#Azure Dreams Ranch
rheallsim · 10 months
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I wanted to play some Rags2Riches-style Ranch gameplay, but didn't feel like spending an hour or more making a new Sim, so I decided to go with a slightly edited version of Azure Keahi, who I originally made for the Jumping for Juniper Bachelorette Challenge. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Consider this an alternate universe!
Here's their new farm, optimistically named "Azure Dreams Ranch". A bit of flirting with their new neighbour Dani. They got a scarecrow to help them out with the garden, but Patchy turned out to be super mean, so I yeeted him. :\ Soon they were able to afford their first goat (appropriately named Goatzilla), and their first rescue horse, a fearful, aggressive, but intelligent Gelderlander filly named Moon Pie. :)
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ideahat-universe · 5 months
It's like Pokemon but mask off.
I like monster catching games and like with most westerners my first taste of the genre was with Pokemon. But it didn't end with Pokemon. A lot of people who fell in love with Pokemon rarely extended their interest to other titles. As a result many other members in the genre languished in obscurity. The most notable ended up being Digimon but Digimon never got a big piece of the pie, but when rpgs were having a monster catcher craze I jumped in.
Monster Rancher, Dragon Quest Monster, Digimon, Azure Dreams, Robopon, and even something completely off the wall.
And after playing that and many more I had my illusion completely shattered on how good Pokemon actually was.
Every game had a little something that Pokemon either dragged their feet on having or never had.
Robopon gives you the ability to customize and change your abilities based on whatever load-out you gave your Robopon. On a surface level this looks like something that makes the identity of your Robopon irrelevant but that's far from the case as items have to be compatible and certain levels of compatibility make moves more or less effective. But the most important part is acknowledging is that when this game came out Pokemon still had sparse, single use TMs and HMs that were permanent. Robopon allowed you to access to basically every move in the game, you just had to discover which combination of items on which Robopon enables it.
Dragon Quest Monsters 1 has a breeding system and mandates that you use it. Not only are bred monsters stronger than wild ones but carefully bred monsters can have unique and very powerful offspring and even if you settle on a specific monster and want it to be your main, the monsters have level caps that are less than 100 meaning that you'll fall off if you insist on holding a monster indefinitely.
Dragon Quest Monsters 1 came out a full year before Pokemon Gold and Silver came out and when that came out and had breeding as well, the differences were brutal. You were expected to wait out the egg hatching (as if running around in a circle was ever going to be a fun game mechanic), then your egg would hatch and the Pokemon would either be the mother in its base form or a not Ditto. But wait, it's even worse. Pokemon have breed compatibility that is obfuscated with vague terms and now instead of mixing and matching at will you have to consult an insane flow chart to divine who can make babies with whom and you just end up using Ditto anyways.
But the worst part is that outside of shiny breeding (and learning a couple of moves from the parents that can't be acquired otherwise) and getting baby forms you don't get anything special from breeding Pokemon because any random Pokemon can have the stats you're looking for meaning that catching Pokemon is going to be better than breeding in almost every regard.
Azure Dreams allowed you to fight with your monsters and your monsters followed you around in the over world. Two years prior Pokemon Yellow came out with the trademark mechanic of having Pikachu following you in the over world. But this feature would not consistently stay in future titles and it took till Arceus for a trainer to be ever slightly more involved in the fight than just standing and giving commands.
Monster Rancher sacrifices a lot of commonly loved mechanics in monster games in order to have the most definitive monster training experience. Monsters have to train via mini games and non-combat related activities.
Monsters get tired, they get sick, they eat, they have favorite and least favorite foods, they can get hurt, they can get angry, they can run away from home, they can cheat their training, and they can fight with or without your guidance. When you play Monster Rancher you will miss out on the exploration and the range of creatures but when you let your Pokemon get one shot because you didn't know the match-up and basically nothing happens to you or them you'll miss how Monster Rancher makes you care about the well being of the Monster and when you're in a cave or a patch of grass or a large body of water, grinding out experience by fighting a small handle of Pokemon over and over again (back then! I know experience gain is really easy now but back then) you'll wish you can just go to a real gym and exercise the experience you want.
Digimon World changes from game to game but the very first one for the PSone is THE game that screwed up how I felt about Pokemon's basic mechanics.
Digimon World 1 gave you only one Digimon to train and raise at a time and a couple dozen transformations but you could feed the Digimon, it has moods and behaviors, you need to discipline it, you can train it in combat or at a gym, you can adjust its stats, it can learn dozens of moves on top of a super move and Digimon are programmable. Intelligence isn't just a magic damage stat. The smarter your Digimon is the better it can comprehend specific commands and complex maneuvers, meaning that with enough training your Digimon can be told to do everything from evade oncoming attacks, go whole hog and do max damage, Defend from all attacks, or even conserve mana spending.
Dragon Quest Monsters had this as well where depending on how they are trained they handle fights and understand commands based on your training or lack thereof.
Nothing like this really exists in Pokemon. When Reverend breaks Pokemon down to "press the button to receive dopamine." It's a joke but in reality, as a trainer you should be expected to actually train your Pokemon well enough to actually do things on their own. In real life every trainer for every sport expects the person they train to be self directing, when you do a coliseum match in Dragon Quest Monsters you can't give monsters specific commands so you have to rely on how you conditioned them to fight well beforehand.
A Pokemon Trainer should be able to be hands off, and have your Pokemon handle it on their own. If you have to tell your Pokemon what to do and when to do it, have you really even trained them anything?
And you might think this is a long diatribe on what is clearly a post about Palworld but my point is that I play the Monster Collector/trainer games and have been finding Pokemon lacking for maybe 15 years. So I look forward to and support the little differences that make other monster collection/training games better than Pokemon and Palworld offers a very unique experience when compared to Pokemon.
Let me break it down.
Pokemon slowly phased out regular real world animals in favor of more Pokemon but they often gloss over how because there are no normal animals and there's just Pokemon for everything, that Pokemon have to be the main product that's consumed and killed and that hundreds of Pokemon more than likely exist to just be butchered and consumed regardless of how sentient and sapient
many of them are. At the very least Pokemon have their own food cycle where they brutally murder each other to stay alive.
In Palworld you don't have that issue! It's a dog eat dog world, whatever you don't feel like capturing or keeping you thrash 'em and scrap 'em. The game has ragdoll physics so when you're done murdering the sheep and stripping it of its assets you can roll its dead body into a river.
Pokemon talks a big game about friendship and love and how you can't just treat Pokemon like emotionless weapons. However, that's exactly what players do. There's no consequence for letting your Pokemon get nuked so there's no particular care for their well being. Nine times out of ten you don't win because you love your Pokemon more. You win because your Pokemon out levels the opponent or they hard counter the opponent.
In Palworld they don't worry about that ethical dilemma. You know what? Your Pals are weapons and if you really want to up the ante, give them a gun! In the Pokemon world most conflicts are resolved with a Pokemon battle but in Palworld killing people is a team effort!
Gary may think he's smarter than you but is he smarter than bullet?
Throughout the games and the movies and the comics and even TV show what you'll notice is that actually Pokemon battles are a low priority for most Pokemon owners. A lot of people treat Pokemon as family members and pets but even more use Pokemon as a utility to solve everyday problems or participate in special contests.
Depending on the Pokemon game you are playing the side content can enable ways for you to treat the Pokemon like a friend and not like a living gun. There are even mini games that allow you to train your Pokemon towards a goal that doesn't involve just fighting the opponent but these things aren't added on top of each other with each title, they're swapped out. Never the same mini games, never the same friendship mechanics and in each game they are very shallow.
In Palworld you are expected to fight with your Pals but the main feature is putting your Pals to work at your base. Building and turning your complex into a well oiled machine. Not every Pal does the same job so you're invited to get many pals for many different tasks.
So in Palworld they are a pet, they are also a gun, and a hammer. But it's all a core feature and not side content and there's no pretense where you pretend that the creatures you control is not just tools to serve you and do what you desire.
Speaking of desire! Pokemon has Winked and nudged at the idea that Pokemon are occasionally more than friends and pets. There are an odd amount of Pokemon that are more human than monster and there's a redacted text log that says Pokemon and humans were mates and got married. It's hard to know just how close Pokemon are to humans without it being kid friendly or just extremely strange.
Palworld doesn't have that issue! In fact.
Here's Lovander! A Pal whose text entry more or less says that it's fucking everything that moves! It has only recently set its sights on humans, but that's not a big deal. After all, humans can be captured in Pal spheres like any other Pal. That's right game theorists! in Palworld humans are just Pals and are subject to the exact same mechanics.
It takes courage to say the quiet part out loud.
Now is Palworld the Monster Catcher game I've been waiting for? Kind of. It's in early access and if it adds more tasks and locations and objectives it could be quite good. Being completely unhinged and unethical is what makes Rimworld great. If this game can be modded easily, for 30 dollars. It's worth your time. Let's just hope that Craftworld was just a stepping stone for this and not an indication of the devs being more idea dogs than developers.
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wheresarizona · 11 months
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Learning to Live Part 21
pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader (reader is a nurse with no physical descriptions)
summary: Javier finally gets to do something he’s been dreaming about (fucking your ass).
rating: E (18+!!! This is literally smut and fluff. No y/n, age gap (around 10 years), soft Javier Peña, alternating pov, the plot of this chapter is anal, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie(s), anal sex (f receiving), anal fingering (f receiving), vaginal fingering, double penetration, oral sex (f receiving), rimming (f receiving), squirting, breeding kink, spanking, multiple orgasms, praise kink (oh boy, is there praise), dirty talk, banter, domestic fluff, aftercare, Javier being a consent king, Javier being adorable)
word count: 9.3k+
a/n: Yes, I dedicated an entire chapter to anal, don’t look at me, we all wanted it! Absolutely finished this chapter on a crowded plane flying across the continent to @juletheghoul's house. Shoutout to @azure-waves for giving this a look over.
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs feed me. I’d love to know what you thought!
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“Hot date tonight?” your coworker and best friend, Robyn, asked as you hurriedly got up from your chair at the nurse’s station desk. Four patient charts you’d finished notating were held in one of your arms, pressed to your chest.
“What makes you think I have a hot date?” you replied, walking behind her to the opposite wall where the hanging file folder rack was, putting them in the right slot for the next shift.
“You’re antsy,” she answered in her Texas twang, making your way back to her, taking a seat beside her.
Robyn always looked like she was ready for a night out with her beautiful chestnut-colored hair pulled up in a ponytail, her lips painted in cherry red lipstick, and her makeup looking professionally done. It must take her a while to get ready in the morning, and frankly, you could never—for you, it was making yourself look presentable, and that’s it; hell, some mornings you didn’t even bother with makeup.
Your leg bounced as you checked your watch, seeing your day was over in less than ten minutes, hoping the nurse who was supposed to take over arrived on time.
“And,” Robyn continued, your head turning to meet her blue eyes, her smirking, “you did your chart notes faster than a sneeze through a screen door, so I know you’re dyin’ to get the hell out of here.”
Looking down the hall in front of the desk and side to side to make sure no one was around, you leaned close, whispering, “Every date with Javi is hot, but tonight we’re trying something new…”
Her eyes were sparkling in delight as she gave you a toothy smile. “In the bedroom?” she inquired.
There was excitement on her face. “Ooh, lemme guess. Bondage?”
That had you intrigued, thinking of the times you’ve seen Javi with ropes at the ranch and how good he was with them, now imagining him tying you up or fuck, tying him up—heat was creeping up your neck.
“No.” You shook your head.
That was another one that had your attention, Javi covering your eyes and doing whatever he wanted to you. God, and if you were tied up, too? Swallowing thickly, you were suddenly feeling very warm.
“No…” you finally answered.
“Not yet.” You wagged your finger. “But he’s down to play out my Detective Peña fantasy—so I’ve got something to look forward to.”
Sunday night, when you and Robyn had secretly gone over to Chucho’s to prep the pork for the tamales, you’d told her all about the Detective Peña dream when the older man left the room. The three of you had drunk beers and gossiped about the townspeople while you got the Crockpot ready.
“Get it, girl!” she replied, high-fiving you. “Okay, so y’all are kinda vanilla. This thing you’re excited about tonight, does it take you out of your comfort zone?”
Your face pinched. “Vanilla?” you asked. “We are not vanilla—we have had sex in too many risky places to be vanilla.”
“Sure, but he’s only stuck his dick in your mouth or pussy...”
Footsteps sounded coming closer from the hallway to your right, both of you pausing as your friend Gil, an orderly, came into view assisting one of your elderly patients using a walker, her on his left side closest to the desk.
“Hi, Miss Martha!” you and Robyn greeted in unison with big smiles. “Hey, Gil!”
“Hi, girls,” the old woman replied, smiling at you both.
“Hello, ladies,” Gil’s sweet voice said. He could be described as a human teddy bear—soft, adorable, and huggable.
“Way to get those steps in, Miss Martha!” you told her. “That new hip is doing you wonders.”
They were halfway past the desk.
“It sure is. Soon I’ll be walkin’ without Gil’s help.”
“Yes, you will,” he replied. “You’ll be out walking me in no time.”
“Such a nice young man.” They were almost to the other end of the desk. “You girls, have a blessed day!”
“We’ll see you tomorrow, Miss Martha,” Robyn called out to her.
“See you later, Gil,” you said,
“Bye, ladies.” He waved as they made it out of view and earshot.
Your attention turned back to Robyn, continuing your conversation from before, “He’s only stuck his dick in my mouth or pussy until tonight.”
Her eyes got big. “Oh my god,” she whispered. “You’re finally gonna let him fuck your ass?”
Smiling, you nodded, speaking just as quietly, “Yes. You sold me on it when you said you’ve never come quicker than when you do anal.”
“It’s true and so fuckin’ good. You’re gonna love it! Just remember lube, lube, lube, and relax. Javi’s a stand-up guy, so I have no doubt he’ll get you ready.”
“Oh, yeah—the man loves foreplay, and he’s been looking forward to this for a while, so I know he’ll make sure it’s a good time.”
“Okay, but Javi’s been obsessin’ about your ass for so long. I gotta know his reaction when you told him you were down to try it.”
“Oh my god, Robyn, he was so fucking ridiculous,” you answered in exasperation. First thing that morning, you’d told her about the previous day, making tamales with your boyfriend’s family and the barbecue, even bringing her a couple she loved. “Like, we were at his dad’s, as you know, and ended up fucking in Javi’s bathroom with the house full of people—don’t give me that look—“ You pointed at her. “—he can be really fucking irresistible, and I just can’t help it—all common sense leaves my brain, and my pussy takes over.”
“Hey—” She put up her hands in defense. “—I ain’t judgin’ you. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been fucked in a busy bar bathroom.”
Taking a deep breath, you replied, “You know, I thought my sex life with Javi was very adventurous and kinky, but then you come in here talking about getting fucked in busy bar bathrooms or going to orgies in San Antonio, and I’m not so sure—Oh god,” you gasped, eyes wide, coming to a realization.
Her eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“We’re vanilla!” you exclaimed. “We’re so fucking vanilla!”
Robyn laughed, pushing your shoulder. “I fuckin’ told you! But hey, y’all are more than welcome at the next orgy.” She wagged her eyebrows.
You made a face, not liking that idea one bit.
“Thanks, but no thanks. We’re kinda… territorial and not into sharing.”
That was a big thing you and Javi agreed on—neither of you wanted or needed anyone else; it was him and you for the rest of your lives, and you were both beyond happy with that.
“Suit yourselves.” She shrugged. “Okay, so you fucked at his dad’s...”
“Yes.” You nodded. “We fucked, and afterward is when I mentioned it, and he fucking tried to get me to leave right that second! Just completely forgot I said we couldn’t do it until today. I was like, ‘Javier, we are not bailing on your family barbecue for sex,’ and he, honest to god, pouted—” You threw up your hands. “—and he was so fucking clingy all night, grabbing my ass constantly. He was stuck to me like glue, and his family kept teasing the fuck out of him for it.”
“I ain’t even surprised,” she replied. “I swear, all men ever think about is sex and don’t much care about anythin’ else.”
That made you frown. “Javi isn’t always thinking about sex—he’s honestly a big fucking sweetheart. God, you can’t tell anyone, but sometimes he says the most poetically romantic shit in Spanish. You’ve seen the Addams Family movies, right? The new ones?”
“Of course—Addams Family Values is my favorite.”
“Same. Javi goes full Gomez—like the same level of devotion and obsession, and I sometimes can’t believe he loves me like that. Me! And he’s so hot, Robyn. What in the actual fuck. How did I land him?”
“‘Cause you’re a goddamn catch and amazin’,” she answered, patting your knee. “Hell, if Javi hadn’t gotten there first, I would’ve made a pass at you.” She winked.
Your lips pulled up in a grin. “I am so fucking flattered right now.”
“Good—I am so excited for your evenin’ plans!”
“I am, too! And nervous.”
“Oh, don’t be, girl.” She waved away your words. “He’ll make sure you’re good and ready and then take you to fuckin’ paradise.”
“God, I know he will.”
The nurse taking over for you was five minutes late with a coffeeshop coffee in hand. You’d given her a quick rundown on how your four patients were doing and when you last administered medications before bolting from the hospital.
Excitement and nerves were swirling in your belly on your drive home, the music turned down, and the air conditioning all the way up while you thought about what you’d do in the hour you had before Javi would be home from work; a shower was necessary, figuring he wouldn’t mind if you took one alone.
Should you lie on the bed naked, waiting for him when you were done?
A plan wasn’t made on when the event would take place. It was unspoken between you both that it was definitely happening after work; neither of you could wait.
He’d love coming home and finding you ready for him—you’d have the supplies, too, lube a must, some glasses of water, and maybe the sex towel, which was a big, thick, black towel that was used when sex was messy, like on your period, or if he was in the mood to make you squirt.
It was a surprise when you pulled into your parking spot at the apartment, and Javi’s truck was already in the neighboring one, making you wonder how long he’d been home as you grabbed your purse and exited your car.
Briskly, you walked to your front door, quickly getting it open and going inside. Your keys were tossed in the large bowl on the console table in the entryway with Javi’s own keys and wallet, your purse set beside it, toeing off your shoes.
He wasn’t in the living room, and the bedroom door was closed, assuming that was where he was.
“Javi?” you called, making your way toward it. “Why are you home early?”
Turning the doorknob, you pushed open the door, stopping when you took in the room.
Rose petals led from the doorway and up onto the end of the mattress, Javi’s bedside lamp on, the rest of the room illuminated by lit candles on the dressers, and for a split second, you thought he was going to propose, until you saw the sex towel neatly folded on top of the bed, with the bottle of lube nestled on it—the whole scene was honestly fucking hilarious. You would’ve laughed, but instead, your eyes were going wide, sucking in a breath at your boyfriend naked as the day he was born, sitting there with his back against the pillows, black-rimmed reading glasses on as he read a paperback easily held in one of his big hands.
The book lowered, his head tilting up, looking at you with a smile on his face. “Hola, mi amor (Hello, my love),” he rasped.
You gulped, your body feeling hot. “Hi, Javi,” you breathed. “What, uh, what’s all this?” you asked, gesturing toward him.
He grabbed his bookmark on the mattress beside him, shoving it in the paperback and setting it on the table. “You know exactly, what this is,” he replied, discarding his glasses on top of the book, Javi getting up from the bed with a groan.
It took you a second to get your wits about you as Javi closed the distance. “You got fucking rose petals—” you said, pointing at the trail of them. “—and lit candles, like it’s our anniversary or some shit. Not to mention, you looking like something straight out of a goddamn wet dream—the glasses, Javier? The glasses while naked, Javier? Are you trying to kill me with your sexiness?”
He snorted, crowding into your space, his hands cradling your jaw as his mouth slotted against yours in a searing kiss, your eyes closing, your fingers finding their way in his damp hair, realizing he’d already showered. You moaned when he licked into your mouth, tangling his tongue with your own in the way that made your toes curl.
God, he was perfect, and you loved him more than anything.
The kissing slowed, him murmuring into your lips, “I wasn’t trying to kill you, baby—was just reading while I waited for you.”
You pulled on his hair to make him look at you, his eyes hooded and mouth turned up in a smirk under his perfectly trimmed mustache.
“You’re a dirty fucking liar,” you accused. “But a sexy, dirty fucking liar—what’s with the petals and candles? You’ve literally never been this romantic when we fuck.”
He frowned. “I’ve been romantic when we fuck,” he argued.
“Okay, yes, we’ve had very romantic sex before—I quite enjoyed when you made me sit on your dick while we watched the sunset at your dad’s last week. I just mean, you’ve never gone all out like this. Why tonight?”
He had a look on his face like it was obvious. “It’s a special occasion…”
You huffed out a breath, patting his cheek. “It’s anal, babe—horny, nasty sex that you’re going to be feral about, not us celebrating Valentine’s.”
His eyes darted away. “But it’s your first time getting fucked in the ass, so I wanted to make it memorable…” He sighed, pushing his fingers through his hair. “It’s too much…”
“Hey, it’s not too much,” you reassured him, getting his eyes to meet yours. “It’s sweet, and I can assure you I didn’t need all of this pizazz for it to be memorable—I’ll always remember tonight and how you took my ass virginity.”
An amused breath left him, his hands moving to squeeze your behind. “Yeah, I am going to take your ass virginity.” He smacked your asscheek. “And I can’t fucking wait—go take a shower.”
“Someone’s bossy,” you replied, pulling your shirt off and letting it drop to the floor. Pecking his lips, you moved around him, heading toward the bathroom, pausing to get your pants and socks off.
“Someone’s horny,” he corrected, picking up your top and tossing it in the dirty clothes hamper.
Looking over your shoulder as you unhooked your bra, your eyes dipped down to see he was already half-hard. “Yeah, you are horny.” Your bra was off, now shimmying out of your underwear. “When did you get home?”
“An hour ago.”
You were completely naked, walking to your destination.
“Second day on the job, and you left work early for sex.” In the en suite, you flicked on the light and fan, grabbing and putting on your shower cap to keep your hair dry as you moved to the shower, Javi standing in the doorway.
“Told the Sheriff I had an important errand to run.”
The water had been turned on, waiting for it to warm. “Uh huh, and did the florist ask what you needed the rose petals for?” you asked over the roar of the shower.
“Yeah, I told her about how you made mi mamá's tamales and that I had a surprise for when you got home today—she assumed jewelry, and I didn’t correct her.”
“Oh, I was surprised, alright.” It was finally hot enough, getting in under the spray and quickly beginning to wash yourself. “Honestly, you in nothing but a pair of glasses is way better than anything, including jewelry, unless!” you exclaimed. “It’s a ring for my left hand—that trumps everything, even your dick.”
A mass in the shape of your boyfriend blocked the light outside of the frosted glass door of the shower stall, him rolling it open while you were in the process of scrubbing your front with a loofah.
“Fucking knew you’d like the glasses,” he said, reaching to palm your soapy breast, his fingers tweaking your nipple.
“I fucking knew you wore them on purpose,” you replied, turning to face the water to rinse off, his hand falling. “I see we’re glossing over the engagement ring mention, which, I won’t lie, the flower petals and candles had my hopes up.”
“Oh.” Glancing over at him, his eyes were wide, his face gone pale. “Oh, fuck, I’m so fucking sorry, Cielito.”
You waved away his apology with your free hand, scrubbing your body one more time. “There’s nothing for you to apologize for. I saw the towel and lube and realized you were just being romantically horny. I’m not disappointed. I’m extremely excited about tonight. Do you have a game plan?”
“Are you going to tell me your game plan?”
“Oh, how the turn tables,” you replied, reminded of the morning before when you kept it a secret what you were going to do to him. “Now, you are not allowed to stray from your plan but let me guess.”
“Okay.” He sounded amused, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
You were making sure every bit of you was clean while you said, “For foreplay, you’ll eat me out, and use your fingers in my ass to get me ready, then you’ll put me on all fours so you can hit it from the back.”
There was a thoughtful expression on his face, humming in the back of his throat. “You’re correct that I’ll use my fingers, and at some point, I will have you on your hands and knees.”
“Two outta three isn’t bad.”
“It’s more one out of the three.” He shrugged.
Your eyebrows knitted together. “But you said you were going to put me on my hands and knees… How did I not get it right?”
He smirked. “You’ll find out.”
“Well, now I’m curious as fuck. Towel me.” The water was turned off, your entire body completely clean, as Javi disappeared for a second, returning with a fluffy white towel. It was the world’s quickest shower, and you hurriedly dried yourself off before getting out, leaving the towel on the floor and hanging up the shower cap to dry.
“Good?” he asked, standing in front of you.
“I am squeaky clean and ready to rumble.” You nodded.
Javi grabbed your hand, leading you into the bedroom, his excitement practically palpable, making you smile. He ushered you onto the bed, getting you in the middle, him following and ending up on top of you. His fingers laced with yours above your head, his hips resting in the cradle of your spread thighs, kissing you hard.
Arousal was thrumming in your veins, feeling it burning in your belly, wanting him so badly—his tongue pressed between your lips, sliding along yours, pulling a moan from your throat. Your pussy was weeping for him, knowing you were wet, the anticipation of the evening swelling inside you.
He held both of your hands easily in one as his mouth moved, nipping at your chin and kissing a wet streak along your jaw and down your neck, gasping his name when he sucked over your pulse.
“You want me, Cielito?” he asked against your skin, his free hand grabbing your bare breast and squeezing it while his lips found their way onto your collarbone.
“Yes, Javi,” you moaned. “Want you so bad.”
His cock was hard between your bodies, pressing into your belly, Javi keeping your hands where they were while he maneuvered to suck your pebbled nipple into his mouth, your back arching at the jolt of pleasure shooting straight to your cunt. His teeth grazed against it, and your mouth fell open, wishing you could grab his hair. He moved to your other breast to give it the same treatment, your eyes squeezing shut.
“It’s so good, Javi,” you gasped.
He came off your hard bud with a wet pop, his head moving to look you in the eyes.
“Can I fuck you?” he asked.
Your eyes widened. “Uh, I feel like we’re missing the very important step where you use your fingers to make sure your big dick doesn’t hurt me. There’s no way you could fuck me yet—I’m clenching at the thought.”
“No, not your ass.” He shook his head. “Your pussy—I’m not gonna just shove my dick inside you without the right prep. I’m not an asshole.”
You let out a relieved breath. “I know you’re not an asshole, babe. It’s a little surprising you want to fuck my pussy when I’m giving you free rein of my ass.”
A little smile appeared on his lips. “Baby, if I stick my dick in your ass, I will come immediately, so I need to get off before to actually last.”
Your eyebrows lifted. “Damn, I knew you were really into it, but immediately?”
“Yeah—been waiting to do this for so fucking long, you’ll make me lose it.”
“Why is that so hot? Of course, you can fuck me, Javi. I know you’ll make me feel really good.”
“Thank you, Cielito,” he replied, leaning in to kiss you tenderly. He let go of your hands and sat up on his knees with a groan. “Need you on your hands and knees, baby,” he said, lightly smacking your thigh.
“So, you are fucking me in doggy. I just got the hole wrong,” you replied, flipping over onto your stomach. His big hands grabbed onto your hips, pulling you up into position.
“Yeah, so you were wrong—move forward a bit. Can you get into that one yoga thing?”
“Which pose?”
“Where your ass is up in the air, and your chest is against the floor.”
“Oh, puppy pose.” You kept your butt high, spreading your knees a little, dropping your chest down to the mattress to rest your forehead on your folded arms. This caused your hips to tilt back and really put your pussy on display. “I think I deserve half credit, at least for kinda getting it right.”
“A wrong answer is a wrong answer.”
Your eyes narrowed, turning your head to the side to look back at him as best you could. “You’re a real hardass, Javier—thank god you didn’t go into teaching.” The thought conjured up images of him as a professor, wearing a suit and his reading glasses, looking grumpy while he taught, and it made your skin feel hot, swallowing hard.
He was smirking like he knew what you were thinking, and it annoyed you, his hands squeezing your ass. “What’s making you horny, mi amor (my love)?”
“God,” you groaned, facing forward again, your words muffled. “I’m too fucking attracted to you and the goddamn glasses!”
“What, baby?” he asked, sliding his palm along your spine.
“You’re just really sexy, and I was thinking about you as a professor, and it got me all hot and bothered—anyways, I’m so fucking horny, and I’d like to be fucked, please,” you said, wiggling your backside at him.
His hand landed hard on your ass in a loud slap, gasping at the pleasurable sting.
“Such good manners,” he replied. “You gonna be a good girl and let me make you feel good?” he asked, smoothing his palm over your asscheek.
“Yes, Javi. I want it—I want you.”
“I’ve got you, baby.”
The springs in the mattress complained from him moving behind you, and you expected to feel his dick, a surprised sound coming from your mouth as he spread open your cheeks instead and felt him spit on your pussy. His tongue slid through your slit from just below your clit up to your entrance and back down again over and over, Javi groaning into your skin.
Pleasure ignited in your belly, feeling it slowly building in your core. He was teasing you, avoiding your clit, laving at the lips of your sex to lick up your arousal, swirling his tongue around your entrance, and dipping it inside to taste you from the source, your hands clenching in the bedding beneath you.
“It’s so good,” you moaned. “It’s so fucking good, Javi.”
He hummed in the back of his throat, finally moving low enough to flick his tongue over your neglected bundle of nerves, making you gasp his name, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to your end.
Licking a broad stroke up through your folds, he kept going, and your breath hitched when he got to your tight ring of muscle. He licked and prodded at it, all of the many nerve endings being stimulated, making your toes curl at how good it felt, sparks tingling outward from your clit—you were so close to your release, you could taste it, rough sounds coming from Javi’s chest as he licked around your hole, pressing his wet muscle inside.
Using the heel of his palm, he rubbed your clit, moving it quickly from side to side—his mouth, his hand, they had everything coming to a head, you falling over the edge with a cry of his name, your body tensing up as euphoria flowed in your veins.
His head left you, hearing him panting out, “Good girl,” while he helped you ride out your high.
Some seconds later, there was jostling behind you again, removing his hand from you, your body feeling relaxed. He rubbed comfortingly along your spine. “You good? Can I fuck you now, mi amor (my love)?”
“Absolutely,” your muffled voice answered. Turning your head, you continued, “I need you to fuck me.”
He smacked your ass, smiling. “Then I will.” Leaning to the side, Javi grunted as he reached to grab something, realizing it was the lube when you heard him pop open the cap, getting some on his hand to slick up his cock. The bottle was set by his knee, him pressing the bulbous tip of himself against your soaked entrance, your mouth falling open as he easily slid home in one smooth thrust, feeling so full—Javi nestled so deep inside, you weren’t sure where he ended, and you began.
“Fuck that’s good,” he breathed, pulling out almost all the way and pushing back in, your forehead dropping to your arms.
“It’s so good,” you moaned.
His pace wasn’t slow or fast, a happy medium of him steadily thrusting in and out of you, your tight walls hugging him, and trying to suck him deeper into your depths. That familiar heat was making itself known at the base of your spine, hearing the slap of skin on skin, his hands squeezing your hips.
“Cielito?” he grunted.
“If it’s too much, tell me.”
The sound of the cap on the lube clicked open again. “What are you—” Your sentence turned into a moan as Javi liberally squirted some of the liquid onto your puckered hole, your cunt clenching as it dawned on you what he was planning to do. “Oh, god, Javi,” you gasped.
His strokes didn’t waver, the bottle dropping to the bed, him saying through his teeth, “Tell me if it’s too much. Understand?”
He was going use his fingers in your ass while he fucked you, and it had your brain short-circuiting at imagining how it would feel.
His palm landed on your ass in a resounding smack, the sweet pain getting your attention.
“Do you understand, baby?” he asked.
“Yes!” you exclaimed, his thick cock pistoning into you. “Do it!”
His thumb circled your asshole, shivering at the tingles moving down your spine, then he was pressing in, your eyes rolling back in your head.
“Oh, fuck,” you whined, feeling even fuller—this was just his thumb, and it already felt like so much. How were the other fingers going to feel?
“Relax, Cielito,” he purred, his free hand rubbing soothingly against your hip, realizing your thighs had tensed up and relaxing them, welcoming the intrusion. “Good girl.” He pushed it in and pulled it out in time with his thrusts, the pleasure making your head spin, feeling yourself rocketing toward your release.
His thumb disappeared, replaced with one thick finger, then two, moaning loudly at how good it felt, it getting wetter between your legs, hearing the wet suck of your pussy taking him.
“You’re doing so good for me,” he said, the digits moving in sync with his hips. “So fucking good for me, baby. Does it feel good?”
Your mouth had fallen open, drooling onto the blanket below you, not sure if you could speak. His other hand lightly slapped your thigh. “Does it feel good, Cielito?”
“Yes,” you moaned. “Fuck, it’s so good—you’re fucking me so good!”
“I know I am.” You could hear the smile in his voice. “You’re taking my fingers so well, can’t wait to feel you squeeze my dick in this tight ass,” he ended the sentence by smacking it with his free hand.
You were getting close to your climax, the fire in your belly growing rapidly, rocking back on him to feel him deeper, wanting more—his cock was moving in and out of you at the same time as his fingers, filling you over and over again, pleasure rising inside you.
It was a lot—you couldn’t think of anything else except how fucking good he was making you feel.
“I think you can take one more,” he grunted. “Can you do that? Be my good girl and take all three?”
You had the presence of mind to answer, “Yes, Papí!”
He started pushing in the third finger, and your vision went white.
You were used to him occasionally putting a thumb in your ass when he was fucking you from behind, but three of his fingers? His hands could be classified as mitts they were so fucking big, and here he was, sticking three of his sizable fingers into your ass—you came immediately.
Your orgasm slammed into you hard, a strangled sound ripped from your throat as your body seized up so tight he had to come to a stop—Javi groaned loudly at you tightening around his cock and digits, pleasure exploding out from your core, feeling it in the tips of your fingers and toes, your thoughts becoming slow, thick like molasses.
Your pussy was still fluttering around him when your body went lax.
“Can I keep going?” Javi roughly asked.
The words weren’t forming on your tongue, so you settled for an affirmative hum and a shaky thumbs up.
He started moving again, his dick in your cunt and his fingers in your ass, spreading them inside you while you went along for the ride.
“I’m close,” he gritted out. “Almost took me with you.”
“An honorable way to go,” you slurred.
He chuckled, his digits leaving your hole as he bent over you, one arm holding himself up while the other went under your middle, groaning as he pulled you up on your knees, your back to his chest—his rhythm sped up, his hands on your tits holding you to him as he chased his high, one of yours on his hip behind you the other laced with his on your breast. His lips kissed your shoulder and the side of your neck, hearing him grunting close to your ear.
His thrusts started getting uneven.
“Fuck,” he gasped, his breath tickling the shell of your ear. “Gonna fuck my come deep—want it to, fuck.” He was panting, pausing to swallow, fucking into you harder. “Want it to ta—“ The word cut off into a pained sound, pushing his cock into you all the way to the root one last time as he came, feeling him thicken, jerking inside you and the wet pulse as spurts and spurts of his spend filled you, sinking his teeth into your shoulder, making you gasp at the pleasurable pain—he rolled his hips to fuck his come deeper, wanting to fill as much of you as he could.
He came to a stop, breathing hard, both of your bodies wet with a sheen of sweat coating them. He hissed as he pulled out, his release slowing dripping down your inner thigh, squeaking in surprise when he moved to lay on the bed next to you, bringing you down with him, landing half on top of him.
His head rested on a pillow, yours on his chest, the fingers of one of your hands sliding through his wet hair, his arm wrapped around your back, drawing shapes on the soft skin of your hip with his finger as you both came down from your highs.
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Javier was so relaxed he thought there was a chance he’d melt into the mattress—his rapid heartbeat was beginning to slow and even out, her nails lightly scratching at his scalp, making sparks dance along his spine.
He was content, blissed out, happy, not to mention excited about what was to come. The thought of getting to fuck her ass made his cock stir, arousal starting to burn low in his gut, knowing he would be hard again in record time.
When she told him the day before that she wanted to try anal, he was ready to go right then—he didn’t want to wait, having dreamed about it for so long, he was aching to feel her so tight around his dick, and she was tight, snugly squeezing his fingers when they were inside her.
Another thing that riled him up was the fact he was the first to fuck her ass, and it had him feeling some type of way, knowing he’d be the first and last to get the honor, hoping she’d like it enough to want to do it again.
He was already half-hard just thinking about it, glad he’d been smart enough to come before the main event to ensure he lasted more than two, maybe three pumps—he wanted her to have a great first experience and it ending as soon as he worked his cock into her would be pretty fucking disappointing even though he knew she wouldn’t complain, always saying it was a compliment when he came sooner than he hoped.
Still, he was determined to do this right by her, wanting it to be a night she remembered fondly, which was why he left work early to get the rose petals, buy the tealight candles, and stop at the grocery store to get ingredients for him to make her dinner, well aware that she hadn’t eaten much that day. Were the candles and petals a bit much? Maybe, but her face, when she walked into the room, was worth it—seeing clearly how much he turned her on had pride swelling in his chest.
“Wow, that was something,” she croaked, breaking the silence and taking him from his thoughts.
“A good something?” he inquired, his finger on her hip, spelling out her first name and his last for probably the fifteenth time that they’d been lying like this.
She tilted her face up to look at him, her fingers stroking through the hair just above his ear.
“A very good something,” she replied. “Like, I was really fucking nervous about three of your huge ass fingers inside of my ass—just your thumb feels like a lot—but my god, Robyn wasn’t lying about you taking me to fuckin’ paradise.”
He snorted, turning his head to kiss her forehead, his chest puffing up a little. “You liked it that much?” Hope rose inside him that she’d answer in the affirmative.
“God, yeah. Your dick is going to feel so good. A big reason I wanted to try it was because she told me she’s never come quicker than when she does anal, and I get it now.”
“She convinced you?”
“Yep, she sure did. Oh! She gave me more ideas today.”
Smiling, he asked, “What ideas?”
“The first was bondage which immediately made me think of how good you are with those ropes at the ranch and you tying me up in bed.” His cock twitched, his blood heating. “The second was blindfolds, which really got me going at the idea of pairing that with the ropes, so I can’t see or move, and you can basically do whatever you want to me.”
His mouth had gone dry, his brain playing out possible scenarios that had his cock becoming fully hard.
He licked his lips. “Can we send her a fruit basket? That’s what you send people as thanks, right?”
She laughed, cradling his cheek. “Oh my god, the basket arriving at the hospital with a card reading, ‘Thanks for the orgasmic ideas,’ she’d love it, but I think she’d love a gift certificate to a spa even more.”
“We’ll fucking get her one,” he said, his head moving to kiss her palm.
“We’ll do that this weekend.”
“Good.” His dick was throbbing as it lay on his stomach. “Sorry, baby, I need to get on my side.”
“Not a problem,” she replied, moving off of him to lie on her back beside him as he turned onto his side to face her.
The flat of his hand moved up her stomach to grab one of her breasts while he leaned over her to kiss her lips, her fingers tangling in his hair—pinching at her hard nipple had her moaning. Javier took the opportunity to deepen the kiss with a press of his tongue into her mouth, sliding it along hers in practiced movements.
His hard cock dug into her hip, wetting her skin with precum, the kissing getting more fervent, their teeth clattering and noses bumping, almost like they were trying to fuse themselves together with their mouths. He skated his hand back down her body and over her soft belly to between her legs, sliding two fingers through their combined mess, using the slick to circle her swollen little clit.
“Javi,” she moaned into his lips, bucking her hips against his hand. “I want you.”
He nipped at her bottom lip, pulling back to look her in the eyes, hers glazed over in lust.
“You want my dick?” he asked through heavy breaths.
Biting her lip, she nodded. “Want it so bad.”
Quickly kissing her, he went into action, getting everything ready, the ache in his lower back making him groan when he sat up to grab the towel behind him, her lifting her hips for him to lay in on the bed under her, then he told her how he wanted her.
“Spread this leg out,” he ordered, tapping the thigh furthest away from him, watching her do as he said. “Keep this one up, okay?” The one closest to him, he bent at the knee, pushing it up her torso, nodding to himself that it opened her up enough for what he would do. He reached to grab the lube on the mattress.
Flicking the cap open, he poured a generous amount in his palm, stroking it onto his dick and putting more on his fingers.
“You let me know if it’s too much,” he said. “Okay, Cielito?” He pressed one finger into her tight hole, making her keen.
“Yes, Javi—more.”
Her words had a sharp spike of arousal cutting through him. She was relaxed, him easily pushing in another digit.
“Yes,” she gasped, her hand pressing to his chest and squeezing his pec. “More, Javi—give me more.”
“Yeah, baby?” His third finger went in with hardly any resistance. “You like my fingers inside you?”
“Yes,” she moaned as he started pumping them in and out, spreading them inside to stretch her open.
“Think you’re ready for my dick?” Excitement was bubbling in his chest, his cock so fucking hard it was almost painful, ready to go at her word.
“Give it to me,” she replied. “I want it, Javi.”
At this moment, and every other they shared together, he was her devotee and would worship her like she deserved, and now she was gifting him with herself, Javier intimately aware of just how lucky he was to be given this opportunity.
He’d been waiting for this, and he was going to make it so fucking good for her.
The first time he put his dick in someone’s ass, he was a teenager, and he’d grown since then, no longer fumbling with the condom, knowing there needed to be a lot of lube and that he had to loosen up his partner with his fingers to make it enjoyable for the both of them—mistakes were made when he was younger, and now he was older and wiser, and knew how to make it good for everyone involved.
Another reason he was chomping at the bit to do this was she was letting him fuck her bare, which was something he’d never done before, and he was dying to know what it’d feel like.
His hips turned toward her, holding himself on one arm, his other hand stroking his cock, steadily leaking precum, getting closer to press the tip to her asshole. He started pushing in, his mouth falling open, making his insides burn with want at the tight squeeze. Getting halfway in, he had to pause and take a deep breath to calm down, already so worked up, he was genuinely worried he’d come.
She was mewling, making noises that were going straight to his dick when he finally bottomed out, lying down on his side next to her, putting one arm beneath her neck, the second hooking under her knee to keep her leg up, resting his palm on her breast.
Her tight ring of muscle was constricting around the base of his cock so tightly it almost hurt, Javier needing a second—she turned her head toward him, her eyes dark and heavy-lidded, her forehead glistening in sweat looking so beautifully fucked out of her mind, it had him leaning forward to kiss her, the familiar press of her lips grounding him, getting him to the point he could pull almost all the way out and push back in.
His groans came unbidden as he set up a slow pace to get her used to him, surprised when her body tensed up not even a minute later, and she came with a loud moan into his mouth, her ass squeezing him like a vise.
He broke the kiss, his heart racing, panting breaths. “Fuck, already? Do you want me to keep going?” he asked.
Her eyes were closed. “Yes,” she answered roughly. “Go until you come.”
“Okay, baby,” he replied, her relaxing enough that he could start moving again, his mouth finding hers once more, sharing breaths as he worked in and out of her faster than before.
His stomach was knotting up in pleasure with every push and pull of his hips, her leg shaking in his hold, her making sounds that almost sounded inhuman, clearly losing herself to how good she was feeling—he wasn’t much better, their kissing messy, mashing their mouths together, him completely wrecked out of his mind.
She was just so warm and tight, it lulling him to his end—fucking into her over and over again, grunting in exertion.
“Fuck!” she cried, as she seized up and shuddered, Javier feeling as she came again, his mouth leaving hers to grit his teeth, trying to stave off his own orgasm by holding entirely still inside her.
“Fuck, Cielito.” He kissed her shoulder. His forehead was wet with sweat, feeling a drop drip down his cheek while he caught his breath. “You’re gonna make me come, baby, if you keep doing that.”
She looked utterly blissed out, blinking her eyes open in a way that made it seem like they wanted to stay closed, only half-focusing on him.
Her hand came up to pat his cheek, her words slurring when she spoke. “You’re gonna make me pass out if you keep doing that.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Nope.” She poked his nose, making him smile at her adorableness. “We’re just gonna see what happens, and if I pass out, I pass out—won’t be the first time or the last.”
“You think one more will do you in?”
“I know one more will knock me the fuck out.”
He was so fucking close, starting to rock in and out of her, knowing that if she came again, he’d go with her—an idea came to him.
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
“Oh, boy, what are you planning?” She sounded drunk. “You only ask that when you’re gonna do something exceptionally good.”
He smiled. “I am.”
“Bring it on, babe.”
Kissing her, he started moving faster, his thick cock slickly sliding in her depths, her moaning again, the muscles in his belly winding tighter and tighter.
The clean hand holding up her leg went to between her thighs, pushing one, then two fingers into her come-filled cunt, crooking them to rub against that one spot that drove her wild, fucking his digits into it over and over again.
Hedonistic sounds filled the air—she was making noises he’d never heard before that bordered on animalistic, him grunting, his fingers squelching in her pussy, while his cock wetly pounded into her ass—all of it spurring him on to his own release.
Her cunt had started to flutter, and he knew she was close.
“Come on, Cielito,” he said through his bared teeth. “One more. I know you’re close; take me with you, baby.”
Soon her back was arching, clenching down hard on his fingers and cock, a guttural groan vibrating out of his chest at her pussy gushing around his digits, soaking the towel beneath her—it sent him with her, his balls tightening up as he pushed into her one last time, his dick pulsing, coming with a ragged moan, his body awash in pleasure as he filled her ass.
He was wrung out, every muscle in his body relaxing, his head sinking into the pillow, his eyes feeling heavy, and thinking he might fall asleep. Javier removed his hand from her cunt, pulling out of her and putting her leg down so she’d be more comfortable, his breaths and heartbeat starting to slow, their bodies shining in the lights of the room from sweat.
His eyes closed, and moments later, he was frowning that she wasn’t playing with his hair like usual.
A soft snore sounded, opening one of his eyes to find hers closed with her mouth open.
Oh, he fucked her unconscious.
She hadn’t been exaggerating that one more would make her pass out.
He didn’t want her sleeping with the mess he made between her legs, so he moved to get off the bed without another thought, not caring he was tired.
He blew out all of the candles on his way to the en suite, cleaning himself up before taking care of his needs and washing his hands when he was finished. Returning to the bedroom, he had a warm wet washcloth that he used to gently wipe her down, and she was still knocked out cold, not even stirring; she just kept snoring.
The real challenge was getting her under the blankets. He feared she’d be cold and eventually succeeded in tucking her in on her side of the bed, Javier a bit sweaty from the effort and feeling really good about himself that she remained asleep—he mentally patted himself on the back for fucking her so good.
Yawning, he put the dirtied towel and washcloth into the hamper, then turned off the bedside lamp, crawling into bed with her. He scooted to cuddle up next to her, his arm going over her middle, breathing in her scent as he dozed off with a little smile.
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Where were you?
What year was it?
All you knew for sure was you were burning up, a weight halfway on top of you that was hot; realizing it was a person when you heard a snore—their scent finally processed in your brain, and you realized it was your boyfriend.
You were in your shared bed with Javier Peña.
Your voice was gravelly when you tried to speak. “Javi?”
His body lightly jolted, and you knew he’d awoken.
“Hmmm?” he hummed, nuzzling his nose against your ear.
“Who’s president?”
His voice was raspier. “What?”
“Who’s president?”
“Bill Clinton? What’s wrong, amor (love)?”
“I apparently passed out so hard I forgot where and when I was.”
His breath tickled your ear when he huffed out amusedly. “You thought I fucked you into a coma?” he asked.
“Oh my fucking god—” You sat up as best you could, Javi making a sad sound that you moved. “—you fucked me unconscious!”
The room was softly glowing by the sun coming through the gaps in the blue linen curtains, Javi sitting up, too, the blankets pooling at his bare waist.
“Yeah?” he replied, rubbing the sleep from his eye. “You said one more would take you out, and you were right—out like a goddamn light.”
“Javier, did you… Am I recalling correctly, did you make me squirt?”
“Yes, I fucking did.” He sounded beyond proud of himself.
The orgasm had been unlike any you’ve ever had before, so intense it was no wonder you blacked out.
“With how easily you were coming,” he continued, “I was pretty fucking sure I could do it, and I did.” He leaned over, giving you a loud, smacking kiss on your cheek.
You smiled, pushing on his shoulder. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’re just real fucking proud of yourself, aren’t you?”
He was smirking. “I mean five orgasms in what, less than two hours? I think I did pretty fucking good.”
Your hand went across your body to cup his cheek. “Yeah, baby, you did really fucking good,” you replied, pulling him in for a kiss, feeling him smiling into it.
“Did you like it?” he asked against your lips.
Breaking apart, you smiled. “Um, yeah, I think the orgasms are confirmation I was really into it.”
“You’d, uh, wanna do it again?”
Pushing his bangs out of his face, you answered, “Absolutely. It’s just something we have to plan for, but I’m down—I’m really curious what it would be like if you gave me the Javi special.”
His eyebrows creased. “The Javi special…? What’s that?”
“When you rail me from behind—like, I don’t know if you’re aware, but you’re really fucking good at it. I mean, you’re good at all the positions. It’s just with back shots you get, I don’t know, feral? You let loose and just go for it, and it’s always a good fucking time. So, I’m just imagining the absolute pounding you’d give my ass, and I won’t lie, the thought makes my pussy throb.”
His hand cradled your jaw, rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip. “Yeah? You want me to fuck your ass hard?”
“Yes.” You nodded. “Very much.”
Leaning in, he hovered his lips over yours, whispering, “Next time, I’ll give it to you any way you want—would you like that, baby?”
Arousal was starting to thread in your belly.
“Yes, I’d like that a lot,” you answered just as quietly.
“Good.” He nudged your nose with his. “Let’s go shower, then I’m gonna make you dinner—some steak has been marinating since I got home. I’m making you mi mamá’s fajitas.”
“Keep talking dirty to me—what did you marinate it in?”
He smiled, pecking your lips. “Cumin.” Another kiss. “Chile powder.” A quick peck. “Salt.” A kiss. “Lime juice.” A peck. “Lime zest.” His lips on yours again. “Olive oil.” He kissed you. “Garlic—“
“How much garlic?” You interrupted.
He chuckled. “Her recipe said two minced cloves, but you taught me to measure garlic with my heart, so I did three.” He kissed you again.
“God, that’s so sexy,” you murmured against his lips.
He pulled back. “I don’t know how the fuck to pronounce the last ingredient—wor-ces-ter-shire, wer-ches-ter—“
“Worcestershire.” You sounded it out. “Woos-te-sher.”
He made a face that made you giggle. “Are you fucking kidding me? Why are there so many extra fucking letters?”
“The British named it, babe.” You stroked your fingers through his hair, your stomach growling. “Fuck, I’m starving.”
“Get up. We’ll shower, then I’ll feed you.”
“I love you—you’re perfect.”
Tenderly he kissed you. “You’re the perfect one,” he said into your lips. “I love you so fucking much.”
“Oh!” You broke away from him. “Do you think we’re vanilla?”
His face scrunched. “What?”
“Like, sex, are we vanilla? Until tonight you’ve only stuck your dick in my mouth and pussy. We’d never fucking fathom going to one of those wild orgies Robyn likes to go to—“
“Fuck, no,” he cut in. “I’m not fucking possessive, but I sure as fuck am not sharing you.”
“That’s what I told her! Also, same, respectfully, you’re mine, and I’m yours, and there will be no one else—I don’t want anyone else.”
“That’s fucking right.” He gave you a quick kiss. “Did she call us vanilla?”
“Yeah, and like, I’m really thinking we might be…”
“What? ‘Cause you’re not pouring hot wax on my balls, or we don’t swing or whatever the fuck—I fucked your ass tonight and made you squirt; vanilla people don’t do that shit. They also don’t fuck outside of their home, so no, we’re not fucking vanilla.”
“Exactly! We have too much risky place sex.”
He nodded. “Fucked you in a house full of people yesterday.”
“Yes, you did,” you replied, cupping his cheeks. “And we get off on pretending you’re knocking me up—which reminds me, that was really hot all the stuff you said before you came the first time. If I hadn’t come so hard, you definitely would’ve gotten me again.”
He crookedly smiled, seeing the devotion in his eyes. “I can’t fucking wait to marry you—we’re perfect for each other.”
You grinned. “Wanna know a secret?”
“I’m literally counting down the days to our anniversary. I already have next year's calendar and the day marked.”
His face lit up, his dimple showing. “You wanna know a secret?”
“Of course.”
“I’m counting down the days, too, and I’ll need to see if you can take some time off around that date...”
“Oh my god, you’re taking me on a trip!” you exclaimed excitedly. “Where are you taking me? Wait, let me guess—obviously a beach.”
He frowned. “Why would it obviously be a beach?”
“Because you’re insanely romantic and know how much I love the beach and ocean, so that’d be where you’d do it. I don’t think you’d take me to Corpus Christi or anywhere on the Texas coast. I’d think maybe Florida—Miami since Steve and Connie are there, but we’re visiting them in December, and with their baby, we wouldn’t want to impose again so soon after. Oh! You brought up my passport a couple of weeks ago, so that eliminates California, and the US in general, which leaves an island!”
He let out a long, defeated sigh, his shoulders slumping. “Call me Detective Peña…” he grumbled. “You’re apparently Mrs. Detective Peña…”
“Actually, it’s future, Mrs. Detective Peña, because you insist on making us wait.”
“Yeah, I am,” he sighed. Suddenly he was perking up, “At least you won’t be able to guess the fucking island or hell, maybe I might take you to Mexico.”
“Nah.” You swatted away his suggestion. “You wouldn’t take me to Mexico—you’re too fucking stressed about the cartels and would be worried the entire time. You’re definitely taking me to an island.”
His eyes narrowed. “Okay, future Mrs. Detective Peña, I’ve had enough of you figuring out my plans. Get your ass out of bed—we’re showering, and then I’m making you a delicious fucking dinner because I love you so goddamn much, even though I’m a little annoyed with you right now.”
“That’s how I feel when you do it to me!” you laughed. “It’s annoying as fuck.”
“I see that.” He pouted. “Kiss me.”
“Kiss me so I’ll stop being annoyed with you—I don’t like it.”
“Oh, my sweet future husband,” you cooed, doing as he asked, pushing your fingers in his hair and kissing him.
“Call me that again.” His muffled voice said.
“My sweet future husband—I love you.”
His lips smiled against yours. “I love when you call me that, and I love you, too, my perfect future wife.”
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musicaltouch11 · 9 months
Unveiling Perfection: Discovering the Top Wedding Venues for Your Special Day
Your wedding day is a chapter of your love story that deserves to be set against a backdrop of beauty, romance, and enchantment. The quest for the perfect wedding venue is a crucial step in making this dream a reality. In this article, we present a curated list of top wedding venues that promise to transform your special day into an unforgettable masterpiece.
Top Wedding Venues: Where Dreams Come True
The Grandeur of The Plaza Hotel: If opulence and timeless elegance are your aspirations, The Plaza Hotel stands as an iconic choice. Located in the heart of Manhattan, this historic venue offers luxurious ballrooms adorned with crystal chandeliers, intricate architecture, and a sense of old-world charm that sets the stage for a fairy-tale wedding.
Romance Amidst Nature at Villa Cimbrone: Nestled in the charming village of Ravello on the Amalfi Coast, Villa Cimbrone is a paradise of blooming gardens, breathtaking views, and a sense of tranquility. Exchange vows in the stunning Terrace of Infinity, where the azure sea and sky merge, creating a backdrop that mirrors eternal love.
Elegance Redefined at Château de Chantilly: Situated just outside Paris, Château de Chantilly exudes French sophistication. The grandeur of the château and its lush gardens provide an enchanting ambiance for a romantic wedding. With historical architecture, cascading fountains, and manicured lawns, this venue offers a true taste of aristocratic charm.
Santorini's Ethereal Gem: Rocabella Santorini: For an intimate destination wedding, Rocabella Santorini stands out. Overlooking the mesmerizing Caldera cliffs and the Aegean Sea, this boutique hotel captures the essence of Santorini's beauty. Sunset ceremonies and alfresco receptions create an atmosphere that's both magical and romantic.
Enchanted Forest Magic at Redwood Ranch: Located in Three Rivers, California, Redwood Ranch offers a unique and rustic setting. With towering redwoods, a babbling brook, and a picturesque meadow, it's a haven for couples seeking a nature-inspired celebration. The serene ambiance and natural beauty make it a perfect choice for a romantic woodland wedding.
Modern Chic at The Foundry: Situated in Long Island City, New York, The Foundry combines industrial charm with contemporary elegance. This venue boasts a chic urban vibe, with exposed brick walls, a stunning courtyard, and versatile spaces that can be transformed to fit your vision. It's a canvas for modern couples seeking an edgy yet sophisticated backdrop.
In conclusion, the search for Top Wedding Venues. is an exhilarating journey that leads to finding the perfect stage for your love story. Each of these venues offers a unique blend of atmosphere, charm, and romance, promising to make your wedding day a masterpiece that reflects your style and dreams.
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pamelalovenyc · 10 months
Epic Road Trip Routes Every Travel Enthusiast Should Know
The allure of the open road is timeless. From the freedom of setting your own pace to the thrill of discovering hidden gems along the way, road trips are the epitome of travel adventures. As we cruise into 2023, the quest for epic journeys continues. Here, we've curated a list of legendary road trip routes that every travel enthusiast should have on their bucket list.
1. Route 66, USA: The Mother Road
Spanning over 2,400 miles from Chicago to Santa Monica, Route 66 captures the American spirit. This historic highway traverses diverse landscapes, quaint towns, and iconic landmarks, offering a glimpse into the heart of America.
Highlights: The Cadillac Ranch in Texas, Santa Monica Pier in California, and the Gemini Giant in Illinois.
2. Great Ocean Road, Australia: Coastal Wonder
Stretching 151 miles along Australia's southeastern coast, the Great Ocean Road is a visual spectacle. Dramatic cliffs, lush rainforests, and the iconic Twelve Apostles make it a must-visit.
Highlights: The Twelve Apostles, the quaint town of Apollo Bay, and the historic Cape Otway Lightstation.
3. The Ring Road, Iceland: Nature's Masterpiece
Encircling Iceland, this 828-mile route showcases waterfalls, glaciers, geysers, and volcanic landscapes, providing a panoramic view of nature's raw power.
Highlights: Skógafoss Waterfall, Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon, and the geothermal area of Hverir.
4. Garden Route, South Africa: Wild Beauty
From Mossel Bay to Storms River, the Garden Route boasts pristine beaches, dense forests, and a blend of adventure and relaxation.
Highlights: Tsitsikamma National Park, Knysna's stunning lagoons, and wildlife adventures in Plettenberg Bay.
5. Amalfi Coast, Italy: Mediterranean Dream
Meandering along Italy's southern coast, this route is a medley of vertiginous cliffs, azure waters, and picturesque villages. Its beauty and charm are unmatched.
Highlights: The cliffside town of Positano, historic Ravello, and the lemon groves of Sorrento.
6. North Coast 500, Scotland: Highlands Odyssey
Dubbed as Scotland's Route 66, this 500-mile circuit starts and ends at Inverness, taking travelers through rugged landscapes, ancient castles, and serene lochs.
Highlights: Dunrobin Castle, the white sands of Achmelvich Beach, and the dramatic landscapes of Wester Ross.
7. Pacific Coast Highway, USA: Californian Dreamin'
This scenic route along California's coast from San Francisco to San Diego boasts breathtaking ocean views, iconic cities, and unparalleled sunsets.
Highlights: The Bixby Creek Bridge in Big Sur, the glitz of Los Angeles, and the tranquility of La Jolla Cove.
8. Cabot Trail, Canada: Maritime Magic
Situated in Nova Scotia's Cape Breton Island, the Cabot Trail offers a mix of Gaelic history, stunning sea cliffs, and vibrant cultural experiences.
Highlights: The Skyline Trail hike, Gaelic lessons in St. Ann's, and fresh seafood in Chéticamp.
9. Transfăgărășan Highway, Romania: Engineering Marvel
Labeled by many as the "best road in the world," this winding route traverses the Carpathian Mountains, offering heart-stopping views and thrilling turns.
Highlights: Poenari Castle, Vidraru Dam, and the serene Balea Lake.
10. Ruta 40, Argentina: South American Spectacle
Running parallel to the Andes, Ruta 40 is one of the longest routes globally. It unveils diverse Argentinian landscapes from salt flats to vineyards.
Highlights: The wineries of Mendoza, the Cueva de las Manos with ancient cave paintings, and the vastness of the Pampas.
An epic road trip is more than just a journey between two points; it's about the stories you gather, the people you meet, and the unexpected wonders you encounter. It's about singing to your favorite song as the landscape changes outside your window and feeling the thrill of what lies beyond the next bend.
So, fuel up, create your playlist, grab your map, and let the road lead you to adventures unknown. Safe travels and endless roads await!
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emp-echoes · 3 years
The Chain as Eevelutions
Sky; Jolteon - Thunderstone
- Evolved when first touched Master Sword
- Move Set: Thunder, Yawn, Charge Beam, and Pin Missle
- Held item: Silk Scarf; made by his Zelda
- Ability: Quick Feet; gives a boost to the speed stat (it’s all them stamina potions)
- Skyward Strike resembles an Electric Move (Charge Beam)
- Prickly when Angry
- FireRed’s Pokedex Entry: If it is angered or startled, the fur all over its body bristles like sharp needles that pierce foes.
- Nature: Relaxed
Time; Leafeon - Level Up in Forest
- Evolved after defeating Queen Ghoma during his time inside the Deku Tree
- Move Set: Leaf Blade, Swords Dance, X Scissor, and Aerial Ace
- Held Item: Azure Flute; given to him by princess Zelda
- Ability: Chlorophyll; Speed boosts in a pinch during the day. (Do a barrel roll)
- Loves Moo Moo milk, gets it from a certain ranch
- Calm and collected
- UltraSun’s Pokedex Entry: Although it doesn’t like disputes, it will sharpen the leaf on its tail into a blade and fight if it has to protect its friends.
- Nature: Serious
Wind; Vaporeon - Waterstone
- Evolved when Grandma gave him his first shield that he touched
- Move Set: Surf, Acid Armor, Hidden Power, and Tackle
- Held Item: Wide Lens; Given to him by his Sister Aryll
- Ability: Water Absorb; Water doesn’t hurt him it energizes (go ahead flop and splash around it does nothing!)
- Great Swimmer
- Swashbuckling treasure hunter
- Moon’s Pokedex Entry: Blending in with the water and erasing all signs of its presence, it patiently waits for its prey, fish Pokémon.
- Nature: Jolly
Twilight; Umbreon - Night Time
- Evolved when he first entered the Twilight Realm
- Move Set: Pursuit, Shadow Ball, Protect, and Bite
- Held Item: Reveal Glass; took a shard of the mirror that shattered connecting the two worlds together
- Ability: Inner Focus; won’t flinch when mind is set (be very afraid)
- Often sits out during twilight in deep thought
- Will leave bite marks
- Silver’s Pokedex Entry: When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby.
- Nature: Careful
Four; Espeon - Day Time
- Evolved when he first helped temper the Four Sword and by using the light force
- Move Set: Confusion, Double Team, Psychic, and Grass Knot
- Held Item: Amulet Coin; given by the Minish so they will know that he is a friend and leave more gifts in the grass
- Ability: Synchronize; shares the same status condition with attacker (their is four of him and one of you, feel the fire)
- Always seen meditating
- Big believer on unity from peers and from within
- Sun’s Pokedex Entry: It can instantaneously sense its opponent's movements by feeling air currents with its fine fur.
- Nature: Mild
Warriors; Flareon - Firestone
- Evolved when battling Dragon Knight Volga, the great fairy sent him bombs that he touched
- Move Set: Quick Attack, Fire Blitz, Giga Impact, and Attract
- Held Item: Focus Band; an item received when training in the army
- Ability: Guts; won’t back down and gets an attack boost (the passion in his eyes will destroy you)
- Does everything with a fiery passion
- Will keep you warm with that blue sash
- Sun’s Pokedex Entry: When it catches prey or finds berries, it breathes fire on them until they're well done, and then it gobbles them up.
- Nature: Brave
Wild; Glaceon - Level up in Cavern
- Evolved during his slumber inside the Sheikhs Cavern
- Move Set: Endure, Natural Gift, Ice Beam, and Hyper Beam
- Held Item: Icicle Plate; the sheikh slate left to him by Princess Zelda
- Ability: Snow Cloak; Boosts evasion (with all them clothes he gets…you’ll never see him coming)
- Doesn’t remember the Eveee he once was
- Loves exploring and cooking food
- Moon’s Pokedex Entry: It freezes its fur into icicles, spiky and sharp, and tackles its prey.
- Nature: Adamant
Legend; Sylveon - Affection
- Evolved during his stay with Marin and Tarin
- Move Set: Moonblast, Double Edge, Swift, Light Screen
- Held Item: Poke Flute; received in the dream shrine Sometimes will play Ballad of The Windfish
- Ability: Pixilate; Can change regular attacks to be a boosted form of rage (will fight you to the death)
- Not happy that he’s pink
- Will end you with sarcasm
- Moon’s Pokedex Entry: When this Pokémon sights its prey, it swirls its ribbonlike feelers as a distraction. A moment later, it pounces.
- Nature: Sassy
Hyrule; Evee - Base Evolution
- Has not evolved yet
- Move Set: Dig, Take Down, Body Slam, Sand Attack
- Held Item: Yellow Shard; the Triforce that he keeps safe and put back together
- Ability: Adaptability; powers moves of the same ability (wont back down in a fight, time to be ended son)
- Jumps into any heap of trouble
- Has more up his sleeve than you think
- Crystal’s Pokedex Entry: Its ability to evolve into many forms allows it to adapt smoothly and perfectly to any environment.
- Nature: Naive
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englass · 3 years
How about #7 for the dark prompts?
Sure thing, Anon! Thank you for sending it in!
Have to say, this is such a dramatic prompt that I was going to have some fun with it and not take it too seriously, but... well, that didn't exactly happen...
7. “If they so much as think about you, I will personally see to it that the last thing they ever think, see and know about again is my hand through their chest.”
- - -
Sometimes you question what you were doing with your life. When you were younger you had so many ideas, so many dreams about what you would grow up to be and do; both occupation and personal development wise. Maybe you’d be a librarian, a personal assistant perhaps. Perhaps you’d no longer be so reticent, be more honest and forthright with what you wanted maybe. You can’t say exactly what you thought you’d grow up to do and be like, but what you can say is that romance had been a far, far off idea in the vague outline of your future. Something you only thought about in passing, as a bittersweet indulgence to your secretly romantic heart.
Love seemed like such an inexplicable thing, inconceivable despite the evidence displayed in those around you. For whatever reason you just couldn't see yourself with someone, couldn’t comprehend such an equally desirable and yet dangerous emotion being something that you would ever experience, let alone actually come to possess. The idea of it was all so frightening; so complex and intricate in the way that the unknown typically appears to be.
Maybe, in some strange backwards way, that was why John was such a comfort to you: so complex, intricate and unknown to you as he was.
At first it had been nothing more than an unexpected friendship. It had been hard to believe that such a successful and attractive man would ever be interested in getting to know little, introverted you, even in a purely friendly manner. It had set your foolishly hopeful heart into a childish frenzy at the time, one you’d constantly had to settle and aggressively force down in fear of hurting your sensitive self. The heart is such a fragile thing after all, and you are intimately self-aware of the fragility of your own.
It had been difficult, painful in the way that a yearning heart always is, but you had gotten by; contented yourself with a friendship that sometimes appeared to hint too close at something more, but that you knew never would be. Or, at least, you never thought it would be. John's rather sudden confession during (what you had thought to be) a casual dinner had completely thrown you off guard, completely spun your world on its axis in a way that you couldn’t tell if it was the best or worst thing to ever happen to you.
Ultimately you settled on the former; it was definitely the best thing to have happened to you, despite your many fears and reservations over it all. Fortune had certainly shown favour in gifting him to you and (hopefully) you to him. John had been nothing but supportive and patient during this new experience with him, and it never failed to make your cheeks flush with a bashful heat every time he whispered private assurances and sweetened comforts against your skin.
Yes, life has definitely turned out differently than what your younger self would have ever thought possible.
Sometimes, however, you find yourself questioning what you were doing in this sort of life.
At his core John is a sweetheart, as much of a romantic as you are in his own flavorful way. He’d never once taken a tone with you, never once made you feel lesser than despite your own parasitic insecurities insisting otherwise. John was beautifully unique, and you had no doubt in your mind that there would never be another man like him.
“If they so much as think about you, I will personally see to it that the last thing they ever think, see and know about again is my hand through their chest... ”
And that included his almost disturbing degree of overprotectiveness over you.
Hesitantly you shake your head, placing a cautious hand on John’s arm as he glares menacingly at the… what are they, a guard? You’re really not sure how to describe the people that follow John and his siblings. It’s all very out of your depth, and for your own peace of mind you think it may be best to keep it that way. The less you know the better.
“John, I really don’t think they meant anything by it,” you offer softly, trying to meet his eyes. “They only came in to talk to you. Besides, it sounded urgent. You know they wouldn’t come in like that if it wasn’t.”
John had made it clear a few times already what would happen if anyone came into the ranch without express permission. He used to be a lot more subtle about issuing his threats at the start of your relationship, but not so much any more. In some ways it’s nice that he feels comfortable enough with you to not hide any part of himself, regardless of how dark those parts may be. In other ways you wonder what it is that you are doing with your life -- what have you gotten yourself involved in…
A heavy and drawn out sigh escapes from John, expression softening as he finally turns to look at you; a small and almost guilty smile dispelling his previously murderous scowl. Raising a hand he gently brushes your cheek with the back of his fingers, caressing the quickly redden skin with a fondness that you can feel as much as you can see in the expansive azure of his eyes.
“I suppose you have a point,” he drawls with a teasing lilt, his smile turning charming as his hand smoothes out to cradle your jaw. “I just can’t stand the idea of any of them seeing you; they’re not worthy of such a vision.”
Right… you think anxiously, feebly reminding yourself, overprotective.
“I know,” not completely, but you do know it eases him to hear you say it all the same. “You don’t have to be so harsh with them though. I’m sure they mean no harm.”
John frowns at that, shaking his head. “You don’t know them like I do, sweetling.”
“I don’t,” you agree, “but they listen to you, right? Surely that counts for something?”
The way he watches you makes you squirm, makes you momentarily doubt your safety and the intentions of the faceless men and women around you, but you try not to physically react to him. Only daring to meet his intent gaze with a meek one of your own. Thankfully it doesn’t take long for him to relent in his silent scrutinising of you, offering a gentle smile and a long press of his lips to your forehead.
“I’ll consider what you’ve said, darling.”
That’s about as much as you can ask of him, you guess. It’s a bit disappointing, with how dismissive his words sound, but you know how John can be. Especially when it comes to you; and how pos-- protective he is of you. You try not to let it bother you too much though. Your life is already so much more different than you ever imagined it to be, and you’re not too sure how you’d take it if you started looking too deeply into things; if you started questioning things too much. You don’t know what’s becoming of your life -- oh god help you, but what you do know…
Is that it is hued in red.
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custardisle · 4 years
island names
i’ve seen a few people do this already, but as it’s 3 days away and some people are panicking about their island name, so i tried to put one together! if you use it credit isn’t necessary~ i also suggest taking inspiration from fictional places or street names near you!
COLORS blue, azure, cyan, green, lime, gold, yellow, silver, white, black, grey/gray, grayscale/greyscale, monochrome, rainbow, purple, violet, chartreuse, navy, iridescent, orange, pale, pastel, light, dark, neon, rooster, ruby, emerald, sapphire, lavender, scarlet, crimson, periwinkle, magenta, maroon, bronze, copper, teal, ivory, ebony
ANIMALS goat, bear, grizzly, paw, purrfect, kangaroo, cat, kitty, dog, wolf, pig, cow, boar, bird, dove, deer, stag, horse, ferret, rat, sheep, fawn, bee, bumblebee, butterfly, bunny, rabbit, hare, antler, koi, fish, shark, whale, dolphin, crab, snail, teddy, lamb, pelican, penguin
PLANTS azalea, catnip, basil, parsley, pumpkin, twig, rose, blossom, lily, carnation, pansy, bark, branch, twig, pine, sprig, poppy, sprout, daffodil, daisy, buttercup, root, thorn, acorn, thistle, bush, bud, sunflower, forsythia, juniper, holly, allium, angelonia, artemisia, aster, zinnia, mushroom, shroom, fungi, moss, lichen, goldenrod,  reed, cattail,  foxglove, candytuft, geranium, hollyhock, iris, lupine, marigold, orchid, primrose, valerian, snapdragon, tansy, tulip, carnation, bellflower, boneset, carnation, catmint, chive, sage, comfrey, cosmos, maple, acacia, willow
FOOD clementine, tangerine, banana, pudding, berry, fruit, sorbet, milk, cream, zucchini, pumpkin, peach, apricot, apple, cheese, honey, nectar, butter, sweet, sour, spicy, pepper, turnip, beet, beetroot, treat, confection, sugar, sugarcane, jam, jelly, breakfast, lemon, lime
NATURE cloud, stone, rock, rocky, stony, sky/skye, breeze/breezy, marble, granite, county, orchard, farm, mountain, garden, wool, clay, star, moon, lunar, solar, sun, sunbeam, moonbeam, crescent, halfmoon, new moon, full moon, comet, asteroid, meteor, river, stream, pond, lake, sunnyside, evergreen, cosmo, pearl, diamond, evening, forest, coast, meadow, field, jungle, savanna, marsh, reef,  wilderness
MISC candle, bell, piano, whisper, wisp, castle, mystery, mystical, mythical, humming, song, tweet, tarot, horseshoe, theatre, theater, pottery, twinkle, flame, fire, dream, daydream, sanctuary, flutter, haven, harbor, sanctum, ghost, spirit, basket, crown, jewel, gem, fairy, fae, sprite, imp, mansion, manor, shepherd
DESCRIPTORY/CONCEPT tropic, distant, faraway, mystical, mythical, trick, illusion, hope, promise, magical, starry, sunny, dark, light, shining, dreamy, lazy, future, holograph, demonic, angelic, cozy, goth/gothic, musical, glory, cosmic, stellar, perennial, sandy, ashen, florescent, lustrous, dappled, oath, found
SUFFIXES (can replace “island” or be linked with a word!) ville, isle, valley, bloom, village, hill, harbor, ranch, city, tale, fields, park
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doctoraliceharvey · 3 years
violet rose, blue, azure blue
violet rose; what does your dream house look like?
1950's bungalow or 1960s ranch style that feels very mid-century modern but with that weird cluttered "inside of Howl's Moving Castle" feel in decorations on the inside. Outside I'd love it to be like either a charcoal grey or dark blue with a bright yellow or red door.
and maybe a garage.
but definitely a crafting room that doubles as an office
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
absolutely no clue, I tend not to remember my dreams, only the weird feelings that linger.
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
I loooooove Taylors of Harrogate's Assam tea! but I'm partial to most black teas.
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daisyfornost · 4 years
Quarantine 3-day weekend means I finally get to play as much Sims 2 as I want and let me tell you I have crushed it.
Pleasantview out of the box: Functional I guess but *yawn*
Pleasantview reimagined by me as The Blue City: Awesomesauce.
Neighborhood View is now a breathtaking vista of architectural marvels in varied gorgeous blues, re-built and re-named thus:
Blue Gables
The Lap of Lazuli
Stars at Midnight
Woodland Park (community, no change)
Blue City Community Centre (community)
The House of Saxe-Cobalt
Blue Yonder Ranch
Blue Yonder Shotgun
Azure As Shootin’
The Back of Blue Yonder (community)
La Hacienda de Azul
The Station Agent’s Hut (because it’s next to the monorail)
Aquafolly A
Aquafolly B
Aquafolly C
Aquafolly Magna
Saltbox Fishin’ Shack
Davy Jones’ Locker
The Ultra Marina
Dream of the Blue Turtles (community)
The Minaret of Blueberry Jam (community)
Munchkin Country Cottage
Munchkin Country Farm
Munchkin Country Villa
The Stone of Galveston
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blindambitixn · 5 years
(For the end of 2018 meme. It got too long to fit into an ask, so I hope this is okay! ^^)
Kaiba looked at Joey with a soft yet serious expression, taking a small breath before speaking. “When I first met you, I thought that you were below me, that you were weaker than I was…Just a classic dumb blond with a dorky smile and too much energy to burn. But you proved to be so, so much more than that.”
Taking another breath, he continued, looking the blond directly in the eye without a second thought. 
“You proved to me that you were the strongest person I had ever met. Not because of your happy-go-lucky attitude, but because of your loyalty and friendship with Yugi. I envied the deep bonds you shared with your friends and as a result I struck out, because you are everything that I could never hope to be. ”
As he continued to speak, Kaiba stepped forward slightly, his expression softening slightly further. 
“You are brilliant, caring, strong, loyal, kind and most of all you can light up a room simply by opening your eyes and smiling. You face the world with a determination and will that I had never seen before, you faced every single setback and challenge head-on and never once turned to run from it.”
Reaching out, he tenderly took one of Joey’s hands into his own, kneeling down and bowing his head. 
“You showed me what true strength…What true love and friendship really meant. You showed me that no matter what happens, you should never run from your problems, no matter how difficult the challenge may become. The more I grew to know you, the more I admired and respected you, the reason I put you down so many times was because I could never find the strength that drove you so powerfully. And somewhere along the line…I realized that I….I fell in love with you, with your bright smile, your eyes, the way you trip over yourself or do something goofy without an ounce of shame….”
Standing up once more, he raised a pale hand and gently cupped the blond’s cheek, leaning down and pressing his forehead against Joey’s, azure eyes closing as he continued. 
“Even in your worst moments, you never once lost the special radiance that you hold. I know you may not feel the same, and I understand if you still hate me for all of the things I’ve put you through, but I hope that, at the very least…You can allow me to stand beside you, even if only for a moment…To be there for you if you ever were to fall…To see you rise into the greatness I know you can achieve if you only were to reach for it….I want to watch your brilliant light reach every corner of this small world in which we have grown and lived….To continue to shine your light for those who need it most. Please, never give up on your dreams, no matter how difficult your path may become. Keep smiling…Spread your wings and take to the skies without a moment’s hesitation…And when the time comes, I hope that you can reach the heights where even the angels could never dare to fly.“ 
Joey was stunned silent, completely entranced by the words that were coming from the Seto Kaiba’s mouth. He shivered under the other’s gaze, absorbed every word, and melted at his touch. It could not have possible not to tear up during the whole speech. The blond nuzzled into his hand, grateful that the time spent on the ranch calloused them. It made this whole situation feel real.
“Ya always had way with word, moneybags,” Joey refused to give up the old nickname. “I forgave you for all that high school crap a while ago. As I’ve been around ya more an’ more, I’ve noticed the walls come down. You’re more gentle, relaxed, and dare I say, genuinely happy.”
He brings up a hand to cover the one still holding his face, placing a small kiss into the palm. “Forgive me, I ain’t as elegant with words like you are. But... uh... I’d love ta have ya by my side.”
( @bluexeyesxwhitexinsecurity //I thought I tagged you initially but I was wrong.)
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rheallsim · 10 months
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Azure hatched their first chick! A little rooster named Trevor. Also, Moon Pie grew up into an absolutely stunning mare. We love her.
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Top 5 Reasons to visit Zanzibar Islands
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The name Zanzibar immediately conjures up images of an island paradise with soft-sand, white beaches and shimmering azure waters. But, the Zanzibar Archipelago is so much more than romantic coastlines and blissful sunsets - these islands offer a kaleidoscope of sights, smells and tastes which feed your soul and leave you wanting to return again. Zanzibar is without a doubt a tropical dream destination, ideal for getting away from it all, but it is also a fascinating destination from a historical and cultural perspective, as well as being a top adventure and eco-tourism destination. 1. Blissful beach destination Zanzibar is the home of idyllic beaches, balmy weather & warm tropical waters. This archipelago is renowned for clear warm waters, coral reefs and rich marine diversity making it a perfect under-water destination for snorkelling and diving. If it is lazy days along white sandy beaches that you are after - Zanzibar is hard to beat. But, in addition to the perfect beach destination, Zanzibar is also full of options for nature lovers, culture vultures, and adventurers. 2. Unique and vibrant culture and architecture Zanzibar is fairly undeveloped and enjoys semi-autonomy from mainland Tanzania. The colourful history and rich heritage can be seen in the strong Arabic, Indian, African, Persian and European influences and adds a vibrant dimension to the island. Exploring the cobbled alleyways of historic Stone Town’s old quarter, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, you encounter a captivating blend of diverse architectural styles in the mosques and houses interwoven to create this charming destination. Old mansions and palaces, such as the House of Wonders, the old Turkish Baths, as well as lively bazaars, market stalls, and shops all, overwhelm the senses with their energy and detail; which tell the story of a long and tumultuous history. Zanzibar is predominantly Islamic and this is evident in the lifestyle of the locals and the design of everything from furniture and fabric to jewelry and crafts. Look out for the famous carved teak Zanzibar doors. The Dhow Countries Music Academy is a great place to get a feel for the local music style known as Taarab - which is a blend of classical Swahili poetry, percussion, and rhythm infused with a myriad of influences from the Middle East, Africa, India and the West. 3. Exotic spices Zanzibar Island is well known as the Spice Island due to the farming and processing of aromatic spices like cloves, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, lemongrass and black pepper. Visit spice plantations to learn about the process and history of these crops, their medicinal and culinary uses. Follow the aromas and sample the delicious blend of flavours in the market street food and traditionally prepared dishes. 4. Romantic getaway Not just aromatic, but also romantic - it's an ideal place to spice things up. With some of the most beautiful lodges and settings in the world, how can the archipelago not be the perfect place for romance? It's the perfect place to take long walks on the beach, relax beside the water and drink cocktails as the sun sets. Zanzibar is, of course, a popular honeymoon and wedding destination. 5. Breakaway - escape the crowds and do your own thing For those looking for something even less populated and developed the neighbouring islands of Pemba, Mafia, Chumbe and Mnemba make wonderful destinations where you are likely to have entire stretches of beach all to your self. There are more than 50 smaller islands that make up this archipelago and many beautiful lodges to choose from. Rent a scooter (moped) to explore the narrow streets and beautiful coastline at your own pace, away from the crowds. The roads are rough in places and the traffic can be a bit hair-raising, but it is the perfect way to enjoy the beautiful weather and go on tailor-made adventures to the lesser-known corners of the islands.op holiday deals in Kenya Best Deals on Major Seasonal Holidays – Valentine, Easter, Madaraka, Mashujaa, Jamhuri & Christmas. Variety of options – Safari adventures, Beach, Getaways & International. Only top-rated destinations & pocket-friendly prices. Weekend Getaway Deals in Kenya Self Drive Holiday Deals in Kenya Outdoor Activities in Kenya Madaraka Express SGR Holiday Deals in Kenya Seasonal holiday Deals in Kenya Top Self Drive Holiday Deals in Kenya If you think you have to travel far to enjoy a nice weekend, you may never get away. Besides, you can enjoy a beautiful weekend right here in Kenya. There are countless wallet-friendly Kenyan self drive getaways that won’t even break your budget. Don’t spend your weekend, doing absolutely nothing at home. Whether you are looking for romantic destinations, pristine beaches, and adventurous outdoor activities, there are plenty wallet-friendly getaways that will satisfy your weekend desires. Malindi & Watamu Self Drive Deals Mombasa South Coast Self Drive Deals Mombasa North Coast Self Drive Deals Masai Mara Self Drive Holiday Packages Lukenya & Machakos Self Drive Meru Holiday Self Drive Deals Mt. Kenya & Aberdare Self Drive Holiday Deals Nyeri Holiday Self Drive Deals Samburu Holiday Self Drive Deals Top Outdoor Activities in Kenya Outdoor activities in Kenya are a great way to experience Kenya, Choosing where to start in Kenya can be overwhelming. The country has many different outdoor activities, ranging from adrenaline-pumping adventures to more meditative outings. Kenya is always a fantastic destination for family bonding. Spending time with the family on weekend is a great opportunity to re-connect and communicate while having fun. Outdoor activities are perfect for those who want to experience a relaxing and refreshing weekend in an amazing place. Do something fun this weekend and spend worthy time with your family. For great weekend bonding, we present to you 6 fun outdoor activities for the family. These outdoor activities are great adventures for you and your family. Hike To Ol Donyo Sabuk & 14 Falls, Thika Chaka Ranch Day Trip – QuadBikes, PaintBalling Ngare Ndare Day Trip Hike (Nanyuki) Kereita Zip Lining & Hiking Day Trip Top Madaraka Express SGR Holiday Deals 2 Nights Malindi & Watamu holiday with SGR 2 Nights Amboseli Holiday With SGR 2 Nights Tsavo Holiday With SGR Sa 2 Nights Voi Holiday With SGR 2 Nights Mombasa North Coast With SGR 2 Nights Mombasa South Coast With SGR Read the full article
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addictionfreedom · 5 years
Dual Diagnosis Treatment In California
Diagnosis treatment pla
Treatment center helps people
Substance abuse treatment approach
Recovery addiction treatment
Mar 15, 2016 … Visit our website to check out an unbiased list of the best inpatient and outpatient dual diagnosis treatment centers in California.
<img src='http://bit.ly/2EKpJII; alt='Psychology Careers & Treatments : Dual diagnosis treatment plan ‘ class=’alignleft’>… the hills of Berkeley, California, we offer detoxification, short and long-term residential, … New Bridge Foundation provides affordable addiction treatment to … that are co-occurring (dual-diagnosis), Veterans, LGBTQ+, and hearing impaired.
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 28, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Alo House Recovery Centers®, a state-licensed, Joint Commission accredited, and LegitScript-certified, residential treatment center based in Malibu, Cali…
Looking for dual diagnosis treatment in California? Call 877-635-0665 or browse our dual diagnosis listings of reviewed facilities, drug rehabs and alcohol treatment centers in California, like the camp recovery center, azure acres treatment center, and more…
Suboxone Treatment Programs Inova CATS Program offers suboxone treatment for patients who are physically dependent on opiates such as heroin and prescription narcotics. Read about suboxone detox for effective treatment from the best in drug detox treatment. Addiction Recovery Choice. In-patient treatment programs are highly structured programs in hospitals and residential treatment centers that offer around-the-clock One type
Bayside Marin offers California's leading dual diagnosis program offering first- class treatment for drug addiction & mental health disorders.
Pace Recovery Center's dual diagnosis treatment program treats substance abuse and a broad range of co-occurring psychiatric conditions.
Our California Dual Diagnosis Program have all the same elements that are listed under Residential Treatment, as well as components that support the medication needed to enable clients to overcome their mental health issues. Click here to learn more about our Dual Diagnosis Curriculum.
Included in their undertaking are courses for current mental healthprofessionals that meet state licensing renewal requirements and classesfor first-time licensure in California … with dual-diagnosi…
Leading the way in California are two of the finest drug treatment centers in the country: Michael's House and The Canyon. Given the size of California, it should come as no surprise that the state is home to a tremendous number of progressive drug treatment centers.
Our dual diagnosis treatment center helps people with co-occurring disorders of mental health and addiction in Agoura Hills and Malibu California. We also …
Learn about our dual diagnosis and co-occurring disorder recovery programs at Resilience Treatment Center in Los Angeles | Southern California.
Danny Watt was a walking symbol of a phenomenon called co-occurring disorders, or dual diagnosis, which is estimated to affect … of people with co-occurring disorders do not get the treatment they n…
Dual diagnosis treatment centers use an integrated approach to addiction treatment addressing both mental health and substance abuse. Choosing an inpatient dual diagnosis rehab center in California is the beginning of a journey towards recovery and stable mental health.
Huntington Beach, CA – Drug and alcohol addiction … Health – Orange County Drug Rehab also offers treatment options for a w…
Pacific Bay Recovery Centers in California are equipped to manage patients who are suspected to have dual diagnosis. The rehabilitation facilities employ healthcare professionals who are trained and experienced in dealing with patients who are diagnosed with this condition.
The Dual Diagnosis Program is an evidenced-based integrated treatment program targeted for people with mental illness and coexisting drugs and/or alcohol …
Sovereign Health's dual diagnosis treatment centers are fully equipped to treat people with addiction and mental health issues. For details, call us today.
Information on addiction and dual diagnosis. Where to find the best dual diagnosis programs in California. The first step in treatment therefore is the detoxification process; this can be sped up by treatments such as the Waismann method or detox can be allowed to pass at its normal rate.
California Dual Diagnosis Treatment. Accepting help for a substance addiction is one of the most courageous things that someone can do. At Hope by the Sea, we specialize in comprehensive treatment that addresses the entire individual so that they can embrace recovery with as much…
Crystal Meth Detox Symptoms Someone who has developed an addiction to crystal meth may begin to struggle at home, work or school, develop a tolerance to the drug & spend a lot of… The surge in hospitalizations and deaths due to amphetamines “is just totally off the radar,” said Jane Maxwell, an addiction researcher … study are believed to
you may be classified as a dual diagnosis patient, and the road to recovery follows an integrated mental health and substance abuse treatment approach. Common methods of a dual diagnosis treatment pla…
Find Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in California, get help from California Dual Diagnosis Rehab for Dual Diagnosis Treatment in California.
This dual diagnosis protocol allows the professionals at Touchstone Ranch to provide quality drug and alcohol detoxification services as seen at http://bit.ly/2EMaCPP …
California … abuse treatment in general. They prefer incarceration to rehab. Their position on the mentally ill is less clear, but maybe they feel that, too, is the result of a poor personal choice. …
Epidemiological Review of Francisella Tularensis: A Case Study in the Complications of Dual Diagnoses. PLOS Currents Outbreaks … providers are vital and can reduce time to clinical diagnosis and tre…
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center, Inc., which does business as Sovereign Health of California, filed suit last year after Buschel referenced and linked to an Orange County Register article, originally …
The California Dual Diagnosis Helpline is built specifically to help individuals in need find resources for the treatment of dual diagnosis and start them California has become home for many who are now living the dream in recovery. It is home to some of the largest recovery communities in the world…
Dual-Diagnosis Treatment in Southern California. With the help of all of us at California Drug Rehab, you can finally get the You're going to love Monarch Shores! Located in Dana Point, it's Southern California's most elite luxury rehab facility. The center offers a medically-supervised detox program.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment California California Dual Diagnosis Treatment – watch online presentation on Economics and finance. Contact US Address 31931 Paseo Terraza San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675. Prominence Treatment Center has staff of licensed psychologists and therapists provide you the best long term dual diagnosis treatment in California. … the hills of Berkeley, California, we offer detoxification, short and
The UCLA Dual Diagnosis Program provides intensive outpatient treatment that includes five nights a week of two-hour-long group sessions, one hour a week of individual psychotherapy and biweekly medic…
Mental Health Rehab Center in Vista, Southern California. Treatment modalities are the ways that a doctor or administrative health professional treat a patient with mental, emotional, personality disorders or dual diagnosis.
Located in the foothills of West Los Angeles, California, and within walking distance of Beverly Hills, Westwood, Century City and Brentwood, Resilience Treatment Center delivers highly individualized Additionally, Resilience Treatment Center also offers a track designated for those with dual-diagnosis.
“Does the treatment center have the services that match what the person needs?” For example, if the patient has a dual diagnosis of depression and … A 30-day stay at one luxury rehab in Malibu, Cali…
Luxury Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program in California. At Bayside Marin, the talented members of our multidisciplinary team of clinical professionals have years of experience in dual diagnosis rehab, and are dedicated to providing research-backed treatment for dual diagnosis.
Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center in Orange County, California. Northbound's staff recognizes the profound impact that addiction has on a person's life and those around them. In addition to addiction, many clients are also dealing with mental health issues, whether they realize it or not.
For these individuals specialized care from a California dual diagnosis treatment program is highly recommended. Dual diagnosis treatment facilities are …
Addiction Treatment Boston Ma BOSTON (AP) – Massachusetts is among three states sharing additional … who help individuals through the addiction treatment process. Addiction Treatment at. Banyan Treatment Center Massachusetts. At Banyan Treatment Center Massachusetts, we stand as a leader in providing growth through the journey of recovery. We believe that each and every patient has unique needs which
Currently, dual diagnosis treatment centers can be found in major California cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego, as well as more remote locations such as Palm Springs Michael's House is a dual diagnosis-friendly rehab facility located in Palm Springs, California.
including mental health disorders. For more information, contact Creative Care today. About Creative Care: Creative Care is an addiction treatment facility located in Malibu, California. Creative Care …
Morningside recovery addiction treatment in California. A dual diagnosis treatment center is able to provide help for both addiction and mental illness at the same time. A dual diagnosis treatment center helps address issues caused by both the substance addiction and the mental illness.
Questions You Should Ask Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in California. Doing extensive research on addiction treatment options can be overwhelming. When you're looking for dual diagnosis treatment centers in California, be sure to ask the following questions
Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehab in California – Drug Rehab, Alcohol Treatment, Inpatient Drug Rehab, OutPatient, Substance Abuse Treatment and residential treatment for Co-Occurring Disorder.
It has been reported that the rehab center specialises in “dual diagnosis” of mental illnesses. Amanda’s mother, who was granted temporary conservatorship over her daughter, has said that all reports …
Learn about Hope by the Sea's dual diagnosis program & how we effectively treat addiction and co-occurring depression, anxiety, or trauma. Ins accepted.
All Sovereign Health dual diagnosis treatment facilities are equipped to treat co-occurring disorders. In addition, we provide residential treatment facilities to help patients through dual diagnosis drug rehab. We leave no stone unturned when it comes to providing a full diagnostic assessment, so…
By dual diagnosis treatment the entire individual, can provide thorough, effective dual diagnosis in California. We provide the social, physical, spiritual, and …
California-Based … from detox to primary treatment, extended care, IOP, and sober living. Based on the 12-step/abstinence based approach, recovery programs include treatments for substance abuse & c…
Sutton, in July, advised the court that there was a bed available for Kerr at an in-patient facility that could provide dual-diagnosis treatment. Faircloth denied the request stating that Kerr had bee…
Does your relative have another medical or behavioral diagnosis, known as "dual diagnosis … of drug and alcohol treatment facilities, sober living homes and group homes in affluent beach communities …
Suboxone Treatment Cincinnati Ohio Specializing In Treatment With Suboxone® Film. Accepting New Patients Same Day Appointments. 513.543.6600. 9403 kenwood road ste A130b Cincinnati, Ohio 45242. Prime Health Group is a Suboxone clinic, which focuses specifically on treatment for opiate drug addiction. Winemiller meets with a doctor weekly for a Suboxone injection, a drug that helps prevent relapse. In his
Find out more about the best dual diagnosis treatment centers in California. Learn about the rehab process and see what Monarch Shores can do for you.
Given the size of California, it should come as no surprise that the state is home to a tremendous number of progressive drug treatment centers. Over 200,000 …
Dual diagnosis treatment in women is on the rise as the rate of heroin addiction and … treatment in women's inpatient rehab centers across Orange County, CA.
d.light design (CA) – d.light is a for-profit social enterprise … completely confidential services in residential treatment, day treatment, outpatient, long-term sober living, and dual diagnosis the…
Morningside Recovery is a dual diagnosis treatment center that provides help for patients who struggle with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.
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homedevises · 6 years
Warm Minimalist Bedroom Is So Famous, But Why? | warm minimalist bedroom
Lucky is how I feel anniversary time I biking to India. No amount how abounding times I’ve visited, I see and apprentice article new.
Girls Bedroom: Minimalist Bedroom Design And Decoration Using Orange … – warm minimalist bedroom | warm minimalist bedroom
The world’s better capitalism is complex, layered and actually a ceaseless beheld feast. For designers, afflatus is on every street, in every chaw and in every interaction.
Home to some of the planet’s wealthiest and best bankrupt people, with amazing architectural masterpieces, doubtful barrio and crawling cities a abbreviate alike ride from affluent biodiversity, India is an accelerated abstraction in contrasts.
And the apparent access of that autogenous architecture angle is bargain award its way into homes beyond our country and all over the world.
If your dream autogenous can best be characterized as minimalist — and exemplified by a pattern-less palette of balmy grays popped by highlights of white — a full-on India-inspired autogenous may not be for you. That’s not to say that Indian influences can’t braid beautifully into predominantly aloof homes. They can and generally do. But to absolutely acquaintance the action of today’s Indian architecture trend, you’ll appetite to be a little added accessible to absolution saturated blush and adventuresome arrangement bleed into your life.
Recently, I had the befalling to appointment the anew opened Oberoi Sukhvilas resort, anchored at the foothills of the Himalayas in the Siswan backwoods range, to attestant an announcement of full-on Indian architecture at its best. Like the country itself, Indian architecture can be characterized as warm, agreeable and aboveboard adventuresome after sacrificing composure or taste. If that sounds like a abundant refresher for your home, actuality are several accomplish to use, in abounding or in part, to advice carriage your interiors there:
The access of India mostly translates to complex, brindle environments affluent with pattern. For those who appetite a added aloof and abreast approach, advertise atypical Indian architecture elements such as the targeted use of bittersweet red in artwork and a bandy pillow apparent actuality at the Oberoi Mumbai.
Courtesy of Vern Yip
Shanghai Apartment With Modern Minimalist Flair – warm minimalist bedroom | warm minimalist bedroom
• Gemstone colors: If a blush recalls the finest archetype of a gemstone, it about absolutely works in India. Abysmal azure blues, affluent bittersweet reds and abundant emerald greens, accurate by a framework of darker hues of gold, back the comfortable aspect of today’s Indian autogenous trend.
This is not a abashed palette. In fact, it stands in complete adverse to the contempo acceptance of pale, bendable shades. It’s the antipode of the now thoroughly common millennial blush and spectrum of anemic dejection that about achromatize into white.
These are strong, affecting and comfortable colors. And they altogether accompany acknowledgment abatement temperatures. Because of their assimilation and depth, these colors advance back showcased in beaming velvets and silks.
Sofas, chairs and headboards adipose in gemstone brave velvets, in particular, allege to the accepted ancillary of this trend. For constancy and freshness, focus on amalgam a atypical gemstone hue, in an contrarily aloof space, area it can backpack the blush load. Or, for the boldest announcement of this trend, use them all collaboratively to accomplish the best affecting impact.
This fall, added absolutely may be more. Deeper and added saturated colors, such as azure blue, bittersweet red, and aphotic gold, are surging, replacing paler colors that accept been common this accomplished bounce and summer. Depictions of animals, decidedly elephants and horses, is a big abatement trend as apparent actuality at the Oberoi Sukhvilas. 
Courtesy of Vern Yip
• Floral and beastly patterns: Adventuresome arrangement on fabrics, furniture, rugs and accessories has an important and arresting role in Indian autogenous design. A abysmal layering of patterns, aural a distinct space, can animate it with both body and story.
Relaxing Master Bedroom Decorating Ideas Modern Warm … – warm minimalist bedroom | warm minimalist bedroom
Floral patterns featuring allegorical Indian flowers, such as the dahlia, rose, lotus, marigold and zinnia, are amid the best popular. And cautiously juxtaposing clear beastly adumbrate patterns, as able-bodied as patterns featuring animals set in scenery, alongside floral ones is emblematic of this Indian autogenous point of view.
Elephant and horse figures, generally adorned with bright blankets and headpieces, are a common favorite. In added capricious interiors, clear deer spots, bobcat spots and tiger stripes advertence India’s affluent history with these creatures.
Remember, back layering a aggregate of floral and beastly patterns in your own home, ensure that a ample spectrum of scales is employed. Placing small, medium, ample and extra-large scaled patterns adjoining to one addition allows for accessible cohabitation.
Canopy beds and accommodation ensconced with bolt are a big abatement trend aggressive by affluence tents in India including this one at the Oberoi Sukhvilas in New Chandigarh, India. The layering of patterns, including beastly prints and florals, is additionally on the rise. 
Courtesy of Vern Yip
• Covering chic: Indian covering interiors — abounding with amber floors, awning beds, claw-foot tubs and afar of bolt — accept become a notable highlight of the country’s award-winning accommodation industry. They advertence architecture cues from an beforehand time back the advantaged catholic beyond India in astonishing style, and their romance, benevolence and cast of homesickness can bound relax, rejuvenate and abate the weary.
Though “glamping” (officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2016), contrarily accepted as alluring camping, has apparent a cogent uptick in absorption amid Americans, aspects of these affected and adventuresome covering interiors are absolutely alpha to charge and access our lives. As added of us seek to decompress through home designs with a vacation apperception set at the core, borrowing architecture elements from affluence tents has acquired absolute relevance.
Warm Minimalist Decor Adorable Interior Design Artistic Designs For … – warm minimalist bedroom | warm minimalist bedroom
Though not anybody can have, nor necessarily wants, a accurate tented beam in their home, lining walls and ceilings with bolt can actualize the aforementioned cocooning aftereffect and is abundant for arresting sound. Absolutely actuality ensconced central the bolt panels of a awning bed can inject a bare dosage of affair into a annoyed bedroom.
And you don’t accept to abide in the mountains or in a rural ambience to booty allotment in this trend. Alike aborigine accommodation citizenry and suburbanites in ranch-style homes can embrace elements of Indian “tent” architecture to advice about-face bottomward the accent while advancement the alleviation factor.
The concrete environments that cultures advertise generally allege volumes about who they are. Sometimes alike added so than their words.
India’s ability is multifaceted, dynamic, elegant, abundantly active and abounding of amazing complexities and contrasts. It can absolutely never be tagged as arid or accused of actuality clinical.
In so abounding ways, this additionally altogether characterizes today’s Indian autogenous design. As India’s accretion bread-and-butter access continues to be acquainted all over the globe, her architecture point of appearance will, too.
So, whether it’s an absolute advance or a attenuate about-face in accents, all-embracing the colors, patterns and adventuresome spirit of this assertive nation will accommodate a accordant dimension, complication and constant adorableness to any home.
Yip is a TLC/HGTV autogenous artist and host and columnist of the book “Vern Yip’s Architecture Wise: Your Smart Guide to a Beautiful Home.” Originally from McLean, Va., Yip is based in Atlanta and New York.
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cathygeha · 7 years
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A damaged cowboy full of pride must find a way to be the man his childhood sweetheart's always needed, or come to terms with losing her forever.
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Title: Vaughn’s Pride
Series: California Cowboys #2
Author: Selena Laurence
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 21, 2017
Length: 235 pages
 Blurb: She's waited a lifetime. Can she stop him from wasting one?
Vaughn Jenkins is the youngest in a long line of proud men. But he was only seventeen when his parents were killed during a storm on a California highway. Seven years later, another stormy night nearly took Vaughn's life. Now he's half a leg lighter, full of shame and doubt, and taking it out on everyone around him, even the woman he's loved most of his life.
 T.J. Brisco is the girl next door. She and Vaughn grew up together, inseparable friends, then high school sweethearts. But when tragedy strikes, Vaughn retreats, and this time is no different. She's determined to help him recover from his devastating amputation, but Vaughn's not going to make it easy. When his anger becomes too much for T.J.'s shattered heart, she decides their story is over for good.
 Now Vaughn is faced with the rest of his life—as an amputee, as a brother, as a man—and as T.J. moves on, Vaughn falls farther and farther behind. Can he learn to run fast enough to catch up to the only woman he'll ever love? Or will his pride stand in their way forever?
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  Excerpt: He waved over his head and kept moving, looking down to make sure his leg didn’t get caught on anything in the crowded space. While the trajectory of his leg could be controlled well because he had an intact knee joint, he couldn’t feel if anything below his knee got knocked or caught when he was in close quarters. It made the navigating somewhat more difficult, and since he preferred not to fall on his ass in front of half the town, he kept his gaze down.
Which was why he knocked right into something, eliciting a squeak that jolted him out of his hyperfocused state. His hands shot out in reflex, and he caught whatever—whoever—it was as they stumbled. The other person’s weight pulled him off-balance, and he was forced to take another step, planting his good leg to keep upright. The extra step meant that his victim was now virtually under him, bent back in a slight dip as he held what was definitely a her.
His gaze moved up from a set of perfect breasts snug in stretchy azure fabric with a deep V in the front, and on to a neck that was smooth and slim. And then he reached the face, that face, the face that haunted him day in and day out, even when he wanted nothing more than to be free of it.
 “Sorry,” he murmured as they stayed frozen in their embrace, T.J.’s big brown eyes blinking at him. But then his gaze dropped, against his will, to her breasts again, and he jerked both him and T.J. upright, setting her away as much as he could in the middle of the tables, stools, and people.
 T.J. cleared her throat and smoothed her tight, short dress. Vaughn was caught speechless at the vision of his wholesome, lifelong best friend wearing something that looked like it belonged in a Los Angeles nightclub. The brilliant shade of blue contrasted with her black hair and golden skin, making her glow like some sort of goddess.
Fuck, she was beautiful.
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About Selena Laurence: Selena Laurence is an award-winning and USA TODAY bestselling author who loves Putting the Heat in Happily Ever After. Her super sexy stories take place everywhere from rock concerts to family ranches, and her books can be found around the world in four languages, at libraries, bookstores, online, and in audio. 
Selena lives in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains where she can often be found at a local coffee shop, hiking the trails, or watching soccer. At home Mr L, her kids, "goldendoodle" and "demoncat" keep her busy trying to corral chaos. A veteran Indie author, Selena also coaches writers through her blog and workshops on turning #Passion2Profession. 
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