art-of-mathematics · 2 months
Question to other autistic and/or ADHD folks: Do you also experience that when you have nothing to do your thoughts become increasingly incoherent - as in jumping from topic to topic, up to becoming absent-minded and semi-tired - but when you have something to actively do, and concentrate on working on that it is fine and you can actually focus and form coherent thoughts?
it is that idle mode where the thoughts just flow/race like diarrhea...
Or is that just me?
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grymoria · 1 year
To my fellow Neurodivergents, if you want a job, a boring office one may not suit you.
Hello, I am a neurodivergent who works as a Survey Research Interviewer. My job contains of me calling people to see if they would like to do a survey and if they agree to do it, then I have to read out the questions to them in order for the respondent to answer them, which is the interviewing part. The problem is because of my ASD (Autistim Spectrum Disorder), it's hard for me to do my job.
All I'm doing is calling numbers all day and I call them until I find someone who wants to do the survey. Even when I'm done interviewing them, I still have calls to make. That's all I do, nothing else. Some of you are probably saying that I have an easy job and I do, but it's so easy that it gets boring. So boring that I take power naps during the middle of the work shift even when I try to fight them. (The cold air blown doesn't help either.) Plus sometimes my speech impediment can get in the way of doing my job properly. So yes it's an easy job but mentally, it's exhausting.
"What's the purpose of this blog?"
The reason why I'm making this blog, is because I want others to understand how having a boring office job, or a boring job in general, can affect your mental health. (Plus I'm so bored at my job, that writing this is helping my mental health.)
I'm sure some of you have heard of the term "burnout" and if you haven't, burnout a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Well there's a term similar to this but instead of being overstimulated, you're understimulated and it's called "boreout". Boreout is chronic boredom at work. When you are so bored at work, that you are less likely do to your job and just like burnout, boreout can cause depression, stress, and anxiety but it can also cause insomnia.
How I deal with my boreout is being on my phone. Even though where I work we aren't allowed to be on our phones, I do it anyway because my job is that boring. But sometimes the phone can't even help me especially when I'm on social media. (Constantly being on social media all the time can also be bad for your mental health.)
They're other ways to make yourself entertained at work. Like for example, if you are a figity person, bring things that you can figit with. Like for example, a stress ball, a figit spinner, and any other type of figit toy out there. You can also have a puzzle book and solve a few puzzle, or you can draw, you can journal, or read a book. Even chewing gum can decrease your chances of being stressed, anxious, and/or depressed. I suggest you only do any these if you are able to. (My job doesn't even allow me to have puzzle books...)
Even if that isn't enough for you to deal with your boreout (or burnout), then I suggest you take a mental health day which is a day off from work so you can improve your mental health doing things that you enjoy doing. But I suggest you do them next to a day or days that you will be having off anyway. For example, I don't work on the weekends so if I wanted a mental health day, it's best if I do it on a Friday or Monday.
Me personally, I feel like working 4 days and having 3 days off a week can make someone's mental health so much better compared to working 5 days but having 2 days off a week. I prefer you do this as much as possible only if you can afford it and only if you won't get in trouble by your workplace for doing it. I would usually do it monthly. (For bonus, you can do whatever house chores that need to be done after work so when your day/days off is here, all you can do is relax and do the things that you enjoy.)
So I know that because of my neurodiversity, this job isn't meant for me. I need a job that stimulates me well and the job that I have now doesn't do so. The reason why I still have the job is because I live in a city that doesn't have much entry level office jobs so it's difficult for me to find another job. Even though I don't recommend the type of job I do or any other boring office job to anyone that's neurodivergent, I don't blame you if that's the only type of job that you can get.
There are office jobs out there that is perfect for neurodivergent people and even though the office job you have now is boring, at least you have experience with an office job and that can lead you to the office job you actually want. Like for example, I enjoy typing (obviously), so I hope to find a transcriptionist/transcriber job but I also would like to make a career out of being a journalist. I may not be suited for the office job that I have now but I've been working here for over a year so I need as much experience as I can get.
In conclusion, no job is worth the boreout or even burnout. If you need that job then get it, but do anything you can to make your mental health decent. Our well being should always come first because the work force will always find someone to take the previous workers' positions.
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arbeitswirtschaft · 4 months
Harry, fahr schon mal den Wagen vor
Der Klassiker unter „kollegialem Führungsstil“. Boreout läßt ebenso grüßen wie Stillstand. Kommt gleich nach dem Duzen.
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mizakikimoto · 7 months
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My eye, my right eye, has been twitching for weeks.
You can only play normal for so long. Pretend for so long. But eventually...it shows.
You'd think thinning hair would be good enough. Or being too tired to speak would be enough.
No...being unhealthy is the standard for the poor. So...no issue.
I'm so tired of this phone doing this.
It literally just showed 4.5 gigabytes or something. Now it's on a boot loop.
It's getting even harder to sleep. 23 years of not getting enough, at 31. This body feels gross. I can't push through anymore. If I could...I shouldn't be told to anyway.
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i-want-the-shovel · 1 year
‘I had to guard an empty room’: the rise of the pointless job
Copying and pasting emails. Inventing meaningless tasks for others. Just looking busy. Why do so many people feel their work is completely unnecessary?
Headline from The Guardian
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studiovlin · 1 year
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just one of those days.. 😐 . . . . . #studiovlin #cockapoothor #cockapoo #justoneofthosedays #boreout #tekening #tekeningvandedag #drawing #thatsucks #digitalart #digitalartist #cuteillustration #illustration #cartoon #bored #designbywomen #ladieswhodesign #poster #womenofillustration #oneofthosedays #illustrationartists #mood #depressedlife #illustratie #illustraties https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0AyyytcPV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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feanope · 2 years
I want to write so many palette cleanser fics to cope and to forget... I have so many ideas, I just... don’t have time :(
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pittoreski · 3 months
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meliohy · 9 months
Why am I so much more bored at work that when I was in a 14 hours bus ride last week
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sreehari28 · 11 months
Burnout and bore out are two distinct phenomena that can affect individuals in the workplace, albeit through different causes and experiences. Understanding the differences between burnout and burnout is essential for organizations and individuals to effectively address and mitigate these challenges. By understanding the differences between burnout and burnout, organizations can implement targeted strategies to prevent and address these workplace challenges. Prioritizing employee well-being, providing meaningful work experiences, and promoting a healthy work-life balance is key to creating a productive and fulfilling work environment for individuals.
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spiraling-eyes · 11 months
Welp. Doctor put me at home for at least two weeks to rest and recover from what have been in essence a few hellish months in a row. The last 2 weeks really were the straw that broke the camels back, so to say.
Here is to hoping I will at least feel a little less shite at the end of this week
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art-of-mathematics · 2 months
Boreout, adhd and post-traumatic stress: the unholy three of doom, accompanied by their adjacent package "social ineptitude", including social anxiety and autism
Oh, and don't forget chronic fatique and pain, additionally to the package "chronic unemployment", including financial poverty, boreout booster, anti-self-esteem-effect, social isolation booster etc etc...
What kind of shit did I order here?
Can I return that?
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the-rainbow-of-doom · 6 months
Can burnout and boreout happen at the same time, or am I just being dramatic?
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sigmoon · 6 months
I just want to say that i really enjoy reading ur writing because it’s always so good and so muchable. Like, i cant get enough of it, and i think u have become my favorite author on tumblr rn >.< I also want to remind u(and anyone else really) to drink some water, and maybe eat a snack if u want. Also taking breaks is okay, just make sure to not overwork yourself <33
This is so sweet, thank you so much, nonnie<333 sorry for my late reply btw :< take care too, and take these headpats *patpatpatpat* <3
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And I’m certainly not overworking myself recently, it’s more of a boreout I’m stuck in, my sleep schedule is fucked up and I don’t really know what to do with myself besides writing. The weather is so *æeurgh* right now, I’m too anxious to go to uni and my friends are busy bees with annoying boyfriends that steal them away from me.
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I've been feeling so terrible lately like uncomfortable in my skin again and school is exhausting me into boreout territory and then my house is a huge mess and I feel so much resistance towards doing anything I just feel like bawling my eyes out multiple times a day
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nyrdcastpodcast · 3 days
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