#casino!gax AU
wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
re: card shark!max/security!george (you’re infecting me)
george spending hours and hours up in the security booth watching the tables. becoming slowly obsessed with max’s game because he Can Tell something’s up but no one else on the security team believes him. and he watches analyzing every detail to the point where he feels like he knows max all from his observations from the cameras
bonus points for jealous!george watching max flirt with the billionaires he’s about to dupe out of tens of thousands of dollars
double bonus points for undercover!george befriending max to try and get him to give up the secret to his game but oops this relationship got way more complicated than he planned and maybe he kind of likes (???!!!) max romancing him with the help of all the money he’s won
double double bonus points for the angst when max finds out the man he’d slowly been falling for was investigating him the whole time
(wiz why are you doing this to me what am i becoming)
if only i knew enough about casinos and stuff to attempt writing this aksjsksks
I LOVE IT SO MUCH anyway some pics for a mood board for anyone who might want to attempt it or just for funsies
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no but rly this dynamic (“do i like you? we have a shared history and i think i’m supposed to like you but also something about you intellectually challenges me and grinds tf out of my gears at a molecular level”) is so underrated
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
say more about this casino situation…..
@supercollide jul girl ur up to bat, over to u lmaooo
my contribution to casino!gax au lore: max learned to count cards from a young age. grew up with his dad, dad was a deeply unscrupulous guy. put into scary situations too young etc. was not obviously good at school but smarter than most of the kids in his class. definitely ran some sort of trading cards cartel on the school yard by the time he was twelve. he has a surprising amount of knowledge about indycar strategy because, as strategist ruth buscombe says, race startegy usually shares the same fundamentals as poker. he is a millionaire but drives a beat up honda civic because he thinks it’s funny. his favourite drink is whatever the person next to him is buying because he gets a kick out of doing something out of pure chance and seeing what happens.
meanwhile george went to a state college for mathematics with a minor in security and defense. he got headhunted by several defense industry companies but decided to go into casino security cus he actually fancied being able to tell people what he does, and he likes the people side of it (read: dealing with weird personalities cus he is one too). george’s favourite game outside of casinos is monopoly because he likes to keep friendships but also come close to ruining them only in the confines of the game. the first time he sees max try to be shifty at one of his tables he experiences a huge rush because this is the one all his industry folks talk about. this is the guy. the legend of the circuits who doesn’t stay longer than two months at any known location. the guy who is known by a code name but is somehow never photographed or seen: the golden lion.
now, the lion is in his den. and george, despite the teasing he gets and the bullshit he puts up with, is a hunter.
that’s all i got chief.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
4 for the sun (in your eyes), 23, 41 xx j
4. What detail in the sun (is in your eyes) are you really proud of?
probably all the ad agency stuff? because that’s adjacent to what i do irl so it was nice to finally use that in a fic for worldbuilding. the other would be sal, who is actually based on my friend’s cat 😂 i may start writing more OCs based on animals i know tbh
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
i’m thinking about gax, J… about both the casino AU and about the politics AUs…i’ve written a politics AU for another fandom before so maybe i should do it again… an old dog with old tricks but who’s to know
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
there are literally too many so i’ll tag authors instead. littleplumtree (who is not on here), @ocontraire , @monacotrophywife , @drivestraight , @alphatinies, @theory81 etc etc etc. or anyone i’ve put in ao3 bookmarks really! i love that i’m constantly inspired by other fandom writers on here.
from here
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
i made fun of you for the gax brain parasite and now i have it too… ‘i would poison your tea’ they’re spies your honour and max is over on assignment from the dutch intelligence agency bc he’s sooo good and he’s sooo talented and georgie is trying his very hardest to live up to lewis (bc everyone knows lewis. he’s lewis. he’s mi5 god save the queen do you know how much i’m worth personified) and he’s lumped with this dutch ASSHOLE who is somehow so insanely good at his job and makes fun of george for the smallest things and at least lewis was NICE to him and george can’t even complain to everyone bc they all love max and max is so nice or whatever and cut to him having a classic george moment in a cupboard in headquarters and no it’s not a breakdown no lewis’ offhand comment didn’t get to him at ALL and max finds him and is like mate please this is embarrassing for both of us that im here but mostly you so please of course pull it together that would be lovely. screaming match ensues. insert princess here. hot hate sex. toto doesn’t get why they’re somehow WORSE and better and is definitely not looking at the fact that george’s shirt is slightly too big on him and has a dutch flag on the cuff…
“gax brain parasite” as if U did not put the fear of god gax into ME, an innocent bystander!! brainrot so deep now my hair’s basically medusa!!
this idea is bigbrained btw. huge. i love that we have three gax AUs (casino!gax, gourmand!Gax and now spies!gax) cooking at once now. the power of one giant idiot brain cell ur honour
editing to add that the dutch flag on the cuff made me need to go chew something. so thanks, anon.
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