This whole cap run is weird to me like why is the character made by a Jewish man to fight nazis ment to be made by an evil organization who controls everything plus the fact they're trying to make peggy likable.
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I'VE BEEN SAYING!!!!!!!! There's this trend of hiring writers who know nothing about the characters they're writing and disguising everything as shock value to pretend their runs are Good. this is like Remender's run all over again.
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Hihi I'm new here! I really like your headcanons. Would it be alright if I could ask headcanons for the bachelors and how their romantic relationship with a farmer that already has a kid from a different relationship progress?
Like, one day a kid just randomly shows up at the farmer's doorstep with a social worker and farmer had to explain that their ex couldn't keep the child anymore, and the kid is also super anxious about moving in with them or something.
I'm really sorry- it was a scenario I've seen dabbled into once and I'm just very curious as to what others think of it too aha.
If this ask is not your cup of tea, feel free to disregard it. Have a great day op 🙏✨
Sorry for the delay, dear anon. This headcanon just turned out bigger than I planned 😅 Hope I understood your question correctly. Thank you very much for the ask, and enjoy! 🫰💕
SDV bachelors x Farmer, that already has a kid from a different relationship:
Oh, man. This is all very awkward...
Shane knew about Farmer's ex, the reason for the breakup and the fact that the child was in the care of their ex in Zuzu City.
Farmer visited their child almost every week, calling and writing letters, but Shane himself was not particularly involved, not knowing how to approach the little one.
Naturally, when the kid came to visit the farm, the chicken man would try to make the kid feel comfortable, but considering everything they'd been through, even here it was pretty awkward.
On the plus side, they was the same age as Jas, and the kids had become fast friends in a short time.
Farmer encouraged their spouse's attempts at friendship with their kid, but again, things were still pretty awkward.
When the Farmer's child arrived with a social worker some time later, Shane noticed how much the little one resembled him in his yought - confused, scared, resentful of everyone and tired of everything. Their familiar world where both parents were together was gone forever.
Later, Shane was able to explain how he'd been in a similar situation, how he'd almost lost because of the mistakes he'd made trying to cope with pain.
The kid quickly found common ground with him. Especially after they confessed that they liked chickens!
Shane doesn't claim to be a father, as the kid is pretty mature and understands on their own.
But he will treat them with the same care and responsibility as he does Jas.
They are all kinda weird family, but Shane loves them all and still can't believe how lucky he is.
It's quite a tricky situation, but thanks to his friendliness and personality, Sam is great with kids.
When Farmer finally introduced their kid to Sam, the young guitarist immediately went into cool brother/uncle mode.
The kid was worried, but Sam began to slowly gain their trust by asking about their interest in comics or other hobbies.
It makes him happy that the kid can forget about problem and concerns at least for now, because children should be happy and play while they have their childhood.
Sam knows that Farmer broke up with their ex more or less calmly, without scandal or drama, but he knows, like Farmer, it was still hard for the kid.
He's glad that he and Farmer are trying their best to be in theirs life.
The kid's upset look and the presence of the social worker took Sam by surprise.
While the social worker was talking to Farmer, Sam offered the anxious kid something to eat. Or some space, if they still feel uncomfortable.
After learning the reason for the visit and the fact that the kid will now live on the farm, Sam gently asks his partner how he should handle this. He wants to cheer the kid up, but he also doesn't want to make them more anxious.
Fortunately, Vincent and the kid get along quickly, which pleases both Farmer and Sam. Now, though, they need to keep an eye on the kids, or they'll both get into more trouble.
Jodi and Kent also do everything they can to make Farmer's kid feel comfortable (Jodi now spoils them with tasty baked goods).
Farmer can't help but be joyful with how hard Sam tries for them and their kid and his family to keep everyone happy.
Farmer was telling Alex about their loser ex, who had decided to trade Farmer and their child for a some stranger. What a shameless cheater...
Farmer visited their kid almost every week, but Alex was only able to go with them a few times.
At the sight of their ex, the athlete was so itching to break their nose. But he tried to keep his temper in front of the kid.
The child turns out to be a kind young one, though a bit shy and reserved. Alex thanks Yoba that they are more like the Farmer in looks and personality than the other parent.
Despite the awkward pause at first, the kid seems to like Alex. Of course, he's cool, kind, and gives them ice cream! Alex's trips with Farmer became more frequent and his friendship with Farmer's little kid grew stronger.
Some time later, when a confused Alex let the stranger into the house, he was shocked to find Farmer's kid standing behind him. They looked... so sad.
The social worker announced that the ex had decided to relinquish parental rights and the child had been brought here.
The poor kid was quieter than a mouse, but Alex was as friendly as possible and tried to cheer him up.
In the back of his mind, though, he felt a wild rage, because he could hear that the reason the ex had refused to give up their own child was because their new partner didn't want to babysit them.
Alex knows more than anyone what it's like when one parent is such a dirtbag. But right now he doesn't care about losers, he's got Farmer and their kid.
Getting the kid used to the new environment was very difficult, but Alex helped them get to know the local children.
Evelyn accepted the kid as her own great-grandchild, remembering to feed them delicious baked goods. George was a bit stingy with his emotions, but he also accepted them as his own.
Alex will not leave them in trouble and will help them to cope with all the difficulties. Now the Farmer and their child are his family.
Sebastian feels awkward and doesn't know what to do. Help.
He and the Farmer's child were so similar in personality when they met - silent, shy and withdrawn.
Sebastian realises that Farmer's child is having a hard time with the fact that their parents are divorced. But emo doesn't know how to start a conversation.
So when Farmer left Sebby and their kid alone for half an hour, there was an awkward silence for the first 5 minutes.
The kid was already getting bored. Sebastian decided to give it a try after all.
"Do you like frogs?" Judging by the spark in the kid's eyes, they had already found at least one topic of interest to both of them.
Farmer smiles when they returned to see the two of them chatting about different amphibians.
A few such encounters and Sebastian had become a cool uncle to them.
Sebastian was hurt to hear that Farmer's ex had given up their parental rights, when Farmer's kid had already visited them, with a social worker.
He will leave the kid alone, as they definitely need some time alone and to collect their thoughts.
Yet, Sebby and the Farmer are always there to cheer up the kid.
On a rainy day, he will show the baby the best place to find frogs.
Sebastian is good at supporting both his partner and their baby.
It can be awkward at times, but Sebby loves them all, so it will be okay.
Given Harvey's profession, he's pretty adept at finding common ground with anxious children.
So when Farmer first introduced Harvey to their child from their first marriage, the local Pelican Town doctor already knew how to behave.
He's glad that despite the divorce, Farmer is trying their best to support their kid, as stress can take a big toll on not only their mental health, but their physical health as well.
Even more so, it's not the child's fault that fate has worked out this way and their parents live in completely different places.
Of course, Harvey is not as "cool" as other bachelors, but he manages to interest the child in his model aeroplanes.
Maybe if they like to read, the doctor will give them something interesting to read (something that isn't a medical encyclopedia).
Harvey almost cried when the kid called him uncle and cool adult.
And all was going smoothly until a social worker knocked on the door of the farmhouse.
After explaining that the other parent, Farmer's ex, could no longer financially support the child, they placed the child in their care.
Harvey is worried about them, because all the fear of moving, new surroundings, and separated parents can have a very negative effect on poor kid.
Harvey will try to be there to help them and Farmer.
Maybe insist on therapy for the kid. Still, it could use some professional help.
Fortunately, Harvey knows what to do and he won't let anyone or anything upset Farmer and their kid. Doctor's words!
Elliott still can't believe that Farmer's ex turned out to be such a coward and unworthy person! Cheating on Farmer. when they already had a child together!
Of course, now Farmer is with him, and yes, it's not worth spending all the nerves on the past, but it's just that the writer is outraged to the core.
Also outraged that the ex just abandoned their child like that, saying they "don't have time for them now." Unbelievable!
Poor child... As much as the Farmers tried to comfort their own kud, all of these events took a heavy toll on them. And Elliott decided it was his duty to help the kid and Farmer, the love of his life.
His first attempts, though, end awkwardly, as Elliott doesn't know where to start. And should he start so immediately? Maybe they need some alone time on the contrary?
He decided to pick up a couple of books to help (mostly children's books, and a couple of books about how to communicate with children/teens).
The writer was lucky that the kid loves books!
There was even a moment when the kid felt comfortable around Elliott and asked them to help make their own little book. Elliott is more than happy to help them.
He also won't forget to praise the Farmer, because it was through their efforts and love that their child didn't fall victim to the neglect of the other parent. It's a shame that, coincidentally, the kid didn't arrive sooner.
Elliott will have a bit of a hard time, but he will do a great job in the role of carer for the Farmer and their kid, accepting them as his own child.
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twilight-zoned-out · 7 months
"Seven years ago we all went through the flames; and the happiness of some of us since then is, we think, well worth the pain we endured."
Although Dracula was published in 1897, some think that it takes place in 1893 because of the way the days and dates used line up. If that's the case, Jonathan Harker's epilogue, seven years later, would have been added around 1900. A new era bubbling with new change and new conventions. The story ends with Jonathan looking ahead to a new century filled with the unknown and being able to look on the past, despite its darkness, "without despair."
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
KINGSMAN SPIES LANDOSCAR!! honestly could put oscar in as harry (looks conservative and staid upon first impression but actually has an edge) & lando as the upstart newcomer who solves problems unconventionally but effectively nonetheless.
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i passed a specialist shoe shop earlier today that specialises in leathers and i think there'd be something cool about cobbler oscar who keeps a very quiet shop. he's very reserved. has mainly old clients who he keeps in a handwritten notebook. he's carrying on a cobbler tradition of like 90 years and has trained with some impressive brits and everything. and at night he's the kingsman's service artillery specialist. he just pulls out rows and rows of stuff like Q and is like. "i'd suggest that one. you need a muffler in a place like king's cross station. easy cleanup."
and lando's some rich kid from millfield who has been thrust into the service because his dad sent him as a joke 'cus he's like, you're too coddled. you need to do it before you get your trust fund.
but it turns out that with the right focus and intention lando is actually a brilliant kingsman in the making. he definitely has an eggsy moment at training academy where he has to take out a bunch of trainers using only a ballpoint pen and a textbook or something. he's the only one who figures out that the ballpoint pen has different functions upon specific clicks. one of them is a nanorazor, and another is an incapacitating poison.
and lando, a little bruised, very tired, is about to go on his first mission. he's at oscar's shop, choosing shoes and trying not to glance at oscar and his still hands and his cool demeanour.
then lando is like, "wait. you designed the pen thing earlier didn't you? that was you." and oscar gets this glimmer of a smile and a single arched eyebrow that he presses back down, and is like: "yeah. did you like it?"
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blindmagdalena · 2 months
Can't drive HL x dangerous driver. Like imagine he's worried for her when they drift on the freeway because "no one was gonna stop me". He worries for her fragile human body as she check herself out in the front mirror while speeding
"You said you were a good driver," Homelander reminds you, one hand gripping the passenger door while the other is braced firmly on the ceiling, as if he's prepared to lift the vehicle into the air at any given second.
"I am a good driver," you laugh, looking over at him. He wishes you wouldn't. Not at the speed you're driving. Still, the way you grin at him with such love—with such reckless abandon—makes something in his gut flip.
Or maybe that's just the abrupt lane change as you swerve around a car puttering by at a measly seventy-five miles an hour.
"See? Didn't even graze them this time!" You say, casting him another giddy look. He can hear your heart pounding, but not from fear. For fucks sake, you're thrilled, pupils blown black with pure adrenaline.
Slowly, he grins. "You're fuckin' nuts."
"Well, yeah," you say, flashing him a quick grin in return. "I fell for your crazy ass, didn't I?"
Touché, he thinks, but before he can retort, he's shouting, "Look out!"
Your tires screech across the pavement as you drift, narrowly avoiding a collision as several vehicles lay on their horns in unison, the cacophony of it mingling with your near hysterical laughter.
There's no danger in it for Homelander, but he realizes that his heart is racing regardless. While there's no doubt he could save you from any accident in this exact moment, he has no fucking clue how you've survived long enough to meet him when you drive like this.
He's never known the thrill of putting himself in danger, but he feels it now for you.
"You're gonna get yourself killed one of these days," he says, the weight of the thought striking him the same time he says it. You're not like him. You're not a supe. You're precarious in the way perfectly ripe fruit is.
Easily bruised. Easily destroyed.
"Guess you'll have to stay with me forever," you counter, breathless.
He stares at you for an incredulous moment before huffing out a laugh.
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luckycharms1701 · 1 month
So everybody talks about Leo or Raph calling you princess, but why is nobody talking about Future or Cowboy Leo calling you sweetheart or love?!
just….just imagine…
so i know i just got this and i’ve got seven requests in my queue before i should do this one but oh my god. oh my god it just wrote itself. i’m so sorry everyone who’s been waiting so patiently
Leo brings Trick to a halt, careful to jostle his passenger. “Welcome to the old homestead, sweetheart,” he says, making sure to infuse juuust the right amount of mockery into his voice as he gestures grandly towards the collection of buildings in front of them. He notes with amusement the way you go still in front of him. Good. He hopes you’re uncomfortable.
He dismounts the horse and turns to help you down, only to stop and blink. You are staring straight ahead at the ranch, lips thin and hands tight on the pommel. What surprises him, though, is the light pink dusting your face.
You don’t look at him, and a smirk slowly grows on his face. So that’s how it is, huh? Time to have a little fun. “Here, let me help you down, darlin’,” and this time he sees the way your eyes widen and your blush deepens.
You stiffly swing your leg over the pommel, and he softens his sharp smirk a little. Your gaze, however, lands on his shoulder, and he can’t help the way his lips twitch. Oh, this is exactly what he needed after the journey the two of you just suffered through.
He reaches up and lifts you down, once again surprised at how small you are. You’ve been such a huge thorn in his side that he’d forgotten how your hands can’t reach all the way around his biceps as he lowers you to the ground.
“Anythin’ you need, love, you just ask, alrigh’?” The way he deepens his drawl must be what does it, as your head whips up to glare at him even as your blush deepens to red and travels down your neck.
It’s Leo’s turn for his hands to tighten, around your waist rather than the pommel. He quickly lets go of your waist and steps back to hide the surprise. Why in tarnation was he wondering just how far that blush spread under your clothes?
You are still glaring at him, and his smirk sharpens. “Is there a problem, sweetheart?” This time he drawls it out in the way that’s turned many a lady into a stuttering mess. He is pleased to note the way your gaze falters and yours fingers tighten into fists. Good. At least he’s not the only one discomfited around here.
“After you, my dear.” You turn stiffly and stalk off, and Leo chuckles lowly as he gathers Trick’s reins and follows behind you. It’s about time things got a little more lively around here.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic @writinandcrying @xnorthstar3x @morenovix218 @donniesgirlie @gornackeaterofworlds @thelaundrybitch
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mach1ne-g1rl · 1 year
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Santa Perla
pearl only :3
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squash1 · 8 months
An essay on what makes Gansey, Gansey.
okay. strap in.
in this essay i will examine how, ultimately, what makes gansey, gansey is his experience with death at an early age and how that is fundamentally about a loss of childhood.
to understand what makes gansey, gansey you have to look at gansey’s two lives. gansey was born into a wealthy family — the kind of family that passes down names father to son and has buildings then built in that name. until gansey was 10, we can assume he fit into this affluent world without issue. little gansey was most likely a spoiled little rich kid — not a bad person but inherently out of touch because of the reality he was born into. when gansey dies the first time, it changes his perception of reality — he has an understanding of time and mortality that most adults don’t have never mind ten year olds. this first death is a representation of an early end to gansey’s childhood. he no longer easily fits into the wealthy, laid back world he was born into. we have to assume that until gansey went to stay with mallory, he was in DC with his parents trying to fit into their world but instead feeling intensely isolated and lonely. because even though gansey changed, his parents didn’t.
mallory is an important figure because of the time he represents in gansey’s life. we know from mallory that at 14 gansey struggled intensely with anxiety, that he hadn’t yet learned to present only his shiny gansey mask to the world. but instead of being dismissive, mallory showed gansey kindness and empathy — he was perhaps gansey’s first friend because sometimes delightfully weird old british men are exactly what a teenager needs. mallory helped gansey in his quest, but he also helped him to discover this new version of himself by making him feel not only safe but like there were other people beyond his parent’s world that would understand this pull and fascination he had.
understanding this backstory is key to understanding what makes gansey, gansey, because an intimate knowledge of death is what has produced this gansey that we meet in the raven boys. the gansey we meet is silly and strange and charming. he uses phrases like “hey, tiger” and drinks organic apple juice from the bottle, he has a favorite yellow sweater and is vocal about his love for it. and that’s just gansey, those are ganseyisms as i like to say. gansey has chosen to live his life with childlike wonder and whimsy because he lost that at an early age but doesn’t want to loose it forever. he has decided to embrace the weird, unknown parts of life. he is essentially reclaiming his time. he’s saying yes i know that there is death and darkness in the world, yes i have seen it first hand, yes i still feel it sometimes but i am going to live my life hopefully. gansey has carved out a life for himself in henrietta — a town that in and of itself makes him feel known, but also contains a piece of his old world in aglionby — and has slowly found people who fit, who feel right, who are 1,000 years old just like him. gansey has been lonely for a lot of his life but he found people who were lonely like he was lonely, that were looking for the something more just like he was looking for the something more. he is a compelling leader not because of money or status, but because his hope and quest and belief are real and made real because of gansey’s relationship to mortality. he has made it his mission to build a life he wants, even if it’s short, even if he’s scared. what makes gansey, gansey is his ability to choose hope anyway, to choose to live anyway.
if you made it this far, i love u
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oceisastar · 9 months
post abt neuvillette crying has me throbbing... imagine tears start to spill from his pretty eyes as you thrust deeply yet so gently into him, hole spasming on your cock as you grind into his prostate.
"are you okay?" you'd ask him, and he'd only nod and more tears would fall down his flushed cheeks. he'd be so warm, too—not just his hot, lube-slick hole on you but his smooth, soft skin as well. nngh imagine cum already smeared on his tummy from an earlier orgasm too, making you both even messier and hotter<33
you'd keep your slow, even rhythm as he cries and cries, neuvillette finding an emotional release along with physical when he finally cums on your cock and keeps it warm as you cum in him, too. omg and neuvi just holding you close and burying his face in your neck as soft sobs wrack his body and the rain begins pelting hard against the windows—but it's still sunny, somehow, because these are tears not of pain but of love and pleasure.
don't forget to plug his pretty hole up, either~ he waited so long for you to come home and fuck him, after all! he wants to cuddle you back to sleep and still feel your cum deep inside him<3 maybe wake up the next morning and lick his hole clean—start the day with a beautiful, sunny rainshower for all of fontaine! though, only you get to see fontaine's most beautiful: your one and only neuvillette.
nnnnnn i love him so much.
OMG MY LOVE this is such a long and gorgeous post thank you for blessing me!
omg his tummy 🥺🥺 so soft and cute.
fucking him slowly and gently 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I’m crying I fucking love emotional release during sex!
that was so sweet I loved it
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I want an FE game told from the POV of a guy just trying to make a living and hearing all this crazy shit on the other side of the continent and goes "Thank gods I'm not there" and then he sees a blue haired sword user.
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en-chi-la-da · 1 year
Hinadam reminds me of a certain otp trope...
Gundham: "What was that?!"
Hinata: "Affection ^^"
Gundham: "Disgusting.... Do it again."
anon you are so right..... <3
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wayfayrr · 3 months
Hey I saw your post, that the requests are open so I want to give you one.
I don't know if your tears got ripped out of his adventure and joined the Chain or after his journey where he got arm back. So what about. Reader replaces Zelda as the Light Drago , completely or basically pushed her away from that is your decision. But I kinda want fluff where Reader helps Tears beat that overgrown lizard named Ganondorf and catch them, where he finally can say how he feels as they helped him through his first journey with Wolfie.
What I'm leaning towards with him is post journey but he has a prosthetic rather than getting his own arm back, it's something he built himself and still has the abilities from the game, another thing I'm trying to incorporate is a few things that make him different from wild, they'll show themselves in time but the one that's most important for this is how he didn't have wolfie :3c
these little reqs are gonna just be tiny drabbles to flesh him out a little more, and like you asked it's just a bit of fluff post ganon with him and reader - it doesn't really go into depth about the how but it's post reader being turned back. I hope you'll like it!! <3
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“You’re scratching again, do you want some more salve?”
“Only if it isn't a bother.”
“It's never a bother - nothing is if it's for you. You don’t need to wait for the itching to get bad, or for me to notice for you to ask. I’ll do anything to help you, you know that.”
“I do.”
He knows the reason I don’t ask just as well as I do, it’s an unspoken acknowledgement that he keeps trying to get me to change my mind; he just doesn’t know how close he gets to changing it. He knows it wasn’t his fault that I was dragged into this mess, that it’s not his fault and that I hate how he blames himself for every accident that led to it. 
“Then stop dragging out whenever you’re in pain.”
“I don’t want to be a bother though, I can deal with this. It’s nothing compared to what you went through, you’re already doing enough helping me get home.”
“It doesn’t feel like enough, you spent millennia as a dragon, you fixed the master sword, you were the reason I could kill ganon. I can never repay that.”
Seems like that was enough to push him to the edge, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes and threatening to overflow as he applied a cool salve to the patches of scales still dotted upon my skin. He’ll never stop feeling guilt for me having ended up helping him throughout both of his quests not as long as we have to keep doing this, the best I can do now is try to minimise it. Pressing a couple of kisses to his face feels like the best place to start. 
“And you don’t need to, if I had the chance to go back to the start and do this all over I would.”
“Wh- but why? All of those wasted years, all that time away from your home… why would you do it all again?”
“Because it means I get to be with you. I wouldn’t trade that for anything lilac.”
I’ll never get over how red he gets whenever I call him that, the reaction alone is priceless.
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missmungoe · 10 months
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“You’re such a pretty man,” Makino sighed, touching her fingertips to his cheek, before rubbing his beard with her thumb. “Your wife is very lucky. Oh—hey.” Her whole expression brightened, her smile entirely cheeky. “That’s me.”
Shanks grinned, delighted. “You are absolutely hammered, aren’t you?”
“Hmm, I think I’m about to be.” She frowned. “Wait—was that not a euphemism?”
My masked Zorro, the unbelievably generous and tantalisingly mysterious Cover Anon, sweeps in once more with another gorgeous cover from Shanties, this time for Penelope (aka, the wedding fic, my beloved), by the incredible @sacred_pirate on twitter.
I...don't know how it's possible to capture the way a fic exists in my mind so perfectly it's like the artist reached into my soul, and yet that's what this feels like. This is one of the most beautiful artworks I've ever seen, and I can't believe it's from my fic, and this fic.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Roger really DOES have mad girldad energy and I am feral.
Welcome to my walls btw, it's hot af in Florida, so lmk if you need a popsicle/hj
Just. Omfg imagine Toki and Buggy bonding SO MUCH and Toki is the one who helps Buggy find Her Style and Her Confidence. Oden also has Big Himbo Dad Emergy too, so I bet he'd just be like ":000 a GIRL! WONDERFUL!!! I shall have TWO daughters!"
Roger ofc takes big offense to that and it becomes a shipwide brawl over who gets to be her dad, and Buggy is just laughing, crying, pickpocketing everyone. Only like. Three fellas even have the driving NEED to call her their daughter, they just love the chaos. Shanks is just left GAPING bc ofc he loves Buggy, he always has, always will, but the way she was smiling, the way she's just beaming at the acceptance, no matter how dramatic it is - by Davy Jones, it steals his breath away.
Whatever you do tho, don't imagine Toki dressing Buggy up in traditional Wano attire. Don't imagine Toki taking on the role of aunt or big sister and sharing this culture with Buggy. Teaching her the ways of warriors from her homeland, the codes and dress and recipes. Don't imagine Toki telling Buggy "family secrets" like recipes, fighting styles, etc. Don't imagine Toki just easily saying that of course Buggy needs to know these things! Blood is but the fluid of life, and love is what makes a family - and Buggy has so much love to give, so much to receive, and Toki calls her a child of Wano in heart and soul, in all the ways that matter should Buggy want that.
And Buggy, who has only ever wanted to BELONG, oh she accepts without hesitation.
Leaving Toki behind was hard, but she gifts Buggy an heirloom of sorts, a hair piece that she keeps either tucked under her beanie or safe in a chest, anchored to the floor of her room ((or hidden carefully with Devil Fruit powers)).
The day Toki manages to make/get a suitably sized kimono for Buggy, maybe for a party on the ship, maybe a birthday celebration ((and here I insert my Wano Culture Headcanons, that there's a birthday where children transition to young adults, and it's similar to a quinceñera but different, partially because it's done at 13, and then a second one at 18, a five year period of growth, life compared to butterflies, and so Toki convinces the crew to do these for the Cabin Kids-))
Buggy comes out, hair done, kimono flawless and bright and bold and so very her, a quiet joy on her face, and the crew is FLABBERGASTED.
Roger is sobbing.
Rayleigh has suddenly aged 20 years because oh shit oh gods she's going to be beautiful as an adult, oh damn it all he's gonna have to beat men off of her-
Shanks is caught between swooning, wanting to tackle her, and remembering just how the heck breathing works.
((Roger, Rayleigh, Crocus and Oden do rock paper scissors to get the first dance with her, and it dissolves into a fist fight somehow. Shanks gets involved and bites them. Toki takes the first dance.))
I have. So many emotions about transfem Buggy, bestie, send help it's all my brain can think about.
It's okay, I miss hot weather because here in Spain I am freezing and I am a spring child. My spiritual flower is a sunflower. I need the SUN. I NEED TO GO INTO THE FLAMES. So I'll stay there happily.
Please, Toki would so adopt Buggy. And Oden would be THRILLED. He'll see them getting along and he'd instantly say they look like mother and daughter. Buggy would be shy about it but Toki would probably laugh and say "Oh! Do we really? What do you think, Bugs?" and it's just,, So sweet,, Oden loves her a lot and he can't wait to see his Hiyori grow up too. Roger would be FURIOUS when he hears that because he "found her first" which, you know, true, but it's a weird way of saying that's his daughter. Anyway- Rayleigh would be so fucking done with everything. They'd fight about it and Buggy would actually have the time of her life because she feels important and flashy for once in a long time, and she'd laugh oh so beautifully at them when talking with Shanks about it in their room. Like she'd just laugh at the situation and Shanks is still not getting used to his very very not platonic feelings for his best friend. But he'd enjoy his time with her. He's just going a bit insane.
I can't stop thinking now about Buggy finally finding a place to belong. She's been lost for so long,, Feeling left out. And now Toki has gifted her with the most precious treasure there is: A home. Belonging. And I am so so emotional right now. Toki would be so proud of her and Buggy would just be so thankful. If Buggy called her 'mom' at some point, she'd feel embarrassed right away, but Toki would probably fight the tears and hug her close. Going crazy, really. All the men in Buggy's life fighting for her first dance,, Rayleigh just knows he'll have to fight all the men that hurt his precious star. And Shanks is starting to think about that too and the thought of Buggy dating somebody else makes him sick, so perhaps he needs to start with a plan to confess finally (he's so asking Toki about it. I'm gonna cry). Roger crying because he wants to enjoy every second he has left with her... It kills me.
I just know that to this day, Buggy still thinks about Toki as her mom. She never mentions it to anybody, but she feels such a strong connection to Wano and she's dying to go there finally someday. She might have not been born there, but her soul belongs there. And it's just so sweet. I am sobbing, thank you. Every time she does her hair, she feels Toki's hands instead of hers and she remembers everything she taught her,,,
Now I have on my mind a very silly Shuggy thought about Shanks trying to flirt with Buggy but failing miserably (because he's a kid and he only knows how to tease her or follow Roger's advice which are, um, not good) and Buggy just being so done and exhausted. She can't stand him! He's so annoying! Sometimes she doesn't know if she wants to punch him or kiss him! And she doesn't even know if Shanks likes her back because he keeps acting stupid. And she goes to Toki for advice and she's like "oh, darling... Men are stupid. Do you know why you felt smarter than them when you were unaware of being a girl? Well, one of the reasons is that Shanks is a kid. He's dumb. But he loves you and cares so much for you... He's just having a hard time trying to make his way to your heart" / "But he-! He's so damn- Ugh. He's such an idiot. He already did, and he just doesn't know because he can't see it and I can't stand him-" / "Well, maybe you should be the one telling him, huh?" / "What?! No! And give him the satisfaction of thinking I fell first?! I'd rather die. No. He has to make the first move". And now Toki is involved (like the rest of the crew because Shuggy is a whole teen drama) in their love story because Buggy keeps complaining about men being stupid and Shanks keeps saying he doesn't get how Buggy can't see he's in love with her.
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valentronic · 7 months
Re: Shockshipping requests maybe something in the immediate aftermath of Saw IV with Hoffman offering a hand to help Rigg up? Or something like that
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“You- you’re him-”
“Shh… You’ll be okay, I promise.”
what do you mean dan doesn’t survive saw 4 he does To Me and mark helps him walk out of that meat plant :]
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mikkokomori · 1 year
AU where the group actually sees Sunny and Mari’s fathers words against them.
Hero using his charm and the trust in him the Father has for him, lures him into the forest where Kel and Mari using their more athletic abilities, kill him and Basil using his knowledge of the layout of the forest helps hide the evidence.
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"Let's keep this between us, okay?"
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