waluigisgaybf · 5 months
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Changed his gear up this time so hes in mostly black instead of red and I miss the red but he look looks 👌
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how long did it take you to like Daigo and Mine? I had a delayed response to the former. I’d played through all the games, nothing. Then one day I was just thinking of how he was yet another example of goth disaster who grows into Fine Young Man (my first was Gaara) and all of a sudden I got struck with the blorbo truck.
bestie. i have no idea LMAOOOO I REALLY COULDN'T TELL YOU
i know with mine at least it took me beating Y3 first and then thinking about his character more and then doing a replay of Y3 and rewatching his scenes. plus then i found all the currently available RGGO stories for him and that p much solidified my adoration for him
with daigo, i think it was just kind of like a gradual thing? my memory of my initial feelings when playin these games are mostly faded (pardon like. Y7 stuff that game and my feelings for it have been branded into my brain 5ever) but i remember as the games went on, i just got happier the more i saw daigo on screen (kind of like how i get when i see date in that 'omg it's my old friend daigo that's my boy :)') to the point where i instantly knew the 'masked figure' in y5 was him just from his sideburns (tho tbf i think we all saw the twist coming from a mile away, but it's the way i saw his sideburns and instantly went 'oh bitch i know those anywhere')
i did think he was dripped the fuck out in Y2 tho
#snap chats#i didnt beat chapter five of y7 btw#i accidentally started following a speedrun guide and i ran around for like forty minutes trying to find an odd stone#then i realized i needed the foreman job but i didnt have enough charisma and THAT was going to be a hassle#so im just calling it a night#but yeah no with daigo like ??? and honestly mine- and like. Every Character I Love#there's never an Aha moment where im instantly smitten or something#it takes some time for me to think about them to really like them#i think aoki was the closest to instantly liking but that was more due to personal things ig#jo took a hot minute tho. i think the eyeball scene was what got the ball rolling tho now that i think bout it 💀#but yeah it just takes me a minute to think about a character for me to realize how much i love them#except ichiban. ichiban was instantaneous but like thats just his effect on people that's like saying the sky is blue#back on topic tho i really love daigo despite it kinda not seeming like it#like Obviously i draw him a lot but i dont really talk about him a lot you know#he's somewhat of a simpler character compared to my other faves but he's still fascinating to me and i love his character so much#i love how quiet he is and how he's a right contrast to his father#and i love how it's evident kiryu's left a mark on him in games like Y4 and Y5 where he feels like he has to do things alone#i cant explain it all rn- mostly cause ima run out of tags- but i love his character for what it is#RGG might not give him any love. like. at all. but i will. i'll love him#and even if the fandom mostly sleeps on or bullies him i appreciate the other guys who also go 'omg daigo our boy' when he's in a scene#well that ends my ramble for tonight i think ima just watch some youtube before i have to wake up to death tomorrow
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skelliko · 7 months
If requests are open, may I make a request for kazutora, chifuyu and baji playing UNO with their s/o and they keep getting spammed with draw +6 cards and +10 cards by s/o who is a UNO master. Who is the most competitive out of the three?
(Also the one im reffering to is UNO: show 'em no mercy. The one where it Includes: 168 x Cards including Wild Draw 6, Wild Draw 10, Skip Everyone, Discard All & Wild Colour Roulette Card).
ask and you shall receive :) I swear the hardest part about writing these is making sure that each one gets roughly the same amount of points, sometimes not even the amount, it's just making sure their all on the same page too and half the time I cant think.
★-Tokyo revengers
- playing Uno with them, show no mercy
๑-featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, Baji
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°- kazutora hanemiya
• he was confident at the beginning saying how "this game will be easy" "I'd win for sure" not knowing that uno seems to always have your luck stored at the perfect amount
• he'd try to cheat by taking a quick glimpse of your cards, that's why sometimes he takes too long to draw his cards cause he's taking his time in finding a good moment when you're not looking
• half way through he'd become salty, reallyyyy salty to the point whenever you'd place down any sort of card that gives you a high advantage and kazutora a disadvantage he'd give you a look of displeasure for a good 3 seconds
• he'd curse a few times and make little comments but nothing too major, if anything it'd be under his breath quietly (unlike Baji)
• however he'd be passive aggressive "hope you fall down the stairs next time in public and I'm there to witness it, I won't catch you I'd just watch" with a straight face and almost zero emotion in his voice (he fully well doesn't mean it) but his bluntness was just a facade cause after he saw your reaction he couldn't help but crack a smile and laugh a little
• whenever he'd place down a pick up card of his he'd hold a proud smile and look at you as if he's accomplished something great but his smile would immediately fall the second you place down a +10 "WHAT!?" his sole shattered
• he wins occasionally but knowing that you're a lot better at the game than he is even though it all revolves around luck with the cards and how you use them, that doesn't bring his ego up at all, sometimes he thinks you went easy on him and that'd be when the rounds are longer
• when it came to the card 'discard all' he'd be in disbelief of the power that card holds, all of the same coloured card that you once held were down down in the pile. kazutora couldn't tell which cards he hates more, that one or the +6 / +10
• sometimes you both end up bickering but in a humorous kind of way, going back and forth in-between laughter about who's right about the rules and who's wrong to the point where the only way for you to carry on the game was to make up rules (truthfully who goes by the actual rules?)
• in that time despite him being salty he didn't care all that much about who wins, but as time went on his mind changed and in the middle of taking a little break of playing he tried to understand all the cards and how to play smart even with you sitting in the same room
• at the end of it knowing that he wouldn't be able to win he randomly and calmly got close to you dropping his cards down without wanting to finish the game, he'd then playfully tackle you down with a smile "I give up"
°- chifuyu matsuno
• he can be quite competitive to a certain extent but majority of the times he's having fun
• he'd stare at you as you're placing cards down one after another almost in disbelief and confusion "where the fuck do you keep getting those cards from?!" in that very moment as he shamefully picked up a card from the side deck, he knew he wouldn't be able to win
• he HATES getting the colour switch up cause he never happens to have the right colour and he'd have to pick up more cards than needed, he'd pick up one and it wont be the right colour still, picks up another- nope. his luck with the colours is nonexistent and he gets frustrated with that quite easily and honestly it can get funny with his comments
• "I swear to god if I don't get a green card I will jump out that window" he'd make little sarcastic jokes
• because of that he always shuffles the cards twice the amount of time than needed to make sure that all the cards and colours are evened out but even with that he sometimes has to draw 4 cards just to get the one he needs - cause of that he loves the 'discard all' card when he has it in his possession
• he wouldn't help but smile when he thinks he gets good cards and when you'd ask about it he'd go "nothinnggg" all smugly and holding his smile proudly, but of course his pride would be shattered from your card
• hes the type of person to yell out "Uno" loudly and all happily too
• he would take any opportunity to place down his good cards but the second he places them down he regrets it cause he acted rationality and that always benefited you instead of him
• "I don't know how you do it, but I've never met anyone who's as good at uno as you"
• once he had his final loss he'd roll his head back and sigh out a little annoyed, but then he'd smile at you and fling a card at you which then created a little playful card fight making the floor to be scattered with uno cards
°- Baji Keisuke
• at first he didn't seem all that interested, but as the game went on Baji would be the most competitive and determined to win
• definitely would try to cheat, either by taking a glimpse of your cards or try to place a random card of his down when you're not looking
• he'd be swearing and cussing you out for sure but also try to humor it, "oh fuck off with that" "you think your so funny? I will eat those cards and you'll never see them again" "you mother fucker"
• when you'd place down a pick up card of the same colour twice or more Baji would make up new rules, "that's not allowed" "no you can't do that" just so he could buy time and hopefully have a glimpse at your cards even if it means to bicker for a good minute
• after a few slow rounds in the beginning the matches would begin to end more quickly due to the determination of winning, card after card would be placed down as the game would be engraved in both of your minds
• you both would carry on playing over and over until there's a clear winner, sometimes you'd win and so would he but Baji would never give up at all, though in the end you happened to have the most wins and Baji would be a little salty about that for the rest of the day
• in his mind the next time you both play uno he's gonna hide away majority of the pick up cards that way he'd have a higher chance of winning (cheater)
• he'd be a sore loser like a child "no you're not getting a kiss" but in the end you always happen to get more than one
• throughout any given time of the day he would challenge you to a game of Uno, he'd place the deck of cards Infront of you without a word and almost expect you to play, all because he wants to beat your win-streak
• "I'm beating your win-streak whether you like it or not"
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jeffsfavoriteknife · 1 year
Jeff x Jealous! Male reader
Includes: Jealousy(obviously), gay shit, public sex, use of the word malewife
You glared at him from the corner of your eye as he sat with what he called his friend, jealousy eating you alive. Everytime you saw them together it ate at you, you knew he had told you that they were just good friends but you felt he was lying to you, Jeff was known for lying and it just seemed so cut and dry that he was into the guy. You stood up from the coffee table you sat at suddenly, slightly startling the guy next to Jeff as you walked off, not wanting to see him for a while, he was fucking with you, taunting you, and yet you did nothing except walk away.
You felt a hand on your shoulder tightly grip you and turn you around to none other than Jeff. “Mind tellin me what the fuck your problem is?” You glared at him before pulling away ‘you know what my fuckin problem is’ he angrily huffs, clearly fed up with your shit as he shoves you against the wall “i already told you im not fuckin with that guy, even if i was whats it any of your damn business?” This caused you to hesitate on answering, leading him to catch on “no fucking shit..” he griped your jaw and forced you to look up at him, his cold yet dangerous eyes staring back
“you could have just said somethin, i will admit your pretty fucking cute and look quite breedable” you clutched the bottom of your shirt tight ‘the fuck is that supposed to mean??? I cant be bred you fuckin idiot’ he gets closer to you, clearly towering over you as he smirks “nah i definitely could, youd make a cute malewife, i know damn well you got skirts and knee high socks in your place, ive seen you wear them once or twice” face bright red with embarrassment you rolled your eyes ‘of fucking course youd be the one to watch people through their houses’ he pulled you to him, letting out a dark chuckle “i can tell that your not pissed about it tho” he eyed your pants as you yanked your shirt down more to cover yourself “let me help” he didnt give you time to respond before yanking your pants down along with your boxers ‘JEFF! we are in public! Someone is gonna say something, are you insane???’ “Absolutely” he didnt hesitate to turn you around and position you so you were basically offering yourself to him ‘wait wait wait! I havent,,done this before’ his eyes glinted at this as he gripped onto your thighs, yanking his own pants down “you have no idea how fucking cute that is to me, ill be the first AND last one to ruin you” he pressed himself into you, your tightness causing him a bit of trouble but nothing a good old slam wont fix.
This made you cry out in both pain in pleasure, one one side the burn was excruciating, on the other hand he was rubbing right against your prostate causing your cock to throb. He picked you up by your thighs and pounded into you mercilessly, wanting to hear every ounce of noise your mouth could make for him, he wanted to RUIN you. You cried out, mumbling his name along with incoherent sentences but he loved every moment of it, you crying out his name making him go even harder. Your back rubbing against the wall was no doubt going to leave marks but you were hooked on his cock and couldnt bother to ask him to stop, you were basically drooling while the man you swooned over for so long wrecked you. You tightened your grip on him as you came, the entire time you did he was watching your cock twitch with every spurt, yeah, he wasnt gonna let you go. He dug his nails into your thighs, leaving marks in its wake as he bit into your shoulder, drawing blood and pumping you full of him, overfilling you to where some was spilling out, you rolled your eyes in the back of your head in pure bliss
(Yeah its short but its 3 am and since im a slut for jeff im allowed to write short lil stories that is just sex w hardly any plot teehee)
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I'm just gonna throw it out there cuz idk how many people have given you crap about this:
1). Solar labeled himself a "cousin" at EARTHS INSISTENCE. He straight up says that thinking about it in a "familial relationship" way doesnt work and is confusing see KC Eclipse Lunar Bloodmoon etc and hes only told that to Earth. Frankly, I think he, Moon and Sun think of Solar as "member of this family". Also, robots.
2). Moon can still develop feelings for someone, even if he's still aro/ace. I cant see Moon as EVER being the romantic type, and pretty much everyone in THIS show finds any sort of "physical" relationship weird and/or gross. Frankly, I read Solar as aro/ace too, cuz while the dude is CLEARLY capable of pining he really doesn't seem like the romantic type. So shipping Moon and Solar doesnt invalidate anyone's identity, especially since falling in love doesn't have to be romantic or physical *glares judgingly at society*
Also, imagine Solar and Moon going on non-romantic dates. Like they go to an anime convention or something and Moons completely needing out and Solars just like "you're a loser *heart eyes*"
Sun, who IS a romantic type, is like "I want my brother to have the best so I'm gonna help you guys get together" and Solars just like "pls no" and Sun tries to help make the perfect date, but both members are AGGRESSIVELY romantic and by the end Solar and Moon ditch Sun and like go play God of War or something X3
Surprisingly, no one has been giving me crap about much. I'm actually surprised with how chill everyone has been and how much on board they are with my silly little ship train idea. I'm actually happy everyone has been really cool and accepting so far.
And yes, this is true, and I went into a few posts about it. One post I went into specifics on the flexibility and "subject to change" nature about relationships in Robots. But agreed.
2. And yeah! Exactly. Back in the Early days of the show, Sun tried to pair Moon up on dates all the time, so it could have been a possibility that the old Moon was Romantic, or he wasn't, and Sun was just misreading the situation.... Also I never got his goal in trying to ship his brother with Roxanne other then to just be a voyeur because he's the one who liked her
And the only reason in my shipping Scenarios why Solar doesn't test his boundaries isn't cause he's acephobic in a majority of my scenarios. but moreso he doesn't want to violate Moon's trust or test his limits. Moon has given him so much, he doesn't want to ruin his friendship or the only home he's ever known.
Also NewMoon said he's "Questioning" right now, and that's also fine. And most likely i'll just draw from my own demi/ace experiences in a lot of ships I like/portray. Because I only know how to write my own experiences. It's not to invalidate others. I'm not every ace person in existence and it's such a wide spectrum so I can't account for everyone. I just write and brainstorm what feels right to me.
And. 3. gehaoghawefh Cute idea.
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rengokuswif3 · 2 years
Class 1-A Reacting to Playing 7 Minutes in Heaven with Their Crush
A/N: For future reference, these are everyone in Class 1-A that I will write for. I’m sorry I don’t write for Midoriya I JUST CANT GET INTO HIM. Didn’t include Momo or Uraraka but I do write for them! Just got tired and repetitive writing this
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Shoto Todoroki
⁃ He seems just as calm as ever when Mina draws his and your name out of the hat. Despite some teasing from some of the boys, he keeps his composure and opens the closet door for you
⁃ He totally makes it super awkward, like he just calmly stares at you and you fidget under his eyes
⁃ “What are we supposed to do?”
⁃ “O-Oh! Well, Uh…usually people kiss and stuff but we don’t have to do that!”
⁃ “I see. Do you not want to?”
⁃ Boy is clueless and makes you flustered without even realizing it
Katsuki Bakugo
⁃ As soon as he sees your name drawn from the hat, he yells that this game is stupid and he’s not playing
⁃ But Kirishima and Kaminari know he’s been crushing hard on you since the two of you were paired together for training, so they drag his ass over to the closet and lock him in with you
⁃ He’s banging on the door and screaming threats at them all, meanwhile you’re standing in the tight space right behind him
⁃ Eventually he gives up yelling at those bastards, and crosses his arms and glares down at you. Because apparently that was his way of being appealing-
Tenya Iida
⁃ His heart skips a beat when his name is pulled with yours, but those are the rules of the game and he already agreed to the conditions!
⁃ So he doesn’t fight going in with you, but he’s stiff as ever once inside. He’s standing up completely straight with his arms tightly at his sides, a blush on his face that he was glad you couldn’t see due to the lack of light
⁃ He’s literally sweating waiting for the clock to run out. He knows traditionally people kiss while in the closet, but dude is so stiff and awkward if you said anything you were afraid he’d snap in two
Eijiro Kirishima
⁃ He’s trying not to show it, but he is so giddy and happy when Mina pulls his name after she pulled yours
⁃ She gives him an encouraging smile and two thumbs up as he walks past her to the closet, letting you go first because he’s a gentleman like that
⁃ He’s actually brave and bold enough to ask if he can kiss you, to which you happily accept cause D U H
⁃ Kaminari totally opens the door a little early to catch you two making out, which Kirishima yells at him for cause THAT WASN’T VERY MANLY, GIVE HIM SOME PRIVACY
Denki Kaminari
⁃ Oh boy. Dude is grinning from ear to ear, he’s not even trying to hide it. Winks at you from across the room as he makes his way towards the closet, fist bumping Kirishima and Sero along the way
⁃ As SOON as that closet door shuts, he’s initiating his flirting
⁃ “So babe, wanna get this show on the road? I don’t mean to brag, but the ladies love these lips of mine~”
⁃ But then when you kiss him he accidentally shocks you, cause he talks a big game but is actually flustered when you kiss him first
⁃ When the times up, he walks out of the closet all dazed and giddy looking like a damn fool as usual
Sero Hanta
⁃ He’s chill, he’s suave, he’s got this!
⁃ Spoiler alert, no he doesn’t
⁃ Makes an absolute fool of himself while stuck in there with you. Probably falls and knocks shit over, and trips and accidentally smacks your heads together on his fall down
⁃ He’s trying to apologize but dude is so nervous and flustered already, but you just giggle cause it’s actually kind of cute
Mezo Shoji
⁃ Feels ashamed and embarrassed about it, he thinks he’s annoying you and frustrating you
⁃ But truth is you always thought he was really sweet and kind, so you didn’t mind being practically caged between all his arms
⁃ If you want to kiss, you have to intimate it cause poor BBY is too scared you’ll reject him or call him gross or something
Ojiro Mashirao
⁃ Oh this man is so flustered and nervous, poor dudes shaking like a leaf cause he’s both excited and dreading this
⁃ He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable at all so he’s trying to keep as far away from you as possible. Then he worries you’ll think he doesn’t like you so he kind of relaxes
⁃ Time is going so slow, he’s trying to find the courage to say something but HE IS SO NERVOUS RN
Tokoyami Fumikage
⁃ Acts super nonchalant and like he doesn’t care, but he also kinda sucks at hiding when he’s shocked
⁃ So when your name is pulled out after his, his eyes go wide and he tries to play it off and say he’s just not interested in playing to begin with, but some of the guys shove him towards the closet anyways
⁃ Obviously dude has a beak and can’t kiss, so he’s just got his arms crossed and leans against the opposite side of the closet from you
⁃ Then Dark Shadow pipes up loudly and HE IS SO EMBARRASSED AS HE YAPS ABOUT TOKOYAMI WANTING THIS TO HAVE HAPPENED, which makes you giggle cause you find it really cute honestly
Mina Ashido
⁃ She’s not very subtle at all, grabs your hand and practically runs to the closet, all with a huge happy smile on her face
⁃ “This is gonna be great! Is it okay if I kiss you? Cause I wanna kiss you!”
⁃ She’s getting right to the point, okay? She doesn’t want to waste any time cause she was hoping she’d draw your name with hers
Kyoka Jirou
⁃ Oh she’s super nervous, her face is bright red and she’s fidgeting with her earphone jacks like she always does when she’s nervous
⁃ As soon as you’re both inside the closet, she’s very quiet and all you hear is her aux jacks clicking together
⁃ You have to initiate any sort of interaction with her, poor girl is too panicky to do anything about it. She’ll feel more comfortable as you two continue to talk, she’ll slowly relax and gain a bit of confidence
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acourtofquestions · 1 month
Sarah J. Maas really does a good job as a writer when it comes to guiding the reader into the opinion you want them to have for the best emotional investment in the story. … It’s never going to be 100% unanimous (often it’s fun in a way because everyone has their own interpretation, favorites, etc.) however I think her fandoms have more generally conclusive agreements & that’s a pretty impressive feat saying how often her characters & their relationships change; they are built, destroyed, & rebuilt again. The ability to twist the story (even starting with the Beauty and the Beast comparison within A Court of Thorns and Roses is impressive). And I say this as a fan who tends to be PRETTY loyal to my favorites, her books have been an exception.
Tamlin (the beast) is at first a VERY hesitation drawing character, by the time one finally starts to like him; it still feels off (& confusing because isn’t he “supposed to be” the main love interest? “Shouldn’t you” like the MAIN LOVE INTEREST?) then when you finally start to think you love him, your all in on the ship, it starts BREAKING YOUR HEART, until one page changes everything & you now LOATHE HIM FOREVER. 1 book, 7 chapters, & the reader goes through it WITH Feyre.
Rhysand (the beauty😂😊😘) goes from a “who is this tall dark “beautiful” stranger”, to holy**** he’s the one decapitating people😅 & now everyone is terrified of him (for & with Feyre), so the hatred officially starts, until it presses pause because it’s just straight up confusing (“what am I supposed to feel?”) and start getting confused by all the feelings for him; one second he’s annoying, then hilarious, then everyone is drawn to him, until you can’t tell if you like or hate (or love to hate) him. AND THEN SOMETHING IS DEF UP AND YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT RIGHT NOW so you spend all this time guessing & waiting & brooding & pining—until you think you understand him & “even if it’s fucked up you love him” & then you REALLY do LOVE him and your just WAITING for Feyre to realize it too… And then EVERY shoe drops; you never knew anything, now you know EVERYTHING, & they are officially ENDGAME… until that gets too literal & now your crying CAUSE IT CANT END & thankfully it doesn’t! It just begins 80 times over for Fae Infinity (depending on how that whole death bet bargain goes😅).
Sam we fall for him (even knowing from DAY 1) how it ends; we fall for him because she did; and he did love her. Truly, steadily, from the beginning—to the end. They had something real, a beautiful promise (to be kept… & betrayed, not by them but by the very universe) born among sorrow but not out of it. Something good, built by them. We fall for the assassin, the boy, the best friend; the one that should’ve gotten to be the one or at least gotten more time… the first love, always love, & un-ended one because it’s ending came without a goodbye & before it even had a chance to begin…
Dorian the beautiful & forbidden prince — the good boy, to one day make a good king & a good man; the dreamer you fall for because he wants to make the world better & just might be a better benevolent ruler; ever-looking for his equal to rule by his side. The forbidden affair, yet always almost promised to be — the Daughter of Terrasen & the Son of Adarlan — enemies to friends to lovers (& friends again) burdened with glorious purpose & dark powerful pasts. The might have been; two sides, same coin… seen by all… seemed fit to be…
Chaol the opposites attract; magnets always in orbit always moving toward this; them. The love that brings life, back to-well-life. The guard & The Assassin; the killer & the protector; the prophesied end to evil rule, a woman scorned & hell-bent to burn the crown to the ground — the one who gave everything for an ideal, a good man, given to protect it at the cost of his very life & all he knew; the daughter of ruin & the fallen — the son of ruiners who destroyed to survive, yet survived nonetheless. A truly good man in a world of evil, a goodness that makes her believe again. A resilient sun, she blazes among deaths darkness, he watches her like Icarus. They are the goodness that came out of the ashes. Opposites yet the ones that understood (even to a fault). It was always meant to be… right?! — Their story. You see & fall for yet ANOTHER future, their “brood of children” & running away together. Until…
Rowan I have yet to meet him but from the little (trying to stay spoiler free) he is her match. Though I was strongly team Chaol… and Dorian… and Sam… I am sure I will fall once again…
There is something genius in that
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jazzzzzzhands · 10 months
Ok FOR REAL Theory Time!!! Gonna be massive spoilers plus mention of bugs/fungus! So I'm calling this the Mold Theory And what is the Mold? It's the black stuff under Home! (Mold under a house is very suiting, right?) The Mold has contaminated Every single thing that the Restoration team has found! The team talks about the envelopes, the antiques, and the artwork found for Welcome Home and how it is alwasys Wet and covered in Grime. The stuff that is "Growing" all over the found items... Staff must wear gloves or they will get covered in it
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You can see it all over the gloves, the Walls, and even the Website Itself! It's also been shown on the restored art prior to the update. But one unfortunate person seems to have touched it. and that is.. The Question Answerer! (The head person of the Restoration team is also most likely infected) Now what this Mold does is, It seems to have an effect of the person's mental state. Causing them to see and hear things, as well as having lucid nightmares and an overwhelming urge to draw spirals. From the very moment of contact, it seems to have effect "When I Unwrapped the first letter, I felt it. I heard it. Open Open Open. I want it out, I'm Going to get it Out" Instant Hallucinations and Obsession! Now I'm going to be Comparing this Mold to a Real fungus called Cordyceps, or the Zombie-Ant Fungus. It is a fungus that can control BUGS (familar themes right?) and take over their minds, forcing them to act unnaturally and wander far in order to spread itself! ~Similarily~ this Mold can take control of the Host's mind as well. The "Spores" that it is trying to spread are the drawings of the spirals/eyes. And the more eyes are Drawn, the more Wally can SEE. Wally has made it truly apparent that he can see us through any rendition of his eyes. "I've seen you every time you've looked into my eyes" "I have more eyes than I did before, you know how to draw eyes You draw mine, many times. I know it is thanks to you, Neighbor.. That I can see.. but it is still.. I can't see" He is giving us instructions.. "You have work to do" -Giving us instrustions on how to draw an eye... "Please Open, Let me In" Now I find this last instruction very funny He doesn't say "Let me Out" No... He says "Let me IN" Into What? What are we Opening? Our doors?Our EYES? our Mind? our Heart?? I think that could be exactly it!!! Letting him.... into You!!! (The collective You) Isn't that Funny? A Funny little thought?! The Puppet becoming the Puppeteer! ooh hee hee hoo hoo I think I'm very clever about that! But there are so many themes of Strings/Control/Scripts That I simply couldn't help myself! Now does that mean I think Wally is Evil? Absolutely NOT I LOVE Wally, and hey, what's a bit of mind control between Neighbors? <333 I'll borrow a cup of sugar and you can borrow my sanity! That's what Neighbors are for! <3 Jokes aside, No I Do NOT think Wally is Evil!! No, he might become a Puppeteer over the Real world... (and It might be for good reason, to save his friends and himself) but he is still very much a Puppet himself. Literally and Figuratively, And the Real Mastermind behind the strings is... Home!
Afterall? Isn't that where the Mold is coming from? From Down Below? Below Home?
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This image gives me BIG TIME Obediance vibes Reporting/Worship/Subjugation I very much see Wally as the Lure of a very big Angler Fish.. The bait, the perfect little puppet that has captured our hearts and led us by the hand into Welcome Home. Isn't that very much how it has gone in real life? (Oh I KNOW I got the Mold BAD!!! ahahaha) (I can't stop drawing himmm!!! :3c ) But this is where my rambling stops, Until Next Time! I will just say that: The Relationship between Home and Wally (And by extension, YOU) Is a Strange one for sure! And I cant wait to see it further! And Just one more extra note on this whole Fungus thing.. Did you know that the BIGGEST Organism on the entire Earth.. Is a Mushroom? It is because they are connected through their Roots... (Down Below) and Houses kinda are shaped like musrooms... I will Leave it at That! Ahahahaha!
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lover-of-skellies · 10 months
cant believe no ones asked about cross's smoochability yet
Well guys, it looks like we’ve got our first perfect score! Cross got a rating of 12 out 12, so he’s the perfect candidate to be smooched
1) Is Cross’s mouth dangerous at all? From what I know, he has these tiny little fangs, as opposed to the standard flat teeth that most Sanses seem to have. His fangs could poke your lips, but not enough to do seriously injure you or draw blood, so that being said, his mouth is safe. 2 points for mouth safety
2) Would he bite? Not intentionally. I could see him maybe nipping a little on accident if the kiss is done in more of a clumsy sort of way, but he doesn’t seem like someone who’d purposely bite super hard with the intention of causing pain. Is he aggressive? He can be if the situation calls for it, since he’s not afraid to put his foot down. Most of the time and in casual settings though, no, I don’t see him as being an aggressive person. That being said, he gets 2 points for being nice and exercising self control
3) Are there any health hazards to the smoocher? That we know of, no there’s not. He’s clean and he keeps up with his hygiene, he’s not leaking gross fluids everywhere, and while he does carry weapons, he’s a former guard, so I’d assume he knows how to be safe about how he carries and handles them, to avoid accidentally hurting anyone. X!Gaster manipulating him in Underverse aside, I don’t see any health hazards about him, so there’s 2 more
4) Does he have a sympathetic backstory? From what I know about him and his whole story, he has a very fragmented relationship with his brother, because he wanted his own identity outside of being a Sans, and Paps didn’t really seem to fully grasp that. I could be missing details about their relationship, but I just know they don’t get along. Then there’s the issue with X!Gaster being a horrible father who was never there for either of his sons. He was emotionally absent, and he seemed entirely unconcerned about them (just from what I’ve seen and what I know). So right there, Cross has this horrible family structure; he’s got both sibling issues and daddy issues. Then from the little information I can recall right now, he got into it with Error and nearly died somehow, and then he was manipulated into working for Nightmare. Which… as much as I like Nightmare, he’s not a nice person. Cross went from a very shaky home environment, to a very shaky work environment, where he couldn’t really count on anyone. His only friend for a while was Ink, but we see how well that went over in Underverse. Things started to turn around for him when he left Nightmare and started working with Dream instead, but there’s no doubt that he probably still has a lot of residual trauma from everything. So for points, I think he deserves 2. His upbringing and backstory in general was super rough and there were areas that were very tragic for him, no doubt
5) Does he deserve a smooch? In short,, yes, absolutely. He had a very rough upbringing and it probably took a bit for him to actually open up to anyone, but rather than letting that consume him and turning completely bad and evil because of it, he made the choice to be better than that. He still had anxiety and probably some other issues too, but he chose to walk away from the toxic environment that was working for Nightmare. He walked away, and he went with Dream, who made him feel like more of an equal, and less of a subordinate. Cross walked away and made the choice to be better than his former boss and teammates, which paved the way for a somewhat brighter future. He made the right choices and he has my respect for that, so he gets 2 points
6) Is Cross cute or cool? He can be a cutie from time to time, and I do like his design, since the monochrome look is unique to him, I think. There are probably other Sanses that are monochrome too, but of them all, I think he’s the most well known. His strength and skills in combat, his laidback personality, and his look (despite being a bit rough around the edges) earn him a full 2 points for coolness
In total, Cross gets a rating of 12. He gets a perfect score! He’s awkward and may not have a lot of kissing experience, but he’s very careful about pretty much everything he does. I feel like if he was smooched, he’d get embarrassed, start blushing, and probably trip over his words for a moment before simply asking why you suddenly smooched him. If you already knew him really well when you chose to plant a kiss on him, he might even awkwardly thank you for it while trying to avoid eye contact, because he’s a bit of a tsundere from time to time like that
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delusionaldeadgirl · 5 months
The End of a Movie I’ve Seen Before
chris sturniolo x reader
summary: y/n is in love with her best friend, but she has a problem with romanticizing her life
warnings: sad :/ and short
I’ve been in love with my best friend, Chris, since the moment we met. It’s so cliche, but I cant help it. He’s treats me so well. He’s perfect.
It’s so lovely sitting here with him. My head on his shoulder, legs draped across his lap as he draws circles with his fingers into my leg. We’re watching a movie as we hear it start to rain harder and harder. I could stay here forever. Eventually it gets to be late and I have to go home but he walks me to the door and kisses the top of my head before asking “Are you still coming with us to that event tomorrow?”. “Of course” I reply before hugging him one last time and walking to my car.
The next day we all meet at their house so we can drive together. Chris looks so cute in his outfit. I’d tell him this, but I don’t want to ruin the moment. As we get in the car, Nick gets to the aux first. That causes him and Matt to bicker for way longer than they needed to. I laugh, looking at Chris as he does the same. I feel safe sitting between comfort and chaos.
The event was way busier than I expected. After a while I start to feel overwhelmed and go up to Chris. “I’m going to go get something to drink and get away from all the noise. Need anything?” He declines as he starts talking to this girl he knows. As I calm down, I walk back over to them, seeing him and her kissing. He never seemed like the type of person to just make out with some random bitch at a party. I stop in my tracks. He notices. I turn around and walk out of the event, careful not to draw any attention to myself. That’s the last thing I want to do.
As if life couldn’t get anymore cliche, it starts to rain again. My shoes are now full of water. I can sense a figure behind me. It’s Chris. “Are you okay? You told me you were overwhelmed and then when you came back you turned right back around. I’m worried about you”. Then I do something I regret. I can’t help it, but I snap. “Are you really that oblivious?” I ask, confusion written on his face. “What do you mean?” he asks. “Chris….I’m in love with you and I’m now sure if you feel the same way. We cuddle. You kiss my head. You look at me with such admiration in your eyes but then I walk up on you sucking some other girl’s face and-“ I stop as I notice the look of sadness on his face. “Y/N. I love you so much, but I just don’t see you like that. You mean so much to me, and I don’t want this conversation to ruin what we have, but I can’t reciprocate those feelings”. I look at him with tears in my eyes. “Ok” is all I can muster. I order an Uber home. As I’m in the backseat, I ponder to myself about us. How he holds my hand. How we laugh. How he compliments the way I look in his clothes.
But it’s not real. And WE don’t exist. And if I’m being honest I can’t recall the last time I was really kissed.
It hits me in the car and it feels like the end of a movie I’ve seen before
a/n: this is my first time writing for chris and it’s my second time writing on here in general. sorry it was so short but for some reason i had to get this out lol. be nice to me please. i’m fragile
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lifmera · 3 months
Heya, I was wondering if I could have a matchup for Hazbin Hotel? Male please x
My pronouns are she her, I'm fairly average height for a girl and my favourite animals at the moment are either cats or goats!!
I have black hair, dark eyes and pale skin, my hair goes just above my breasts and is layered. I wear a lot of black and hardly own any clothes that aren't!! (It’s just so flattering) I have a few large tattoos as well and am definitely getting more. I also have a lot of ear piercings, a nose stud and 🍒 piercings. I’m also English (northern, not southern) so I do have an accent
In terms of personality, l'd say l'm rather outgoing, witty and a bit nerdy. I wear a lot of studs and chains but I think they look badass, however I wear them causally so I guess you could also say I’m pretty bold? I've often been told l intimidate people, however I like to think they don't know me well enough to judge. Ive been told I can be quite loud, and I have some blunt, dry sense of humour which my friends seem to like. I'm an ENTP through and through and am currently in law school, stereotypical as fuck ik. I can sometimes struggle to trust people due to past experiences, however I think I’ve got the hang of reading people now to know when they’re my kind of cunt or not.
I can have a short temper and struggle with my emotions sometimes, (diagnosed bpd/adhd, looooove to see it) but am in the process of learning to manage them quite well.
Hobby wise, I enjoy drawing, painting and going out with my friends to concerts and festivals. I Love music, specifically Goth, Metal (Death, Goth metal, Nü metal, all sorts) and a little bit of rock obviously. I'm tempted to start learning how to play the drums or guitar but am not sure where to start, plus school takes up so much of my time.
There's of course no rush to reply, I adore your work I think your matches are always spot-on and I'm really curious !!
HEY 🕷️🕸️!!!
Honestly I was so TORN between these two. So i decided lol… why not both?
Its okay hun!! I major Pre-Law right now 🩷
I’ve decided to pair you with… VOX & HUSK
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Vox first though. Cus i read this and i was like.. VOX but then when i showered i was like .. wait husk… and then i was like FUCK… anyways
He’d definitely talk to you more because you reminded him of Velvette. And what probably went thru his head was “ooh new model :)”
But he LOVES ur personality. If you intimidated VOX? He would literally purr at ur feet and BEG you to join the Vee’s.
Even if you are dry, its okay, cus everything else makes up for it to him.
He definitely isn’t surprised if you don’t trust him at first, but he’s think that “nothing a little hypnotizing cant fix ! ;)” (take that as you wish.)
Vox is kinda pretty shitty himself- and probably doesnt really care much about you unless you blow a fuse on him. But honestly he’d like that.
Though he’d also be glad that you are managing your emotions! He HATES tantrums . (Cough cough Val)
He would probably make you draw you guys together lets me honest. He’d think it’d be funny. Till he actually enjoys it.
He would make fun of ur music taste. Then he would love it. Cus hes such a LOSER like that……
Honestly he’d love it sm he’d have them as theme songs D:
If you learned any instruments it’d probably cause him to want to as-well….
Ok Husker time…
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Not gonna lie. You guys give off the same vibe, and he’d probably like you the most out of everyone at the hotel.
Especially at first glance?? Like finally… someone normal
Says him anyways.
Husk HATES cats, and obviously… i think he would also let you pet him or brush his fur… after becoming in a relationship. Otherwise he’d literally bite you.
I think he would talk to you first at the bar, and man is he good at finding shit out???
I think you guys would become close friends within a finger snap-
And honestly become inseparable. Totally have backhanded shit to say and it would be so funny. (Great duo)
He definitely would be super proud of you for seeking help! He would say that not much people have enough balls to do that.
Honestly i also think Husk would enjoy painting too. He seems like a gambler but i think in his free time, something like painting would relax him?? Or atleast looking at paintings and analyzing them.
Your music taste? Probably same as his. He’d love to listen with you, and Everytime you are at the bar he’d ask if you wanted to play a song you both enjoyed.
If you learned the guitar he’d be SO IMPRESSED. Like “okay dayum… ❤️”
I HOPE THIS WAS OKAY HUN!! And AWUGHS THANK YOU SO MUCH?? i always try to make the characters accurate because i feel like if they are ooc .. its just.. weird ?
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kate-bot · 1 year
vigi, as a sheriff and the owner of the fun farm, has a very strong sense of self and who he is in the world. he has to be very impartial as an arbiter of the law, and so he knows how to analyze peoples' perspectives and actions, as well as see things from their points of view. he may not be good at expressing emotions, but he does well with absorbing and processing them
fakepep is impulsive, irrational, and generally very out-of-touch with the world, but the important thing about him is that he has nothing but good intentions. he can be a creature of instinct and act poorly as such, but he doesnt have any motivations to hurt people. he is entirely pure of heart. as a clone though, i imagine he probably isnt completely sound of mind, as i cant imagine having false connections in your memory would be very pleasant.......
vigi, then, acts as fakepeps rock; he is a consistent grounding force, who is entirely frank and honest and doesnt try to sugarcoat things around him. this works very well for the worst of what happens, and having someone who will be firm without anger and serious without aggression in his life is also very helpful. in exchange, fakepep acts as a very positive force in vigis life; given that he has nothing but good intentions, he also never tries to act negatively on purpose, and is surprisingly intelligent as to when he does cause negativity. as such, the two are able to openly communicate when something does go wrong, as rare as it is, and work immediately towards improving the situation.
also fakepep will give vigi so many hugs and kisses. just so many. vigi probably needs them
hopefully this was somewhat convincing! sorry for the wall of text! i am just very very passionate about this ship!! :]
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Tumblr user pelman this is a fucking fantastic take honestly how can i not draw them after an explanation like that….
I think vigilante deserves someone as pure and well intentioned as fake pep, they seem like they would work so well together… you are so right.. what the fuck…. :)
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qtssvnwoo · 1 year
helloo this is my first time requesting so hopefully its not confusing🧌
can i request fluff prompt number 2 and comfort number 9? with draco malfoy
so like basically y/n is kind to everyone including malfoy and y/n has a crush on him and draco asks “why do you love me?” (prompt 2 )and y/n’s like “because i believe theres something good in you” then walks away and draco had this weird feeling and he cant get y/n off his mind and starts liking her then when draco became a death eater y/n found out but she still decided to love him just the way he is and shes always there for draco even tho hes kind of mean to her (prompt 9) and he kinda likes her but dont know how to express hes feelings
im sorry if this is cringe 😞
Of course my love! So sorry if this is late, but, I had such a fun time writing this, so thank you!!
Prompts: Fluff 2: "Why do you love me?" Comfort 9: "I love you okay? Nothing will ever change that."
I See You-Draco Malfoy (request)
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Maybe bad writing cause I haven't written a fanfic in a while, I've been working on my own story.
A/N: Also, let me know if I should make a series regarding one of the Harry potter characters, I'm going between Ron and Draco right now!!
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   Y/n. They were known around the school for being the kindest person in Ravenclaw, most people liked them, all except a few. Draco Malfoy in particular wasn’t so fond of Y/n. He hated the way they smiled at everyone, how they never stood up for themselfyet stood up for everyone else. He hated how innocent they seemed and the way their eyes sparkled when they talked about traveling the world. 
  Ever since they were in their potions class together in 3rd year, Y/n knew they felt something for Draco. They heard his laugh from across the room and saw his charming smile and knew from then on that they were truly in love. Everything Draco did left them in a trance, even when Draco wasn’t so nice to them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Fifth Year*
  The sound of people yelling, laughing and talking didn’t seem to phase Y/n as they sat at the courtyard, drawing underneath a tree. They had been working on a particularly difficult picture that had taken them a couple of days to even get the base sketch down, and they were finally finishing it. They had drown out all the noise of people talking so much that they hadn’t even noticed the sound of Draco’s heavy footsteps approaching them. 
  “What could you possible be so focused on?” y/n tensed up at the sound of Draco’s voice, they weren’t expecting Draco out of nowhere, causing them to jump slightly and blush slightly at his mocking tone. They murmured some words, some words Draco could not understand.
  “I can’t hear you when you don’t talk L/n.” He smirked. Draco was aware of Y/n’s feelings for him, he had known ever since he had heard them talking about it in Herbology last year. Since then, he had decided to make them lose their feelings for him, he had hated the idea of people liking him, or even liking someone back knowing how his path was set for him, he didn’t want to bring anyone into this mess he had to fulfill. 
  “I said I'm drawing! I have to focus, it's a gift for Hermione.” Y/n first spoke with confidence, but, slowly their words got lost in translation as they had felt bad for shouting at Draco.
  “A gift? For the mudblood? How ridiculous! You would draw something for someone like that?” Draco mocked. Before Y/n had the chance, Draco grabbed the sketchbook from their hands and looked at the drawing. 
  “Malfoy Stop! Give that back!” Y/n tried their best to get their drawing back from him, but all he did was dodge them, moving from side to side. 
  “This is horrid! What is this supposed to be? A rat? Or maybe it’s a self Portrait?” Draco laughed to himself, but Y/n didn’t laugh. The words had hurt them, had cut them deep. They knew he was probably only doing it to make them mad, but nonetheless, the poison words coming from him choked them, slowly tearing away their confidence. 
  “That's not nice Malfoy.” Was all Y/n could say. The cockiness in Draco’s eyes got bigger as he laughed at them. 
  “That's all you have to say? How pathetic.” And with his words, he threw the sketchbook into a nearby puddle. Y/n just stared at the puddle, watching as the pages slowly soaked up the water, causing the ink to run across the pages. They couldn’t help but slowly feel their throat close and their eyes start to water as they watched the drawing slowly get ruined by the dirty water. They slowly looked over at Draco and mustered up a small smile.   “That’s okay, I needed a new one anyways.” Was all they said before walking past Draco and picking up the sketchbook. “I’ll see you in Potions Malfoy.” 
  Draco watched as they walked away, in shock. He had just ruined their sketchbook, something that took lots of time and effort into creating and they didn’t even say anything. 
  Draco couldn’t help but feel bad the next couple of weeks. He thought about the way he just threw the sketchbook, and how Y/n just didn’t react. When they saw each other in the halls, Y/n would flash Draco a quick smile, and a wave before going back to whatever they were doing. During their shared classes together, Y/n would also often help Draco if he needed something. All these kind gestures made Draco’s head spin in confusion, even though he had just been mean to them weeks prior, they had the courage to still treat him decent?  Draco couldn’t stop the feeling of guilt striking him more and more everyday. So he decided to confront Y/n about it. 
  One day after class, Draco had dragged Y/n  (more rough than he had wanted) into an empty hallway to finally ask their the question that had been on his mind since he had ruined their sketchbook. 
   “Why?” Was all he said. He felt like his throat had been closed, restricting him from saying anything else. But, when Y/n only looked at him with confusion, he continued. “Why are you so nice to me? After everything I did, and everything I said. I ruined your sketchbook, tripped you in the halls, I’ve even blamed you for things you never even did. Yet you still take the blame for it and treat me kindly every single time. Why?” 
  Y/n felt a wave of heat rush over them. They had never planned on confessing the true reason as to why they had been so kind to Draco, but now was a better time than never.
  “Well, I do love you Draco, and-” 
   “Then why do you love me? Why do you continue to love me even though I’m such a horrible person.” 
  “Love is the only force capable of turning an enemy into a friend. Martin Luther King Jr.” y/n responded. Draco looked at them, and he stared. Not because he was confused, but because he had not noticed how eloquently Y/n spoke. Words flew from their mouth like the drop of rain, and had the sweetness of honey when they reached his ear. 
   “Draco, I see you. I see you as you are. I see good in you and I see someone that is hiding beneath all that tough exterior. You just have to let him out.” 
  Draco looked and watched as Y/n slowly walked away. He couldn’t fathom how someone who he had never shown an ounce of kindness too, could read and see inside him so well. He felt his heart skip a beat as he remembered the words Y/n had spoken to him, his heart raced and his palms started to sweat. He felt weird, silly even. He had never felt this way about someone ever before, Nor did he really want to. 
  But despite his efforts, the next few weeks got only harder for him. The stress of his father making him a death eater, killing dumbledore, and his feelings for Y/n had ridden him with such a burden that he could not even focus in his classes anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*sixth year*
Draco stared at himself in the mirror. He couldn’t believe what he had become. He stared at the mark on his arm in disgust as he felt tears run down his face. He had seated himself in an empty classroom, away from all people. Except for one. 
  Y/n had entered the room five minutes before Draco arrived, they had wanted a quiet place to draw, but they knew that Draco needed this space more. They knew they probably should have just made a quick run for the door, but seeing Draco quietly cry to himself made Y/n’s heart break. 
  They quietly put their hand on Draco’s shoulder, and whispered his name. He knew immediately who it was and his heart stopped. He didn’t even question if he was right, he just stood up and engulfed Y/n in the tightest hug he could. Both Y/n and Draco’s hearts skipped a beat. Y/n hugged Draco tighter and let him cry into their chest, while slowly rubbing his head. 
   After a while Draco had calmed down he let go of y/n, still keeping them in his arms, just hugging them a little less tight. He looked them in the eyes and swallowed back his pride. 
  “You still love me? After all these years of being mean to you and your friends. After all I’ve done? After all I've become?” Y/n looked down at his arm, they gasped slightly at the mark but did not say anything. They rubbed his arm, bringing it up to their mouth and kissing the whole of the mark slowly. Before looking up at Draco with the softest gaze she could give him.
  “I see you Draco, I see you as you are. Not what burdens you. I love you Okay? Nothing will ever change that.” Draco sighed lightly, letting Y/n continue. “Love is the only force capable of turning an enemy into a friend. Martin Luther King Jr.” They smiled as they repeated the words back to him that they had spoken so long ago. Draco laughed to himself as he held Y/n’s face in his hands. 
  “Thank you. For seeing me. Thank you for loving me.”
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
What got you to start drawing the boys do you take requests? Cause I like the cafe au
When I said I've been a SMG4 fan for 4 years, I left the channel for i dunno how many weeks or months has it been. Then one day I saw WOTFI 2023 recommended in my youtube page and was.
"Wotfi 2023? But I thought- wait- who are these characters again?"
Turns out I forgot that Ive only seen SMG4 and SMG3's (cocomelon ass) designs during wotfi 2022 where it was both of their first redesigns from the movie. I stopped watching for a bit cuz I got busy.
Then I came back to see they were both redesigned in a better version now. Now that I thought about "where was their second redesign then?"
So I knew that I had to binge watch every single episodes from smg4's channel right after wotfi 2022
I then saw how much Three has changed ever since after the 2022th christmas episode.
If I were to be honest, watching igbp for the first time in my life even Mar10 day. I was about 85% sure that Smg3 worries too much for Smg4's sake.
They both are cosmically linked and three can feel what the other of his partner is feeling soooooo?
*circles both of my hands*
Three's gay. He looked fruity he felt fruity. During the movie and during right after he helped four's ass to get his channel back from running again.
It suddenly gave me some time for my brain to tell me "DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS COULD BE A HINT- THIS IS MAYBE AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS!" I responded to my brain like- HELL YEAH I'M NOTING THAT DOWN.
Cuz I cant just sit here and just "watch the movie without sayin nothin" I HAD to do something AND make analysis about it because thats what I do when I notice simple details!
So when smg3 confessed those feelings of his to Smg4 and even running to save his life back again and even after saying "we're friends!" This gave me a bit of a shock. Three. Did you know what you did? Did you realize how much it meant for smg4? Did you FORGET- that you said you and him werent friends during the 2020th wotfi?
So then after all of this time... that means smg3 has been the one and always a tsundere to smg4
Even after the castle disappeared, him and three's chemistry started going into an actual progress from both of their chemistry from the relationship.
Thats a dedication for me right there. I do it not only for fun, I do it for my wants, have, and needs.
I know its funny for a minor like me to do all of this dedicaded in just a simple job, I have all kinds of specialities to include my works and skills and use them for this fandom again from how I did to the past ones. (But those past fandoms are dead-)
Ahem- what was I talking about again? Oh right- 3 and 4... sorry got a little bit too chatty-
So I noticed even more about Smg3's notebook and was like- "gahd damn- three had his own personal notebook this whole time?! Whats even inside of it? I'm curious..." so yeah-
Now jumping to where I watched 2023 of wotfi again (twice now) to see its context about it- I was flabberGHASTED in after the "drawing" and also the mysterious tv guy whose also appearing on as the final antagonist in the modern era and a new one from the new era.
"Holysht. This is about to go bonkers for the fans making up stuff about those 'what-ifs' that smg4 made from the previous video back then. (The part where waluigi won or desti being alive)
I'm curious enough to see what happens and even if its about tv adware. Yes too.
(THERE. In November I started to become quite more invested from the fandom and decided to drop in my luggage and load out all of my junks called Info-Analysis?)
So- hello! (Again-) :D it was a pleasure meeting every and one of you all- I stopped in just to come back from the fandom that I never made commentary about but now I can ^^
I started with doodling and knowing basic anatomy and shapes of SMG3 and SMG4's design (the new one) so that I could start on doodling about them. But what I didnt expect for myself is that I had created a long time chapter of "Indigo Secret" that wasn't supposed to be there on purpose.
It was just supposed to be a "silly" comic about it from where ■■■■■■■■ to ■■■■■■■ about the problem and then the part in this that came into ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ from ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
I took myself a big motive after my blog gained 10+ followers and more notes. I thought working here 24/7 would make me feel something more for destiny and the trip!
So- yeah. Work. :) even when I'm at school I also complete my assignments and all of the shts and after that I can continue on with continuing the pages and with some cute doodles with the boys from a scenario playing through my head.
Now you have me making all of this and that ^^
Thats whay I'm popular for :)
2nd answer...
Thank you for liking the cafe au! It means so much to the both for me and shay from the collab to move on!
I did say from my boundaries I take free art request 1 at a time only- and I could allow a second art request if I do have the time ^^
Yes I do take art request :)
(Except for-
oc-shipping with SMG3/SMG4 cuz they're both together in the au
Some stuff that I can't approve on-)
Ask away :)
Thanks for asking me stuffs anon I really enjoy talking ^^
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i love to imagine the boys with a friend who’s parents own a ranch, or just being on a ranch. it feels like it’d be adorable chaos.
Dally is afraid of horses. he can’t stand them BUT cause he always wants to seem all tough and cool and whatever he always helps feed the cattle (which happens to be at the top of a field and you can only take the horses there. over time he warms up to the horse he normally takes and after a while you can see him just riding it around the ranch for fun. he’s still afraid of all other horses though
Darry would do anything that needs strength of course, like carrying feed bags n stuff. he’d be great help. he’d also probably make snacks for everyone at least 4 times a week. darry just loves to bake ok? leave him be.
Two-Bit is probably my favourite. he doesn’t mind horses and will go out to the stables every once in a while, he likes to brush them and braid their manes. his favourite are the dogs though, im imagining you have maybe 3 dogs? something like a collie, working dogs yk? either way you can find two running around with them, then lying in the grass while they attack him with hugs n stuff. UGH I CANT TWO IS SO ADORABLE.
you won’t see soda during a day at the ranch. the first day he was there he claimed a horse and every time he’s there now him and this horse spend the day together. he takes it out on a walk or whatever it’s called, brushes it and feeds it a few sugar lumps. at the end of the day don’t be surprised to find them in some field asleep, both of them, soda probably uses the horse as a pillow.
Ponyboy isn’t a big fan of being out on the ranch all day but he won’t mind it so much if there’s a big tree somewhere. he’ll sit under it and read a book or he’ll paint the view. he enjoys that more than the being out doing work or being out on the horses. though he might pop into the stables to draw some of the horses, maybe to a field to draw the cows too.
Steve spends the day on the tractor or something. need the grass cut? steve’s on it! need a field ploughed? steve does that too. Need to bring some feed up to the cattle really far away? you guessed it, steve! he just loves driving, but i do think he’d spend some time with two and the dogs, as well as some time with the cattle. i feel like if it was the time of year where there’s some calves on the ranch he’d be out there, and he’s really gentle with them too which shocks most people since he’s so energetic.
and johnny,, i’m sorry i can never think of anything for johnny i just don’t really like him 😭 but he and pony would be similar, he’d sit under a tree and watch everyone, or maybe he’d be trying to figure out a book. i think that if you asked for a hand with anything he’d be on the job though. maybe he’d make y’all some lemonade if it’s a hot summer day, you never know.
i have a lot of thoughts and i just love them.
If there’s one thing I’m passionate about, it’s cowboys and ranching. Take a seat, get a drink. This is gonna take a while
Dally’s problem with the horses is that his cool, tough guy act doesn’t work with them. They don’t care who he thinks he is, they’re just horses and they act how they wanna act. This man makes friends with one horse, totally horse girl style. It’s gonna be that one trouble horse that nobody else could bond with. Dal gets to where he can feed that horse sugar cubes out of his hand and the horse chews on his sleeves. Anyone else gets close to that horse? They’re gonna get kicked to kingdom come. But not Dal. He likes the cows. Will not offer to help milk if that needs to be done, but is willing to feed and likes to pat their heads, right between their ears
I just wanna say, I regularly carry 50lb bags of chicken feed by myself and those suckers are awkward to carry. If you lug feed, you’re strong. Also. DARRY IN A COWBOY HAT. DARRY IN A COWBOY HAT. He’s the most helpful around the ranch, honestly. Does most of the cooking. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He’s up with the sun and likes to stand on the porch with a cup of coffee and watch the cattle move around the fields. Listen, that man could bake for me any day. I’d buy him anything he wanted if it meant a chocolate cake waiting for me at the end of the day-
Two-Bit is my favorite and you’re literally so right. He’s into the horses, but he hates sitting in the saddle all day long. He’ll do tack though! Loves to saddle them up and kiss their noses as he slips the bridles over their faces. I freaking love farm dogs. He’d go nuts over a heterochromatic-eyed collie or one of those big mastiffs. Especially one of those cattle dogs. Aussie cattle dog? They’d be besties. They’d roll around in the grass all day and trail after him when he comes out to work during the day. He’s a big fan of the cows too, especially the little ones. The thought of him carrying around newborn calves is swimming around in my brain-
Sodapop does nothing but horses all day long. I don’t know if you know it, but that picture of the guy asleep with a cow and the cow has its head on the boy’s chest? That’s Soda and his horse. They’re inseparable and they do some crazy things. Sodapop dotes on that horse like it’s his baby. He leaves early to take the horse out, comes in late cause he was finishing with brushing out his horse. When he talks, it’s about the horses. He’s a horse girl and that’s it, y’know? He’s living his best life on a ranch! Maybe not as into the cows, but when he’s not with the horses, he’s hanging around Steve
Ponyboy doesn’t like the cows, doesn’t like the horses. Two’s got the dogs, so there’s not a lot left for Ponyboy. Yeah!! He sits under a tree, perches on a fence and watches the ranch. He reads most of the time, hiding in the shade and from whatever work someone’s gonna make him do. He makes a few pictures, Soda with his horse, Two-Bit under the squirming dogs, Steve on the tractor. They find themselves pinned up to the fridge for everyone to admire. He’s got a real touch for the horses though? He’s good at calming them? But he just doesn’t like them too much-
The ranch is the perfect place for Steve because the ranch allows for endless tinkering and fooling around with machinery. Boyo loves the tractor. He comes in to mealtimes, smeared in grease and grime. You’re constantly having to remind him to wash up before he takes a seat at the table. He likes the dogs! Probably befriends one of them and brags to Two-Bit that the dog likes him better. And, ugh, yes. Him and the calves. He’s really good at bottle feeding the ones who need to be. He’s got callouses, but he’s got the most gentle touch and honestly I want to kiss him so badly it hurts.
Johnny likes the horses, but most of the time, he’d rather hang out under a tree with Ponyboy and listen to the youngest Curtis read a book. He’ll do horse tack I think, but he’d rather watch them. Like Dallas, he’s a little afraid of the big animals, but won’t admit it. He likes the little dogs and the little calves and foals and stuff. Doesn’t like doing cattle runs. Will help though! Likes to help around the house and with the chores. I can totally see him sitting on the porch, watching a sunset and just letting it soak into his bones. There’s something about country sunsets, dude. Defo the lemonade maker though, defo on the lemonade.
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biggestsimponhere · 11 months
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Cant wink - Cassian andor x reader, I don’t know what this is truly, i saw someone request it under a post i got tagged in except they made the comment in 2018 so this is for you, @dude-watchin-with-the-brontes , thank you for tagging me in that post ♥️ @hoeforevery1 , Gif from: @definitelyoneoftheguys
A/n - A little ooc cass at least i’m not sure if it’s really i’m character or not. Just enjoy it
When you’d entered the fresher shortly before lunch to find Cass looking in the mirror and blinking strangely you figured he had something in his eye. You didn’t mention it cause it didn’t seem worth mentioning so you just went about your day. When you’d caught him doing it a second time you assumed he must not have gotten it out of his eye. You didn’t know what he was trying to do until you all were sat trying to eat in the canteen.
He had attempted to wink following a flirtatious joke at you. Which he had failed the wink miserably. He had started eating a cookie before his lunch and you pointed it out. “Dessert before lunch is unusual for you cass” You said skeptically. “I know something else i could have for dessert before lunch” He commented before blinking strangely. You looked at him for a solid thirty seconds before bursting out laughing. In between breaths you spoke “Cass, did you just try to wink at me” you laughed breathing in heavily. Jyn laughed too. “Is that what you’ve been doing all day, i thought you had something in your eye” She said hitting him on the shoulder.
You continued laughing as you agreed with jyn. “If you’re just gonna make fun of me, i’ll leave” Cassian said pouting slightly. “I’m sorry honey, i just assumed with the fact that you’re such a good spy that you would know how to wink” You said taking his hand in yours. It only took a minute for everyone to start laughing again. “I can’t believe you can’t wink” Bodhi said snickering. “Alright i’m done” He said getting up and walking out of the canteen. You noticed he’d left his food so you slid your food onto his tray and then headed towards the kitchen.
Quickly asking if you could take the tray and the dishes the staff agreed as long as you promised to bring it back (you usually do). So you left the canteen with the tray and went off in search of Cassian. He was right where you expected him to be. Sat on his bed absentmindedly drawing on the spare pieces of paper. “Cass” You said drawing out his name as you say by him. “I brought your lunch… and the rest of mine” You continued as you settled in next to him. He leaned in closer to your touch but otherwise didn’t say anything. “I’m sorry” You said quietly. He shook his head “No, no, it’s silly, you don’t have to apologize” He said rushing it out.
“Cass, it clearly affected you so i do have to apologize and i am sorry, if i knew it was gonna hurt you like that i wouldn’t have done it” You said leaning into him while wrapping an arm around him. He smiled and leaned into you. The two of you just sat together before he pointed out that the food was getting cold. You ate together before he stopped and looked at you. He stared at you a few seconds before you spoke up. “Yes cass?” He looked down and then back up quickly. “Will you help me learn how to wink?” He said fast as if the words wouldn’t come out any other way. “I can definitely try” You said brushing the hair off his forehead.
The rest of your time before dinner was spent laughing together as you attempted to wink at each other with his blushing and you actually winking while he continued to blink strangely. He’ll get it eventually.
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