#Dio not sfw
nickgoesinsane · 1 year
naw imagine dio fake crying bc he doesn't get your cock but then after you offer to fuck him, he acts like a brat and says he doesn't want it. Then you fuck him and he really does cry
You let your open palm smack against the firm globe of Dio’s ass as you drill your fat cock into his sloppy hole. He cries out into the pillows, drenching the silk with his overwhelmed tears and drool. “What’s wrong, my love? Didn’t you want this?” You grab a fistful of his golden hair to drag him onto his hands and knees, the headboard slamming against the wall as you double the force behind your thrusts. 
“Too much—” Dio sobs brokenly even when he thrusts back against you, his ass clapping against your pelvis. 
“What’s too much, baby?” You ask, running a hand along his curves. Red welts the shape of your hands cover his pale skin. “Is my cock too much? Is it too big for your little hole? You want me to stop?” You question in feigned concern, slowing your rutting to shallow grinds. 
“No! No, no, please.” Dio reaches back to grab onto your thigh to keep you from pulling out, turning his head to peer at you with teary golden eyes. “Please, don’t stop.” He begs. 
“Then shut up and take it.”
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joestarfoundation · 4 months
Jofoes: First Time. . .
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Modern!AU. Minors DNI. Fem!Reader. English isn't my first language
AN: Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Listen to Cupid, but not the Twin Version, listen to the original in Korean. Remember, love yourself more than anyone else
Jofoes x Fem!Reader
First time with them
Pucci, Funny Valentine: I think he would take you in missionary position, with your feet on his shoulders (or lower), slowly entering you. His pace would be slow but hard, his eyes would be fixed on your breasts, while he praises and degrades you <3 But still, don't even think about holding your moans, because if you do, you will be brutally fucked nsfw link
Both Dios, Diavolo: mf would be rough, and really, I mean it, he would be ROUGH. Yes, maybe it's your first time, before the action, he would leave several marks on your collarbone, neck, the occasional kiss, but he would focus more on intercourse. If you're lucky, maybe in the first few minutes he'll be gentle with you, but as time goes by... he'd end up fucking you hard without mercy, and very possibly degrade you. You must know that you'll lose your anal virgnity w/ him, so if you were waiting for him to enter your pussy, I'm sorry! nsfw link
Kars, Kira: In this case, his cock is so big, you would have to relax first. Here more priority will be given to foreplay, I think he would like that more than the action itself, but of course he's dying to feel your virgin pussy around him. There are parts of your body that he simply finds wonderful, and of course, there will be plenty of kisses. Once the action starts he's going to go hard, but it will not feel abrupt, on the contrary, it would even be awkward, in a good way, of course. He'd notice your bouncy breasts, and since you are his favorite person, he'd call you his goddess nsfw link
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gatitties · 4 months
Dear friend
─Dio x fem!reader (Platonic) [Phantom Blood]
─Summary: You find yourself tied to the infamous Dio Brando, creating a strange relationship despite being complete opposites.
─Warnings: occ and a little angst i think¿, Dio is soft in this one
I was a little delulu while watching jojo's and listening to sad music late at night led me to write this 😔🤌🏻
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Dio Brando's life was not good in general, condemned to live in misery since he was born, with the only source of love and hope dying little by little, his mother was the only thing that kept him sane during his childhood, once his mother's life vanished in just a breath, he thought he would never feel what he used to call humanity again. His father could not be considered human, after all he had monstrous and condemnable actions, being only scum deserving of the most painful death.
He thought that he would be condemned in a spiral of darkness and filth, that his only goal in life would be to wait for his father's death and take over the fortune of the Joestar family once they adopted him, then another ray of light broke his dark shell, where his heart bled with pain, where the most sensitive part of the human being was hidden, even from him, who thought that nothing could give him back that lost humanity.
Dio was making some money as usual, betting a couple of coins to win more in that filthy bar, the carefree conversations and fights were a dull noise to him at this point, but the explosions, the burning smell and the screaming of someone in the kitchen wasn't something that happened often, that was the first time he saw you.
You ran out of the kitchen with teary eyes, coughing from the smoke you had inhaled, some parts of your clothes were burned, your cheeks were red from the heat and the embarrassment of being scolded by your boss while everyone watched, although you recovered soon when you were sent to do anything other than cook, it definitely wasn't your strong point.
Neither was waiting tables since you tripped over your own feet several times, your balance betrayed you at the worst moments and your hands seemed to be made of butter, but you remained firm with your optimistic attitude, that, and you needed the money, you were not going to leave this job nor would you allow such a quick dismissal.
Dio thought you were stupid to say the least, clumsy, distracted, inept… but for some reason he couldn't take his eyes off your figure when you were juggling to leave the beers on the table next to him, he couldn't figure out if you were purposely ignoring the lustful gazes of some depraved people or were you really that ignorant of your surroundings, he found it endearing in a way.
"Hey you, pay attention to the damn game!"
He grimaced, fed up with the man, he made his final move, winning and enraging the guy he was playing against, he threw the coins across the table, but before Dio could grab them his face was smashed into the plate of hot food making a thud that stopped the sound throughout the bar for a second.
It happened before he could react, he was planning to hit that old geezer to break his nose, but someone had gotten ahead of him, before he realized it, a burnt frying pan hit the bastard's face, causing blood to drip from his mouth, some teeth shooting out from its place.
"Don't waste food, you stuck-up idiot!"
Your expression changed to a frown, although everyone ignored your outburst, it wasn't the first time you hit someone for doing something that bothered you, but coming from a family with limited resources made you appreciate every little thing, you were a brave fool, you could mess with the most dangerous person on the entire face of the earth just for standing up for your values and ideals, and that, that's what caught Dio Brando's attention.
He didn't really look for interactions with you, you only caused him a slight curiosity, but there were many people just as stupid as you, living a miserable life, accepting their fate without aspiring to much more, but destiny seemed to want to intertwine your paths, that, or he just began to notice your presence more once he noticed you.
Of course, you also began to notice him more, it's not every day you find people with such striking appearance in the suburbs you used to frequent, especially people your age, and especially those who move through the darkness like you.
You accepted all kinds of assignments, even if they were dangerous, you always had luck on your side and a handful of sharp or blunt objects, aim was the only thing that probably stands out about your physical abilities along with stealth, you had learned to move like a rat, dark alleys, damp sewers… you knew every nook and cranny of this city by heart.
And that was how your first real interaction happened, you were both hired to do some smuggling for a good amount of money, you had worked in pairs before, but meeting the person you were strangely seeing everywhere lately was strange, you weren't going to turn down the job anyway, money is money.
What started with some ups and downs in your relationship was how curt Dio was, his harsh comments and lack of empathy made you frown, you scolded him occasionally for being so impolite and rude, not only to you but to other people who didn't deserved it. It was a tug of war between the two, complete opposites attracting each other.
When the relationship began to heat up, or rather when the remains of goodness that remained in a broken child made a little hole in his bleeding heart, it was when you took care of a drunken Dio, you found him raving, beating to death some poor devils who had decided to mess with him that night, you would have suffered the same fate if you hadn't been lucky enough that before he hit you he tripped on a rock, hitting his head. You took it from there and helped him without asking for anything in return, which caused him to distance himself for a few weeks after coming back looking different.
"What's wrong with you? Huh?"
You pointed accusingly at the blonde, who slapped your finger away from his face, letting out some complaints.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh don't try to play that with me, the time working with you was enough to be able to see through you, ah, I know, did you find a partner!?"
His eyebrow twitched at your new explosion of emotions, grabbing your head to keep your body still as you started to surround him asking a bunch of questions about his supposed partner.
"Aww" you deflated at his harsh response, recovering immediately "Anyway, seriously, there's something weird about you, I can see it in your eyes."
You moved a little closer to his face once he released you, looking directly into his captivating crimson eyes, although in truth you were just looking at your reflection on his gaze, sticking out your tongue as if you were posing for a photo, he looked in disbelief, you were too stupid and he didn't understand why, why after leaving those suburbs did he return? Why did he keep visiting you if he no longer needed you for anything? Why did he come back after moving to a better life? His mind couldn't understand it, but his heart won this battle and he let the only good feelings guide him towards your clumsy person.
"Whatever makes you sleep better."
He found himself enjoying your presence, your voice, your silly thoughts, your insignificant emotions more than usual, he found another source of light that illuminated the cracks in his shattered heart, minimally healing his inner child, and in turn, he repudiated every inch of your being, so kind and pure for someone like him, were you ignoring his evil nature or were you really that naive to not notice all the red flags around him? He didn't know it, but he would prefer that it stay like this for a while longer, all of his plans were moving forward and you weren't part of them.
You silently observe the sunset, the warm colors gradually disappearing as you lean against the half-broken cement wall, this building used to be your meeting point for the assignments you had together. You look back at Dio, who is unusually thoughtful, you also immerse yourself in your own thoughts, you were conscious, conscious of everything that Dio was and will be, you only needed some information that he let escape between the lines and his behavior of greatness to know that your friend was someone evil, someone who wouldn't think for a second about ending someone's life if they were a threat, you knew it and yet… Was it selfish to want to maintain this friendship? Even knowing that he wasn't someone to admire? Someone who repudiated half the world? That didn't agree with most of your values? Well, you were human, and selfishness is one of the facets that characterizes humanity, you never asked for much in your life, you wanted to grant yourself this whim despite everything.
"I don't know what will happen from now on, but thank you for all these years, I never thought I could have this kind of connection with someone."
Your neck almost broke from the speed at which you moved it to look at Dio, who was facing away from you, there was no way he had said that, expressing so many emotions and feelings like never before, were you dreaming? Was this some kind of alternate reality? Your eyes began to water because of his words, yes, you were a sentimental softie.
"That's so nice Dio, you should say that more often, instead of 'shut up bitch' or 'you suck'!"
You jumped on his back like a baby koala, sniffling on his shoulder while he froze for a second, trying to shake off your crying form, you seemed as fragile as a twig at that moment but you clung to him like a damn leech. He took you off of him after a couple of minutes, unexpectedly his arms surrounded your figure, seeing you buried in a mass of muscles for the first time, you were going to make a stupid comment, but for once you decided to shut your big mouth, passing your arms through his back.
No one dared to say anything, well, the look he gave you after he separated from you was a silent threat so that you wouldn't say anything about this moment of weakness he had, after all Dio has no weaknesses, he is superior to everyone.
Certainly, everything changed from that day, the relationship cooled because he disappeared from your life, you understood that the change in lifestyle was what caused it and if in a certain part it was true, you wanted to check that he was doing it right, it wasn't the case when you discovered that he was trying to kill Mr. Joestar, who welcomed him with open arms.
Your heart squeezed at the information, you knew that your friend was not a saint, you knew that he was a horrible person with others, but you remained selfish in your decision not to see him as human scum, to continue loving him like any other person. Your thoughts didn't last long though, at least not with the new version of him.
You were scared when you found him in your room one night, in the darkest corner, staring as if you were a prey, you could see his agitated breath coming out like smoke from a chimney, his eyes were still the same, but they scared you.
"Has the cat eaten your tongue? It's me, Dio! I don't think you've forgotten about me, I haven't, dear friend."
"You're not- you're not my friend…"
Your words came out shaky, the lump in your throat growing the closer the blonde got, this had to be a bad dream, you had heard that your friend had died after trying to kill Jonathan Joestar, although his body was not found among the rubble of the mansion, this couldn't be true.
"No? Maybe you're just confused, I'm still me, I've discovered a new way of living! I don't need that bullshit humanity, a longer lasting, stronger way of life! I am my best version."
You grabbed the lamp on your nightstand, making him smile at your fear, he knew you used to throw random things when you were angry or scared.
"You are not Dio! You are not the Dio that I know… your look is no longer the same, even when it was mischievous and evil before, it contained that shine of hope."
"Hope? That's pathetic, but you're lucky, I'm giving you the opportunity to live with dignity as a superior being! Just for being you, my only friend."
A hand covered your mouth, knowing that you would scream when he was next to you in the blink of an eye, he laughed at your reaction, resting his chin on the curve between your shoulder and neck, he grimaced as he felt you licking his hand, at least you were still stupidly brave to do that.
"Well? Will you agree to reign over all those filthy humans? You can live forever, without worries like money, no more shitty jobs."
You closed your eyes tightly in a last attempt to wake up if this was a dream, accepting that it wasn't, you moved away from his body, almost falling off the bed, you turned your body slightly to face him directly, oh that certain look of yours, it made him smile.
"I'm sorry, but the Dio I know is dead, and I refuse to accept a deal from a stranger."
He began to laugh lightly without taking his eyes off you, in another blink his imposing figure caught you, feeling again the mass of muscles imprisoning you between chest and biceps, your face pressed to his heart made you listen to the calm rhythm of it.
"I didn't expect anything less from someone as stupid and clumsy as you, I honestly knew that you were going to reject eternal youth, it's a real shame… but coming here was more of a whim."
His grip loosened a little, he rested his head on top of yours, closing his eyes for a few seconds, taking in as much of your scent as he could and it was gone as quickly as it came, you were barely able to react as the heat around you disappeared in a fraction of second, you looked with doubt at the open window, noticing how he was watching you from somewhere, you frowned, still with your lamp in your hand you threw it out the window, closed it as quickly as you could, you got under the sheets as if you were going to scare away the monsters of the night, closing your eyes although with a small smile when you heard the moan of Dio, who had been hit by your impeccable shot.
If you weren't his dear friend, you would have been three meters underground for a long time.
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officiallygoblin · 1 year
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Someday I will have to answer for my actions
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princelylove · 6 months
Thank you a lot for the ranking yandere of the Jofoe, I agree with you on that although I quite suprised that Kars end up being the most dangerous (I thought Dio would be more much dangerous, the way he charm everyone he meet and manipulate them to serve him)
Btw are you still write nsfw request? I hope you don't mind I request it, I would love to know how the first time of Jotaro, Noriaki, Dio with their darling (you can write about your fav character too :>). Like how they prepare for it, how they feel to be their darling's first time, aftercare ?
~ 🏵️ anon ~
What DIO views as “They’ll come around, they always do,” Kars views as “You are my possession from the beginning and you must submit.” Kars is the ultimate lifeform- without his invention of the mask, there is no DIO. When I think of DIO, no matter his age, I always think of the little boy who wanted nothing but love. When I think of Kars, I think of how he left Santana behind. Kars has no issue treating you as something like a prized possession, but to DIO, you’re his everything. Kars doesn’t want worship or something as silly as love, he wants to be amused. 
You happened to choose three characters that I tend to view as dominant/enjoy topping, so I threw in some submissive ones, for variety. 
Jotaro has no idea what he’s doing. He has no idea what lube is, no idea what aftercare is, no idea what foreplay is- he got all of his sex education from a half assed (Sorry, Holly.) ‘talk’ from his mother, watered down into childish language. He knows he’s supposed to put himself inside you, or something, but he’s… not really sure how it’s going to do that. Jotaro avoids sex for as long as possible- he’s not about to embarrass himself in front of the only person he wants an opinion from. Eventually, when he thinks the time is right (After he watches enough porn to “study”), he’ll work up the nerve to tell you that he expects sex from you. He has a bit of a fetish for you being a virgin. He views it as “pure,” and it plays into his delusion that his darling is the most innocent thing ever and will decay if he stops watching them for a single second. You’re precious, and he’s defiling you… The very thought is enough to rile him up. He treats his darling delicately afterwards, but that's sort of a given considering how fragile he treats you normally.
Noriaki has eased his darling into being ‘comfortable’ with at least foreplay, why not just go all the way? He normally gets his sadistic fantasies out of his system with little sessions- Hierophant Green ties you up and hangs you from the ceiling, and Noriaki tries absolutely everything he’s ever wanted to do, besides from penetration. He hasn’t really thought about it, but one day while toying with you, it occurs to him that he could’ve been doing that this entire time. You’re already bound so nicely for him, it’s such a waste to not at least try it. He supposes he would say he’s only curious- he’s fooled around with people before (If you count flirting and getting disgusted because they don’t meet his standards), but real, ‘proper’ sex has never been something he was very interested in. There’s a first time for everything. Noriaki doesn’t mind your lack of experience, he finds it cute. If you do have experience… it’s generally the smart move to not tell a possessive type that you let someone else see you in that way. 
DIO is surprisingly patient with his darling. Sex isn’t everything in a relationship, and he doesn’t want you to just see him as a sexual partner- having it too early can lead to expectations that, although he’d happily fulfil in the right mood, leave a bad taste in DIO’s mouth. He isn’t just a body or cold hands to keep you happy at night. He waits for you to make the suggestion, and focuses on your pleasure, for the time being. DIO’s fairly happy to service you- he thinks that if he pleases you enough, you’ll start to care about pleasing him. It’s only fair, isn’t it? He normally takes a dominant role in sex, touching him is only to boost his ego or to hold on for dear life. He thinks it’s the natural order of things, and will outright refuse you if you suggest that you want to only focus on getting him off. Don’t be silly, pet. Let him take care of you. His pleasure is brought on by your pleasure, he tells you. But, should you take the lead in kissing, or get as handsy with him as he’s been craving… well. DIO loves special treatment, just don’t make him beg for it, since he is actually opposed to pleading for his own darling’s touch, and he’ll roll onto his back nicely for you. As long as you’re not seeking sexual attention from someone else, DIO is willing to put aside how he feels about you having another in your past. First or not, he’s your eternity. You’re very well taken care of. Any aches or bruises are kissed better, and possibly massaged. If your hips ache too much, he’ll have a devotee carry you where you need to be, should his hands be busy elsewhere. 
Holly considers sex to be part of her marital duties. She’s supposed to let you have her, right? You can do whatever you want, she won’t complain, as long as you keep telling her you love her. Holly wants your first time to be after you’re officially married- which, to Holly, you already are. What’s in the past doesn't matter, she’ll guide you through how to touch her if you need it, and is a little bit too eager to make you forget about anyone that isn’t your wife. Asking for “aftercare” is not at all necessary, did you think she’d leave you all alone after working so hard? Take out your stress on her, get a little rough or go as slowly as you want, as long as you’re happy, Holly will take it. If you’re not in the mood, that’s fine… but she’ll think she did something wrong, and go sulk in another room for a few hours. It’s better to just get a little cardio done for the day and tire her out, maybe you’ll have some privacy if she falls asleep right after. 
Trish will beg you to fuck her. She does absolutely everything she can think of to get you to make a move on her. She’ll put her legs up on your lap when you’re sitting next to her- looook, she just shaved, feel. She said feel. She’ll only wear miniskirts and keep bending forward in front of you because she's “looking for something.” If none of her hints work, she’ll get on top of you, and tell you to do it. She may have matured a lot, but she’s still bossy. Just not during sex. It’s embarrassing- she seriously has to tell you? You should just automatically know when she wants it and how she wants it and to call her pretty and gorgeous and give her soooo many compliments and kiss her everywhere and you get my point. Trish will do absolutely no work, she fully expects her darling to do absolutely everything, and often forgets that you need love after too.
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latinotiktok · 6 months
está hecho
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viejospellejos · 2 years
Se ha teletransportado
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binglebangledotcom · 14 days
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bl00dblight · 2 months
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Animated my sona, as a treat :]
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nickgoesinsane · 1 year
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dio brando x reader
cw: nsfw (minors dni), sub!dio, dom!reader, gn!reader - amab, dirty talk, mean!reader, part 3!dio, dio being a slut, degradation kink, size kink, begging, choking, groping, spit kink, breeding kink, creampie, dacryphilia, obsessive and possessive dio, etc.
notes: a continuation to this
word count: 1170
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“Why are you such a slut?” You sigh in feigned frustration, thrusting a third lubed finger inside Dio’s asshole. They slip inside without trouble, and his insides hungrily cling to your fingers. He moans into the pillows, spine arched enticingly as he rocks back against you. 
It’s almost unfair, how effortlessly beautiful he looks in the flickering candlelight. You curl your fingers, pressing them against his prostate, and his body shudders. Dio lifts his head to moan your name, his cock drooling precum onto the expensive silk sheets. His blond curls are mussed, far messier than usual from you pulling him by his hair to the bedroom. 
“Walking around with those fat tits out for everyone to see.” You continue, and his  asshole clenches around your fingers at your words, making you scoff. “Whore.”
Dio glances at you from over his shoulder, the gold of his eyes a thin ring around his blown pupils, “Yours.” He nearly purrs in reply. You roll your eyes and press harder against his prostate, if only to watch his smug expression twist in pleasure. 
He whines unhappily when you take your fingers out, only to gasp when you manhandle him onto his back. Dio eagerly lifts his legs, using his hands to spread his ass for you, and bites down on his bottom lip in eager anticipation. His eyes are glued to your cock as you take it in your hand, pouring more lube on it. Heat rises to his cheeks, his expression enamored at the thought that even when you’re being mean, you make sure he’s comfortable. 
You press the fat head of your cock against his twitching asshole and bend down to latch your lips onto one of his nipples. Dio arches his back, pushing into your mouth with a moan. His arms wrap around you, and your hands grip his thighs to press them against his torso. “Fuck me,” He pants, hips squirming in an attempt to get you to slip into him. “My love, please. Fuck— ah!” Dio gasps when you bite down on his chest, your teeth breaking through the skin as you suck hard. 
“Open.” You command when you let go, your lips stained red, and he opens his mouth. You hollow your cheeks and spit directly onto his tongue, and his eyes nearly cross as he moans at the taste of his own blood mixed with your saliva. His Adam’s apple bobs harshly as he swallows, and precum pools onto his abs. “Good slut.” You say with a condescending smile and give his pillowy tits a hard squeeze. 
“Please, please, please—” Dio begs, thick lashes clumping together with desperate tears. 
You grip his throat tightly and slip only the tip of your cock inside him. “Are you that hungry for my cock, you shameless whore? I bet you’d cream around the tip of my dick if I told Vanilla Ice to come in here and watch.” You taunt, and a stream of precum splatters over his torso. Dio moans breathily, and you dig your nails into his skin. “Answer me, you fucking slut.” 
“Ngh, yes!” Dio’s shaky hands grab your wrist, his face red, “I love your cock. You always make me feel so good, so full. Leave me gaping and dripping with your cum. Want them to know you’re mine, only mine— please!” 
You pelvis slaps against his ass as you thrust your cock inside his hole, and Dio throws his head back with a silent scream. His eyes roll as he comes all over his stomach, streaks of white splattering all the way up to his chin, but his cock remains hard. You laugh, pushing his thighs against his chest as you start up a merciless pace. Loud moans spill from his bruised lips with every pump of your hips, his asshole squelching lewdly with every plunge of your cock. 
“I can feel you—” Dio whines, slipping a hand between you to press against his abdomen, “right here…” 
“Gonna fill you up, Dio,” You promise, giving his neck a squeeze. “Gonna fuck my cum into you, again and again until you can’t keep it inside.” A strangled sob leaves his mouth at the thought, and his asshole clenches around your cock. “I’m gonna breed you like a bitch.” An idea comes to your mind, maybe a little dangerous, but it makes you grin. “Can you imagine it? Your belly swollen with an heir, your fat tits dripping with milk.”
“Yes!” He gasps, hips rising to meet your thrusts, “Yes, yes, yes!” 
You draw back until the tip of your cock remains, “Beg.” 
Dio’s chest heaves as he pants, his pale skin shining with sweat, and overwhelmed tears spill down his face. “Please!” He hiccups pitifully, “Please fill me with your cum. Fuck a baby into me!” There’s something concerningly wild and hungry in his eyes, but it turns you on as much as it worries you.
“Mm, gladly.” You whisper, leaning down to press your lips against his. The kiss is messy, wet with tears and spit, and his strong legs wrap around your hips as your cock pushes inside him once more. He moans into your mouth, hungrily suckling on your tongue, and threads his fingers into your hair to keep you there. His body rocks into the mattress from the force of your thrusts, the cum from his previous orgasm smearing onto your skin while his weeping erection ruts against your stomach. 
Your lips part with a wet smack, “Take it.” You groan, burying yourself to the hilt inside his hole. You come harder than you have in a while, your weight pinning him down to the bed as you pump rope after rope of cum inside him.
Dio chants your name like a prayer as he comes again, legs tightening around your body as his asshole tightens like a vice around your cock as if to milk every drop. “Thank you… thank you…” He babbles gratefully, reverently running his hands over your skin as if worshiping a god. There’s so much cum that it oozes out from around the base of your cock to drip down your balls and his asscheeks. 
You sigh in satisfaction, admiring the view of his creamy and abused hole as you slowly withdraw. The puffy rim clenches as he tries to keep most of it inside. His eyebrows draw together unhappily as your cock leaves him, and he pouts up at you like the brat he is. “Let’s go take a bath.” You murmur affectionately, pushing his damp curls away from his face to kiss his sweaty forehead. 
Dio pushes you down on your back, throwing a leg over your hip and cuddles into you. “Later.” He says, lazily mouthing at your throat. You hum, gently running the tip of your nails along his spine. “...I want a baby.” Dio suddenly mumbles against your skin, reaching down to wrap his fingers around your wet cock, and you close your eyes with a sigh. 
You fucking knew it.
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milky-fixx · 1 year
day 1, dio brando: petplay
kinktobruary day 1
dio brando x reader // jojo's bizarre adventure
summary: pets know better than to keep their master waiting, right? dio has little patience for your other obligations. when he fails to grab your attention, he has other means for persuading you. modern, non-stand AU
tw/cw: 18+ only, smut, petplay, semi-public in a sense (someone hears you two via zoom), rough s*x, degradation, humiliation, dio in this au still has a god complex, dio being a drama queen who has no concept of boundaries, dio being jealous of your homework
word count: 2.5K
You liken Dio to a cat.
Not a cute, domestic cat, someone you could leave to his own devices, but a lion. Raw, barely curbed vigor, an intimidating air; he’s someone that can command a room. And just like a feline, he can be downright obstinate when it comes to getting you to play along with one of his whims.
The heat of his ochre gaze typically has you relenting to his desires, but today you are determined. The assignment you’re working on is due at midnight, and it’s your utmost priority to get it done, considering the substantial portion it makes up of your grade. Your keyboard keys continue clacking, even as you can feel his eyes boring into you. 
“Dear,” he starts, the rich, sultry timbre voice of his voice one that you know all too well.
You shush him sharply.
You don’t have to look up to see the displeasure curling his lips. “I did not even get to finish—”
“Mm, I know what you’re going to say.”
“Oh?” Dio is nothing if not interested in a worthy challenge, when he finds one. “And that is?”
“Entertain me, I’m bored. Something to that effect?” At his annoyed silence, you continue. “Sorry, but I really need to get this done—”
“School. Assignments. Deadlines. Do they really matter in the grand scheme of things?” Distaste sharpens his words to fine edges, edges which you easily duck and avoid as you continue typing.
“They do if I want to pass.”
Dio refuses to relent, a sign, perhaps, of his own relentless contempt for boredom, as he unfurls from his position to stride towards you. He leans down, hovering just inches over you as he observes you work.
“You would not even need to finish this tedious course if you had just accepted my offer.”
“To work at your law firm? Thanks, but I’ll pass.” You can feel the irritation leeching off of him, the hairs on your arms standing on end, so you finally acknowledge him. Dio, even though he keeps you closest to your heart, still refuses to lower himself to you, and as he stands above you, he observes you like a game of chess. Another piece he needs to crack, another victory to earn.
You don’t doubt your lover’s keen intellect, but you don’t take lightly rumors you hear of the corruption at his law firm lightly. What he does in his career is little of your business, especially not when it provided the two of you with a lovely penthouse suite in the nicer part of London, but what is your business was the autonomy you had. 
You can’t imagine what being domineered by Dio both at home and work.  You quite enjoy the freedom your academics grants you from his wide influence. Well, besides the assignments. You could do without those.
“Sorry,” you say, gentler now, hoping to rectify the damage you’ve done to his ego. “We can do something later, okay?”
Perhaps you underestimate Dio’s hatred for coming second place to anyone or anything. 
Dio, from his perspective, finds this predicament quite vexing. While he admits on some occasions he finds your dedication to your studies is admirable, as he finds all things in life that people mercilessly chase after and obtain, it does get boringly predictable. The way you lock yourself off to all external stimuli to get something done. A quality he often admires in you, but at the current moment, gives him much frustration. 
What can a measly course teach you that Dio can’t? He graduated law school with flying colors, started his own law firm, and was an absolute, smashing success. So, why do you insist on subordinating the knowledge and experience he could offer you, to something as trivial as school? Your dismissal of him has his blood simmering.
Yet, his annoyance manifests itself into scheming, as it often does. Possibilities flash through his mind, ways that he can morph the sight of your frustrated brow and keen concentration into adoration, into you mewling, begging for him, his name a hymn on your tongue. You always do call out his name oh-so-alluringly. As his thoughts delve into more carnal fantasies, yearning stokes the fires in him.
You always do look absolutely divine with your face flushed, your skin dewy with sweat and other fluids. Dio is positive he can paint that picture once again.
You’ll learn to regret rejecting his advances. Because it’s time for him to discipline you, to show you what happens when his pet spurns his interest.
You’re tidying up your workspace, in preparation of the zoom meeting with your study group. The three of you are supposed to go over your essays, give each other last-minute feedback, perhaps gripe about your professor’s ridiculous standards.
As you connect to the call, you notice Dio enter the room again. He seats two spaces away from you, before procuring a book for leisurely reading. At your greeting, he doesn’t even so much as glance at you, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. Oh, so he isn’t done being upset about earlier.
You redirect your attention to zoom, eyes lighting up when the faces of your classmates pop up on screen. As the three of you began chatting, exchanging pleasantries, you catch Dio placing his book down in your periphery. You glance over at him, but you’re not able to spot the deviousexpression play across his features with him facing away from you.
Little do you know, the perfect opportunity presents itself to him, and who is he to not take it.
Just as you start skimming your peer’s paper, you hear the thump of Dio’s book falling to the floor.
“How clumsy of me.”
Perhaps if you were paying more attention, you’d hear the intention lacing the sarcasm in his ton, a slight change to his usual, condescending manner. As it is, you’re distracted by a comment your peer makes. But just as your eyes trail across the words on your screen again, you feel something brush your leg.
Then two hands, large and firm, grasp you by the ankles and yank your legs apart. It’s a good thing you’re on mute, or else your classmates would have heard your shriek.
You glance down to see Dio under the table, his golden gaze challenging you. “What are you doing?” 
“I can’t seem to find where I dropped my novel. Pity,” he says, not sounding at all bothered. “I suppose I’ll have to entertain myself in this measly way.”
The thin shorts you wear prove to be impervious to his efforts as his fingers trail up your thigh. You send him a warning look, your attention dipping between him and the zoom call. While at first, his hands are mere caresses, his actions soon escalated, much like a buildup to the main act. When his fingers reach your panties, and he begins halfheartedly stroking through the give in them, you fidget at the sensation of liquid warmth pooling between your thighs.
“Dio,” you hiss. “This is really not the time—”
“Pet,” he says, deceptively calm. “Is that any way to speak to your master?”
His words, honeyed and cloying, seem to drip from his mouth, and straight between your thighs. Your mouth shuts as you attempt to shut your thighs, but he merely nudges them apart again, the stroking of his fingers unimpeded. You glance at your classmates on screen, noticing that they seemed to be engrossed in reading, before focusing back on him.
“Make it discreet.”
“Oh? I was not aware that you were the kind to give me orders, pet. I’ll do as I please.”
He tugs at the hem of your shorts, and this time you comply, lifting your hips so that the material falls to your feet. Then Dio’s stroking evenly along your panties, his movements uninhibited, and your thighs begin quaking. When he prods you under the material, his thick digits burrowing into you, you let out a shaky breath that you disguise as a cough.
The words on the page before you start to blur, and your attention and bodily awareness converge to the single, burning heat building in your gut. Gosh, you were so close… your eyes clench shut, your teeth worrying your bottom lip. Your breath stutters when—
Nothing. A gust of air fans your exposed parts.
Your eyes snap open. “Dio—”
He’s already standing, brushing himself off. He aims a disgruntled look at the wrinkles on his slacks from kneeling down for so long, attempting to straighten them out. 
You call his name out again, and this time he snaps.
“I suggest you turn that camera of yours off if you value your modesty, pet. I don’t,” he says frankly, a cruel smirk curling his lips. “However, you have your own meager reputation you want to preserve.”
You turn off your camera not a moment too soon, as Dio shoves his fingers that were just inside you in your mouth. You choke at the abruptness, your tongue sloppily cleaning his fingers of the mess you’ve made. As he yanks them out, he leans down to capture your lips in a kiss, his tongue forcing you into obedience. You comply, his mouth muffling your moan as your hands curling into the fabric of his shirt. He slaps them away.
“Did I say you could touch me, pet? Look at how you’ve mussed up my shirt.” He chuckles. “First you make me lower myself to you, and now this? Oh, I’ve quite the low tolerance for your behavior today, pet.”
He jerks you up from your seat by your arm, maneuvering you so that your hands are braced along the table, your ass bent towards him. You shiver at the sound of him undoing his belt buckle and of clothes falling to the floor. His hefty length rests against your cheeks, the heat of it causing heat to creep up your own cheeks as you’re face-to-face with your zoom session, your classmates unaware of what’s going on behind your camera.
He doesn’t even bother taking off your panties, simply yanking them to the side before breaching you. As Dio’s girth stretches you wide in one thrust, you bite back your moan. The sensation of fullness is accompanied by the slightest sting of pain, as Dio didn’t prepare you nearly enough for his penetration, but that doesn’t stop him. He slides out before spearing into you again, his hips rocking hard enough that the table trembles.
He chuckles. “Look at you.” He admires your reflections in the black screen, the barely discernible outline of his figure jostling into yours. “Imagine, if your hand slipped… if you let those foolishly naive peers of yours catch sight of you at this moment.... What would they say? What would they think of you, pet? I can only imagine the humiliation you’d experience at being caught as mine to use and wreck.”
You whine, your eyes slipping shut as you arch your back towards him. Dio’s hand comes to press lightly against your throat, squeezing once for good measure. His hips continue to pummel into you harshly, your hips digging uncomfortably into the table’s edges. Your hands dart towards your front, attempting to accelerate towards a quick end, but he catches it. 
“You will cum from my touch and my touch alone, pet,” he sneers.
You whimper again, and Dio smirks. He drags your hips back and spreads your legs wider, so that when he thrusts into you, it’s as if you can feel him prodding the very edge of your gut. You choke out a moan of his name, bracing your elbows on the table. The table creaks louder with his every thrust, and the errant slap of his balls against your skin…. God, you need to double-check to make sure you’re on mute.
“Pet, I believe they’re speaking to you.” Dio snickers.
Your eyes snap open, and of course, your classmates are looking in your direction expectantly. You flush; even though your camera is off, it feels like they know what you’re up to, that they can see the depraved things you and Dio are doing. And with the way he’s fucking you, leaving you little room to gather your bearings, much less breathe… you don’t think you can find it in you to continue the session. Your hand hovers over the button to exit the call, but Dio jerks into you again and your fingers miss the button. 
“Answer them, pet,” he says suddenly. “I command you to.”
You shoot him a withering look that wilts at the way his hips smack into you, breaking your concentration. You bite down on your lip, turning on your mic.
“S-Sorry guys.” Even you can hear your voice was strained, tight. “C-Camera’s not working. Must be the internet,” you say quickly, before muting again. You hope to God that the audio didn’t pick up on the wet slap of his hips against yours, or the creaking of the table. Dio, on his end, is clearly biting back his own devilish laughter.
As they continue talking, each torturous minute you attempt to stay focused weakens your resolve, and you unmute yourself again. “A-actually I’m really sorry…. I think I need to g-gooo—I’ll send you feedback later, I promise.”
You freeze as Dio lets out a positively sinful groan, loud enough for them to hear, accompanied by a moan of your name. “(Y/N), you feel exquisite—”
“B-Bye!” You exit the call, your face burning. Dio chortles as you reach around to smack his chest. “Dio, you—you dick!” 
“Perhaps they’ll think I have the flu, pet. People come up with the most irrational excuses for things they don’t want to believe.”
“You’re so fucking—incorrigible—”
“Mm, you don’t seem to mind.”
“Just make me cum already,” you snap.
“I was not aware I was taking requests,” he remarks just as icily.
Still, it seems he’s reaching his limit as well, aided no doubt by the way you’d tightened around him in surprise at his earlier trick. He pins you to the table, his hips practically pummeling into you. You moan, at each slam of your hips against the table, already picturing the bruises that would no doubt form tomorrow. As Dio’s hips piston into you, you clench around him, feeling heat surge through your gut. You lower your face, his name a gasp on your lips as you ride out your orgasm. Shortly after, Dio is pulling out of you, hissing as his own release splatters onto the table.
You’re panting, already feeling the phantoms aches in your body from holding onto that position. As you flex the stiff muscles in your wrists, your eyes land on your notes and outline for your paper, the ink smudged in several places from droplets of Dio’s release. Your jaw drops.
“Dio!” You smack his shoulder, pointing to your ruined study materials. He merely smirks, tucking himself back into his pants.
“Gross! How am I supposed to read this now?”
“I haven’t the faintest idea. Perhaps you could clean them with your tongue,” he suggests.
He definitely aims with intention.
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jojikawa · 1 year
Dio with a darling that’s kissed men before him
Dio: (y/n), I’ve always wondered why you’re a good kisser and I think I’ve come to understand why.
(y/n): Hm? You know ‘why’ I’m a good kisser? Do tell.
Dio: Of all the girls I’ve kissed as a boy, none of them has plump lips such as you.
(y/n): Oh really? I’ve kissed other guys too and I can say that you’re a good kisser as well~!
Dio: You’ve WHAT!?
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Dio is so gentle after sex, it’s like a switch flickered in his brain. He’ll be cradling your body in his arms, wiping the tears off your cheeks, whispering praises and sweet nothings, and helping you clean off with a nice warm bath. Afterwards, a cuddle session and a nap.
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pummoosun · 5 months
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Here's some of my todays doodles!
☆Dio with his little ones
☆Giorno being babysat by Secco and Cioccolata
☆And Fugo being babysat by Risotto!
Also, now have the transparent vers. of the doodles, for anyone who would wanna color them~ ⬇️ (at least i hope the transparent is working)
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baby-zakarii · 4 months
GASP.. Can you draw lil dio wif cg nilla ice?
Hehe sure! Here you go!
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They playin with blocks💜
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Welcome to my Cave
Into, dni, over all info
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Information about the muse
Toddler regressor, normally 1-3
Padded regressor
Regresses for comfort and due to trauma
Has 2 main care givers (Vanilla Ice and Mariah) and 1 main babysitter (Hol Horse)
Will add more when I think of it
Information about the mun
Toddler regressor, normally 2-5
Under 18
After this post if it is me, the mun, taking it will have // in front of it and a tag
I've got many headcannons for man jojo characters that will be included most likely
I have bipolar as well as anxiety and possibly audhd
I have not read past part 6, so please refrain from using anyone from those parts, sorry
Will add more when I think of it
Nsfw accounts
"Sfw" kink accounts
Phobes (homophobes, transphobes, racists etc)
Proshippers or any variants of them
Strohiem and funny valentine defenders
Think agere is gross (why are you even on this account...)
Will add more when I think of it
Will do
One on one rp (dms)
Most things as long as they aren't nsfw
Briefly rping as other characters, but remember this is a Dio centered blog
Just ask and I'll tell you!
Won't do
Caregiver Dio (I'm bad at it and also I just don't see him as one)
Diapers and what they bring are fine, but please don't be to descriptive. Accidents and changes can happen but avoid anything to detailed or explicate please
Anything to upsetting. I'm all for angst but in a setting like this please try not to be to upsetting
Thank you for reading. Asks are now OPEN
@draculabiscuitsss @baby-zakarii @jojos-bizzare-daycare @binglebangledotcom @sketchcreations399
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