#Asano is tired of him
le-panda-chocovore · 8 months
"Say" Karma asks with his eternal strawberry milk in hand "are you a cat person or a dog person ?"
Gakushuu doesn't even bother to look at him. It's been month now that Akabane daily hangs around him, starts absurd conversation just for the love of it, and jumps on every single occasion to compete with him. Gakushuu is kinda used to it now, but he has yet developed a skill to fully ignore the boy.
"I'm a cat person myself, you know. I think cats suit you too."
Gakushuu doesn't answer, even if he knows that he eventually will have to. Akabane never gives up with his weird questions. He's only putting things off.
"Well I guess dogs are more convenient to you, since you love giving orders and everything. I mean, you're a leader, you want loyalty, dogs are great with that."
Gakushuu sighs. He's only trying to eat his bento in peace, but peace is a complicated things to reach when Akabane Karma is in your life.
"Are you going to write an essay about wether dogs or cats are more suits to me ?"
"Well I would if you don't answer, I have to make my own conclusion. So, dogs or cats ?"
".... Neither."
Karma rolls his eyes and puts his drink down on Asano's desk. Because of course he was sitting in front of him, he specifically came to disturb Gakushuu during the lunch break. It began a month after the start of the school year. At first it was one day every two weeks, then one per week, then three, then every day. The whole class was also used to it now, the weird rivalry-friendship-flirtous relation they have. Gakushuu still finds that annoying.
"You can't say that ! If you have to choose between a dog or a cat, what would you take ?"
"I don't know. Does it matter? I don't have a preference."
"Of course it matters !! How can you say something so stupid ?! It means everything ! It kinda define your personality but go off I guess !"
As usual, Akabane is dramatic. Gakushuu sighs again. Why such a fuss about a simple question ?
"I have never had a pet." He doesn't even know why he tries to explain himself. Isn't he allowed to just not have a preference? "I don't know what they're like."
"What ? How could you nev- Oh. Yeah. I guess your dad isn't the type to offer you a cat for Christmas."
"No, he really isn't." But the mental image makes him smile. Internally, of course. Can't be seen showing emotions when Akabane's looking.
"Well you don't need to actually have a pet to know which one you prefer. Imagine, a few years in the future, you live in your own apartment and you have a good job and enough money. You can do whatever you want, even adopt a pet. What would you choose then ?"
Asano thinks about it, he even stops eating to visualize the picture. What would he choose, if he can have anything ?
"I don't know."
"What ? I really don't ! Why should I like one better than the other ?"
Abakane seemed genuinely exasperated, he couldn't believe what he heard. How can a person not have a preference! It's a crime ! He should put the strawberry blonde under arrest, but he isn't a cop, and Gakushuu would probably be out in a matter of hours. He's way too perfect to stay in jail.
"Look at that" Karma shows him his phone, "and tell me that does nothing to you !"
It's a picture of a black and white cat stretching. Gakushuu looks unimpressed, which only increases Akabane's outrage. The red-haired boy keeps scrolling his phone to shows pictures and video of cats and kittens, trying to get a reaction from Asano. But the only thing Gakushuu does, beside frowning, is commenting a simple "okay I guess."
"Don't yell and don't swear."
He realized then that the whole class -more precisely the remaining students who don't eat at the cafeteria- were listening, and now looking at them. Hell he hates when Akabane makes a scene like this.
"Those are the most beautiful and cute and perfect creatures that have ever existed, and you DARE to say that they're only okay ???? What kind of psychopath are you !?"
"It's a pet Akabane. Besides, between us, you're the psycho one."
"Oh my god, shut up, will you ? I didn't said I don't like cats, I just... I don't know."
It's Karma's turn to sigh. The boy is looking at him as if he was an alien inable to communicate with a human language. Gakushuu stares back. He isn't the weird one, he convinces himself, there's no problem in not liking pets.
"So dogs it is then ?"
"Well, uh... Not really. I don't particularly like dogs either."
That's when Ren joined the conversation. He hands his own phone which shows the Instagram page of one of his friend. A girl and her dog running in the snow. It was a pretty cute picture.
"Here, what do you think about it ?" Ren asks with a fake innocentsmile. He is clearly up to something and Asano doesn't like that. He feels like they're making an alliance against him. Akabane lean toward them to see the picture and Asano's reaction.
"Hm" said Gakushuu after looking at the screen for 5 long seconds. Ren laughed, Gakushuu frowns, and Karma protests.
"The FUCK you mean-"
"Stop swearing I said. You're insufferable."
"And you're fucking weird. How can you not react ? Do you have a heart ?"
Asano shrugs. He takes his bento and starts eating again, ignoring the look everyone is giving to him. Honestly, he's kinda satisfied to see the annoying human nuisance sighs. Karma seems desperate and the fact that the roles are reversed is extremely funny to him.
"You cannot not love pets." Karma groans.
"Well, obviously I can."
Ren gets closer with his chair and puts his own food on Asano's desk.
"You're neither a cat or a dog person but there must be a pet you like." He assumes with a thoughtful face.
"What are you doing ?" Gakushuu stares with murderous eyes. His childhood friend laughed it off nervously.
"I'm just curious ! I never got to know your favourite animal, that's all."
"Maybe I don't have one."
"That's sad" points out Akabane. "Or maybe you love hamster but you're ashamed of it."
This time Gakushuu sighs again. He sighs often when Akabane is around, and that means everyday since the beginning of the year.
"Well a little mouse maybe ?"
"No" Asano deadpans.
"Ew" Sakakibara comments.
"They're cute tho," Karma protests. "Wait I'm showing you a picture."
"My sister has an hamster." claims Koyama while handing his own phone.
Asano looks at it but doesn't say anything, fully aware that everyone was waiting for him to react. It's not that he dislikes being when people stares at him, they always do, but he isn't the kind of person who talk about themself. His father always reminds him to give private information carefully because we never know what people might do with that. And, well, he's father is not the best role model, but it's the only one he has.
However, the main problem right know is that Asano really doesn't know what pet he likes. Cats and hamsters and dogs may indeed be cute if you take the definition of the word, he can see that, but he doesn't feel any particular affection toward them by looking at those pictures.
"Well ?" asks Karma, staring at him curiously as if he's trying to read his soul -and he probably is.
"What ?" Asano really has nothing to say, and it shows. "Well, it's alive."
"Gods can you hear yourself ? You're the worst human alive." Karma takes back his strawberry milk and starts drinking obnoxiously.
"We should try mice then" Akira proposes. "You said you'd show a picture Akabane."
The cat lover looks up to him but before he could answer, another students appeared next to Asano's desk. Apparently, their classmates, who listened to the entire conversation since the beginning, took the Virtuosos' intervention as an autorization to join the debate as well. The most brave of them, a blonde girl with round glasses, gives her phone to Asano to show him a picture of three little mice.
"Th-their names are Iku, Aki and Uka" she mumbles.
"Oh. Well... Okay ?"
Akabane slams his drink against the desk.
"That fucking 'okay' again, is that the only word you know ?"
"I don't know what you're expecting from me !!" Gakushuu finally snaps.
"A fucking human reaction ! Is that too much to ask ?? When I look at cats, I'm like 'awwwwwww so cute I want to adopt them and cuddle them and feed them' but YOU don't give a shit about those little fluffy angels and I don't know how you can be so heartless !! Do you ever feel anything ? Are you a robot ?"
"I do feel things, thanks" Asano grunts. "I'm just not a pet person."
"All pets are differents, there's plenty races of cats and dogs. Maybe you could like one." Sakakibara fully ignores the deathly glare Asano has and keeps going. "Like a golden retriever and a bulldog are nothing alike."
After those words, in a matter of three minutes, the whole class gather around the poor student representative to show every pictures of their pets. There are plenty of cats and dogs from all races and age and Asano quickly lose control of the situation (not like he ever had it in the first place). He doesn't know where to look at, he's fully surrounded and is forced to stop eating again.
Despite that, he still doesn't really react to what he sees, and Akabane is know completly convinced that his rival is a future serial killer. Asano tries to reach his bestfriend for help, but Sakakibara is too busy trying to not laugh to hard to do anything. Betrayed by his right hand man, Asano turns toward the other Virtuosis, but they're no help either.
And that is the moment when the teacher comes back to class, only to see his students all gathered around Gakushuu's desk with their phones out.
Gakushuu is of course the first one to notice, and immediately stands up to greet him and to tell everyone to go back to their place. They groan but obey. Except, of course, Akabane.
"What happened here ?" Asks the teacher out of curiosity.
"Asano said he never had a pet before so we're trying to guess what he could like."
Gakushuu glares at Karma, who shrugs with a smile.
"He said he's neither a cat or dog person" Karma continues, "but he must be something."
Asano expected the teacher to dismiss the boy for starting irrelevant conversation, and to remind the class to stay serious about the work and everything. He certainly didn't expected him to hum with an amused smile and to answer "I knew someone once who had a bird pet. Do you like feathers Asano-kun ?"
He really doesn't expect that. What was he even supposed to answer ? And why was the teacher joining the circus ?
"I... Don't think so ? Birds are louds." Gakushuu explains finally, but he doesn't seem really sure about that. Karma notices and grins when he gets up to go back to his own desk.
"I guess they are." The teacher opens his binder to the lesson he prepared. "Well, you guys should talk about this outside of class hours. Let's continue where we stopped..."
Gakushuu is clearly relieved to go back to a serious subject appropriate for school. Little does he know that Akabane has no intention to stop this debate.
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hdhdgsgs · 1 year
Can I request karma x reader(fem) x gakushuu? But no smut and it's like totally (as much as it can be with this boys ) healthy romantic relationship. I especially want to know about 1e reaction and how would they hide it from asano's dad (and probably the rest of the school).
These two boys at the start would be an absolute handful, especially when you are around, they are always looking for ways to one up each other. Always fighting for your affection and sometimes the others.
They do love each other a lot but coming to grips with it would be a challenge for both because of their personalities and pride. Basically the first time they would admit it would be after arguing and in private being tired as hell they would finally admit it to each other, angry/exhausted confessions.
When they realised they liked you it would be individually and they would push the feelings to the side because they would think it was wrong when they already like each other, confessing to them wouldn’t be the best course of action bc both are loyal and would reject you.
Instead they would sit down and talk about the feelings and realise that they both feel the same for you, in doing so with all the connections and money both families have, they would set up the most romantic date ever to confess to you, saying it’s just a meeting then leading you to a mountain decked out in flowers and decorations. Even a freaking famous band to play in the background, the actually confession would be heavily practiced and rehearsed, scripted to be the most heart felt thing you’ve ever heard, maybe written by a famous author.
The actual relationship would be amazing once everything settles down, dates ranging from picnics in a park to flying you to Paris for the evening for dinner, just because they can. I can see Gakushuu’s love language being gifts because his father would give them to show love instead of actually spending time with his son (relatable *crying*) so lots of gifts will be given to you, although he does put in more effort to the relationship quality time wise than his father ever did with him. He would spend hours thinking about the best gifts to give you and Karma that not only suit your personalities but something you would like and actually be useful.
I can see Karma however being more of a quality time person because of the literally 0 time his parents give him, he would rather be with either of you instead of being by himself for one second because he gets extremely lonely. Not that he would ever admit it, or not for a long time anyway. Because of that he would plan dates a lot or just ask (tell) you to come over. Sometimes he just wants to have you near while he does his own stuff and doesn’t want to talk, but he’ll express that so you don’t make him agitated (in the best way possible). Sometimes he just doesn’t want to talk or touch at all but he doesn’t want to he alone either.
Neither would be good with expression their love in words which was fine when they were only with each other but with you it was something that’s needed. Every week they would take some time to tell you and show you how much they love and appreciate you, Gakushuu might even make a slideshow of what you both have done and how much you’ve it meant to him, while Karma would just speak from the heart, but it would take a while to get the words out properly so when he has time to himself he usually writes it all down as notes so he can go off that while still making it special because it’s not scripted necessarily.
At first Gakushuu would be very against letting his father know in any capacity because of the fear and resentment he harbours for his father but also the fear he will make you all break up. On some level as well he doesn’t believe his father deserves knowing. After a year or two however, especially when everyone leaves his fathers schools, he would start bringing you to family events/meetings etc, his father wouldn’t be happy at the start especially because of the throuple and his son dating a male and that male being karma but eventually he just doesn’t care anymore, his success matters far more than who his partners are in his eyes.
If either of you broke his sons heart in a brutal way however, your life would be essentially over. Even if Gakushuu begs him not to and does everything in his power to stop it, his father does love his son and would see it as a natural reaction, no one is allowed to hurt his precious/golden/only child (except for him apparently).
Hiding it from the school would be mostly easy as both boys aren’t very touchy, especially early in the relationship. Most meetups after school would be at Karma’s house as it’s empty 99.9% percent of the time. Dates would usually fly under the radar of Gakushuu’s father, except on school nights or times when they had a scheduled meeting with either each other or important clients.
Class 3e would find out because Gakushuu would send gifts that everyone would ask about so Karma nonchalantly explains that you’re all dating or he would visit himself and ask for the two of you to talk which Class 3-E would eagerly listen in to. Shock all around, especially from Koro-sensei who had pairing already made, no worries tho, he’ll change them quick to match the love triangle going on. Lots of questions and gushing would ensue, ending eventually with then having to swear not to tell anyone, especially on the main campus (as if any main campus students would even talk to them anyways). Okuda might be a slight it sad but she’d hide it well and get over it in a few days, all would wish you well and slightly threaten mostly Gakushuu but both boys not to hurt you. Of course Gakushuu can’t know about Koro-sensei so he’d hide but watch and observe, you may even be able to spot him in the distance of future dates.
I could go for hours about the long term stuff which you might like but that wasn’t specifically requested so I won’t…
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i-just-like-goats · 2 years
requests? ok! how about gakushuu dating headcanons?
Oooh ok! Had so much fun writing this!! Thanks for the request and hop you enjoy!
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Gakushu Asano x Reader no pronouns specified
Summary: in the ask
Warnings: none that I can think of
WC: 0.5k
Main Masterlist
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He confessed to you in such an official way
Like I feel like this dude would have a contract for you to sign
If not a contract, he's already setting boundaries and rules and planning for when he meets your parents
Which is a good thing ig, but it did intimidate you 
He was a bit awkward, a bit stiff and uptight at first because he wants to do his absolute best 
It's really endearing how much effort he's putting in to be a good boyfriend for you
Around you he can be such a sweetheart <33
Sometimes he'll give you flowers randomly because "they're pretty, like you"
In public he'll hold your hand because Gakushu does not like PDA
Gakushu isn't ashamed of his relationship, he just thinks there's a time and place for affection, and in front of the whole school is not the time or place
But when you're alone, you're suffocating because he sometimes likes to just straight up lie on you because he's so tired from school 
He often does little things that make you swoon for him
Like when he cooks your favourite dish for you and he feeds you a little spoonful of it to get your approval
Or like when he's so concentrated on his work that his eyebrows furrow in just the right way
A big tease
"Take a picture, it'll last longer"
Once he gets more comfortable with being in a relationship with you, his confidence grows
Not that he wasn't confident before, it's just that relationships were new to him, so half the time he wasn't sure what he was doing at the beginning
But with your assurance and affection (hugs, lots of them and some pecks here and there) he's really become more confident as a boyfriend
He's hot and he knows you find him hot
"I know I'm attractive but we really should get back to studying or I might have to break up with you"
He's joking I promise
He would be lost without you, so he's not leaving you anytime soon
He just needs to motivate you somehow
"Oh? Y/N, why are you suddenly blushing right now? Is it the temperature of the room? Or is it me that's making you flustered? How cute"
He sounds so condescending and his smile looks so fake, but you've grown used to it to know that you were just feeding his ego hence the teasing
Dates with him are very traditional
He takes you out and pays for you
As cliché as it was, he took you to a really nice restaurant on the first date
That was at the beginning tho
Now you take turns paying or you just split the bill
It took a lot of convincing, but you were able to get him to stop paying for you 
Sometimes your dates are just you laying in the sofa at one of your houses
But it doesn't matter to you, as long as you're with him
He feels the same
So overall, Gakushu is a great boyfriend
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okchijt · 2 years
Can you please do a Karma or Nagisa with an S/O who frequently cries? I have bad separation anxiety and abandonment issues and they’re my favorite characters
Author's Note: Thank you so much Anon for the request! When I read this my first thought was "Why not both!?" and so I went with that! It's double the fun and comfort after all! I’m so sorry if Karma or Nagisa are out of character, it’s been a hot while since I’ve watched the show😅 I did some research when writing this to make it as accurate as possible, so feel free to correct me if anything is wrong! Hope it does the job for you or anyone who can relate to said request! And lastly, go ahead and check out my masterlist if you like what you just read and if you want to request anything yourself, thank you, and enjoy!❤
Karma Akabane
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😈 The first time Karma saw you crying, his brain went full stop. He just stared at you with a dumbfound expression until he snapped out of it upon you noticing him and immediately rushing to your side to comfort you.
😈 Now Karma has never seen you cry until now and he never had the pleasure of comforting someone before, but he tried his best just for you. Whether that was trying to make you laugh or trying to make you tell him who hurt you, he'll do and say just about anything to make you feel better.
😈 Once you've calmed down and explained to him that when you woke up this morning and found him nowhere to be found(you two had a sleepover at your place) and with no message left behind you assumed the worst and all of your insecurities and worries came to light, making you start crying.
😈 Karma would be even more taken aback than he was before after hearing such news. He never once noticed you feeling this way because of how well you were at trying to hide it. Not knowing how to react, Karma would just awkwardly pat your head while giving you some words of reassurance, vowing to himself to do better.
😈 Karma will start to take mental notes of what makes you want to start crying, it could be the most severe thing ever or the stupidest reason for you to begin baling, but Karma would take both just as seriously. Though he sometimes thinks you're overreacting, he won't say anything and still try to calm you down with smooth words, hugs, and pats on the head.
😈 Karma will try to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible, as soon as he understands who or what will start making you cry, he will confront the issues head-on. If it's a person, for example, Asano was bothering you because of the class you're in, he'll literally fight them and threaten them. Maybe it's the sounds of nails on the board or visual gore in movies, or the fact you might arrive late to class. Karma might not understand all of your worries, but he'll shield you from them all proudly.
😈 You both agree that all of the things you're suffering from are tiring for both of you, so Karma will help you to the best of his ability to get rid of or at least lessen your fears. Karma's way of helping would include you facing all of your issues head-on. You'd have to explain to him what was bothering you at the moment to make you want to cry, and Karma would force you to face it while standing right behind you. Of course, he'd start slow with you though, like if interacting with people bothers you, he'd make you order something at a cafe while on a date at least once yourself. Or if a sound/visual is bothering you, he'd make you listen to the sound in minimal doses, each time turning the sound a little bit higher when you get used to the previous level. And with the visual, he'd put on the video or images in low resolution, turning it up each time you get used to the previous visual. When it's something out of your control, like being late to something or not being ready in time, Karma would tell you that you'll do better next time and congratulate you, and praise you with affection if you do actually manage to accomplish the thing that was worrying you.
😈 Now that was surprisingly the easy part for Karma to help you with. When it comes to your abandonment issues and separation anxiety, it's a different story. Karma would only ever do any research for his own benefit or for school, but you are someone immensely special to him so he'd start searching for ways to help you as soon as possible.
😈 With separation anxiety, Karma's way of helping you would include him leaving you with your favorite plushy or something that reminded you of him for brief periods of time and short distances at first. The first few times were extremely hard for you, almost immediately calling him on the phone to come back to you. To help you with that, he'd relax you by making you watch TV or read a book with the object in your lap while he left to do whatever. With time you'd get used to the separation and begin to handle it better.
😈 Another thing Karma would do is reassure you that he will be just fine upon leaving. Communicating to you that there is nothing to worry about, especially since you both know Karma can handle himself perfectly fine. Still, Karma will make an effort to send you a funny photo of himself and a message when he arrives home or at his destination safe and sound. Making you less anxious each time he leaves.
😈 Regarding your abandonment issues, you and Karma would start to notice your daily feelings, reactions urges, and words you choose to use. Which would lead to Karma challenging some of your limits and seeing how far he can stretch out dose feelings of yours. The more you force yourself to linger in those uncomfortable situations like not talking with him for a few hours or not being in his presence for a while, the more you'll begin to function independently without worry.
😈And lastly, know the difference between a feeling and a fact. Emotions can come over you and overwhelm you, but remember, feelings are temporary. Just like being away from Karma is, it wouldn't be long until you see and talk to him again. The feeling is him leaving, but it's a fact you'll see him again. So check the facts when you notice emotional overwhelm, and bring yourself back to your core.
😈 Everyone has their limits though and Karma gets that. So if he ever sees you're getting overwhelmed with his help or not up to facing anything that day because of how tired you are, he'll let you have a day or two without your "exercises". Instead, he'll spend the day with you doing whatever you want to do, anything you want is a-okay with him because it'd be his way of congratulating you for how far you've come. Whether it's small or huge progress, he's still proud and happy you're trying to help yourself. And at the end of the day, Karma will always reassure you he'll always be there for you, that he'll always come back to you, that he'll never leave you, that he'll always protect you, and that he'll always love you. After all, Karma is a man of his word.
Nagisa Shiota
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🐍 Nagisa has already from the start been suspecting there's something going on with you, he could never pinpoint it though. He was also too shy to ask you himself, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
🐍 But during the last lesson of the day you, unfortunately, had fallen asleep due to overworking yourself and being tired. Thankfully Koro-sensei was nice enough to let you slide with that one and you slept throughout the whole lesson. By the time you woke up, everyone was already gone, even Nagisa who always walked home with you after school. That was when you started baling thinking he got tired of you and left you without saying a word, overthinking the whole situation.
🐍 Suddenly the doors opened revealing Nagisa standing in them, his expression turning to one of concern once noticing the state you were in. It was then that his suspicions have been proven correct once you explained the issues you go through daily after he told you that he left the class without you because Kaede forgot something from her desk and he ran after her to give the item back before quickly getting back to you to wake you up.
🐍 After much explaining from both of you, Nagisa would focus on trying to make you feel better. He'd hug you, walk with you home while holding hands, and offer to go to one of your favorite cafes for dessert. And on the way there he'd reassure you of how much he loves you and that he'd never leave you like that without a warning again.
🐍 Nagisa would be very similar to Karma in how he deals with your issues, but there are some differences! For example, Nagisa would also make notes, but physically this time to what upsets you to the point of making you cry. He would use the same technics as Karma, making you face those issues head-on with him being by your side the whole time, the only difference is that Nagisa would have more knowledge of how to help you in said situations.
🐍 He'd tell you to focus on taking slow, deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. He'd lean on you and say to try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones or think about something funny or silly instead. Seeing the lighter, funnier side of a stressful situation can make things easier and stop you from crying so easily. He'd cup your face, make eye contact, and tell you that when a person cries their face tends to tense up. Focusing on the muscles on your face and relaxing them can help prevent crying.
🐍 And lastly, he'd sit down with you and just listen to you vent, failure to communicate properly can lead to anger and frustration, which can trigger the urge to cry. Learning how to express feelings clearly, staying calm, and using words can help to keep tears at bay. All of these are great ways to prevent or reduce someone from crying, and you can bet that after every exercise, whether it works or not, Nagisa will shyly cover you with affection and praise as congrats.
🐍 Now compared to Karma, Nagisa has more of a better idea of helping you with your separation anxiety and abandonment issues. Therapy! If you can't afford it then get ready because Nagisa and his mom are both ready to spend every penny to help you out with that. They just can't help it, they adore you too much! And of course, after every session, you'd have to tell Nagisa what your therapist recommended you try to do to get over your problems. And you can expect that Nagisa will make sure you follow through with them by also helping out.
🐍 When it comes to separation anxiety Nagisa would develop a quick "goodbye" ritual with you. Those rituals are reassuring and can be as simple as a special wave through the window or a goodbye kiss. It's important to keep things quick and not let the goodbye linger, it will help you realize that Nagisa leaving isn't as much of a big deal as it seems, but a normal thing instead.
🐍 Another thing he'd do is tell you the exact time he'll return or the day you'll see him again. It's supposed to develop the confidence that you need to handle separation, so it's very important Nagisa returns at the time he promised you. And he very much keeps to his word 100%, he won't betray the trust you put into that promise and it's a helping exercise, so you can bet that Nagisa will always return at the exact time he promised you with a little souvenir in hand as a gift for believing in him and yourself.
🐍 About abandonment issues, Nagisa would tell you to self-validate. And the reason is that if you don’t self-validate, you’ll be dragging your “seeking validation self” to anyone who will listen to you, unconsciously seeking their approval and validation. If you thoroughly self-validate on a daily basis, you can ask others for support, but it isn’t from the same desperation for them to grasp the intensity of your emotional experience. It'll make you feel stronger and more in control of yourself, so that means you won't feel the need to consistently seek validation from Nagisa or anyone else when you can do it yourself now.
🐍 Another thing Nagisa would tell you is to focus on making healing your responsibility. Yes, others may have hurt you, but this is your life, and the more important you make your healing, the farther you’ll get and the better your life will be. Taking accountability is the opposite of self-abandonment, it is the way to self-embodiment and self-care. That of course doesn't mean that Nagisa isn't there to help you out all the way he can. What he means by that is that in order to make any actual change, it's you that has to put all the work in, Nagisa is just there to add additional help when needed.
🐍 Of course Nagisa knows that you can get sometimes overwhelmed with everything you're going through, and just like Karma he will allow you to have some days to yourself without a care in the world. Rather he'd come up with a day with just you two filled with all kinds of your favorite activities, which would quickly turn into dates. But if you'd rather just stay at your or his house and just sit around doing nothing, that's fine with him too, whatever the love of his life wants is more than fine with him. No matter how big or small the progress you make in improving yourself, he's always going to be proud of you and remain by your side all the way. Just like Karma, Nagisa is a man of his word, so there's no doubt he's staying with you till the very end and it doesn't matter how many times he has to say it or show it, he will prove his devotion to you eventually. And when that day comes, you'll know just how much he loves you and will never leave you for the world.
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decadentrot · 1 year
The Devil of Death and his Delinquent
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spawned from the my probably exaggerated memory of Karma being the only person in AC to truly be fearful of Nagisa's bloodlust and killing instinct like i feel like most people were like 'nagi is a great friend :D wait he practically mastered every assassin killing technique... good for him but hes still our short king :D' meanwhile i feel like karma is in the back like 'yall be seeing this?? yall think this is normal??'
so in this au karma is being haunted by demon!nagisa and everytime he tries to get him exorcised or purified, either they dont believe him because he has a delinquent reputation and think hes trying to come up with an excuse for all the bad stuff happening or the priest/psychic meet nagisa and dont actually believe hes a demon
main roles: karma as a tired bitch, nagisa as happy to be here demon, nakamura as psychic best friend, the asanos as disbelieving priests, sugino/kanzaki/isogai as angels trying their best, kayano/maehara/fuwa as demons trying to have fun
Bonus: karma surprisingly finds a discord server dedicated to 'delinquents who have been haunted by demons but no one believes them' where he meets terasaka who has the misfortune of being haunted by 4 demons (terasaka gang) that constantly possess him and make him go to every maid café in japan
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rosze-v · 2 years
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crawling back to you
pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader
synopsis: Gojo makes it clear that he’s too busy to fall for someone new.
tw: singer!Gojo, curse words, a bit of angst, fluff, Gojo’s personal delulu, lowkey toxic Gojo, kissing, Gojo is so hot urgh
w.c : 3.5k
a/n: Halu! I was listening to Do I Wanna Know last night and I can’t stop thinking of Gojo sweaty and singing urghhh. I didn’t expect it to get so long but I got too into detail. Anyway! I hope you guys like it!
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Being the partner of Gojo Satoru is not an easy feat for anyone. Especially now that he’s a very popular singer with millions of fans, it definitely become an achievement. Though Gojo Satoru’s popularity is not without reasons, the man has everything in his hands; be it looks, talents, and even charisma. Artists around the world praises his band first debut music video, where it started off with a blindfolded Gojo, giving a very mysterious feel towards his character. Yet by the end of the music video, Gojo seductively slips off his blindfold showing his striking sky-blue eyes. The debut was also a success because Gojo’s voice was the perfect raspy and whiny combination which is rare in the industry. So, being his partner is never easy, though if you were honest, even before he debuted, Gojo have always been popular. He knows how to talk with people, so easygoing and cheerful, everyone truly adores Gojo.
But it’s so hard when it’s one of those days where your insecurities got the best of you. You didn’t really care how busy Gojo is, that at some point, you guys won’t even be able to meet each other for weeks. You are as busy as he is too sometimes, being a popular, and upcoming author yourself, people have demand sequels from your books so you are always busy with your own writing. Though what really sets off your insecurities are when you noticed how physical Gojo can be with his fans. It’s no problem if its handshakes and slight hugs, but you have noticed Gojo interacting a bit longer on this one fan of his.
This fan of his, Asano, has been one of his most supportive fans, even during Gojo’s pre-debut marketing, she had always been the one to truly support him. Every concert, every fan meeting, she has always been there. At first you didn’t really care, in fact, you’re happy that Gojo has a very supportive fan but you’re not the only who’s happy. You have heard Gojo talking about her on and on, that at this point, you truly wonder if Gojo Is probably into her.
Gojo spoke about how she’s so loyal to him and how kind she is to him and you agreed. Then he told you how happy he felt the first time the both of them met and again, you were happy for him too. Though you realized recently, how Gojo hugged Asano a bit longer, even rubbing her back and smiling widely. You saw the picture the both of you took, Gojo, cheek to cheek with her, and looking as happy as ever. You dismissed it but the fire of jealousy was burning fast in your chest. The last straw was when Asano posted a picture of her bra and then the next picture was Gojo holding it while laughing on the stage.
“Satoru what the fuck is this?”. Gojo who have just arrived in the hotel room the both of you shared, looked at you with an annoyed expression. He was so tired, the lights that night was too blinding and hot, he wants nothing more but a good shower and a sleep.
“What do you mean?”. He asked, walking closer to you and looking at the picture you’re showing him from your phone. Your scowl only got deeper when Gojo smirked and chuckles, turning around to take off his shirt as he makes his way to the bathroom.
“Oh that. Some girl threw her bra at the stage and I thought that was funny. Why?”.
“Do you even know whose bra that is?”. Your voice was getting higher, the tension thick in the air. Gojo turned around and shake his head no.
“It’s your most beloved fan, Asano. Isn’t she a sweetheart for giving you a fucking bra?” Gojo’s brow scrunched at your remark and he genuinely don’t understand why you’re so angry. He’s tired and sweaty, and very annoyed yet you’re here pouncing on him the moment he came in without even a giving him some time to settle in. Usually when it comes to fights between the both of you, Gojo is the calmer one but he can’t be calm now.
Gojo’s blue eyes stare at you straight as he speaks. “Well damn she have good taste then.” You gasp, not believing your ears, not believing that Gojo implies he likes Asano’s bra.
“What the fuck Satoru? So, you’re saying you like her goddamn bra?”. Your pitch increased along with ugly anger and jealousy you’re feeling.
“What? I didn’t say that! I said she have good taste because her bra was nice, where the fuck did you get that?”. Gojo’s voice was getting louder to as he started to trudge forward to you.
“Do you even hear yourself Satoru? Can’t you hear how your stupid statement sound? It definitely sounds like you like her fucking bra. Maybe the next time she might as well give you a fucking condom, and you’ll go and fuck her!”.
“I might as well when you’re being such a bitch over a goddamn bra!”. You’re silent now. He’s admitting it right? That he wants to fuck her? Or maybe it’s just your brain making you believe that his words are truths and these ugly truths were his wishes all along. You’re not even sure anymore, all you can think of is the fact that he’s admitting it.
“For fuck’s sake (y/n)! I'm so fucking tired and you’re bitching about some fucking bra. Like you could of maybe say hello first? Give me some time first? Speak like a decent human being? But no, you’re screaming your head off the moment you saw me!”. You were trying your best to hold your tears in, biting your lips and clenching your fist as Gojo walk over to the bathroom.
“If I fucking knew you were gonna act like this, I shouldn’t have brought you. You’re just giving me extra headaches.” Gojo muttered under his breath but the room was quiet enough for you to hear him. Gojo slammed the bathroom door and after a few rustling sounds, the shower could be heard.
You stood there, replaying the fight you just had with Gojo, replaying the fact Gojo admitted that he likes her bra, wouldn’t mind fucking her just because you’re bitching, and implying that you’re fucking useless. Your head spins as you went over the bar counter and pour yourself a drink.
You could feel so many emotions and it’s too overwhelming, your brain is creating all these “what ifs” and fake scenarios. It’s not the first time you fought with Gojo because you’re jealous, and he always assures you that everything is alright, and he shows that there’s nothing to be jealous of. You’re now laying down on the sofa outside of the bedroom, eyes wide and chest tightening. You could feel your breath getting shallow, and the aching trembles all over your body. The tears you had kept in as best as you could before had flow non-stop. So you lay there, waiting for Gojo to come over and told you that he didn’t mean any of those words, and that he loves you and cares for you. That you’re the only one and Asano is just a fan.
But he finished his shower, put on some pants and went straight to sleep, leaving you outside, cold and with your own twisted thoughts.
The morning comes, your eyes were puffy and red from your crying last night, you could barely get any sleep with how much you overthink last night. You stood up from the couch and with a heavy heart, you walk into the bedroom. You really just want to take a bath and have some time for yourself. As you were making your way to the bathroom, Gojo came out with a towel hung low on his waist. If the both of you didn’t have that fight last night and if you weren’t feeling disgusted by him right now, the both of you would be taking another shower together.
But of course, Gojo simply stare at you for a few second and walk past you, his anger from last night was still there. Your lips tremble at the thought that maybe Gojo hates you now and you have to book a flight home soon but before your overthinking could get any worse, Gojo speaks.
“Your ticket is by the vanity. Come if you want to come.” You could only nod and slip into the bathroom since you don’t trust your own voice now.
Gojo lips curl down at your action. He understands that what he may have said last night was a bit too much but his ego is clouding his head. Gojo upon seeing you come in while rubbing your arms felt a tinge of guilt at the fact that he let you sleep at the couch. The guilt gnaws on him because he knows you’re prone to cold and he’s an asshole who won’t just apologize. He shakes his head and put on his attire to go to his rehearsal before the concert tonight.
The evening comes while you stay glued to the bed, not having any energy to do anything. The incident last night kept on playing in your head and you just can’t stop thinking about it. You toss to the left and saw the vanity as you remembered Gojo telling you to come to his concert. You have actually promised to come to this concert because Gojo told you this one is so much bigger than before, and he also sold out the tickets. You contemplate for a bit, whether you should go or not but you promised him.
So, with a sigh and a stretch, you went back to the bathroom to wash your face. You then pick out some attire and freshen up your looks. You at least want to look decent and not half dead at his concert.
Upon arriving at the venue, people were bustling around, all from different ages, gender, races, everyone came. You smiled to yourself because you remember Gojo telling you that one day everyone from everywhere will come and listen to my music, he said. You’re truly proud of him but your smile falters when you saw that girl, Asano. She was lining up at the VIP section; which is the front row of the concert. You also lined up at the same line, since your placing will be front row too.
Turns out your placing was directly in front of Gojo, and that girl Asano is just next to you. You could feel your anger seeping through your skin but you try to calm down. When Gojo came into the stage, he screamed out a hello and hundreds of voices scream back. You watch Gojo who was talking to his band at the back. His band consist of Kugisaki Nobara as the drummer, Itadori Yuuji as the bassist and Fushiguro Megumi as their guitarist. You know those kids, they were Gojo’s juniors and somehow, they decided to form a band together. They’re popular too since each of them have their own charms, but truly on the stage, Gojo shine like the brilliant gem he is.
Before Gojo starts, he gives out some words of gratitude to his fans and everyone who is involve in his concert. The moment the music starts, you feel as if you went back in time. As Gojo sang, you were reminiscing of the time when you both were still young. You remember meeting him at your university, remember flirting with him, and all those dates. You remember the night Gojo sang to you, when you realize that he’s going to be successful. You remember holding onto Gojo who was crying because the doctor found something in his throat. You remember the sigh of relief when it was actually nothing. You remember the nights you spend with him, breathless and truly, gloriously in love. You remember his first concert after debuting, and all the successes and falls the both of you share. You were there, in each step.
Your eyes well up because you remembered everything, and how much you love this man. Your heart squeezed in pain at the thought that maybe, after last night, this will be the last time you’ll watch him so up close. Your eyes never left him throughout the concert, you could catch his glances at times, relishing in the moment.
After a few songs, the band went into rest time, to let them drink some water, and rest their hands. In the meantime, someone from Gojo’s team pull out a chair for Gojo to seat as they began with a surprise Question and Answer from the fans. The fans of course screamed out at this, eager to be chosen, so they can ask questions.
“Okay ticket number 26, can you please ask your question.” Gojo asked. The girl from ticket number 26 were screaming out loud when she heard she was chosen. After calming herself down, she asked a question on what kind of person are Gojo into.
Gojo nodded as he answers. “That’s a nice question! For me, someone who can express their emotions well, someone who will always support me no matter what, it would be a bonus if they’re a writer.” Gojo said, looking straight at you with a smirk on his face. You were panicking inside, because your relationship with Gojo is not yet known, and he might reveal it accidentally by looking at you.
“You see, what I like about writers is that, if they love you, you will never die. They will write you poems over poems, stories over stories.” Gojo said, his voice low, eyes never leaving you went he said those words. Once he was done, he thanks the fan who asked the question. You could feel your face warming at the ‘public’ confession he just made. Gojo really do know how to make you flustered.
After that he answer several other questions, like what skincare are you using, what book do you like to read, and finally, it was time to wrap it up with a last question.
“If you could sing a song that describes your current situation right now, what would it be?”. That was a pretty lengthy question. You wonder, what kind of song Gojo would sing. Your heart quickens at the thought of Gojo singing a break up song. You could hear Gojo hums to himself, you didn’t want to see his face as he sings a song that will probably break your whole being.
Crawlin’ back to you.
Your head snapped up, eyes wide and you were met with a Gojo who’s staring at you, looking down at you, his eyes narrow, fluttering under his lashes. He was sitting with his legs open wide, an arm loosely in front of him. You sucked in your breath as he continues.
Ever thought of callin' when
You've had a few?
'Cause I always do
Fushiguro plucks his guitar string to the song Gojo’s singing, as Gojo smile at him. The crowd was going crazy, but what they don’t realize is the scene unfolding in front of you, rather, unfolding for you. Gojo then turn his attention back to you, but now instead of his eyes wide open, he brought his body front, his elbows holding onto his knees as he continues.
Maybe I'm too,
Busy bein' yours
To fall for somebody new
Now, I've thought it through,
Crawlin' back to you.
You were grinning wide, tongue on your cheeks as you feel your body heat up at Gojo’s definite ‘public’ confession. You bit your lip, winking at him as he smirked at you. Your head clouding with excitement and lust because your boyfriend is so fucking hot. Gojo then stood up and continue with his concert. You were of course, still in cloud 9, the fact that only you understand what his words meant, and the fact that he had assured you in front of hundreds of people albeit, secretly was enough to make all the negative feelings pass.
What you fail to realize is the girl beside you, the very girl that was the cause of your fight with Gojo have seen it all. She had seen the way Gojo’s eyes settles on you the whole song, as if confessing his undying love to you. She had seen the way smile and winked at him, as if the both of you are secret lovers. Asano pushed it to the back of her mind, there was no way. Gojo is hers, Gojo have shown her time and time again but sadly, Asano is nothing but a delusional fan who thought she had a chance.
Once the concert ended, you arrived at the hotel earlier than he does since Gojo would be taking some time to talk with his team. You decided to take a shower since your body is sticky from the concert, after that, you rummaged around the closet, and saw Gojo’s shirt, you put it on and freshen up your looks, making sure to look neat. After an hour or so, you heard the door opens and you pad away to greet Gojo.
Instead, you were surprised with a bouquet of flower, a box of pizza and a box of your favorite cake. Gojo smiled, though you can see a tired look on his face. You give him a smile too, and went up to him as he offers you the flowers.
“This is for my baby.” He said, and then he gave you the food and continue. “This is for my baby and I, because I am starving, let’s go eat.” You nodded as you took the food from him and place it on the coffee table.
“You’re not going to take a shower Toru?”. You asked while taking out two cans of Coke and bringing it to a sitting Gojo on the couch.
“Nah, I showered before I come, I want to spend some time with you now.” Gojo said as he pulls you into his lap. The both of you hugs each other, relishing on the feeling of each other’s skin, listening into each other quickening heartbeat.
“I’m sorry for saying all those awful things to you last night…”. Gojo speaks as you unlatch yourself from him and shakes your head.
“No, I’m sorry, I should have communicated with you better. I’m sorry Toru for getting jealous.”
“No baby… it’s okay to be jealous and now that I have a clearer mind, I do realize how weird Asano is. But truly my love, I saw her as nothing but a supportive fan and that’s all.” You smirked as you pinch his cheek.
“Well, am I not your supportive fan too?”. He grinned, squeezing your cheeks in his hands as he gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“No, you’re my everything. My number 1 fan, my only lover, my baby. I’m grateful for them but I don’t think I would be here without your love and support, (y/n).” You nodded, giving him a smile as you rubbed his cheek with your thumb. Your eyes darting back and forth from his eyes to his lips, and your breath hitching once in a while. You could feel Gojo’s hand slipping inside your shirt, rubbing your waist. Gojo presses his forehead to yours, breathing getting thin as the both of you tries to fight the urge to kiss each other. Before you know it, the both of your lips clashed again each other, lips moulding into each other, tasting and feeling it as if you have to memorize every inch of each other all over again.
Gojo swipes his tongue on your lips in which you open, letting his tongue entangles with yours. Your hand reaches up to his hair while Gojo held onto your hips. The both of you were losing air quick but none wants to let go, Gojo so desperate for your touch and you so desperate for his taste. The both of you let go, breathing harsh into each other, eyes fluttering in a daze as Gojo places a thumb on your lower lip, brushing it gently.
“You know…”. Gojo whispers, his voice hoarse. “I sang that song because I will always crawl back to you.” He said, pecking your lip. “No matter what, I'm yours as much as you’re mine, mine, mine.” You chuckle and give him an open-mouthed kiss on the cheek.
“I know Toru, I know.”
That night, the hearts of Gojo’s fans were broken into pieces when he posted a picture of the both of you. In the picture, you laid your head on his shoulder; sleeping while Gojo’s smile spread wide through his face with a caption, my love. He’ll listen to his PR team tomorrow but now, he wants to show you to the whole world, and make sure everyone knows who he belongs to.  
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moon-lv3r · 1 year
Hii, can I request asano x fem reader x akabane in poly relationship, but like kinda healthy and normal one (I know their quite a characters but as much as you can). I want to know how would they treat reader, how would that even started and how does it look in public (I mean they're in three, there is no way asano would like to show all the school he's with he's "enemy" and the other girl in poly relationship).
🦋 category: one-shot (note format), polyamory, x fem!reader
🦋 characters: karma, asano
🦋 summary: in which reader somehow gets herself into a relationship with both karma and asano and it somehow plays out. don’t ask how, it just does
🦋 warnings: idk man maybe jealousy?
🦋 notes: i tried my best for this 😭 but thanks for the request anon, this was kinda fun to work on :) wrote this at 3am for a few days straight. this was harder than passing math 😍🤘 I AM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BC I WAS CRAZY BUSY
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how did it even begin?
you were in class 3-A, the second best student in school
it only started out between you and karma as a little ploy to try and get asano down from his top spot. you and karma studied hard together
didn’t help with the fact that you often hung around asano, trying to figure out his studying secrets and invited him to study with you
and so you made the mistake of meeting both asano and karma at the same place at the same time and everything snowballed from there
competitors showing each other respect by helping each other? unheard of from karma and asano but they somehow did it
it started out as admiration which developed into feelings
rivals to lovers but polyamory
it somehow just happened. all three of you just getting impressed by each other’s brains
for the first month, dates were never ever in public. either your house or karma’s house, asano was embarrassed (can you blame him?)
asano always asked himself how did he get himself into this situation
however, karma figured that it would be fun to tease him in school. he kept cracking inside jokes between the three of you. “isn’t js nice to be dating the enemy? i wouldn’t know how that feel, right gakushuu?”
asano looked like he was ready to murder karma, what’s romance without murderous intentions?
3-E thought that it was normal rivalry
they could feel the tension between karma and asano, which heightened when all three of you began dating
even irina sensed that something was up and assumed it to be a love triangle
karasuma isn’t bright enough in romance to know what was going on
koro sensei knew though, traveling at mach 20 invading privacy must be nice
“karma is really trying to get under asano’s skin, they might as well be dating at this point” ~ nagisa (AS A JOKE HE DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING)
3-A girls def got jealous at the fact that suddenly asano pays a bit more attention to you
asano def gets jealous at how karma has your attention most of the time (asano doesn’t even do anything to get it pfft)
there’s def a competition between those two for your attention
they’d do simple things like stroking your hair, helping you with your school work etc
asano gets sulky when he doesn’t have your attention but he would never show it for his own pride (pls give him attention)
karma acts like he isn’t bothered when you show asano more attention sometimes but let’s face it, karma is a huge attention whore, he NEEDS it
in public, you act more like a couple with karma more. not too much hand holding since asano doesn’t like pda, tbh asano would look more like a third wheeler that isn’t willing to be there
he would just look so tired and done the entire time. the most uninterested person EVER
there was one time where karma put asano in a costume when all three of you were out on a date. it was the only time asano would stand close to the both of you since he wouldn’t be recognised. it was also the closest karma has ever came to dying
it would take ages for asano to open up
he hates the thought of being seen together so he always stood a distance away, hence why he’s always so aloof in public
karma and asano treats you differently
karma always teases you, every second
karma can’t live without making fun of you at least once
asano tries to act nonchalant but he secretly wish that he could treat you like a normal partner but there’s just something stopping him (he has issues like come on his dad is… yeah)
there has been dates where it was just you and asano, it’s the only time he’d be willing to show a bit of affection. it would be small, yes but he is trying, let him be
it would be small things like helping you with stuff, occasionally insulting compliments like “why are you actually smart?” “so that pretty face really isn’t for nothing.” he would never compliment you like a normal person
asano would never go out in public with karma alone, they would only be at karma’s house, there’s no way asano would let himself be seen with karma in public
to everyone, it looked like asano was a third wheel whenever you and karma are together when asano is just awkward and has too much pride. he doesn’t stand too far away though, close enough to have a normal conversation without shouting
tbh everyone knows you and karma are dating. they don’t know what’s asano’s deal though
after all of you graduated, asano starts being more open and physically closer to you and karma
he has nothing much to hide anymore, his father started to become more accepting
he still tries his best to not be overly affectionate but he isn’t as aloof as he used to be
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SxF interview & panel discussion at TICA
I was reading articles about Kyōji Asano (animation director) and Tetsuya Nakatake (producer) attending the Taipei International Comic and Anime International, so I’ve decided to share some of the interesting things I’ve read here.
In the YouTube live video, 
11:10 Nakatake gestured how tiny Anya would be in real life. Asano then gave a quick demonstration on “how to pick up baby Anya and carry her on your shoulder”. I thought that was really cute. As if they all know Anya so well they are ready to babysit her at any second.
12:47 Asano drew a bunch of Anya’s faces. From 12:55 onwards he just started pointing at the faces he drew, and said he enjoyed drawing them very much.
15:54 Nakatake jokingly said they (I’m guessing he meant Nakatake himself, Asano and other staff members who also have children) could particularly relate to tired™ Twilight. They have children and understand how exhausting being a parent could be. 
There are also displays of pictures of character designs and frames sketches. You can see they are particularly proud of the original designs and scenes they’ve created for the show.
No recording is allowed during the panel discussion. I’ve read several articles (Source 1, 2, 3) and a post by an attendee, and what they’ve shared are more or less the same: 
1. They spent a month creating the second ED. They’d actually cooked all the food and presented them on a table so they could draw it. (Source three actually provides many interesting photographs of the food and the sketches hey’ve drawn while producing ED2.) It's such hard work, so much so for a 10-second scene the team had created 100-130 frames, and a member of the team even said he’s gonna quit, but they’d all persisted. Asano said their goal was to make the audience hungry while watching ED2, and was particularly happy to hear from the attendees that they have succeeded.
2. They had also drawn the food Yor made before pixelating it. And no, the team won’t show us what they originally look like. The team likes the scene where Yuri ate and threw up at the same time so much the animator put in extra effort to draw it. (Nakatake: Don’t you like sick characters like Yuri?)
3. The work atmosphere while creating AoT was more stern. On the other hand, it feels more lively when producing SxF. The work atmosphere is usually affected by the content they are creating. The animators have their own ideas they want to express as well, and it is a lucky coincidence when they get to animate a popular work they happen to be interested in, and the audience likes the product as well. They feel the bliss while creating the anime, and hope to create something the whole family can enjoy.
4. They create the OPs and EDs as something to add to the world-building. OPs and EDs also offer an opportunity for the team to show the audience their own interpretation of/ reflections on the story. They went on to explain how OPs and EDs are usually done. Most of the time they would have the song first. The musician would read the manga and write the song. The production team would then design the scenes that would match the song. The director confirms what scenes would be needed, and the animation team proceeds to create the OP/ED.
5. It is of utmost importance to make Anya cute. Asano suggested to draw her hair first, then the shape of her face. Draw her facial features last.
6. When asked of their favourite scenes, Nakatake said the interview scene where Loid punched the table was what inspired him to push the sxf animation project forward. Asano liked ep 5. He thought it made the story livelier. 
7. Nakatake likes Yor the best. He says he wants to meet her in real life, and claims he doesn’t mind eating her food. (He also likes the scene where Bond ate the cookies Yor made and fainted.) Asano wants a daughter like Becky. If he had to choose between Anya and Becky, he would still choose Becky.
PS I've also shared an identical article here. I did the translation myself. I didn't translate everything. For example, Asano also mentioned AoT as another example of how they do original scenes. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this.
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plaindangan · 7 months
Asano is so hyped that her and takumi get to work together with kyoko on a case! She barged in kirigiri’s office… only to find her Inspecting a mega fat ass goth looking femboy.
This ends VERY well. (Takumi can join in the fun or not)
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not read!
"This is our big break, Takumi!! We're in the big leagues!! Working with the former Ultimate Detectives at their agency! Doesn't that get you excited?!" Said an enthusiastic Misaki, a rookie investigator eager to make her mark in this world...
All while dragging along probably the world's most rugged and tired looking co-worker, Takumi Hijirihara. "...I guess? Though it's just work, right?"
"Ugh, have you no ambition?! C'mon!!" Knocking on the door of the agency, both were surprised when it easily opened. Did they forget to close it?
"H-hello? Ms. Kirigiri? It's me, Misaki and I brought Takumi? We've come to help wiiiiiiiith...u-um..." The duo had walked towards Kyoko's personal office and, upon seeing that open, saw fit to enter it...only for Misaki to blush over what she saw.
Bending over Kyoko's desk was the other Ultimate Detective, Shuichi, mooning the newcomers as he was without both his pants and boxers. Showing off his pale, juicy, incredibly thicc, bubble butt for both eyes to relish and take in. Kyoko, surprisingly casual about this, would give a wave to both.
"Hello, you two. I see you caught both of us in a little pastime of ours. My associate and I tend to inspect both ourselves to see if we're improve our skills in noticing if anything was amiss. Do you wish to try a hand yourself?" she said coolly, but Shuichi clearly flustered look was pretty saying another story.
"I-I...w-well, we really sh-hey!! Takumiiii!!" Taking the other side of Shuichi, Takumi began to poke and grope at his sensitive ass.
"Pretty soft texture we have here..." Takumi noted and Kyoko soon joined back in by occasionally slapping his ass, before quickly moving to rub it.
"Ripples pretty well when struck firmly, as well." Kyoko said and together both were working to really give Shuichi a time that had him moaning consistently as he remained bent over...and had gotten Misaki's interest as well. Especially, when she could clearly see him getting quite erect as time went on...and God was he hung~
...Maybe the case they were on could wait a bit more? She needed to inspect Shuichi as well, though maybe, while her peers take care of his ass, her mouth can help take care of his cock? Gotta cover all his basis~
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Ass-Class Tickle HC’s
Boys Pt.1
Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5
Because why not✨ this is just my opinion btw
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🦋Lee-leaning Switch- (Lee 74%/ Ler 26%)
🦋Ahh Nagisa he has an advantage with tickling
🦋His stealth skills are superior and handy in such situations
🦋When it comes to tickle fights he’s one of the first few targets
🦋He’s been getting better at not losing to karma so quickly. Nakamura yeah he stands no chance up against her😭😭.
🦋Tickle spots are: hips, feet, backs of knees, and his back.
🦋Tickling him there will throw him completely off and will give you the upper hand
🦋He has successfully snuck up on kurasama before but got caught when he mindlessly turned around to grab a file and had gotten wreck. Poor Nagisa. Río and Karma made him do it
🦋Nagisa gets into tickle fights the most with Kayano, Karma, Kiruma, Itona, and Terasaka when he doesn’t cheat
🦋There was actually one time we’re he won a tickle fight against nakamura but she had immediately gotten revenge.
🦋Also he and korosensei get into tickle fights aswell they tickle eachother when one is feeling down.
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🚨Bratty Lee ALL THE FRIGGEN WAY-(Lee 83%/ Ler 17%)
🚨It doesn’t matter whether he is the Tickler or the Ticklee He👏🏾Will👏🏾Tease👏🏾YOU👏🏾
🚨”wohohohow yohohou suhuck at tihickling peohople”, “Thihihihis is nohohthing”, “Y/N nahahgisa is behehtter than yohou AHAHAHAHA”
🚨I mean he will plead once you go after any of his tickle spot
🚨Which are Armpits,Tops of feet , and ribs, also his neck which nobody knows about, besides Nagisa, Nakmura, and ofc Korosensei
🚨Asking for tickles? No, but provoking for tickles Yes
🚨Since he is always his bratty, ready self no one can tell when he’s provoking them Besides Nagisa and Sugino.
🚨Ah yes tickle fights he’s normally off to the side instigating.
🚨”Hey terasaka try there sides”, “REMBER that time when….”, “Oooh they called you ___ you gotta wreck them now”
🚨At all costs he will stay away from the following: Nagisa, NAKAMURA, Chiba, Takebayashi, Yoshida, RITSU, and KURABASHI
🚨Those 7 while tickle him till he’s hiccuping in a heartbeat.
🚨Korosensei and Karasuma normally tickle him down when OVERLY cocky
🚨Him and Asano bump heads all the time and it turns into both of them tired and giggly
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⚾️Switch-(Lee 50%/Ler 50%)
⚾️He’s one of the sweet ones
⚾️He’s in the average group he’s not SUPERR ticklish but still is ticklish
⚾️But since one of his spots are out in the open it’s easy to reduce him into a puddle of giggles
⚾️Tickle spots SHOULDERS, Knees, collar bone.
⚾️CUTEST THING everytime someone rest/places their hand onto his shoulder he jerks away.
⚾️Soft Ler but for some odd reason it’s just as bad if karma was being ruthless
⚾️He’ll lightly scribble your tickle spot which may not sound bad but….it is
⚾️He does tease but it’s more like complements and questions from his perspective.
⚾️”Aw your laughter is adorable Y/N”, “And your smile is very admiring”
⚾️When he’s tickling a bratty lee *cough cough karma* he’ll just be scolding and threatening you jokingly ofc.
⚾️”Hey that wasn’t very nice”, “Wow you’re being mean to me?! And I’m not even tickling you ruthlessly”, “I’m so offended you know what *tickles harder and faster* Take this then”
⚾️When tickle fight’s occur he’ll try to be nice at first but after getting wrecked to many times is when he goes feral.
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🎗Switch-(Lee 63%/Ler 37%)
🎗He mostly gets tickled by Meg or Maehara
🎗PUNISHMENT TICKLES he receives them from everyone whenever they see he’s been working too hard.
🎗Tickle spots:Armpits, Thighs, Feet
🎗He’s open about tickling to a certain level. Like for example you ask him if he’s ticklish he’ll say yes
🎗BUT you start teasing or just talking about his tickle spots
🎗 “w-what’re you talking about”, “No I’m not y/n isn’t talking about me” or something along the lines like that.
🎗He’ll try to teach you stuff when he tickles you
🎗”Y/N I’m trying to show you how this math problem works and you’re just laughing”, “This is important, What’s so funny?”
🎗One time Karasuma wrecked him just for worrying about his technique on the battle feild (There was literally nothing wrong with it)
🎗Whenever there is a class tickle fight he waste no time to target Meg or Maehara Sometime Itona.
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🦊Ler leaning Switch-(Lee 59%/Ler 41%)
🦊He’s some what like karma but when he stops teasing it’s a sign that your right near a tickle spot or that your at it.
🦊Tickle spots: Ribs, Thighs, Calves, Back of Neck.
🦊”Hahaha yohou’ll nehever ahaha waitwiatwait I wahahas kidding” “NAHAHA I SAHAHAHID I WAHAHAS KIHIHIHIDING”
🦊He loves teasing Isogai, Nagisa, and Kayano while tickling the most.
🦊Maehara is the kind of ler who would try and converse with you
🦊 “Hey what’s so funny”, “why are you laugh *gasp* are you laughing at me”, “you’re being so rude to me right now just laughing in my face”
🦊He is one of the few that gets tickled frequently
🦊He’s tried tickling terasaka but failed lmao
🦊isogai warned terasaka on purpose he ended up getting wrecked right along with Isogai
🦊”gahahaha thihihis is aahahahahall your fahahault” “WHY NONOHOHOHO”
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🎯Chiba is the least ticklish out of all of the boys.
🎯Ler-(Lee 11%/Ler 89%)
🎯 If you tickle one of his tickle spots, then you’ll be able to tickle him where normally isn’t ticklish at. But he only has two spots to get him going.
🎯His tickle spots are right behind his ears and lower back also the palms of his hands but no one knows that spot
🎯If you wanted tickles from him he’ll comply and will do it the exact way you’d like it
🎯Every student in class 3-E will confirm that ✨Soft tickles✨ from him are a must, and you’ll 100% WILL melt.
🎯Only time he shows no mercy is when your bratty like Karma
🎯Once all his classmates wondered if there are a few specific people he likes tickling.
🎯He honestly told them no which was the truth he has no favorites
🎯Just like how he has great aim on the battlefield, he aims for everyone’s tickle spots so fast it’s unreal
🎯Them he’ll say some BS like “oh it was just a guest” or “i didn’t know I just ‘assume’ that you’re really ticklish there”
🎯Whenever an old fashion tickle war is about to go down in class 3-E both sides are trying to pick him.
🎯Or whenever someone wants to tickle him they have like 2 other people with them just incase
🎯One time they all we’re curious whether or not Karasuma was ticklish and bribed him into doing it.
🎯He ended up getting wrecked by Karasuma
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🪵Switch leaning Ler-(Lee 39%/Ler 61%)
🪵He is a tough cookie
🪵He is also very good at hiding the fact that he’s ticklish
🪵He has the second longest tickle tolerance in class 3-E
🪵Even when his tickle spots are being attacked
🪵Which are (Upper ribs, lower abdomen, ✨HIS BACK DIMPLES ✨)
🪵Only Yoshida and Mimura know about his back dimples
🪵But his other spots he tries to not laugh sure it’s not that long but atleast he still tries
🪵”n-noho se-seehe not t-ticklihish”, “w-hehere are you gohoing NOno dO NAHAHAHAT”
🪵He’s side by side with Chiba when a tickle fight goes down (he uses him as protection so no one comes after him 😭😭)
🪵He’s like a mixture of Chiba and Maehara. Still nice with a tickling but he’s still gonna throw in some tease’s
🪵”You said what? tickle you more okay y/n no problem”, “Wow you’re really ticklish here maybe even more than Karma”
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tuulikannel · 2 years
A little ficlet for @lazytoufu! I doubt this is exactly what you had in mind with the Rapunzel!Gakushuu thing, but here we go. ^^
Yet One Untitled Ficlet aka Rapunshuu
One evening, a lone strawberry blond boy was sitting alone in his room, reading, when a voice called out somewhere outside. He couldn’t hear it properly through the window, but it sounded like someone was calling his name. And something about… hair?
He walked to the window, opened it, and looked down, frowning as he saw the redheaded youth standing under his window.
“Oh, there you are!” the redhead exclaimed. “Rapunshuu, Rapunshuu, let down your hair!”
His frown deepened. A moment he stared in silence. “What drugs have you been using?” he asked then.
“C’mon now! Don’t be difficult! Let down your hair so I can get up there, Rapunshuu!”
He sighed, rubbing his temple. “First of all, my name is Gakushuu. Asano to you. Secondly, you very well know that my hair isn’t any longer than yours. Thirdly, even if it were, climbing up walls using someone’s hair is an insane notion and I wouldn’t let anyone to do that, let alone you. So please be gone before my father notices you, Akabane.”
Gakushuu closed the window and returned to his book, shaking his head. Only a short moment passed, then he heard knocking behind his window. He glanced at it absentmindedly, and almost dropped his book when he saw Akabane’s face behind the glass.
“What the hell!?” He rushed to the window. “How did you get up there! Get down before you fall!”
“C’mon, Rapunshuu, let me in!” Akabane knocked on the window again. “Please? My arms are getting tired.”
“I will not… damn it.” The way Akabane was hanging onto his window frame looked really precarious. A moment he considered how badly the other would be injured if he fell. This was only the second floor, after all. He might even make it without any bad injuries, but of course, he might also break some bones. And given that this was Akabane, that bastard would probably fall on his head just to spite him, and then he’d have a corpse underneath his window.
 Gakushuu sighed and opened the window. “How did you get up here anyway?”  he grumbled.
“Piece of cake for a trained assassin,” Akabane said with a grin as he rolled in.
“What…? Seriously, are you somehow affected? You’re even crazier than normal.”
“And stop calling me that! What the hell is wrong with you! God.” Gakushuu closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This was just Akabane being Akabane, probably trying to provoke him on purpose.
“My, aren’t you moody today!” Akabane was still grinning, damn him. “Is that a way to treat the hero who came to save you from your tower?”
“Tower? You really are delirious, aren’t you? I…”
“We should hurry now, to make our escape!” Akabane went on, happily ignoring him. “Or we will be late!”
“Late…? From what – no, don’t tell me, it doesn’t matter. I’m not going anywh—”
Akabane was waving two tickets in front of his face.
“Wait, are those for…” His voice trailed off.
Akabane’s grin widened, if possible. “I was so surprised when I learned we have the same favorite band! I never would have imagined a sheltered princess like you would share my tastes!”
“…my father might be right, in the end,” Gakushuu said dryly. “There must be something wrong with my music taste.”
“So, you don’t want to come, then?” Akabane asked, tilting his head.
“I… I am studying.” Gakushuu winced inwardly at how lame that sounded.
“Hmmm…  so you really are allowing the witch who’s imprisoned you here to control you thoroughly? Isn’t it time to rebel, Rapunshuu?”
“I told you to stop calling me that!” Gakushuu snarled.
Akabane pocketed the tickets. “Here’s the deal,” he said, suddenly serious. “Prove to me you’re not just some helpless princess who does what she’s told to, and I will stop. But as long as you willingly remain locked up in this tower of yours, you’re gonna be Rapunshuu to me.”
Gakushuu gave him the iciest glare he was capable off. He had to admit that Akabane was a formidable foe, as the other didn’t so much as flinch. His eyes stopped on the pocket that hid the tickets. Damn it… he really did want to see this concert. He had tried to talk his father over to allow him to go, but in vain. But now…
Slowly he looked up, meeting Akabane’s eyes. A moment they stared at each other. Then the redhead grinned again.
“Great! Let’s go then!” He grasped Gakushuu’s hand and started dragging him to the window.
“Wait, I…!” Gakushuu started but fell then silent.  Why the hell not? So his father had said no – that was only one more reason to go. Besides, Akabane was once again doing things in his own infuriating way, but still… for one thing, those tickets were not cheap, and for another, Akabane had really gone out of his way to get Gakushuu to join him.
So he climbed out, refusing Akabane’s help, and got down with just a few bruises and stained pants. The two of them slipped away into the shadows, leaving behind the now empty tower.
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taoofshigeru · 9 months
4, 7, 13, 17 for the Octopath asks
4.Favorite overall path? Castti was my main and I think she's my favorite of the playable characters overall by a fair amount.
She's such a kind soul but also capable of understated and/or explicit sass, as shown at various times during her interactions with Edmund, Partitio, and Andy. I've seen so many series where the helpless doctors serve as a side character, failing to convince people to take the plague seriously until the mc steps in. So it was refreshing to see Team Asano take that dynamic and go, "Hmm, but what if the doctor had a massive axe and agency?"
There's also a lot of casual coolness to some of her lines, like the bit where she says, "I'm going to have a word with that antlion." With all the collected poise of someone about to talk to a landlord about getting their sink fixed. I'm convinced she has a very supremely high Karen power level but will only use it for good.
I think I encountered a post pre-release warning people off headcanoning her as the momfriend of the group ala Ophelia, but c'mon, the writers had two separate characters literally call her mom. More people than call Osvald "Papa", I think.
Also having Castti in the group meant concocting and the sweet, sweet pomegranate was always close at hand.
(There's not a character in the main playable cast I really dislike.
7. Favorite default job? Gotta be merchant. Bifelgan's MONEY LASER is a cool effect, and Hired Help is hilarious, somehow fitting Partitio even more than it did Tressa, since he's all about getting a posse together whereas Tressa goes on mostly a solo trek. And of course it allows for extreme meta comedy when used in a spot such as Hikari's duel with his inner darkness.
Digressing, but I did a solo Tressa run of OT1 including all 4 optional job bosses and it was part of my strats for all four. Winnehild actually was surprisingly vulnerable to the poison/blind 2-fer the Dancer summon has. I felt it was less useful in the OT2 early game, but somehow became an even more busted skill with the ability to do automatic shield damage (Beastlings) or 9999 plus a stat debuff (Foreign Assassin).
(Castti and Ochette were probably the most dynamically fun characters to use, but that was less because of their default job skills but more because concoction and monster friends had so much strategic potential.
13.Favorite soundtrack?
Hollow Empty Memories was a great track that was exactly the right kind of light yet haunting mix of bell sounds for the shell-shocked mood Castti chapter 3 put me in. I think I just sat there staring at my screen for a solid five minutes after drinking that ending monologue in and the music just washed over me in a really emotional way.
Shoutouts to my two runner-ups: A. Ochette, the Hunter -Ochette's theme kicks whatever one needs to kick to be really freaking cool. B. Invitation to Darkness -Great building pipe organ backbeat to set up for that ominous final Vidania confrontation.
17. Best relationship/dynamic between 2 characters (& elaborate!)?
I liked Ori for a series of immediate and very specific personal reasons on meeting the character. You had that bold, plucky tone of voice she used when introducing herself in chapter 2, the way she tends to show up and freak Partitio out, and the way she gradually went from a neutral observer to someone who decided to spend some time helping him out, to eventually sticking her neck out for him by distracting the guards on Roque Island. And the way the last 3 chapters of Partitio's story are told through her eyes via the newspaper articles gives you even more time with her penchant for cheeky wordplay with a touch of steam-era slang. I warmed up to her character so much in such a short time.
And then it got better.
Journey for the Dawn was a massive "Yes, and…" to all of that characterization, showing you how the plucky reporter persona was an act she put on in the narrative equivalent of getting smacked in the ribs with a tire iron. Then they double up on it again by showing she switches back into puppy dog writing style when talking about her time with Partitio, even within her private diary. And then you actually see her pull back on the ritual and I'm going to cry all over again.
If there's some extra story scenes that get released a year and a half later ala what happened with Triangle Strategy, just know that I need these two specifically to interact.
(I also loved Castti/Malaya but the question was best and I will absolutely pick favorites.)
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Assassination Classroom is good but it’d be better if it:
1. Took a little more time. I know there’s a deadline but there’s a lot more time to deal with in a year. There should be more time for breathing and really getting an understanding for what’s being asked of them?
2. Nagisa should not be the de facto focal character. We have a whole class of students to focus on. There’s parallels drawn with Nagisa which I get and understand. But by putting the class together and talking so much about their unity we barely get to see many of them shine and so we’re not as connected to them as we should be. Some stories work having the main talk to classmates we see time to time. Here it’s a downfall because we’re supposed to know all of these characters.
3. In that same vein we could have gone a little deeper into the parallels w/ the Asano’s.
4. All of those were story gripes these are general gripes. I hate the perverted jokes. It’s par for the course in the shonen manga/anime I’ve seen and I’m tired of it. It’s not funny.
5. Irina as a character could have been treated/written better. But also she assaults minors and I don’t like her because of that. The ‘romance’ if you can call it that between her and Karasuma is one of the most forced I’ve seen in ages and I hate that they got together(?) in the end.
6. Genuinely there should have been more Reaper backstory. I would have liked to see a lot more with his former student, a lot more with Aguri, to really build on those relationships, make them feel more genuine. It sort of goes hand in hand with 1. I feel like they wanted this sort of big reveal but I mean you kind of figure early on he used to be human. I feel like even just more small bits and pieces of backstory without context, that relate to something currently happening, would have even helped flesh things out.
7. Aguri was severly underused like again there needed to be more with her in that backstory to really build on the relationship and how her viewpoints helped change him. Also she’s cute and I like her and want her to be happy.
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"And you're sure about this?" 
"Of course, sir."
"Alright, then as of tomorrow, you, Megumi Yanagisa, will be a member of the End-Class."
"Thank you, Principal Asano."
I get up from my seat and walk out of the principal's office. I quietly shut the door behind me. So it's finally settled! It only took an hour to convince Mr. Asano, but with his hatred for the End-Class, I thought he would never agree to me joining. I mean, me, Megumi Yanagisa, the top female student at Kunugigaoka and second overall - after Gakushu Asano, the principal's son and model student, of course. I wonder how Gakushu is going to feel about this... oh well, I can't wait to get away from those main building assholes that are the A, B, C, and D-Classes! And with the E-Class, I'll finally be able to take down-
"What the hell was that, Megumi?!" Someone yells from behind me. It's Asano. He must have been spying on my conversation with his dad.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Asano will refer to Gakushu (little guy), and Mr/Principal Asano will refer to Gakuho (big guy).] 
"A normal conversation. Ever heard of one?" I reply, grinning.
Asano ignored my question and instead asked his own, "Why did you ask to transfer to the E-Class?"
"Hey, don't pin all the blame on me!" I exclaim, acting shocked. "Besides, your dad told me not to spill!"
Asano gives me a doubtful look. "I seriously doubt that my dad would ever use the word 'spill' in that context."
"Alright, I didn't say it word for word, but you get the message!"
Asano chuckles lightly.
"Now, if you don't mind, I need to go get ready for the ceremony," I say.
Asano grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. "You didn't answer my question."
I pull away from his grasp, and exclaim, "Fine, you win! I'm transferring because I'm tired of these main building assholes!"
He scoffs at this. Whatever, he can kiss my ass. I really do have a ceremony to get to. I begin to walk away from him, but he grabs my wrist again and pins me onto a locker. His purple eyes send a shiver down my spine.
"If you wish to take me down, my little canary," Asano begins in a hushed voice. He leans down towards me and whispers into my ear, "You should know that if you fail, I will make you my servant." He then plants a soft kiss onto my neck.
I can't help but turn red as Asano turns to walk away from me. Before he leaves, he smiles and adds, "Adieu, mon amour." [FRENCH FOR: "Farewell, my love."]
Ah, yes, the Matriculation Ceremony. The time of the school year in which the entire student body and faculty of Kunugigaoka Junior High School crowd together in the gymnasium to celebrate the graduating class and those selected into the A-Class. The classes are selected in ascending order, with the unfortunate E-Class students being scrutinized to the model students of the A-Class being cheered for. It was almost always the exact same people in each class every year; however, I'm sure that my transfer will leave everyone shaken up! I mean, it's about time that something interesting happened!
The gymnasium is decorated with elegant banners displaying the top 20 students for the end-of-the-school-year finals draping over around a hundred of folded chairs. This year, thank goodness, Mr. Asano decided to separate the classes individually. Once it was my class's scheduled time for the ceremony, the students that scored below the top 20 entered and took their seats. A few minutes after this, the top 20 entered, the 20th student entering first.
I don't personally know the 20th and 19th students, but the 18th, unfortunately, is engraved into my memory. As he strode past Asano and I, he smirked and, rather daringly, bowed to us. Be then straightened up and entered the gymnasium to the call of his ironic name - Karma Akabane.
The next ten or so students weren't very noteworthy to me, but the top 6 students are filled with my affiliates, who are called the "Big Six", which includes myself.
Seated 6th overall is Tomoya Seo, who excels in English. He is the student assembly chairman but has a face that just makes you want to punch him. He, like the others, has a superiority complex. His girlfriend, Kaho Tsuchiya of the C-Class, and him are constantly breaking up and getting back together - a very in-character move. Tomoya and I are more frenemies than friends and typically find reasons to argue with one another. In short, he's a huge dick!
Seated 5th overall is Natsuhiko Koyama, who excels in science. He is the President of the Biology Club and consistently finds a way to say "scientifically speaking". He used to be more soft-spoken and insecure but, after being befriended by Asano, became an egotistical asshole. Despite his shitty personality, I can tell that there's still a really insecure boy in there, so I try not to be rude to him.
Seated 4th overall is Ren Sakakibara, who excels in Japanese. He is the student council secretary and is a social butterfly. He's revered by most of the boys at Kunugigaoka for being a flirt, but they really don't have much to fear because he's, well, a bit more interested in them than their girlfriends. If you don't catch my drift, he's gay. I mean like writes-poems-with-secret-homosexual-messages kind of gay! Besides Asano, Ren's probably my closest guy friend at Kunugigaoka; he comes over almost every weekend to watch Bridgerton with me! Anyways, I'm getting distracted!
Seated 3rd overall is Teppei Araki, who excels in social studies. He is the President of the Broadcasting Club, which is very apparent whenever some stupid rumor takes the school by storm. He always reports the rumors for some reason, and Asano and my romance has been the center of them for the last month! His superiority complex is nowhere near as apparent as Tomoya's or Natsuhiko's, but it most definitely exists!
Seated 2nd overall is myself, Megumi Yanagisa, and I excel specifically in English and social studies. I am the student body advisor, or Vice President, which basically means I have to act like I care about everyone's complaints and then try to compromise with Asano. Yay for customer service! I'm also the President of the Drama Club. The title that I take the most pride in is probably "Queen of Kunugigaoka", and the title in least proud of would have to be Gakushu Asano's girlfriend. Just kidding! Damn it, I got distracted again!
Seated 1st overall, unsurprisingly, is Gakushu Asano, and he excels in literally everything, especially mathematics! Actually, now that I think about it, he's not perfect at Ethics; go figure! He is the President of the student body. Must be taking after his dad. There's tons of rumors surrounding Asano, but everyone, including myself, can agree that he pulls the stings around here. If he's the puppet master of Kunugigaoka, then I am the femme fatale. Couple goals, anyone?
Once we all got seated, Asano and I went up to give our speeches. Asano's is much better than mine as it was written months in advance, and mine was crammed yesterday night at 4am. 
After that, everyone begins to stand up and walk around, socializing with one another. I walk over to Ren. He spots me and waves.
"Nice speech," he says. I can't tell whether he's being sarcastic or not.
"I totally pulled it out of my ass," I whisper to him. We laugh for a few moments then he whispers back "Speaking of pulling stuff out of someone's ass, did you hear about the gym teacher?"
"What?!" I gasp, laughing. "That's really random, Ren!"
"No, really! Apparently, her and Mr. Ono hooked up, and now she's pregnant!" After letting that gossip soak in, Ren adds, "Principal Asano's pissed!"
We exchange gossip for who knows how long but are interrupted eventually by Principal Asano's voice on a speaker next to us. Everyone rushes to their seats in response.
"Greetings, Class 2, to the 2021-22 school-year Matriculation Ceremony," Principal Asano says. He continues after some applause. "I would like to commemorate the top 20 students from the last school year and encourage the rest of you to try your best to achieve a spot in the top 20 this school year."
After what seemed like forever, he finally got to announcing this year's E-Class students. Everyone shifted in their seats nervously, except for Karma, of course. I'm honestly surprised that he even showed up today. "I will be announcing the Class-3E students in alphabetical order based on their last names."
"Akabane, Karma." Karma leans back in his chair and flips off his former teacher who sent him to the E-Class. Asano and I exchange glances and chuckle. Karma is the prankster type, and we've hung out before at a festival. We mainly discussed interests and various ways you could kill someone.
"Chiba, Ryunosyke." A boy with messy black hair that covers his eyes yawns. He reminds me of an emo character in a dating simulator Ren and I played once.
"Fuwa, Yuzuki." A girl with a dark purple bob cut seems uninterested and pores over some sort of manga that is promptly snatched out of her hands by a faculty member - much to her annoyance. I like her spirit.
"Hara, Sumire." A stout girl with a motherly presence brushes her pair of reddish-brown bangs out of her face. She doesn't seem too bothered about any of this.
"Hayami, Rinka." A girl with cat-like green eyes sits like a professional, her legs crossed, while brushing her orange hair with her fingers. For some reason, she seems like a tsundere, or maybe I've just played too many dating simulators with Ren.
"Hazama, Kirara." A slender girl slouches over in her seat, reading a book with an ominous cover. Her girly name does not fit her; she has dark, wavy hair and a face that, while beautiful and narrow, wears a very sinister look. I'll definitely try not to mess with her, but joining forces with her could prove useful.
"Isogai, Yuma." A familiar-looking boy with spiky, black hair and a conventionally attractive face and demeanor sighs. Oh, I remember him! He was being chased around by a flock of girls during Valentine's Day! Super useful!
"Kanzaki, Yukiko." A pretty girl with hair that faded from black to dark brown looked down sadly. Poor thing, she must be worried about her parents. She seems nice.
"Kataoka, Meg."  A dashing girl with yellow eyes and brown hair and bangs. Her hair is tied back into a ponytail and she is wearing a serious facial expression. She seems responsible and driven; very useful!
"Kayano, Kaede - who is not present today."
"Kimura, Masayoshi." A green-haired boy with a young appearance shrunk into his seat. Several students giggled saying things like: "Justice!", "Guess you didn't save the day!", and "My knight in shining armor!". Ugh, I hate these privileged assholes. Just leave the kid alone! He seems determined though.
"Kurahashi, Hinano." A cute, petite-framed girl with peridot-green eyes played with her short orange hair. She doesn't appear to have a lot of focus but seems sweet.
"Maehara, Hiroto." A handsome boy fiddles with his orange hair. He winks at a group of girls sitting near me, and they all gasp and fall out of their seats. "Woman-stealing asshole," Tomoya mutters under his breath. I'll have to remember this guy - he's definitely going to prove useful!
"Mimura, Koki." A plain-looking boy with faded orange hair perks up in his seat. After a few seconds, his olive eyes began to look elsewhere. Perhaps he has good eyesight? Useful.
"Muramatsu, Takuya." A boy with dirty blonde hair and small eyes snores quietly. He'll probably be of some use if he can stay awake.
"Nakamura, Rio." A charming girl with blonde hair pops a pink bubblegum while playing on her phone, not giving a care in the world about what has just been announced. Well, she's pretty and actually seems the most like me so far.
"Okajima, Taiga." A boy with a dark buzz cut and sleazy appearance shifts around in his seat. The girls sitting close to him are leaning away from him. I'm guessing he's the class pervert type.
"Okana, Hinata." A girl with a brown pixie cut and magenta eyes stretches in her chair. She must be sporty and possibly flexible? If that's true, then she'll be super useful!
"Okuda, Manami." It took a while to spot her, but eventually everyone points out a small girl with purple braids and a timid expression. I remember Natsuhiko mentioning something about her, but I didn't really pay attention since it was about science.
"Shiota, Nagisa." It also took a while to find this... girl? No, I don't think so; Nagisa is a boy's name. A boy with blue hair tied in a low ponytail is shrunken into his seat in what appeared like a mixture of despair and anxiety. Something about this kid is off. Like there's a glint in his eyes that screams homicidal maniac, or maybe I hang out with some creepy people.
"Sugaya, Sosuke." A thin boy doodling on a notepad looks up, brushes his long, silver hair out of his face, and continues drawing. Oh, he made a poster for one of the Theater Club's productions! It was really good from what I remember!
"Sugino, Tomohito." A small boo comes from a few of the Baseball Club members, and a boy with unkempt blue hair smiles. He seems like your average sporty kid but still seems pretty nice. 
"Takebayashi, Kotaro." An odd boy with neatly-combed hair and foggy glasses sits up straight and brushes his shoulders clean of dust. I remember Takebayashi. The mastermind, as Asano called him once. He's a science prodigy from what I can recall. Quite useful.
"Terasaka, Ryoma." A bulky boy with brown and blonde hair and tan skin scoffs and slouches into his seat. He's the bully type from what I can remember.
"Yada, Toka." A beautiful girl brushes her skirt anxiously. She seems like the big sister type. She's very pretty and physically mature. (Her boobs are big). She has brown hair tied into a ponytail with a red scrunchie.
"Yoshida, Taisei." A boy with dreadlocks and sharp eyes fiddles with his hands expectantly. He seems like the scuffed-up mechanic type.
A collective sigh of relief fills the room but stops once Principal Asano clears his throat.
"And, this year, I announce the first student to request to transfer to the E-Class. Her request was accepted by myself after careful consideration. This student's name is," he sighs. "Megumi Yanagisa."
I lean back in my chair as the gym goes silent. Then, everyone begins to crumble up their pamphlets and hurl them towards me. Asano attempts to block the papers and yells at everyone throwing them. The whole scene is chaotic as hell, and I am relishing in it.
"Everyone is dismissed. I look forward to another excellent school year starting tomorrow," Principal Asano calmly announces. He walks off the stage but motions something to Asano.
Asano nods and grabs my hand. I blush slightly. He leads me out of the gym and threatens the students on our way. He slams the doors shut once we get out.
Rem, Tomoya, Teppei, and Natsuhiko burst out of the gym doors aggressively.
"What the hell?!" Ren yells at me. "You're a part of the freaking E-Class?!" The other three back him up whilst arguing with Asano and I.
"Listen-" I begin, but I'm interrupted by a crowd of my former classmates running after me. Oh shit, I better run.
I shrug my shoulders apologetically towards Asano's group and begin sprinting away from the crowd. Not a dull moment around here, aye?
Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh. I completely paused and forgot to tell you why I was assessing my new classmates!
It's because I'm assassinating our teacher!
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laurel-dreams · 1 year
While your here and I know you probably posted it awhile ago but I Wana know bnha 2-b ocs quirks mostly how they work
Here is a list with a small explanation of each quirk + Photo reference!
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Abe Chie / Goldielock (F) / Hair Drills: Her hair can turn as hard as steel and rotate like drills
Akemi Kagami / Magic Mirror (F) Mirror: She can temporarily copy the quirk of whatever person is being reflected in her eyes.
Arima Kei / The Ilusionist (M) /Ilusion: He can make Auditory, Visual Ilusions
Asano Hanzo / Downgrade (M) / Downgrade: He can make a Quirk loose power or revert to a more implistic version of the quirk
Harada Saeko / Barrier (F) / Energy shield: She can make shields out of her vital energy, the more resistant they are the more exhausted she will be after.
Hino Yota / Firefox (M) / Fire blast: he can create fireballs and shoot them at oponets.
Hoshino Shion / (Undecided) (Genderfluid) / Melody : They can produce hypnotic melodies that force the oponent to dance uncontrollably.
Ikeda Kenshin / Elasticman (M) / Bounce: His body can turn into a rubbery bouncy material that also allows him to strech his limbs.
Ito Masahiko / Dart (M) / Poison Touch: His hands secrate a poison that can go from paralizing people to deeplyy injuring someone.
Kimura Itsuki /Spike Shot (M) / Cactus: His body works as a cactus. He can generate spikes and shoot them as if they were proyectiles.
Kobayashi Etsuko / Echoumori (F) / Echolocation: Just like bats she can percive her souroundings by Echolocation. She is very sensitive to loud noises.
Koizumi Kaito / Bubble Boy (M) / Bubbles: He can make resistant bubbles to trap oponets.
Kuroki Yoko / Magical Yoko (F) / Shadow Impulse: A shadowy figure can take contol of her body to increas her physical strength, speed and overall abilities. She cannot full control her impulses on this state.
Mizuno Fuyuko / Fractal (F) / Icicle rain: She can generate Icicle spikes and throw them at people as proyectiles.
Mochizuki Ren / Moonsagi (Agender) / Lunar energy: Moonlight increases their phisical abilities. They are very tired during the day as a side effect.
Raimei Akira / SpiderShock (NB) / Electric Web: They can geerate a restant spider web that is constantly electrified and can shock opopnets.
Sano Junko / X-Teleport (F) / Teleportation: She can teleport to wherever she can see. To do this she must place her arms formig an "X shape"
Shimizu Taiki / S-Lime (M) / Slime: He can generate Sticky slime to trap his oponents.
Tsukishima Kuma / Bear Hug (M) / Bear: He can do whatever a bear can.
Yoshioka Hideki / Chance (M) / Probability manipulation: He can alter the chance of something happening. However he cannot make something 100% or 0% there is always a bit of chance involved.
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Operation: Robot Ritsu!
Operation: Robot Ritsu! by xX2ender2Xx
“Fascinating,” Gakushuu breathes.
Ritsu giggles, cheeks pink. “That's very nice of you, Asano-kun!”
Gakushuu feels heat crawl up his neck. Ah, this is embarrassing. He's complimenting a fellow student. Is this flirting? She's an AI. Gakushuu thought the coding was fascinating. But the coding is her, by extension, isn't it?
Or in which Gakushuu does some snooping, finds out a little more about E class, and sets out a mission for himself because he doesn't know how to keep his nose out of other peoples business.
Words: 3659, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Asano Gakushuu, Ritsu, Asano Gakuhou, Class 3-E, Class 3-E Teachers
Relationships: Asano Gakushuu & Ritsu, Asano Gakuhou & Asano Gakushuu, Asano Gakushuu & Class 3-E
Additional Tags: Asano Gakushuu Needs A Hug, Tech Nerd Asano Gakushuu, Ritsu Being A Little Shit, Tired Asano Gakushuu, shuu needs glasses, ritsu is a second Akabane karma, Akabane Karma is a Little Shit, Humor, Robots, Asano Gakuhou's Bad Parenting, Light Angst, Sexual Humor, kind of???, shuu is a smarty pants, when he sets his mind on something, nothing can stop him, Technology, AI, Protective Class 3-E, Protective Akabane Karma, Protective Ritsu, she gon kill a man, specifically gakuhoe
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43167460
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