#Clubs and activities
jcmarchi · 10 days
One of MIT’s best-kept secrets lives in the Institute’s basement
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/one-of-mits-best-kept-secrets-lives-in-the-institutes-basement/
One of MIT’s best-kept secrets lives in the Institute’s basement
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When MIT’s Walker Memorial (Building 50) was constructed in 1916, it was among the first buildings located on the Institute’s then-new Cambridge campus. At the time, national headlines would have heralded Gideon Sundback’s invention of the modern zipper, the first transcontinental phone call by Alexander Graham Bell, and Charles Fahbry’s discovery of the ozone layer. It would be another 12 years before the invention of sliced bread, and, importantly, four years before the first U.S.-licensed commercial radio station would go on the air.    
In true MIT fashion, the past, present, and future of Building 50 seem to coexist within its hallways. Today, the basement of Walker Memorial is home to what some students consider to be one of the Institute’s best-kept secrets — something that likely never crossed the minds of its original architects: a 24-hour, high-fidelity radio station. 
Operating under the call sign WMBR 88.1 FM (for “Walker Memorial Basement Radio”), this all-volunteer troupe has endured many hurdles similar to those faced by others in the field as radio itself has largely changed over the years. But as general managers James Rock and Maggie Lin will tell you, there’s something special about this station’s ability to build deeper connections within the larger community.
“Students have the opportunity to get to know a bunch of our community members,” explains Rock. “Our tech director works closely with every student who wants to contribute, which involves anything from manning a drill to climbing to the roof of Walker and manually bending the antenna back into shape, which I did a couple of weeks ago,” laughs Rock. “Most of our student members are trained by someone who’s been around and really knows what they’re doing with radio after decades of experience.”
“It’s really fun,” says Lin. “It’s being able to hang out with people who love music just as much as you do. The older members of the station are such a cool resource for talking about different kinds of music.”
Now sophomores, Rock and Lin first arrived at MIT and WMBR two years ago. At the time, the station was mitigating the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, during which WMBR went off the air temporarily. “We’ve been general managers since last spring, so the majority of our time at the station has been managing the station,” explains Lin. “We just came at a time when the station didn’t have many student members because of Covid.”
Lin recalls stories from disc jockeys who were at the station the night in 2020 when WMBR went off the air: “I’m told it was extremely sudden. There was someone here who said they finished their show and left a tote bag of records for the next time they were going to come back, and they left … and they still haven’t [returned].” 
However, resilience is a trait that WMBR has displayed in abundance throughout its storied 80-year history. First signing on as WMIT on Nov. 25, 1946, the station’s original equipment was built from the ground up by MIT electrical engineering students. In 1956, when the station’s call letters were licensed to a radio station in North Carolina, the Cambridge-based station became WTBS. And when the station was in dire need of cash for new equipment in the 1970s, its members found a creative solution: an agreement with media mogul Ted Turner to exchange the call letters WTBS for $50,000. This afforded the station the new equipment it dearly needed and allowed Turner to launch the Turner Broadcasting System. The station subsequently became WMBR on Nov. 10, 1979.          
So it’s no surprise how station members responded to the challenges posed by Covid. “The tech team pulled off something kind of crazy when they set that up,” says Lin. “Within weeks, they set up a system where people could upload files of shows they recorded from home, and then it would be broadcast live.”
“Sticking to the hybrid system means that especially new members have the flexibility to start out recording from home,” adds Rock. “That’s what Maggie and I did. It means if you’re scared, a little jumpy, or stutter as you speak, you can go back and edit.”
The station also expanded its slate of new content in the years following the pandemic. “I think the most lasting effect of Covid is that we are now 24/7,” says Rock. “Most of the time it’s fresh material now. The spring schedule is guaranteed fresh material from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.”
“It’s a packed schedule,” adds Lin.
Considering the sheer amount of original programming now airing on WMBR, it would be easy to assume the station relies heavily on ad revenue to keep the lights on. But, thanks to one fundraising week held each November, the station keeps pumping out music and spoken-word shows such as “Music for Eels,” “Post-Tentious,” and “Crunchy Plastic Dinosaurs.”
“And operating an FM radio station is not cheap,” says Rock, “maintaining the antennas and buying new tech equipment, getting music, paying licensing fees, and ordering pizza to keep the students on board because the DJs have to be happy, etc. So it’s a real privilege that we are able to operate on that listener funding from that one week each year.”
“It’s kind of crazy, because when you’re broadcasting, it’s to Greater Boston, but you really don’t know how many people are listening,” adds Lin. “And I think it’s really awesome when you see fundraising week. It’s like, ‘Yeah, people really do listen.’” 
“And if a donor chooses to pledge to a show, generally the DJs will mail a postcard back as thanks for that donation. So, if you want a signature of Maggie’s or mine, support us in November!” laughs Rock. “Limiting [fundraising] to one week means that we never advertise, so as long as we keep that contained to one-52nd of the year, the rest of the time you just get the music and the DJ’s commentary you tuned in for. There’s no solicitation.”
In many ways, this highlights the paradox of WMBR: reconciling its undeniable audience of loyal listeners and passionate community members with the fact that many MIT students and employees have never heard of WMBR.
“I think a lot of people just don’t quite know that the radio station is something that exists,” explains Lin. “I understand it’s because people our age don’t really listen to radio much anymore, but I think the space is so amazing. A lot of the new students that we bring in are pretty awed by it, especially the record library; with hundreds of thousands of records and CDs, and the studios,” says Lin, referencing the station’s impressive collection of music, which fills a space so large that it once held a bowling alley. “It’s an opportunity that is kind of easy to miss out on. So I feel like we’re bringing in new members — which I’m really happy about — but I just want people to know that WMBR is here, and it’s really cool.”
“Yes. I second that,” says Rock. “MIT is so full of opportunities and resources that you can’t possibly take advantage of all of them, but we are hidden here in the basement of Walker Memorial where students don’t really make it [to] that often.”
“Listeners don’t even know,” laughs Lin. “We had someone pass by the door once, and they were like, ‘The radio station? It’s here?’”
“I didn’t know there was a campus radio station, and I frankly hadn’t really thought of campus radio until I walked into Activities Midway during my first CPW [Campus Preview Weekend], and maybe orientation,” adds Rock. “One of the great things about it is that you can share your own music tastes with all of greater Boston. You have the aux cord for an hour every week, and it’s such a privilege.”
“It’s kind of scary-sounding to think, ‘You’re going to go sit behind a microphone and all of Greater Boston will hear you,’” adds Lin. “But James is always full of confidence, so I just thought, ‘What if we did a show together?’ That’s another thing that we like as we get new students in: people who want to co-host shows together.” 
“We are always looking for new student members,” says Rock. “Whether you want to do a radio show, podcast, help with maintaining and upgrading our broadcast equipment, or gain valuable experience helping to manage and lead a nonprofit organization that is an eclectic mix of MIT students, staff, and members of the local community, let us know!”
Walker Memorial Basement Radio (WMBR) is currently on the air and streaming 24/7. Listen online here, or tune your dial to 88.1 FM. To find out more about joining WMBR, send a message to [email protected].
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defilerwyrm · 1 year
Parents, for the love of everything that ever pretended to be holy, do not make household cleaning a punishment for your children.
My parents did that. As an adult, I would rather stare at a blank wall for five hours straight than wash dishes. I would rather do math problems without a calculator and have my answers read aloud in public than clean a bathroom. If my hatred of cleaning was a capturable energy it could power interstellar travel. All because, growing up, cleaning house was a primary form of punishment.
Don’t fuckin’ do that. You’re not instilling discipline. You’re instilling hatred for something they need to be able to do as adults without hating every microsecond of it.
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yallemagne · 2 years
Mina: “Jonathan, I’ve noticed that you need more male friends.”
Jonathan: “I do not.”
Mina: “You always spend all your time with me and Lucy, and any time you can’t, you mope around the house waiting for me to return.”
Jonathan: “I don’t get along with men!”
Mina: “What about the journalist from The Exeter News?”
Jonathan: “That is your friend. I introduced you two, sure, but every man I introduce to you is immediately more charmed with you than with me.”
Mina: “Well, what about Mr. Hawkins?”
Jonathan: “Mina, he loves you! He likes you much more than me.”
Mina: “That is a complete lie! Surely, he sees me as an extension of you. He loves me as his daughter-in-law.”
Jonathan: “Mina, if anyone is the in-law, it’s me. You’re his pride and joy!”
Mina: “It’s not like he even raised me! Meanwhile, you were at least trained by him.”
Jonathan: “But it’s you he brags about. He grants us a loan once and suddenly all your accomplishments are a result of him being our benefactor. “Did you know Mina is a schoolmistress?” Yes, boss, I’m married to her. He sees you as his own daughter.”
Mina: “And what of you?”
Jonathan: “His clerk.”
Mina: “Well! It’s not going to happen again! I’m going to introduce you to a whole posse of men, and they’re all going to love you!”
*few days later*
Van Helsing: “Oh, dear husband of Madam Mina-”
Jonathan: *side-eyes Mina*
Mina: “... listen--”
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pillowmoment · 6 months
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My chance to reiterate that if you haven’t played this game yet. Go do that. Then come talk to me and tell me which weird man you like more. Then we’ll talk.
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ryan-waddell11 · 9 months
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i know this man was STRUGGLING on the bike
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differenteagletragedy · 4 months
This is obscene and I love it
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Fact #503
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(The post in question)
Source: clubpenguin.com, Club Penguin: Activity Adventure
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bonefall · 7 months
How do you feel about "character joins bloodclan" aus? Im curious about ur thoughts since youre really in tune with the themes of the series but personally i just hate them bc its ALWAYS aimed at 'unfortunate' characters and always ALWAYS ignores the fact that bloodclan is a horrible place in-canon and that they're just reflavoring the abuse and trauma the characters qent through to be more emo or goth themed.
Ravenpaw is ALWAYS a prime target for this and its like. Great. You took the character being abused by their mentor figure and is being harmed from the violent culture the clan has generated... and giving them an EMO mentor figure who will inevitably abuse them and harm them as a result of the violent culture the emo clan has generated. Sasha is another one I've noticed- you've put the woman who lost her kit and is struggling to survive with the others while being controlled and abused by someone who sees her as an outsider (aka alone and easy to isolate), and are gonna put her in a faction who specifically separates kin from one another to easily control them and who have canonically tried murdering those who stick with their family. What was gained here.
Like i know bloodclan is revamped in ur au (thank god for it) but in canon bloodclan is HORRIBLE. People ignore that in favor of putting their favs into bloodclan bc bloodclan is cool and killed tigerstar that one time bc of revenge. Ravenpaw becomes Scourge AUS are SO SO SO much worse bc of this too- sure you manage to point out how scourge and raven has roughly similar stories in their youth but you could also do something interesting and make an au where raven and scourge are FOILS and do a firestar/scourge thing, while pointing this comparison out!! Instead you just went "Ravenpaw emo now and is sad about beating up Firestar his friend" and basically kept everything the same.
Sorry im basically venting here but i just dont like how people forget that scourge in canon does NOT look out for the 'little guy', he's a murderer and abuser who wants to keep his subjects afraid and separated so that he alone has power over them. Bloodclan is not the cool strong goth group, its the group where two cats slaughter eachother over a piece of twoleg scraps, only for the survivor to die bc the food was poisonous to cats and no one knew bc theres no cohesive group that can pass that knowledge around. its a fucking horrible place to live. Im not saying that you cant do interesting "character in bloodclan" aus (a Rusty who lives in bloodclan who STILL wants to do good but is shaped by the horrid reality of bloodclan would be fun imo) but its so often used with already traumatized characters as a 'solution' or 'fix-it with some emotional issues involved' that i just foam at the mouth and howl like a rabid animal on principle at this point.
Hmm... I think for me, it doesn't tend to read that way for me when the fandom makes AUs for it. I'm coming at BloodClan from a point of really deep critique and frustration.
BloodClan's not a REAL place, and what that means is, every speck of how horrible it was is a choice the writers made to justify its treatment. It was something they actively decided, because, BloodClan was a tool to suddenly invalidate the previous 5 books of TPB so that the series could comfortably conclude there was no need to upset the status quo.
If you haven't read it before, I recommend this post I made on how Darkest Hour Is A Personal Disappointment, but anyway;
We spend a whole series on how Fireheart challenges a broken society, because he is different. Their xenophobia, how isolationism and glory get people killed, the way that Tigerstar's greatest asset is how respected he is... these are bad things. They're things that Fireheart fights for several books.
But then, in the LAST book, in the 11th inning, they introduce BloodClan. They're just evil. They have no nuance. The narrative bends over backwards to stress that this group of evil foreigners LOVES murder, hates friendship, and doesn't believe in our good god.
Suddenly, the Clan cats have to be EXTRA xenophobic and glorious to kill these filthy, murderous foreign hordes. Clan cat belief in their good god makes them stronger than the bloodthirsty barbarians. Firestar kills Scourge and we can feel happy and triumphant about it, when Tigerstar was killed a few chapters ago and given a tragic sendoff.
So, I encourage you to step back from an emotional response to how Filthy and Murderous this group was portrayed, and look at it as a writing choice.
When Tigerstar, known cat-racist and murderer of mixed-race people, is killed by Scourge in self-defense, he is grieved by Firestar and commended for his "good qualities". (and then they retconned in that it was actually secretly revenge all along, not just self defense, so this killing is extra evil)
When Scourge is killed, Firestar just thinks about how it's cool he's not going to heaven, and how all of the previously ferocious BloodClan warriors look so inferior to the forest Clans.
And so, with all that said,
I'm 100% in favor of how the fandom widely looks at this, says, "fuck that" and just makes them the Cool Goth Group. I'd argue pretty strongly that the least nuanced idea of that is still infinitely better than canon.
There was nothing there. It was literally just Xenophobia-Is-JustifiedClan. They literally hated love and friendship and banned families so that Clan cats would look good in comparison. Banned families. You don't get this level of stupid evil from anything else but an 80s cartoon.
Maybe I just don't see the AUs you tend to see (I curate my Tumblr experience very well and generally hang out in more adult-oriented spaces, I can imagine a place like Amino being mostly kids who tend to be immature. Edgelord Angstpiddle is just a normal part of growing up), but every project I see that gives me a glimpse of BloodClan Ravenpaws and Sashas come with such tweaks already assumed.
Like, these are examples I've seen,
They'll have Raven be involved with the formation of BloodClan
Scourge will actually be a character with some pity and mercy, like how he was in Rise of Scourge when his abusive siblings begged him for food, and he fed them before sending them away.
no ban on love and friendship. Lol. Lmao, even.
More of the social structure will be based around acquiring food for people in a 'harsh' environment, leading to that battle, instead of just Evil Foreign Greed (which canon!scourge only had after being almost killed by tigerstar, because he said "actually, in light of new information that you are a murderer, i need to reconsider our deal.")
BloodClan will be overhauled completely. I've seen this a few ways. Connecting them to SkyClan, or the Oakstar raids on Chelford, or even as a positive entity; a surprise ally. (VERY common with BloodClan Ravenpaw AUs I've seen).
Anyways... (Shrug), I dunno dude, it doesn't bother me that much.
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jacksprostate · 2 months
Things I won't forgive the fight club movie for regarding the character of Marla Singer, entry C:
The manic pixie dreamgirlification of her own struggle with life and death. The narrator gets to have a serious issue driving his alienation but Marla gets her cancer removed so her pithy statement about the tragedy of death being that she doesn't fall over dead randomly is just a bit Offbeat And Interesting And Edgy haha! She's a real tourist, really, nothing ever stated to be wrong about her. Sure she overdoses. Sure you can see she's got a shit life. But she doesn't get backstory. She doesn't get a life beyond fun little statements that, when her own reason for saying and thinking them is removed, mostly just reflect the narrator. In the book, it is very, very clear. Marla does what she does because she has cancer and is afraid of The Slow Death. The Wasting. The Struggle. By taking that away you even reduce her suicide attempt. It puts it all in this context of nothingness. Sure, you can assume a depth, but I don't think we should be uncritical about the fact that they chose to remove it. Marla Singer is more than an object that bothers the narrator out of the support groups and gets fucked by Tyler Durden. Marla Singer is a person in her own right in the book, and in the movie she's just... not.
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wyndrova · 2 months
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Utada Hikaru released the 4K upgrade of the Hikari MV and I just thought Kairi would look cute in that hairstyle~
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jcmarchi · 18 days
The MIT Edgerton Center’s third annual showcase dazzles onlookers
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-mit-edgerton-centers-third-annual-showcase-dazzles-onlookers/
The MIT Edgerton Center’s third annual showcase dazzles onlookers
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On April 9, a trailer with the words “Born by Fire” emblazoned on the back pulled down MIT’s North Corridor (a.k.a. the Outfinite). Students, clad in orange construction vests, maneuvered their futuristic creation out of the trailer, eliciting a surge of curious bystanders. The aerodynamic shell is covered by 5 square meters of solar panels. This multi-occupancy solar car, Gemini, designed and built by the Solar Electric Vehicle Team (SEVT), is slated to race in the 2024 American Solar Challenge. Positioned just outside Building 13, Gemini made its inaugural public appearance at this year’s Edgerton Center Student Teams Showcase. The team’s first-place trophy from an earlier competition sat atop, glistening in the sunlight.
Next, MIT Motorsports arrived with their shiny red electric race car, MY24. SEVT, embodying MIT’s spirit of collaboration, paused their own installation to assist the Motorsports team in transporting MY24 into Lobby 13. Such camaraderie is commonplace among Edgerton teams. MY24 is slated to compete in two upcoming events: the FSAE Hybrid event in Loudon, New Hampshire on May 1, followed by the FSAE Motorsports event in Michigan, later in June.
At the Third Annual Edgerton Center Showcase, Lobby 13 was abuzz with students, faculty, and visitors drawn in by the passion and excitement of members of 14 Edgerton Center student teams. Team members excitedly unveiled a wide range of technologies, including autonomous waterborne craft, rockets, wind turbines, assistive devices, and hydrogen-powered turbine engines. “Seeing the culmination of what MIT students can build in so many different forms was inspiring. It was great to see everyone’s passion and creativity thriving in each of the team’s projects,” says junior Anhad Sawhney, president of the MIT Electronics Research Society (MITERS) and captain of the Combat Robotics Club.
In one corner, children congregated around the Combat Robotics table, captivated by clips of the team competing on the Discovery channel’s Battlebots series. Nearby, towering rockets almost brushing the ceiling captured the gaze of onlookers. Suddenly, a symphony of electrical crackles filled the air. Visitors quickly discovered the source was not an AV malfunction, but a Tesla coil created by MITERS, where lightning danced to the pitch input using a computer keyboard. Established in 1973, MITERS — a member-run project space and machine shop — continues to give students the chance to tinker and create quirky inventions such as the motorized shopping cart, DOOMsled.
Adjacent to MITERS, students on the Spokes team dished ice cream into a bike-powered blender. A quick ride down the street created milkshakes for many to enjoy. Spokes is an Edgerton team of students who will bike across the country this summer, teaching STEM outreach classes along the way. Their curriculum is inspired by MIT’s hands-on approach to education.
One of the newest Edgerton Center teams, The Assistive Technology Club, showed an array of innovations poised to revolutionize lives. Their blind assistance team is designing an app that uses machine learning to describe the most relevant features of the environment to visually impaired users. Their adaptive game controller team is designing a one-handed game controller for a user who is paralyzed on one side of her body due to a stroke. Junior Ben Lou, from the robotic self-feeding device team, has a rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy. He shares, “Eating is a basic necessity, but current devices that help people like me eat are not versatile with different foods, unaccommodating to users with different positional needs, generally difficult to set up, and extremely expensive. The self-feeding team is completely re-imagining the way a self-feeding device can work. Instead of operating with a spoon, which cannot handle a wide range of foods and is prone to spillage (among other issues), our device operates with an entirely new utensil.”
Beyond showcasing projects, the event served as a forum for idea exchange and collaboration. The MIT Wind team brought their first working prototype of their model wind turbine, which they will use as a baseline for competing in the Collegiate Wind Competition next year. “We hope to continue working on rotor optimization and blade fabrication, power conversion, and offshore foundation design to be competitive with the other CWC teams next year,” says team captain Kirby Heck. “As a new Edgerton Center team, the showcase was an amazing opportunity for our team members to engage with industry partners, interact with the MIT community, and explore how we fit within the broader constellation of teams within Edgerton at MIT. We also received helpful feedback on our current design and have plenty of new ideas on how we can innovate for our next design iteration.” 
The event included a short program, where SEVT captain Adrienne Wing Suen Lai and first-year Rachel Mohommed of the Electric Vehicle Team gave a shout-out to all the teams. A special tribute was also paid to Peggy Eysenbach, the event’s organizer and the development officer at the Edgerton Center, with a bouquet of flowers. Edgerton Center Director and Professor Kim Vandiver welcomed the MIT community to the event and gave a brief review of the 30-year history of engineering teams sponsored by the Edgerton Center.
Vandiver believes that through all the fun and creativity, strong careers emerge. “Participation in an engineering team is great professional preparation. Upon graduation, these leaders are unafraid of hard problems, and rapidly rise in project management roles,” Vandiver says.
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phin-tastic · 10 months
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frindoka · 5 months
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i was gonna put him in a lineup like how i did the activity club but i just like. really wanted to draw a bat. and also i was trying to doodle him up as a reference for anthro bats for my friend . kind of
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fernandopiastri28 · 2 days
first serve 🎾 ~ oscar piastri x logan sargeant
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Oscar looks up at his face, noticing that he’s been ogling at the patch of exposed skin on the boy for a few moments too long. He still has that hat over his head, but now it's turned backwards, a few stray hairs escaping just over the backstrap. “Oscar,” He extends his arm again, just like he had with Alex, and this time it’s not rejected. “Logan,” His grip is sturdy, but not painfully tight around the other boy’s hand. His lips twist into a smile, his crows-feet deepening as the expression reaches his eyes, which are a deep, pale blue. Oscar focuses on them, feeling a lack of embarrassment as Logan’s doing the exact same stare to him in return.
wc: 5,112 || no warnings
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“Do you reckon we have to go?” Oscar leans back in his seat, his position giving him a picturesque view of the outstretching tennis court- the bright blue ground decorated with neon green tennis balls and white sneakers. 
Lando, in the seat next to him, snorts, “Of course we do, Oscar,” Osc-uh. Drives him mad how he pronounces his name like that- he puts more emphasis on it when he is in a mood like now. “We've paid- we rented rackets and paid a whole lot to even get into this club,” He takes a long drink of his glass of milk he’d managed to convince the waiter to bring over despite it not being on the menu. Oscar visibly cringes at the sight.
“We didn’t pay a cent mate- perks of working here,” Oscar scoffs, grabbing his white cap off the glass table and squashing it over his head, blocking the piercing sunlight from hitting straight into his eyes. 
“Yeah well, what’s the point of working at a country club where you’re pretty much allowed to play tennis whenever you want to if you’re never gonna take the opportunity by its balls?” Lando wipes a line of milk that’s gathered on his top lip, squinting at his friend and watching as his face turns into an even more hardened scowl under the brim of his cap.
“I don’t know, money?” He shrugs, tilting his head to crack his neck, the muscles flexing at the action. “Because, I don’t know if you know this, but not everyone can be crazy rich like the Norris’ and only be working because their parents are convinced they’re gonna blow all your money the second they move out if they never have to work for it?” Oscar cocks an eyebrow, shifting his attention to look at his colleague who had an offended glare painted across his face.
“No need to bring my spending habits into our civil conversation,” He huffs, grinding his teeth. For being a whole year above Oscar at school and almost 18 months older- Lando is surprisingly immature. “But I actually do know that. Obviously, I know you,” He smirks, turning it back onto the younger man.
“Nice one,” The Aussie clicks his tongue, checking the time on his watch, having to hit the plastic screen to get it working- the downside of still using the watch he got 7 years ago for his 10th birthday. “When are we heading on to play?” Through where the sun hits into the cracks of the cover and reflects back into his eyes- he can just barely see the watch hands hovering over the time 1.43. 
“Three?” Lando kicks his legs up onto a chair he’s dragged in front of him, slumping back down and tucking his arms behind his relax. A long sigh escapes his mouth, acting as if he’s had a massive day- when in reality he froths up milk and pours it into ginormous cups to be served around to guests by Oscar, and if the younger boy isn’t busy serving customers- he's in the back cleaning. 
“About the ‘crazy rich boy’ thing, you know who’s an even better example of that than me?” Lando drops his head back against the head of his metal chair. Oscar blows bubbles down his straw into his coke, nodding along as his eyes meet Lando’s in a sun-avoiding squint. “The fucking Sargeant family,” He barks out a laugh.
Oscar drains the last of his drink, setting the glass down on the table again before humming in response. “Yeah, they are pretty well off,” In reality, Oscar hardly knows the guy. He’s heard of the Sargeants- his mate back in Australia, Caio, somehow knows the older Sargeant brother, Dalton. Apparently he’s pretty nice and certainly very wealthy.
There’s another son, who he knows is his age, a few months older but also a junior- just at some way richer school, likely the same as Lando. He doesn’t know what his name is though- something like Liam. Given his lack of knowledge about the family, Oscar doesn’t see himself as the kind of person to make a judgement on someone’s financial situation- unless that someone is the spoiled brat of Lando Norris.
Not only does Oscar just not have a particularly extroverted personality, which doesn;t help with getting to know people, he also only moved to the UK a year before to start year 10. And now halfway through year 11- he’s still struggling with people at school’s names- let alone people outside of it. He knows of a few of Lando’s friends, but that’s the extent of his reach out of a friend group. He knows George who’s very polished and almost aggressively British, Alex is very tall and smiley, Max is sarcastic and almost Lando’s carbon copy- just a bit more serious at times, and finally, Carlos who speaks with a thick spanish accent and Lando seemingly has a bit of a crush on.
Oscar would say he and Lando are ‘friends’ to an extent, but he doesn’t think they’re quite at the point that they’d discuss their dating lives yet. So beyond how Lando will take any opportunity to bring up the dark haired Spaniard, Oscar has no further reason to believe the curly haired man isn’t straight. 
He doesn’t even know Lando’s views on that, it’s not something that’s come up in conversation yet. Oscar knows he isn’t fully straight himself, but it’s not something he goes around telling absolutely everyone. It’s not a shame thing, more so protecting himself from a potential bad reaction. So when there’s the occasional time where Lando points out a girl and asks if she’s pretty to Oscar, he hums out a noncommittal yes and leaves it at that. 
“Lando!,” A familiar voice shouts out from directly below the ledge where their table is situated. “Is your ass ready for tennis yet?” Both boys crane their necks, looking down at the person who’s yelling at them. Standing below with a tennis racket in one hand and adorned in a grey sports shirt, his tan skin and recovering bleached hair is Alex Albon. “Hey guys!” He perks up seeing Oscar, waving his arm dramatically at the younger boy. Oscar waves back politely, greeting him in response.
“Alex is here?” Oscar looks at Lando in slight surprise as they make their way over to the stairs that lead down to the court. The brit nods, combing his fingers through a clump of tangled curls. There’s another figure next to Alex, a boy who’s not as tall but certainly broader. His head is facing the floor, a fitted black hat over his head, only revealing locks of naturally blond hair on the back of his neck. 
“I think he brought a friend too, we can do doubles now,” He pats Oscar on the back, insinuating for him to walk faster. He picks up his pace, tugging down on his shirt as it rides up slightly. They reach Alex who is now alone, the other guy seemingly gone to do something. “Albonoooo,” Lando embraces his friend, wrapping his arms around him. “You remember Piastri, yeah?”
Oscar cringes at the use of his last name rather than his first. It’s very typical private school-rich kid stuff, which is right up Lando’s alley. In terms of wealth, the Norris’ are known for being rich, the Russells too. The Albon’s are well off too, the Sainz’s have a lot of money in investing and all that shit. Where the Sargeant’s money comes from, Oscar hasn’t had the chance to ask yet- or more so, Lando hasn’t randomly just dumped that information on him yet. 
The Piastris aren’t a household name in terms of their affluence, nor would they be regardless. Oscar has three younger sisters which means his parent’s salaries go towards splitting evenly for a family of six unlike most around the area for three or four. It also doesn’t help that they only moved just under two years ago- so they haven’t had a major chance to build up their net worth, disparate to the families who have been in the area for decades and are living off of the prior generation’s profit.
Oscar extends a hand to Alex to shake, which is ignored in lieu of, “Of course I remember my favourite Australian,” a tight embrace, the strong sandalwood smell of his cologne slamming his senses. He hugs him back tentatively, giving him a few awkward pats on the back before he’s finally released.
“Ha, do you even know another one?” He grins, wiping off a line of sweat that’s already appeared just where his cap hits his hairline. Alex shrugs, murmuring out a ‘fair point’ with a wide grin still plastered across his face as his chest continues to rise and fall from enervation of clearly a few games done already.
“Shit,” Lando clasps a hand over the vibrating phone in his pocket, digging it out and checking caller ID. “Carlos is calling, I’ll be right back,” He hurries off, leaving the two boys who hardly know each other to interact. Just in Oscar’s luck, the boy who was with Alex before returns. He has his shirt hitched up, wiping sweat off his face. When he pulls it back down, it doesn’t cover his stomach fully- instead snagging up on his abdomen, showing off some of his defined torso. 
Oscar looks up at his face, noticing that he’s been ogling at the patch of exposed skin on the boy for a few moments too long. He still has that hat over his head, but now it's turned backwards, a few stray hairs escaping just over the backstrap. “Oscar,” He extends his arm again, just like he had with Alex, and this time it’s not rejected. 
“Logan,” His grip is sturdy, but not painfully tight around the other boy’s hand. His lips twist into a smile, his crows-feet deepening as the expression reaches his eyes, which are a deep, pale blue. Oscar focuses on them, feeling a lack of embarrassment as Logan’s doing the exact same stare to him in return.
“So!” A loud clap sounds next to them, Alex stands with his hands clasped together and the handle of his racket leaning against his shin. “You guys will be partners?” He raises his eyebrows at Logan, and then at Oscar. They look at each other, the question showing up in both of their expressions. They both nod and head off to an empty court while they leave the brit to wait for Lando.
Logan extracts a ball from his pocket as Oscar goes and grabs a racket, feeling around with it to make sure it feels comfortable enough. He’s not really a tennis guy- more into cricket growing up in Australia, but it’s not as if he doesn’t have any experience with hitting a ball. “So,” He sighs, walking towards the net where Logan is standing with his hip brushing against. “How long have you been playing tennis for?” He regrets the question almost immediately, realising it would’ve been a safer question to ask if he even played it in the first place.
Luckily, his worry about how dumb he sounds dissolves as Logan replies, “Ah,” He scratches at a patch of almost invisible stubble on his chin. “So long,” He laughs, “I’d say since I was about… five?” He bounces a ball against the ground, repeating the motion a few more times before taking a few steps back. “You?” 
Oscar only notices when he speaks then the American accent that lays heavy over his words. It’s pretty uncommon in the UK- a lot of proper British accents with the occasional Australian one like his own- but not many like Logan’s. Logan serves the ball, sending it flying over the net with a thwack. Oscar makes a desperate attempt to hit it back but ends with just hitting himself in the chest. 
A winded laugh escapes Oscar’s mouth, “Nah, never played.” Logan raises his eyebrows, his blue eyes widening in effect. “Could you tell?” He grins. The other boy has a sympathetic look on his face paired with a slight grimace. Ah, He’s already disappointed. 
“All good,” He shakes his head, “Wanna try it again?” Oscar nods awkwardly, shifting his weight back and forth from the balls of his feet to the heels. This time when the blond serves, Oscar tries to whack it as hard as possible, sending it soaring a mere few inches over the other boy's head, who ducks instinctively. 
The younger of the two goes dark red as the other remains crouching on the floor for a few moments after, his blue eyes huge and almost scared. They look at each other in silence for a few moments, fear on both of their faces. That is until the American bursts out laughing, a strange comfort to the other. He stands up, quickly stretching his legs out before walking towards the net separating them.
“I can teach you how to hit?” Logan drops his racquet, the plastic head hitting the ground with a dull thud. The Australian nods, watching as he jumps the net, slipping into place behind Oscar. “Okay, you hold your racquet like-” Two sturdy hands rest on the backs of Oscar’s, guiding his fingers on how to hold the handle properly. “this,” His breath is hot against the other’s boy's neck, almost unnoticed given how warm the rest of his body feels. 
“This is forehand,” He positions Oscar’s arms to be out by his side, letting one drop down to the side so it’s only his right hand to be around the racquet, “And this is backhand,” He does the same, but his right arm is now crossed over his side, “Which is considerably easier,” He smiles when he sees the brunet relaxing with the position.
“Alright,” Oscar nods, going through the notion of swinging it infront of him, hitting an imaginary ball. “Good?” He looks over his shoulder where Logan has taken a step back, watching the other boy in a look of almost awe.
“Fantastic- you’re a natural,” He grins, a pat to the back of the Aussie’s back- a well done, definitely not just another reason to touch him. “You wanna try forehand?” Oscar shugs, going back into his initial position and swinging, noticeably not with as much ease- but good enough. “I think you’re ready to rally,”
Oscar cocks his head, an eyebrow raising in unison. “Isn’t rallying like driving cars?” It’s the American’s turn then to look confused, tucking his bottom lip under his teeth. “Like, driving a really fast car on dirt roads?” He scratches the hair that peeks out from under his hat. 
“Uh, no.” Logan purses his lips. “Well, yeah, I mean I guess it’s also that,” He breaks back into a smile, comforting Oscar’s worries about sounding like an idiot again. “I don’t really know racing or anything, but rallying is essentially just a series of successful hits made by players,” 
“Ahhh,” Oscar leans back a bit, flexing the hand that was previously gripping around the taped handle. Logan walks back around to the other side of the net and picks his discarded racquet back up. “Gotcha,” He kicks a tennis ball to the side, watching it roll over to where Alex is still standing waiting for Lando to return from his surprisingly long phone call with Carlos. 
Alex has a wide grin on his face, one hand firmly planted onto the net pole closest to the pair, his other hand on his hip as he leans awkwardly. “You guys are getting on well,” he teases. Oscar rolls his eyes, looking to where Logan is unphased and almost looking a bit out of it as he waits for the other boy to speak. 
“Right,” The brunet tries to wipe what feels like a hot flush off his face with his palm, hoping if he is red, it just looks like a sunburn. “You serve?” He itches his neck, his nails digging into his skin as an attempt to focus on the forming stinging pain rather than how Logan looks from his spot across from him where the sun is hitting perfectly against him. 
“I can,” Logan grins, extracting a ball from his pocket and bouncing it against the ground a few times. Oscar makes note of it, remembers that he needs to do that when it comes his time to serve so he can impress Logan. He remains light on his feet, able to move around to hit the ball so he doesn’t make a mess of himself again. “Please don’t try to take my head off with this one,” He teases.
“I can’t make any promises but I can try,” he rolls his eyes, waiting patiently for the ball to cross into his side of the court. When it does, he drags his racquet back just slightly, lining up to the ball so it taps right into the centre of the gridded wires. It bounces back off it, hitting into the floor over the other side. He doesn’t let himself celebrate, too busy focusing as the ball comes straight back towards him. 
He uses a bit more force this time, hopeful to send it past Logan and get a point, being somewhat impressive while still not hitting him again. It doesn’t hit him, that's for sure, but instead Logan controls the ball perfectly in retaliation, sending it straight back across in a line that slips straight past Oscar. “One-love,” The American uses his foot to nudge a ball closer to himself as the other boy’s already big brown eyes grow wider. 
“Huh?” His top lip twists upward, a confused guise painting across his pale skin. He swings his racquet in practice, his eyebrows tensing in question of what that means. Logan doesn’t notice the confusion on his face, dipping down to pick up the ball under his shoe. 
“Love- means zero basically,” Alex calls out from next to them, that same cheeky grin still spread across his mouth. “It means you’re losing mate,” He jeers lightheartedly. Oscar scoffs, ignoring him as he gets ready for another ‘rally’. This time, Oscar manages to hit it just past Logan, securing himself a point. 
As time stretches on and Lando remains elsewhere, the three boys get further into chatting- discussing school, where Oscar learns that Alex and Logan are in the same school year, along with Lando at some posh private school the Australian can’t quite pronounce. Alex has a girlfriend who’s actually in the year above Oscar and at the same school, a girl called Lily who plays golf for their school’s representative team. 
After a while, they get back onto the topic of tennis, which Oscar is slightly distracted from given how Logan’s hat has been tossed to the floor, allowing his messy and tangled blond hair to shine bright in the sun, a few strands reaching downwards towards his bright blue eyes. He wants to ask if Logan also has a girlfriend like Alex does, but since they’re off that topic- it feels weird to bring it back up.
Instead, he decides to reinvolve himself in the topic at hand. “Why did you start playing tennis anyways?” His question is directed at the American, unknowingly cutting off the conversation the other pair were having. Alex and him look at each other knowingly, a quiet laugh escaping the dark haired thai. He nudges the blond, his mouth moving to say ‘he doesn’t know?’
Oscar furrows his eyebrows again, looking in between them to try and figure out firstly, what’s so funny, and secondly, what is it that he doesn't know. “I’m, ah, how do I say this casually,” Logan grits his teeth, a pause. “I’m Logan Sargeant,” 
Oscar somehow feels even more confused by this. Alright, yeah, it’s an aggressively American name, sure, but does it mean anything to Oscar? Not at all. Why him reintroducing himself has anything to do with tennis is incomprehensible to the Australian. The last name is slightly familiar if anything, but not enough to spark any recognition. “Okay,” He nods his head once, looking to Alex for more context that he doesn;t think he’ll find in his tennis partner.
“Logan Sargeant, son of Daniel Sargeant-” He continues. Oscar wants to interrupt and let him know that he’s not good with names, so that really doesn’t mean anything to him- but he doesn’t have to, because someone else does it for him. 
“The Daniel Sargeant who owns this country club.” Oh shit. Super rich Logan Sargeant, the wealthy family Lando had been talking about less than an hour ago. The voice who interrupts is the previously missing member of their group, his jaw tight and his phone shoved haphazardly into his pocket in a way where most of it still hangs out. 
“Logan Sargeant, the Sargeant’s who own Bayside Hills Country Club?,” Oscar’s voice is a mix of surprise and taken aback. Alex laughs awkwardly, seemingly his response to everything. The American nods, looking shameful that he didn’t have the opportunity to even tell his new mate before Lando jumped the gun.
“Fuck,” He clicks his tongue, his eyes still wide as he looks down at his shoes. In comparison to Logan, his outfit is scruffy and inexpensive. His shoes are beaten up and muddy, while the other boys are pristine white- clearly new. His shirt is baggy in all the wrong places, stretched from too many wears, while Logan’s clings to his body like it was made for him. “You’re like… rich,” He cringes as he says it, reminding himself that he shouldn’t be making a comment on someone else’s financial situation.
“Why are you here?” Lando is straight to the point interrogating the unexpected member of their tennis group, raking his hand through his curls, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently as if he wasn’t the one who left the other’s to go answer a call. “You know Piastri?”
He shakes his head, “Alex- only just met Oscar,” He corrects, looking at brunet rather fondly. “Where’d you go off to?” Logan queries, checking his watch, which Oscar notices how nice it is- a clear representation of his status that he’d managed to not notice until now. “It’s been over an hour
Lando’s lip straighten into a tight line, almost embarrassed, “Sainz needed to talk,” He murmurs, dragging the back of his shoe up to gather some of the peeling ground up off the floor. The way his cheeks turn rosy is enough of an indication that Oscar’s theory about him and Carlos were right. “Now, are we gonna play or what?” He looks expectant, confused as to why they’re still standing around and talking. 
Logan looks at the Australian, his lips curling into a look of disinterest. “You wanna?” He mouths, his eyes roaming over the sweat coating the brunet's face and his clear expression of exhaustion. He receives a mouthed ‘not at all’ in reply. “Nah, you guys can though,” Logan gestures between the two other boys as Logan and Oscar pick up their racquets and walk off. 
Lando hurls a few exasperated half-arsed insults at the pair, before eventually giving up and settling for playing with Alex. Oscar removes his hat, shaking his sweaty hair out before raking his finger through it- not caring too much about how it looks. That is until he sees in his peripheral, Logan staring deep into his soul. “You have nice hair,” His accent is thick and low, his mouth barely opening as he says it. 
Oscar tilts his head, his eyes looking up to the mop of somehow perfectly done golden hair belonging to the American. “You too,” He grins, looking back ahead at the stairs they’re beginning to go back up.
“I have like uh, a room here,” Logan blurts out, catching the eyes of Oscar who has far too many thoughts spinning through his head at that sentence. “I was thinking we could hang out there? I have a tv and couch- we could play fifa or… mario carts- if that’s your thing?” He exhales nervously. The aussie accepts graciously, a tinge of red appearing under his eyes.
They wander around just talking and laughing for the next hours, discussing the club, their respective schools, sports, friends, families, everything. Oscar learns that Logan’s been learning to play tennis since he was so young because even back in the states (where he lived up until 5 years ago) and tennis was the main appeal and aspect of the club. He in fact has a brother called Dalton who moved to Australia for university the year prior and they learn that he and Oscar’s mate Caio are roommates. 
Despite his family’s wealth, he has a job at the club doing tennis coaching- which always happens early morning during the holidays, which is why they’ve never ran into each other as Oscar works late afternoons. Lando is in his year at school and dislikes him as he believes he’s a pretentious asshole- despite never bothering to get to know him. Confirming Oscar’s previous unasked question- he doesn’t have a girlfriend.
Oscar tries not to smile too hard at that.
They sit down at one of the club’s restaurants as it nears toward 6pm, the prior hours they’ve been talking for seeming far shorter then its actually been. They share a pizza and far too many fries, drinking milkshakes until they feel completely ill. By the end, they decide to finally go back to Logan’s ‘place’ at the club to take up the suggestion of playing games.
As they walk over, they remain pretty silent, both clearly feeling the same way about each other but equally as oblivious that it’s requited in any way. They arrive at a thin brown door down the hall of the management office where Oscar often has to retreat to when someone asks for his manager when being difficult. There’s a small gold plating drilled into just above the door handle, ‘Logan’ it reads, branding his ‘room’. Logan presses a keycard to a sensor on the right of himself, pushing down on the handle as it clicks open. “My place,” He gestures inside, stepping aside to let the other boy in. 
It opens up into the living room, surprisingly big in comparison to management next door. It has floor to ceiling windows, looking out of the golf field that opposes the tennis courts, separated by a fifty metre pool. “Shit,” Oscar looks out at the view, an impressed painted on him. “This is nice,” He murmurs, turning to look back at his friend. 
“Thirsty?” He somehow has two bottles of water in his hands, extending one hand out to Oscar as he pressed the spout of the other one to his own lips. Oscar accepts graciously, guzzling it down greedily from dehydration from the previous hour. When Logan finishes drinking, Oscar can’t help but stare at how the water has left his lips with a wet and glossy sheen over them. Think Oscar, he repeats to himself mentally, say something. 
“Mario,” His voice cracks, ignoring it from exhaustion and gratefulness that he even managed to speak at all. They adjourn to the couch, slumping down into the plush and squishy cushions. “Who do you play as?” Strained, his throat aching with forcing words out. 
“Bowser,” He tosses a controller into the brunet's chest, turning the tv on and selecting Mario Karts, multiplayer and then looking at Oscar expectantly. 
“Not ideal how heavy he is, weighs down the car. Any extra weight makes you slower” God, how dorky, snapping back into talking about karting once again. Logan smiles regardless, moving ever so slightly closer that it's almost unnoticeable. 
“That’s okay, I’m strong,” The corner of his mouth twists upward, eyeing Oscar rather intensely. “Who do you play as?” He rests his free, non-remote wielding arm on the back of the couch, his hand just behind the other boy’s head. 
“Yoshi,” He selects him, trying to keep his burning gaze off of the american. The back of his neck is scalding hot now, desperate with the wanting to be touched. Logan’s eyebrows flicker upward, almost inquisitive. “I think he’s cute,” He explains, a stupid tight smile on his face.
“Ahh, fitting for you Piastri,” Weirdly, him using last name to address, Oscar doesn’t mind it too much. On the other hand, he’s hardly focused on that because he’s thinking about what he meant by that, was he calling him cute? 
“Why’s that?” He challenges, his body heating up even harder as he feels two fingertips toying with the hair on the back of his neck, goosebumps forming all over his skin. Eyes are rolled at the question, ‘isn’t it obvious?’ Logan wants to ask.
“You’re cute,” He murmurs, his eyes focusing down at Oscar’s pale pink lips. Following suit, he admires Logan’s thinner and darker pink, almost red, ones- still wet and glossy. “Very fucking cute,” His hand settles on the back of Oscar’s neck fully at this point, his body shifting to readjust so he’s face and body onto him. 
Blue eyes meet brown, pink grazes red, blonde brushes against brunet. Logan takes initiative, his bottom lip slotting in between Oscar’s pale ones. They both close their eyes, their breathing getting heavier and louder as they lose themselves in the moment. Oscar’s kissed a girl before, a few at that. Kissing a boy is different though. Slightly harsher, more chapped, a thousand times more nerve wracking. His hand releases the controller and presses down on one of the other’s thighs. 
“More,” Logan grants his wish, licking into his mouth rather tentatively, taking his time to not pressure him or make him uncomfy. Taking his time also allows him to enjoy the sheer moment of pure bliss. It’s all he’s wanted for hours now, the second he saw Oscar, heard his voice- he just wanted to feel his arms around him and his lips on him. 
He just had to make the first move, first serve.
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jacksoldsideblog · 7 months
something i've never understood is the idea that the narrator is just a pathetic guy who can't even handle the mild annoyance of having an office job. like. the reason his job is so deeply soulsucking isn't really because it's in an office. it's because it's the corporatized murder of hundreds wherein he actively is used as the smoking gun. he's a cog in a deeply inhuman machine that literally, point blank values minute costs over human lives.
and yes, it's in an office, meaning he has to pretend he and everyone else working there are normal people and not complete and utter monsters for what they do. and their jobs are made easier by this artificial distance that also imposes them away from material society in general, deepening all senses of alienation. and they are all monsters for it but they ARE normal people, he idealizes and hates his coworkers who can do all of this while staying happy and normal. he senses there's something very wrong with that. he knows if he was gone there would be someone in his place.
and yes, it's in an office, so he has all the arteficial office banality and stupid little politics and utter pointlessness, all while they all pretend his job isn't to be actively complicit in further deaths.
it would drive me insane. it would drive anyone insane. why isn't it driving his coworkers insane? how can they live with themselves? how can anyone furthering a system like this live with themselves? how can he live with himself, with anyone, knowing this is all within their capacity? how can he function, knowing that even if he stopped, even if many of them stopped, all of this would march on, new atrocities forming in this one's place?
he could go to the press, tell all about his company and their lack of recalls. it's his leverage. it's why he hasn't lost his job. but would it really make a difference? has it ever really made a difference? Ford sold the exploding pinto and for all the hubbub it generated, clearly the company is still just fine. they used the formula, even admitted it, and here they still are. the inability to stop all of this is maddening.
honestly, the narrator's job is fundamental to Tyler Durden and the entire events of the novel and movie, both literal and thematic.
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anadaia · 9 months
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jmail & froyo
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