wisteriagoesvroom · 27 days
broadscar best moments compilation🫣👉👈?
y'know. i actually really had to think about this. because oscar i feel is currently in the early intermediate phase of his glow up and not at his full blastoff broadscar potential yet (give it another few years).
NONETHELESS. the people ask. the people receive. my personal opinion top 5 broadscar moments:
#5. oh boy! that sure is a bicep!
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you know the IT guy who shows up to fix your computer and you're like, well. that's nice he's just a quiet guy he's well informed about relevant cybersecurity software patches. he probably plays COD on the weekend and feeds his cat regularly.
then he leans forward with his palms flat on the table to check a dashboard or something and you're like - hold on. whaaat?
anyway not to get into AU or y/n territory rn but like. this was a strong hint of the sleeper build. is all i'm saying.
#4. back getting big, brain go brrrr
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exhibit a: cannot remember which race this was from but okay, yeah he's an athletic dude, blablabla
exhibit b: suzuka '24. yooo back gains? and he is SLOUCHING...
#3: the fireproofs of peril
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look...if i speak. i simply posit the question to the audience: what if oscar piastri stood up straight more often.
(and thank you @inchidentally for bringing this picture to my attention in the first place. a connoisseur. a scholar.)
number two: qatar karting night kardio arrest
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yo. the arms. the balaclava. the vaguely drift-racing-game-adjacent nighttime lighting. and the amount of times this clip alone has surfaced in the oscar piastri thirst edits. ENOUGH SAID.
number one: the qatar sprint-sweat saga
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how could i not include this on the list because, hello, first win, but also.... O, to be a single drop of sweat sliding down oscar piastri's face and into his *LOUD HELICOPTER NOISE*
anyway, sorry, did y'all hear something??? it sounded like someone losing their mind??
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
KINGSMAN SPIES LANDOSCAR!! honestly could put oscar in as harry (looks conservative and staid upon first impression but actually has an edge) & lando as the upstart newcomer who solves problems unconventionally but effectively nonetheless.
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i passed a specialist shoe shop earlier today that specialises in leathers and i think there'd be something cool about cobbler oscar who keeps a very quiet shop. he's very reserved. has mainly old clients who he keeps in a handwritten notebook. he's carrying on a cobbler tradition of like 90 years and has trained with some impressive brits and everything. and at night he's the kingsman's service artillery specialist. he just pulls out rows and rows of stuff like Q and is like. "i'd suggest that one. you need a muffler in a place like king's cross station. easy cleanup."
and lando's some rich kid from millfield who has been thrust into the service because his dad sent him as a joke 'cus he's like, you're too coddled. you need to do it before you get your trust fund.
but it turns out that with the right focus and intention lando is actually a brilliant kingsman in the making. he definitely has an eggsy moment at training academy where he has to take out a bunch of trainers using only a ballpoint pen and a textbook or something. he's the only one who figures out that the ballpoint pen has different functions upon specific clicks. one of them is a nanorazor, and another is an incapacitating poison.
and lando, a little bruised, very tired, is about to go on his first mission. he's at oscar's shop, choosing shoes and trying not to glance at oscar and his still hands and his cool demeanour.
then lando is like, "wait. you designed the pen thing earlier didn't you? that was you." and oscar gets this glimmer of a smile and a single arched eyebrow that he presses back down, and is like: "yeah. did you like it?"
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
helloooooo :)) sliding in with a generic marvel-esque vaguely criminal organization landoscar au with background lestappen because I am nothing if not predictable
Oscar is their resident poison specialist (he makes new poisons, tests them, makes antidotes, etc. for the organization to use). His preference is plant based poisons, like belladonna and nightshade, because he graduated college with a botany degree and therefore has a lot of knowledge about them that he can put for use. He spends most of his time in his greenhouse full of toxic, beautiful plants that he tends too very, very carefully. They’re his babies.
There’s a whole backstory involved with how he came to join the organization that involves him accidentally killing his college roommate
Lando is a former gymnast turned espionage guy who also does theft on the side for funsies that works for the organization. Like vaguely cat woman-y? Obviously he’s super flexible and super good at his job because duh.
His favorite hobby is breaking into Oscar’s greenhouse via the windows and watching him work. Oscar is super fascinating to him, and he’s enamored with how absolutely brilliant this quiet, stoic boy, with maybe five facial expressions total is.
Lando sits there and listens to Oscar ramble about his complex science things. He doesn’t understand most of it ngl, but he loves the way Oscar’s face lights up when he goes on a long tangent about the chemical properties of cyanide and why it’s superior to arsenic.
Also sometimes lando brings Oscar random pretty shiny things that he stole that he thinks Oscar might like and leaves them on his desk, kind of like a crow. Oscar keeps all of them in a box under his bed. He looks at them when he feels down (he doesn’t tell lando that)
Oscar is equally obsessed with lando but this is already wayyyyyy too long so 😭 you just gotta trust me on this one
And then eventually, the rest of the people in the organization pick up on the growing landoscar feelings situation. Alex and George give lando a bunch of (loving and caring) grief about it. A bet between them is born. “$50 lando is too chicken to confess to Oscar by the end of the month”
Yada yada time skip a week or so and lando and Oscar FINALLY do something about the tension between them one night late in Oscar’s greenhouse, lando freshly back from a mission. Boom they kiss and then lando, being the idiot that he is, as soon as they pull apart, goes “lol George and Alex owe me $50 now”
Cue misunderstanding trope. “Oh you only kissed me for a bet?? You don’t actually have feelings for me 😔 I knew it was too good to be true.”
Lando realizes his mistake but Oscar’s already out the door, disappeared into the night.
And then Oscar gets kidnapped by the enemy 🤗 because he’d normally be more aware and vigilant and stuff but his emotions are really going through it so. The ransom note comes through the next day.
Gonna leave it on that because otherwise I will spiral into a full blown fic when I already have too many wips to finish
I'M SO????? HOW DID U JUST RANDOMLY SLIDE IN HERE WITH THIS???? i am so obsessed with these details my god the POISON? CATMAN ESPIONAGEGYMNAST? christ. and then lando leaving him little gifts like a crow. OSCAR ACCIDENTALLY K-WORDING HIS ROOMMATE (and possible guilt)?? the classic misunderstanding thingy "but oscar gets kidnapped" leading to a climactic rescue oh oh oh this is the stuff of dreams.
idk what to do with myself exactly cus this is so gorgeous. anyway have a moodboard for your efforts cus like my goodness this was lovely to read.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 23 days
Carlos is just jealous that he's not Teammates with Oscar or Lando. That man loves his twinks
you’re right. as supporting evidence i have this copy of carlos’s to-do list. it’s definitely real and not made up.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 26 days
can you guys stop mentioning that shit carlos . Whenever i heard his name my blood start boiling .
guys i found oscar’s burner account
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wisteriagoesvroom · 1 month
logan/oscar and THAT airplane trip
i want so badly to write this but they definitely didn’t fly economy on long haul because they’re rich now 😭 but maybe there’s an AU world in f2 or juniors where they were flying to macau or something and oscar wakes up to realise logan has fallen asleep on his shoulder. captain america is playing on oscar’s tiny tv screen (both boys hit play at the same time earlier cus it’s a mindless watch. nothing to do with how much they both enjoy the cap and bucky storyline or anything).
now the cabin’s dark, and logan is drooling a little. maybe oscar’s shoulder is even starting to hurt. but in that moment logan seems to at peace and it’s a special moment to them both because they haven’t made it yet. but they’re on a plane, it’s exciting, they’re on the way, they’re trying - and oscar’s gonna remember it for a long time.
which is why the both of them freeze up when asked about it on team torque years later. ‘cus they both remember. and of course they both remember snuggling closer to each other under their scratchy airplane blankets, and maybe oscar even nosing at the top of logan’s head to get a comforting waft of logan’s cheapo 5-in-1 tesco shampoo.
but alex doesn’t need to know all that. so they both just laugh <333
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
For the trope mashup thing whatever: arranged marriage and neighbors 👀 - CX
again not one i would've picked but thank you for prompting it !! this also uh, got longer than i thought.
(from the prompts mash up - still taking submissions)
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“What do you mean your visa’s running out?” Lando asks.
“I’m Australian. Not a magician. Commonwealth only gets you so far.” 
“I thought you were here on a scholarship.”
“Well. Yeah. But scholarships stop. Once you graduate.” 
Lando toes the doorway rug. It feels weird to be talking about this in the middle of the hallway, though the only other person who would be listening might be Mrs. Kapoor, and half the time it’s only because she sticks her head out to ask if Lando or Oscar would take one of her mystery vegan curries. Lando is neither a huge fan of vegan food nor curry, and he trusts Oscar’s word for it that it’s good because they eat it while playing Gran Turismo at Lando’s place. But Lando always accepts the curries nonetheless, because his parents raised him to be polite, and he wasn’t raised in a barn. (Even if he technically grew up in converted farmhouse in the countryside, but that was besides the point.)  Either way, this is slipping away from him much quicker than he’d anticipated. Late night hangouts, dropping mail and post-it notes, text messages about the community garden. The most inane smalltalk about things big and small from the origins of moths to whether aliens were out there or just chose to ignore the +44 area code. Oscar always laughing in the right places when Lando regales him about tales of his terrible online dating stories, Oscar always picking the pickles out of the roast beef bagels before he passes one to Lando. The corner of Lando’s sofa that Lando has started to think of as Oscar’s because he’s there so often, reading one of his books or trying to speedread a JSTOR article about the lifecycle of urban pathogens while Lando worked on artwork for his upcoming store launch. 
Lando’s synapses are firing too fast. His brain did that most days, and that was what made him exceedingly good at his job, and today in particular - it doesn’t feel like there’s any logical way out. 
Lando remembers that movie they watched once though. As a joke. The one they both pretended not to enjoy, with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds in Alaska. The one they watched when Oscar sat next to Lando on the sofa, and they both pretended the entire night that their knees weren’t touching. 
His therapist said he had a tendency to get ahead of himself when under stress. But it’s a joke, it’s not serious, there’s no way—
“We could just like, get married.”
Lando shoves his hands in his pockets. That came out way more calm and cooler than he thought it actually would.  And to his credit, Oscar doesn’t drop his mug of tea. Lando knows that’s his favourite one, because Lando got it for him, and it says Science is my superpower. Oscar does, however, slightly shift his grip on the mug.
“I feel like it’d be complicated to explain to my mum why I randomly married my upstairs neighbour?” 
“But it’s not a no.”
Oscar tilts his head. There’s a glimmer of something focused, maybe even hungry in his eyes. Oscar gets like that when his mind turns, when he’s working on an especially difficult thesis, when the pieces are forming and he can lock into the crucial details.
Lando is a little alarmed at how much he already recognises it, and how much more often he’d like to draw that reaction out. 
“If the facts don’t fit the theory, then reexamine the facts. Right?” Oscar says.
And Lando is there, in the doorway. Conscious that Mrs Kapoor might’ve heard everything, but all the more conscious that there’s a hammering in his heart that he can’t tell is nervousness, or anticipation. 
What’s the stress limit for a joke you’re probably already pushing too far? Lando thinks.
He isn’t sure.
But maybe it’s a thesis worth testing out.  
(and ok maybe i cheated a little on arranged marriage but i think this is the closest i could get with the contemporary context. thank you @cx-boxbox for the prompt <3)
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
what’s the most single most attractive thing about oscar? Then answer for landoscar too?
he’s by his own definition “calculated”, which i also read as cold and detached. that quality in a person, to be able to ignore the noise and channel everything towards winning, is like… really hot lmao idk how else to say it. he’s also very openly ambitious so that smashes my competency kink real bad ngl.
every driver responds differently to the circus of f1 and every driver has to have an element of “i can drop everything and focus” but oscar based on performance is one of the ones i truly believe is capable of tuning almost everything out. the higher the pressure seems to get, the calmer he seems to be. i think it takes an incredible amount of self control for someone so relatively young too.
i mean behaviour-wise if you squint, he’s basically a darcy-adjacent archetype in that way which might explain the appeal. yeah.
and by extension, the reason landoscar is so appealing to me is because it goes against the projection/image that oscar has intentionally set up for the world to see. like, that he’s focused on racing and racing only, and focused on obtaining the WDC. on paper and based on more conventional sports narrative cues lando could be an obstacle or rival for him, or someone oscar should keep his distance with. but he is not cool and detached with lando, he is not indifferent. in fact oscar is almost always the opposite of that — lando can be unpredictable and zany and annoying and super warm and funny and it makes oscar react in a way that’s like. not entirely on brand for a supposedly cool and detached racer boy.
yes his whole onscreen chemistry with lando is set up by mclaren marketing in a deliberate way to milk the teammate thing, show camaraderie, and get engagement. but the great thing about any good ship is that sometimes it can start that way and then go a little rogue beyond the marketing (see: oscar popping up recently in random sky interviews) and take on a weird life of its own. ‘cus lando and oscar seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s presence while helping each other and the team — like there’s many levels of coexistence or intimacy that you simply you would not get in a “normal” context of coworker because of the sheer stakes involved (hundreds of people basically working for you, the money and speed of f1, the travel, the sacrifices, the expectation, the pressure), and through it all it’s two people just kinda saying, “hey, i have come to enjoy your presence, i respect you, we can joke about this, we’re sharing this because you understand exactly what i’m going through right now”. that’s what makes it fun to play around with.
like, case in point. what is THIS???
and look big disclaimer that this is with the lens of the rpf glasses on and a huge element of this is projection, but also the reason we project and run rampant with our AUs and headcanons for the ship is because we have some breadcrumbs and see the potential. subtext!! imagination!! what a fun thing.
and wow. essay. i am papaya-pilled so bad y’all 😔✊
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wisteriagoesvroom · 18 days
Would you ever write unhinged carcar smut with voyeur Lando? 👀
oh, lord. WOULD i? do not threaten me with a good time. my wips file is sobbing, but. i see the potential. i see the gross potential in a very 4D way.
(mildly nsfw thing that i came up with on the fly):
lando hides himself in a cupboard wanting to surprise oscar with a caterpillar plushie after a bad race as a prank to make him laugh, make him feel better. except it turns out oscar has plenty of coping mechanisms of his own.
there's a knock on oscar's room door. and oscar has to take a deep breath and steady himself, and carlos is on the other side of it. why is carlos at the door? lando thinks, from inside his hiding place. i thought they didn't care for each other. but then oscar lets carlos in.
the door hasn't even clicked shut before carlos grabs oscar right on the neck like an errant pup, and presses his mouth against his. oscar's hands come up like he wants to resist for a moment, but against his own better instincts he palms carlos' waist through his fireproofs.
lando's like ?????? ??? ? ? ?? should i pop out of the cupboard and er, also, what the hell ??? ? ????? but yeah he's just trapped there. the other thought that he wishes not to address is the one that's like. why did i get oscar a plushie. it was a joke, but it's fucking stupid and immature and i didn't know he was into CARLOS, like. he won't even touch me, and he's making out with carlos. of course. and carlos would not get him a plushie because carlos is a proper grown-up.
and oscar breaks the kiss with carlos. which is more biting than kissing at this point. he mumbles take this fucking thing off about carlos's fireproofs. oscar drags carlos down onto the sofa, and lando can't see them anymore, and he's swearing under his breath and squats down to try and look.
but then lando, in his haste and excitement, loses his balance, and tumbles out of the cupboard. and all three of them are like: hello what are YOU doing at the devil's sacrament??
(then obviously they have horrible bizzaro throuple sex about it. there is definitely a part where carlos stares at lando and is like. "is that. a plushie." and lando gets very very embarrassed and whimper-y about it and oscar is like. "shut up mate stop making fun of him" @ carlos. and they do things with lando as the middle of this glorious gourmet sandwich. things that are probably still outlawed in a number of jurisdictions but thankfully only they know that it happened so it's like, fine. in the interest of good international relations even.)
so i told myself i didn't have anything for this. but it turns out my brainrot has no bounds.
i should add that the caterpillar plushie will witness acts that will deny all three men entrance past the gates of heaven and in fact send them on the direct express to hell, which is also where i live.
from would you ever write
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
WIZ ITS ELLIE. soft + landoscar please?
Oscar doesn’t know why they’ve found time to sneak down to Oakleigh. Or how, exactly. Just that he had a contact of a contact, and they were always going to welcome him back here. And they’ve given the both of them some race suits, free run of the track, and a “go have fun”.
They’d found this place, like a shared secret. Clattering through the gates and sneaking away from their handlers. Each making an excuse about quiet time. Nobody questioned either of them about it, chalking it up to the general air of celebration after Albert Park. That’s the beauty of being golden children, you see. When you win. Standing in the sun, silverware in your hands, in front of a camera. Oscar hadn’t even needed to pretend at all - he beamed at Lando because he really meant it. P3, P4. For the team. Nothing to do with the way Lando’s smile creeps into him like sunlight. Nothing like Oscar’s own reflection staring back at him from the dish, gently held in Lando’s hands.
Besides, Oscar knows he’s hungry. He wants more. But it’ll be his time.
And right now, he gets to relive his memory of karting, on the track where he started. Growing awkward into his limbs that didn’t work how he wanted to yet, a fierceness that he hadn’t tamed, conscious of the knowledge that there were boys always faster, faster, faster than him. And chasing people like them, chasing Lando, was like driving towards an apex and knowing you would hit it — it was just a matter of time. How fast you could launch yourself at it, come close to bending time. Oscar has tried, and he will try still. There is something in him that will not be sated, and it is in Lando, too.
But for tonight: they rest. Just him, and his teammate. The floodlights. Boisterously loud crickets. Their own helmets, in their own hands. Two karts. Back to the beginning. Except the beginning is here, it’s when he was seven years old and dad helped him climb into the kart. It’s him in an airplane with one stop going to a cold and wet country where vegemite has the wrong name. It’s Rokit and Prema and Alpine and lawsuits and loud chatter and media distractions.
It’s a sea of eyes assessing him, but only one person’s that he cares to remember. Blue-green eyes, daring to ask the question without words: who are you? what will you become?
Oscar knows, because he has looked into the mirror and asked himself the same, too.
Those blue-green eyes search his own now. Then they steady.
The two of them. Same height, barely two years between them. Same dreams.
Then Lando smiles. Eyes the colour of soft streaking sky, the way it is when Oscar’s in the car and has a chance to look up.
“Ready for me to kick your arse?”
“You won’t.” Oscar says, easily back.
It’s taken them a year, but Oscar thinks he gets it. Talking to Lando is like holding a bird in the palm of your hand. A fluttering thing, fast.
And he thinks of the journeys birds take. Of comings and goings, of the silent effort of flight. He thinks of being two years behind and too small, and looking at the boy in the go kart, on the screen of his phone, who believed in himself enough to do it too.
Oscar zips up his race suit. And he grins. Lando’s eyes glitter with promise.
“But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
✈️ please!!
from the mystery poll, and because i am a woman of limited to little mystery when it comes to my wips, i hereby present to you:
actor!lando and marine researcher!oscar are stuck together in an airport waiting room.
“What’s one thing that would surprise most people to find out about you?” Lando asks.
“I raced go karts as a kid.”
“You did? I didn’t do karting, but I did ride motocross for a really long time, until my first theatre director told me it probably wouldn’t do me much credit to like, break my face. ”
“To your credit, it’s quite a face.”
“...Mr Piastri. Did you just flirt with me?”
Oscar’s face doesn’t change, but the tops of his cheeks turn pink.
“Not if you don’t want that.” Oscar mumbles.
Lando pulls his leg closer under the blanket, and leans back. Something between them’s changed. Gears are turning in his head, and he’s wondering how far they could push this. It’s been eight hours, and Oscar’s shown no sign that he’d be the person who would kiss and tell. Given how reticent Oscar generally seemed, Lando might even be flattered if he did.
“What if I did?” Lando says, smoother than he feels. “Want that.”
Lando’s cast the line into deep waters. Now he hopes for the bite.
Oscar’s mouth opens in surprise, and Lando wishes he could capture on film the open expression the other man has, the naked curiosity about where this could go, stark against the darkened windows and runway lights outside.
But then the tannoy goes again, and both of them snap their heads to the announcement, forced to break the chase.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 18 days
i’m obsessed w maxoscar as a rare pair i wish SO badly there was more
oh thank you for saying this ‘cus i’m working on a maxoscar short oneshot that was supposed to be maybe 1.5k and has now spiralled out to about. 4k words 😭😭. and i’m currently letting it marinate but this is brilliant motivation to finish it!!
snip here if you care.
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it’s just…something about oscar’s deference to people he respects… his drive to win… max’s dry sense of humour… max knowing his status and oscar understanding that completely in a similar way that oscar understands lando’s status and he acts accordingly… the glimpse upwards to max on that lil staircase…two of them being so alike in many ways but most of all their winning mentality and the way they execute on track… a base level of palpable ruthlessness when it comes to competition…
hot actually. i do see the vision. plus i just love smooshing random pairings together and seeing what happens cus WHY NOT!
(i’m supposed to log on for a call in 20 mins and now you got me thrumming with enthusiasm about this again so i salute u lovely anon)
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
I humbly request a snippet from your ominously vague emoji poll🔫
from my white whale fic, the lestappen bond au i was meant to do for the kinkmeme (and probably still should)
via the vague emoji poll 😂 which I hadn’t intended to originally post snippets for but what the hell why not
Charles leans in. Max thinks that this might be it, when the other agent tells him what is really going through that clever mind of his, what secrets he is hiding. The thing he has carried with him like armour, pretended to be bigger than, pretended that he is beyond mortal coil.
Charles’s voice is low, susurrated.
“I wish I didn’t care so much about you.”
“Nobody asked you to.”
Charles smiles into the side of Max’s neck. When he sighs, it’s content, the sound of someone who feels safe and protected. Max is not sure when he was able to put enough of his own interests aside to be that person to someone, because he is not someone who grew up taught to put others first. But in this moment, it feels right, and it feels good.
“We could leave all this.” Max says. “Run. Go somewhere.”
Charles presses his palms into Max’s chest, firm there where his gaze isn’t.
“And be what?” Charles says.
“I don’t know. You could paint. I could… hunt.”
“You would play house with me?”
“For a little while.”
Charles’s gaze goes watery. Max stares back, willing him to feel what he is feeling, see how they could move the chess pieces around so that the two rooks wouldn’t need to be sacrificed. Just once, they could be kings.
“For a little while,” Charles repeats. “I like that idea.”
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
gax politics au 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ they have hot brexit hate sex
HOT BREXIT GAX HATE SEX IM SCREAMINGGGG LET ANON COOK!!! george tries to argue to max that less tariffs on corn or smth is a good thing. and max is like “you’re an idiot of course that doesn’t make sense we need the unified market in order to stay strong against inflation which is the whole point even if all members may not pull their weight equally” and then george is like “oh shut up i actually voted to stay but i have to do my job don’t i” and then max is like “god you’re so annoying and ambitious and i hate you so much because you’re just as ambitious and cutthroat as me” and they have angry sex in a gas station bathroom somewhere in belgium or something LOL
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
Omg AU where carlos and charles were in a relationship which was forbidden by either of their's parents so they meet in private to cherish the moments
ouuuu why do charlos work so well in fantasy or historical settings? anyway, historical AU:
they’re both attending a debutante's ball as two of the most covetable bachelors of the season. charles is overwhelmed by the attention, and runs off to the stables. a quiet space, a safe space, where he won't be bothered by anyone.
he is there, talking softly to a mare, petting her muzzle and gentle with her. soft in a way he's not allowed to be in the confines of his role, and his gender.
carlos, trying to get away from an overenthusiastic suitor, arrives at the stables too. he is half-contemplating stealing a horse and riding away in the night. but he can't because his father is politically influential, a well regarded duke, and besides, carlos is too much of a dutiful son to truly sully the family name like that.
they lock eyes, frozen to the spot: one about to run away, and one wishing that he could be literally anywhere else.
"are you not enjoying the party?" charles asks.
"it is a bit suffocating, all those hands, all those eyes, i think."
one shakes his head disapprovingly. the other snorts.
carlos walks closer, quiet but confident, always comfortable around horses. they both grew up around them, and can read animals intuitively like that.
"do you want to run away?" charles says. it canters out of his mouth before he can think about it, before he can even reasonably consider what he is saying.
carlos makes a noise like charles has proposed that the earth may be round. "you are very funny."
but they stay in touch after that. starting a correspondence of letters, meeting each other on hunts and getting into friendly competitons while out in the woods. challenging each other to race to the end of the field on their horses, and the rest of the hunting party can't say a single thing about it because these are two of the most respected and titled men in the whole kingdom.
and racing each other, galloping towards the midafternoon sun in that vast field, is the freest they can be: shirts billowing, horses flying, gloves clenching on leather. pushing their abilities, and each other.
they brush hands. when moving past each other at other balls. while pretending to inspect new flowers in garden greenhouses. under the table at royal council meetings.
their hands are promised in marriage, but to others.
on carlos's wedding day, charles sits in the fourth row of the pews, and holds a pair of gloves very tightly in his hands.
the pair of gloves are not his own.
when the priest recites a passage about quiet devotion, carlos's eyes flicker to charles's.
charles's mouth opens softly in surprise.
the church has gone silent. it's carlos's cue.
(now you tell me how it ends....)
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
re: card shark!max/security!george (you’re infecting me)
george spending hours and hours up in the security booth watching the tables. becoming slowly obsessed with max’s game because he Can Tell something’s up but no one else on the security team believes him. and he watches analyzing every detail to the point where he feels like he knows max all from his observations from the cameras
bonus points for jealous!george watching max flirt with the billionaires he’s about to dupe out of tens of thousands of dollars
double bonus points for undercover!george befriending max to try and get him to give up the secret to his game but oops this relationship got way more complicated than he planned and maybe he kind of likes (???!!!) max romancing him with the help of all the money he’s won
double double bonus points for the angst when max finds out the man he’d slowly been falling for was investigating him the whole time
(wiz why are you doing this to me what am i becoming)
if only i knew enough about casinos and stuff to attempt writing this aksjsksks
I LOVE IT SO MUCH anyway some pics for a mood board for anyone who might want to attempt it or just for funsies
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no but rly this dynamic (“do i like you? we have a shared history and i think i’m supposed to like you but also something about you intellectually challenges me and grinds tf out of my gears at a molecular level”) is so underrated
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