#Avant-garde to Stalker
anotherone-yikes · 11 months
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Avant-garde to Stalker by bov
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everydaym0nstrosity · 1 month
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Owen Davis - Blood Stalkers (2024).
This is the front and back artwork for a new album recorded by me of previously unreleased material which was originally intended to be put out in 2010 but had to be shelved due to various reasons. I am self-releasing this on a spray painted CDr in two separate very limited editions of an undisclosed amount in a DVD or PS2 case (depending on your copy) with printed artwork as well as a couple inserts.
All copies will be personally hand-numbered by me and some will even be stained with my own blood too. Please message me to let me know if you want one while supplies still last. Inspired by the cult Horror movie Blood Stalkers (1976) as well as artists: The Cherry Point, Moth Drakula, Hive Mind, The Rita, John Wiese, Black Sand Desert, Aaron Dilloway, Romance, Impregnable, Oscillating Innards, Mutant Ape, Privy Seals, Dead Machines, Pete Swanson, Yellow Swans, Nkondi, Goat, Pedestrian Deposit, Sewer Election, & Prurient. The CDr contains OVER AN HOUR worth of content for only $5.00
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pearlprincess02 · 3 months
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pisces sun, cancer moon, pisces rising, aquarius venus, aries mars
pisces sun: dreamy, distracted, can be very stand-offish, escapist, TW: could be dealing with addictions, surfer vibes, has particular topics they know a lot about, more introverted, knows and has many secrets, artistic, silent but deadly
cancer moon: cancer moon beauty involves with them having small faces, their faces being heart-shaped, and their upper head being rounder than their lower face which takes on a sharper shape. their chins are usually very meaty and prominent, and they usually do have a cleft chin. the width of their face is usually wide/long, and their features are normally just in the middle, very pinched-like face structure. these female cancer moons tend to have pouty lips, their lips are usually triangle shaped and they have round eyes. the soft curve of their eyebrow tail gives them a very soft look, and these cancer moon women usually have glossy skin and a youthful appearance.
pisces rising: looks like a mermaid, beautiful people and angelic looking but they can’t see that so when people compliment them or stare they don’t really get it, looks different in every photo they’re in, another placement that attracts creeps and stalkers, picks up everyone’s energies around them which is why it’s important for them to be around good people
aquarius venus: aquarius venus style is generally characterized by a unique and independent approach to life, relationships and style. with this venus sign, you may be attracted to partners who share your love of freedom, intellectual stimulation and originality. you may appreciate having a partner who can keep up with your progressive ideas and who can keep things interesting and exciting. in terms of your style, you may prefer pieces that are futuristic, avant-garde and innovative, and that reflect your creative and non-conformist nature. you may also experiment with different styles and looks, and like to incorporate elements of surprise and fun into your fashion choices.
aries mars: aries mars can have a tendency to be impulsive and volatile. when triggered, they can become easily frustrated and angry, with a quick temper and a tendency to overreact. they may lack patience and have difficulty controlling their impulses, which can manifest in aggressive or destructive behaviors. they can be prone to rash decisions and can also come across as overly aggressive or pushy. they may also lack the ability to deal with complex problems or situations calmly, which can lead to problems in maintaining relationships and in achieving long-term goals.
ᵒᵇˢᵉʳᵛᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉⁿ'ᵗ ᵐⁱⁿᵉ
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literally-1894 · 6 months
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weirdgotham · 8 months
The Toreador Primogen of Weird Gotham
Erich Zann is a mute German man of approximately 55 years of age.  He was born in the 1860s and was an accomplished orchestral violinist.  His avant-garde solo performances were what led to him eventually being stalked by a sadistic Toreador, who took pleasure in alternately terrifying and gaslighting Erich while having no qualms about feeding from the object of his obsession.  Concerned that he was losing his mind, he eventually fled to Paris to be free.  Unfortunately, he was given away one night by the unmistakable sound of his music, and the stalker captured and turned Erich.  He was soon freed from his bondage when they were discovered by the Paris Camarilla and his sire was harshly punished for multiple violations of the Traditions.
He has lived quietly at the artist’s colony of Kingsport since just after the first World War.  Recently, the Beckoning has left him as Toreador primogen by default, and he has been well-received by both his own clan and others.  He is generally well-liked and notoriously trustworthy, partly due to lacking any apparent ambition beyond ensuring his clan is fairly treated in any situation.
While mute, Erich is an accomplished telepath and is assisted by his childe John “Johann” Votto.  John is an Italian American with a thick New York accent who acts as a “translator”.  Despite his American upbringing, John sometimes refers to himself as Johann and slips into a slight German accent due to the ever-present voice of Erich in his mind.
They both can be found residing at the "High House", an old and oddly constructed manor house overlooking the Kingsport bay, or aboard the “Rosewood”, a modest yacht left to him by a fellow Toreador and the former Keeper of Elysium when she met her final death recently.
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munchkindango · 1 year
♫+ashfur ;3 ALSO ♫+ashcrow :3c
YESSSS. rubbing my hands together mischievously
I met her accidentally
It was at the Cambridge Science Fair
And she was so impressed that I could make so many things catch on fire
But I was just covered in bubbles of methane gas
And you ended up burning
I'm sorry, I have always been a liar
And also
I swear to God you looked right at me, and let a silk red ribbon fall between your hands
But as I slowly sobered
I felt the rubbing of shoulders
I smelled the sweat and the children crying
I was just one among crowded stands
my version of ashfur in my head is that, he puts squirrelflight on a high pedestal, so high that his perception of her is nearly parasocial. but by putting her on such a pedestal, he unknowingly puts her in a position where she fails to do anything but look down on him. and science fair reflects that idea
No matter what you do
You could never stop me
From coming after you
Even if you don't want me
this ENTIREE song is so ashfur to me. also the frontman was rivers' bandmate in avant garde/zoom so that's a definite plus
Precious Evelyn left me
I'm left with the question
Why? God only knows
Your boo got up and left you
You're covered in ashes, I'm blinded by smoke
do i even have to explain this one... the 'you' in question is crowfeather to me and the lyric about being covered in ashes.. symbolism!!!
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xxsanoxx · 2 years
|•Wife Of Bonten•| Chap 3 |
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Histoire de sexe-polygamie, comportement abusif,  yandere, harem inversé, dark content,  gore, brutalité, alcool, drogue sur la généralité de l'histoire !
Yandere! Exécutive Bonten x Reader
Disponible sur Wattpad
Chapitre non corrigé
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Tokyo, Panthouse, 18H13...
Sous les ordres de Mikey, Takeomi est en charge de surveiller Kirari jusqu'à son retour. La drogue faisant encore effet sur son organisme, la jeune femme ne s'est toujours pas réveiller. Lorsque que Ran et Sanzu sont rentré avec une Kirari complétement molle, chacun de ses collègues de travail avaient passé du temps avec elle. Enfin, ''passé'' est un grand mot, ils se contentaient de la regarder dormir. Elle dort depuis un jours.
Durant ses deux derniers mois, les sept cadres exécutifs du Bonten ont passé du temps à observer la vie de Kirari dans tout les sens. Ils ont pris l'habitude de dîner tout les samedi soir dans le restaurant où elle travail. Mikey avait même demander au patron de l'établissement à se faire servir uniquement par Kirari. Les sept hommes l'adoraient de plus en plus, jusqu'à l'aimer. Ils n'avaient pas vraiment besoin d'elle pour que sa mère biologique rembourse l'argent emprunté. Comme l'avait dit Mikey, ils leurs faut une femme à eux, qu'ils pourraient garder pour toujours. Et le simple fait de stalker Kirari leurs à confirmé ses dires. Ils sont devenue accros à elle comme Sanzu est accro à la drogue.
Alors il était naturel de l'emmener de chez elle à eux. Quoi de plus normal me diriez-vous ? Ils l'aiment et c'est ce qui compte. Mais il n'est pas dit qu'elle soit intéressée.
Peut importe... se dirent-ils.
Lentement Kirari se mis à gigoter, à prendre lentement conscience. Takeomi s'éloigne du lit et s'assoie sur une chaise en face. Il ne faudrait pas qu'elle prenne peur en voyant un inconnu la scruté de si prêt. Kirari finit par se réveiller, mais reste tout de moins allongé, incapable de bouger, les muscles lourds, comme si elle venait de s'enfilé bière sur bière après un marathon.
- « Comment tu te sens ? » demande Takeomi tout en envoyant un message à son patron.
Boss, elle est réveillé.
Kirari, ne fait que regarder l'homme qui est devant elle, le choc s'affiche sur son visage.
- « Vous... vous êtes... l'homme du restaurant. C'est vous qui êtes rentré dans mon appartement !! Vous m'avez enlevé !!
- Ce n'est pas vraiment ce qui s'est passé. Ce n'est pas moi qui me suis introduit chez toi. Je n'ai fait que conduire la voiture pour t'amener ici. »
Humff... Elle est belle, mais je sens qu'elle va me gaver avant l'arriver du patron.
- « Vous avez participez à mon enlèvement ! C'est un crime de kidnapper des gens contre leur gré !! »
Takeomi souffle d'agacement, mais ne le montre pas trop, c'est quelqu'un qui garde son calme facilement. Après ces deux mois à observer Kirari , il n'aurait jamais pensé qu'elle pouvais hausser le ton comme elle le fait si bien avec lui. Ça la rend encore plus attirante.
- « Je ne suis pas sûr que quelqu'un consentirait de se faire kidnapper. Sauf un fou complétement sénille. »
Kirari se met à rougir de honte.
Il a raison. Qu'elle idiote.
- « Et de toute façon, on a fait que suivre les ordres du patron. »
Ce qui nous arrange bien.
- « Il ne devrait pas tarder. »
Un peu plus tard la porte de la chambre s'ouvre, laissant apparaître Mikey avec un dossier en main et un doroyaki en main. D'un regard il fait comprendre à Takeomi de les laisser seuls.
Kirari est bien consciente que c'est lui patron, que ce sont sous ses ordres qu'elle a été enlevé. Mais elle ne peux s'empêché de pensé toutes ses fois où il venait dîner dans le restaurant où elle travaille.
Si je pourrais encore y travailler.
Elle le trouve absolument magnifique, même sans les vêtements couteux qu'il portait. Mais son regard sombre ne la rassure pas. Si elle savait que ce n'est pas un regard mauvais, mais de désir constant. Jamais il n'aurait pensé tomber amoureux d'une personne, ou même de ressentir un qu'onques bon sentiments.
Bon ? Je tuerais pour ces bon sentiments.
- « Bonsoir Kirari. Ça fait longtemps n'est ce pas. »
Je te sens anxieuse.
- « Heu... Bonsoir. O-oui ça fait lo... Je veux dire que. Oui ça fait longtemps que vous n'êtes pas venue au restaurant. »
Qu'est-ce que je fait ?? Un mot de travers et il pourrait me coller une balle dans la tête non ?!
- « Tu me sembles tendue, j'ai raison ?
- Non- ENFIN OUI ! Vous avez raison, mais je ne se suis pas tendue. » Elle murmure la fin de sa phrase.
Mikey la trouve mignonne à batifolé de cette façon. Il sait qu'elle a peur et il le comprend. Un chaton sans aucun moyen de défense. C'est encore plus attirant.
Mikey s'assoit sur le lit en face d'elle à une distance raisonnable. Il ne veut pas que Kirari se sente envahit ou qu'elle se sente plus en danger.
- « Ecoute moi. J'aimerais que tu me laisses parler sans interruption. Après je répondrais à toutes tes questions.
- Oui.
- Tu es Kirari Yukihira, étudiante en école supérieur d'économie et gestion. Je m'appelle Mikey. Tout le monde m'appelle Mikey, sinon c'est Manjiro Sano. Je suis le leader du Bonten. »
Les yeux de la jeune femme s'écarquille, sa respiration se coupe avant de reprendre.
Quoi ?! Le Bonten !
- « Je suis certain que tu connais notre organisation. » En vue de ton regard.
- « Sache que il ne t'arrivera aucun mal. Aucun de nous ne te veux du mal... »
On te veux rien que pour nous. Te partager n'est pas un problème Kirari.
- « Tu es ici pour un remboursement de dette. Il y quelques mois ta mère biologique ta mise en gage de remboursement. Elle nous a fait un prêt de 200 000 000 ¥. Evidement elle n'a pas les moyens de payé la totalité.
- 200 000 000 ¥ ?! C'est énorme !! »
Oups... Je ne devais pas l'interompre.
Mais Mikey ignore son commentaire.
- « Des questions ?
- ...
- Tu peux parler, je ne vais pas te manger. »
Pour l'instant. J'ai hâte de te goûter.
- « Comment elle s'appelle ?
- Minari Suzuki.
- Pourquoi elle vous a fait un emprunt ?
- Pour payer les frais médical de sa fille.
- Oh... Elle a un autre enfant ? »
T'es bien naïve.
- « Tu es sa seule fille.
- Ah. »
Mais alors, elle donne mon nom 20 ans plus tard pour sa dette... Elle qui n'a même pas pris le temps de me donner un prénom à la naissance.
Kirari est en colère, mais surtout triste. Elle sait que ça mère actuel n'est pas sa mère biologique. Mais peux importe elle l'aime, elle a toujours pris soin d'elle comme la chair de sa chair, son sang. Et même si elle ne connaît pas Minari, que c'est la première fois qu'elle entend son prénom, elle avait espéré qu'un jour elle aurait la chance de rencontrer sa génitrice..
Mais cette dette pour me « soigner » et m'utiliser comme un objet en gage de remboursement... Et elle eu la volonté de s'informé sur mon identité à l'orphelinat. C'est vraiment un coup bas.
- « Au début on te voulais que pour l'argent. Et puis peut-être se débarrassé de toi si tu devenais une gêne. Mais on a changé d'avis.
- Vous n'allez pas me tuer alors ?
- Non. »
Le visage de Mikey devient sombre, pas de colère mais de convoitise.
- « On profite de la stupidité de Minari pour te garder avec nous. Tu nous es essentiel Kirari. »
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Info : 200 000 000 ¥ (environ 1 482 400 €).
Tag liste: Open
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Auteur : XxSANOxX
Correctrice : Ax
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cinema-isnt-dead · 1 year
November's Fav Film Feature
As the month of November comes to an end, let's run through my Fav Film I saw this month!
Note: Some of these movies did not premier in the month of November, rather I saw it in November. If you don't like it, it's my blog and my rules #sorrynotsorry
The Fav: See How They Run
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Where to watch the movie: HBO Max
See How They Run was directed by Tom George and its screenplay by Mark Chappell. This is your classic whodunit flipped inside out and turned on its head. I loved the quirkiness, the relentless humor, and the overall playfulness that the characters bring to the screen.
The chemistry between Saoirse Ronan as Constable Stalker and Sam Rockwell as Inspector Stoppard is palpable. They play off of each other so well it's like they've been acting together for decades. Although they are first introduced as foils of one another, Stalker a wide-eyed and bushy-tailed newbie looking for any answer at every wrong turn and Stoppard a weary veteran who's frankly over the job, by the end of the movie, their similarities are more apparent than any other superficial differences that were first pointed out. Without giving too much away, Stalker and Stoppard first bond over the common goal to catch the murderer but as the investigation wears on, he can eventually see a little bit of himself in young Stalker. If you think the talent ends at the two leads, you'd be sorely mistaken.
This cast is star studded with notables like Adrian Brody as the Narrator/Leo Köpernick, Sian Clifford as Edna Romney, and David Oyelowo as Mervyn Cocker-Norris. Each character was able to shine beyond the writing in the script through absurd facial expressions and body language.
The costuming and blocking are reminiscent of the avant-garde style that Wes Anderson is so well known for. The costume and set design transport you back in time to the 1950s West End, England and trap you in the bubble of their world.
My Final Rating: 4.5/5
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transamorousnetwork · 8 hours
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Trans Women Wanted A Movie About Trans-Attracted Men: They Got One
A big complaint about trans-attracted men has been that they’re too chicken shit to come out and own their trans-attraction. Some celebrities have come out acknowledging their attraction to trans women, or have been outed by others. And, at least several trans-attracted men I know are out loud about their orientation. One wrote a book about his attraction. Another has a book in the works.
Still, the trans community generally has expressed dismay that trans-attracted men remain scared to out themselves. Trans women say if more did, society would accept transgender women more. Some trans women even express interest in someone making a movie about the subject.
Years ago, The Crying Game was that movie. It was pretty good as far as it went.
But Richard Gadd’s Baby Reindeer, which debuted on Netflix last month, took the genre to a whole freaking other level. Trans women got their wish, again.
Let’s take a look at what I think is a tour de force in LGBTQ cinema for many, many, many reasons. Over the next few posts, I’m going to weigh in on this magnificent limited series from multiple angles.
Spoil alerts!
Talking about the show without giving away spoilers would be really tough. In this post, I’ll do my best to avoid spoiling the really good parts. I can’t promise I’ll do so in the next posts. You should go watch it, therefore.
Baby Reindeer features a main character named Donny. He’s a bartender and aspiring comedian. One day a woman comes into the bar. But this is no joke. Donny immediately perceives she’s having a hard time. That woman turns out to be a major stalker who ends up stalking Donny for years. Donny’s relationship with this woman seems like the main plot.
But another one overwhelms the stalker story in my opinion. That one, we discover, is Donny’s trans attraction, how he discovered it and what happens as he tries to overcome his MASSIVE, INTENSE and world-shaping shame and self-loathing.
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^^Baby Reindeer: Number one on Netflix. From Actress Nava Mau’s Instagram profile (Photo from Instagram). 
It’s a true story
What’s really good about this is Baby Reindeer is a true story. It’s also HIGHLY fictionalized. Still, Gadd, the creator, did a great job fleshing out all the characters, making them believable, nuanced and many-layered. No villains exist here, which is good because villains and victims both are fictions. Everyone creates their reality.
The reason I love that Baby Reindeer is true is that it offers deep insight into the lives of trans-attracted men. Now, not all men who are attracted to trans women are like the guy depicted in the series. Still, of the dozens of men I’ve spoken to or worked with, some things do ring true, things portrayed in the main character’s personality.
At least 60 percent of the men I’ve spoken to or worked with have divergent sexual experiences. Not all of them were “abused”. But many experimented with avant-garde sexual practices. This includes experimenting with male siblings at a young age (which is more common than I thought), fantasizing about sexual acts with their mothers, or even being curious about acts with animals.
At least two of my trans-attracted clients experienced suicidal ideation borne of extreme self-loathing. At a key moment in the series, Donny says he goes through everything he experiences because of his intense self hatred. I’ll revisit the power of self-directed hatred later. It’s important.
The point here isn’t that trans-attracted men are weird or sick. It’s that they came here with a curiosity around a subject most people find so taboo, their beliefs on the subject are intense and likely to trigger harsh judgements. They also cause extreme conservatism towards sex, even though some of those same people who harbor taboo perspectives on these curiosities act out the curiosities themselves. I know this because they often get caught.
Self-loathing common among many
There’s a lot of harsh judgement in Baby Reindeer. Donny does the worst of it, which causes his life trajectory to careen into darkness.
Avid readers of this blog who watch the show will notice that Donny acknowledges as the cause of all the shit that goes down, his extremely intense self-hatred. Again, in one revealing and powerful scene, he admits loving his self-hatred more than anything else, including other people, including himself.
That’s a powerful acknowledgment.
Many trans-attracted men share this powerful hatred. It may not be as intense as it is portrayed in Donny’s life. After all, the story is highly fictionalized. But it’s still there in many trans-attracted men and still intense. That intense emotion always attracts circumstances matching the vibration underneath hatred. And many people have self hatred going on in them. Especially transgender women.
So when watching the show it should be no surprise to anyone that Donny experiences all that he does: failure in his relationship with a cis woman; failure in his dreams to become a comedian; rape at the hands of a male predator; a crazy stalker, and, generally, a fucked up life. It’s all fascinating to watch, painful at times, but so spot on about how the Universe works.
Self-loathing is what makes people “victims”. Remember, there aren’t any victims because people draw to them through their beliefs experiences they live through. “Victims” are vibrational matches to “perpetrators”. Together, they perform a dance, a dance that can destroy and even end in death.
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Lives created through self-loathing
Such experiences attempt to alert the person to what’s going on in them. No one can create an experience outside their persistent beliefs. That’s why we encourage clients to clean up their beliefs. Doing so can dramatically improve one’s life experience. Especially in love.
But if a person holds beliefs like Donny does, that person’s experience will look much like the character’s life. The experiences will start as much less intense. Ignored though, and they will increase in intensity. The person will then feel unsatisfied or “unlucky”. In that dissatisfaction, they’ll complain about their life. They’ll see only the worst happening. And in that focus, they’ll invite even more unfortunate experiences.
This often plays out in comments to this blog. I’ll offer absolutely overwhelming evidence the majority of people support trans people, for example, and nearly every commenter will double down on their focus. A focus on things proving their beliefs that the world is against them is “true”. Even though ample evidence shows it’s not.
What those people don’t understand is, that focus is exactly why they experience these experiences. And no one need experience them! Except those who are matches to those experiences.
Getting what they wanted
Baby Reindeer is an amazing movie about trans attraction. And I haven’t even mentioned the spectacular performance delivered by the beautiful transgender actress Nava Mau. I recommend every trans woman watch Baby Reindeer. Every trans-attracted man should too. Maybe those men will see themselves in the Donny character and do something that will help them change their own life experiences.
There’s so much more I can write about this spectacular series. And I’m going to do so in the next post. In the meantime, go watch it. It’s on Netflix.
If you have seen it, share your perspective. What did you think? One client who watched it, watched all seven episodes in one night. Afterwards he could only text me one word: Fascinating.
Transgender women have been asking for a movie like this for a long time. Well, they got one.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/epAgVu2
by cosmic_spiderman
it takes a joker to defeat the joker! good thing jason’s nothing short of a big joke!
Jason survives the Joker and attempts to build his life back up–oh and he gets revenge–well, he tries anyway.
 ( how jason wakes up from a coma, builds himself back up, tries to be a good parent to damian at 16 and gets emotionally invested in a coffee shop–it works, kind of. until the bats show up. like always. but jason has the mind of a master–the master of a mind–he masters–jason’s got this, alright? they’ll never know. like how could they know? )
Words: 5652, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Talia al Ghul, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Original Characters
Relationships: Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Talia al Ghul, Jason Todd & Dick Grayson, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Tim Drake, Damian Wayne & Dick Grayon, Damian Wayne & Talia al Ghul, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne & Jason Todd & Tim drake
Additional Tags: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd-centric, Whump, Jason Gets His Life Together, kind of, Alternate Universe– Coffee Shop, Slow Build, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, like Comic Book Medicine, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Protective Jason Todd, Protective Damian Wayne, Jason Todd is Damian Wayne’s Parent, like he’s under jasons care, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Angst, Hurt Jason Todd, Jason Todd Whump, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Gets A Hug, Red Haired Jason Todd, I know–im sorry, Jason Todd is NOT the Red Hood, he’s something worse lol depending on who you ask, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Damian Wayne Gets a Hug, Tim Drake is a Stalker, Abelism, Chronic Pain, Jason Todd has self-esteem issues, Batman but make it Glam or Avant Garde lol, Canon Divergence, of the extreme variety, I ran canon through a shredder and cried about it because i like canon actually, Codependency, Identity Reveal, NO Swearing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/epAgVu2
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mangabean · 2 years
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Avant-garde to Stalker  
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Today in dystopian sci-fi / Soviet film history: on September 2, 2009 Stalker was re-released in France.
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Here's some art to mark the occasion!
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just finished reading midnight sun for the second time and here are my thoughts no one asked for:
(warning: spoilers obviously but this is also stupid long bc I don’t know how to shut up)
am I an edward cullen stan?
do I want to be?
he is insufferable
tanya funding edward submerged in a snow bank just sulking
apparently vampires can move so fast they don’t leave any footprints in the snow???
physics smeyer??
but does this mean they could walk on water?
also eddie, buddy, you aren’t hades
you are just depressed and repressed and horny
and bella is not persephone, she hates greenery and her favorite color is brown
speaking of bella being persephone: she was simply eating mushroom ravioli
not condemning herself to the underworld
literally take a deep breath and calm down
also it’s not super cool of you, edward, to throw rosalie’s revenge on her attackers back at her
I truly wish she would have burned edward’s car just for the remark he made
also are we just going to gloss over the blatant favoritism that carlisle and esme show towards edward???
like come on
i know you’ve known him the longest but he’s been sulking around for literal decades and thats who you pick to be your fave??? when literally anyone else exists??
@alice and jasper: y’all need a dog??? i can bark
i’ll never forgive smeyer for making jasper a confederate soldier. never.
emmett my man, he’s just happy to be here
emmett might be our resident himbo but carlisle doesn’t have a thought behind his eyes and I stand by that
no I won’t elaborate
edward debating the entire book if bella is mentally stable
carlisle calling up billy and being like “lol we’re back hehe”
so um does bella not have a screen on her window??
I don’t think she does but if that’s the case then why the fuck doesn’t edward worry about her falling out the window?
he literally is worried about a meteorite crashing through her room during the night but not about her screen-less window
also not him justifying being a stalker with “well my family commits tax fraud on the daily so it’s fine”
and him bringing wd40 to oil the window
“it was enlightening and alluring to watch her in her element” babes she’s making a bowl of cheerios
I can’t stand him
the way eddie is convinced bella thinks he’s repulsive and disgusting
I would live and die for charlie swan
and that’s all I will say on that
carlisle sending edward out for a night on the town so he can set up a christmas tree for him!!!!
emmett and jasper’s huge and elaborate game of chess
alice helping jasper cheat
jasper and emmett not letting edward play so he sulks around like a child
show me more of that smeyer
oh oh oh edward and alice’s relationship
honestly, it’s precious
that’s what I want to see
edward categorizing all the insects in the meadow and the surrounding area to calm his horny ass is peak comedy
very mormon of you smeyer
I knew edward was a car boy
reluctant but aware
however, I still hate it
edward being obsessed with cars: kinda cute bc he really is obsessed but also mainly nauseating
rosalie being obsessed with cars: simply sexy
the way smeyer just elaborates on things after the fact
like just completely neglected jaspers power the entire saga and so in ms she’s like “oops maybe I should talk about that”
and i’m glad she did bc!!! it’s so cool
i’ve always loved what jasper could do but it’s actually super complex and cool and I love him
him using his power to protect bella during the baseball scene from james
emmett and jasper being edward’s side mirrors is peak entertainment
edward making carlisle text babysitting instructions to alice
but also edward mansplaining how much water bella needs to carlisle as if he’s not an actual doctor
also real quick
the amount of malpractice in this damn book
just left her stranded in the heat
I hate it here
emmett throwing the gaudy stolen car into oncoming traffic was my favorite part
aren’t you guys suppose to even vaguely pass as human???
hate to break it to you
but that doesn’t cut it
it would hit me at random times that edward is literally 17 years old
someone tell me why they let the 17 year old orchestrate the car chase????
also edward wasting time trying to pick out which car he likes the best for said car chase and alice is like bitch ur gf is dying we gotta go
anyway someone tell me why edward sucking the venom out of the bite on bella’s hand is synonymous with the mental image of someone putting their head and open mouth under a soda fountain??
edward saying “but i’m a vampire!!” never fails to make me laugh
like babes we know
also you mean to tell me that jasper was in the dance studio with all of bella’s blood and a car with bella bleeding and her blood all over her and edward and carlisle and he never once thought of reacting (if he would have, edward definitely would have said something) but it was a little paper cut in new moon that did it for him????
I don’t buy it
alice wearing an oversized sweatshirt and smeyer calling it avant-garde
an oversized sweatshirt AND jaspers huge watch
that’s not avant-garde bestie
alice having so much fun orchestrating and staging the supposed accident at the hotel
I love her
renee is insufferable
get her out of here
i will say that the way edward describes peoples minds is really cool
like how charlie’s is quiet and low and jacob’s is bright and warm and content
that’s sweet I like that
there’s so much more I could say but this has gone on for too long
will say that it is shitty of eddie to have seen the vision of bella catatonic in new moon and still made the decision to leave her eventually
my final thoughts: edward, do better
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maximumninjavoid · 2 years
Mining for Unobtanium
ch 42
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thank you to @indigosaurus for being so encouraging. I love you.
@fishcustardandclintbarton I SWEAR I will get back to that other fic with you in it. I swear.
To all my followers, I hope you're having fun .
Well that whole wet dream not withstanding, I had apparently not kept my eye on the ball. He was so nice, so genuine, that he actually slowed down production. He stopped and talked to everyone, especially below the line. Conscious of the recent union vote, and apparently aware of the working conditions, he made sure that everybody got to eat, and had his driver shuttle people back to base.
It was a mystery to me as to WHY he was still single. It couldn't be just because he was kinky. Or because he was.....*koff* gifted....nudge nudge, wink wink....so I watched. And took notes. It seemed as though every female staffer he encountered was short circuited. They were just so blown away by his ...presence. And he made everyone he talked to feel like they were the only person on the planet. Ok, so. Intensity. She, whoever she was, had to be able to withstand that, and ideally, match it. I'd settle for not withering.
While he was working, sparring or training, I took advantage of being an avant garde hanger on, and using my training I observed. Took notes. The obsequious ones, no. He'd tire of that. The ones with skills, that was better. They could keep up with his work schedule, work on different crews, for upcoming productions. Stachelski's Highlander.... That was going to be a testosterone fest, and only certain kinds of women could do a few months of that, and not give in to the butch side. I crack myself up.
No stratospherically high femmes. Way too much maintenance. Louboutins and fight scenes. Ummm...no. And I REALLY wanted someone a little nerdy.
I started hosting Cards Against Humanity games in my trailer during down times. I made sure I had food, not star food, but not shit craft services wouldn't feed the animals ....midline, but hearty. And we played. No sense of humor? Out. Easily offended? Didn't get invited. Had an annoying laugh? Questionable. I made more notes, added to my top secret white board.
It wasn't like I could invite HIM to the cards against humanity games. He couldn’t be seen playing. It wouldn’t do. All these years in the industry and aside from that horrid interview, no dirt on him whatsoever. I mean I *knew* he ran around naked when he was rooming with those friends in his early days in Los Angeles, but thankfully, no social media existed and if there were pictures, they were a well treasured secret. And probably in someone’s spank bank, no doubt.
I corralled him and we worked on his bullshit detector. Turns out, he didn’t have one, so I installed one. I explained that his lack of bullshit detection caused some issues in the past.
“ Look, love, I KNOW how much you want a wife and kids, and that you feel the odd man out as all your brothers are married and have kids. But your biological clock and your damned sense of honor will be your undoing.”
He looked at me, quizzically.
“ You don’t get it do you?”
He shrugged.
“ ok, lets break this down…” I flipped the white board and started writing. ..” that stalker who engineered a relationship by hanging out at your gym…” He cringed.
“ And it never occurred to you HOW she got to you? It didn’t seem * too good to be true*?”
His blue eyes got wide when it started to sink in. “ You think she laid out the bait and I fell for it?”
“ uh, Yes. In a word, hook line and sinker”
“That’s three words, maybe more.”
“ Listen here smart ass…… I’m trying to help you. And that’s not the only time. The trump nazi. Did you KNOW she was bat shit crazy when you were picking out puppies together? Or did you lose sight of everything because you could really go to town and not hold back? Were You thinking with your dick the whole time? “ He sank down in the chair, trying to make himself smaller. I walked over and put my hand on his cheek. “ Love, I am not going to apologize for being blunt. You knew what I was when you met me. In fact that’s part of what you hired me for, my charm.” He smiled and I swear the whole world lit up like it was Christmas. Would I never have any immunity to this man?
“ Hero, you can have one night stands, you know. Go find some willing broad and fuck the daylights out of her. But NEVER where you live, and take their number, never give them yours. How did you get to this point in your career and never learn that? “ I already knew the answer. His mother raised him not to treat women that way, but the problem was their mothers didn’t raise them the same way.
“ At least you got custody of Kal…. not that he wouldn’t have walked all over her..You cannot assume that everyone is as honorable as you are, or that they have motives that aren’t sinister. I feel like such a jerk having to teach you this. In my perfect world you would never have to learn this, but honey, you keep shooting yourself in the foot and I cannot stand to see you unhappy”
He looked at me and smiled. “ You could just stay…..” “ Darling boy, I can’t and you know that. I will never be able to give you what you need, and you’d try so hard not to hate me for denying you what you ache for… I can’t. We’ve been over this.”
I took a deep breath and went back to the other side of the white board.
“ If you could find a way to have a conversation with these three women in the next week, that would be super.”
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boyslove-ext · 2 years
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From: Avant-garde to Stalker
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yaoirecords · 2 years
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Name: Avant-garde to Stalker / アバンギャルドとスト●カー
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