening when he had hid lavender eyes on your lips as he scoot closer, nose bumping on each other and you have no time to protest when he's quick to hold the back of your head and capture your lips in a seething kiss, your own hand clasping tightly at the hem of his kimono when he opened your mouth with the use of his sultry tounge, the warm muscle exploring on the roof of your mouth, on the back of your teeth and your own tounge dancing as he hums lowly, the sound vibrating on your lips and you hissed.
Your teeth graze on his bottom lip as you bite as a warning, but he didn't even stop to process the pain that stung, continuously stimulating your lips with his while your wounded hand is sti on his gentle grasp. You became breathless, gasping and breathing heavily on his mouth and he seems to enjoy the taste of your lips and the sinful sounds that starting to escape on your throat.
"Wait —! You.... bastard —!"
His hand had cupped your cheeks, lips moving passionately on your own as he captures all the noise and words on your mouth, deliberately opening your mouth using his thumb as you started to thump your fist on his chest. He tasted sweet with a mix of coffee — the aftermath taste of the sweetened boba tea he drank earlier as his tounge dances inside your mouth, leaving you unable to breath as you finally gave in — kissing him back with the same amount of tension he'd giving your mouth and he moans lowly.
"Kami — sato —! I'm.... telling you —! Let me go —!"
The movement on his lips seems to slow down, but he's still not letting you go. Lips attached to yours as he slowly move his lips in a sinful pace and you gasp, the sound that escapes your throat only desire him to go further — until you can't breath anymore. Maybe, the kiss he was giving you could be the reason of your death, as much as you want to deny the warm feeling on your chest and the sensation of his soft lips and unrelenting tounge — you were lost on his facade, too lost on his world once his fingers caress your face.
He finally let go of your lips with a smack and you gasped for air again, panting as he studied the mess he made in front of him. You look delirous with your eyes clouded with desire mixed with hatred and your lips swollen with his minstrations. He's not even better.
"You bastard! You're going to pay for this!" He's silent for a moment, still out of breath. His attention drifted from your face to the wound he made on your palm as he grabbed the cotton again, treating your wound like nothing happened and you stand there, flabbergasted at his actions.
You scoffed, but he never uttered a single word as he work in silence, his mind drifted at the feeling of your lips and the taste of your strawberry chapstick that had mark on his lips. You had noticed and your other hand graze on the bottom of his lips to wipe your glistening balm that has transferred on his lips. He halted as he finished dressing your wounds.
You stared at him like he's the most ridiculous person on the earth, constantly eyeing and judging his perfect appearance like he didn't took your first kiss away a few moments ago, you gave him a sharp look when he stared back at you with unreadable expression like he didn't have his tounge shove on your mouth. You hated his guts and his motives — why is he helping you, anyway? That really confirmed that assumption of your father might be the one who's responsible for his mother's death.
And, now you are paying for your own father's debt.
"I hate you." You blurted and a sly smirk appeared on his handsome face.
"Keep telling that to yourself, My Lady. You are now officially tied up with me." You grunted, pushing his attractive face away when he started to lean into you again. He kissed your palm that was planted on his face and you were startled at the gesture and slightly smack his lips in annoyance. He's being annoying as he keeps pushing you to your limits.
"You were a lot more different than your older twin. Maybe, because I didn't like her guts as much as I like you." His hand clasp on yours where you still had your hand on his face, kissing the tip of your fingers in a manner that made you huff in annoyance despite not pulling away from his warm touch.
"We're twins. If you ever planning to marry me, I will make her show up in the wedding instead." You poked a finger on his cheeks, but frozed when he leaned in your touch that made your blood boiled more as you grit your teeth.
"Don't you thought of the reason why I marked you here in your hand?" His fingers graze on your right palm, creating gentle stroke on the covered wound and you realized it by now; why he made a scar on your skin to mark you — his mark — his blade — on you.
"Or you want a different mark instead? Perhaps, on your neck or chest?" His other hand slid on your waist up on the back of your nape and you shivered at his touch, clutching on the cape that was wrapped around you. His thumb graze on the exposed skin of your neck and you bite back any sound that's threatening to escape. "Do you want me to paint you with my lips? Since, my blade hurts as much, let me paint you using no blood this time."
You stared at him pupils blown wide as he leaned closer.
You were supposed to seduced him, not the other way around!
"I — WAIT —! YOU BASTARD!" Is the only thing left to your lips as you pushed him away when you finally gathered your strength back. Your legs feel numb as you stumbled back, almost crashing yourself down on the pile of books behind and he's quick with his movements to capture you, but he halted on his movements.
"Don't come any closer," He saw his own blade on your hand, pointing the sharp edge towards him and Ayato was stunned as he looked at you. When did you have his blade in your hand? You were sly and quick with movements that he didn't even noticed the subtle of your hand on his back as you caught his blade on your hand. "Let's talk like this."
"Speak now, My Lady." He offered you to go first and you took a deep breath.
"Father told me that you seems to not take a liking to my older twin, ten years ago. That's why, I am the one he sent here. He's been planning to fix our reputation here in Inazuma because of the assumptions and accusations which I've proven true. Father did killed the Lady of Kamisato clan, but not with poison." Ayato listened as he eyed you, your hand still had its grip on his own weapon.
"What did he used?"
"It's a herbal medicine which triggers a certain disease to become more complicated and later uncurable. I've read it in a book and I found out the cure for it and I might have save the Lady if I am the one Father sent ten years ago. But, he didn't plan on sending me because he knew I have such knowledge that will make a hinder for his cunning plans," You finished as you finally let your guard down, walking towards him as you wrapped a hand around his waist — yet again, you're close to him, his manly scent mixed with yours mingling on your nostrils as you put his weapon back on his pocket. His stature melt on your warmth.
"So, I, uhm.... I apologize," You spoke with such a small voice, hiding your face own his chest and arm still wrapped around his waist. "I apologize for my family's behalf. I.... I will do anything to pay for Father's debt."
Ayato gritted his teeth — it was his turn to get furious now as he stared at you; your eyed had lost its expression — it turned dull and regretful. His hand find its way to your jaw as his firm grip had made you startled a little before he turn your face in his direction, craning your neck to stared at him. He seems.... mad.
Your father is the one who has a debt to pay to him, but you are the one here — in front of him, asking for forgiveness and anything just to remove the burden Ayato put in your family. This wasn't supposed to happened; to have you beg - the sound of you begging is not what he meant you to do, he wants to hear you begging in other way around.
But, it seems like his plan already failed from where he kissed you with fiery desires.
You already have no intentions on lying in front of his face, nor lie for your family.
You wanted his help, you were tempted as you fell for this tricks the very first moment you let him kiss you and tease you.
"Anything? You can give me anything I please?" He saw the nervousness that flashed in your eyes, although, you nodded, you seem hesitant — he can feel it.
"You knew, you just did gave me a consent to kill your father as a payment for his debt, right? Your older twin is not even an exemption." His lips are dangerously close to your ear as he whispered and all of the attitude you gave him earlier disappered. He's keeping an eye on the very expression you're making when he pulled away, but his hand stays on your jaw, now gently grasping your face.
Ayato has been keeping an eye out of you with the help of Cyno, the General from Sumeru who's also your assistant. For ten years, he had known you even without meeting you, in general. He watches you from afar, the suffers you experienced and the tragic scenarios that happened to you — every single detail of your life — he knew it all.
He wanted to save you, but the heavy crime your family had made to ruin his own is unforgivable. He grew up quickly, his childhood forgotten and has to take care of the clan that was left for him. At a young age, he work for the sake of his family and his younger sister.
But, you also experienced the same with another scenario. You've lost your innocence at a young age, you've lost your dignity as a woman the moment your father had his hands all over you. Despite your protest, he tortured you with his vision instead while your older twin did nothing. The constant torture and pain had you turning numb through the years.
He's not mad at you, he's mad at what your supposed to be relationship had been ruined, even though you has yet to meet him.
"Just," Ayato felt a tug on his kimono as you buried your face on his chest, wrapping both of your arms around his waist and he melted in your touch. "Do anything and save me from this suffering."
He waited long enough for you.
Ayato will be selfish this time.
Your eyes fall open when you felt an electrocuting feeling that travels through your body, eyes widening as you push yourself away from him, flinching from suffocating feeling in your body as you silently gasp, vision slightly blurrying at the twitch of your every vein.
"Lady —!"
You brought a hand to stop him from stepping closer to you as you pant. The familiar feeling of this sudden power urging in your body is making you nauseous. Your father's vision was all over you - his power to electrify and turn you into a mindless puppet is activating yet again. The vision that was tied up on your waist is loosing its nature and you could only gasp at the feeling of being a puppet again.
Not in front of him.....
"D-Don't.... come any.... closer." You've managed to say before your eyes rolled at the back of your head and your vision blacked out.
It doesn't take a matter of time when your father slamming the door open where you're located, already dashing towards you with a faux look of concern on his face — knowing this is his doing. He could tell what happened inside this room by listening to your heartbeat; it became calm and collected and knowing that sign is just up to no good.
Were you acting just to escape this scenario or did you really fell for this man at first sight?
Nevertheless, he was furious and confuse to say, at least. Now that the first step of his plan failed successfully, he's making sure that you will play along with his further plans.
"My daughter, what happened?! What did you do, Lord Kamisato?!" He immediately blamed the Yashiro Commissioner, who seemed genuinely shocked and concerned at your state. "Oh, my daughter!"
“Call a doctor! Please!” Your father’s fake concern is now turning into reality when he put his fingers on your pulse that seems to slow down its beat and weakened in process. He didn’t mean nor attempt to murder his own child — it was just part of the plan and you’re not even listening to his commands!
His whole body shooked as he felt your slow hearbeat and it seems like the people around him weren’t helping as they stared. Is this Kamisato Ayato’s payback? But, you can’t die! He can’t afford to lose his favorite child — his most obedient and precious child.... the one he tormented and carved into perfection. It was you! You were his perfect daughter, you were everything he could ask for.
He tortured you perfectly, made you his perfect puppet of a daughter and have you satisfy his own desires, although you always refused to be touched, you’re always gonna pay for that unacceptable actions, anyway as he sends bolts of electricity to run through your body that travels in every pits of your brain and have you gasping and hallucinating.
That created the other you.
You are an only child.
You are his only child.
Yet, at the sudden burst of emotions and raging vision, you created another version of yourself; a version of your father’s desires.
A version of a person you doesn’t want you to be.
“CYNO!” He called him as the said man hurriedly run through the scene, already sweating at the sight of your paling skin and bluish lips. He slightly push your father away to carry you, hooking his arms on the back of your shoulder and knees as he keep you close, your body slowly turning cold and his heart beats fast when he realized.
He’s not dumb, nor into oblivion. He knew you too well than you knew yourself.
Yet, once again, he failed to save you.
In the midst of running outside the Kamisato estate, he could feel the Yashiro Commissioner following behind his fast pace — hearing a faint plead in the scorching cold wind as it reaches his ears;
“My Lady, please, stay with me.”
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“She’s an only child,” Cyno blurted out as soon as the doctor leaves the room, leaving him and Ayato in an awkwards silence. Cyno’s eyes landed on your unconscious state, delectable sighing at the sight of your calm face that, although it’s calm, he can’t help but to worry that you might not be able to wake up anymore — or your nightmares will successfully haunt you in your sleep. “She’s been assaulted by her father after his wife died. Maybe, because Young Lady really look like her mother..... or maybe, it’s just the way of how he show his love to his daughter. Nevertheless, it was disturbing and disgusting. And, I did nothing but to only hear her cries as she refused to see me after it was ended,”
“Both of you share the same similary in life; the women who gave you this birth of life were killed by the same man. Maybe, that’s why she asked for assistance, even though it will also betray herself as a daughter to her father.”
Ayato stared at him, examining the way he looks at you with admiration amd hope glimmering in his eyes — it makes his stomach churned and his chest tight. Yet, he can’t lift a finger on the moment as Cyno exclaimed the truth and the fact that both of your mothers had been killed by the only man he despises, and the man that you called father.
You were so nice, so pure, too good in this world as he realized that you can easily escape by your father’s grasp with the help of this man in front of him. But, you didn’t — only because it was your personal matters and the General is your employee. Those standard has been engraved in your mind, tattooed in your heart.
That’s one of the reason why Ayato is in love with you.
He’s been mindlessly awaiting for your return to his life after ten years — where back when he’s young, he met you.
It was you again.
The young woman clad in slacks and button-up, longsleeve, white shirt that compliments your sharp aura, coat resting briefly on your shoulder as your stature is as elegant. He’s been seeing you at the same spot for a while now — a spot in the busy city of Inazuma where you can see the view of a lake and koi fishes swimming in the clear water.
He’s been enticed at the look on your glowing face as though it was your first time here. Well, maybe it is by the way you wore differently and obviously from a first class family. His own self were to keep coming back at this time of the night just to watch you from afar.
He staggers a little closer to where you are standing, yet it still far away as you seems in a deep thought, too deep that you didn’t bother to look at him when he finally approaches you — this time, you have a dark fedora hat that hid your face away from his vision, but he can stil see the shape of your nose and lips on his view.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” He spoke, rather than a greetings. He’s stunned by his sudden statement, he wasn’t suppose to say that! It was clearly a figure of speech for a confession of love.
And, you were aware of it.
He saw how your lips quirked up in a slight smirk and he felt embarrased, flushed pink as he internally scream to himself.
“Indeed, another peaceful night in the city.” You answered and his heart begins to rumble on his chest when he finally got to hear your voice — it was soothing on his ears as you spoke in a smooth voice, almost a little breathless as you puffed a breath. You seems deep in your own thoughts as he leaned on the railings, you still didn’t caught a glimpse of the stranger talking to you, but you took a glimpse of hands covered in dark gloves.
“Inazuma is a beautiful city, not to bribe since I am raised here, but it truly is.” His voice is laced with a hint of playfulness as the atmosphere turned comfortable enough, even though you still hadn’t take any glance of him.
“Yes, I can totally see it. This city is not only the beautiful one here; even the people too,” He’s quite caught off guard by your statement as he glance at you, seeing as how you’re now peeking to take a look at him under your fedora as he took a sharp, surprised breath when he finally had the chance to take a look at your eyes — glimmering under the moonlight as your lips looks lucious painted with chapstick, your eyelashes were fluttered just enough to let him know what you really meant behind those words as his face flushed with a hint of embarassment and admiration. “Truly, you were stunned with my words, Mister. Or is it because you’ve finally managed to caught my attention?”
“Well, I certainly did caught your attention, but you managed to overcharmed me with my antics. I never knew you were such a smooth talker.” You chuckled at his reply. He was clearly stunned as he rambled with his words, clearly flustered.
“I’ll thank you for that compliment, Mister. It seems like, you are very familiar with this city, yes?” You continue the conversation, and Ayato were happy to talk as much when you seemed interested to make conversation with him — finally, he could hear your voice as his lavender eyes never left you. He’s awestruck, looking at the very scenery in front of him in adoration.
He can’t believe, he had been pining over you for how long it takes that he’s willing to do anything just to cross your path again, just to see your pretty face again. It’s been a decade, a whole ten years he wasted just to put up a courage and reach you out with his own hand. Everything is now coming in place, yet he knew you still needed time to recollect things. He can’t come reaching for you that easy..... as of now, you are emotionally broken and physically exhausted. But, maybe this is the time where he could take care of you now, like a wife.
His wife.
That sounds.... so right.
And, later on, he hopes you will be able to feel the same.
“That’s why, I beg you,” Cyno’s words snapped him out of his thoughts as he glance at the white haired man that has been staring at you. “Please, be patient and take care of her.”
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“Oh, you’re awake.”
It’s a surprise for the younger Kamisato to see you sitting on the bed. It’s been a month of being bedridden and unconscious, whenever her older brother’s not around, Ayaka will be the one waiting for you to wake up.
She’s the witness of her brother’s longing for you — as he described you as a quite daring lady with an attitude, right now, you were inna complete silent as you stared at the young lady with the same lavender eyes of her own brother, leaving you quite shakened at the fact that every memories before you’ve became unconscious coming back like a tidal waves crashing on the shore. It makes you quite dizzy as your hand came contact with the tip of your lips and Ayaka had stared at you knowingly.
“He’s been waiting for your wake. How are you feeling, Lady?” She approached you gently and surely, sitting at the edge of the bed on your side. “Here, have a glass of water.”
She reached to the bedside where a small table were aligned, reaching for the newly poured glass of water as you accepted the kind offer of the young lady, sipping on the lukewarm water as you sighed.
“Are you going to marry my brother?” Her question caught you off guard as you choked on the water, coughing a little as you stared at her in bewilderedment. Marry? Him? Thinking about everything that had happened between the Kamisato and your family is all and messy, and being tied up or worse, being married with the man you want to love and loathed with your life at the same time makes you want to run away.
“I think, you’ve got the wrong idea here, Young Lady,” You replied with a stern voice, eyeing the young lady intently. “I am an enemy and a threat in your family.”
“He didn’t thought of you that way.” She immediately answered and you sighed frustratedly.
“Clearly, he’s making a gain out of this.” You shook your head, flipping the blanket out of your way as you stood up, fumbling slightly and Ayaka slightly panicked at the sight — she already figures out that you’ll run away again as you put on your shoes that was on the side of the bed, putting all your strength to stand up and the young lady stood on your way.
“I don’t blame you for my mother’s death so, is he, so stop making everything is your fault. If he will ever blame you at something, maybe it was because you keep running away from him.”
“Why is he in love with me in the first place? We’ve barely know each other, and on top of that —”
“There’s no thousands of reasons for someone to be in love and this is not the first you saw each other, Lady Y/N. Please, remember my brother and, maybe you’ll consider. He loves you dearly.” She reached for your hand — it felt surprisingly warm and you stared at the pen she gave you and you vaugely realized what it meant.
You heave a sigh as you stood outside of his office — Ayaka had told you that Ayato is not on the mansion as he travels for a while without knowing the reasons, yet she told you he kept his office open even though he never left his office room unlocked.
You reached for the doorknob, twisting your wrist as you enter the familiar room — a sense of deja vu had hit you when you remembered what happened in this very room, on the spot where his table and chair is located.
A surge of warm sensation hit you when you remembered how his lips felt on yours and you tried to shake the thoughts out of your head as you arrived in front of his table.
Ayaka told you a certain file that Ayato prepared for you, and you already have an idea of what is it, but still, a surge of anxiousness hit you when you found it on the cabinet of his table.
“This.....” Your voice trailed as you stared at the paper, reading the entire file with trembling hands as your eyes landed on the pen on your hold. Ayaka is not forcing you to sign the paper that will tied you to her older brother for a lifetime. You eyed the paper hesitantly before you decided to sit on the chair.
“How absurd,” You whispered to yourself as you clench your fist. “You really think I would sign this?”
Ayato had arrived in his estate where the moon is already at its domain, it’s striking on the dark sky brightly as it illuminates in the room on his bed, where a familiar figure sitting on the edge. He halts when he closed the door.
You huffed. You’ve been waiting for him the whole night and he stands there, too stunned at the conscious sight of you. You gritted your teeth in annoyance before you stood up as you marched towards him.
“I’ve been waiting for you, Commissioner.” Your voice sounds harsh as he snapped out of his thoughts and his eyes landed on your form, wearing a white robe without nothing underneath. Your eyes looks dark and enriching as you pull him by his collar, slamming your lips to his as you wrap your arms around his neck to cage him close to you, the sound that escapes his lips only urge you.
His hands lands on your hips, his resistance to push you away disappeared when your hands started to roam around his body — to his chest where you push him slightly around as he landed a little forceful to the bed where it creaks loudly on the silence of the night. Ayato sighed in your mouth when he tasted the bitterness of the alcohol on your tounge — he hesitates to touch you when he smell the alcohol mixed with your intoxicating scent, but all of his hesitations merely disappered when your hands fumbled on his kimono, removing his upper clothes as you continue to kiss him; all tounge and teeth grazing on his lips and tounge as his grip on you tightened when your hips started to move on his lap.
His breathing is in unsteady rhythm when you finally remove his upper clothes, his other hand landed on the bed to steady himself with your harsh kiss. Your arms are yet to wrapped around his neck again, nails grazing on his back as he unexpectedly moans in your mouth. You finally let him breathe for a moment, only to reconnect your lips on his jaw, the smoothness of his skin were velvet on your lips as your harsh mouth marks his skin — painting him with your feverish series of kisses, teeth and tounge until your satisfied.
You slightly move away from him, admiring the art you made on his skin that was surely hard to cover for days. His lavender eyes were alluring under the moonlight — the only source of light in his dark room; you were no exception — you look heavenly on his gaze, the robe on your body had slipped on your shoulder enough to let him have a peak of your cleavage that is yet to be explored. But, your patience waiting for him all night is thin.
“My Lady? What’s the matter?” He asks you as you kissed your teeth together in annoyance. “This..... are you sure about this? We should probably let you sober for a moment —”
“I’m not drunk!” You raised your voice, brushing your hair away from your face as you gripped on his shoulder for support.
“I only drink two glass, Commissioner. If you won’t take me right here and now, I’ll kill you instead.” You huffed as you reach for his hand on your hips, guiding it on the crook of your neck as you sighed at the feeling of his large hand, he brushed his thumb over your skin as he pulls you again for a seething kiss — softer and slower this time unlike your previous pace. You mewl on his mouth when his hand brushed on your chest, cupping one mound on his warm hand as his thumb brushes on your nipple — the robe wrapped around your body had dropped all the way down.
You curse under your breath when his hand started to roam around your body, mapping every part that is making you twitch and mewl on his lap. His hand wandered on your thigh, caressing the skin before his hand brushes between your thighs and you gasped, eyes shooting open as you slightly pushed him away from your lips.
You hummed when his fingers started to caress between your thighs as he coats his fingers with your essence. You throw your head back as he drinks at the sight of your figure shaking on top of him — all bare and ready for him to take you. He eyed you with the same burning desire when your eyes landed on him as you grind down on his fingers before he let one finger slipped in, relishing at the warmth and how tight it convulsed on his digit — you moaned, pulling him closer to your chest as you buried your face on his neck, making a series of bluish puple marks as you heavily sigh against his skin.
“Ayato...” A mumble of his name as you call for him. He could feel the heat bubbling on his chest straight on his restraining cock confines still on his pants. He started to move his finger inside you, grinding on that certain spot he subconsciously found that has you panting and moaning as you muffled your voice on his shoulder where you bite and suckle on the skin. He slipped in another finger and you let out a broken moan, nails digging on his skin.
“Ah —! I’m close.” You could feel the coil tightening on the pits of your stomach, bubbling on the sensation of his two fingers scissoring you open and he felt you tightening on his digits, soaking his fingers with your essence — just a little more, and you’re there — not until he pulled his fingers out and you whined, tears pricked your eyes when the sensation disappeared momentarily as your body shake on top of him.
“Y-You bastard! I was close!” You sttuters in complain.
“As much as I want to pleasure you, I am losing my patience here, sweetheart.” He replied and you huffed, fumbling on his pants. He distract you, pulling you in a kiss as he sighed in your mouth when he’s finally free from his pants, the cold air contrasting with the warm feeling of your body as he hikes your hips up, his other hand holding his cock as he lined up with your entrance. You bit on his lips when the head catches on your clit, before he tease his way on your entrance, the hand on your hip guides you down and you moaned at the stretch, the first inch of his cock making its way inside you.
The burning sensation hurts so good as you push your way down until you can’t anymore. You push him down until he layed on the bed, propping his elbows in, so he could see you. He’s not even halfway inside, but you could feel your legs shake at his above average size — maybe, Ayato could’ve open you properly with his fingers when you seemed to struggle to take him all in. He eyed the way you’re trembling on top of him, you were dripping, though, it’s not enough to take him all.
“Slow down, sweetheart,” His other hand reached over to the both of your hands as he put it down on his chest and the other hand intertwining with yours. Your heart pounds on your chest at the gesture when he squeezes your hand. Something inside of you bubbling at the sensation of his cock and the way he looks at you; it was daring and full of passion as his lavender eyes never left your figure, he sits upright as his other arm wrapped around you to keep you still. “You can take me. I know you can do it.”
You hissed. You clearly isn’t used in this kind of treatment. You quite expected that maybe, if you were to seduce him tonight, he will force his way to you — but, your expectations differ when he let you take his fingers first even though, he edge you to climax. You were used having someone forcing you in this kind of activity.
“S-Shut up.” You answered and he grins, placing a chaste kiss on your lips, whispering praises on your ears when you took another bunch of inch inside of you.
It felt never-ending as you felt full now he’s halfway as he eyed on your lower stomach, pressing on the bulge and you yelp. You could feel the denied orgasm coming back to you in a surge when your ass finally came contact on his thighs, your voice were muffled by your hand as you bit down at the feeling.
You could feel, you could see him there, inside of you, buried inside to the hilt as the blunt head of his cock kissed on your cervix — the thickness and stretch of him is enough to touch the certain spot inside of you that had you crumbling in a bliss of oblivion as you came, writhing and grinding down om his more as he watched you fumble in a beautiful mess on top of him. He moaned, relishing at the feeling of your walls tightening and convulsing as he chokes at the sensation. You’re shaking and thighs trembling as you finally came down on your high, panting loudly as your mouth agape.
“Ah — wait, Ayato —!”
He gripped on your hips when you tried to move. “I told you, I could wait. Don’t force yourself, sweetheart.”
“Stop boasting about how big you are!” You replied in annoyance as you huffed, gripping on his shoulders for support. “Let me — l-let me move, bastard.”
He grins again, pecking on your lips before his grip on your hips loosened a little and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your chest on him as he started to mark your ches, neck, and jaw with his lips as he sighed when you started to move slowly — up and down as you mewl at the feeling of his cock brushing on every and very spots inside you as you scratch your nails on his skin.
The hand on your hips guide you up and down as you created a steady rhythm — the sound of your bodies making contact filled the room as his breaths became foggy and unrelenting, eyeing the way your eyes rolled on the back of your head when your pace started to move faster until he can’t hold back his voice anymore.
“Y/N,” He moans your name and he felt your body shivered on his touch. “Let me, sweetheart.”
He whispered on your lips and you open your eyes in confusion as you halted, panting hardly and you yelped when he flipped you, your back comes contact with the soft sheets of his bed without pulling out entirely inside of you, your legs instinctly wrapped around his waist.
“Wait —! Still sensitive... Ayato —!” You tried to push him away by his chest as he pushed his light blue hair away from his face and momentarily stared at his stature — seeing him all naked in glory as the moonlight reflects on his panting figure.
“You can take it, right?” His nose graze on your cheek as he placed a kiss there, slowly and surely, he’s pushing all of him again inside you, eyeing your shaking figure and the erotic expression written on your face; your eyes are cloudy and widening, swollen lips parting, series of moans and his name falling on your lips as he pulls back to leave the tip inside just to thrust back again, angling his hips a little higher as he hits that spot.
His pace were slow, yet his thrusts were calculated and hard as his hips snap on the back of your thighs — he never goes faster as he make love with you slowly and deeply until you were coming again and again, coating his cock with your essence as he tried to muffle your moans with the help of his lips, drowning your sounds of pleasure on his mouth when you started to get louder than he expected — he’s no exception too as he comes, painting your walls white, filling you to the brim as he moans and whimpers on your lips.
“You can take more?” His question doesn’t sound interrogative even when his hips started to move again as your eyes filled with tears of pleasure and joy that you realized — the walls you built for him came crashing down as he make love to you — pushing your body to your limits with his deep, yet still slow thrusts until you were a moaning mess, marking each other all im while as he whispered those words that has your heart pounding on your chest.
“I love you.”
You bit back the urge to cry your heart out, feeling that swirling on your chest and the clench of your heart as you rethinks your choice; you signed on the marriage paper — you don’t regret that part, you won’t regret being his bride, his wife, and the future child that will grow after tonight — what you regret is your final decision that surging in your mind, the decision that will surely breaks him — because right now, the thought of being in love frightened you,the thought of finally having something to live to is making you crumble in the dark. But, you know he will understand you — you know he’ll wait until you’re finally ready. Right now, you were in the midst of chaos, right now, you will surely break his heart.
His runaway bride.
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Disclaimer; This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
All Rights Reserved 2022 © ddostoyevskyy. Do not repost without permission or plagiarized.
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maladaptivewriting · 4 months
On scale from 1 to 10 how would you rate these ships and why:
Bellatrix/Rita/Ms.Zabini (I don't think she had a name in canon, tell me if I'm wrong)
Draco/a dragon (you keep mentioning this one fic, you asked for it)
Lucius/Snape (this ship used to constantly haunt me a few years ago)
wow what a fun ask.
okay i want to preface this by saying that i’m not really into poly ships, but im going to make an exception for this and try to be fair.
1. james/regulus/barty/evan: 5/10
i could this happening like one time as a fun anniversary gift for one of the couples, but i could never see the four of them in an actual relationship.
2. lily/barty/evan: 7/10
i like this to the extent that it is far superior to jegulily which is absolutely despise. i can see barty and evan as people who might have a looser definition of relationships and jealous than james or regulus so rosekiller with lily could be really fun. lily seems soft enough to dull some of their edges. plus the fanart is hot
3. narcissa/lily: 9/10
there is a lot of potential here, especially for angst purposes, but i think this ship would work best in like a bdsm fic/setting. like narcissa is older than lily and she’s definitely the most put together of all the malfoys so i could see her domming lily and i love that for them.
4. james/regulus/sirius/remus: 7/10
putting aside the incest for a second. i could see this happening like once or twice. however i think regulus and sirius are both extremely possessive and jealous people, remus and james too but not to the same extent, so i dont think they would like to share. however i think the possessiveness could be hot depending on how it’s used.
5. bellatrix/rita/mrs. zabini: 3/10
the thing about mrs. zabini is that i just don’t think she likes being tied down and i can’t see her enjoying it with two partners. i like quillkiller but mrs. zabini throws a wrench in things.
6. draco/dragon: 9/10
i have read all the fics with this tag, however i think charlie/dragon works better. but the best option imo is like draco/dragon animagus. so like a drarry fic where harry is a dragon animagus? that would be 10/10
7. james/barty: 3/10
i feel indifferent to this ship, but i don’t think it would work out. one of my closest friends irl is so barty core and i think a james person would piss her the fuck off, they would never work
8. lily/pandora/mary: 6/10
i think there is potential here for something soft and sweet but i would only read this ship if one of them was evil and out to hurt the other two.
9. mary/marlene/dorcas: 1/10
i just cannot see marlene with mary like at all. i actually don’t even think these two would be friends post hogwarts based on their personalities. i think they would seriously annoy each other
10. lucius/snape: 8/10
again so much angst potential. i’ve read this ship a few times, it used to pop a lot as a background ship so i would often see it, and i feel like it can work but there has to be discussions about power dynamics here for it to read well. i prefer snape with a non-magical oc personally
you didn’t ask for full explanations but you’re getting them anyway
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theghostbunnie · 10 months
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Just to preference alot of this is my interpretations/HCs/OC and very little of it is cannonical character analysis:
So her name is Penelope Esther Goldman but she just goes by her middle name Esther, as a funny little nod to know SK and Neil are both named Neil, she shares a name with Mrs Priss and I think I had them go to the same collage or something, might have to do the math on their ages again to see if that lines up
(I HC Carl's last name is Pasternak and Neil's is both, hyphenated.)
She's a incredibly intelligent scientist with extensive knowledge in biology, robotics, chemistry, ect ect. Esther doesn't really emote or exspress her emotions in her voice or face much at all, or well.
Carl when they first met was smitten, he was a groovy goofy goober and still is. He'd do that walrus thing with breadsticks in public at restaurants. He'd skate around with a fanny pack dancing to bee gees. Convince her to go to parties and she'd just be pleasantly content to stand there as he's like "that's fine I can dance enough for the both of us/pos" She had to pass a first aid course and he guided her arms and taught her you can keep the proper rhythm by singing Stayin Alive. He was just really persistent and really sweet and he grew on her okay 😭
Esther didn't really have a respect for philosophy because she didn't really grasp it's value or importance. As she grew to respect him more that sortaa changed.
They eventually got married and really kick-started both of their careers along the way.
(cw miscarriage implications for this next part) Neil's a rainbow baby that happened after several pregnancy losses. It may have been one of the things to strain their marriage but what really ended up doing it in was just the simple fact of life people change and grow apart and can fall out of love so now they can't really interact with each other for long. Their differences and flaws now clash and they butt heads instead of being complimentary.
I'm a firm believer the episode where each camper takes care of an egg they were reflecting their own parents. Carl is embarrassing but he's almost the exact opposite of a smotherer that Neil was showcased to be. His overall parenting style is like he's way more concerned about being Neil's friend than anything.
Esther is the one he's mirroring, here. She treats him like he's fragile almost. She gives him specific everything, down to his bedsheet thread count, knows how to cater to his living needs inside and out. Esther struggles to connect with anyone emotionally, though so her affection in the verbal department isn't as maintained. This never really bothers Neil, it doesn't register as "smothering" to him how much she shelters or caters to him. Because this isn't a kid interested in joining sports he could get hurt in and likes everything in a specific way anyways.
She's more aware socially than Carl is and knows how to not embarrass him in general.
Esther is Neil's biggest role model he wants to be just like her and is mad when he isn't, when he fails to be. He's upset even physically the only thing they share are the eyes. ((Regularly you can't even see Esther's I couldn't help myself in the art above from making them visible/forgot on the cc one but it's supposed to be a bit on "eyes are a window to the soul" thing and she's just that closed off and unreadable. Really only has a soft spot for Neil))
His mother is incredibly intelligent, and just seems so collected to him all the time.. and importantly not over emotional like he can be (his temper specifically.) and ESPECIALLY how emotional his dad can be.
I just love!! Character parallels!!!! How Carl is this emotional goofy person who joked around and danced and played music everywhere and Esther got regarded as "cold" and stiff and Neil is just both of them bc he's so smart but he's also silly. Like he plays video games and gets passionate over little things and allthat and it embarrasses him secretly sometimes, he wishes he could chill out and be like his mother. But the parts of him that reflect his father have always been the parts Esther always loved the most and found endearing. He doesn't know that though.
Neil to an extent even secretly believes if he didn't have his big brain and academic achievements him and his mother wouldn't have this close relationship because this is their shared quality. This is what makes her proud. He's so scared to lose that or disappoint her.
At the same time it doesn't stop him from pinning his parents against each other a bit from time to time. As he knows Esther's go-to move is to spoil him to win.
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honeylikesyanderes · 1 year
yandere oc - bhodi falor
new oc, same old yandere behaviour
i hope you enjoy!
18+ only. minors please dni
warning: contains yandere themes, socially unacceptable behaviours, slight/implied nsfw, afab reader
bhodi’s name is pronounced as bo (like in boat) and di (like in dip)
requests are open btw! ask anything or drop any thirsts/headcanons/ideas into my inbox and i’ll write asap :) (nsfw is allowed)
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bhodi ‘bo’ falor - the sweetheart
age: 24
birthday: july 12th
physical attributes:
shoulder length golden blonde hair
bright blue green eyes
very pale skin
slim and he looks frail
is actually stronger than he looks
has a soft and calm voice
always smiling
a bit of an overthinker tbh
personality traits:
is so so sweet and so so pure
is very gentle
couldnt hurt a fly tbh
he has a warm personality; always tries to make people feel comfortable around him
rarely ever gets angry
has a tendency to get upset tho
he can be a bit impulsive
and he’s very emotional
just a very sensitive boi
meeting you:
in a world where karma isnt your yandere, bhodi is
bo and karma are best friends
practically like brothers
you could say they are basically two sides of the same coin
but when it comes to romance, they're drastically different.
the thing is, women have always preferred karma to him
bo didn't really blame them tbh
karma was richer than him, taller than him, even more handsome
bhodi always felt like he would never be good enough to be the first choice
especially since women only flirted with him either to get to karma or because karma rejected them.
everyone loved bhodi tho.
but only ever as a friend.
so imagine his surprise when he hears a rumour that someone at work has a crush on him
he didn't believe it at first
it was just a stupid rumour
no one would ever have a crush on him
not when karma was still around
a month passed and the rumour resurfaced
this time with a name attached to it
he remembers meeting you.
he was the one who interviewed you for the job
you were so intelligent
with a cute smile
you were such a pretty little thing
like a delicate little butterfly
a butterfly that bhodi wanted all for himself
are they aware that they are a yandere? are they bothered by it?
bhodi knows he's a yandere and it does bother him to a certain extent. however, karma always tries to reassure him about his yandere tendencies.
yandere tendencies:
yandere type: obsessive/stalker
bhodi is the human resources manager at the Elios group
that means he has access to all the staff information folders
and he may or may not have a duplicate of your staff folder in his home office
its not like he means to pry
he just desires to know every single thing about you
he also has a mic installed in your workspace (he got this tip from karma)
also like karma, bo will date/court you normally
but he will take a long time to approach you romantically
he'd rather just observe until he feels confident enough to tell you about his feelings
or until someone tries to date you
oh yeah btw
bhodi has a tendency to kill love rivals.
he also breaks into your house a lot
and always drops you a cute little note before he leaves
he wont put cameras in your house tho
just microphones
cause he'd feel like a pervert staring at you in a vulnerable state
he doesn't mind hearing you tho, hence the microphones
he also somehow finds a way to put a tracking device on your phone
when you and bhodi start dating, he will just come off as a clingy and jealous person
you might get worried sometimes cause it can be a bit scary
but you'd never suspect that he's a yandere
he's 'too sweet' for that.
fun facts/trivia:
not a lot of people know things about bhodi
he's friendly and nice ofc, but people just dont know much about him.
and he doesn't say a lot about himself either
bhodi has an older brother and they were raised by their uncle and aunt
he wears strongly medicated glasses and cant see people's faces from a distance without them
he has very pretty hands (he used to be a hand model in uni) and he gets manicures regularly
the nails on his left hand are always painted black, but the nails on his right hand are always painted a different colour every 2 weeks
bhodi has a degree in both psychology and business administration (he did a double major)
when he first started to fall for you, he paid for you to recieve flowers to your doorstep every single day
and on weekends, you get your favourite breakfast delivered with your favourite flowers
bhodi's favourite colour is pink.
he has a notebook full of information about you
he also loves to take photographs
please dont ask how many photos he has of you.
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paddockbunny · 2 years
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All Too Well – Chapter Eight
Summary : Alessandra Lucciano tells herself she has it all. She is Daniel Ricciardo's girlfriend after all. Isn't she? Well, sometimes she has to work hard to feel like it and no more so than when some girl shows up and makes her question her life as she knows it. So what happens when someone else starts paying her more attention than her boyfriend? Pairing : Daniel Ricciardo x (OC) Alessandra Lucciano + Max Verstappen Rating : 18+ Word Count : 6,506 Trigger Warnings for this Chapter : NSFW, Angst, relationship issues, language, PinV sex, undiscussed protection, fantasising about someone else, adult themes, strong emotions Song Inspiration for this Chapter : "Never be so kind you forget how to be clever, never be so clever you forget to be kind." - Marjorie
💞 Authors Note: Please enjoy this chapter. Remember this is a LONG angst filled story so if you're looking for short and sweet then this is certainly not it. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has dropped a line or two to say how much they like the story and honestly, you have zero idea how much it means to me. Thank you also to all of the incredible rebloggers!!! Reblogs honestly work wonders for all us writers so I appreciate each and every one you guys bestow on me. Please be aware this chapter will be proof read at a later date as I'm working on something else at the moment.
10:00 PM – 10th of October 2020 – Suzuka – Japanese Grand Prix
A low groan slipped passed Max’s lips as he ran his hand up and down his engorged cock, readying it to push in. Running the throbbing tip up and down her dripping wet folds – ones that were a mixture of her arousal and his own salvia after he had gone down on her – only sent an excited wave wash through his body. It had been at least two weeks since he last had sex and by now he was utterly desperate. Elin had been ridiculously busy since the launch and although he was overjoyed that she had found something she was passionate about, he had to take care of himself too many times to count and by now just craved another person’s touch.
Elin gasped and it practically echoed around the room as Max finally slipped inside of her. He had been elated when he managed to convince her to come this weekend. Initially she complained that it was a long way to Japan, especially as she was trying to build a business, but he knew she would enjoy it while she was here. In truth it was really because he needed time away from Monaco with her. He wanted some time when the discussion wasn’t about jewellery nor all the people she thought had backstabbed her by not supporting her dreams. Max wanted to reconnect with her and remind her that he needed a little support too sometimes. But, the thoughts were pushed out of his mind when he started moving, thrusting his cock into her the way he knew she liked, and he realised he was getting what he wanted right now and to have been thinking about all the other stuff made him feel a bit guilty.
His name ruptured out of her when he gripped her hip harder and continued his fast paced rhythm. The sound of their skin hitting each other’s bodies mingled with the loud moans pouring from her open mouth. Max’s eyes squeezed shut when he bottomed out inside of his girlfriend and all the could think about was how good she felt, how soft her skin was, how her legs wrapped around his waist and how it felt to hear his own name being sighed breathily in his ear. And right as he began thinking he wouldn’t be able to last very long after being touch starved, in his mind the bright blonde hair of his girlfriend were slowly transformed into long flowing raven coloured locks. His girlfriends pale, Scandinavian toned skin faded away to a sun kissed, rich, olive one. And Elin’s small crystal blue eyes transformed into large, golden tinted doe like ones that were the final piece in who his mind was now thinking about.
Daniel’s Alessandra.
As he momentarily paused fucking his blissfully unaware girlfriend, he fought with his mind to stop imagining the stunning Italian beauty – whom was very much dating his teammate – but the attempt was futile. Elin’s hands grasped at the flesh of his back and all he could think about were Ali. He thought of her perfectly manicured nails scratching and digging into his flesh and how he would moan for her instantly. He huffed at the thought of her moaning and sighing while he was the one to give her pleasure. He battled himself as the thought of Ali’s naked body being under him could have temporarily made him insane. Her collarbone that he wanted to kiss, the roundness of her breast that he wanted to graze, the curve of her hip he wanted to grasp all flashed before his eyes. He knew it was wrong of him to continue but his cock twitched inside of his girlfriend and he figured it wouldn’t hurt anyone. It was only in his mind after all. It wasn’t as if anything was going to happen, he would have to tell people for something to happen and Max wasn’t about to go do that. So, as he proceeded, he allowed himself to lean more into this fantasy this mind had dreamt up for him until finally he was teetering on the edge of climaxing. As hands gripped his arms tightly and a loud cry found his ears, Max’s mind made him believe it was Ali. As his rhythm got sloppy while he could feel his balls start to tighten, Max thought about himself being the one who could make her orgasm. He thought about her mouth open, eyes squeezed shut and her body feeling like it was being licked by electricity. He envisioned how her pussy would start fluttering around him, tightening and squeezing his pulsating climaxing cock. Max’s mouth suddenly fell open and as he began to succumb to the high, he groaned; “Fuck….Al…” before catching himself about to allow say her name. But while he felt his seed leave his body and begin to spill into his girlfriend Ali’s name still perched dangerously on the tip of Max’s tongue.
It wasn’t until he finally rolled over on to the bed beside Elin – who was unsatisfied and looking at him rather pissed – that Max allowed his mind to realise what had just happened. He had only actually met Ali a few times so why the hell was his brain thinking of her while he had sex? What the fuck did this mean? He was happy, relatively so, with Elin and although he wouldn’t say Ali and Daniel were the picture perfect example of such they were very much together. He felt guilt initially for thinking about another woman but it wasn’t cheating, was it? It was certainly different but he never said anything that would allow Elin to catch on during the act and like hell would he spill that he had been thinking of Daniel’s girlfriend while the came inside of her later. It was an innocent crime really. The only problem was, how could he be around her now he had thought about her like that?
09:30 PM – 16th of October 2020 – Max’s new Apartment – Monaco
As Daniel drove them through the well-known streets of Monaco Ali observed the fancy stores illuminated by their dazzling lights dotted in between restaurants with patrons sat in windows finishing their dinners. Things had somewhat returned to normal with Daniel. His parents accompanied him to Japan where they then returned to Australia once the race was done. The memory of Grace arguing with her son about her getting to go with them had played on her mind constantly since. If his own mother couldn’t convince him to have her with him during race weekends what chance could she have? She watched the race alone and paced through her own apartment when Daniel’s teammate went flying into barriers on turn 6, causing a red flag and lengthy delay while marshals had to help get him out of the car. The fact she now knew Max  – that she liked him very much – had made her stomach drop to her feet and she realised how easily it could have been Daniel and he would have had no one there for him.
While Daniel braked for a red light she glanced over at him. They had argued before leaving earlier. Daniel wanted to stay home and not attend Max’s apartment warming. He complained and said he couldn’t think of anything he wanted to do less but Ali said if he didn’t go, when he had been invited, would make people talk. The thing was, Ali had also invited. She saw the text invite on Daniel’s phone first and then practically burst when the notification came though on her own phone from Max inviting her too. She remembered the last time, Elin’s launch, and knew she couldn’t attend solo again if she didn’t want to be questioned about who she was and how she knew the couple, so had worked hard on convincing Daniel this time. Before they left his apartment – after it took a little bribery (in way of a blowjob) – Daniel had told her she looked nice and they should blow it off and go for dinner instead and then the slightly jovial mood flipped. As he asked her again to reconsider, Ali didn’t realise that he saw her roll her eyes and sigh in the mirror and for some reason her innocent enough reaction instantly pissed him off. He said she didn’t have to be such a bitch and hurried her out of the door. When they got into the elevator she happened to say she should have chosen different shoes as way of lightening the situation but Daniel interjected, telling her; “you’re getting what you wanted so don’t complain.” It wasn’t what she wanted. Going to Max’s house warming wasn’t exactly the thing she craved. All Ali really wanted was to have a good night with Daniel, amongst his friends and perhaps be introduced to people within his world. She wanted to be on his arm and for him to proud she was there with him.
After arriving at the lovely new apartment block that overlooked the new extension to the marina, Daniel and Ali exited the elevator on to Max’s floor.   Music flowed out of the open door to the apartment and Ali felt a little jittery so grabbed hold of her bag tighter. She would have felt a little more relaxed if Daniel would have just taken hold of her hand as they walked in but he did nothing of the sort. As they crossed the threshold into Max’s brand spanking new abode, she figured Daniel was still somewhat mad with her as he breezed in in front of her. She felt a little stupid as she trailed behind her boyfriend, four or fife feet away, but Elin’s voice came from a wide open cut out in the wall which Ali registered was where the kitchen must have been. “I’m glad you came. I was just telling my friend Emmanuelle about you.” She took Ali tenderly by the arm and led her off to meet her friends. “About me?” Ali breathed out nervously and glanced back to see where Daniel was. “Yes, about how magnificent you look in the jewellery and what a fabulous photographer you are.” Elin pretty much thrust Ali around and directly in front of the four friends that she was now standing in front of. With a shaky breath she tilted her head down in a coy fashion and said a hello.
“This is Emmanuelle, Camille, her boyfriend Sandro and this is Ines my business partner.” She was such a natural hostess. She was like something from a Fitzgerald novel but with a modern twist. Instead of a lit cigarette hanging off the end of a long golden holder, it was a thin-stemmed glass of rose wine. It made the memory of Ali being called a “housewife” came flooding back but instantly she pushed it aside again. She didn’t want to remember that unpleasantness. A glass of the same rose wine that Elin was drinking was suddenly thrust into her hand by Sandro, the boyfriend of Camille who was dangling off his arm to the right. They seemed like the typical French set that frequented all the bars and restaurants in Monaco. The ones whom always had black Amex cards and had the latest designer pieces before they were even released to the public. The type that Ali would often find herself amused by but not wanting to ever join. She listened to them pouring on about something and thought how strange it was that Max was involved with this. He was incredibly low key, relaxed, down to earth, somewhat like herself. Surly all of these money orientated social climbers weren’t his thing, but then when it came to men and their characters Ali figured she might not be the best judge.
As she slunk back from the bathroom Ali was tempted to crawl on her knees so the group in the kitchen wouldn’t see her as she passed. She had spoken to them for nearly forty minutes and it was forty minutes too long. She gathered that these were new friends to Elin as it was obvious she didn’t pick up on some of the thinly veiled digs like Ali did. It was obvious they didn’t actually like her line and that the wine they were all drinking wasn’t too their taste. She figured the allure of Elin being an out and very proud “WAG” was what the draw was to these rather ghastly humans - they probably only wanted free garage passes to the next Monaco Grand Prix. And for the smallest glimmer of a moment she actually thought she should thank Daniel for not having her around people like that. But then again, that should have been her choice to make, not one he was constantly making for her. Figuring Elin was perfectly happy to get to know her new fake best friends, Ali went to find the man whose apartment she was standing in.
The apartment was roughly the same size as Daniels but with a larger balcony, better views and in a better location. It was decorated well and although there was an undercurrent that it felt like a bachelor pad there were glimpses of feminine touches that were clearly provided by Elin. Ali spied Max standing amongst a group of friends – noting Daniel was not one of them so glanced around quickly to see where he had gotten too but she couldn’t see him – but didn’t want to interrupt and bother him so instead stepped out on to the lovely wide balcony. As Ali leaned forward against the stoned balcony wall she registered the slight chill that ran over her body. It was getting cold enough to need a jacket when out at night now. The cool air would whip off the Mediterranean Sea and would catch out any unsuspecting visitors to the Riviera at this time of year. As she thought about the first winter after she moved here her name was gently called from behind her and she turned to find Max. He had come to her. She registered that no one else was out on the balcony so he must have thought she was crazy to be stood out side with only a thin silken top on.
“Congratulations on the apartment, Max. It’s splendido!”* He seemed genuinely happy at her comment and nodded while flashing a glance back inside. “I’m quite happy with it.” He added and she smiled back at him. The last time she saw Max was at the jewellery launch but the last time she had spoken to him was that night Daniel came home drunk and wounded her heart with his harsh words. That night still loomed heavily on Ali. The fact he was so quick to involve her with his family after it only gave her more cause for alarm. She still wasn’t entirely sure if Daniel had told her the truth the following morning - that he hadn’t done something he would have upset her with someone that she very much by now hated – but she wouldn’t bring all of that up at a housewarming.
“I was watching on Sunday, I don’t want to bring up the memory but how is your neck?” As Ali asked the question she saw the crinkle in Max’s eyes and then how they seemed to take a second to register that she was genuinely asking him how he was, did no one else do that?
She just asked if I was ok after Sunday. She was the only one to ask this whole fucking night. And as I stared into those pools of tempting golden honey that she had as eyes, I knew she was completely and utterly genuine. None of the other fuckers here had bothered. Even the ones that claimed to like racing enough when they were trying to show off too me. Fuck, Elin hadn’t bothered passed Sunday if I was ok.128 miles per hour was what I went into that barrier at and my own girlfriend hadn’t asked how I felt since because she was too preoccupied. When I answered and thanked her for caring, the fucking glimpse in her eyes that showed she simply liked being appreciated made my cock twitch in my jeans. And that sent the memory of fantasising about her as I fucked Elin the Saturday night before the race coursing through my brain. “Stay calm, Max.” My conscience ordered me. She was just another girl. That happened to look like a fucking angel and be completely and utterly selfless but she was just another girl.
“I wanted to say, thank you for inviting me. I uh…” She stalled and looked down as if she didn’t want me to read her anymore but she plastered something of a fake smile on her mouth when she finished the sentence “…well I’ve improved since the last time, at least he came with me this time.” She joked and suddenly I remembered Daniel. Fucking, Daniel. He came with her alright – yes, as soon as he arrived he came straight over to me complaining he needed a drink because they had just argued about coming here which I thought was a little ungracious of him if I was being honest but I could brush it off as it just being his humour - and yet she didn’t seem as though she was happy about it but I let it go. I didn’t want to enquire because I had already had his one sided view (which I didn’t like) and that was enough. Perhaps if we had known each other a little better I would have confessed I didn’t actually want to invite Daniel at all and I only wanted to invite her. Being forced to spend time with Daniel during race weekends was enough let alone socially too. He could be rather difficult and immature at times and suddenly he had this strange pre-occupation with his phone that bugged the hell out of me. The thing was, we had always gotten on and had a good bond considering we were rivals as much as teammates, but Daniel sometimes did things that I couldn’t agree with as much as I tried. The way he treats Ali for one but also this “thing” he has going on with Haylee Bircher-Bruckner. Which everyone knew about and gave me a horrible twisting feeling in my stomach as I stood in front of the rather gentle soul in front of me.
I realised I hadn’t said anything in quite some time and the memory of what happened last week flashed right in front of my eyes. I recalled it so easily. How my conscience seemed to crave her without me even realising it. I still didn’t fully understand how exactly my brain went to her when we barely knew each other. But then again, you hear about those kind of things don’t you? You hear about people having a pull to one and other for some unknown reason as if the universe was doing some weird magical shit. Now I had a quickened pulse and I felt a little worried the yearning to act might overpower me – if she wanted it of course – and that turned my mouth dry. Without realising I glanced down toward her boobs. They would fit in my hands perfectly and I couldn’t help but wonder how sensitive her nipples were. “Fuck! Stop it, Max!” I warned myself when I took a second glance and I was sure on that occasion she caught me but thankfully she shivered and I immediately grabbed a blanket from the furniture beside me.
“Are you cold?” I asked but I already knew the answer and so put the blanket around her shoulders. Her body was only inches from mine, so close I could feel her body temperature, and I instinctively swallowed because if she were single - if I were single - then I would absolutely have kissed her in this moment. I willed myself not to stare at her because there was something about her eyes that were mesmerising; I found that out at that weird dinner when her eyes seemed to stare straight into my inner soul and now it was apparent she had made herself at home there.
I opened my mouth; about to say something to break the now strange and somewhat awkward tension that had befallen us when I heard the loud, rather unwelcome sound of her boyfriends voice from behind me.     “What’s this, Verstappen? Making a move on her?” Daniel’s hand went to the top of my shoulder and gripped it harshly, squeezing it as if to give a silent warning. He knew I was sore and tender, still hurting from the crash a few days earlier so I gritted my teeth in my mouth. “Daniel, his neck!” Ali’s voice spoke from in front of me and it sounded protective. I couldn’t believe that this sweet, gentle girl was with Daniel, of all people. His hand gave my shoulder another squeeze and he laughed; “Maxy’s a Formula One driver, Ali. He’s got one of the strongest necks out there. Don’t you, mate?” I could tell the several glasses of wine had started taking effect and sighed with a nod hoping he would get his fucking hands off me.
“So? Are you making a move on her?” He seemed to change tact and brought it back to what he first entered the conversation with and I scoffed. I was going to tell him not to be ridiculous but I didn’t want her to think it would be ridiculous for me to have made a move on her because how would she feel if I said that? But what registered with me most was how Daniel seemed to get possessive and jealous at me talking with Ali. It crossed my mind that he wasn’t actually that self confident and assured as he makes out he is and that actually he felt threatened by us talking out here alone while I wrapped her in a blanket to keep her warm. He glanced at her and I realised he had been firmly fixed on me this whole time and I clenched my jaw at how the way he was behaving was obviously making her feel. “Daniel…” She said in nothing above a whisper but before she had a chance to say anything else – something that potentially lend itself to my defence because that was just the type of girl she was – I piped up. “Ah…. You had me for a minute there, mate!” I played it off with a pat to his stomach praying to God he would by it. And he smirked and laughed that loud laugh of his and I physically saw a nervous breath leave Ali’s body as she let a small-pleased smile dance briefly across her lips. Whether or not Daniel actually did catch on I was making it into a joke (or if that was what he was intending and it simply wasn’t landing) I decided to never ask. He would forget about it in the next hour or so as he sipped on his fourth glass of wine. I motioned to Ali with a slight head to make sure she was comfortable now it was simply taken as a joke and those eyes stared into my core again and could have melted me into pure puddles.
Ali swallowed nervously. Ever since Max put that blanket around her shoulders she felt like she hadn’t breathed. In the moment she felt nothing but a strange calm. Having Max so close to her, doing such an innocent action but striking something deep inside of her. It was how Daniel made her feel, at first. Back in those five or six months at the start of their relationship where they couldn’t keep their hands off each other and there was an intense burning in her soul for him. She wondered if there was something by Max doing such a pure and genuine action that made her mind recall those blissful months with Daniel that could be chalked up to earning for something she missed. Because surely it wasn’t just because of Max, right? Max was very much not available. The gracious, polite girl in the kitchen (probably still being belittled be her “friends”) was his and evidently he was madly in love with her to want her around all the time and show her off to everyone. It made a slight jealous twinge way down low in the bottom of her stomach as she realised Elin had exactly what she had always wanted. A happy, loving relationship with the man she adored above all others.
Ali thought something must have been wrong with her for thinking thoughts like that about Max. The ones that swirled around her head and made her mouth go dry. His body being close enough to her own that she could feel his warm body temperature and all the could think was how badly she wanted to creep her arms around his waist and hold on to him. But then Daniel stepped out on to the balcony and his words instantly put her on edge, seeped in a boorish attitude that even she was somewhat unfamiliar. And as if it couldn’t get any worse for her, it did. Daniel insinuated something untoward was going on between her and Max as he roughly manhandled his neck and she could see the slight pain flash across his eyes. All Ali could think about in that split second was the pain Max must have been in from Daniel’s harsh grip on him that she found words leaving her, pleading with Daniel to take his hand away from the innocent man who was clear of any wrong doing. When Daniel turned his attention to her and rather mockingly said something about being a Formula One driver Ali realised he was clearly in this strange headspace he got himself into sometimes. It was one that she didn’t care for nor enjoy. It was almost like he was faking being egotistical and had to make himself the life of the party – even if it wasn’t his party to be the life of. And then without really saying a word, Max broke the tension with words that Ali didn’t even take in what it was exactly he said but Daniel seemed to be laughing and it allowed her to finally take a large inhale of much needed air. Instinctively she looked to Max and thanked him silently for making the situation less awkward and he would never know how he had managed to calm her.
There was a little small talk between Max and Daniel to which Ali felt herself a little lost. It was something to do with the race the prior weekend – the one she watched at home in her apartment – and so it wouldn’t kill her to have zoned out. It gave her the opportunity to realise that while Daniel seemed clothed in the darkness of the shadows cast upon him by the stone pillared balcony, Max stood in direct contrast and was bathed in the soft glow of the light from the forgotten about party beyond. Ali practically giggled at how it seemed almost Shakespearian that Daniel was in the darkness and Max was in the light based upon how they had just both behaved. Then two men coming out to join them dragged her out of the moment. They both patted Daniel on the back and shot Max a knowing glance before finally settling their attention on Ali while she stood between them.
“And who might this be?” His eyes pooled over her, taking her in with an almost uncomfortable stare. The other smirked and she was ready to turn her head toward Max for security before it dawned on her that she should have been turning to her boyfriend instead. Daniel seemed to stand awkward, frozen even, as if he had turned into a statue. Ali wasn’t sure he even heard the question proposed by the Englishman before them but then when he did she swallowed. Ali wasn’t sure why but she felt like Daniel had all of a sudden turned nervous. “Rob, Mark this is Alessandra. Alessandra, this is Rob and Mark. They’re apart of the team. Uh…” And he stumbled. Daniel only stumbled on his words when he felt uneasy – Ali practically confirmed this only recently when his parents were visiting and his mother said something about Cartier making lovely rings while they drove past. On that occasion Ali watched, as Daniel seemed to bumble a little and not be able to form a proper sentence as he tried to divert the conversation away from the luxury jewellers. However, the performance tonight was not quite on that level.
“Alessandra is…uh…. she’s a great photographer and friend.” Ali felt cold again. She felt cold from Daniel’s words. She was a photographer and friend. Photographer. And friend. She couldn’t grasp what he had just said. Ali felt her lungs burn, as she couldn’t will herself to take a breath of air. The word “girlfriend” was too much for him, again, and she had no clear indication as to why. He had introduced her as such to Max and most importantly only a few weeks prior to his parents and yet to more inconsequential people he couldn’t even bring himself to say it. Ali felt like he had cut her straight to the core and he had to have seen how she looked like a kicked puppy.
She was so preoccupied in how wounded she felt she failed to notice a third man appear on the balcony right in front of her. His hand suddenly thrust itself out in front of her and she simply looked at it. It wasn’t until she heard his loud looming accented voice that she snapped her head up and heard him say; “Ah, you must be Haylee…”
Ali felt like her legs were about to go from underneath her. A quick, exasperated breath ruptured from her slightly agape mouth and she felt her blood run cold. Why would he say that? How could he think she was the person he thought she was? What the fuck was going on? Ali suddenly felt like she was underwater. She could hear her blood swooshing around her head. Somehow instinctively she turned her head to look at Daniel and he wasn’t saying anything. He was just staring at her expecting something to come out of her first. Ali couldn’t bare to give him the satisfaction of her words when she felt so utterly humiliated and embarrassed.
And then before even knowing she was doing it she had turned on her heels and purposefully strode into Max’s apartment. Ali waltzed intentionally across the room and across to the corridor where she would have to pass back in front of the kitchen to start toward the door of the apartment. She couldn’t have known how long it took her, seconds possibly. She didn’t even know how she hadn’t toppled over in her heels she was taking such deliberately long strides to get out of the apartment. She heard her voice being called but whose it may have been she didn’t know but she was sure it wouldn’t have been her fucking boyfriends. Ali managed to breathe when she was out in the hallway and pressing the button for the swanky new lift a million times. Everyone knew pressing it like that didn’t work, it didn’t make it come any faster and it was an utterly futile action but to her it was so important as a pure diversion technique. She had to think about absolutely anything else because if she didn’t she could feel a sob already waiting to burst out of her throat and she refused to give Daniel the satisfaction of hearing it – if he was the one who called her name again from the open doorway back from where she had come from.
Finally, the door pinged open and she crossed the threshold of the marble floored lift instantly. She didn’t care if anyone wanted out, she wanted in. She wanted as much distance between her and that apartment as possible. She only cared about getting out of the building and getting away from the situation. She pressed the button marked for ground level and just as the door slowly began to creep along, a body was immediately stopping it from closing. “Ali…” She looked up. It was Max. And written right there in those sapphire blue fucking eyes was concern and worry mixed with tenderness and understanding. She bit down hard into her bottom lip because she would be damned if she let it tremble.
“I’ll take you home.” He stated and Ali realised Max was pulling on a jacket and had his car keys in his hand. His voice was so soft and mild with no shred of anger or annoyance, emotions Ali figured he had every right to be displaying toward her. After all, he was leaving his own house warming because some silly inconsequential photographer and friend had stormed out of his party making herself look ridiculous. He didn’t have to treat her anything more than the embarrassment she was and now she realised that Daniel would call her a liability – considering he didn’t want to come in the first place.
 11:45 PM – 16th of October 2020 – En route – Ali’s Apartment – Monaco     
 As Max pulled out of the underground car park Ali shivered. She hadn’t worn a jacket tonight and although she would normally have regretted by the time they were on the ride home, she would usually reach into the back of the car and pull out one of Daniel’s sweatshirts to pull on for warmth. But now she sat in Max’s car as he drove her home instead of Daniel.
“Would you like the seat warmer on?” He pressed a button and turned a dial and her seat began warming up. She couldn’t bring herself to say anything yet. Ali felt like her mind was frozen, stuck thinking about that man’s voice and how he asked if she was THAT girl. Of all people, it had to be her. She knew it had to mean something and that was what gave her this inability to have the basic functions of speech. Her eyes felt glued to the dashboard in front of her as Max whizzed them through the streets of Monaco. It wasn’t until they hit a red light she realised he was actually heading toward Daniel’s and not her own apartment – possibly thinking she actually lived with him, as if he wanted her too - so had to finally swallow the lump in her throat and tell him.
“Uh, I have my own place in Moneghetti. If that’s too far, I understand, just pull over here and I'll catch an Uber. I’ve already been too much of a hassle.” And without missing a single beat, Max replied quickly; “You’re no hassle. I’m sorry for, well…. I’m sorry.”
Ali felt that lump return and her bottom lip quivered. She willed herself not too cry but the attempt was useless. Silently, a few tears slipped passed her eyes and trailed slowly down her cheeks. She didn’t like anyone seeing her cry. She didn’t want people to see her weakness. She didn’t want people to think she was the fragile little ten year-old anymore but as always Daniel never failed. She was so embarrassed in fact that she was ready to tell Max to pull over and just let her walk home because she couldn’t bare the thought he would think less of her for crying over what had happened. But something deep inside her ordered herself to stay silent.
While Max drove the soft hum of the engine mixed with the gentle voices coming over the radio. The words were in Dutch and she couldn’t understand a thing but for some reason she allowed herself to focus solely on that. She listened to how the words were formed and the use of the presenters intonation as they spoke. They were clearly passionate about whatever topic they were discussing and she felt her mind easing as she listened. She was glad the lights from Max’s dashboard were all that illuminated them and mixed with the glow of the street lamps outside as they flickered passed. As they drew closer into the area Ali resided in she gave directions in a low, soft voice until finally they were outside of her apartment block. Silently they got out of the car. Ali would normally have protested Max’s gesture, citing there was truly no need to be so gentlemanly for her, but tonight she allowed it. He held the door open for her, called the elevator and rode with it up to her apartment. He stood and watched and her trembling hands struggled with her key before taking over and never in her life had she ever felt so grateful for a man. He pushed open the door for her and she took the few steps to continue inside but suddenly something invisible made her pause. Ali felt herself turning instinctively and she finally looked in the eyes she now felt like she found herself loving before sliding her hands around Max’s neck and pressing her body against his. Ali figured she caught him off guard and perhaps he didn’t like this familiarity when then she felt his hands go around her waist and he pulled her into his firm body even more. Ali’s teeth ground together as a method of keeping herself from crying but finally, just being held the way she longed to be, she was overcome with the emotions of the evening. Tears poured from her cheeks and she now couldn’t give a damn if Max saw her crying.
They stood like that for what felt like an eternity. Max allowing her to dampen his jacket with her tears and she knew she had to ask him. The urge had only intensified due to what transpired earlier. As she pulled back she allowed herself to feel the gravitas of what she was about to say. She wasn’t mentally prepared for the answer he would give her, not at all, but still she had to ask the question.
“Max, that night you went out for…her…. birthday, did something happen between them? Daniel and….” It was out there and Ali could finally breathe better, even if she couldn't bring herself to say the name of someone that man had mistaken her for. Max was looking back at her so intently but blankly and it was starting to feel like she was going to have to suffer, that all of her horrible, vile thoughts were about to be made truth. Her heart was about to be blown into smithereens, wasn’t it?     
* - wonderful
@inkfablesandstories @ggaslyp1 @thelightnessofthebeing @deathmet-al @pleasantducktimetravel @scotlynaurora @squidwardsluverxx @zxlla @anonymitysden @ravena-xx @onelovelife @tita010 @fishtankcleaner1000 @lenniebordeaux @bellasummer03 @melinoeg @organasith @lu-morningstar @lu-morningstar-2 @puglover12 @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @eitak-t @f1medlife @sophierose463 @ivegotparticulartaste @ccrobbs
^ I feel like I'm forgetting someone from the list so if it is you please let me know & again I know about tags not working but I will continue to tag you in case it does randomly work.
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
im pretty sure you've been asked for all the ocs at this point separately but i have a tiny pea sized brain and cant remember LMAOOO but who are your fcs for the ocs? doc/andrew/jess/derek/kristen/marta/elias/etc. (im sure im missing some)
my brain definitely manifests them a certain way but im curious to who you imagine!!
So I left a lot of these non-existent or vague so people can plug in themselves and people they love BUT here’s who I picture 😍
Doc: I don’t really have an actor who fits her so I made this AI thing when I was thinking up the character? But I’ve pictured her as fairly petite (5’2”-5’4” ish?), small but not skinny, rounded but not thicc. Basically just the personification of softness and femininity. She’s got a lot of hair that’s wavy/curly that gets out of control easily and her personal style is the thrift shop version of Jess from New Girl. She looks like someone the apocalypse will chew up and spit out.
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Andrew: my sweet baby angel! When we first meet him, he is 110% Lucas from Stranger Things. Fairly baby faced but brave in the face of it all - and still able to find happiness and joy. By the time Doc leaves the QZ, I’m kind of leaning Donald Glover? Someone mentioned they cast him as Andrew Garfield and I kinda love that too lol
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Jess: Our third member of the codependency squad (who was honestly way understanding of her boyfriend/husband’s weird attachment and we love her for it) and resident comedian is, in my head, Doctor Who era Karen Gillan. Red hair, vibe of sass and strength but also naïveté (and so pretty that we can’t blame Andrew for gawking at her for months) we love her.
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Derek: the good guy who might have been if it weren’t for trauma and Joel! He’s 40 year old James Marsden. Just… *chef’s kiss* Look between him, Joel and Tommy? Doc can PULL. Someone said they cast Oscar Isaac here and look… Oscar is like maybe the one man I might find more attractive than Pedro, it depends on the day BUT I cannot cast him as anything but a leading man. Oscar and Pedro can only be end game in my book (but I will accept any and all HC castings lol)
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Kristen: Our favorite, competent as HELL trauma nurse! I pictured her as being unexpectedly feisty coming from a small, pretty, blonde package. Does she seem like someone you’d underestimate? Poor choice on your part but that’s her. Malin Akerman is who she is for me!
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Marta: our tough still figuring it out assistant turned expert nurse! I wanted someone sweet but strong who could be both naive and brilliant, so Ana de Armas it is! Only realized just now that her name in Knives Out is also Marta lol I FORGOT THAT BUT OH WELL!
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Elias: Our stalwart dogooder under the umbrella of FEDRA turned exhausted man trying to keep people alive, Elias is a kind hearted leader trying to do the best he can with what very little he has. His caring and drive I think are exemplified in Jimmy Smits - especially West Wing era Jimmy Smits at the beginning of the fic.
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So yeah! That’s how I see all these lovely lovely characters! I hope this enriches or informs the reading for you. Thank you so much for reading and asking! Love you!!
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snowblossomreads · 5 months
Day 12: A Missing Gift (Missing Star + Giver of Gifts)
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Pairing: Sinclair Bryant x Amiee Huang (OC)
Summary: In where Amiee plays hostess to a party while Sinclair is missing. She learns later why he was gone for so long.
Tag(s)/Warning(s): mean jokes, defending loved one, kissing, hidden relationships, food(lots of food), gift giving, feelings of unworthiness, fluff and love!
Word Count: 5.4K (Sinclair's getting spoiled I know 😌)
A/N: Heheh so this story takes place before the events of The Art of Entangled Hearts which ,you can read here (come on i know u want to read it) . This little fic is just sweet fluff between these two and a little surprise awaits at the ending 🥹.
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to any person living or dead is just coincidence 🤣🤣 (it's not) Enjoy lovelies!
There were about 15 or so people, including Amiee, mingling in the spacious living room of Sinclair's flat, which resided on one of the top floors, in a luxury apartment building, in Manchester's city centre. All sorts of folks from work had come to the little, or more accurately rather larger dinner party he was throwing for the upcoming holidays, ready to gossip and drink fancy wine and champagne till their heads spun.
It was the weekend after all, and why not indulge, especially if you weren't paying for it. Most of the people there were from different departments though, she recognised two or three of them from her own. She was sure that they knew Sinclair, as everyone who ever met him could attest that he was hard to forget, and even harder to avoid once he took a liking to you.
Speaking of Sinclair.
"Amiee where'd ya say our office puppy went to?" Millie, who she had learned was a lawyer for the company asked as she sat down next to Amiee with a drink in hand. "I know he has a habit of being late, but to his own party? That's a new one even for him!"
"Honestly he's hopeless when it comes to time management, it's the reason he's always in the office so late sometimes," Amiee mused as she took a sip of her own drink. "He said he had some last minute things he needed to pick up and then left me to supervise if he didn't get back on time."
"Oh of course he would! Men I swear," she snickered, though there was amusement in her voice as she spoke. "Well, it's not too bad of a mess. I mean there're drinks and some amusing company I guess. Though, I wonder what's got him so tied up. Maybe he's gone back to the office?"
"Haha, I don't mind.” She actually did mind, even if it was just a little bit, but that wasn’t the point. “And I doubt it. Sinclair wouldn't miss a party, especially his party. He enjoys the company too much," Amiee continued as she fell into a comfortable conversation with the lady. "But," she added, covering the side of her face, and leaning over like she was telling a secret to Millie who was also leaning in to hear. "If he doesn't show up soon I'm liable to just start eating the food without him. I'm starving!"
Both women let out a laugh drawing a pair of eyes towards them.
"Be careful," Millie snorted bringing her drink to her lips. "That's probably a sackable offence when it comes to him. Can you imagine him coming back and all the food is gone?"
"It'll drive him mad for sure! I'm pretty sure we be his mortal enemies if we ever did that!" Amiee cackled doubling over in laughter at the thought of Sinclair marching everyone out of his flat because they had eaten all the food.
It was honestly easier to imagine than one would think considering who they were talking about. That man took his meals seriously!
"A sackable offence to who? Who are we talking about ladies?"
The voice of a man interrupted the two women, who looked up to see a red-faced middle aged man approach them and before he got near, Amiee could hear Millie hiss a soft,
"Not this dickhead." Before leveling a nasty glare at him.
He was a bit wobbly on his feet as he waddled up to them, and it was clear he was going to need to be cut off from the drinks soon in case he got too plastered before dinner was served.
"Bugger off won't you Williams? Can't you see me and our hostess are talking?"
As if he didn't hear her, Williams, whom Amiee didn't know, yet already disliked immensely, seemed to ignore the request to leave them alone, instead doing his best to join the conversation he wasn't wanted in.
"Aw come on Mills be nice," he crooned causing the blond woman's face to twist in disgust at the nickname as she looked away from the man. "Amiee isn't it! Still no sign of our friend Sinclair huh? Chaps probably lost somewhere staring at some billboard that's got him interested. Sometimes I don't think that man is all that there," Williams thought out loud as he tried to sit in the small space between the woman.
This only caused him to almost sit on Amiee's lap causing her to yelp and scoot to the opposite side of the sofa but not without her snapping at him with a,
"Hey watch it!"
"Sorry as I was saying," he continued, not paying any mind to the women who clearly did not want him to be there. "Brilliant at numbers but he's kind of odd fellow don't you think. Talkative too."
"Is that what we are calling people who are interested in a lot of things now? Because honestly I rather be friends with someone like that. Even if he is talkative, at least he has something of value to say, unlike some people," Amiee spat, still annoyed at the sudden appearance of the man and, the apparent audacity he had to insult Sinclair in his own home.
"Millie, what do you think?"
"Oh, absolutely. There's never a dull moment when Sinclair is around though," Millie paused to give the unwelcome guest a dirty look that was clearly telling him to piss off yet he stayed. "I can't say the same when it comes to some people."
The man seemed to be unaware he was nearing dangerous territory with the thinly veiled insults that he was hurling at Sinclair. And if he wasn't, well it was about to be made clear that he had overstepped.
"I mean he's a fine man, brilliant. But you have to agree he's a bit, I don't know, he seems off his rocker sometimes when he starts rambling about all those facts up in his head. It’s bloody weird!"
This had Amiee glaring at the man fiercely as he seemed to have realized what he said had crossed a line.
"No, I don't agree actually!" Amiee seethed lowly, her face hot from anger and her cheeks flushed, but not from the drinks.
Her ferocity seemed to catch both Millie and Williams off guard and had anyone else heard her, she was sure it would have caught them off guard to.
"It's fine if you don't like him, but if you're going to just insult him in his flat, at his party why even show up! If it bothers you so much, how about buggering off like you were asked to. And preferably out of here altogether."
Everyone seemed petrified for a moment as they all took in the way she had just told this man off. Someone she didn't know but already never wanted to meet again, especially with how he talked about Sinclair, who was goodness personified to her.
He had flaws like any other human being, but she wasn't going to stand for someone, especially someone supposedly on good terms with him to speak about him like that. Drunk or not.
The air was a bit tense between the three, but it seemed like luck was on their side in a manner of speaking because not seconds later, the door to the flat opened, and Sinclair was walking in with a few shopping bags in hand and a grin.
"And look everyone it's the man of the hour," Amiee cheered as she jumped from her seat to get away from the uncomfortable situation, leaving Williams confused and Millie hiding her laughter behind her glass.
"Sorry sorry hello everyone! I got caught in traffic trying to get back with some more food and stuff for us!" Sinclair explained enthusiastically as he made his way into the flat, shutting the door with his foot and greeting everyone. "I should have known I get back late, but that just means everyone is already here!"
Amiee smiled as she approached him, happy he was still in his cheerful mood even with the delay, and with all the alcohol in people's blood, they seemed to just be happy he was here. With food of course.
Finding her in the small crowd, Sinclair seemed to brighten up even more as he walked over to her while boisterously announcing,
"Also everyone say thank you to Amiee as the unwilling hostess! She's wonderful to put up with me and my demands."
Her heart leapt, and she felt herself become instantly shy when he said that. The urge to ball up a little was strong as the attention turned to her for a few seconds when a chorus of thank you's and laughter filled the air.
Mortifying wasn't the right word, but she did feel self-conscious as she nodded and gave a little wave and smile to everyone. A soft 'you're welcome' left her before Sinclair was swooped in.
"Dinner in about 30 minutes! Hopefully faster though because I'm starving! I'm stealing Amiee away for help seeing she's already done a brilliant job at keeping you lot entertained. It's a hard chore!"
There was more laughter at his announcement, as he took Amiee by the hand and began to drag her away from the party. She happily let him to, ready to get a break from the crowd of people, and that one twat.
Dragging her down the hall and into the kitchen where they could only hear the chatter faintly along with the low music that had been playing, Sinclair kept his boyish grin as he put the bags of food on the counter before turning to the woman.
"Sinclair that Williams or whatever his name is an arsehole," she stated plainly when he looked at her, not giving him time to tell her how pretty she looked with her outfit.
She must have changed when he left as she was now wearing a festive-looking red jumper blouse with a cowl neckline, along with a red headband that was adorned with a bow in her hair. Speaking of her hair, it had some more volume than it usually did which also looked quite good.
‘So cute.’  He mused in his head as he watched her brows furrow waiting for his response.
"Oh from the advisory board?" He asked nonchalantly as he closed the distance between them and wrapped his arm around her waist to hug her against him. She let out a hum as she hugged him back and deflated a bit in his arms already tired from a night that had only begun. "Oh, he's alright. He speaks his mind a lot even if it isn't the most popular thing. I think it's good to have different opinions even if they aren't said nicely. Though I do prefer them put in nicer ways no need to be snide."
"Sure, but sometimes you can have the wrong opinion and he was being snide," she snarked, as Sinclair chuckled and leaned down to press a kiss atop her head. "He decided to have a go at you before you came in and I let him know he could bugger off if he didn't like you."
"Was he drunk?"
That wasn't the question she thought she would hear.
"Yes I believe so," she answered, tilting her head up with a quizzical gaze at his question only to see amusement shine in his eyes.
"Darling you slagged off a possibly drunk man because he was mean to me did you?" Sinclair laughed in astonishment as he let go of her, only to find a pouty expression directed at him. "He probably won't even remember tomorrow, but it's lovely of you to defend my honour at a holiday party to someone you don't know. Hmm, I think it's the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me actually. Thank you Amiee!"
She sure hoped it wasn't the sweetest thing a partner had ever done for him, or she would need to talk to him about the people he had dated considering it was the least she could do. Granted she probably needed to have that pep talk too as she was no better.
Her pondering was cut short though by Sinclair who interrupted her with a cheerful,
"But also you look very pretty! I like the red on you! But red also makes me think of wine and stuff which reminds me that I'm hungry and I'm sure everyone else is!" He blabbered on as he turned towards the counter to begin taking food out of the bags. "Can you help me get all this food and stuff set up and brought out? Gosh, It seems like I'm making you do so much running around!"
The dizzying array of topics that he had just jumped through would have confused others, yet Amiee followed his train of thought perfectly, amused at how he related seemingly unrelated topics.
"Thank you 'Clair!” She beamed. “And yes, I will help you plate stuff. What kind of hostess would I be if I didn't?"
With a strong team effort, they unpacked the precooked food that he had bought for the party. Along with that, they also took things out of the fridge that had been premade and opened the oven to check on the food that had been in there staying warm.
Amiee only had to keep Sinclair from trying to eat one of the mini pork pies once. Though, when she had turned around for a second, he shoved a sausage roll in his mouth only for her to laugh at his puffed cheeks when he was caught chewing. He wasn't a very quiet eater, and it was very obvious by the sudden groan that he made that he had nicked something.
Once all the food had been plated on the fancy serving plates, and bags were tossed or stored -except one, that Sinclair said was for a surprise later. The only thing left was to bring all the food and plates out for everyone to serve themselves.
Giving each other approving looks, Sinclair leaned his head down as if he was looking for something on Amiee's side, only to find her lips being placed on his. He hummed in delight as they basked in the warm moment with each other, right before they would have to go back to being just good friends in front of everyone.
Oh, the woes of a hidden relationship.
They moaned as their lips hungrily clashed against each other, almost forgetting that someone could walk in and see them snogging like teenagers.
Pulling away, Amiee looked up at Sinclair before amusement blanketed her features.
"Sinclair here you have something on your lips," she giggled as she swiped at his lips with her thumb, trying to remove the lipstick that stained his thin lips.
He hummed as she rubbed it off before she gave him a pleased smile.
"Alright, ready to feed the hungry masses?" She asked as she picked up two different things getting ready to head for the living room.
"If by hungry masses you mean me? Then yes!" Sinclair answered enthusiastically, causing her to let out a loud laugh as she led them back into the front where people cheered as the food arrived.
The abundance of appetizers and small eats had been a hit, as everyone seemed pleased with the variety and the amount of things they could choose from. It came to no one's surprise, that there was such an abundance considering it was Sinclair hosting, and he was notorious for making sure there was plenty to go around.
Someone even complimented the egg tarts Amiee had brought, and Sinclair, once again, proudly proclaimed that she had bought them causing her to be back in the spotlight but just briefly. She would have to tell her mum that they were a hit like she knew they would be.
The party seemed to go on and on with everyone having a good time, and becoming more energetic after food was in stomachs. Someone even opted to do some mock karaoke to one of the Christmas songs that started to play, garnering everyone's attention and laughter.
Throughout the whole thing, Amiee and Sinclair would sneak looks at each other whenever he wasn't deep into a conversation, and both of them couldn't stop the smiles that grew on their lips when one saw the other.
They were hopeless. As it went on though, Amiee found herself tiring of the socialization as she had done enough for the rest of the year and some of the next. Her eyes felt tired, yet people seemed to be having fun still and Sinclair, the ever-energetic puppy, was in deep conversation with a group of three.
How he had the energy, she didn't know, but she wouldn't drag him out of his zone as she was happy to see him happy. But she needed somewhere quiet to recharge from all the noise.
So she made a decision. Surveying the crowd, she made sure no one was looking, and that everyone was talking to someone before she slowly made her way out of the lively room. If she didn't make eye contact no one would notice her.
'Amiee what are you doing you're not James Bond, this isn't a spy movie please act normal.'
Desperate times called for desperate measures, and it wasn't as if she wasn't well-versed in slipping out of crowded rooms. She was usually hardly missed in those kinds of gatherings.
The thought pulled at her heart a bit, and a frown briefly invited itself onto her lips before she quickly and quietly left the room. Once she was confident no one saw her, she kept moving down the hall until she was able to slip into Sinclair's dim bedroom, where the only light source was a lamp on his bedside table.
Cautiously, she closed the door behind her before letting out a sigh of relief.
"Freedom," she muttered to herself, as she padded towards the large bed and flopped herself face forward onto the mattress.
A long groan left her lips as she crawled on top of the bed sheets, and rolled herself onto Sinclair's side of the bed. Snuggling with his pillow, and inhaling the comforting scent that was him, she relaxed, happy to be away from the crowd just for a bit.
"Just rest my eyes for a bit, that should do it." She told herself as her eyes fluttered closed. "Just resting my eyes, that's it Amiee then you'll get up and go back and …yawn… be social."
Closing her eyes to rest them, she was unsurprisingly out like a light moments later.
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It wasn't the noise that had awakened her, but the lack of it, as her bleary eyes opened to the dim room that was filled with silence. Getting her bearings together took a few more moments, and her sitting up took the same amount of time as she found herself more exhausted than before.
"Shit," she groaned as she wiped at her eyes to try and wake up. "Did I fall asleep?"
"You did!"
“Oh my god!”
Amiee shrieked, startled at the voice that suddenly came out of the en suite bathroom, which she hadn't noticed had its lights turned on.
Coming out of the room with a white t-shirt, and a pair of cozy joggers that hugged his hips just right, Amiee couldn't stop herself from ogling  Sinclair as he came towards her.
"I was wondering where you had run off to!" He started as he sat on the edge of the bed closest to her.
"God I'm sorry 'Clair," her apology was punctuated with a yawn that couldn't be stifled.
"It's okay! You looked so adorable sleeping that I felt bad about oh, uhm, what's that word you all use sometimes," he thought for a moment before finding the word he was looking for. "Mither? Felt bad if I mithered you?"
His attempt to use the local slang made her giggle, as it was so odd to hear anything but his posh upper class London accent.
"You wouldn't have mithered me at all, I would have gotten up, I was just dead tired talking to all those people," she explained while crawling over to his side and leaning her head on his shoulder. "Sorry love, I'll make it up to you at the next party that I know you'll be having."
"Which will be your birthday party you know. I still can't believe you haven't had one before that's absurd you deserve to be celebrated and I want to celebrate you but, you need to tell me where you want to have it."
"Sinclair no it's fine! Please don't make such a fuss about it.” She begged, wrapping her arms around his forearm and putting her chin on his shoulder which was accompanied by an endearing pout. “I don't mind really. It’s not a big deal for me to not have a party, just being with you during it is good enough for me."
"But it is a big deal because you were born and it makes me happy that you are here. And I want to celebrate my favorite person is that so wrong?" Sinclair asked, eyeing her with that longing look that he knew she was weak too. 
Ugh, how could she say no when he put it in such terms and looked at her like that. Damn him!
"No, it's not but, hmmm fine, let's make a compromise.” She offered which had him perk up just like a puppy hearing a door open or food being poured into a bowl. “We can have dinner somewhere but only with six people at the most, including me and you."
Hmm. Six people didn't sound too much like a party to Sinclair, but he decided he was happier that she was letting him do something special for her birthday to care. Plus it was her birthday.
"Okay! Deal darling a dinner party with six people it is.” He agreed energetically. “I'll let you be in charge of the guest list since it's for you. Let me know if you need help wrangling people. I do love people wrangling."
Of course, he did, though he usually didn't have to wrangle people, as he already had a magnetic and sunny personality that people were drawn to automatically.
Great, now she just had to find four people to celebrate within a week or two time. That was next week Amiee’s problem though, as Amiee of the present was tired and ready to just cuddle up into bed and snooze.
"Oh speaking of birthdays and holidays!" Sinclair chirped out of the blue now that her birthday event was settled. "I have a gift for you that I want you to have! It was one of the reasons I was late this evening, which sorry, but thank you for keeping everyone company. Everyone said you were lovely as a hostess!"
"Sinclair what did you buy me now," Amiee whined, as he scooted off the bed and headed to his closet to rummage for the item he had bought today. "You always buy me stuff you know, and you don't have to," she continued as he disappeared, and then reappeared in the room with a medium-sized rectangular box that was just a tad bit larger than his palm. "And it's always such pretty stuff that I hate I can't display at home because my parents and Angie would ask about it."
Walking back over to her, and sitting down, Sinclair grabbed Amiee gently as she wobbled due to the sudden motion of the bed dipping. Grinning at her, he leaned over to kiss her temple and then her lips, which she accepted with a soft noise as she leaned against him.
"I know, I know, but I saw it and it looked so cute and I thought of you because you're also very cute darling.” His compliment had her bashfully dropping her head and shaking it, as a sweet giggle left her lips that made him all the more enthused about giving her the gift. “But it also reminded me that you've never had a Christmas tree, or a Christmas topper for the tree! So I thought well this would be nice to put atop the tree this year instead of a star and you would also have a topper," he chattered happily as he handed the velvet box over to Amiee who apprehensively took it. "Plus I love being a giver of gifts, especially when I can gift you with things!"
The fabric of the box was so soft, and upscale that she wouldn't be surprised if he had paid the same amount for the box as the gift itself. It made her heart ache a bit only because while she was sure she would love it, there was guilt hanging around telling her she didn't deserve it. Making her feel bad that she couldn't reciprocate his generosity with her own.
He never complained about the gifts she would give him, even if they weren’t as luxurious as the ones he could afford to give her. Yet, he was always thrilled when she brought him something. And while she was sure he wasn't faking it, considering it was hard for him to fake emotions, she still felt a bit bad.
Noticing her hesitation, his hand fell to her lower back patting her gently as she played with the box in her hand.
"Go on darling," he murmured leaning over, and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Don't be shy open it! I want to see if you like it!"
Shooting him a timid smile, she looked back down at the box and took the top off delicately placing it down on the nightstand. In the box was filler paper, which she removed from the top only to find at the bottom a beautiful looking angel.
It had dark long hair, which had a golden crown made of flowers sitting atop its head. Brown eyes, with red paint on its lips, and golden angel wings that curved towards the front of the doll’s body. The dress it had on was a beautiful shiny red with golden flowers, and a red sash tied around its waist. The thing was absolutely gorgeous and Amiee was terrified of anything happening to it as she picked it up.
"An angel for my angel! She reminded me of you when I saw it!" He mused and it was so cheesy, but it didn't matter as Amiee was speechless at the gift and how sweet it was. She honestly would probably cherish it forever as she couldn’t take her eyes off the little thing. 
"Did you know angel toppers were the first ornaments people made by hand? Usually with straw because well it seemed like everyone used to have that long ago,” Sinclair rattled off. “We then started making glass ones just to put on top of the tree! Quite a long history for something so small."
"She's beautiful Sinclair," Amiee whispered so hushly that he hadn't heard her as he rambled on about the history of Christmas tree toppers that he knew far too much of.
Her fingers brushed the doll's cheek, which was smooth like the porcelain it was made from. And the satin, or whatever its dress was made of, was just as smooth and didn't snag like cheaper quality fabric.
She was so beautiful, and Amiee felt so silly when she felt emotion bubble in her throat as she looked at the doll. It was just a doll yet, it meant so much more to her than he could ever know.
"Thank you, thank you I love her so much," Amiee beamed leaning over and kissing Sinclair's cheek just in time to hide a tear or two that had slid down her own cheeks.
"Can we put her up soon?" She asked turning to the side to wipe her eyes and put the beautiful thing back in the box but not without admiring it some more. "I mean if you don't mind us changing what's on the tree already?"
A large smile shined on his face and he seemed to be on board with the idea considering that he was visibly vibrating with excitement. 
"Yes! Of course! We can do it tomorrow!" He exclaimed before looking at the clock and quickly correcting himself. "Well, later today actually but I think we could both use some sleep right?"
“Absolutely! I'm pretty sure my nap made me even more tired. But first I need to shower and get myself out of these clothes." She mumbled, remembering she had fallen asleep with her party outfit still on. "Mind if I steal a jumper for the night though?" She asked, putting the top of the box back on before getting off the bed to ransack Sinclair's closet for any jumper she could find.
"Oh wait I'll get one!" He suddenly shouted shooting off the bed and towards the closet, startling Amiee with how quick he moved.
It was those long legs of his.
"Here you go though darling!" He announced after a second of rummaging through the space before presenting her with another well-worn jumper that he had but not without adding, "if you could bring some of the ones you've nicked back it be great. I think I'm running low on them and I don't want to buy new ones. I could...but I like my old ones better more worn in you understand right?"
Brushing her confusion aside from his sudden rush toward the closet, her face turned warm at his ask before she let out a raucous laugh.
He was right though, she had stolen a few to keep for her own. She couldn't help it! They were comfy and she liked how his clothes drowned her smaller form. Also, they smelled like him and well…she liked snuggling in them when she felt down. But he was right, and for the sake of making sure he stayed comfortable, she would bring some of them back. Only some though because had to keep her inventory stocked up too.
"Hahah yes sir! Sorry, I’ll make sure to return this one and some of the others."
She saluted him before taking the article of clothing, and making her way to the bathroom for a nice relaxing shower. As she made her way to the bathroom, Sinclair gazed at her and kept watch until the door was closed and he could hear the spray of water from the shower start. Once he was sure she was in the shower, he walked back over to his closet where he had kicked a little black bag over so she couldn't see it, had she followed him to grab the jumper.
Getting on his knees, he reached for it and dragged it into the light before pulling another velvet box out of it. This time it was a much smaller box than the one he had given Amiee and more octagonal. Looking behind him, he made sure she hadn't come out of the bathroom, and when he was confident she wouldn't pop up, he opened the box to gaze at the ring that was sat cozily inside.
A beautiful rose gold band with a tracer attached to it. It had an oval garnet center that was surrounded by a halo of diamonds which were themselves surrounded by a diamond shape that had the same jewel in it. The jeweler had said it was a north star design when he picked it and he immediately thought it perfect for her.
He had gotten the call it had been delivered to the store before the party and he decided to fetch it considering he be out anyway. It was quite worth being late for the festivities, and he hoped that when it was time to use it, she would agree when he told her. Grinning at it, he closed the box and stowed it along with the bag somewhere a little more discreet while thinking about the moment he would present it to her. 
It was the only thing he could think about the rest of the night, and even more so when they were both cuddled in bed after her shower. Amiee’s head rested against Sinclair’s chest, and his arms were wrapped securely around her small frame as she fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. He hoped that this would one day be an everyday occurrence, and as he turned the lamp on his side off he couldn’t help but kiss the top of her head with a soft murmur of,
“I love you, sweet dreams angel.”
A/N: 🥹🥹 if you've read the story this ending may be bittersweet but i promise these lovebirds will be happy! thanks @renee561 for the angel topper idea it was so cute i couldn't resist not using it 😘 I hope this gave some warm fuzzy feels!
Also the ring inspo.
Tag: @deepperplexity , @mercurial-make-em-ups , @ringaroundthetown
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thedastrash · 4 months
OC Tag Game!
Ooo thanks for tagging me @kittynomsdeplume & @cleverblackcat!! This took a while to get to but it was very fun!
Favorite OC: Evil question to start. I can't possibly choose unless I set some limits for myself so I'm going to cheat and say my most popular OC. I have the most art of her by no fault of my own. Velaneth Surana is my canon HoF and Warden Commander. Vela is a very open person: never lies, has no body shame, and loves to learn about other people and where they’ve come from. She walks into every hostile situation with her best foot forward trying to make friends and allies.
Newest OC: I’m slowly congealing my ideas about Orlagh Trevelyan because I’ve been imagining what the different cultures of the Freemarches look like - especially on the coast where trade is frequent. She’s from Ostwick of course and trained as a Templar as a youth but spent summers at a monastery with her aunt in Wycome which I imagine a bit like Morocco. I’ve been staring at my Pinterest boards imagining her lonely days growing up and what it means for her to leave her walls behind and be thrust into this new organization with all these people and their differing ideals. I'm particularly interested in exploring her being a templar but having some latent magic that has been tied up in her templar abilities so long she didn't realize it was ever there.
Oldest OC: In DA my oldest OC is Topaz Brosca from my original run of origins. The one where my save got deleted right before the Landsmeet lol rip. I've recently revisited her and I'm falling in love with her again. She's a hot trans girl and stabby rogue and she falls in love with the surface world immediately. My oldest OC ever though... might be a self insert hobbit character I made for myself as a child before I knew what fandom or fanfiction was lol! I think her name was Charlie? my memory is BAD but I know that's a name I loved as a kid.
Meanest OC: Szadrine Aeducan is my final origin from DAO to get an OC and I'm slowly growing deeply obsessed. She’s involved in (literal) cutthroat Orzammar politics and ends up skipping the warden bit after the whole betrayal and exile thing. She simply deserts at Ostagar. I think she should end up kicking ass in Orlais because she would be so good at the Game.
Softest OC: Bearnard Cousland is a soft, sweet, bookish baby-gay who would rather bury himself in his research in a library than seek glory or fight battles or do politics. Bearn is the second son so he’s gotten away with avoiding some of that but of course he has to attend his lessons and participate in the tourneys. His scholarly work lends him some political savvy since he’s intimately familiar with Ferelden’s history, but he’s most interested in lost texts and translating ancient works. He never had good gay role models growing up and thinks of himself as homely and forgettable, so he never felt like that was an option for him, but Maker does he ever pine lol!
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Gotta be Irene Amell. She's a real bitch with resting murder face. Incredibly unapproachable, intimidating Domme energy. Tends to default dislike people and keep to herself, prefering to slink around and eavesdrop than talk to people for info. She’s very protective and loving toward her close friends and lovers, but it’s hard to get close in the first place.
Dumbest OC: Myrna Hawke is a smart woman, she's an accomplished mage, enjoys reading, quick witted, but she has zero self-awareness and has a very hard time even understanding how she feels, much less how other people feel about her. She’s absolutely clueless and fully blindsided by anyone’s interest & gets tongue tied and stupid when she’s horny. She’s also very impulsive and acts before she thinks things through which leads to getting into a lot of dumb shit.
Smartest OC: There are excellent contenders here: Bearn with his book smarts and Topaz with her street smarts, but I want to say Ithadhea Mahariel because even though they are incredibly dense when it comes to interpersonal relations, their wealth of traditional knowledge from their clan is incredible. They are not really a people person, usually quiet and solitary, but they took to hunting like they were born for it and eagerly learned everything in the realm of woodcraft and survival. They know all their clan's stories by heart and and know resources by seasons in a way that is part of their internal clock. I think this kind of generational knowledge probably outstrips the scope of any of my other OC's knowledge.
OC I’d Be Friends With: Edric Cadash is so laid back and friendly I think he’d be one of the easiest to make friends with. I want to have tea and gossip with him and have that turn into late night drinking and telling stories by the fire. Vela would be an instant friend as well; she wants to befriend everyone and she'd have an easy time with me!
no pressure tagging some of my DA OC enjoying friends: @sinquisition, @highwayphantoms, @lets-get-brave, @sandalinbohemia, @dismalzelenka and anyone else who wants to share! Feel free to @ me so I can see your post! <3
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shima-draws · 5 months
Hi I’m here lying on my stomach kicking my feet up and asking you to tell us about your OCs. Go off queen. Ramble
SCREAMS anon idk who you are but I love you for this thank you……
So idk if y’all remember me mentioning that protag boy has a squad, and in that squad is a feral rabid little girl who’s also a huge powerhouse of magic. Protag boy calls her his little lotus and it’s the CUTEST fucking thing in the world. The entire squad loves feral girl very much, she’s like a daughter/little sister to all of them and they would all kill for her. It’s especially comedic when you see her interact with characters like Ezio who is normally very stoic and no-nonsense, but he’s SO soft around her and has the whole “I’ve only known her for a day and a half but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself” attitude about her LOL. OR characters like mechanic boy who is kind of a tsundere and has a tough time showing affection…UNLESS it’s with feral girl. He will be Soft for her and for her only.
Feral girl is actually the fifth person to join the group, and Sage ends up joining them after she does, and they kind of end up becoming her main parental figure? I feel like Sage probably adopts her at some point, or at the very least becomes her legal guardian in some shape or form.
Anyway I’m also gonna infodump on mechanic boy a little bit. He’s got one of those infamous Tragic Backstories so he’s generally p closed off (compared to Ezio who just doesn’t really know how to Emotion so he’s emotionally constipated in general and not on purpose LMAO). He lost his leg due to an Incident which I’m not going to get into rn but after that he was given a prosthetic by his current guardian, who started taking care of him after that. He’s very close with her and all the people in her shop (she runs a mechanic shop where she builds prosthetics for physically disabled people!) so they know he’s got a weird Thing about physical affection. However when he joins up with protag boy, who has NO concept of what boundaries are, things get wild bc protag boy is stupidly, STUPIDLY affectionate in all ways, and mechanic boy freezes up and gets really flustered around him bc he jumps on him and hangs off of him ALL the time. But well. Eventually he starts getting used to physical affection (and realizes he’s actually severely touch starved lmao who would have guessed) so all the other members can start being physically affectionate with him too, and it’s VERY sweet 🥺
I love my kids sm I’m so so excited to actually get the rest of them designed…I’m currently working on mechanic boy’s design and then I’ll most likely do feral girl’s and Sage’s after his. They’re coming along! Slowly but surely!!
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cherrycat-blossom · 9 months
List us your oc types to be more specific, we don't mind if it's sounded picky
ALRIGHT2 FINE 👿 this is long btw since you want a specific and detail one 🏃‍♀️
- Monika katsu
She loves someone who's independent because she found guys with a very dependable or hassle personality unattractive. Someone who can act like a best friend at the same time a lover because she doesn't like having to put up a sweet girlfriend's personality instead she can be herself. Isn't misogynistic and doesn't comment about her personality. She probably would also love to have someone who can be her partner in crimes because for her doing risky jobs together can show whether she's suitable with the person or not by their cooperations and communications. Also a guy who can lead as she finds them responsible. Doesn't mind about appearances but likes guys whose height is close to hers.
- Haruka Aki:
She likes someone who's cheerful and outgoing but at the same time knows how to control their energy. Responsible guys work too as she likes it when she knows she can safely rely on someone for something like chores or works and expects no mistake. Probably someone who can respect her boundaries because sometimes she needs to be left alone.
- Kuro Yami
Someone who's calm and knows how to comfort somebody. Gentle guys because this girl is sensitive, she doesn't like someone who's too loud or too harsh on her. Also a soft spoken person because it makes her feel less stressed when she hears a soft voice. Probably someone who don't judge her appearance ESPECIALLY her hair and height. Also someone who's good at communicating in relationships. Short guys cause why not.
- Miran oboro
She probably prefers older guys, not like too old, maybe someone who's one or two years older than her because she has some sort of uh, 'attraction' towards older people cause she needs validations from them. Someone who's good with words like compliments because she loves when she gets praised. Someone who's not judgemental of her hobby and taller than her ( she has parental issues so she craves older person attentions and validations 😭😞 )
- yaku
Someone who can take care of her and love her as she is, is enough because she has health issues
- Katsumi masayumi
A girl who can outshine his beauty. He loves independent women because he finds dependent people annoying but at the same time someone who he can protect. Also a smart person cause he gets turned o-
- Eun haneul
Someone who's good at cooking and doesn't mind his nagging or overprotective attitude. Secretly like a dominant woman because he actually likes it when he is dominated. Someone who genuinely cares for him and not because of the stuff he has. Loves taller women too.
Not Seichou ↓
- akari Hachiro
I like to think it will be funny and cute if she ends up with someone who has a very different personality than hers, serious and responsible. She also likes it if the person tags along with her schemes. Someone who can take care of her like an older brother too because she can be very careless. Do dangerously stupid stuffs with her.
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