#Anti receipts
catboybashirs · 10 months
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can antis stop being ableist? saying proshippers should be sent to an asylum or mental hospital is fucking gross and id elaborate more but im sick and tired of it
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ivan-braginski-2001 · 11 months
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I love when antis compare a drawing to real CSAM (the definitely care about victims guys!!!!!)
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starrbar · 9 months
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The irony of how much this actually disrespects rape victims tho.
I'm so fucking tired of people putting the language of harm reduction in their disgusting, abusive mouths.
Shut the fuck up about "victims" when we all know you ONLY care about your narrative. All the "bad" victims who "cope wrong" will be treated like garbage anyway. Your "support" is worthless and toxic. Go away.
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star-rug-64 · 1 year
So, basically, this antishipper created a meme on TikTok stating that they were planning to harass and make death threats to proshippers. I replied that harassment and death threats are unlawful, and they continued to be total jerk, so I told them to act this way towards me, and then they asked for my discord, and they threatened to say horrible things to me. I was going to explain why it's incorrect, but I decided to give the bee movie script instead because they were going to utter stupid nonsense like that. I assumed they were kid but they weren't since they stated I was four years younger than them.
Later on, they convinced a friend to add me to a group so they could both harass me. I asked why they had their buddy do that, and they urged me to kill myself. They also claimed they were going to show me how to tie a knot so I could kill myself.
I asked why they were saying horrible things to me and bothering me, and they told me I supported pedos, which I don't.
I'm at school and can't submit any more images because Discord doesn't work here; nevertheless, I will release the remaining screenshots.
Keep in mind, I'm not proship or antiship I'm peacefic and neutralship now
Also, check the reblogs if you want more proof.
I’m blue
I was 16 when they said this shit to me I'm now 17
The user who’s harassing me is red
Tw death threats, tw racism, tw suibaiting, tw ableism, tw incest mention,
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pheramoons · 1 year
fuckers like you are disgusting. you spend hours upon hours writing the most abhorrent fucking fanfiction i’ve ever seen. what is it with you and writing out detailed rape? people like you should be HUNG. i’m not exaggerating either.
either you control and repress your filthy urges, or let my ar-15 partake in some forcible correction. freak.
thank u for triggering my genuine paranoia issues. i hope ur happy harassing and threatening someone who’s mentally ill and struggling.
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coulsonlives · 1 year
To the peep in my inbox here ya go, fuck it:
Tldr: an anti posts ship hate in a tag, a trans person tells them to tag it, the anti is offended and bullies them for months, and calls them a transphobe for fictional headcanons the anti also has, and calls them a number of slurs including crazy, cissy, etc, until they leave and possibly commit suicide.
The anti’s name is “Howl” and he’s @eightdoctor.
The victim is Jazz @angerissue @helicarrier.
For Howl, I looked through his blog to see if I could find anything on him, and he lives in the uk or across the pond, based on timezones, and he’s posted a lot of selfies so if you ever come across someone like this, steer fucking clear if you value your mental health. (This is readily accessible public info on his blog fwiw.) I feel sick to my stomach so I’ll just post all the shit I found.
I think it started with this,
Howl posted anti shit in a character tag:
He was obviously looking to start shit and annoy people and be a ship policer, but Angerissue pointed this out and she got so much harassment in return.
Howl literally reblogged that ship post over and over again to shit on Angerissue with new little "damning things” he got from her huge HUGE blog that she ran, like did he just sit on her blog for hours to find these tiny things or wtf?? There’s so much stuff on her blog, I can’t even begin to think how he even found what he was posting. What happened to don’t like don’t read:
After that came this:
“Haha cissy”
“White savior tendencies”
What the actual fuck?
I looked at Angerissue’s posts and things to see if I could find any white savior narrative and I found literally nothing, not even anything about race at all.
“I wish they’d died in the er actually”
He literally encouraged his posse to bully her off tumblr, a bunch of antis joined in. Someone said Angerissue blocked them and it must have meant she was a homophobe (noo, it couldn’t be because they were harassing her, no way, she must have blocked them because she’s a homophobe, these fucking wankers with no compassion). Someone said “wow she posted all that instead of just apologizing” when nobody asked for an apology or even tried to talk to her, it was all attacks!
Look at all the checkboxes this guy checks off. He calls Angerissue ableist while being ableist himself (“this person is crazy”), and while Angerissue I’m guessing is disabled because she has migraines! And lots of other things he can’t even substantiate, while he acts hateful about cis people himself and calls her a “cissy”. I’m fucking LIVID.
I guess nobody actually went to Angerissue to talk to her, they just jumped into the mob with their pitchforks.
The only KIND OF questionable thing was “female pronouns” but a lot of people make that mistake and I checked Angerissue’s blog, she had changed it?? And any thing else just seems like bad wording, I don’t see any actual transphobia, she checks out to be an actually good person and her comments on her blog even say she was open to fixing things she does wrong, I just.
All of Angerissue’s phrasing was easily explained by ignorance or just bad wording, and I know someone who gets migraines, sometimes you just fuck up your words (idr what the name for that is) so that’s a possibility too, why attribute such tiny fuckups to malice right out of the gate?!
(Don’t even get me started on Howl’s about page. He’s obviously an anti so this whole thing just reeks of a smear campaign.)
Also Howl has a headcanon of his own about Bruce Banner (the character Angerissue writes and Howls’ special interest) having internalized homophobia too, so why did he say “lol they made them a transphobe with their whole chest” about Angerissue like it was an attack on her as a person?? And say “can we bully her off the website now”?
He was shitting on Angerissue and telling people to bully her for literally the same headcanon he has! What a hypocrite.
I also found this joke post a long time back into his blog, but obviously it’s not just a joke for him, it’s something he bullied Angerissue over because he couldn’t accept her own headcanons and he even bullied her over things he had the same headcanon for (but he didn’t mention that of course, because if Angerissue was horrible for having that headcanon it would mean he was too, and he couldn’t have that could he?):
Also Howl captured a paragraph where Angerissue explained Bruce Banner’s mental illness started in his childhood then got worse when he met another character (Wanda maximoff), and right below that, even tho the EVIDENCE WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE CAPTURE, Howl accused Angerissue of making that new character cause Bruce Banner’s mental illness instead of it starting in his youth (here, under the reblog with the weird dick comment...)
This went on for months apparently.
The worst part is, Angerissue says she is nonbinary on her blog so I can’t imagine how hard this was for her, imagine being called a transphobe for a headcanon by someone who has the same headcanon.
Edit: Thanks to a comment I just learned that “cissy” is a derogatory slur made towards cis people, so by calling Angerissue “cissy” Howl was implying she wasn’t trans (or nonbinary), but cis. If that isn’t transphobic, idk what is. You can’t take identities away to bully or punish people, holy shit.
Now Angerissue seems to have not been on for months, and she made some very worrying posts about killing herself. I was talking to one of her friends which is how I found about all this, and they haven’t heard from her either, even though they’ve been in good contact for a year. Angerissue put ten years of her life into a passion character, she made gut-wrenchingly beautiful gifs and fics and made a mainstay blog for the roleplay commuity, and this is what she got. This was the kind of person she was. I hope she’s still alive but I don’t know if she is, and I’m horrified and sick and something needs to be done even if that isn’t the case.
Footnote edit 1: Confirmation directly from Jazz's blog that Howl spent at least 3 hours initially on her blog to dig around for things, then posted more things after a month, and a lot more things that prove Howl's accusations about her were false.
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lovedeathalice · 1 year
TW: RAPE, Discourse, mentions of death threats, long rant, antis being dumb cunts
Ah, found the screenshot of the nasty "I'm better than thou bc i like fluffy uwu things" bitch who proudly stated that people should get raped if they read noncon fics.
THESE are the people running around saying they're "the normal ones." Saying that people should be raped & assaulted if they write a darker portrayal of their fav fictional character. Very normal indeed!!!
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If you're wondering what OP's reply was they only said smth along the lines of "Yeah idk why they like that stuff ew" with zero problem on what the person they're replying to said. And the original post was them throwing a fit that Eren was being written as toxic or being the bad guy in rape/noncon fics.
Clearly, consuming fluffy "healthy" & "wholesome" fiction hasn't made these people any kinder, since they're wishing rape on people who don't have the same preferences as them💀
These are the people who hold themselves on a moral high ground over their fictional tastes, everyone.
These are the people telling you to kill yourself if you ship a 10 year age gap while stanning characters who commit mass murder & say, "B-but it's different!!!"
So pathetic. Clearly, the concept of separating the fiction you consume from contaminating your views on reality is completely desolate & lost on all antis. Zero discernment & critical thinking whatsoever.
Anywaaaayyyyysss...... back to writing Eren as a terrible, fucked up, irredeemable piece of shit that makes Reader's life hell. Why? Because i get off to it😻😇😇😇
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theslowpath · 2 months
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no no no, finish your sentence. go ahead
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ivan-braginski-2001 · 10 months
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Genuinely what in the actual fuck could this possibly mean
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Today on Instagram antis:
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theyre probably in the wrong order but whatever
I dont even know where to begin
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brettdoesdiscourse · 1 year
That's a whole lot of words when you could've just said yes
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nervouspiratedragon · 1 month
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I'll never understand self shippers that are antis.
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anti-receipt-archive · 11 months
Fucking yikes
They said this to a csa victim
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JFC that's fucking disgusting even for an anti . I don't care how angry someone gets, claiming someone deserved to be CSA'd is simply vile and uncalled for.
Just goes to show that antis do not even give a flying fuck about CSA victims.
thanks for the receipt
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craycraybluejay · 9 months
hii! i’m the person who told you to die during a manic episode… please don’t believe whoever the “Dolph” commenter on your fic is as they are not me. i already gave you my apologies here so i would have no reason to “apologize” there. idk why they used my episode in particular as a device to be passive aggresive tho that’s fucked up
Yeah, it sounded VERY anti behaviour to me, which you never really indicated, so it kind of threw me off. And yeah that is very fucked up. Antis profiting off people's mental issues and being saneist? Harassing people? What's new.
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pheramoons · 1 year
if you want anon hate enough to post the kind of shit you do just say so
am i stupid or what is this even trying to say
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