#hopital visit
lucifer-is-a-hermit · 8 months
I love needing to go to urgent care but they are all closed so it counts as an ER visit and they draw blood and find nothing serious is wrong and then send me out the door after pumping me full of mostly just saline solution and now I get to wait for the magic mystery bill to show up in the mail
Other fun perks are the fact I had to walk a few blocks to and theb from the hospital despite my main symptom being dizziness and lightheadedness with a tasty side of whole body tingle
I also almost broke down crying because of how uncomfortable I was with everything physically and mentally and I just wanted to go home
Fuck man I never want to go to the hospital again
Oh yeah I slipped and fell on my way back because of mud and my ankle is still sore
I hate my life
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sprinklina · 5 months
my new years resolution is to be a girl
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ragingtwilight · 6 months
EVERYTIME I feel like im starting to feel better my body just turns around and flips me off
mf sends me off w a shove down the stairs, nausea, sweating/tremors, headache, confusion, dizziness, it pantsed me, it stole my lunch money, it gave me a swirlie, i cant fuckin win
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alien-bunny-art · 1 year
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I tried. I should look at a reference.
I just really wanted angry dad bod Lawrence rn
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pawbeanies · 7 months
me and the therapy dog making Prolonged Eye Contact (we are both puppies making our rounds)
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christophe76460 · 2 years
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19-709 Aucune exception. https://soundcloud.com/jlgaillard/aucune-exception/s-cagT0 Gravement accidenté, un certain Jean Lorrain se trouvait à l’hôpital. L’aumônier qui lui rendit visite l’interrogea sur ses convictions chrétiennes. Jean expliqua qu’il ne craignait pas la mort puisqu’il n’avait jamais fait tort à personne. Le visiteur l’écouta sans le contredire puis lui proposa de lire avec lui quelques passages de la Bible. Pas d’objection et l’aumônier lut lentement : —Il n’y a point de juste, non pas même un seul… et il ajouta : excepté Jean Lorrain. Il n’y a personne qui ait de l’intelligence, il n’y a personne qui recherche Dieu… excepté Jean Lorrain. Ils se sont tous égarés, ils se sont tous ensemble rendus inutiles… excepté Jean Lorrain. Il n’y a pas de différence, car tous ont péché et sont privés de la gloire de Dieu… excepté… — Arrêtez, arrêtez, supplia le malade d’un ton angoissé. — J’essaie seulement de mettre ensemble ce que Dieu dit et ce que vous dites, répliqua le visiteur. Dieu déclare : Tous sont coupables. Vous dites que vous n’avez jamais rien fait de mal. Il ajouta quelques mots d’adieu et quitta la chambre. Quelques jours après, l’aumônier revint et fut étonné de voir un visage heureux. Jean l’attendait avec impatience. Il avait réalisé quelle était sa véritable situation vis-à-vis de Dieu et avait accepté le salut que Jésus donne. « …Ce ne sont pas ceux qui se portent bien qui ont besoin de médecin, mais les malades. Je ne suis pas venu appeler à la repentance des justes, mais des pécheurs. » Marc 2 :17 #accident #hopital #visite #conviction #mort #tord #personne #visiteur #bible #aumônier #juste #péché #gloire #dieu #malade #medecin #homme #angoisse #salut #repentance #sagesse #histoire #versetbiblique #versetdujour Jean-Louis Gaillard www.365histoires.com www.jlgaillard.fr https://www.instagram.com/p/CjPagJ4MAzu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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twisted-king · 16 days
*skurries into the ask box again,* hi hi! I’m honor of my stupidness, I want to know what your take on how Housewardens would react to mc/their s/o breaking their foot! :)
Oh hey a HC RQ! Yeah I can do that!!!
Riddle Rosehearts
~Riddle’s mom is a highly successful doctor, so I assume he’s picked up a few things during childhood. ~He’s also not the best at being honest with himself and his feelings, so he’s a bit more “hands on” rather than emotionally supportive .
So, when he first got news of your injured foot he started panicking, he kept asking if you needed anything along with various “suggestions” insisting on taking you to go to the hospital. But, like a good boyfriend, Riddle stays by your side as much as possible with his busy schedule on top of house warden duty. He brings you various soothing teas for you to try, each one accompanied by a little treat. He tries his best to keep you on top of your studies, he brings his notes from class to go over with you. Unfortunately every time you move he gets a little anxious..
he really wants you to be ok :(
Leona Kingscholar
~kind of… throws money at the problem…
it’s not that he doesn’t care!!! In fact, quite the opposite! He likes being able to take care of you, but does NOT like that you’re hurt about it. So he’s with you in a very—Leona—kind of way. When he hears about your broken foot he immediately kind of milks it. He start skipping class to be with you rather than nap. Well, he’s still napping just with you! He kind of hopes if you sleep enough you’ll feel a little better. When he notices any discomfort, he takes it upon himself to get the best medical professionals around to take care of the problem. He carries you to his magishift practices so you can watch him play. Leona doesn’t want you to get bored after all.
he cares, he’s just really bad at this!
Azul Ashengrotto
~Zuzu here is trying SO HARD to be normal about this
Azul seems calm about your broken foot at first, he gracefully brings you some Monstro Lounge menu items in a little doggy bag ASAP. Although by his heavier breathing he definitely ran to ramshackle… He has the Tweels soon follow after with study materials, pain meds, and some extra pillows for you. He kind of tries to play it off by joking that his services don’t come for free, but they do for you… just this once! He’s really worried about you though… he’s finding it so hard to focus on the Monstro Lounge. He’s all alone in his office, you’re not around like usual… So he gets the bright idea to visit you everyday with a meal for you and his documents. While not the most romantic he feels way more at ease knowing you’re okay because you’re in his sights!
He’s so worried ur on his mind like 24/7
Kalim Al-Asim
~What do you call a friendly kidnapping??
You call Kalim and two seconds later, Jamil is at ur door taking you to Scarabia by carpet. When you arrive at Scarabia (with a GROUCHY Grim in tow) you find Kalim worriedly constructing the world’s most elaborate pillow fort. He wants you to be comfortable while you’re healing!!! He showers you in hugs and kisses when you arrive, guiding you towards the comfortable fortress as he does. Is,,. Is he crying??? He makes sure you’re surrounded by food and plushies at all times. Yeah unfortunately this means Jamil is working overtime… HOWEVER Kalim does makes sure your foot is always elevated, and that you take your meds on time! He misses dancing with you <3
Vil Schoenheit
~First of all: How.
~Second of all: He gets it was somehow Crowley’s fault (he is NOT over the state if Ramshakle)
He found out before you called him, Rook knows some shit…. Vil’s priority is making sure you heal safe and comfortable. So he prepared some potions to ease the recovery and dull the pain. He has a busy schedule so he can’t spend as much time with you as he’d like… however, when he is by your side he helps you through your skincare routine and some light movement you can do while semi-immobile. You two have some really comfortable stay in dates, doing one other’s makeup, watching old films. He always departs with a kiss on the forehead for you, and a reminder to take care of yourself. Occasionally, when his schedule is too packed, Epel or Rook will show up to keep you company. And sometimes,,. Very rarely, you’ll get a cute photo of him holding up a finger heart.
I don’t have biases wdym….. Best boyfriend ever
Idia Shroud
~On god???
~Do…Do you want to stay in Ignihyde…? No, no,.. never mind…
He’s already kind of distant, he sometimes can’t believe he got an S/O in the first place…. So when he gets word that your foot is broken he’s pretty anxious. Idia sometimes comes over with a ton of snack and anime to binge with you. He’s not really sure what to do but he’s doing his best I promise! If you ask for some affection he’ll give you a little peck on the cheek or a hand to your head. He offers to build you a hover boot kind of thing so it’s easier to keep elevated. Other than that, you’re speeding a LOT of time with Ortho…
he tried..?
Malleus Draconia
~Child of man you are so fragile this is why you should stay with me forev—
~The world almost ended (jk he did get really scared tho)
Malleus hears of your broken foot and immediately offers to heal it using magic. He is potentially the most powerful mate he can do it— you don’t want that?? That’s ok, he will stay with you until you feel better! He spends a lot of time showing you how roaring drago is doing, and pictures of the different gargoyles around the campus. He’s not sure how humans function properly so he does go off for indeterminate amounts of time to ask Lilia what to do. He usually comes back with more comfort items and little snacks you like. Every time you feel any pain his heart breaks a little…
he is just a little GUYYYY
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asphyxiatedredherring · 7 months
Ok, so the Stone triplets, I have a lot to say.
Jacob Stone was raised by their biological father Isaac Stone. Stone being all of their original last names (I'll get to the name changes later). I think their biological mom died which is what caused the separation of the brothers. I'd say this happened at an age in which they remember their mom and growing up together, but still young enough to have spent some of their childhood apart. Isaac Stone is known to be an alcoholic and deadbeat, I'd also argue abusive so he separated the twins, keeping only Jacob, the most agreeable of the three who he thinks he can make carry on the family business.
Alex was taken in by his uncle Danny as stated in s1e7. Danny says his folks couldn't take care of him anymore and left Alex with him. Alex was subsequently raised in a life of crime, lying, cheating, and stealing. I think Danny is their mom's brother and Isaac dumped Alex off onto him and Alex changed his last name to Walker to match Uncle Danny's.
Although Eliot says he was dropped at a hopital as a baby and then adopted by Billy, I think this is a lie and Eliot came to them when he was older after the death of his biological mother. I believe the Spencer's found Eliot in the hospital in Oklahoma, where both the Stones and Billy lived and took him in from there. Eliot then changed his name to his adoptive parents. We can assume the house in Oklahoma City that Eliot visits and doesn't get an answer at in The Low Low Price Job is Billy's. In The Bucket Job, Eliot has a contact in his phone labeled Dad (Billy) and "J." He is shown to text J so it can be assumed that Eliot and Jacob have had a little bit of contact, but Eliot says that he hasn't had contact with his Dad since he was 18. Now we don't actually know that Spencer is Billy's last name. It could be an alias Eliot used after leaving the military and becomes a little less than legal in his activities. Billy's last name could be Carson (Eliot is seen wearing a Carson Hardware shirt, and we know Billy had a hardware store). This could make Eliot's legal last name Carson.
(Sorry, there is a lot more)
When Eliot was 18, he enlisted in the military and left. I think this is what stopped the contact between him and Jacob, and contact between Alex and the other two decreased and eventually stopped as Alex was with Uncle Danny.
In the Miracle Job Eliot mentions having a nephew. This could imply another sibling whither biological or adoptive, or that Evelyn Walker is trans and Eliot didn't know.
Eliot goes through his time in the military, then as a hitter and retrieval expert, his time with Moreau, and then eventually with Leverage. Alex gets married and has a daughter, becomes a well known DEA agent and eventually divorced and ends up in the Philippines. Alex works for Isaac Stone for a bit while amassing secret degrees eventually leaving the family business under the guise of working a similar job somewhere else when he is working for The Library.
Eliot hears about Alex's DEA fame through the crime grapevine and Alex catches wind of the notorious Eliot Spencer whom he suspects is his brother but can't seem to ever find enough information on to confirm. They however do not have contact. Eliot finds out about Jacob working for the Metropolitan Library as an art historian after Jacob gains the confidence to publish under his own name through Sophie who admires his work and would love to con him. This prompts the first contact since they were 18 from Eliot (with the help of Hardison's computer skills but Eliot asked Hardison not to ask questions). Eliot also establishes Jacob off limits as a mark for Sophie with no context.
Eve Baird knows about DEA legend Alex Walker. As previously mentioned, Sophie knows about Jacob Stone as an art historian. Sophie and Maggie die and pester Eliot once they find out he knows thee Jacob Stone, Dr Oliver Thompson, and all the other aliases Jacob has published under. Read more in another wonderful Stone Triplets post here.
Now, there are options about how this reconnection could go. A combo of a con and clippings book quest in the Philippines leading to Alex. Or a vacation in Portland for our Filipino friends where they and the LITs end up in the Portland brew pub (since that's where the annex is). Or they finally decide to reach out to each other.
I'm team Eliot decides he wants to reach out, especially after reconnecting with Billy and texting a bit with Jacob. So they all meet in a neutral location. Obviously, they bring their found families with them. And oh dear, it's Bisexual Disaster Polycule³. Kai and Ernesto are terrified to find out there are two more Alex's but they are actually cool, they are however trying to actively ignore the not quite legal business Alex's gruff looking brother Eliot seems to have going on. They've heard stories about The Eliot Spencer, but Alex trusts him, so they will too. Mostly. Ezekiel can not believe he is meeting THE Parker. And it's stealing for a good cause! He wants to work with Leverage immediately. Cassandra is so excited to meet Jacob's family (especially since meeting Isaac didn't go very well). She and Hardison are stoked to pick each other's brains. Jacob assures Eve that it's ok to tell his brothers the truth. Parker, Breanna, and Hardison both die a little upon finding out about the existence of magic. They all three have a billion and one questions and Breanna practically begs for an apprenticeship under Jenkins, wanting to learn more about the back door and his other inventions. (Jenkins decided best not to share his true identity for avoidance of the endless questions bound to erupt). The Filipino trio try not to think too hard about the magic stuff. Jacob is lightly concerned about the art theft, but he Sophie and Maggie immediately set up a brunch. Jacob and Ernesto talk martial arts, and Eliot compliments both of their styles. Alex and Parker talk about being raised in crime. Alex is amazed that he's the one who was raised in lying and stealing, but it's the other two brothers who do that now. Jacob is very offended and insists he is not a thief and that retrieving dangerous artifacts is not theft. When they part ways and Alex goes back to his gift shop, he is surprised to find out from Corey that rent has been paid for several months in advance. Also, upon meeting, it was noted of the stark similarity between Harry and Flynn only to find out that Flynn is Harry's estranged, eccentric cousin. What a small world.
They chat, they catch up on eachothers lives, and they agree to keep in touch. For real this time. They plan to spend holidays together, combining the three found families into a chaotic but loving mess.
It should also be noted that I haven't seen Angel yet, but Lindsay is a cousin. They also have a weird cousin from Texas named Lee Webb. Back to when I mentioned that we don't know that Spender is Billy's last name. Eliot could have taken inspiration from a family member with the last name Spencer. (It could be his mom if she and her brother Danny Walker have different last names or another family member). Thereby connecting Shawn Spencer to be a cousin. The thought of him at a family reunion with Eliot, Jacob, and Alex is too funny to ignore. Especially when you remember Parker's thing about psychics and how much Sophie would absolutely adore the long con game on the SBPD.
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world-of-wales · 8 months
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Prince William photographed as he leaves after visiting Princess Diana and his new baby brother at St Mary's Hopital in London || 16 SEPTEMBER 1984
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god-mouths · 5 months
Matsc dashboard simulator
🐛 mars-needs-rats Follow it’s always a huge treat when the Metatron visits hell. He enters my shop and just sort of meanders around nervously before taking something off the shelf and carrying it over to my counter like if he makes one wrong move the weird cat plushie he picked out will shatter and break. And then he tries to pay for it in coins and I have to be like No Sir This is Hell We Barter Here This Is The Fifth Time I’ve Had To Say This To You 🔁mars-needs-rats Follow
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forgot how much angels in heaven are afraid of him. He’s really just some dude I promise. He’s the most just some guy in the universe, swear to ancients. Do you guys ever question the lies told to you by your government or 🔁mars-needs-rats Follow
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Well we don’t treat him like a freak for one but the answer to this question is the same that it always is which is: COMMON HEAVEN L (18,782 notes)
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👑 apateons-no1-fan Follow
I Loooooove being soooooo cute and awesome and amazing and lovely and awesome and cool
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🎇 beeautyqueen Follow
why’s there always gotta be something going on at Eros tower I just want to look at the latest magazines why the fuck is the front desk employee always doing some looney toons ass shit what are they paying him for 🐕 justa-little-guy Follow
he has a name
🎇 beeautyqueen Follow
oh yeah what is it then
🐕 justa-little-guy Follow
unsure but my friends and I call him peepee boy and he responds to that
🎇 beeautyqueen Follow
well can you tell peepee boy to stop fucking around and give me my magazine issue.
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😇 heavenleelove Follow can hell angels get over themselves please…. I’m soooo sorry that you don’t have a cool monarch and are taking it out on us
🎮lames-gaymes Follow
hi hell angel here! We never said we were superior to you you just think any ounce of individuality and freedom is a threat because of how you were raised. Also we have cool people down here too
😇 heavenleelove Follow ...ignoring the first part of that response. Yeah tell me about all your cool people -_- I’m suuuuuuuure you have plenty lmfao.
🎮lames-games Follow
we do. You just have the monarch but we have;
medical malpractice man
cunty showrunner
the Metatron, sometimes? Genuinely not really sure what’s happening there, actually.
front desk employee/errand runner to showrunner who always is kind of sick but we love him
diner owner who I’m pretty sure is spitting in my food whenever I order
LAIKA (ALSO SOMETIMES) 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💓💞💓💗💓💞💘💘💘💝💝💝
😇 heavenleelove Follow Who the fuck is laika 🎮 lames-gaymes Follow
wouldnt you like to know heaven boy
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💫 sparky-the-angel Follow
BEGGING hell angels to stop lying and saying the metatron """""visits""""" 😭😭😭😭I’m not against hell I bet you guys have tons of other cool stuff but please guys.
⭕ myadventuresof-hell Follow
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💫 sparky-the-angel Follow
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📋 interned-demon Follow
I hate my job
🐯 bugpack-lou Follow
peepee boy has a tumblr?
📋 interned-demon Follow
man can you guys stop calling me that
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👻 nervous-attack-angel Follow
I think medical malpractice man is trying to raise someone from the dead because like guys what else would he use all those organs for
👻 nervous-attack-angel Follow
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please dont yell :(.... this post was meant for hell angels sorry if it showed up on your feed. Um. No it’s not a joke we have a giant organ stealing man we don’t see him much he lives on the edge of town I think his name starts with an L or something
💌 fineprintssx Follow
. Op are you talking about fucking LUCIFER????
👻 nervous-attack-angel Follow
👻 nervous-attack-angel Follow
yeah ( 54,812 notes )
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🙂 doomed3fail Follow
I wonder what would happen if I just barged into the monarch’s palace and started doing a little dance
🔁 doomed3fail Follow
hopital (hell
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salty-ooc · 3 months
Mutual 1: crying throwing up a nektyn didnt look at me today
Mutual 2: hm. i should eat a limb.
Mutual 3: hello everybody! i will rule the world or die trying.
Mutual 4: ok fine yes im alive.
Mutual 5: hello i am a completely anonymous user. you can call me brighteyes.
Mutual 4: die
Mutual 1: hoooooooolu fuck @/mutual5 hii
Mutual 5: haiiii 8P bribbit
Mutual 3: i am going to replace all of my blood.
Mutual 5: you know what maybe having friends is a good thing. :)
Mutual 4: die
Mutual 5: i'm... not sorry but. i guess i will like you a little again. just in case. :/?
Mutual 1: 5000 dollars to fill a quad RIGHT NOW excpet its free if ur raveiri
Mutual 5: I am going to visit Mother. Bye friends! :)!
Mutual 3: bye.
Mutual 2: bye.
Mutual 4: die.
Mutual 5: this sopor aint shit
Mutual 5: (the most incoherent pleading for someone to understand the horrors he can only see in the marks starign at the sun left behind in his vision)
Mutual 2: maybe necromancy is a good idea.
Mutual 3: no chat, no— chat. Vampires aren't real chat.
Mutual 6: my lusus grinned at me with human teeth in my dreams yesterday as it choked on its own tail. 'w'
Mutual 5: I think this planet isn't good for me. Im going #cya
Mutual 2: you should mail yourself... now!
Mutual 5: bet
Mutual 5: hopital
Mutual 6: hey anyone elssse know we're in a text possst #thoughtprovoking
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fandomfuntimem · 5 months
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!
You know what Santa brought me?
Hopital visit.
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sevenmerrymagpies · 8 months
She Sets the Agenda Chapter 4/4
Chrissy bumped her shoulder as they walked through the door to Family Video. Robin was thrumming with excitement. This was their first date after everything at Starcourt. Including her second round of NDAs and explaining how Eddie and Chrissy got involved to the government creeps. She had to do it alone while Steve was checked out by the medics and then taken to the hospital.
There were definitely no dates or talk of dates when Steve had been hopitalized. That was two days of fluids, pain meds, and a concussion watch that scared Robin more than she’d been scared while they were actually in Russian captivity. She thought it was because at that point she had more time to think about how Steve could just keel over of a brain bleed or something than she had when they were tied up.
Robin staked out her place at Steve’s side for as long as they let her stay. Arguing she was his cousin and his parents were out of town. As the “only family available” she’d gone out of her way to watch Steve, take notes about concussion care and injury care for him, and keep him company in that awful place. Eddie had been there both days during visiting hours. Even held Steve’s hand while he slept the first day, eyeing Robin like she would say something. “I want to date Chrissy, Eddie. Not Steve.”
“But, you’re okay with-?”
“I don’t want to date Steve. Ever.” She had reassured him. “And if Steve was awake, he’d be thrilled you guys were holding hands. Trust me. Thrilled.” She hadn’t survived nearly a year of Steve moaning about his crush to have Eddie run away on them now.
The day he was released, Eddie met Robin and Steve at the curb outside the hospital with his grody, old van ready to take him home. He even helped Steve get steady on his feet from the wheelchair while the attendant took it inside. “You’re officially discharged!” Robin cheered as Eddie grappled him into the front seat of the van. Which left Robin rolling around in the disgusting back. Not that she’d wanted Steve to be there instead of her, but still, the lengths she’d go to for that dingus.
After all that, Steve essentially forced her to call Chrissy from his phone line while he supervised Robin asking Chrissy out on a date. Technically, it was an innocent sleepover at Robin’s house. Now they were getting a few movies to watch and then picking up the pizza before heading back to Robin’s.
Read the rest on AO3
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valen-dreth · 6 months
I just found out yesterday that a guy on the library board at work considers your hospital cafeteria his favorite restaurant in the area and goes there just to eat.
ive heard that from a few people if u can believe it..... one couple was like visiting from away and they were like 'yea we remembered this place was good and cheap from when my mom was here' and i was like. tthe HOPITAL..
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uhhhh thassa lotta questions
"what?" → he is at the hopital
"why?" → good luck getting the truth out of him. he's saying his rib started bothering him again but...
"how?" → little sister found him and called an ambulance from his phone
"when?" → couple hours ago
"is he okay?" → he's conscious and not dead
"is he going to survive?" → see above
"do I have to fight anyone?" → imma say no
"can he be visited?" → ya an older you and his little sister are both up his ass rn
yeah i figured???? ok,,, sure buddy,,,
shout out to that lil sis
i. once again figured
thank god
thank god x2
thank god x3 (i wouldve lost)
as soon as this seizure passes im headed over there immediately
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infosisraelnews · 4 months
🔴Haine gratuite : Un opposant à Netanyahu a attaqué un soldat blessé et amputé dans un hopital
La catastrophe du 7 octobre n’a pas été une leçon de vie pour tout le peuple juif malheureusement, car beaucoup n’ont pas encore appris, et il s’avère que la situation n’a fait qu’empirer. Une personne méprisable et ignoble a juste attaqué verbalement un soldat amputé à l’hôpital !! Un opposant à Netanyahu est venu rendre visite un membre de sa famille dans ce centre de rééducation et a accusé un…
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