#Dimentio x reader
korbydaze · 13 days
Small husband (he’s 400 and likes causing problems)
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thereaderinsertlady · 8 months
jevil x reader x dimentio? i can only imagine having to put both on child leashes to contain the chaos.. or bribe them with smooches.
We loove jesters in this household. Here's the link on ao3, and I hope you enjoy!
Jevil x Reader x Dimentio - Managed Chaos
Both of the jesters were getting on your nerves today.
One of them– the impish one with a tail, was currently eating your cereal that you just poured out for yourself not even ten seconds ago, and the other one– a manipulative little twink, was trying to get you to buy him an expensive set of playing cards he found in some magazine. 
“No,” you told Dimentio firmly. “I don’t care that they’re made of metal– it’s sixty whole coins! And you–” you pointed at Jevil. “Quit eating my cereal!”
Jevil’s tail swayed back and forth as he sat on the kitchen’s countertop, spoon in his mouth. He gave you a smile before responding with his mouth full of cereal. “I can do anyf’ing, anything!”
“Not in this house you ain’t,” you hissed, throwing a balled-up paper towel at him. “Go get your own cereal! You don’t even like that kind! And– And quit talking with your mouth full!”
“I do’t care ah-t all, at all!” His tail swayed more, as if he was proud of himself. 
You eyed him. “You’ll care when I shove my foot up your ass,” you grumbled, shuffling over to the fridge and opening it, no longer wanting cereal.
…Dimentio slooowly peered over your shoulder. “So like a bee ready to strike, are you sure you don’t want to get me that card set?”
“I’m sure,” you huffed. “And I thought you were going to meet with that little gumball guy?”
“Marx?” Dimentio pouted. “We-ell, he’s in jail.”
“...Jail?” You looked over your shoulder to stare at him. “Why?”
“Ooh, well, you knooow,” he waved a casual hand. “Trying to kill people, as per usual.”
You rolled your eyes, eventually closing the fridge. No breakfast for you. “You should find better friends.”
He giggled, leaning in to smooch your cheek. “Why find ‘better’ friends when I have yooou, my dear?”
“And muh-e!” Jevil chimed with a mouth full of food.
“...And you,” he pouted again, briefly eyeing him.
You rubbed your face tiredly. “Let’s go to the store in a bit. I need to lay down for a minute,” you said, going over to the living room to flop down onto the couch tiredly. You really needed a nap of some kind…
After a solid minute, you felt a certain impish jester crawl onto your back, laying on top of you as if he was a plank of wood. 
“Jevil,” you mumbled, your voice coming out muffled. “Whatchu doin’...?”
“Sleeping, sleeping.”
After a bit longer, a blanket was laid atop of both you and Jevil, a figure sitting on the arm rest. “I shall watch over you two,” Dimentio said with a smile.
“How come you always watch me sleep?” You asked, keeping your face pressed against the couch.
“To make sure you’re safe, of course! Jevil does it too.”
“I do, I do!”
You rolled your eyes, though couldn’t help but smile a little. Letting your eyes close, you got comfortable to the best of your ability, slowly drifting off into dreamland.
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jesterssafeplace · 7 months
Someone needs to write a Dimentio x reader where the reader has a huge hyperfixation on Jesters,clowns,mimes,etc and knows EVERYTHING about them. Like imagine Y/N info dumping about jester/harlequin stuff Dimentio already knew!
I might be planing on writing a fanfic about something similar
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demikhaotix · 11 months
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dragonjesterwrites · 2 years
If you accept marriage requests May I request sun/moon x reader and Dimentio x reader marriage headcanons?
Marriage Headcanons with Sun/Moon, and Dimentio
Yeah ofc! Sorry for the long wait, I've been all over the place these past few months haha 😅 I got some good ones though 👌
They would have planned the whole day around the proposal- a lovely breakfast, followed by a day out filled with your favorite activities (or a lazy day in playing games, cooking treats, etc if that's what your prefer).
Then the proposal itself; somewhere sentimental, like the place you went to on your first ever date, or the place you first kissed, (or the ashes of the Pizzaplex)
They'd both get down on their knee and propose at the same time, not with rings but with one each of their wrist wrappings. (You do all get wedding rings (one gold and one silver), but I just think the ribbons would be sweet okay sgshsjks)
If you thought they were sweet on you before just wait until you accept their proposal. Your face is gonna hurt from all the smiling you're doing because they aren't going to stop ravishing you with kisses anytime soon. It's not just Sun either- Moon, for once, makes his feelings well known.
The ceremony would be held somewhere in the wilderness, with a trusted person as an officiant. Somewhere scenic, like a flower field or the foothills of a mountain near a lake. Anyone y'all trust can attend, and Sun and Moon would be especially happy to have a group of friends there.
Anytime they get to call or refer to you as "wife", "husband", or "spouse", they get super giddy and sentimental.
Normally I try to stick to the request, but I just don't see Dimentio as the marrying type, unless it was beneficial to him in some way- however! If he likes you and has already stuck around you long enough, well. "You're stuck with me now :)"
He uses plenty of nicknames for you, but the one with the closest he gets to genuine affection is "partner in crime". Man is not sappy unless he lying, him recognizing you as a fellow scoundrel is a a high compliment from him.
He'd be fine with sharing the same housing, though he's a hypocrite about it- he has no issues waltzing into your room whenever, but his room is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. There are bonuses to living with him, though, like he makes excellent tea, and brings a whole ass library with him that you can use whenever.
You might not be married, but you sure bicker like an old married couple.
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continentalblue · 8 months
i want to smooch dimentio
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shywitchyfangirl · 2 years
A Sibling Heart-to-Heart: Dimentio x Reader
My entry for @thereaderinsertlady‘s Underrated Character Event. This is my first ever real published fanfic. Feedback is appreciated but please have mercy. Also please know that this is less of a traditional X Reader and more of a “How would Dimentio and Shadoo cope after the reader saved them?” I’m a sucker for hurt-comfort and I will not apologize.
“You shall return to me, accursed Shayde. There is no escape. You shall pay for your actions. And they shall pay with you…”
Dimentio awoke with a gasp as he’d grown well accustomed to in the past few months. As the horrific image of the Underwhere retreated once more from his waking mind, he yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Once upon a time, even this relatively tame nightmare would have him screaming and sobbing until Shadoo and/or [Y/N] came to console him from his hysterics, but he was pleased to find that, as with all things in his long, long life, he’d gradually grown desensitized to even these nightly trips back down to the depths. At least, his waking self had. If only his dream self would grow bored of his futile pleas for mercy then the whole matter would be settled. But then again, it isn’t like his real self had ever grown numb to what he’d suffered down there…
Brushing that unpleasant thought away before it could take root, Dimentio shuffled out of bed and began preparing for the day. No point in trying to sleep more, he’d just see her again, and the later he slept in and the more night terrors he had, the greater the odds of Shadoo sensing one. Then it’d be all “Dimi, why didn’t you tell me the nightmare wards aren’t working?” and when he explained that they actually are working because usually his dreams were much worse, she’d just give him that horrified look that had sadly stopped being hilarious after the fiftieth time. Alas, why must even the most lustrous of gems lose their shine with time?
Of course, what he really wanted to avoid was [Y/N] finding out. They never took well to hearing about any slight misfortune he suffered. Their heart was soft like gourmet butter spread upon a warm English muffin, and they never seemed to understand that, compared to what he’d suffered in the Underwhere, even the most disastrous of events was as pleasant as a free trip to a luxury spa. But then, what did he expect? This was the magician who had seen the would-be destroyer of reality serving his just sentence in the Underwhere and been mortified by what they saw. The one who had offered their own soul as collateral in exchange for his freedom. The one who would be dragged down to the depths along with him if he ever set a toe out of line again.
They hadn’t been lovers then. He’d have understood if they were. Knowing [Y/N], he’d have even understood if they were complete strangers. But they knew who he was. The whole multiverse did. And yet, they’d rescued him, taken him in, and nursed him back to health and sanity despite his constant protests. They’d even tracked down the sister he’d long thought game-overed. They truly believed that, given the chance, he could do better. He could be better.
So, naturally, he’d fallen madly in love with them.
Dimentio had such mixed feelings about his new lover’s sweet and gentle nature. On one hand, he could think of no one better suited to lead his literally damned soul to redemption than someone who was nothing less than a Nimbi themself. The thought that they might be his new destiny, fate’s way of amending the damage inflicted upon his mind by that accursed book, comforted him more than he dared to speak aloud.
And yet…
Dimentio wasn’t blind to his sins. He held no delusions that his actions, no matter how necessary and justified, were anything less than vile, despicable, sadistic, and unforgivable in the eyes of all who saw him. He knew perfectly well that his soft-hearted darling would never look him in the eyes again if they knew the true depths of his villainy. His mere presence defiled their purity. He had no more business by their side than he had in the Overthere itself. He was their antithesis in every conceivable way.
They wanted to save worlds, he wanted to destroy them.
They were a Nimbi.
And he was a Shayde.
Dimentio glared at his reflection in the mirror. As charming and handsome as ever, but of course it was a lie. This body he now resided in was nothing but an artificial shell, created by [Y/N]’s magic in the image of how he’d looked in life. It changed nothing of what was inside. His soul was still cursed, its fate sealed not by Queen Jaydes’ judgement, but 3,000 years ago by destiny itself and the book that had dubbed him the Dark One. No amount of magical makeovers could change the fact that he was a game-overed man walking. And it certainly couldn’t change how eager Queen Jaydes was to bring him back under her nonexistent mercy, and drag the savior who’d dared to steal him from her right down with him.
With a bitter scowl, Dimentio slammed a fist into the mirror… only to yelp and cuss as he shook out his now throbbing hand. The mirror, of course, was completely unharmed. Artificial as his new form may be, it was still just as physically weak and frail as the rest of his former tribe. Now feeling embarrassed on top of everything else, Dimentio stomped down the stairs, muttering things that brought new meaning to the phrase “pardon my French.”
“You really need to stop this daily brooding, it’s making you grumpy,” commented a voice in his head that was definitely NOT his own.
“Get out of my head, Shadoo,” Dimentio snapped, doing his absolute best to give the mental impression of a death glare in his sister’s general direction.
Dimentio somehow felt his sister mentally rolling her eyes at him. “Well don’t brood so loud then. I can’t hear my own thoughts over yours.”
Dimentio was not in the mood for this. Time to take things out of her domain and into his own. With a wave of his hand, Dimentio tore open a cubic portal in space, on the other side of which the entire rest of his tribe was sitting at a table eating cereal. Shadoo shot him a deadpan look. “Dimi, the dining room is 5 feet away from you.”
“Well then come out here and roll your eyes at me in person instead invading my brain like a catchy advertising jingle for cheap bubblegum,” Dimentio huffed, stepping through the portal and grabbing the box of cereal with indignity.
If there was one singular thing Dimentio could thank the Pure Hearts for, it was restoring his sister to her true form. The teenager was back to how she was in life, as though the past 3,000 years had never happened. Dimentio didn’t know why or how the Pure Hearts had restored her, but apparently they’d also somehow restored the lost Nimbi princess, as Queen Jaydes had taken great joy in rubbing in his face. No doubt they’d also whisked the count and his fiancée away to the safety of some far off world and even restored her to her human form for good measure. Miracles abound, happy endings for everyone. Whoopdie-tap-dancing-doo.
“So…. what’s wrong?” Shadoo asked, watching Dimentio pour entirely too much cereal into the bowl she’d set out for him.
Dimentio glared back at her, taking care to completely empty his mind. The question was a trap, she obviously didn’t expect him to answer. However, she would be quick to snap up any thought that flickered through his mind as a result. “Nothing you need to worry about, Shady.”
“Of course,” Shadoo deadpanned, raising an eyebrow. “That’s why you won’t let me see any of your thoughts. Because nothing’s wrong.”
“Or perhaps I simply don’t want my nosey little sister digging around in my brain like a shopper searching for something watchable at the bottom of the discount movie bin,” Dimentio snapped, teleporting a milk jug from the fridge.
“I only read your mind because you read my diary,” Shadoo chided with a sassy wave of her spoon.
“I only read your diary because you read my mind,”  Dimentio countered. “How else could I level this horrendously uneven playing field between us?”
“Level the playing field?” Shadoo frowned, tilting her head in confusion. “I can read minds and create illusions. You have a whole private dimension full of things I can’t reach even if I know about them. How do you think I have the advantage?”
Dimentio smirked, resting his head on a floating fist as he took up a spoonful of cereal. “My dear sister, on the battlefield of sibling rivalry,  do you really think my little secret hideaway trumps your ability to know my every embarrassing thought?”
Shadoo thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Touché,” she conceded, before taking a bite of her cereal.
For a few moments, the two ate in companionable silence. Then, Shadoo ruined it. “It’s about [Y/N], isn’t it?”
“Could I have my thoughts to myself for five minutes?!” Dimentio shouted, nearly spilling his cereal.
Shadoo smirked. “I wasn’t reading your mind. It was obvious. But thank you for confirming.”
Dimentio growled at Shadoo, filling every ounce of his mental capacity with a vivid image of an obscene gesture. Unfortunately this only seemed to make Shadoo even more smug, and she grinned wickedly at him as she stood to take her now empty bowl to the sink. “You really like them, don’t you brother dear?”
“Shadoo, we are both over 3,000 years old. Don’t you have anything better to do than to gossip about who I ‘like?’” Dimentio sneered.
“If we’re so very old, then why are you moping around your room like an angsty teenager?” Shadoo countered, radiating victory as she rinsed her bowl.
Dimentio allowed the smallest mental space for him to be annoyed with himself. She was right. She was right and he hated it. This wasn’t him. The brother she grew up with was suave, collected, and always in control. Time had only heightened that trait, as even the most shocking of events lost its edge in the grand scheme of all he’d been through. He’d even faced the agony of game-overing with a spiteful grin, and now here he was, as emotional as a high school girl sobbing on the school staircase after catching her prom date making out with her best friend. Stars above, when did he become so weak?
Oh right. When he had them, of course. [Y/N] and Shadoo. It had been 3,000 years since he’d last cared about literally anything, and now he had two. His mask was getting ripped off, and he no longer recognized the person underneath it.
“Dimi…” Shadoo cooed soothingly, no doubt sensing his frustration as she approached him and gently rubbed his back. “You know you can tell me anything. I understand what you’re going through.”
Before either sibling could process what happened, Shadoo was knocked to the floor, with Dimentio standing over her. Shadoo stared up at him with a mixture of shock, indignation, and caution in her mismatched eyes. Dimentio in turn stared back down at her, his signature grin slowly returning to its rightful place on his face as something began to unravel deep inside him. Something that he’d kept tightly wrapped for months. It almost felt good to let loose again.
“Dim-” Shadoo started, only to be interrupted by a low chuckle from her brother. A chuckle that grew and grew into a mad, uncontrolled cackle. Shadoo’s eyes widened and she shuffled back slightly as her stomach dropped.
“Oh, so you understand me, do you, Your Highness?” Dimentio sneered.
Shadoo winced, then scrambled to her feet, a bubbling fury beginning to fight back her unease. “Wha- How dare you!” she snapped back. “Don’t you dare call me that!”
“Aww, what’s wrong?” Dimentio cooed, a sadistic glint in his eyes. Some last screaming fragment of his rapidly drowning sanity told him he had no reason to antagonize his own sister like this. However, at the moment, he couldn’t help feeling a lot like how he had when he’d stood at the precipice of game-over and decided on a whim that all of reality should plummet with him. “Did I hit a sore spot? My, it must be oh-so-very hard being you, carrying the burden of a traumatic past that almost no one knows about or could ever hope to connect you to. Honestly, it’s a wonder you get out of bed every day, having to face a world that sees you as an ordinary teenage girl and nothing more. My poor, poor sister.”
Dimentio had barely finished his cruel taunt when he found himself now shoved to the ground in Shadoo’s place, his sister trembling above him as she struggled not to ruin her hateful glare by crying. Somehow, this only served to renew Dimentio’s crazed laughter. “I-i-is th-that what you think?!” Shadoo sputtered. “That this has been easy for me? I... D-do you think it’s easy knowing that I destroyed our tribe? I still have nightmares, same as you!”
“Oh PLEASE,” Dimentio huffed as he floated up off the floor. “That thing wasn’t even you. Your hands remain as clean as a collectable figurine saved unopened in its box and stored away forgotten in a dusty attic.” Dimentio narrowed his eyes, his grin suddenly slipping from his masklike face. “You couldn’t begin to understand.”
“Shut up.”
“No, I-”
“Shut up!”
“You shut up!”
“No, you!”
“Shut up, you stupid jerkwad!”
“Get out of my face, you obnoxious brat!”
“Self-absorbed buttface!”
“Go play with your imaginary shadow friends, you pest!”
“I’m telling father!”
“You’ve got nothing on me, you glorified goth wannabe!”
For what could have been two seconds or two years, the siblings merely stared at each other in increasing horror. Eventually, Dimentio took the lead, awkwardly clearing his throat as he dropped back from the air to his feet. ”A-anyway...”
Shadoo, still stunned in place, watched silently as her shaken brother returned to his seat and resumed blankly shoving soggy cereal into his mouth. Finally she shook her head, clearing her thoughts as she reclaimed her seat across from him. Shadoo stared directly into Dimentio’s eyes, fiery determination flashing in her own. “What don’t I understand?”
“Shubbub” Dimentio mumbled through a mouthful of cereal.
“Tell me, Dimi.”
“Tell me!”
“For flip’s sake, Shadoo!” Dimentio slapped the table hard in frustration, once again yelping as his hand took far more abuse than the wood. He took a few seconds to scowl at Shadoo as though she were somehow responsible for his hand’s continued abuse. Shadoo, in turn, made no effort to hide her smirk.
“Despite your impressive efforts to convince me otherwise, I know you’re not stupid, Shady. It shouldn’t need to be said that your distant past sins pale before my present ones like a flickering candle held before an actively erupting volcano. One of us cannot leave this pocket dimension for fear of being brutally murdered by every sapient being in the entire multiverse, and the other one went shopping for cute dresses yesterday. We are not the same.”
Shadoo narrowed her eyes at Dimentio, and he could almost sense the indignation radiating off of her, as though she were offended he’d even think about downplaying his emotions around her. Mistress of Minds, indeed.
“That’s not what you’re upset about,” Shadoo stated plainly.
“Oh? It seems like perfectly valid reason to be upset to me,” Dimentio deadpanned in return.
“It would be, for most people. But you’re not most people.”
“I’m flattered.”
“You’re too stupid to be upset about that.”
“Well screw you too, dear sister.”
“I know you too well, Dimi. You’re a smug, over-confident, self-absorbed asshole. And the most powerful dimensional magician to ever live. You’re not upset about the angry mobs because you’ve probably already snuck out 12 times.”
“15 actually.”
“And I know it’s not just guilt because some part of you still thinks you were justified in everything.”
“I still don’t see how I landed in the Underwhere while that so-called count got to live happily ever after. I wasn’t the one who tried to trick a group of trauma victims into mass-murder-suicide by promising them their wildest dreams. I was at least going to give everyone what they wanted. And frankly with me controlling the Chaos Heart the-”
Dimentio blinked, then shoved the last of the soggy cereal in his mouth, making a point to casually stare at nothing off to the right so as to hide the blush rising on the pale side of his face.
“So what is it.”
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s none of your business!”
“I know it’s about [Y/N]!”
“YES IT’S ABOUT [Y/N]!” Dimentio snapped. “It’s about them and it’s about you!”
Shadoo winced slightly at the sudden outburst, but did not retreat, silently bidding him to continue as she watched him with sympathetic eyes.
“I don’t care what happens to me,” Dimentio sighed, teleporting his bowl to the sink with a snap of his fingers. “I’ve had 3,000 years to master the art of watching my own back, and if I do get recaptured then so be it. I’m not blind to what I am or what I’ve done, and I’m prepared to sleep in the bed I made no matter how many nails Queen Jaydes filled it with. I don’t regret my choices. I knew what the consequences would be when I made them.”
Shadoo nodded, hoping her brother couldn’t see the pain in her eyes. As much as she begged him to be more open with her, it always stung hearing him say such things when he was. Which sadly was probably why he usually wasn’t.
“But you two...” Dimentio finally returned his sister’s gaze. “You were not part of that decision. I had nothing to lose when I gambled my game to attain godhood. But now that I’ve already lost, I have two things. Two people at risk of paying my debt.”
Shadoo felt the table vibrating beneath her hands, and noticed that her brother had started trembling. His apathetic façade was rapidly falling apart, replaced by an expression of fear and despair she hadn’t seen since they’d put up that nightmare ward.
“Do you have any idea how scared I am every time you leave Dimension D? I can protect myself, but what about you? What about [Y/N]? What if someone figures out that you’re my sister, or that [Y/N] is my lover who dragged me from the Underwhere where everyone agrees I belong? What if an angry mob ends [Y/N]’s game and they get sent to the Underwhere in my place because rescuing me is the second worst sin imaginable, second only to being me?” 
Dimentio’s eyes widened in growing hysteria.
“What if- What if I do something? Something bad? Bad enough to ruin that deal they made with Queen Jaydes? I’ve been the Dark One for 3,000 years, Shady, I don’t know how to be anything else! It would only take one second, one wrong move, one stupid thought and we’d both be screaming at the bottom of the River Twygz for all eternity. They don’t deserve it. I do but they don’t! And neither do you! You shouldn’t be in danger because of me! I’m just a walking timebomb ready to blow up everything I love and-”
Dimentio snapped out of his crazed ranting as he felt something press against him, and realized his sister was hugging him. Or... no, not Shadoo. She was still sitting across from him, giving him that smug grin she always wore when she tricked someone into confessing thoughts she already knew they had. So then who...?
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how scared you were. If you want we could discuss protective spells or regular check-ins or whatever will make you feel better. But I’m not worried about you, okay? I trust you. You’ve already come so far, and I’m so proud of you. You should be too.”
It was too much. How did they always know just what to say to break him? He was already exhausted from his outburst at Shadoo, and now this. Defeated, Dimentio buried his face against [Y/N] and quietly sobbed. He was just too tired to rebuild his shattered mask today.
“Thanks for calling me over.” [Y/N] shot Shadoo a conspiratorial smile.
Shadoo winked. “Thank you for taking care of my idiot brother. Perhaps we’ll make a functional adult of him yet.”
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lovelymixtress · 2 years
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Ofc luv!! Again I am so sorry for not activating my ask box 😭 But !! I hope you enjoy!
Dimentio x Reader Headcanons (romantic), requested by @thereaderinsertlady
This man is head over heels for you.
He kept questioning himself on why he felt so.. enchanted by you.
Felt his heart flutter whenever he saw you.
There have been times where you caught Dimentio catching glances at you. You noted that he gets flustered whenever you spot him.
It was kind of obvious that he had the biggest crush on you.
Although, you had the same feelings for the jester, and even struggled yourself to try to hide it.
One time, you were so busy daydreaming about Dimentio that you tripped on your own shoe and fell.
It was okay though, because he picked you up and just, held you. He held you so close, it was so tempting to kiss him right there on the spot..
In the end, Dimentio was the one to confess to you.
He got you flowers, brought you in a calm, romantic place, and held you. You remember it so perfectly. Dimentio took your hand into his and whispered his first 'I love you.' For you!! A tí!!
Since then, the two of you lovebirds have traveled dimensions, went on many dates, and have spent quality time with each other.
We can't forget sleepovers, those are really fun!
You accidentally hit Dimentio in the face with a pillow. You apologized for it, but he just laughed and slammed you with a pillow. That's how you got feathers all over your room.
The many things that he loves to do is share his food with you. Spaghetti? Oh my, that's just asking for a kiss! Milkshakes? Oo, Dimentio is going to hold your hand underneath the table!! Oo he's glancing at you!!
Dimentio loves you, very very much. He'll do anything to make you happy, he loves to see your smile and hear your laughter. Those always makes his heart melt..!
Go on, go give Dimentio a kiss. He'll appreciate it and cuddle with you. :>
I hope this helped satisfy you, let me know if I need to make any corrections ^^
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tvccreator · 2 years
It’s Been So Long... Since We Started A Voice of Reason
Holy ever-loving God, it’s been six months since @thereaderinsertlady and I started writing A Voice of Reason together. Six months!!! That’s insane!! And we’re almost at 3.5K hits on the story, too!!! Y’all are goddamn insane!!! Thank you so much for the support!
Over the next few days, in honor of Thanksgiving, I’m gonna post character sketches of some of the characters from A Voice of Reason! It’s going to be slightly time-consuming, but hopefully not all of them will take too long. In the meantime while I work on those pictures, have a chibi Doopliss. X)
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There’s also a new story in the works. Be careful not to wander off; it’s a terrible sin in the place where we’re going. 😁
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furggot · 1 year
I might actually get active here since I have a Dimentio x reader in the planning. My old ass crush is coming back bigger and better than ever, like the sun waking the world with a crisp breeze
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 months
I gotta write for my little guy today. Here's the link on ao3 if you prefer reading it there, and I hope you enjoy!
The April Fool
You were so fucking scared.
It was April first. April Fools day. The day of reckoning and hellfire and war. 
Nothing good ever came out of April Fools day. Last year, you were submerged– after being pushed– in a vat of (THANKFULLY) cold oil, and spent the rest of the day trying to wash the gross, icky feeling off. Even to this day, you can sometimes feel the remnants of the slick oil on your skin…
Armed with nothing but a small water gun that you gripped with shaky hands, you walked down the black halls of Count Bleck. Was Bleck alive? Who knew, but his crib made for a great place of residence for you and Dimentio after the events that followed the Chaos Heart. 
…Though, if Mr. Bleck and his wifey saw you right now, they’d be disappointed that you’ve stooped to carrying protection around with you on April Fools– but you’d be damned if you were gonna get pranked this year!
“Please give me protection, oh Stars,” you prayed under your breath. “I just want my bag of chips. That’s all I want.”
Carefully, you peered down a long hallway.
You gulped. 
Nothing seemed awry… but Dimentio was good at tricking people. Way too good. Far too good. Master of trickery and whore-ery. You couldn’t let your guard down. 
The kitchen felt like it was miles away as you skittered down the hall like a little roach, looking for any booby traps or massive vats of oil. You wouldn’t let your guard down. You were not going to be fooled this year!
You kept walking and walking and walking–
You snapped your head around, thinking that you heard footsteps behind you.
You grunted.
There was nothing.
“Sheesh… this is really hard,” you mumbled under your breath, slowly walking forwards again. The only reason why you didn’t abort mission is because Dimentio could hardly walk around, seeming like a newborn lamb that was missing all but one leg. There’s no way he would’ve been behind you. You were just paranoid and hallucinating. 
After walking for what felt like forever, you reached the kitchen, peering inside…
Whipped cream. Every-fucking-where.
Whipped cream on the walls, the appliances, the floor, the ceiling– it was everywhere, painting the kitchen white. It was horrifying. 
“Oh my…” You frowned, glancing around. “Oh, no… how did he…?”
You stood there, scratching your head and wondering how you were going to get in there without ruining your shoes. So much cream, everywhere…
There’s a storage closet nearby right? You’ll just go and grab a mop, and brush your way clean. Sounds easy enough! It shouldn’t take too terribly long, meaning that you probably wouldn’t get caught out in the open and that you can get your chips in peace without any issue–
“My, it seems you’ve discovered my masterpiec–”
You screamed, whipping around and squirting the water gun at Dimentio. Though, it seemed he had anticipated that, teleporting and letting the water hit the wall instead. 
“Abort, abort!” You yelled, narrowly dodging a blueberry pie by tactical-rolling– not doing a weird interpretive dance on the floor– out of the way. You got back up on your feet, sprinting down the hall. It was a trap all along! He knew you’d get hungry, and that’s when he’d strike! Damn, you should’ve gotten your chips before it was April Fools day! You were such a fool!
Barely turning the corner in time and dodging another probably store-bought pie, you dashed in the direction of your safe haven; your room was the safest place you knew of.  
Just as you were about to make it, Dimentio appeared in front of you, hovering high above the ground. 
And behind him?
A wall of pies.
You skidded to a stop, staring with large eyes as your weapon fell from your limp grasp, clattering uselessly against the floor. “Please.” You immediately went begging. “Please.”
“Ah ha ha, like a scared bunny, you’re so easy to trap,” Dimentio cooed darkly. “That’s what makes you cute!”
“Please!” You got down on your knees, clasping your hands together.
He laughed some more. “Please what? Just what do you have to offer in exchange for my absolute joy?”
“Please… I’ll…” Searching through your brain waves, you decided that you’ll… “I’ll do anything you want!”
“Hmmm, anything?~”
“Absolutely anything?”
“Literally anything you want! Uh… Anything other than getting creamed or pie-d!”
Dimentio floated down to you smugly. “And what if I want to cream you?”
You gave him a desperate look. “Please don’t.”
“What if I want to pie you?”
“What if I want to CREAM PIE you?!”
You opened your mouth to give a response…
…Before giving him a squint. 
“I said,” he said with a smirk, grasping your chin firmly in his gloved hands, “What if, I want to cream pie you? Have you gone deaf, dear? Or, are you just that scared?”
“I don’t think you should say that out loud.”
“Why, I’ll say it all I want! Matter of fact, I’ll give you the biggest cream pie right now!”
You just stared, slowly frowning... “What kind of cream pie?”
“The best kind there is!”
You kept staring, wondering if he knew what he was saying or if he was purposely doing it. He… he knew of the different… meanings of the word cream pie… right? Was this part of the joke? 
“Please, tell me more,” you told him.
“Oho, are you interested in the art of cream pieing?” A wide grin spread across his face. “I can show you if you really want, curious bee.”
“Umm.” You felt your face warming up. Was there sexual tension in the air, or was that just you being dirty-minded? “I don’t know if you should.”
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun! You said I could do anything…”
“Umm!” After a moment, you made a T shape with your hands, “Okay, time out!” 
Dimentio slowly pouted. “No? Not interested in cream pieing?”
“Not even a liiittle bit?”
You gripped his hand, moving it away from your chin before blurting out– “Are you alluding to having sex with me, or do you really just mean an actual cream pie?”
A blank stare, is what he gave you. “Sex?”
Now embarrassed, you had to explain. “A u-uh, a ‘cream pie’ can mean two different things,” you began, ignoring how the wall of pies vanished from behind him. “One, it can be the actual thing– a pie made of cream. Two, it um… it’s when two people love each other very much, and the man…” You sighed, standing up before leaning in close and whispering the rest to him.
“Oh.” Even with his mask, he seemed embarrassed. 
“...I apologize, I did not mean it in a sexual way…”
Sighing, you waved it off. Though, you couldn’t help but feel just a little disappointed. “It’s fine,” you said, walking over to your room, opening the door. “I figured it would be too soon for anything like that–”
Whipped cream. Every-fucking-where.
Your room was covered in whipped cream, just like the kitchen. 
He giggled like a little goblin, hovering away and letting you deal with the mess.
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ao3feed-xzero · 2 years
Welcome to the neighborhood~!
by Newgirl22
(Y/N) Cain is the granddaughter of Dr. Timothy Cain, the man who found X. Raised by her grandpa and the Maverick hunters, when an attack of Mavericks increase she decides with care it might be best to move to a safer city. Here she encounters a few new colorful cast, including a dimensional showman jester and a star being out of this world
Words: 1371, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Paper Mario (Game), Rockman X | Mega Man X, Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Reader, Female Reader - Character, Jīno | Geno, Geno (Super Mario RPG), Dimēn | Dimentio, Dimentio (Super Paper Mario), Mario (Nintendo), Luigi (Nintendo), Princess Daisy (Nintendo), Peach-hime | Peach Toadstool, Princess Peach (Nintendo), Princess Rosalina (Nintendo), Axl (Rockman X), Zero (Rockman Classic Universe), X (Rockman Classic Universe), VAVA | Vile, Sigma (Rockman X), Signas (Rockman X), Douglas (Rockman X), Alia (Rockman X), Lifesaver (Rockman X), Layer (Rockman X), Pallette (Rockman X), Iris (Rockman X), Colonel (Rockman X), Koopa | Bowser, Koopa Jr | Bowser Jr, Kamek | Magikoopa, Count Bleck | Blumiere, Mimi (Super Paper Mario), O'Chunks (Super Paper Mario), Lady Timpani | Tippi, Nastasia (Super Paper Mario)
Relationships: Geno (Super Mario RPG)/Reader, Jīno | Geno (Super Mario RPG)/Reader, Dimentio (Super Paper Mario) and Reader, X (Rockman Classic Universe) & Reader, Zero (Rockman Classic Universe) and Reader, X/Zero (Rockman Classic Universe), Axl (Rockman Classic Universe) and Reader, Dimen | Dimentio and Reader
Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Dimentio is a shipper, Chaos, Fun, I honestly am not being consistant but am throwing stuff in as I go along DX, Geno is polite but somewhat awkward, Maverick hunters are family to reader, X is overprotective as fuck, Zero wants him to chill, Axl is here for the fun, Mavericks and other baddies around, But they're not the main focus, Bowser is confused and worried on a lot of things, Just enjoy my chaotic brain XD, slowburn with reader and Geno, smut is future chapters, X and Zero are all ready dating, Zero/Iris in past (post Rockman X 4)
from AO3 works tagged 'X/Zero (Rockman Classic Universe)' https://ift.tt/uHnp9zP
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demikhaotix · 1 year
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dragonjesterwrites · 2 years
Can I have Halloween headcanons with Sun/Moon and/or Dimentio x reader
Absolutely you may nonnie 😎🎃🦇 (gonna do just Sun/Moon right now, but I may do Dimentio later)
Halloween Headcanons with Sun/Moon
Sun loves candy! To give out, anyway, sadly he can't actually eat it- but that doesn't stop him from having a blast giving it out to all the good little trick-or-treaters at the Daycare
He adores each and every costume, from the simple sheet ghosts to the elaborate spaceman costumes. A few kids came dressed as him and Moon and to say he was delighted would be an understatement
Sun himself attempted a werewolf costume- he's got the rays for the ears, and both he and Moon thought it'd be funny if he turned into the moon- but he ended up getting confused for a cat by all the kids, so he went with it, sticking some pipe cleaners onto his faceplate to be "whiskers"
He absolutely sneaks you extra candy. You have at least several pounds of the stuff by the time the Daycare's closing down for the day.
He invites you to stay the night to watch spooky movies and chow down on candy! (Picks scary movies so you'll get scared and cuddle up to him but ends up being the one getting scared and cuddling up to you. It's Very Cute except also he's 200lbs of frightened robot and he's wrapped himself around you, good luck getting out of that one lmao)
Moon's in charge of the "tricks"- nothing scary, he just puts those little plastic glow-in-the-dark spider rings in the older kid's candy bowls sometimes.
He asks the kids questions about their costumes, and later weaves them into a big story with all the details the kids gave him. It's a massive hit with the kids and parents alike
Sun becomes a werecat, so Moon becomes a cat-moon- he keeps the whiskers on the crescent side of his faceplate and paints them with glowing paint.
Moon sneaks you extra candy too, but you also start finding glow-in-the-dark spider rings everywhere- in the drawers, on the monitor, in the playstructures, in a cup if you have one. You turned your back for one second with your hand hovering by your hip, feel something brush against a finger, and quickly look back to see one on said finger. Moon is nowhere to be seen, but you can hear fading giggles and faint bell ringing.
He builds a spooky blanket fort in his and Sun's room that you watch the movies in. Its made of black and orange blankets, and has bats and fake spiders hanging in and around it, with pumpkin string lights wrapped around the whole thing.
He is not scared of the scary movies, and instead you and him joke about how silly the protagonists are all night.
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voiddemon · 1 year
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sorry but who are marremsaer and jack in case u want to share 👀
uhhhhh long story i have never shared this silly silly oc verse but i remembered it recently and have been a little obsessed bc it's beeen a while and i wrote some stuff for it that was good.
the only recent pics i've made are this little doodle which has marremsaer (on the left) and his best friend on the right
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he is the horrors. tldr there was an evil king in this universe a long long time ago with reality bending powers who got defeated by another morally corrupt guy (who everyone perceives as good). however a part of him survived and decided to remain dormant until his powers grew and returned again. So he made himself a new form, and then sealed away his own memories so he could have a good time as this new person without the 'ogh god i am the horrors'. That guy is marremsaer :) he is unknowingly the horrors despite being polite and friendly he has feelings for the sort of pov/main character (also in the image) and if there were ever a fandom for this shit everyone would interpret things the wronggg way and make him creepy. which he is! but not in that way. he's just scary. also x readers because ooh powerful villain and all that. no judgement but also all judgement.
i have no image of jack but he is a jester and servant kinda character who used to serve the guy marremsaer used to be. he's like dimentio but incredibly loyal instead of someone just using the guy he's working for, so like. you know how that shit would turn out. i never rly got a design for him down which sucks but :shrug:
thats it goodbyeee
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shywitchyfangirl · 2 years
Unpopular opinion given how I’ve seen people portray him in x reader content (AKA heartless sadistic yandere psychopath), but I think Dimentio would actually be, if anything, an overly obsessive and passionate lover. After all, he’s heavily implied to be the last living member of the Tribe of Ancients, and the Ancients were said to be so love-crazed that they repeatedly almost destroyed their own worlds. So as much as Dimentio might scoff at Count Bleck’s lovesick antics, the moment he found someone special himself, I guarantee he’d be sweetly offering to gift them the heads of their enemies on a plate, or tear apart a kingdom so he could give them all the stolen treasures, or let them rule by his side as his consort once he was god-king of all worlds and force everyone to worship his darling. If anyone so much as looked at his beloved wrong, he’d magic-blast them in the face until they begged for forgiveness. Guy would be terrifyingly intense, but it wouldn’t be his darling in danger, just every single person around them. Which is frankly an even more terrifying concept. Imagine having to walk on eggshells in case your powerful, overprotective, and obsessive admirer decides to prove his mad love for you by literally tearing reality apart to create your “perfect” paradise.
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