#Anyway the meme is there for the contrast lol
another-clive-blog · 6 months
clovis colombe
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And a French meme as well lol :
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Translation :
First picture :
Léton : I am sorry for what my future self put you through, Luc. Clovis : ...It's nothing, professor. We should get moving. Léton : ...Very well.
Then on the second drawing, Clovis is screaming "Why should [Bill Hawks] benefit from justice ?! Where was justice when I was crying over my dead parents ? Where ?!"
Second picture :
Clovis is quoting a post from Philippe Poutou (French industry worker, member of the New Anticapitalist Party and ex candidate to the presidential election). The post reads : "Hello everyone. The government sucks, we knew it-"
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princekirijo · 10 months
Something I didn't really notice until replaying Royal but Ryuji really doesn't let the past hold him down? Like in the rank 2 scene he tells Akira that he doesn't want to focus on his past and he's more focused about the future.
I think that's kinda neat tbh he doesn't wanna let the stuff with Kamoshida or his dad drag him down, he just wants to keep going forward.
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mechaseraph · 4 months
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One guy. Er, I mean two, no, no! Four, four completely different guys, no correlation between them, no sir! Started this around same time as this KID one. It should be same style proportion-wise. As I was messing around for fun/on purpose of finding something that more cartoony? simpler in flow? Anyways, the design/style notes/thoughts under the cut, I did put lots of my exhausted braincells into Kaito/KID difference
Overall style inspos: 1) "I need to think of Sonic but like more human-y" 2) Miho Shimogasa (PPGZ/Kaito Joker/BatuSpi Toppa Bashin) 3) PSWG and SPvsW lol kinda, just from my head how I remembered em though
>Cone and Shin: Originally wasn't planning on putting shadows in his eyes, but without em he's straight up "People with blue eyes" meme. Creepy too much. Neat and sharp a bit. Cone is a pain to size correctly. I think I kinda got it right? But maybe he should had been just tad taller? You never know if he's like 95cm or 1m and something Side note, but Cone's shoes really make me think of Sonic's- >Shin and Kaito: Neat and bit sharp vs more laid back and messy. Also more puffy/round on corners? I basically want him to have puffy sleeves/sleeves that got some volume to em because it fits the magician in my eyes. Adds to hands/arm movement Also Shin's eyes of more your blue/dark blue shades, while Kaito's of blue-ish purple That's to say, I imagine/think Shinichi is the one who hunches more, while Kaito is the one who tends to lean back a bit/keep posture mostly straight (if he ain't sleeping in class lol) >Kaito and KID: Kinda pathetic and messy vs your perfect phantom thief. More shadowy/half-closed eyes vs "oh he's bright awake and ready to go stupid go crazy". Some guy vs the charisma itself. That's to say, shadows cover Kid's visible eye most of the time. And he also has that grin...or his mouth hidden at all. His hair appears bit more fluffier and neater, too. I also tried to keep that juxtaposition with Shinichi of "more sharps vs more round" with him as well. Overall, I like the thought of what if Kaito was more loser in canon, as in less people in school liking him, pitying for his family situation, etc, no entirely of course, because it's simply him, but feel it be more fun in contrast with Kid (and Shinichi) Also, for Kid's cape...just didn't felt like drawing it here, you can excuse me, right?
I think that's all I have to say, but if there's anything ya wanna point out/hear, please ask away!~
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anantaru · 8 months
This isn’t a request by any mean but more of a question because me and my friend are divided on it. If the gf of zhongli or childe decided to leave after they neglected her, would they even notice ? Idk why we always group them together with how they’re always busy and all over the world. Childe sends letter every month to his family and sees them couple of times a year which doesn’t mean he’ll see his gf more than them and zhongli is a grumpy lost old man lol.
She says they’ll notice after maybe two months of no response, while I think they wouldn’t until she’s married with kids.
hello! so, i don‘t completely agree. i feel like zhongli, the whole "he‘s an old man" like it‘s a meme, but come on now this man has so much experience, i don‘t think he‘d do that, ever. like the idea of him getting into a relationship only for that to happen, especially since his life isn‘t really busy anyways and i don‘t see him as someone who‘d randomly commit to a person and then end up neglecting them. he‘s devoted, he would do anything to make you happy that it can be a little scary. like this man lives for you, in a sense, you ignoring him or going your own path while still being in a relationship, i think he‘d realise right away, especially since relationships don‘t work that way like there‘s talking, understanding each other, being vulnerable, communicating, just leaving or neglecting is so childish ??? that‘s not how it works.
with childe, i do see what you mean, in contrast to zhongli, he is very busy as a harbinger and the sending letters thing yeah. i feel like if childe ends up neglecting his significant other, and lets say he does send you letters just like he does for his family, he tries his best but he wouldn‘t intentionally ignore you or be an ass, it’s more of a problem because he can’t come see you very often and sending letters only does that much. childe is such a family man and doesn‘t strike me in that manner of just straight up fully neglecting you tho.
it‘s expected that if you‘re both committed, you will set up plans for the long distance relationship and it would be hard, if it‘s then ending in a break-up or you pulling through, it can honestly go both ways. but i don‘t think he‘d not realise, if you‘re his partner, he sees you as family, he doesn‘t just "forget" because of work or do you see him forget his family? he talks about them constantly like i can just imagine childe being annoying to everyone while gushing about how perfect his s/o is.
so yeah, that‘s just my opinion though, they‘re both grown ups, they carry themselves very well and there‘s no thing such as months long neglect and all that when you‘re in a committed relationship for them without at least a little sign of them still caring, before that they‘ll take the mature route and probably break-up instead of causing you pain.🩷
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meowjaa · 10 months
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✧ stalker-ish ✧
warnings: mentions of stalking, 18+ mdni, mention of fake users, instagram (LOL)
context: levi ackerman fem!reader - y/n having a huge thing for levi and stalking his instagram account but plot twist levi was stalking y/n too?!
a/n: I got my new keyboard its teal and white its so cuteee but anyways enjoy my loves!! <33
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The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and tea enveloped Y/N as she sat at her usual table in the corner of Rose Cafe. She peeked up from her book, heartbeat quickening when she spotted him strolling through the door right on schedule - 8am on the dot, like clockwork.
Levi Ackerman. Just the sight of him took Y/N's breath away. His piercing steel gray eyes that contrasted strikingly with his jet black undercut hair. The way he carried himself with an aura of mystery and magnetism.
Y/N yearned to talk to him, to unravel all his intriguing layers. But she could barely muster the courage to meet his gaze, intimidated by his brooding allure.
So instead, she had crafted a fake Instagram account - "tea_lover_89" using it to lurk and fawn over Levi's profile anonymously. Scrolling feverishly though artsy shots of graffiti murals, bookstore shelves, rainy city streets. Pausing on the occasional moody black and white selfie that left her pulse racing.
This morning, as always, Y/N pulled up Levi's page first thing, double-tapping his latest post a hazy nightscape of neon signs reflecting off wet pavement.
"Gorgeous shot," she typed out in the comments from her alter ego account before locking her phone and attempting to refocus on her book. But soon her eyes drifted up, irresistibly drawn back to the real-life version just a few tables away.
Little did Y/N know, Levi's eyes were also stolen glances when he thought she wasn't looking. He too felt inexplicably magnetized by this warm, bubbly girl who frequented his favorite cafe. Her chestnut hair shining in the sunlight, eyes crinkling adorably when she laughed. He was utterly smitten.
Levi never worked up the nerve to talk to Y/N directly either. Instead he created his own fake account - "wanderlust_photog" using it to follow her and fawn in private. Her feed was full of cozy book nook shots, delectable pastries, and radiant selfies that left Levi breathless.
This morning, Levi pulled up her latest selfie - smiling brightly with a dusting of flour on her cheek, captioned "Tried a new snickerdoodle recipe!" He double-tapped, leaving a quick comment: "Looks delicious!"
Then Levi forced himself to pocket his phone, sipping his black coffee while sneaking glances at the real girl behind the enchanting photos, completely enthralled...
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It was a bustling morning at Rose Cafe as Y/N waited in line for her usual vanilla latte. Speakers played soothing acoustic music amidst the chatter and aroma of brewing coffee. Y/N scrolled through her phone, giggling at the latest silly meme her best friend sent her.
Suddenly she felt a gentle bump at her shoulder, nearly knocking the phone from her hand.
“Oh excuse me, I’m so sor—“ Y/N’s voice caught in her throat as she looked up into stormy gray eyes. Levi Ackerman stood before her, the very man she had been secretly admiring through a fake Instagram account.
Flustered, Y/N fumbled her phone, watching in horror as it slipped from her grasp toward the tiled floor. But before it could shatter, Levi’s cat-like reflexes kicked in and he caught it smoothly.
“T-thank you,” Y/N stuttered, mortified at her clumsiness.
“No problem.” Levi handed back her phone, but not before his eyes darted down, catching a glimpse of the Instagram app open to none other than tea_lover_89 – the very same account that had been liking and commenting on all his posts for weeks.
Y/N wanted to evaporate on the spot. But suddenly, the hint of a knowing smile formed on Levi’s lips.
“I should have known it was you…” he murmured.
Y/N blinked, confusion evident on her flushed face.
Levi leaned in slightly, voice low so only she could hear. “Did you really think I wouldn’t realize who wanderlust_photog was, constantly liking your posts?”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Wait…that was YOU?”
Levi nodded, a slight smile breaking through now.
Flustered and elated all at once, Y/N laughed brightly. “Well, I guess neither of us were very subtle then!”
The barista called Y/N’s name, snapping her focus back. Levi insisted on paying for her drink. They sat together with shy smiles, all anonymous pretense gone.
Finally Y/N spoke sincerely. “I’m glad I don’t have to secretly admire you online anymore.”
Levi’s gaze was tender. “Oh but that makes it interesting"
At last they spoke freely together, fake accounts no longer needed when the genuine connection between them was everything they had each secretly dreamed of.
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monstersinthecosmos · 8 months
I have no intention of watching the new IWTV show, but I was wondering why you think Armand's characterization was so bad. I kinda hated how Antonio Banderas played him in the 1994 movie (not on its own, just in comparison to the books - I feel like his personality/demeanor was totally different), so it's sad that they still haven't gotten him right... Judging from pictures alone, I did think the casting for him was more fitting this time. Anyway, just curious to hear your thoughts!
Oh man!!!!!!!!! I do wanna say up front, I think Antonio was NOT A GREAT ARMAND but I like those scenes in the movie so much because they feel SO RICEY to me. Like I LOVE Movie!Armand even though he isn't Book!Armand, and if you read IWTV in good faith it's the only book that doens't harp on Armand looking like a smol uwu cherub so like ! SURE. He definitely still brings the calm nurturing mentor vibe in a huge way and the scenes in his room feel the most like the books to me.
I also know from the director's commentary that they specifically wanted Armand to look like that so that the Europe vampires would feel like OLD WORLD SCARY vs like, another twink lol. So he's got a little more of a tropey Dracula vibe going on and I think like as a visual contrast it works really well.
As far as the show; I think Assad is EXCELLENT. And like the whole fandom was joking even when the credits hit IMDB that it was gonna be Armand because everyone was like "OHH ARRIGHT.. LOUIS'S """""ASSISTANT"""""" OKAY !" so like I was one of the conspiracy theorists looking for clues the whole time. And his MANNERISMS are dead on and gave him away before anything else did. I have zero issue with the actor, I think he's so spooky and a complete smokeshow which Armand DESERVES. And I wish I could like the show for him, I really do! But it's just NOT WORKING FOR ME.
I'll put the rest under a cut cause it got lengthy and I'm not trying to like be a downer on anyone's dashboard but TLDR the show is so completely unrecognizable to me and I think it would've been so much better as an original concept, and personally I'm not excited by randos who share names with the books I read. The show is a hit! People really like it! But idk like showing me these two random ass men and saying "Hey this is Daniel and Armand" doesn't excite me because the story they're showing me actually ISNT Daniel and Armand lol. I'm here for the story!!! I'm not here for Easter Eggs!
Here's my main few gripes with how they wrote Armand which I find mega disappointing:
He spends 6.9/7 episodes pretending to be Louis's assistant named Rashid. WHY! LOL. Why would he do that! DANIEL DOESN'T REMEMBER HIM ANYWAY SO WHY???????? I DONT UNDERSTAND. Like Armand is a weirdo but is he THIS WEIRD? idk. idk.
The show also (in my opinion!) horrifically botched Lestat, but there's like this grain of doubt because the show has a theme of memory being unreliable, so the speculation is that maybe Armand planted a skewed version of events in Louis's head? Even the show runner sort of hinted at this? LIKE I HATE THIS?? Because if we get to S2 and it turns out that Lestat's been misrepresented, it then turns the tables and makes it that ARMAND is the one who's horrifically botched????? Like I'm all for silly Armand jokes and memes and whatever but like. sigh idk i just looked really forward to this show and hoped to see Armand on screen and I didn't really want a meme version of him. ((Also as an aside I really dislike the unreliable memory themes on the show the way they're presented because like the books frame unreliable narration as like interpretive and emotional but the vampire lore canonically is that they have like mega supernatural photographic memory? idk. If memory is faulty because they still have that human fallibility it's one thing unless they're saying Armand planted memories in Louis's head??? idk idk.))
And like speaking towards whether or not Armand is a person who would plant false memories in Louis's head; I concede that he psychically influenced Louis to join him in IWTV but like. ARMAND IS A NUANCED CHARACTER WHO ACTS FROM A PLACE OF NEED AND HURT. And idk it's just so fucking clunky I can't imagine the manipulation taking this type of shape. There's just, to me LOL, a huge difference between the mental nudge of "You are lonely and you need guidance please come with me" and "Lestat was a horrific domestic abuser." And like. idk. Just within the package of the whole rest of the season, this team has the subtlety of dropping a fucking piano so I just have no trust in them to write him with any sense of nuance.
I just hate the daywalking shit so fucking much I can't even start. Like the show changes a lot of the lore which is fine whatever it's their show change lore if you feel like it whatever but like. ARMAND'S ENTIRE LIFE IS THEMATICALLY BOOKENDED BY DARKNESS. He grows up in a CAVE. He lives in a CULT BENEATH A CEMETARY. He tries to KILL HIMSELF by GOING INTO THE SUN.
Like. And he's only 500? That's like adolescent for a vampire LOL.
There were a couple times in the season where they had some continuity errors on the show!lore so I got the vibe that the writers didn't really care about all the VAMPIRE STUFF which is kinda disappointing to me bc I'm a nerd lol but it felt like they used Armand in the sun to just give the audience a red herring and it came across as really cheap to me. So I wouldn't put it past this team to kinda be like DAYWALKING SURE LOL and not really take it seriously or think about the larger picture of how that unfolds for the character over more seasons.
IT'S WHATEVER, I JUST. I know it wouldn't make good television but I like VC because it's like existential dread and consuming darkness, I want it to hurt me, I want it to feel bleak, I want Armand's entire arc to be about how much he struggles with the idea that there's no God. It just feels like if you can make it a few centuries and be able to withstand the sun, what's the fucking point? What sacrifice did you make for being immortal? Especially for a character like Armand who so fully believes himself to be damned and would never want to make another vampire, would never subject even an enemy to it.
Especially bc like in the show the vampires can like ? Smoke? And have sex? And they can eat food (even though it tastes like paste but they can eat food). IF YOU CAN SMOKE AND FUCK AND GO IN THE SUN YOU'RE JUST A GUY. Where's the fucking DAMNATION OF IT ALL? Also what's the fucking point of Those Who Must Be Kept if you can go in the sun lol. I just . Ugh what a clusterfuck.
The show turns vampirism into more of a power fantasy than the way the books treat it as damnation or a symbol of being othered so it doesn't really mesh with like, my idea of VC and what I want out of it.
So Armand being a daywalker = Instant Nope From Me. I'm not interested in whatever they're trying to sell me lol.
A few other things that are NOT confirmed but generally just giving me the ick that I worry about:
I really, really, deeply, truly, hated how they wrote Claudia's character and how they wrote about rape, and that gives me a really bad feeling about how they'd potentially tackle Armand's canon background. The two options are: They don't, and he's a completely different character with a different background, with completely different context for his personality/motivations/etc (in which case who the fuck cares he's just some guy who shares a name with the book I like, and not really Armand), or: They GO THERE and it's just extremely heavy handed and insensitive and not fun to watch. I think show!Claudia maybe has more in common with Armand than book!Claudia because they aged her up to be a teenager so it's just, yikes. THEN AGAIN ARMAND IS NO LONGER A TEENAGER ON THE SHOW?
And to that point like. I don't need a bunch of fucking conservatives getting in my face about how I want to see a teenager sexualized because that's not the point; logistically for TV it makes sense that he's older, but again, it changes his backstory so much. imho, Armand being turned as a teenager and looking like a teenager is a huge element of his character! It's important! It just is! And I'm sorry that the show decided that the vampires could have sex, because they invented this problem for themselves! If they kept the canon lore you wouldn't have to see them have sex anyway LOL.
I also was not a fan of the truncated timeline of the show; season 1 takes place in like 30 years I think? And covers from the beginning of the story until Lestat's murder. And I believe Louis will meet Armand in the 1940s; they have the original interview in the 70s and they're together then, and they're together in the present in 2022. Idk I'm just not impressed; humans can get divorced after 30 years too, what's the point of having immortal characters if you're not gonna stretch out the timeline? And so much happens for Armand and Louis in canon and I have no idea what's happened or not happened on the show yet, no one's really sure which events have happened yet in the present day segments of the show. So like idk there's just a lot of Armand/Louis stuff to be smushing into 70 years lol and I'm bummed that they're rushing through the timeline so much.
So I just. Sigh. There's a lot of themes in VC that I really adore that the show doesn't care about, like being VERY OLD and NEVER SEEING THE SUN AGAIN but. I'm in the minority on this one because people love the show LOL. I'm happy for everyone who likes it, but it's not for me.
And like. Just! I knew going in that it would be the Loustat Show, I think everyone knew that, I didn't have huge expectations for Armand/Daniel content but it's such a small part of the books that like it would've been nice to get a couple scenes or some gifs out of it or whatever. It just sucks that like they SET UP the series in a way that the Devil's Minion won't happen on screen. And it sucks that like, depending how long the show runs for or how long AMC retains the rights, this might be the only chance in my lifetime that I had to see Devil's Minion on screen and it's not going to happen.
It's just a bummer man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to anyone who likes the show lol I just found it to be like mega disappointing and I don't think I'm going to watch S2, I'm too upset about Armand & Daniel LOL.
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daychiie · 5 months
For the manga ask: 1, 11 and 17
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Anyway I'm answering those questions here!!!
1. Your top 5 reads of 2023
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Meme for symmetry lol
No Home - NO HOME MY BELOVED MY BESTIE NO HOME,HOW IT CAN BE SO WELL WRITTEN IT MAKES ME INSANE BRO... COMICS OF ALL TIME. I have no words to explain... I do want one day stop being a coward and write out some analysis on it, buuut--oh well~~
Dungeon Meshi - I got into the party almost "too late". Well, I don't really believe that starting something after if finished is getting into it too late,but I do get that you lose some experiences if you get into something late than other... And in my case I got into it some weeks before it officially ended lmao. Always heard about it and finally gave a try, it's extremely funny and charming, can't wait for the anime this week :]
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - I saw the anime back when it was releasing, enjoyed it and...that was it. Hoped for season two (kinda still wish for it),but yeah... Then finally said fuck it and OHH IT GETS SO MUCH BETTER. LIKE ITS NOT THAT THE ANIME IS BAD BY ANY MEANS BUT WELL...it only covered one part of it and it always keep getting funnier and funnier! Wakamatsu is so much more insane and dumb... The characters we never got to met there. I do have some issue here and there but in general I have a pretty fun time :]
Ikoku Nikki - yeah maybe sometimes see that something gonna end next week really pushes me to read it lol. Anyway I do want to re read again sometime soon,but it was a very emotional read!! Makio women of all time, a aro icon <3 she everything!!!!
After School Lessons for Unripe Apples - another fun read!!! Don't think I have too much thoughts but I really enjoy Mi-ae and Cheol dynamic <3
Just making clear that in this top 5 I put stuff I started reading in 2023,so like ... No Skip to Loafer here lol even thought I enjoyed the new chapters that were released in 2023,in the rules my head made it didn't count lmao.
11. Your favorite covers
Suddenly I actually never read anything in 2023 :) GJJSAJFN ok guess Hirayasumi covers are very neat!!! I love the painting of it.
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But yeah I noticied I remember chapter covers much more than I remember volume covers, so originally I was going to show some of my favorite chapter covers...but then 10 photos limit. Even thought I was sure nowdays is 30 idk if its because I'm stuck in mobile but whatever,I spend two hours looking covers on my phone I gonna show it on a rb or something lmao
17. A manga you didn’t expect to like
Hmnm ... I don't remember lmao. Like at least not anything that I felt that extremely "omg what pleasant surprise!!!!!" ? The best I could think of is kisses x kiss x kisses that ...well does have a cringe name that kinda put you expectations at low I guess lol
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It's nothing amazing, it's a finished romance comic, that is very sweet. I liked the contrast of the protagonist and his love interest being like, boy with big family all living together and boy that lives alone with parents in another country lol. It is a cliche and not gonna pretend they do anything groundbreaking with it, but it's still a nice storyline. Lowkey big spoilers ahead I guess but: I liked that while the protagonist dream of living completely alone changed a little (cause come on its a fluffy romance lol), he still got separates room cause he does want be able to experience and enjoy not sharing a room,having more privacy and stuff. It's kinda small overall, but it's nice that his dream and his goals didn't do a complete change because of love.
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arctic-hands · 10 months
I was lumped in with the goths during my school years*, and for sure I was horrifically depressed when I wasn't psychotically manic and had common interests like graveyards and depressing poetry and gory imagery and other morbid fascinations, but whenever I did hang out with the Goths (we weren't super super tight like BFFs or something but we got along when we hanged) I was a ridiculous contrast in fashion lol.
Standing in with a group of teenagers who for whatever quirk were all taller than me despite being around the same ages, who were wearing all black or the occasional blood red, in various states of the entirely casual-suitable for the opera fashion spectrum of fashion, often with multiple piercings and eyeliner at the very least,
was this barefaced and metal-less scrawny and smol being in a bright yellow graphic t with some stupid slogan of a meme that was outdated even by then, or a tie-dyed shirt with the Joe's Crabshack logo on it, and incredible baggy jeans that were held up by variously colored scarves because my body shape even while rail thin was awkward with regular belts and my pants would still slide down unless I tight laced a chiffon scarf as uncomfortably tight as I could around my waist, sludge gray Velcro shoes because my inconsistent growth spurts meant I had awkwardly sized feet and for whatever reason the only suitable shoes I could find in my size at the time were Velcro, occasionally a faux gold vaguely intricate Walmart bracelet around my upper arm because it made me feel Ancient Grecian, and the peace day resist ants was, because I was also in a M*A*S*H phase since I was completely fixated on the equally bipolar and similarly undiagnosed Hawkeye, I went to the army surplus store and bought an olive green boonie hat that might have come from the Korean war era but might have been from 'nam I don't remember and I was constantly wearing that everywhere.
Anyway there's no real point to this and I regret to inform you that I never took a photo when hanging out with the goths and it's not like smartphones were mainstream enough that any of us could afford one yet, but I'm just picturing this group hangout from the outside and how it must have looked lol
*(for all that meant in the high school era, cliques weren't really a thing by then and if you had friends you prolly had multiple groups of friends based on whatever specific common interest or just what class/lunch you were in, we were all impoverished as fuck so like. Elitism was never really a thing with some notable exceptions *cough*ableism*cough*)
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cheetahing · 20 days
on fandom and writing.
so that meme about showing how many fandoms you've written for is going around bsky and i assume twitter and here's mine:
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the way i put it on bsky is that my purview is narrow and my start up cost is high. two of those (yowapeda and all out) are only in there as part of multi-fandom drabble dumps from the bygone saso days; chyf and oofuri i did at least write short (<1K) pieces for chocolate box. the last three are the main fandoms i've produced for in the last decade or so. daiya for about three years 2014-2018, bad buddy from late 2022-mid 2023 or so, and now mlc from april 2024 on.
i hope i'll be able to hold on to mlc for longer than i was bad buddy but i think i will -- i've been able to find enough community that i think it will stick for a while. part of that is the leap of faith that is the dihua discord server, but finding any cdrama friends at all has been a journey since my old circles are all dwrp and sports anime.
fandom for me is inherently a social activity or i would just stay in my corner and enjoy by myself like i do for most things; the main thing that motivates me to become active in a fandom is the desire to talk to someone about it. the desire to write may or may not be there without having someone to talk to, but even a little bit of encouragement goes a long way, so just someone saying "yeah i'd read that" was enough to get me to commit to my usual fic meme bullshit and that, i think, also helped find some more people to talk to, or at least interact with on some level.
i'm actually a very introverted person but i've been spending a lot of energy trying to foster a friendly environment on the server and hopefully in this space, though i can't see how well that's working as clearly. i gather the energy to throw myself at new people approximately once a decade lol so it's a little surprising that i'm managing so quickly after flaming out in my last fandom but mlc and dihuas in particular have been really welcoming.
anyway, this was supposed to be a post about writing. writing is pretty difficult for me in many ways, but it's also just. sort of what i do. so if i love something enough to want to talk to another human about it, it's not a stretch that i'll eventually want to create for it too. granted, for me, this is often expedited if i get bitten by the ship bug. i did actually watch mlc when it aired last year, but didn't really look into fandom or fic for it until earlier this year and sort of got delayed-reaction thunderstruck by dihua, which has so many elements that i love in a ship. the tension! the fondness! the trust and knowing! i should have known i was a goner but i didn't until i was falling headlong.
according to ao3 i've produced about 16K of mlc fic since april of this year. now, i know that's not a not for some, but to contrast my highest production year was 24K in 2015, so, for me: quite a lot! especially within that time period. i'm slowing down now/it's getting harder again but i don't plan on stopping so we'll see what my count is by the end of the year.
like many writers, i battle with self-confidence and mlc fic in particular has been a weird struggle for me. my writing hallmarks from previous fandoms have been atmosphere and poetics, succinct characterization, and imagery. for mlc fic i feel like i'm at 1 out of 3. i think (hope!) my character work is still good, but i feel like my writing for this fandom has been so plain. i want to write pretty things for this ship! i will keep trying. i may just need to eat more poetry and spend more time violently throwing myself around when trying to write, but hopefully i will manage at some point.
this post actually started with me thinking about why i choose to make my fic meme/drabble dumps chaptered rather than posting them individually when visibility/feedback/attention are unfortunately so important to me. every kudos, comment, tag comment, reblog, rec, etc really means a ton. writing is something that takes up a ton of energy and sometimes it can feel like you're pouring a whole lot of it out and not getting any in return and, for me at least, that's what burn out feels like. at the same time, like. in the end you're always writing for yourself so you sort of have balance that with how feedback or lack thereof makes you feel.
fic meme does get posted separately here on tumblr so maybe with that i get a little best of both worlds? i don't do it on ao3 because it would just straight up make me feel crazy to have literally 100+ 300-700ish word long ficlets scattered across my account over the decade, all needing titles, so my need to have things organized and in their place wins out over the need for validation there.
i don't know where i was going with this anymore tbh, but thanks if you read it! also thank you thank you thank you so much to those of you who take the time to read and respond to fic in some way, whether it's reblogging with tags, leaving comments, or just hitting the kudos button. i really can overemphasize how important these thing are as a fic writer.
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apri-apri-no-mi · 9 months
OPLA Review: I love it but it’s different!
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Some context: I started watching One Piece when I was 19 years. So the straw hats have been part of my life for over 9 years. Nevertheless, I’m anime only. I have never read the manga. But I know about the story differences between the manga and anime.
I love the live action adaption! The characters feel in line most of the time. The pacing is quite fast, which is actually good for the story. It definitely broke the curse of bad live action adaptions. I can feel the love that is put into this series at each and every moment. Yet, it still feels different to the One Piece in my heart.
I was super excited for the series to be released. After my initial hype, I still tried to keep my expectations low. Yet while watching the first episode, I felt really conflicted. I loved it for what it is. But I wished I could love it even more. Does this even makes sense? Even after finishing the first 4 episodes, I felt every loving post and meme about it. But something was missing. And this feeling didn’t change after finishing the series.
After exploring my thoughts I noticed to main reasons for this:
First and foremost, I love One Piece for its emotions. I have goosebumps, I cry, I feel excited and motivated. With OPLA the emotions where conveyed on the conversational level a lot. A lot more than in the anime. But I was missing the emotions on the emotional level. Characters where saying what they feel. But I couldn’t sense them feeling it.
The second thing which is crucial about One Piece for me is the music! Especially reoccurring background music that also conveys a lot of the emotions. Yes, we had a little bit Bink's sake here and there. And the main theme song We are was incorporated twice if I’m not wrong. But besides that I cannot recall any music except the fishmen's background music. Most of the time I didn’t even notice the background music at all. Epic moments had no epic music.
Nevertheless, I am still very much in love with it. I see so many people engaging in my most favorite fictional world. And they get lost in it! Maybe some even start to read the manga or watch the anime. Some might won’t. But knowing the straw hats - somehow as they are - will be part of other peoples lives as well, makes me unbelievably happy!
And for everyone interested, here are some other random impressions and thoughts:
Almost all story changes where made with love and payed tribute to the original. Like having Chouchou in Orange Town or a girl offering Zoro onigiri. But making the Grand Line map the main story plot device leading to Arlong being kind of the end boss of season 1 felt off to me. It fits somehow into the story. But since Arlong is from the Grand Line, I feel like he wouldn’t be that much in need of the map anyway?!
Koby had sooo much screen time! It was an interesting choice. But I’ve admit, I liked it a lot! Yet I’m not sure if I like how Garp is portrayed. He seems a bit out of character to me personally.
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I loooved how they integrated the wanted posters for each character! That was a really unique and cool idea!
We had a panda in the show!!! At this point I knew it’s just a big success haha!
There had been a lot of queer moments! So many more than in the anime at that time of the story. There will be so many fanfics lol
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I loved Namis and Luffys first interaction. Even though it was different from the original , it was so cute and gave them some funny moments together. In contrast, Sanjis and Luffys first interaction felt really lame. I love how in the anime the first thing Luffy sees Sanji doing is offering someone starving food for free. This way he knows immediately Sanji is a good one. He asks him to join his crew without having tried his meals. In OPLA Luffy first sees Sanji as waiter resolving some fight. Luffy goes from "he's a good fighter" over "he's a good cook" to "he’s a good guy". And to me Sanji is a good guy first and everything else comes after!
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The only time I felt emotions like in the anime, was the scene were Luffy gave his hat to Nami. I think it was almost a 1:1 adaption of the original scene and the dialogue. But somehow this scene felt also off in the live action, because it was so much heavier in emotions than the rest of the series. I’m sorry I’m really picky about the emotional stuff lol
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Thanks for reading my rumbling about my favorite fictional universe! I’m really excited what OPLA can do in the future! For anyone starting to watch the anime, I have some last words for you: I’ll wait in Wano Kuni for you!!!
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lotus-mirage · 10 months
Time to see what they do after that tone shift
Trigun Stampede episode 3 liveblog!
Ok!  So.  Keeping that tone.  O.O
(also natural disaster angle? Interesting! And prooobably be being paired with presumably-Knives approaching the town)
....oh they’re crawling on other people now. bleegh, that’s unsettling.
Wow after the shooting stunts of the last two episodes having a death so easily is startling
Okay wtf is up with this guy
Oh! It looks like only Vash is being featured in the opening, which is pretty atypical. That might have been part of the reason I was so thrown off?
Okay so the newest antagonist’s tech is a weird mix of high and low-tech.  Like I think it’s being powered by advanced, glowy-blue tech, but the shapes and actions (aside from like.  how those actions work) are still kind of crude!
I wonder if other plants are put in danger this often lol
Good to know Vash can be serious!  Kinda surprised that didn’t come up sooner, but I guess even if they were causing a lot of incidental damage the previous antagonists have been focused on him and not just wanton destruction.
“there’s no use in revenge,” now???? To a guy whose only personality has been his son and revenge???
Okay they may be implying that same point  - wait piano again??  They are really leaning hard into this I had thought there was like. One scene about it.
Well that was something. I can’t say I was really expecting a conversation there, but I certainly wasn’t expecting dismemberment.
Two contrasting “whose side are you on” questions within a span of as many scenes! Neat.
oh wtf was that. corrosion?
flash-back touch, okay.
Or not.  Gate? 
more dismemberment!
...were those the nominal knives? or are they like. incidental.
Oh what is this now.  Giant mecha... gorilla-shaped-thing.
Wait wait who’s that!  That kid’s haircut & coloring look suspiciously like the twins’.
Oh the lighting here is really cool.
The kid’s eyes look completely different, though. Huh.
Okay that was really intense I didn’t have anything to say during it.  Except that the weird full-body hoodie thing is apparently the.....
knife. tendril.  ...thingies?
Anyway!  That’s kinda neat!
A third “whose side are you on”! ...yeah that checks out narratively
...also notably accompanying the first shot where we actually see his face, I think.
Yeah I think those are the nominal knives.
oh also lots of piano focus in the background now, nice
ooookay I see where the biblical references start coming into play.  I thought it was just Wolfwood, guess not! ...I have no idea what he’s referring to, though.  Probably something old testament? Which is interesting because Wolfwood has a lot of cross stuff happening, but other than that I am only getting the surface level of whatever parallels are being drawn here.
Aside from the next shot, I guess!  Knives gets a knife halo. ...or maybe the knives are doing the circles of heaven/ranks of angels thing? hmmm.
...did the kid just die! I thought he’d be the only one to make it out!
Wait the big guy is still alive?  Huh.
Yeah that’s a very fair reaction from Rosa.
“I don’t deserve to cry” WELL ALRIGHT THEN
Okay interesting that’s already a change in approach from Vash!  Pursuing Knives now instead of the other way around. 
Wait actually the “he” is unspecified, I guess, but I assume.
End notes:
Okay so. Kept the tone from the end of the last episode.  Okay! I wonder if they’re gonna mostly stick to that from now on, or maybe start bouncing between the two?
I had absolutely no idea about the other people working with Knives.  Like, none.  I guess I knew that there was a group with him (hence Wolfwood(?)), but nothing about the rest of the group. Wonder what’s happening there!  They took both the red and blue plants - which I guess I assumed were respectively dead and alive. Are they, like, hatching them?? They were kind of suspiciously egg-shaped.
So.  Admittedly I was previously not super emotionally invested in Vash.  I kind of knew a bit about his deal, going into things - the whole “peace and love” meme, contrasted with the material of the show - but the kind of outsider framing from Meryl and Rodrigo made me feel like we should get to know more about them before focusing so much on him.  Anyways, I didn’t dislike him, I’d just yet to get attached to him.  All of that rescinded now, I guess! 
The “I don’t deserve to cry” line made me go ‘Ah.  I understand the hype now!’ I guess, if hype counts as... my mutual’s and what feels like half the internet’s incredible fondness for the guy. Ouch.
No transition here but uh yeah! Lots of fantastic animation again this episode!  Also this episode put a lot of emphasis on framing, both symbolic and cinematic! Both of those points stand out particularly for the whole last several minutes, which were really impressive.
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earlgreytea68 · 2 years
In the last week before the Twitter implosion, maybe the last true Twitter thing to go viral, was a woman who tweeted something like, "In the morning, I love to have coffee with my husband in our garden and talk about our days. I just love him so much." And some random person replied to her tweet, "OH, YEAH? WELL, NOT EVERYONE HAS A GARDEN AND SOME OF US DON'T HAVE TIME FOR COFFEE, SO THINK ABOUT THAT BEFORE YOU POST." Or something like that. And for a little while everyone on Twitter was mocking this exchange and being like, haha Twitter in a nutshell.
Which was true, that *was* Twitter in a nutshell, and it was the sort of place that had a ton of things wrong with it. But wow, we had no idea how much was about to go wrong with Twitter, and I kind of just wanted to memorialize that moment, because it feels like a different time now, and someday I might want to remember what was going on when all this happened to Twitter. I can't quite remember what was happening when LJ finally died once and for all, and so I wanted to memorialize it.
I continue to not quite get Mastodon. Or quite like it, I suppose I should say. It *feels* like it should be like Twitter, but it's actually set up to be much more like an LJ comm than the free-for-all of Twitter, which makes it a poor substitute for Twitter as a source of news and information. I haven't learned anything from Mastodon except from tweets people have put on Mastodon lol. Also, the tweets are the funniest posts on Mastodon. It's a curiously unfunny place, devoid of memes and playfulness, extremely earnest. Which is in stark contrast to the way Twitter feels these days, totally like that Community gif where you walk in and everything is just ON FIRE, and people are memeing while it burns around them, and the memes are all GOLDEN, and meanwhile Mastodon is like..."If you don't know how to live without an algorithm, the key is to retoot a lot!" BRING ME THE MEMES, MASTODON.
ANYWAY, I'm trying to get a handle on how to use the social media platforms I’ve got. I'm bewildered by people leaving Twitter to go to Tumblr, only because I always had both because to me they were two completely different platforms. So I'm trying to figure out what goes on Tumblr and what goes on Pillowfort and what goes on Mastodon. I might be putting things in multiple places until I develop what feels most natural where. So I might be posting more here as I figure out what I think about using this more as a place where you post things? Instead of just reblog things? Idk.
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 10 months
💗 slow kiss / gentle kiss / inevitable / soft
Hiya Middy! Long time no see!! I hope life has been kind to you 💜💜💜
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lol we're thinking on the same wavelength today @coldshrugs 😂 :>
anyway. This was supposed to be a snippet. It...did not end up being a snippet omg, it really got away from me kdlfhgjkfdhgk. It's 3:40 in the morning and this is the first piece I've (more or less) finished in like 3 or 4 months. It's just under 1,300 words. Set a few weeks after the big Endwalker finale, so vague mentions of what happened there.
[prompt meme]
nascent hope & new beginnings
The uneven rhythm of O’ravi’s cane tapping on the cobblestone announces her presence before she emerges from the early morning fog that blankets Sharlayan, and Aymeric sets aside the report he was reading, its contents immediately forgotten.
She’s starting to look like herself again, a clarity in her eyes now that’s been absent since her return from Ultima Thule. The silver and teal shawl she’s wrapped around her shoulders clashes somewhat oddly with the dark red tunic dress she wears, which in turn contrasts with the royal blue ribbon that holds her hair in a loose ponytail. It’s a far cry from the well-coordinated outfits she wears for business and battle, but it suits her.
O’ravi smiles, a little lopsidedly, a little shyly, and waves. “Hey.”
“Good morning, Ravi.” He can’t help it—he runs to meet her, and offers his arm. “You’re up early.”
“The pain was too great to stay in bed. So I thought I might as well seek you out, enjoy the fresh air.” She moves to link her arm through his but pauses, a strange look on her face. Instead, she reaches up to grasp his collar and tugs.
Wordlessly, and with no small amount of confusion, he acquiesces to her wish and leans down.
And softly, sweetly, feather-lightly, she presses a kiss to his lips.
She withdraws before he realizes what happened, content. His heart lurches like a wounded animal within his chest, his breath suddenly shaky, and she winds her arm through his as if she didn’t just send him reeling.
He can’t bear to look at her, he can’t bear to look away. The kiss in Ala Mhigo, before she set out for Garlemald—when she’d kissed him like her survival depended on it only to flee for the airship. That was moons ago, and they’d not spoken of it yet. It was never the right time.
Now, this. Against all the odds she defeated Meteion and Zenos and made it home alive, and she could’ve gone to anyone—could’ve sought out anyone she wished—but she chose to be here. With him.
Halone have mercy.
They walk together down the garden path back to the pavilion. Her gait is unsteady and torpid, but between him and the cane she’s at no risk of falling. It frustrates and distresses her to be so robbed of strength, but he’s just glad to see her up and about and alive. Safe, and free.
There’s a chill on the breeze, carrying the promise of snow and the memory of home. The long walks they took through the Pillars on the eve of battles she didn’t believe she’d return from. He lays a hand over hers, letting her clammy hands soak up his warmth. Soon, they’d go home together, and never again would she need to leave fearing what fate awaited her in far-off lands. Not if he had anything to say about it.
They make their way to the bench where Aymeric left the report, and O’ravi attempts to fold her legs beneath her only to cringe and hiss when the motion aggravates some half-dozen different wounds.
“Careful,” Aymeric says, settling down beside her.
“It never gets easier.” She leans the handle of her cane into the corner of the pavilion wall, careful not to knock it over lest its clattering disrupt the morning quiet. Her tail swishes placidly as she shifts to close the distance between them, ensuring that her arm rests against his and her leg likewise touches his.
He raises his hand slightly in silent offering; without hesitation, she twines her fingers through his.
“Aymeric,” she says, so softly it’s almost a whisper, “what do you think happens now that the Final Days are over? No more Ascians, no more Garlean expansionism, no more Hydaelyn and Zodiark…”
“Years of rebuilding, to start with. No nation was spared the destruction the blasphemies and towers wrought—in every corner of the world, entire communities were wiped out, the population slaughtered or turned, to say nothing of the state of Garlemald. We must needs—”
O’ravi laughs. “No, no, no, I meant: duty and the wider world be damned, what do you want for your future?”
He blinks stupidly, trying to cobble together an answer. “I’ve not put much thought into it, to tell you the truth.”
In truth, that is a flat-out lie. Of course he’s thought about it. But what he wants, what he longs for above all else—he cannot ask that of her. What if the request hurts her? And, perhaps it’s selfish, but what if her answer hurts him? Their friendship is too important to take the risk. No, he will hold his tongue.
“You don’t have to have it all figured out right now,” she says, and while her smile is tender there’s a knowing look in her eye that he can’t withstand. “Just think about it for a while.”
He never has been good at lying to her. His one consolation is that she’s just as bad at lying to him.
“What of you? The world is yours now, your life is your own again. What will you do with it?”
“Well.” She straightens her spine, ears twitching excitedly, and her smile takes on a mischievous edge. “After all I’ve done, I have more than earned the right to live as I see fit. I’ve earned the right to put duty and responsibility and reputation aside—and I know someone else who has earned the same.”
“We do owe much to your fellow Scions and Warriors of Light.”
“No, Aymeric, I mean you.” She takes his other hand in her own and squeezes. “The future is ours now. Ours to shape, ours to live. After all we’ve bled and suffered and sacrificed, we need to do something for ourselves. Just this much at least.” She leans towards him, and he has no choice but to meet her gaze. “You give and you give and you give of yourself until you have nothing left. The world takes and it never gives back, and before you know it you’ve lost yourself. I know this is happening to you because it happened to me, too. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere and say, this is mine, this belongs to me, and the world can’t touch it. Aymeric, may I tell you what I want for the future?”
The light is glinting off the gold veins that mar her eyes. Her sincerity is painful to behold.
“Of course.”
“I want you to find yourself again. I want to find me again…and I want us to do it together. I want us to walk into the future together, hand in hand, side by side. Whatever paths we walk going forward, I want us to walk them together until the end of our days.”
By the Fury, how is he supposed to answer that? How is he meant to—?
His heart is racing, and she’s watching him with such an innocence, a kindness that’s driving him mad.
Her wish answers the question he couldn’t voice. Yet it still leaves some things up in the air, namely: will they continue to keep a distance between them? Pretend Ala Mhigo never happened and remain friends and naught more?
A deeply foolish thought—he knows what the answer to that is, even if he won’t admit it—but nonetheless…
O’ravi raises an inquisitive eyebrow. “What say you, my brilliant blue knight?” His thoughts are spinning too rapidly to be trusted now, so despite the fact he’ll likely regret it later, he follows the impulse of his heart and kisses the scar that cuts across the bridge of her nose. Let that be answer enough.
#i slammed this out in one night so it is nowhere near as polished as what i usually post#if i allowed myself to edit it it would never get posted SO#no editing we die like dragoons using elusive jump during the titan boss fight#well i mean. i'll probably edit it tomorrow afternoon but. for now we're not playing that game GKJHDFLGKJ#don't judge me don't look at me it's 3am and this held me hostage even as my brain's ability to words sputtered out T^T#we are NOT main tagging this it is TOO SILLY#i might be cringe but i am freeeeeee baybee#i will probably rewrite the end later but for now it is good enough#i decided not to let the perfectionism win and prevent me from writing + posting this so if it's messy that would be why lmao#i will fix it later for now we are floating in the goofy pool and crying into our hands !!!#o'ravi soltholia#rogue writes#o'ravmeric#OKAY BYE IM GONNA SLEEP NOW BEFORE THE ANXIETY CAN CATCH ME 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️#endwalker spoilers#really really vaguely??? idk but just to be safe#HELPPPPP#is this even coherent? idk but i had fun writing it. that's the important part#and considering the migraines and pain and brain fog I've been in lately im amazed i was able to write at all#so. even if this sucks i created something so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED#thank u for the asks besties 💕 it really did help clear the brain fog a lil#also for the record this is my first time writing shippy stuff that isn't pre relationship or It's Complicated so. yay!!!!!#the only other shippy stuff ive written was shepard and kaidan angsting about shepard's death so this is new territory for me 😂
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lightfulonion · 1 year
top 5 serirei moments go
This is a great ask because i really dont have an answer ready jkhskda
Ok! These are my top five serirei moments! I have taken into account the anime, the hot springs OVA, the manga moments that didnt make it into the anime or that havent aired yet*, the official art which probably isnt canon but i cant NOT include them, the fanbook and the omake that i have read ...
*i am an anime-only but i read spoilers so i have only approximate knowledge of whats going on manga-wise lol i havent read everything tho so my opinion is not as well-rounded as id like yet but i made an attempt with what i know thus far (which is enough tbh). i have spoiler warnings wherever i deem necessary but please tell me if i need to add something!! what i included from the mp100 fanbook doesnt contain any spoilers, most of them are related to what we've seen from season 3
Anyway here we go!!!
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I am obviously not counting that since it technically ISNT a serirei moment because Seri isnt present. Obviously. That's the reason.
For real now:
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Reigen seeing Serizawa for the first time is a moment ingrained in me because the very first thing that Seri did was protect him using his umbrella aka his only source of comfort and security???? while he went against the one person who he thought understood him??? i dont know if it was meant to be read as an exchange of sorts or as a metaphor or as foreshadowing or all three but it's so incredible..
(spoilers, probably? --->) i think in the manga at some point Serizawa got an umbrella and it was clear instead of white or any other color, so when he was using it he was visible and so many fans were saying that this is a metaphor for him not being afraid anymore and standing on his own two feet as a person :'( anyway this is sort of irrelevant but it's kinda related to Reigen too (i think the umbrella was a gift from him??) And the fact that in the anime he uses the cards Reigen gave him as a weapon opposed to the umbrella Touichirou gave him....... (<----end of spoilers)
Also this tweet seems relevant and lives rent free in my mind
4. from the mp100 fanbook
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the farting chair..... i cant like a pairing without them being absolutely ridiculous. Reigen doing whatever ridiculous thing he's doing and Serizawa being either "hm. sure." or "??????" is so funny to me. them going to the bar and getting drunk together and Reigen showing him a trick with Seri responding "i have a test tomorrow Reigen-san.." in contrast to what we've seen in the anime so far with Reigen being dramatic and actually impressing Serizawa is so good....... what do you mean this is more than one moment.......
3. (from s3e9)
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this and the way they framed Reigen's wait-youve-never-liked-a-girl meltdown and then moments later showing him googling "how to ask girls out" must be an indicator for something (🤨🏳️‍🌈⁉)..... Also the way Reigen lets himself be a little vulnerable in front of Serizawa shows that he trusts him and that's weird since he is so guarded all the time while trying to show how great he is.. I like that he has someone he can share things with and maybe even be himself with
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(the above are from this video)
2. the famous moment they cut-off from the anime (specifically from s3e9) (after no3 chronologically)
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when i first saw this i was so sure there was something going on canonically that will slowly unravel. i have only seen bits and pieces of the manga but i still feel there is something here. its a small moment and then it changes scene back to mob. considering this being a little later from no3 it makes you wonder if its building up to something or not?? (the answer is its not but still. behind the scenes maybe?) Moreover Reigen's desire to be a good partner makes me??? I cannot explain correctly what this makes me feel because writing this made me both want to cry AND want to make that one meme with timmy's dad (since it couldn't make it into the anime)
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whatever??? this is???
I first saw this a year or something ago and it still mystifies me to this day... what was the purpose of this? what is trying to convey?? is this supposed to attract the male-loving fans of mp100??? i literally cant NOT read this as gay... it makes me lose my mind every time i look at it. They are literally gay married... (spoilers----->) they even co-own spirits and such at the end of the manga as far as im aware........ (<------ end of spoilers)
there is no way these guys are heterosexual, i think i drove my point home
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There are so many things i like about their dynamic and canon didnt show us as many things as i wish it did (how reigen employed serizawa, what happened when they went for drinks and ended up both drunk etc etc) I love them both and I'm glad that they got to meet and work together in the manga and i got to read about it!!
#this was. so unnecessarily hard.#i love serirei so much and i still dont know that much about them?? apparently????#maybe because i am so focused on each character independently and i like that they seem to fit as opposites of each other kinda#i dont feel like they are soulmates exactly. i dont know about fate but i like the concept of two people#figuring each other out and attempting to love each other despite their flaws#its amazing how sincere serizawa is where reigen cannot be and how flashy and dramatic reigen is when serizawa doesnt#need to be...#i dont feel like they were born as opposites but they learned to be as they work side-by-side#idk it feels amazing to me to be able to change and be yourself together with another person after#being alone for so long#and its not like seri didnt have his mum and reigen didnt have mob but now they learn to depend on each other while letting themselves be..#they need one another and they want one another and they shape each other according to the other#they call for each other in different subtle ways#the idea of two people finding each other and truly seeing each other at their worst moments#deciding to stay even after that and even in the small day-to-day stuff#and the concept of found family tying it all together makes me feel some type of way (kicking crying contemplating existence etc etc)#i think thats what love is#am i explaining this well??? ah words are hard#anyway this answer took so much time because i am a perfectionist in this kind of things#wild#onion talks#onion also probably needs to shut up i have written an essay all the way down here#i have worked less for presentations i dont know what happened#cicada my dear friend thank you so much for this#thank you so much for asking me about them!!! im dying to talk about them but i needed an excuse to do so#mp100 is so great if someone read all of this and hasnt watched it: you should. serirei is good but youre gonna love mob#i am complaining a lot all over this post but mp100 is more than ships anyway#i hope i am more comprehensible than i think i am also#this is a mess. bon appetite.#asks
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tuherrus · 1 year
For the ask meme! 4, 7, 9, 14, and 24, please! :3c
Favourite things to draw?
already answered but i'll add to it anyways, i also like drawing different styles and emulating other artists, it's a lot of fun....!
Favourite works of all time excluding your own?
there's far too many to put everything here so i won't, but this will still be a long one so i put it under a cut!
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näcken, ernst josephson
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perfect blue promotional art, satoshi kon
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the bed, henri de toulouse-lautrec
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sleeping hermaphroditus, unknown
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untitled, bill bate
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repent, sara kipin
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good girl, jakub rozalski
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the tarot deck, pamela colman smith
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the execution of lady jane grey, paul delaroche
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centaur kiss, george leonnec
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defense of the sampo, akseli gallen-kallela
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the siren, john william waterhouse
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tomie cover, junji ito
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medusa with the head of perseus, luciano garbati
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kiki's delivery service concept art, hayao miyazaki
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danse macabre, micah ulrich
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morning slumber, michael mao
annnd many more but i'm sure this is long enough by now lol
What are you currently trying to improve?
it's a neverending quest to get used to drawing the sort of backgrounds i want but always figured i wasn't skilled enough to draw....!
How has your art changed over the years?
i think it's gotten more sharp and high contrast, more confident?
How do you deal with artblock?
usually i just force myself to try and draw something anyway, anything i'm usually interested in.....i do studies if i'm totally out of ideas and even if nothing looks good i try to produce something to get out of that block
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
artist ask meme answers
i deleted the reblog to keep my space uncluttered but for reference the meme is here
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3. What ideas come from when you were little?
The main characters in the Mez/medieval mech setting - the two knights and two smiths - are all characters from my first writing project. Which didn't resemble Mez at all, it was an alt Earth in which people had powers, and each of the characters I mentioned lived in different parallel dimensions. The story was about "first contact" between parallel dimensions. I started writing that in 2008 (age 14) and finished in 2015. The setting had a lot of technical problems (unsurprisingly) but I couldn't abandon those characters and felt they deserved better than what I had given them
4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
Human faces in general. There's a reason I keep blanking out people's features and it's not because I want to be mysterious. I'm highly face blind and have immense trouble even looking at photos of human faces lmao
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
I was gonna say physical block printing but actually I do that now (did my first prints yesterday lol). Second place is definitely sculpture, I adore sculptures but it was always my least favourite medium to try myself
12. Easiest part of body to draw
Torso for animals, legs for humans
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
One of my favourite artists on tumblr is @mech-monster .. I've admired their work for years and as a lover of biomechanical art and aeroplanes it's right up my alley. I think their style is pretty emblematic of "art styles nothing like my own" lol but it's so wonderfully precise and technical. Love it
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4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
I mentioned faces in general but for a character I find challenging, I really struggle with drawing Pantera!
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how could i possibly have known what I was setting myself up for when I made this design. A lot has changed true but its visor helmet thing is a key part of what Pantera is to me, so I can't get rid of it. But drawing that thing head-on is nightmarish
14. Any favorite motifs
I draw a lot of fleur de lises in the Mez setting because I like the design and think it's a nice visual shorthand for the time period. But each knight has their own motif - Victory's flames, Heaven's rounded more floral designs, etc. These reflect Pantera and Leun's primary weapons respectively.
One motif I'm sure everyone has spotted is the barley pattern that accompanies Pascal (modern inver setting), and one or more of his eyes are usually visible in the bg of any art of him (behind his body)
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3. What ideas come from when you were little?
Another idea - honestly, the holy beasts (the mechs) in general. I was a massive zoids fan as a kid and I used to collect and build them. I was always fascinated by the setting, particularly the contrast between "ancient" advanced mech technology and the humans' relatively low-tech society (in the original anime/toy line). I wanted to make something like that. I still really enjoy contrasts like these. I mean the holy beasts WERE sort of just.. dug up out of the ground, exactly the same as zoids were
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
Hrm honestly traditional painting. It's been years since I did it and I don't have the space or time to pick it up (i chose block printing instead) but I love it
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
If I REALLY want to listen to a certain podcast, I'll often start drawing just so that I'll be able to focus on the podcast and have something to do with my hands at the same time. A lot of my art comes from me just wanting to get through an episode of whatever. In early 2021 that was the magnus archives, these days I'm getting through Candlelit Tales Irish Mythology podcast which i SUPER recommend if you're interested in that kinda thing. It's on spotify
But generally I listen to music. I have a playlist for each setting, and each character in those settings. So if I'm drawing Pascal I'm listening to his playlist which is largely disco these days. Gets me in the mood
anomalydetection asked sanctus-ingenium: 30, 19, 25
30.What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Finbarr & the Moon tarot card!
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This is from before I aged up Finbarr from early 20s to mid 40s lol but you could say this is just him as a kid I suppose. But I really like it and all the details I managed to sneak in, and it was what got me started wanting to draw watery scenes more
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Armour!!!! Who doesn't like armour. I also really enjoy drawing clothing from historical eras. Modern clothing and most futuristic/sci-fi ish takes on clothing are solidly boring to me though.
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
ohhh god where do I start. I got an ask comparing it to dangan ronpa recently lmao. Bluecifer. Disco Elysium. The Last Unicorn. Nope (2022 movie). I have nothing against any of them and I enjoyed those last three a lot but my art was not inspired by them and has nothing to do with them.
Also western/cowboy stuff in general. A LOT of people tag my horse art with #cowboy or related tags. I don't mind it but it is something that is not on my cultural radar, and not ever at the forefront of my mind when I draw horse things
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3. What ideas come from when you were little
Round 3! Most of the Inver setting is very new (relatively, I mean it has no legacy characters from earlier stuff and I made it all within the past few years) but the decision to use the P��ca as the main supernatural entity to base the story on did come from my childhood. My mother used to use Púca interchangeably with Taibhse so there was a lot of talk about him around hallowe'en in general when I was very young. I didn't realise that Púca and Taibhse meant different things until I was older lol but I still associate the Púca with hallowe'en and going out as a kid dressed in a black binbag (I was a scary witch). Because it had this nostalgic connection with my childhood and an era where I believed in scary ghosts and faeries around every corner, it was a very easy decision to make for my Inver setting, where there are in fact scary faeries around every corner
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