#Draper's Strength
inlovewithquotes · 1 year
I'm to be sold once more? Is this the way it will be forever? To be passed from one owner to another like a cow? Afi had constantly talked about her bright spirit and her future. But Amari could see nothing but the darkness; she found she did not have Afi's strength.
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incorrectbatfam · 11 months
Why did the batfam get turned down for a job?
Interviewer: How much experience do you have with kids?
Dick: *flashbacks to prying Tim and Damian apart while Jason eggs them on*
Dick: A good amount.
Interviewer: Can you pass a criminal background check?
Jason: No.
Interviewer: We got a reference from your old coworker, Alvin Draper.
Tim: Oh, that was fast.
Interviewer: He says you suck.
Tim: Pfft, yeah. Some old workplace beef. You think he'd be over it by now.
Interviewer: Do you have a valid driver's license?
Damian: Tt. Age limit this, driver's license that. If this was truly a free country I can get by without one.
Interviewer: Normally I'd agree with you, but we're a traveling petting zoo.
Interviewer: Tell me about—
Killer Croc: *throws a car outside the window*
Duke: Um... gotta use the restroom. Be right back.
[10 minutes later]
Duke: *slides into his chair*
Duke: Where were we?
Interviewer: I was asking you about—
Scarecrow: *plants a fear gas bomb across the street*
Duke: I think my phone's ringing. One moment please.
Interviewer: It says here you were fired from the movie theater. Can you tell me why?
Cullen: I spoiled the end credit scenes of Marvel movies.
Interviewer: And how can we be sure it won't happen here?
Cullen: This is Hot Topic, right?
Stephanie: —long story short, I decided "to heck with it" and went to prom with an inflatable Riddler clone named Fernando. I'm sorry, what was your question again?
Interviewer: ...How are you?
Cassandra: *shows up*
Interviewer: For the last time, we're not hiring!
Barbara: There's a typo in your job posting. I also found that your LinkedIn page needs to be updated. Here is my full analysis with all my suggestions. And of course, assuming your application portal is up to date, you can see that I meet all of the qualifications.
Interviewer: Except you must be 35 to run for president.
Interviewer: Why do you want this job?
Harper: Money.
Interviewer: Other than that.
Harper: *thinks for a second*
Harper: No that's it.
Interviewer: What's your greatest strength?
Carrie: I'm double-jointed. I can bend my fingers like this. See?
Interviewer: Please explain this gap in your resumé.
Kate: Don't tell me what to do.
Interviewer: Have you ever stolen from your workplace?
Selina: Never.
*interviewer's wallet falls from Selina's pant leg*
Interviewer: And why should Wayne Enterprises hire you?
Bruce: My name is literally on the building.
Interviewer: We're sorry, Mr. Pennyworth, I don't think you'll be a good fit for us. I heard the Waynes are hiring next door, though.
Alfred: This is preposterous.
Alfred: *leaves*
Alfred: *goes next door*
Alfred: Good afternoon, I am here for—
Martha: Oh thank heavens, he's here.
Thomas: We're late for our conference. Keys are under the mat, the bed still needs to be made, and the baby took a huge crap just now.
Martha: *hands over baby Bruce*
Alfred: I supposed I'm hired then?
Baby Bruce: *blows a snot bubble*
Alfred, chuckling: At your service, young master.
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metamatar · 11 months
To an extent, certainly, Proudhon was just articulating the view of woman’s subordination that was prevalent in mid-nineteenth century. If that were all, he would not be interesting. The fact is that this “libertarian” went far beyond even the most conservative versions than current on the place of women.
[...] In method he differed in no way from any of the contemporaneous deep thinkers [...] Men = strength; hence force, ability, and all associated virtues. Women = beauty and grace at the best, and nothing else but baby machines and unpaid servitors. He did not even give a nod to a conception that was already commonplace among socialists: that women were driven to prostitution not by their “female” natures but by social conditions.
Proudhon himself understood that his anti-feminist views were more reactionary than even the upholders of the status quo – reactionary in the literal sense of wishing to return to a more patriarchal past. Public opinion and government had to be convinced, he proclaimed, “that the father of the family should be re-established [sic] in his domestic jurisdiction, honors and authority.” A propaganda campaign was needed against the current degenerate state of affairs, “against the licentiousness of young people and feminine rebelliousness.” Women “have nothing to gain by education.” [...]
“Back to patriarchy!” was the banner he raised himself. “It is to a new patriarchate that I would like to invite all men,” he wrote. [...] we get one clue to the connection between his antifeminism and his anarchist standpoint, that is, his blind resentment against the organization of modern society and a longing to return to the small-unit society of the past, where a patriarch could rule. [...] He quite consciously linked the peasant’s concern for preserving seed with the “virile” man’s need to retain his seed in order to conserve strength and intellect. Women, eunuchs and children were inferior because they lacked this conservation of the “seed.”
[…] a gemlike formulation: “A woman does not at all hate being used with violence, indeed even being violated.” Whether “by reason or force,” a woman has to be bent and broken to the master’s will. “If the woman resists you to your face, it is necessary to beat her down at any cost.”
Even to the power of life and death: violence in dominating the woman is not to be limited. Proudhon demanded that society return to the Patriarchal Law. [...] In Proudhon’s case, the atomic individual was the individual family, which was the only natural unit of the species. Proudhon’s need for patriarchalism was not simply a personal aberration. The family was the only meaningful unit of society, and the family was necessarily an autocracy: this was the crux of Proudhon’s view of the world.
Women and Class, Hal Draper
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halfagone · 1 year
Wake Me Up When It's All Over
Going through Tim's things is a long, arduous process, made longer by the occasional stretch of time in which Bruce has to pause, gather his strength before he can continue his search. He commits to the act like he would any other case, even with his throat thick with emotion and fingers stiff from abusing the punching bags.
What he finds paints quite the picture.
Tim's room has always been slightly messy. While Bruce wouldn't quite call it a pigsty, he has to admit that Tim doesn't really commit to ordering his things as much as Jason might. Maybe that's why when he finds the boxes filled with items from Tim's parents, all neatly organized and carefully separated according to their type, he's a little taken aback. (The Drake's wedding photos, a small collection of baby photos, some small family heirlooms; all put into different boxes with black permanent marker scribbled over the top saying 'To burn'. As if they meant nothing, as if no one would come back to appreciate them.)
He finds Tim's photos, of course. These boxes are nearly enough to make Bruce stop working altogether, albums filled with Jason's smiling face taunting him- Every single one obviously well taken care of, adored as if they were treasured pearls (not like the photos of his birth family, the ones he's willing to part with. Bruce has never been stupid, it's not hard to notice the considerable lack of family photos of Tim with his parents.)
They find the will after three days.
Bruce doesn't want to read it. They haven't notified anyone yet of Tim's demise, worried it would be connected to the rather public death of one Red Robin, but he knows the time will come eventually. All too soon, at that, and while Bruce is always one to prepare ahead of time, he doesn't-
Bruce cards his hands together as he stares dazedly at his third son's will. He hadn't even realized Tim had made one. He was- He'd only been twenty years old. Most twenty year olds never thought to write themselves a will just in case... Maybe Tim had thought it pragmatic, with their volatile nightlife, or because he didn't want to risk Wayne Enterprises falling into the wrong hands. But Bruce had never made himself a will that young. Even a paranoid bastard like himself hadn't even-
To distract himself he scans his eyes over the names written out over the extensive will. He recognizes most names listed out, even though he arches a brow at how much money Tim leaves for Jason, or the grant to be sent to the zoo of Damian's choosing. It's little details like this that remind Bruce that for all Tim's brothers hurt him... he'd still loved them, thought of them even in absolution.
At the end of the will, however, Bruce comes across a name he doesn't recognize. He tries wracking his brain for answers, but he still comes up with nothing. So far most of the superhero community has been notified of Tim's passing, and the civilian friends in Tim's life will likely follow soon enough, maybe just before the public announcement so that they aren't taken off guard.
Nonetheless, Bruce looks into this unknown name, almost religiously, trying to pay respects to yet another son he'd failed to save in time.
He finds Daniel Draper on a farm in Scotland, skin sun-kissed even under the dreary skies. It takes a considerable amount of time to find him, due to all the safeguards Bruce ran into along the way. he recognizes the codes and habits from Tim; Tim had been the one to hide this man away as much as possible. It's not hard to figure out why. There's a little boy scurrying around in the chicken pen, maybe not even three years old, giggling as the tinier chicks hobble around his feet.
The man Bruce assumes to be 'Daniel Draper' looks up at him when he's close enough. He can't be much older than Tim, even if he's just a few inches taller.
The man calls out, "You must be Bruce! Tim warned me you might come around one day." He speaks so cheerfully, almost cheekily as he pads over to Bruce, climbing over a wood fence to get closer.
Bruce's mouth is dryer than a desert.
"Tim is dead."
Daniel's face falls in an instant.
In the distance, the little boy snaps his head up.
Bruce knows without seeing that the little boy looks exactly like his dead son.
"Did you know he was Red Robin?"
"I met him as Red Robin first, actually."
"He never told me..."
A snort. "What, that you're a grandfather? We couldn't risk it, what with Ra's..."
"Tim was sending you child support checks every month."
"He would have done it every week if I let him, honestly..." Quieter, softer: "He always was a paranoid one."
"...What will you do now?"
A sigh this time. "I'll figure something out. I'm not worried about financial stability right now. Do you want to stay for the night? I'm sure Jackson has plenty of questions for you..."
"Yes, I- I would like that. Thank you."
"Is Daddy really dead?" Little Jackson Draper (also known as Jackie Drake), named after two fathers that could've done better for their children but didn't, peers up at Danny with his wide, wide eyes and to this day Danny still hasn't figured out who Jackson inherited it from.
Danny reaches out, marveling all the while at how his hands don't tremble or shake, and brushes some of the errant hair out of Jackson's face.
"Daddy isn't dead..."
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are we talking about spy and masculinity and his dainty little hands. I think hes fine with his hands being the way they are because it’s fancier to be dainty even as a man and I think his masculinity is less like the ‘masculine like engineer covered in engine grease and working on machines’ way and more like ‘masculine in the Don Draper getting with his secretary’ way. Like he gets chicks and buys them fancy jewelry that they wear on dates and he looks like some sorta fancy top dog. and spy’s thing with scoutma works because she’s a little bit of a gangster wife kinda gal. she likes to wear expensive things and let people wonder where she gets the money from. she’s definitely strongly implied that her boyfriend will kill someone if they aren’t nicer to her.
I am ATTEMPTING to talk about Spy and masculinity and his dainty little hands yes! Yeah this is basically exactly what I'm saying, people are applying a standard of masculinity to Spy tf2 that is clearly not the standard of masculinity he would apply to himself (I can PROBABLY make some kind of claim about it being a very American kind of masculinity being applied to a very non-American character. tbh.). "Spy tf2 likes to fuck women" is basically one of his defining character traits, its part of his joke, it's a CENTRAL part of the genre he comes from/is parodying (yknow, Bond girls?), and yet people still don't seem to like Get that that's what he'd value lmao. Like the whole thing where "Spy chases after anyone who tries to get with Scout because Dads Are Protective About Dating", something which doesn't rlly make sense to me bc a) men, sons, as Scout tf2 is, canonically, are almost never "protected" from dating by their parents in the way women are and b) CLEARLY Spy tf2 of all people places worth in getting laid, one of his biggest things is trying to help Scout be good at getting laid, and he would WANT his son to adhere to the kind of masculinity that he adheres to, which is extremely reliant on getting laid. This isn't to say that this kind of masculinity is "better" than a masculinity reliant on physical strength and having giant manly hands, both have the ability to be harmful in their own ways (I find the big manly hands one harms men more while this one harms women, who can be objectified into like a "status symbol" for men), but it's definitely different. You can have both (Scout tf2 is an example of a guy who "fails" to perform masculinity because he is not physically large or strong and he does not get laid) but I think Spy definitely has just one. TL;DR Spy tf2 would not be dysphoric about his hands because he is French
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In her 13 years as creative director of the French jewellery house Boucheron, Claire Choisne’s mood boards have featured some unusual suspects.
This January, she introduced the latest high jewellery collection with a picture of Prince Philip waving at crowds during the coronation in 1953.
He’s decked out in his Admiral of the Fleet finery, decorated with military medals and orders of chivalry, white ribbons fluttering at his shoulders.
‘OK, Prince Philip is not my absolute muse – but I love this picture,’ says Choisne via video call from the Tucson Gem Show, where she is shopping for the stones that will feature in the house’s 2026 collections.
She was drawn to the unexpectedly feminine details of the late Duke of Edinburgh’s ceremonial uniform.
‘You feel the power and the strength, but at the same time, there are all these couture details: bows, ribbons, embroidery. It’s a paradox.’
She decided it was the perfect way to interpret the well-trodden high jewellery theme of ‘couture.’
‘I didn’t want to do something too girly or cheesy. I wanted to give strength to the pieces. When I saw this picture, I said to myself, “OK, now I know how to manage the creation of this collection.”’
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The resulting 24-piece collection, The Power of Couture, is the latest chapter in Boucheron’s annual Histoire de Style series, which sees Choisne reinterpret designs or themes from the house’s 166-year history.
Its founder, Frédéric Boucheron, was the son of a draper and so the archive teems with diamond-set bows, ribbons and lace, with gold worked into supple-as-silk scarves.
A lace-like shoulder adornment made circa 1880 was a Belle Epoque predecessor of today’s white gold and diamond epaulettes, whose overlapping loops were inspired by a tiara made in 1902 for the Princess of Wales, later Queen Mary, Prince Philip’s grandmother-in-law.
Clipped across the shoulders, they’re a precious take on the traditional tasselled gold epaulettes of naval uniforms.
They also transform into cuffs; such versatility is a hallmark of the collection.
A set of 15 medal brooches can be strung into a bib necklace of epic proportions.
A rock-crystal and diamond bow can fasten to the shoulder or chest, or be fashioned into a multi-wear necklace, while its central diamond can be plucked off to become a ring.
A braided aiguillette can be worn military-style across the chest, draped around the waist, or disassembled into brooches and a bracelet.
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‘In ceremonial attire, there are so many rules that you have to respect. For the collection, I wanted the opposite,’ says Choisne.
‘I wanted people to be able to play freely and design their own style.’
She sees the collection as a ‘kit’ with an almost infinite number of styling combinations.
Her dream, she says, would be for one client to buy the lot. Whether that client is male or female is of little importance.
‘A long time ago, the people who wore high jewellery were men. The maharajas, the tsars, the kings. The biggest and most beautiful pieces were designed for men.’
One of Boucheron’s most famous clients was the Maharaja of Patiala who, in 1928, had his guards cart some 7,571 diamonds and 1,432 emeralds from The Ritz to the Boucheron boutique, to be set into 149 extraordinarily opulent jewels – a commission that inspired New Maharajas, the house’s 2022 Histoire de Style high jewellery collection.
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Sir Bhupinder Singh, Maharaja of Patiala, GCSI GCIE GCVO GBE (12 October 1891 – 23 March 1938)
'Today,' continues Choisne, 'I don’t want to do pieces for men or for women. I want to make beautiful and meaningful pieces. And I want to show that it’s beyond gender.’
She says that men do buy and wear Boucheron high jewellery, but she doesn’t know the precise proportion of male customers.
‘I almost don’t want to know exactly, because I’m sure of my idea. And maybe we have to show them that it’s a good one.’
Three years ago, Boucheron’s art deco-inspired Histoire de Style collection was photographed on male and female models – a first among Place Vendôme’s traditional maisons.
‘I knew that some of the pieces were even stronger on men. But the idea of it was almost weird at that time. People asked me, “Are you sure, high jewellery on men?” And my answer was, “Yes, definitely,”’ says Choisne.
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The Power of Couture collection, conversely, was exclusively photographed on and modelled by women; another deliberately defiant move.
‘When you think of ceremonial attire, you naturally think of men. So I wanted to show the opposite. It doesn’t make sense for me to choose between men and women. Nowadays we can do what we want.’
A pair of embroidery-inspired diamond ferns have an ethereal, Greek goddess-like beauty when worn as a headpiece.
But one can also imagine them pinned to a tuxedo, echoing the actor Regé-Jean Page, who wore a feather-shaped diamond Boucheron brooch at last year’s Oscars.
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Although it may take a Liberace-channelling peacock to carry off a lacy diamond collar, even the most bling-averse gentleman could be tempted to affix a few rock crystal and diamond buttons to his dress shirt.
Choisne says Boucheron’s clients span the whole spectrum.
‘It’s the same for men as it is for women: some are more classical, and some are super edgy.’
Culture plays a role. ‘Maybe European men are a bit more traditional, whereas in Asia men can be more open-minded when it comes to style.’
It was important that the Power of Couture collection wasn’t too literal, says Choisne; it couldn’t feel like fancy dress.
A restrained, all-white palette of rock crystal and diamonds helps; she champions texture and detail over bold hues or glitzy brilliance.
The pieces are labelled with their carat weight along with the hours involved in their creation – many run into the thousands.
‘If you put a lot of little diamonds everywhere, it’s easy. It will shine, so you have no doubt that it’s precious,’ says Choisne.
‘But I prefer to find preciousness with purity of design and elegance, which come from the craftsmanship. It’s not about having lots of diamonds. The number of hours is what makes it high jewellery.’
The transformable Noeud bow, for example, is crafted from hundreds of individually cut lines of frosted rock crystal, threaded together through their diamond edging to evoke the texture and fluidity of grosgrain ribbon.
‘It would be much faster and easier to engrave a single piece, but I wanted it to be really flexible. So they cut every little line by hand. Each one is a different length. It’s crazy work to achieve that.’
That’s 2,600 hours of crazy work, to be precise.
Elsewhere, sandblasted rock crystal is knitted together into the flexible, five-strand Tricot choker.
’The idea was to give an illusion of knit work,’ says Choisne. ‘The unpolished rock crystal gives the feeling of softness, like wool.’
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The Médailles feature grosgrain-effect rock-crystal ribbons, from which hang 15 medallions of sculpted rock crystal overlaid on to beds of brilliant-cut diamonds.
‘We cut the rock crystal with the glyptic technique – it’s much more complicated than engraving. Then we set diamonds underneath so they are a bit blurred. For me, it’s more magical.’
It’s clear that Boucheron’s craft workers relish Choisne’s technical challenges.
They are currently making the pieces that will launch in July 2025 (Boucheron presents two high jewellery collections a year), while Choisne is finalising designs for 2026 and developing her ideas for 2027.
It’s not always easy to sleep with so many different concepts buzzing around her brain, she admits.
Her approach to design mirrors the demands she asks of her atelier. ‘I don’t love it when it’s too easy.’
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hudbannonarchive · 4 months
ordered my old fashioned. looking at photos of don draper for strength and guidance.
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Saturday Night Live S49E16: Kristen Wiig
How epic was last weekend's episode of SNL?? Wiig is one of the all-time greats, it shouldn’t be a surprise, but you never really know with this show. Sometimes the host’s humor doesn’t gel well with the cast or translate to the audience. Sometimes the energy is just... off.
Wiig's been beloved as a comedian for a long time, but I gained even more appreciation for her after this episode. The sketches she picked, not only did they play to her strengths but also gave other people the opportunity to shine. And her humor is so fluid: she can do loud, physical comedy as well as subtle, niche comedy. Like the secret ingredient to everything, she elevates any dish.
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Let’s start with the cameos because IT WAS STACKED. Any of the guests on any given night would have been enough, but she is getting inducted into the “Five-Timers Club”, so the show pulled out all the stops.
It starts off with Paul Rudd and Matt Damon in the audience; cuts to Jon Hamm, Martin Short, Fred Armisen, and (my beloved) Will Forte off to the side; and — as if that wasn't enough — it ends with Ryan Gosling bequeathing her the coveted jacket. JUST BANANAS. Full monologue HERE.
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It was reminiscent of her last episode as a cast member, with legend after legend seeing her off.
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JUMANJI – Andrew Dismukes is his own person but there’s something about him that reminds me of Forte. His humor is not as unconventional but he has a similar dedication to absurdity. With sheer commitment, he makes a lot of stuff work that really shouldn’t. So it made sense to me that Forte was invited to this sketch—which I can only assume came from the mind of Dismukes.
No offense to the current SNL batch, I like them a lot, but this episode made it apparent that Wiig, Forte, (and also Armisen) are on another level. Wiig, the reigning queen of the batshit lady, set the tone for this bizarre scenario. She made it work. Forte, the ultimate king of 10 to 1 sketches, added credibility to it. I'm trying to imagine it with Heidi Gardner and Mikey Day as placeholders for Wiig and Forte, respectively, and while I could still see it kind of working, I don't know if it would be as memorable.
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PILATES (Pre-Tape) – this could should be an actual movie. Wiig as the creepy, high-energy instructor calling everyone "Mamas" cracked me up. Partly because it reminded me of Kaley Cuoco’s irritation with the pet name, which she recently griped about on the Conan Needs a Friend podcast.
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SECRETARIES – this sketch wasn’t made for Jon Hamm but it was also made for Jon Hamm. Trudy made her first appearance when Pete Davidson hosted at the start of the season. Gardener carried that sketch the best she could but now she had two aces up her sleeve: Wiig and Hamm. Wiig, as Tootie, dived into the screwball comedy complete with mid-Atlantic accent; while Hamm only needed to revisit his role as Don Draper. I was near tears seeing them at the brink of breaking near the end. Also made me miss seeing them in Bill Hader’s Vincent Price sketches. It's got a similar vibe.
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RETIREMENT PARTY – my favorite sketch of the night. This was the closest an alumnus has ever gotten to recreating the mid to late-aughts vibe of SNL, my favorite era. I've not thought about this sketch much or particularly missed it, but when Wiig came out with her oxygen tank, Armisen in his knee-length trousers, and Forte in his Hamilton wig, I was hit with so much joy and nostalgia. Made me realize how much I, as a viewer, took for granted, spoiled with such a wealth of hilarious recurring sketches.
Jason Sudeikis was often the perfect straight man for these sketches, but Day did a good job reacting to all the unhinged guests. I also wonder if he had a hand in writing it as Wiig’s lines sounded like something his character Supercentenarian Mort Fellner would say.
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WEEKEND UPDATE – once again, Marcello Hernandez ruled behind the desk, this time as the 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake that recently (very gently) shook New York. He was later joined by Keenan Thompson as the Solar Eclipse. Not the biggest fan of Thompson but I do enjoy his dynamic with Hernandez. Wiig, on the other hand, reprised her favorite character, movie critic Aunt Linda. Her film reviews are always a riot but she had me cackling the moment she referred to Colin as Seth.
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GO-KARTS – solid sketch that got me so invested and left me with many questions: What’s the bad thing? Why would it get Daddy drinking again? But mostly, who’s Sheila? Chloe Troast’s reveal off to the side was a nice touch. And the nickname, Big C, had me hollering.
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LA MAISON DU BANG! – this was the sort of sketch Wiig used to do a lot with Maya Rudolph and Amy Poehler back in the day and while I enjoyed seeing how much fun they were having, it was never something I got overly excited about. But seeing a version of it reborn was a delight. Molly Kearney leaping into frame with a saxophone was a welcome surprise. Reminiscent of Sudeikis’ tracksuit-wearing dancer in What Up With That?.
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The musical guest, Raye, also killed it. She's like Amy Winehouse reincarnate. She sang barefoot at one point and I loved that tiny detail.
Links to her incredible performances HERE and HERE.
Fantastic show, all around. Best of the season, so far.
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angstics · 10 months
“… how gay men can negotiate their identities through the ‘worship’ of divas, highlighting the ability of this cultural practice to help them identify, communicate with, and relate to each other, critique gender norms, and empower themselves.”
“… describing Garland’s suffering, strength, and perseverance as ‘in some way representing the situation and experience of being gay in a homophobic society.’”
“It would follow, then, that [modern out] men might articulate their devotion to divas through gay-rights rhetoric—the language of assimilation—rather than through the pain and ‘excessive sentimentality’ that Miller (1998, p. 26) argues marked diva worship in the pre-Stonewall era.”
“What has she actually done??!”: Gay men, diva worship, and the paratextualization of gay-rights support by Jimmy Draper (Feb 2017)
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rorimagical · 25 days
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My second Bobbie Draper (The expanse) fanart!
When I see her, I see strength.
And here I thought nobody will appreciate my first fanart of her!! Those hashtags on the reblogs.. Let me tell you they really made my day. Damn, who is cutting the onions..
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grimvestige · 10 months
🌺 What does Draper do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
OOOOO this is actually a very fun one! Draper very rarely gets scared nowadays, but definitely did a lot more in her past.
She does have a special comfort item, Mr. Froggie! He's a plush she's had since she was a baby, and all his stuffing is worn down and one of his legs is too short after an incident with a village dog as a child. She always keeps it on her in a special secret pocket of her coat, even after all her adventures.
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Nowadays, if her husband Keane is around she'll also pester him for cuddles and to talk things through. (Though if he's not Draper's not beyond walking to her adoptive sister's house in the middle of the night LOL) Granted, if it's a combat situation, Draper's going to do her best not to actively show she's afraid, and her fight or flight response is most definitely fight, so she's going to start slinging very dangerous poisons around to resolve the situation as fast as possible.
If she's by herself, she'd rely mostly off Mr. Froggie, and probably busy herself with some alchemy to make something to knock herself back out and sleep. The perks of being your own pharmacist are that you can safely make extra-strength melatonin and sleep everything off lmao
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stateofsport211 · 8 months
Mouilleron-le-Captif Ch R2: Jack Draper [7] def. Dino Prizmic 6-4, 3-6, 6-3 Match Stats
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📸 ATP Challenger Livestream (via website)
D. Prizmic had his moments, but he eventually got overpowered again in the middle of the third set as soon as J. Draper came in. Through the latter’s winners, which often came through smashes, J. Draper managed to create 4 more opportunities to break while converting 5 of them (some also with his smash) compared to Prizmic’s 33% break point conversion rate. It was also worth noting that Prizmic tried his best to stay balanced on return, but sometimes the angles did not angle during some important setups, hence it could be prone to pressure as the match went by.
On the other hand, both players turned out to have different strengths in their service games despite the thin difference between them. J. Draper fired 3 more aces and stood out with a 6% difference from his first serve winning percentage than Prizmic. Interestingly, despite both players having 4 double faults, J. Draper’s second serves looked more vulnerable (especially with some insufficient follow-ups), making him 5% behind Prizmic through the second serves, but optimizing his first serves appeared a better idea with the longer rallies’ point construction in sight.
An interesting, possibly dynamic quarterfinal match awaits as J. Draper faces wild card Lucas Poullain, who earlier defeated fellow wild card recipient Matteo Martineau 6-4, 5-7, 6-3 in a close encounter. Knowing both players, while a solid service game could be important, building rally tolerance and finishing it in a paced, aggressive manner (with the winners in hindsight) could be one of the most important things to maintain, especially in longer rallies. While there could also be a possibility of them constructing their points by cutting it to the chase, the execution still mattered, which could add more intrigue to this match-up.
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The Arkadians by Lloyd Alexander
The Search for Delicious (Babbitt, Natalie) The Frog Princess by E.D. Baker
Maya and the Rising Dark (Barron, Rena)
Peter and the Starcatchers (Barry, Dave)
The Looking Glass Wars (Beddor, Frank)
Eigth grade bites by brewer (published under author's deadname?)
Minecraft the island by Max brooks
Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism (Byng, Georgia)
The Awakening (Carroll, Michael )
I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Carter, Ally)
A Week in the Woods (Clements, Andrew)
The Supernaturalist (Colfer, Eoin)
Artemis Fowl (Colfer, Eoin)
Airman (Colfer, Eoin)
Of Fire and Stars (Coulthurst, Audrey)
Into the Land of the Unicorns (Coville, Bruce)
Out of My Mind (Draper, Sharon M.)
So you want to be a wizard by Diane Duane
The Patron Thief of Bread (Eagar, Lindsay)
Half Magic (Eager, Edward)
Inkheart (Funke, Cornelia)
Bunnicula James Howe
Which Witch? (Ibbotson, Eva)
The Secret of Platform 13 (Ibbotson, Eva)
Evil Genius by Catherine Jinks
The Reformed Vampire Support Group (Jinks, Catherine)
The Akhenaten Adventure (Kerr, P.B.)
The Tail of Emily Windsnap (Kessler, Liz)
Savvy (Law, Ingrid)
The Fairy's Mistake (Levine, Gail Carson)
Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg (Levine, Gail Carson)
Ella Enchanted (Levine, Gail Carson)
The Two Princesses of Bamarre (Levine, Gail Carson)
Nightmare Academy (Lorey, Dean)
The Merchant of Death (MacHale, D.J.)
The Ruby Princess Runs Away (Malcolm, Jahnna N.)
If the Shoe Fits (Mason, Jane B.)
How to Become a Planet (Melleby, Nicole)
Game of Strength and Storm (Menard, Rachel)
The Host (Meyer, Stephenie)
Fablehaven (Mull, Brandon)
Five Children and It (Nesbit)
The Borrowers (Norton, Mary)
The Wicked Bargain (Novoa, Gabe Cole)
If I Was Your Girl (Russo, Meredith)
Magyk (Sage, Angie)
The Alchemyst (Scott, Michael)
Scythe (Shusterman, Neal)
The Glitch in Sleep (Wexler, Michael)
You, me, and our heartstrings by See, Melissa
Instructions for dancing by Yoon, Nicola
The Jasmine Project by Ireland, Meredith,
Rise to the sun by Johnson, Leah
Happily ever afters by Bryant, Elise
Everything I thought I knew by Takaoka, Shannon.
The falling in love montage by Smyth, Ciara
The peasant's dream by Dickerson, Melanie
The princess will save you by Henning, Sarah
If I'm being honest by Wibberley, Emily
Opposite of always by Reynolds, Justin A
Summer constellations by Sevigny, Alisha
The wicked deep by Ernshaw, Shea
The supervillain and me by Banas, Danielle
The boyfriend bracket by Evangelista, Kate
An enchantment of ravens by Rogerson, Margaret
Wild beauty by McLemore, Anna-Marie
Stay tuned 🐺
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spoilertv · 5 months
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masterofd1saster · 9 months
CJ current events 29sep23
Contaminated how?
Oklahoma executed an inmate Thursday for the 1996 killing of a University of Oklahoma dance student, in a case that went unsolved for years until DNA from the crime scene was matched to a man serving prison time for burglary. Anthony Sanchez, 44, was pronounced dead at 10:19 a.m. following a three-drug injection at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester. Even though he maintained that he had nothing to do with the killing of 21-year-old Juli Busken, he took the unusual step of opting not to present a clemency application to the state’s Pardon and Parole Board, which many viewed as the last chance to spare his life. “I’m innocent,” Sanchez said as he was strapped to a gurney inside the death chamber. “I didn’t kill nobody.”*** Sanchez was convicted of raping and murdering 21-year-old Juli Busken, a Benton, Arkansas, native who had just completed her last semester at the university when she was abducted on Dec. 20, 1996, from the parking lot of her Norman apartment complex. Her body was found that evening near Lake Stanley Draper in far southeastern Oklahoma City. She had been bound, raped and shot in the head.*** Years later, Sanchez was serving time for a burglary conviction when DNA from sperm on Busken’s clothing at the crime scene was matched to him. He was convicted and sentenced to die in 2006.*** Sanchez has long maintained his innocence and did so again in a phone call to The Associated Press earlier this year from death row. “That is fabricated DNA,” Sanchez said. “That is false DNA. That is not my DNA. I’ve been saying that since day one.” He told the AP that he declined to ask for clemency because even when the five-member Pardon and Parole Board takes the rare step of recommending it, Gov. Kevin Stitt has been unlikely to grant it. “I’ve sat in my cell and I’ve watched inmate after inmate after inmate get clemency and get denied clemency,” Sanchez said*** A sample of Anthony Sanchez’s DNA “was identical to the profiles developed from sperm on Ms. Busken’s panties and leotard,” Drummond wrote last month in a letter to a state representative who had inquired about Sanchez’s conviction. Drummond added there was no indication either profile was mixed with DNA from any other individual and that the odds of randomly selecting an individual with the same genetic profile were 1 in 94 trillion among Southwest Hispanics. “There is no conceivable doubt that Anthony Sanchez is a brutal rapist and murderer who is deserving of the state’s harshest punishment,” Drummond said in a recent statement. *** A private investigator hired by an anti-death penalty group contended that the DNA evidence may have been contaminated and that an inexperienced lab technician miscommunicated the strength of the evidence to a jury.*** https://nypost.com/2023/09/21/anthony-sanchez-executed-for-the-1996-killing-of-a-university-of-oklahoma-student/
pretty cocky adult
The teen driver who allegedly mowed down a retired police chief in a fatal hit-and-run told Las Vegas police he would be back on the streets in under a month, according to a report. Jesus Ayala is accused of driving a stolen Hyundai Elantra on Aug. 14 along with Jzamir Keys, 16, and deliberately crashing and killing Andreas “Andy” Probst, 64, who had been riding his bike, a disturbing video showed. Ayala, who just turned 18, was arrested hours after Probst was killed and told the police while in custody, he wouldn’t be locked up for long. “You think this juvenile [expletive] is gonna do some [expletive]? I’ll be out in 30 days, I’ll bet you,” Ayala told the cops, according to KLAS. “It’s just ah, [expletive] ah, hit-and-run — slap on the wrist.”*** The two teens’ mothers have both spoken out about their sons’ heinous actions but they don’t share the same views. “I don’t know why he did this,” Ayala’s mother told KLAS Wednesday. “I don’t know if God can forgive this.” “My son’s side of the story will be told, ‘the truth,’ not the inaccuracies the media will try to portray,” Keys’ mother said in a text to the station.***
Alarming Illinois case
Illinois officials are investigating what appears to be a quadruple homicide in a small, quiet neighborhood outside of Chicago after police discovered the bodies of a family of four in their home. Two adults and two children, along with their three dogs, were fatally shot in their home in Romeoville, Illinois. The deaths do not have the markings of a murder-suicide, and officers are investigating the incident as a murder, Deputy Chief Chris Burne of the Romeoville Police Department said during a news conference on Monday. Here's everything to know about the murders in Romeoville. What is known about the murders? Police responded to the home in the 500 block of Concord Avenue for a welfare check on Sunday night after one of the family members did not show up for work, and calls from relatives went unanswered and prompted concern, Burne said. Upon entering the home, police discovered Alberto Rolon, 38, Zoraida Bartolomei, 32, their two boys, ages 7 and 10, and their dogs had been shot to death. While the Will County Coroner's Office did not name the children, Bryana Barolomei, sister to Zoraida Bartolomei, named them as Adriel, 10, and Diego, 7.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crime/chicago-shooting-everything-to-know-murders-romeoville
DHS intelligence?
DHS Sec Mayorkas has created an intelligence experts group. https://www.dhs.gov/news/2023/09/19/secretary-mayorkas-announces-establishment-homeland-intelligence-experts-group. Members of the group include
Jim Clapper, Former Director of National Intelligence
John Brennan, Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Paul Kolbe, Former Senior Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
You may recall that these three signed Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails dated October 19, 2020 that said e-mails from the laptop "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."
The FBI “verified” the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop in November 2019 and a federal computer expert assessed “it was not manipulated in any way,” IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley told Congress*** https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fbi-verified-authenticity-of-hunter-biden-s-abandoned-laptop-in-november-2019-irs-whistleblower/ar-AA1cU3Iu
AG comments on gov kidnapping plot acquittal
DETROIT (AP) - Michigan’s attorney general suggested conservative politics played a role in the acquittal of three men in the final trial related to a plan to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Dana Nessel, also a Democrat, told a liberal group Monday the trial was held in a "very right-leaning county." She said Friday’s verdicts were "perplexing, confusing but terrifying." The Detroit News obtained a video of Nessel’s remarks to a group called Protectors of Equality in Government.*** "Three of them were acquitted by a jury in Antrim County, not because we didn’t have great evidence but because essentially, it seemed to me as though the Antrim County jurors, (in a) very, very right-leaning county (were) seemingly not so concerned about the kidnapping and assassination of the governor," Nessel said, according to the newspaper. Matthew Schneider, who was U.S. attorney in Detroit in 2020 when the FBI broke up the kidnapping plot, said Nessel’s remarks were inappropriate. "We might disagree with jurors, but I don’t think it’s helpful to trash them and the American jury system when things don’t go our way," Schneider told The Associated Press. "That’s especially true here where the AG’s office selected these jurors and agreed to have them serve during jury selection."*** Molitor said FBI informant Dan Chappel, who was inside the group for months, had "glued" the scheme together. "He helped set people up. He drove people. He paid for stuff. He did trainings," Molitor told the jury. "If it wasn’t for him actually bringing people together and setting stuff up, the majority of people would not have gotten together to do this or even talked about stuff."
Presumed innocent, etc
A U.S. government contractor was arrested on Aug. 24 based on espionage charges in a complaint unsealed today. Abraham Teklu Lemma, 50, a naturalized U.S. citizen of Ethiopian descent, of Silver Spring, Maryland, is charged with delivering national defense information to aid a foreign government, conspiracy to deliver national defense information to aid a foreign government, and the willful retention of national defense information. According to the criminal complaint, between on or about Dec. 19, 2022, and Aug. 7, 2023, Lemma copied classified information from intelligence reports and deleted the classification markings from them. Lemma then removed the information, which was classified as SECRET and TOP SECRET, from secure facilities at the Department of State. This material related to a specific country and/or geographic region. Lemma accessed, copied, removed, and retained this information without authorization. According to the charging documents, Lemma used an encrypted application to transmit classified national defense information to a foreign government official associated with a foreign country’s intelligence service. In these communications, Lemma expressed an interest and willingness to assist the foreign government official by providing information. In one communication, the foreign official stated, “[i]t’s time to continue ur support.” Lemma responded, “Roger that!” In other chats, the foreign official tasked Lemma to focus on information related to particular subjects, and Lemma responded “[a]bsolutely, I have been focusing on that all this week . . . .” As alleged in the criminal complaint, the classified national defense information Lemma transferred to the foreign official included satellite imagery and other information regarding military activities in the foreign country and region. The two espionage charges carry a potential penalty of death or any term of years up to life in prison, and the willful retention charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. *** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-government-contractor-arrested-espionage-charges
Who wore it best?
Police returned articles of clothing to a Tanzanian fashion designer they obtained while executing a search warrant of disgraced ex-Department of Energy (DOE) official Sam Brinton's home. The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) Police Department confirmed the clothes were returned to Asya Khamsin, who has alleged Brinton publicly wore clothing she designed, but which was in her bag she reported missing at Ronald Reagan National Airport years ago. In May, MWAA police officers executed a search warrant in connection with the case at Brinton's Maryland residence. "The MWAA Police Department can confirm we returned the victim’s property and police retained photos of the evidence for prosecution," MWAA spokesperson Crystal Nosal told Fox News Digital in a statement Tuesday. "The case is still under adjudication and we cannot release more detailed information." Weeks after the search warrant was executed, Brinton was charged with felony grand larceny of items worth more than $1,000. The preliminary hearing in the case, which was filed in Arlington General District Court, has been delayed until December.*** https://www.foxnews.com/politics/police-find-female-designers-stolen-clothes-ex-biden-official-sam-brintons-home
Other instances of stealing clothes from female travelers, presumed innocent, etc.
Sen Bob Menendez, indicted, yawn, again
He was originally tried around 2015 for taking bribes from a doctor in Florida. The doc was convicted, but there was a mistrial in Sen Menendez's case, and he wasn't retried.
Current charges allege he and his wife took bribes in return for protecting and enriching "HANA, URIBE, and DAIBES and [benefiting] the Arab Republic of Egypt. Those bribes included cash, gold, payments toward a home mortgage, compensation for a low-or-no-show job, a luxury vehicle, and other things of value****"
He presumed innocent, etc.
Harmeet Dillon is a conservative former federal prosecutor from NY. She asked
Menendez has been a corrupt degenerate representing NJ for years while being credibly accused of human trafficking of girls in Nicaragua, flying them on private planes like Epstein, bribery charges dating back to at least 2015. Why the indictment now? 🧐 https://usnews.com/news/articles/2015/08/24/feds-say-corroborating-evidence-backed-menendez-prostitution-claims
Fidelity, Bravery, Income
Charles F. McGonigal, 54, a former FBI Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Office, pleaded guilty today to concealment of material facts for his undisclosed receipt of $225,000 in cash from an individual who had business interests in Europe while McGonigal was supervising counterintelligence efforts. The plea was accepted by U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, who scheduled sentencing for Feb. 16, 2024. According to papers filed with the court, from August 2017, and continuing through his retirement from the FBI in September 2018, McGonigal concealed from the FBI the nature of his relationship with a former foreign security officer and businessperson who had ongoing business interests in foreign countries and before foreign governments. Specifically, McGonigal received at least $225,000 in cash from the individual and traveled abroad with the individual and met with foreign nationals. The individual later served as an FBI source in a criminal investigation involving foreign political lobbying over which McGonigal had official supervisory responsibility.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/retired-fbi-special-agent-charge-pleads-guilty-concealing-information-fbi
McGonigal took the cash from Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska.
McGonigal participated in triggering the Russiagate/Crossfire Hurricane probe. https://nypost.com/2023/01/23/charles-mcgonigal-indicted-ex-fbi-head-helped-trigger-russia-probe/ https://www.newsweek.com/charles-mcgonigal-trump-russia-2016-investigation-muller-1776049
Colorado & jails
All jails in Colorado are now required to offer the gold-standard opioid treatment to inmates who need it, expanding a proven intervention to one of the front lines of the state’s deadly overdose crisis. At least half of Colorado’s jails were not offering full medication-assisted treatment — the use of medications like methadone plus counseling — before a statutory requirement kicked in on July 1. Amid broader debate about how to handle record-breaking overdoses here, experts have hailed the requirement as among the most consequential policies to come from last year’s controversial fentanyl bill. While several expressed concern about how the state would monitor jails’ compliance in the years to come, the change means a required expansion of treatment for hundreds of the state’s most vulnerable drug users.*** https://www.denverpost.com/2023/08/06/colorado-opioids-medication-treatment-jails/
Increased risk of overdose due to loss of tolerance.
For the first time in state history, Colorado’s patchwork system of local jails will soon have a baseline set of standards guiding how they feed, house, restrain and care for the thousands of people who move through their facilities each year. It’s just not clear how the state will ensure jails are complying with those rules. A state commission that is finalizing the new standards has arrived at what one official called a “counterintuitive” compromise: allowing those jails, and the sheriffs who run them, to police each other. The Jail Standards Commission — made up of sheriffs, attorneys, county commissioners and mental health advocates — settled on that idea after finding no state law enforcement agencies willing to take on the responsibility.*** https://www.denverpost.com/2023/09/23/colorado-legislature-jail-standards-oversight-sheriffs/
Jails are ordinarily a county or city responsibility. Nobody wants to police the jails.
What "Keep Portland Weird" means.
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Is there some right to possess dirty pics of little kids?
Sen Durbin, Illinois has proposed S.1199 “Strengthening Transparency and Obligations to Protect Children Suffering from Abuse and Mistreatment Act of 2023.” It updates and expands existing federal laws that prohibit possession and transmission of internet Cpr0n. You can look at 18 U.S.C. §2258A. Reporting requirements of providers for the gory details at present.
The American Civil Liberties Union called on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) not to pass a bill strengthening restrictions on child sexual [abuse] material on the basis that the legislation violates the First Amendment. The ACLU and a coalition of 60 other civil rights and industry groups wrote to Schumer on Monday, asking him not to pass Sen. Dick Durbin's (D-IL) STOP CSAM bill. The coalition argues that the legislation, which would update the law regarding CSAM to pressure Big Tech companies to crack down harder, would discourage the platforms from hosting speech related to abortion, gay and transgender people, and sexual health. They also argue it would stifle discourse on the internet and threaten user privacy.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/senate/aclu-calls-on-schumer-not-to-pass-bill-child-exploitation-content-stop-csam
If you go to S.1199 you'll see that it never mentions "abort," "gay," "trans," or "gender." The only reference to health it completely irrelevant to the to ACLU argument about censoring sexual health information.
1st time I've heard of such
OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- Dozens of Oakland small business owners are poised to strike planning to shut down for a portion of the day Tuesday. They are fed up with feeling as though the city is not protecting them from the rising tide of crime. Restaurateur Ryan Dixon got emotional about the crime happening in Oakland now and how it's threatening the small business ecosystem that makes Oakland what it is. "We are all dying figuratively and literally. The business community has just gotten to the breaking point where everyday someone is having to choose to close their doors because they can no longer stay in business," said Dixon, who is a managing partner of Calavera, a restaurant on Broadway. "Whether they're getting broken into repeatedly, whether their staff is being held up or assaulted, shootings in front of our businesses. People are afraid to come to downtown Oakland right now," he said.*** https://abc7news.com/oakland-business-strike-businesses-close-tuesday-crime-robberies/13830589/
Even doctors are going on strike.
***after tues
And this is after the Raidfilth moved to Vegas
Crime in Oakland has gotten so bad that residents actually expect to have their cars broken into, or even stolen, on a daily basis. There have been 10,547 reported vehicle thefts in Oakland this year through Sept. 17, which averages out to just over 40 vehicle thefts every day. It’s a 51% increase compared to the same time period last year. Police say there have also been 10,335 reported car break-ins over this same time period, though that number is higher because officers say most people don’t even bother to report when their car has been broken into in Oakland anymore. It’s the latest report in a series of terrible developments in Oakland this year. In August, police told residents to carry air horns with them and to add security bars to the doors and windows of their own homes to protect against criminals, with burglaries up 41% and robberies up 20% compared to last year. Violent crime has also increased, with women being the easy targets for violent career criminals.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/soros-district-attorney-oakland-stolen-cars
Pls complete the safety & security module!
The court-martial of an Air Force Academy cadet started Monday over allegations he sexually assaulted a fellow cadet in 2021 at a vacation rental house in Tabernash on the Western Slope. Cadet Eamon McHugh and nine other cadets started drinking during the afternoon of Saturday, May 16, 2021, to celebrate receiving their class rings, a tradition for the junior class, lawyers said. The party continued into the evening with a bonfire.  While sitting around the bonfire, McHugh and a female cadet started kissing, according to a photo showed during the trial. The two later went into a bedroom at the home, where the alleged assault happened, lawyers said. *** https://gazette.com/military/usafa/air-force-academy-cadet-faces-court-martial-in-sexual-assault-case/article_46af80de-5bdc-11ee-b5d9-731dc81dd1fd.html
A former judge in Chicago lost her license to practice law following accusations that she robbed her uncle, a World War II veteran of the Tuskegee Airmen, of more than $240,000 to purchase cryptocurrency. Patricia Martin stated she misappropriated funding that had been entrusted to her by Oscar Wilkerson Jr., her uncle, and his power of attorney, according to a report. The misappropriation purportedly occurred while the former Tuskegee airman stayed in a nursing home and Martin was disbarred on consent, Thursday filings from the Illinois Supreme Court noted. "She intentionally used for her own purposes more than $240,000 she had agreed to hold for an elderly relative who was residing in a nursing home, made false statements to the physician who held her relative's power of attorney about the balances in his bank and investment accounts, and did not produce documents in response to an ARDC subpoena," according to the court's Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/former-judge-loses-law-license-robbing-tuskegee-airmen-uncle
different state, different judge, different result
A Missouri judge rewrote the ballot summaries for six proposed initiative petitions to institute abortion rights into the state constitution to remove language such as "unborn child," "end the life," and "the right to life" — a setback to the anti-abortion rights side. In a ruling issued on Monday, Judge Jon Beetem wrote that 13 of the phrases used in the summaries written by Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft were "argumentative" and obscured the intention of the amendment to protect abortion rights and other rights related to reproduction.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/judge-rewrites-ballot-questions-abortion-amendment-remove-unborn-child
forgot about this case
Jury selection began on Monday in the New Mexico terrorism and kidnapping trial of five family members accused of running a terror training camp and using malnourished children as pawns in a deadly scheme to target schools, law enforcement, and the military. The charges against two men and three women stemmed from a 2018 raid on their desert compound by agents attempting to locate a missing 3-year-old boy who suffered from seizures. His mother told authorities in 2017 that his father, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, one of the defendants, had taken him to perform an exorcism because he thought the boy was possessed by the devil. During the raid on the Taos compound, agents found 11 children and five adults living in squalor and wearing rags. They also uncovered a cache of weapons and ammunition. The search of the compound, which was partly buried underground, also turned up the decomposing body of the missing toddler, Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, in an underground tunnel. The family members allegedly believed that after the boy died, he would be resurrected as Jesus Christ and provide instructions on who in the U.S. government and private institutions needed to be exterminated.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crime/new-mexico-terrorism-kidnapping-trial
2022 - 2011 = a lot less than 30, right?
Jason Billingsley beat to death a Baltimore woman, Pava LaPere, in her apartment around 24sep23.
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Billingsley has a violent past. He was convicted of a “violent” crime in 2011 and received a 30-year sentence. He was also arrested in 2009 and 2013 on charges related to sex offenses, assault, and robbery, according to police. He was convicted of sex offenses in 2015.  He was released on parole in October 2022. It is unclear if he broke parole. *** https://nypost.com/2023/09/26/suspect-32-wanted-for-murdering-tech-ceo-26-in-her-baltimore-apart/
Police have asked B-man to surrender. If murdering women doesn't break your parole, what does.
fed issue or state issue?
Gianno Caldwell, whose 18-year-old brother was fatally shot in Chicago last year, called on federal lawmakers Tuesday to help address the city's glaring violent crime rates, which have remained elevated in recent years. Caldwell, a Fox News analyst and consulting firm owner, made his appeal to congressional Republicans during a field event they hosted as part of a series of stops to bring attention to crime in urban locations. "The police have repeatedly said that my brother was not the target, that he just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time," Caldwell told the lawmakers. "But in Chicago, being at the wrong place at the wrong time could be sleeping in your bed and a bullet comes through your window or in the backseat of a car at a McDonald's drive-thru, as 7-year-old Jaslyn Adams was murdered." Christian Caldwell was shot and killed by an unidentified male on the south side of Chicago on the morning of June 24, 2022, according to local media. The suspect shot and injured two others before fleeing the scene in a black sedan.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/murder-victims-brother-slams-chicago-district-attorney-war-zone
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Target closing stores
At Target, we take the decision to close stores very seriously, and only do so after taking meaningful steps to invest in the guest experience and improve business performance. With that said, we have made the difficult decision to close nine Target stores across four states, effective Oct. 21. In this case, we cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance. We know that our stores serve an important role in their communities, but we can only be successful if the working and shopping environment is safe for all.*** https://corporate.target.com/press/releases/2023/09/Target-Closes-Select-Stores-to-Prioritize-Team-Mem
Least criminal act in Philly
Rioters looted "an Apple store, a Foot Locker, a Lululemon and a liquor store" in Philly Tues night. Police arrested about 20 people. https://nypost.com/2023/09/27/influencer-meatball-livestreamed-philadelphia-looting/
Great way to catch something
A former correctional officer at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Karen Caldwell to sexual abuse of a ward. According to his plea agreement, beginning on Sept. 3, 2022, through Sept. 19, 2022, while employed as a correctional officer at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, Dustin B. Sparks, 29, knowingly engaged in a sexual act with an inmate on one or more occasions.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-federal-correctional-officer-pleads-guilty-sexual-abuse-ward
PREA - prisoners can't consent to s3x.
on the other side of the law
A man accused of stabbing another motorist after a crash on the Howard Frankland Bridge on Tuesday is a former assistant U.S. attorney who spent about a decade at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Tampa. Patrick Douglas Scruggs, 38, of Tampa, worked for the U.S. Attorney’s Office from September 2012 until April of this year, according to his LinkedIn page. His time there included appearing on behalf of the federal government during hearings for Florida residents accused of taking part in the riots at the U.S. Capitol by supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021. In May, he joined Barnes and Thornburg, an Atlanta-based private law firm, as an “of counsel” attorney, the page says. The page describes Scruggs as “a seasoned litigator and investigator with experience in various practice areas of criminal law.”***
Two other cars in minor accident/incident on bridge.
Scruggs pulled over, got out and walked up to the driver of the vehicle that hit his car. According to the Highway Patrol, Scruggs broke a window and started stabbing the 35-year-old man with a pocketknife. The couple returned to the vehicle to help the man being stabbed, but Scruggs then tried to stab them and they fled, troopers said. A St. Petersburg Police Department officer driving past saw the commotion and pulled over to help, the Highway Patrol said. The officer detained Scruggs and called for assistance. The 35-year-old man was taken to a local hospital with injuries authorities described as serious but not life-threatening.*** https://www.tampabay.com/news/crime/2023/09/27/howard-frankland-stabbing-suspect-is-former-assistant-us-attorney/?s=03
state judge applying state law
A Montana judge blocked a law requiring abortion clinics to be licensed. Lewis and Clark County District Court Judge Christopher Abbott issued a temporary restraining order against the law, set to go into practice Saturday, on the grounds that Montana has not yet developed a process by which clinics could become licensed. The move is temporary, and it is “aimed at protecting the parties' positions until a hearing can be held.” The bill being blocked, sponsored by state Rep. Lola Sheldon-Gallowa, states, “A person may not operate or advertise the operation of an abortion clinic unless the person is licensed by the department.” All Families Healthcare, Blue Mountain Clinic, and Helen Weems filed a lawsuit to block the bill before it went into effect Saturday. Abbott approved the temporary injunction and asked that Montana first outline the rules by which clinics can be licensed. “Before licenses can be issued, the Department must first promulgate rules," Abbott wrote. "The department, however, has neither adopted nor even publicly proposed temporary or final rules to implement H.B. 937, nor has it otherwise given providers guidance on how they can avoid violations of Section 2(1) in the interim.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/montana-blocks-law-abortion-clinics-licensed
not at all CJ, but Annie Agar is funny, https://youtu.be/RYgZQpu_hkQ
The remains of Suzanne Morphew, a Colorado woman who went missing on Mother’s Day 2020 while on a bike ride, have been found, according to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Morphew, 49, vanished after going cycling in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50 near Maysville, Colorado. Her remains were found Friday in Saguache County – approximately 50 miles south from where she was reported missing, the bureau said in a news release.*** Morphew’s husband, Barry, had faced a first-degree murder charge in 2021 in connection with his wife’s disappearance. But his trial was scrapped in April 2022 after prosecutors moved to dismiss the case while investigators continued the search for her. A judge ruled prosecutors can still pursue the same charges against him in the future. “Barry is with his daughters and they are all struggling with immense shock and grief after learning today that their mother and wife whom they deeply love was found deceased,” Barry Morphew’s attorney, Iris Eytan, said Wednesday. “They had faith that their wife and mom would walk back into their lives again. The news is heartbreaking.*** https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/27/us/suzanne-morphew-remains-found-colorado/index.html
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kroghkrag40 · 9 months
Prime Four Advantages Of Waterproof Decking
When decks are built, they often aren’t coated or treated with the seal wanted to protect towards snow and rain — it’s as much as the home-owner to deal with this step. Our coatings are a chic design function perfect for any deck software. Check out our Utah Waterproof Decking Gallery right here for examples of our recent projects in Salt Lake, Park City, Provo, Alpine, Draper and the encompassing areas. From extremely decorative designs to extra technical waterproofing jobs, our waterproof deck installers are ready to sort out any coating project you want accomplished. Using quite lots of concrete preparation tools that may chip, grind, abrade, easy, and level present concrete, a successful and long-lasting industrial waterproof deck coating is assured. The Custom Concrete Coatings of installers boasts years of expertise and the skills to perform the most demanding in decorative and sturdy coatings. A multi-level deck offers further area for entertaining, cooking, and stress-free. But with out waterproofing the upper level, a rainstorm can damage your out of doors fun instantly. Comfortable patio furniture and custom lighting on the decrease degree of your deck create an area you’ll by no means need to leave. On the opposite hand, paint may actually help to cover the failings of lower-quality wood. Secondly, the thicker wood slats are not subject to temporary cupping, which might happen with the thinner slats on interlocking tiles beneath sure weather situations. And thirdly, for ease of cleansing amassed particles on the underside, the non-interlocking tiles additionally supply some advantages, being somewhat easier to carry up. Make positive your deck is appropriate with the cleaner you select, particularly, in case your deck is made of soppy wooden like redwood or cedar. Check the manufacturer's instructions to see whether or not you should begin with a dry or moist deck. Try to clean on a peaceful day to keep wind from blowing the cleansing agent across the yard. The most common approach to get hold of a water-proof deck or porch is to use a sealant on it. Homeowners should look specifically for a water-repellent sealer that works properly with the sort of wood the deck is made out of. Don’t overlook to cover corners and different troublesome areas such as steps, railings, board ends and cracks. WearDeck supplies tons of benefits past total safety from water injury. Our plastic lumber is heat-reflective, structural, and rated for ground contact. WearDeck provides over two occasions the strength of composite and other plastic deck boards. Proper maintenance and design will contribute significantly to your deck's beauty and long-term enjoyment. Notably, a deck should be treated previous to its first paint job. It’s clever to have a professional do the job as a outcome of you’ll want to be certain that any rotten boards or rusty nails are removed. TufDek™ decking materials are obtainable in a quantity of completely different styles and designs that make your deck look aesthetically pleasing whereas providing quality waterproof decking. Yes, concrete could be very durable, making it a superb surface for out of doors areas, like decks and patios. The concern with concrete, however, is that it is rather absorbent to water. This means sources of water, like water from rain and pools, can seep into the cement, which increases the chances of the floor losing its sturdiness and adherence. When this happens, concrete surfaces are extra susceptible to imperfections, like chips, scratches, and cracking. Applying the coating on a wet day merely washes the product away earlier than it has a chance to dry on and be effective. As a result, most individuals choose to waterproof their deck within the spring. That method, they can await a dry day and have their deck prepared for the upcoming summer season. We recommend you apply your deck coating on a day that's above 10C/50F together with in a single day temps. Similar to water harm, dry rot can occur on an unprotected deck. A roof deck helps the roof parts but doesn't present full protection. The coating turns into an integral a half of the surface and provides the mandatory protection towards the elements. Composite decking is very common within the residential areas within the United States and the surrounding. The composite material is readily available in such areas and its prime quality makes it a quite common decking materials. It could be very sturdy compared to PVC and other decking supplies and it comes in several colors and designs. tufdek waterproof vinyl decking You need to make positive you defend this useful asset and do all you possibly can to maintain it in prime situation. This materials additionally typically uses a pedestal set up system and requires particular tools and information to chop it to dimension. Cracks could develop in concrete pavers over time and as a result of impression or freeze/thaw cycles, doubtlessly leading to wreck to the underlayment and roof deck. One little hole in your deck’s waterproofing is all water needs to begin leaking into the spaces under. Most builders choose the more practical rolled waterproofing as a end result of they will create a extra even moisture barrier surface than less expensive moist membranes. However, the moisture barrier’s success considerably depends on the installer following the manufacturers’ instructions. Moreover, Rot Shield Joist Tape limits corrosion by avoiding contact between the handled wood and galvanized metal fasteners and treated wood. Joist tape between the metal hangers and handled wooden can cease leaching copper (a treated wooden preservative) from corroding the joist hinges that hold the deck together. The two primary kinds of waterproof deck paint merchandise obtainable are ones based on oil and others primarily based on latex.
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