#Dean Winchester x ​gn!reader
Spider Infestation
Pairings: Dean Winchester x teen!reader (brief mention of Sam)
Imagine: being scared of spiders is not fun, especially not when they appear out of nowhere
Warnings: spiders, fluff, a bit angst? (Idk really), not proofread
A/N this is brought to you by the big spider on my wall that appeared out of nowhere scaring me to death (no for real my family literally ran to my room thinking I died or something)
Secondly this is short so sorry about that I guess but I had to write something to bring me comfort so this is what came from that, anyway enjoy. (I’m not actually scared of spider I just think they are disgusting, but I do however get scared when a spider appears out of nowhere when I turned back a second later)
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A scream left your lips as soon as you saw the spider on the wall beside your head. You’d just been minding your own business as you readied yourself for bed, turned away for one second and when you turned back the scream left your throat before you could stop yourself.
You made a half sprint from your place by the bed, away towards the other side of the room while your eyes were still glued to the spider. You looked on in horror as the huge spider was about to crawl away. It’s big long hairy legs making invisible prints all over your wall.
Dean (followed by Sam) who’d heard the scream ran into your room gun in hand thinking it was a threat. He swung open your door, wide open and scanned the room for any kind of danger. Instead his eyes locked onto your scared form in the corner of the room. He lowered his gun and walked over to you slowly so as to not startle you.
“What’s going on?” His eyes looked at you in concern and when you didn’t answer he followed your eyesight and saw you were just staring at an empty spot on your wall. He’d think you’d seen a ghost had it not been for the fact that you weren’t the slightest bit scared of them.
“Hey kid, what’s going on” he slightly waved his hand in front of you to get you to look at him but it didn’t seem to work, he saw tears glistening in your eyes and got even more worried.
Slowly but surely you shook out of your fearful state and answered Dean's question with one word. “Spider”
The older hunter couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as his face went into some kind of relief, and a small smile plastered itself on his lips. Thankful you hadn’t seen an actual ghost or something else that’d want to kill you, (though in your mind the spider was definitely out there to kill you).
Walking out of the room you stayed outside, Sam having long gone to sleep as he told Dean to deal with it with a tired yawn. Dean who as told to deal with the spider went and got some paper before he walked into your room to find the spider. When he found it he walked over to you with the spider and you whimpered away in fear and the grin that was plastered on his face as he brought the spider closer to you was quickly wiped of his face and he went to flush it down the toilet when you stopped him.
“No, don’t kill it!” Dean couldn’t help but to chuckle once more. For being so afraid of something you still seemed to not want to kill them. So instead he went over to the door and let the spider out.
When he came back once more he found you staring at yet two other spiders and he went through the procedure once more. Not long after that he went to his bedroom once more to get some sleep.
Your heart hammered in your chest as you later in your bed. You couldn’t sleep still thinking there were more spiders in the room. What if they were to crawl up in your bed and infest your blanket or start crawling over you. No you couldn’t be in your room for the night so you quietly went over to Dean’s room and knocked gently on the door. Hearing Dean’s voice grumble a tired come in, you opened the door and went inside.
“What do you want?”
“Can I maybe sleep in here with you?” Dean’s head lifted up from the pillow and he looked at you with tired eyes.
“I’m scared, what if there were more spiders or-“ you were cut off by Dean shuffling to the side of his bed and opening up the covers for you to get inside. Walking over to the bed you carefully laid next to him and he laid the blanket over you while also inviting you into a hug. You cuddled close to him and took in the comfort he offered. You were sure no spider would get you know.
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flow33didontsmoke · 2 months
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You’re dating early seasons Dean Winchester.
divider: @cafekitsune
reblogs are appreciated, asks open
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dilfstrap · 1 month
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humming like a car engine
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dean winchester x gn reader
feminisation, pet names, degredation, thigh fucking
'how you doing pretty girl?' you whispered and gripped dean's chin, tipping his head up so he met your eyes. normally bright green, they were currently nearly glazed over and half lidded with pleasure. he was taking it like a champ: the slide of your dick between his thighs, fucking those muscular legs like they were the pretty little pussy you knew he wished he had.
his response was a near unintelligible moan, impossible to make out any words as he let more drool dribble down his chin. you pressed the heel of your palm into his dick and bit your smile into the smooth flesh of his shoulder at the high keening sound he let out at the feeling. his hips pressed hard up, back arching. you groaned and fucked into that lube slick space harder and faster, hand crushed between you, 'you like it when I play with your clit, babygirl? like when I make you get leaky and wet for me? it doesn't take much...'
dean's head lolled back, hitting the mirror above the sink he was propped on, and if he wasn't already garbling out a cry as his cock spurt more precum over your fingers, you would wince at the bang.
his fingers tightened and dug hard into the muscle of your shoulders, his legs clenched together like the good girl dean was clearly trying so hard to be, and you kissed him sweetly. your mouth caressed his for a moment before dragging through his drool to murmur in his ear, unsure if his fucked-dumb brain would even understand, 'cum for me then slut, like the desperate bitch you are.'
clearly, he did understand because his back arched again, and he rut his leaking pole against your hand like a puppy in rut. his mewls of pleasure had turned to sobs some time ago, but now they were nearly howls. his whole body tensed up all over and then he was gone, limp and loose as he spilled cum — thick and white — between you.
all the tension that had been building, and all the desperation that had built up in dean's body had left, but the hazey look didn't fade as a clumsy, dick drunk hand fumbled to smear over his stomach and reach between his own legs to fist your cock.
'so wet for you, jesus, so-' his voice trailed briefly into nothing but airy keening- 'fucking me so good.'
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holylulusworld · 29 days
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Summary: You’re bored.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x GN!Reader
Warnings: boredom, fun, crack, pranks
A/N: A random drabble.
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With no hunt in sight, you’re bored.
After folding your clothes and sorting all your books, you are running out of things to do. 
Going for a walk distracted you for a while, but now you are bored again.
“Dean? Where are you?” You huff as you walk toward the kitchen to get a snack. “Do you know where Sam is hiding that huge and boring book he was talking about the other day?”
“In here,” Dean calls from inside the kitchen. I cleaned out the kitchen and now—” he huffs. “I’ll clean the rest of the kitchen.”
“There you are!” Walking inside the kitchen you earn a growl from Dean. “Hey, don’t growl at me!”
“You are walking over the freshly wiped floor, Y/N,” he glares in your direction. “I won’t clean in here again if you get it dirty all the time.”
“Man, you must be bored to hell and back,” you snicker. “So, did you see the book? I need it. I found some pretty wildflowers and want to press them.”
“You better not use Sammy’s beloved books to press flowers,” he smirks. “He will scold you and you won’t be allowed in the library for the time being if he finds out.”
You huff. “I’m bored, is all.”
“Same,” Dean looks around the now clean kitchen. “At least the kitchen is clean. How about you lend me a hand and help me clean the bathroom? I need to iron our shirts too.”
“We could iron Sammy’s shirts with beer again,” you wiggle your eyebrows. “I know he’ll love it. Booze and softener. A deadly combination.”
“You mean beer,” Dean corrects. “We won’t use my favorite poison to iron Sammy’s shirts. But…we could use something smellier…”
“What do you have in mind,” you scoot closer to Dean to conspire with him against Sam. “Toilet water maybe…”
“Let’s have a look around the bunker. I bet we can find something nice,” he chuckles darkly. “He will love his new fragrance…”
“Wait—” you grab Dean’s hand. “What about toilet water mixed with garlic and a hint of beer.”
Dean’s grin widens. He chuckles and wraps one arm around your shoulders. “You’re an evil mastermind. You and I will prank Sammy so hard he’ll start to cry. We will think back to this moment and always remember the day we joined forces to ruin Sam’s shirts.”
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Tag in reblog.
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prentissluvr · 19 days
sorry won't cut it — sam and dean winchester
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pairing : sam and dean winchester x gn!sibling!reader ➖⟢ genre : angst, hurt/comfort ➖⟢ cw : set in season 8 LOL, sam and dean are kind of/definitely assholes to reader, swearing, arguments, crying, use of kid, kiddo, honey, and sweetheart to refer to reader, only light editing ➖⟢ wc : 4K summary : you meet up with sam to discover that dean is back from purgatory, and both have been keeping secrets from you.
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when sam answers your call, it comes as a relief. a surprise, but more than anything, a relief. it’s been two and a half months, almost on the dot, since he’s answered a call. usually it’s just one month. he has a single burner phone just for you, but it’s off half the time, and the other half he never answers.
you’ve grown used to his distance, to an extent. it still stings when your phone rings till voicemail sometimes, but you’ve just been too tired to argue with him, to ask him to comfort you, make him keep hashing through the pain of looking for dean and finding nothing but trouble. 
you want him to have the normalcy, the girl who loves him and makes him feel alright. you want to have faith that he’ll figure out how to factor you into it all eventually, but you still miss him, and you’re still lonely, so you keep calling, never getting angry or upset when he occasionally picks up. you just act like it’s normal, and you can tell he appreciates it, so you keep it up. in return, he asks you over sometimes, tells you each time how much amelia raves about you after you leave, hugs you tight before you go.
it’s been several months since he’s invited you over, and he doesn’t really talk about her anymore. you figure something must have happened, but you never push anything anymore with him.
this call is different. one, because he finally picks up. two, because he tells you to meet up with him, no explanation or normal talk about what you should bring for dinner. three, he asks you to meet at a random address in kansas.
he sighs deep, “just… get here as soon as you can. i’ll send you the location.” then he hangs up and it feels like the hunting life all over again.
it’s a seven hour drive, and you’re tired out of your mind, high-strung and worn out from leaving right after your shift at a diner full of sleezes who don’t tip enough. even though this whole thing is strange for the new, hunting-free sam, there’s relief coursing through you at the thought of seeing him, hoping he’ll let your tired feet carry you right into his arms. you pull into a driveway of sorts, no obvious entrance to the unremarkable building in front of you, but your years of hunting and meeting up with your brothers at strange places during strange hours after strange calls help you find the door. it's a bunker, one you've never seen before.
you were always a little bit more like sam, disillusioned to the hunter life and the way your father raised you. you weren’t a fighter like him, but you slipped away at eighteen to go to college and found somewhere near stanford so you’d be able to visit sam often. he loved that, always so glad that you got out too. but you were barely gone a year before dean came back to collect you and sam to look for your dad. you came easier than sam, less attached to your new place and always finding yourself missing dean.
that’s what you’d been doing this past year. missing dean, and painfully. so when you knock on the door, calling out, “it’s me, sammy,” you freeze when it opens several beats later.
because the person behind the door isn’t sam. but it is your older brother. just the one who’s been stuck in purgatory for the last year or so, the one you’ve endlessly searched for to no avail.
“dean?” your voice is small as his name slips from your mouth.
his eyes go soft, the way they rarely get, and the slight smile on his lips is half pained, half pure relief to see you after so long. “hey, kid.”
you launch yourself into his arms, and he catches you easy, right there in the doorway, and you have to fend off tears that you know wouldn’t put up so much of a fight if you weren’t so exhausted. but you were raised tough, and winchesters don’t cry all that often, at least not where someone else can see. so you swallow hard and tough it out, letting dean pull away from you and lead you inside. he moves through the house with a sort of ease he’d only have if he felt comfortable and safe there. this raises questions, along with the fact that he's here at all.
you’re speechless, but not for a lack of anything to say. endless questions stream through your mind, each one pushing to be asked, even more desperate to be answered.
but the only thing you can figure out how to say is “hello” to sam when he greets you in the living room. he pulls you into a hug, letting you linger for a moment before you know you have to ask all of the hard questions. something in his face is unreadable to you, which is rare when it comes to your brothers. if you didn’t know any better, you’d think it was a hint of guilt. that rings alarms in your mind, but you brush your nerves aside when dean takes a seat on the couch.
you relax a bit when you sink down next to him, curling into his side a little. it makes you feel a bit childish, but you need it after everything this past year. he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around your shoulders and pull you a little closer. sam sits down across from the two of you and you heave a sigh, wondering where to start.
opening your mouth and forcing words out is like a crack in a dam. everything comes out slow at first, but that lasts mere seconds before the flood.
“how did you… dean, how did you get out? i mean, i tried– i tried everything,” your voice breaks at that word, the weight of it meaning something only you understand. you look at him, brows taught and you’re confused by the surprise on his face, as if he didn’t expect you to say such a thing.
“what do you mean, you tried everything?” he asks, voice suddenly gruff and severe. you recoil from his side to get a better look at him. you don’t miss the look he shoots sam. this is already departing from what you expected, which is probably exactly what you should have expected. it’s just that, when dean hugged you back and he was solid and real and alive, when he sat on the couch instead of a chair so you could sit next to him, you thought that maybe, just maybe, you’d be able to stay tucked safe into his side as they told you what happened, as they asked you to stay with them. 
“what do you mean?” you shoot back. “what, did you think i’d just kick back and call it someone else’s problem?”
“that’s what sam did. that’s what sam said you did.” his voice is accusatory and when you whirl to look at sam, utter bewilderment evident on your face, you can see him physically grimace. which means dean’s telling the truth.
“sam did what?” the question sounds like it’s targeted for dean, but you’re staring the younger down.
“listen, i– no, you know what, i’m not going to explain myself on this again. what do you mean you did everything, you said you were going to school?” sam looks irked and defeated all at once.
“that is completely beside the point, sam, you lied to me?” you ask incredulously, “but you’re not going to explain to me why? why you lied to me or why you apparently didn’t look for dean, i mean are you crazy?” dean’s hand on your shoulder prevents you from standing as your voice grows louder.
“listen, kid, sam and i, we’ve already hashed this out, okay? it’s uh– it’s fine, alright?” with the way he says the word “fine”, you know that it still bothers dean, so you can’t understand why he’d say so. “we’ve got things to discuss here,” dean tries to reason with you before sam can respond. he’s no peace maker, but a full blown fight between the two of you could have an ugly ending.
“things to discuss?” you repeat, in disbelief of the audacity. knowing them, that means they need something from you, which begs the question of why sam asked you over in the first place. you don’t even want to think about them having ulterior motives outside ofjust wanting to see you, so you brush it off angrily. “well, i’m glad to hear that you two have hashed it out, but i haven’t yet, so we can discuss whatever that is later.” you shrug off dean’s hand, trying to focus on the things you’re already angry about instead of asking the even bigger question nagging at you now. when the hell did dean get back that those two had time to hash out something that major? you turn your anger back to sam, thinking about what it was like when dean first disappeared. “you told me you looked. you told me you did all that you could, that you tried everything in your power. now dean’s telling me that you did jack shit?”
sam sighs heavily. “yes, okay. listen, i’m sorry i lied to you, alright? but i just wanted you to try and live your life for once. i figured if i told you i did everything i could, that, i don’t know, maybe you’d give up and try to move on? go to school, do something you love, have real friends, maybe find someone?” he throws his hands up in the air, a defeated gesture because he knows you don’t agree, while he still thinks he did the right thing.
you scoff, because, god, he really has no idea. arms crossed and face the kind of calm that says run to anyone on the other end of your anger, you nod in false understanding. “yeah, what good that did,” you say, your tone so sarcastic and dry that sam just clenches his jaw and dean’s face turns from concerned to full-blown worried. he wonders if he should ask what that means, because whatever it does, it’s certainly not “good.” 
but you pick up again after a moment of thick, dripping silence. “you know, sam, you have absolutely no idea how this past year really was for me. i’m not saying it was easy for you, because i know it wasn’t. though now i know you also skipped the trouble of looking for your stuck-in-purgatory-brother and really, actually lived that hunting-free life you wanted.” sam cringes at the venom in your voice. “all i’m saying is that just about nothing has been all, i don’t know, rainbows and butterflies like you think,” your voice is practically scathing, a tone so rare to both of your brothers that neither knows what to say, “and you know what, sam? it’s looking to me like i’d be a lot better off if you’d just decided to tell me the goddamn truth.”
sam says your name, tentative like he’s testing hot waters, “i thought you said things were going well. you said you liked school, that you were making friends there? just explain to me what you mean so we can figure this out.”
“figure it out,” you repeat under your breath, sticking your tongue against the inside of your cheek to keep from saying something too harsh. “sam, things were going well! they were!” now you’re feeling desperate to make him understand, “but that night you told me there was nothing else we could do, nothing else to try and that i should just do my best to move on? i couldn’t, sam, i couldn’t do that. there had to be something more we could do, so i gave up on the things you said you did and i went further. i let you think i was fine, that i was doing what you wanted for me because you always sounded so tired. you always sounded like one more thing on your plate would make the sweet little life you built with a girl and a dog come crashing down, so i made sure you wouldn’t have to worry about me.”
dean’s voice is uncharacteristically soft when he does his best to make his interruption gentle. he doesn’t want to upset you more, but you can hear the tension in his voice when he asks, “kiddo? what do you mean by you ‘went further?’”
suddenly you shrink in on yourself, your lower lip caught between your teeth and your eyes shining with fresh tears. “dean–,” your voice breaks before you can even say anything else. his hand is on your back, meant to be comforting, but it only makes you feel worse about it all. you know how much dean would hate the lengths you went to to try and get him back. “i can’t–” you shake your head, “i can’t right now, but maybe… maybe if you’d told me the truth, sam, if i’d just started by reading through all of bobby’s books like you said you did, things would have worked out differently.”
“well, maybe if you told me you were going to keep trying, i could have helped you!” sam fires back.
you let out a strangled, frustrated noise as you stand, unable to keep sitting down. “would you? really? because i really don’t think you would’ve! you were so focused on moving on from losing dean that you distanced yourself from me, too! you barely picked up, never called, only talked about dean in three word sentences to tell me a lie about how you tried and failed to find anything to help! maybe if you paid any attention to me, gave any indication that you wanted to help or see me or be a major part of life like i wanted of you, i would have opened up to you!” it makes you even more angry when your voice turns teary, “and for once, i wanted to try to be the one to take care of you two. i kept my secrets, i never let on how fucking lonely i was, just so you wouldn’t worry about me!” a stunned silence falls over you brothers, sam’s guilt beginning to overrun his natural response of anger, and dean making up for that fading anger with his own. your chest heaves with laboured breath as you stare sam down.
dean’s tone is icy as he breaks the silence, “sam, is that really how you treated them while i was gone?” 
sam exhales hard, ignoring dean in favor of looking at you, “i was just doing what i thought was the best for both of us. i didn’t know, okay, i’m sorry.”
“are you kidding me?” you exclaim, voice turning shrill and growing louder by the second, “people got hurt, on my account,” you have to force that part out through gritted teeth, “i got kicked out of school, and i spent three months running from hunters!” both sam and dean want to interrupt at that, but you keep going, your voice quieter now, but harsh and trembling, “but you were doing what you thought was best for both of us? try what was best for you. dean was gone, and i needed you, sammy, i needed you and the second you said you needed to get away, alone, i knew i didn’t have you.”
that shuts him up, has him deflating and his guilt taking over, and you can see it and you hate it. you almost wish he’d get angry instead because that means you can keep shouting at him to try and make him understand. but all you get are his clenched jaw, his sad eyes, and his guilty silence that tell you he knows he fucked up but he can’t figure out a way to make it better since sorry sure as hell won’t cut it.
it’s dean who cuts into the heavy silence again. “sam.” his name hangs in the air, weighed down with unspoken words. “we’ll talk about this later,” you guess is the message. you can feel how angry dean is without even looking at him. you know all he ever asked of sam if he was gone was to take care of you, and now dean knows he didn’t. then his attention is back on you. he says your name, clear and careful. “i’m gonna need you to tell me what you did, okay?”
you wipe at your face angrily as you whirl to face dean. trying to keep the ever present tears at bay, you tap right back into your anger. but it's more tired this time, less convincing with your voice taut from unshed tears begging to be released.
“all that, and that’s what you take away from this? really, dean? you’re gonna need to know what i did? i don’t need you to tell me to know that– that it was wrong and i don’t need you to make me feel any more shitty than i already do right now, okay?”
it’s his turn to wear a look of guilt on his face, but it only sits there for a flash before he keeps going. “kid, that’s not what i’m tryna’ do here, alright? i just wanna understand so i can keep us safe, yeah?” he puts his hands out in a peaceful motion, but something else unresolved floats back up into your focus.
“no. dean, no! because there’s something else here, something both of you have been avoiding this entire time!” there’s a sudden change in the air, like both of them are holding their breath, silently begging you won’t ask the question. “dean, how long have you been back?”
his hesitancy to answer tells you everything. “kid, listen, that’s not imp–”
“don’t you dare say it’s not important! did you hear anything i just said, dean? anything about how shit my life has been since you’ve been gone, how lonely i’ve been?”
“you’re right,” sam relents, forging on before dean can stop him, “he’s been back for three months now. it’s my fault we didn’t tell you. it’s all my fault, and believe me, i am so sorry.” you collapse into a chair with your head in your hands as he continues, “i know that does nothing to fix things, but i am sorry, and i promise i will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, kiddo. i’m all in now, and i did it all so this wouldn’t have to be your life, but you’re here now and we want more than anything to have you around, okay?” 
you lift your head up to stare at him. “three months.” your voice is dangerously quiet. “you two…” your tired mind can’t think of words strong enough, “drive me insane, you know that? dean, you just– you just went along with that and decided, let me guess, that it was best for me? because i was at school, living a normal life and away from the danger of this one? is that it? it’s best for me not to know my brother’s alive? because, you know, that reminds me of something. hm, maybe the time sam hid from us that he was alive for a year because he didn’t have his fucking soul? oh, yeah, it must be that.” you let out a short bark of laughter, but it and your voice are completely devoid of any humor. dean visibly recoils when you mention that. he’s thought of it, and still decided to keep you in the dark. “come on, dean, you know how that feels and you go and do it to me again? really?”
you’ve beat him too. “honey,” he sighs, “i’m sorry. we were wrong to do that to you, okay?”
finally, you think you might be out of things to say, to be hurt about. your voice is quiet and fragile now, and the dam holding back your tears is fractured in a million places, more than ready to break. “i missed you so much. both of you,” you whisper. you meant to make a scathing comment about how “sorry” and “we were wrong” don’t even begin to cover it, but you find that you’re not in complete control of the things coming out of your mouth. you’re just too goddamn tired. dean is crouching in front of you in an instant.
“i missed you, too, sweetheart. so much. i’m so sorry.” he takes it as a good sign that you let him place his hand on your knee. you want to flick it away, maybe shove him away too.
“and i was so, so lonely. i was so scared,” you sob out, wishing you didn’t have to cry when you got angry. “and i’m so mad that you two did this to me.”
“i know, kiddo, i know. i’m sorry.” gently, slowly, he tugs you towards him and into his arms and you slide onto the floor and cry into his chest, shaking and unable to say a thing. you want to tell him this doesn’t make it right, but dean hushes you gently when you try. “shhh, it’s okay, just let it out, alright? i got you. i got you,” he comforts. it’s true that this doesn’t make it right, but it’s almost all you need in that moment.
“sammy,” you choke out, still so angry with him, but wanting him near anyways, knowing that he’s too scared to come close to you after coming face to face with all of the things he did wrong. his hand is on your back a moment later, hesitant at first, then strong and soothing moments later when you blindly grab for the fabric of his flannel to keep him close.
“okay. okay, i’m here. i’m sorry. i’m here now, i promise,” he whispers, silently letting a few of his own guilty tears fall.
utterly exhausted, you stay slumped on the floor in dean's arms when your tears dry up. you can barely keep your eyes open and your breathing is soft and slow. 
“let’s get you to bed,” dean whispers, hoisting you all the way into his arms and up as he stands. “sam’ll grab you a glass of water.” you sigh an imperceptible sigh because you know that dean is still pissed at sam. rightfully so, you’re more than just pissed at both of them, but you’re too tired to care in this moment, and the last thing you want is for them to be angry at each other. that’s your job for when you wake up hours from now. 
dean sets you down in a foreign bed pulling the blankets over you, and sam is back moments later with the promised glass of water and tissues for your face. you curl up and tug at the covers slightly, eager to fall asleep.
“see you in the morning,” you mumble, effectively dismissing them with your voice hoarse from crying. you close your eyes before either of them can say a thing, but your words are also a whisper of the beginning of forgiveness. 
“goodnight, kiddo,” dean says, his voice full of a familiar affection that he only uses for his little siblings as he presses a kiss to your hairline, before disappearing out the door.
you drowsily register the sound of sam setting the glass of water on the night stand by your head. “i’m right across the hallway if you need anything.” a moment, then, “goodnight,” and a gentle hand on the side of your head before a kiss to your temple.
you fall asleep coming up with a list of petty ways you’ll have them make things up to you. neither sam nor dean will be pleased to hear that you’re calling shotgun in the impala for the next three months, minimum. sam for obvious reasons, and dean because he’ll know that means you’ll be taking your job as youngest sibling to annoy the living hell out of him very seriously.
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k2ntoss · 6 months
it's late and luckily one of the few times sam doesn't join dean and you on a short hunt, nothing big for you both skilled hunters, a small nest of vampires that you already tracked down in the bunker before leaving. the road is empty and the night is fresh, the wind bites your cheeks as the music goes on on baby's radio, dean has his hand on your thight and gives you gentle squeezes every now and then as you both talk, your eyes are fixed on how good he looks when he drives with just one hand on the steering wheel and that makes you squeeze your legs together, which he notices (oh hell he does)
"what's on your mind, baby?" he asks, a small smirk on he lips because the little bastard knows what's on your mind, he knows he looks hot and he knows that there wouldn't be that much problem if you slid your hand under his jeans to give him a handjob but he has something else in mind "not much, really" you'll reply simply as you do exactly what he expects first, you start toying with his arm, the one that's squeezing your thight and then you reach to caress him over his clothes, your index tracing the outline of his crotch making him let out a low grunt when the light touch isn't enough so he decides to pull to the side of the road, unfastening his belt before he looks at you "let's get to the back, now" yeah, the man is that easy to turn on and so you are, his voice and the lust on his eyes are enough to make you as eager as dean.
both of you end up on the backseat of baby, dean sits with his legs a little spread and you sit on his lap, legs straddling him as he kisses you deeply, teeth biting your lower lip and hands holding your hips, pulling you closer until not even the air is able to pass between your bodies "i swear, this lips of yours taste so sweet, baby" he mumbles against your mouth as his hands travel to the small of your back just to press you more against him before he slides them under your shirt making you shiver at the feeling of the slightly calloused skin of his palms, he'll take a break when he feels your breath going heavier and your clumsy hands trying to lift his shirt too "oh, you want to touch me? here, lemme help ya, sweetheart" he'll whisper into your ear teasingly as he strips off of his shirt before tossing it to the seat and right back at kissing you and touching you, letting your hands trace and caress his chest and broad shoulders, a few scars here and there as his lips travel down your neck making you moan softly "you have no idea how much i need you..." dean's voice is raspy and deep but you know he needs you, his dick is hard under you as you grind your hips against him "oh, i can feel it"
(ian, one of this days I SWEAR I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN)
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river13245 · 4 months
They React To You Being Asexual
Dean, Sam, Castiel, Crowley, Rowena, Lucifer
(this is going to be a thing that I do regularly so request)
Dean Winchester
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The both of you have been dating for almost a month now. You weren't oblivious to the fact that Dean was a very touchy guy. He would go to bars and pick up women all the time before you came around. Maybe that's why you had a pit in your stomach. You go to dean who was in the main room of the bunker and ask dean if you could talk to him in private.
He gets up and walks into your guys's room. "what's going on. Something happen?" he asks and you shake your head. "no not yet. Uh I just thought I should tell you something" He sits down on the bed and looks at you. :alright what's going on?" you take a deep breath in and speak all in one breath "Im asexual. I know that you like sex which is not a fault but I just know i'm not going to be able to give that to you"
He asks you to explain it to him and when you do he nods and its quiet for a moment before he speaks. "babe this isn't going to change anything between us. You don't want sex. that's fine i can take care of myself if i need to. Don't feel bad" when you sit beside him hs places his hand on your thigh and you rest your head on his shoulder.
Sam winchester
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Your boyfriend was sitting on the bed reading when you entered the room. He looked so nice in the sweatshirt and sweatpants he was wearing. You were taking a moment to think about how you wanted to tell him that you were asexual.
Sam had never once made you feel as if you had to do anything you didn't want to do. If anything he was always cautious for first moves. your first kiss he leaned in slowly, making you close the gap. He also never really asked or initiated for the both of you to go any further beyond just kissing and cuddling. You had a feeling he knew which made you less nervous. "whets going on in that head of yours" he asks as he looks over at you.
You sit onto the bed beside him. "there's something I need to tell you" he puts his book down to give you his full attention before nodding. You take a breath before saying calmly "i'm asexual. I don't ever want to have sex with you. I should have told you sooner and i'm so sorry I didnt i was just waiting for the right time an-" You stop speaking because sam has placed both of his hands on the sides of your face and kisses your lips. "its okay honey, I have had a feeling that you might be and I still love you either way. Plus i have a lower sex drive than most people so you dont have to worry with me okay?" You nod and you cuddle up against him as he reads a little while longer.
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You were sitting on your bed just thinking about how you were to tell your boyfriend that you were asexual. Your boyfriend had never really said anything about wanting sex or anything like that but it still made you nervous. You knew Castiel wouldn't break up with you because of it. So once you calmed yourself down a bit you prayed for him. "castiel I need to speak with you"
Wasnt even 2 minutes later and hes standing in front of you. "Theres something on your mind?" he asks and you nod. "yes there is. I just needed to tell you that if we are going to continue our relationship..there will be no sexual acts. Kissing and everything is fine but just not sex."
He looks at you for a moment before he takes your hand in his "That is perfectly fine. Angels dont need to have sex." you lean in and kiss his cheek and hug him
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Crowley had been in one of his moods today. Your boyfriend was a very moody person. One thing could piss him off so because of this you were not looking forward to telling him about the fact that you are asexual. In fact you were thinking about not telling him. Not for a while anyways.
However when he walked into the room he could see the way you didnt come up to him to welcome him back like you always did. So he crossed his arms and looked at you. "what" you asked as you looked up at him. "What is going on? You arent acting normal" this caused you to roll your eyes at him. "when have I ever been normal" he shrugs but doesn't say anything else which makes you sigh.
You laid down onto the big bed you two shared. "Crowley I am asexual. That's why I haven't made a move to do anything more than kissing" He uncrossed his arms and lays down beside you. "really that's what's got you so weird?" nodding in response he rolls his eyes. "I'm a demon and have lived much longer than you have. You being asexual is the least of my problems. I want to be with you either way"
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Rowena was doing some of her witchy stuff looking beautiful while she focused. You knew you shouldn't interrupt her but this was eating you alive. Your friends had been talking about their partners and how they were great in bed and everything else. You loved your friends of course but its started to eat away at you. That you couldnt and wouldnt give that to Rowena.
She was a woman and many women want that part of the relationship. That kind if intimacy and you were feeling awful about it. Rowena deserved an explanation so before you could talk yourself out of it you walked up to the table and took a seat. "Rowena Love" She looked up at you and when she noticed how you looked she stopped what she was doing. "what's wrong dear"
You let out a long sigh before explaining to her about what you and your friends were talking about and then you pause for a moment before speaking again. "I know that you probably want that and I cant give it to you. How could you possibly be happy like this" She places both her hands on the sides of your cheeks and kisses your forehead then your lips. "I am happy with you. There has not been a moment where I doubted us or my feelings for you. You are the one that I want to be with for the rest of our time here" She pulls you into a soft hug
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You had just walked back into your home and Your partner was sitting on his chair that he had claimed as like his "throne". He had been talking to a few other demons that worked for him and so you tried to walk quickly past them but he made you stop. "where do you think your going?" he wasn't angry he was just confused because you usually greet him when you come back home. You look at him "i'm going to our bedroom"
He could tell by the tone of your voice and your body language that something was wrong. So he quickly made the demons leave before turning to look back at you. "come here" you walked closer to him and he looked at you sitting up more on his chair. "what happened while you were out?" He was very protective over you and it was written all over his face. You knew he was going to find out anyways so you begin to tell him.
You tell him about how your friends were asking about how you and your boyfriend was. Asking how the sex is going etc etc. Lucifer nodded and was actually letting you finish speaking. "when I told them that. We don't have sex because i'm asexual they started judging me and everything." He almost speaks up but you cut him off "why do you stay with me. Lucifer I know that you have had many demons and even other angels in your bed before. Why stay with the one who cant give you what you need"
Lucifer looks at you as if you just said something in a language he didn't understand. He uses his power to bring you closer to him and then he stops and holds his arms out for you. Silently telling you to sit with him and so you do. You sit on his lap and rest your head on his shoulder. "I may have had others share a bed with me. But none of them have had such a emotional hold on me before. You are the one that i fell in love with. Don't ever doubt me or my feelings towards you." he says the last part with such a serious tone and all you can do is nod and let him hold you.
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apocalypseornaw · 3 months
Look after You
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Dean Winchester x Gender neutral Reader
You're hurt in a car accident and Dean takes care of you.
@hpxmcusworld I hope you enjoy
Dean was pacing the floor of the library, staring at his phone and silently begging it to ring. You should've been back by now. Why hadn't he gone with you?
"Still no word?” Sam asked, walking in behind him and he nearly growled “No. Man, can you track their phone,please?” Sam felt his heart drop at Dean's voice. He knew his brother loved you, he had for years and the thought of losing you terrified him. If after all the loss something happened to you Sam wasn't sure Dean would survive it.
Right as Sam got his laptop on, Dean's phone started blaring. Dean answered it and a voice he didn't recognize hit his ears “Is this Mister Dean Campbell?” He swallowed hard before saying “Yes” “We have your spouse here. They were brought in from an automobile accident”
“WHAT?” Dean felt his heart threaten to stop at that moment. His ears started ringing and his knees weakened. Sam moved to his side and took the phone, clicking the speaker on “Hello?” “Mister Campbell?” The doctor asked and Sam replied “This is his brother” “Oh well I was telling your brother we have his spouse in the emergency department. They were injured in an automobile accident. A drunk driver ran a stop sign and hit their car. They're stable but currently in for a CT scan. We need their emergency contact here as soon as possible” “We'll get there as soon as we can” 
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Your head was throbbing, the bright fluorescent lights were killing you. What was worse was according to the doctors you'd lost a few weeks. The last thing you remembered was Christmas and apparently it was St Patrick's Day weekend.
You were terrified and alone. The doctor had told you he called Dean but he hadn't arrived yet. You knew he'd be to your side soon though.
The moment you were wheeled out of the room for the scan however you heard Dean's voice loud and clear “Where are they at? You called me and told me they're hurt, then I got here and what? You fucking lost them?”
You laughed lightly and the nurse smiled “That him?” You grinned “Yes ma'am” already feeling better knowing Dean was here. He'd take care of you.
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You sat on your bed with Dean's arm wrapped protectively around you. He hadn't moved since he got to your side. As always Sam was being the more diplomatic one, handling paperwork and talking to doctors. “I should go find the asshole that hit you and rip his lungs out” he grumbled and you smiled, curling into his side “They said I'll be ok Dean. It's just a concussion and should heal on its own” he nodded “Doesn't mean I'm not still pissed someone hurt you. I'm pissed at them and at myself. I never should've let you go alone”
You sighed knowing this was an argument you'd lose. Of course Dean was blaming himself instead of the person who chose to drink way too much and get behind the wheel. 
After about an hour Sam came in pushing a wheelchair “Good news. Your awesome brother in law talked the doctor into letting you go home. We have a list of aftercare precautions but given our history with injuries I'm sure we can handle it” you cut your eyes at Dean who sighed “about time. I want to get you back to the bunker”
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“I can walk!” You squealed when Dean picked you up out of the backseat and headed out of the garage and towards your shared room. He nodded “I know but I'm not taking no chances of hurting you further. Cas will be here in two days to heal you. Until then you're not getting out of my sight”
Once you made it to the room he sat you gently down on the bed then dug in the dresser pulling out one of his own shirts and a pair of his boxers. At your look he rolled his eyes “Don't act like you don't enjoy wearing my clothes more than yours anyways” He did have a point.
He treated you like you were made of glass as he stripped you of the scrubs the hospital had given you and dressed you in his clothes. Once he was sure you were comfortable he kicked off his boots and crawled into bed next to you, pulling you over on his chest “You need anything baby?”
You shook your head “I remember Christmas. Can you catch me up?” He smiled before catching your lips in a gentle kiss “Of course”
Before you fell asleep Dean sat multiple alarms to wake you up at the needed intervals. Once you were out he laid there, watching your chest rise and fall gently. He needed the assurance you were ok. 
He loved you more than he'd ever dreamt of loving someone. When he met you he was knocked off his feet by how much he wanted you the moment he laid eyes on you but then he got to know you. Every conversation, every hunt, every late night talk he fell deeper and deeper.
The day he realized he loved you wasn't a big scene or anything memorable really. You were sitting in Bobby's kitchen, helping him make salt rounds and humming under your breath. When he'd walked into the room you met his eyes and smiled and he'd felt like he'd been hit by a truck when the realization hit him that you owned his heart and he had no intention of ever asking for it back.
If something had happened to you…no he wouldn't go down that rabbit hole. You were here, alive and he'd make sure from now on he was always at your side. Logically he knew he couldn't have stopped a wreck but his heart wasn't hearing that. You were his and he would be damned before anything ever hurt you again.
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thirdsaltyhunter · 8 months
Fight for Love
Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Summary: a fight between you and Dean leads to some unintended truth slipping out, maybe that's not a bad thing
Warning: flangst, arguing, self hate, implied smut, set in season 9(spoilers)
A/N: Not proofread all mistakes are my own.
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You and Dean had been screaming at each other for a good 10 minutes now. It had gotten to the point where Sam had given up trying to be the mediator and snuck away to the library, to let you fight it out in the map room.
This argument had started when you found out Dean had taken on the Mark of Cain and to make it worse, he had hidden it from you for over a week. After you saw it on his arm and started asking questions, he tried to brush you off like it wasn't a big deal. Your anger had flared, but what you wouldn't admit, was that that anger, was fueled by fear and concern for your friend.
You had been friends with the boys for years and fought by their side. It wasn't long after getting to know them, that you started to develop feelings for the older Winchester, despite your best efforts at keeping your heart in check. At this point, those feeling had developed into being hopelessly in love with him. You wouldn't say anything though; you knew your feelings were unrequited.
"Do you know how bad of an idea that was Dean, we know literally nothing about what that mark could do to you.", you yelled as he paced back and forth on the other side of the map table.
"We had no other option Y/N, what was I supposed to do?"
"We could've figured out a plan that didn't involve you getting a murderous tramp-stamp."
"Well it's too late now isn't it.", he was practically fuming now.
"Ok, then we'll get it off!", your yelling was elevated by the frustration and anxiety that was coursing through your veins.
"And why the fuck do you even care?", he yelled, leaning forward. He seemed so close to you despite still being across the table.
At his question, it was like something snapped inside you at his audacity to even ask you that. All rational thinking and control went out of your mind.
"Because I love you!", you responded, voice louder than it had been throughout your whole argument. However your screamed admission of the words you had tried so hard to keep to yourself for years, was followed by a deafening silence. All of your anger and fire drained out of you and was replaced by pure dread and regret.
You wondered for a brief moment, if you had in fact said those words aloud, but one look at Dean's face, at his shocked expression, confirmed that you had. You had just brought your walls of emotional repression crashing down around you.
You glanced to your right to see that Sam had reemerged from the library, clearly he had heard you and wanted to see how this scene would play out. Sam, being your best friend, had always encouraged you to admit your feelings to Dean, but you had always thought that was a terrible idea. There was no way someone like him could want you. You didn't deserve him anyway. All of the terrible outcomes ran through your head, Dean rejecting you, or getting mad at you and kicking you out of the Bunker, or things becoming awkward and you losing your closest friends.
You were waiting for one of these possibilities to happen as you stared at the floor while Dean still stared at you in stunned silence. In reality, it had only been a few seconds, but it felt like time had stopped and you couldn't stand waiting anymore. So you ran.
"Y/N wait!", Sam called after you, but your feet were already carrying you to the garage. You grabbed your keys and got in your car as fast as you could, you wanted to be far away from this situation, somewhere you wouldn't have to face Dean. His silence made it clear he wanted nothing to do with you and you didn't think your heart could handle his rejection... or worse.
After about 20 minutes of driving, your thoughts had spiraled to the point that your hands were shaking, so you pulled off the road into a field. You got out of your car to go sit on the hood and think, try to come up with a plan on what to do next, but it was like your mind wasn't working. You hadn't even realized it, but you were crying. You just wished you could go back in time and take back those words.
Dean's POV
Dean didn't break out of his trance of disbelief until he heard the garage door slam behind you. His mind couldn't wrap around the fact that you had just admitted you loved him, he thought there was no way someone like you could want someone like him.
"What the hell man!", Sam said, exasperated. "Why did you just stand there?"
"I don't know Sam!". He felt like an idiot. Why did he just stand there? Why didn't he say anything? And now you were gone. "What do I do?", he asked his brother.
"Well, it's too late to follow her, so we'll have to find her."
The younger Winchester thought for a moment. "We can try to track her phone and hope she didn't turn it off."
Your POV
You couldn't have been sitting on your hood, drowning in stress, for more than 30 minutes before you heard the distinct rumbling of the impala. You forgot to turn the location off on your phone. Fuck. Your heart sunk to your stomach and you prayed to any god listening, that it was Sam in the car and not Dean. But you knew better. You knew just from the sound of his footsteps who it was.
Dean came and sat next to you in the hood of your car. You couldn't look at him, you didn't want to see the look of pity in his eyes when he saw you were crying.
"Sweetheart, please look at me", he said after a moment of silence. He placed a hand on your knee and you immediately jerked away.
"You don't need to say anything Dean, I get it." You still weren't looking at him. You really didn't want to hear some "it's not you it's me" speech.
"Get what?", he asked, genuinely confused at how you were reacting.
"I'm so sorry", you said, completely ignoring his question; your eyes welling with a new wave of tears.
"Whoa whoa, hey", he said softly, moving off the hood to kneel in front of you. Your hands went up to hide your face. "C'mon look me Sweetheart. Please.", he pulled your hands away from your face to hold them.
"Hey, no one's kicking you out." He gently squeezed your hands. "Look at me."
"Please don't kick me out." You knew that was an irrational fear to have and Dean would probably never do that to you, but the weight of your insecurity was heavy on your mind.
He was taken aback by your words but his heart broke at how upset you looked and the tear stains on your cheeks. He realized then, what was going through your mind; you thought he was going to reject you.
His voice sounded so gentle but you could pick up on the hint of what sounded like nervousness. You finally met his eyes.
"I love you too." Your eyes widened in disbelief at his words, but you knew how monumental Dean Winchester, saying those words to anyone, was. "I should have told you that a long time ago, but I never thought you'd feel the same."
"Y-you love me?" you were still shocked, you wanted to cry for a whole other reason now. Relief. Happiness. Gratitude.
Things were getting pretty heated before Dean pulled back to look down at you. "We don't have to take this any farther if you don't want to," he said, eyes laced with softness and concern.
"Have for a long time sweetheart, how could I not." He could still tell you didn't believe him so he leaned up slowly giving you plenty of time to pull away, before planting a gentle kiss to your lips. It felt like you were going to combust and he was the only thing keeping you tethered to earth.
Once your brain had caught up and he pulled away, you decided the kiss was entirely to short for your liking. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back into a kiss, that tried to make up for all the years of waiting. Laying back on the hood of your car you pulled him to stand between you legs as he continued to kiss you.
"Dean if you don't want to go any farther because you want to take things slow, that's fine with me, but if you're saying that because you're worried about me... I've been waiting for nine years, don't make me wait any longer."
A smile, that you hadn't seen in a long time, lit up his face. "Then why don't we move to the car," he motioned to the sky. It apparently had started lightly raining at some point and was about to start coming down harder.
You nodded in agreement, before taking his offered hand so you could climb off your hood. He opened the back door of the impala for you and let you get in before joining you and shutting the door. You were going to wait out the rain and try to make up for all the lost time.
Laying in his arms, completely blissed out, you listened to his breathing and the rain hitting the roof of the car. You ran your hand down his arm until you got to his forearm. You stopped to run your thumb over the mark. "Does it hurt?" you asked.
"Not really. It did at first." he took a breath before continuing. "I'm sorry, I know it was a stupid move."
"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just worry about you."
Before he could respond, you heard his phone ring from the floorboard. You groaned, not wanting to move from his hold.
He chuckled at your annoyance. "It's probably Sam. It's been hours, we should at least let him know you didn't wind up in a ditch somewhere."
"Fine," you said with a playful eyeroll and reached down to grab his phone. You read Sam's name on the caller ID and answered it. "Hey Sammy," you greeted.
"Oh h-hey!" he said clearly surprised to hear your voice instead of Dean's. "So I guess Dean found you."
"Yeah everything's good. We're ok."
"Ok good," he said with a hint of relief.
"We'll be home soon, I promise." You said your goodbyes to Sam, before hanging up and putting Dean's phone back in his pocket. "I guess we should head back." You didn't want to break this moment, almost fearing that what had happened between you two would disappear when you left the safety of the car.
He nodded with a sigh and began gathering your clothes.
Once you were both redressed, you went to reach for the door handle and head back to your car. Dean's hand on your arm stopped you.
"We'll get your car tomorrow, just ride home with me tonight," he pleaded.
"Ok," you breathed, relieved that the moment still wasn't ending.
You had settled into the front seat with him and began the drive back to the bunker, when you had an idea. Rummaging through his box of cassettes you found the one you were looking for.
"What are you doing, Sweetheart?" he asked with a hint of amusement.
"Don't worry about it, you just keep driving." You smiled at him and slipped the tape into the cassette player.
Dean started to laugh as soon as he recognized what song you had played. "Did you just 'Night Moves' me ?"
You nodded and started singing along with Seger's voice with a huge smile on your face.
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natti-ice · 4 months
Night Moves- Dean Winchester.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of eating, established relationship, based on the song “night moves” by Bob Sager
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated<3
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You sat in the passenger seat of the impala humming along to the song on the radio, you hadn't heard it in a while so you forgot how much you liked it. You mindlessly stared off into the dark trees on the almost abandoned highway, remembering the first time you ever heard this song. 
You were abruptly brought out of your daydream when the song changed which was weird because there were at least 2 minutes left. 
"Hey, I was listening to that" you said turning your attention to your boyfriend in the driver seat. 
"Really?" Dean questioned "Why?"
"Because I like the song, Bob Sager is a legend." You replied
"Yeah obviously, but out of all songs, 'night moves' is your favorite?" He said with a light chuckle, lowering the volume of 'ramble on' that replaced Sager. 
"Yes, actually it is" you were ready to defend this song with your life "Is that a problem?" You incited
This was a common occurrence throughout the course of your relationship, you never argued about anything serious but when it came to music all cards are on the table. There were just certain things about music you couldn't agree on, sometimes the bickering would go on for days before you two would eventually kiss and make up. 
You knew this song was different though, but he didn't. He didn't know the significance of this song but you were going to change that before this went too far, it already continued into the diner where you two were having your weekly date night. 
By now the whole conversation has become about how Led Zeppelin is unappreciated, somehow all music conversations lead to Led Zeppelin. You waited for Dean to finish his second piece of pie so you'd know you'll have his full attention. 
"Do you really not know why I like the song so much?" You questioned hoping maybe he'd remember. He shook his head no, you sighed. "The night you first said you loved me, it was playing in the background" You explained
Dean's eyes went wider than you'd ever seen, all the memories of that night flooded his brain, the bar, the smell, the atmosphere, what he was wearing, what you were wearing, he remembered it all so how did he forget this one detail?
"That's right!" he shouted grabbing the attention of the only other customer and the waitress, "some drunk guy yelled out 'this is my jam!' across the bar right before I said it. I'm so sorry, I completely forgot" there was regret in his voice but fondness in his eyes. That was the best night of Dean's life. 
"Now you can see why I like it so much, it reminds me of us." You smiled at him
He smiled back, "Yeah, still a shit song" he shrugged then dodged the balled-up napkin you threw at him.
Eventually, you both started making your way back to the Impala, you walked out of the diner hand in hand. Right before you made it to the car you heard it…
"Workin' on our night moves, trying to lose the awkward teenage blues"  Dean sang under his breath. You immediately stopped in your tracks, causing him to do the same. He sighed before looking over at you, he knew he wasn't going to hear the end of this.
You raised your eyebrows at him, a big grin slapped across your face
"Shut up" he rolled his eye, a smile pulling at his lips
You smiled, leaned over and pecked his cheek, then whispered in his ear "I don't think I will."
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castiwls · 4 months
anti-hero - d.w
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Paring; Dean x gn!reader
Synopsis; Dean's nightmares have become a nightly occurrence
Warnings; none
Notes; i think this might be one of my all time favorite songs ever! Also praying we get rep tv announcement tonight!! (also requests are open )
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"i wake up screaming from dreaming one day i'll watch as you're leaving ‘cause you got tired of my scheming
Nightmares were a common occurrence for Dean Winchester. Every time he closed his eyes it was as if a collection of his worst moments replayed in his head for his own viewing pleasure. 
Dean had almost completely forgotten what it was like to dream, his nightmares seemed to have chased them away. Even the alcohol no longer kept his personal demons at bay. 
Most nights he found himself waking in cold sweats, his heartbeat thrumming in his ears. Today was no exception. Dean let out a quiet gasp as his eyes shot open his hands subconsciously reaching for the weapon under his pillow. Just as he closed his hand around the knife he felt something touch his chest
“Dean.” You blinked slowly at him from your spot in the bed. You wiped at your eyes before using your arm to prop up your head. “You ok?” Your face twisted in slight concern as he lay quietly beside you. “Dean.” You said placing a hand on his arm. “Talk to me. Please.”
Dean slowly turned his head towards you. He didn’t say anything as he gently took your hand in his and squeezed it. “I’m okay.” He whispered. You frowned and let out a quiet sigh. “Alright.” You lay back down. You knew he wasn't going to talk. It was rare Dean ever did tell you about his ‘dreams’.
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“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” You seethed as you held a cloth over the wound on Dean's leg. He simply scoffed before looking away. “Do you have any idea how stupid that plan was? You ran into a nest of vamps alone! Why didn’t you wait for Sam.” You reached over for a wipe and began to clean the cut as well as you could.
The wound ran down the majority of his leg and seemed deep enough for stitches much to your annoyance. “Are you even gonna say anything?” You stooped momentarily looking up at him from your spot on the floor. “Dean?” Your tone softened as you took notice of his far-off look.
Ever since the other night he’d been acting weird. Dean had taken to quietly staring at walls and drinking himself into a coma at night. You’d also noticed his behaviour change. He was more reckless
Satisfied that the cut was clean and no longer bleeding you took a spot on the bed next to him. “Whats wrong?” 
Dean kept his gaze on the wall infront of him. He took a shaky breath before moving to grab your hand. He squeezed it for a moment before looking down. “You deserve more then this. Then me.” He ran his free hand through his hair before finally looking up to catch your gaze. “I mean whens the last time you had a whole nights sleep, huh?” 
You shook your head. “Dean. I don’t care about your nightmares ok. I care when you close up on me like this and when you go and be reckless.” His thumb began to gently rub your hand as you spoke. “I’m frustrated 'cause I don't like seeing you destroy yourself. Talk to me. Talk to Sam. Hell, I don't care who you talk to just talk to someone please."
He nodded. “You don’t have to deal with these nightmares alone.” You finished.
You sent him a soft smile before wrapping your arms around him. You knew he wouldn’t open up immediately, but as long as he agreed to try, that was all you cared about.
“I’m not going anywhere ok.” Dean tightened his hold on you before pressing a kiss to your head. He wasn’t ready to talk yet but knowing you would stay was enough.
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gilverrwrites · 5 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester/GN! Reader
Plot: Dean punishes the reader for teasing him all day.
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Please don't forget: to be proud of yourself.
Rating: M/18+
Words: 461
Content: Established romantic/sexual relationship, spanking, dirty talk, dom/sub, dom!Dean, bratty!reader, punishment, swearing.
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You were just starting to drift off, face first into your pillow when you felt the mattress shifting beneath you. Head fuzzy, lids heavy, you struggled to open your eyes until you heard a gruff, familiar voice in your ear.
“You are in so much trouble.” Dean declared as he crawled onto the bed. One leg sunk into the space between your own, a hand pressed into the space between your shoulder blades, keeping you in place.
“Can I be in trouble tomorrow?” You taunt, voice muffled by the bedding. You were exhausted, totally ready for a good night’s sleep, and you knew he’d back off if you told him outright, but you were curious where things were going.
“Hmmmm.” He seemed to be mulling your words over. When you felt the pressure of his weight leave your body you thought he might be taking your words to heart, until your skin met the cold air. He’d removed the comforter from your body before swiftly returning to his position above you. “No Baby, it can’t.”
“What did I do that was so bad?” You murmured, holding back a contented sigh at the feel of his fingers softly tracing over your back.
“Don’t act all innocent.” He shot back. His hand finds the waistband of your pyjama bottoms, pulling them down along with your underwear, and exposing your backside to him. You clench your hands into your pillow, fighting the instinct to cover yourself from the cool air. “Don’t act like you haven’t been teasing me all day. Sending me naughty pictures when I can’t do anything about it.”
“Oh, that… I thought you’d like them.”
“You knew what you were doing.” His hand comes down on your cheek and you yelp. “Now, are you gonna behave and take your punishment?”
“I’ll behave!” You reply instantly, now fully awake and straining to lift your ass higher for him. “I’ll be good.”
“Good.” He leans down, gently placing a kiss on the nape of your neck before continuing. Again, and again he brings his palm down against your asscheeks. You wiggle and moan after each slap, purring every time he whispers praise into your ear.
“You’re doing so well.”
“Such a nice fucking ass.”
“Good baby, good.”
He keeps going at a brutal pace until your core is as hot and throbbing as your ass. Just when you think you can’t take anymore, just as you’re ready to cry out for him to stop, he reels back.
“You took that so well.” He coos, softly running his hands over the aggravated skin of your ass, up your spine, around your waist before lowering himself. You hissed as you felt his clothed erection grind against you. “I think you’ve earned a reward, don’t you?”
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moonlightspencie · 7 months
hii could u write a story where the reader isn't having a good week and decides to go to dean? he just comforts her and she ends up falling asleep in his lap? tyyy xx
i personally need to read something like this, so i REALLY like this request teehee.
pairing: dean winchester x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
You groaned, rubbing your temples as you sat on the edge of your mattress.
As if your week hadn’t been hard enough, now you were getting hit by a massive headache. It felt like nothing was going right, and it was extremely frustrating to say the least.
You decide to go to the kitchen and get a drink. No sense in being dehydrated on top of everything else. You shuffled into the room, took a cup out of the cupboard, and filled it up with water. You sipped at the cup, leaning against the counter.
“Hey,” a voice called, causing you to jump. Some of the water splashed out, hitting your leg.
You tossed your head back, frustration only growing.
“You okay?” Dean asked, moving a little closer.
You shook your head wordlessly, not trusting your voice in that moment not to shake. You felt his hand on your shoulder, and the cup was being taken from your hands a second later. You heard it clink on the counter.
“Come on,” he said, trying to coax you away from the counter. “Hey, I’m sorry.”
You cracked your eyes open, looking at him as he stared back at you. He wore an apologetic look.
“For what?”
“Scaring you.”
“Not your fault,” you said, shaking your head. “I’m just… I’m having a really bad week. Today has sucked.”
He pouted a little. “Sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?”
You shook your head again. “Don’t think so.”
“Do you want to go to my room? Maybe watch a movie or something?” he offered, clearly trying to find a way to life your spirits.
“I don’t know,” you replied with a shrug.
He simply stared for a moment, then reached for your hand. He pulled you a little, trying to get you to follow along.
“Come on. We don’t have to watch anything, just…” he sighed, looking apologetic. “Wanna help you feel a little better. We can just sit. I’ll let you scream into a pillow or something.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that offer a little, especially when he smiled right back at you. You let him pull you along to his room. You’d always been bad at saying no to him.
He sat on his bed, watching you with a small smile until you gave in and sat next to him. He sighed softly, and you could see his eyes still on you from the corner of your eye.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked after a beat.
“Not really,” you shook your head.
“Okay. That’s alright,” he nodded. “You want to read? Or just sit?”
“Can I just lay down?” you asked, looking at him at last.
His eyes widened a tiny bit, then he nodded.
“Yeah, of course,” he said, pulling the covers up a little bit so you could crawl under them. “Make yourself at home.”
You nodded gratefully, sliding down the mattress to get comfortable. The pillow didn’t do much for you, but you tried not to complain about him trying to be there for you.
He noticed you shifting uncomfortably after a moment, and coaxed your head into his hand. You obliged, curious as to what his plan was. He moved your head to rest on his leg, and his hand brushed against your forehead briefly before he started gently rubbing your back.
“This okay?” he asked, voice gentle.
You nodded. “Yeah. Thank you.”
“Any time, sweetheart,” he said with a soft smile.
The last thing you remember before drifting off was the sound of his low humming, and his hand warm against your back.
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mggsv · 8 months
The French Kiss
gn!reader x dean winchester
summary: Turns out..you’ve never kissed anyone before, to Dean’s surprise, so he teaches you.
warnings: none! fluff, first time kissing, intense kissing, heavy touching
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“Oh come on- you serious?” His mocking laugh made to shrink more into yourself. Sitting there wearing an oversized sweatshirt that covered your legs. You sat there on Dean’s bed in the bunker, only you two in the home-like place. “I’m serious.” You muttered.
“You’ve never kissed anyone?”
“I find that to be bullshit- Have you seen yourself?” That made you shiver. You look up at him, face flushed in embarrassment. He popped open a bottle of water and came closer. “I know i’m hot. Trust me, i’m well aware.” You scoff, “doesn’t mean I just go around kissing people, unlike some of us..”
He rolled his eyes at that, taking a seat next to you, “Well, don’t just sit there- come on.” He motions you forward and your body moves on its own, scooting closer to him. This whole thing- You and Dean, it was new to you. For years you kept to yourself until a case brought you to the Winchesters. Since then, you’ve been inseparable. It was only recently you started to feel something for Dean..seeing him in a way you’ve never seen before.
It was days like these in the bunker where you two just talked comfortably- that’s how it started. Your talks together..just You and Dean.
You lean forward, lips puckered, ready to kiss him. But he laughs, “Dude- okay come on. We have to set the mood. Loosen up a bit huh?” His hands move forward, grabbing your chin. Your hands shook nervously… His thumb grazed your cheek, his other hand gently coming down on your thigh. “It happens naturally..” He murmured, lips close to yours. “So I’ve heard.” you swallow nervously, eyes looking at his as they fluttered shut.
“Close your eyes.” you hear him groan. your eyes flutter shut, and then you felt it- Dean’s lips pressed against yours. You couldn’t help the small gasp that slipped out of your mouth. His lips move against yours. It felt strange, you felt light but your heart heavy. Your hands grip his shirt, and he pulled back.
“Well?” He asks, hands still at your thigh, skidding up.
“Is that it?”
“Oh we haven’t even done french kissing.” He laughs as you catch your breath. Dean lays your body back on the bed, slowly hovering over your body. “Let me know if this is too much okay?”
“..Okay.” you murmur, wanting his lips back on yours. “I’m gonna do something different- and if you don’t like it then-“
“Kiss me already please Dean, god.” That makes him laugh and his lips are back on yours in an instant. Your body felt hot, at the touch of his hand going from your thigh to your hip. His thumb grazing over the bone gently. They ran over the stretch marks, making you gasp. Dean took that opportunity to slip his tongue between your lips.
It made you jump- the feeling strange and new. But he’s gentle…something you didn’t expect from Dean in any way possible. His tongue slips over your own, like a blanket. He damn near swallows your mouth whole. He lets out a small grunt, and you could tell he held back some.
You kissed him back to the best of your ability, even when your teeth bumped against his- he said it was okay- you still kissed. Your body was on fire. You couldn’t help but let out a small noise when he pulled back. His lips red, yours swollen.
“Well?” He asks, looking down at you with a small smile. “How was that for our first lesson?”
“First lesson?” You pant.
“Well yeah, doesn’t just stop there.” He scoffs out a laugh
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starlvenus · 5 months
Old friends
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warnings! none :p sam winchester x gn!reader summary: Sam winchester's hunt wasn't going well.. leading him to a diner where he would reunite with an old friend from Stanford. __
Sam wasn't having a good day so far.. Everything he and Dean were doing for this hunt was all thrown out the window, all of their research was wrong, only because someone gave them a fake tip, leading them to think it was a whole different monster.
The most mundane diner was ahead; the red sign on the roof shined brightly.
Sam sighed pushing the door open, the overhead bell chiming loudly as he entered. The smell of coffee fills his nostrils, only momentarily distracting him from his chaotic day. 
His eyes scanned the menu, picking out what he would order, Burgers, Fries, and of course, pie for dean. His eyes narrow slightly as he tries to find a healthier option for himself.
He orders pretty quickly, shooting the waitress a small smile after he finishes. He shuffles in the seat trying to find a comfortable position.
His eyes observe the patrons in the diner. An elderly couple chatting over some coffee, a group of young teenagers, that's when he sees a familiar set of headphones, the sides adorned with those "nerdy" stickers, a nostalgic reminder to his time back at Stanford. Sam couldn't help but watch discreetly, taking in their new look, shorter hair, different style, yet his eyes were drawn onto that same bag.. His eyes scanned its pins and keychains seeing the small cat pin he had gifted was still there. Sitting in the spot he chose, nudged between a video game pin, and a movie pin.
Sam sat there contemplating whether to approach, doubt lingered in Sam's mind. Slightly remembering the times he and Dean were thrown onto tv screens..
readers pov I guess it was a pretty nice day.. I have a day off from work and nothing has gone wrong yet. The diner was pretty small and it had decent food, plus everything I've been drawing hasn't turned to shit! 
I got my pencil case out, taking out a few colours, a light blue, pink, yellow, green and a teal. I almost instantly start to colour in the little sketch, layering the colours randomly. My head bobs along to the beat of the song playing in my ears, the headphones slightly getting rid of the noises in the diner. The corners of my lips lift gently, creating a content smile.
  It wouldn't take long until I sensed someone looking at me.I tore my eyes away from my book and scanned the diner. My eyes would momentarily pass a familiar figure; this made me do a double take. His eyes widened slightly as I caught him, his eyes quickly darted away focusing on the table in front of him. I look away as well.. A little bit embarrassed. After a few minutes passed I looked back at the man.. Is that Sam? Sam winchester? My mind wanders back to my time in Stanford, Sam and I were pretty much best friends.. Well that's how it felt to me.  We met in an Art history class and pretty much became class buddies until one day we decided to meet outside of class. Then one day he pretty much disappeared.. Leaving me disappointed, and without my friend. I sat there for a bit debating if I should go over to him, just to say hi or maybe engage in small talk about how his life was going.
  I sat here contemplating whenever to approach him. I decided to pack up my pencils and books, hastily shoving them back into my bag. I removed the headphones from my ears, letting them hang around my neck. Before leaving the table, I put the small mug on top of the plate, making it easier for the waitress to get the dishes. I take a small deep breath and get up. Grabbing my bag and walking over to where Sam sat. whatever pov :p Their boots make heavy footsteps, prompting Sam to look up. Their eyes lock, and they offer a small wave accompanied by a slight smile.
Before they speak, they shuffle into the booth, taking the slightly uncomfortable seat in front of him.
"Hey, um, you're Sam Winchester, right?" Despite already knowing the answer, they feel compelled to confirm, just in case. Sam smiles slightly, his eyes narrowing, trying to place you. "Yeah, It's me.” he pauses “It's Y/N right?" They smile at him recognizing them, "yeah! it's me" they pauses for a bit unsure of what to say to one of their past friends "i- this might be insensitive of me but- what happened? why'd you.. Leave?" Sam looks down, remembering the incident. The memory still burned into his mind. "Family business.” He pauses before speaking again. “I had no say in it, really. It's a long.. complicated story.” His eyes shifted around the diner as his thoughts drifted back to that night. He sighs and continues “But you know that's not important, what have you been up to? You look good”
they swallow and nod, a small reassuring smile on their face. "Oh well thank you! decided to change up a few things.." they mumble slightly. "You look good too! your hairs grown pretty long" Sam grins slightly and looks down, a little embarrassed by the compliment"Yeah, the hair has certainly grown longer"  He looks back at you, his eyes searching for something. A question crosses his mind. He remembers the last time you two spoke, he asked about your plans for the future. "How about that degree? Still pursuing it?" They shrug a little “nah.. A few months after you left I realised that it was really for me and I left to do other things..” they fidget with their fingers “But… I still have student loans which is unfortunate” they give Sam an awkward smile, their feet swaying back and forth under the table. 
Sam chuckles slightly at your feet swinging, it brought back old memories of you tapping your feet together.
 "So, what have you been up to these days? I'm sure your talents were put somewhere else."
Sam and Y/N sit there for ages, just talking about how everything is going, what they have been doing since they last saw each other.. Despite Sam already getting all his food, they continue to sit there just chatting away. It wasn't until Dean called Sam, whining and grumbling about where he was and why he was taking so long.. Sam came up with a quick lie about how the diner was filled with a bunch of people. Sam hangs up and looks at you “look.. im sorry but I've got to get back to my brother” Y/n smiles “oh- yeah that's okay!” They pause and watch him pack up the now lukewarm food. Y/N hesitated before speaking, but went for it “I- do you want my number? Maybe we can chat sometime?” Sam paused, contemplating the offer, and then nodded with a smile, "Yeah, sure."
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prentissluvr · 4 days
IM HERE WITH MY DEAN THOUGHTS!! (mostly platonic)
when you become friends/best friends, he’s ride or die for you
not on the same level of sammy but it’s a close second
the playful banter between the two of you is just great
although he knows that he can be annoying and uses it to his advantage
flirting with you to annoy his brother (he knows that sammy is in love with you and does it to get on his nerves)
has a reserved nickname for you but does pull out the pet names if you’re having a bad day
speaking of bad days/sick days
he will go out of his way to take care of you
pulls out all of the stops for his bestie
this is when you realize this man is a secret softy at heart (refuses to admit it, because he’s a “big bad hunter”)
platonic cuddles/casual physical affection
dean is reserved with physical affection (im thinking post hell! dean) (earlier szns dean wouldn’t hold back tbh)
but once he’s comfortable with you (and is sure that you won’t leave him or sammy)
then it’s a free for all
swinging his arm over your shoulder, sharing a bed if there’s only two beds (sam seethes sometimes but this is way before you guys get together lol), resting his head in your lap during movie nights (starts off as a joke wanting to annoy you but then does it almost everytime you guys have one, loves when his hair is getting played with)
there’s def more but ill cut it off here (i love bestie dean but im also in love with him LOL) (the winchester brothers have a GRIP on me)
HELLO DAISYYYY HEHEHEHE this is amazing i'm so obsessed <33
cw : mentions of injuries, pet names obviously , dean is annoying ofc <3, sammy and reader like each other, swearing probably, alcohol mention, unedited! wc : 1.5K
⟢ ride or die : i mean yeah, this is pretty much undeniable. sure, sam will always be his first priority, but the moment he knows that you're a part of the team, no doubts, he's prepared to do just about anything for you. both fortunately and unfortunately, this does mean he gets really protective of you similarly to how he is with sam, especially if you're younger than him. and even if you're not, the fact that you're his best friend makes you family, and we know how dean feels about family <3
⟢ playful banter : this is basically just your whole friendship with him HAHA. not truly, of course, but mostly heh. like idk what else to say, he'll take any opportunity to tease you or make you fake angry because he just thinks it's too funny. and he'll love whatever way you respond to that. he definitely enjoys if you return his fire with your own teasing and retorts and i personally think you are so allowed to be mean to him because he's an idiot!! obviously don't be actually mean, but he enjoys having a teasing relationship where you can call each other stupid and know that the other means it with love lol.
when the two of you get into it, sam gets so annoyed. like you'll be arguing about the value of mustard on sandwiches and both of you are so invested in winning the argument and sam is like oh my god, dean please focus on the road and shut up, both of you😭😭 the boy is trying to sleep, he doesn't need this right now. so you either keep arguing in hushed tones (which doesn't last for long) or you pick it back up at another time (that's also probably inconvenient and annoying to sam still HA).
and yeah, dean can be very annoying and he loves to rile you up LOL. it's great when you reciprocate his banter, but sometimes he's just so ridiculous that it has you rolling your eyes and groaning in frustration. and unfortunately for you, that, or any other dramatic response, is exactly what dean is trying to get out of you. "dean, will you shut up?" is one of his favorites. he just laughs at you, he thinks the way you say it is so funny and cute.
he does other annoying things too, like rest his elbow on your head or shoulder if it reaches, he doesn't care if you're his same height, barely shorter, or significantly shorter, he's gonna make fun of your height. and if you're taller, yeah he's still gonna make fun of that, too. he'll playfully put his hand on the top of your head, just for the pure intention of annoying you. idk basically anything that annoys you, he does it (usually without going overboard, he knows where to draw the line).
and yeah, the flirting is more about annoying sam, but it's a total plus when you give him that look saying, "really, are you kidding me?" he'll love a good banter on that end of the spectrum too, if you're down for flirting back. unfortunately, this sends sam the wrong message for the longest time, but it's not your fault that you don't know that he likes you back! you're just playing around with dean heh.
⟢ pet names/nicknames : yes yes yes!! he absolutely has a nickname that is specific to you!! basically your version of "sammy." it might be a nickname based off of your given name, but it totally could be an inside joke, something silly and cute. it might even be a pet name that he uses for you exclusively. i can see him calling a younger best friend "pumpkin," mostly as another method of annoying you. that one is used pretty sparingly though because it's a little over the top for the both of you. he definitely uses it a lot less than whatever his main nickname for you is, which he uses just about all the time lol. if you have a nickname based off you name, sam probably uses that, too. so, dean likes having a separate nickname that he came up with which only he uses.
and yes! he does use pet names casually and occasionally, but he's far more likely to use them if you're having a bad day, if you were injured on a hunt, or something like that! i think maybe this is just because i'm obsessed with the time that dean called lisa honey once, but i think the idea of dean calling his best friend honey is really adorable. that one is used for maximum comfort, especially if you're injured <3 "c'mon, honey. keep your eyes open, you're okay." i can also see dean using baby platonically sometimes!
he does occasionally use over the top names like sugar plum or honey bunches to annoy you lol. he will "sweetheart" you in a teasing way because he loves the way it makes you fume LOL. but in special circumstances, he'll call you sweetheart sincerely (also more likely when you're injured—"you're alright, sweetheart, we're almost to the motel"). idk if this counts as a pet name, but he'll definitely call you kid and kiddo if you're younger than him like how he does with charlie <3 i see him using darlin' very casually! "alright, c'mon darlin', let's see what sammy found." casual pet names means he's in a good mood though. he also will use insults like pet names because you're his idiot best friend <33
he won't tell you this but he likes if you've got a nickname for him, too! but he will tease you if you try to use the same pet names for him, even if you're casual about it in the same way he is.
⟢ taking care of you on bad/sick days : uhm yeah, he tries not to be obvious about it, but when he goes the the store just to pick up your favorite treat or kisses your forehead like fifty billion times when he thinks you're asleep, there's no way you can miss what a big softie he is. if the way you wear your hair allows, he'll brush any stray strands out of your face, especially if you're sick and it's stuck to your face with with sweat. checks your temperature on your forehead with his hand <3 then if he thinks you have a fever, he busts out the thermometer and takes your temp that way just to make sure you don't have to go to the hospital. he brings you your meds and lovingly bothers you about eating enough food. makes you watch movies with him lol
on days that are simply just bad, well, he's horrible with emotions, but he knows that pie and alcohol can fix almost anything (this is not true, but it still helps you to have a treat and a drinking buddy). while he's bad with emotions, he is absolutely more than willing to listen to anything you need to talk about. he's not sure how to tell you that he's there for you out loud, so he'll pour you another drink if you're not too drunk and rub your back with a soft, but firm hand. his go to phrase to comfort you is, "we'll figure it out," and it works because you know he really means it, and he says it in a soft and sweet tone that's quite rare for him.
⟢ physical affection : he can definitely be more reserved sometimes with touch, but he welcomes any physical affection that you initiate. if you purposefully stand shoulder to shoulder, he'll put his arm around you, and he'll certainly accept any hugs you have to offer. like you said, once he's even more comfortable and confident in your being around, he's much more open about swinging an arm around your shoulder and any given moment (especially because he can shove you around a little that way lmao).
he's definitely okay with the bed sharing, mostly because it's a necessity, though he tries to get you to share with sam much more once he realizes that you like each other because he can see sam physically become upset when you share with dean lmao.
movie nights are prime time for physical affection with dean!! i definitely agree that he puts his head in your lap first to annoy you, but when you don't bat an eye and start running your fingers through his hair, he's done for. he always is trying to get you to do it again, every time you watch something together, and that's when it gets annoying lmao, because he won't let you rest your head on his shoulder anymore or let you be the one to put you head in his lap. he'll make an exception if you're having a bad though hah. once again, he will dial down the cuddles if he can tell that it's bothering sam, but will absolutely not give up the physical affection with you because he thinks sam needs to get over it LOL. because, at the end of the day!! you'll always be his best friend, and he will always respect you and your relationship with sammy.
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