#Convenient cat grooming
herespaaa · 9 months
Pamper Your Feline Friend with At-Home Cat Grooming Services | HereSpa
Many cats find traditional grooming salons to be stressful and intimidating. With HereSpa's at-home grooming services, your cat can enjoy a calm and familiar environment, reducing their anxiety during the grooming process. The experienced groomers at HereSpa are skilled in handling cats of all temperaments, ensuring a gentle and stress-free experience for your beloved pet.
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
At this point in our relationship my betrothed is well versed in my compulsive need to help animals. It wasn’t part of their upbringing but it was a huge part of mine. So now whether it’s lost dogs or injured birds they know that for me it’s not a matter of convenience, it’s just the only possible option.
My most notable rescue took place during one of the least opportune times. We were watching a friends boxer puppy, Bella. The dog was dumber than a box of rocks and I took deep offense that at six months old she still didn’t know her own name. My betrothed and I were working with her on that as well as leash manners, so we walked her frequently.
On our way home from a walk I looked across the street and saw a cat. My betrothed didn’t need to ask, it was simply a given that faced with a cat I’d go say hello, so they waited with Bella as I crossed the road.
As I approached the cat several things caught my attention. The first was that he wasn’t wearing a collar. The second was that his coat was greasy and disheveled- this was not a cat that was thriving if he didn’t have energy to groom. The third thing was that he was way too skinny, with bones jutting out from his shabby coat.
The fourth thing I noticed was that this cat was a purebred Bengal.
Now, I understand that it’s suspect to identify cats as bengals. Many people see tabbies and call them bengals. But as a teenager I became obsessed with these cats and went on a hyper obsessive deep dive. I spent hours reading about them, looking at pictures, and dreaming about Bengal cats.
The cat in front of me had unmistakable rosettes, the narrow frame, piercing eyes, and from a very rough estimation probably cost thousands of dollars. There was no world in which he should be wandering my neighborhood with no collar and his ribs jutting out.
Which all led me to one conclusion. He was lost.
The second I realized that it was over. It wasn’t a matter of thinking the situation through it was a simple conclusion: he was lost so I would help him by any means necessary.
This sweet cat showed he was friendly and trotted right over to greet me. I pet him and tentatively went for a lift. He did not care for that. Suddenly we were tussling, and it was instantly clear to me that he was going to stay lost if I couldn’t restrain him, so we pitted all our wiles against each other and at one point I had him agonizingly by just a toe but I refused to let go and finally I had him in my arms, one hand scruffing him and the other supporting his weight.
That’s when I noticed a couple things. There was blood dripping down my elbow. Across the street Bella was going crazy barking and pulling toward me and the cat. And my betrothed was giving me an agonized look.
Without a word they started power walking Bella back to our house. I followed at a slower pace, keeping my grip on this poor lost cat.
It was a warm summer afternoon and several neighbors were out chatting. They saw the circus parade of my betrothed dragging a yelping puppy and me following holding a screaming cat.
Oh yeah. So I forgot to mention. Bengals are not normal cats. They’re bred back with a wild cat and their vocalizations are on a completely different level. The cat in my arms wasn’t meowing or yowling. Instead he was making one long continuous eldritch wailing, oscillating in rage and distress.
My neighbors saw this, me, stonefaced carrying a cat who was casting evil spells with his voice, blood dripping down my arm, while a puppy frantically fought my betrothed to reach us, and they laughed.
I don’t think I’ve ever been more offended that no one offered any assistance, but it was fine. I knew I could count on my betrothed. I slowed my steps slightly again when I saw my betrothed round our corner. I knew they would kennel the puppy and bring a cat crate for me.
Sure enough, I rounded the corner and they had our door open, crate at the ready. I popped the Bengal into the carrier and we shut him into the bathroom.
Then I looked at my shaking, bloody hand. He’s scraped his back claws up me and it wasn’t deep but I was bleeding heavily. Then I looked at my betrothed and started to cry.
They held me while I had a panic attack and helped me thoroughly peroxide my cuts.
“That was so brave, weren’t you scared to grab him?” they asked me.
Truly, no. I think to be brave or scared you need to actually conceptualize what you’re doing and I hadn’t. I saw a cat that needed help, and then there wasn’t options, I just acted.
They asked what my plan was and I didn’t have one. Where would we put him, in a home with three other cats and a puppy? I don’t know. I just grabbed him.
We ended up calling a friend who’s special interest is dog rescue. She brought her chip reader and a huge dog crate we could keep him in overnight with a disposable little box, food, and water.
He’d been summoning demons behind the bathroom door the whole time, making sounds previously confined to various netherworlds but she bravely uncaged him to read if he had a chip. No, to my surprise. It also turned out he was a love machine despite the ghastly sounds.
We loved on him and gave him small portions of food every fifteen minutes so he didn’t eat himself sick.
The next day we brought him to the local pet rescue, after I called ahead to warn them I was bringing in a Bengal. The lady had a very blasé attitude about this claim, clearly used to people claiming every lost tabby was a rare cat breed.
When she pulled him out of the crate she exclaimed, “Oh my god, it is a Bengal!”
“That’s what I promised. One whole ass Bengal.”
We said our goodbyes to the sweet man, and the posted him on the website as a found pet. He was picked up by his family two days later. I’ll never know how he escaped but I’m certain his family was so grateful to have him returned.
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themonasterygates · 10 months
yandere! chat blanc 🌑 general headcanons
chat blanc x gn reader
content warning: yandere content, stalking, posessiveness/obsessiveness, mention of killing + guilt-tripping
word count: 884 words
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• before your meeting with one another, he was already so far accquainted with you but of course, you don't know have to know about that.
• you caught his attention with how alive your energy was, it drew him in to you. he's admire you from afar for countless of weeks, memorizing your habit of movements and your day to day schedule.
• when he finally does feel certain to approach you, he comes to you as a friendly, concerned hero and asking you where the akumatized person went. he finds himself purposefully putting you in a dangerous situation just to only save you and have you indebted to him. chat blanc yearns for any sort of validation that'll feed his big ego.
• after that encounter, you notice how chat blanc is always near you. everyday. whether it be if it's a slow day and no one gets akumatized, you'll see him patrolling no matter where you look it. it was like he was everywhere with you but you brushed it off as him doing his job.
• with how many times you've encountered chat blanc already, you find yourself growing closer to him. he always subtly flirted with you that would be unnoticed to the naked eyed but you had always managed to catch it. with time, you grow closer with him and so does your relationship circumstances.
• you quickly learned that he wasn't what he was on the surface level and what you had always perceived him as of. chat blanc has posessive tendencies which can be ruled off as him being simply clingy but he sticks to you like glue. he wants to be apart of everything you experience, be in every moment with you and to never have you leave his sight.
• when you're away, he has horrible seperation anxiety. he knows where you are, he always does. but that doesn't stop his anxiety. it's nothing specific but it all stems from his father's negligence (something that you don't really know much of but still, chat blanc opened up a bit to you).
• he loves to (exclusively) call you his "princess/my prince" with every chance he's given. lots of physical affection, no matter or wherever whenever you're with blanc, his hands would always be on you. snuggling, putting his heard on your shoulder with this arms around your waist. if he isn't touching you, he'll look at you straight in the eye with no doubt.
• he simply loves your hands in his. he absolutely loves to draw circles with his thumb on yours and give occasional squeezed. he'd lift the back of your hand up to his cheek and would close his eyes and pur at the feeling. he'd open his eyes, half-lidded, with such a pure and content expression on his face, your heart just melts at the scene. he'll lick your face all over like a cat grooming itself and then would play it off as a joke but you know he genuinely loves licking you.
• he loves to just bite you. your arm, hand, cheek, neck. he'll sometimes (almost all the time) leave your neck with hickeys (even if that isn't the intention at times), preceding to give you a bite mark along with it and then will be smugly oblivious of your annoyance.
• back to his possessiveness, chat blanc gets easily jealous to the people around you and prefer it if he can just isolate you from everyone else. even if someone is conveniently standing next to you, he'd scare the poor person off with all of his glaring as his mind travels to a much darker part of his brain on what to do.
• he brands you as "his", whether if you're dating him or not, he brands you as a "his" and vice versa. he feels entitled for your affection and is unable to handle rejection in any form. he holds you in such a high pedastal and would quite literally unconditionally love you as he unreasonably expects the same from you.
• he's willing (and wanting) to go through such deep lengths to keep you happy in any way. he'll do anything for you, even if it's something he despires doing, as long as it manages to get a giggle out of you, he'll learn to love it as you love it. chat blanc, with no hesitation, would and will kill for you. it can be a bully of yours years ago or someone simply mocking you, you'll always see them again on the news declared as "missing".
• he loves your humility and does not want to "corrupt" you in any way, so when you are suspicious of him relating to the recentissing people, you don't pry much as chat blanc goes out his way to guilt-trip you on your suspicions. "do you not trust me?"
• chat blanc is controlling and he knows just the right ways to make you vulnerable for him but he's desperate for you all the very same. he may have a cold front to others but you bring out a side of him that he didn't even knew he had. he loves you, and he knows it all too well, even if that sense of love that he discerns for you is twisted.
"my heart only beats for you."
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masked-men-fantasy · 15 days
Ask about their manhood size Headcanon (Dead by Daylight)
Headcanon for my beloved masked men from Dead by Daylight. What have they got for us?
NSFW Content. MDNI.
The Trapper
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In this case, you didn't ask to know his size. You learn about it accidentally when he secretly washes himself in the heavy rain.
He takes off his workwear bib and lays it on the ground; only his fully naked body is shown. He scrubbed his body to wash out all the blood stains.
That is when you find out how beautiful his body is.
Well-built, gorgeous muscle, perfect body fat ratio, thick pecs, mass thighs, and well-rounded buttocks.
And, of course, his manhood part.
The sight is not clear, but it can be assumed that he has an 8-inch shaft. Not to be surprised, there are open wounds on it as well, making you wonder if it hurts or not.
Curiosity does kill a cat; your foot makes a cracking sound because of the dried branch nearby. Notified by the sound, he quickly reached for his cleaver and walked directly to the source of the noise.
You attempt to run, but then your foot steps into the bear trap that he placed inside the bush.
Evan finally reaches you. The shadows of his body covering your entire body show how big he is compared to you.
To your surprise, he does not pick you up to bring you to the sacrificial hook. Instead, he pushes you down on the floor, and your face tastes the ground. The trapper lifts your hips up and tears open your pants.
You are in trouble—very deep trouble now. Hopefully, it is a kind of trouble that you have on your mind.
The Knight
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"If I were to show you such a private matter, would you accept to be a sex slave for me and my pack for a week then?" Tarhos makes an offer. One that is very difficult to turn down.
You slowly took out the metal armor on his lower part until it revealed a thin red loincloth and what he had inside.
Around 4 inches when flaccid. Then you have to put in some work to make it hard.
6.5 inches when fully erect, and the tip of his cock is pretty red, so it can be assumed that he has not done it for awhile.
He is also uncut.
Not well-trimmed pubic hair. It is not so shaggy or dirty; you can assume that he does not have much self-grooming experience, so he might use any convenient blades he could find to cut those hairs.
Now that you know the answer, you know what is going to happen next, yes?
Tarhos strikes his sword down the ground, a green aura lights up through his sword, and the faithful three are summoned.
"Let us enjoy this slave I found," Tarhos said, his lustful eyes looking through his helmet. The same goes for those three who just show up.
You are so done for.
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thoutisashark · 2 months
I just saw your writing
Could u also do accidental courtship for the Diasomnia boys too?
Especially Lilia, pls!
yes of course :)
Accidental Courtship PT2
part 1 was about the beast-men and merfolk
this part will be about the Fae and Diasomnia dorm
this is part 1
this took so long to type becuase im not able to use my pointer finger, i tore my nail in half and have to wear a bandaid that limits the mobility of my finger.
sorry this took so long, and that its been a long time since i published anything, ive been pretty busy
ALSO Im aware that Silver and Sebek aren't Fae, BUT im just having fun, and i feel like because they are always around fae they would pick up on the habits and culture
so this part will contain......
Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, i cant write silver im sorry :(
so merfolk were stones
beast men was licking/grooming
so the Fae and Diasomnia boys can be... biting? idk like vampires lol.
your gorgeous, handsome, hoy, pretty, socially awkward boyfriend was a Fae, when you first started dating he asked you how much you knew about the Fae, you told him the stories and myths, about how the Fae are mischievous, and lots of times evil, stealing names and lives, he was shocked, and he told you about real Fae culture, he was mostly telling you about holidays, celebrations, and way of life, he conveniently forgot to mention the fact that biting (a common form of cute aggression and a love language) was a proposal of marriage in Fae tradition.
You burst into your boyfriends room, slamming the door shut behind you, he was sitting a dark green fancy chair reading, he looked up at you and smiled, he set his book down and patted his lap, you sprinted over, jumping and launching yourself at him, the energy was unexpected but he was able to catch you easily, you sat on his lap and hugged him, your face nuzzled into his neck
"are you ok my love? you seem... ecstatic"
you told him about your day and how you saw the cutest cat, and how you wanted to adopt it
"i shall get you a cat if you wish" he responded, a look of determination dawned his features
you laughed at his response, you called him cute before biting on his neck gentlely
he stopped breathing for a moment, looking at you in shock "is that all i had to do? offer to get you a cat? we've been together for a a little less than a year, are you sure? im exited, i truly am, but i feel it is to early on for us to marry"
you looked up at him confussed and asked what he was talking about
"r-remember? when i told you about our fae traditions? biting is a proposal?- oh i didnt tell you that part?" he chuckles softly, he brushes your hair back and kisses your forehead softly "sorry you dear, i got the wrong idea about your intentions, but... even so, don't be suprised if i bite you back on day"
you were in the ramshackle dorm, reading a book you had borrowed from the library, you didn't realize at the time but it was due yesterday, meaning you had an overdue library book, and your boyfriend, for some reason, liked to memorize the due date of your books, homework, assignments, etc. so he could make sure you got everything done on time.
there was a firm knock on the door, you called for them to enter and Sebek walked in, he looked at the book in your hands before frowning at you
"wasn't that book due yesterday" he asked, crossing his arms stepping closer to you
"was it?" you responded checking the stamp at the front "hm well damn, it was" you laughed slighly at your mistake
Sebek however, didnt find this funny, he snatched your book away turning around "im returning this"
"im not done reading it though" you jumped onto his back and reached for the book, he stumbled a bit before regaining his balance, he extanded his arm, furthering the book from your grasp, you bit down on his shoulder.
he spun around, forget you were on his back and not on the ground, causing you to almost get flung off, you instintuly bit diown harder, drawing a slight whimper from Sebek "y-y/n, i-i cant, we are so young, a-and you havent met my family, andiloveyoubutimnotreadyformarriage (i love you but im not ready for marriage)
you let go of him, looking at him confused "tf you mean marriage? are you high?"
"y-you bite me! for the Fae's thats a proposal"
"you aren't a Fae though?"
"oh.... right"
"DID YOU FORGET?" you burst out laughing
he assumed you didn't know Fae customs, your a human from another world, however, when he felt you teeth scrape against his neck he forgot all of that, he was on one knee in a fucking instant
"you want to marry me hmm? you young people and your forwardness" he seemed calm on the outside, but on the inside he was melting, he loved you more than words could ever describe,. when he saw you confused expression his heart sank, his smirk wavered for a moment before returning, weaker than before,
"ah I suppose you dont know, for Fae, you just asked me to marry you" he watched as your face heated up, flushing with red, he patted your head as you apologized for the mix up. he grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to him and placing his lips on your neck, he kissed you softly, before opening his mouth and pressing his small, but sharp fangs against your skin, he bit down, not hard enough to draw blood but enough to make you flinch
"wether you say yes or not is up to you, but the offer is always there" before you could say anything he was gone
sorry that lilias was short, im not the best at writing him...
hope you enjoyed!
requests are open!
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Dolfine! She is Alejandro’s pet
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Alejandro rescued her from a burning building when he was freshly Colonel
She is deeply loyal but has to have proper motivation to do anything
She’ll still maul you, though
Unlike Ale with Alejandro, she does like Rodolfo
She’s one of the few creatures that Ale genuinely respects because she will strike the fear of god into that wolf
She’s also fucking giant
Alejandro puts cute bows on her, which she sits for
She is a very well groomed cat, because she loves being brushed and will grab her brush and bring it to people before climbing into their laps and sitting
Several times, she has decided to be a problem and stopped someone from being able to do work by laying on their laptop. She’s 16 inches tall, so that gets to be a big fucking problem
She will thwack nuisances with her tail
Likes the sound of her tail hitting hard wood
Bullies Ale when he’s being a problem, but they’re very close
Very tidy and polite like her name sake.
When Rodolfo is yelling at someone, she sits behind him and glares at them.
Soap loves her, they get along very well. He constantly has her on his shoulders
Ghost is eh with her, but he really just prefers dogs
At the end of the day, though, she is Alejandro’s cat, she is his princess, and she knows that
Hard of hearing, so they have to scream for her
Gaz swears he saw her riding on the back of Ale at some point, but no one believes him. (She watches him with a smug stare that says “no one will ever believe you” and conveniently only ever does it when he’s the only one in the room.)
She has an honorary Los Vaquero vest and a cute little bedazzled cowgirl hat
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Apparently some parts of the warriors fandom can't wrap their head around an unreliable narrator. She's not an innocent victim or a pure evil villain. She's complex. She was selfish, she took advantage of people but she was also cheated on by her mate (who by the way face little to no repercussions for having a half clan relationship with Mapleshade) and forced to leave her kit's bodies to be buried on RiverClan's territory, where she'd never be able to see them again. Mapleshade is a cat that never learned how to face the consequences of her actions. She arguably went insane from having her whole life be torn apart from her in a single day. Tbh I'd argue that if she was a tom, more people would be sympathetic towards her.
a woman will murder 3 people, use a dead guy's name to protect her and her kids' reputation, groom a kid into becoming a xenophobic dictator and people will still claim that she's an innocent justified victim. i love her and think she's a very interesting character (with her killing people partially to avenge her kits) but god, half the fandom doesn't read the books and it shows.
Future Luke
Warning: This character is a walking spoiler so PLEASE tread with caution if you haven’t played Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. It’s a game so dear to my heart that everyone should play. With that out of the way… I love him and I get it. I do. He was one of the first fictional crushes I remember having way back in the day and even though that’s way long past, I still think he’s neat as a character as is the role he plays in the story. Yes his backstory is tragic (Bill Hawks go to hell challenge). Yes it makes him sympathetic in a lot of ways. Yes it would be so nice to see more canon content with him someday, maybe set far after the events of the game, where he gets some kind of true redemption arc and makes good on his word to atone for his wrongdoings. But. He is antagonistic in a looot of ways that people brush over because half his fandom likes to woobify him (the other half fully acknowledging that he’s awful and embracing it). He objectively still kidnapped, trapped, and gaslit dozens if not hundreds of people. The Mobile Fortress incident, an act of national terrorism, easily could have a death toll in the thousands. Even if getting revenge on Bill specifically was justified, ruining the lives of innocents in a disaster, not too much unlike the very one that killed his parents and led him down the path of destruction, was not. He deserves whatever consequences he gets and then some tbh. As an aside, while this thankfully isn’t as common as it was in the early 2010s, people shipping him with Flora leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. They have an 8-9 year age gap, with Flora being a minor (her age is never explicitly confirmed but per reasonable assumption, she can’t be above 15 *at most*), which seems to get conveniently forgotten about - not cool!! Their only significant interaction in the game is him kidnapping her after the big reveal, which while not worse in canon context than anything else he does, is gross to frame in any kind of shipping light.
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the-herdier · 5 months
Disco Elysium Cat AU:
Cuno- One of two orange tabby kittens you found in a dumpster behind a convenience store at 2 am. Hissed and spat at everything at first, but is now adjusting well. Typical play behavior involves crab walking and is very talkative. Catnip makes him bunny kick anything and everything.
Cunoesse- The other kitten. Still hisses and spits at you on occasion. At three months old, she killed an intruding rat almost as big as herself and disemboweled it on the carpet for everyone to see. Has been destroying vermin both fake AND real with ease ever since.
Harry- Huge brown tabby walking disaster of a Maine Coon. Needs his butt fur clipped. Often falls asleep in positions that make you wonder how the hell he's comfortable. Once got his head stuck in a catnip bag and nearly destroyed an entire room trying to get it off. Depending on the day, will either adore or be unable to stand the presence of the other cats. Except the kittens. He loves them always.
Kim- Shorthair white bobtail with black spots. Looks like a pushover. Is NOT a pushover- something the kittens learned very quickly. Is the reason you have to bang on your car's engine before you start it. Also loves the highest spot in the cat tree. Mostly keeps to himself, except when he's snuggling up with Harry.
Jean- Medium-hair tuxedo. Cranky meow. Loves catnip more than he lets on. Has lived with Harry for years and is used to his antics. Grooms everyone, whether they'd like to be groomed or not. Will bite you if you try to stop him.
Klassje- the neighbor's white Persian. Gleefully teases your crew either from the fence or in the window.
Judit- Brown tabby longhair. Probably the most patient cat in the house in that she tolerates everyone. Happily mothers the kittens. Usually occupies the second-highest spot in the cat tree.
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stopscammingartists · 1 month
Just a fat fur anon here. Samael Koboldium and everyone who for some reason still sides with them are stalking this blog and even though this blog has many many receipts on Floraverse community members committing sexual abuse of many sorts, they are all mad that they are being discussed and blaming Goth and it is tbh incredible how their egos are so fragile about this that they will ignore actual crimes with years of proof and accuse someone they're harassing (or friends are harassing for their "honor") of obsessing over them. If they are reading this they should know that there's lots of people who have had many issues about their clique even before this and it is because most people keep quiet about it because they are all psychotic harassers. Goth is just a convenient easy scape goat. These are all people known for being terrible in the community and they have many former friends realizing this and not putting up with lies and attempts to take attention away from Samael being a pathetic and arrogant enabler of Floraverse. Many idiots believe and coddle these terrible people but many others know the truth and watch as the Samael brigade freak out because they know they are wrong.
They can seethe and cope however they like, it doesn't change the facts or the truth of the matter.
Samael is complicit in a group that has a history of sexually abusing and sexually exploiting children. When push came shove members who are there today knowingly protected Marl when he admitted to chat logs of him convincing a 16 year old to film porn with a dog for him to distribute are real - and they are happy to associate with their co-members who sexually abused children and are STILL THERE like Iz. In fact, often times the group chooses instead to attack the children, then clean house of their pedophiles more times then not.
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Samael is complicit in a group that has a history of sexually abusing animals. When push came shove Glip knew Marl was sexually abusing the family dog and did nothing for years, all the while Glip was sexually abusing at least one of their cats and saw it as fine, normal even.
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Samael is complicit in a group that created actual porn inspired by one of the times one of Samael's friends - Iz, who sexually assaulted someone on a bus combined with the story of how the child Iz groomed and sexually harassed was raped on a bus to express Iz's (the person who sexually assaulted someone on a bus) feelings they had towards this child (who was raped on a bus when they were a child.). Samael is complicit in a group that currently hosts this porn on their porn site as an act of revenge porn towards this child, as they took it down when she was part of the group, but reuploaded it when she left the community.
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Samael is complicit in a group that has abused and used people for years- and continues to still do so - time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time and time again.
This stuff isn't secret, and it's not 'old news' if it keeps happening. Goth didn't make anyone in Floraverse do these things. Goth didn't make Samael complicit in these actions or support these people.
The atrocities a person is willing to engage in, look past and accept define who they are as a person. There is no amount of 'I'm an uwu small queer bean' that will make anyone who looks past and enables these atrocities a good person.
Samael is not a good person, and they only have Samael to thank for that. Not Goth, not me, and not any one else who has spoken up about what Flora has done to them.
Stay mad about it. Reality won't change.
do you think the flora people now realize this blog isn't @bestofglitchedpuppet and doesn't have a mod charthur or mod jasmaby next time?
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lemongooose · 10 months
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some stuff ab their design under the cut!
1) i REALLY wanted to get the cat face on him in any way. so basically their mouth will usually default to :3 and their other expressions will probs be a variation of that
i gave her one of those super cute crochet cat beanies -- just for the cat ears (& it's cute). i think that when he takes it off, he gets major hat hair, so it's basically a bird's nest both literally (parrots love sitting it) + metaphorically
for the whiskers i just made them tufts of hair on both sides of her face -- idk if this actually worked or not 😭
2) one of its eyes r white from getting possessedddd
3) like it says up there: i feel like they're cool wearin any clothes but they gravitate towards comfier/casual ones (or ones with animal prints)
i can't really explain it but i think my reasoning is that since he's around animals a lot, there's a lot of stuff that gets on him (fur, feathers, etc) so wearing stuff like sweatshirts rather than like a suit is just more convenient for them (mostly in washing their clothes) :O
also!! i think they'd try to wear jackets and stuff that covers most of the body near dogs when grooming them, since some of the fur can get impaled into their skin (yeowch)
tysm for reading!
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herespaaa · 11 months
Pamper Your Feline Friend with Stress-Free At-Home Cat Grooming Services.
Is grooming your cat becoming a daunting task? Does your feline friend squirm and struggle during grooming sessions? Look no further! At HereSpa, we understand the importance of maintaining your cat's well-being, which is why we offer top-notch at-home cat grooming services that guarantee a stress-free and personalized grooming experience. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional grooming and embrace the convenience and time-saving benefits of our comprehensive grooming services.
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Why Choose At-Home Cat Grooming Services?
Stress-Free Grooming Experience.
Cats are known for their independent nature, and grooming in unfamiliar environments can cause them significant stress. Our at-home cat grooming services ensure a calm and familiar setting for your beloved pet. Our trained professionals handle each grooming session with care and patience, making it a stress-free experience for your furry companion.
Personalized Grooming Sessions.
Every cat is unique, and their grooming needs may vary. Our at-home grooming services cater to your cat's specific requirements. From gentle brushing and detangling to thorough bathing, nail trimming, and ear and eye cleaning, our experts tailor the grooming session to suit your cat's preferences and personality.
Comprehensive Grooming Services.
Our grooming sessions encompass all aspects of your cat's well-being. We not only focus on enhancing their appearance but also perform health monitoring during the grooming process. Regular grooming aids in early detection of any potential health issues, ensuring your cat stays healthy and happy.
The Benefits of At-Home Cat Grooming.
Comfort and Familiarity: Cats are creatures of habit and feel more at ease in their own surroundings. With our at-home grooming services, your cat can relax in the comfort of its familiar territory.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Traditional grooming salons can be overwhelming for cats, leading to anxiety and stress. Our at-home grooming eliminates the need for travel and reduces stress levels.
Bonding Opportunity: Grooming sessions are not just about hygiene; they also present an opportunity for you to strengthen your bond with your furry friend. Participate in the grooming process and watch your cat enjoy the pampering.
Convenience and Time-Saving.
Life can get busy, and finding time to take your cat to a grooming salon can be challenging. With HereSpa's at-home cat grooming services, you can bid farewell to scheduling hassles. Our professionals come to you, saving you time and effort.
The HereSpa Difference.
At HereSpa, we are dedicated to providing the best care for your feline companion. Our team of experienced groomers is trained to handle cats with utmost care and gentleness. Your cat's safety and well-being are our top priorities.
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Ready to Give Your Cat the Best Grooming Experience?
Book an appointment with HereSpa's at-home cat grooming services and treat your furry friend to a spa-like experience in the comfort of your home. Experience the joy of a happy and healthy cat, groomed to purr-fection!
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Thank you for visiting my pile of drabbles, questionable fanarts and weird headcanons. For your convenience and my absolute inconvenience, I prepared a list of links for what you can find here that I will attempt to keep updated. Let’s see how that goes... 
(M) stands for mature content, please be wary of that. 
I am always grateful for comments, tiny messages in reblogs and asks. I also take asks and prompts! Talk to me, I don’t bite.
Stranger Things
General fanfiction: Love Is / Unlikely But Welcome (with Steddie at the end) / Alone on Christmas / The Least We Could Do  Headcanons: Dustin and Steve Summer 1985 / Murray on Steve / Eleven and One / Eleven and Henry / Dustin’s rebellion / Bob and Eddie / Eddie’s self-sabotage / Eddie’s dealing / Vecna’s victims  Steddie drabbles and fanfiction: The Freak With the Plan / Sticky notes / Safe and Sound / Take It Back / On compliments / Not a liar / On expectations / Like You Like Me (Steddie Halloween) / Sing for me Baby / Give and Take / Guilty Pleasure / Doesn't It Make You Mad? / Music To My Ears / Steve's road to bisexuality / Only Ours / Home Sweet Home / On Hair / Heaven Can Wait / Banished (1) (2) (3) / Lonely Times / Everything Has Its Price / Two For One / Second Time’s The Charm / Everyone’s A Critic / Talk Dirty To Me / No / My Kind of Perfect / Steve as CC mascot / Steddie vacation / Play It Out (1) / Not a Single Thing / Rips in Eddie’s jeans / No Such Thing As Stupid Question / Not Getting Married / Corroded Coffin costumes / The interview /  Steddie series Piece by Piece: Halfway Happy / Healing Touch (M) Steddie headcanons: 1st wedding song / On outward personalities (with @thefreakandthehair) / On garden gnomes (with @corrodedcoughin) / On Steve and Eddie's lawn (with @corrodedcoughin) / Steve painting Eddie's nails / Love Languages / Vouchers / Wrong item / Flour fights / Kiss in rain /  Trauma drabbles and fanfics: On Grief / Of Ghosts and the Living / A Deal With God / When Steve dies (with @stevesbipanic) / Unforgiven / Tapes (addition to @stevesbipanic) / With The Last Rays of Setting Sun (addition to @strawberryspence) / Murderer (with @stevesbipanic) / No body / Reputation / The only choice / Suffer in silence / The last time loop / If you die, I die / Nancy’s time loop Alternate Universe (AU): Corpse Groom / Superhero (1) / Seasons / College newspaper / Fake demon summoning / Stranger Brigade / Haunted / What We Do In The Shadows / Batman Steve / Into The Woods (1) / Batman and Catman (with @stevesbipanic) / Scoops Eddie / Made In Your Image (mythology AU, 1) / YouTuber AU / Pirates of the Caribbean AU / Nightmare Before Christmas AU (1) / X-Files / Glasses model Steve / Actor AU Crack: Wine and Dine / How to draw away demobats / Why Eddie wasn't in season 1 / Flesh Wound and Not Ideal / Fruity Four on phone / Steddie never fight / When Eddie shuts up / Guess what / Interested in me? / Cleaning / Sugar / The Adventures of Kas/Eddie and Vecna / Fuck / He’s dead / Cleaning 2 / Proposal / Counting sheep  Spooky Steddie Writober: Bewitching Garden / Cursed Carnival Fanart: Not Ideal / Seasons AU / Steddie Halloween / Mythology AU / Cursed Spicy Six baubles / Nightmare Before Christmas AU / Eddie as a witch / Steve watercolor markers attempt  Strangetember (my pre-Inktober) Stranger Things inspired makeup: Upside-Down Eddie / Steve Harrington Writing prompts: The dumbest thing / Teach me? / Could they have loved me Steddie/ST song recs: Hell On Earth / Hallowed Be Thy Name / All of Me  Fruity Four Advent Calendar
Steddie 2023 playlist challenge here! 
Cats the Musical
Original characters: Sofia (Smudge) Tuggoffelees fanfiction: Never Enough / On Hair and Uneven Distribution of Work A Night to Remember (circus AU): Prologue / The Gifts / The Magician and the Dancer / One of Us / A Late Visit / Persuasion / The Company Fanart: Jemima / Mistoffelees tarot card / Misto ink  Cats-inspired makeup: Misto / Misto 2 / Bombalurina / Demeter
Good Omens
Ineffable husbands fanfiction: On Ducks and Things That Shouldn't Be
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demonskiss · 1 year
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emory and blythe with pet play
aand how would both emory and blythe feel about a darling that liked being treated like a pet? wearing a leash, animal ears, getting pet etc etc🛌 (specifically a cat for this one if u dont mind hehe🙏) -🐈
cw: pet play (cat), belt as leash, breath play, possessiveness, isolation, praise
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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between the two, emory is the one who will indulge your interest. they’re fond of pet play, and even though they prefer to have their darling being a lamb, after all they don’t see you as anything but prey, this little adjustment won’t take long, having them coo at you, aren’t you their pathetic little kitty? emory doesn’t understand your interest in leashes, but they never skimp out, bringing you desire and pleasure underneath their own heel, until all you can say is master.
emory takes great pride in making sure you’re happy with them, as deranged as they are. you simply need the best of collars after all. they don’t give a damn about the significance of collaring in bdsm, opting to give you an old, bloody collar they used for one of their victims. but the more you start to linger in their mind, their initial sadism rescinding momentarily as they find their sweet kitty cute. perhaps, just perhaps, they’ll get you the best one there is, as a true sign that you’ll be stuck with them, forever.
pray that emory never finds out your interest in being leashed. else the next time you get pinned down, they tie their belt around your throat as a makeshift leash, bringing you to the brink of suffocation with a yank, and it doesn’t get better when they’re thrusting in you with such intensity and a warped sense of glee.
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blythe is much more gentle in comparison, he truly wants his kitty to live the best life in his house! they’ll never let you step foot outside, chastising you because you’re just an indoor cat, you can play something else with him! they truly spoil you, making sure you’re comfortable and well groomed… whatever that could mean in this case. you’ll never have to worry when around the pharmacist. blythe makes sure you’re dressed in the finest clothing, with only them as the audience. they’re too possessive to let their precious kitty around, there’s bad people after all!
your collars aren’t going to be basic, no, you deserve nothing but the best. they’re necklaces with the finest tags, with your name on it written in cursive. it’s not very convenient for sex, but he doesn’t care. you look so, so pretty in it. they do have a collar for pet play too… but they haven’t felt the need to take it out, yet.
blythe’s favorite thing is to dress you in cat themed lingerie no matter what you identify as. they’ll run their fingertips down your body, letting you mew out those sweet whines they crave, feeding off that ambrosia. you’re just so, so good for him. and you’re just his perfect little kitty, no one else’s.
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Oogly boogly
I'm KingOfClovers. Some will know me, some will not, I got banned a few months ago.
I was never a great person ngl, kind of a rude, never did and still don't particularly care to cater to people's feelings but I was cordial, I am not here to whine and guilt my way back to wa, it is irredeemable, unless by the grace of God the leaders accidently hand over leadership to someone decent.
The priorities of leadership are out of order, things such as grooming aren't treated as harshly as crude jokes, this is because the current admins see sit to impart their own beliefs upon the system. For example there is a chat, moonclan. Originally founded by a user named Maui, who took a long break due to mental health, and allowed host-ship to be given to a friend, said friend passed it off to a friend of their own, and when she finally returned, she was my with a hostile staff which refused to even make her a moderator again. Three standing members of the moderation team are all roommates, one has been banned 3 separate times for grooming. Maui lashed out as her chat was stolen from her. Her story, her writing, the things she loved. And what did the lt do? Banned her and left the groomer alone. Why? Because rather than following the strict guidelines, such that art theft in any form results in an immediate, permanent ban, they imparted their beliefs. They decided they didn't like how Maui reacted and banned her.
I was banned because in 2017, I had the word "dick" in my bio. In 2022, I had the word asshole, on my wall. And in 1019, someone told me to kill myself, so I told them I fucked their mom.
In attempt to finish out the characters I was writing I logged into my alt. And was banned within a week. Valid, I was breaking the rules. But you know who still romps around WA to this day? Bravado, thunder, whatever you want to call him. He weeded his way through moonclan and turned people on eachother to put him in a position of power, I was banned from that Chat because of said weaseling.
The lt is ineffective. Because they let their power go to their head. I am not going to name it and advertise the one I am staff on, but I will tell you. There are other options. Don't sit in WA because it's the only option, if you choose to stay in that cesspool stay for the reason I did for so long, because it's home. And if not. Find a new home. Just search warriors, a dozen aminos will find you, and its not much now. And the Fandom is dying because kids these days just aren't reading warrior cats, and amino is hardly a valid platform. So let's us oldheads stick together. And go out and find someplace to call home, if I see you in ours, then godspeed, if you happen to join mine after reading this post, message me with a screenshot and I'll give you a trinket of some kind, maybe a design, adopt, custom, or even a commission, depending on the time and whatever most convenient.
This will always be somewhere on my account
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And so, Mazel tov, I pray I see you in your new home, or that maybe this will simply inspire you to become staff in WA and fix it. Either way, I love yall
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patrocles · 1 year
new pet peeve: people comparing the starks rarely marrying outside the north to targcest. there's a huge difference between marrying someone from the same country/culture as you, and marrying your sibling. and even then, there's not much to suggest the starks are ideologically opposed to marrying outside the north, brandon/ned didnt see anything weird about marrying cat, for example. it seems to be out of convenience/proximity tbh, esp given the other kingdoms they marry into are the closest.
anon, bestie, when i saw those posts i swear to god i went temporarily blind for a second.
i cannot believe that marrying within your culture/country THE BIGGEST GEOGRAPHICAL PLACE ON THE MAP is being compared to brother-sister incest THEY SHOULD HAVE LET TWITTER DIE TBH
everything you said tho is completely correct
unlike the targaryens, the starks dont prioritize racial superiority as a pillar of exceptionalism, in fact they are the opposite but are the strict upholders of the law— not finding loopholes based off the perversions of one patriarch. not to mention there’s no way they could even find a way to justify it because their blood is everyone’s blood.
they don’t utilize brother-sister incest as a means of strict misogynist control over the women of their family, that also allows for the early sexualization of them and likely a hotbed of grooming and molestation like we’ve seen with the targaryens GENERATIONALLY.
and if we’re really being serious, the concept of targaryen incest is very likely absolute bullshit because if everyone on valyria has dragon-riding magical blood there would be zero reason to enforce strict incest for the Point of keeping that blood ~pure~. like westeros, they probably married within noble families. and after the deaths of the dragons there definitely was no reason to keep up with it.
but comparing that to the starks marrying other first men families is laughably fucking stupid. especially when they’ve never been opposed to marrying southern families— we’ve seen a westerling show up, royce, one of torrhen’s daughters married an arryn, and cregan and jace had plans to betroth their future kids together, and of course now the tullys. not to mention looking at the family tree they marry into all the families of the north including the clans, not just one or two top families. (but never the boltons which is hilarious)
and also the first men don’t prioritize racial superiority and magical otherness as a hard and fast rule— that’s ONLY the targaryens. what binds them, culturally, is their belief in the old gods. not that their blood has super magical properties that must be preserved and untainted???
the fact that this even needs to be explained makes me feel like i’m going crazy
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cats-of-eden-valley · 4 months
Hi bro I'm back for MORE
Given that you're free of the restraints of (semi-)real domestic cats, are there any changes to their biology you'd like to make? E.g. can they taste sweetness, or digest plants/seeds/fruits toxic to cats? Do they have trichromatic color vision? Do they still have sandpaper tongues despite tools accomplishing a lot of what those would? Are their mouths still full of nasty bacteria?
(You also have a very convenient opening to do away with the whole weird cat reproductive biology pft, or keep it if it Enhances part of their weird culture.)
Since I touched on a bit of this in that other ask...
They DO have trichromatic vision! It's. Kinda just a lot of stuff I didn't want to care about if they didn't, so.
Yes to sandpaper tongues! Grooming with the tongue is still extremely important as a bonding activity and to unify the scent of the group. Also good for getting meat off the bone. Tools come into play more with sheds and molts!
I haven't done the necessary research to answer the one about nasty mouth bacteria!
Also okay. I have a Hot Take(tm) on the whole barbed penis situation, so scroll away if you don't wanna hear it but
I don't think it's painful! Or, I don't think whatever the sensation is would be interpreted negatively, because I just Do Not See a mating system among cats where that shit hurts. If that shit hurt, the cats wouldn't want to do it!
Further supported by the fact that cats will mate multiple times in an encounter (report of interest: a lioness who'd been boning down all day kept prodding her male to keep going when he seemed to be tired out (bonus: she then proceeded to bone and then be boned by a second lionness))
And also like sometimes sex with non-barbed penii hurts too, so when you see that stuff with the female lashing out at the male, well maybe he wasn't a tender enough lover. Maybe he was goofing and she was setting his shit straight!
but uh. anyways
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