#Emma Sorenson
candlemouse · 6 months
Alyssa Walks Alone
Alyssa visits Kendra’s grave on her high school graduation day, trying to get answers to her many questions.
653 words
Alyssa was at the cemetery again. Though, “again” implies the last time was recently, and that wasn’t true. It worried her parents too much to go too often, but this was a special occasion.
Dirt smudged her expensive graduation robes, but she didn’t want to save them by standing. She wanted to sit, to be closer to Kendra, and so she did, 75 dollar one-time clothes be damned.
It was supposed to be their day.
So many things were supposed to be their day. Birthdays, first days of schools, sleepovers, homecomings, proms—so many things were supposed to be with Kendra.
Whenever Alyssa arrived at such milestones without her, she felt so terribly alone. Despite new friends and old family members, there was always something missing. Someone missing.
It never got easier. People lied. It only got easier to forget. Alyssa could go days without thinking of Kendra, but when she remembered, it felt the exact same. The exact same hot tears, cold hands, tight lungs—it was always the same.
Well, except for today. Because today was worse.
Graduation. High school graduation!
Alyssa had put in 13 years to get her diploma this morning and to get to say “I did it.”
She had done fine throughout high school, alone, but if Kendra had been there, Kendra would have been able to blow them all out of the water. Alyssa knew it. She would have been able to say—that’s my friend, that smartie with the honors regalia.
She would have smiled at Alyssa as she walked across the stage and Alyssa would have done the same. They would have probably had a joint graduation party, and a big lunch with big flowers and big checks from relatives.
It would have been great.
Alyssa brushed away some of the dirt on the grave stone to read “Kendra Marie Sorenson.”
A memory came up and Alyssa snorted. Kendra had been so embarrassed of her middle name; she had thought it was way too common. Alyssa always countered that at least it was her middle name, because Alyssa shared her first name with, like, a million other girls at their school. Kendra buried her face in her pillow but turned her face slightly to say that she thought Alyssa was the best name anyone could have. The name was so…her. Alyssa would have told her that Marie literally sounded like the name a fairy would have, so even if Kendra maintained that Alyssa won the human name lottery then Kendra would have still bested the supernatural lottery.
The laughter turned to tears fairly quickly and Alyssa buried her face in her hands.
If they had had more years, maybe Alyssa could have found out if Kendra had also harbored the cute little caterpillars that bloomed into butterflies whenever Alyssa caught Kendra looking at her. Maybe then she could’ve known.
How will she ever get over it without knowing?
How will she ever meet anyone else and not wish it was just Kendra? That didn’t seem like a possiblility.
How was Alyssa ever going to move away for college when Kendra would always be right here, in Rochester?
How would she ever go somewhere where she couldn’t run to come visit Kendra when her day got rough or some customer yelled at her or Emma was causing drama again or when the loneliness and guilt and grief got so heavy Alyssa felt like she was the one with six feet of compressed dirt sitting on her chest?
How? There was no answer except that this fucking sucked. There were never any answers.
Why did Kendra have to go? Why did she have to die? Why didn’t they ever get to say goodbye?
Why wasn’t Kendra right here, right now?
Why wasn’t Kendra wiping away her tears and hugging her till her bones were crushed?
Why couldn’t it have been Alyssa?
Why, God?
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world-of-wales · 11 months
Okay I’m obsessed with the enemies to lovers and marriage of convenience/arranged marriage/ fake dating trope
Recommendations please 🙏
Here you go anon, sorry it took me some time to answer this. I had to open my laptop to get my book lists. A lot of the books have overlapping tropes. If you want any other recs just send me a msg ♡
And most of these are okay and Clean books but a lot of them come with heavy stuff so please check your triggers before you dive into them.
RWRB (Coz that started the whole boom Conversation) - Casey McQuiston
Serpent & Dove - Shelby Mahurim
Dance of Thieves - Mary E Pearson
Spanish Love Deception - Elena Armas
5 Rounds - Nikki Castle
Brutal Prince - Sophie Lark
To Hate Adam Connor - Ella Maise
Taste - Melanie Harlow
Eleanor & Grey (not exactly enemies to lovers but he's very grumpy and closed off) - Brittany C Cherry
From Lukov with Love - Mariana Zapaata
By a Thread - Lucy Score
Twisted Hate - Anna Huang
Until I get you - Claire Conttreras
Weak Side - SJ Sylvis
Grumpy Romance - Nia Arthurs
Rogue - Greer Rivers
The Summer We Fell - Elizabeth O Rourke
Beauty and the Baller - Isla Madden Mills
Things We never got over - Lucy Score
Mafia Royals (A LOT OF THEM) - Rachel Van Dyken
Heart Song Duet - Jennifer Hartmann
Crow - A Zaverelli
Marraige for one - Ellas Maise
The Windsor Series (ongoing, 3 books out) - Catharina Maura
Terms and Conditions - Lauren Asher
The Penalty Box - Odette Stone
The Buff - Devney Perry
To Love Jason Thorn - Ella Maise
The Wall of Winnipeg - Mariana Zapaata
King of Wrath - Anna Huang
Forever after all - Catharina Maura
Twisted - Emily McIntyre
Fake Empire - CW Farnsworth (or Swansworth)
Sinners Anonymous - Somme Sketcher
First 3 books of Filthy Rich Americans Series - Nikki Sloane
Dark Succession - Katee Robert
Marraige Effect - Karla Sorenson
Beautifully Broken Redemption - Catherien Cowles
Duchess Deal - Tessa Dare
The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood
The Cheat Sheet - Sarah Adams
Fix Her Up - Tessa Bailey
Addicted to You - Krista & Becca Richie
Hani and Ishu's guide to Fake Dating - Adiba Jagirdar
Redeemed - Lauren Asher
The Kiss Quotient - Helen Hoang
Overruled - Emma Chase
Play Fake - Maggie Rawdon
That Kind of Guy - Stephanie Archer
The Bodyguard - Katherine Center
The Boyfriend Candidate - Ashley Winstead
First Down - Grace Reilly
The Real Deal - Lauren Blakeley
Happy Place - Emily Henry
Foxe and the Hound - RS Grey
My Life in Shambles - Karina Halle
Twisted Lies - Ana Huang
Blind Side - Kandi Stiener
The Deal + The Risk - Elle Kennedy
Boyfriend Material - Alexis Mall
Faking with Benefits - Lily Gold
The Upside of Falling - Alex Light
Unfortunately Yours - Tessa Bailey
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percontaion-points · 19 days
Elizabeth, Alpha of Dragons chapter 1
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 1
"Sophia's claim to her true blood status comes from the Sorensen line, the one that everyone believes is the ancestor of Sigurd. But this book is saying that the true spelling is Sorenson, not Sorensen." Hunter pointed to the letters to show me the difference. 
Avery slurped noisily at the last of his coffee, only glancing uneasily at Hunter's hand over mine. "That means she's a fake. She must've found a way to change the official records somehow. Everyone believes it, even the Queen."
You’re telling me that all of this comes down to a fucking clerical error? JFC how goddamned stupid can all of this possibly get?
"I think we have some very important work in Mongolia. Shoveling dragon manure, for instance."
Since they’re all dragons, wouldn’t that be the equivalent of shovelling human poop?
I twirled my hair around my finger and considered the risk of calling Shayne. I had no doubt that Garrett was watching my parents [sic] and my account. 
"I can't take your money; I have my own. I just need to access it somehow."
Here’s a hint: stop hiding behind the dragons and their problem, go home, and fucking deal with Garrett. 
"Where William and Emma were. About their family, that they had dragon babies. The document was dated right before she formed our team. She made it seem like we were going to save the world. We were going to have babies and grow the race. All along she knew that wolves could save the dragons. But they hate the wolves, so they buried the information." 
Imagine going extinct because you hated some other race more than you wanted your own race to continue. 
JFC, I say let these assholes go extinct. The phrase “too stupid to be alive” comes to mind. 
Smirking, I shook my head. "You wish." I caught his smile just before I shut the door.
Chapter 1 summary: We open on one of the boys (I have given up giving a shit about which one is which) finding something important in a file. Then the rest of the boys come into Andre’s office and get angry that the first one had sex with Liz. They start to fight, and then Liz gets angry at them and starts throwing office supplies at their heads for them to stop. 
They then go to a nearby cafe, where the one guy explains that he finally has dirt on Sophia. This entire time, her power has come because people believe that she’s from an important dragon family. But as it turns out, she’s somehow changed the records… Granted, it’s literally a one-letter change, but still. 
Sophia and Andre come in. Sophia is still angry that the one she was supposed to get married to called her out while they were literally at the altar. In front of everybody. Liz then stands up and pulls her own alpha power. Andre promises to talk to the queen about an official alpha challenge between the two of them. 
Hunter takes Liz back to his apartment, and gives her a credit card that Riley had arranged for her. The two of them then bang. When they’re finished, he tells her that he used to work as basically a bounty hunter. But one of them decided to murder Hunter’s parents as payback for… Failing to capture him the first time, I guess? 
He also says that he found evidence that Sophia 100% knew about the dragon shacking up with the wolf and having a bunch of babies. That she knew how to save the dragons, but decided to let her hate (and her desire to fuck the male leads) drive her actions instead. 
Later, some dude named James shows up. He makes no effort to hide how sexually attracted to Liz he is, and the entire thing is beyond icky. He tells Liz that the queen wants to have a word with her. Liz is like “Thanks, bye!” before she basically slams the door in his face. 
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angelanatel · 2 years
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Eunice Foote viveu no século XIX e frequentou o Troy Female Seminary (agora chamado de Emma Willard School) e é uma das signatárias da Declaração redigida por sufragistas na convenção de Seneca Fall de 1848 pelos direitos das mulheres. Foote foi a primeira cientista a definir o efeito estufa. Ela foi a primeira pessoa a demonstrar como diferentes proporções de dióxido de carbono na atmosfera mudariam sua temperatura. Mas Foote foi proibida de ler suas descobertas para os outros membros da conferência da Associação Americana para o Avanço da Ciência de 1856, em Albany, Nova York. Esse é o primeiro relato sobre seus estudos e a primeira vez que o efeito estufa foi descrito. Três anos depois, outro cientista, um homem, é claro, apareceu para receber o crédito por seu trabalho. Em 1859, o cientista irlandês John Tyndall publicou seu próprio artigo e, desde então, tem sido amplamente considerado o pai da ciência climática moderna. Em 2011, quando um colecionador de revistas científicas antigas chamado Raymond Sorenson topou com um resumo do estudo original de Foote de 1856 - que foi brevemente descrito na revista científica Scientific American - ele tomou nota. Lá, em uma coluna especial intitulada Scientific Ladies, estava a pesquisa independente de Foote. Foi elogiado pelos editores da revista como "experimentos práticos" e os editores observaram com condescendência: "Temos o prazer de dizer que foi feito por uma senhora". Mas o artigo de Foote nunca foi tratado como seu próprio estudo, nem foi publicado junto com o restante dos estudos científicos daquele ano. Então Sorenson foi em frente e escreveu um artigo sobre isso, publicando o próprio trabalho dela. Foote finalmente pode receber os créditos por seu estudo. Com informações de All That Things Interesting. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzkN3dAYXn/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
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larryland · 3 years
REVIEW: The Knights Present "Candide" at Tanglewood
REVIEW: The Knights Present “Candide” at Tanglewood
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sdgsdaf · 3 years
The predominant conceptual framework
The predominant conceptual framework divides health problems into communicable diseases, noncommunicable diseases and injuries. The current global discussion concerning noncommunicable diseases illustrates how care can be fragmented when the time sensitivity of curative interventions is ignored. Of the 57 million deaths in the world in 2008, 36 million (63%) were caused by noncommunicable diseases.5 A substantial and increasing proportion of the global deaths from noncommunicable diseases and injuries occurs in low and middle income countries undergoing the epidemiologic transition.6 Strategies for addressing morbidity and mortality from noncommunicable diseases have focused almost exclusively on prevention and primary care. Ive never been to a place so fancy before, said the daughter, Zuleika Morales, 10, giggling.This is our first and only meal today, said Patsi Podgurski, 29, of suburban west Palm Beach, digging into a turkey dinner with her son, Wesley, 9, and niece, Amy Morse, 14, and their grandmother, Emma Morse.Podgurski, unable to work because of injuries suffered in a car accident, was not the only one with a somber story. But the grim problems were forgotten Wednesday amid a high spirited mood that swept over the party.Squeals of delight and rowdy renditions of Christmas carols, led by Palm Beacher Jim Nemec as Santa Claus, filled the traditionally staid restaurant and bar for two hours.For the right answer to a simple question what day is smučarski kombinezon hlače it, for instance $10 bills were dispensed like candy bars. When the party ended, each child got $5 маратонки puma mercedes amg more at one door, $1 more at another.And there was a bounty of gifts, presented to each youngster in white and bdsm puma fuchsia shopping bags from Sara Fredericks.Oh boy! yelled Robert Dukelow, 5, holding up a stylish new polo shirt.Nearby, John Sorenson, 28, one of dozens of adults who volunteered to help at the party, laughed and clapped his his hands.Its a Ralph Lauren polo shirt, a $40 shirt I dont believe it! said Sorenson, a Boca Raton stockbroker who heard about the party through a friend. However, there's no denying that the chunky styling, impressive off road ability and classy, upmarket cabin will appeal to some buyers.But the high price around 50,000 is just too much to justify when there are so many compromises to make over the standard car. A more conventional convertible probably makes more sense; a similarly pricedBMW 4 Series ConvertibleorMercedes C Class Cabrioletwould make a better all round choice.Unless you need to head off road, then it's probably best to stay sensible and get a hard top vehicle.TheF Paceis one of the most important Jaguars in years, as it takes the brand into the SUV market for the first time.When we got behind the wheel in April, we found it every bit as capable as rivals including thePorsche Macan.Although the Porsche offers a slightly better driving experience, the Jag has the edge in terms of overall appeal. Agile and fast, plus roomy, handsome and luxurious inside, it deserved the five star rating we gave it. Two leisure centre swimming pools were built in South Wales in 1987 and 1989 with square aluminium lighting sac camelbak lobo units llantas 4x4 online that were connected together in a series of three lights. These were then mounted onto runners supported from the ceiling structure. The lights were mains powered and fitted with sodium lamps. He was later proved wrong by a subsequent cizme vara cu toc parking study and traffic analysis that then led to the proposed Lorne Street parkade beside Heritage House, he said. "I'm not a traffic engineer. I have opinions like everybody else," he said. Women in burkas sit on the ground, looking raggedy and hot. In a little while you know that someone an aunt or a cousin or a sister is going to walk out of the door of the terminal, wearing nice clothes, chanel ágynemű looking fresh and very clean. I keep picturing how it will be when they greet each other, the one who managed to get out and the one who stayed back.. But then I found something. It clicked. His age, Hunter regularly is the first player on the field before batting practice, running sprints and stretching in the outfield.. 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Performance Motor Racing incurred approximately $2.5 million dollars in damages to attain lost funding, to replace the team workforce, in expenses dedicated to replace the lost funding, and in the amount of assets sold to keep the team running. The award was trebled pursuant to Virginia Code Sections 18.2 499 and 18.2 500. Copies of those code sections can found here and here.. The lawsuits mirror a pending federal lawsuit that was filed in September against Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. The attorneys in that szemüveg csúszásgátló lawsuit, and of San Francisco, also are representing plaintiffs in the action against Gap. The lawsuit against Abercrombie Fitch was filed by attorneys of Walnut Creek and of Indio (Riverside County).. This may sometimes cause infections such as thrush. Tell your doctor if you think you have developed a new infection during or after taking this antibiotic. People having longer than 10 days of treatment and babies being treated with this medicine should have regular blood tests to monitor their kidney and liver function.
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infprincesss · 5 years
MBTI in Fiction
- Queen Daenerys Targaryen
- Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
- Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
- Mary Margaret Blanchard/Snow White
- Luna Lovegood
- Uncle Iroh
- Alice Kingsleigh
- Belle French (OUAT)
- Kitty Pryde
- Peter Parker/Spider Man
- April Ludgate
- Lara Jean Covey
- Lance Sweets
- Kendra Sorenson
- Frodo Baggins
- Asuza Mukami
- Hinata Hyuga
- Gaara
- Nagato/Pain
- Levy McGarden
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- Angela Montenegro
- Winston Bishop
- Henry Mills
- Andy Dwyer
- Yoosung Kim
- Princess Rapunzel
- Princess Ariel
- Avatar Aang
- Jiraiya
- Sasha Braus
- Nagisa Hazuki
- Kaoru Hitachiin
- Thanos
- Sherlock Holmes
- Severus Snape
- Jumin Han
- Doctor Gregory House
- Spock
- Death the Kid
- Arachne Gorgon
- Sasuke Uchiha
- Kakashi Hatake
- Sosuke Yamazaki
- Bruce Wayne/Batman
- Doctor Stephen Strange
- Frank Castle/The Punisher
- Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin
- Ruki Mukami
- Kyoya Ootori
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- Bellamy Blake
- Erwin Smith
- Nick Fury
- Rin Matsuoka
- Erza Scarlet
- Sokka (Avatar)
- Gale Hawthorne
- Minho (Maze Runner)
- Katsuki Bakugou
- Medusa Gorgon
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- Bruce Banner/Hulk
- Monty Green
- Shikamaru Nara
- Sai Yamanaka
- Orochimaru
- Kanato Sakamaki
- Franken Stein
- Haruhi Fujioka
- Saeyoung Choi
- Lucifer Morningstar
- Alvin Murphy
- Jack Hodgins
- Wade Wilson/Deadpool
- Tony Stark/Iron Man
- Captain Jack Sparrow
- Peter Quill/Star Lord
- Hange Zoe
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- Emma Swan
- 10k (Z Nation)
- Clint Barton/Hawkeye
- Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
- Logan/Wolverine
- Han Solo
- Jason Bourne
- Tris Prior
- Raven Reyes
- Soul Eater Evans
- Asuma Sarutobi
- Levi Ackerman
- Ymir
- Annie Leonhart
- Nebula
- Hugo Stiglitz
- Nick Miller
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- Kiba Inuzuka
- Captain James Tiberius Kirk
- Cece Parekh
- Flynn Rider
- Flynn O’Malley
- Captain Killian Jones
- Thor
- Rocket Raccoon
- Lieutenant Aldo Raine
- Hyun Ryu/Zen
- Dash Parr
- Ruby/Red Riding Hood
- Princess Merida
- Aladdin
- Ayato Sakamaki
- Yuma Mukami
- Black Star
- Hikaru Hitachiin
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- Katniss Everdeen (in the books)
- Queen Elsa
- Chloe Decker
- Temperance Brennan
- Ron Swanson
- Jaehee Kang
- Gray Fullbuster
- Neji Hyuga
- Mulan (OUAT)
- Reiji Sakamaki
- Shino Aburame
- Mikasa Ackerman
- Rei Ryugazaki
- Takashi Morinozuka
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- Pepper Potts
- Hermione Granger
- Princess Leia
- Camille Saroyan
- Princess Tiana
- Tsunade Senju
- Temari Nara
- Jean Kirchenstein
- Clarke Griffin
- John Watson
- Westley (Princess Bride)
- Steve Rogers/Captain America
- Newt (Maze Runner)
- Tobias Eaton/Four
- Padme
- Will Turner
- David Nolan/Prince Charming
- Princess Cinderella
- Historia Reiss
- Mirajane Strauss
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- Roberta Warren
- Winston Schmidt
- Seeley Booth
- Leslie Knope
- Storm
- Bilbo Baggins
- Effie Trinket
- Primrose Everdeen
- Sakura Haruno
- Makoto Tachibana
- Maka Albarn
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- Addy Carver
- Harry Potter
- Shu Sakamaki
- King T'Challa/Black Panther
- Gamora (movie version. ISTP in comics)
- Lincoln (The 100)
- Cinna (Hunger Games)
- Luke Skywalker
- Violet Parr
- Juvia Lockser
- Prince Zuko
- Choji Akimichi
- Konan
- Haruka Nanase
- Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
- Ron Weasley
- Robin Hood (OUAT)
- Thomas (Maze Runner)
- Percy Jackson
- Seth Sorenson
- Octavia Blake
- Finnick Odair
- Sam Wilson/Falcon
- Peter Kavinsky
- Princess Anna
- Princess Jasmine
- Naruto Uzumaki
- Rock Lee
- Might Guy
- Ino Yamanaka
- Eren Yeager
- Natsu Dragneel
- Laito Sakamaki
- Kou Mukami
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- Loki
- Gandalf
- Thelonius Jaha
- Charles Xavier
- Pocahontas
- Obi-Wan Kenobe
- Subaru Sakamaki
- Vision
- Jellal Fernandez
- Itachi Uchiha
- Armin Arlert
- Tsubaki Nakatsuasa
- Saeran Choi
- Jihyun Kim/V
- Steven Beck/Doc
- Regina Mills
- Peeta Mellark
- Jessica Day
- Clark Kent/Superman
- Moana
- Tenten (Naruto)
- Lord Death
- Lucy Heartfilia
- Katara (Avatar)
- Tamaki Suoh
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Hey! I am SO PUMPED to finally announce that my art song project, LUGUBRIOUS PORTRAITURE, or, Art Songs for Those on the Peripheries of Love, is going live this week, right on Instagram (@WhoaItsMichaelO) and YouTube! This is a project I came up with during quarantine to find another outlet to create and collaborate with friends and performers I adore. The result is this 8 part art song series I have decided to release weekly. Watch for new videos every Sunday!
ART SONG; noun, a song written to be sung in recital, typically with piano accompaniment and often set to a poem. (Oxford Languages)
These songs mean a lot to me, and I am beyond thrilled to feature 8 incredible vocalists. They each signed on to this project with no reservations, further impressing and inspiring me with their artistry:
Megan Fletcher
LaRob Payton
Emma Sorenson
Laura Smalley
Robin West
Jonathan Zeng
Jonathan Wilson
Abbey Hendrix
As this project progresses, please like, comment, and share. Most importantly, if you would like to make a donation to help support all of us performers during this difficult time, use paypal.me/MROmusic to donate (with the note ART SONG) and every dollar will be split amongst these incredible artists. (This link will also be live on my website, http://www.michaelroldham.com) Thank you and stay tuned!
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saintedfury · 4 years
If They Had a Kid - Furia and Meryl or Colin
If They Had a Kid
Name: Adan
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Short, black hair, that he sometimes lets go a little wild. He’s got Meryl’s eyes (because it is a must). And like his moms, he’s got an athletic build. Luckily for him, he got the height from Furia’s side of the family and he towers over both of them. He tends to follow Meryl’s style more--jeans, tees, black leather jacket (that Furia gave him), and shoes that move with him. He always makes sure to not wear anything he can’t get a full range of movement in.
Personality: Adan’s a big believer in living every second of his life to the fullest. Most of the times he’s gotten into trouble in his life were because of his inability to neither turn down a dare, nor say no to something new. He wants to experience everything, and he doesn’t want to wait for a more appropriate time or location for his experiences. He’s bold, and easily distracted which did not help him in school. 
Special Talents: He is a skater, and fell into parkour as a young child. He utilizes his flexibility to impress his friends and manage to get himself out of broken bones. There have been several times when everyone was sure he’d broken something, and he just hopped up from the crash or fall with bruises. He’s definitely a daredevil and has a fearless streak wider than Furia and Meryl put together. 
Who they like better: Meryl. She’s always up for the wild stuff. Furia can be a bit of a worrier and goes all mom on him. Meryl does too, but to a lesser extent, which means she gets to hear about far more of Adan’s antics than Furia does. In fact, Meryl might be his first videographer for his stunting.
Who they take after more: Furia--though that fearlessness comes naturally from both of his moms. But his ability to mask over even the slightest hint of concern about what he’s trying is definitely something that he gets from Furia. People only know what Adan is really thinking, unless he lets the mask fall and tells them flat out. Sometimes he just can’t find the words for it.
Personal Head canon: He’s nearly set their house on fire three times. Jumped off the roof twice without breaking something. The third time, he did break his collarbone, which only mildly slowed him down. He’s got scars from bouncing off walls and concrete. He’s broken an average of two bones a year. 
Face Claim: (Tobias Sorenson)
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Name: Rowan
Gender: Non-binary
General Appearance: Colin’s red hair meets Furia’s thick waves. He’s also got his mom’s hazel eyes which add a bit of mystery to his chiseled features. He is always precisely dressed, even if his current style might looked mussed. He knows himself, who he is and what he is capable of and is confident in that skill.
Personality: Rowan is a little on the quiet side. He has a solid sense of self, and really only speaks up when he’s moved. And he only makes claims about his skill that are entirely true. A lot of people still view him as egocentric and a boaster. He is bold and people notice Rowan when he walks into a room. He is tough to miss and often has several admirers.
Special Talents: He’s got a fashion sense most Vogue editors would die for. Rowan loves clothing. He consumes fashion from across the spectrum, and sketches his own. He somehow managed to pick up sewing--probably that home ec class in middle school and some you tube videos. In middle school, he starts altering his own clothes. He can take something apart and turn it into something else entirely. Rowan’s got his own ideas about what’s hot and his style changes like the weather. 
Who they like better: This might be a toss up, both his parents have a keen fashion sense, which Rowan appreciates. And neither of them judges his every malleable sense of style. When he goes through his kilt phase, they go with it and even go so far as to introduce him to their tailor so that he can learn more about his chosen hobby. By the end of high school, he’s sketching his own designs and makes a prom dress for his girlfriend at the time and makes his own suit.
Who they take after more: Colin. Rowan definitely looks up to his father as a prime example. He sees Colin’s ease within his body now, and knows that is something one has to work at. Luckily, he’s had a solid example of it all along. 
Personal Head canon: He was twelve the first time he stole a car. Furia and Colin knew his penchant for cars and were careful about keeping their keys put away. He was sleeping over at a friend’s and they wanted ice cream at like 2 am. Rowan volunteered that he could drive them. He did. They probably wouldn’t have gotten caught if the lady in the drive through hadn’t called the cops when she served a car full of six tween boys. Rowan did give the cops a run for their money for about ten blocks until they PITed him into a line of parked cars. He might have gotten in trouble, but he became a god among his friends that night. People talked about that night all the way through high school. It helped preen his ego a bit.
Face Claim: (Lara Santiago)
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Bonus: Sean
Name: Thalia
Gender: Non-binary
General Appearance: Red hair, hazel eyes, short with a medium build. She tends to dress down more than up, going for comfy baggy clothes that make her feel comfy and warm. Thalia kind of wears her clothes like a shield or a shell and is likely to be found tucked away in a hoodie.
Personality: Quiet, unimposing. She’s a bit of an intellectual with an artistic streak. It’s not really surprising given her parents’ proclivities for artistic endeavors. She’s an extreme introvert, who makes friends slowly. But the friends she does make, she keeps her entire life.
Special Talents: Watercolor painting. She adores the way the color blooms on the page. It brings her a great sense of peace to paint. She likes to toy with colors, the way the bleed and flow into one another and change and merge. She’s drawn into the movable nature of the medium.
Who they like better: Sean, because he’s a bit more like her. Furia can be a little too bold and vibrant and Thalia is much more interested in calm and quiet. She and Sean can both just sit in silence, reading or painting, and while away a day without uttering a word.
Who they take after more: Again, Sean. This lovely girl is definitely a daddy’s girl. They can have intense conversations in a silent series of looks, which sometimes makes Furia feel a little left out. 
Personal Head canon: When she was young, Thalia wished she could be a little more like her mother. She tried dance classes, which she never quite even got adequate at. She would try to get into the things that interested her mother, but it never panned out. She burned down the kitchen once, and it was years before she’d ever try to help her mother cook again and when she did it was only ever with salads or prep, nothing that involved fire. 
Face Claim: (Emma Stone)
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dear-indies · 5 years
Good hello lovelies! Was wondering if you could recommend me some 18+ but no older than 25, blonde haired, Caucasian female fc’s? Or links to any master lists you may have would be appreciated! Thank you a bunch!
Steph Smith (1994)
Allie Leggett (1994) 
Roosmarijn de Kok (1994) 
Nadine Leopold (1994) 
Frida Aasen (1994) 
Daphne Groeneveld (1994) 
Milou Sluis (1994) 
Marjan Jonkman (1994) 
Megan Williams (1994) 
Stef Sanjati (1995) - has Waardenburg Syndrome - trans. 
Sanne Vloet (1995)
Paige Reifler (1995) 
Grace Hodge (1995) 
Caroline Lowe (1995) 
Vanessa Axente (1995) 
Claire Julien (1995) 
Hailey Clauson (1995)
Lillian Van Der Veen (1995) 
Kristina Malevych (1995) 
Rachel Hilbert (1995)
Isabel Scholten (1995)
Zanna Van Vorstenbosch (1995) 
Brittni Tucker (1995) 
Romee Strijd (1995) 
Katya Ledneva (1995) 
Veronika Vernadskaya (1995) 
Torri Webster (1996)
Max Heinsbroek (1996) 
Astrid Smeplass (1996) 
Jessie Bloemendaal (1996) 
Noel Berry (1996) 
Rebecca Longendyke (1996) 
Victoria Germyn (1996)
Josefine Frida Pettersen (1996)
Florence Pugh (1996)
Josie Canseco (1996)
Hanna Edwinson (1996) 
Sasha Pieterse (1996)
Ulrikke Falch  (1996)
Claudia Lee (1996) 
Olivia Scriven (1997) 
Tia Jonsson (1997) 
Abby Champion (1997)
Maartje Verhoef (1997) 
Celine Bouly (1997) 
Betsy Teske (1997) 
Kathryn Newton (1997) 
Line Brems (1997)
Maddie Demaine (1997) 
Scarlett Leithold (1997) 
Jean Campbell (1997) 
Elena Kampouris (1997) 
Olivia Holt (1997)
Frederikke Sofie (1997)
Kirin Dejonckheere (1998) 
Maddi Bragg (1998) 
Georgia Rankin (1998) - has skeletal dysplasia.
Olesya Ivanishcheva (1998) 
Peyton List (1998) 
Emma DeLury (1998) 
Olivia DeJonge (1998) 
Lauren Taylor (1998) 
Olivia Rose Keegan (1999) 
Natalie Alyn Lind (1999) 
Brec Bassinger (1999) 
Unia Pakhomova (1999) 
Sabrina Carpenter (1999) 
Kiernan Shipka (1999) 
Millie Thrasher (1999) 
Mae Van Der Weide (1999) 
Remi Bennett (1999) 
Madison Sells (1999) 
Brooke Sorenson (1999) 
Maja Elmstrom (1999) 
Ella Rattigan (1999) 
Nova Orchid (1999) 
Amanda Steele (1999)
Hannah Blair (2000)
Paige Hyland (2000) 
Jordyn Jones (2000) 
Meg Donnelly (2000)
Kaylyn Slevin (2000)
Iris Amber Stenger (2000) - trans.
Ella Mcrobb (2000) 
Suede Brooks (2001) 
Chloe Lukasiak (2001) 
Gracie Lancaster (2001) 
Neve Caffrey (stated as being 21 on her Insta at time of posting)
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
Couple learn of four-lane highway plans months after buying Moreton Bay property
Couple learn of four-lane highway plans months after buying Moreton Bay property
When Zac Potter and Emma Sorenson first set eyes on their Moreton Bay property, the house was disheveled, but they knew the 5-acre koala sanctuary was going to be their “forever home”. But a few months later, doubt was cast on their plan when a neighbor revealed that a four-lane highway might run through their house. Planning is underway for the Bruce Highway Western Alternative to improve…
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jeffreydesired · 3 years
As for the greatest challenge facing Polo Ralph Lauren today, risk is really in the execution, Farah said.
As for the greatest challenge facing Polo Ralph Lauren today, risk is really in the execution, Farah said. We have executed well to this point, we are looking zapatillas de tacos futbol to do some pretty big things. And as a company I think one of our in house challenges is [asking whether] we are taking on too much at once.. In contrast News Limited focused the majority of legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát its attention to llantas 4x4 online the carbon tax vote. The Australian ran one opinion piece discussing the Malaysia solution, but even that also discussed the carbon tax bill. It was only when Crook publicly announced he was going to side with the Opposition that the News Limited publications began churning out articles gleefully describing Gillard's latest defeat.. Waves of protest soon broke out on Social Media, with one of the first being a "blackout" movement which started on Facebookas detailed by Malaysian blogger Joshua Ong. This movement was a mark of solidarity among opposition supporters all around the world. SAYS did a piece onwhat was happening on social media after the "blackout" movement started. Expect up to 25mmtoday and another20mmon Saturday. Sunday is tipped to be sunny and dry with a top of 17 degrees, so keep your outdoor fun for the end of the weekend.Lucky on this wet day, there's plenty of news to read.ACT short changed by the federal budgetLabor's Andrew Leigh says smučarski kombinezon hlače Canberra has been short changed by the federal budget. Photo: Louise KennerleyBut, in terms of funding, Canberra looks bdsm puma to bestuck in the slow lane.Tom McIlroy explains how the ACT is receiving the lowest share of any state or territory in three categories of road funding.Police are calling it one of Australia's biggestwhite collar fraud investigationsATO Deputy Commissioner Michael Cranston will be charged over the alleged fraud. Engines subject to the RegulationsD. Persons subject to the RegulationsE. National emissions markG. Begin by shopping at the semi annual sales of fine department stores. Since this product will never go out of style, pick up a piece during those amazing sales, where the price will be reduced up to 65 percent. The Lacoste brand can be found in fine stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale's, Macy's, and other independent retailers and boutiques. You'll shell out less on routine maintenance for the VW too, thanks to a top value 299 servicing pack. This covers the car for three years and 30,000 miles.The new Mazda 3 is great value, fun to drive and surprisingly cost effective to run. It's also fast, impressively refined and extremely well put together. At first, I was terrible at it. I remember stepping up to a teller in the bank, noticing that he was wearing a shirt whose logo was a mess threads sticking out every which way and saying in neve e sale amazon a mock sympathetic tone, "Your little polo player committed suicide!" The teller shot me a frightened look and said, "What?" I snapped back into proper upbringing mode and mumbled something like: "Nothing. Sorry.". Ive never been to a place so fancy before, said the daughter, Zuleika Morales, 10, giggling.This is our first and only meal today, said Patsi Podgurski, 29, of suburban west Palm Beach, digging into a turkey dinner cizme vara cu toc with her son, Wesley, 9, and niece, Amy Morse, 14, and their grandmother, Emma Morse.Podgurski, unable to work because of injuries suffered in a car accident, was not the only one with a somber story. But the grim problems were forgotten Wednesday amid a high spirited mood that swept over the party.Squeals of delight and rowdy renditions of Christmas carols, led by Palm Beacher Jim Nemec as Santa Claus, filled the traditionally staid restaurant and bar for two hours.For the chanel ágynemű right answer to a simple question what day is it, for instance $10 bills were dispensed like candy bars. When the party ended, each child got $5 more at one door, $1 more at another.And there was a bounty of gifts, presented to each youngster in white and fuchsia shopping bags from Sara Fredericks.Oh boy! yelled Robert Dukelow, 5, holding up a stylish new polo shirt.Nearby, John Sorenson, 28, one of dozens of adults who volunteered to help at the party, laughed and clapped his his hands.Its a Ralph Lauren polo shirt, a $40 shirt I dont believe it! said Sorenson, a Boca Raton stockbroker who heard about the party through a friend. Une garderie de Gatineau a d'ailleurs t victime de cette mthode. Durant des mois, un agent novolux 60 led de recouvrement de la compagnie Nor Don a tent d'y joindre une ducatrice qui avait une dette de 1200$ auprs de Visa CIBC. L'ducatrice a prfr garder l'anonymat, mais deux de ses collgues, Joanne et Johanne, ont accept de tmoigner du climat que a a cr.. Pretending to be a hacker "I like Hack just to find out stuff about systems, I do it so I know how to make my stuff better" Ok, like 300 people out there hack to get better at security. Most programmers can hack shit. I hate listening to Programmers running around in front of lay people talking about their hacking abilities. Bionic Vision Australia (BVA)Chunhua Shen is a Professor at School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide. He is a Project Leader and Chief Investigator at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision (ACRV), for which he leads the project on machine learning for robotic vision. Before he moved to Adelaide as a Senior Lecturer, he was with the bdsm puma computer vision program at NICTA (National ICT Australia), Canberra Research Laboratory for about six years. Example, firms are now able to use Amazon cloud services rather than set up servers of their own. The cost of marketing has gone down with the increased effectiveness of internet based marketing. Plus, with the increased penetration of broadband internet in the US, the PIE for this industry (and other online businesses) has likely gone up.
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theblackbirdacademy · 4 years
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The students have recorded so many great bands lately – especially @theloveinband Check out 📸from the session. The Studio Program is an immersive 6-month experience — recording pro bands hand-on — in the legendary @theblackbirdstudio. #throwback #tbt #throwbackthursday The band consists of lead singer and pianist Laurel Sorenson, Emma Holden on guitar, drummer Michael Rasile, and bassist Max Zikakis. (at The Blackbird Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0UN5KH9Ew/?igshid=xxk6eymwfgo0
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mcbastardsmausoleum · 4 years
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Tense New Thriller "Let's Scare Julie" Opens in Home Theaters on Digital and On Demand Everywhere October 2nd, 2020 from Shout! Studios In Let’s Scare Julie, Emma, (Troy Leigh-Anne Johnson), who recently moved in with her cousin Taylor (Isabel May) after her father’s untimely death, becomes the victim of a prank perpetrated by Taylor’s group of friends: Madison (Odessa A’zion), Jess (Brooke Sorenson) and Paige (Jessica Sarah Flaum). Wanting to up the ante, the girls hatch a plan to scare Julie, the reclusive girl across the street, who they have never seen and know nothing about. All they know is Julie is alone at her house tonight - a house rumored to be haunted after a little boy vanished many years ago. What starts off as a simple plan to have a good laugh quickly escalates as some of the girls don’t come back from Julie’s house. Is it all just a set up for the girls to play an elaborate prank on Emma or are the dark rumors about the house across the street actually true? As more people start to disappear, including Emma’s younger sister Lilly (Dakota Baccelli), the clock is ticking for Emma to figure it out https://www.instagram.com/p/CD7A4LXF-UT/?igshid=adi6806yw8hy
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larryland · 6 years
by Macey Levin
As the world probably knows, 2018 would have been Leonard Bernstein’s 100th birthday,  also that of Jerome Robbins.  Bernstein was a musical genius as a conductor, music educator on television and a composer of classical music, ballets, and broadway musicals.  In our part of the world Barrington Stage Company has produced a dynamic West Side Story while Tanglewood has dedicated several programs to Bernstein with special focus the week of August 18th through the 25th, his actual birthday.
In addition to West Side Story his musicals include On the Town, Wonderful Town, Trouble in Tahiti, a seldom-produced Peter Pan and Candide, which straddles Broadway musical and light opera and was part of the week-long celebration in a staged performance on August 22nd and 23rd in Ozawa Hall.
The show has had a long and controversial history.  In 1953 playwright Lillian Hellman (The Little Foxes, The Children’s Hour, Toys in the attic, etc.) suggested to Bernstein they should collaborate on a musical version of Voltaire’s satirical novella.  Hellman had never written a comedy and highly respected director Tyrone Guthrie was a newcomer to Broadway.  After several stops and starts (at the same time Bernstein was working on West Side Story with Arthur Laurents, Jerome Robbins and Stephen Sondheim) the show opened on December 1, 1956 featuring Barbara Cook and Robert Rounesville for seventy-three performances, not a lengthy run.  Arguments and accusations were bandied about followed by relief that it closed.
A 1973 restructured version directed by Hal Prince with Mark Baker, Lewis J. Stadlen and Maureen Brennan at the Brooklyn Academy of Music later transferred to Broadway.  The new libretto was written by Hugh Wheeler with contributions by Sondheim, Richard Wilbur, John Latouche as well as Bernstein.  It ran for almost two years.  A third production in 1997 featured Jim Dale, Andrea Martin, Jason Danielly and Arte Johnson for a 104 performances.
The music for the recent celebratory production was performed by The Knights, a 23-member ensemble under the artistic director brothers Colin, a violinist, and Eric Jacobsen, conductor.  At first a loosely structured chamber music group, they cooperatively developed their arrangements and incorporated in 2007.  Every musician contributes to the interpretation of any given piece creating a sense of camaraderie and a unified approach.  Their sound in back of Candide was glorious.
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The principals, Miles Mykkanen (Candide, Tenor,) Sharleen Joynt (Cunegonde, Soprano,) Margaret Gawrysiak (Old Lady, mezzo-soprano) and Evan Jones (Pangloss, Voltaire, Cacambo. baritone) had glorious voices that helped to define the characters.  The ensemble, dressed in Commedia dell’arte costumes and whiteface, were energetic with impressive voices.
The production, with a cast of 13, directed by Alison Moritz and choreographed by John Heginbotham, sparkled.  With minimal props and set pieces, the staging was inventive utilizing the hall’s expansive stage while the choreography was dazzling.
Aaron Copp’s stage and lighting design enhanced the production’s objectives by focusing attention on the action and the vocalists.  The costumes designed by Amanda Seymour, using the Commedia as a basis, were colorfully fitting for the style of production as were Tommy Kurzman’s wigs and make-up design.
Bernstein and all his creative partners would have been exhilarated by this Candide.  Regrettably it had only two brilliant performances.
Candide by Leonard Bernstein, (Scottish Opera Edition of the Opera House Version – 1989) Book by Hugh Wheeler based on the satire by Voltaire; Lyrics by Richard Wilbur with additional lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, John Latouche, Dorothy Parker, Lillian Hellman and Leonard Bernstein; Orchestrations by Leonard Bernstein and Hershy Kay; Musical continuity and additional orchestrations by John Mauceri; For The Knights: Colin Jacobsen and Eric Jacobsen Artistic Directors; Music Director and Conductor; Eric Jacobsen; Cast: Miles Mykkanen (Candide) Sharleen Joynt (Cunegonde) Margaret Gawrysiak; Evan Jones (Pangloss/Voltaire/Cacambo) Alexander Elliot (Maximilian/Grand Inquisitor/Sea Captain) Alex Mansoori (Baron/Governor/Vanderdendur/Ragotski) Sarah Larsen (Paquette) Zoe Johnson (Ensemble) Emma Sorenson (Ensemble) Chandler Johnson (Ensemble) Luke MacMillan (Ensemble) John Eirich and Courtney Lopes (Dancers); Running time: Two hours, thirty minutes, including one intermission; August 22-23, 2018; Tanglewood, Ozawa Hall, Lenox, MA.
REVIEW: The Knight Present “Candide” at Tanglewood by Macey Levin As the world probably knows, 2018 would have been Leonard Bernstein's 100th birthday,  also that of Jerome Robbins. 
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The Love-In met on Tinder in 2015. Back then, they were loners looking for nothing more than some free meals and a little hanky-panky on the side. What they found was true love-in. Since then the Nashville-based rock and roll band has toured the country, honing their sound, which consists of visceral lyrics, rock and roll guitar solos, and 1960s girl-group inspired harmonies. The band consists of lead singer and pianist Laurel Sorenson, Emma Holden on guitar, drummer Michael Rasile, and bassist Max Zikakis.
1. What is the inspiration behind your latest single, "As It Lays"?
This song was inspired by Joan Didion’s 1970 novel, "Play it As it Lays." I read it at a time when it felt like my whole life was falling apart. Didion’s journalistic approach to despair resonated with my own outlook. The main character has very little personal sovereignty, but finds that driving on the freeway each morning is a way to bring order to her personal chaos.
“As it Lays” is about coming to grips with the idea that the universe is detached and unsentimental. It’s a game of chance and all you can do is play the cards you’ve been dealt.
2. At what age did you realize that music is a career you wanted to pursue; what was your ‘ah-ha’ moment?
I think that I subconsciously always wanted to pursue music as a career. I always loved music and secretly dreamed of being on stage, but I never allowed myself to consider it because I didn’t think it was something I could actually do. I always wrote poems and played piano, but I didn’t put the two together until I was 15. When I started playing in bands and performing in front of people, it just became my entire reality.
3. Who are your musical inspirations? What artists inspired you to start your career and find your musical passion?
Amy Winehouse is someone whose songwriting style influenced me from an early age. She’s both blunt and tender in her imagery, and I like the sense of humor she brings to her lyrics. Carole King was also a big influence. Reading about her commercial approach to songwriting and how much time she spent writing every day gave me a sense of the reality of being a professional songwriter at a time when it seemed like an ephemeral dream. I also love her percussive approach to the piano.
4. What do you hope to learn musically from this unpredictable year?
This year has reminded me of the value of stillness. When there is a lot of stimulation in your day to day life, it’s easy to get caught up in the momentum. You get distracted by the things that are right in front of you and it can stop you from seeing the whole picture. I hope this year continues to teach me to take the long view on life, music, and where this country is headed.
5. What else do you have in store for us this year? Can you tell us about your new EP As It Lays?
The Love-In is going to keep releasing songs and we’re planning a couple of livestreams to showcase the songs on the EP. The rest of the EP follows the theme set up in the song “As it Lays.” It’s about finding personal sovereignty and twisting social norms to reveal their confining nature. We’ve been playing these songs live for a while now, and they’re pretty raucous in that setting. I’m excited for listeners who’ve seen us play these songs on the road to hear them in the more polished format in which they appear on the EP.
Stream “As It Lays”:
Connect with The Love-In:
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