#ER visit
doctorcanon · 14 days
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pov: the kid that's been staring at you has gotten a lot worse in the last hour.
I wanted to practice drawing a background. Which is...hard. I traced the hands as per usual. and the left and right most chairs. Some parts I'm really proud of. The shadows specifically. But yeah. Mask and Captain waiting at the ER. They've been waiting for a long time.
Story under the cut
Captain leaves the military and starts working as a Paraprofessional (a common thing to do after military service). Having stayed late to help out a teacher, he hears some poor kid hurling his guts out in the bathroom. Kid seems too young to be in middle school, doesn't seem to know his address either.
They look for the kid's records under his name. He doesn't have any. And his fever is only getting worse. Captain takes one for the team and takes the kid to the ER. However, it unexpectedly takes several hours (the empty seat is for Zelda - so she can bring Captain food) and the kid's condition deteriorates very rapidly.
Eventually Mask gets his appendix removed and found to be a runaway from Kokiri Group Home. I come up with these stories pretty much everytime I draw an au. I don't have time to write them.
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I'm about to go to the ER for my back because I can't stand up straight without it spasming me back into a j shape.
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I'm bringing all the pain relief I've used so far today so they can't bitch that I'm just being a pussy.
I'm also very tempted to record part of what is going to happen over the next couple hours and possibly put it on my YouTube channel. I tend not to do that because I don't really want to docs myself but I generally don't like how people treat me whenever I'm trying to get help so.... We'll see.
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melodymorningdew · 2 months
Still not fully recovered.
I really don't wanna have to go back to the ER or get another clean out. I am trying so hard to do everything I can to heal and I'm still hurting. I just wanna be better.
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lyliana1277 · 1 year
Wife and I are at the ER. She’s been having what her neurologist (our neurologist? We see the same guy) think are seizures. She’s been having small tremors off and on since February. We think it was caused by Paxil, which she rapid detoxed from under medical care a few months ago.
Today the whole body tremors/shaking are constant. With all her medical issues, I try to stay positive and strong. We do it for each other.
Hubby is at home getting cleaning done for the plumbing. It’s just another day in our life. It’s weird.
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spookysalem13 · 6 months
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I suffer from migraines. I have a very rare sub type of migraines called Hemiplegic Migraines. Of course knowing me and all my issues, I'd get the rare issues 🙃😅.
This past week I've had a migraine. I had to call out three days from work and I felt extremely guilty because of it. But I didn't have a choice. The type of migraines I have cause the left side of my body to go entirely numb. Depending on severity it will be on a scale from numb all the way to paralyzing to coma. It's temporary. It fades as the migraine does. But that doesn't make it any easier to deal with or any less scary.
My migraines mimic a stroke. It affects my speech, I become unable to walk or use my left side of my body entirely.
Sunday I wound up back in the hospital because I became paralyzed again on the left side of my body. Both of my parents in the pouring rain had to struggle to get me into the car because I struggled to use my leg to walk.
The nurse in the ER was very rude to me and didn't understand why I was struggling to speak. It irritated her that she couldn't understand me. It was humiliating to say the least.
Luckily the doctor was amazing, he went through my entire chart. Double checked my blood work for stroke markers just to be sure and helped treat me to get me to the point I could stand again and no longer sound drunk.
But for some reason it hasn't gone away. The emergency medicine from my neurologist hasn't been working. My migraine won't go away. Currently my left side is numb. I feel queasy, I can barely see out of my left eye.
If this continues to get worse I'll be back in the hospital and I don't want to do this again. 😫 I'm beyond frustrated.
Luckily I have three days until I go back to work. Fingers crossed 🤞 it F's off by then! Because as of right now I can't even feel my face.
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yankyouryarn · 8 months
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courtneygacha · 8 months
First Priority
Tw: Needles, deep wound, blood, sewing their own wound (detailed), ER visit
“Caretaker doesn’t have to know…” Whumpee shuddered when they held the needle closer to their wound. They sliced their hand open while making dinner for the two of them.
Unfortunately, this wouldn’t be the first time something like this has happened… Whumpee was very accident prone. They were in a lot of pain, but they didn’t want to bother Caretaker. They were at work and couldn’t just drop everything and come help them. Whumpee had to be independent sometimes. Stitching their wound shut themselves was really the only way, especially since Whumpee couldn’t drive themselves to an Urgent Care while they were bleeding out their hand.
Whumpee winced loudly in pain when they finally got the courage to stick the needle into their skin. They closed their eyes shut but that didn’t make the pain go away.
We did this to ourselves, Whumpee thought as they pulled the thread back out. We’ve started, we might as well finish.
The next 30-ish minutes were ungodly painful, as Whumpee had no medical skills and therefore did not let their bleeding stop before trying to stitch their cut. Blood was all over themselves and the tile.
Whumpee was halfway through this process when their door alarm jingled letting them know Caretaker was home.
“I’m home!” They called out.
“J-Just a second!” Whumpee said before crying out in pain again.
They did a terrible job and missed their would several times because they couldn’t see through the blood and pain. The heard footsteps on the floor and knew Caretaker was coming. They weren’t done but they needed to clean this up and hide the evidence.
Whumpee was scrambling to clean it all up. The needle was still in their skin and the thread was dangling from their hand.
Caretaker knocked on the bathroom door, “Whumpee? You okay?”
Whumpee wrapped up the wound as quickly as they could and shoved everything into the cabinet. They couldn’t ignore the pain that the needle gave when it stabbed their hand. They swore and Caretaker heard them.
“Whumpee?” They asked again.
“I’m okay, just a… stomach ache.” Whumpee said through gritted teeth as they pulled the needle out from under their bandages. It tugged at their stitches and caused them a lot of pain. They cried out again and the bathroom door opened.
Of course, Whumpee forgot to lock it.
Caretaker was horrified. Whumpee didn’t blame them, the bathroom looked like a crime scene.
“Oh god, Whumpee what happened?!” Caretaker ushered themselves to Whumpee and they tried to hide their hand from Caretaker. It did not work. Caretaker saw their bleeding hand half-wrapped and begged Whumpee to let them look at it.
“Just… promise you won’t freak out?” They said.
Caretaker nodded, “I promise, but please let me see if you’re okay.”
Whumpee complied and gave them their hand. Caretaker turned pale seeing the massacre and the terrible job Whumpee did with sewing their hand shut. They used a sewing needle, for starters.
Caretaker didn’t say another word before they grabbed Whumpee and shoved them into their car.
“Where are we going?!” Whumpee panicked.
“To the ER.”
“W-Why not an Urgent Care?!”
“Urgent Care can’t fix that! It’s too deep!” Caretaker said as they started driving. They reached and opened the glove box, pulling out several napkins.
“Put pressure on it so the bleeding stops and you don’t die from blood loss.”
Whumpee took the bandages and scoffed, “I’m not gonna die from blood loss because of a cut…”
“If that doesn’t kill you infection might!” Caretaker said. “Or I will! Why didn’t you call me?”
Whumpee swallowed, “I didn’t want to bother you while you were at work. I thought I could handle it myself.”
“Whumpee, you are my first priority. If you get hurt I will stop what I’m doing to help you because I care about you.” Caretaker said.
Whumpee just stared at their bleeding hand.
“Please, will you call me next time you get hurt like this?”
Whumpee sighed, “Okay.”
They calmly walked into the ER and got their hand properly fixed. The stitching still hurt like hell, but it was a little easier to bear with Caretaker by their side. They got bandaged up and taken home.
“How did you hurt yourself in the first place?” Caretaker asked when they arrived back home.
“I-I tried to make soup for us because I know you like it…” Whumpee said. After the talk they had in the car, Whumpee thought it was stupid the way they handled that situation. They had no medical knowledge, what made them think they could sew their hand? They were a little embarrassed.
Caretaker took their un-injured hand and held it. “Do you want to just order something instead?”
“Yes please” Whumpee said.
Taglist: @whumpy-whump-fanfics @whatwhumpcomments @bookbutterfly9
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tahlreth · 2 years
One of the kids I work with was being aggressive and had already thrown things at other students, so I was blocking her from going back into a well-populated hallway. She proceeded to grab my pinky and twist.
I heard a very lovely cracking sound and got to ignore the pain for two hours 'cause the day wasn't over yet.
Sitting in the ER waiting to see just how fucked up my pinky, wrist and arm are. Here's hoping nothing is actually broken!
Can't wait to see how the admin make this my fault.
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Not exactly how I wanted to spend my day. Had to leave work early for this crap.
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distortionboi · 2 years
I literally want to kill myself everyday because of my pain and the past day has just confirmed to me that no doctor cares about my quality of life.
Every time I go to the ER all I get is abused and rushed out. I have never once received any quality care at an emergency room. I was/still am in so much pain and no one gave a fuck. They didn’t even bother making up a bullshit medical reason for me to be denied pain medication. It was literally just the doctors being racist.
Just let me die
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mo0nr1se · 9 days
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swaggy-phrogge-boi · 6 months
Ended up in the ER today lol
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winter-wing · 6 months
I love the feel of when the drugs hit and all the tense things relax.
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vizrecon · 7 months
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theodoravanyar · 7 months
Of Headaches and Hurting
13,974 Days Alive 2.5 Hours and Counting Sitting in Uncomfortable Emergency Room Waiting Room Chairs 1 Diet Mountain Dew Ugh. Tonight did not go to plan. I’m helping a roommate out, giving him a lift to the ER of the hospital I work at. Continue reading Untitled
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lucifer-is-a-hermit · 7 months
I love needing to go to urgent care but they are all closed so it counts as an ER visit and they draw blood and find nothing serious is wrong and then send me out the door after pumping me full of mostly just saline solution and now I get to wait for the magic mystery bill to show up in the mail
Other fun perks are the fact I had to walk a few blocks to and theb from the hospital despite my main symptom being dizziness and lightheadedness with a tasty side of whole body tingle
I also almost broke down crying because of how uncomfortable I was with everything physically and mentally and I just wanted to go home
Fuck man I never want to go to the hospital again
Oh yeah I slipped and fell on my way back because of mud and my ankle is still sore
I hate my life
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