#Chimaera crew
Incorrect quotes: Thrawn novels edition
Thrawn: You're smiling, Commodore. What happened? Karyn: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it? Hammerly: Ronan tripped and fell down the stairs today.
Thrawn: That's ridiculous. Eli doesn't have a crush on me. Karyn: Yes, he does. Hammerly: Yes, he does. Pyrondi: Yes, he does. Eli: Yes, I do.
Karyn: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare. Pyrondi: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great. Hammerly: Not when you’re playing with Thrawn, it’s not. He puts words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
Thrawn: It's cold outside... perhaps it would be best if we hold hands? We shall stay close. Eli, blushing: Okay. Karyn: It's fucking summer.
Ar’alani: *sees Thrawn and Eli together* Ar’alani: They're good for each other. I would put them on a boat. Karyn: You mean... you ship them?
Ronan: I’m not stupid, you know. Eli: Well, you’re doing a really good impression of it!
Vah’nya: Name something you believed in as a child that you no longer do as an adult. Eli: Myself.
Karyn: Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff. Ronan: YOU PUSHED ME DOWN THE KRIFFIN’ STAIRS!
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contentment-of-cats · 1 month
Fun and Games
This has been kicking around in drafts for a few months. I was cleaning it out and...
With thanks to @shards-of-silver for getting me off my ass.
Upon promotion to senior lieutenants, there are perks.
Ensigns sleep a dozen to a barracks, junior lieutenants share a four-rack of bunks around a common area and share sanitary facilities. Senior officers of lieutenant commander or higher have their own private quarters increasing in size and amenities, and at flag rank a suite of rooms. But nothing beats the heady rush of getting your own room with a door that closes. Despite what the contractors say, those bunk partitions don't do squat to stop you from hearing every snore, fart, or wet dream from your fellow juniors. There's a corresponding increase in cubic storage along with the bigger room and one may trust the newly-minted senior loots to go a little crazy.
Thrawn as a new commodore aboard rearranged officers' quarters by duty station, so now all bridge officers are housed a literal thirty second run to the bridge or assigned six-man lifepod. Faro has always run a looser ship in terms of culture, and there are times when bridge officers' country is decorated for various holidays and observances. For example, observances of Longnight see small dishes of food and lanterns set out to guide and appease the spirits of those lost in the vastness of space. But today there is something new outside of Agral and Pyro's twofer.
A sign-up.
It's a datapad on a sticky at reading level with a stylus on a cord.
"Sign up for tabletop games night - Quests & Quarries, Pirates & Privateers, Hyperspace Hellscape, Ancient Lands Archaic Warfare, and other RP games coming to a horizontal surface near you!"
The list is growing fast.
A note above the hatch control says, "Game in progress. ENTER QUIETLY."
"Already the social hub," Faro mutters and then jumps out of her skin when Thrawn agrees with her. Even in boots, he moves almost silently. "Let a lass know, sir! You almost scared it out of me!"
Thrawn's shadow - Vanto - is not here or otherwise she'd have stood a better chance of hearing the approach. He is looking at the sign-up sheet and then at the door sign, then turns to her.
"These are not like Scrabble?"
Pyro's love of table games is legend. She even collects them.
"No, Commodore. These are, well, a kind of strategy game." Thrawn visibly brightens. His skin changes color, his pupils disappear as the nictitating membrane crosses them in a three-part blink. "Players create characters and ascend levels in different scenarios called dungeons. It's kind of like academy war-gaming, but more flexible and personalized."
"They will not mind if we enter and observe?"
"They'll snap to attention for a flag officer on deck or I'll have them cleaning the stormtroopers' urinals with ear swabs, but I do not think they'll object."
Faro taps the hatch open and as they step in Vanto barks, "Commodore on deck!"
The response is satisfyingly swift.
"Officers, as you were," Thrawn nods. "I do not wish to disturb the game in progress, only to observe."
Of course, the furniture is bolted to the deck, but there are an additional folding couch and two additional folding chairs added to the room and-
"Pyrondi, where did you get the holotop?" Karyn hasn't seen one in probably twenty years. This one replaces the low table normally issued to this accommodation, bolted down as per regs. "It's got to be a month's pay."
"I bought it at an antiquities shop on Coruscant. Lomar did the new innards, and then all of us wrote code." Us being - apparently - herself, Lomar, Hammerly, Barlin, Agral, Yve, and Carvia.
"Major Carvia, what is your part in this madhouse?" The man budges loots up the couch to make room for their captain and commodore in the armchairs. "Surely you're not a player?"
"I helped Pyro carry this up here and did the coding for groundpounder dungeons. No offense, but this bunch is all Navy." The major wags his finger at Pyro. "I will thank you, youngster, not to refer to items as 'antiquities' that I am old enough to have owned brand new."
"Everyone do a stretch, get some snacks, and we'll come back into it in fifteen?" Pyro asks and everyone agrees, getting up a little stiffly after hours gaming. "Sync and go."
Thrawn looks over the table, at first studying the current dungeon, but then with more interest at the leather-bound manuals of flimsi, and beautifully made sets of dice and other paraphernalia.
"Please, Lieutenant, explain." Thrawn settles in one of the armchairs, accepting one of Pyro's fruit teas and a packet of sweets.
"Well, first these are the handbooks for players and dungeon masters. These others are for aspects - beings, arms, character classes." Pyrondi takes a small bag and empties it into her hand. "These are my dice."
"Is a gambling chip counted as dice?" Thrawn looks intently. "These are thystine and aurum leaf, correct?"
"If a binary decision is needed, yes, it counts. They are thystine, but as you can see, every player has their set and aside from the chip they can have sets of seven to fifteen, it depends what games they play."
Vanto's set is doonium, which makes Thrawn smile fleetingly. Carvia's is some kind of bone or ivory. Agral's is synthetic fireopal. All sets are as individual as the player.
Oh, no. ART.
"And what about the crystal ball?" Karyn asks. It's a perfect sphere set on an elaborate base.
"Oh, that's a toy I picked up from a junk dealer. He said it didn't work, but when you ask it a yes-or-no question it gives you a nonsensical answer. Watch. Is the mess going to serve hash for firstmeal again?"
The sphere roils with smoke and then shows a wavering answer in its center.
Better not tell you now.
"See? It gives positive, negative, or non-committal answers. To be fair, I don't want to know if we're having hash again."
The players filter back in and take their places as Thrawn is given a rough crash course in play. Pyrondi looks around, sets up a triptych screen to hide her materials and plans, and then asks if everyone is ready. Snacks and drinks to hand, all affirm and the game resumes. Karyn watches her superior as he watches the game with eyes bright. Pyro is a force of chaos and order, handling players firmly but also throwing wild situations at them. The dice can't be rigged or fooled on a dice pad, holding them firm.
Thrawn reminds his officers that night phase is coming, and they have watch coming up. The party breaks up with others putting the room back to order and bidding good rest.
"If you do not mind, Lieutenant, Captain Faro and I will join for the next game."
"Please do, sir. The more the merrier."
Karyn almost groans but holds it in.
"As I remember, you said the same thing before you wiped the walls with me at Scrabble."
Pyro only grins. "Good rest, sirs."
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admiral-arelami · 8 months
Here's what I want to know after the Ahsoka finale: What happened to Chief Hangar Master Xoxtin??!! I don't think she would approve of the way Thrawn and the Great Mothers are f'ing up her hangar bay. 😆
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mayhaps-a-blog · 8 months
Started posting my Thrawn in the Unknown Regions, Post-Rebels fic! Starring a very tired Pellaeon, a gremlin Ezra, and of course, the Blue Man Himself.
It's up to chapter 2, and I'm planning to post new chapters on Tuesdays or Wednesdays after Ahsoka, or just Tuesdays or Wednesdays once that's finished coming out. I might make some edits as my beta readers send me comments, but I just couldn't wait :)
This is NOT Ahsoka compliant; I plotted and wrote it before the show came out, so it's purely Rebels and books based, including Legends!
Summary: Stranded in the depths of the Unknown Regions, Thrawn and the Chimaera are slowly limping their way home. But they may find that the journey takes longer than expected, as old enemies have their own plans for the region… and even Imperials may find it hard to turn their backs on new friends.
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darth-memes · 2 years
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darthcatboy · 2 years
we stan the only valid karyn
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 8 months
Thrawn: They are only my crew. They work for me. They are not my friends Also Thrawn: If you ever so much as touch them, I will hunt you down and rip you up, bit by bit, until you no longer breathe.
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sternutaries · 1 year
Possible situation after Star Wars Rebels S4 Ep15:
Ezra: So we're stuck in this together, maybe we should lay aside our differences for a sec-
Thrawn: I owe you, Commander Bridger. The Emperor wanted to talk to me after my victory over Lothal and I'm quite sure I would've died.
Ezra: ohhhhhh, did the great grand-admiral Thrawn fuck up?
Thrawn: I guess you could put it that way. I ignored explicit orders just to help my people and see a treasured friend again. Also provoked a fight with another Grand Admiral. And made another man leave the Empire. You know...daily things.
Ezra: ...
Ezra: You have friends?
Thrawn: ...frist of all, how dare you?
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ibrokeeverything · 9 months
Where are Pyrondi and Hammerly??? Are they alright? Are they safe?
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gloria-van-puncake · 2 years
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For crew morale!
A little collab. between @azulsw and me. Text Bextia, art me. 
Set during Thrawn: Treason. 
Someone seriously needs to lock Thrawn and Eli in a room until they sort their drama out. For crew morale. 
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hydr0phius · 9 months
I'm so sorry to everyone who followed me for gay witches and is now being blasted with the ISD Chimaera crew, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and the Chiss Ascendancy.
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contentment-of-cats · 27 days
The Noob Session
There is a great deal to be learned in observing the strategic games of his weapons officer. Pyrondi is an occasional player, but is most often present in the role of Dungeon Master - directing the chaos. It is chaos, in the sense that one's plans may or may not survive the first engagement with the enemy. To have the best possible chance ahead of said engagement, Thrawn studies Pirates & Privateers and is interested in how the narration of the Sith Wars differs here from the teachings of the Ascendancy. He chooses to be a Privateer - a ostensibly civilian ship's captain flying under 'letters of marque and reprisal' - official sanction for a private vessel to capture enemy ships of commerce or war.
Faro, Marinith, and Hammerly have elected to join the game as well. There will certainly be worthy foes, so he studies the classes more likely to oppose him. System Forces, Republic forces, Sith Empire forces, other Privateers, and the criminal classes - pirates, smugglers, and criminal organizations that pull their strings. Within those forces are different character classes making up crews, non-playing characters, vehicles, and armaments. Thrawn studies as he hasn't studied since Taharim and pulls Eli along with him.
They are quite well prepared, he thinks.
Then he pumps Eli and Captain Faro for insight into Pyrondi. His weapons officer can be brash and mouthy, never backs down from a fight, and is one of the few weapons officers he's met in his career who routinely runs firing solutions in her head. Her familial name in Cheunh means 'dragonet' or little dragon, while her personal name is close to the word for blizzard. She is of small stature, just over the Piett Standard.
The sign-ups were plentiful and the venue needed to handle an expanded number of players. The senior officers' dining room - for commanders and above - will host six cadres of players. The parties will each form the captain, officers, and crewmen of a vessel or a platoon headed by a lieutenant and staff sergeant as basic units of play. The tables are pushed together, and additional holotops linked to Pyrondi's have been found for each party. Pyrondi asked the more experienced players to help the 'noobs' to roll dice for their character attributes or 'stats.'
Thrawn finds the element of pure chance to be intriguing. One must possibly presume a level of intelligence to pass one's training. However, he has met some phenomenally stupid people in his career who one might think would have been eliminated from the gene pool via their own actions. They also rolled for wealth, and from that stat were able to buy ships, equipment, weapons, food, medical supplies, and other supply chain items. His Ranger-class light cruiser was at the top of his budget, both for speed and armor class. Those from his cadre chipped in their own wealth to buy supplies while his letters of marque are also letters of credit that allow him substantial buying power.
The players filter in, all of them in civilian clothing, then start taking their seats and talking to their cadre. The feel in the room is one of battle preparations, and perhaps it is so. Pyrondi has been working all week on her plans, and is the last one to come in. She sets up the graceful triptych screen, places the crystal ball, and then sets up her materials.
"Good evening, I brought dice sets and pads for the new players." Thrawn is rolling with one of Eli's sets, while he heard others commissioned new sets from the hobby crafters aboard. "All right, everyone get comfy, breaks will be each hour for ten minutes. Commodore Thrawn will banish us to bed so that we don't zombie on duty. Now, the campaign I've put together is based on the Battle of the Lemmil Cluster. It's a lesser known battle, but one for very high stakes since it was a rich source of raw materials including doonium, accelerite. and clouzon. The Lemmil Alliance played both ends and got richer than a Tagge doing it."
Everyone took out a personal data pad as Pyrondi distributed the scenario. Since nobody opted to play either Republic or Sith, those two were playing out their historical roles.
"Finally, Major Carvia will be co-modding with me for the ground campaigns. Now. we'll start this in a bar on Corellia. The White Star was a known hangout for privateers flying under Corellian letters of marque for the Prince-Admiral and Princess-General. It was also a hangout for the scum and villainy-"
"Hey!" Indignantly from an engineering lieutenant.
"You wanted to be a pirate, Ashbough. As I was saying, for the scum and villains of the Core are attempting to bend ears for a likely target-"
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thrawns-backrest · 10 months
Thrass lives AU where Thrass is so angry about Thrawn's exile that he just up and leaves with him, exiling himself voluntarily
now the Empire has two Chiss envoys: a brilliant politician charming his way up the Senate ranks and an outstanding tactician making a name for himself in the Navy
the Chimaera crew know Thrawn has a brother of course but they've never met him. until one day they get orders to escort senator Thrass on a diplomatic mission and everyone freaks out because this is the admiral's brother
that day everyone puts on their best uniform and the ship is scrubbed spotless, the crew is on their best behavior and everything is running smoother than butter. by midday Karyn Faro has held several motivational speeches hyping the crew up because this is Thrawn's big brother and Thrawn always gets this goofy happy expression when he talks about him and they'll be damned if they don't make a good impression-
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
Which members of the Chimaera crew do u think like cheese sticks?
all of them otherwise thrawn would've kicked them out
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vibratingskull · 3 months
Love the rut theme! Could u possibly write about Thrawn trying to get through his shift without pouncing on fem reader during his rut. Maybe the crew and reader just think he's under the weather. But once him and reader are alone together at the end of the shift, all is revealed 😜
Rut is my trademark with the breeding kink so... Let's fucking go!
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Tags : Rut, breeding, fingering, P in V, creampie
You remain straight and silent, just glancing from time to time to Karyn. She glances back at you, as nervous as you are. You nod to each other, with stiff shoulders and eyes wide open you take a sneaky look at Thrawn, seated on his command chair.
Deadly cold…
In fact the whole bridge is tense and stressed. The usual respectful and focused silence is replaced by a fearful and eerie silence, only interrupted by the sound of keys and bips of computers. Nobody dares utter a word and walk with the head low to not, under any circumstances, cross eyes with the crimson gaze of the Chiss. 
Absolutely everyone is terrified.
Something about Thrawn is… odd, today. Something emanating from him, bitter and dark, poisonous and toxic. He remains as calm and stern as usual, never raising his voice and remaining polite to everyone even if they are lower in the hierarchy.
But something reeks of danger around him. 
His aura is so dense you could choke inhaling it. The atmosphere is terrible on this bridge and absolutely everybody can feel it.
Karyn nonchalantly takes one step to the side to join you.
“What is wrong with the Grand Admiral?” She whispers, tense.
“I have no idea.” You shake your head, “I was not at his side this morning…”
Your different agendas keep you separate from one another. Tonight you only could sleep 3 hours together before you had to wake up and take your shift. As usual he held you tight and you held him back, he was deliciously warm and his embrace infinitely soft, even if it might have been tighter than usual… You actually had some difficulties breathing with how squeezed you were. And you had a hard time escaping his grasp, even deeply sleeping he held down to you, keeping you pressed against his large chest.
“You really have no idea?” She insists, “Because he screams of menaces right now, he clearly is pissed off!”
“Yeah, I know!” You grumble, “But I have no idea. I didn’t even know he could get pissed off-”
“Who could get mad?” 
You both jump out of your skins at the sudden deep melodious voice rising right behind you. You spin towards Thrawn, your nerves in a wrack. He remains still, the back straight with his hands clasped behind his back, eyes focused and incredibly sharp. In some way he managed to teleport from his command chair to behind you without making a single sound.
You gulp.
“Nobody, Grand Admir al.” You mumble.
He looks straight into your eyes with an indecipherable expression, making your legs like jello. He is as stern and inexpressive as usual, but something in his eyes makes you tremble and teases your survival instinct.
“Keep focus on the mission, limit the unnecessary discussions.” He finally let out after staring at you for an uncomfortable moment.
“Sir, yes Sir!” You both respond.
“Captain (F/n), follow me.” He orders almost nonchalantly.
Obedient, you follow your Grand Admiral in the long corridors of the Chimaera, wary of what he has in mind. You raise your gaze to observe the back of his head, his shiny blue-black hair slicked back perfectly, his thick neck on his large shoulders.
He is so tall…
You notice this is neither the way to his office or any Command room.
“Hum…” You start, unsure “Grand Admiral…? Thrawn? Where are we going?”
“Please follow me.” He simply responds, unbothered but still emitting that murderous aura.
Are you in trouble?
“Is everything alright?” You insist.
He stops and turns back to you, pressing a button to open a door.
“Please, enter.”
You look at the room.
This isn’t a room, but a broom closet, small and dark.
“That's a closet.” You tell him, like he didn’t realize it already.
He slowly, oh so slowly inhales, eyes fixed on you, devouring you with his burning crimson orbs, his nostrils flaring.
The message is clear : enter.the.fucking.closet.NOW!
You shudder and stand to attention by pure reflex before entering the closet hurriedly. Why does he want you inside a closet?
You feel his imposing presence right behind you, his massive body making the closet even more claustrophobic. You feel him pressing himself against your back, his hands snaking their way on your body.
“Finally…” He lets out a growl.
The door closes back on you with a shush and he immediately passes his hands under your jacket and shirt to grope your tits in his large palms.
“Thrawn! What the-”
“Shhhhhhh. It is alright, Ch’acah.” He cuts you, “Let me have my fun, enjoy yourself.” He peppers kisses all the way on your neck before licking it from shoulder to jaw. He kneads your breast while pushing you against the wall, pressing himself in your back.
“Goddammit, Thrawn!” You spit, “Would you at least explain yourself?” You try to say under all of those caress
He breathes deeply, like he was deeply impatient and… needy. You gulp as you feel the hard wall of muscle that is his body against your softer one, he is so tall and large, shielding you from absolutely anything and everything. Your cheek and body are pressed against the cold metal wall while he massages your breast thoroughly. He dives his nose in the crook of your neck and inhales your scent deeply with a satisfied sigh.
“I need it, Ch’acah.” He breathes, “It is irrepressible. I cannot help it…”
“But… What are you talking about, blast?!”
“I am in rut, Cheo Vir.” He sucks the sensitive skin of your neck, working to leave love bites, “I need you… Terribly.” 
He never spoke of that before, you never knew he had such mating cycles!
What the fuck, why nobody speaks on that damn ship?!
“I can make it really quick, do not worry.” He continues, his hand traveling south, “I will not take too much of your time, but I need some relief urgently.” He explains.
His hand reaches your pants and pushes past it to scoop your sex over the fabric of your panties, making you yelp at the warm sensation.
You gulp as his fingers hook your panties to slide it to the side and trail your slit. You stifle a moan, but nothing escapes him.
“Hmm. You are already wet.” He notes, satisfied, “This situation seems to excite you quite well.”
“Shut up!”
You squirm and protest but deep down this utterly baffling situation is really exciting, locked in a closet with your fiance, your superior no less, to do unspeakable things!
Utterly depraved.
And madly exciting…
He chuckles darkly and kisses your cheek.
He trails up and down your folds, probing your entrance before entering you with a finger. You feel yourself tensing up at the intrusion, but your body welcomes him easily. You yelp uncontrollably as he hooks his finger inside, knuckles deep he caresses and scratches at your Gummy spot expertly, biting your neck. You let out a strain of strangled moans, trembling in his arms as he starts purring, a low, animalistic sound vibrating in his throat and chest. After giving sweet attention to your G spot, you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter by the second, so much he can push a second finger inside and stretch you wide and good.
He scissors and fingers you thoroughly with a dexterous hand, you feel your wetness soaking your pants. He hums approvingly.
“You will soon be ready at this rate.” He praises, “I always appreciated your… eagerness on the subject.”
You hiss in response, embarrassed. Was it your fault if he had such an effect on you? That he could command your entire body with a single finger? Melt into a puddle of nerves with a single command?
He fingers you nastily and hard as you try desperately to remain calm and contained, refraining from moaning too loud to not be heard, something he seems to take offense to.
He accelerates his ministrations, teasing your clit at the same time to make you melt. You tremble in his hands, legs like jello you’re actually convinced you’re about to fall.
But Thrawn holds you firmly, an arm around your waist, fingers dug in your flesh to keep you standing on your feet while his other hand is driving you absolutely crazy. You bite down your lower lips to not let escape any sounds, to his discontent.
“Will you not sing for me, sweet thing?” He asks, nibbling your ear. “Will you not scream my name?”
You feel how soaked your pants are, completely drenched in your essence, spoiling the fabric.
“So-someone could… hear us…” You manage to say between pants and gasps.
He very obviously accelerates his caress when you open your mouth, trying to have you moan loudly for everyone to hear.
“Good.” He breathes, “Let them all know.”
As a sentence he pushes another finger inside you to caress every nook and cranny of your pussy, no secret spots are left untouched, rigorously teased and caressed while he flicks your clit expertly like he knows you love.
Because he knows your taste so well.
He made it a point of honor to learn what made you scream desperately in bed and have no qualms torturing you with his knowledge, making you come again and again…
You feel all your blood rushing to your cunt, puffing up your fluffy walls of tender sensitive flesh until your pussy convulses around his fingers, clenching furiously at your orgasm suddenly, like you were struck by lightning.
You keep your mouth shut so hard it is painful as a long moan rumbles in your throat, only for his ears.
He tuts.
“Oh no, sweet thing. That is not what I want.”
He gives a last flick at your clit and slides his fingers out, to your relief.
Your relief is short-lived as he opens your pants and slides them down to your knees with your panties, leaving you bare cunny exposed to his crimson gaze. He kneels down to kiss it tenderly, give it some licks, tasting your wetness while purring. You mewl again, the remnant of your orgasm still rolling under the touch of his lips.
He kisses it loudly one last time and stands back up. You shudder, hearing the sound of a belt. He grips your hips and pulls them towards him until you can feel his hard, warm, long and girthy erection against your bare butt.
“You will give me what I crave, Ch’acah.” He lets you know.
That is not a proposition, not even an order.
That is a certainty.
He wants you screaming his name desperately. 
You may have not noticed, but he did.
How some of your male colleagues look at you…
But that is his fault, he wanted your relationship to remain private.
He should have known that someone as precious as you would make heads spin all around!
Time to correct this mistake and let all those men know you are taken by your Grand Admiral.
He brushes his girth against your soaked folds gently, coating it nice and well before pushing it inside in one go. Your breath is cut at the sudden invasion. You are completely stuffed, filled like a decadent cream puff.
Usually you see a noticeable bulge when he enters you, he is just so tall and large after all…
He does nice circle motions with his hips to get some frictions while letting you adjust to his massive side. 
You take a deep breath, trying to welcome him fully in your tight little pussy. But that is always such a challenge! He is just too massive!
“Relax, cheo Ch’acah. I do not want it to hurt.” He says almost mockingly.
You greet your teeth, feeling your inner muscles slowly loosen around his cock. You pant as he sits fully inside, weighting on your lower stomach. You breathe through your nose, trying to accommodate him.
“You squeeze me so well, sweet thing.” He lets out in a hiss, “Your little cunt is the perfect fit for my cock, like you were made for me.”
You feel his thumbs caressing your hips as you slowly relax. 
But you can feel his impatience bubbling under his skin, he wants to pound you right now!
But he is merciful enough to let you adjust to him.
When he feels you are ready he gives you one single shallow thrust before starting to fuck you hard. He goes all in with powerful, devastating thrusts leaving you utterly breathless. This time you cannot refrain from moaning and mewling, the obscene sounds escape your mouth inadvertently as he rams into you mercilessly. He hits your cervix easily with his length, the pain melting in the pleasure you’re feeling. You whine out loud under such assaults on your sensitive flesh, only hearing his purring in response. He hits and brushes every single intimate spot with such ease it is almost ridiculous, but it gives you so much pleasure in return, you feel your legs threatening to give way under you at any moment with such shockwaves spreading in your limbs. But Thrawn holds you firmly, not hesitating to press himself back against you, compressing you against the wall for support.
He manages to slide his hand between the hard wall and your body to resume playing with your pearl to maximize your pleasure. Your hips jolt away at the touch, it is just too much for you, but he weighs on you to maintain you still and force you to endure the pleasure he is giving you.
You will take everything he offers.
He chuckles in his mind, him who took you tenderly all those times, making sweet love to you…
Today he wants to fuck!
He flicks and rolls your little clit in his skilled fingers, making you cream all around his girthy shaft. His other hand doesn’t need to hold you anymore and comes intertwining your fingers with your hand on the wall. While he bullies himself inside of you he kisses your neck, cheek and temples delicately, like butterflies on your skin.
Such a contrast with the raw strength he uses to fuck you…
He peppers kisses here and there, purring in your ear, whispering sweet nothing, enticing you to be good for him, to take him whole.
And mostly to take his load inside of you.
Because he has one very precise objective today.
To breed you.
To fuck you until you get round with his child.
That’s what a rut is for.
He took rut suppressants during all those years, but he waited long enough. He wants a child, several even, a legacy in this tortuous universe, a last gift to the Ascendancy if he ever failed his duties towards the Chiss.
And it would send all those idiots men dancing around you a clear message!
You will be such a perfect mother for his children, you gave him so much joy and stability in this hostile Empire. You guided him when he was in the dark and doubtful, you will simply be the most amazing mother if you bestow the same kind of patience to his children!
He has no doubt about it.
You will mother his descendants. You and nobody else!
It was more than due time that he fucked you properly, that he makes you his for all eternity.
He wants your legacies to be tied by blood and flesh, to intertwine your fates inextricably for good this time.
He is no monster, he knows you want children. He questioned you on your life goals beforehand and knows well that you desire a family for yourself.
Family that he is more than happy to provide!
He will give you so many children… So many little ones with blue skin and red eyes, but they will have your hair and features.
He just knows it.
They will be the most beautiful beings the universe ever saw, because they will be yours.
He is pondering all those thoughts and desires when he starts feeling your little pussy clenching around his shaft, a sign of your fast approaching orgasm. So he accelerates his thrusts to keep up with you.
You are giving him so much pleasure already, but he wants you both to orgasm at the same time, reaching your highs together.
Like a single being…
This is so intimate for him.
And your desperate moans and uncontrollable mewls are just so sexy and alluring, teasing his rutting instincts even more. 
On your end you can’t do anything more than take it like a fuckdoll, on your tiptoes to match his height, you feel your drool rolling on your cheeks and jaw with how dazed you are. Your nerves ending are on fire to be teased so much.
Someone definitively heard you getting fucked in this little broom closet, that is a certainty.
He doesn’t neglect your clit, giving it even more attention. He wants the experience to be pleasurable for you, it will entice you to come back for even more.
“Ha!... Thrawn!” You gasp, on the verge of orgasm.
“I know my love. Come for me, make a mess on my cock, cheo vir.” He encourages.
And with a final deep thrust he pushes you beyond the arcanas of pleasure and a tsunami of pleasure comes to ravage everything, drowning you in such powerful sensations you scream his name.
He finishes with you as he hoped, his cock twitching nervously inside your warm wet cavern, spurting his potent seed inside your glorious womb. He feels your little cunny milking him dry greedily, your own body craving his cum.
He remains pressed tight against you, panting as he slowly goes down from his high, his hand still holding down firmly on yours. 
His purring never stopped.
His hand that caressed your clit snakes its way higher to caress the place of your womb tenderly, lovingly, reverently. He kisses your cheek, sliding out of your tight cunny with a hiss.
He loves how squeezed he feels inside of you, and slipping out is unbearable!
You gasp at the sudden emptiness inside of you, already feeling your slick and his semen rolling down your thighs.
“Tssss.” He chastises, “You are already wasting it. But I came prepared.”
You then feel something soft but really cold being pushed inside your pussy, sealing it off completely.
“I defend you from taking it out.” He orders, “I will do it myself tonight.”
He will only take it out to fuck another load inside you, obviously. You are still two different species, you will need numerous tries to finally get pregnant.
But that is okay.
His rut can last a pretty long time, and he will take the utmost pleasure in taking care of you all night long until you end up pregnant.
You pant and stagger backward, but Thrawn is here to catch you in his warm embrace.
“Careful Ch’acah.” He says lovingly, “Did I exhaust you?”
“Yes…” You let out, out of breath.
He delicately pushes a strand of hair out of your face, hugging you from behind.
“Take a shower before coming back on the bridge, you are quite a mess Ch’acah.” He lets you know with a satisfied tone.
“Who’s fault is that ?” You bite back with your usual sass he loves so much.
“I will take responsibility for this everyday if you wish for it.” He kisses your temple with a chuckle, hugging you tight against his beating, loving heart.
He buries his nose in your hair to breathe in your delicious scent, already feeling the rut coming back…
He will have you all night long to appease his instincts, he just has to modify your agenda.
He is the Grand Admiral after all…
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