#Cat Spray Collar
Do you have a least favorite animal?
idk. i love all animals. well. except for fleas and ticks. sorry fleas and ticks but i cannot stand you and your blatant disregard for the precautions we install to keep you away. the amount of money spent trying to get rid of them is ridiculous. i wouldn't mind them if they didn't come and infest my pets and my home every year. and they bite and it sucks
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lesbiansanemi · 6 months
I am so…. SO tired of my cat peeing everywhere
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allperfectpets · 1 year
Flea Treatments for Cats: How to Keep Your Feline Friends Pest-Free!
Welcome to our complete aide on flea treatments for cats! As committed feline darlings ourselves, we comprehend the significance of keeping our catlike companions blissful, solid, and liberated from troublesome insects. In this article, we will dive into the universe of bug control and offer important bits of knowledge on the most proficient method to shield your cherished kitties from these small disturbances. We want to furnish you with functional exhortation and master tips that will assist you with outclassing different sites and guarantee your felines remain to bother-free. We should bounce right in!
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starrystevie · 11 months
steve's desperate, okay?
he's officially running late for his first date with linda because he couldn't find his car keys and the shirt he wanted to wear just wasn't working so he had to grab something out of his hamper and throw it on blindly which then messed up his hair and he almost forgot to brush his teeth again but remembered as he opened the front door and-
he only realizes he forgot to put on cologne once he makes it halfway to her house and smells himself. the shirt from the hamper smells stale, not bad, just stale. and steve in his normal, non-rushed state wouldn't have noticed because his trusty calvin klein would have covered it up but today is apparently not a day for things to go right.
with a sigh of frustration, steve pulls into the hook's drugstore a little too quickly and it makes his stomach lurch the tiniest bit before sliding into an open parking sport at the front door. he rushes in, pushing the door open with too much force and books it to the fragrance aisle.
"this is so fucking stupid," he mutters to himself, unable to be heard by any surrounding shoppers over the annoyingly loud jingle playing through the speakers.
steve skids to halt in front of the cologne section, crouching down and scanning quickly over the tester bottles for obsession. once he spots the amber bottle, he yanks it towards himself, spraying as much as he can onto his chest given the awkward angle he's at. as he stands back up, steve pulls his shirt collar up towards his nose and the ball of nerves in his stomach loosens at the familiar smell. he may be late but he feels like he's back in the game.
checking his watch, he sees just how late he is and makes a beeline for the door, nearly running into an older lady with far too many rolls of toilet paper in her tiny arms. as he dodges around her and extends his arm to push open the door, he hears a loud voice over the intercom.
"you're not going to buy anything after stealing cologne?"
steve stops, freezes where he is and frantically turns his head around to spot the cashier grinning at him. he has long hair and a bright red hook's drugstore vest over a denim vest which doesn't look very comfortable. he has chains in his jeans and handcuffs holding his belt closed and a smirk that is trying to kill him and oh-
"wait, stealing cologne?" steve shakes himself back into existence as the old lady pushes by him without dropping a single roll on the way back to her car. "you're going to call me putting on a few sprays stealing?"
the cashier's smile just gets bigger, like a cat hunting down a canary. steve's never felt like a canary before but can't deny that it's an exciting feeling.
"well, on a good day i wouldn't. but i'm bored and you didn't buy a single thing so technically, yes. you're stealing, pretty boy."
steve fights the urge to roll his eyes and put his hands on his hips, so instead he crosses them over his chest, cologne wafting up from the movement and reminding him that he doesn't have time for this no matter how cute the cashier may be.
he makes his way over to the counter, grabs a pack of gum and slams it on the counter. without breaking eye contact with eddie, as his nametag suggests, he throws him a salty smile of his own and pulls his wallet out from his back pocket.
eddie's eyes are a deep brown with a glimmer of something behind them and his hands are covered in rings making his fingers look long and strong. the jeans he has on are ripped on one of the the thighs, showing a hint of a tattoo to match the ones crawling up his arms. steve's no stranger to thinking men are attractive but this guy? he's on a new level. his heart thumps painfully in his chest when eddie's grin grows larger as he watches steve give him a once over. it thumps even harder when eddie gives him a once over of his own.
the clock above the register shows that he's officially 20 minutes late to picking up... laura? lisa?
no, linda. damnit.
eddie looks down at the gum and then back up at steve, quirking up an eyebrow. "i hardly think this monetarily equates to a bottle of cologne but-"
"oh come on!" steve huffs. eddie laughs and it's clear and bright, ringing off the cinderblock walls louder than the annoying jingle that's still playing. whatever fight steve may have had left in him drains away at the sound and suddenly he isn't thinking about the clock anymore. he feels his shoulders fall down to a more relaxed state, feels himself shift his weight on his feet to look more natural than ready to run at a moments notice.
"just kidding, man." eddie rings up the gum quickly and hands it back to steve. "sorry, you looked like you were in a rush. i shouldn't have created a scene just because i'm bored."
steve chuckles. "i'm already supremely late for my date so what's another five minutes. especially if it gets me..." he looks at the gum packet to look at what he even picked up in the first place. "... spearmint freshen-up gum."
"well there you go," eddie says, grin smaller than before, "a perfect thing to get for a date. everyone likes their date to be minty fresh for that first kiss."
it strikes somewhere in steve that he isn't expecting. the beemer is still out in the parking lot running so he didn't have to waste time, his watch on his wrist feels heavy, the scent of obsession overpowering. but he can't make himself move. he wants to stay and talk to eddie, wants to learn about what makes him tick.
"can i borrow your phone?" steve asks. eddie's eyebrows furrow but he reaches for the store phone and places the console on top of the counter.
"for what?"
steve look through his wallet, finding the piece of paper with linda's number on it. holding the receiver between his shoulder and ear, he dials in her number and holds his pointer finger up at eddie, signaling that he'll need a second. steve then brings the finger to his lips and shushes with his cheek pulling up in a smirk. eddie's eyes zero in on the motion and it feels like steve's gone from being the canary back to the cat.
"linda? hey it's steve."
he watches as eddie mouths steve back at him and then nods to himself when he gets the confirmation that it is indeed his name. steve throws him a wink for good measure.
"i know i'm late and i'm really really sorry to cancel last minute but-. oh. yeah, sure. have a good time. okay bye li-."
on the other end of the line, linda slams down the phone without waiting for steve to finish talking and it makes him wince with how loud it is in his ear. he gives eddie a sheepish smile, all toothy and guilt-ridden, and gently puts the receiver back down.
"what was that?" eddie asks with a disbelieving look on his face. steve shrugs.
"she got tired of waiting so she already had another guy lined up to come pick her up."
eddie sucks in air through his teeth and mimes getting shot in the heart. it has steve laughing as he falls over on the counter, hair covering his face. he turns his head to peer up at steve through the curtain of curls, the one brown eye that's visible twinkling in the harsh overhead light.
"was it true love? are you just absolutely heartbroken?"
steve thinks about it for less than a second. watches how eddie curls back up one vertebrae at a time before placing his elbows on the counter and leaning over. watches how eddie's eyes flit between his own and his lips. watches how he focuses on the latter for a little while too long.
"why would i be heartbroken," steve starts. he's being too forward, too brash, but with eddie looking at him that way, he knows he can be. "when you'll probably be on break soon and can make it up to me? you know, for making me even more late and all."
eddie's grin grows wide again. "oh really?"
steve shrugs once more with a playful look of consideration on his face, resting on his elbows to match eddie on the counter. "yes, really. this is your payback for being bored and taking it out on me."
it's later when eddie's on break and steve hasn't left the drugstore in over an hour and they're sitting in his car with bowie playing through the speakers that eddie looks up at him with a look steve knows well.
"you do smell really good, y'know." his voice is softer than steve's heard it all day.
"so are you glad i came in to steal cologne?" steve leans closer over the center console to get into eddie's personal space. there's a hand curling over his bicep and pulling him even closer, their faces only centimeters apart.
"i guess i'll let it slide this time, thief."
and when they kiss for the first time, it tastes like the freshen-up gum they both had been nonstop chewing ever since steve paid for it.
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goldmanguyperson · 25 days
nonhumans also not free of waste, carelessness, and pure environmental gluttony
taylor swift could be nonhuman and she’d still be using her damn private jet to get her remote out from behind the couch, because identity does not and cannot dictate your beliefs.
there are people who say they love and empathize with animals, and yet still would keep a snake in a plastic box or put a prong collar on a dog. that would still yell and spray water at a cat. that still would let their cat roam outside unsupervised. that still would release their pet parrot.
i have seen therians who have a really shitty understanding of how to treat animals. who say they pet small wild animals “because they seem so calm”. who believe in animal whisperers. who fail to recognize animal body language. you are not special. you are not free of our society. you do not get to forgo analyzing your biases just because of your identity
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3lyvshiro · 10 months
𐙚 ⋆₊˚ 2:53 ..ᐟ
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Suna Rintaro affectionately and unironically calls his grumpy, cold (,and apparently bitchy) girlfriend "sunshine". Even when she's the most standoffish, difficult person you'd ever interact with. he wholeheartedly believes that she is a little bundle of joy, and talks about her like shes an absolute angel to whoever asks.
for instance.
"Theres my girl. shes a little ball of sunshine, isnt she?" rin would say, talking about his girlfriend to a friend of his, with a finger pointed to her by the distance. said girl looking like a feral cat trying to keep a civilized conversation with one of his fangirls.
"morning, sunshine." rin would mutter, approaching his girlfriends desk as the scowl that was etched on her face immediately faded into a soft smile, only ever directed at rin. as she comes up to him and tightly hugs his torso, she nuzzled her face on his neck and catches a smell of his uniforms collar. freshly sprayed cologne. it was that masculine smelling brand that he knew was her favorite on him. she got on her tip toes to kiss her boyfriend on the cheek as he smiled down at her, a big hand on her waist as he patted her head gently.
"hey sunshine" rin would greet, leaning his weight on his girlfriends locker beside his while kissing her head and slipping his hand on her waist, despite her crossed arms and the massive scowl on her features prior to when he approached. he could only assume that something or someone pissed her off...again. upon seeing the look on her face and her obvious frustration, he'd cradle her cheeks with his two big hands to guide her to look at him. and, with the softest voice ever, only for her, he'd coo, "bad day, sweetheart?" while kissing away the heavy scrunch on her brow and caressing her cheek. he could tell from the way she would visibly soften, that she's turned to putty on his hands, once again. he was the only person who could have such an effect on her. at her lack of resistance when it came to him, rin couldn't control the upper quirk of his lips as he smiled softly at her. but before he could bask in the joy of a happy girlfriend once more(happy girlfriend =happy life), said girlfriend furrowed her brows once again. with a red face, she pulled away from rin only to pull on his bicep to keep him close to her as she walked them onto the other side of the hallway, to the cafeteria. She would never admit it, but rin always knew how to calm her down and make her go all soft for him. Yeah, she could be a grump sometimes, but he liked that about her, despite his friends teasing him for his dynamic with his grumpy girlfriend, always commenting about the contrast in how she treats everyone else compared to how she treats him.
something about how he gets special treatment from 'the ice queen' just because he's her boyfriend. in fact, whenever rins friends would catch a girl confessing to him. they always barge in and invite themselves in the conversation only to comment how "you have ta be as cold as y/n to even catch sunarins interest".
later in practice, rin finds himself bringing up how "n/n isnt cold." with the most serious face ever. and with almost everyone strongly disagreeing, he would add, "she can be a grump sometimes, but she isnt an ice queen." i mean, he knew she wasnt exactly the nicest person alive, or the easiest to get along with, but saying she was an ice queen was a bit of a stretch. atleast to him. thats why when atsumu shudders and weakly shares his own encounters and past interactions with the girl, of how difficult it was to get along with her, rin could only scoff in disbelief. "how is she difficult to approach? that must be a you problem because she's literally a ray of sunshine." rin would defend, not catching the sudden dull and stiff tension in the air that enveloped the club room. glancing at his teammates, who all suddenly looked gravely pale, he turned to osamu, who only let out a low whistle as he turned his head to the side. "if y/n's a ray of sunshine, kitas the laziest person in this room." atsumu would speak for everyone, since no one had the guts to say a word, too afraid it would reach sunarins icy girlfriends ears. his statement followed up through by a series of "yup"s, "yeah"s, and overall agreements. rin raises a brow, genuinely confused.
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fire-lizard-ro · 6 months
Woo~ Hope you're ready to read Mr. Sunday taking you…
Up the ass- Psych, mfs-
Bet you didn't expect that one from me, huh? I know I normally don't write bottom character, but... I felt like it? I want to see this man wrecked.
I'm writing for both bottom Sunday and top Sunday on this glorious- checks time moonlit (I haven't checked outside and idk what day it is today) night. A little birdy told me she wanted to see bottom Sunday first. Call yourself out if you wanna. 😂
CW: COCK JUMPSCARE- (jk), anal (I mean- come on you knew this), choking (+a little breath play y'all please be sure to make this distinction when talking about it ijsige-), edging, overstimulation, discussion of safe-wording, dom/sub stuff, mention of subspace, spanking, toys (there's an anal plug and cock ring), degradation (+praise), nipple play, harness???, bondage, collaring, slight public play, some subbing from Sunday and some power bottoming (but we'll be focusing on him subbing- it's only really mentioned), prone bone+cat position(that's what it's called, right???)+mating press, some namecalling (ex: praising - good boy, degrading - slut, etc., etc.), crying during sex (the good kind), marking, begging, dumbification, mention of being ashamed but liking it, belly bulge, slight cumflation/excessive cum, excessive lube, objectification(I think???), talk of his cock being useless (it's sex talk I swear reader doesn't mean it-), ever so slight gaping, cumming dry
Reader gender: Gender neutral, but you can envision what you want. Reader has a dick/strap and the cum can be uhhh- Lube? Is that what people put in squirting straps-
If I forgot to add anything to the CW or made any typos- Whoops. You can let me know if you wanna~
Personally, I think Sunday would be a switch. How he leans is up to you. But when he's topping, I see him being more prone to domming. Opposite can be said of when he's bottoming. More likely to sub, but does have his moments when he wants to take control again.
While I do love a good "turnabout is fair play", I think that considering Sunday's need to be in control (…the leaks told me so-), he needs a clean cut decision on what you'd be doing that night. If you've decided together that he'd be topping and domming, don't try to take over please- It'd probably fray his nerves and make him upset. This is because for him, I imagine that he'd need to mentally prepare himself and get in the mindset to sub. He loves giving up the control he holds onto so tightly, but he needs to remind himself that it's okay. That he can trust you and that you'll make him feel so, so good for his concession.
But by god is he a vision when he does slip into that submissive mindset.
It'd start with you two showering together after a long day of Sunday upholding the harmony of Penacony and dealing with any issues that arose to threaten that peace. It's both a way to wind down and to ease him into letting you take care of him and allowing him to slowly loosen his grasp on his control.
Soft touches and soothing words whispered in his ears between the sounds of water with gentle hands petting his wings has him melting into you. The stiff set of his shoulders, imperceptible to all but you, relaxes and the tension drains from his body along with the water as it swirls down the drain.
It is also now that you take out the plug he'd been wearing today while he was away from home. The night before, he'd just finished with you when you two took to the shower and you helped him clean up before stretching his pretty hole with lubed, insistent but gentle fingers. The plug went in nicely after that, the little jeweled heart of the plug's flared base in your color marking him as yours.
He hides behind his wings as you pull at the plug, the toy tugging at his rim that you trace with a playful finger. But of course you nose at them until he lets you in to kiss him soothingly, his wings then pressed to your cheeks to hide you both from the spray of the shower head and the rest of the world. It's just you two here and now. He would gasp a little as the plug slid out to the widest part of the toy. Thin and perfectly groomed eyebrows would furrow while you play with him a little. Push it back in carefully before slowly pulling it back to the wide part again a few times before finally bringing it out fully, rewarding him with "good boy" and "thank you for indulging me" and more kisses.
Once you both are finally in bed, that's when the fun begins.
You both go over the rules again. What to do if he ever wants to stop, reminding him that ultimately he is still in control because he controls if they stop or not. He's the efficient and straightforward type. Traffic light system along with three firm taps if he couldn't talk was enough for him. (Let it be known that when you started dating him, he was not at all aware of these things. I think he'd have been inexperienced to sex beyond vanilla beforehand.)
Tonight, you two were going to use a lot of implements (?). You laid them out, making sure that they were the same as the ones you discussed using prior (yes I think Sunday needs for you two to explicitly discuss beforehand and honestly I agree with him unless you like spontaneity) and going over what you'd do with them to recheck with him that he was okay with it. Consent is sexy, folks.
You then kiss him while fixing the collar on him, checking that it wasn't too tight. He liked using a collar when subbing because it helped him reach subspace and was something the two of you trained him to relax more with when subbing. Helps calm his constantly racing thoughts. The next step is the harness. It's a pretty pale blue-grey that matches his soft hair and is worn with his legs through it and over his hips. They're there for easier handling on your part. The fact that they accentuate his soft, shapely ass and strong thighs is a very welcome bonus. When you put it on for him, please make sure to kiss up his legs all the way to his hipbones while you pull up the harness you helped him step into. Nibble on said hipbones a bit and kiss his navel, near dangerously close to his neglected cock that twitched cutely at your proximity to it. Once that's done you can lube up his hard-on with one cursory tug in order to slip on the cock ring. He won't be getting any more than that for most of the night.
You then have him on him hands and knees so you can get him in position and bind him. Tonight would be a simple set of padded cuffs. You would push between his shoulder blades to guide him to press his chest to the bed, leaning down to kiss down his spine while pulling his hands gently pull his hands behind his back to put the cuffs on. Be sure to praise him for being a good boy, for doing so well for you as you prepared him for the night.
Once that's done, press one more kiss to his body. This time on the top curve of his soft ass before lubing him up some more. It's never bad to be safe about things and there's more than enough chance that he needs more as it dried throughout the day.
Tease him by purposefully tapping on his prostate softly while making sure he's stretched enough and wet with lube coating his inner walls that clenched around your skilled fingers.
Keep going until he finally asks you in a small voice to get on with it. "Hm? What was that?" "You heard me-" "Only good boys get what they want and good boys ask for what they want." You aren't going to make him beg for it (yet), but you'll still make him ask for it like the good, polite boy you know he is.
(Okay we're switching styles here, folks.)
"F-fine… Please fuck me," Sunday said, words trailing of into a mumble. You knew what he was saying, but you didn't really hear it. "What was that? Couldn't hear you, baby." "I-" he angled his head to glare back at you with traces of a pout tugging at his lips. He then turned again to avoid your eyes that took in his face, pressed to the bed and needy. "…please fuck me." "Was that so hard, pretty boy? Since you asked…" You slipped your fingers out slow, letting him feel the drag of them against his sensitive walls as he gave a shuddering sigh. Sunday had attempted to keep it under wraps, but it still slipped out.
Your chuckle caused him to flush more, a wing attempting to hide his face despite you being unable to see it from this spot behind him.
As you slicked up your cock, you watched his hole twitch and cock sway as he unconsciously sunk his hips back more as if to ask you for your thick length in his hungry, empty hole. "Aeons you have the prettiest ass, you know that?" You then finally line yourself up, the head of your dick pressing to the still tight but prepped hole's rim as you slide your hands down the man's sides to grasp his hips before sliding fingers into the straps of the harness that cradled his slim hips.
The angelic man beneath you held his breath in anticipation for a moment. "Breathe, baby." And then you were pushing in, slowly spearing open that wet warmth. He gasped and jolted, but your hand was quick to hold him down by the back of his neck while the other kept an iron grip on the harness to keep his hips steady. A whine escaped Sunday as he attempted to close his legs at the delicious sensation of your cock sliding deep into him- Up to the hilt. Once you bottomed out, he was already panting like he was in heat and his wings that had flared and flexed while you had been pushing inside drooped to rest on the bed.
Your cock was so big- So deep in him he swore he could feel it in the back of his throat, his own cock drooling messily onto previously clean sheets where it hung between his legs. It throbbed as he finally had a clear enough mind to remember the cock ring you'd fastened onto his needy dick. "Such a good slut for me, taking everything." He felt a bold of shame, yet it made his cheeks redden with more than shame. Arousal. As he felt mixed feelings of pleasure and shame swirling in his gut, he also then felt something else in there- Your cock grinding heavily, steadily into him with hips rubbing against his plush ass.
Sunday allowed himself to lean into the pleasure you provided, hips moving back into your slow but strong humps forward. Your cock was sliding over his prostate so nicely and it had him closing his eyes to focus in on it. The arch of his back deepened, emphasizing the lean musculature of his back and bringing out the little dimples above his ass as you leaned forward to put more your weight into your grinding. The pressure inside him and on his neck had his eyes fluttering along with his wings. A moan startled out of him when you proceeded to nibble on said wings, teeth gently nibbling along the fragile bone in the first bend of the feathery appendage. Your hand moved from its spot holding the back of Sunday's neck to press him face first into the bedding moved to instead wrap around his throat, turning him towards you so you could steal a sloppy kiss from him. It was filthy and wet, the sounds of it joining the wet squelch and the slight sound of skin on skin as you began to thrust. His whine was swallowed up by your mouth and when you pulled back he looked a bit dazed, uncomprehending eyes looking at the string of saliva between your lips and his that was promptly licked away by your sinful tongue.
"So good- Such a good boy, yeah? You're all mine aren't you?" He was deep enough in that he just nodded at he tried to rearrange his thoughts. That idea was de-railed when you thrust hard and spanked his ass with the hand not holding his throat, grip tightening enough to make him a bit lightheaded. "Words, harlot. Tell me how you're mine- How good I make you feel." The name made him feel deliciously ashamed of how he was really letting someone push him down and fuck him like a whore. But aeons did he love it. He managed to get out in between panting breaths a, "So good so good please- 'M all yours-" "That's a good cockslut. But just for me right?" "Just for you-"
You rewarded him by speeding up your thrusts, slowly ramping up how hard you fucked into his clenching heat that pushed out lube with every push in- You had made sure to use a lot so he would have to hear the obscene sound of your fucking him and dominating him. His moans became louder along with it, a whimper escaping him when your thrusts forced his hips to the bed. His once neglected cock now lay trapped between him and then bed as yours wrecked him and claimed him. He began babbling about how it felt, how it was like you were in his belly how it was too much not enough please please- Sunday was begging, now, with his drooling mouth, hole, and cock.
"I didn't know toys were supposed to speak- Especially when not spoken to." Your hand tightened around his neck again, this time pressing so it made it a bit harder for him to breathe. "Shhhh- Just be quiet and take it, pretty baby. I'll make you feel good. Make you forget all those troublesome thoughts. Don't you wanna be my dumb little slut? Only focus on taking my cock?" Yeah… he did. He wanted to let go of all the thoughts making his head hurt and give in, even if just for a little while. You'd taken care of him before. Now wasn't any different.
Even through the grip on his throat, he still let out little "ah- ah- ah-" sounds to the rhythm of your hips slapping into his ass, pushing your cock into his deepest parts. Yet you made it feel so good- It didn't hurt at all. All he could think about was how filthy he was and how pleasurable it was. Sunday must have tried to wheeze something out despite everything because you said, "Yeah? You like being dirty for me? A filthy slut for be behind closed doors while in public you act like such a proper leader? What would your dear people think of you if they knew you got fucked like a used prostitute- a mere toy?" You then let go of his throat to let him speak, the air rushing into his lungs making his head spin. "I- I love it! Love it so much please please lemme cum lemme cum on your cock-!"
Another spank to his ass had his hole tightening around you, a cry being startled out of him and tears beading at his lash line. "Good boy-" You then slowed a bit, causing him to whine despite how he had been held on edge for a while, now. Still wanting the bright hot pleasure despite the agony of being denied his release. "Color, baby?" "Mmmf- Green-" "Good boy-" A kiss was pressed to a wing before you harshly thrusted in and went back to pounding him within an inch of his life. Every thrust forced his body up and down the bed, cock an angry red and leaking profusely. Sunday buried his face into the pillow, tears staining them as they came faster. "Please- Let me cum, please! I'll do anything!" "Anything?"
Maybe that was a mistake.
One that had you yanking your dick out of his hole, the greedy thing clenching around nothing as if missing your cock in it. He whined pitifully, tears staining his face as he sobbed into the bedding. Fuck did he sound good. You uncuffed him to flip him over, tossing the things somewhere to the side of the bed. He was unable to keep up with the sudden changes and before he knew it, you were pressing his thighs to his chest in a mating press, cock sliding up and down his own teasingly. "Such a big cock and yet you don't even know how to use it. It's just a big, dumb, useless thing hanging between your legs. All you need is this slutty hole of yours, right?" Your thumb came down to rub at the slightly gaped hole, smearing the lube even more over his sloppy pucker that twitched at your touch.
He hid his face with his wings, flushed and crying as you belittled his cock. He was only good as an anal slut for you. But his wings flared open as he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. You had sunk your teeth into the spot in reprimand and to mark your toy as yours. "What did I say about that? No hiding." He whimpered and nodded- A spank. "Words." "I won't hide anymore!" "Good toy."
Once you slid in, his mind went blank again. Though somewhere deep in the back of his mind, he noted- Oh. You were in his belly. There on the otherwise flat surface that scrunched up from his position, was the slight bulge of your cock in his guts. "Look at you- So pretty." You pressed on it, making him toss his head back with a pitchy moan, hips jerking under you and insides clenching wetly at the dick they were sucking on while his hands flew up to claw at your back desperately. As you leaned over him to lick into his mouth, you then reached one hand between you to slip off the cockring. "You wanted to cum- So cum." You immediately began a brutal pace that had him screaming as he finally was able to find his release, hurtling off that cliff and vision going white as he emptied his cum onto his stomach and yours, the pressure of having held it in so long and the angle of your mating press- The jerking of his hips from you shoving your deliciously big dick into his hungry little hole forcing his cum to splatter over his chest and on his neck and even wings. It was like a sinful angel was laying beneath you.
You slowed, then, and he let his breathing begin to even out. But it was an act of deception because you transferred his legs from your hold to over your shoulders and grabbed hold of his softened cock that laid on his cum covered belly to begin fucking him hard. He screamed and whimpered at the onslaught of now almost painful pleasure. "Wait no no no- Can't- Too much! Stop please I can't cum again-" "I know you can. You've done it before. Come on- Give me another one. Haven't even filled you up, yet."
He began crying even harder, tears blurring his vision as he panted and whimpered while his thoughts slipped away. Even as his mind went blank, his body still responded with his hips jerkily trying to meet your thrusts even as the twitched in overstimulation. Later he would glare at you with tears in his eyes and a pout while declaring that he would be in charge the next time he bottomed and would hold you down, instead, to take what he wanted. But for now, he could only let his hole be used as a warm, wet little cock sleeve. He choked on his drool as you bent him further so you could lean down to tongue his sensitive nipples, sucking bruises and hickeys into his chest and even right around his nipples- Going as far as to nibble on them.
It felt like hours of cumming and cumming and cumming and losing his mind as you fucked him and wrung out every drop of his spend and pleasure as you could along with the tears that still poured from his puffy eyes. It didn't help that he could feel the way you were filling him up with your own cum, having only orgasmed the second time he did. He was cumming dry when you finally slowed, kissing him gently and rubbing at his slightly distended belly that was full of your cum sloshing inside.
"Did so good for me, baby. I love you so much- Such a good boy for me." You helped him slowly come back down, helping to ground him as the high faded. You had slowly lowered his legs from your shoulders. This was why you always ended facing each other. So he could have that intimacy towards the end of seeing you and being able to kiss you. And so you could help him return to earth Penacony after you were done milking the cum and pleasure and pesky thoughts out of him.
Once he was back with you, you made sure to praise him more and kiss him all over his face before finally coming back to his lips to kiss him slow and deep. "Come on. Gotta drink water, birdie." You always made sure to help him up, let him lean against you as you began aftercare. "I love you," you would remind him at the end of it all. "I love you, too darling," he would always reply back, sealing it with a kiss.
Ah yes. Another round of: Roro writes entirely to much and with far too much detail. I made this one even longer and more detailed as well as included a bunch of writing in more story format rather than headcanon-ish form like I normally do. Because I'm back in business!!! (To write smut about hot characters I like-)
Hope you enjoyed~
-Roro, your friendly neighborhood degenerate
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awritesthings1 · 5 months
Things That Go Bump in the Night
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Wife Reader
Summary: You ask your husband Tommy if he believes in ghosts. The answer might surprise you.
Warnings: dark, angst, spooky.
ao3 link
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
It was near the end of winter, and another autumn of earl grey teas and tireless raking of crunchy leaves was fast approaching Arrow House. Tommy’s peaky cap lived on the coat hanger by the front door, dusted in the faint smell of smog. Gone was the silver razor; the Shelby’s were much too respectable for that anymore. In came the monogram initials, all of which had been carefully handstitched onto cuffs and collars to match golden cufflinks, and out came the fine woolen overcoats.
The weather lay thickly that year over the English countryside, enough to invoke a ghostly mist around the trimmed hedges and shorn grass. A stillness crept in as sly as a cat when the fog came down, covering all life with a sheer dew. The garden retired into a dull combination of cool greens and toe-curling crystal air.
It was at this time of year that the monsters came out to play in their ominously shaped shadows and faint howls. Where there was a tick of movement, an airy silence and childhood fear followed. Tommy would have teased you endlessly for your paranoia if he hadn’t suffered through the same fate after the war. You supposed he had more of a right than you because his fears came from a very real place, and yours were out of superstition.
“Spirits,” Tommy clarified. “Yes, it’s in my blood.”
“But have you ever seen one?”
Tommy turns his head to look at you, squeezing you closer to his chest from where you both lay under the covers.
“Why’d you ask?” His accent was thicker in the morning.
If anyone knew anything about spirits, it would be your husband. He was more superstitious than you due to his gypsy blood. The things he told you about the community were nothing short of witchcraft—charming dogs, telling fortunes, and cursing wrong'uns. It puzzled you at first that your seemingly pragmatic, calculating husband believed nothing short of Madame Boswell’s words as nothing but gospel.
You stared out the window, attempting to conjure up the right words, but shivered instead when his fingers ghosted across your back.
“Well… I don’t know. I don’t think I would believe in something until I saw it for sure with my own two eyes.”
He hummed and smiled lazily. “Why do people believe in God, hm?”
You pressed your lips together and shrugged as best you could in his embrace.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Have you ever seen a spirit?"
Tommy’s eyes glazed over in thought. It was the answer you dreaded.
“Were you scared?”
He blinked out of the daze.
Your hand moved to rest on the cusp of his cheek.
“What happened?”
He cleared his throat and laced his hand with yours there on his face.
“I was nine. Madame Lovell’s nephew drowned in a lake the day before, and then on the day of the funeral, it rained. I was running back from over the hill when I saw him. He stood there staring at me through the spray of rain.”
Your thumb swiped over the tops of Tommy’s cheekbones.
“You’re certain? Maybe the rain got in your eye, and what you saw was a shadow or maybe even an eyelash in your eye. That happens to me sometimes.”
“I know what I saw.”
You hummed in acknowledgement, then tried to picture the scene for yourself. You stood atop some grassy hill, peering down into the valley. Dark plumes of smoke rose from a small coffin stationed at the bottom of the hill, slivering up through the wildflowers and tree branches to where you stood. Then there, through the smoke and rainfall that blinded your eyes, was the boy who drowned.
“Was he scared?”
A pause, then: “no.”
That night, you settled by your vanity, combing out knots and patting lotion onto your skin. The haunted look of that boy Tommy said he saw lingered in the back of your mind, and every vague shape or shadow shifted in the corner of your eye. Paranoia—that's all it was. You didn’t want to be caught staring at a dark corner like some half-mad crook. Tommy would be crossing the threshold into your room any moment now. Maybe if his last-minute business hadn’t held him up in his office, he would be here with you now, and you wouldn’t be glancing over at that suspicious coat hanging up by the wardrobe. The lamps that were lit didn’t stretch far enough to illuminate the monsters from their hiding spots.
It was a trick of the brain, that’s all.
And surely enough, Tommy’s footsteps were heard down the hall. Your shoulders slumped in relief. The autumn season was only one for the dramatics.
Your hand cream pot clattered onto the vanity, swirling in circles until it came to a stop just as you heard Tommy outside the door. But when you stood to greet him with a kiss, the door to your bedroom remained closed, and the doorhandle remained still.
“You can come in!" You laughed, but a sort of coldness seized your heart with terror when you wondered why Tommy was just standing there on the other side.
“Tommy?” You inquired after a painfully thin stretch of silence.
Again, nothing.
You reached for your comb, holding the long, sharp piece you used to part your hair out like a knife. You weren’t naïve. Tommy had enemies, opportunistic ones, too.
And so you stood there, straining to hear any noise beyond your heartbeat that thundered in your ears. You tried slowing your breathing to hear better, but your eyes then began to water from the strain and your refusal to blink. Then it happened, as abruptly as you imagined. The door burst open. Tommy rushed in, slammed the door shut behind him, and stormed over to the closet without so much a look in your direction.
“Tommy?” You squawked, still seized in terror.
He grunted, shrugging on his overcoat and snatching his leather gloves from the tallboy.
“What’s going on?”
Finally, he paused. His eyes were bloodshot and far away. You feared he looked through you rather than at you. He came closer then, pulling you into his arms and laying a warm kiss on your temple.
“Everything’s ok, darling.”
“Where are you going?” Your voice broke. “Did something happen?”
“No…” He hushed. “No.”
“Then where are you going? It’s still dark outside!”
He sighed into your disheveled hair, then pulled away.
“I need to check on one of the horses. Get into bed; I’ll be back soon.”
You clutched his lapels in protest. “No!”
He said your name sternly: “I really need to go. Frances is in her room if you need anything.”
“Tommy, I heard something!” Then, you lowered your voice so only he could hear, “I think someone’s in the house.”
He pulled you in by the scruff of your neck. “No one’s here, love. It’s just us and Frances.”
His boots thud severely against the wooden floor to the door. “I’ll be back soon.”
Begrudgingly, you let him leave and confined yourself to the bed, pulling the covers over your face like a small child afraid of the dark. You left all the lights on, determined to let any intruders know that yes, you were home, and yes, you would see them coming. Tommy would be back soon, and if Tommy didn’t suspect anything amiss, he was probably right.
But the grandfather clock in the other room kept ticking, tick tick tick, and little fairies scampered about in the garden below. The moon’s solemn gaze glared judgingly through the windows, past the squinting shutters, and onto your skin. Ink from family portraits bled into one horrifying mess of shadows. You threw back the hungry covers, which seemed to be swallowing you whole, and knocked your shoulder into the jaw of the door (you had mistaken it for being further than it really was). A teacup flew off a shelf, but you dodged it with one ugly turn of your ankle.
Then you ran down the winding stairs, through the narrowing hallway, and out the chattering front doors of Arrow House. A lustrous mist had fallen over the land, thick enough that your arms whipped around senselessly, blinded by the clouded night, in your attempt to trek to the stables.
The stable gates were banging back and forth by the time you reached them. They whack your behind when you pass them, and you would’ve cried if it weren’t for the airy atmosphere peeling the moisture from your eyes.
A clack of hooves answered you.
Your feet burned despite the bitter cold, swelling with each step. Still in your nightgown, the elements worked together, clawing, scratching, and biting at your bare skin. The swell of a draft caught the tip of your nose, and you whipped around just in time to see a coat disappearing around the back of the stable where the paddock was.
Fear acted like a glaze of sweltering iron, hissing the rhythm out of your heart.
“I can see you!” You tried to warn as if you were the hunter and not the hunted.
Leather hands wrapped around your shoulders from behind.
“Are you insane, eh?” Tommy’s gruff voice scolded in your ear.
You turned around to crumple into his embrace.
“Tommy, something’s not right about this house.”
“Is that why you’re out here? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
It could have been a ghost, a careful soulless thing—a soundless haunting memory with no cause for action, warping around the edges of reality. It was then a great whipping lash of winter lakes and violent snowflakes cut into the lines of your knuckles and sliced beneath your skin.
Your lips moved sometime after that, or maybe it was before; you couldn’t remember. Nothing seemed to make sense. The man in the moon wound away your surroundings one by one, like a fisherman with his catch on a hook.
“You don’t remember, do you?”
“Remember what, Tommy?”
Silence held a knife to your neck.
“Out in the paddock..." His dark, long eyelashes brushed earnestly along his high-cut cheekbones, and you feared the thought that had seemingly paralyzed your husband from saying any more. If it weren’t already dark, a shadow might’ve passed over his features.
A fountain of words prepared to gush out, but you slipped on a puddle that appeared around your feet. You stepped back with a gasp. It wasn’t raining.
“I’m sorry, my love. I should’ve listened to you.”
The puddle kept growing. Words turned into water.
“What the fuck is happening, Tommy?"
His thumb brushed the apple of your cheek.
“I’ll avenge you. I will.”
You cried.
“Shhh, don’t be afraid, darling." Tommy kissed your ice-cold forehead.
You choked. Water: water pooled out of your mouth and suffocated your lungs. You couldn't breathe.
“Go back to bed for me, eh?”
All over your nightgown—water, water, water.
The horse trough out in the paddock, the goldfish swimming past your cheek, straw in your teeth, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, no response, no one, the weight of a hand tangling in your hair, air, air, air, no air.
Drip, drip, drip.
Water in your eyes, ears, nose, mouth—
You never saw them coming.
“I promise, love. I’ll get the bastards that…”
He choked as if he were also choking on water, water, water.
“I never saw them coming, Tommy,” you hiccupped, but it was all water, water, water—
“I know.”
“I just wanted to find you.”
“I know, I know.”
They pinned your arms back.
“The fucking water trough, Tommy!”
He swallowed painfully.
You couldn’t see him anymore. His face had washed away in your straw, goldfish, blood, water, water, water, tears. Blindly, you traced under his eyes and felt his salty, grief, widowed, water tears.
There’s so much tears and sorrow there in that stable that it begins pouring from outside and through the roof. Most days it was in the paddock, but tonight it was here.
Frances, the housekeeper, watched from her window. On these types of nights, when Arrow House became entrapped in a spell and rain drizzled over the countryside, Thomas Shelby would squelch across the overgrown grass to the paddock behind the stable before disappearing. Where he went, she didn’t know. The hazy sheet of mist left much to the imagination. What he saw out there? She didn’t know either. The poor bastard probably just missed his wife.
Frances briefly left her room to peer into Mr. Shelby’s. Letting out a sigh of relief, the room appeared untouched, still frozen in the state Mrs. Shelby left it when she went out to find her husband that tragic night. The sheets were still tossed aside, the teacup still shattered on the ground, her comb still waiting on the bedside table.
Satisfied with her findings, she turned to leave when—
What’s that?
A puddle.
There must be a leak somewhere.
Oh well, she’ll see to it in the morning.
With that, she quietly crept away to her room and fell back asleep, undisturbed by the chattering shutters or creaking floorboards. Not even the ghostly cries down the hall woke her.
After all, there was no such thing as ghosts, only things that went bump in the night.
Taglist: @maliceofwonderland , @fairytale07 , @goblinjnr , @ilovepeoplesdads , @multidimensionalslut , @blogforficslol
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hazbinhotelxreader · 12 days
Hello, could you maybe do one with Carmilla x female reader with cat features? It can be smut if you want.
A/n: yep! Sorry to everyone! I havnt been posting cause I was trying to finally relax after school ended, but now I’m back and gotta do over 80 requests lol
Im rusty
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Carmilla x cat like reader SFW and NSFW headcannons
-She finds your absolutely adorable. Come on, you have cat ears, cats are adorable! And Carmilla gives off a cat lady.
-She has defiantly wrapped your tail around her large hands before for comfort, of course she does it gently , she would never hurt you.
-At night, or even sometimes in a meeting if she’s very stressed, she’ll have her hands on her head near your ears to pet you or hiding under the desk to pet your tail.
-Even if you have cat like features, she isn’t gonna treat you like a pet.
-Clara and Odette adore you as well, they’ve fallen asleep on you so many times from your warmth and comfort. Your supper fluffy so they cuddle against you at home if your ever having a movie night.
-You might as well be Carmilla’s personal teddy bear, she keeps you wrapped up in her arms at night close. Her arms around your waist or chest holding you tightly while her chin and head are resting on your head, sometimes nuzzling against your head.
-Something she hates having to do is drag you to the shower. Cats don’t like water and that lived with you in hell. You hate it. So she literally has to hold you down to put you in the tub. She was even considering once to just make a deal with you so she can chain you and hold ya down.
-purposely bought you a pack of blazers for your birthday, whoever your bored she gets one out and waves it around in her office, house, room. She has so many videos of you chasing them in the house.
-She will punish you if you spray. It’s not bad, it is normal for your body, but it isn’t fun for the person cleaning it up. Shes monitoring you the whole time you’re in heat.
-Remember when i said she wouldn’t treat you as a pet? Yea she won’t normally, but will in bed. Pet kink. 100%. You literally have cat features, she’s gonna take advantage of that.
-she 100% uses a leash and collar in bed for you. She’ll have you on your stomach, her strap buried deep inside you while she lays on your back, tugging the collar as she thrusts into you.
-She can be rough and fast if you want. When your deep in your heat she’ll go as fast as she can so your pleased.
-She also praises too. Like ‘that’s my good kitten’ or ‘good girl’. She also calls you things in Spanish like ‘mi gatito’ or ‘mi Vida/amor’
-I’d say she could go for 3 to 4 times depending on her stamina. If she’s going rough and fast on you the whole time she can probably only do it twice, but if she’s going slow on you she’s going 4 times
-She pulls your tail in bed, not hard enough to hurt but enough for you to feel. She loves to see your cat ears tense and pin down on your head as she fucks you, and loves to look into your eyes while she does, unless she’s on your back with her strap then her eyes are closed
-She will scissor you as well to let herself feel some pleasure herself
-Both of you have a lot of scratches after, you guys have sharp nails
-After all of it she’ll make sure you’re okay, safe, comfortable and cozy, she’s a great wife.
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the-oblivious-writer · 8 months
Let the Light in |6|
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Chapter Six: Knight In Shining Armor
Summary: Tension rises between you and Tara when you, once again, find yourself protecting her—old habits showing themselves
Warning(s): Swearing, angst, Fr*nkie, grief (if you squint), intoxication, mentions of social anxiety & underage drinking
Notes: Took a while but it's finally here! Also throwing it out there that my face claim for Charlotte is Sofia Wylie<3
Masterlist|Previous Part|Next Part
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Tara was walking down the streets of Manhattan, finally done with her classes for the day. It had been a long week and Tara was just thankful it was finally the weekend. She walked with one earbud in while her other hand subconsciously clenched her keys in her right pocket. It was a habit she had picked up not too long after what happened back in Woodsboro; that plus the pepper spray, taser, whistle, and expandable baton Sam always made her take before leaving the house, meant she was more than ready to defend herself if needed.
As she continued to walk, she felt something fury brush up against her. She looked down to find a gray cat, brushing itself against her. Tara smiled to herself before crouching down to get a better look at the cat. “Hey, there…do you have a name?” She looked for a collar but didn’t find one. 
Just then, the sky let out a loud grumble. She looked up at the gray skies then back at the cat, thinking. “I can’t just leave you out here to get drenched. Come on, let me take you home,” she gently picked up the cat, who didn’t protest.
By the time she got home, she was soaked. Her mascara was running and her hair was damp. She was freezing cold; she had wrapped her jacket around the cat so he wouldn’t get wet.
Sam began to walk out from the kitchen as she spoke, “Hey Tar– you’re soaked.”
“Yeah no shit, Sam.”
“Is… Is that a cat?”
“...Yes…” Tara said with a sheepish smile; she had completely forgotten about the ‘needing to convince Sam to keep him’ part.
“Tara, no.”
“Sam, yes.” 
Sam sighed as she made a quick trip to the bathroom, coming back with a towel and wrapping it around Tara. “You can barely take care of yourself–”
“Not true!”
“–How do you expect to take care of a whole ass cat?” 
Tara rolled her eyes, still holding the cat protectively in her arms. “Come on, I’m not a kid. I can take care of a cat. I’ll buy his food, change his litter box—all that stuff!” 
“I don’t know…”
“Please, Sammy,” Tara begged, pouting out her bottom lip. She gave Sam the same look she’d give her whenever she wanted more cookies when they were younger.
“Alright—alright, fine, you win,” Sam huffed and an excited smile broke out on Tara’s face.
“Yes!” Tara looked down at the cat victoriously.
“But Tara, I swear, I better not step in cat shit.”
“No cat shit. Got it.”
That’s what Tara named her new found cat—named after the Babadook. It had been only a few days since she found him and he’s earned the title of, “my little menace,” from Tara. In the few days Dook has been here he has scratched Chad five times, ripped up Mindy’s sweater in five different spots, and constantly hisses at Sam during the most random times. Why? Sam has no idea, but Tara made the theory it was, “just to mess with her.”
So far, the only person Dook has been even remotely soft to was Tara. She didn’t mind that at all; she enjoyed coming home to Dook’s company—her room feeling less empty than it usually feels.
It was the following Tuesday; she sat not too far from the door as she re-watched Fear Street 1994 while waiting for you. Just as she was about to check her phone for the time, she heard a couple knocks on the door. Before Sam could call out for Tara to answer it, Tara jumped up and made her way to the door. Sam only raised an eyebrow before going back to what she was doing.
Tara counted five seconds in her head before opening the door.
“Took you long enough,” she said with a slight eye roll. 
“Afternoon to you too, Carpenter. So, you're gonna let me in or…”
“Well you’re as patient as ever,” Tara remarked sarcastically as she opened the door wider, letting you inside. You placed your bag down, sitting on the couch and taking out your notes as Tara sat a couple cushions over.
“So, I was thinking we could start with Friday’s notes and work our way to today since I couldn’t make Friday—” You suddenly heard Tara let out a dry chuckle, causing you to raise your eyebrows as you looked at her.
“Is there something you’d like to share with the class, Ms. Carpenter?” You quipped, looking up from your papers and at her. 
“Oh nothing…just that you’ve been missing a lot of study sessions lately and–”
“I wouldn’t call two a lot–”
“–and I don’t know why I have to suffer through extra work all because you wanna swap spit.”
You let out a dry laugh, looking at the younger Carpenter before realizing she was dead serious. 
“Oh—Oh you’re serious? Well, how about those two whole weeks you missed over some petty reason—I don't know what the reasoning was, but I know for a fact it was a hundred percent petty.”
“You know what, screw these notes,” Tara said before grabbing your binder from you.
“Hey—Hey! Wait just a minute there—what are you–?”
“We’re watching a movie,” she informed—not asking—after shutting your binder, putting it somewhere you couldn’t reach unless you stood up and walked to it. 
“We're a week and a half behind on study sessions.”
“Not my problem.”
“It’s literally your problem—our problem, actually.”
“Gosh, could you just not stress out for, like, two seconds? You’ll be fine. Now, a little birdy told me you like The Nightmare Before Christmas?” Tara told you, reaching for the remote.
“Yeah… I do.”
“Great. We’ll watch that.”
You didn’t need to know how boring she found the movie; she wasn’t looking at the screen much anyways.
Sam sat in her room, reading her book as she enjoyed the silence—wait. It’s silent. Why is it so quiet? It’s never so quiet when you’re over. The most she’s heard in the last thirty minutes were hushed voices, but nothing loud enough she could make out. She suddenly started to think about what could possibly be going on in the other—unsupervised—room. She could no longer concentrate on her book as her protective side took over.
You slightly leaned forward as you watched the screen with all your attention. Tara couldn’t help but wear a small smile when she noticed your intense focus. She pulled out of her gaze when she noticed you make a double take at your foot; just then, she saw a certain furry haired animal brushing up against your leg. 
To her surprise, Dook didn’t claw at you. As a matter of fact, he seemed…fond of you? 
“Hello, there…” You greeted Dook before gently picking him up. If anybody else had picked him up, they would’ve been clawed at in seconds. Tara furrowed her eyebrows as she watched you interact with her cat; the same cat who’s been an absolute ass to anybody who wasn’t her—well, before now.
You scratched him behind his left ear, causing him to let out a satisfied purr. It was then when you finally said something to Tara. “Since when did you have a cat?”
“Got him pretty recently, actually. He was just roaming the streets of Manhattan and had no collar so that’s how he ended up here.”
“Well, does this adorable face have a name?” You asked, looking at the cat as you complimented him.
Tara failed to fight another smile, showing off her dimples as she answered, “His name’s Dook.”
“Like, Babadook?”
“Yeah…” She watched as you continued to be sweet with Dook; he sat comfortably in your lap, looking a lot less grumpy than he usually is.
Suddenly, Sam abruptly enters the living room, causing Dook to hiss at her before moving back into his original position on your lap. 
“Sam, hey. Something wrong?” Tara asked her older sister.
“Uh, I just wanted to check up on you guys; it’s been pretty quiet.”
“Oh, yeah, we decided to watch a movie instead.”
Sam looked at the scene, recognizing the movie—her curiosity increased.
“Nightmare Before Christmas? But I thought you–”
“Have no harsh judgment regarding the movie? Yeah. I know.”
“No, I mean, don’t you find it really bor–”
“Entertaining? Yes, Sam. We know this.” Tara let out a dry cough, hoping Sam would just drop the topic all together.
“Okay…well I’m going to order some pizza. Are you staying over for dinner, Y/N?” Sam inquired, moving on, much to Tara’s relief. 
You looked at the time, thinking as you did, before looking at Sam from where you sat. “If it’s no trouble.”
“Of course not. I’ll order it right now,” she said before walking away, pulling out her phone as she did so.
“What was that about?” You asked Tara with a raised eyebrow, referring to what her and Sam were going back and forth about. 
Tara opened her mouth, not even sure what she was about to say, when she heard someone knocking. “Oh, I should probably get that,” Tara quickly got up to make her way to the door, relieved at being excused from answering.
“What are you guys doing here?” She immediately asked after opening the door to find Chad, Mindy, Anika and Ethan on the other side of the door.
“Good to see you too, T,” Mindy quipped.
Tara rolled her eyes, “I just mean, I wasn’t expecting you guys today.”
“We made plans last week for movie night.”
“And since it’s my turn to choose, we’re watching 10 Things I Hate About You,” Anika added in a cheery tone. 
“Um,” Tara looked over her shoulder to you, before looking back at her friends, “One second.” 
“Wait, who were you loo–” Before Chad could finish his question, Tara shut the door, making her way towards you.
“So, uh–”
“Heard the whole thing.”
Tara lightly nodded, holding her wrist in her other hand behind her back as she continued. “Does this mean… you’re going to go?” 
You were about to say yes but the words caught in your throat when you finally looked at the expression Tara wore.
You thought for a moment, putting down the bag you were just packing.
“Do you want me to?”
“Well…want’s a strong word–”
“Yes or no, Tara,” you said, looking at her.
Tara mumbled something incoherent, looking away from your gaze. 
“You’re gonna have to speak up, mumbles,” you teased the younger Carpenter.
She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. “I wan—I want you to stay. Happy?” She huffed, not even sure why she puts up with you.
You smile smugly at her, “Fine. ‘Guess I’m staying.” 
It was awkward—at least, for you, it was. Tara and her friends seemed to get each other, which is great for them, but you felt almost like a chaperone the entire time you were there. You tried to distance yourself as much as possible and when you did find yourself surrounded by the group of friends, you stuck by Anika. 
You always found yourself gravitating toward a familiar presence whenever you got caught in social situations like this. You spent most of your own fourteenth birthday party—that you didn’t even want—attached to Henry’s side, following him around like a puppy. You often stuck by people who you found comfort in. You’ve known Henry since daycare years and Anika has been there since she’s entered your life. 
You look at the time to see only an hour has passed as you sigh to yourself. Why were you here again?
“Hey,” you heard Tara say, opening her bedroom door to find you on her bed.
Oh, that’s why. 
“You’re not enjoying yourself,” she said as a matter of fact, feeling a little defeated for some reason.
“Hm? Oh no—no this is, uh, great. Yeah, I just love hearing about the same football story over and over again while your curly haired friend continues to make passes at me…so fun,” your voice couldn’t be any more sarcastic. It started out as you wanting to lie, telling her it was going alright—truly! But you can’t help but be your usual sarcastic self, especially around Tara. 
“You’re having the worst time ever, aren’t you?”
You looked at her apologetic expression, exhaling as you adjusted your posture a bit. Tara walks over to sit across from you. 
“Look…Tar, it’s nothing personal. I’m just—I’m just not good with this stuff.”
“What do you mean?” Tara inquired genuinely.
You sighed, pressing down on your thumbnail with your index finger as you spoke. “I’m not good with…unfamiliarity I guess, or whatever. And—and socializing and all that shit just doesn’t come naturally to me—at least not like it does for people like Anika, and Chad—or you.”
Tara continued to listen to your words, giving you her full attention as you opened up to her. You blinked back at Tara, feeling like you just overshared far too much.
“This was stupid. Forget it.” You got up to leave but just as you reached for the door handle, you felt slender fingers wrap themselves around your wrist.
“It’s not stupid,” you heard Tara speak. You turned your head to look at her. “If you ever want to talk about it more… I’m here. That won’t change.” 
You swallowed, taking in Tara’s words as you processed what she was saying. You didn’t trust your voice, only settling for a light nod before leaving Tara’s bedroom.
By the time Tara also left—waiting a couple minutes, wanting to give you some time—you had already made your escape. 
When you got home that night, the feeling of dread took over you. It felt like there was barbed wire wrapped around your throat as you tried your hardest not to cry, because you knew if you did there was a chance you’d never stop. Memories of him flashed through your mind as you tried to shake them away, but it was no use. No matter how much you tried to escape it, Dewey's voice continued to ring in your head.
Dewey placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, looking at you with  genuine eyes as he spoke, “I’m here. That won’t change.”
Tara looked around with furrowed eyebrows, looking at the sea of people. She was currently at a Halloween frat party; she chose to go with a pirate costume this year. 
Tara was feeling indecisive about her costume this Halloween but then she got the idea when she remembered something you told her; for your first seven Halloweens, your mom had you dressed up as a pirate. Tara could tell you would not be wearing a pirate costume again any time soon.
Because of your high-sea past, Tara thought dressing up as a pirate would be a fun way to mess with you—well, if you were actually here. You were nowhere in sight. Tara squinted her eyes as she tried looking through the crowd—still no sign of you. 
Mindy noticed her friend looking around the room from her seat, which was odd. By this time Tara would be drinking, dancing, or even playing beer pong with Chad—but not sitting down.
Before Mindy could ask anything, Tara turned to Anika, asking her something that answered Mindy’s unspoken question.
“Hey, where’s Y/N?” Tara asked, her voice was slightly raised due to the blaring music. 
“At home. She couldn't—or rather refused to make it,” Anika answered the younger Carpenter.
“Oh,” Tara let out, turning to look ahead. 
Mindy and Anika glanced at each other, already being on the same page. “Why? Missed her?” Mindy inquired, smirking behind her beer bottle right before taking a sip.
Tara lightly scoffed, “Pfft no.” Tara dramatically rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.
“Y/N?” Tara heard Anika say; she immediately sat up, uncrossing her arms and fixing her demeanor. Her expression instantly dropped when she saw who you were with. 
She did not know much about Charlotte. She seemed nice though. Nice enough. Tara heard from Anika that you’ve been “hanging out” with Charlotte for a few weeks now but haven’t exactly assigned labels yet. That made sense; you were never one for labels. 
She suddenly snapped out of her gaze when she realized you and Charlotte were walking towards them. 
“Hey, guys,” you said in an anything but enthusiastic tone.
“Hey, Y/N. Thought you weren’t coming,” Anika pointed out, not unkindly.
“Me too but this one,” you pointed with your thumb to Charlotte, “is quite the debater.”
“I was captain of the debate team back in high school,” Charlotte smirked. 
“Of course you were,” there was a slight teasing tone in your voice as you and Charlotte shared a look. Tara didn’t like that. She didn’t like that at all. You teased her. You gave her looks nobody else knew the meaning behind except you two.
Tara cleared her throat, causing you and Charlotte to look away from each other and at her. “So, you're gonna actually act like you’re here as a college student or a chaperone?” Tara joked and a small but soft smile grazed your face. 
“The night’s still young, Carpenter,” you replied, the smile she had been missing never faltering.
“Oh! Daisy’s here, I’m going to say hi. Catch you later?” You heard Charlotte speak from beside you. 
You looked over at her and lightly nodded, “Okay.” She placed a quick kiss on your cheek, catching you off guard, before going to her friend. 
You sat down in the seat between Tara and Anika—who was sitting in Mindy’s lap—and exhaled, already exhausted from being here.
“You’ve got,” Anika said, pointing to your cheek where there was a lipstick stain. You raised your left hand to your right cheek as your roommate shook her head.
“No the other—” You, once again, completely dodged the spot she was pointing at and Tara groaned.
“Dude, you’re helpless,” she said with an eye roll before reaching over and wiping the spot for you. She softly rubbed your left cheek as you looked at her. It didn’t take long for you to notice how close her face was to yours.
“There…” Tara trailed off, suddenly growing shy when she too realized how close her face was to yours.
Mindy and Anika look at each other before getting up. “We’re gonna dance. You kids behave,” Mindy said before walking away with her arm wrapped around Anika. 
“Let me guess… you’re a homicidal maniac?” She looked at your casual attire.
You smiled at her, tilting your head back and turning it to look at her, “You know me too well.”
You both shared a short laugh before it went silent again. Suddenly, you two realized this is the first you’ve both spoken to each other since that night at Tara’s place.
“Hey, so, uh, you didn’t say goodbye…” Tara said sheepishly, refusing to meet your gaze as she played with the hem of her costume. She didn’t have to specify what she was talking about, you just knew.
“Oh yeah, I was just tired so I decided to call it a night.”
Tara nodded understandingly as you looked down at her hands that toyed with the fabric of her costume. 
“So…was this,” you gestured to her costume, “planned or…? You both laughed again before she answered you.
“Course’ not. I just…happened to have decided on being a pirate a couple days after you told me your ‘first seven years of dread’ story.” Another laugh was shared between you two.
“Well, you look good,” you complimented. Tara couldn’t fight the heat that rushed to her cheeks as the compliment hit her ears. She was about to respond when suddenly you felt your phone vibrate.
You pulled out your phone, reading the text to yourself before putting it back in your pocket.
“It’s Charlotte, she wants me to meet her by the pool.”
“Oh. Yeah, totally.”
“Don’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone, princess.” You smiled at her as you sat up from your seat, Tara’s head tracked your movement. 
“Me? I would never.”
One thing. 
You asked her for one, very simple, thing. And now? Now, Mindy and Anika were calling you back inside because apparently Tara had the luck of being near Frankie of all people tonight. 
By the time you made your way inside—as quickly as you possibly could—you could see Chad also trying to stop the situation. You made your way over to the staircase, appearing from behind Chad.
“Let’s stay down here,” you said—not asking. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” Frankie said, causing you to let out a humorless chuckle.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, you did,” you remarked, feeling your hands start to ball up into tight fists. Before you could say anything else, Tara walks down a couple steps and is now standing in front of you as Chad keeps a careful eye on Frankie. “No, Y/N it’s fine. I want to,” you heard her say in a drunken voice. Far too drunk to consent. 
Frankie walks down, getting close to your face as he wears a disgusting grin. “Yeah, see Y/N? It’s fine. She wants to.” He turned around, roughly grabbing Tara’s arm. His grip causes Tara to let out a sound of pain, tripping on the stairs.
Without a second thought you pull him by the collar of his shirt, pushing him roughly against the wall; picture frames come crashing down but don’t give them a second look as hear glass shatter. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” You pushed your right arm harder against his throat, pinning him against the wall as your free hand tightly gripped his shirt. “Serousily, where the fuck do you get off!” 
Chad checked on Tara as you had Frankie pinned to the wall. You wanted to hurt him. You wanted to hurt him so bad. What was stopping you? You could do it. You look down at the shards of glass, itching to grab a piece. Suddenly, you saw that sinister smile. His sinister smile. That’s why you couldn’t.
But when you looked back at Frankie, you quickly forgot about everything that was stopping you. All you had to do was press into his throat a little harder and–
“I got it from here, Y/N.” You turned around to see Sam holding a taser. You immediately got the hint, getting off of Frankie.
“Hi! Sorry to interrupt, I'm just going to tase you really quick,” Sam said before tasing Frankie right in the crotch.
“Fuck!” He dropped to his knees, holding onto his stomach as he groaned in pain.
“You bitch!” He yelled, earning a swift kick between his legs—making the pain worse—from you.
“Watch your mouth,” you said before making your way towards Tara. “You okay?”
“It’s that psycho girl from reddit!” Someone shouted from the crowd that surrounded you. 
“Hey, don’t you have something better to do rather than stand around here all day?” Anika shouted at the crowd as Mindy shooed them away.
Tara walks ahead of the group as she feels her frustration take over. Sam tries to catch up to her as she calls for her, “Tara, will you stop!” Tara rolls her eyes, refusing to stop as she responds. “I cannot believe you did that, you embarrassed me!” 
“I was trying to help you!” 
Tara suddenly turns around, “And look what happened!” Her voice raises as it runs hot with anger. “You're out of my life for five years then you can't even leave me alone for five seconds,” Tara shouts with a throw of her arms. 
“Because you're not dealing with what happened to us. Have you ever gone to see the counselor at least once?”
You looked at Tara, studying every expression she wore on her face. You wanted her to be okay. You knew it wasn’t that simple, but you still couldn’t help but want it. You hated seeing her like this. You never liked seeing her like this.
You checked up on her when she was at the hospital, relieved she was asleep when you got there. You didn’t want her to think it meant anything. You were just making sure she still had a pulse. Who else would you get into fights with?  That’s what you told yourself, 'cause it’s true! You weren't overly concerned or anything. But it was the bare minimum amount of concern to have when you found out somebody you knew was recently used as somebody else's pin cushion. 
She’s Tara Carpenter, she’ll bounce back in no time, you told yourself. You can still remember the shock on all her friends' faces when they saw you sitting by her hospital bedside. They entered the room and when you saw them, you immediately stood up.
“Sorry, I just found out about what happened and wanted to check on her.” You put your hands in your pocket, feeling uncomfortable with the eyes on you. You couldn’t tell what was going through their heads. “But she’s breathing, so I’ll get going now.” When you’re about to walk out the door, Chad puts his hand on your shoulder which causes you to stop. Was he about to punch you? “You’re welcome to stay, dude.” Oh. 
You were welcome to stay. Did you want to? 
You shook your head,“No, it’s okay. You guys should spend your time with her—unbothered.” You said before walking out of the hospital, not waiting for a response.
Maybe you cared little more than you’d ever admit.
You snap out of your thoughts as you hear Tara’s voice again.
“Because I know what mine is—I’m going to get my degree, become a lawyer, and live my life, my life,” Tara’s voice was firm. Certain. 
Two soft knocks could be heard from the other side of the door. Tara was about to tell whoever it was to go away, but then she realized who those knocks belonged to.
“Come in.”
“Hey,” you greeted, carrying a bottle of ibuprofen and a cup of water.  
“Hey,” she replied, head tracking your movement as you put the items down and got closer to where she sat at the edge of her bed. 
“Mind if I…” You gestured to the open spot next to her and she patted it. You sat down, knees touching hers as you looked down at your hands that rested in your lap. Tara’s gaze from you only broke when she felt the feeling of embarrassment all over again.
You noticed a change in her demeanor, causing you to finally glance at her. “I don’t think she meant for to…make you feel embarrassed or anything,” you tried to comfort. You were never good at this kind of stuff. 
“I know… I just—I just completely embarrassed myself out there. You guys probably think a lot less of me now…”
You lightly nudge her shoulder, getting her to look at you again. “Hey, no, okay? We just wanna make sure you're safe,” your facial expression matched your honest tone as you spoke. 
Tara turned her head away, a smirk slowly growing on her face. She turned back to look at you, ignoring how close your faces were. “We?” 
You rolled your eyes as Tara kept hers on you, smirk never falling. “Don’t let it get to that big ass ego of yours.”
“Aww, you caree about me,” Tara teased. You felt your cheeks warm up as you grew flustered.
“I care about you the—bare minimum amount,” you said unconvincingly. 
Tara shoved you a bit, “Liar.”
You shoved her back, “Most honest person you’ll ever meet.” 
Tara shoved you back again. “Liar.”
“Oh, you really wanna play this game?” You inquired, turning your head to her. 
Tara still smirked as she responded, “I could do this all night.”
Your faces were, once again, inches apart. Tara’s eye line meets your lips as tension builds in the room. Then suddenly the door opens, causing you and Tara to pull apart.
“Oops, sorry I didn’t mean to cock block you,” Quinn said as you and Tara silently cringed.
“Please...don't say cock," Tara said while slightly grimacing.
Quinn shrugged then looked at you. “Don’t believe we’ve officially met. I’m Quinn,” she held out her hand. You glanced at Tara before accepting the red head’s hand. 
“Y/N? Yeah, I’ve heard lots about you.” You couldn’t tell what that could’ve meant, not noticing the shared look between Quinn and Tara.
“Don’t you have, like, a guy to see or something?” Tara asked, trying to get Quinn out of here as soon as possible.
“Well, Tara’s right, I should get going,” Quinn said, immediately getting the hint. “See you around, Y/N,” she winked at you.
“That was…” You trailed off, not able to meet Tara’s gaze.
“Embarrassing? Oh, extremely.” 
“Is Tara okay?” Charlotte asked over the phone. You held your phone to your ear as you grabbed a box of leftover pizza from the fridge with one arm.
“She will be…” You thought about the younger Carpenter as you spoke.
“I’m glad.” There was a beat of silence before she spoke again. “I uh… didn’t know you could fight like that.”
“What do you mean?” You placed the box on the table, sitting down.
“You had Frankie pinned. A man with his frame and build was completely defenseless under your hands. It was impressive,” her last words came with a flirty tone. 
“Oh, yeah?” You decided to match her tone.
“Yeah… Do you want to come over tomorrow? My roommate's visiting his boyfriend so I’ll be pretty lonely—some company would be nice."
You bit your bottom lip, thinking as you looked at your calendar. “Yeah—yeah, that works. What time should I stop by?”
“Six good?”
You looked at your calendar again.
“Can’t do six…” You said, looking at Tara’s name on your calendar. “How about eight?”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you then, super soldier.” 
You let out a light laugh, “Yeah, yeah. See you then.”
Tara was on the phone with Mindy, intensely debating over American Psycho, when she heard a couple knocks on the door. 
She got up from the couch as she said goodbye to Mindy, hanging up. She opened the door to see you standing there with your bag on your shoulder. 
Tara realized it had been a full ten seconds since she opened the door. She moved to let you inside, and you sat in your usual spot. 
“So, what’s on the agenda today?” Tara inquired as she sat, hugging her knees.
“He didn’t really give us much to work with on Friday so, uh, just whatever we missed last time,” you said, not even looking at her as you looked around your stuff.
“Looking for something?”
“Yeah my pen. It was here five seconds ago–”
“This pen?” Tara said, pulling something from behind your ear. You looked at her and realized she was holding your pen. She hands it to you as you let out a timid chuckle, embarrassed at your lack of attention.
“Are you…alright?” She asked, looking at your features as you spoke.
“It’s just exams and stuff. I’ve kind of been all over the place trying to prepare—but that’s why I’m here. To study. So let’s begin,” you pull out your binder, flipping to the right folder.
Tara hesitantly followed along, keeping an eye on you. 
After an hour and a half, you looked at the time and silently cursed as you got up and gathered your things.
“Leaving already?”
“Yeah, I’m meeting Charlotte around eight. So, I gotta get going,” you packed everything, racking your brain for anything else you could be forgetting. 
You turned to look at Tara, “What is it?”
She cleared her throat, slightly shaking her head. “Nothing, have fun—oh, and don’t forget your pen,” she dismissed as she held up said pen to you. 
You wear an embarrassed tight lipped smile, slowly taking the pen from her. “Thanks,” you put the pen in your bag before zippering it up.
“Uh, hey,” you heard Tara call out.
You stopped your movement, turning back to Tara. “See you later?” 
You lightly nodded, a small smile on your face. “Of course.”
Tara found herself blasting Lana Del Rey as she wore a pout. Why was she wearing a pout? She had no idea. It was just there, and for some reason she was in a sour mood. She also knew she despised you. Possibly more than she did before; she was just starting to adjust then you had to go and make things even more confusing for her. 
Tara looked at her ceiling as she laid in her bed, petting Dook who rested beside her. She suddenly remembered the beer in the fridge. 
Sam was in therapy, Quinn was seeing another one of her hookups—what’s the harm?
Five beer cans later and she was more than buzzed. The urge to call you was getting harder and harder to resist with each can. She knew she shouldn’t, but she just couldn’t stop herself from opening your contact. 
“Tara?” You asked, confused as to why she’s calling you so randomly.
“Y/NN,” she slurred into the phone. “Have I ever told you you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts?”
“I—uh, where are you right now?”
“Hommee. Where else?” She said, followed by a hiccup.
“I’m coming over.”
You knocked two times; you could hear Tara struggling with the door knob from the other side before finally opening it.
“What are you doing here?” Tara inquired with a raised eyebrow. It seemed she forgot about your call from just ten minutes ago.
“Goodness, you’re drunk.”
“I am not drunk.”
“Oh, yeah? Then tell the time,” you crossed your arms as you looked at her. She turned to the nearby clock, “I am not drunk!” She literally told it.
“Jesus,” you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Come on, let’s get you to bed,” you walked over to her but then unexpectedly felt a shove to your chest.
“I don’t—I don’t need your help.” 
You exhaled, knowing all too well about the venomous look she wore. “You don’t mean that, come on.”
“I do! I don’t even want you here,” she slurred as she shoved your chest again.
“Too bad then. Cause’ I’m not leaving you like this.”
Tara had used up all the energy she had left to shove you, so she couldn’t even fight you off as you tried to walk her to her bedroom.
“Fuck you,” she gritted. 
“I know.” 
“No. You don’t know!” Tara yelled. “I don’t need a knight in shining armor,” she continued as you looked down at her. “I’m not a princess who has to be saved all the time.”
“Come on, I know you’re no–”
“This is what you do,” she pulled her arm away from you, “you just swoop in when everything’s fine and completely ruin shit. You think you’re pleasant to be around? Just when I think I have my life figured out, you have to come in and ruin it,” Tara spoke with pure conviction, no slurring in her voice.
“I—I don’t know what to say.”
She let out a dry laugh before saying, “When do you ever.” 
“You’re drunk, Tara… Please just let me get you to bed so you don't say anything else you’ll regret in the morning.”
“I don’t regret anything—and I’ll bring my own ass to bed.”
“Okay,” you softly said. You watched as she walked down the hall and to her bedroom. You waited a few minutes, getting the ibuprofen and water ready, before entering her bedroom carefully. Just as suspected, she was already asleep. You silently place the medicine and water on her nightstand before looking at her resting demeanor. 
Oh Tara, what am I gonna do with you?
A/N: I 100% know you guys aren't expecting the family member reveal I'm gonna do for R at some point (clues are scattered...)
Taglist: @t-wylia @lesbianpepsi @jennasfav @alyciaddict @justafoolinlove @steffido1993 @niqmandu @severelyuniquereview @darklron @ravenousinferno @smut-religiously777 @beautifulmongerbanditsalad @vanatalye @alexkolax @andsoigotabutterfly
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sir-kuroo · 8 months
your surprise for KENMA's birthday surprised the both of you even more
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒 ⋮ f!reader, overstimulation, blowjob, slight exhibitionism, nekomimi, creampie
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It's already late at night. This must be the perfect time for you to give Kenma your official gift. Quietly, you walked out of your walk-in closet, planning to surprise him.
Your boyfriend, who turned 28 today, was busy playing the game you bought for him. His birthday stream just finished and he's now playing while in a call with his teammates from high school, though they might be done with it already.
Hearing you, he gave a quick glance then returned his attention back to his game, until it dawned to him…what you were wearing.
He instantly looked at you, gasping and staring at the puffy cat ears on top of your head, the collar around your neck and the thin fabric of your pink string bikini; your top bearing a cat-shaped hole in the middle showing your cleavage and he guessed that your panties had the necessary tail. Just for him. He thirstily swiped his tongue across his lips.
You shyly crawled towards him and he gulped, just lost at the sight of his little kitten all willing to service him, taking the floor like the good girl that you are. His eyes travelled down to your collar, and a grunt escaped him when he saw what’s engraved in the metal plate, Kenma’s.
All of this. All of you. Is his.
Kenma dropped his console and removed his headphones.
You placed your hands on both his knees, parting them further so you could place yourself in between. His breathing got heavy and you cupped his cock, now turning stiff on your touch. “Y/N,” he closed his eyes and blew out a pained exhale.
Your fingers fiddled on the zipper and button of his pants, opening it with eyes full of wonder. He sprang right onto your face and you just stared at his growing erection. You licked your lips at how pretty his dick looked for you. Too pretty. You slowly glided your tongue along his length, taking your time in feeling his warmth and softness. Getting to the the tip, you circled your lips around, taking him in but not reaching half his shaft before you removed your mouth.
“K-Kitten, please…” he whined, face all reddened, “be my good girl.” Seeing how needy he was of you, you finally devoured him completely.
The tip of his cock reaching the back of your throat as you bobbed up and down him, your hand wrapped around as well, pumping him with the right grip. You felt the ache in between your legs as he kept huffing and moaning repetitively. Your ass wiggling as you sucked him, making him rock in your mouth harder.
“Mhmn…” you mewled.
He cupped the back of your head, fingers all tangled up around the strands of your hair as he pushed and pulled in and out of your mouth. Tears now brimming at the corners of your eyes, while your saliva almost spilled out of your lips as you were filled by him. His girth fitted your mouth perfectly, numbing at the sensation.
Kenma groaned, feeling that he’s coming close. He pulled your face away and his cum sprayed all over your face and your innocent pink kitten lingerie.
Both of you just stared at each other still catching your breaths. Breathing heavily, he took you in. Your lips now bearing the same color as your cheeks while you panted, breathless.
His eyes just pinned you when he spread his legs and tapped his thigh. You gulped and heeded like a good kitten, taking over his lap. He aligned the tip of his shaft along your dripping entrance and you sank all through his entire length. Your head swung back at how deep he hit you.
Your body was shivering at how good he felt, and he wasted no time bouncing you on his lap. You gripped your wrist around his neck so you won't fall with how wildly he was thrusting in you. Your hearing was filled with his soft huffs and moaning which made your walls clench around his cock tighter.
"Augh- Y/N!" He said as he moved at the edged of the seat. His hand hands gripped your ass firmly, moving your body to meet his deep and forceful strokes.
"Aaaah...aahh...I'm close! K-Kenma! Kenma!" You whined, finally orgasming.
However, Kenma wasn't done yet and he's not gonna let go of your cute kitty pussy until he shot his birthday cum inside of you. He placed your body on the floor and began slamming down his cock so rapidly that your knuckles are turning white and so was your vision.
You just came...You just came! Another one...another one! Your toes curled, cumming around him again. Your mouth hung open and drool slipped down to your chin.
He hugged you tight, placing a hand below your head as he gave two strong pumps before filling your pussy.
“Holy shit! Did you and Y/N just did what we thought you were doing?”
Your heads both sharply turned to the headphones beside him. Kuroo?
“H-How long have you been there?” Kenma took his headphones and asked, panicking.
“Damn! Just enough." Tora commented.
Lev added, "We're supposed to greet you, but we're the ones surprised!"
"Why didn't y'all put down the call?!"
And Yaku..."We thought it’s just a game thing until now."
"No, you put the call down next time,” Kuroo reprimanded Kenma then chuckled. "Wow. What a happy birthday. We'll leave you two alone. That's enough show for us today," continued by his best friend who ended the call.
Kenma froze, his face even redder. It's his entire team. However, he couldn’t do anything about it anymore, and his head was still light with pleasure
Running a hand through his hair, he returned his focus back to you. You were almost passed out, breathing through your parted lips. You looked so adorable that he wanted to squish you more in his arms. He sighed and smiled. At least, he got you as his special present for the rest of the night.
Happy Birthday to me.
⏝︶︶⏝︶ ୨୧ ︶⏝︶︶⏝
© nekorei 2023 - All rights reserved. No work shall be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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lilrainbowcloud · 4 months
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Flower and Fates
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Reader
Genre: Barista x Florist AU
Word Count: 2.1k || masterlist
Warning: none
The sound of chiming bells from the collar of your cat, Festus, accompanied you as you made your way around your little flower shop with a spray bottle in hand. The soft purring he does as the fluffy ball of cloud jumped onto the windowsill and shoving his head under your hand made it difficult for you to attend to your plants causing you to giggle at his need for attention.
"Festus please! I'll play with you when I'm done here," even as you said that, the cat still wouldn't listen, jumping down now, he rubbed himself against your legs making it hard for you to move now without stumbling over him.
Setting the clear spray bottle on the flower stand, you put your hands on your waist as you looked down at your furry friend, "What is up with you today huh?" your annoyed expression changes to a soft one as you bend down to pick him up, how could you even stay mad at him when he's so cute. "You've never been this clingy before," walking to the main table, you sat down on the chair with Festus happyly snuggling on your lap, purring loudly by the gentle scratching on his head.
"This is an early break for me then," sighing as you looked at the clock on the wall, the time showed [11:47AM]. Today was one of the quieter days in your shop. Only having a couple came in hours before to pick their order for a ceremony, other than that later today you might get a few others. Speaking of orders, you remembered you had to continue the last few bouquets of an order for an anniversary today so the client can pick them up tomorrow but with Festus stopping you from doing your work, you just hoped that this cat would be over his episode soon.
A gentle tap on your shoulder almost startled you if the person who you saw by your side was one of a stranger, but he wasn't a stranger. It was Luke, the cute barista from the coffee shop next door who also happened to be your friend from the first day you had opened your shop and now it's been 3 months of your sweet friendship.
The lovely smile of his instantly got mirrored onto your own face, "Hi, Luke." Remembering that you were stroking your cat on your lap, looking down you saw that he was no longer there making you sigh in relief as you could finally stand up and stretch.
"Are you tired today, [Y/N]?" setting the paper bag filled with your usual pastries for lunch, which the freshly baked aroma was starting to seep through it, Luke pulled a chair closer with his foot to sit across from you, "I've never seen you sleep in the shop before. Also, it's very dangerous to when you're all alone in here someone could've just come in,"
Pulling your lips into a tight line humming to give you time to form an answer, you moved yourself closer to the table, your knees bumped his as you grabbed the paper bag with your name on it,”First of all, it was Festus' fault for not letting me water the flowers today because,” Turning your head to look for said cat, you saw that he was eating his food, unbothered, “someone is clingy today,” raising your voice in Festus’ direction, it made the curly haired boy laugh, amused by your relationship with your cat.
“What?” looking at the boy in front of you with a questioning expression, “It's true! I only got to water not even half of my precious flower babies,” lips pouting, you rolled your eyes at him as he continued to laugh, the melodious sound resonating through your quant shop made your heart flutter. A small smile appeared on your face at the thought of how you liked his laugh so much. Brushing your stray hair behind your ears, you then took out the still warm blueberry scone. Humming in satisfaction, eyes closed as the rich flavors filled your mouth.
“I'll help you water them later,” Calming himself down from his laughing fit, cheeks dusted with pink roses Luke sat up straight and took his own lunch, “Now eat up first.”
Mists of water droplets fell onto the rainbow petals of the flowers in your shop, continuing from the windowsill you paused earlier, the afternoon sun rays was beaming through the window and as Luke turned to ask you a question whether or not the section he was standing at had been watered or not, Luke could see the rays blanketed your figure with a soft golden halo. Reaching over your head to spray the hanging pots, once again the water mists fell around you like sparkles.
It was almost like a secret magical moment Luke was seeing. From the quiet and calm atmosphere, to the soft smile on your face as you took care of your plants and to the enchanting sight he just witnessed, if he didn't make friends with you since day one that you went over to his cafe for breakfast, Luke would've thought you were a fairy selling your magically grown flowers.
Captivated by you, Luke didn't even realize that you had moved away and was standing next to him until he heard your voice, “Hey, I think we're done here.” The same soft smile you gave to the flowers, you were showing it to him too. From the months he knew you, Luke had been observant towards your behavior as you didn't talk very much. Knowing by heart the smile you just gave him was one of that the adoring kind, does that mean-
Oh no, the growing feelings for you were sprouting yet another rose in his heart. Ever since he first thought you were such an endearing girl, the first ever bud grew. Every day he sees you as you opened your shop the same time as him, the little red rose was growing steadily. Day by day the petals were opening, until one day of you forming a friendly bond with him to the point of you being comfortable with each other, that was when all types of flowers were blooming in his heart.
The fear of admitting his feelings out loud made him suppress them, everyday he had been stomping on the delicate flowers so as to not ruin your innocent friendship. If you had seen the massacre he had done in his heart, he bet you would've fainted. But deep down he secretly wished that you would attend to his growing feelings just the same as you had attended to your beautiful flowers.
Sighing to himself, lips jutted out in a not so obvious pout to show his disappointment, Luke set down the spray bottle on the front table and followed you to the back room.
The backroom was your workroom where you prepare for orders, and Luke could see the assortments of flower arrangements on the table. Scanning his eyes through the room, he could see there were about a dozen white flower bouquets in a circular shape, the stalks were wrapped with brown paper with purple ribbons tied to them. On your wide work table, he could see the piles of flowers you used to make the order and right now you were cutting the stalk of a white carnation.
“How many of these do you still need to do?” Picking up a white rose, Luke brought it to his nose and inhaled the fragrance of the flower before twirling it with his fingers
“Hmmm, about four more then I'll have to put them in the boxes for them to pick up tomorrow morning.”
As you worked, Luke leaned himself over the table opposite of you, arms extended to support himself as he watched you staking the variety of white coloured flowers together effortlessly, making them blend in together so beautifully it amazed him by how fast you worked. In the next three minutes you were already covering the green stalks with the brown paper.
“Can you help?” Suddenly stopping as you held the paper's edge in place, you looked up at Luke who raised an eyebrow in question. “Can you please cut the ribbon and tie this for me?” Inclining your head towards the roll of purple ribbon and the scissors beside it.
Quick on his feet, Luke did as you said of cutting the ribbon, from the other times he had helped you to prepare orders from time to time, he knew the exact length to cut, even making the inward arrow head you always made at both ends. Standing beside you now, he wove the ribbon around the bouquet, swiftly moving the ribbon under your hold for you to let go and let him take over. As you were retracting your hands, your fingers brushed over Luke’s hands. Another blooming flower.
“Thank you,” Picking up the made bouquet, you walked to the others and set it down, the back of your fingers brushing the soft petals, “For lunch and for helping me today.” Facing him, you suddenly weren't able to meet his eyes.
As you stood there, feeling the warmth of Luke's presence beside you, you couldn't shake the fluttering feeling in your chest. His kindness and helpfulness never failed to make your heart skip a beat, and today was no exception.
"Of course, [Y/N]," Luke replied with a gentle smile, his eyes soft as he looked at you. "I'm always happy to help, especially when it means spending time with you."
You felt a blush creeping onto your cheeks at his words, but you managed to muster a grateful smile in return. "Well, I appreciate it more than you know," you said softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear out of habit.
There was a moment of silence between you, filled only with the sound of your own racing heartbeat. You knew you had to say something, to express the feelings that had been growing inside you for months now. But the words caught in your throat, and you found yourself unable to speak.
Just as you were about to give up and retreat into your own thoughts, Festus, your ever-mischievous cat, suddenly darted into the room, his collar jingling with every step. He leaped onto the table, causing a few stray petals to flutter to the ground, and nuzzled his head against your hand affectionately.
You couldn't help but laugh at his antics, grateful for the distraction. But as you glanced up at Luke, you caught a glimpse of something in his eyes—a longing, a vulnerability that mirrored your own.
In that moment, something clicked inside you. You realized that maybe, just maybe, you weren't alone in this after all. Maybe Luke felt the same way you did, but was too afraid to admit it.
Summoning up all your courage, you took a deep breath and met Luke's gaze head-on. "Hey, Luke," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. "I was wondering... um, would you maybe want to go out for dinner sometime? Just the two of us?"
The words hung in the air between you, heavy with anticipation. You held your breath, waiting for his response, unsure of what to expect.
Luke's eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, you feared you had overstepped. But then, a slow smile spread across his face, lighting up his features in a way that made your heart skip a beat.
"I'd love to," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth. "I've been wanting to ask you the same thing, actually."
Relief flooded through you, followed by a rush of excitement. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something wonderful.
But as you exchanged smiles and made plans for your dinner date, neither of you noticed the knowing glint in Festus's eyes. After all, he had his own secrets to keep—the biggest one being that he wasn't just an ordinary cat, but a Cynocephalus, a mythical creature with a knack for bringing people together.
With a satisfied purr, Festus slipped out of the shop and disappeared into the twilight, his mission accomplished. And as he vanished into the shadows, a faint shimmer of magic lingered in the air, a silent testament to the power of love and the mysterious ways of the gods.
As you and Luke walked hand in hand into the evening, the world seemed to sparkle with newfound enchantment, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twist of fate that had brought you together. Little did you know, your journey was only just beginning, filled with magic, adventure, and the boundless possibilities of love.
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miss-starlet · 6 months
♡ Pet Play W/ Minnie ♡
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18+ MDNI
Word Count: 500+
Warnings: Punishments, Bondage, titles such as master & owner, mentions of spanking and degradation.
Kitty Minne (Receiving):
♡ I know everyone loves a good bratty Minho (Guilty ✋️), however I want to say it's not often the case. On a scale I probably would say 70% good boy and 30% a brat.
♡ He just wants to be loved and spoiled. Which might lead into bratty kitty territory when he doesn't get his way.
♡ Licks and nibbles at your hand and fingers. All the love bites from him.
♡ When he is good, he is your prize kitten who want to be pampered. Pls help him put on his collar w/ a little bell and ears. Brush his hair, give him tons of pets, and kisses. An absolute cutie when he is all dolled up!
♡ He is a big fan of bondage, especially loves when you bind his legs and elbows so that they are forced to stay bent and have to crawl around.
♡ One of Minhos favorite things is to cum. When he starts to get bratty and misbehave, taking away his orgasms is a good way to get him back to acting like your good kitty.
Minho was seated by your feet on the floor. Dawning his fluffy kitty ears and baby blue collar. All day he has been naughty, but you knew just what to do to make him behave again.
You gently patted your thighs to catch Minho's attention, making soft "psk" noises to get him to join you on your lap.
He gazed up at you with those honey-brown eyes, scrowling at you; clearly annoyed.
"Does Minnie need help getting up?" You asked teasingly, putting your hands under his armpits and lifting him up into your lap. "I didn't need help."
"Don't get all grumpy with me mister. Doesn't my kitty want to feel good? " You asked. Your hand wraps around his dick, starting of with slow tugs before jerking him off merciless. Minho's moans starts to get louder and louder as your speed increases.
"Y/Nnie p-please" Minho's body squirms between your legs as your other hand comes around his waist to still him.
"So loud baby and so needy too." Your hand stops and he whined loudly. His hips started to thrust up against the air, trying to feel some type of sensation.
"My bratty little baby just doesn't deserve to cum, does he?" You ask as your fingers grabbed his chin, shaking his head no.
Owner Minho (Giving):
♡ A very strict, but loving owner. Will spoil you rotten by letting you have whatever you want as long as you are good for him. Buys you a new collar and toys almost every week because he loves how excited you get when he gives them to you.
♡ He doesn't mind whatever animal you want to be, but it will change how soft or rough he plays with you. If you are his kitty, he will treat you just like his own cats. If you are his little puppy, he will be a lot more rougher with you.
♡ Minho has many rules he expects you to follow, and he isn't very lenient with them. Some of his rules include not speaking unless asked, always calling him by his title (master or owner), and respecting him.
♡ He doesn't like to be disrespected, and he doesn't mind training that brat attitude right out of his pet.
♡ Will spray you with a water bottle.
♡ When you misbehave, he turns into a big meanie. He does give you a chance to correct yourself depending on what rule you broke, however, if you keep on he will punish you. He is mean and vile with what he says when degrading you. Spanking is his favorite punishment to give you, especially when he is able to use his belt or get out his favorite paddle.
Minho had came home and surprised you with a new tail plug that had a vibrator setting. He made sure to get his little pet ready by helping you put on your collar and new tail.
You were kneeling in between his feet trying to be good and not squirm. He set it to the lowest setting, and to say you were desperate was an understatement. You rubbed your head against the fabric of his jeans, whining softly.
"Aw, my poor kitten. Don't worry, your master will take care of you."
"P-please" You whine out, Minho hand find their way into your hair, pulling your head back.
"Kittens don't talk." Minho said as he unbuttons his pants, following the action by unzipping his fly and pulling his cock free from his underwear.
"Does my kitty want a taste?" You nod, while letting him move you head close to the tip by your hair.
"You been so good for me, how about you enjoy your reward?"
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bettyfrommars · 6 months
the corner of Heartache & Jameson
18+only, cemetery meet cute, talk of grief and death, allusions to depression and alcohol consumption. Eddie is grieving and so is reader.
wc: 706
You hug yourself against the brisk, icy wind, flexing the collar of your coat up to cover your ears as you stand in the cemetery staring with wet eyes at the headstone in front of you.
“Sometimes I hate you for this, you know?” You scowl and shuffle your feet.  “For dying on me like you did, for leaving me alone here in this shitty world.  It’s not fair.”
Your grandmother’s name is spelled out on the cement slab, and there are fresh poinsettias just below it that will soon suffocate under the freshly fallen snow.  The sun is down and darkness crowds in around you, as if stumbling over shafts of light in its eagerness to be by your side.  You don’t avoid them like others might; you let them curl into you like stray cats and make a home.
You silently dare the gathering shadows to do with you what they will.  
You sniff back a sob and wipe tears from your eyes with angry yanks across your cheeks.  “I came to say I love you and I miss you and I wish you were here.  I don’t have anyone to spend the holidays with so—-”
Footsteps crunch in the snow and you hear a lighter flick.
You look up to see the small flame from a few yards away, and then, a face. 
���Did I scare you?” A man's voice asks, lit cigarette bobbing between his lips.
He sucks in a drag, and you scoff at whoever it is, irritated that he would dare to interrupt your therapeutic, sulking rant to your dead grandmother at her grave.  
“Quite presumptuous of you to think you’d have any effect on me,” you bite, wrapping your arms around your ribcage tighter, feeling for the pepper spray in your coat pocket, just in case.  
“I’m sorry,” he says softly.  He lowers the cigarette, and you can only see his silhouette against the falling snow.  “I’m just not used to bumping into people out here this time of night.”
“You hang out in the cemetery a lot? How hardcore of you.” Your tone is mocking, you want him to leave.  You wish to be alone with your misery and the several travel-size bottles of Jameson.
“These past few months, yeah,” he admits with a shrug.  You can see the outline of his hand and the bright cherry glow on his smoke.  “Since my uncle passed.  He’s right over there.”
He sticks his elbow out to the right, in a general direction.  As if he can’t look, as if it’s still too hard. 
“He raised me,” he offers, as if to accentuate the point that the man had not been just any uncle.  “So, I like to come here and get sad, too, you know?”
You relax your hand on the pepper spray.  You relax your jaw too, and for a brief second, you hope that he is the grim reaper coming to take you away from this earthly hell.
He takes a tentative step closer, and in the dim glow of the moonlight, you can finally see the gentle curves of his face.  “Names Eddie,” he shoves one hand into the front pocket of his jeans and flicks ash from his smoke with the other.  Other than ripped jeans and sneakers, he only has on a threadbare concert tee and a thin leather jacket.
You don’t tell him your name because you’re not sure if you want to know anyone anymore.  Being alone is better, being alone is safe.  
But you can’t help but notice: “Are you cold?”
He snorts a laugh. “I kinda am, yeah. I didn’t really expect to come out here.  It just…happened.”
You understood the compulsion.  You’d driven to the cemetery in your pajamas once in a fit of grief.  
You felt in your other pocket for the tiny bottles of alcohol and rolled them around in your fingers so that they sounded like crashing marbles.  You held one up to him by the glass neck.  “You want to come back to my car and get warm? Be sad together?”
“Well, it is the holidays,” he tried not to smile but couldn’t help the grin that crept up one side of his face like the Grinch with an idea.  “Sucks to be alone this time of year.”
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iwanty0uu · 10 months
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You scrolled through Tik Tok mindlessly on FaceTime with your best friend Saylem in silence, until she broke it.
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 “Nahh what this bitch said she got eczema” she laughed, trying her best to catch her breathe. “Send” you replied smiling, feeling the vibration of your phone in your hand while pressing the message in your inbox. “Get out, how am I making you cry you literally have a hickey on your neck!” The boy with blue sweat pants said, “What do you mean like it’s literally my eczema..” you paused the Tik Tok now screaming and laughing. “NOOO BRO BECAUSE SHE THINK SHE SLICK OH EM GEE THATS A GOOD ONE.” tears now leaking out of your eyes, “wait bitch” you sighed “Imma *gasp* do that to mine and see how he react” The idea made your eyes brighten, “Bitch you smiling like the Grinch right now stop” Saylem said laughing.
 “ Girl I can’t wait, but anyways toodles I have a prank to set up.” “Mwah later boo” she replied hanging up, it was currently 4:56 and your boyfriend came home from work in less than an hour, so you ran to get your vlog camera that sat cutely in it’s red case and began recording. The curls of your lace front bounced while you ran to the kitchen, your orange victoria secret fluffy sweater and shorts set hugged your body, protecting you from the air conditioner. It was hotter than the devil’s ass crack outside, so you knew your boyfriend Eren would be hot and irritated until he took his shower. You pressed record and backed up, “alrighty.. 3..2..1.. HI LAB RATS, welcome back or to my laboratory you already know Y/n the Scientist in this bitch okay so” you interrupted yourself while giggling, covering your hand over your mouth and cackling a bit harder.
 “Ahhhh my bad y’all okay so boom today ima do a prank on my lil boo thang and it’s gonna be this hickey prank, so me and my homegirl Saylem was on the phone and I was telling her.. and then she was tellin me.. hold on lemme remember the conversation.” You paused running to get your phone. “Alright imma show you the tik tok,” laughter escaped at the idea of your boyfriend’s attitude, but you needed to move fast since time did everything but slow down. “Okay im going to be using the Fenty Beauty eyeshadow for a darker effect and then im going to throw on some of this Morphy blush and then put some powder and setting spray because i need this shit to last for real.” You ran to your desk, rummaging through your makeup bag. 
Finally you finished and checked yourself out in your hand mirror, then..the front door unlocked. Eyes widening, you cursed yourself for not setting up the camera, but you had an idea “okay guys” you whispered quickly, Eren called your name, and you heard the confusion in his voice since you weren’t there like usual to greet him. “fuck fuck, imma put yall in my dresser drawer and imma flick the collar of my sweater up, and hide it until he get out the shower, while he in there im gonna set yall up in the kitchen mkay bye.” Basically throwing the camera in the drawer, you did as you said you would and greeted your man at the front door. “Hey baby love!” you chirped as he kissed your cheeks, then forehead, then lips, “whats goin on gorgeous” he smiled, you missed him, and prank aside you did feel a little bad for the headache you were about to bring on his pretty little head. 
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His bun was messy, chains hanging low on his white tee, he had on some simple black shorts, and his  white nike socks rested above his black cats. “Boy you smell like outside..awww my poor baby sweating go wash up” you said kissing his lips, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He placed his pouch on the kitchen counter and nodded, making his way to the bathroom and grabbing a towel on the way there, you listened for the bathroom door and when it closed, you grabbed the camera, ran to the kitchen and set it up in between your red blender, red candle, and red toaster. “Camouflage” you whispered. Maybe the matching appliances wasn’t such a bad idea. After about 20 minutes, Eren came out with a towel over his shoulder, in some grey sweatpants. 
“Boy where are your drawls..” you asked looking up from your phone, you nearly forgot you were on camera. His white teeth showed as he smirked, walking closer to you, lifting your chin up to kiss him. “FUCK THE PRANK IS IN EFFECT” your thoughts were so loud, you felt as if he could hear them, and his sudden halt made your heart drop to your ankles. “Y/n L/n I know that this isn’t a hickey. You are on your period, and your head isn’t big enough to suck on your own neck when your fingering yourself.” “NIGGA?” you sucked your teeth at his remark “man move around, and I dont even touch my private areas..” you said getting fake mad. “Girl you think I can’t hear you in the shower.. and fuck you mad for stop playin wit me I know this shit is make u-“ he said trying to wipe the makeup off with his hand. 
His eyebrows furrowed and looked at you, “babe stop it’s hurting I rubbed my neck too hard in the shower with that exfoliating rag i be using with my African black soap, but my skin smooth and you love that shit” you said in an attempt to butter him up. “Girl bye there’s no way that’s from a fuckin rag” he said now getting serious, “the fuck u been doing all day?” he asked, damn your act could have won you a grammy, but pause.. The fuck is his issue for real? “Wait nigga u think im cheating on you?” you asked getting up, moving his hand away from your neck “Yo I never not one time said that you was, but nah for real what you was doing all day that made you get so defensive?” This joke was no longer a lil jokey joke.. he really thought you would cheat on him for real? I mean in his defense that’s the point of the prank but unless he was pranking you on your own prank, there shouldn’t even be a “if” or “but” leaving his mouth.
 “I was waiting on your ass to get home thats what I was doing” you said rolling your eyes, walking closer to the camera to catch his reaction. “ Eren is a smart boy, so he had you fucked up when he was trailing your ass, actually thinking you did sum. “Nah bro don’t play dumb wit me now the fuck was you doin? The mark is fresh , do I play with you like that Y/n?”  you turned to face him and you decided to play along, just for the camera… “So what if I was doing something, whatcha gonna do about it huh?” you asked crossing your arms over your chest. You gave him some of his least favorite sass, the same bratty attitude he always tried to control but to be honest, no amount of sex would let your mouth stop running, so he was always careful when it came to handling you. “Watch where you throwing that damn attitude. I am not a wide receiver so trust and believe I will throw it right back to your ass. 
When you’re speaking to me, lower your tone.” his hands slid into his pockets. His ass is so sassy like this not-so-nigga wanna be a girl so fucking bad. However, the bulge in his sweats caught your attention..”He don’t got a roll of quarters in his pocket, so I don’t know what the fuck is lookin at me through his pants,” you said to yourself. This was when the realization that the video was boutta turn into a movie..ya know..the ones you get viruses from! “Okay Eren Yeager my deepest apologies,” you said smiling, rubbing your hands together like a teacher during a parent conference. Pointing your hand towards the red camera, his head followed,” My baby boo boo bear sweet cheeks vanilla muffin thick dick baby boy it is indeed a prank” you grabbed the camera quickly and ran for your life. 
Eren didn’t lie about being a wide receiver but damn his ass ran fast, your final words to your audience was “HELP!” as you locked yourself into the bathroom, turning the camera off. “Baby I just wanna talk! Open the fuck up.” Eren knocked on the door, then slid his fingers under the bottom trying to get you, “Nah Gang baby not in here” you put on your manly voice trying not to laugh. The door knob stopped jiggling, but you heard a key enter the door knob and you had no choice but to hide in the cupboards under the sink. “Y/nnnnn where are you…” he asked, “Are you..here?” he said opening the shower curtain to reveal nothing, “I know your little gremlin ass can’t fit in the toilet, your forehead make the toilet seat stand up. His ass so fucking annoying.
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 “Alright n/n you win..”, but then the doors to the cupboard flew open, and your ass so happened to be dragged out. The camera remained in the bathroom but you two were actually boutta make a film of your own, “you finna handle my ass aren’t you bae” you sighed in defeat, “Mhm” he replied before you could even finish, “You tryna make fake ones Imma give you some that you won’t be able to hide”……
If you didn’t already, click on the fuckin red words neow.
OKAY GUYSSSSSS I hope you guys liked this one!!! This was a request from @katsaresokool and like I fell in love with the concept!! Also I won’t be uploading as much cuz classes start next week, but I’m lurkin and watching. Always. ~ 𝓁ℯ𝓁ℯ!
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Hello love, it’s 🦂-Anon here again and I just adored your latest fics.
I have been thinking of the crows with more hybrids readers and it just clouds my thoughts. Could we get something with yandere crows giving a neko reader a collar? (Also I hope we can get more bunny reader)
Yandere Six Of Crows x Fem!Neko reader. Hc’s
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Yandere Six Of Crows x Fem!Neko reader. (Romantic)
I had this exact idea too! I wanted to do it with the bunny reader but i got more plans for it! So hopefully I can finish it.
I will do so much more if you guys want. Puppy, fox, heck even a spider reader. This is just so fun.
Warnings: Collaring, Pet relationships, obsession, protective, little suggestive…So minors go away or don’t interact, but nothing bad.
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You must really love being the center of attention don’t you? It was so easy to get their eyes focused on you, even when you weren’t trying to.
You could just be sitting down with a book and facing away from them, but here they are literally just loving how you breathed. The group praised every little thing you did, they are your own cheer team.
But they were so overbearing. You had no freedom at all, and I mean at all. You want to go downstairs into the club? At least one of them has to be close to you. You want to go for a walk? Two group buddies follow you.
Just think, you, their little baby were to get hurt? They could bare the thought- in fact they couldn’t fathom it.
You have a bed in all the rooms, each of theirs bedroom or offices. I mean of course you’re more then welcome to sleep with time but just encase.
Their hands constantly touch you. Or they just watch your tail wag around in whatever mood you are in. They melt when your ears flicker, like Nina almost died once. But you were a Neko, which the cat side of you just had the urge to bite back.
So they have spray bottles.
I can see them having bite marks on their hands at all times. But you did feel bad about it.
Punishment wasn’t that often because you were obedient for the most part. But when you would stare at them and just knock something over, or back sass them- Or even hiss at them.
There are a few different approaches. 1) of course the spray bottle, 2) Ten minutes in a cage, 3) Being forced to go for a walk with a leash attached to your collar, 4) Or you will be locked up for a few days in your room. Though the last one was only when you fought back. And they felt bad about it but you had to learn. But you weren’t starved or anything, you just couldn’t have any company. Just you and the room.
But let’s talk about what you asked for, your collar.
It had to be perfect just for you. It was black leather straps that wound wrap around your throat, a metal circle in the center that had a hook of a small bell. And it had room for something to be attached, like a leash.
You weren’t aloud to take it off unless you asked, or you’d be punished.
They couldn’t stop but stare each time they saw you and the collar that rested on your skin. You belonged to them, they had marked their territory. It filled them with pride to know they could be the ones to collar you.
Everywhere you went the bell rang and they could hear you a mile away. The jingle got them excited each time because you were close.
You could take so many cat naps on their laps and they wouldn’t move for hours. Kaz loved it when you would just stay with him while he works. Your peaceful breaths made him calm, even he would pet your head.
Of course they wouldn’t let anyone get to close. You remember one day when you went into the bar without one of them close too you, one thing lead to another and a drunk man found you.
He was taken away and beaten to death by Kaz’s cane. Kaz didn’t care if anyone saw, it would send out a message that you weren’t to be approached.
Kinda spicy passed this line.
You were walked at times with the leash, mostly by kaz or Nina when you’d acted up. It was embarrassing and you cried the whole time, no matter how much you struggled they just tugged you through the streets. They didn’t try and hide you, in fact they wanted people to stare at you because then you’d cry even harder of embarrassment and think twice before disobeying them.
They would hook their fingers in the loop and tug you forward to kiss you, they enjoyed your blush and purring you got.
They knew how to massage your cat like features to make you whimper out. Your tail was very sensitive and they enjoyed when your voice got high when they tugged on the fluff. You think they care if they are out in public?
No. It doesn’t matter where you guys are, if it’s just waving in front of them it doesn’t matter where they are. They are touching you. I think Jesper is the one to do it the most because he finds it fun to tease.
Wylan is however the softest one, but the clingiest. He would steal you away all the time so you could just be with him, one time the others had to drag you out his lab because he didn’t want you to leave. He also likes it when you would listen to his music or curl up at his side.
I can see you trying to climb matthias all the time because he’s so tall and you know he finds it a bit annoying. But don’t let the tough man fool you, he fucking loves it. Don’t tell the others but he hides treats for you all over.
Inej can take hours of her day just watching you and kaz has to remember her she has a job to do. I think she might kill anyone that looks at you, her mind thinks they would steal you away and put you in the menagerie. Making her go feral and protective . She isn’t as bad as the rest with the touches and she likes it when you come to her first. She would never pull on your trail or ears for fun, unless you asks for it of course but she doesn’t want to hurt you.
But even she can’t stop herself from pulling you around by your collar to hear you squeal and have to follow her around.
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