#Anyway please take care of yourself
dewitty1 · 1 year
Saturday Six (Stuff) Christmas Eve Edition
It's a good time when you come home to find your bathtub without hot water. Just the tub. Everything is good now, but the mess still needs cleaning up.(;¬_¬)
The present I ordered for myself got delivered yesterday but no one was there to sign for it. Hopefully I can pick it up today.ヾ(*´ー`)ノ
The Dude ordered a present for me in November, and it turns out they were a bit shady, so he's basically out the money he spent. I've told him to contact the fraud department of our bank. Hopefully they can refund his money.(^~^)
Socks, our older male cat, has a cold and needs to take antibiotics. I've been pairing it with cat treats, so now he just downs the pill like a champ as if it's a treat. I swear sometimes I think this cat is a dog in cat clothing...(=´∇`=)
I understand why people on Tiktok probably film their cats when they're being active. I could watch my cats all day.(=^-ω-^=)
I hope all of you who read this have a very happy Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy holidays, or just happy Saturday day/night or whatever works best for you. ̣̥☆·͙̥‧❄‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥˟͙☃˟͙‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥❄‧·͙̥̣☆̣̥
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black-and-yellow · 6 months
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Friendship ended with Bradley. Now Louis is my best friend.
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okay, fuck it. let's talk about remorse. more specifically, the lack of it
there was a post going around a while ago that claimed that izaya couldn't possibly have aspd, because he feels remorse, and its simply so subtle that it's hard to pick up on, and he simply hides it to maintain his image. given that this post is a jab at me and my work, i feel no guilt nor will feel remorse over jabbing right back.
(especially since, if you pay attention to the wording of the post and OP themselves, it's clear that they had a... certain other neurodiverse headcanon for izaya, and was for some reason mad at me for having a different one)
(but i digress)
let's talk remorse.
first of all, the "lack of remorse" criterion isn't, as some might be tempted to think, the most important "hallmark" symptom of aspd. let's break down how disorders are diagnosed!
in the DSM, disorder symptoms are classed into criteria. these criteria are sometimes grouped together. here's the criteria list for ASPD in the dsm-5-tr, the most current version;
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under group A, we have the standard "this is what the disorder is like, and these are the symptoms of it. you need X amount to have this disorder." the criteria listed in groups B, C, and D are on their own because they are required for diagnosis. if the lack of remorse criterion was truly SO important that it was the hallmark of the disorder, the one symptom that sets it apart from all cluster B disorders, then it would be in its own group like those 3 criterion! but it's not, because while it's the symptom most people associate with aspd, it's not the hallmark of the disorder, nor is it explicitly required for diagnosis.
in fact, the main Thing about aspd is, uh, right there actually- a pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of others. in layman's terms, aspd is categorized by a consistent behavior pattern of treating other peoples' boundaries, wants, needs, and human rights, as trivial. this overall behavior pattern is then identified by specific actions or feelings the patient has- hence the criteria.
i could end this post here, honestly- who cares if izaya does or doesn't feel remorse? it's not needed for diagnosis, and it's izaya's whole thing to violate the rights of others- he consistently treats people as his playthings, wether or not they want him to (usually not!) he disregards others' feelings (the suicidal girls come to mind wrt this) and is incredibly reckless with both his life and the lives of others. it's kind of a done deal!
but i won't because i have more to say!
so. izaya. remorse. he feels it, but keeps it hidden. he represses it. and honestly, he always has some justification or another for whatevet it is he's doing. his targets had it coming because they're monsters. or stupid and cowardly. or had it coming. or it doesn't matter because he's a god amongst men. BUT- he does feel remorse! ASPD cured!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys i hate to tell you this, but i've felt remorse before. sparingly, but i have. i am a Person With ASPD from Real Life, i've been diagnosed professionally and even had multiple second opinions check and re-check, to the point that it became a running gag. i, without a shadow of a doubt, have antisocial personality disorder. And I Have Felt Remorse.
(my verdict is it sucks and is terrible and i have no idea how you people do it. yall need like, medals or something)
because, as you might have noticed... a lack of feeling remorse isn't actually the only thing listed. now, a lot of websites don't actually list the second half of the criterion, they just say "lack of remorse" with no elaboration. it's hard to find a website with the proper informatiom on it, especially if you haven't read the dsm to see the full criteria list, so you don't know what you're looking for. truly, i don't blame laypeople for not knowing this- it's not easy to find short of going to the source itself
but if you're writing long posts filled with "facts" about a disorder that you do not have, you better make damn sure your facts are right lest you spread misinformation.
(hell, i HAVE the damn thing and i make sure i'm as accurate as possible, because i acknowledge that Having The Disorder isn't a ticket to immidiate expertise. but imo it's especially egrigious when you don't have it)
but, the criterion itself is defined as "being indifferent to or rationalizing" harmful actions. Or Rationalizing. you can feel remorse as much as you want, but if you stomp it down with justifications about how you were right, it still counts!
and finally, the name of the game with diagnosis of any disorder is consistency. if someone can make their abuser cry because of them and feel no remorse, that's not aspd. that's just a special case. if someone can make anybody cry because of them and feel no remorse, that's aspd.
similarly, if someone can make most people cry because of them and feel no remorse, with one- or maybe two- exceptions, that's... still aspd. because the behavior expressed most consistently is a lack of remorse. one or two exceptions to the rule don't suddenly make you not have aspd, especially if you have multiple other symptoms. (in fact, in some aspd circles people do talk about having "exceptions," kind of like the aspd version of a pwBPD's favorite person. pwaspd feeling remorse or otherwise not meeting criteria in incredibly specific circumstances is in fact a documented phenominon. once again, this happened to me and i've been diagnosed multiple times over. were all those doctors wrong, or does aspd just not work like you thought it did?)
izaya consistently represses most of his more vunerable feelings. that's another one of his main things. if remorse is included in this, which it would be given the pattern, then izaya most consistently does not feel (or otherwise accept) remorse. a few slips of the mask here and there, where he can't stomp it down or ignore it, don't change that the most consistent behavior from him is a lack of remorse. in fact, him feeling remorse here and there makes the portrayal of aspd more realistic, imo-
people with aspd are still people at the end of the day, and aspd is just another mental illness. people are varied, mental illnesses present differently in everyone, and people have good days and bad days where symptoms are more or less pronounced. any symptom isn't going to be set in stone in severity or even presence in someone's life- severity of disorder changes with age, someone's circumstances, or even day-to-day, especially with cluster B disorders, where the people who have it are defined as being "dramatic, emotional, or erratic" (pg 735)
things change. people change. mental illness isn't as simple as people think, and aspd isn't as different from other illnesses as you'd think. people with it- including izaya- will have their good days and their bad days and their rare moments where something breaks through the clouds and for one moment, you feel normal, however distressing the feeling may be
that's not proof that the illness was never there. that's just life with it!
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yoonstudios · 2 years
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mom, i love him | ☁️ | for → @kimtaegis + @marvelousbangtan ↳ 5th muster in japan (cr. namuspromised)
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martilyongabo · 8 months
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EO3 (partial) lineup - November-December 2022
Peak MAbo is collaborating with your best friend for a(n admittedly unfair) final project (for web development!!!! an elective!!!), saying you would post it, forgetting about it for a year, posting it on Artstation and forgetting about it again.
As always, AC drew the lineart, and I colored. Designs were more of a collaborative effort between the two of us!
Probably should have shared this when the HD collection came out... anyway it's here now!
Some design ramblings under the cut :0! There's a lot i wanna share especially given that we recently did a soft rewrite that departed from the guild system entirely ^^" and EO3's cast was actually one of the first that we had, surprisingly!
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Micah is quite clearly alt gladiator 3, but in an entirely different profession. instead of going into the labyrinth, he works in what i imagine would be an analogue to the forge in Tharsis (aka helping people make things busted af). It probably works best for his character, since he was always a gizmo freak even in his first iteration! geomagnetic (or submagnetic, ugh) gizmo is AC's idea!
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Micah's brother, Eva, is a very loose spin on zodiac 3, but with a wayyyy lighter colour palette. Admittedly, i did steal a little bit of the spiritmaster's coat from bravely default, but AC managed to spin it back to resembling the original coat that the class had. Eva works as an astronomer, hence the little telescope he always has on him.
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Next up we have Eva's protégé, Miri (who was imported from AC's stories)! Theoretically, Miri would be a second zodiac, and, after watching some EO3 speedruns, would probably be really strong in the earlygame when working with Eva in an actual playthrough. AC's design heavily borrows from Patho II's Grace, hence the coat + dress combo.
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Following Miri in this lineup would be Noa, her admittedly very lazy but clingy sibling. I think it's apparently here that we didn't have much time to filter what a believable design would be in an EO setting, given that Noa's clothes were translated directly from our designs of them in school attire. It's actually funny how for we diverged from their original portrait (buccaneer 3) to the point that she is literally unrecognizable. Truly a pipeline from good sea boy to j-horror twist character.
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Last in the OC section would be Masaru, who recently found work for the Senatus. Admittedly he does have another example of "incongruent time period" clothing (the jacket), though it's a lot more reworkable than Noa. We also made his design a lot less poofy and rugged compared to the original, and I mixed the base and alt color palettes as well to make him less, well, glaringly red. Probably one of the funnier things is that his clothing palette made him blend in more with the likes of Kujura, but given that they work for the same place, it'll probably work out fine.
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Now we go onto NPCs, and who better to start than with Flowdia! Admittedly, her art was one of the last ones that we did, hence why her design looks relatively plain (sorry lola). Probably one of the things I would like to add would be more ornate patterns, perhaps of butterflies to tie her closer to Gutrune!
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Before we get to the Princess, we gotta get through her bodyguard first! >:0 I honestly don't like Kujura because I answered honestly in his first question, and he said that I was prideful, but AC likes him so he looks really good here. He isn't as rendered here as he is in his portrait, since he was also one of the last characters we made, and I didn't really get to notice that he doesn't have as much value contrast in his clothing as Masaru does. Probably something to think about next time I color him >:0
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Next up we have Gutrune!! We decided to make her look more jellyfish-like, while still keeping it a bit uncanny and unsettling. We tried to give her a more traditionally Filipiniana look (mostly on the Maria Clara gown), but we haven't yet made a poncho design that mixes well with butterfly sleeves without looking cluttered. As such, she has a more nightdress-y look here. AC drew in a few tentacles, and I couldn't help but make them look squishy.
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Last but not least is Olympia! We wanted to align her appearance more with her background, hence her altered design :0 Having rips of the artbook easily accesible online also helped us flesh out her hair in particular, since we didn't want to just transplant Gutrune's hairstyle onto her.
And that's all of them!!! I'm honestly hoping to draw more EO characters, though Seyfried's design scares me (honestly the reason why I couldn't make a Reversed Emperor comic).
Currently, I've made a lot of progress on the EO4 game, and I'm excited to draw up the three N-turned-PCs + Xiuan >:'0!!! I don't think I can ever get as cool as Morika tho. If you've come this far and aren't into EO, please check out their blog!! Their art is stunning and has come a really long way :")
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saturnsconstellation · 3 months
James: how many more rock bottoms are you gonna have to hit before you start taking care of yourself?
Remus: I was thinking of a number between 11 and…
Remus: … 25?
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mistressemmedi · 3 months
I’m so mad at the conspiracy theorists…those poor kids having to deal with their mother being unwell and the world is making a game out of it.
Guilty of it 🙋🏻‍♀️ I did have a few laughs at the BBL / the short bangs / Wonka experience memes (although not gave any real weight to the conspiracy theories) - posted one on George myself. My bad, and I have absolutely no problem admitting it that it was a shitty thing to do.
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boysbeloving · 2 years
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nonbinary-niki-bog · 4 months
Hey!! Do you care about getting fan art at all? I literally love ur au so,,
~The Marvelous Marss! (Aka ☁)
i don't mind any fanart of anything. rather i would be honored if people would want to do fanart of anything of mine.
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yournewfriendshouse · 8 months
when you have brain fog issues and fatigue issues and when you learn that brains take a catastrophic amount of energy to work and when you think why have I been so tired and you remember that the world is in a state of crisis and genocides are happening and your country is proving itself once again to have no respect or acknowledgement whatsoever for 60,000 years of sovereign claim on the territory you live on because its full of racist colonial wankers and you’ve been evicted and there is so much to do and so much to throw out and dispose of in responsible fashion and you’re getting older and the world isn’t getting better and you have so little control and you’ve been thinking about this of course you’ve been thinking about it because if you can’t help then you can witness but the thing is using energy makes you sicker and witnessing uses so much energy and the algorithms are designed not to be efficient for brain energy they’re designed to use you as the product so that you witness ads as well as bad news so so much bad news so you witness so many ads and so you’re wondering why you’re so goddamn tired
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mistyysagee · 27 days
Hey-Hey There !! [how do I work this thing-]
Hey there! I'm MistyySagee [just call me Mistyy <3] and i'm pretty new to the community! [writing one that is- i've used tumblr before but only to read things.] If you can, please comment or message me with tips on how to write! [much appreciated!] Under the divider there will be a short introduction on myself. Also, please DM if you wanna be friends/mutuals, I need them- O(╥﹏╥)o
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. .╭┈ ᐟᐟ☆🗒️💭 intro .ᐟ 
. .┇ ◟ name:MistyySagee [or Mistyy]
. .┇ ◟ age:I'm not saying for privacy reasons, but just know that I'm mature enough.
. .┇ ◟ mental age:27
. .┇ ◟ gender/pronouns:She/They, Female
. .┇ ◟ sexuality:bisexual
. .┇ ◟ special interests:Creepypasta, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail [HSR], FNaF, MYCT, Dream SMP, Therianthropy, LGBTQIA+, Undertale, MHA/BNHA, Art, Hazbin Hotel, Warrior Cats, Lovejoy, Hatsune Miku, anything w/ Herbs, Music, Witchcraft, ur mom [I'm sorry], Gacha, Quackity, One Piece, Demon Slayer/KNY and so many more.
. .┇ ◟ hyperfixations:Basically my interests
. .┇ ◟ likes:My interests
. .┇ ◟ dislikes:large amounts of blood [it has to be like everywhere though], large knives, basically anything sharp except for scissors and my OC’s weapons [idk, alright?]
. .┇ ◟ hobbies: Drawing, singing, animating, gaming, writing, watching anime & more ! [im too lazy]
. .┇ ◟personality type:INFP-T
. .┇ ◟ why i'm using tumblr: To make fanfics and post my art and what-not! I might post videos on here, but only here as I can't have a youtube channel [not rn].
. .┇ ◟ linktree! https://linktr.ee/mistyysagee
. .╰ ┈ thanks for reading !٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
I hope yall wanna see more of my posts !
yippee !!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
*walks in with a pillow and blanket, like a child*
"I'm just gonna collapse here, if that's okay..."
*yawns and falls cartoon style face first into the pillow that is now on the floor*
"Just need a five min power nap to reboot my patience as a full time caregiver and still working a 8-10hr shift, 5-6days a week...🥱😴"
Thank you for having a refreshing blog Lofty!!! Hope you get enough sleep, drink plenty of water and eat something good! 🖤🖤🖤
*rearranges you so you've at least got a blanket under you and over you for cushioning and warmth*
*makes coffee/tea for when you need to wake up*
*sends the blorbos to take care of whatever and whoever needs addressing/caring for the next few hours*
That sounds like... a lot. I'd need a five year power nap. >.< I'm glad my blog can be a bit of a refuge for you, lovely <3
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btm-txt · 1 month
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✨Me and Moonwatcher got a lil hype to watch the Knuckles series last night. Gave me something to chuckle at while I rest my angry wrist.💖
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prismatoxic · 11 months
bpd is super cool and fun bc if i am attached to someone and they like someone else more than me, i either:
resent the person i have never met (bc they're better than me)
resent the person i am attached to (bc they don't like me more)
resent myself (for not being good enough)
and it usually happens bc the other person has a fucking romantic interest in the person they "like more". fam i do not even want that with you why am i acting like it's a competition
it also happens with best friends though. like. why does my little pea brain think i need to be the ~best friend~ of everyone i latch onto like a parasitic worm. that's too many people i can't be a best friend every time
and on one memorable occasion, i felt it about a FUCKING CAT, which is all new levels of pathetic (me and the cat became friends though)
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moonsidesong · 11 months
frantically went back to make sure i had all my defenses saved on my pc after hearing about so many crucial mods leaving artfight, if the site goes down i dont want to lose them!!! theyre very precious to me i hope you know if youve ever drawn something for me ive cherished it
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stormyoceans · 11 months
Have a nice day, Monica! 🌸How are you feeling? Do you sleep better or are you worried about insomnia? I have a question for you: what are your favorite interviews with JimmySea? Can you make a top? I like their interviews, where the boys tell something special about their character, about hobbies outside the set or about their family. But I think the most favorite interview is Mint Hang Out. Very beautiful bright cafe, delicious dishes, Jimmy and Sea in flirting mode, and Jimmy, who did not come out of the image of Puen, because there were shootings the day before, and driving everyone crazy with gentle looks. Take care of yourself!🌸
hello, dear anon!!!! 💜
this is such a sweet message and that’s also a very interesting question!!! unfortunately im not the best at keeping track with interviews and events, so im probably going to miss some major one, but im going to try to make a small list of my favorites anyway!!!
praew magazine Q&A. YOU WILL NEVER GET ME TO ADMIT HOW MANY TIMES I’VE REWATCHED THIS INTERVIEW JUST KNOW I WOULD HAVE ORDERLIES AT MY DOOR READY TO DRAG ME INTO A PADDED ROOM IF I ADMITTED IT OUT LOUD. im not sure why i like it so much tbh, maybe because it’s a recent one and you can really see how much more comfortable they are in front of the camera and with each other, especially sea. my favorite part is how after the 15th time sea touched jimmy’s leg in the span of 3 minutes even the editor of the video was like if im forced to bare witness to things not even god could withstand then so are y’all [zooms in]
mint hang out vlog. jimmy truly be having some residual method acting left in his system with how ridiculously FOND he looks throughout the entire video. the only reason it doesn't get first place to me is because technically this isn’t exactly an interview but more of a vlog, as the title says, however since i love it and the ACTUAL interview doesn’t have any subs (if anyone asks this is my villain origin story btw) i’ve decided that i don’t care and that im gonna add it to the list anyway. ALSO THIS PERFECTLY SHOWS WHY WE NEED A JIMMYSEA EATING PROGRAM @ GMMTV LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE!!!!!!
our skyy vice versa interview. LISTEN i know it doesn't have any subs so it's not fully accessible to international fans, however it deserved a place here even just for THEE HUG™, i know it was for a challenge but sea clearly didn't expect it and you can tell he is SO DELIGHTED by it AND SO AM I OKAY IDK WHAT TO TELL YOU I AM ONLY HUMAN. also even if you don't know what they're talking about the vibes are just so immaculate and unmatched i would listen to them FOR HOURS
open the world interview. im so very fond of this one because i feel like it's a very good starting point to get to know them. sea is still very shy here, but you learn a lot of things that if you follow them for a while you find out are true: that behind the scenes sea is clingy and determined, that jimmy is always there to guide him, that the way they express their love (even the platonic kind) is by supporting and taking care of the other person, that they do end up spending time together swimming and singing and wakeboarding......
let's talk BL podcast. i knew i could trust them with my life when they were asked which was their favorite vice versa episode and jimmy replied that it was episode 10 (because he is so proud of himself for the derangement he unleashed upon us) while sea eventually picked episode 11 (because he is a man of culture) TRULY KINGS OF TASTE VISION AND CORRECT OPINIONS ONLY!!!!!!! honestly it's just a great interview all-around and i always love how both jimmy and sea try their best in everything they do
i wish i could add more but sadly all the other ones that come to mind (like the oishi magic of zero episode with milklove and the jd's birthday party live with earthmix) don't have any subs ;;;;;; let's hope we're gonna get a lot more when last twilight finally airs!!!!!
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