mooncleaver · 2 years
it is my greatest honor, loving you
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ღ  life may not be eternal, but your love for him surely is
ღ  pairing: percy jackson x gn! reader
ღ  warnings: very much angst, unrequited love obviously, major character death, graphic descriptions of wounds/blood
now playing ⇝ cardigan by taylor swift
my masterlist ♡
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"why are you so reckless? you could've hurt yourself out there!" his voice sounded hoarse and tired, as if grains of sand ran through his throat as he attempted to calmly reprimand you. huh, that was ironic coming from percy. coming from a boy who'd sacrifice his own self for the sake of saving the people he loved.
now one might wonder how exactly you got into this situation, barely holding up while you clutched yourself, staring at the boy you came to love, arguing with him.
the battle of the labyrinth had been a tough and devastating one, annihilating a large number of demigods in the camp. it seemed that no one left the battle unscarred, whether physically or mentally.
perhaps one of the biggest losses was dionysus' son, castor, your fellow campmate. he was your friend,—a kind and fiercely loving one—often laughing and joking around together with him and pollux in the pavilion whenever you got the chance to. the earth had cried for him the moment he fell limp to the ground, soul whisked away in the arms of thanatos while the wine god's rage casted a mass of serpentine vines where he lay, the oblique, verdant greeneries prodding at his cold figure.
there were too many precious souls who were lost—among them being the ever-bright lee fletcher, who's light died when a giant brought his cruel demise—and the list only seemed to get longer the more you thought about it. you too, would be lining up for judgment soon enough, you predicted.
it was all too fast for you to fully remember, but one moment you were fighting off a giant and the next you had thrown yourself at a demigod from kronos' army intending to hurt an unaware percy. suddenly you were gripped so tightly on the shoulders, eyes widening with a quivering gasp while you looked down, only to see scarlet liquor leaking out of an obtrusive hole in your stomach, the twisted grin of your enemy patronizing your defenseless figure as you staggered back and clutched the liquid that flowed relentlessly. maybe if they didn't shuck it out as fast as it came in, maybe you would've lasted a lot longer. all you could do was choke out an amalgamation of incoherent sounds, knotting the flannel outer you wore around your midriff; the coil only flared the excruciating agony you were in.
you heard him crying out for you somewhere in the middle of it all, rough-hewn and distinctive among the clashing ores and shouts of rage and defeat. your stubborn head proved itself defiant when you'd ignored his pleas, his voice already fading away as he was dragged into another fight in the chaos. percy didn't see the folk puncturing you, only the aftermath when you stumbled back, your aghast reaction unmistakable to him. and maybe it was a good thing that he didn't know the severity of your condition. that only meant that he would bear much less of a burden than what he was already dealing with.
as dumb as it was, you kept fighting even after being heavily injured. your stab wound wasn't that bad, was it? if you could still stand—barely, that is—then you could still fight. the ringing in your ears only grew worse as adrenaline slowly numbed the pain, your vision turning into dizzy kaleidoscopes with every movement of your weapon.
you hoped your effort contributed something in the battle. somewhere in your mind you knew you'd end up at death's door sooner or later; there was no way you'd reach help in time before the immense blood loss took you away. but if there was one thing you knew, you wanted to be a hero before you died. you wanted to be able to leave a legacy behind, imagining an echoing battle cry before you fell with your dear sword beside you, or to die by protecting someone else so they could live a life fuller than yours. and you wanted to love someone completely, love someone so much that it leaves a searing inferno in your heart, to have a love that makes you go mad, a love that makes you feel alive. even if the one person you gave yourself to didn't want you.
it was something you'd never regret: being percy jackson's friend; loving him along the way, too. it has been your greatest adventure and your greatest honor to know him in this life, from the moment you stumbled upon his lonely figure near the muted docks of the traversing lake to the second you knew you cared for him in a way that transcended your own being. it was one of the most shattering experiences in your life: finding out that he didn't feel the same way about you. that intimate moment when he confessed his feelings about someone else right in front of your eyes; that would haunt you forever. if you could, you would erase that recollection from the depths of your mind, but you cared for him too much to forget that rare vulnerability shared between the two of you. you don't even think you have the will to erase any memory of percy jackson.
you'd cried yourself to sleep that night, wishing that it was all a dream when you woke up the next dawn. but fate has a funny way of working. each passing of her name on his lips chipped your heart away bit by bit, till it turned into a dilapidated mess that barely resembled what it looked like when the youth of discovering your first love coursed through its veins.
but no matter how much heartbreak hurt, loving someone is never a waste.
the two of you would never happen, no, not in a million years you thought. he had already given his heart away to someone else a long time ago, someone who you knew couldn't accept his love right now. it was just agonizing too see the way he would continue to pine after her and end up in the dust when reality came crushing in. still, he never gave up on her. because you simply don't give up on love.
that undying loyalty of his—the one you grew to despise and admire at the same time. you watched the way he chose her over you. every, single, time.
you understood it to a certain degree; you can't choose who you fall in love with. but that didn't make it hurt any less. so here you were now, left with a barren heart while you helped him pick up the pieces of his own.
percy's cry broke you out of your miserable thoughts, befuddled at how you were so accepting of your predicament. of course he would be. he didn't know you did it for him. "σκατά, y/n, you can't just- you can't risk your life for someone else!"
"but i did it for you." the silence became a little too loud, ringing in your ears like a haunted pendulum.
"what?" was his breathless response. his jaw was slowly opening, moving without a sound as if he didn't know what to say. you saw the way his brows scrunched up together, the way his jaw clenched and unclenched.
you repeated it again. "i did it for you."
your face looked soulless, blotches of crimson blooming in petalled coteries on the ivory ribbons wrapped around your body. you had a cut on the vermillion border of your lips, blood slowly seeping back out the more you talked. it was becoming more difficult to open your eyes. your body was screaming at you to lay down, aching with a heaviness in your bones that could not be salvaged. you just wanted to rest, but you wouldn't leave him hanging like that. even if the closure was a painful one, it would be cruel to leave percy without telling him the truth of your heart. at least, that's what you thought. if you were going to die, then you were going to take one last chance of happiness than conceal it and close your eyes with only the memory of sorrow long lasting.
it was almost pitiful, really, the way you were still willing to entertain him even in your detrimental state. your eyes were sunken in deep exhaustion, still laden with mist that glinted as it caught the effulgent flicker lighting up the back of a cabin you could not bother to recognize.
he raised his voice at first, utter confusion and frustration unfurling in his tone until it dimmed out to something much softer, like the barely contained hurt was still lingering. "why?!.. why me?" his timbre earned a softer edge to it, fading into a sotto voce and if you let your hopes get a little too high you might've thought there was a hint of care in it.
you knew if you tilted your gaze the slightest bit at his direction you'd cave into the look in his eyes. it was too easy, too easy for percy to worm his way into your heart no matter how much he hurt you.
..why him?
why not him. it was the easiest thing in the world to do anything for percy jackson. you didn't understand why it was so hard for him to acknowledge the fact that you would actually walk to the ends of the earth for him and retrieve the stars from the sky if he wished. it was him who taught you that love was just as fragile and destructive as it was wonderful and invaluable, him who helped you open your eyes to a world much beautiful than what you'd made of it. and that in itself was worth far more than any materialistic attainment you've ever received. was it because he was questioning his place in your heart? how much you cherished him?
anger and sadness were a dangerous pair, and the pain you felt turned into something that blazed the walls of your heart, burning a path through your line of thought until frustration marred each corner of your mind. why couldn't he understand what your heart was trying to say? was it not obvious the way you were so painfully enamored by him? how dare he question his worth to you?
they say the eyes are the windows to the soul, bearing the deepest and obscure feelings one could have.
if percy wanted to know and wanted to see what you felt so badly, then you would show him exactly that. you looked up to him, arms clenched around your midriff with eyes carrying the heaviest spectacle of sorrow and longing; eyes that bared the weight of a burden held far too long and at that moment he finally understood. understood the utter pain and hopelessness you had repressed, understood why you were so willing to give your own life for him.
"because i love you, goddamit! i love you.."
the tension was more than palpable after your passion-filled declaration. you saw the way he faltered, staggering back almost with the brunt of what you just said. his breaths grew ragged and his eyes moved wildly as if he was searching for any bit of a lie in you.
"take that back.. please we can't- i can't-"
and then finally the words you've dreaded were spoken out of his mouth. a defeated breathe was knocked out of you the second he finished that sentence, burning through your nostrils while it flared the fountain threatening to cascade from your heavy waterline. no amount of mental preparation could've supported you in this moment. you already knew what he was going to say, unfortunately. you saw it in the way he refused let go of her despite the tribulations he faced. it just hurt knowing that your heart thought if the uncertainty of tomorrow was looming above, there might have been hope somewhere in there.
"cant what, percy? accept the love someone has for you when the person you're chasing after so clearly does not give one shit about you!" for a moment you watched the pain morph onto his face, and you knew you'd hit a nerve when you said that. it felt wrong.. so wrong to hurt him, but your anger and desperation got the best of you this time.
"i love you so much that it hurts," you pointed at your chest, borderline hurting yourself as your fists bunched up and tugged on the bloodied orange shirt that sheathed your wounded skin. "it hurts to see you in pain, to see your heart breaking apart when i can't even do anything about it. and i would.. i would do anything for you, but you-.. you don't want me.. and that's okay!" you laughed humorlessly, the sound so harrowingly hollow that it almost made him flinch.
"i'm okay.." you whispered and it sounded as if you were trying to convince yourself that you were not already crumbling.
"but that will never stop making me care about you. that's what love does to a person, percy, and i cant just take it back.." you wiped away the defiant tears that managed to flow down the planes of your face, sniffing the waver in your voice away and trying to look strong so he wouldn't feel so guilty over something he couldn't control.
"no, i wont take it back. because for me.. for me it's enough to know that i've made a change in your life—big or small. i could never regret loving you, percy."
and for the first time percy jackson truly felt like a coward. a coward to walk away, a coward to leave you with a broken heart, only shattering it more when he stepped out of that damn balcony. he felt like a coward for pushing away the unimaginable.
he didn't know that a few minutes later you'd collapsed from excessive blood loss, clutching that untreated wound on your stomach in a last attempt to get to the infirmary. he didn't know that this would be the last words he would hear from you—words that were so incredibly impassioned and sincere. he didn't know the exhaustion the apollo kids felt the minute you were carried in,—battered, mangled and barely pulling through—knowing there was yet another valiant soul they could not save. he did not know that till your last tattered breath you'd thought of him, a serene smile soothing your face as you surrendered to the familiar arms of reclamation that cradled your weightless body while the light slowly faded away.
percy jackson didn't know many things that night. he didn't understand how something so important to one could be snatched away so easily like that, didn't understand why everything always happened the way fate planned it to be. but he knew he'd just lost the one constant love he's ever known; the one that was right in front of him the whole time, offering their heart on a silver platter only to be left decaying the moment you finally decided to choose your own happiness over the resolute of resignation.
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FINALLY going back to my roots and writing unrequited love my beloved 🥰
imagine the disbelief and elation i was in when i found this in my wip files.. i don't know why i suddenly abandoned it??
σκατά : shit
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diejager · 2 months
Hey!! How are youu?? Fro when requests will be open: fem! Reader x poly!141 where the Reader is THE doctor and he is already in a relationship with 141 but they don't know it yet. And they basically find out when during a mission (you decide the scenario) or for example Makarov is looking for the doctor and the Reader is forced to reveal herself. The doctor thing I mean the doctor from Doctor Who
I'm sorry if I expressed myself very badly but I'm doing everything with the translator and, obviously if you want, you can take inspiration from either the Tenth or Eleventh Doctor
Have a good morning!!^^
Hi! I’m feeling senselessly nervous about driving (I’m not bad, I swear. Driving just stresses me.) but unfortunately, I don’t take requests in advance and take yours/make an exception, cuz people will start doing the same as you. I can give you a few lines tho!
I’ve… never watched Doctor Who so I don’t really know anything about it…
Anyway! Under the threat of having Makarov ally with your predecessor’s enemy, you’re forced to acclimate and change your initial plan to fit this sudden change of destiny, Makarov’s fated act broken and reshaped to fit him. He had forced your hand, pushing you into the light with your alien powers and knowledge.
You tried to explain this whole matter to your Task Force, watching their face break between shock, confusion and awe, a wonder at what you were and understanding at the past. It made sense when they truly thought about it, how you knew this would happen or how that will happen; or how Soap likes his coffee, how Gaz likes his sandwich, how Price likes his reports done, and how Ghost likes his novels.
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kiana-kaslana-423 · 9 months
Kiana Kaslana x Arlecchino! Fem Reader
☆ Fem Reader that is very intimidating with a unique
Appearance + looks after kids ☆
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽
TW: Kiana simping for your curves
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!! Not comfy with men will block on interaction !!!
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• Kiana is absolutely a big ass simp for you, she's definitely into women that can "kill" her or anything like that! She loves them frfr
• I mean, look at how she simps over Mei- it's the exact same way with you, but maybe even a little bit more flirty!
• She's absolutely head over heels for your intimidating and masculine appearance!
• Kiana loves the way you dress too! Specially your suit, the way it matches with your hair and how it's skin tight so it shows off all your curves, she definitely whistles when you walk past her ( she definitely gives the vibe of the song called "Mmm Yeah" by Pitbull )
• She just can't help but stare at you when she gets the chance, like most the time her eyes are on your boobs- Even if you have a flat chest, she's appreciating them either way! Don't forget your ass cuz she's looking at it too-
• She also loves it when you wear your big winter coat that you have for your job, even if she can't see you fully, she's still simping hard- It looks so good on youu! ( she definitely steals it once in awhile when you're not home cuz it smells like you- )
• But she most importantly loves it when she can snuggle up into you with the big coat around the both of you! It gets all warm and cuddling, it's one of the best places to cuddle for her!
• Even if Kiana praises your clothes a lot, she thinks you, yourself is even more beautiful! The way your unique hair frames your face and the way you style it has her clenching her heart-
• Along with that she also loves your eyes! Your red X pupils has her fascinated, she's never seen such perfection and beauty in someone's eyes before! If she's not staring at your boobs, she's staring into your eyes but it ends in the same result, she's not listening-
• But enough of her simping-
• Kiana was really interested when you said you look after children! I mean, she's decent with children herself but she loves them and wishes to have her own someday! ( with you preferably )
• She absolutely begs for you to let her see them! You just can't tell her that you look after a whole bunch of kids and not let her see them!! That is just so cruel in her opinion- So mean!
• But she finally got you to let her see them after like months of begging everyday- Your a tough cookie to crack
• And even after all that begging and wasting time, she's absolutely delighted to see the kids you look after! She loves getting to know every single one of them!
• But she swears to God, she fell for you more when the children called you "father"- She knew when she started dating you, you were going to be her future wife and this just set it in stone, she was going to make you her wife once she got everything she needs to proposed to you! ( she made sure to keep that in the back of her mind so she wouldn't forget about it )
• She absolutely adores the kids like I said! She even starts to see a lot of them as one of her own! And yes, she began sobbing and having a whole break down when one of them called her mother-
• After that almost all the kids started to call her mother like how they call you father
• Kiana after all of this, knows this is where she belongs <3
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444rockstargf · 10 months
hello, I'm dying for some forcing Marcus (swarm) into submission type of smut 🙏 like he claims to be a dom but meets dom reader and realizes he likes to be submissive more (? thank youu
i literally had to google who marcus was bc i didnt know that was his name (that scene still appears in my dreams)
"im like crack 'cuz my taste will change you." | marcus
midnight dancer girlfriend. - lana del rey
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femdom!reader x sub!marcus
contents: use of handcuffs, masturbation, oral (m&f receiving), face sitting, 69, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie
not proofread.
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you saw him at the club, watching you as you danced the night away. you were beautiful and elegant and he swore that he'd show you a good time tonight.
when the two of you got back to his place, he pulled out a box, telling you to look inside. in the box, there were handcuffs, ball gags, more sex toys than you could name, and plenty of other things that had become a part of his routine. you could tell that he wasnt the submissive type, but you knew exactly what to do in this situation.
he sat down on the bed, pulling on to him as the two of you started making out. his hands wandered down your body before he started unbuttoning your dress. but you stopped him before he could get very far. you told him that if he waited, you could make this whole night a lot better for him, and he couldnt turn that down.
you undressed right infront of him, making his eyes widen and a bulge appear in his pants. he stared at your perfect tits, allowing his eyes to wander where ever they pleased. you took the handcuffs from the box and fastened his arms behind his back, preventing him from touching you or himself.
you set yourself down in between his legs and unzipped his pants, freeing his dick. it was already rock hard and shiny at the tip. he expected you to get right to it and start right away, but you had something else in mind. you sat down in front of him, keeping a good distance between the two of you and spread your legs.
you brought to fingers to your mouth, covering them in your spit before moving them down to your wet cunt and gently rubbing your clit. marcus couldnt take his eyes off of you, feeling his body filling up with desire and lust. he tried to move his hands, but he was restrained by the handcuffs, forcing him to just watch as you pleasured yourself.
you quickened your pace, rubbing quick circles onto your aching pussy, moaning at the feeling of your fingers giving you so much pleasure. marcus begged and pleaded for you to let him do something. whether it was to touch you or himself didnt matter to him at this point. after a little while, you decided to let him have it.
you got him to lay down on his back, which he did without hesitation. you lowered your pussy onto his mouth gently, not wanting to hurt him, but it didnt really seem like that mattered to him. he immediately started to eat your pussy, hungrily licking up every single part of it. you watched his cock throb and drip with precum as he ate you out.
you leaned forward and spat on your hand before grabbing his cock and stroking it quickly. a deep groan emerged from the back of his throat as you were finally giving him some satisfaction. he mindlessly bucked his hips into your hand, trying to get more friction.
you licked the tip of it before taking the whole thing in your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip everytime you came back up. you could feel his body trembling under yours as you got more intimate with your actions. he kept your pussy in his mouth the entire time, the moans coming from him sending a buzzing sensation through your body.
you started using your mouth and your hands at the same time, using your hand on any part that your mouth wasnt covering. his tip was already bubbling with precum and you felt his length throbbing in your mouth. he started pushing his tongue in and out of your wet hole, making the pleasure become overwhelming.
you lifted yourself off of marcus, a disappointed whimper coming out of him since neither of you got to cum. but he quickly lightened up as soon as you climbed on top of him, slowly putting his cock inside of you. it took everything in him to not cum right there on the spot.
after you were comfortably on his dick, you started riding him at a torturingly slow pace. you saw him getting impatient, so you picked up the pace a little, moving your hips against his a little faster. the sight of you on top of him in this state was making him go wild.
you were making him feel so good that he couldnt hold back his noises. he was a moaning mess, asking you to go faster and begging you to let him cum. the room filled with your whimpers and groans, along with the sound of skin slapping repeatedly.
you put your hands on his shoulders as you felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm. he wanted to stay strong for you, his top priority being to make you cum first. he started rocking his hips into yours, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. you clenched your pussy around his cock, causing him to throw his head back as he used all his strength to hold back his orgasm.
as you finally reached that point, you held his face and told him to cum with you. his hips were bucking into your at an unearthly pace when you finally came, your pussy tightening around his throbbing cock. this was enough to send him over the edge, making him release all his cum inside of you.
you rode out your climax, riding him until his cock softened and your little pussy was sore and wet. you tucked his dick back into his pants, patting it softly. you undid his handcuffs and put them back into the box. you got underneath the blankets beside him, looking him in the eye. "see? that wasnt so bad, was it?" you said with a little chuckle.
he shook his head and laughed softly. "not bad at all. ill definitely do it again sometime. if youre up for it, that it..." he smiled as a grin spread across your face. "yeah, anytime."
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author's note: 3 posts in one day is actually insane. im gonna rewatch rory's episode in swarm because i just cant get enough of it. i hope you all enjoyed this and thank you for the request!!
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chiiyuuvv · 6 months
I failed this exam A LOT OMG
BUT guess what...I PASSED IT WITH 100/100
Girl I can't believe it🥹🥹
SAUR how do you think xikers will react to you passing an exam/important test that you were working on for a long time/stressing over a lot?
You can write it whenever you can cuz I think your requests are closed, BUT I CAN WAIT. I want YOUR thoughts because you are the best writer on this app frfr. So take your time
Anyways take care bestie, don't skip your meals, love youu🤍
-🌵 anon<3
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• PAIRING — bf!xikers x gn!reader
• GENRE — proud xikerss :DD, slight kissing, almost wrote a whole fic for hunter-
• WORD COUNT — 782
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — sorry this is so late!! And good job on your tests :O
• TAGLIST — @lil-elle , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @nenede , @soul-is-a-strange-kid , @the-lemon-boy , @yuniniverse
Hes not even surprised atp, he knows how smart you are
But boy does he pretend to be shocked, his hand covering his mouth as he takes in another gasp
But his other hand is hiding behind his back
You seem to notice and the only thing he can do is giggle, revealing an neatly folded box
Turns out there was a very pretty necklace inside, minjae spinning you around to put it on you, whispering in your ear how pretty you look and how proud he is ♡
Makes sure you do nothing for the rest of the week
So what if its monday?? He'll do anything for his precious baby since you worked so hardd
Will make your meals and clean the kitchen, your room, your study area
Even gives you a bath
And he wont stop either, that is, if you want cuddles ♡
Sumin knew how stressed out you'd get with your exams so he prepared you a little smth!!
(And also some tissues)
Finally uncovering your eyes, you find a self portrait of yourself studying
And lemme just say how beautiful you look
The lines sketched with such care and patients, now you know why sumin had been smiling so much lately ♡
I think this calls for pizza!! 🗣🗣‼‼
Also makes sure you do nothing. All you gotta do is just there and look pretty and that was already took no effort
Also a movie night because why not, and you've been meaning to catch up on some movies, also why not??
His arm wrapped your shoulder at all times, and will whine if you try to move around
Plus random cheek kisses, yeah, thats about it ♡
Decides to buy tickets last minute and takes you to the fair!!
Lots of hand holding and pda, wiping some off the cinnamon off of your lips caused by your churros
Will attempt to get you those huge teddy bears, but sulks when he cant so you just gotta give him some kisses
Also the ferris wheel!!
Makes sure youre at the tippy top then he processed to tell you how proud his is and how special you mean to him, sealing it with a kiss ♡
Yall know junghoon isnt that big on physical affection
But when he hears the news hes a changed man
His eyes shot open and his hands moving faster than his brain, picking you up and spinning you around when he gives you the biggest kiss on your cheek
Wait whaat??
Wdym he did that no he didnt stop being so delusional he didnt kiss your cheek and secretly enjoyed it but not enjoying your teasings rn shut up 🙄 ♡
"Really?! I thought you failed!!"
His response earned him a huge punch
But hes only joking, ruffling your hair before dialing his phone, calling everyone and their mom to tell the news
Man does more than just spill the tea, he makes it from scratch
Hes overally dramatic when he tells your adventure, saying how you had to cross 7 seas just to find the right answer.. but you love him anyways 🤷‍♀️ ♡
Hes wants to hear all about it, so spill the tea 😠😠
Another one to think you taking a test was so dramatic, having to slay a dragon just to get the right answer to a question
And boy is he listening!! (He listens to you more than minjae)
He'd be so awestruck when youre done, his jaw lefted open and hes looking at you with sparkly eyes
Hes so proud of you too :(( ♡
Also think hes like minjae with the gift giving, pulling out this beautiful bracelet he bought months ahead of time because he knew you'd do well
But unlike minjae, he takes you out to dinner!!
Yes, a big, fancy dinner. And hes paying for it all by himself <3
Hunters prince agenda omgomg
No bc he'd drop down on his knees to kiss the back of your hand, making sure to look up at you in the process, opens every. Since. Door in sight and also pushes you into your chair. Andd he also leans against the table to wipe something off the corner of your lips, giggling to himself bc youre just so adorable. i could write a whole fic honestly... ♡
You passed your exam? Give him a hug
You got an A?? Give him a hug
You thought you were going to fail? Frowns at you, before hugging you tightly
Spends the rest of the day giving you so much love, youre only allowed to be in his arms
And is the boy so soft??? The most gentle hes ever been ♡
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nyanspirals · 2 months
I don't rlly care for Austria, but the way u drew him as chubby in Pillowfort... kinda formed something in me I never knew bro😔❤
THANK YOUU i used to draw him chubby for my ex cuz they liked him a lot and liked him chubby but i kind of adopted the headcanon for myself. no other reason other than im just used to seeing him that way now. heres a drawing from 2022 lol
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milessluvr · 11 months
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-warnings.: blood vampire themes blk reader female reader.
-lil note.: I might b writing for (42)miles nd honkai impact cuz they been on my mind for a minute now also they might be ooc as hell😭
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she really didn’t know you was a vampire untill you gave her signs like
not being in the sunlight too much
hiding in dark places
literally fangs
she wasn’t really surprised but still she is still surprised
she’ll ask you theses random questions like
“Oh! Oh! Y/n since your a vampire do you sleep in a coffin?”
“do you say “I will drink your blood!”
she’s so silly
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she knew off the bat
honestly she didn’t really care because your her s/o she loves you no matter what🤷🏾‍♀️
buttt if you do need blood she’ll be happy to help
since she is a doctor she’ll bring blood bags from her work place
literally punches the shit out of someone if they make fun of you or sumthin’
she also loves you too
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now this lil lover’s boy
lowkey his obsessed like he’s interested
omgg he will give you theses lil nicknames likee
“vamp/ princess vampire/ ma/ màmi”
he might tease youu about not going into the sun without well burning half to death
if you need blood? no worries he’ll either steal blood bags from the hospital
or you’ll suck on his blood 🤷🏾‍♀️
he luvss youu
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@buzzinn 2023 do not copy/ steal or repost any of my stuff
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the-knaves-world · 2 years
Leona x reader
As you open your eyes, rays of light from the savannaclaw late afternoon sunshine cascade over the mess of blankets and pillows on leonas bed. Moving your hair over your shoulder, out of your eyes, you look a little lower to see leona snuggled into your abdomen. 'Dislikes clingy people my ass' Is the only thing that crosses your mind.
You knew it would be no use trying to get away from him, even asleep this lazy lion had some serious strength. As the thought to get up and get back to grim for dinner comes to mind..."Hey herbivore." You look down to see sleep addled green eyes peering up at you.
"Yes, my little lion man?" He smirks, just barely, and wraps his right arm around your body lazily. "Skip out on the tuna with grim and let's order from mostro lounge."
"Yeah, cuz grim is gonna looove that." You roll your eyes but a small smile breaks out on your lips. Running your fingers over his hair, careful of his ears. Sitting up and somehow dragging him up as well, you stretch and feel him stare at you.
"Cat got your tongue leo?" He snorts a bit at that. Leona reaches over and grabs his phone off the stand and presses a few buttons and looks over at you. "What leo?"
Leona raises a brow with a bit of a smirk and asks "The usual?" The Mostro lounge thing again.
"The usual and something with meat for grim!"
"Let me pay for the monster cat?" You nod and drape yourself over his waist from where he was laying against the pillows near the headboard.
You bat your eyes jokingly and whisper "I love youu~"
As leona brings his free hand to your cheek to swipe his thumb over your cheekbone he softly smiles and chuckles genuinely "You're lucky I love you herbivore."
A soft smile and a nuzzle into his hand as you whisper "I know leona."
'Time to call grim.' Leona and the late afternoon sunlight are a beautiful combination.
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k1llang3lz · 10 months
Hey bestie did you miss me
Can I request reader writing a love letter to angie yonaga and then losing it on the way and being super stressed about it, but then like two hours later angie finds their love letter and reads it and then she accepts the confession and then they kiss:) male reader ofc.
(Sorry if this was too complicated omg)
OMG STOPPPP GIRL IDK IF U STILL ON HERE HEY GIRLLLL ( this req was from 2022 jesusss ) AIIIIII IMA GET TO MY JOB.. ima make it gender neutral cuz i have a biggy crush on angie
Dear Angie , .. ( angie yonaga x gn!reader )
how do i write a letter again?.. oh right
you were writing a letter to your childhood best friend angie , who knew it would be this hard to write something you’ve been keeping to yourself all these years
you think about all the memories you’ve had with her , damn aren’t you so lucky to have someone like her in ur life .. jesus ur so caught up in the moment all you’re thoughts are on the letter already
well it’s time to give it to her , BROOOO WHERE DID UR BUS GO?? you check you’re phone and go to the app where it checks how long it takes for the next bus .. 2 HOURS?? WHERE YOU LIVE , IN A RANCH GANG????
you not waiting in allat , you can just walk to her house anyway.. its just 20 minutes away! .. and its raining .. andd weren’t you just holding something? yes the letter .. wheres your bag? yk that you put the letter in .. oh you didn’t bring a bag .. and you held the letter in your hand this whole time.
you poured your heart out on that letter and its gone..you were finally ready to tell angie how you feel. how you feel when your eyes interlocked , how you felt when she fixed your hair or clothes , how you felt when you stayed at her house late nights , how you felt when she sculpted you . you were inlove , you ARE inlove. but all that information gone now and she wont know unless you tell her.
whatever , you spent all last night and all this morning writing it . you’re already infront of her house anyways. devastated , you text her to open her door.
“ y/n !! oh i was just about to call youu , i wanted to take a walk with you like a nature walk ! atua thinks its great for motivation and gratifying the world we live in 🤗🤗 “
you couldnt help but stare into her eyes .. you were lost in love , drunk in love , she looks so perfect right now..
“ that would be nice ang , alr lets go “
guess where you guys are walking , BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM , AND WHERE THE LETTER IS !!!! 😤😤😋😋🤪🤪🫱🏻‍🫲🏿🫱🏻‍🫲🏿
angie stops mid-walking.. “ do you feel that? that energy .. love energy! its from under this bench , ”
you really love her .. but wtf is she on abou- OH MY DAYS ITS YOUR LETTER !!!! 😛😛
she reads it blah blah
“ y/n , you wrote this ? ”
u stunned asl .. “ haha uhhh haha uhhhh 😅🥲😀 “
“ oh thank atua ! .. y/n i’ve felt like this for a long time .. i never knew you felt the same way ! “
oh my days . and you didn’t know this before. you could’ve done something before like man this is why you gotta thi-
“ angie . i want you to be my girlfriend , i’ve thought about telling you for a long time but i’ve wouldn’t have thought you felt the same wa- “
she pulls you in and kisses you 🫠🫠
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crownlixliquid · 1 year
Hey this is just me spitballing after seeing your Yuu mental breakdown post
Once word spread around the school that the hapoy go lucky Prefect of Ramshackle dorm has had a mental breakdown. Something odd occurs somethung no kne would expect One can even call it magical. One week after Yuu's breakdown an odd grouo of visitors cime to the run down house it isnt the staff nor their friends its some students form heartslaybul carrying a gift basket and they drop it off in front of the prefects door and befire they keave they exclaim how happy they that the prefect fixed heartslaybul and made it into a place worth living and spending the rest of their schoold days in. Shocking but it isnt the end the next day savanaclaw boys specifically from Leonas spelldrive squad come and oay their respects to fhe prefect for guvubg their leaddr back his motivation and it doesn't end their as for the next coming days almost every house has come to pay their respects to prefect and say their thanks to them for helping their dorm. It even extended to RSA with their spell drive team with Neige and Chenya to also come and say that them training to have a rematcg with Night raven is meaningless if they dont have the orefect their to be the teams leader.
During all this the prefect lay in their house shocked at hearing all of this they never knew they were this respected considering how they were treated by all the students before and isnt really sure how to feel
All the houses students plus some RSA students come to ramshackle ti guve yuu their sincere appreciation for their effort
P. S this was all written on my phone so don't laugh at me or this writing
Yuu definitely deserves some appreciation for the shit they did and went through, especially when they almost lost their lives while trying to make sure no one loses their own.
I actually do have some ocs based on some npcs and rsa ocs so imagining this with them + Neige cuz I love him duakdnajs IT'S SO CUTE! Just on by one, the prefect gains a new friend and was thanked for everything they've done, people they don't know or would've never expected to come did. And they left a warm sensation in Yuu's chest, when Yuu lays on thier bed, looking at the flowers, chocolates, and other gifts they were given, they made a decision, and grab their phone.
It was an awkward mood, it took too long and so many things have changed, but Yuu was seen hanging with their friends after weeks of being alone, and Yuu couldn't thank those visitors enough for their gratitude and kindness.
Theres stuff that can't get resolved quickly, and Yuu is still tired and stressed– especially with the amount of schoolwork they have missed. But once in a whole, when Yuu looks at the flowers they have taken care of, or the jewelry amongst the other gifts, a smile can be spotted when they are reminded of a fond memory.
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celestie0 · 18 days
HALLO ELLIE!!! proud to say ive successfully managed to move on from my situationship! hope u don’t mind me rambling about this guy.
let’s call him f since that’s his initial. F and I have been friends since primary sch, he eventually had to move because his dad passed away. Anyways, two years ago we started talking again because his family visited mine. Long story short, things were complicated because we had been flirting a lil bit and he also said that ‘if you flirt with other guys, I’ll starve myself’ which Icked me so BAD. He did apologised .Last year, I ‘happy birthday’ed my way into his life and started talking again because I really did miss him, he’s my childhood best friend after all. After like two weeks? I don’t remember anymore💔 He told me he loved me and i was happy to say it back to him. (I was such a fool😭) I remember being giggly and all. On 23rd August we got into a fight because we planned to meet up and i said to him ‘okay I’m nervous. I don’t think I wanna meet up’ which made him mad. MIND YOU! we were in planning stages. i didn’t cancel on him on the day itself! I had lots of things going on at that time so him just casually saying I was PLAYING him made me so upset. He had the cheek to tell me ‘ily’ because honestly I hate when people start getting all affectionate after a fight. I hope you get it😭 the next month went okaaay until 23rd sep. (23 is like a curse at this point💔💔) I confronted him on why he hasn’t been saying ‘ily’ back it may seem something small but I hate not getting it back like excuse me? AND HE SAID TO ME ‘my ex was the only one who managed to make me feel loved’ I CRIED SO BADDD!!!! how could he say that after everything I’ve did for him. smh. yada yada things went on and in dec we stopped talking. I really did liked talking to him and all but it was too much. There was certain moments where I felt like he was just using me cause I wanted him. The times where we sexted (no nudes were exchanged, just texts.) though we did call because he wanted to hear me moan. not my proudest moments, I don’t wanna be begging for a guy’s attention again. I genuinely loved him with my whole heart :((
IM SO SORRY 4 RAMBLING ON!!!! I needed to let this out so badly 🤒❤️‍🩹 love u sm ellie
— frank ocean anon
hiii my love <3 omg GASP i’m so proud of uuu situationships are hell on earth i hope you feel at peace now!!
PLS YOU’re SO REAL FOR GETTING THE ICK OVER THAT!! i swear jealousy is only attractive w fictional men ✋🏼😭 it is NOT a cute look for actual men slsldkfjfh imo its a lil overbearing n strange haha
aww thats sad hun u guys are like childhood best friends so i imagine it was still tough not speaking :(( WOW he said i love youu n you said it backk. its ok bb if it was a happy thing in the moment then it can stay that way in your memory regardless of how stuff turned out in the end :”) be kind to yourself <3
ahhh yea thats 🚩 the whole getting mad cuz you cancelled…and no i totally get that, i hate that sort of “love bombing” after a fight, it just comes off as in-genuine. thats so valid n i relate
OH MY GOSH THE COMMENT ABOUT HIS EX ☹️☹️ WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT…some things you should just keep to your fuckin self. thats awful im sorry love 🥲🥲 you deserve SO much better than that
it’s okkk bb, you knew him a long time n even apart from relationship/situationship, there was still a friendship there too. you can really love someone but also realize theyre bad for you, those two can coexist. i’m so proud of you for realizing you deserve better than someone who makes you feel like you’re being used! no one should ever feel that way. take it easy bb but truuuly truly truly time will heal <3 chin up!! so many wonderful experiences out there for you still my dear
- much loveee, ellie ☁️
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bonniethebun · 1 year
I"ve got
So i thought i may give It a shot at writing this Lil idea i drafted in my head
I just thought this as Fem yuu but i ended up writing It as GN as i could, the only fact is that yuu's hair is long
Feel free to read it either romantic or platonic
The class bell to the course of 1st years rang to announce their break period, normally the ramshackle perfect would be seen hanging out with other 2 freshies, but those 2 we're known to get in trouble rather quickly. Due to one of them screwing Up part of a project (dont bother asking Who was the culprit, that fight Will never go DOWN) ace and deuce stayed at the classroom talking with the teacher, asking a classmate about the Next class
" the teacher had a appointment so that class is cancelled for the day"
Roaming the patio in search for a way to kill time, Who or how could you hang out ? Most of the people you know are in their class, expect the third years. If you're not wrong the"ll have P.E meaning they had extra time to change uniform and stretch, maybe saying Hi to trey and Cater was the best option. Mid walk you runned into Ortho.
_Hi Lil Shroud
_Good morning Prefect
_ what are you up to day ?
_ not much, just grabbing a water bottle for my brother.
_ He'S alredy at EP, weird that he ALREDY doesnt take an extra water bottle
At the mentionf of the class his voice had a very sutile change of tone
_ Hes been needing more and more water every session of this class, i know it's supposed to be good but i know it's rather for his lack of physical condition than making a good habit
_Its that so ? I think i can help relieve a little bit of the problem if you want me to
_ you do ???
_maybe, i was heading the the running track either way, but i"ll need grab a hair comb for your brothers hair
And before even finishing the instruction the boy runned to grab what you had asked for so you Two could go straight to where PE Was usually done
_ so what's your plan for the comb Prefect
_ oh im gonna teach you how to braid
_ braid hair ?? How's that gonna help ??
_ with all due respect, your brothers hair is too long and he doesnt keep It, hes probably getting more sweaty and hot cuz he doesnt tie his hair properly
_ Well i Hope your idea works!!! Im still exited that your gonna teach me something
Very short before arriving you bumped into just the guys you we're searching
_ heeeeeyy mini Shroud, Prefect, what brings you to our class babies ?
_ never thought you jogged
_ not much guys, just helping Ortho
_ The prefect's gonna teach me how to braid hair !!!
_ AWWWWWWW THAT'S TOTE ADORBS !, wish i could record youu
_ Who says you cant ? We're doing idia's hair
_ I ... Dont think that would be an easy task guys
_ sorry guys, dont wanna burst your Bubble but i gotta agree with Trey, that's totally mission imposible
_ that aint stopping me
The 4 went and meet the other 3rd years alredy warming Up for Vargas hell class, even if It was a simple flying lesson tha Guy knew how to EXHAUST THEM.
Vil and rook were there. impressivly even leona was there, lying down but there. You went on to greet the ones you personally knew. Ortho quickly went on to deliver what Idia asked for.
_ Oh THANK GOD you made It in time
_ of course Bro, by the way-
_ Hold on why do you brought my comb ?
_ The ramshackle's Prefect told me braiding your help would help you not to over Heat during PE
_ Sorry not gonna happpen
That was your cue to aproach the Two, as son as He Saw you he knew something awkard was gonna happpen, his fly or fight instint really were about to make him BOOK IT, by muscle memory he sat up and tried to leave
_ com'on dude dont be like that
_ Noppity nope. Yo known ion like attention !
_ i alredy told Ortho
Even if you Two we're kinda comfy due both being playing buddies, something like that was too extrovert of his liking. But he saw Orthos puppy's, well its not exactly puppy eyes but he knew his Lil sibling too well
_ i know you dont exactly like It, but from a long haired person that hates P.E to another im just trying to give you a tip
In his POV, every single person around was hyper focusing in the conversation, making him want to back Up even more, but again He couldn't resist his Lil brother's Plea
_ IS for your owmn good and i really wanna do this.
Still he didnt want to be peer presured
_ its no use i told you, i dont want to get frilled Up rn
The voice of The very one and only Vil chimmed from where he was sitting
_ If you really get Idia to do this you May as well the the level of the great Seven
You scoofed trying to get the attention out of the comment he made, in a desperate try to get Idia to Understand what you wanna do
_ listen you want to keep be uncomfy and all sweaty during this or want the help, It"ll be quick. Plus Ortho IS the one learning, ill only intervine if i must
That almost "mother scolding her child" tone was the last nail in the coffin for him to succub, only hoping that the embarrsing moment would at least be worth ir
_ i swear if this doesnt least help a bit-
_ Ortho he said yes
NOW Idia could say people were watching, most in awe of how you and the robot child manage to make him bend. Deciding to stick to what you said, you just gave Ortho the instructions
_ first take all the hair and part It in three strands
_ like this ??
_ good enough, now just Cross over the strands
Robots seems to take instructions REALLY literal, he was struggling and your BEST option was to just guide his hand so you did.
_ Try this way, you gotta keep a pattern, center right left
_ I did It !
_and look, if you do It over instead of under the braid looks more puffy
_ It really does
_NoW you just need to practice, Imma teach you the one i wear for excersice, pass me the comb pls
You halted, you were about to touch idia's hair when the sutile warm in your hand remembered the other reason you werent doing It yourself
_whats wrong Prefect ???
_ no no, It just that i can't touch idia's hair
The older should seemed relieved, as if an angel heared his prayers, but THERES NEVER a dull moment at NRC, Vil intervined and casted an spell,
_ May as well finish what you started potatos, It a fire proof spell
That's was It Idia attempted to leave compleatly, this was the last straw, Ortho tried to stop him
_ where are you going ??
_sorry but i dont want to do this anymore
NOW you stepped in, a bit irritanted Cuz its always annoying when you're doing someone's hair and they keep moving
_You better sit back DOWN
_just let potato do It
_ Im not doing It for dolling you Up, its grooming theres a difference, ask leona if you dont belive me
_ You better not involve me in that herbívore. Asking the diff to getting pretty and shit and actually getting the hair out of the way for an USEFULL reason IS so dumb
Now the attention was to the lion beastman, but you manage to keep the Shrouds in check, Vil however went to give him a piece of mind
_ look, if im WRONG and it isnt help full, ill leave you Alone and buy you that collectionable you wanted, but if im correct you buy that game's Battle pass, do we have a deal ?
He actually thought, he alredy had been humiliated (according to him) plus the deal wasnt that bad
_ fine, but please make it quick
_ now look here Ortho, this one is calle french braid, you do the same but start from the top and do the same and every time you're gonna grab a bit of hair
_ how so ?
You demosntrated, you braided then used the fine part of the comb to take bits of hair and mix It with the Next strands you were gonna braid
_ it's the comb necessary ?
_ you can do It with out the comb but It' just helpful
_i get It, can i try now ?
_ go for It
The scene was almost endereing, Cater knew better than to just aproach with phone in hand but he did manage to snap a few pics and videos juust for the memory. It eventually made the bickering between leona and vil to cease, with help of Rook of course
_ i still can't belive nous tricker manage to tame such a timid target, c'est incroyable
_ That i must admit, i havent been able to get him to at least BRUSH IT properly
Even if Idia didnt want to admit, theres was a part of him that's was kinda Happy that his brother and him did a different type of bonding
_ i finished the last part of the scalp, now what do i do ?
_ finish It normally like how i taught you
And indeed he continued down the hair,It was dificult with the amount of hair Idia had but he managed
_ now what ?
_ tie It
_ done, what do you think ? Did i do It right ?
You evaluate the result of your now student, It really did noticable that It was his first time but a good job never the less
_ its good, but i think It need something, Vil do you have any spare hair pins you dont use ?
_ spare hair pins ? But of course
You grabbed the pins he lend to you and used then to wrap part of the hair and then pin it
_ that way It wont bother you
_ that's so cool, thank you so much prefect
_ thnks i guess...
_ now you just need to practice and you'll get better at it
_ can i practice with your hair ?
_ herbívore, since you're soooo in the mood for braiding do mine, It unraveled
_ you really dont know the words please dont you ?
_ whatever you said model boy
braids are something you enjoy doing so you didnt mind. You got to work on his tiny side braids and Ortho put in practice what you taught him. From the sides, now Cater, after streching enough was free to "make more memories" aka more content for his magicam
_ITS A BRAID TRAIN, im totally posting these
You finished to tie leonas braid and sat Up so orhto could have a more comfy position
_ braid train ???
Ace and deuce have just arrived
_ way to give a woman's touch prefect
_ the hells that suppouse to mean
_ i mean it in the best way
_ You really cant Word what you say properly huh
_ shut It deuce
_ now dont start a fight just cause you cant braid
_ OF COURSE I CAN PREFECT, Let me handle It Ortho
_ wasnt going to, engage protecting mode
The Two were about to defend themself until Vargas came to teach his class and separete the boys
_ as much as i would like to coach you, freshman shouldnt be here, now scram
_ where are YOU going Ortho ??! Are you GONNA leave your older brother to fend by himself ?
_ but i want to keep braiding !
_ were just borrowing him, plus is just a flying lesson, we"ll be back when your lesson's over
_ .... Fine but you better do as you say
_ Ace trapolla if you do tangle the prefect's hair or i"ll take matters in my own hands
_ y-yes Vil...
And with that the little group went on with their day. Each of them having a turn to braid your hair.
Should i do another draft with the other long haired char like Malleus and Jamil ?
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mauvefayette6 · 2 years
hello! i saw requests are open. this is pretty long. can i request a knox overstreet x fem!reader where they are bestfriends along with the dead poets (let's just say welton accepts both gender as their students). reader is an artist and loves to paint. she's been painting knox for a while now and admiring him from afar. then, when he went on a date with chris, knox saw the reader destroying canvasses and sketchbook. chris rejected knox cuz she saw how knox's eyes sparkle whenever he talks about her. angst and fluff pretty please. can you make it a bit of a longer fic? no pressure if you don't want to. but it kinda feels good when you read a one-shot that's not rushed and has a plot. THANKK YOUU SOOOO SOOOO MUCH. still, it's your choice if you want to do this or not. ADVANCED THANKKK YOUUU I LOVE YOU.
DENY || Knox Overstreet x fem!Reader
1st POV
I locked myself in my dorm, it was Saturday morning and my roommate was out in the Library studying like she always does.
Welton recently began to accept girls and I was one of the lucky ones to be chosen. I wasn't sure why, academically I wasn't the best.
I was working on a small sketch in my sketch book. Sometimes I just allow my hand to take control. When I open my book I'm never sure what I will be painting or sketching.
But this morning it was different, everything felt different. This morning I knew what I wanted to paint.
I set my sketchbook down as I grabbed one of my bigger canvas and began to do a rough sketch.
I heard a knock on the door 20-minutes after I started my sketch.
"Who?" I shouted.
"Knox!" The voice said. My heart dropped as I quickly put the canvas away, I hid my sketchbook under my bed and cleaned myself up.
"Hey Knox," I smiled when I opened the door. He looked around the room before looking at me.
"What were you doing?" He asked.
"Oh, you know... What's up?" I smiled nervously.
"Well, Neil was invited to a party, we were wondering if maybe you'd like to come with us, we'll be sneaking out tonight. What do you say?" He smiled his usual charming smile. I can never bring myself to say no to him.
"Okay, I'll go. I just have to find a way to sneak out." I laughed and he nodded.
"I'll come get you so be ready," he winked before leaving. I sighed relieved, I took my canvas back out and resumed my sketching. I wanted to capture the beauty of Knox Overstreet.
That was my sketch, Knox Overstreet. He was my muse, my inspiration. I would hate to admit this to the rest of the world but he inspires all of my art.
I smiled as I grabbed my paints, my dad was visiting France and sent me some paint for my art. With special exception from Mr. Nolan, I was able to keep my paints and canvases.
The sun was setting, I wasn't even halfway done with the painting, it was a bigger canvas. I decided to call it a night, I put my canvas away and began to clean up. My roommate joined me a while ago, I hadn't noticed she was here.
"I'm going to shower before bed, want to come?" I asked her. She was laying on her bed with a big book in her hand.
"No, I'm going to sleep early, I have big exam on Monday," she yawned. She took her glasses off before she turned around.
I shrugged and walked to the girls shower, there was about five girls when I arrived.
"Hey (Y/n)!" One of the girls shouted waving at me.
"Hey!" I smiled back, I set my things down before hopping in the shower.
"How's it going with Knox?" She winked at me causing my face to heat up.
"Nothing's going on, we are just friends..." I sighed, I continued my shower as she rambled about a boy she met.
Her name is Cassie, she's extremely smart but can say some of the darnest things. She's very popular in every good way, she's talkative and likes to take on more then she can handle. Sometimes it becomes annoying and other times it's admirable.
I said goodnight to her before heading up to my dorm.
The girls dorm is far from the boys dorm and girls had a stricter curfew then boys, which meant a harsher punishment.
I don't think it's very fair my parents on the other hand think it's amazing that the curfew is strict on girls.
I laid awake on my bed, I was anxious but at the same excited. It was going to be my first high school party. Ever since joining Welton parties and social gatherings were cut to zero.
I heard a soft knock, I tiptoed to the door and opened it. Knox's flashlight hit me straight in the eyes.
"Are you trying to blind me?" I whispered and he chuckled softly.
"Hurry, I was almost caught sneaking here," He rushed me and I followed.
We sped walked out of Welton and towards the gate where the rest were hiding in bushes.
"I swear if I get some sort of rash from these plants I'm taking everyone to court," I heard Charlie angrily yet softly complain.
"I got her, let's hurry before someone catches us," Knox ran first, then Charlie. Neil and Todd ran together and I ran after. Meeks and Pitts were the last to run out of Welton, they were usually the brains of everything we do.
"Did you guys not invite Cameron?" I asked once we were at a good distance away.
"Why? So he can snitch and get us all in trouble?" Charlie said rolling his eyes.
"Charlie convinced us not to invite him," Neil whispered to me with a laugh.
"How far is the party?" Todd asked after a while of silence.
"Just a bit further," Knox told him flashing his light. "It's about twenty or so minutes away from the school.
"Fantastic, we are going to be off our knockers walking back to Welton," Charlie complained.
"Then you shouldn't have come Charles, if all you were going to do is complain," Meeks rolled his eyes. He was carrying a flashlight, one of the three who actually brought one.
It was about 9 o clock when we arrived at their party.
"We met here at 12am," Knox told us before entering.
Neil and Todd went towards two very pretty looking girls. Steven and Pitts went towards the red solo cup table. Charlie disappeared somewhere and Knox, well Knox went towards a girl.
She was very pretty, blonde hair up to her chin, baby blue eyes and a beautiful complexion. She would be anyones dream girl.
I stood there, no cared to introduce me to anyone. That's when a slightly tipsy teen boy walked over to me. I hated the scent of alcohol, I looked at him in disgust before walking away.
I entered the kitchen for a glass of water, "designated driver?" A persons voice asked.
"Huh?" I asked turning to face the stranger. He had slick back brown hair and big brown eyes.
"You're drinking water at a party, the only reason I could come up with is if you're driving your friends home," he chuckled.
"Oh! No just not a fan of drinking," I laughed and he nodded.
"Why so alone?" He asked.
"My friends ditched me," I shrugged.
"Not fun, you go to Ridgeway?" He asked and I shook my head.
"I go to less popular Welton Prep School," I laughed.
"Ouch, how is that like?" We continued our small talk before he said goodbye and left. He was charming and not awful looking.
A tall blonde girl walked over to me with a smile and hugged me.
"Enjoying the party?" She asked, she had a sort of British accent.
"Yes, having a blast," I smiled back.
"I can tell by the look in your face that you're swell," she smiled before leaving.
Meeks then walked up to me with a devastated expression.
"What's wrong?" I asked him and he shrugged.
"Pitts ditched me for some brunette girl," he muttered pouring himself a drink.
I then walked away to find Knox, it was hard to miss him. Tall brunette boy with hazel brown eyes. It was harder to miss when a girl was attached to his lips.
Charlie appeared out of no where next to me, "you'll be okay." That was all he said before bringing me in for a hug.
I was confused at first, why would I not be okay? My best friend and long time crush was just casually Frenching a girl at a high school party.
I pulled away from the hug and looked at him confused.
"Why would I not be okay?" I asked and he looked confused.
"Aren't you in love with him?" He asked and I shook my head. Deny, deny, deny; that's what my dad always told me.
"I'm not, Knox and I are just friends..." Those words hurt me, it hurt to have to say it.
"Oh... then ignore my comment," he shrugged and left.
I felt my heart break, my stomach turned and I felt like throwing up. I walked towards the restroom and did what I had to do.
"Alright in there?" I heard Neil ask.
"Just fantastic Neil!" I shouted. I cleaned myself up before stepping out.
"Too much to drink?" He asked and I shook my head in disgust.
"I wouldn't touch a bottle of alcohol in my life," I told him and he rolled his eyes.
"Was it because you saw Knox Frenching Chris?" He asked.
Chris, so that was the girl he was with.
"No, why does everyone assume I'm in love with Knox?" I asked a bit annoyed. Deny, Deny, Deny.
"Oh, sorry." He mumbled walking away from me. I sat on the couch next to two teens devouring each others face.
The party went by slow as people danced and made out with each other.
Knox sat next to me with a huge smile on his face.
"What's up with you?" I asked him and he just smiled wider.
"I just asked out the prettiest girl... ever," he looked at me. I felt my heart ache as I looked away from him. We have been friends for so long and he's had loads of crushes, why do I feel like this now?
"Good on you Knox," I faked a smile.
"We are going on a date Sunday, we are going to this cafe. She says it has really good smoothies." He rambled on but I zoned out.
After a while we met up at the front, Charlie looked sick and pale. Todd looked like he always does, Neil looked a little too happy. Pitts was no where to be found and Steven was asleep in a couch. Knox had to carry him, we weren't able to find Pitts so we left without him.
We sneaked back inside the school,
"See everyone in the morning," I whispered before running towards my dorm. My roommate was still sound asleep, she looks so peaceful.
I fell asleep a while after hitting the bed. The next morning was a Sunday and I decided to sleep in.
I heard a fast knock, my roommate opened it.
"Knox?" She said which made my heart drop, I remembered everything from last night.
"Is (Y/n) (L/n) awake?" He asked, he knows me too well.
"Well, I assume because of your loud and desperate knock she is awake," she laughed. She walked over to me and shook me slightly.
I opened my eyes, "what?" I mumbled.
"Knox Overstreet is here," she whispered. I closed my eyes before getting up.
"(Y/n) I'm in need of a girls assistance," he sounded eager.
What's going on?" I asked walking towards him, "I should change first."
I closed the door and got into some casual clothes. "Okay, what do you need?"
"Remember when I said I'm going on a date with Chris?" He said and I nodded.
"I want to get her a gift and I need your help to find a perfect one, who knows more about girls then another girl?" He smiled. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.
"Fine. I'll help you, what's the budget?" We began walking towards the exit/entrance of the school.
"I was thinking anything under $10 or so," he nodded. "Depending though, if it's jewelry then maybe $11." He laughed.
We walked in to town as he described what he wanted to get her. He talked about getting her a book but he wasn't sure what genre she liked. Then he wanted to buy her flowers but didn't want to be cliché and get her roses. He ended up buying her a bracelet.
It was a pretty bracelet, I picked it out. He described her as beautiful as a swan would be and that's what he got. A swan themed charm bracelet. It was under budget which was amazing.
We walked to a bookstore, if I traveled all the way here I would like to get something for myself. We entered the store and I began to browse around.
"I've been wanting to red more Walt Whitman, what do you think?" I asked as I looked over the poetry section.
"Hmm, I like Whitman, he has very nice work," he smiled.
"It's decided, I'll get this Whitman book, an Emily Dickenson one and then I'll get this Alice in Wonderland story." I grabbed the books. He smiled at me and my heart fluttered.
"Knox?" A feminine voice called. He turned and smiled, the smile felt different.
I turned and saw Chris walking up to us, "hi!"
I looked at her and then at Knox, "I should go and pay for these." I turned away to the register.
I paid for the items and headed out, I wasn't sure if I should say goodbye or just go. I decided to just walk back to Welton. I felt sad, I thought a lot about it.
I walked over to Charlie's dorm making sure no one saw me before I knocked.
"Come in!" He shouted and I opened the door and walked in. I sat on his bed, thank goodness that Cameron wasn't here.
Other then Knox I was closest to Charlie. We met when he and Knox became friends.
"What's wrong?" He asked facing me. I burst out in tears, he came over and hugged me.
"I love him Charlie, I'm in love with him," I cried hugging him back.
"I know, if hurts," he rubbed my back as I sobbed harder. I never wanted to admit it, I'm in love with my best friend.
"It hurts to see him with her, the way he looks at her," I sobbed louder hugging him tighter.
"Let it all out," he whispered.
"I wish he liked me not Chris, I'm an idiot for not telling him sooner," I silently cried for what seemed like hours. I laid in his bed after no tears came out.
"We should go get dinner," he whispered once he saw the sun was setting.
"I'm not sure if I'm in the mood to eat.." I mumbled sadly.
"Nonsense, let's go. You can't stay in here anyways if Cameron sees you here he'll report you." He chuckled.
We walked towards the dinning hall, girls and boys were separated, they really didn't want us talking to each other.
I sat by my roommate and her friends. I looked off in the distance.
"Someones in love," I heard the annoying voice of Betty Smith giggle. "I bet it's with Knox Overstreet."
"Isn't he going steady with Chris Noel from Ridgeway?" Another girl asked. They began to gossip about the alleged relationship. I had to suffer through it and eat.
After dinner we walked towards our dorm rooms.
"(Y/n) wait up!" Knox called, I turned to my roommate who waved goodbye and continued her walk.
"How was the date?" I asked.
"It was... alright," he shrugged, "you disappeared on me."
"Oh, yeah. I didn't want to interrupt you two on your date," I faked a laugh and smile.
"I was worried," he mumbled. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I looked away and up.
"I should go, you should too. If they see us together I might get into some trouble," I smiled.
"Okay, goodnight..." He said sadly before walking away.
I walked towards my dorm, tears threatening to fall. I quickly put my night wear on and climbed into bed. I hugged my pillow and quietly sobbed.
The next morning was Monday, Knox went on and on about Chris. We sat at the study room, the only room girls and boys were allowed to mix.
"She's really pretty," he sighed dreamily. I rolled my eyes as I attempted to concentrate on my book.
"We get it Knox," Charlie snapped. He angrily closed his book and stormed out.
"What's his deal?" Knox mumbled.
"You've been going on and on about Chris since yesterday Knox, it's getting annoying." Pitts mumbled as he too began to pack his things.
"You guys think?" Knox mumbled sadly.
"We get you're deeply and madly in love with her but come on," Meeks too started packing his things.
"I don't think it's annoying," Todd said, "I think it's nice how much you like her."
I began to pack my stuff and without excusing myself I walked out. I couldn't handle it anymore. I wanted to get over him so badly.
I walked to my dorm, luckily my roommate wasn't there.
I grabbed my canvas, the big one I was working on and destroyed it. I grabbed my sketchbooks and ripped out every painting of Knox I ever made, which was almost all of the paintings. I threw them into a trash bag and began sobbing.
"Idiot," I repeated over and over again. The door opened and in came my roommate.
"Are you okay?" She closed the door and sat next to me. I shook my head and continued to sob.
"Is it because of Knox?" She asked and I nodded.
"I think I like him... like in a romantic way?" I whispered wiping away my tears.
"Yeah, I had my suspicions." She hugged me and I hugged back.
"I want to get over him but I just can't? I want to support him and be there for him but it's hard," I cried.
"You need to rest, it's almost lights out for girls dorm," she whispered.
I nodded and climbed into bed, I didn't bother to change into my night wear. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
The week went by as normal, I tried to fake my smile any time Knox talked about Chris.
"Let's go into town on Saturday ?" He asked and I shrugged. That was Friday, it's now Saturday and I was getting ready.
I heard a knock and opened it, I smiled when I saw Knox.
"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. We walked out in mostly silence, it's been a while since it was just Knox and I.
"Where should we go first?" He asked and I thought for a second.
"I could go for a smoothie right now," I smiled. We began walking to a smoothie stand and ordered our drinks.
"Do you think I'm annoying?" He asked out of no where.
"Not at all why?" I answered.
"I feel like we've been growing apart, maybe I'm paranoid?" He mumbled.
"I haven't been feeling that at all," I lied with a smile. He shrugged and we continued our walk.
We stopped at a few shops and got ice cream. We laughed and joke, it felt like we were back to normal.
"Knox!" The familiar voice of Chris shouted. We both turned around. He smiled, but yet again his smile felt different.
I've known Knox almost his entire life and I know a lot about him. But I wasn't able to recognize this smile.
The only other time I saw it was when he talked to Betty Smith in 8th when she came up to us. He used that exact smile, a smile that could be described as annoyed, happy and sad.
"Hey Chris!" He said as she walked up to us. She was out with her friends who stood besides her.
"Hey (Y/n)," she smiled.
"Hi Chris," I smiled back.
"What are you doing in town?" Knox asked. They began to chat with each other, I felt ignored and pushed to the side. If I could I would've started crying right there.
Knox glanced at me and then back at Chris and to her friends.
"We should be on our way," he smiled.
"Oh come join us! We are going to this fancy restaurant a few minutes from here," she smiled.
"I'm not in the mood to eat," I lied. "But you can go Knox."
Knox looked at me and then at Chris, he looked a little sad and confused.
"I'll be fine Knox," I whispered faking my smile.
Knox shrugged and I said goodbye to him, I walked back to the school still trying to hold in my tears. I don't want to third wheel Knox and Chris and I don't want to get in the middle of their blossoming relationship.
I sat at the student lounge when Knox entered the room. He immediately saw me, but it felt different.
"Can we talk?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow but followed him anyways.
We were in an empty hallway, the sun was setting and he looked angry.
"What's wrong?" I asked and he shook his head.
"You're becoming distant, at first I thought I was crazy but you are!" He shouted.
"What?" I stuttered confused. I've never seen him this annoyed.
"Yeah! I kept telling myself that we are just growing up," he shook his head. "But no, it's you. You're pulling away from me!"
"It's not my fault entirely though!" I shouted back.
"We are best friends (Y/n)! I know when you're annoyed and sad!" He looked sad.
"I'm sorry Knox..." I whispered tears threatening to fall.
"Sorry?" He whispered back more calm. I nodded and looked away.
"I— I don't know an easier way to say this..." I mumbled.
"Just say it, we are best friends and I want to help you and it's not easy if you won't tell me whats wrong." He looked at me, I could tell.
"Knox. I like you, I like you a lot and seeing you with Chris hurt me. But We are just friends and I tried to be happy and I wanted to be there for you," I whispered the tears now falling. "I wanted to be happy for you, be excited that you're in love with a really beautiful girl."
The silence overcame us, we stood there looking at each other.
"I know, I know you don't feel the same," I cried. "I just really hope we can still be friends... maybe not best friends hut friends..."
Knox looked at me and nodded. I walked away from him and towards the girls dorms.
•Knox's POV•
I watched her walk away, my heart ached and my body shook. All these years of denying and she finally confesses.
The second I start to try and get over her she confesses to me. I was angry, confused and overall upset by this. I couldn't believe she told me and I stood there like an idiot.
I walked up and towards Neil's dorm where Todd was laying on his bed reading a book. I sat by him in silence. He looked at me confused but didn't say anything.
"I'm an idiot," I whispered to him. "She told me she liked me and I stood there like an idiot."
"Chris?" He asked confused.
"No, (Y/n)... She told me she liked me." He was silent and I was too.
"How do you feel about her?" He asked me and I shrugged.
"I've always liked her, as friends and as more. But she's never shown interest in me until now, or maybe I just never seen it before," I mumbled.
"Well... What do you want to do?" He asked patting my shoulder.
"Honestly? I want to hug her and tell her that I love her too, but I'm afraid?" I looked at him and he looked at me.
"Maybe you should go tell her that you like her too?" He laughed and I shook my head.
"I'm not sure it's a good time right now..." I sighed and got up. "Thanks Todd, I'll see you in the morning."
"Maybe we should call for a meeting tomorrow and you can confess then?" He suggested and I thought about it.
"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea," I smiled at him. "I'll ask Charlie to convince her to go."
I walked over to Charlie's dorm and knocked.
"Knox?" He said surprised once he opened the door.
"I wanted to ask you a favor," I sighed. "Can you convince (Y/n) of going to the meeting tomorrow?"
"There's a meeting tomorrow?" Charlie asked confused.
"Yeah, Todd and I decided it would be a great time to have one!" I exclaimed.
"Oh, alright? What did you do to her that I need to convince her?" Charlie asked but I left, I was too ashamed to tell him.
I fell asleep doubting myself and wishing I could've told her I did like her.
I woke up and realized I had agreed to a date with Chris, I facepalmed and forced myself out of bed. First thing I did was tell Todd who agreed to push it back to when I got back.
I rushed into town and saw Chris standing. I walked up to her and took a deep breath.
"I hope I didn't make you wait too long," I chuckled. She just gave me a smile and we began walking.
"I've been thinking, long and hard about this Knox," she came to a stop and looked into my eyes. "I don't think this is going to work out."
"What?" I said taken aback by this. I was relieved but at the same time shocked.
"I know you like her, (Y/n). The way you look at her and talk about her..." She went quiet. "I know, and I want you to be happy."
"Chris..." I whispered and she brought me in for a hug.
"Invite me to the wedding," she laughed. She walked away from me. I smiled and walked back towards the school.
I knocked on Todd's dorm room where he and Neil waited.
Neil smiled and went to gather the rest of the group.
Me, Todd, Neil, Pitts, Meeks and even Cameron walked towards the cave as Charlie had to go get (Y/n).
It looked cloudy and I groaned.
"Should we post pone the meeting?" Neil asked as he noticed the clouds.
"We are already so far it'll be pointless to go..." Pitts mumbled. We sighed and continued our walk there.
I sat by Todd. "Chris and ai broke things off."
"Oh, how do you feel?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I don't think I ever really liked her in any way other than friendship?" I said confused.
"Well, as long as no one was hurt," he smiled.
We waited for what seemed like forever for Charlie and (Y/n) to come.
We began to worry they weren't going to come.
"We are here!" Charlie shouted as he ran inside. "Took a bit of peer pressure and lots of convincing but here she is!"
(Y/n) entered and rolled her eyes, she went inside and we locked eyes. Her eyes were sad, red and puffy like she's been crying. Her roommate stood next to her.
"Of course she wanted to bring her leech so here she is too." Charlie laughed and sat by Neil.
"Thanks stranger I met an hour ago for that lovely introduction," she sarcastically said before sitting down. (Y/n) sat besides her.
"What even is this?" She asked and the cave went silent.
"A secret society," Charlie muttered.
"We read poetry and discus current world problems and the dread of our parents high expectations." Neil began, he stood up in front of us like he usually does.
"My dad has been pressuring me into joining a military school in Alabama," Neil announced. "I convinced him to let me stay here in Welton if I become Valedictorian and a prefect."
"My grandad wants me to go to University in London where he went," Meeks mumbled. "I don't have a choice.
"My parents gave me an option, they said I either go to Yale and graduate as Valedictorian or I get disowned," Pitts laughed.
It went on like this where everyone shared something that was currently happening to them, good or bad.
I stood up which caught their attention.
"I made a mistake yesterday," I announced. "I indirectly rejected the girl of my dreams."
I looked over to (Y/n) with a smile and she shook her head and walked out. That's when I noticed it was raining.
I ran after her, "(Y/n)!" I shouted as I caught up to her. She turned to face me, she had tears falling from her eyes.
"Stop it Knox! You're playing with my emotions!" She shouted angrily.
"I'm not!" I said back. "I like you I do!"
"Why now? Did Chris reject you? Did she break your heart so you come to me?" She asked hurt.
"No! No! Chris and I were never going to work out!" I said back. The rain was making it hard to see.
She went silent and looked away, I brought her in for a hug. She cried onto my shoulder as she hugged back.
"I've liked you for so long, I just wasn't strong enough to tell you," I whispered.
She broke away from the hug and looked into my eyes.
She looked so beautiful, even if she was wet with rain water. Her eyes beautiful and her hair still amazing. I caressed her cheek and smiled.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked her and she looked away.
My heart began to race, maybe I was moving too quick?
"Yeah, I would like that... a lot." She chuckled and looked in my eyes with a smile.
I leaned down and closed my eyes and she did the same. The rain was still falling as I placed my lips on hers. It was beautiful, her lips were soft and smelled wonderfully. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist.
We stayed that way, kissing, for a few moments before we heard the leaves crunching.
"Knox?!" I heard someone call.
"(Y/n)!" Another voice yelled. We broke away and rested our foreheads on each others. I smiled and she did the same.
"You look beautiful," I whispered.
"And you look handsome," she whispered back.
"There you guys are!" Charlie ran up to us and smirked. "We got worried you guys weren't coming back."
"We see why now," Neil laughed.
"Are you guys... together?" Meeks asked confused.
"I swear I think we are in different universes from our friends," Pitts whispered to Meeks who nodded.
"We should run back or we'll all die," Charlie laughed and we all began walking back.
The rain began to clear up the closer to the school we got. It's a good thing it wasn't the middle of the night.
"What does this mean?" (Y/n) asked me.
"We are a couple now," I smiled.
"Cool," she smiled and looked away. She's so beautiful when she gets shy.
I can proudly now say that (Y/n) and I are a couple, together. Hopefully this lasts forever.
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borathae · 4 months
You cover your eyes on instinct, “why are you naked?” me when i saw naked kook in the gcf I LIFTED MY EYES UP AS IF LIKE I WOULD HAVE SEEN SOMETHING 💀💀💀 and then went to twitter to oggle freely cuz its a free real estate
but his hips are your favorite part of his body. 136% CORRECT
His dick looks mouthwatering in this light call that aesthetic dick, aesthedick
steal a glance at his butt as he does. “Hot damn”, jungkook when he walked in when hobi was showering
the mask para reminds me of hobi slapping skincare on to his face
*also starts playing nct baby dont stop
“Too late for that”, you say giggling she said oops hee hee
"sounds like a song doesn’t it?" he jokes it does lol my man is so funny *
You secretly hoped for his towel to fall. It didn’t, THEM DAMN TOWELS HAVE BABY GRIP STRENGTH IN FFS LIKE THEY DONT FALL AT ALL
i dont know if havent said this before, but i love the way the characters talk during sex in your writing, sexy or not, they are all soo wholesome
You idiot left the show running. Fuck you probably missed the best parts. ...best parts are definitely happening right now. CORRECT JUNG FUCKING HOSEOQUE IS FUCKING YOU, NOTHING IS BETTER THAN THAT
Outside guns and sirens were going off.  WTF IS GOING ON definitely not the best thing to hear right after fucking lol
Or are we in an official apocalypse?" very funny to think that u didnt know what was going to happen in 2 years . haha nobody knew
ok so back to the glowing dick alien IM SORRY U SAID NO MORE BUT I CANT STOP THINKING U KNOW *plays twice
imagine the same thing( tv on and siren going off) idk when oc and alien AND OC IS TRIGGERED cuz they moved to a different planet when oc was really young cuz of some apocalypse and she grew up and met alien bangtan
me when i saw naked kook in the gcf I LIFTED MY EYES UP AS IF LIKE I WOULD HAVE SEEN SOMETHING 💀💀💀 and then went to twitter to oggle freely cuz its a free real estate
bruh same HOLY FUCK I was at work watching the stream and went from -.- to OoO within seconds fjadjf thank god my back was turned to the rest of the office hahhahah
call that aesthetic dick, aesthedick
BLOCKED hahahahhha (i love puns)
the mask para reminds me of hobi slapping skincare on to his face
YSES HAHAH it was inspired by that hafjdsj
legs wide open tbfh
You secretly hoped for his towel to fall. It didn’t, THEM DAMN TOWELS HAVE BABY GRIP STRENGTH IN FFS LIKE THEY DONT FALL AT ALL
HAHHAHAHA the ffs towel says "content besties" JFJADSJF
i dont know if havent said this before, but i love the way the characters talk during sex in your writing, sexy or not, they are all soo wholesome
omgmg thank youu <333333
ME NEXT nfadsnf istfg I need to inhale him
HOLD ON IM GETTING MORE THOUGHTS AAAAAAA ok so back to the glowing dick alien imagine the same thing( tv on and siren going off) idk when oc and alien AND OC IS TRIGGERED cuz they moved to a different planet when oc was really young cuz of some apocalypse and she grew up and met alien bangtan
ooooh daaamn bestiieie the angst is angstingnn 👀👀 and him coming to rescue her and hug her cause he can't bear to have his sweet earthling be upset fdnasfn 😩😩
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fagdykebassboy · 7 months
my little sibling plays bass and i know virtually Nothing abt bass but uh. tell me some stuff abt the bass! like do you use petals or have any settings you love defaulting to?? whats ur favorite stuff to play?
ok so here she is and her pedals and cables and case <33333
Tumblr media
typically i keep the tone clean but i loveeeeee playing with distortion or theres one RATM (bulls on parade) where i use fuzz with all the pedal settings all the way down it just adds this soft punch i love it i loveeee pedals i wanna get an actual board and a whammy pedal next
anyways for my bass her name is Horrorshow she’s a Jackson X series concert she plays sooooo well in super low tuning the lows are super punchy and thick and the highs are super bright and clear i lovee her soo much <33333 (i technically got her for free cuz i had this squier jazz bass and its motherboard fucking broke and it was cheaper to just trade it in than get a new part. Anyways once i saw her i knew i had to have her and she was on sale for like 250 off (CRAZY.) and with the warranty money i got her basically for free and if anything ever happens to her i’ll kill myself)
as for settings i like to play with the gain turned alllllllll the way up (it gives it this really soft distortion feel while keeping the clean tone) and the highs/treble and mids relatively even with the lows/bass just a little bit lower. This bass really excels in lower tunings so ive set everything up with that in mind so that the highs stay bright and the bass/lows are still thick and loud without overpowering everything. And for the knob that controls the mix between the pickups (i have a jazz/precision setup basically the jazz is bright and buzzy and the precision is a little softer idk) i crank the jazz side alllll the way up
my favorite stuff to play is usually whatever rise against song im obsessed with at the moment (probably because their bass player is co-writes all the shit with the singer so their two parts kinda take the lead and keep everything together its really cool and makes for some really fun bass lines and fills that a lot of other bands dont have idk his bass lines are just Fun.) but i loveeeeee Savior, Prayer of the Refugee + Drones, and State of the Union (cuz i get to use distortion on that one and it sounds soooooooo good and loudddd). Other than that i love playing anything loud and fast or really anything in Eb or drop C# tuning (those and anything lower are my favorites) my favorite songs to play right now are probably Bulls on Parade and Midnight hands (and anesthesia by metallica its soooooo pretty its just a bass solo for literally the entire thing but FUCK is it hard like just go listen to it it makes me wanna kill myself)
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enhadiares · 3 months
DESIII ENGENES ASSEMBLEEE!! Hiee didi ji (ig) since I'm younger than youu. also you're punjabiii !?! I'm from Uttarakhand . I am having boards too. and they are honestly trash...like boards aren't exciting at all. definitely not what I expected. Also random asks to get to know you better; 1. Todays' TMI ? 2. Aaloo parantha or mooli parantha? 3. Chai or coffee (or any other drink of choice)? 4. Comfort song (enha or any other artist)? 5. Enha bias? 6. when did you get into kpop and your first kpop group + song? 5. Do you buy albums of pcs?
andd can I please please be 🌸 anon??
AHAJSJ DIDI? I feel old 🐥
You're having boards too?!? Of 10th?
Also yes yes boards are very trash , like the pressure is allot and the questions make me so nervous
I knew the answer for two 5 marker questions but i couldn't write them because they were twisted 😭💔 i felt so betrayed
Oooo that glatters me honestly hehe 🙈🙈
1. Today's TMI
I'm Punjabi but I don't live in Punjab
I ate watermelon today my fav 😋
And I haven't studied one bit and i want to do self care but I'm doing neither (I'm crazy) 😇🙏
They are both my fav staaph but I'll have to go with aloo Paratha ☝️ cuz they just taste so good when they are hot 😋😋
3. Chai or coffee
CHAI (ki chuski makes me feel better)
Even tho ik trying not to drink it too much
4. Comfort songs
are honestyly sometimes enha songs or Bollywood songs
If i want to cry I play bolly soft music , and if i want to feel better I play enha or chikni chameli 🤪
5. IM OT7
(I am verry indecisive 🤓)
6. I got into k-pop in like 2018 ig? It's been tooo long but at that time I was only into BTS , twice & blackpink because they are who got me into k-pop (pls don't hate me now I am fan of multiple groups I swear 🙏)
nd my first song was dope by bts 😻✨
7. I don't buy any unfortunately because my mom doesn't let me 😞💔
Yes yes you can be the 🌸 anon! Also I wanna know you more too so if you don't mind , you can answer the same questions too!👀
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