#And there's also something to be said about Buck's reaction to hearing that Eddie and Tommy clicked because he's like... 'Yeah I know
buckttommy · 27 days
and you know what the thing is, is i don't even think the biggest problem is going to be that buck's jealous. eddie knows buck. that's the love of his life, but more than that, he just knows him intrinsically. he knows how he is. he knows he gets insecure. he knows he has abandonment issues, like. he knows. he has never once hesitated to give buck assurance and he'll give it again (that scene in buck's loft in 7x05). the problem is going to rise when eddie's relationship with tommy is still a problem after their talk, and neither of them are going to know why. becuase from eddie's pov, it's going to be like, well now you're just being ridiculous. i already told you i love you (in so many words). i already told you we're solid, i already told you nothing's going to change and you're still being weird and i don't like it. and from buck's pov, it's going to be like. i realize we had this conversation, but i still don't like this relationship. i still want things to go back to the way they were. i'm still hungry for your attention and you're not giving it to me.
and so it's like. that's where the wires get crossed. because at some point, buck is going to have to examine his thoughts and feelings again, and he's going to be like, well this man and his relationship with eddie has been the only thing that's consumed my thoughts for weeks; therefore, i must want him desperately. and it's like. yes. solid thinking there, buck. definitely no other options it could possibly be. nuh uh. makes perfect sense. 1000/10 excellent problem solving, great job, buckaroo. dumbass.
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sunflowerdigs · 26 days
I think it's telling that Oliver pulled out arguably one of his best and most authentic portrayals of Buck in the scene where Buck discovers his attraction to men. It lends so much credence to the idea that this character has always been bi, and that his sexuality is an intrinsic part of him that, when stripped out, makes the character feel incomplete.
For some reason, I've really wanted to call the character "Evan" instead of "Buck" ever since watching that final scene. I've had to stop and correct myself. Buck has taken on so many different mantles throughout the show, (as Oliver said) to sort of make up for this part of him that he didn't understand or felt was lacking. And I think that the name "Buck" has been a part of that. There's an almost...vulnerability and a softness to the name "Evan" that isn't there with "Buck" (I'm sure a linguist could explain why - maybe part of it is that "Evan" is gender neutral while "Buck" is pretty steeped in stereotypical masculinity? Idk. Something about one syllable vs two, maybe?). The most memorable times that characters have called the character "Evan" have been times where they've been trying to imbue him with a sense of his worth as a full human being. In fact, Tommy only calls him Evan (I think) and Buck doesn't correct him and I think that's a conscious choice both by the character and the writers.
I know that some people choose names or nicknames to liberate themselves from their given name, but I'm not sure that's why Buck did it. He doesn't make faces or flinch away from "Evan" like he hates it when he hears it in emotional moments. If anything, his reaction to "Evan" is generally this almost fearful hopefulness. So, I wonder whether "Buck" was a reaction to that hollow space inside of him - if Evan gave himself a nickname with teeth that would provide him some armor or an exoskeleton, to make up for that missing piece. And now that he's feeling more whole, with Tommy, he can accept "Evan" with a little less fear.
All that said...I hope that Eddie keeps calling him Buck, always, no matter what the character goes by in the future. In vulnerable moments, when it's just them. Because what that would say to me is this: I saw you when you were not yet whole and I loved you then. With me, you never need to be anyone but who you are in the moment. I'll always meet you where you are, even if I disagree with where you are, because you're worth it.
(Also, I hope the 118 fondly teases him about letting Tommy call him Evan).
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tillwehavefaces · 23 days
I have literally never posted about Buddie before, but I want to add my two cents to the whole Buck/Tommy debate. I know there are mixed feelings and both sides have valid points, but to those who were expecting a Buddie kiss this soon - I don't get it?
Ever since I found out abc had picked up 911, I was and remain cautiously hopeful for Buddie endgame - in fact, the kiss makes me far more hopeful than I was a week ago. Because the truth is that if they'd gone straight for Buddie, it would have been bad storytelling. Offensively bad storytelling.
Hear me out. I agree with y'all that the storytelling that's happened up until now makes it clear that Buddie are in love with each other. I also happen to think that the storytelling that's happened up until now makes it clear that neither of these himbos have any clue that they're in love with each other, or that they even could fall in love with a man.
And it's not for lack of opportunity, if the writers had wanted to go that way, obviously! There's was Buck's reaction to Eddie being stuck in the well and Eddie making Buck Christopher's guardian in his will and both of them almost dying and Eddie having a literal breakdown over all the trauma he's repressed and they've both been to therapy and they've both broken up with women who were all wrong for them ... I could go on and on.
But not only did the writers not take any of these opportunities to make at least one of them realize their feelings for the other might not be platonic (certainly, no explicit indication on screen), but because fox was so afraid of losing viewers if they made both their supposedly straight male firefighters queer, they doubled down on Eddie and Buck seeing their relationship as platonic. Every time one of them went through some kind of life-changing experience and questioned deeply held beliefs about themselves yet never questioned their sexuality, it made it seem less and less likely that *anything* would make them realize they might be queer and in love with their best friend.
Honestly, I think if abc had gotten the show at a different point, they might have been able to go straight into Buddie. For example, a season earlier? Eddie's just gotten through a ton of trauma with the help of a therapist and is returning to the 118, and it would've been easy to write a storyline where he's realized his feelings for Buck and tries to do something about it. Or maybe right after Buck's near-death experience. But they both got through those traumas and started dating new women, as oblivious to the love right in front of them as ever. And that's how S6 ended.
So I don't think there's anything abc could have done to convince me that either one of them suddenly realizes how they feel without something happening. If that Buck/Tommy kiss had instead been a Buddie kiss, I would have loved it, but I wouldn't have really believed it. It wouldn't have felt genuine.
Excuse my nerdy science brain, but it's like inertia - Buck and Eddie have both been going in one direction for so long (the 'we're straight best friends!' direction) that it's going to take some kind of force to knock them off that path. It can't be near death experiences, cause they've both been there and it hasn't worked. It can't be finding new girlfriends or breaking up with said girlfriends. No, it's gotta be something really obvious.
That force is Tommy. A canon gay character who recognizes Buck as queer even when Buck doesn't recognize himself as queer. Who (unknowingly) forces Buck to confront that part of himself by kissing him, which will in turn force Eddie to confront his feelings and reaction to seeing his best friend and co-parent now dating a man. I can't say for sure that Buddie is coming, but I honestly think this (not Tommy specifically, but a queer man who is outside the whole Buddie situation) is the only way to tell this story in a way that makes it feel true to life, given the mess that fox created.
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911 Spoilers Season 4: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episode 14: Survivors (Part 2)
Construction Emergency; Buck is near Bobby as they get the summary of what happened.
As the Manager walks the 118 over to the cameras, Buck stays behind looking up at the structure.
Hen, Chimney, and Bobby are looking at the injured man, trying to come up with a game plan on how they are going to rescue this man. The officer with them mentioning, if they climb up, they’ll have no way of protecting them.
As they are discussing possibilities and having limited time, Buck is climbing the structure, with gear. Bobby calls him over the radio, telling him he didn’t have clearance and there is no way of protecting him.
Buck responds back with he needs to do this and continues to climb up. Hen and Chim aren’t necessarily surprised that he pulled this stunt.
As Buck is climbing, he’s looking at his surroundings. Hen and Chim are instructing him on what he’s going to need to do when he gets to the victim.
Buck pauses, he notices a glare from one of the windows high up in the air. He continues to climb up despite this. Bobby is looking up, worried and annoyed at Bucks actions.
Buck steps on to the ledge, maneuvering his way towards the victim.  He places the tourniquet on the victim. Once it’s placed and he received the all clear from Bobby, he cuts the wire causing the beams to fall onto a truck.
Buck finishes wrapping up the victim and brings him down by air lift. The construction workers thank the 118. Hen redirects them to thank Buck, “the crazy guy”.  Bobby looks at Buck with disappointment, Buck knows he’s in trouble.
Bobby is cooking, when Buck approaches him and asks if he’s ever going to speak to him. Bobby is angry, he asks Buck what he wants to hear.
Buck says the usual stuff, like what where you thinking, you could have gotten your self killed. Bobby says he doesn’t need to have the conversation, because Buck already knows it.
Bobby states, “You went full Buck”. Buck walks up closer to Bobby asking for clarification, because he said it as if that’s suppose to be a bad thing.
Bobby expresses that he views Buck as the guy that doesn’t think before he asks, and how he has learned to just accept that.
He also notes that his impulsiveness usually comes from a good place, but that stunt he pulled was not from a good place.
Bobby recognizes that Buck had made himself a target. Buck doesn’t deny that fact, he embraces it.
He states it’s because he wasn’t going to see anyone else take that risk. He cannot handle anyone else getting hurt right now.
Bobby tries to reassure Buck, that Eddie’s shooting wasn’t his fault. Buck tells Bobby that he knows that, but he was the person standing there as it happened and could do anything to protect him.
Buck was able to protect the rest of his team today, he saw the moment and he took it. Bobby turns back to start cutting veggies, but before he does, he tells Buck that they are a team, they are there to protect each other, and to not do it again.  Buck slowly walks away.
Taylor is at Buck’s apartment. She’s drinking wine as Buck is explaining what happened at work, and not liking Bobby’s reaction.
Taylor vocalizing that she was also not a fan of his stunt, and how there are multiple videos online about his climb up the crane.
I wonder if anyone ever told Eddie about Buck’s viral stunt. Did he ever find out about on his own or is he completely unaware of this. I want to believe Buck told him about it, but given that Buck did it as a self-sacrifice, maybe not. Something to think about.
Buck is trying to make light of the situation, giving slick remarks to concerns Taylor brings up. Buck teases that Taylor cares about him.
After Taylor mentions he could have died (well it’s implied), he responds with “But I didn’t” Taylor walk up to him, pulling him into a passionate kiss, she’s holding his face. He leans into the kiss and kisses her back.
When they pull apart from the kiss, Buck’s eyes remain closed for a few seconds, he smiles. Taylor is the one to pull away and apologize.  She puts some distance between them.
Buck is confused, looks over at her. She admits to not knowing why she did that, blaming it partially on the wine. Buck offers to talk about it. She walks straight to the door, she turns around and states she has to go.
Buck looks hurt, he hesitates slightly, Taylor takes the moment to walk out. As Buck is about to tell her to wait, his phone rings, it’s Ana. He lets Taylor walk out and answers the phone and asks if everything is okay.
Buck is in the hospital, he’s running towards Eddies room. He pauses at the door way. Ana is in front of Eddies bed, she looks back smiling at Buck, and moves out of the way to an awake Eddie laying in bed.
Eddie is looking over at Buck, does a slight nod of his head and says “Hey Buck” in a soft-spoken voice.  Buck exhales and laughs a little, and says “Hey”
Two things. The first is about a post I saw a long time ago where someone pointed out that Eddie most likely woke up when Taylor kissed Buck. Implying Eddie felt a disturbance and knew he had to wake up. And second, the first time they see each other is so timid and sweet.
Chris is video calling Eddie. Chris says he misses him, and Eddie says it back. Eddie is soft spoken, obviously tired, as he tells Chris that he’ll be home soon.
Carla cutting in to tell Eddie to focus on healing first, that he has nothing to worry about, that Buck and her are taking care of it.
Chris is giggling as they say their good byes/I love yous. Chris closes his laptop and Eddie hands Buck his phone back.
Buck is sitting next to Eddies bedside. Eddie thanks Buck for staying with Chris.
Buck explains that Carla had offered to bring him to her house, but how he wanted Chris to be comfortable in his own house. That the situation was already overwhelming and he didn’t want to add to that.
Eddie asks if Chris is doing okay. Buck answers truthfully, that Chris is doing better that he is.
Buck admits to losing it when he told Chris his dad was shot. He apologizes for breaking down in front of his son, how he should have kept it together.
Eddie responds with, “You where there for him when I couldn’t be.” (You stepped up like a parent)
Buck admitting to thinking it would have been better for Chris if he was the one to get shot. Eddie is confused by the comment and just looks over at him.
They caught the shooter, not really; The 118 show up to a burning building, no longer being followed by swat, they believe there is only one victim.
Buck and Ravi are hooking up the hoses to the hydrants, tackling the fire from the outside. As Buck grabs the hose, Ravi mentions no longer needing bullet proof vests, Buck vocalizing how he won’t miss them.
The 118 is told over the radio to evacuate, orders given by the LAPD. Bobby find what he believes is the victim, but turns out to be a trap. Bobby is shot in the leg.
Hen and Chim have evacuated the building, Bobby hasn’t responded over the radio. Athena approaches them, Buck joining, Athena reveals the victim is actually the shooter.
Athena asks if they have any idea of where Bobby could be, Buck mentions that he could it out when he found the guy. He’d be on the 3rd floor.
Athena asks Buck if he can get her in there. Buck starts to protest, but Athena cuts him off. Bobby will die in there if she doesn’t act fast.
I love how Athena knew she had to rope in Buck to help her break protocol and get her husband into safety.
Hen walks over and hears Athena pleading. Athena states, “ to get my husband”. She looks over at Buck who nods his head.
Buck tells Hen that it’s going to be easy and gives a break down about how Athena will get to Bobby. Buck and Ravi are guiding Athena up the ladder, towards the burning building. They hop on top of the roof.
On the roof, Hen also climbed up on the roof.  They dress Athena in the firefighter uniform, Buck tells her that he’s going in too. Athena immediately telling him no, because she can’t protect him.
Specifying that the shooter is targeting firefighters.
Buck points out that she is dressed like one. She points out that she has a gun.
Shooter is dead. Bobby is saved.
Buck is at his apartment. Taylor knocks on his door. He’s surprised to see her. Taylor admits to running away, but brings up that he didn’t run after her.
Buck vocalizes that he spent along time not feeling like he was enough. He doesn’t want to do that anymore. So he puts his cards on the table and basically tells Taylor, that if she wants him it is up to her.
Taylor gets closer to Buck, wrapping around her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss as she says “I do. I really do.”
Eddie is sitting up on his hospital bed. His arm in a sling and he’s lost in thought. Buck walks in telling Eddie that the nurse is getting his medication and discharge paperwork ready.
Buck is obviously there to take him home.
Eddie wants to address something, Buck is concerned, asks if everything is alright. Eddie tells him everything is fine, that he’s just been meaning to tell him something.
The first time I watched this, I thought Eddie was going to confess his feelings. Ana wasn’t in the room with them, so in the few moments before Eddie started elaborating, I thought he was going to admit to breaking up with Ana and being in love with Buck.
I actually told myself that it’s going to be awkward when Buck reveals he’s dating Taylor. I wish I was joking, but this was my actual thought process when I watched the first time.
Buck sits down on the hospital bed, there is some distance between them.  Eddie starts off by awkwardly mentioning almost dying, again. Buck is looking over at Eddie confused. Eddie continues to speak.
Eddie goes on to talk about his multiple close calls, and how this wasn’t even the worse of his near death experiences. Buck tries to cut in, but Eddie asks him to let him finish. Eddie is making direct eye contact. Buck is concerned.
Eddie talks about his last near death experience when he was buried alive. Buck chiming, “ that he survived.” Eddie continues, he admits to thinking about what if he didn’t survive, what would have happened to Christopher. So, he met with his attorney and had his will changed.
Eddie reveals that if someday he doesn’t survive another tragedy, Chris would be taken care of, he would go with Buck. Buck is confused and Eddie makes it clear to him, that if he were to die, Buck would be Chris’ legal guardian.
Buck is processing this new information, asking how that would even work. Would Eddie need Buck’s permission to do something like that. Eddie mentions his attorney bringing up that Buck could always refuse guardianship.
Okay so I’m going to mention another post I read a long time ago, about how Eddie approached the topic with his attorney about making his best friend a legal guardian.
How the attorney might be thinking best friend is just code for lover. I may have read that in a fic, I just know this isn’t my original idea. But it is another fun thing to think about.
Buck vocalizing that Eddie knows him, and how he wouldn’t refuse something like that. Eddie repeating back to Buck that he knows he wouldn’t refuse.
Buck continues to analyze the situation, brining up the fact that Eddie’s parents are still alive, wondering if they would try to fight for custody.
Eddie goes on to describe how his family tried to guilt him into giving Christopher to them when Shannon died. He didn’t what that for Chris then and he doesn’t want that for him now. Eddie wants someone that will fight for his son, and he knows that person is Buck.
Buck realizes that Eddie changed his will last year, so why is he only now just finding out about it now.
“Because, Evan,” Eddie explains that after hearing Buck state that he should have been the one that was shot, that he needed to hear he mattered. Eddie wanted Buck to know he was wanted and needed.
“You act like you’re expendable. But you’re wrong.” Buck looks up at Eddie.
My pinned post is about this moment and how Eddie basically confessed to loving Buck and giving him his heart and how Buck didn’t realize it.
But now that I’ve rewatched the scene, I believe Buck knew Eddie was telling him he loves him. I just think Buck assumed it was a family kind of love. Eddie most likely believing he was only confessing a family kind of love.
Regardless of if you think there was romantic undertones to this moment or not, the one thing that can’t be denied is that this moment establishes Buck as a member of the family, specifically a parental figure in Chris’ life.  Buckley-Diaz or Diaz-Buckley family unit is basically canon.
Montage of the 118 being surrounded by family/friends and each other as Bobby narrates about survival.
Buck and Eddie are outside Eddie’s apartment. Buck opens the door to a surprise welcome back party. Taylor, Carla, Ana, his Abuela, Tia Peppa, and Chris are inside screaming surprise or clapping/cheering.
Eddie walks up towards Chris, crouches down and kisses him on the forehead. Chris is ecstatic, smiling ear to ear. Buck looking over at them from the door frame smiling.
Eddie greets each and everyone of the guests. Kissing his abuela, Ana, and Peppa on the cheek. Giving Carla a hug. We do not see him interact with Taylor individually, but we see him give a big laughing smile to the group.
Albert passes his fire fighter test. Everyone from the 118 is celebrating on the roof. Bobby in between Eddie and Buck. They are all clapping and cheering. Buck looks towards Eddies direction.
Out of all the Season finales, this one is my favorite. The story doesn’t feel rushed, each person in the 118 basically gets a decent place to end their stories if they weren’t renewed for another season.
It’s emotional and powerful and we get to see individual character progress as well as team dynamic.
 I specifically can’t stop myself from comparing it to Season 6th finale. Everything Season 4’s did right, Season 6 lacked. But I’ll discuss that when I get to Season 6th finale.
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 19 will be posted soon.
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Currently 18 chapters completed: 673.4K Words Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 19 because there are only 21 days left until Buck and Eddie get married.
For anyone who hasn't read Chapter 18, here's a brief overview: Since Eddie had to work a 4/10 from Monday through Thursday, Buck and Chris went to the Diaz family's Thanksgiving celebration without him. After Helena was rude to Buck the Sunday before the holiday, he was completely nervous about the way everyone else would treat him too and he hoped he wouldn't end up standing in the backyard alone but Eddie reassured him the Diazes would love him. Also, Eddie, Buck, Adriana, Antonio and Sophia had a meeting with Helena the day after Thanksgiving and the proverbial $hit hit the fan.
Buck and Eddie will tie the knot before Christmas 2023 but they are NOT getting married in the U.S. and they won't have a wedding ceremony until May 2024. They've revealed their relationship, their engagement and the fact that they're going to Europe to their found family during the 118's Thanksgiving dinner and now to Eddie's parents, his sisters, his abuela and Tia Pepa but they didn't tell them everything. No one knows they're getting married in three weeks, not even Chris because they haven't told him yet.
Have they revealed their relationship, engagement and European vacation to everyone or is there someone else who'll find out in Chapter 19? 👀
Here's a snippet from Chapter 19 of Buck and Eddie being romantically fluffy while they're lying in bed.
He sits his phone down then he takes Eddie’s phone out of his hand and sits it next to his.  After he does, he kisses him on the cheek and whispers into his ear, “Babe… today is another “Diaz Day” and all you’ll be doing is studying for your exam.  It’s scheduled for tomorrow morning so you won’t be doing anything other than taking practice exams and reviewing scenario questions.  After we eat breakfast, me and Chris will clean the house and we’ll work together to make sure all his homework is done before he goes back to school tomorrow.  I’ll handle everything”.
“I love it when you give me “Diaz Days”.  He replies then he kisses Buck on the forehead.  After he lays his head back on the pillow, he asks, “Will I still get my “Diaz Days” after I’ve passed all my exams?”
“You certainly will but um… they’ll be different.”
He furrows his brow and asks, “How?”
“Well…”  He begins but he trails off as he starts walking his fingers up Eddie’s chest.
While maintaining eye contact, he moves his head a little closer, then he leans in and presses his lips against Eddie’s.  After he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, he opens for him and it quickly turns heated.  They start gasping, moaning and panting into each other’s mouths and as their tongues become tangled, Eddie wants to hear his fiancé make that high-pitched noise in the back of his throat that he loves to hear.  So he puts his right hand on the back of Buck’s neck and applies a little bit of pressure and he gets an immediate reaction because not only does Buck make the sound; he makes it twice.
They kiss for what seems like hours and after he breaks it, he talks against Eddie’s lips and admits, “For the rest of our lives, every day will be a “Diaz Day”… and you know what else?”
Eddie smiles and asks, “What?”
 “We’ll get to…”  He trails off and moves his head to the side so their cheeks are pressed together then he whispers, “faremo l’amore” into his ear.  After he says it, he pulls back and meets his eyes but he doesn’t translate it from Italian to English.
Eddie pouts.  “My love… you just said something else in Italian that you haven’t taught me yet.  Just like Friday night when you said “facciamo l’amore” and “fai l’amore con me”.  I know what amore means but what about…”
He doesn’t get to finish because Buck kisses him with so much desire and longing that it takes both of their breaths away.
What is Eddie going to do? 👀
Will he learn the meaning of those three Italian phrases before they leave for Italy? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Will he commit the new phrase to memory like he did the first two? 🙃
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant.  The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-18 are available on AO3.
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Chapter 19 will be posted soon.
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supercalime · 6 days
I always think some of these buddie shippers never had any friends or a best friend. They say they have been in love all this time but there were really no signs. They point at moments (often vulnerable ones) where they look at each other with “hearth eyes”. Like of course they are flattered to hear reassuring words from each other. They are best friends, they love each other platonically. Buck has the same reaction when maddie or bobby say those things to him. If they actually were in love this whole time, there would’ve been so much more signs. Of course they love each other and maybe they’re even platonic soulmates but they’ve never been IN love whith each other. Not once where they bothered or jealous when the other one had a girlfriend. They don’t touch or hug each other weirdly often and if they do touch each other it’s clearly the exact same way every friends would do. Never longer than necessary or weird or underlying sexual or romantic. Some stans are so deep into this, that they turn every clearly platonic moment between them into something kind of secret love confession. They watch their scenes with glued on buddie shipper goggles. Saying eddie looked disappointed after buck tells him about his date with tommy or buck looked disappointed after eddie tells him that nothing is gonna change between them, is actually insane crazy. All I’ve seen were two very best friends who support each other unconditionally. Eddie even told buck to call tommy. Not once but twice. He looked happy for him.
You said it all anon!
I don’t think the writers had any intention to place eddie and buck together romantically at least so far. I tend to keep my ships in canon, so this whole discourse between buddie and bucktommy is very strange to me.
Like, I totally understand shipping characters that aren’t canon, heck, I have my own weird little ships too, so wanting to two characters to get together and thinking fondly of them as couple through wishful thinking and fanfic is really cool!
But the second an entire piece of the fandom decides to bring that OUTSIDE the fandom space, that’s where the problem lies.
Could we, bucktommy shippers, be very wrong about the interactions between buck and eddie meaning only friendship?
Yes, even though I don’t enjoy the story going on that direction. It could be a big plan that’s been brewing for years to have the ship become canon.
However, I feel like b*ddie shippers are being disrespectful on how they are approaching this entire situation, as, like I said, the shipping thing left the fandom space and now infects those on the inside (actors, network, writers, etc). So now we are in this strange blend of what’s on our side and what’s on the show’s side. There’s no wall separating the creators and the fans, and while that can have a lot of positives, it also taints the side that’s doing the creative part.
In fact, writers and actors are advised to not engage with fanfic and fan theories because it can affect the original work, even in a subconscious way. Of course actors can have head canons for the characters they are playing to help with the motivation, but that is also not canon, so it shouldn’t be taken at face value as well.
This whole situation is very tiring because there’s no real win here. If tommy and buck become endgame, the b*ddie shippers will say that it was rushed and made no sense because he had more chemistry with eddie, blah blah blah. If b*ddie does become canon, they will say they were always right and will most likely think that they got their ship to be canon because of their behavior on social media.
Shipping is such a harmless thing. It should be “I think these two would make a cute couple, I’ll explore that by writing about it on my own little story”, not “these two have to be together because like them together and if it’s not that way there’s something wrong being done by the creators”.
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iinryer · 1 month
Since your Lone Star answers were so great and IF you feel like it….what would you want to see for the original recipe characters?
OH BOY my initial reaction was that i might have less to say about 911 prime bc they actually get real character arcs (🙃)… but that was not the case lol
eddie is also easy i want him to have his arc about being a deeply closeted man figuring it out. comphet to having some more problems and issues to gay realization. eddie and marjan are holding hands in my minds eye. you were written gay you just don’t know it yet
hen i want to have more captain’s seat turmoil! i liked what they set up in 702 but it was resolved so quickly we didn’t really get a chance to explore it. maybe bobby is a little hurt after the cruise so we get a bit more captain hen? it’s an interesting dynamic for her, she wears it well but clearly doesn’t feel Completely at ease with it (“don’t call me cap”) so I’d love to see some breathing room around it to let it play out
ravi i swear to god if they don’t give me a ravi begins im going to do something drastic
chim I’d love to see have some conflict on the job! not with the crew but with a call or something. we see him having relationship insecurities etc bc of calls he goes on, but i feel like we haven’t seen him challenged by an emergency During that emergency in a while… idk what that means specifically but he’s an EXTREMELY competent paramedic and firefighter, i want to see what it would take to make him waver! also more girldad chim :)
karen. more of her. more karen always and forever. I don’t even care in what capacity i just want to see her on my tv
maddie I want to see get to be silly!! i want to see all of that joy and happiness she EARNED by clawing her way through her own mind, and the rest of her life. I’d love to see her get to tell off her parents (a la “love me anyway”), I’d really like to see them unforgiven. i want her and Eddie to hang out also
buck breakdown era WHEN! i know the end of last season got a little ??? which i expect is because they didn’t know if they were getting picked back up again and wanted it to feel like A Conclusion just in case, but i want buck to have a full breakdown. death and spare parts and donor not dad and in case of emergency break glass guardian. i want him to finally lose it for real. he had his shut down era now i want him to boil over :) also more uncle buck and uncle albert!!
athena i want you to have to question your morals and beliefs and I want you to get to be less of a cop gjfhdhf her begins episode makes me so mad I think she should get another one where her oaths are confronted and she gets to let herself choose humanity over law
bobby… oh boy what could we wish for. i think I want them to bring back around the blood thing, where he got a reason to keep living (and maybe parallel it with buck or smth? give him a place to land?). even if it’s not a whole storyline i want to hear where he’s at about that now!! it’s been a long time since we’ve seen him like that, i want to see him revisit what that means after everything he’s built for himself here. I would also love to see buck and bobby acknowledge the father/son dynamic to each other! buck’s said it to TK and bobby said it to may and they’ve mentioned it in a dismissive way during a half reprimand but i want them to acknowledge it for real <3 maybe get a bobby defending buck and/or maddie to the buckley parents
misc: i STILL DESPERATELY want an all-kids episode where may has everyone’s kids at her apartment while the parents are at some kind of first responders and their spouses event and they have to scooby doo a mystery by themselves, please for the love of god i need them to talk about the will again before i explode, i want eddie and karen to hang out and be best friends, more josh and maddie, hen and buck should get drunk again, i would actually also love to see more of lucy!
[housesitting & snowed in send enrichment to my enclosure]
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
not to keep harping on 911 becoming 'the buck show' but i think the main reason i dont want the buck coma thing to happen is that it would just be more of the team talking and worrying about buck when we have so much of that already. eddie got shot and everyone was talking about how buck was doing. eddie was the one reassuring buck from his hospital bed. i'd rather see buck maturely handle someone else being hurt instead of him falling to pieces and everyone fawning over him some more.
(I take it your an Eddie fan first? 😉) I hear what you're saying, but I also think the fandom is getting ahead of itself in assuming we're going to see the team "worrying about Buck". We didn't get anything after he was put in the ambulance in 2x18. The aftermath of Buck coughing up blood in 3x01 had concerned Bobby to set up the tsunami arc (Eddie going to Buck's after Bobby said Buck needed to be reminded that he still "has us"), and the lawsuit arc (Bobby blaming himself for letting Buck come back before he was ready and not wanting to have another incident). The one person whose reaction we got both times was his older sister. "Eddie got shot and everyone was talking about how Buck was doing." No offense to you, nonnie, but I feel like this is one of those situations where enough people say something and others start to believe it. Chim talked about how Buck was doing while on the phone. With Maddie. (If the show wasn't using PPD in order to write her out until 5B, she would have been there in person, like always.) Hen and Chim and Albert stayed outside the hospital just in case something happened: Albert: So, what happens now? We just wait for news about Eddie? Chimney: Or until the hospital staff kicks us off the campus. (Which then led to Albert asking why Buck wasn't there, too, and Chim said the line about him having a much harder job at the moment to segue into the Buckley-Diaz scene in Chris's room.)
The rest of the conversation was: Albert asking if firefighters being shot at was a regular occurrence and Chim and Hen congratulating Albert on his post-accident PT being successful. I by "everyone" we're including TayKay...well, yeah, but how else was Kristen gonna prepare us for BT? 🙃 Yes, the two times when Eddie was in danger addressed Buck's emotions, but...doesn't that tell you something? Who was the most visibly concerned when Athena got attacked? Her husband. Who was written to be the most shaken up by Maddie running off to Boston? Chimney. Not her brother. Eddie Begins? Buck is the most freaked out, needs reassurance that the team's not giving up until they find Eddie. Survivors? Bobby lays into Buck for potentially getting himself hurt/killed by the sniper that is still on the loose, realizes Buck did it because he wanted to "make up for" not being able to take the bullet for Eddie - "Buck, what happened to Eddie was not your fault." And, yes, Eddie was reassuring Buck from his hospital bed because he's (unfortunately) been shot before and was ALSO not yet in a headspace where he was ready to show vulnerability. He wanted to be strong for everyone else. TBH, I'm not at all convinced we're going to get real-time scenes to juxtapose the alleged AU beyond a few minutes because it's clearly a one-and-done episode. (I'm thinking it could be like Buck Begins.) The next week (Recovery) should have a worried Maddie, at least. The rest of the firefam...debatable. (We're only getting worried!Eddie if he's not preoccupied with his dating life. 🤪)
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bekkachaos · 1 year
May I suggest 10 and/or 25 for Buddie from the prompt list? 🥹❤️
@gayhoediaz also asked for 10, so hope you guys like! Thank you Meegs xx
10. "did you just kiss me?"
25. “you’re hugging me too tight!”
from this prompts list if you want to send me some!
read on AO3, or
"Jesus, Buck! You're hugging me too tight!" Eddie said with a grin as Buck squeezed around his shoulders, holding his own wrist behind his back to get a better grip.
Buck swayed side to side and Eddie chuckled, his breathing almost constricted by the way Buck held him. He couldn't even hold him back properly, bending his arms a little at the elbows as he tried to do so.
"No such thing!" Buck said, and Eddie could hear his beaming grin in his ear. "It's just the best news I've heard all year!"
Eddie shook his head before Buck was pulling back, his hands now reaching up to cup Eddie's face in his hands and pull him in for an over-enthusiastic kiss. It didn't last long, barely more than a few seconds and Buck was pulling away with a grin and walking, almost skipping over to the kitchen of the loft. But Eddie was glued to the spot, his mind still replaying that moment in his mind where Buck's lips crashed into his.
And he knew it was the excitement of Chim and Maddie announcing their engagement, there was no one who would be happier than Buck and it was clear from the reaction Eddie just witnessed, and he would have been happy too, only he couldn't focus. Because he'd spent years imagining what it would feel like to have Buck's mouth on his own, and this was, somewhat anticlimactic.
"Did you just kiss me?" he said with an eyebrow raised and still stuck in the same spot.
Buck turned, the grin fading a little and his mouth falling open. His cheeks flushed and he looked down, letting out a chuckle and running a hand through his hair.
"Uh, yeah, guess I did," he said. "Sorry about that, I'm maybe just a little excited for them."
"No, um, it's fine, I..." he said, clearing his throat and shaking his head. "It's fine."
Buck's brow furrowed as he looked back at Eddie, an unreadable expression on his face.
"Is it? You look a little..." he said, his voice trailing off as Eddie just shook his head and waved his hand through the air.
"It's nothing," he said, walking towards him slowly.
"Why does it seem like somethings up then?" Buck said, leaning back against the counter.
"It's not, it was just... Unexpected I guess," he said.
"I wasn't really thinking about it, I was just happy, and I wanted to tell you," Buck shrugged, and this time Eddie smiled a little, stepping in to stand next to Buck and looking down at his feet.
"Tell me by kissing me? That was your first reaction?" he said, and the flush was back in Buck's cheeks.
Buck mumbled a little, squeezing one eye tightly shut and trying to think of a reason why kissing Eddie would be his first reaction.
"I mean, uh, I'm not complaining, I just..." Eddie said, looking up like he wasn't sure if he should say the words. "It's not really how I pictured it."
Buck looked up, eyes wide and vulnerable.
"You... you've pictured it?" he asked, "me kissing you?"
Eddie nodded. "Once or twice."
Buck's eyes searched Eddie's like he was trying to find some other answers in there, to see if maybe the things running through his head about why Eddie had thought about kissing him were just his own mind projecting.
Because when he found out about Maddie and Chim, his first thought was that he wanted to share his excitement with Eddie. He went straight to find him, and then one of the first things he did was kiss him, and he hadn't meant to. He was just going to give him a hug and tell him the news, and all thoughts of kissing Eddie were going to stay just that. And then he'd seen him, and he'd been so caught up in that elated feeling that he didn't think it through, the lines between thought and action blurred.
And now all he could think about was kissing Eddie, and how Eddie had thought about kissing him, and that even though it was barely a minute ago, he couldn't remember what it had felt like to have Eddie's lips under his own.
"Guess I'd kind of hoped it would go a little differently," Eddie said softly.
"You did?" Buck said, and Eddie nodded. "Hoped?"
"Yeah," Eddie said with a chuckle.
Even though Buck had been the one to kiss him first, he still stood there with all the doubt and leaning on Eddie's words to reassure him.
"Buck, just because... I meant everything I just said, but if you kissed me because it was an accident, or you were just overexcited, it doesn't have to change things between us," he said. "Not if you don't want it to."
Buck thought for a moment, and Eddie gave him a forced smile, waiting for him to say anything else. Finally, he did.
"And if I want it to?" he asked, and Eddie felt himself let the air out of his chest in a sigh.
"Then kiss me again."
Buck didn't waste any time before his hand was reaching up to cup Eddie's chin, leaning in to press his lips against him, softer and slower this time. He let his mouth linger on Eddie's, breathing in deeply through his nose and opening his mouth so that he could graze his tongue against Eddie's bottom lip. Eddie tilted his head just enough to let them slot their lips together in sync, Eddie's hand reaching around to Buck's shoulder to hold him in place, closing his eyes as he committed the feeling to memory of having Buck pressed against him, tongue inside his mouth and breath hot against his skin.
He didn't know how long they'd been kissing when they pulled apart, slightly out of breath and looking at one another like they'd been fools not to have been doing this for months.
Buck broke first, grinning and looking down so that his forehead pressed against Eddie's.
"Maybe let's wait for Maddie and Chim's news to break before we steal their thunder," he said with a chuckle.
"Probably shouldn't do this again in the firehouse then," Eddie said, making no move to step out of Bucks grip, his head still spinning and thoughts consumed with the idea of kissing Buck again.
Buck reluctantly stepped back, fingers dragging down Eddie's arm and their fingers linking for just a moment before the real space set between them.
"How about your place then, after shift?" Buck said, looking up and biting his bottom lip.
Eddie smiled, because he in no way imagined his day starting this way. He'd gone so long without kissing Buck, and now that he had, he wondered how they were going to make it through a whole shift without doing it again.
"Yeah," he said. "I'd like that."
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theladyyavilee · 2 years
I was reading more buddies fic(and rereading some bookmarked fic) and I just
It delights me to NO END that most of the fandom looks at Eddie and goes "ah yes this man who compared his doomed relationship with his separated wife to chocolate would come up with heartstoppingly beautiful love confessions that leave buck and the audience crying"
And that most of those also agree that buck first reaction would be "fuck you how am I supposed to top that confession asshole"
haha I do love that in fanfiction, not gonna lie!
but I also don't think it is unfounded? because the thing is, yes, true we do have that conversation with Shannon that was a little (lot) clumsy for sure, but I think it was partially because Eddie was actually trying VERY HARD to get it right, because they had failed in the past and this big romantic speech is how it's supposed to work, right? and he is stumbling hard with that because he is nervouse and not confident in what he is trying to say, but desperately wants to be (which, very valid I would be too xD)
BUT on the other hand we do also have canon material of Eddie saying the most stunningly beautiful lines when they come from nothing but feeling and he isn't trying hard for something specific (or to make something work that he already feels he has failed at and makes him overcompensate) and when he feels confident about what he is saying, because we have "But I love him enough to never stop trying, and I know you do too. Buck, there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you." and "Because Evan, you came in here the other day and you said it would have been better if it had been you who was shot. You act like you're expendable, but you're wrong." (and other smaller instances, but for obvious reasons these two are my main evidence <3)
which, in my honest opinion, already both absolutely are declarations of love to an extent and therefore absolutely make me belief that Eddie can and will absolutely ruin us with a love confession that is said without fear or doubt and comes from his heart, ya know? he is, in canon, actually very careful with his words when it comes to Buck and saying things he really needs Buck to hear, so I do think those scenes actually have a good basis in canon and that actually makes me personally love them even more!!! <3 (Buck's indignant replies in fic always make me smile, but then again we do have Buck being a little bowled over both times in canon by the sheer force of sincerity and love that is Eddie Diaz <3 which in a more settled and secure Buck could, I think, absolutely cause exactly that reaction xD)
(all this to say that I do also enjoy a good Eddie-stumbles-over-his-words-because-he-is-so-stupid-in-love-with-Buck confession in fic, but that is not what I expect to happen in canon <3)
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lovecolibri · 1 year
Okay, SO. This is a long and highly speculative ask that could potentially make sense to answer after 6.14 airs and we know more information, but right now I'm going off of spoilers from the early release. Eddie ends the episode single and open to dating but not actively dating. As far as I know, he didn't yell, "I'M STRAIGHT!" during the episode. And sadly, that is the best possible outcome that I could imagine from a writer like Nadia and a showrunner like Kristen.
What I've seen others continue to worry about - and have worried about myself, if I'm being honest - is that Marisol returns and since Eddie is now in a "good place"for dating, he will choose her (although I think this is a somewhat unnecessary storyline to show that he is in a "good place" because it wasn't like he was in a "bad place" generally to date after Ana...he just didn't want to date HER, which I thought was the entire fucking point of that storyline, but I digress).
Marisol's actress' captions was, "I don't know if it's out yet so I can't quite say but I just love when I work." We know that she posted it in late March. People fixated on the "it" as meaning one episode. And if that's true, I'm just very confused how she wouldn't know if her episode was out?? Especially if she was going to be playing a fairly significant role in terms of Eddie dating?? And if she's coming back in a later episode, like 6.17 or even the finale, how would she not be aware of the much later airdate?? I realize I sound a bit unhinged with the question marks, but the actress has been in the business for years and doesn't seem like an idiot. It just struck me as weird!
The other view of this, which is more negative, is that she meant "it" by "the news that I'm going to be returning to the show." Maybe she assumed that the show or her agent was going to release that information and she was waiting for the "okay" to say more. Her posting that selfie at Fox around the filming of the finale could support that theory that she's gearing up for a more serious role as a love interest (hence making the "it" being "the return"). Again, this is negative, but I don't know if I'm reading too much into what "it" means here because I find it unrealistic that she wouldn't know when her episode comes out...
ALL of that said, it's possible that she did film for 6.14 or even an earlier episode and her scene got cut (hence why she deleted the picture)? Maybe the episode WAS supposed to end with Eddie choosing to date her, but they decided to nix the scene. It would make a lot of sense because Nadia was the one who created her character.
Honestly, I'm going to need a leak or something about this character because every time I see an anonymous ask or theory about Marisol...the suspense of where this is going for Eddie ... AHHHH! LOL. What are your thoughts??
Well, it was good to wait until after 6x15 to answer this because we know from the synopsis guest cast list that she will be back in 6x17. I'm fairly certain with the lid they have kept on any of the women around Buck and Eddie, that she was probably told not to say anything. That pic she posted was, unlike her other ones from 6a, not on set or in her trailer or in costume or anything, it was just her outside a studio that 911 fans happened to know is the one 911 uses. Most people wouldn't have been able to pick up on that so she probably thought it was safe to post but of course the whole thing blew up and that's likely why the pic was taken down. We know the pick that was posted of L was also taken down when that sparked some backlash as I'm sure the show didn't want anyone to know she was back on set. No one really knew anything about Natalia until the synopsis came out so that was kept pretty under wraps too and ONLY really sparked talk because of Aisha's live where that name came up (and we all saw Oliver's reaction because he KNEW what fans were gonna do hearing he was going on dates).
IDK what the plan is for Marisol if it's for more than one episode or not, but this late in the season I'm sure it's all just testing the waters to see how the majority of the audience responds to the character so they can plan out season 7. I personally don't care where it's going because I'm never going to like or praise or accept the show throwing random women at Buck or Eddie at this point. They already both had THEE breakup where they did the thing they needed to do (mostly) with Eddie putting himself first instead of what he thought he had to do for Chris, and Buck being the one to walk away instead of being left again (even if he only did it because someone else got hurt and not because it was what HE needed to do for HIMSELF because HE was miserable, but that's on KR for fucking up that storyline to push L and not ending BT back in 5a 🤷🏻‍♀️). At this point, it's all just a repeat of storylines while they try to find women that will stick with the audience which to me is just bad storytelling from a bad showrunner. Not that I don't think they could make it work out in the end and give some reason for Buck and Eddie getting growth out of it. Hell, fandom has come up with plausible explanations by the droves! I'm just not sure if the show WILL, because Kristen has proven herself to be spiteful and doesn't see Buddie at all, and unless Timmy comes back and takes the reins or someone else takes over I just see this endless cycle continuing to the end of the show and Buck and Eddie being single so they can throw out the tired PR line that it allows all fans to be happy and see what they want in that relationship which is another way of saying they refused to commit one way or the other because they're cowards. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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gayofthefae · 1 year
I gotta be honest: I don’t think this girl will be more than a multi-episode plot. Like the last episode, she serves a purpose. For Eddie, it was to bring up stuff to process around Shannon. For Buck, it’s the realization that he’s changed and the opportunity to talk about things like that.
A man who died for 3 minutes and a death doula are a match made in heaven. And this show has never been about that. This show has emphasized time and time again that perfect fits from the start are not what it believes in, but work and compromise and collaboration and love as a decision you make every day.
This woman is showing Buck a part of himself, or giving him the opportunity to acknowledge it. It’s giving him what he talked about and what we all love: we love being around strangers because we can be whoever we want. He doesn’t feel pressured to remain the same person because she didn’t know him then. But the joy is in that novelty.
And it even shows in the way that the bulk of the conversation was about him. Not only did we pan away from them talking, the focus being more on his death than their chemistry in a more casual topic of every day conversation, but the conversation with Eddie was primarily about Buck’s death. It was about her, yes, but what she taught him about himself.
Which leads us to the idea that he did not need to have that conversation with Eddie, let alone have Eddie be the one to hear that “no one truly sees” him. There are so many characters he could have had that conversation with who would have loved him through it and listened the same way Eddie did and supported the idea of him changing the same. But Eddie is his life partner. Eddie “truly sees him”, or at least always makes an effort to, including especially in this scene. He makes an effort to clarify and ask questions to better understand what Buck is going through. He is putting in the work. That woman [I do not know her name sorry, she seems very nice] provided what he needed automatically. Those types of people often exist to show us that the thing they provided is something we’re looking for more so than to be that person for us.
Buck died. He met a woman who specializes in helping people through that. So of course she can grant him understanding. But the automatic nature of it is contrasted with Eddie’s effort to understand, something that is a once mentioned and repeatedly demonstrated theme in this show for love, especially romantic. 
Buck did not need to talk to Eddie about that at all anyways. In fact, historically, Buck and Eddie do not talk to each other about romantic endeavors. At best, they do some briefly, lightheartedly, or in group settings. This was a deep conversation. It referenced and came from this woman, but it was about Buck and it was to Eddie and that was the real focus of the scene.
To say to someone who knows you better than anyone and still trust them with the idea “I feel like I’m not truly seen and suddenly I was” is not to say that the person who saw them is who they will run to. He still talked to Eddie about it. He didn’t say to her in that conversation “I feel like you really see me”. He talked to Eddie, because she sees him in this one way. And to say you don’t feel seen in front of the person who sees you the most of your relationships is not only to incredibly vulnerable and trust that they will be understanding but also, narratively, it is built to evoke a reaction, even one we don’t fully see emotionally.
If you want the focus to be on her truly seeing him, you keep her in the scene. You show us her seeing him outside of the context of instinctive understanding of one traumatic event as the basis. You talk about how she saw him rather than why he hasn’t felt seen lately. 
But they didn’t do that. He said “she’s different” then didn’t expand on it. What he expanded on, and what Eddie pinpointed and understandingly asked about, was why he wasn’t feeling seen by everyone else. He’s changed. And the framing of that and emphasis on it makes it more pertinent to the people already around him than a person who fits this “Buck 5.0″ (although I’m glad he doesn’t say that stuff anymore). 
The entire POINT of their thesis on love is consistency of relationships through change. The messaging of someone who fits the new version of you specifically is illogical and inconsistent with the show. This is about people who seek to understand you throughout your life, not people who fit different stages of you. 
He feels unseen because he fears the people around him love the “old” him and fears change and someone showed interest in purely the “new” him. But there was still someone in his life he feels comfortable sharing that with (and I’m sure he would with others too, but Eddie is #1). He doesn’t have the anxiety of change with her because she didn’t see him through that transition. But that doesn’t mean she’s perfect. It means she’s new. And that isn’t a bad thing. She’s providing an important acknowledgement of that change. He just doesn’t need to apply that knowledge to her.
I also want to note that the general way they framed and shot their date reminded me of his date with Ali or Eddie’s date with Ana. Both good and sweet. Both not endgame. 
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“Like, did Eddie ever tell Chris Buck is his gaurdian? How the hell do wr know. No emotional payoff.”
To the anon who mentioned this. I couldn’t agree more with you. It was one of my biggest issues with season 6 honestly. The constant offscreen payoffs to storylines. But, Unfortunately while Kristen is in charge of the show, I don’t see that changing much going forward. That is unfortunately her style and the type of story she likes to tell/have told. So many things started happening off screen (emotional conclusions, conversations, family issues) once she really took the reins of the show in season 4. I don’t say season 3 because while yes that’s when she joined the show, she took a more passive role in things until she got on more stable ground in season 4. Part of that falls onto how she was trained and part of it falls on her own laziness which I say laziness because she has admitted in one or two different interviews that she’s run out of ideas for the show in terms of big disasters and plots. She’s also admitted she feels their best work comes when they “tune out” what the fans are saying instead of “second guessing their decisions based on fan reactions” and the same thing regarding buddie. She has been against it since the very beginning and has stated multiple times she “does not see it” (it being the romantic aspect between Buck and Eddie) and won’t let it happen. Now, that all being said, the big wigs at ABC can very well stick their hands into it. Obviously they are going to want to get their money worth from buying this expensive show. They could be planning on a season 8 already and are waiting to see how season 7 does before they decide to replace her. They could decide to replace her before season 7 even airs and just waiting for the writers strike to end before announcing it (I’m leaning against this route since we’ve already started hearing about writer changes and i feel like we’d have heard of her being replaced before they started writing scripts since changing after they were written would potentially cause rewrites under a different vision. Not exactly something they’d want after losing so much money due to the double strike) or they could keep her and just firmly over ride what she wants and flat out tell her this is what we want make it happen. No matter though, while she stays in charge of the show I would caution all of us to not get to… grand with our expectations over buddie and other things. I’m not saying don’t be excited over it. Just cautiously do it so you don’t get upset later if it doesn’t happen. We all saw what the end of season 6 did to the fandom.
Great thoughts anon. I will be much more cautious going forward.
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Buck & Eddie: 11 times Eddie was caught looking at Buck
Eddie and Buck look at each other a lot and most of the time it occurs when the other one doesn’t know it’s happening.  On occasion, they have been caught looking at the other one by someone else but since they are so love struck with each other, they didn’t notice that someone saw them while they were looking at the other one.
GIF #1 2x1 “Under Pressure” Eddie looked at Buck when he walked by after the 118 congratulated him for successfully completing medical treatment on a victim during his first call. Buck walked past Eddie and said, “Yeah, good call” even though he didn’t want to congratulate him because Bobby told Eddie to take the lead on the medical procedure that needed to be performed on the victim.
GIF #2 2x4 “Stuck” Eddie looked directly at Buck and said, “That and they weren’t my type” after Buck asked him if his son was the reason he didn’t date.
GIF #3 2x6 “Dosed” While Eddie was lifting weights in the firehouse gym, he saw Buck flirting and became jealous and acted petty.  He raised up off the bench press and made his presence known by saying “Any side effects after the crash?” so that he could get Buck’s attention away from the woman he was talking to.  Buck looked towards Eddie like he had been caught doing something wrong (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Petty Eddie vs. Jealous Buck” for more on the antics of Petty Eddie and Jealous Buck).
GIF #4 3x4 “Triggers” Chimney caught Eddie staring at Buck’s butt when Buck went to the firehouse while he was on light duty as the Fire Marshall.
GIF #5 3x5 “Rage” While Buck’s lawyer questioned Eddie during the arbitration hearing, Eddie looked at Buck with such disappointment and hurt in his eyes like he couldn’t believe Buck had filed a lawsuit against the LAFD and Bobby.
GIF #6 3x8 “Malfunction” Eddie was giving Buck huge heart eyes during a meal that Athena cooked for the team while Buck explained that he liked both Bobby’s and Athena’s cooking.
GIF #7 3x10 “Christmas Spirit” Eddie gave Buck heart eyes while Buck was building gingerbread houses with Christopher and Denny.
GIF #8 4x5 “Buck Begins” Eddie told Buck that he had some visitors upstairs and after Buck walked away, Eddie kept looking at him until he saw Buck’s reaction to seeing his parents waiting for him.
GIF #9 4x12 “Treasure Hunt” Buck told the team after the treasure hunt that he really didn’t trust anyone and Eddie looked at him inquisitively.  Buck then retracted his statement by saying “Except for you guys”.
GIF #10 5x2 “Desperate Times” When Christopher and Eddie’s ex-girlfriend went to the firehouse, Eddie smiled so brightly at Buck and Christopher when Buck picked him up and greeted him the same way Eddie had done seconds earlier because he was looking at the family he chose. (It’s kind of difficult to see Eddie’s smile but it can be seen when one looks past his ex-girlfriend’s head.)
GIF #11 5x2 “Desperate Times” Eddie gave Buck multiple sets of heart eyes while the 118 was traveling to a call.  Eddie fondly listened to Buck as he told the team about all the serious predators at the L.A. Zoo and then smiled at him. Eddie also told the team about the way Buck takes Christopher to the zoo all the time and how he has the place memorized
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wackybuddiemewbs · 2 years
Okay, might be just me and shamelessly overthinking this (it probably is... it usually is???). Anyway. I keep going back to this week's episode and my brain goes brrrrrrr.
The point being: Buck and his tendency to keep busy/distracted.
Buck playing around with 'em 'saurs was certified some of the cutest shit to ever grace this show, but it got me thinking. Like, Buck's constantly keeping his hands busy, basically. And to me it felt not just like something very innately Buck to do, but also as a way to keep busy, maybe overplaying some nervousness he may genuinely feel.
In his mind, he seems very clearly focused on Eddie and offering advice and encouragement to look out for himself, but with his body, I just continue to get this vibe that Buck is basically all over the place. And that this is actually more reflective of where he is mentally and emotionally right now. And somehow, the dinosaurs had me think of that all the more because they felt to me like a visual cue to highlight that ambivalence.
To me, one of the recurring themes with Buck is that he'd much rather try to "fix" things for everyone else to keep the people he loves happy and safe. Which is not to say that he's the one exclusively doing it or that he seems to overwork himself physically per se. But. It feels to me like it was a "welcome" distraction (not that he welcomes his friends suffering, but he strikes me as someone who'll much rather jump on that and make it his sole focus than anything else).
He could focus on basically anything but his own feelings and the trauma he hasn't really addressed yet that came from seeing his best friend (love of his life) nearly die from being shot by a sniper. There was Maddie and Chimney, there was his girlfriend and her difficult family history, there's Christopher, and then there's now Eddie foremost. And next he'll have Bobby to worry about, too.
So I'm very curious to see whether that's gonna come to bite him eventually, too. Maybe not this season, but perhaps at a later point next season, when there is no "distraction" anymore. When it's really just him and all those things he basically only mentions in passing or jokes about. When he "deflates" and the pressure is gone, only to maybe realize that the pressure's what kept him upright before.
To me, that'd make for a neat storyline. But that may also be very much related to the fact that I'm huge on Buck whump lol.
Picking up on the mentions in passing and jokes another time... am I the only one who finds it kind of jarring that this seems to be back in full swing? Like, sure, he's always one to crack a joke, but I just keep getting those flashbacks to Buck Begins. When he recounted to the firefam what went on and keeps making "funny" comments whereas everyone else shows a more "matching" emotional reaction (i.e. being sad and shocked and feeling empathy for him).
It's been a habit and coping mechanism for him before, and I'm curious to see if the writers want to pick up on that by having him crack jokes and easy-going comments about his own traumas more frequently.
I mean, Buck recounting during therapy session with Dr. Copeland that they figured he's got trouble sharing his true feelings... it's just constantly on my mind when I see and hear him joking, deflecting, distracting himself from his own problems. So I'm aching to find out whether that's something they'll expand on more in the future. Again, it'd make a very interesting storyline for me personally.
That being said... Buck:
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May you soon find healing (in the arms of your husband-to-be) and let your life be graced with all the 'saurs you want to play with. You earned it.
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
Maybe it’s just me but I’ve never really had hope for buddie to be confirmed in the first place. Like I do ship them and if they did I would be happily surprised but really it’s just never something I’ve entertained as a possibility and I don’t know where the people who believe it will happen have been but we just don’t get ships like this imo.Maybe there’s a few exceptions even if I can’t think about this right now but when a character’s introduced as straight or nothing has been said so we assume straight and then fandom ships them with an equally assumed straight person the show and networks and all that don’t want them together because they’re ‘normal straight people’. Like in LS from the beginning TK’s introduced with a bf he wants to propose to, they don’t lose their normal character since that was him from the start. Also if it’s acknowledged that all the buddie moments were building up to a romantic relationship then it sheds light on other similar relationships in other shows or films that we were ridiculed for shipping when really it’s not so different. I really don’t know if I got my point across here and I’m sorry this got so long winded, maybe I’m just a cynic but I think my buddie dreams will have to be contented with fanart and fic.
It's definitely not just you who has felt that way, lol. We hear it all the time, just more aggressively. To expand on what you said, the biggest piece of "evidence" in favor of this argument is that it's been six seasons and neither one's sexuality has been altered or allowed to evolve in the slightest. And it's not the opportunity wasn't there, right? Maddie and her "boy crush on Eddie" remark or saying she wouldn't want Josh to date her little brother. Then TK (falsely) assuming Buck was being flirtatious. Tim (he was the main show runner those years) could have said any of that meant something moving forward (maybe a "Buck is canonically bi, but we haven't explored that part of his story...we're waiting 'til it feels appropriate"), but the only part he addressed was the TK thing, and he connected to Tarlos since Carlos wasn't physically present. Compare that to Nancy becoming the first bi character of the 911verse. She came out while in a relationship with Mateo. She is still in that same relationship now. The show isn't trying to "prove" she's bisexual by having her hook up with or date a woman. It's just a part of who she is. And then there's the fact that all four (technically five, with David) queer men of the 911 verse (Michael, Josh, TK, Carlos) are written as gay, not bi. Tim & co. appear to have some *opinions* (thus far) about bi men, it seems. If they date a woman? Straight. Date a man? Not into women (never were). I will continue to say, though, that people are giving the network too much grief. The canon couples very rarely do anything intimate as the seasons progress, with Henren as the outlier because 6x06 was a flashback, so *if* anyone with influence was concerned about the optics, Tim has an "excuse" not to push things too far - that's not what the focus is anymore. And even *if* someone at the network was all "idk about this :/" that's still on Tim for dodging the discussion six years in. Get out ahead of it and the message would have been received much sooner - if you're against even one of these guys getting with a dude...this ain't the show you should be watching. Move along. (Tim has no problem putting LS fandom down, so I don't see why he'd act different with OG. TBH, it's either his own biases about Buck and Eddie as men that is keeping him from making them canon or it's similar to his reaction when the Tarlos fandom "complains" - he knows what's gonna happen if Buddie goes canon; they will dominate the discussion - he doesn't want the fandom giving their opinions or asking for content more than they do already.)
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