#Avant-Garde Influence
musicianfiend · 7 months
Music Genre: Industrial
Industrial Music is a genre that defies convention, challenges societal norms, and invites you to explore the fringes of sound and culture. Join us on a journey through the sonic landscapes, provocative themes, and passionate communities that define Indus
Industrial Revolution’s Echoes Industrial Music draws its name and inspiration from the Industrial Revolution, which had a profound impact on society, technology, and labor. The dehumanizing and mechanized nature of industrial work, as well as the social and political upheaval of the era, left a lasting imprint on the artistic and musical landscape. Post-Punk and Avant-Garde Influences The…
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stylesited · 28 days
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‘Foresight Footprints of Suburbia’ | TEETH
Photographer: Diana Vajd
Stylist: Rhianedd Dancey
Beauty: Sofa Oblina
Models: Bada at Izaio, Liv at Izaio,
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techno-cola · 2 years
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Makeup by Alice Dodds
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nofoodjustwax · 2 years
The Art Ensemble of Chicago - We Are On the Edge
The Art Ensemble of Chicago – We Are On the Edge
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truevedicastrology · 3 months
Uranus in the Houses
A Spark of Unpredictability
Uranus, the planet of revolution and innovation, adds a dash of unpredictability wherever it lands in your birth chart. Let's explore how it ignites change and disrupts the status quo in each house:
1st House: The Maverick
Forget fitting in! You're a natural-born trendsetter, drawn to the avant-garde and expressing yourself authentically. Embracing your quirks, even if they shock others, is key to unlocking your full potential.
2nd House: The Unconventional Earner
Get ready for surprises in your finances! Uranus might bring sudden windfalls or unexpected losses, prompting you to break free from traditional wealth accumulation methods. Embrace innovative ideas and unconventional ventures.
3rd House: The Quick-Witted Communicator
Communication sparks fly! You have a knack for expressing yourself in unexpected ways, sometimes shocking others with your wit and sharp insights. Embrace intellectual challenges and explore diverse perspectives.
4th House: The Unconventional Home
Your home life is anything but ordinary! Expect sudden changes in your living situation or unconventional family dynamics. Embrace the opportunity to build a unique and authentic haven.
5th House: The Rebellious Creator
Your creativity thrives on breaking the rules! You're drawn to avant-garde forms of expression and unexpected romantic encounters. Embrace your uniqueness and challenge conventional notions of love and pleasure.
6th House: The Unorthodox Work Ethic
You disrupt the traditional work environment! You might embrace unconventional methods, challenge authority, or switch careers unexpectedly. Embrace innovation and find a work space that allows you to be your authentic self.
7th House: The Unpredictable Partner
Relationships take an excitingly unpredictable turn with Uranus. You might attract unconventional partners or experience sudden changes in your partnerships. Embrace open communication and respect for individual freedom.
8th House: The Transformational Journey
Expect unexpected transformations in your personal power and finances. You might experience sudden inheritances or losses, prompting deep personal growth. Embrace the power of change and learn to let go.
9th House: The Globe-Trotting Explorer
Embrace adventure! Uranus fuels your wanderlust and desire for unconventional travel experiences. You might be drawn to exploring hidden knowledge or challenging traditional beliefs. Embrace open-mindedness and diverse perspectives.
10th House: The Unlikely Star
Your career path is anything but predictable! You might experience sudden success, unexpected career changes, or unconventional leadership styles. Embrace innovation and find a career that allows you to express your unique vision.
11th House: The Social Revolutionary
You attract like-minded rebels and dreamers! Your friendships challenge the status quo and inspire social change. Embrace collaboration and use your network to make a difference.
12th House: The Intuitive Visionary
Uranus awakens your hidden potential and psychic abilities. You might experience sudden flashes of insight or unconventional spiritual experiences. Embrace introspection and connect to your inner wisdom.
Remember, Uranus' influence is just one piece of your unique astrological puzzle. Embrace the spark of unpredictability it brings and use it to forge your own extraordinary path!
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venusiancharisma · 10 months
Personal Aesthetic -
Through Venus, Moon, Ascendant, Dominant Elements/Modalities
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here's a general overview of how your personal aesthetic might be influenced by your Venus sign & house placement. Remember that everyone's preferences and expressions can vary widely, & these descriptions are meant to offer a starting point for exploration. You can go through each section to refer to and create your own harmonious understanding of each nuiance. Each theme will be representative of different aspects of yourself: Venus Sign: This sign represents your artistic tastes, fashion sense, and overall aesthetic preferences.
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Venus Signs:
Venus in Aries: Edgy and bold, loves vibrant colors and dynamic styles. Enjoys athletic wear and fashion-forward looks.
Venus in Taurus: Classic and earthy, values comfort and quality. Prefers natural fabrics, earth tones, and timeless pieces.
Venus in Gemini: Eclectic and versatile, enjoys mixing and matching styles. Has a love for trendy accessories and playful colors.
Venus in Cancer: Nostalgic and cozy, prefers soft and comfortable fabrics. May lean towards vintage-inspired or homey aesthetics.
Venus in Leo: Glamorous and attention-grabbing, enjoys statement pieces and bold colors. Loves luxurious materials and dramatic flair.
Venus in Virgo: Neat and refined, appreciates clean lines and practical elegance. Prefers well-organized and polished looks.
Venus in Libra: Harmonious and stylish, values balance and symmetry. Has a penchant for fashion-forward trends and elegant pieces.
Venus in Scorpio: Mysterious and sensual, loves deep and rich colors. Prefers outfits that evoke intensity and allure.
Venus in Sagittarius: Adventurous and eclectic, embraces a global and bohemian aesthetic. Enjoys travel-inspired pieces and bold patterns.
Venus in Capricorn: Timeless and sophisticated, appreciates classic and professional styles. Values high-quality pieces and understated elegance.
Venus in Aquarius: Unique and avant-garde, embraces quirky and unconventional fashion. Enjoys experimental and futuristic looks.
Venus in Pisces: Dreamy and romantic, prefers soft and flowing fabrics. Loves ethereal and fantasy-inspired aesthetics.
Venus House: The house that Venus is located in your natal chart can provide insights into the areas of life where you express your aesthetic preferences.
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Venus Houses:
Venus in the 1st House: Personal and attention-grabbing, leans towards a style that showcases individuality and uniqueness.
Venus in the 2nd House: Sensual and luxurious, values quality materials and comfortable yet stylish clothing.
Venus in the 3rd House: Versatile and communicative, enjoys styles that express curiosity and intellectual engagement.
Venus in the 4th House: Nostalgic and cozy, prefers styles that evoke a sense of home and emotional comfort.
Venus in the 5th House: Playful and creative, embraces trends and enjoys fashion as a form of self-expression.
Venus in the 6th House: Practical and polished, prefers clean and organized styles that suit daily routines.
Venus in the 7th House: Harmonious and refined, values balanced and aesthetically pleasing looks.
Venus in the 8th House: Intense and provocative, gravitates towards styles that evoke mystery and allure.
Venus in the 9th House: Adventurous and global, embraces a diverse range of styles and cultural influences.
Venus in the 10th House: Professional and sophisticated, prefers classic and elegant styles suitable for public appearances.
Venus in the 11th House: Eccentric and unique, enjoys fashion that sets them apart and showcases individuality.
Venus in the 12th House: Dreamy and ethereal, prefers styles that evoke a sense of fantasy and spiritual connection.
Moon Sign: Your Moon sign reflects your emotional and inner world, which can also play a role in your aesthetic choices.
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Moon Sign:
Moon in Aries: Bold and dynamic aesthetic, drawn to vibrant colors and edgy styles. Enjoys statement pieces and adventurous looks.
Moon in Taurus: Earthy and comfortable aesthetic, values quality fabrics and timeless pieces. Prefers classic and well-fitting styles.
Moon in Gemini: Eclectic and versatile aesthetic, enjoys mixing and matching styles. Loves playful colors and accessories.
Moon in Cancer: Cozy and nostalgic aesthetic, prefers soft and comforting fabrics. Enjoys vintage-inspired and homey styles.
Moon in Leo: Glamorous and attention-grabbing aesthetic, loves bold colors and luxurious materials. Prefers dramatic and eye-catching pieces.
Moon in Virgo: Neat and polished aesthetic, appreciates clean lines and practical elegance. Prefers well-organized and refined styles.
Moon in Libra: Harmonious and refined aesthetic, values balance and symmetry. Enjoys fashion-forward trends and elegant pieces.
Moon in Scorpio: Intense and provocative aesthetic, drawn to deep and rich colors. Prefers styles that evoke mystery and allure.
Moon in Sagittarius: Adventurous and global aesthetic, embraces a diverse range of styles. Enjoys travel-inspired pieces and cultural influences.
Moon in Capricorn: Professional and sophisticated aesthetic, appreciates classic and timeless styles. Values high-quality and understated pieces.
Moon in Aquarius: Unique and unconventional aesthetic, enjoys styles that set them apart. Enjoys experimental and futuristic looks.
Moon in Pisces: Dreamy and romantic aesthetic, prefers soft and flowing fabrics. Loves ethereal and fantasy-inspired styles.
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Moon Houses:
Moon in the 1st House: A personal and bold aesthetic that reflects your individuality and presence. Your style makes a statement about who you are.
Moon in the 2nd House: Aesthetic preferences are influenced by comfort and quality. You appreciate well-made and tactile pieces.
Moon in the 3rd House: Aesthetic preferences are influenced by intellectual engagement and curiosity. You enjoy versatile and communicative styles.
Moon in the 4th House: Nostalgic and homey aesthetic, reflecting emotional comfort and a sense of familiarity.
Moon in the 5th House: Playful and creative aesthetic, embracing fashion as a form of self-expression. Loves to experiment with different looks.
Moon in the 6th House: Aesthetic preferences are influenced by practicality and efficiency. You appreciate polished and well-put-together styles.
Moon in the 7th House: Aesthetic preferences are influenced by partnerships and harmony. You seek styles that reflect balance and aesthetic cooperation.
Moon in the 8th House: Aesthetic preferences are influenced by intensity and depth. You're drawn to styles that evoke mystery and transformation.
Moon in the 9th House: Aesthetic preferences are influenced by adventure and exploration. You enjoy styles that embrace cultural diversity and global influences.
Moon in the 10th House: Aesthetic preferences are influenced by professionalism and reputation. You gravitate toward classic and sophisticated styles.
Moon in the 11th House: Unique and avant-garde aesthetic, reflecting your individuality and preference for unconventionality.
Moon in the 12th House: Aesthetic preferences are influenced by spirituality and dreaminess. You're drawn to styles that evoke a sense of fantasy and imagination.
Ascendant Sign: This is more about your outward appearance, it can also influence your aesthetic choices. Your Ascendant sign may guide you toward certain fashion trends or styles that align with your projected image.
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Aries Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic through bold and energetic styles. They might opt for edgy looks, sporty attire, and vibrant colors to reflect their confident and adventurous personality.
Taurus Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic through comfort and elegance. They tend to gravitate towards high-quality materials, classic silhouettes, and earthy tones that showcase their love for luxury.
Gemini Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic through versatility and trends. They're likely to experiment with various styles, mixing and matching clothing items, and staying up-to-date with the latest fashion trends.
Cancer Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic through a cozy and nurturing approach. They might prefer soft and flowing fabrics, pastel colors, and styles that evoke a sense of emotional connection.
Leo Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic with a touch of drama and glamour. They enjoy attention-grabbing clothing, bold accessories, and styles that allow them to shine and be the center of attention.
Virgo Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic through refined and polished looks. They tend to choose clean lines, well-tailored clothing, and subtle details that showcase their attention to detail.
Libra Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic through balance and harmony. They often opt for elegant and tasteful clothing, and they pay attention to color coordination and creating a visually pleasing appearance.
Scorpio Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic with intensity and allure. They might gravitate towards bold and provocative styles, dark colors, and clothing that exudes a sense of mystery.
Sagittarius Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic through a free-spirited and adventurous approach. They're drawn to eclectic and global styles, embracing a mix of cultural influences and bold patterns.
Capricorn Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic through timeless and sophisticated choices. They prefer classic, well-structured clothing that reflects their professionalism and status-conscious nature.
Aquarius Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic with an avant-garde and unique flair. They might gravitate towards unconventional clothing, quirky accessories, and styles that challenge traditional norms.
Pisces Ascendant: Expresses their aesthetic through dreamy and romantic looks. They prefer soft and flowing fabrics, ethereal colors, and styles that evoke a sense of fantasy and imagination.
Dominant Elements + Modalities: Assess the dominant elements (fire, earth, air, water) and modalities (cardinal, fixed, mutable) in your natal chart. These can give you a general sense of the energies that resonate with you.
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): People with a dominant Fire element in their chart often prefer bold and energetic aesthetics. They might lean towards vibrant colors, expressive patterns, and styles that showcase their confident and passionate nature.
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): A strong Earth element indicates a preference for practical and grounded aesthetics. These individuals might gravitate towards classic and timeless styles, neutral tones, and comfortable yet stylish clothing.
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): A dominant Air element suggests a preference for intellectual and communicative aesthetics. They might enjoy clean and well-organized styles, modern designs, and clothing that fosters freedom of movement.
Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): A strong Water element points to a preference for emotional and intuitive aesthetics. These individuals might be drawn to soft and flowing fabrics, dreamy colors, and styles that evoke a sense of emotion and sensitivity.
There are three modalities in astrology: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Each modality reflects different approaches to initiating, stabilizing, and adapting energies, which can be mirrored in one's aesthetic choices:
Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn): A dominant Cardinal modality can lead to an aesthetic that's innovative and trendsetting. These individuals might embrace new styles and trends, showing a willingness to experiment and take the lead in fashion choices.
Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius): A strong Fixed modality suggests an aesthetic that's stable and consistent. These individuals might lean towards classic pieces, enduring styles, and clothing that reflects their personal taste without necessarily following current trends.
Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces): A dominant Mutable modality can result in a versatile and adaptable aesthetic. These individuals might enjoy mixing and matching styles, experimenting with various looks, and being open to a wide range of fashion influences.
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For a specified and honed in description for your personal aesthetic, drop your placements in the comments! A part 2 will be available explaining aspects and how your mood, resistance + insecurities, outer world may affect your ability to express your aesthetic
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haveyouheardthisband · 4 months
obscure bands and where to listen to them, part 2
Follow-up to [this post].
Here I'll go over five artists whose polls got an extremely low amount of "yes" votes, plug where you can listen to them, etc.
If you're a fan of one of these artists and I got anything wrong or you have anything to add, please send an ask!
Long post ahead.
Genres: Indie Pop, Jangle Pop, Bedroom Pop 10 out of 2,375 voters have listened to them. (0.4%)
Self-described as such: "Bedroom songs from the Netherlands. Feel-good sunny energy, jangly indie pop and the breezy energy of pop-punk." Their website (in Dutch) says they're influenced by artists such as Bombay Bicycle Club, Darwin Deez, Little Comets, and The Wombats. Released one EP in 2017 and seems to have been inactive since, but two members went on to form the band Banji.
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Clay J Gladstone
Genres: Pop Punk, Punk Rock 12 out of 2,495 voters have listened to them. (0.5%)
Australian. "Emo punk outfit Clay J Gladstone was formed in 2020, comprised of current and former members of powerhouses Resist the Thought, Caulfield, and Buried in Verona." Released one album and some singles in 2021-2022, but they're still active and playing shows! Apparently one of their guitarists got his equipment stolen recently but they were able to fundraise enough money to replace it so yay :)
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Radiation 4
Genres: Avant-Garde Metal, Mathcore 10 out of 2,314 voters have listened to them. (0.4%)
Los Angeles-based experimental metal band that dressed in lab coats and glasses for their live performances. Their MySpace listed their influences as "Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Tom Waits, Mr Bungle, Botch..the list goes on." (IMO, the vocals especially are VERY Mike Patton-ish.) Released an EP in 2001 and an album in 2003, then went on hiatus in 2007 (though the vocalist uploaded some of their stuff to Bandcamp in 2022-2023?) Here's a fairly recent interview with the vocalist.
Bandcamp Here are unofficial YouTube uploads of Radiation 4 (2001 EP) and Wonderland (2003 album), which aren't on the Bandcamp, or anywhere else that I can find. ...Also, I finally found a copy of the album art for Wonderland that isn't JPEG'd into oblivion.
Genres: Pop Rock, Indie Rock, Math Rock 4 out of 2,158 voters have listened to them. (0.2%)
Self-proclaimed "Glaswegian pop-punk samba legends" (they aren't really samba though...) previously known as We Hung Your Leader. According to their old website, their influences included Jimmy Eat World, Alexisonfire, Brand New, and The Get Up Kids. Released two "mini-albums" between 2010 and 2011, and ceased posting on social media around 2017. Here's an interview (from shortly before the release of their second album) if you want to know more!
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Genres: Jazz-Rock, Avant-Prog, Progressive Rock 12 out of 2,534 voters have listened to them. (0.5%)
Italian instrumental jazz-rock band, formed in Rome in 2004 initially as a trio but then grew to a quartet. Their MySpace listed such influences as John Zorn, Frank Zappa, Igor Stravinsky, and Fred Frith. Released two albums, one in 2008 and one in 2010. (...there's not much else I could find about them!)
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notcaycepollard · 2 years
okay but something I think is so fascinating about goncharov that I haven't seen anyone else talk about is the way food (and consumption) is emblematic of one of the absolute core themes of the film: the way goncharov is so conflicted with his desire for freedom and non-conventional relationships and how that's fundamentally inconsistent with (both externally socially imposed and his own internal) expectations of what is acceptable. and you see that play out in a way that has to be deliberate because to me it's just too explicit to be accidental. when you go back and watch in detail it's obvious that goncharov is always eating, always consuming, when he's interacting with andrey compared to his denial of hunger in almost every interaction with katya. and then on top of that the casual and (what some might argue) inappropriate nature of the food goncharov chooses when it's andrey offering, compared to the rigid enforcement of domesticity as represented by the meals goncharov conspicuously fails to eat with katya, G O D. the way it's filmed? the precise and artificial symmetry of those tables and how she's framed by the candles, the silverware? and like, I know we're all obsessed with the anchovy scene and I get it, it makes me just as feral as everyone else and also we all get it, anchovy as stand in for going down on someone, it's not SUBTLE, but to me the fruit stall scene is just as important. it's the first time goncharov is offered something and takes it!! and I don't think it's coincidence either that what goncharov chooses - what andrey offers - is representative of naples, as opposed to the traditional russian food katya is always serving.
and like honestly, I know some people interpret the dinner scenes with katya as misogynistic, I'm not saying it's not a valid take, but again to me I think it speaks just as much about how trapped katya is by social expectations too. she tries so hard to perform the role of the good wife, polishing the fucking silverware and making blini when she deserves so much more than that, and then there's the parallel of sofia offering her a lick of her gelato and honestly can you really tell me the anchovy scene is still your favourite, katya/sofia is so fucking slept on, the tension!!!! L I K E come on how is everything in this film about fucking oral sex I mean
anyway the way that by the end of the film these conflicts are resolved with goncharov and katya at the table on the street, finally eating together but in a way that's not constrained by the trappings of domesticity or the expectation of remaining true to your roots, katya is finally seen by goncharov as a whole person with her own internal life and he's able to break bread with her, that final shot of them drinking wine with the church behind them, it's just, the catholicism in this film is a lot okay
and like I truly think that the way rusty in ocean's eleven is always eating is a deliberate homage to this film, we know soderbergh is influenced by avant-garde cinema and I don't think that's coincidence, and now I'm going to go write the katya-centric fic I want to see in the world with the title 'lay the table (with the fancy shit)' because I am inveterate taylor swift trash
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suspiriasinistra · 29 days
Phantómódel - Goths of color rec
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Are you a fan of 80s Post-Punk, Ethereal Wave, Cocteau Twins and Requiem in White?
Phantómódel is an Ethereal/Post-Punk project by fem-presenting transmasculine Black and Filipino artist Maxine Juno Sinclair (he/him only) started in the late 10s, based in Richmond, Virginia.
He describes his project as: "Heavily influenced by classical music and avant-garde scenes of the 1980s, Phantómódel's sounds bring a clash of post-punk, new wave, and opera. Lyrical themes confront human relations to capitalism, death, abuse, patriarchy, gender identity, and mental illness."
His music is some of the few newer goth projects I've found recently that has genuinely made me feel deeply excited for new releases, especially his last release of 2022, the single Still Life.
Truly wonderful, beautiful, eerie, elegant, romantic music that's not just vapid prettiness. It's a pity the project has stayed so underrated so far, please give them a listen.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
Rahu & Ketu: The Nodal Urge To Rebrand ✨
I got an ask several days ago that triggered some thoughts✨in me lol. A lot of people in the public eye often have a drastic change in image? where they go from one extreme to another and the person who asked me about this also suggested that perhaps its a Nodal (Rahu + Ketu) thing to swing between extremes. So, i did some digging and turns out it is indeed true. It is a very Nodal tendency to rebrand yourself and be in the public eye in several different avatars.
The Rahu naks are: Ardra, Swati & Shatabhisha
The Ketu naks are: Ashwini, Magha & Mula
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5/6 of these nakshatras belong to the Shudra caste which is the lowest caste (Outcaste naks exist outside the caste system entirely). Ashwini is the only Nodal nakshatra that is not Shudra caste and as you will see, it does not show up as often in the placements for any of the people I'll mention on this post. The themes of Ashwini and its place in the hierarchy are all different compared to the other Nodal naks. All that said, broadly speaking when one is Shudra caste and at the bottom of the hierarchy, one is always trying to climb up the ladder and be "accepted" by mainstream society, this means embodying different avatars at different times. This is only a partial explanation as to what contributes to this specific nature of Nodal natives. The other explanation is that both Rahu & Ketu are disembodied and never feel "whole". Every other planet brings with it certain structure, principles, qualities and boundaries, Rahu & Ketu being shadow planets lack any of this. Lacking form, lacking definition, lacking any inherent purpose means limitless freedom to be anyone or anything. Most people feel bound by their identity, they're x so they can't be y. But when you have no inherent identity, you can be xy and the whole alphabet lol and that kind of seems to be what a lot of these people embody.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger- Mula Moon
Arnold was a bodybuilder, he later became an actor and after that turned to politics and was the Governor of California. Most people cannot devote themselves to one career and he's had 3 incredibly successful careers. He wasn't some average bodybuilder, he was one of the greatest, he was Mr Universe, he isn't a particularly talented actor but he worked his strengths (action movies) and has starred in some of the most iconic films of all time?? and his movies have grossed over $1 billion and he served two terms as a Governor?? yk how many celebrities have turned to politics and failed lol? He also married into the Kennedy family. He has Pushya Sun and a Punarvasu stellium so I will attribute his longevity and continued success to that but the rebranding is def on his Mula Moon.
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Drake, Ardra Moon
I dont even think most people now know this but Drake was a teen actor initially. He was on the show Degrassi yearsss before he became a rapper.
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Ricky Gervais, Ardra Sun & Mercury, Mars in Magha and Ketu in Shatabhisha
Ricky Gervais started his career in the 80s as a singer and was part of a synth pop duo named Seona Dancing before he turned to stand up comedy and writing.
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Dwayne Johnson, Mula Moon
He was an extremely successful WWE wrestler before he switched to acting. Now he's one of the highest paid actors.
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Taylor Swift, Ardra Moon
She was a teen country singer before she became a popstar. Not many people who cross-over can do it successfully. Taylor is an anomaly.
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Caitlyn Jenner, Swati Sun, Rahu & Rising
She was an Olympic medal winning world class athlete then a reality star and now a transphobic weirdo who is a transwoman
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Lady Gaga, Swati Moon
Gaga went from being an edgy avant garde popstar to being a method actor?? lol, she's definitely channelling old hollywood starlet these days for sure
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Troye Sivan, Magha Moon & Mars, Rahu in Swati, Ketu in Ashwini
he was a teen YouTube sensation before he became a mainstream singer. very few people successfully shed their influencer image and Troye is one of them
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Taylor Momsen- Swati Moon
she was a child star, then a teen star on Gossip Girl and is now vocalist of a rock band
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Brie Larson- Swati Moon
she was a child actor, released music as a teenager, then was a supporting actor in indie films and then became an Oscar winner was most notably Captain America
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Drew Barrymore, Shatabhisha Sun
Drew was a child star, then later did some edgy roles (after she went to rehab, was emancipated etc) and posed nude for Playboy etc, then started doing romcoms in the 2000s and is now a vv successful daytime TV host
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Katy Perry- Swati Sun & Rising
she started out with church music before becoming a pop star and now TV personality
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Madonna- Magha Rising & Mercury with Ketu in Ashwini
She went from like S&M sex bomb to Evita to Earth Mother, and several personas and styles in between. she's had more personas than i can count tbh
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Matthew McConaughey, Swati Sun & Mercury
all throughout the 2000s he was best known as a romcom leading man not a serious actor and now he's an Oscar winner
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Ariana Grande, Ardra Sun
Ariana was a supporting actor on a Nickelodeon show and now she's one of the biggest popstars ever. not many people can do that (manyyy child star turned singers have flop careers)
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Snoop Dogg- Ashwini Rising, Swati Mercury conjunct Venus
He was a rapper who was frequently in and out of prison. He later converted to Rastafari and released an album based on it and then converted to Christianity and released a gospel record and now is just some weird stoner uncle when he used to go to award shows with half naked girls on leashes
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Rihanna, Shatabhisha Sun
when i was growing up Rihanna was a singer who released music pretty much every year but she's now a billionaire businesswoman who sells makeup and lingerie
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Martha Stewart, Mula Moon, Swati Rising
she was a model, then a stockbroker and then became a TV personality
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Zendaya, Ashwini Moon
she was a disney child star, a singer and became a hyper-successful fashionista who also acts
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Rooney Mara, Ashwini Sun
she had a complete change in image and went from playing supporting roles to being an avant garde serious art movie actor
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Dua Lipa, Magha Sun
Dua had a veryy different style and sound back in the day before she embraced the 80s synth sound and rock-glam style and became a pop princess
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Lana Del Rey, Ardra Sun
she used to sing under her real name Lizzy Grant and made vv different kind of music before she became Lana Del Rey
these are all the examples i can think of rn, lemme know if you have other examples in mind<33 ill add more if i find them
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musicianfiend · 7 months
New Wave
Welcome to the vibrant world of New Wave music, a genre that transcended the boundaries of sound and style in the 1980s. Join us as we explore the music, fashion, and cultural movements that defined this era, and discover how its influence continues to sh
In the early 1980s, a musical and cultural phenomenon emerged that would forever shape the landscape of popular music. This phenomenon was known as New Wave, and it brought with it a fresh and innovative approach to music, fashion, and art. New Wave was not just a genre; it was a state of mind, a rebellion against the established norms of the 1970s and a celebration of individuality and…
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sixty-silver-wishes · 8 months
Dmitri Shostakovich at Sergei Prokofiev's funeral, 1953.
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For context, Prokofiev and Stalin died on the same day- March 5, 1953. Because Stalin's funeral was such a major event in the Soviet Union, Prokofiev's was largely overlooked, despite the fact he was one of the leading Soviet composers of his day. Relatively few people attended his funeral, Shostakovich among them.
Shostakovich and Prokofiev were not particularly close, and had a thorny professional relationship- much of the correspondence between them that I've been able to find appears to be formal criticism of each other's works. As Prokofiev was from an older generation- he was born in 1891, while Shostakovich was born in 1906- they did not always see eye-to-eye musically; Shostakovich experimented with the avant-garde when possible, perhaps in part due to his musical maturation during the socially-liberal NEP era, while Prokofiev's style tended to be more conservative and neoclassical- picking up more influence from Imperial-age composers and fellow emigres to the west (he lived in France and the United States before returning to the Soviet Union in 1936). Their generational difference also partially accounted for how they responded to harsh government criticism- Shostakovich was impacted by the consequences of his 1936 denunciation all his life and, while he suffered greatly during his second denunciation in 1948, was able to develop public and private personas, in both the musical and ideological spheres, to preserve himself and his artistry. However devastating as it was for Shostakovich, the 1948 denunciations took a greater toll on many other composers, Prokofiev included. As Prokofiev did not believe he would be harshly denounced as Shostakovich had been in 1936, he was far less prepared for the censorship and attacks he faced in 1948. As a result of the denunciations, combined with his declining health, his artistic productivity decreased, and he largely regulated himself to writing basic ideological works towards the end of his life.
This is a letter Shostakovich wrote to Prokofiev on the subject of his Seventh (and last) Symphony:
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There's speculation as to whether or not Shostakovich was actually impressed by Prokofiev's Seventh Symphony. As Prokofiev was in decline at the time of writing it, the symphony has been criticized for being banal and not being particularly innovative; Rostropovich even claimed that Prokofiev added in its final flourish not for artistic purposes, but to have the piece nominated for a Stalin Prize, which would have meant money and a boost to his reputation after it suffered in 1948. (The Stalin Prize has its own complicated history in its role in Soviet music, and although it was the highest award a Soviet composer could earn, it could sometimes be awarded as a sort of backhanded punishment- an encouragement for composers to write the "right" sort of music, especially after they had been criticized for "formalism." Nonetheless, winning it after suffering a denunciation could mean financial and political security.) Did Shostakovich- who had often traded criticisms with Prokofiev over music- actually like this piece, or was this an effort to encourage a fellow artist to keep composing after suffering mental and physical ailments? This was a private letter and not a public statement, and Shostakovich was typically very straightforward about critiques, so if the entirely positive sentiment for the piece wasn't genuine (the only critique here is that Shostakovich says he wishes the entire symphony was encored!), the letter may have come from a place of concern.
Perhaps the most striking thing about this letter is the line, "I wish you another hundred years to live and create. Listening to such works as your Seventh Symphony makes it much easier and more joyful to live." Maybe by telling Prokofiev that he wished him another hundred years to live and create, Shostakovich was not simply praising the symphony, but encouraging Prokofiev- a composer whom he was often on icy terms with- that he needed to keep living and creating, during a time when it was becoming more and more difficult for him to do so.
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Patrick McGoohan (The Prisoner, Scanners) Patrick McGoohan, the star, the creator and driving force of the iconoclastic classic The Prisoner transformed primetime television drama into avant-garde art in 1967. Probably the most cultist and analysed show in television history, The Prisoner has as much cultural relevance today as it did when it was first broadcast. Being way ahead of its time, this dark fairytale predicted 24-hour mass surveillance, a postmodern age and the death of ideology. "The Gone with the Wind of its genre" according to X-Files producer John Shiban, its prophetic vision about politics, technology, social conformity and television itself has influenced Twin Peaks, the X-files, Battlestar Galactica and The Matrix, among many others
Ed Wasser (Babylon 5)- He’s pretty! He looks good in a suit and plays an excellent smug charismatic bastard!
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nofoodjustwax · 2 years
Don Cherry's New Researches - Organic Music Theatre: Festival de jazz de Chateauvallon 1972
Don Cherry’s New Researches – Organic Music Theatre: Festival de jazz de Chateauvallon 1972
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bananadramaaa · 24 days
I don’t know if this question has already been asked but where did you art style inspiration come from? I am just in awe with your art and you encourage me to draw everyday ❤️❤️ I check your account everyday just to see what you posted and every design is AMAZING absolutely beautiful!! Thank youuuuu 🥺
Awwww thank you so much🥺💜
In this ask, I talked a little about the inspiration/influence behind my art :3 But, of course, I have more artists or things that inspired me. So I'll name a few more here, maybe something may catch your eye too.
So back to the artists today✨
Dave Mckean, Ferenc Pintèr, Aleksander Rostov, and Piotr Jabłoński. Their work with color and composition... Where to begin. I transform into that Lady Gaga meme when I start talking about their art. 'Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing...' So I definitely recommend checking their work out yourself so I won't waste your time here.
I'll mention one more art movement since I did it in the previous theme-related ask. CoBrA was an avant-garde art group in 1948-1951 in Europe. I won't say that it connected straight up to my art style, but since I've mentioned color and composition before, I can't ignore good ol' CoBrA.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
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“When we went abroad, we stayed in our hotel rooms except when we were working. The only places I could go then were museums. The art galleries full of Monets or Van Goghs were always crowded, but when I visited one weekday morning and had them mostly to myself, I had a eureka moment—an artist who’d passed away 100 years ago was communicating directly with a boy from Korea. I was so envious. From then on, I began seeking out and learning about Korean painters.” — HAPPY NAMJOON DAY! ; 940912 ; CLICK FOR HQ. twt | ig 
Note: rkive and gallery walk gifs may take a bit to load, and look best on desktop. Note 2: To learn more about all of the artwork and artists showcased, click below. 
When The Year 2000 Comes (2019), by YANG HAEGUE, the avant-garde of Korean art.  “She is an accomplished and international artist. She notably represented Korea at the Venice Biennale in 2009 and participated to the prestigious dOCUMENTA (13) in Kassel in 2012. In her works, which flirt with conceptual art, she explores myths and stories, that touch on the universal. She appropriates them through sculptures, installations, performances, and video.”  
From Point (1976), by LEE UFAN, Korean Zen Art. “He is a Korean artist known worldwide for his paintings depicting the mark of a brush whose color fades… Yet his practice goes far beyond that! He creates performances, sculptures and installations, which always question a certain “state of being.” He is influenced by Zen and Asian philosophy, but has also drawn heavily on Western thought. Among his favorite subjects: observing the intimate, conflicting or poetic relationship between natural and artificial elements.” 
Brushstrokes-Diagram (2015), by SONG HYUN-SOOK, Korean and Western art.  “With her, each brushstroke tells a story, a journey. She weaves links between Korean art and Western art. On the one hand, it expresses that almost meditative state of concentration that exists in the art of calligraphy. On the other hand, she uses tempera, a typically European oil painting technique, to create patterns that immerse the viewer in reality and the present moment.” 
Drawing, Charcoal on paper, 65 x 50 cm (2014) and Issu de feu Charcoal on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, (2000), by LEE BAE, the Soulages of Korean Art. “A Korean abstract artist. Like Soulages, for whom black is a color, he explores the almost infinite possibilities of black. He sinks into the abyss of darkness. Until recently, he mainly used charred materials to paint his canvases. In doing so, he offered a powerful metaphor for the cycle of life.” 
Écriture No.160523 (2016), by PARK SEO-BO, Korean abstraction. “One of the best known Korean artists. He is emblematic of the monochrome Dansaekhwa movement. A current that synthesizes the traditional Korean spirit and Western abstraction. In a way, he is very close to minimalist artists, choosing neutral tones to highlight components and fabrics.” 
Mat 61 × 81 #19-17 (2019), by SUKI SEOKYEONG KANG, contemporary art.  “Born in 1977, this Korean artist is one of the biggest names of the art market. Her work is mostly inspired by her own philosophical research and reflection on space and our place in it. She uses sculpture, installation, and performance to explore these ideas. Her works were presented, among others, in the Venice and Shanghai Biennales.” 
Untitled (1966), by CHOI WOOK-KYUNG, the outcast.  “Wook-kyung Choi (1940-1985) is an outcast in the history of contemporary Korean art. She is an abstract painter. But most Korean abstract painters shine in Dansaekhwa: the Korean monochrome. She, on the contrary, is mainly influenced by expressionism. Brutally, instinctively, aggressively, she throws the colors on the canvas. She seeks to immerse herself in the moment, and to create true, pure, expressive forms. Thus, it plays a capital role for the diversity of Korean abstract art.”
Thank you for your interest in these artists and this passion project! All of the website information (other than the artist bio on the Artist Spotlight page) is fictional. Happy Joonie Day 2022, and let’s continue to support him and all the fantastic Korean artists out there. 
SRC: one, two, three
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