#Emma grayson
lizartgurl · 2 years
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A birthday present for my beloved @the-shadow-of-atlantis 💙
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isitdonproof · 2 years
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Really, Dick?
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comic-art-showcase · 4 months
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Batgirl and Nightwing by Emma Kubert
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devine-fem · 1 month
What’s your honest take on Grant Morrison’s Batman run? Or even Morrison as a writer? Anything that gets brushed under the rug or overly praised?
OKAY. Listen, honestly I think he’s good at world building like in Marvel comics when X-Men needed some nuance and something fresh, new concepts and ideas… he was able to really do that. It was awesome, characters I love but were ignored got some really indetail character building like he’s responsible for Emma Frost having a huge character arc and writing her in a way that made her genuinely interesting - he’s also responsible for her transfem coding… or at least, enough of it to where people associate her trans coding with him.
But here’s also an issue;
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He wrote her trans coded, yes but he also wrote her as this person who “this woman that uses her power to trick man into having sex with her” Scott and Emma’s relationship was suddenly written to be weirdly rapey…? which is kind of transphobic even if Emma is not actually transgender.
Then Talia… Talia Al Ghul was written to have drugged and raped Bruce Wayne to conceive Damian… which is like? Why? because you forget to check if it was consensual or not? Dude… Bruce and Talia are one of the horniest couples in DC AND SCOTT AND EMMA ARE THE SAME? EVERYTIME THEY ARE TOGETHER ITS A MORNING AFTER PANEL!
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He’s one of those writers who I’m like, you should not be really getting the pen until you know how to act. It’s like he doesn’t know how to write consent.
One of those writers who are only really good for making queercoded characters but beside that like perhaps has some good ideas.
And for the Batman run… it honestly was… a waste of time, I’m not going to lie, it was so weird and ooc and just bad, I honestly can’t stand those books… and the art he uses is so ugly… ugh, the only thing I liked were the villians and how scary they actually seemed, like I said, he’s better with concepts then he is with characters.
He needs to stay away from characters, maybe he could co-write because… dude, it’s not really working… He had something good going on with Dick and Damian but still, not as good as people pretend it was for either of them.
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makeyouminemp3 · 1 year
haha.... *flings myself off a cliff*
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sophiesonlinediary · 4 months
my main pov final casting (in my head)
gigi - emma myers
rohan - young zayn malik
lyra kane - madison beer, young salma hayek or young sofia vergara
i dont know but these will probably be the people i imagine in my head as i read tgg
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sapphire-imeo · 7 months
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This era of the dolan twins>> I was always team Grayson but...
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suellenewings · 2 months
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pokeharvest · 4 months
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Someone's putting the pieces together...
[Image ID: Three digital drawings; the first is of OP's DC OC, Eclipse and the rest of Dick Grayson. The first image is a comparison between Eclipse and her civilian persona, Emma. They are in the same pose, reclining with a mischevous face. Eclipse has a purple mask with bat ears, a white vest covering a gray body suit, a purple skirt, and white gloves. Emma is wearing a purple tank top and light wash jeans.
In the second image, Dick is thinking of the previous image, and saying: "Ha ha, JK," with a joking expression. In the third image, he now has a look of shock and says, "Unless..." End ID.]
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ursie · 6 months
Not to dwell on the subject but I remember being very uncomfortable w Rahne as a survivor for years and how much people would attack me for it and there’s countless other characters that are deeply uncomfortable to survivors (or force us to have very complicated feelings about) and I wish the fandom was like. Normal about it. Yeah some people are not gonna be able to overlook Rahne, or what’s her name w Sam, some people are going to be extremely protective of Dick or Emma, ect like. You need to learn to be ok w that especially if you’re not a survivor yourself. Like I cannot stress how much I need the fandom to learn to be normal about survivors and not just fictional ones 😭
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madhare0512 · 2 months
Infodump about your crystal rangers!! ✨💚
*with the energy if the "I've waited years for someone to ask me about my theories" tiktok sound* I'm so glad you asked!
Welcome to the first in a (hopefully) long line of asks to come. Introducing the Crystal Force Rangers! In an AU written with @estel-eruantien, @takingback-thepenguin, and @lgbtqregalacademy, these are my additions!
Kenzie Holling-Carver:
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Child of Noah Carver and Jake Holling, pronouns: She/her, age: 24, dating: Cherry Rocca, Abbie Carson, Aspen Grover, Nick Jones
Crystal Force Red Garnet Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Red!"/"Crystal Force Garnet Ranger!")
Kenzie is the Red, a leader who isn't quite sure yet how to lead such a big group (10 Rangers, one of the largest Ranger Groups). She lives with fellow Rangers, Nyx, Casey, and Alexander. She's very much taken and very in love. Her Ranger Crystal gives her the ability of luck, good or bad, and the power to change hers at will. She's asexual and proud of it, unwilling to change and refusing to conform to others.
Kenzie has a strong relationship with both her parents and her aunts (Gia and Emma) and uncles (Troy and Orion), but it's obvious to anyone looking that Noah is her favorite.
Kenzie has aspirations of being a writer, and is currently in college at Pearl City for creative writing.
Kenzie didn't want to be a Ranger. She saw what being a Ranger did to her parents and the Megaforce Team. Kenzie didn't want that for herself. When the crystal chose her, she immediately wanted to give it back - the Power made a mistake, Kenzie isn't the Red they're looking for. Even so, she steps up and fights the fight. She goes to her parents, aunts, and uncles often for advice.
Nyx Moran:
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Child of Gia Moran and Emma Goodall, pronouns: They/them, age: 24, dating: Cherry Rocca, Abbie Carson, Aspen Grover, Nick Jones
Crystal Force Blue Moonstone Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Blue!"/"Crystal Force Moonstone Ranger!")
Nyx is the Blue, calm, cool, and collected. They are Kenzie's second in command and good at their job. Nyx lives with their fellow Rangers: Kenzie, Casey, and Alexander. Nyx is also taken and very in love. Their Ranger Crystal gives them the ability to read minds, a useful tool in the field, and to root out who stole the last of their chocolate cookies. Nyx is demisexual and proud.
Nyx has a good relationship with both their mothers, but Emma will always be closest to Nyx's heart. They share a similar love of kids and teaching. Nyx also gets along with their four uncles (Troy, Noah, Jake, and Orion).
Nyx wants to be a science teacher and is currently studying science and teaching at Pearl City College.
Similar to Kenzie, Nyx didn't want to be a Ranger. Nyx saw what it did to their parents and uncles, and they knew that being a Ranger is not in the cards for them. When the crystal chose Nyx, their immediate reaction was anger. Nyx hated their crystal ability, and hated that they where chosen. Ultimately, it was Casey who convinced them to stay. Nyx doesn't regret their Ranger status now.
Casey Grayson-Mitchell:
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Child of Carter Grayson and Ryan Mitchell, pronouns: she/her, age: 22, dating: Kelly Hemingway
Crystal Force Orange Carnelian Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Orange!"/"Crystal Force Carnelian Ranger!")
Casey is the Orange Ranger, fun-loving and positive. She keeps the teams spirits up when possible. She lives with her fellow Rangers, Kenzie, Nyx, and Alexander. Casey is taken and very much in love. Her Ranger Crystal gives her the ability of invincibility, which means that Casey can be used as a sort of shield and cannot be hit by projectiles or lazers. However, it only lasts 30 to 60 seconds, so she has to be quick when she used it. Casey is heterosexual and has no shame about it, though being on a team full of LGBTQIA+ Rangers was a bit of an adjustment.
Casey's relationship with her dads is close knit. She fosters a positive attitude with them, just as her teammates. She's closest to her Dad, Carter, but she also didn't slack in her relationship with Ryan either.
Casey intents to be a firefighter like Carter, and she's going through the fire academy in Pearl City with her boyfriend.
Unlike her friends, Casey was the first to accept being a Ranger. Like Carter, Casey knows that saving lives is what she's called to do. When the crystal chose her, she didn't hesitate, she dove in head first. Her view on it is, if you can't avoid the fire, bring help for those trapped inside. Casey is responsible for Nyx staying with the team.
Alexander Collins:
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Child of Trip Regis, Eric Myers, Wes Collins, pronouns: he/they, age: 26, dating: Benji Rocca
Crystal Force Gold Pyrite Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Gold!"/"Crystal Force Pyrite Ranger!")
Alexander is the Gold Ranger, and while he doesn't make many puns, he does have a good sense of humor. He's a Sixth Ranger, so he's got the power boost that allows him to take on stronger generals by himself. He lives with his fellow Rangers Kenzie, Nyx, and Casey. He's taken, and he adores his boyfriend. Due to Xybrian biology, Alexander has the telltale gem on his forehead and shares his father's mental abilities. His Ranger-given ability is "influence," which allows him to influence the decisions made around him or the emotions others feel, similar to Piper McLean of the Heroes of Olympus series. Alexander is gay and proud, unapologetic about his preferences.
Alexander has a good relationship with all three of his fathers, as well as a good relationship with his aunts, Katie and Jen, and Uncle Lucas. Alexander fully admits to being closer to Eric than his other fathers, though he loves all three the same.
Alexander intends to run the company one day when Wes steps down. He's in school for business in Pearl City.
Alexander, knowing what his parents went through as Rangers and what happened between Eric and Trip before they got together, never wanted to be a Ranger. When the Crystal chose him, he refused for days. It's not until he spoke with Trip, who'd also been hesitant at first, that Alexander accepted the responsibility and came into his full Ranger status.
The Crystal Force au Characters are open for asks and NSFW asks over on @the-mad-closet, but I will not do NSFW asks for Kenzie. Please don't ask.
Thanks Estel!
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prettytragcdies · 1 year
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year
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Barbara and Dick by Emma Kubert
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hitchell-mope · 4 months
Captain Swan/Batcat au.
Emma Swan. Bruce Wayne.
Killian Jones. Selina Kyle.
Granny Lucas. Alfred Pennyworth.
Henry Mills. Dick Grayson.
Rumplestiltskin. Joker.
Regina Mills. Penguin.
Zelena Mills. Riddler.
Gothel. Poison Ivy.
Sidenote: This is, as always, based on who I personally think fits each character best. Which ironically, and unfortunately, means that Dick would be raised by Cobblepot in this au. But it also means that Dick is Bruce biological child in this. And I put Henry as Dick because he does not fit Damian’s personality. And yeah. I know Rumple could fit joker and penguin equally well. So I put him in as pale, green and psycho. Also, rather sadly, there was no one who could fit Lucius Fox or Jim Gordon. So I had to leave them out. Plus. It’s goes without saying that David and Snow would be Thomas and Martha Wayne in this. Which is also why I considered putting bitch queen in as the joker. But I didn’t think she was outwardly insane enough for it. So I put her as the foul fowl. ALSO also. Funnily enough. This would mean that Ella and Lucy would be Kori and Mar’i. Which makes me smile a lot if I’m being honest with you. So there you go. Why I put them in like that. If you don’t like it. Then please. Argue with the wall. It’ll save you, and more importantly me, a helluva lot of time.
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defendglobe · 11 months
this week's SNW episode will either piss me off or will be the best thing ever
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