#Despacito fic
nibbelraz · 5 months
sqh and sqq/sy play "swag/not swag" at immortal conference stuff. "leave him aloooone he can't handle the pressure- swag" "mm could have been but no. not swag." "amongus! swag" no one knows what 'swag' means. or by what metric they're using to judge it. swag.
The last swag took me out. This sounded like Qinghua when he's talking to himself after pulling 2 all nighters.
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larry-is-my-anchor1 · 4 months
I found this prompt somewhere: It had been 10 years since your character last saw their biggest crush. How they both ended up in the same city away from their hometowns makes no sense to them. It’s got to be more than a coincidence, right?
I took it and ran with it.
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luxshine · 1 year
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I have #Moonknight brainrot, and I headcanon #Khonshu as a more caring god because, seriously, it makes no sense for him to be evil. So in my mind, he checks on how his Avatars are doing by chatting with those who see them the most: The goldfish :) (He brought Gus 1 back to life too). And yes, each fish represents each of his boys. Can you guess who is who?
Also, if you read my fic "Hijos de la Luna", you might recognize the scene as when Jake came back to the apartment to find Khonshu chatting with the guses :D
#fanart #fanartSunday #marvel #marvelfanart #moonknightfanart
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super-notnatural · 1 year
when you find out you have to wait until January 23rd to join ao3
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deepinsideyourbeing · 1 month
Holi! ✨
Te gustaría escribir una fic de enzo soft sobre la mañana después de que lectora tenga su primera vez con el y ella tenga que caminar despacito porque la re cogio mal y el se preocupe porque siente que fue muy duro con ella y sea todo super tierno 😭?
(ya se que no es muy alto ni nada por el estilo pero mido 1.50 y soy bastante flaquita and I know that man would wreck me)
No se si por el tipo de request se note pero soy la del ask de gentle sex
El aroma del café te despierta por la mañana y se entremezcla con el aroma de las sábanas que te rodean, impregnadas con el perfume de Enzo y un algo más que provoca que entierres tu rostro en la almohada.
-Buenos días...
Enzo trae consigo una bandeja y también una sonrisa que, aunque borda la timidez, parece sugerir cierta complicidad e intimidad. Coloca la bandeja sobre el colchón y se estira para darte un beso, por accidente descansando su peso sobre la mano que colocó en tu cadera y haciéndote protestar.
Levanta el dobladillo de la camiseta que te prestó para dormir y frunce el ceño cuando encuentra las huellas de sus dedos en tu piel. Bajás la mirada para comprender el por qué de su mueca y no podés evitar recordar la forma en que guió tus movimientos sobre su cuerpo.
-Perdón, bebé, no...
-No pasa nada.
Pero sí pasa, porque cuando te sentás el roce de tu intimidad con el colchón arranca un quejido de tus labios. Intentás disimular y buscar una mejor posición, pero el interior y la parte posterior de tus muslos también duelen, igual que lo hace tu abdomen bajo.
-Voy al baño rápido y...
Te interrumpe la fatiga de tus músculos cuando intentás ponerte de pie. Enzo se sentiría orgulloso por la forma en que tus piernas tiemblan, pero de momento lo único que siente es culpa por ver cómo batallás con los efectos de la noche que compartieron.
-Te ayudo.
Ir al baño es otro problema, porque allí descubrís que tu entrada está aún demasiado sensible y el agua es más que suficiente para provocar un dolor que también hace presencia en la zona de tu clítoris. Casi te avergüenza un poco pensar en lo excitante que es encontrarte en tal estado luego de tu primera vez con Enzo.
-¿Todo bien?- pregunta cuando salís.
-Sí...- hacés una mueca al sentarte.
Enzo se arrodilla junto a la cama y sus manos separan tus muslos para examinarte. Tus mejillas arden pero no comprendés si es vergüenza o excitación, mucho menos luego de que decide rozar tus pliegues enrojecidos.
-Mirá cómo estás...
Apretás los párpados con fuerza.
Por mucho que disfrute pensar en arruinarte todavía más (es difícil olvidar la forma en que llorabas de placer bajo su cuerpo o ignorar el ardor de los rasguños que tus uñas dibujaron en su espalda), Enzo deja de lado esos pensamientos para cuidarte el resto del día y permitir que tu cuerpo se recupere adecuadamente.
Masajea tus músculos y también tus pies, te ayuda a tomar un baño e incluso te ordena quedarte recostada mientras él se encarga de preparar la cena, que luego cortará y te ofrecerá como último acto de devoción antes de tomar tu cuerpo nuevamente.
"La re cogió mal" es ahora mi nueva frase favorita luego de "Me desperté puta". Amo la forma en que se expresan y amo los pedidos que hacen 😭❤️
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nobodysdaydreams · 15 days
Reynie and Sticky: You kidnapped us! You’re a bad person!
Garrison (pretending like she’s not about to cry because she knows they’re right but she doesn’t care anymore): that’s so sad Alexa play despacito
Whisperer: DON’T CALL ME-
(Yes this is the anon from earlier)
Hello again, anon. Here is the quote from my Wolf 359 fic that this reminded me of:
“I think I understand,” he replied.
“You’re an AI that’s here to assist the employees of the company. Like Siri or Alexa.”
“No,” Hera corrected, and Dr. Johnson detected more than a slight hint of aggravation and offense in her tone.
“Not like Siri or Alexa. More like another human consciousness. Like you. A person. An employee. One you might end up working with. I am not “a Hera”, I am Hera. That’s my name. That’s who I am. Is that going to be a problem?”
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sourmiguel · 1 year
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Ice, ice, Baby by @angstsexual (wc40537, teen)
Summary: “We could do Despacito.” Derek makes a face, and Stiles silently crosses the song off the list. “Hit Me Baby One More Time?” Derek rolls his eyes. “I swear to god, Stiles…” Stiles crosses it off as well, then perks up. “Ooh! I know! What about that one song from Tangled, where they’re sitting in the boat in the lake, and all those lanterns are floating around them?” “I’m not figure skating to Disney in the Olympics, Stiles.”
Um, this fic. Is now one of my favorites ever. I absolutely LOVE this fic. The slow burn, the pining, the beautiful writing. I love how the author incorporated the announcers/broadcast into the story so that we could "watch" them in their routines. I absolutely love their relationship growing throughout. This is so good. READ IT NOW.
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spumonibones · 25 days
Chasing Wings: Ch. 05 Lore/Story
AO3 Chapter 05 | Chapter 05 (Tumblr) NOTE: Content Warning this chapter - Being held against will; obsessive/possessive treatment (flashbacks). Implication of stalking behavior.
Chapter One
Lore/Notes under cut
• Albert → Just... Albert. Between the Monstadt Daily in which he literally refuses to leave unless you "sweep" for him to "help Barbara," and the way he basically stalks after her into Wolvendom during her Hangout Event... To the very first Windblume in 1.4 when his letter to Barbara (link takes straight to the letter, but you can watch the full Windblume if you want!) sounded like a threat. Because the man has zero chill, and for some weird reason the game keeps excusing it.
• Deaconess Erne → Originally I was using Deaconess Dahlia, since she was mentioned but never seen. However, there are rumblings that she will actually become a playable character in the future. To avoid issues, I created an entirely new Deaconess to fit the needs of the story.
Guzheng - Lover's Oath Cover by Lyra on a Stand Lute - Despacito Cover by Ahmed Alshaiba* Dizi - Liyue Battle BGM Cover by Jae There isn't any special, greater meaning behind any of these instruments being mentioned. Just sound good to the ears.
*If you look up, "Genshin lute covers," it is literally nothing but Flute covers. Almost used bardcore, but that felt too distracting from the purpose of providing examples.
• "My girlfriend turned into the moon." "That's rough buddy." • On an actual, serious note... The moon. The moon. I would be remiss to not give the proper nod to the importance of the moon within Teyvat at least a few times throughout this exceedingly long fic. The amount of lore that could be mentioned is... A lot. And you are not here for The Moon. You are here for XiaoVen hand-holding, and any relevant story/lore to that.
• Venti/Barbatos' Voice. Six-Fingered José has a voiceline about a mysterious bard, "But I think even I would be seduced by his beautiful voice..." That probably could have been safely assumed, but. Uh. Taadaa?
• Both Xiao and Venti need a hug. They should hug each other. Who's writing this and NOT making them hug? I demand a refund!
• In game, Xiao does NOT have pointed ears. They are very round and very human. This is a crime. Throughout the fic it will be inconsistent just to what extend his ears are long. That is because I am locked in an eternal battle if smol point or big point.
Chapter 05 Song/Lyrics: I Think We Are the Same
Today by Halou This song has always struck me as being about having the first good day in a long time, and connecting with someone who understands that experience. This was the best I could find for this chapter, and as always appreciate all suggestions for songs. (And always corrections with lore errors!)
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tinandabin · 2 years
please tumble for the live of God let me give paragroah breaks plsZe
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Yandere Mitsuri x Reader
High school AU.
<senpai kanroji>
hey [name]!! you are coming
to school tmrw right? :))
yes I am! why do u
<senpai kanroji>
oh, nothing much!! just wanted
to tell u that I will bring a home-
made bento for u! <33
aww ty! u don't
really have to tho.
<senpai kanroji>
no no, I insist!!
aaa, thank u!! I will ttyl <3
senpai kanroji unsent a message
To be honest, you always found Kanroji Senpai weird..I mean, she was already pretty affectionate with everyone. But it was clear to see her favouritism over you..She was just always so, so, so, affectionate with you. You feel suffocated everytime you are with her.
You were looking forward to not eating lunch with her tomorrow, but it seems like that can't happen. I mean, you could've refused her offer..and you did so, not as direct, but you tried. Besides, you wouldn't want your reputation to go down in the drains because who would reject such a sweet girl and make her cry? Whosoever will do that is obviously a monster! Senpai Kanroji has everyone wrapped around her finger..thankfully, not you.
Sighing heavily, you pulled the covers over yourself and went to sleep, dreading the next day. Not only because of school but Kanroji Senpai too. Hopefully, you'll live.
"Hey [name]!!," Senpai Kanroji enthusiastically waved at you, motioning for you to come to sit beside her. "Come, sit beside me!!" She smiled at you, blushing like crazy. Like girl, have some self-control.
Nervously laughing and trying your best to ignore all the eyes staring at you, you sat beside her and tried to smile at her. Keyword: tried. "Ahaha...What's up??" You asked because you don't like awkwardness, the people staring at you also don't, no one likes awkwardness.
"Awww," Kanroji Senpai cooed at your adorableness and hugged you, tightly, and softly muttered into your neck, "You are so cute!!"
Excitedly she got off you and presented you with the bento she made for you, and honestly, the smell of the food was really fucking delicious. Gordon Ramsay approved. And to be honest, you would have snatched the bento box out of her hands had she been someone else. But she isn't. This is so sad, Alexa play despacito. All of a sudden, Alexa starts playing despacito, having somehow found her way into your mind. She starts taking control over your body, and in no time are you the one singing Despacito.
"Say aaah, [Name]-Chan!" Mitsuri told you as she held a piece of fish ( cooked, duh ) with her chopsticks.
Awkwardly, you opened your mouth and wished you could just poof out of existence, like, I CAN FEED MYSELF MITSURI. THANK YOU NOT VERY MUCH.
"Good girl!" She chirped as she practically shoved the piece of fish down your throat, too eagerly waiting for you to finish eating. Like, is this shit poisoned? ( BINGO! You guessed it. )
After a good while of Mitsuri happily watching you eat, lunch was finally fucking over. Thank God, didn't think you could bear her anymore... The way she was watching you eat! Creep. She definitely could not ever pass your vibe check.
You headed towards your class, thankful that you and Mitsuri don't share the same class.. Because she's a senior. Atleast you will have some peace.
In no time school was over and all of you were allowed to head home. You had been feeling pretty sleepy after lunch, I mean the food Mitsuri made was pretty bomb, okay? Can't really blame you.
Yawning, you tiredly grabbed your bag, as you lazily started walking towards the exit. Most of the kids were heading towards their clubs, you hadn't really chosen which club to join yet. Besides, it is optional. So, the lesser the work the better for you. Studies are hard enough as they are.
Stopping by your locker, you changed your shoes and exited the school without seeing Senpai Mitsuri, thank God. It's a good thing she is in the cooking club. You wouldn't have to deal with her.
The more you walked, the more tired you got. Your eyes started feeling heavy and your body too. Before you knew it, you couldn't even walk properly. Leaning against a wall, you sat down there. Gradually, black dots started surrounding your vision and you were knocked out cold.
a/n: I'm gonna make a part 2 HAHHAHAHA. I HAVE NO idea what to do now. happy I got this out now 💪 it's been in my drafts for months now
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just so u know requests for demon slayer are closed!!!!
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fanonplussed · 3 months
writing pattern tag game
thank you @lu-sn for tagging me! it's been so long since i've written anything so it might be fun to look back (and maybe get the itch to write again haha)
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern.
Soooo looking at the last ten fics written by me and starting with the most recent, what have we got...
When Yu Ziyuan first wakes up, she wishes she were dead. [The Clarity Between Indebtedness and Enmity]
“—yeah, Tinn, that’s—oh!” Gun’s body jerks as Tinn nips experimentally at the soft skin of his inner thigh. [5 times Tinn said he'd quit med school]
“Thank you for being so…patient…for so long,” Pear murmurs as Pisaeng carefully unzips her dress. [a patient kind of guy]
“Why are you staring at me?” Gun asks, feet twitching restlessly in the blankets. [Rose Petals and Candlelight]
Jingyi is having one of his favourite dreams again. [a stitch (and bodyswitch) in time]
“Hey Alexa,” Macau says, interrupting Chay’s strumming, “play Despacito.” [I'll Name This Song After You]
“Almost there, don’t worry,” Porsche says when the elevator chimes. [Group sex ensues]
Chinese New Year is a time for family, and even for the Theerapanyakuls it’s no exception. [fun for the whole family]
Vegas has been in surgery for six hours and eighteen minutes. [Starving, Faithful]
When Pete steps back into the living room, Macau and Vegas are sitting on the sofa exactly where he left them, identical blank expressions on their faces. [hope to see the beauty of darkness]
Hmm I suppose quite a few of them start with dialogue...? I do like dropping the reader in the middle of a scene to start with...excepting the more serious fics, where there's maybe a pattern of setting the scene a little more, starting with a line that sets the mood (quite pleased with how the Yu Ziyuan fic starts, now that I'm looking at it again!)
Also funny to realise that in contrast, I have no patterns with my titles lol like I don't even consistently capitalise them
Well this was a fun exercise! Only tagging @ghost--houses because you're involved in all my writing things all the time so why not!
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nibbelraz · 1 year
Every fic writer out there has my soul literally could not survive without you all
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Destiny of despair (DESPACITO sorry there were lots of des words I wanted to throw my own in)
This is my Order 66 time loop fic that I've been working on for the past year on and off! I was telling a few people that it's requiring me to be so plotty and I lowkey hate it, but also it's one of those fics that keeps begging to be worked on in my brain, so we slowly (slooooowly) type it out.
The epigraph: "I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell, to die upon the hand I love so well"
A snippet (and if anyone is interested in other WIPs to ask about, you can find the list here!)
The first time Ahsoka Tano dies, it’s with a snap of the fingers. The act of a vengeful Force god that neither she, her master, nor her grandmaster fully understand. It’s by the grace of another god–the final act of this dying deity–that her life restarts.  She’s aware of none of this.  Ahsoka simply wakes from a nightmare on the cold, hard ground of a planet that should not exist, aches and pains suffusing every muscle. The Daughter is dead beside her and Anakin’s arms are around her, his whole body shaking. Obi-Wan later asks her what she can remember, but all she can recall is a cool, gentle touch and a feeling of being far away and free. It’s the most at peace she’s been since she stepped onto Christophsis and became Anakin Skywalker’s padawan.  The rest of the mission passes in a terrifying blur. It’s not until they’re back on the Venator and all the adrenaline seeps away that she realizes how much pain she’s in, exhaustion running bone deep in a way it never has before. She goes about her normal post-mission activities. She greets the men in the mess, smiling and joking at each table as she glides to an open seat. It’s all very typical, save Anakin hovering more closely than usual, his eyes troubled. He won’t look her directly in the eyes but he also doesn’t let her out of his sight. Her master is protective, but never here, in the ship that they call home. Something oily slithers in her gut, her stomach turning and the food she’s just scarfed down now threatening to crawl its way back up.  There’s something about the mission he’s not telling her. 
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luxshine · 2 years
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I forgot to share this with you. A small comic kinda inspired by my Despacito fic where Jake Lockley only speaks spanish because of reasons.
translation of what he's saying: Move over, little Marc, let Jake take care of this.
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bastardblvd · 16 days
stepdaddy merc, i humbly present the idea of florida man! toji to you. florida man charged for eating pancakes in the middle of the road. florida man attempted to use taco as a form of id after setting his car on fire. florida man kicked out of funeral for asking alexa to play despacito. FLORIDA MAN TOJI IS REAL!!! he’s just a man living his life
new fic big sexy daddy florida man freeloader toji unloads his glock on the hurricane for you(r money and maybe also some hole)
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setokaibapetty · 9 days
Fic Friday 5 + 1 Roundup: Kidnapping
Way back in May of 1932, there was an incident you may have heard of - the Lindbergh baby. It's still May for a little bit so I thought to round up some stories that include kidnapping (with happier endings).
I Left the Cameras Running (AO3) - "Todoroki Touya did not intend to become famous. Or an actor. Or a famous actor. But sometimes the stars align just right for you to give a huge metaphorical middle finger to your evil dad in a very public way while laughing your ass off and rolling around in a literal pile of money because you took your first paycheck to the bank and had them give it back to you in the smallest notes possible just to make your childish roll-around-in-a-pile-of-spite-money dreams come true."
Lines Crossed (AO3) - "Training Camp AU. When the League of Villains starts working on converting Bakugou the night he arrives rather than two days later, Dabi has a crisis of conscience. (An unexpected buddy fic between a reluctant vigilante!Dabi and a twice-kidnapped!Bakugou)"
so you have a bad day (AO3) - "Shang Qinghua is not stupid. It does not take a genius to know what it means when you ask a servant where your lord has left to and they readily supply the name of an exclusive brothel in between the two realms. Especially when it's after your utterly disastrous first time together. So he goes away for a bit to clear his head. And promptly gets kidnapped."
The Second Son (AO3) - "With Brucie Wayne on a solo backpacking trip to 'find himself' in the Himalayas (and Batman off-world and out of communication) an unknown rogue has decided to take the opportunity to kidnap all the Wayne children at once."
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Time Travelers (AO3) - "Mace's morning starts with far too much paperwork. Being kidnapped at blaster-point is honestly an improvement."
Bonus: We All Wanna Party When the Funeral Ends (AO3) - "OC!Arla saves herself from Kyr'tsad with a bunch of other kids, incite a minor revolution and start a criminal group ft angst, co dependency, alexa play despacito, canon typical violence, hallucinations of your presumed dead brother, torture, manipulation, found family, slight world builing, sad bitch, bad bitch spotify playlist, pop culture references, and My Chemical Romance."
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rec-review8890 · 2 years
JH | Marriage!au RECs
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(💦) ~ Smut , (🐑) ~ Fluff , (👊) ~ Angst ,
(📝) ~ Series , (🗒) ~ One-Shot/Dribble ,
(💜) ~ Personal Favorite
Request Guidelines | Fic Rec ML
NONE of these works are mine. Give all your love to the authors and their works. The links will either bring you to the Tumblr page or a Ao3 page of the work. 
Notes: Sorry, no series tagged for this au, but most of the one-shots recommended are pretty long.
Title: Hug Me 🐑👊🗒
Author: @happy-meo​
Summary: Starting off with a bad one, I know, but it’s a really good read. Also cheating!au. If you wanna cry a little today, here you go!
“You and Hoseok were married, but the married life you thought you would be living is nonexistent now. You two were like strangers living in the same house. You knew his heart was no longer yours, but you still loved him. When the end of your marriage was near, you made him promise to stay with you for just one more month. One month was all you needed to finally let him go.”
Title: The Art of War 🐑👊🗒
Author: @wwilloww​
Summary: Also arranged marriage, enemies-to-lovers, and royalty!au. 
“The bells are tolling and you've just been married to a man you despise on Christmas Day. On your wedding night, locked alone in a room with him, tensions are rising. And so is the past.”
Title: Out of Place 🐑🗒💜
Author: @hobicuffed​
Summary: Also parent!au. 
“When you fell in love with Hoseok, you knew he was the man you’d spend the rest of your life with, even if it meant leaving your home country to live with him in Korea. But when the homesickness starts to settle in again and you decide to pay your country a visit, your husband doesn’t really take your absence as well as he lets on, and your daughter knows it.”
Title: Potions and Poisons 💦🗒💜
Author: @jjungkookislife​
Summary: Also magic!au.
“Reviving your memories last Hallows Eve was just the beginning for you and your warlock husband. You’ve quite settled in nicely to your life as his wife and even found a town where you won’t have to fear for your lives. Everything just seems to be falling into place while you simmer in marital bliss. However, your magic still needs some fine tuning...”
Title: Despacito 🐑🗒
Author: @lady-hunkyhair​
Summary: I screamed a little while reading the summary... tooth rotting fluff for sure!
“You and your husband are food shopping when this song comes on. Hoseok tries his best to keep you innocent.”
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