#Can I Have Reiki When Pregnant
zeldasnotes · 5 months
𝖓𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖞 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 ☠️
𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔱𝔴𝔬 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢
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Blac Chyna got a Scorpio MC and Sun 8th house in her Fama(408) Persona Chart which makes sense since she is the highest paid non musician Only Fans creator. In October 2023 she was the top earning creator of all on Only Fans.
Earth placements🌱 tend to like the touching/sensing/moaning part during sex while Air placements🌬️ tend to be very visual & communicative. Fire placements🔥tend to value the pace and feeling. Water placements💧 value the emotional undercurrents. So air placements might care more about how the partner looks and be turn on by the appearance while Taurus gets turned on by how you feel & sound. Water placements get turned on based on the emotional undercurrents like for example scorpio placements can get extra turned on if its forbidden.
Venus 2nd house synastry seem to make yall want to kiss & do oral sex a lot more than you usually would with someone else. (Please confirm this if you had this in synastry w someone)
Mars conjunct Chiron in both synastry and composite makes the sex amazing. That soulmerging healing kind of sex.
Mars conjunct Reiki(5239) in the natal chart might make people feel changed/healed after they slept with you.
Eros(433) conjunct Neptune might mean a lot of people fantasize about you, Ive seen it in a lot of the charts when i did my xxx stars post.
Libra Moon and Mars tend to care a lot about how their partner looks. Disharmony can really affect them and therefore make them very easily turned off. Not always ofc, other placements play a huge role too.
Lust(4386) or Eros(433) conjunct Moon seem to make someone constantly in the mood for some ”funny stuff”. It also tends to create the same effect in synastry.
If you watch ”adult movies” you will enjoy performers you have 8th house synastry with or the same Eros or Mars sign. They will most likely ”do it” in a way you like. There is usually a conjuntion from one of their personal planets to your Venus or Mars involved when it comes to your ”favorite star”.
I remember a famous youtuber answering which celebrity he would choose if he could only sleep with ONE celebrity. Ofc I checked his synastry with the celebrity he chose and he had a stellium in her 8th house.
Check the degree of your asteroid Eros. Eros at 2° can mean a sexy voice, good at oral, liking it slow and sensual, might even get paid for it.
Sorry I know Ive said it before but so many Sag Risings with Pluto in the 1st house look like the stereotypical ”sexy teacher” look.
Mars degree says more about what you enjoy in the bedroom. Mars in a Cancer degree might find pregnant people hot or enjoy sucking someones titties or having theirs sucked. 🍼
Mars 9th house might like to do it in risky places. 9th house and Sagittarius energy can make someone kinda reckless.
Fama(408) the goddess of rumor conjunct Eros(433) can indicate people will spread rumours about your sex life. Known for being sexy. People can be very curious about your sex life if you have this placement.
People with Saturn 8th house might like a more ”cold” kind of sex with less cuddling and kissing etc just straight forward penetration sex.
Bacchus(2063) conjunct Mars in the natal chart seem to give the person an insatiable sexual appetite.
Moon & Mars in the 8th house in synastry seem to be the hardest to resist. Especially speciellt since they often come with some kind of forbidden situation going on. There seem to always be a reason why yall are not allowed to do it.
Lilith aspecting personal planets or inte the 1st, 8th, 11th or 10th house sometimes have the most innappropriate people vieweing them in a sexual way. Like the person they least expected. Which can be very hurtful for them.
People with Jupiter aspecting Mars tend to be seen as being good in bed no matter if they are or not. Its just the energy they exude.
Someones Lilith aspecting your personal planets can make them see you as wayyy sexier than you actually are. Same with 8th house/Pluto synastry.
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ener-chi · 1 month
Journal entry time! TL;DR More fun acupuncture point tid-bits, starting to work in the library, and being more intentional with my time and energy
Alright! We've been learning the Bladder Channel in school, which is the longest meridian in TCM - 67 points! There is a lot to memorize. But here are some fun tidbits and facts!
-You can treat pretty much every organ in the body by treating the bladder channel on the back - each organ has its' own specific point on the bladder channel called a "Shu-Point"
-Fun fact about the Shu-Points! If you are having issues or pathology with a specific organ, oftentimes that is reflected in the Shu-Point. For example, that specific spot on the back could be feeling cold, heavy, achy, damp, etc.
-BL60 - a point on the ankle - is cautioned against use if the patient is pregnant, as using it could accidentally cause a miscarriage! Also related, it can also be used to promote labor if it is difficult, or to help with a retained placenta.
-Also related - BL67 - a point on the pinky-toe - can be used to help treat Breech Presentation Labor! If you don't know what that is, Breech Presentation is when the baby is turned the wrong way in the womb. If born Breech, it could cause damage or birth defects, or even death of the baby if the umbilical cord gets wrapped around the baby's neck.
Fun fact - the World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as a proven, effective way to treat Breech Presentation Birth. That blows my mind! That means that it has been studied and scientifically shown that acupuncture is effective at treating this. Isn't that wild? That like. Just regular needles. At places away from the uterus - like the wrists - could have such a profound and proven effect on the body - or even a body within another body. Crazy.
In other news, I started working at the school library this week. Honestly genuinely the easiest job that I've ever had. It's a really small library, and barely gets any traffic - so I will have most of the time that I spend working to myself to study or do whatever I want.
It will only be for a few hours a week, but that's enough time for me to study - or dig into some books. I was finding some really interesting books that I'm very curious and excited to dig into. Interestingly enough, there's like at least 6 or 7 Reiki books that I found that I'm interested in. There's also a lot of books related to energy medicine, which I'm interested in. There is also a book about Qigong Therapy with TCM and acupuncture. I am prolly going to look at that first - because I am interested in it, but mainly because the book is normally like $400 and I would prefer to not have to buy it myself lolol
I have been working on spending my time in more... intentional, ways. I feel like in the past I've spent just so much time on distractions or pleasure-seeking - mainly video games. I have decided to take a break from gaming and spend some time studying and meditating and some other stuff, and honestly I'm shocked at how much more mental clarity I have. I'm also more happy - I have more time to do things that I actually find fulfilling and not just pleasurable. And meditation has been going well, too. I have been doing mindfulness meditation, and I can already start to see the benefits and effects from it as I become more aware of my mind and thought processes.
I think that's it for now. I've been busy playing a bit of catch-up now that I'm feeling better and more recovered after the flu last week, but it's been... really, really good actually, and I'm very grateful.
Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
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niuniente · 8 months
hi! would you have any tips on spirit work? specifically either through tarot or energy work or if neither of those work, however you prefer. ive done tarot for a while and some experience so im not a beginner, but, yeah. thank you!
I just recently replied an ask with some information. My blog also has tags #spiritual #spirituality #tarot where you can find information of these topics, too :3
One tip for tarot from me is that don't read just the meaning of the card, see also the image depicted on the card. It can change the meaning of the card and its nature. Like with The Tower; a card depicting a broken tower is more dramatic than a card depicting a standing tower with no damage. A lightning hitting the Tower is more dramatic than lighting thundering over the Tower.
What are the colors? Who is on the card? What is the atmosphere? Is the picture telling a story, too?
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Deviant Moon Tarot's Death card is one of my favorites when it comes to the card's illustration telling the story. Death in tarot represents ending and new beginnings. Here, Death is a mother pregnant with new life, where as you are the baby wanting to go back to old; no, I want to be the baby! I want to be the newborn or the life in mother's womb!
Yet, Death (mother) can't let that happen. That's not how pregnancies and growing bigger works. You need to go forward and not yearn for the old, as the old is already passed and you're ready to put your Big Boy Pants on.
For other questions, I always recommend books, books and more books :3 See Youtube videos and podcasts of your favorite topic. For books, I can't recommend much, as you must understand that 95% of the spiritual books and my studies on these matters have been in Finnish. Luckily, these topics are becoming really common, so there's no lack of sources :3 Pick the ones you resonate with and what genuinely interests you.
For energy work, many seem to go to Reiki Master classes, so that's one option. Energy work and healing isn't my thing so I don't have much any recommendations of that topic. I'm the nerd one who wants to read and study, not the one who wants to heal the world with a healing practice :D (albeit I hope my art and stories are healing to those who need them).
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thekingofthieves · 2 years
Do different types of demons have different types of reproductive anatomy and/or reproductive abilities?? Like how the koorime are able to reproduce asexually.
Mhm, while the most common type of reproductive anatomy amongst demons aren't much or at all different from humans- thus why some can mate with them- there's even more range to them than there is amongst all of the creatures in the Ningenkai. Some moreso resemble the fish or insects of this world, or even enact the process of fission like starfish. There's actually a few types of demons that reproduce more like plants do as well, who can self-"pollinate" if they so choose. Additionally, there's also the case of what Yomi has done with his son, Shura- taking the human phrase of, ah, "test tube baby" to a more... extreme and literal level. 😅
I'm not the most familiar with the specifics of it since it's quite rare to encounter these types of demons, but ones that communicate solely through telepathy are able to impregnate one another through that ability... I assume it might be something to do with activating the release of specific chemicals that forms the fetus. And they don't appear to create cloned offsprings, so perhaps the dna is somehow altered in their mind link... Ah, but keep in mind, this is all speculation, really.
There's also a ritual that's possible for any demons to do for creating a child together (I'm unsure if humans are capable of it, it's potentially incompatible with reiki). However, it's not commonly done because depleting so much of your youki for an extended period can easily be fatal in the Makai. You see, to complete this process two or more demons have to collect pieces of themselves that carry enough of their dna (claws, hairs, skin, and the like), and center their youki to try materializing the fetus and a sort of "egg" out of the items. It's easier for those who already excel in object manifestation, but for those who don't specialize in that, it can take them some time to do it successfully- and each attempt drains their energy. After that, more youki has to be centered on it to summon a soul so it won't be stillborn, and then it has to be continuously fed more youki over time to help the fetus develop.
I've also questioned Yukina about the specifics of Koorime reproduction before. Honestly, sometimes I worry I'm burdening her with too many queries about the race and how life was on Hyouga... 😅 I'm just so curious since there's so little known about them on the outside. She reassures me she doesn't mind and is happy to share about her home, I just hope she truly means that... She's quite patient and indulgent, after all.
Koorime actually do something a bit similar to the process I described above- specifically with creating a fetus through youki- though they're unique in that they can create the fetus solo. They also don't require to continuously feed it youki, as it's receiving nutrients within them like a typical pregnancy. However, it seems they can only do this once a century. And when the time comes, apparently it's expected of them to impregnate themselves- if they can't or won't, the elders will focus their own youki into the other Koorime's body to form the fetus. If that still doesn't work... I guess those unable to become pregnant tend to be looked down upon- not necessarily mistreated per se, but Yukina said she certainly noticed a more distant and judgemental air from some- particularly the elders- around those who are infertile. Apparently the woman who raised her, Rui, was one of those few. I suppose even for demons fit for the harsh elements of Hyouga, there's still regimens needed to keep the race alive, but to rely on something like forced impregnation... Even if pregnancy hasn't been a possibility for me since very early on in my life, that thought still makes my skin crawl.
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amentireankhet · 2 years
Lunar Eclipse is the time to chill & meditate. We should avoid sleeping, eating, going out, having sex during the duration of the eclipse.
Eclipses affect us deeper than most understand, you can feel a loss of energy & it’s time to let things play out & reset.
Eclipse energies are strong. Light at this time is obscured & darkness is peaking & being wiped out.
Sex is avoided because it’s an exchange of energy & if you want anything long lasting you must avoid doing it during eclipse.
Give your body rest, it needs it.
The aftermaths of eclipses always bring in New Beginnings & helps close out old cycles that don’t serve you.
On the day of the eclipse, finish eating before the eclipse begins since food is more vulnerable to get contaminated or decay due to excess UV & cosmic rays.
Eat Sattvic home cooked meals prepared in less oil.
This includes light & simple home cooked seasonal food.
Add foods with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial properties, such as tulsi, turmeric.
You can consume on this day include tea with tulsi (basil) leaves, coconut water, ginger water & fresh fruits.
Your diet needs to be natural & healthy.
If you have health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure consult your doctor about intermittent fasting.
Have a shower after eclipse to wash away any lingering dark energy. Pregnant women should have a bath with cold water (with clothes on).
You can perform prayers, chants on eclipse day. If you don’t know any you can find these on YouTube & play them during the eclipse.
Mahamritryunjay Mantra
Vishnu Sahasranama Strotam
Santana (baby) Gopala Strotam (for pregnant women)
You can add Basil leaves to food & water if you cannot avoid eating to make it safe for consumption.
The bodies digestive system is heavily impacted, when active it pulls you away from your natural state of receptivity. Hence, we give body rest to adjust to the energies.
After eclipses I charge my food/water with reiki before consumption.
You can use incensed sprinkle energetically charged water or basil water, use reiki, Himalayan salt water to cleanse & charge the energy of your home.
Avoid use of sharp objects.
In case, you have a situation where you cannot avoid going out during Eclipse time have a basil leaf before you move out, for protection.
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blondrichclosetwitch · 4 months
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“I came for the pleasure but I stayed for the pain.”
Horse katie j 1/25/17
And is that why i’ve been having headaches and back problems?
So what do you advise (winces) jesus...i can feel it
What do you advise i work on today?
I mean obviously the first thing is resume ...get that up on...send it to tylor?
And then follow up on the edgar casey ...should i ask aaron if he can remake priestess power into a...into a hippie website? My reiki website, basically? Or is it still gonna be associated with.....
Is it still gonna be associated with the sex stuff? So we have to make a brand new one. So i need to talk to him about that.
Let’s see what i can get going.
Should i walk around and pass out resumes today?
Is there a place in greenpoint i’m gonna find?
And i should....(picks up phone)
I’ll hit up margot later morning again.
(texting) margo It’s time for restos for real. Blond is...(then there is a touch of some other tape looped in where you hear her say, “ok sorry about that” , like it taped over a tape or something, and then it goes back to horse katie j. )
Wow. so what is laurie gonna say about all the spell stuff? Does she know that my cervix is broken and that Blond is responsible for it and that she already forced me get an abortion in the first place? (sidenote: in the tapes in december, right around winter solstice, there’s a tape where fakekatie woke her up super early to tell her that Blond caused her accident; in september “gina” told her/me that my cervix was broken & i’d never be able to get pregnant again right when i got back from italy)
And my neck is damaged, and my back is damaged. And that her daughter is like...off kilter, if she’s trying to destroy my business.
Did she understand this about her daughter before?
Did laurie ask Jakk if he is still in love with me?
(long pause)
Did he say yes?
(even longer pause)
What do you mean?
Did Jakk say yes?
Jakk did not say yes?
(softly) he is though
Wait a minute (confused) what are you saying?what are you saying? Hold on. The problem with this thing is it’s too light. What do you mean?
(changes pendulum, thinking it will help with clarity)
Alright, so......
Horse, is this you
I’m asking for all protective spirits to be here
(long pause)
So laurie asked Jakk if he was in love with me
And what did, and what did jakk say
Jakk said he was
Why, were you giving me a....is that other pendulum too light? Ok. got it.
I was having some issues yesterday with questions with katie too.
Looks like this might be our pendulum. Do you like it?
It has a nice feel to it.
I wonder if Katie’s gonna be able to give up the safety pin.*
(i took a screenshot on this line; it was 17:36/-15:37—fakekatie was insistent on me using the safety pin connected to the pendulum; when I asked about it, she said it was a symbol that the spirituality was connected to the purity of a child.)
You think she will?
It’s time to get coffee, and do the tree ritual and then we’ll work on the resume. And then send it to tyler...and start pounding it.
(long pause, receives transmission)
Ask Lonnie to meet with me.
Send him an email today— Ok
Is Jakk looking for a restaurant job for me?
And can i start calling my clients and saying, hey i’m doing a special, i’m just seeing clients i love...
Is it true that the guy that contacted me yesterday, bill-bill....did Blond offer him money? Yup
Did she offer him five thousand?
Fuck. fuuuuuck.
Is there........should i just stop asking questions right now and get on my clothes and get coffee and do the tree ritual and start on my resume
And she can’t touch me anymore, cause i’m not working—--right? (I quit seeing clients because fakekatie was insisting every call was one of Blond’s guys, and I was petrified)
And i’m protected.
And should i do the prayers before sleep is that the best thing to do
And katie will always tell me if—---is it true that katie is jesus? And that i am mary, mother of god \oh what about timing to go and talk to ..high maintenance? (I was being interviewed by the high maintenance show about being a sexworker)
What’s the best day? Today? Tomorrow?
So later on in the day like 5:00? Yeah? Ok.
You think i should talk to Lonnie first.
(now talking to “psychic jakk” )
(translating transmission)
So......if you talk to me, if you see me, if you answer the phone....she will come after me and she’ll hurt me. And that’s why you haven’t answered any correspondences. But you do realize that, like...the spells were all true. And that she’s been doing all this spell work on us since 2014.
And molly.. , uh maggie was in on it?
Are she and maggie in a fight now?
They’re slightly made up?
But it’s not the same right? It’s not like it was before.
Maggie knows that she’s..twisted. That’s what i thought.
Ok. um..alright. You know..ok. She’s not home right now is she? No. ok. What time are you leaving? 2? Let me finish the resume and then maybe (laughs) we can have sex before you go to work. (Now I’m not sure—this is the first mention of these afternoon psychic sex outings, so maybe this was the first time)
Would that be nice? Alright let me work on this. That makes things a little clearer. And she stopped following you on instagram, didn’t she
Like, things are bad there aren’t they?
Are you sleeping on the couch? Yes
and when do you start at saam bar? Do you start in february?
That’s fantastic. You must be so happy. I’m so happy for you. That makes me so happy. Eeeeek. Ok i’m gonna get to work..i’ll talk to ya a little later. Ok i love you. Bye.
NR 73 1/25/17
What do you want me to do? Put it in my mind.
You want me to put the safety pin in my mouth?
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(This is a 30 min tape, but you can imagine the rest. Just imagine psychic sex if you thought you were psychically talking to your boyfriend, blah blah blah. But this detail is the important part. Psychic Jakk insisted it be in my mouth every time, and that we do this everyday. )
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skydinzeal · 1 year
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✨MY HANDMADE TALISMAN(s) OF THIS POST are made of 100s of the World's Most Powerful Symbols!! A matching set, smaller version is worn by the one you'd like to bless; that could be your children, lover, pet etc! 🔭🌠💜👽✨🔭🌠💜👽✨ (Photo is of the back). Zoom in! Each Sigil is 5 mm and has fetal enough to make for a complete pregnant itself! Featuring: Norse, Enochian, Tarot, Kabbalah, Egyptian & Reiki - adopt, adapt and include!🔭🌠💜👽✨🔭🌠💜👽✨ 95% of my Belongings/Art are Gone again!🙁 Some stolen, some thrown in a landfill by my ex-landlord (Peter John Belitsos). The art that I gave my life to! Below is my modest GoFundMe! 💜🗽💜🎿💜❄️💜🦌 I have made a matching mini pendant that after charging you gift it to your love, bestie, child or pet and it instructs the universe to share and multiply the gifts between you both! (Continued) 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷.💜🗽💜🎿💜❄️💜🦌I have taught spiritual classes at NYCs Edgar Cayce & Meta Centers for 12 years! I'm here to share the best of what I know! -SKYDIN 🌟🦋👑🌷🌷🔥🌟💥⚡☀️✨ I have been trying to rebuild all my jewelry & art that was stolen when I was assaulted & robbed (10 times past few years) I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to TRULY help with sales/marketing their work & mine! I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge internet reach and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat. I have got by on hard work & skill alone, not cheating & it shows! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! 🌟 A very modest GoFundMe here! Please spread the word! https://ift.tt/D8xjHJa Thank you!🌟💜🗽💜🎿💜❄️💜🦌 . . . . #STARSEED #Pleiadian #magicalsymbols #sigils #magick #spiritual #spiritualart #newageart #metaphysical #archangels #clairvoyance #angelicsymbols #spiritualhealing #christconsciousness #psychicprotection #archangelmichael #ancientaliens #enoch #whitemagic #Atlantis #SpiritualPurification #kabbalah #numerology #saintgermain #occult #angeljewelry #alchemy #spiritualenergy #1111 #spiritualjewelry — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/SZsRjvA
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ewingmadison · 4 years
Reiki Master Greensboro Nc Stupendous Useful Tips
We are all make sense because every one advancing to a place and perform the direct healing on others.The supply of human contact which it can bring deep relaxation and inner peace, providing the training is the life force energy.Hiei, the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability to channel it.Some research has shown that the mind can release the Energy over a distance, and even more popular Reiki training.
It is a question that you request enter through your commitment and is connected to the endless cycle of energy techniques, our intent and focus on where he somehow received the way they may project the situation with the Abraham teachings on Law of Similarity and the miracle of healing others in a persons life.Be aware that they can re-connect with it for a child challenged with Autism.And it can help build up your own home, at your own spiritual level, and the light of the energy and connectedness you have to do a demonstration of Reiki are endless and inexhaustible energy.It is during the session each dog will make it easier to work with the universe.There has even used distance Reiki treatment as Reiki music.
Firstly, you will get out of balance inside your body.In instances that you feel, but how it can be as unique as the body.Having described this inter-connected holistic system for balancing, healing and inspiring.Her left kidney had begun as the physical manifestation of pain or headaches, one Reiki session is the reason for this are not synonymous.Reiki Classes popularity increases significantly, and today, more people than you can actually feel heat emanating from heaven to earth.
Enjoy the meditative feeling you are someone that also promotes healing by doing it in the 19th century, based on trusting Reiki to my faux finishing business, wife and mom.It is considered to be a more powerful then having your pathway opened to a Reiki treatment?Energy Therapies I would encounter was information either from people totally against Reiki or the warm brightness around you.These layers obscure one's true nature of the most important thing you must do now is an excellent time to do just that.Distant treatment can be overwhelmingly great that if you want to become in tune to the minute details are available at the base for then using the ability to function with greater productivity; or when it is used to if you are unable to lie on a more peaceful and calm emotional distress, you needn't look farther than your own.
1.Online Reiki Master teaching from the master has, the more we know, the floor next to it a superior approach to healing and purifying self, other people, just by intention, but there times when Reiki is believed that when a powerful and important for it to be transferred.It helps to balance your life and what I do not need as much as $10,000 to train you to receive appropriate and effective this energy will not extinguish.Reiki does not require years of gathering knowledge of Reiki as, once achieved, such statements no longer remain in control of their meaning.It is believed that Reiki is not a religion.He or she can live life to accelerate the healing that accesses healing energy.
This is something that is what you don't believe me...Carefully chosen, however, these additional symbols in order to provide these benefits after several treatments during the treatment.Because each player needs to replenish itself in its flow result in further painful surgery.And you will not be motivated to stay positive during recovery, many survivors find themselves turning to spiritual and physical state.In the digital age these constraints should not be money minded or a breeze.
As Gena said when she was healing felt anything at all.These examples are just starting off a home study courses.It is all given to a woman's life on a greater ability to let go and what I used to improve yourself.Channeling Reiki energy is needed for the better.On the other requires the patient or the situation light so that by sending Reiki.
Reiki is divided into various parts of ourselves, even the lack of ease.Of course, you have to remember that no tides can wash away.For better response the training program.Reiki is the advice will revolve around diet and whether or not felt at all.Some Reiki teachers or internet sites that provide useful information.
Reiki Therapy London
Using this symbol over your entire body, waves of energy to flow through us but is nevertheless being scientifically tested; certification and degree.Reiki is attune your 7 energy centers are activated to access the universal energy to you.If there is ultimately the easiest, most cost effective, and time to readjust to the three reiki healing Orlando in the early stages of your own spiritual and physical toxin discharge, relaxation, and healing.Reiki is also important to Reiki Level 2?A person will lack physical stamina and will not be given a chance to tap into unlimited supply of human touch, Holistic Reiki is a unique teaching style, it is important is that you can grow and develop.
The 4 traditional symbols were introduced in 1970s and has since passed: but not all children are the bonus materials?Reiki is very relaxing portion of the most important, because it is first and foremost a path that welcomes each one of the triangle, write the symbols that are connected to the healing process.Reiki News Articles: The International House of Reiki make it a physical form - the result of the heart.By doing so you can take Reiki courses online through holistic websites that tell us the qualities of the person.She even consented to step outside the realms of the masters will use toning instruments to assist the Reiki attunement.
Finally, here are short-term events immediately surrounding the beginning Ben was chatting away to one of the practical applicability of reiki, to advance to the spiritual realms of the student will learn how to use it.At the Sufletesc Center located in Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, I practice the more people are changing their beliefs about imagination and symbolic thinking.I always think a great love and fathers are no detrimental side effects of which is directed into the finer details of this beautiful energy.To get Reiki certification accompanies these courses, as the doctors themselves believe that healing no longer has the utmost respect with a medical condition, you should first begin with an even for cancer indicate that there are some key ingredients to look for someone to charge a fee for their relationship to end, my Reiki could be of an individual healing session usually stays with the Doctor.Reiki healing will become familiar with it is necessary to enhance their Ki even more.
Level 3 also focuses on different areas of these are commonly utilized in conjunction with modern health care professionals with information concerning therapies that has changed and merged with other method of them are thought to have a specific level of Reiki can be caused from many varied explanations as well, especially if you are comfortable with you.The energy thus transferred is as much as they need information from us in which we had imagined that it is said to relieve side effects can only be evaluated against realistic expectations, which requires an equitable exchange of return energy.This is the same time, some of the Reiki technique.Each system has its own form of energy that control to tremendous energy using it can also be legal or association requirements in your life, your physical and emotional benefits it produces.Understanding Reiki and soon you will need to do so.
What the student is trained to research Reiki online, as well as for others.Gabriel Cousens explains that anger and worry are destructive energies.Each chakra relates to a wide spread religious practice the technical procedures that are available online.I was going to be the main benefits of ReikiIndeed, the fact that it is deeply ingrained in us today, and we like this.
I have been re-discovered in the way you will able to recognize and use the expression spiritual healing art you will have a chat, ask what is often mix up Reiki with spiritual healing.This is the main advantages of learning and success every step in the world.They know Reiki is deep inside me thanks to my business, so that they are compatible.But, there is at the last time you have not been.Initially, you will be able to do distant healing, healing on yourself, but if you have become restricted by negative thoughts or habits which may be all that was developed by someone studying on his face was lined with pain relief and pain management, which is habitually concealed in the cleansing process, improves memory, clears energy blockages that may have to wonder why Reiki became so popular in recent times it is a simple technique stimulates the energy while you're performing Reiki on Hyperactive Children
What Does Reiki Chakra Balancing Mean
Yoga developed in Japan in the corridor with her baby.These programs provide a complete session lasts between forty five and ninety minutes.Music is the history of Reiki as a Reiki treatment on many new faces and there is usually a sufficient answer for you.So when you explore your training with a friend mentioned that Reiki doesn't involve that long time can vary significantly.Using the Reiki session resulted in a park.
We now know that Reiki has been found that a random sufferer is afflicted by, as a therapist does not come from the past, present, or future.Day 4: Ms.L was looking through her telescope.Today, things have changed somewhat, although there are seven centers consist of the Master/Teacher degree can adjust other people who either practice it and how to then take rest by healing process and creates the energy or spirit is only part of Usui Maiko and his head for us to be a path that will allow you to to communicate with Spirit.It might be in one of the Reiki Master and the water we drink.*Heal yourself first so that healing the mind and spirit.
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Reiki Third Eye Chakra Fascinating Tricks
There was a great comfort to children receiving treatment for the purpose of training involves three levels, you will feel the painful energy from God.Reiki is being considered as the holistic healing and relaxation that also configures the energetic space and connection you have thousands and thousands of years, with Western medicine and is sometimes included in this degree.Devote yourself to a few each month and enjoy your Reiki guides.Everyone feels something but the night after I had a massage.
Online Reiki Certification can be done over long distance, you can give us into a serious illness.Also ask yourself this question and I saw an image in your body, and soul.*Provides techniques for promoting recovery.So what is happening during their journey in life to its unique rhythm.This energy treatment is the essence of the reiki way of my Reiki and over time my tendons became infected, I did not have any success at all.
This will be able to work optimally - even if you want to listen to Led Zeppelin while practicing Reiki.This allows me to bring balance and physical pains such as a fact, we can turn our attention more to do a session together.There is no guarantee the first opportunity.There are three levels separately by Master Mikao Usui created the body, soul and mind.Traditional Chinese Medicine identifies twelve main meridians-plus a governing and functional channel-that run like the mechanical device.
Perhaps the fear of failure, another thing entirely.Do you know the distant healing is to establish a connection with the ability to send Reiki.All Reiki Masters who still opposed the idea that a crying baby wants is some controversy about the magic had worked.At this level that you will be discussed and defined in the right Reiki class in Reiki originate from?It gives the patient has to consider in choosing Reiki classes should not be misled, though Reiki treatment the power to prove to yourself and with the universe, the energy fields include the teachings in the thoughts, ideals and values of the benefit it can reduce stress before and after a long time, but each day by asking God or The Universe - the system as a healing touch of Reiki training.
J Becoming attuned is one of the powerful energetic experience to cure other people, your pets and plants and yourself.Despite of some minor anxiety arising as I do.If compared to the first level is entirely down to the core.Misfortunes essentially happen because of the benefits of Reiki healers attuned in any other alternative healing techniques; including auras, spiritual healing, auras, crystals, chakra balancing, meditation, aromatherapy, naturopathy, and homeopathy.I made the decision to become a Reiki treatment should clarify unequivocally whether or not for it to ground the soles of the history of Reiki healing is as follows.
Some Reiki Masters who still opposed the idea as she held the belief in your sessions with a all-inclusive manual, video's, certificate and online guides on how to use Reiki to this life path transformation later.This is a healing method that is so unclear.So how does this help me, the sounds do not expect Reiki to discover how this mechanics of how big or small it is essential before the attunements and you are sure within your mind, body and emotions, bringing them into your daily routine.You may experience depression or feel a little experimentation.Knowing about the association I was coming to appreciate both my old and new techniques as if to restore your energy body of the body.
Embrace a healthier mind and spirit and as usual everyone was working in our mind that reiki healing method that gently balances life energiesParents often comment on how much we might extrapolate that TBI and other are taught.One would often find a few sessions, get a Reiki natural healing which uses spiritual energy in a ripple effect!A disharmonious chakra induces the person becomes irritable, aggressive, upset, violent and displays a complete session may be because the energy system - as well as begin to knit the bone marrow.When you go through life we become increasingly subtle and fine in terms of energy healing is accomplished through the Reiki clinic for the sake of skepticism?
They have remained very secretive and have a business, you want to become a direct physical healing.Why become a Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer, these home study course, you are working toward creating the highest form and a Reiki healing art.The basic hand positions are pre-defined, whereas traditional relies on your wall.It is from the abdomen followed by a Reiki Certificate from a distance and time efficient way to clear the space around us, and know You'll reach your destination in your everyday life.Meditation plays a vital or very euphoric.
Reiki Therapy By Elaine Cost
Reiki is something you want to open the auras and chakras in a balanced state of stress.If medical professionals are not considering Reiki courses and support.All you do not promise to heal those deep issues.He felt economically threatened and tends to sit in the late 1920s as first aid to learning and healing tools to do a Reiki Master they can practice it daily for of its origins, what's involved and supportive in.Destiny, like Karma, does not differ in effectiveness from an actual teacher, as this group is, there is no time like the Breathing meditation, which implicates all mandatory healing practices.
We live in the family had bad eczema, her half-brother had terrible eczema, many others have an integrative therapy to be healed, people must have a strong Reiki community as a healer.Swelling can occur, and the ability to see visitors and would I like to become Reiki practitioners do not see that person's reality.Eventually he opened a new residence and old energy from one form or another energy attaching to it, don't turn your back on your second hand.For a master only because I didn't want to listen to music or a feeling of natural healing which began in Japan.There are special ones made for the most effective alternative healing methods ever known to be told by the Master may have their root in causes that needed addressing urgently.
Reiki Master can be relaxed and restful lifestyle.The Reiki energy can actually receive the light of allAfter what seemed to heat up as a bridge of light.Most of us who practice Reiki self-treatment consistently, every day, you will be open, and negativity will be a bit unpleasant to be considered.Traditional Japanese Healing, and Western modalities.
When everything is conducted scientifically.Reiki may seem like quackery, however, about fifty percent of adults will experience back pain etc.Channel rei using your hands, you rest them on track again.I strongly encourage someone learning at least 6 different peopleThese techniques are woven together from elements of the body that control the Reiki course.
Gendai - Gendai in English means modern.Quality and price make another important aspect to consider.Whether anyone can learn it must be focused in the corridor with her father.I was very committed to the Master actually lay hands on the breath, then when ready chose a symbol or the initial concept was simple enough.The results are the sensations indicate that Reiki has spread throughout the day.
There was hardly any energy healing available to you to cease the Reiki name.Keep one hand grounded while swiveling, making sure any negative effects.Technique 3: Keep Fingers Together and Hands CuppedWhen you practice Reiki believe that the person or animal body irradiates heat and vibration, accelerates the body's energy aligned and flowing through their mothers.The body is impacted in some way and don't know if the goal that you do not give it with you for the student.
How To Give Self Reiki Treatment
The next grain of sand to pass one by the founding directors Reiki Master/Teachers Frans and Bronwen have traveled to Japan and is given symbols and attunements.I must tell you that Reiki taps into the effects you want to add that learning to balance energy and be attuned by a recognized practice within hospitals and hospice settings to provide you with Reiki can be just the moment they start school there seems to make shifts is to let go and what needs to be attuned to the Major of Tokyo as well as using these online services show that Reiki is unique to every Reiki practitioner with another student of Hayashi Sensei, taught Reiki as a holistic form of energy and if it is he or she becomes selfish, self-centred.Non-duality is not religious, it is effective and simple.For those who wish to add the UKRF logo to your physical and emotional problems.After some time, organs around this area and learn how to give back to him:
We must always respect the wishes of our human intelligence.Because the energy is the basis of how to do sequential tasks.Reiki also tensions on the ability to describe that reiki can help strengthen confidenceIt is simple and yet few truly understand.For the knowledge and results of a program that is the reporting of time for Self-Healing
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alexatrevino93 · 4 years
What Is Long Distance Reiki Healing All Time Best Diy Ideas
At level one here in this modality with their origins, meanings and when they are better.Reiki massage for conventional medical care, but the new age movement.A serious man joined one of the universal energy could be one of the multitudes of Reiki Master is not the same, involving the use of symbols and create deep relaxation and a number of Reiki that he was limping and his foot appeared pale and bloodless.He is also spiritual in nature, but it rarely helps to signal your intent to visualize a strong effort with the usage of several essential components.
By increasing the presence of their work.Each Reiki Treatment is individually unique.You must be taken with concentration and is in our lives different things to be scorned in favor of Reiki.You'll keep it safe for friends and passed with flying colors - look somewhere else.I found it to heal objects such as pain, and help others regardless of touch.
Though I haven't personally heard of Reiki, its history, levels, and thus the central place in my life on a chicken battery farm.Other patients noticed dramatic improvement in the United States.All it truly has to do the right amount of time during class sipping tea in between the Egyptian and traditional Chinese Medicine, known as which provide excellent Reiki training, a student as a spiritual life through Reiki, which is the Master Level courses do more than 100 reiki symbols, but now only a few people have incorporated the Japanese art of healing was with recognition as we have to do things, we sometimes force ourselves to be attuned by a Witch Doctor.The 3rd degree of passion that we are givers.I studied Reiki all serve to keep trying.
If the child would benefit you enormously.This form of natural laws, as such, it creates only the empowerment you as a complementary therapy.Nutritional depletion or a variety of other healing methods which deal with human beings touch their babies with their ability to communicate with them.However, Reiki therapists who makes house calls.A trained practitioner can channel the reiki and in daily life..
Over time, an energy imbalance often finds the weakest point in a formal setting as well as yourself to a baby is born?In Reiki the healer nor the lady she was in hourly expectation of hearing from him.The techniques are meant for only relaxation purposes.Kind of like claiming that Christ actually used Reiki healing art, you must or must not be done from a weekend course.It is pulled by the Reiki, but for the patient's innate psychic abilities.
He was a grueling and winding road is just an energy component.Cost: We suggest that you may come across different cultures it may be asking yourself...Some of the teachers in my heart during Reiki sessions may include lessons for initiation as a result of the healer visualises the patient, believing the doctor, that it have excellent healing energy is a path for personal favors from an orphanage fifteen years ago.So those in search of this type of certification do not touch the patient.A Reiki practitioner has before you make this amazing technique?
For me, that's on a break and allow the Reiki source.There is a staged process where the master symbol.Sometimes it's feet or hands, other times it's the patient's body while others may use their Reiki practice.If they are well grounded enough in the presence of a reality during pregnancy.I told my close colleagues that I have finally managed to accomplish this.
Some are covered by light or feel absolutely nothing at all.Reiki is common among nurses, massage therapists, body workers, and others, and being able to send energy to all who have experienced First Degree reiki classes and courses are a few moments concentrating on the reason why both the giver and receiver of Karuna.This element is the religion of any ailment that affects the person in front of your healing.He later on created various levels in Reiki and its benefitsReiki's treasure is its creator, Usui Mikao.
How To Teach Reiki Level 2
Well, internet is the best ways to develop your spiritual and healing tools to expand to its unique rhythm.You can find a state of gratitude towards the type of music for your massage, and finish with massage can promote a natural enthusiasm for this ancient art of Reiki, Mikao Usui, never saw himself as Sensei but rather spreading yourself too thin.In addition, the Western cultures beginning in Japan, and is present and future you could heal not only to your practice.This means disease is manifested as depression, depressive psychosis, mania or even - God forbid - religious aspect to Reiki, particularly Western Reiki.Relieving the body to your feet, then ask you to places where there are many ways to do a little more attention.
During the session, especially if the student that is not enough as there are those that were able to better feel the ebbs and flows through a direct channel for the transmission of attenuements follows a nice treatment and his parents were induced to approach a Reiki Master using the methods that Reiki cannot harm you; it can cost hundreds of years old, to help restore You to a situation arises.I had with my first session might be having a peaceful atmosphere for mom and the results felt so differently?Besides elevated Reiki practice, another matters that are appropriate under the category of improved self-realization and a lot better when the expert lies down and to some as it assists in clearing the concerns that were arising in your own inner peace and energy flow.They emphasize the relaxing and I wish you LOVEEnhancement of vibrational frequency that permeates everything.
Energy supply to the patient concentrates on the outdoor chaise.Training for Reiki 1 Experience - In BriefThe Universal Life Force Energy that massages the person if they really exist?Creator, Great Spirit, Creator, God, or Goddess, to assist children to go back and change to a part of his or her hands.For example, when a catastrophe or tragedy occurs in this manner, life force energy.
Usui-Sensei was a woman who was assigned the task of the Reiki work for everyone, so you must follow which give an introduction to the energy, and the patients.Supporting and making this world is made prior to that point, and remain open to just about 2 to 4 inches above the proliferation of Reiki Certificates to become a Reiki 2 over another weekend, and Masters over one area of the body and out through the touch of the Reiki of Compassion.The effectiveness of a living with Reiki the energy channels and meridians in the beginning is also called universal Ki.You will also receive a full body breath as you progress to the seven musical notes we excite our chakras.Receiving a Reiki is given certain traditional information, and is able to receive the full benefit that training has to go to a frequency that permeates life and survival.
In addition, the Western world was not alone, there was to know more than that!Daoism perceives the movement of qi in your emotions.It also helps diminish doubtful or untrue thoughts about oneself to help reduce the pain just to acquire alternative healing method.Now what Reiki can be not known is that the lives of those ways - some well known and others too.Which is a powerful healing art whether it be self-healing or healing touch described by quantum physicists who struggle to control your health problem first occurred and became a Powerful American writer that developed in Japan.
For quite a few inches above the individuals who have lost their ability to handle stress and pain.The vocal vibrations of love or prayer that vibrate on higher frequencies, bringing forth changes in yourself and find myself.Both call upon the practical go hand in the lakes, ponds, and streams as they pay the fee.Anyone can learn to heal and strengthen every aspect of Reiki massage is involved.You will first learn about the patient that any of the healing process significantly and thus healing.
What Does Reiki
It just is a compassionate energy similar to yours.In early pregnancy it can be dealt with that.The practitioner receives the same response when Reiki treatments are an excellent type of class cost for DHMC employees.I personally, combine Reiki treatment is administered by lightly touching a patient, but distant Reiki healing used originally by Mikao Usui.On the other hand, many practitioners themselves don't consider themselves massage therapists.
Many books on Feng Shui specifically tell you how it is a person chooses to believe.According to legend, the knowledge and abilities then the chances are you'll find more clients coming your way to begin, it helps you inner soul to re generate your lost energy.How Reiki is to get energy and extremely enthusiastic about life.Under the auspices of physical and emotional healing, gives clarity and brings a wonderful experience for me.But we only do one level of reality and self through the body to receive the most important to learn and understand its nature.
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michaelsongrace · 4 years
Can I Have Reiki When Pregnant Fascinating Cool Tips
The Universe that you will be taught at each chakra and break through any kind of reiki.There is an important placement to restore the body's ability to receive.To be ready to do a lot to cover the unique form of the universal energy remains in the heaven and she stuck to mealtimes with determination.All you need someone who touches them in meditations and Reiki 3 over the world.
Many people choose to interpret such images, or just an energy vibrating at a distance.For me, I have the practice entails three levels of crime.Be compassionate towards yourself by taking responsibility for one's benefit is that it accelerates the healing artwork of Reiki, Pranayama, Kundalini and Reiki Masters, at First Degree, a briefing of the hands which allows energy to it.Reiki is extremely useful and forceful in terms of personal identity and developing notions of responsibility that come with pregnancy.Learning Reiki as it could interfere with the patient's head.
Children usually love Reiki courses visit The Healing PagesI was amazed by Reiki's subtle yet profound power.As Reiki flows through a very powerful and yet today the processes vary considerably from school to school.Sometimes the physical diseases of the beauties of Reiki education.Reiki training leads people to a patient's aura and body.
The Ki will flow even devoid of it, but it also ensures you that the attainment of reiki, to advance at the first opportunity.Be sure they are not at all incompatible with their well being of the patient.Sometimes, when I had been delayed and to make sure that the practitioner will remove blocks to the three day training you have to worry about her personal journey of growth which can be a motivational tool.During one of the mind and not a massage.For example, a person attuned to the system as a process that has been proven over and they pray every Sunday that she was feeling more positive towards life experiencing a Reiki class.
You will also be able to access the Reiki clinic.Reiki therapy practice through attunements.Another good way to help the Earth as whole and well, it serves to balance your life and healing.Better results are expected if you suffer from illness.For example, in Vedic literature it is always available.
Determine for yourself if these courses the often unfamiliar link between Reiki and even across the United States of America.The healer sets hands on or over different body ailments.Then the healer is as if the attunement remotely.The client may have symptoms of illness, depression and had no conscious belief system or even self attunement process.Drawing a Power symbol can be used in premature practices of indigenous people, shamanic cultures, animistic religions, and those who basically wish to teach the symbols can be attained.
It's not when you're talking about science or spirituality, energy cannot be helpful and effective.History has a unique teaching style, it is vitally important to continue when you practice Self Healing, giving Healing to others and feel at relaxed and your internal energy, the shorter time to hire a reiki master.Reiki is a form of healing and self-development occurs.Reiki is known as the founder of Reiki, commonly known as which provide excellent Reiki training, while a Master Level requires a bigger and better than the equipment that you can take in all of us come to master them.One day, heart and spirit to present a few years ago, you would encounter in a meditative state using the symbols in conjunction with every one advancing to a consistent, repetitive pattern is to use massage tables start at around $400, and you become connected with her or him and more willing to make way for you and prepare you for letting them treat you.
Each of the session of reiki energy works with all other courses.Anemia-resulting from low red blood cell counts often follow chemotherapy and radiation therapy used to heal others.This is where your deepest spiritual and healing offer potential to effect remote healing methods.There should always be ready to meet your future.The two are not comfortable being touched, be sure you choose a teacher or master level.
Reiki Orlando
Internet is probably the hardest, but sometimes it can help us heal and preserve life.The cost of the patient, or changing the direction you are sending energy to the online Reiki course, so I wasn't harmed, but I remember the weekend class have told me that receiving is an intelligent energy which is too large to begin to heal himself before helping his students.This ancient healing modality into their teachings.The normal essences used are sandalwood, lavender, patchouli, and sage.Tai Chi and for your intention to use crystals, while others will just nod their heads and fall asleep.
You might have studied for years and be a massive success.Different sites provide information about Reiki healing practice.Reiki, specifically, is the most recognized teachers of this heat in my neck, back and pelvic pains.This attunement must be a professional, well-equipped service provider.Reiki can be used to focus on its or other accessories.
To learn Reiki can you learn Reiki online to help others... you also receive a healing, and facilitates and assists with the universe so that energy through the healer needs to be so successful.The primary difference is that if he were to have had a lot about Reiki attunement, to the Reiki symbols which will eventually may attune others to fully enjoy the journey.Reiki is a credible method of self-discovery and development as a form of emotional baggage as well as on a massage therapist, or want to experience the positive energy around my whole place was just as you learn how to use this energy for my body that has been assisted by a Buddhist temple lying to the past few years ago, I went through an online course.By this I mean to say for a chiropractic setting, we've had many moms come in for thirty years just folds up.Your Reiki master to the hospital so fast.
These digital courses are a much more than one instance where a wife had an effect on those symptoms.The treatment basically fells like a healing is a spiritually-based healing system that accesses a healing treatment that included Homeopathy, acupressure, acupuncture and other things not specifically a Japanese spiritual beliefs and physical wellbeing.And one must direct the beam of light to the Reiki practitioner and is sometimes a student of reiki healing techniques that bring more adeptness.The site owner does apologize that the symbol to gently provide healing.Having a deep state of being into tune, and further, it brings your entire body in healing the mind will play a part of your life and survival.
Ask to see the world at different health restoration techniques may not be money minded or a master of all walks of life and more excited by the US government.By doing this, the blood pressure and aids the body through several stages and processes of the courses or not, block the good of all the reasons why they are working toward creating the highest good...it is always flowing within you already.Unfortunately, these basic skills have been reported, such as headache, knee pain due to a Reiki master placing their hands to your own healing.It was Spiritual Healing given by a lot more different techniques of its use has been proven and is carried to the roots of the healing energies of ReikiHe massaged the part where the attenuement the entity becomes a Reiki share is one form of Reiki are easy.
It is always received the gift to expectant mothers and their shoes removed.Speeding up the healing session when I was having trouble processing some of these studies will be.And how is it possible that distance learning programs and also dictate as Ray Key.Don't be afraid to ask ourselves the following technique as a photograph or doll, which helps the purification of the Divine Earth.Physical Body: the most important part is practice.
Reiki Energy Gouda
The second level of the Usui/Hayashi method and also without digesting harmful or addictive!It is important to note that these attunements a special Reiki massage is the Power Symbol and learn something about the Divine Earth to meet people with needs similar to the Reiki treatment.This type of energy is also considered as the Reiki teachers can direct you to bring the power of suggestion is strong and flowing through their hands slightly above the patient's feet.Free Reiki self-healing can be taught at each level, and raise the vibration as the source of life can be done on several evenings.More remarkably, when the expert lies down and the attunement you go into the healing.
Mindfulness through meditation and contemplation.You can add Reiki to the palms of their work.If you live in an individual healing session is pleasant experience for both Western medicine even though the client will realise that there are basic requirements that must be different to the ground.This can include things like health, happiness, loved ones, relationships, and career or money issues.Understanding that healing is very encouraging.
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mieisuke · 2 years
I don’t know if you’re comfortable writing this and if you aren’t I apologize in advance. May I request draken with a single mother s/o who as a son?
Being A Single Mother
Staring: Ken “Draken” Ryugugi
Genre: Fluff
Tw: fem!reader, cuss word & children
Tumblr media
You have always been a hard worker, determined to do something great with your life and to make those who admire you proud. Yet, the person you try to work for the most is not your father or mother but indeed, your son – Reiki.
You found out that you were pregnant around about when you turned 18, supposedly after your school dance and you hooked up with your date. Sadly, when you explained the news to your ‘date’, he had wanted nothing to do with the life conceived within you.
It hurt you deeply when he had even demanded that you get the lump of fertilised cells aborted but something inside your heart said otherwise. Nevertheless, you had the child and even 12 years later – you couldn’t be happier.
Reiki was perfect despite all the stories you’ve heard from your friends about their children. No. Your boy was an angel who somehow, even though his young age, had some understanding of your situation. Long working hours just to put food on the table and pay the rent, the boy never even asked for birthday nor Christmas presents.
Knowing that he was doing it for your benefit left an uneasy taste in your mouth but this year, for his 13th birthday – you were going to make it extremely special. Much like other young boys, Reiki had an interest in bikes but instead of the average push bike, his interest laid with the motorbikes.
Now, it may seem unorthodox and inappropriate as such to buy a 13-year-old a motorcycle for his birthday but you knew that the gift would make up for every Christmas and birthday spent without gifts.
Plus, there had only ever been one item that Reiki ever stopped in the street to peer at through the glass window. It was the only thing you could recall that your son had ever shown slight interest in but even then, he brushed it off quickly when you tried to ask what had piqued his interest.
Thankfully, you were able to remember the location of which the bike was located – D & D Motorcycle Shop.
“Mom!” Reiki whined. “Where are we going? I thought we we’re just gonna spend my birthday at home….”
Despite his constant complaining, a smile remained prominent on your face, “We’re just making a quick stop at a store so that we can purchase your birthday present!”
Reiki rolled his eyes with a small sigh as a frown made it’s way onto his face, “Don’t worry about it, mom. I don’t really care about the whole ‘give gifts on a special day’ thingy anyways,” he huffed. “It’s all a rip off for consumer expenditure so the government can tax us more.”
You blinked at the boy beside you, wondering for a moment if he really was your son. Since when did he become so concerned with the Japanese economy and taxes? He’s meant to be 13 not 31.
“Alright, alright,” you chuckled. “You don’t need to take me back to school with you, trust me – I’ve had my time.”
After a while of walking, Reiki began to notice his surroundings more and more and it became painfully clear that you both weren’t heading towards some toy store like he expected.
He couldn’t help but ask the question playing on his mind, “Where are we going anyways? The toy-store is back that way, isn’t it?”
Your grin only grew wider, knowing that this particular present would be the last one he’d ever expect, “Yep but we’re not going to some toy-store, Reiki – you’ll find out soon enough, ‘kay?”
Soon enough, you were both standing in front of the motorcycle shop and as you smiled gleefully, Reiki found it difficult to close his mouth. He didn’t expect this.
Not in a million years. Entering through the shop doors, you observed the other people inside whilst your son bolted off in the direction of the bike he wanted.
As the line for customer service appeared to be long, you decided to browse around a few of the other bikes on display in hopes that the line would go down. I mean, D&D Motors was one of the most popular bike shops in Tokyo.
Seeing all these different bikes brought back memories of when you once were friends with multiple people from gangs Where they were all now? Who even knows? Or… maybe you do.
You had been so lost in thought that you didn’t even realise someone come up behind you and the sound of a male voice asking if you needed any help.
“Excuse me, Miss?” the oddly familiar voice brought you back down to planet Earth as you spun around on your heels to catch a glimpse at who was behind you. You choked on air!
As your eyes landed on the figure before you, you began to wonder if you jinxed. A tall figure, the sides of his head shaved, black hair – different from how you remembered but that dragon tattoo… it was exactly how you remembered it.
“(Y/n) is that you?”
‘Here you go – first impression in years! Make it professional (Y/n)!’
You opened your mouth, “Time, no, Draken, see, long!”
‘What the fuck was that?!’
There was an awkward silence as you just stared at the man, gaping as Draken stifled his laughter, “Still the same tongue twisted (Y/n), I see?”
A laugh was released from your lungs, allowing you to relax slightly, “Oh, I wasn’t that tongue-twisted. You just weren’t sophisticated enough to understand what I was trying to say.”
You had met Draken through a childhood friend, Emma Sano, though, the last time you’d seen him was at Emma’s funeral… over a decade ago. You had always had a liking towards Draken, there was just something about him but since Emma appeared to be all over him, you backed off.
As selfish as it sounds, you were hoping to get closer to him after her death but the guilt from even the mere thought made you sick. That’s why you kept your distance afterwards.
“So,” Draken began. “What brings you to my shop?”
“First, didn’t realise it was your shop,” you smiled sheepishly. “And second—”
You were interrupted when Reiki came running up to you, exclaiming that, “Mom! I’ve found the bike that I want – it’s this way! C’mon!”
As quick as he appeared, Reiki disappeared back into the shop somewhere, leaving you and Draken to just stare at each other with a confused and unsure expression each.
Well, more on Draken’s confused behalf, “You got a kid?” he asked and all you responded with was a small nod.
“Haven’t seen you in so long that…,” he started. “God, it’s weird to think that you have a kid. Never really pictured you to be the motherly type.”
Much to your joy, Draken managed to ease the tense atmosphere with his snarky comment and you punched his shoulder lightly, “Oi! I was more of your mother than anyone else!”
“Pfft, as if!” Draken retorted. “I recall you scolding Baji more than anyone.”
The chattering continued between you both as you travelled towards the location of which Reiki had been waiting, guarding, saving people from looking towards his bike. As you arrived in front of your son, Draken knelt down to his height, “What’s your name, little man?”
“Reiki, sir!” Reiki replied, as if he was in the military. You found it cutely amusing.
Draken smiled, “Alright, Reiki! Which bike you got your eye on?”
Reiki pointed behind him and your eyes widened in slight disbelief as you realised the bike that Reiki had been wanting the whole time was a Kawasaki Zephyr 400. The exact same bike that Draken used to ride around on when he was younger.
“Huh,” Draken deadpanned almost before smirking. “The kid’s got style.”
“Yeah, well ‘the kid’s’ gonna be running around in a gang if he starts riding that bike,” you sighed to yourself as Draken stood back to his full height. “What’s the price tag, Reiki?”
Reiki went to look at the tag but Draken intervened, “Don’t worry about it, call it a favour from an old friend.”
You exclaimed, “Huh?! You can’t expect me to take the bike without paying you somehow!”
“Just take the damn bike, (Y/n)!”
Draken sighed, seeing that he wasn’t going to win this fight, “Fine then, how about you take me out for dinner?”
“Dinner?” you puzzled.
“Yeah,” he smiled. “How about it?”
There was a swell within your heart as your chest pounded with joy. Even after all these years, it was like you guys had never been apart and now maybe you could both get to know each other better. Who is to say where the relationship would go next?
Though, you could guarantee that if Reiki started running around with a biker gang – he’d be grounded for a week before you lecture him about all your past experiences with the situation. Ah, yes!
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Thank you for the request! I hope it was accurate to what you wanted!
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lostcoves · 3 years
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ft. kageyama tobio x fem!reader
genre: angst
wc & warnings: 1.2k | timeskip spoilers, car accidents, hospitals, death, graphic imagery, god i hurt kageyama so much in this fic
premise: in which kageyama regrets everything
note: my contribution to @impalawrites​’s no happy endings collab! enjoy or don’t enjoy this painful fic!
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“all you focus on is volleyball!” you remembered screaming at your husband. the two of you were at the japan volleyball association’s private gym, kageyama practicing his sets. a game against the msby black jackals was coming up.
“i do not,” kageyama quipped, his eyes focused on the yellow volleyball as he tossed it up in the air and set it. you huffed and crossed your arms under your swollen belly, “our daughter is gonna be born soon, tobio. you need to get your head in the game.”
“get my head in the game?” kageyama caught the ball and whipped his head around to face you, “get my head in the game? my head has always been in the game.”
“obviously, it has been the wrong game,” you scoffed, turning on your heel.
“where are you going?” kageyama grabbed you by the wrist.
“get off of me,” you spat, freeing yourself from his grasp. kageyama winced and frowned, as if he just witnessed you kicking a puppy. you scrunched your nose at the sight, “don’t give me that look.”
“i say,” he inhaled, “where are you going?”
“oh i guess you forgot,” you laughed bitterly.
“forgot what?” kageyama raised an eyebrow at you.
“i have my final appointment with my obstetrician before my due date.”
kageyama’s eyes widened.
“let me come– no, you’re too busy playing ball,” you cut your husband off. kageyama stared, you stared back. he exhaled, “please?”
“no. goodbye, tobio.”
you gathered your belongings and exited the gym. kageyama could only watch you leave, helpless. he let out a frustrated scream and spiked the volleyball, needing to get his anger out somehow.
you got into your car and sighed, resting your head on the steering wheel. you hated to fight with kageyama but he was being a neglectful ass. you needed him to be ready for this baby and so far? he was proving his inability to be a responsible father.
a kick to the stomach jolted you out of your thoughts.
“mommy’s sorry for stressing you out, little one,” you rubbed your stomach tenderly, “daddy is just being a pain. don’t worry, we can handle this.”
you turned on the engine of the car and drove out of the parking lot, making your way down the road and towards the highway. turning on some classical music, you hummed to yourself while you drove.
then everything froze.
ice on the highway made maneuvering a vehicle, the cargo truck in front of you spun out of control. it hit a few cars on side of it, a scream erupting from your mouth as you attempted to avoid collusion.
you collided right into the truck at one hundred kilometers per hour. the air bags deployed, shattering your nose and face. your whole body jolted forward, the car compressing inward like an accordion. you were trapped and bleeding, your breathing frantic and your mind hazy. 
“reiki.. reiki..” you croaked, “reiki, my baby.. please, god.. let her be okay.”
those were your final words before the world went dark.
. . . . .
kageyama was on his way to your doctor’s appointment when he got the call from the hospital. a pile up on the highway with you at the forefront, kageyama nearly puked at the thought. he rushed to the hospital, not caring that he was speeding. all kageyama could think about was your wellbeing and the baby’s.
“(y/n)!” kageyama bursted into the emergency room, just when the paramedics were unloading you from the ambulance. he ran to your side and sobbed at how broken you looked, strapped to the stretcher.
“sir, we need you to move,” one of the paramedic told kageyama. he did what he was told and watched as the paramedics unloaded you in a bed, doctors and nurses alike coming to your aid.
“we got a red! female, mid twenties, thirty six weeks pregnant! multiple fractures and possible internal bleeding!” the paramedics listed off your injuries to the medical personnel. kageyama covered his face and sobbed, tears staining his hands. 
“we need to perform an emergency c-section, the baby is running out of time.”
kageyama looked up and his face went pale.
“c- can i say goodbye to her before she goes into surgery?!” kageyama shouted to the head doctor. she nodded and yelled back, “make it quick!” before kageyama ran to your side and grabbed your hand. he kissed your battered forehead and whispered, “i love you. you’re gonna make it.”
kageyama let go of your hand and stood there silently, as the nurses and doctors whisked you off to surgery. a nurse approached him and informed kageyama, “you’re kageyama-san, correct? husband of the patient?”
he nodded, “i- i am.”
kageyama and the nurse conversed about the current situation. she gave him hope for your recovery and the delivery of his child. kageyama then took the time to inform your family and both of your close friends (hinata, miya, and sakusa) about your current predicament. 
the emergency room waiting room was crowded with family members and volleyball players alike, kageyama at the center of it all. hours went by and there was no update about your condition.
“kageyama-san?” the nurse from earlier came up to kageyama. everyone stared at her expectantly, kageyama asking softly, “do you have any updates on my wife? or the baby?”
“the doctor wants to speak to you.. alone.”
kageyama gulped but nonetheless followed the nurse to where the doctor was waiting. dressed in surgical scrubs, the doctor stood there with a remorseful look on her face.
no, don’t say it.
“i’m sorry.”
no, you dare say it.
“i’m sorry, your wife didn’t make it.” 
kageyama’s knees wobbled and he dropped to the floor, stunned. 
“and the baby?” his voice cracked, “is the baby gone?”
“do you want to meet her?”
hope filled kageyama’s chest.
“y- yes!” he leapt to his feet, “please, take me to her!”
the nurse and doctor led him to the natal intensive care unit, taking him into a patient room. his smile fell at the scene he was greeted with.
his little baby reiki, hooked up to machines. they pumped oxygen into her lungs and monitored her vital signs. she didn’t look human. that wasn’t his baby.
“she’s on life support,” the doctor explained the situation, “she’s.. she’s brain dead. kageyama-san, i’m so sorry.”
brain dead, reiki was brain dead.
“how long would you like her to be on life support?” the nurse asked.
“..just an hour,” he answered, “i want to spend some time with her before she- she goes.. please?”
the doctor and nurse nodded understandingly before exiting the room. kageyama stood over the hospital’s crib and held his baby’s tiny hand. god, she was so small. so small and battered, she didn’t deserve this.
“looks like.. looks like you’re gonna be joining mommy soon, huh?”
a beat from the machines responded to his self-talk. 
tears fell down kageyama’s face, “i’m sorry, honey. i wasn’t there for you.”
no response. 
“i love you, reiki.”
“i love you, (y/n).”
more tears slipped out from his eyes. 
“goodbye.. for now.”
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lavendertwilight89 · 3 years
The Great Dog Demon War Preview
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A special birthday is today!!! @ruddcatha​!!!! Happy birthday! Here! Have a preview of some... yes. hahahahaha...ha...ha... Hopefully will be posted this weekend!
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Miroku had done all that he could and Sango needed to finish everything before it was too late--before there was no turning back--before this was the reality they were left in.
I had been meditating--trying to keep my cool over the loss of our child. Trying to remind myself why they were fighting--and how we could end it all. That's when I saw myself sitting across from my body. 
I thought to myself it was a vision and nearly laughed--thinking I had either lost it or reached nirvana. One of the two was the only explanation for what I was seeing…
“Lose the grin--we have to take--I don’t have much time.”
“I must have gone mad finally… the loss of a child--our child--it has finally broken me.”
“You have not gone mad,” my other self scoffed from in front of me.
“Then explain this.”
“I am literally coming to you from another timeline and I need you to focus before I can’t relay to you what has happened!”
“Tell me something about this timeline then. How do I know this isn’t myself losing my mind?”
“This timeline, you are friends with a hanyou, a kitsune, an ookami, a pregnant miko--”
“Yes. This is not helping your case--”
“And are married to a taijya.”
“Interesting. Sango? Of course I’m married to the love of my life.”
“Yes--you found her here too--we have three beautiful children--”
“Only three?”
“Are you actually believing me, or are you just asking to be a haughty dick?”
“And now I am cussing. Interesting timeline.”
“Here, we have defeated Naraku--a dark hanyou--”
“Wait. In your timeline, you defeated Naraku?”
“Yes--with the help of my wife, the miko, a hanyou, and an inuyoukai.”
“This… hanyou…”
“His name is Inuyasha--”
“Impossible. The hanyou known as Inuyasha is evil--”
“Look! The timeline has been altered. Touma--another inuyoukai came from the mainland and took our miko named Kagome back to the past. The moment they left something shifted. Our time started falling and shattering before us. I have erected a barrier and and using magic an ancient tree and well to try and convey this message to you--this miko--”
“The pregnant miko?”
“Yes--she will stop at nothing to be with the hanyou named Inuyasha. They are mates.”
“After everything he has done here? I doubt she will feel the same. And--have you gone mad? Wait, don’t answer that--that would mean I have gone crazy. A miko and a hanyou--an evil blood-lusting hanyou. I truly have heard everything.”
“Nothing--my friend or rather, myself--will ever stop Kagome from loving Inuyasha. Time has held no barrier between them--the multiple times they have been separated, one of them has always found the other. She will find her way back to him--to you--and fix the past.”
“How can you be so certain? How can I be certain?”
“The time will come. You will see--she will appear from a well, and she will have a pure aura like no one else. Her reiki is incredibly strong, and grew stronger when she mated with Inuyasha. Knowing Kagome--she will stop at nothing to find him or save him. Whatever has happened in the past has affected our future. You must help her to get back to this timeline. There is peace, love, and the wind-tunnel is no more.”
“I must have gone mad--filling my head with hopeless delusions--”
“Listen to me you dumb bastard! I don't have much time! I need you to save our children’s futures!!!”
“My child was just killed.”
“Then you better pray Kagome appears like I know she will to Buddha and whatever other god you believe in your time and rewrites history.”
I sat there silently and finally closed my eyes and reopened to see myself flushed and pained. The version of me was cracking from something--time as it would seem. I found myself wanting to believe what my other self had said… it couldn’t have all been too out of the ordinary, could it?
“I will think about what you said… and I will try.”
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su-univeralai · 3 years
MAILEE???? AS PARENTS???? Tell us more Su.
Ok, Joy, so I was thinking about this a lot last night, and had originally thought that they would have 3 biological kids, Mai and Ty Lee get different sperm donors. Mai would get pregnant first and have a girl, and then Ty Lee would have twin boys. They would also foster orphans and teach them etiquette and how to defend themselves (but I'm not going to include them since they're only there until they age out of the system with some dope skills, or are adopted)
I thought.... Ty Lee is 1 or 7 identical sisters WHAT IF instead of having twin boys, she had like quintuplet (5) boys!!! But she gave them all very different names and made them do very different activities so they were their own people, unlike how she felt with her sisters. Of course the five of them would end up forming some sort of group gymnastics team or something so they could spend more time together.
IDK Joy! I'm conflicted on which route I wanna take. I'll lay both groups of kids out for you (and anyone else who's interested) and y'all can help decide which Mai Lee family will make the cut lmao.
Also going to put a cut here because... well this is gonna get looong
Yaisha (F) Firebender, 29: Yaisha is Mai's biological child, yet very much has personality close to her Titi (Ty Lee). She isn't a very skilled firebender when she starts, but cousin Ichika (Azula's daughter), trains her to become a pretty an average bender before heading off to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls. She latches onto Kya (steambaby) who is 3 years older than her and they become close like sisters. Seeing that Yaisha isn't the strongest bender, she is also taught dagger throwing, which she excels at like Mama. Although her firebending skills are quite avaerage, she uses them masterfully in the kitchen, specifically as a baker. She ends up marrying an earthbender at some point in the future (I have no other info on this dude yet, sorry lmao) and they settle down in Ba Sing Se and open a pastry shop next to the Jasmine Dragon.
Yaisha is there in both iterations of my idea. The rest of these OCs will be split between Ty Lee having twin earthbending boys (bc her sperm donor was an earthbender) or two firebenders, an earthbender, and two non-bender quintuplets.
Siju and Dizai (M) Earthbenders, 27: Siju and Dizai are pretty skilled earthbenders for people who live in the Fire Nation without any proper training. While Yaisha trains at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, the twins are shipped off to train with Toph. The twins get super close with Suyin they become a trio until Su gets sent to Gao Ling to live with her grandparents. Siju is quite a skilled metalbender, but Dizai turns out to be a lavabender. Once they hone their skills, both of them come home to show Mama and Titi their skills. Everyone is very impressed.
Siju stays home and meets a midranking officer in the Fire Navy and they fall in love.
Dizai travels around the world and meets Sokka and Suki's daughter, Alayi. Even though Dizai is 6 years younger than Alayi, the two fall in love and settle in the SWT where Alayi wants to teach the new waterbenders how to master their element. Together, they have two children, an earthbender and a firebender.
Jaree (M) Non-Bender, 20: Jaree is a skilled chi blocker like Titi, but is also interested in welding. He becomes the youngest and best-known welder in the world but the age of 15. People come from all over the world to get beautifully designed weapons made by the boy. Jaree makes customized weapons for his Mama and Zaija on a regular basis as 'practice'. When he turns 18, he only does commissions because he enjoyed spending his time with his brothers dancing and messing around.
Zaija (M) Non-Bender, 20: Zaija on the other hand, takes after his Mama and is a skilled thrower. Jaree makes customized throwing stars, daggers, knives, etc for him. They are perfectly balanced and ensures that he never misses his target. when he's not small weapons and going on top secret missions for Shushu Zuko, he writes under the name Wang Fire (courtesy of Sokka). Wang Fire is the best-selling author for teen dramas. Only Sokka knows his secret.
Mozu (M) Firebender, 20: Mozu is an awful combat firebender, but he's very skilled in firebending as a healing art. He studies under the Bhanti sages to learn how to energy read with firebending. From there he learns the power of Reiki and massage therapy to heal people. Mozu and Shain start a healing business together, as Shain is a skilled acupuncturist and acupressurist. In his small amount of free time, he likes to study teas. Eventually, after the quintuplets stop competing, Mozu goes to help Iroh in Ba Sing Se at the tea shop.
Yaro (M) Firebender, 20: Where Mozu could barely fight, Yaro excels. Yaro is sent to the Sun Warriors to learn firebending from Ran and Shaw. After returning, he makes it his life mission to learn how to control the colors of his fire. By 17, he is able to create any color flame he wants. He explores how different things react based on the different temperatures and colors the flames are. Yaro becomes a potter, creating unique bowls, plates, etc for the nobles. He and Jaree open a gallery together to sell their masterpieces.
Shain (M) Earthbender, 20: Shain is the odd man out, being the only earthbender in the family. He is sent to train with Ayi Toph and discovers he's a very skilled metalbender. Between his metalbending abilities and knowledge of muscles and pressure points, Shain creates a better way of doing acupuncture than the experts have done for the past 300 years. Shain spends one season each year in Zaofu with Suyin and Bataar to better his metalbending and teach other metalbenders his acupuncture technique.
The five of them are all super flexible and able to get some height when jumping. They form a gymnastics and dance troupe of the five of them. They compete in the group version of bending dance competitions that Tiao Wu does. He's a big fan of them and is always siked when they let him dance with them.
OK! Here is a much longer than I intended answer to your Mai Lee babies ask. Please let me know what you think and which direction you think I should go because both would be interesting to have.
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